VOL. I Issue 3 2010 This issue focuses on: Prostate Cancer Current Statistics and Retrospective Review of Prostate Cancer By Julie Hetler, Cancer Registrar Prostate cancer is the most common cancer diagnosed in men besides skin cancer1. According to published data from the American Cancer Society (ACS) Cancer Facts and Figures, in 2010 an estimated 217,730 U.S. males are expected to be diagnosed with prostate cancer, which includes 4,160 in the state of Indiana. In addition, the ACS reports an estimated 32,050 prostate cancer deaths in the U.S., including 620 estimated prostate cancer deaths in Indiana, making prostate cancer the second most common cause of cancer death (lung cancer death being most common). The following is a retrospective review of published data, years 2002 – 2006, comparing national, state and St. Joseph County incidence and mortality statistics2. As illustrated in Figure 1, St. Joseph County incidence rate is significantly higher compared to Indiana, but only slightly higher than the reported national rate. As expected with St. Joseph County having a higher incidence rate, there is a higher mortality rate compared to Indiana and national statistics as demonstrated in Figure 2. Figure 1 Prostate Cancer Incidence 2002 – 2006 165 158.7 Rate per 100,000 160 In This Issue Current Statistics and Retrospective Review of Prostate Cancer ....................1 Screening and Implications of a Positive Biopsy...................2 Early Stage Prostate Cancer: Surgery vs. Radiation................4 Systemic Therapy of Prostate Adenocarcinoma........10 145 140.7 140 130 Figure 2 National Indiana St. Joseph County Prostate Cancer Mortality 2002 – 2006 28 27.8 27.5 Rate per 100,000 Radiation Therapy Options in the Treatment of Prostate Cancer....9 150 135 Surgical Options for Treatment of Localized Prostate Cancer.........5 Side Effects of Radical Prostatectomy...........................7 155 155.1 27 26.5 26.2 26 25.5 25.6 25 24.5 National Indiana St. Joseph County The Stage of Disease at Diagnosis is an important prognostic indicator in making treatment decisions and overall survival of the patient. As Figure 3 displays, St. Joseph County and Indiana are seeing more local stage at diagnosis than any other stage of disease. Of interest, St. Joseph County’s Unknown category is significantly higher than the state. Unknown stages typically occur when there is not enough information available to the Cancer Registry to stage the patient. Memorial Hospital’s Cancer Registry data (2002 – 2006) show similar results to St. Joseph County and Indiana (Figure 4). continued on page 2 Figure 3 100 Prostate Cancer Stage at Diagnosis Years 2002 - 2006 107.3 105.2 80 60 40 16.1 20 0 Localized 500 Indiana St. Joseph Rate per 100,000 Rate per 100,000 120 Figure 4 27.3 14.4 Regional 8 14 7.1 Distant Unknown Memorial Hospital Prostate Cancer Years 2002 - 2006, by SEER Stage n=518 451 400 300 200 100 46 0 Localized 21 Regional Distant 0 Unknown Julie Hetler, CTR is the Manager of the Memorial Cancer Registry. Published data suggests prostate cancer is being diagnosed at earlier stages due to results of Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) test.1 Data Sources: 1 American Cancer Society, Facts and Figures 2010 2 National Program of Cancer Registry and Indiana State Cancer Registry Screening and Implications of a Positive Biopsy By Philip DePauw, M.D. Cancer of the prostate is disturbingly common – in America, men have a 17 percent lifetime risk of being diagnosed with this disease – but the lifetime cancer specific mortality risk is only 3 percent. And there lies the dilemma for patient and physician alike. Should men be screened for prostate cancer and does it help them to do so? While it seems intuitively obvious that early diagnosis leads to better survival for cancer patients, this has been difficult to prove. Prostate cancer is challenging, in part because of the advanced age of many of these patients, the frequently prolonged course of the disease and the presence of multiple comorbidities. Two recent New England Journal of Medicine articles looked at prostate cancer screening. The American study showed no benefit while the European study showed a 20 percent reduction in mortality. There were problems in the U.S. study, in part because of the difficulty finding men who had never had a PSA, and so most experts support the notion that screening does provide a benefit. There are a large number of studies that have shown downward stage migration because of PSA testing leading to earlier diagnosis, 2 but these two are really the only good studies to address the question of improved survival from screening. The American Cancer Society and the American Urological Association recommend that men get an annual digital rectal exam and PSA test beginning at age 50. African-American men and those men with a close relative with prostate cancer are encouraged to have screening beginning at age 40. No consensus has been reached regarding an upper age limit when screening is no longer indicated. Several meta-analyses, however, suggest that screening does not improve survival in men who have a less than 50 percent, 10-year survival probability. Government life table data suggest that white American males over the age of 75 have less than a 50 percent chance of living 10 years. Factors to be considered regarding the decision to do a prostate biopsy include PSA level relative to age-adjusted normals, the presence of an abnormal digital rectal exam or the combination of these two. The risks of performing a prostate ultrasound guided biopsy include