Funding for Individuals and Projects How to get the right funding for your research project? Dr. Beatrice Scherrer Division Research and Academic Career Development Funding for Individuals and Projects 16.10.2012 Page 1 Funding for Individuals and Projects Overview of funding instruments • - Swiss Overview of funding instruments National Science Foundation (SNSF) (SNFS, EU, UZH) - EU funding Outline of a research proposal - Forschungskredit UZH - Foundations Good to know... 16.10.2012 Research Funding | Dr. Beatrice Scherrer 2 Funding for Individuals and Projects Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) • Switzerland’s leading provider of scientific research funding • Established in 1952 as a foundation under private law • Supports basic research in all academic disciplines • Is committed to promoting young scientists • Annual budget of approx. CHF 720 million; supports more than 8,000 scientists every year 16.10.2012 Research Funding | Dr. Beatrice Scherrer Page 3 Funding for Individuals and Projects Main funding schemes of the SNSF abroad Guidelines for selecting SNSF funding schemes: > Services for researchers > Guidelines & documents for researchers 16.10.2012 Research Funding | Dr. Beatrice Scherrer Page 4 Funding for Individuals and Projects Project funding vs. Career funding instruments Project funding: - Applicant receives salary from home institution (own salary not covered by project grant!) - min. 2 years of postdoctoral experience, capable of conducting project independently and leading personal employed for project (e.g. PhD students) è experienced researchers Career funding: - Instruments focus on the people: fellowship or salary for yourself - Further financing with regard to project (depending on funding instrument) 16.10.2012 Research Funding | Dr. Beatrice Scherrer Page 5 Funding for Individuals and Projects SNSF project funding • SNSF’s main funding scheme (2/3 of total budget, approx. 2,500 applications/year) • Grant covers direct research costs (staff salaries, materials, travel costs etc.) but not the salary of the applicant • Evaluation by the SNSF Research Council based on peer reviews by external experts • Submission deadlines: 1 April and 1 October (decision communicated approx. 6 months later) è “Guidelines for applicants” and “Description of the evaluation procedure” available on SNSF website 16.10.2012 Research Funding | Dr. Beatrice Scherrer Page 6 Funding for Individuals and Projects SNSF Mobility Fellowships (as of 2013) (former Fellowships for prospective/advanced researchers) Idea: Postdoctoral research stay at a guest institution abroad for talented young scientists who envisage an academic career Conditions: - PhD or MD - Swiss nationality or residence permit and at least 3 years of activity at a Swiss university - Guest institution abroad - Intention to pursue a scientific or academic career (and to come back to Switzerland) 16.10.2012 Research Funding | Dr. Beatrice Scherrer 7 Funding for Individuals and Projects Early Postdoc.Mobility Conditions: Application submission max. 6 months before/ 2 years after finishing PhD (max. 6 years after MD) Duration: 18 months (at least 12 months) Application: - Submission at university where PhD/MD will be/was obtained (electronically via mySNF) - Deadlines: 1 March and 1 September Evaluation: - By members of SNSF research committee at UZH - Decision within 2 months after submission Fellowship: Amount depending on host country, family status and family obligations (currently approx. CHF 43,000/year for singles and CHF 55,500/year for couples) 16.10.2012 Research Funding | Dr. Beatrice Scherrer 8 Funding for Individuals and Projects Advanced Postdoc.Mobility Conditions: - Application submission up to max. 5 years after PhD (up to 9 years after MD) - At least one year of research activity at postdoctoral level Duration: 12 to 36 months Application: - Submission to SNSF - Deadlines: 1 February and 1 August Evaluation: - By members of SNSF Research Council - Decision after approx. 6 months Fellowship: Amount depending on host country, family status and family obligations (currently approx. CHF 48,000/year for singles and CHF 60,500/year for couples) 16.10.2012 Research Funding | Dr. Beatrice Scherrer 9 Funding for Individuals and Projects Marie Heim-Vögtlin Program - Promotion of women • For women whose scientific career was delayed or interrupted due to family obligations (children) or a change of residence as a result of their partner’s career development • Continuation of the research activity at a Swiss university; grant for max. 2 years • PhD students and Postdocs • No age limit, employment level 50-100% • Next submission deadline: 2 August 2013 16.10.2012 Research Funding | Dr. Beatrice Scherrer 10 Funding for Individuals and Projects Ambizione grants - a first step towards scientific independency Idea: Create conditions for starting an independent scientific career in Switzerland (e.g. after a stay abroad) Contribution: - Own salary (research associate level) - Project funding (equipment, consumables, travel, etc.) - Personnel (e.g. technician) - PhD student (candidates with sufficient experience only) - Max. CHF 600,000 for 3 years Deadline: 15 February Grants: 40 - 50 per year Success rate ≈ 28% 16.10.2012 Research Funding | Dr. Beatrice Scherrer 11 Funding for Individuals and Projects SNSF Professorship Idea: Create conditions for a successful academic career for the best young scientists in Switzerland Contribution: - Own salary (assistant professor level) - Research allowance for a team and equipment - Contribution to the infrastructure of the host institution - Max. CHF 1,600,000 for 4 years (+ 2 years extension possible) Deadline: beginning of May Grants: Approx. 