MAP OF CANADA WESTERN INCLUDINQ PART MANITOBA OF AND andSaskatchewan Assiniboia Alberta, "hawlns and Syalem Iha of Land LInaa Survay of the CANADIAN PAOIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY 80 'imm etW^ r'( It;-"!V"SrS-I ^T-JS^^^V^ Iryital' P^" rH3Ta23K3all!9 Winnlpagi tBorland Itt 101 tft,Jan. I8S0. tiltho., Oo. 100 Land CommUHonas, H Mka^fee "" ^hk^m ,T^, i' t N., *'.^^. if ..''-, :/"*i",i" I A".- ~_, -tJ- "... 4---^ T (1 -\- r-^* --.-l-;Al i h i r fj ;m *v U/esterpCapad -^"*"- A MHNITOBK, HSSINIBOIK, KLBERTK HND SKSKKTCHEWHN \ ji -L I- How to Get How to Select Lands. How to How to Make There. Begin. Money. ? 12 MESTERN CHNHDH COmPOSED IS MKNITOBK -I' Assiniboia, THE the heard be to of country's the because lands owing and as result a Manitoba It and is longer no make to of arc, and farming, that etc., beet kind of for each way railway of of lands settling in soil the cattle those less to-day are in highly which other while shipped the them The country. stock-raising, to Atlantic the across matured tions por- produce other any favorable have any and, to ' these upon with required than both grown compared labo** USSft^'- "]W] cereals and sake, shame very acknowledged, of is are than upon to of plains the territories. whether in simply if pages the The Canada. divisions advocates warm is it what a good of part thing that to great dian Cana- the to go it will country be home. following The when amount finer but a knowledge the question a other universally North-West the and acre, per now of no for have Northwest into silent are wheat pasturage North-West, best is market, Canadian the converted disbelieve to them. the yield natural English the of nature and of public the .^ greater, are IN. wished been others the SETTLE fertility have believe now greater the to climate the Saskatcheuian. who those first continent, the obtained crops and quality the and of TO merits, superior The COUNTRY the ; will one no and concerning reports ceased -?- AlbePta doubted, who THOSE OF will reader land he getting the to will and the regalations, Western He thinks division, what west, with Canada. will is impart will best, find and general the other learn which for are the Western words of book chief several the for raising, information particulars information the features this accurate sutflciently grain from general full a in comprised preferable are ranching. for that learn localities which read carefully territory vast where bearing seek markets, towns, concerning of mixed to the government and the subject on HOW liaving COLONISTS summer train with at night, cars principle lower first-class They etc. berths taken the upon into constructed same sleeping the on same and able equally as comfortthrougli, without change, all the cars, taken are No Canadian the convertible in Ontario, in by are are sleeping Manitoba. Montreal cars Montreal or homes new which cars and upper the of ventilation, to as having to Columbia These cars. Quebec at travel British sleeping first-class WEST. Canada winter, or colonist in the THE in in North-West, those as REACH arrived Halifax or the Manitoba, Pacific Railway fast TO other do this. to No railway extra from can is for the made accommodation. Second-ciass "charge sleeping passengers, If they do not provide their bedding. liowover, must bring it with own outfit of and curtains will be them, complete a mattrass, pillow, blanket of the at f he supplied by the agent Company point of starting, at a cost of 5r2.50" The be around ten curtains ing shillings. hung berth, turna may it into little In addition to this, men private room. a travelling alone off from the dle midfamilies the car cut by a partition across are near in that of the is not the where smoking permitted car part ; and way women The and children train stops and rooms, are. stations at where hot meals where and coffee in served are and tea, well-cooked refreshment food be may The allowed not to become cars are prices. of passengers and the welfare tended over-crowded, safety and carefully atare that the is taken coloni.