gross hematuria (is the patient on any anticoagulant and what is the risk of stopping it long enough to permit biopsying the prostate, an organ that is richly vascularized), urinary infection (there is a 0.5 percent risk of urinary sepsis despite quinolone antibiotic coverage) and sampling error (only 75 percent of cancers are found at any given biopsy session). PSA can be insensitive – 20 percent of men with prostate cancer have a normal PSA – and nonspecific – only 1 out of 3 men with a PSA between 4 and 10 will be found to have prostate cancer. For example, the PSA is usually elevated with acute bacterial prostatitis and chronic low – grade prostatitis can also cause false elevation. Since PSA is a protein produced by normal prostatic tissue, significant benign enlargement can cause false PSA elevation also. A significant amount of anxiety can be generated by having an elevated PSA and the attendant worry about possible cancer. There is a new test, prostate cancer antigen 3, which is a genetic biomarker that appears to be more sensitive and more specific than PSA and has a high negative predictive value. The test, however, requires collecting a urine sample after prostatic massage and measuring messenger RNA. It remains to be seen how PCA 3 will fit in the scheme of prostate cancer screening if it becomes generally available. If a prostate biopsy is positive, tests for metastases such as CT scan of the pelvis and bone scan are indicated if the PSA is greater than 10 or the cancer is poorly differentiated. PET scans are not sensitive to prostate cancer and MRI testing offers no advantage over CT scanning. The ProstaScint scan measures isotopes tagged to prostate antibodies but is not generally felt to be a reliable indicator of prostate cancer metastases or their absence. Ultimately, an extended conversation needs to be held between the patient and his urologist regarding treatment options once the diagnosis has been made. Factors to be considered are the Gleason score (how well differentiated is the histology of the cancer), the level of the PSA (the higher the PSA, the greater the chances of metastases, gross or microscopic) and the digital rectal findings. There are several nomograms, most notably the Partin tables, that use these three items to predict the extent of disease. The severity and type of co-morbidities, life table estimates of patient life expectancy, the ability to tolerate surgery or radiation and the risk of adverse treatment-related side effects need to be considered. Finally, the patient’s desires as to how aggressive he wishes the physician to be in treating this cancer need to be discussed. Two of the less aggressive options available for consideration in prostate cancer management are active surveillance and watchful waiting (observation with delayed hormone therapy). Active surveillance is a concept that implies careful monitoring involving frequent PSA levels and periodic, often yearly, repeat prostate biopsies. The ideal candidate has a PSA less than 10, normal digital rectal exam, low-volume disease and a moderate or well differentiated cancer with a Gleason score of six or less. The concept involves delaying, not avoiding, definitive therapy such as radiation or surgery until progressive disease is documented. The benefit relates to delaying treatment-related side effects such as impotence, incontinence, radiation-induced cystitis or proctitis. The risk is that of initial understaging or delaying therapy resulting in incurable disease. Observation/watchful waiting involves periodic monitoring followed by hormone therapy at an appropriate clinical moment in the course of the disease. The benefit relates to the avoidance of surgery and radiation and their attendant side effects. The downside relates to the fact that this is not a cure for the disease, and eventual hormone therapy has distinct side effects and will ultimately fail to control the disease if the patient does not die of other causes. The ideal patient for observation is older, has a moderate or well differentiated cancer and multiple co-morbidities with a slow PSA doubling time. Studies have looked at life expectancies for these patients and can be used to help guide the clinician. For instance, in the patient with a Gleason 6 or better differentiated tumor, the likelihood of dying as a result of other causes is twice the risk of dying of prostate cancer. Ultimately the patient and the urologist need to evaluate all treatment options that are available and reach an agreement on a plan with which they are both comfortable. Philip DePauw, M.D. is a Urologist with Urology Associates of South Bend. 3 Early Stage Prostate Cancer: Surgery vs. Radiation By David Hornback, M.D. One of the most difficult things a patient will have to deal with, other than hearing he has prostate cancer, is deciding which therapy he should receive. For patients who have early stage, low-risk prostate cancer, those options range from no therapy to prostatectomy, radioactive seed implant or eight weeks of radiation therapy. Still other, less commonly used treatments exist, including HDR brachytherapy, Cyberknife, and cryotherapy. Patients frequently get overwhelmed with trying to make a decision and may delay treatment for long periods of time while they sort through all of these options. Most often, the decision is boiled down to one basic question, “Is surgery or radiation the best treatment option?” For many years, surgery was considered the “gold standard” therapy for prostate cancer. Patients who could not tolerate surgery or had more advance disease were referred