40 per year Success rate ≈ 24% 16.10.2012 Research Funding | Dr. Beatrice Scherrer 12 Funding for Individuals and Projects Overview of funding instruments • - Swiss Overview of funding instruments National Science Foundation (SNSF) (SNFS, EU, UZH) - EU funding Outline of a research proposal - Forschungskredit UZH - Foundations Good to know... 16.10.2012 Research Funding | Dr. Beatrice Scherrer 13 Funding for Individuals and Projects EU GrantsAccess (former Euresearch Zurich) • A joined office of the UZH and ETHZ • Informs researchers about and supports them with the participation in international research programs (EU, NIH, etc.) phone: 044 634 53 50 mail: 16.10.2012 Research Funding | Dr. Beatrice Scherrer 14 Funding for Individuals and Projects EU Funding Collaboration between industry and academia Support for mobility and career development of researchers 16.10.2012 Research Funding | Dr. Beatrice Scherrer Support frontier research Enhance research and innovation capacities 15 Funding for Individuals and Projects Marie Curie Fellowships International Outgoing Fellowship (IOF) - For Postdocs of Swiss or EU nationality - Initial outgoing phase (outside Europe) of 1-2 years, followed by a mandatory reintegration phase (coming back to Europe) of 1 year Intra-European Fellowship (IEF) - For Postdocs of any nationality working within Europe - 1-2 years research stay at a institution in a different European country 16.10.2012 Research Funding | Dr. Beatrice Scherrer 16 Funding for Individuals and Projects ERC Grants ERC Starting Grants ERC Advanced Grants - up-and-coming research leaders - 2 to 7 years of experience after PhD - up to € 1.5 million for up to five years - excellent established researchers who have a recent research track-record which identifies them as leaders in their respective field of research - up to € 3.5 million for up to five years. ERC Consolidator Grants - 7 to 12 years of experience after PhD - up to € 2 million for up to five years 16.10.2012 Research Funding | Dr. Beatrice Scherrer 17 Funding for Individuals and Projects Overview of funding instruments • - Swiss Overview of funding instruments National Science Foundation (SNSF) (SNFS, EU, UZH) - EU funding Outline of a research proposal - Forschungskredit UZH - Foundations Good to know... 16.10.2012 Research Funding | Dr. Beatrice Scherrer 18 Funding for Individuals and Projects Forschungskredit of the UZH • Funding of research projects of PhD students („Candoc“) and Postdocs/habilitation candidates („Postdoc“) at the UZH • Initiated by the UZH in 2001; more than 1,000 awardees so far • Young researchers submit applications independently (project must include own research ideas) • Support manly by salary grants; money for consumables may be applied for on a limited scale Submission deadline: 1st February each year 16.10.2012 Research Funding | Dr. Beatrice Scherrer Page 19 Funding for Individuals and Projects Requirements for Postdocs • Employed at or affiliated with the UZH/USZ • Funding can be requested for: - own salary salary of a PhD student “Protected time” consumables on a limited scale • Duration of funding: max. 2 years • Funding per project usually approx. CHF 100’000 16.10.2012 Research Funding | Dr. Beatrice Scherrer Page 20 Funding for Individuals and Projects Protected Time – a “Sabbatical” for Postdocs • Idea: Applicant receives funding to pay for a qualified substitute who will take over duties such as teaching responsibilities or clinical work for 3 to 6 months • Goal: Applicant can focus on actual research project and, ideally, complete it • Prerequisite: - Employment at UZH/USZ for time period in question - Permission from supervisor • Evaluation: 16.10.2012 based on research project of the applicant and her/ his qualification Research Funding | Dr. Beatrice Scherrer Page 21 Funding for Individuals and Projects Overview of funding instruments • - Swiss Overview of funding instruments National Science Foundation (SNSF) (SNFS, EU, UZH) - EU funding Outline of a research proposal - Forschungskredit UZH - Foundations Good to know... 16.10.2012 Research Funding | Dr. Beatrice Scherrer 22 Funding for Individuals and Projects Foundations • Foundation = Institution that pursues a certain, from the donator defined, purpose with the help of assets. è your project hast to be “in line” with that purpose • No complete register of all Swiss foundations is available è search different lists, registers, etc. In a personal consultation, we can help you to find suitable foundations. Please contact us for an appointment. 16.10.2012 Research Funding | Dr. Beatrice Scherrer Page 23 Funding for Individuals and Projects Research Funding | Dr. Beatrice Scherrer Page 24 Funding for Individuals and Projects Thank you for your attention... ... and good luck with your grant application! 16.10.2012 Research Funding | Dr. Beatrice Scherrer 25
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