^t does to. not possible Kvery care go lose f^uffer Where of his property imposition. or a large number astray, the of to colonists colonist west are going together, special fast trains bought at sleeping No dispatched. are railway in America cars other does as passengers, train The reasonable very is met in In regard directly intend seek to obtained at Most to for the point. home a the in and that Pacific way Rail- and advice they quire re- west, ment, locality for settle- some shown how such upon to proceed locality, but a information every be can Winnipeg. for this suitable, in doing assisted are reaching Canadian assistance furtlier examine to the before or the of have already fixed upon them, awaiting they are If they have decided not Office most and all somewhere Land wish men them They that to are ist colon- to home. new they friends Winnipeg at Government give colonists their to where cases wliere the of accommodation good such Pacific. arrival its upon city, by the agents who Company, offers Canadian the this is by the themselves strongly in appointed officials which section recommended by the seems case. every Government purpose the Government remain the at family and MeanW'hile, baggage can themselves with food house in and comfort. Providing immigrant safety in the cook their own meals in the the stoves they can city markets, upon has served the bedding which them house during their journey, ; and, with in the the bunk bedsteads which with sleep in comfort rooms are ihey can Should at fitted. to stop hotel, they will find in they prefer, however, an Winnipeg from varies It sometimes sufficient than will an public houses $1 (4s.) toSH be 1 anxious Provincial brsiness it happens money to to begin of all grades, (12s.) a day, that carry immediately Governments is to be the him informed have where where the total according to cost settler far Winnii^eg. to each as earn some an agency labour each person circumstances. intending as for has money. in is needed. much not In that The more case he Dominion Winnipeg Societies whose repre- o M S q" O 5s 6 all the almost senting and will nationalities welcome of and see been Europe have the welfare to nipeg, Win- in formed their of respective countrymen. of arrival The that contractors may take in or as many in work of is always settlers employing are other some of party a who the building, Winnipeg men the of city newcomers choose as in announced in to work to go able advance, so tion, railway construcneighbourhood, or with them. and generally on good wages. men pay and board. The $20 ("5) per month girls of paid are in find in and other Winnipeg towns, always employment can a family in factories and domestic service, establishments, ing employhotels, shops, Good female labour. little time paid to capable girls, and are wages is lost in getting a situaition. Farmers The the are lookout for wages average CAPITAL " How question It depends THE into North-West the of statements what This information kinds and conclusion, be can dollars done ("200) namely : given the build dollars 500 and house a writers, amount swer. an- gone little A time. Some 500 dollars say be nevertheless in tables to about ous vari- of the same " ("100) will (160 acres) obtained belonging to cheaper lands The prospered. capital, ("600) may, all have valuable saves many ; but to one men many certain by localities difficult a have and a upon been has easier 3,000 dollars or is Very capital and any start various for ?" circumstances. the makes ("100) or 1,000 advantageous. is necessary much upon without capital, however, REQUIRED. there stay set as down a man a free the Railway or ter-section, quar- chosen one and Company, farm his until western some upon homestead among him enable to self- and productive becomes supporting. In this Manitoba connection speaks of farmer practical a follows as some in residence years : for nothing be had cheaply here, or it can purchased of $385, made A single man start an outlay on can up follows One and harrow, harness, yoke of oxen : as $115; plow, etc., and kitchen stove lumber, $40; furnishings, $40 ; bedding, etc., $20; A doors, windows, etc., for log house, $50; provisions, $90; seed, $30. with have farmer of five would out to $240 bringing family lay more, a his outlay up to $625. " Land be can by homesteading. farmer A build he his ; he shanty break can in come can ten can $60 about Suppose the at acre, oats at 40 potatoes, acre, worth After 80 cents bushels bushels 200 40 farmer raise bushel, per at still have and cents $80; cow fortj it will 3 in ten a acres and be acre acres to acres of of and crop, ; can for him give and April continue can fall ready a crop start; July, and it will the spring. raises only 25 bushels in cost in $600 5 ; say stuflf at the to ; total original whole good acre bushels 40 $120 acres 1 $70 ; say bushel, of barley, garden and harvesting to the something 1 ; he under the worth per sod acres acres the on the 35 cents, ; and of ten of wheat, acres per $48 forty oxen seed acre the fifth the the on crop puts the enough to 30 expenses will he his for at 40 cents, deducting the after in puts it under put about land his select March, of plough to backset additional he middle the commence and acres for two months breaking break and thirty acres, He in the spring. can he can cut hay enough him about start with to of of per $918 lay outnext year." It must not be forgotten, however, that hundreds have arrived in Winnipeg and These without any become substantial remarks habits, bookkeepers, etc., in themselvea the and cities Provinces by uniform lots six of 640 of the Dominion the miles or acres, mile square quarter-sections for between is provided between every alternate following The have is plan section contains 640 opportunities into out sent pre- and square " ships" town- "sections" divided sub- again are allowance, chain one north and contains 160 running surveyed into these road A and TOWNSHIP Eiic'h clerks, as thirty-six and south, and west. :'" township a men young accurately contains section east of to divided is land acres. each section the pered pros- to. parcelled section, 160 few been now and each of not situations referred " into wide, West The plan : Each township square. one have wages SURVEY. Government, following the on kind OF North- find Very towns. of the SYSTEM THE on colonists, to expect employment for woricing wohking to who others or first by farmers- addressed are of expensive and money, DIAGRAM acres ; each section quarter acres. N. 6 Miles Squark. E. S. Open for Homkstbad, (that Jaw, School Nos. can Sections. Bay from purchased " Company's Section the Canada Nos. Section solely for school Hudson " 1, 9, 13, 21, 25, S3, along be settlement). " Section Nos. 2, Nos. 4, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 33,35. 19,21,23,25,27,31, Section Sections- Railway Pacific free 18, 20, 22, 24, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36. 6, 10, 12, 14, 16, Canadian is, for 11, main line, V/innipeg North- 29, are West Land reserved by purposes. Sections. " Section Nos. 8 and 26. to Moose Company. Government 8 REGULATIONS. HOMESTEAD All of seotions even-numbered Nortli-West and Manitoba in Lands 26, which have the or home- been Territories, excepting wood lots for settlers, or other to provide purposes, be homesteaded of a family, or who the is liead sole by any person of age, of one male to the extent eighteen years quartsr-section over may any 160 not reserved steaded, of Dominion 8 more acres, less. or ENTRY. in which the personally at the local land office he desires homesteader on situate, or if the may, of the Commissioner the Minister to the or Interior, Ottawa, application receive of Dominion to make one authority for some Lands, Winnipeg, is charged for him. for an fee the entry A of $10 ordinary homestead have been additional fee of $10 which an entry ; but for lands occupied is chargeable cancellation to meet inspection and expenses. Entry land made be may be to is taken HOMESTEAD Under ways, which Residence 2. of prior to broken the for two homestead third year; third hold nine entry be to acres 5 in under years' system first within second crop the at reside the must of next received the second made before the at time any be must acres and and year, two residence second, in 15 25 acres taken a by homestead A SECOND anyone who patent or for homestead entry, at least or any settler homestead on and after there- six monthg six notice months' of his Lands Before inspector. give must intention settler, application for fee of $5 is chargeable. the a the PATENT Dominion of residence of of end the before years. agent, the date additional acres house actual from years his anywhere by commencing 5 acres breaking entry habitable a reside may thereof) 10 breaking FOR local his commence two succeeding making application for patent in writing to the Commissioner of for convenience When, so. before homestead inspector, a be in year one within months date and acres cultivate and three after building expiration upon of the perfeci APPLICATION may any 10 the period actual system settler a must 5 settler The year. homestead be three the which (but years, six months two the may for " anywhere additional ; 15 in afterwards this : which months months and