for a radiation oncology consultation. Thus, the patient population for surgery tended to consist of more early stage, low-risk patients compared to patients who were receiving radiation. While radiation was clearly effective in this group of patients with intermediate-risk disease, retrospective comparisons of radiation results with surgical results led us to believe radiation was inferior to surgery. Additionally, previous techniques of radiation planning and delivery were quite crude in comparison to today’s approach. This resulted in higher rates of bowel and bladder toxicities and deterred many low-risk patients from considering this treatment. With the widespread use of PSAs, fewer and fewer patients presented with advanced-stage disease and many more men were found to have low-risk disease. The additional advantage of the PSA was to help categorize patients (along with the Gleason score and stage) into low-, intermediate- or highrisk disease. As data began accumulating, we could stratify patients based on disease risk and get better information on comparisons between radiation and surgery. However, no randomized trials have been completed to compare these two modalities. The latest attempt of a prospective randomized study was a collaboration between Canada and the U.S. called the SPIRIT trial which was to randomize patients between prostatectomy or interstitial radiotherapy (brachytherapy/ radioactive implant). This trial closed after only two years for lack of accrual – fewer than 100 patients had been randomized. Physician biases as well as patients’ desire to choose one or the other of these therapies are blamed for the poor accrual. 4 Comparison between external beam radiation therapy (EBRT) and surgery have been reported in retrospective trials such as one from the Cleveland Clinic (Kupelian et al.1), which reported 8-year outcomes for 1,054 prostatectomy patients and 628 patients who received EBRT. Despite the fact that there were younger and earlier stage patients with lower pre-treatment PSAs in the surgery group, the PSA relapse-free survival was 72 percent for surgical patients and 70 percent for patients undergoing EBRT (p = .01). For sub-selected patients who received > 72 Gy EBRT, their outcomes were similar to prostatectomy patients (p = .08). Other studies have published similar data supporting the fact that low-risk patients who receive appropriate doses of EBRT have equivalent outcomes compared to matched patients undergoing prostatectomy. Surgical series from John’s Hopkins, Baylor and MSKCC report that patients with low-risk disease have 10-year PSA control rates of 80 – 90 percent after prostatectomy, whereas other institutions (MSKCC, Fox Chase, MD Anderson, etc.) reporting on results using modern EBRT techniques and appropriate doses indicate almost identical PSA control rates. There is also an abundance of retrospective data supporting the use of brachytherapy (radioactive implants). Single institution studies with 10 to 12 year data confirm patients with low risk prostate cancer who undergo brachytherapy alone or in combination with external beam RT have PSA control rates in the range of 85 – 90 percent, which is at least comparable to the surgical series. Based on this data, it appears that good quality radiation, whether delivered as external beam treatments or as interstitial implant is very likely equivalent to prostatectomy in terms of recurrence or survival in the low-risk group. Additionally, with improvements in treatments (IMRT, IGRT), the side effect profile and long-term risks have been significantly reduced. While bowel irritation is more prevalent with EBRT, urinary irritation with brachytherapy and incontinence with surgery, the rates of erectile dysfunction appear to be similar among all three modalities. This is much more difficult to accurately measure since many men undergoing these treatments are already experiencing some degree of ED due to effects of medications, age or other medical conditions. The reported incidence of ED due to prostate cancer treatment is anywhere from 25 to 80 percent with most studies in the 30 to 50 percent range. These numbers may decrease as more data is collected on patients treated with modern techniques such as IMRT and DaVinci Robotic-assisted prostatectomy. Ultimately the decision between surgery and radiation is one of personal preference. The factors that go into making that decision are too long to list here, but at least patients should be put at ease by understanding that no matter whether they choose surgery or radiation, there is an excellent chance that they will be alive, without evidence of PSA failure many years after their treatment. References: 1.Kupelian PA, Potters L, Khuntia D, et al. Radical prostatectomy, external beam radiotherapy <72 Gy, external beam radiotherapy > or = 72 Gy, permanent seed implantation, or combined seeds/external beam radiotherapy for stage T1-T2 prostate cancer. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2004;58:25–33. 2.Perez and Brady’s Principles and Practice of Radiation Oncology, 5th Edition, pp 1465 – 1472 3.JAMA 2009; 301 (20): 2141-2151; “Review of Prostate Cancer Treatment” David Hornback, M.D., is board certified in Radiation Oncology and is the medical director for the Memorial Regional Cancer Center in South Bend. Surgical Options for Treatment of Localized Prostate Cancer By William H. Stonehill, M.D., FACS The treatment of localized prostate cancer is a complex and controversial subject. This is mainly due to a lack of appropriate studies, the slow growth of most prostate cancers and the perception of significant side effects from its treatment, and controversies over treatment efficacy in an older population.i The standard treatment options include observation, radiation therapy and surgical removal. Curative intent treatment is indicated only for patients with clinically localized prostate cancer with a minimum 10-year life expectancy. under 65 years of age, with under 10 percent of those dying at 10 years after surgery versus over 20 percent of those with observation followed by hormone therapy.ii The first prospective randomized multi-institutional study of treatment effectiveness of prostate cancer was PIVOT (Prostate cancer Intervention Versus Observation Trial). PIVOT started in the early 1990s. I personally recruited two patients into the study during residency. Unfortunately, very slow accrual, lead to closure of the study prior to reaching its target. American men are not very eager to allow randomization to surgery, radiation or observation. The results from this study are still coming in, but may not reach statistical significance. (A Swedish prospective randomized multi-institutional study of surgery versus observation reported in 2005 in the New England Journal of Medicine showed after a median of 8.2 years of follow up, 8.6 percent death rate after surgery versus 14.4 percent after observation in men averaging 65 years of age at enrollment.) The death rate differential was more pronounced for those The location of the prostate makes potency and urinary continence significant concerns for men facing treatment. As men age, their potency declines from a variety of causes. The delicate erectile nerves touch the prostate. They are easily damaged in response to radiation (40 percent rate of severe erectile dysfunction at two years for 60-70 year old men) or bilateral nerve sparing (30-40 percent rate of erectile dysfunction unresponsive to Viagra for 60-70 year old men). These men can still have orgasms, but have very little, or no, ejaculate. The slow growth of prostate cancer complicates every study. This increases costs and often makes results of published studies of historic interest due to changes in therapeutic techniques. The da Vinci system, for example, has been available for fewer than ten years. Urinary continence is affected by radiation, surgery and, over time, by observation. A Swedish study shows that men have more moderate to severe continence issues after surgery (27 percent) than observation (18 percent). This 18 percent rate was noted to be higher than age matched controls. Thus, there is contribution of continence issues by the tumor. 5 Radiation is historically known to cause radiation cystitis and proctitis. The short-term incidence has decreased with current IMRT, but can cause urgency and frequency of urination which is bad enough to require long-term padding in fewer than 2 percent. Even those who don’t need padding can have significant quality of life issues over 10 or 15 years. Table 1 Comparison of Open Radical Prostatectomies and Robot-Assisted Laparoscopic Prostatectomiesv This short discussion of side effects is in no way complete. The quoted rates of impotence, incontinence and proctitis vary widely, as do their definitions. The study that urologists prefer to discuss involves quality of life scores in a non-randomized group after five, 10, and 15 years. There was no evaluation immediately after treatment; however, it would likely favored radiation. At five years, no statistical difference was found. At 10 and 15 years, progressively higher quality of life was found for the radical prostatectomy patients over the radiation patients.iii Potency at one-two years with nerve sparing Conversely, other studies show that quality of life scores are noted to be slightly higher for T1c, low PSA, Gleason score 7 patients treated with radioactive seed implant monotherapy.iv Interestingly, although no prospective randomized study results have been reported, the cure rates for radiation and surgical removal seem to be very similar. There are three main methods of surgical removal of the prostate for localized cancer: 1.Radical perineal prostatectomy (U-shaped incision between the scrotum and anus). 2.Radical retropubic prostatectomy (6-inch incision in lower midline abdomen). 3.da Vinci assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy (the newest version which attempts to minimize side effects while preserving effectiveness). Unfortunately there are no prospective randomized studies to compare these methods. The three most important outcomes when compared show comparable results. As noted by the last two lines of Table 1, comparing open with robotic-assisted prostatectomies, surgeon volumes have been noted to be of importance to results. The initial robotic-assisted protatectomy studies show inflection points varying from 12 to 100 cases in outcome quality.vi Better training techniques may have decreased the number of cases required to develop proficiency, but no mature pedagogical studies have been published. These studies represent the pioneers at various institutions. In spite of this mixed data, patients have flocked to the “new and improved” robot assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy. It is estimated that 60 percent of the 80,000 radical 6 Continence at one year Open Radical Prostatectomy 91% - 98% Robot-Assisted Laparoscopic Prostatectomy 86% - 98% Open Radical Prostatectomy 68% - 90% Robot-Assisted Laparoscopic Prostatectomy 68% - 84% Positive surgical margin rate for pT2 Open Radical Prostatectomy 2% - 5% Robot-Assisted Laparoscopic Prostatectomy 5% - 27% Robot-Assisted Laparoscopic Prostatectomy First 50 cases. 