Under land his three under declare must during je, six than homestead patent. after the each to residen and the for first year, cropping these and second also year in elects in performed year. The the he more years upon year 10 be miy settler quarter-section, house first cultivation the entry. entry the duties for and for the application the 3. for the habitable a absent be forfeiting miles conditions cultivation year's not homestead application following may without the the Three settler law present making on of 1. in the and DUTIES. patent to do is made HOMESTEAD on a the second certificate of day of June, recommendation 1889, had counter- 9 by patent made or Commissioner the signed of Dominion Lands earned titlt tc nad who or uiK)n first applir-ation for his liomestead on. ' date. to, that prior liim, by INFORMATION. that are immijjrants arrived Newly Manitoba in the or for open will North-Weat from and entry, receive at the Lands Dominion any information Territories in officers Office tlie to as of charjre, free lands expense full information securing' lands to suit them ; and the and and coal mineral land, laws, timber, copies of these respecting in the well those Lands Railway as as respecting Dominion Kegulatioiis, be obtained retary British Belt in Columbia, application to the Secmay upon of the of the of the Commissioner Interior, Ottawa; Department to of Dominion Dominion the Winnipeg, Lands, Manitoba; or any the Lands Territories. North-West or Agents in Manitoba and aflvice For disposal following within to lands lands by free-grant, or sale, the Dominion all the business in relation agencies, at which public of the the established has in assistance district the of each be must LANDS DOMINION {Figures transacted :" OFFICES, Inclusive). are Manitoba. Districts WinnipegandDufTerin Nos. townships, 1 to 8 langes to Souris 13 ranges 12 west. District." to 2nd ; ranges" 1 to townships Agent. Township meridian, Combined." all Includes of east 4. ranges 9 to all surveyed Ist 14, and meridian, and townships 5 6 7 "Winnipeg. 13 5, ranges 8 townships to 12, 18, townships to 9 ranges 2nd to and meridian Brandon. Agent, Turtle Mountain township 22 9 to ranges District." 5, ranges Saskatchewan Little Eirtle 2nd to north 25 to ; also west 9 7, ranges 1 west. District." to Agent, 1 Townships 2nd to meridian. District" Agent, Townships 15 to 2nd 4, ranges Deloraine, of and north dian, meri- including 13 Minnedosa. To\Vnships Agent, meridian. 19 of and north inc'uding 13, 23 ranges to Birtle. ASSINIBOIA. Coteau Agent, District- -Townships 1 to 9, ranges 1 to 30 meridian. 2nd west Estevan. District" Townships Qu'Appelle Agent, Regina. 10 to 23, ranges 1 District" 24 to 31, ranges 1 to 30 west 30 west 2nd meridian. Touchwood Townships 2nd 1 west 32 to 36, range meridian meridian, townships 37 ai'd 38, 2nd to 3rd meridian, meridian, townships meridian. Agent, Saltcoats. Swift meridian, transacted Current District" 31, township at Regina. ranges Townships 1 to 6 west 1 to 3rd 30, ranges meridian. to to range 6 range 5 west 1 to 3) All west 2nd west 3rd 3rd business 2 10 Alberta. District. Calgary township 4th 19 30, range to B. meridian Station, who Deer Edmonton 4th B. to 7 7 west meridian to meridian Agent, to 13 lands for Township north District. west at Red 43, 8 west range 31 7 west to 36, range 3rd meridian Townships 37 to 38, range 3rd meridian 6 west to ; townships 4th 34 11 west meridian 3rd northwards, ; township range 7 west 4th meridian. Agent, Battleford. 10 time From 8 located district. including and C.,and " west District. 3rd " 39 northwards, Township range Albert. Agent, Prince as to the the time 13 west 2nd meridian. " alteration is toB. range 42, Edmonton. District. Lethbridge Townships 1 to 12 between townships meridian, and B. C. Agent, Letlibridge, N. boundary to in that 4th west 31 to ; townships A Calgary. suh-agent entries " 24 18, range to 4th meridian Albert Prince west receives Agent, 4th west range C. 1 District. C. Battleford to Townships " to progress 1 westerly W. boundaries of 18, ranges to of limit 1 24 to of west 24 range 4ih and T. the difierent renders settlement agencies are atlvisable. In liable every is given to the made ample notice public of any changes in of in the the land and colonists districts, case newly arriving in the in fullest Manitoba obtain information all to regard possible they can of office the land the Commissioner Dominion at of matters by inquiring iu Winnipeg. Lands in the districts, detailed will At be the offices found, showing maps The homestead lands the exact vacant. are always agents ready in For and their assistance information the to give every power. of convenience of applicants, information terms to as prices and chase purfrom lands of Railway be obtained all station agents along the may In line and branches. is an entitled main no to agent Company's case case, however, receive directly in money to the Land for payment Commissioner All lands. at payments must be remitted Winnipeg fe. i.