27% Robot Assist Laparoscopic Prostatectomy first 50 - 140 cases 5% prostatectomies in 2009 were done with the da Vinci system, and the United States is on the course for 80 percent of 90,000 in 2010. Marketing, patient perception and patient results have driven this national trend.vii What are the potential benefits that have driven this change? 1.Better vision with 5-15X magnification of the surgical field 2.Lower blood loss than traditional retropubic prostatectomies 3.Quicker recovery than traditional retropubic prostatectomies 4.Less pain 5.Less Scarring Most of these studies have compared robot-assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy with retropubic approaches. In many respects, these benefits are similar to the results achieved with perineal prostatectomies. Traditional retropubic surgery involves a 6-inch abdominal incision which is stretched open to allow access to the deep pelvis. This can cause significant postoperative pain. Large veins block access to the prostate and can cause bleeding. The average blood loss has dropped from 1000 cc in traditional surgery to less than 200 cc per case when the da Vinci is employed. Foley catheters are used to reestablish continuity of the urinary system. These stay in place for one or two weeks, similar to traditional surgery. Patients, however, can usually go back to work within a few days of surgery, or soon after their catheter is removed. Using the da Vinci system, a surgeon places five finger-sized Trochar holes into the abdomen. One is for a camera. Three are used to place surgical instruments controlled by the surgeon who toggles the controls between these four arms. The fifth Trochar is used by the surgical assistant to keep the operative field clear, provide exposure and to pass sutures. The surgeon then sits at a control station several feet away from the patient. The system actually can be controlled remotely from several thousand miles away! iii Lim, Quality of Life, Radical Prostatectomy vs Radiation Therapy for Prostate Cancer. Journal of Urology 1995, 154:1420-1425 iv A Prospective Quality of Life Study: Quality of Life After Treatment. Journal of Urology, 2001. v Eastham, James A. Robotics: Long-Term Follow-up After Surgery. Grand Rounds in Urology. June 2009, Volume 8. Suppliment 1. 27-28. One of my patients reported that he had talked with several friends who had traditional prostatectomies. They reported significant pain and long recovery times. He was happy to report having used only two pain pills and resuming most activities within two weeks. vi Hu, JD, da Vinci vs Open Prostatectomy, Journal of American Medical Association, 302; 1557-1564. vii Weizer, Alon, et.al. Adoption of New Technology and Heathcare Quality: Surgical Margins after Robotic Prostatectomy. Journal of Urology 2007.03-004: 96-100. In choosing the best method to remove a cancerous prostate, a skilled surgeon performing an operation in which he or she is skilled and has comfort is probably the best choice. i Klein, E.Is Prostate Cancer Over Treated? Grand Rounds in Urology, Per-Anders, Abrahamsson, M.D., Ph.D., Vol 8 supplement 1, June 2009. Vol 8. Supp 1, 11-13. ii Bill-Axelson, et al. Radical prostatectomy versus watchful waiting in early prostate cancer. New England Journal of Medicine, 2005; 352: 1977-1984. William H. Stonehill, M.D., FACS, is a Urologist with Urology Associates of South Bend. Side Effects of Radical Prostatectomy By Mark Toth, M.D. Radical prostatectomy is a proven form of therapy for early stage prostate cancer. The procedure involves removing the entire prostate gland, including the prostatic portion of the urethra and the attached seminal vesicles. There are various surgical techniques used in performing radical prostatectomy. The retropubic approach uses a lower abdominal incision extending from the pubic bone to the umbilicus. A second open surgical option uses a perineal approach with the incision between the scrotum and anus. Radical prostatectomy can also be performed laparoscopically and most recently by employing the operative robot. All of the above procedures accomplish the same surgical goal of removing the entire prostate gland and carry similar operative risks and postoperative complications. Radical prostatectomy is a major operation and is associated with the usual operative risks of infection, including UTI, bleeding which at times require transfusions, DVT, postoperative pain and anesthesia complications. Mortality rate is less than 0.1 percent. Rectal injury due to the close anatomic relationship between the rectum and the posterior prostate occurs in less than 2 percent of cases. Pelvic abscess is also rare. A bladder neck contracture, caused by scarring at the anastomosis of the bladder neck to the urethra, can cause urinary retention and overflow incontinence. Effective treatment is either dilatation or incision of the scarred area. The two most common and distressing complications of a radical prostatectomy are persistent urinary incontinence and erectile dysfunction, which I will discuss separately. 7 There are various forms of urinary incontinence. I have mentioned overflow incontinence. Urge incontinence, the overwhelming urge to void with involuntary loss of urine, is rare post prostatectomy and can be treated with anticholinergic medication. By far, the most common type of incontinence post prostatectomy is urinary stress incontinence or the involuntary loss of urine with movement, exercise, coughing, sneezing, etc. This is directly attributable to the intimate anatomical relation between the male continence mechanisms and the prostate. The bladder neck (the internal sphincter) and membranous urethra (the external sphincter) are the muscles that control male continence. The resection margins during a radical prostatectomy are at the bladder neck and membranous urethra, and the anastomosis is between the bladder neck and membranous urethra. A catheter is always left in place postoperatively to allow healing at the anastomotic site. It is typically removed within the first few postoperative weeks, and incontinence is common at the time of the catheter removal. Urinary control is gradually regained over the first few months, and the vast majority of patients are either dry or have mild stress incontinence not requiring protection or treatment. Some, however, have either total urinary incontinence, or more typically, significant stress incontinence requiring frequent pad changes. Treatment consists of exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor musculature, commonly known as Kegel exercises. These can be helpful in mild forms of stress urinary incontinence (SUI). A penile clamp can be worn externally but is cumbersome. Collagen injection, used as a urethral bulking agent, is at times effective, again in mild cases. Implantation of an artificial urinary sphincter works well, but involves another surgical procedure and the risk of prosthetic malfunction over time. The most recent surgical procedure for treating SUI is the male urethral sling, not unlike the sling procedures commonly used for treatment of female SUI. Erectile dysfunction, the inability to obtain an adequate erection for sexual activity, is a common postoperative problem. Again, this is due to the close anatomical relation between the pelvic nerves controlling erection and the 8 prostate. A nerve sparing radical prostatectomy, when the surgeon spares the pelvic nerves running along the side of the prostate, can be done either unilaterally or bilaterally, if at all, depending on the extent of cancer within the prostate. The incidence of ED varies depending on the nerve sparing status, the surgeon’s technical ability to perform a nerve sparing procedure, the patient’s age and the patient’s erectile function preoperatively. The incidence with a bilateral nerve sparing procedure varies between 16-82 percent. The onset is immediate but may return within the first postoperative year. Treatment initially consists of oral therapy with either Viagra, Levitra or Cialis. Response rate with bilateral nerve sparing is 70 percent, 50 percent with unilateral nerve sparing and 15 percent with a non-nerve sparing procedure. A vacuum erection device can be employed and is effective but somewhat cumbersome. Intracavernosal injection therapy, the injection of vaso-active medications into the side of the penis, works well in 85 percent of patients. Implantation of either a semirigid or inflatable penile prosthesis is a surgical option that works well. In summary, removal of the entire prostate gland for cure of prostatic carcinoma has inherent risks of postoperative erectile dysfunction and urinary incontinence. Both conditions are treatable as discussed above. In my experience, I have found that most men remain satisfied over the years after radical prostatectomy, albeit with typically non-bothersome SUI and effectively treatable erectile dysfunction. Mark Toth, M.D., is a Urologist with the Memorial Medical Group. Radiation Therapy Options in the Treatment of Prostate Cancer By Samuel McGrath, M.D. With an incidence of approximately 190,000 cases a year, prostate cancer now accounts for roughly a quarter of cancer diagnoses among men. The majority of patients now presenting with prostate cancer have localized, curable disease due in large part to the advent of PSA screening. Definitive radiotherapeutic treatment options in this setting are myriad and include external beam radiation therapy (EBRT) as well as high-dose and low-dose rate brachytherapy. The most common means of prostate radiation delivery in the United States is external beam treatment employing a three-dimensional conformal technique. Using CT images of the patient in the treatment position, the patient’s prostate is contoured and the radiation beam portal shape is matched to the projected shape of the prostate. This conforms the dose to the target while simultaneously minimizing dose to the surrounding normal tissue structures. As dose escalation is paramount in eradicating prostate cancer, utilization of a second generation 3D-CRT technique, intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT), is now the preferred means of external beam delivery. IMRT facilitates dose escalation by using sophisticated algorithms to adjust the intensity of each beam, further minimizing irradiation of the rectum, bladder, small intestine, penile bulb and femoral heads, and significantly reducing both acute and chronic treatmentrelated toxicities. Of utmost concern in an external beam approach is localization of the prostate prior to treatment delivery. Simply put, is the dose prescribed encompassing the intended target? To account for this, a margin is added to compensate for organ motion induced by bladder and rectal filling and potential set up uncertainty. Margins are often non-uniform, with expansions limited posteriorly to decrease rectal dose. Standard practice is to minimize this variation by employing image guidance in the form of implanted fiducial markers or electromagnetic transponders, cone beam CT imaging with on or offline adaptive strategies, and B-mode acquisition and targeting ultrasound. A viable alternative to EBRT is a brachytherapeutic approach. Candidacy for such treatment is predicated on minimal obstructive symptomatology at baseline and requires transrectal ultrasound evaluation in the lithotomy position, examining such factors as glandular volume, median lobe prominence, urethral deviations/presence of TURP defects and pubic arch separation. Indications for brachytherapy as monotherapy include a Gleason score of 6 or less, PSA <10 ng/ml and lobar involvement of less than one-half. In some instances, individuals with unilateral Gleason 7 (3+4) adenocarcinoma may be eligible. Brachytherapy can be incorporated as a boost treatment for those with more advanced disease. With this approach, the external beam phase of treatment is reduced to five weeks. Prostate brachytherapy can be administered in either a low-dose or high-dose rate fashion. Low-dose rate (LDR) brachytherapy planning and delivery is generally a two-step process. First, a volume study is performed as described above. The prostate is contoured on the sonographic images obtained and in turn, transferred to a computer with the planning software. An optimized seed implantation pattern is achieved offline, and the appropriate number of seeds are ordered. The procedure is subsequently performed several weeks later, with a one time implantation of either Iodine-125 or Palladium-103 seeds. Patients are discharged the same day with the necessary radiation precautions. Post-implant dosimetry, with assessment of doses to critical structures and the gland itself, is performed within 30 days by means of CT imaging. Arguably more labor intensive, but equally as efficacious, is high-dose rate brachytherapy. With this approach, afterloading catheters are inserted into the prostate via a transperineal approach under ultrasound guidance. Treatment planning is performed intraoperatively with ultrasound images or following the procedure with CT. A high dose afterloading unit employing Iridium-192 as the single radioactive source is utilized to deliver radiation with the treatment planning software optimizing the dwell time and position along the length of the catheter. This allows for a highly conformal dose distribution. Due to the differences in radionuclide dose rate, treatment is administered in 2-4 fractions over a two-day period. The afterloading catheters remain in place during this time (epidural is required). While an overnight stay in the hospital and prolonged immobilization are perceived limitations of this technique, HDR brachytherapy results in less radiation exposure to patient, family members and hospital personnel; eliminates concern over seed migration; and reduces urinary toxicity. Regardless of the patient’s risk stratification at presentation, radiation therapy can be utilized as definitive therapy for prostate cancer. With an array of advanced treatment 9 planning and delivery techniques, patients can select a treatment that is right for them without fear of compromising their clinical outcomes. Furthermore, the emergence of IMRT with image guidance and brachytherapy has resulted in well tolerated toxicity profiles with minimal long term symptomatology. Memorial Hospital of South Bend’s Department of Radiation Oncology is proud to offer all of the aforementioned treatment techniques and is committed to continually delivering state of the art prostate care. Samuel McGrath, M.D., is a Radiation Oncologist at the Memorial Radiation Oncology Center. Systemic Therapy of Prostate Adenocarcinoma By Rafat Ansari, M.D. There is a reason to believe that metastatic cancer of the prostate existed in prehistoric times since malignancy in the bones has been found in ancient fossils. The systemic treatment options for prostate adenocarcinoma are multiple. 1. Hormonal Management. It was the seminal work of Huggins & Hodges in the 1940s that elucidated the relationship between serum testosterone level and the growth of the prostatic tissue. They were the first to definitely show that palliation could be achieved with hormonal manipulation either by bilateral orchiectomy or by oral administration of estrogen. At present, there are five major methods of androgen deprivation. A) Orchiectomy to remove the primary androgenic producing organ. B) Estrogen therapy to reduce Leutinizing Hormone (LH) production. C) Antiandrogen therapy directed primarily at the target organs, that is prostate and metastatic sites. D) Maximum androgen deprivation called MAD whereby testicular androgen production is ablated and at the same time, DHT (dihydrotestosterone) drive from the adrenal is blocked at the receptor sites by antiandrogen. E) Leutinizing Hormone Releasing Hormone (LHRH) Agonistics are considered the standard of care in hormone sensitive, locally advanced and metastatic prostate adenocarcinoma despite barriers related to cost and the treatment related adverse events. In addition, there is much interest in the Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone (GnRH) Antagonistics. This investigational class of drugs, the newest option for medical 10 castration, has the potential to revolutionize the modern hormonal management of prostate cancer. Unlike LHRH agonistics, GnRH antagonistics block GnRH receptors in the pituitary, inducing a fast reduction of testosterone to castrated levels without triggering testosterone flares. Hormone therapy is used across the spectrum of prostate cancer. In locally advanced disease, hormone therapy has shown to provide a survival advantage as a neoadjuvant or adjuvant treatment to radiation therapy in high-risk patients. In stage T1 and T2 disease, hormone therapy is indicated in symptomatic patients who need palliation of symptoms and for whom curative treatment is not an option. The high-risk patients with a T2c disease, higher Gleason score, higher PSA levels, hormone therapy is also used to provide intermittent androgenic blockade. There are some controversies in the hormonal management of prostate cancer: 1.Early versus delayed hormonal management for metastatic prostate adenocarcinoma. 2.Intermittent therapy in a patient with metastatic prostate adenocarcinoma. These controversies need to be discussed with the treating physician in a patient who is about to start the hormonal therapy. 2. Skeletal Events in Prostate Adenocarcinoma. The spectrum of the skeletal disease in prostate cancer ranges from treatment related fractures in men with castrated sensitive nonmetastatic disease to skeletal complications in castrate-resistant metastatic prostate cancer. A. In 2002, there was a landmark study by Saad & Colleagues where patients with prostate adenocarcinoma with bony metastasis, asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic were randomly assigned to treatment with zoledronic acid 4 mg/placebo. In a follow-up analysis, treatment with zoledronic acid for up to 24 months resulted in a significant 36-percent reduction in the cumulative risk of skeletalrelated events, including radiation to bone, pathological fracture, spinal cord compression, surgery to bone or change in antineoplastic therapy compared to placebo. The role of bisphosphonate in a castrate-sensitive disease has not yet been established. A newer agent denosumab is currently being evaluated for treatment of osteoporosis, non-metastatic prostate adenocarcinoma and metastatic bone disease. In a randomized double-blind multicenter phase III study with approximately 1,900 men, denosumab appears to be superior to bisphosphonate. B. Prevention of Bone Metastasis. There are two ongoing clinical trials which are evaluating the intervention of preventing bone metastasis in men with prostate cancer. The first is a randomized double-blind placebo controlled multicenter phase III study enrolling approximately 1,500 men with castration-resistant prostate adenocarcinoma with no bone metastasis and PSA levels over 8 ng/ml or a PSA doubling time of less than 10 months. The patients have been randomly assigned to monthly subcutaneous treatments with denosumab 120 mg or placebo. The primary endpoint of this study is bone metastasis freesurvival. Another European trial called ZEUS is a multicenter randomized open level trial evaluating zoledronic acid for prevention of bone metastasis in men with high-risk disease. There will be 1,433 patients randomized. 3. Immunotherapy with Vaccines. Immunotherapy has the opportunity to fill an important clinical gap in the treatment of hormone refractory prostate cancer. The ideal immunotherapy for prostate cancer would trigger an antigen cascade causing T cells to target multiple different antigens on malignant prostate cells. In prostate cancer, immunotherapy has been used in combination with other anticancer agents including cytokine, such as interferon as granulocyte macrophage colonies stimulating factor, hormone therapy such as LHRH agnostic, and monoclonal antibody such as Bevacizumab targets vascular endothelial growth factors. Immunotherapy may be particular effective in combination with chemotherapy. Current vaccine strategies exploit features of immune system to enhance the anticancer immune response. Therapeutic vaccines currently under investigation in prostate cancer include GVAX, ProstVAC-VF and Sipuleucel-T. 4. Chemotherapy (Antitubulin Therapy). A.Two randomized phase III trials have shown that there is a prolonged survival achieved with docetaxel in hormone refractory prostate cancer. The TAX-327 trial in 1,006 patients with metastatic hormone refractory prostate cancer showed that 75 mg/m2 of docetaxel every three weeks with prednisone 10 mg p.o. daily produced superior survival and improved rates of response in terms of pain, serum PSA levels and quality of life with a P value of 0.009 and has become the standard chemotherapy for hormone refractory prostate adenocarcinoma. B.There is a newly approved drug for hormone refractory prostate cancer with previous exposure of Taxotere called Jevtana (cabazitaxel). C.Endothelin Receptor Antagonistic. Atrasentan is an oral, highly potent selective ETA receptor antagonistic that has half-life of 24 hours which permits once daily administration. A phase III trial for management of prostate cancer in a double blind placebo controlled MOO-211 trial with 809 patients showed a significant reduction in disease progression by 19 percent compared to placebo. A phase III Southwest Oncology Group Trial SO421 which is just completed with docetaxel 75 mg/m2 every three weeks with Atrasentan/placebo 10 mg p.o. daily for management of hormone refractory prostate adenocarcinoma. Seven hundred patients have been entered on that trial. The results are pending. There are multiple other agents which are under investigation for metastatic hormone refractory prostate adenocarcinoma and those include small molecule tyrosine kinase inhibitor such as Sutent, second-line chemotherapy agents such as Epothilones, and XRP6258. Rafat Ansari, M.D., is a Medical Oncologist with Michiana Hematology-Oncology, Medical Director of Memorial Regional Cancer Center and chairman of the Memorial Oncology Care Committee. 11 615 N. Michigan St. South Bend, Indiana 46601
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