-.v':.^"ff^""*' On the Bow Kivbr" Alberta. t;"^*s"ft"ci*;:?Ti^:""" 11 RAILWAY Canadian rpHf: -L Battle wan, sale Canada Mstern Deer and Lands Line River Agencies various REGULATIONS. Railway Main the Rod and the at Paoiflc along sections Land the the of Branches, Districts. of tho consiat and in and Tlu^ Saskatc^lie- Uhited the Company West Territories, North- nunibored the Lands IJailwav in odd the at for are Kin"dotn. followintr ^ prices : " PRICES. in Lands the Province of ^*"S i" ?,^ Province $4 to l?o LandF an Wesi in in Lands Assiniboia, of oast the For lands plicanta 3rd Meridian, District, $3 the including per Saskatchewan, Battle Red and convenience and investors of been price, have the ^P^^ an annum, town free sent detail in showin"' maps, will be and to ao^ Manitoba. Soutliern Between Manitoba. Fields Coal 2nd and and Oxbow. Meridian. 3rd Cypress Hills District. District. Calgary Saskatchewan The ^*"^^ ^^"^'" ^' 1^'G}, H, ^^P*^ o" sold are Valley. the at uniform price '^ acre. in full at time OF of the purchaser may nine spread over payable at the end of All sales PAYMENT. purchase, final pay years, the year and All 3. The Company coal lands taxes marble sites the has paid ; and railway by with with in of cash, interest conveyance the and six at per will balance cent, be in per instalment. each the reserves lands lands purposes. follomng upon land been made. general conditions purchased lawfully imposed assessments quarries, and to placed payment Deed a one-tenth CONDITIONS. subject are improvements until to be and r. Districts, ^ ^ ^ ^ 2. and River Deer Manitoba. All 1. lands valuable Central GENERAL thereon the Western paid payments of ^ ; but given average : TERMS If Meridian, following prepared " $3 (I2s. to"L4). acre 3rd most ^ r an acre. J, of $G to acre. ])er the the Calgary the of $3 average acre. of tlie Manitoba to upon be the : maintained land or provements im- purchaser. from sale, under timber containing with water-power the in al regulations, all minerquantities, stone, slate thereon, and tracts for 12 coal Mineral, 4. timber and will wutor-power, nivini; satisfactory persons utilize the be lands and disposed evidence of and elTects moderate very on their lands and (luurries, of intention trolling con- to terms ability and to same. Liberal for settlers rates their will be granted L. A. by the pany Com- its Railway. over Commissioner, Land C. P. of the HAMILTON, Ry, Winnipeg. Co., MHNITOBK. MANITOBA, contains It is the eastermost extends about and further south The relieved miles Provinces seven from 49" by the the great to West, East of parallel Dominion equal to about prairie country milles, States. United the and latitude, be It will the of that and boundary line boundary the acres. Canada of Southern observed Canada, 74,000,000 between Manitoba lies England. than of feature general at the square portion of 300 is determined Canada of one 11(),021 by intervals, the is that country gently rising of broad a hills, and rolling numerous prairie, bluffs and River and lakelets. For Assiniboine of description purposes River Valleys, and RIVER RED The Valleys throughout the highest the of the American it may and Continent the Red the VALLEYS. Assiniboine for their Rivers fertility. In them are noted is raised price in all kets, maris produced in wheat than and yield of hard a greater average any in Oats and other equal profusion, roots generbarley, grow country. ally size and have carried off prize after to the largest attainable grow and native the of Manitoba are prize at agricultural exhibitions, grasses of few excelled It is by none. equalled by those places in the world, and mixed tinguished disfor stock of all kinds, and healthy country farming, as a method. from wheat to be the most growing, is found paying River and Assiniboine line and Red The Valleys are served by the main Manitoba of the Canadian and Northwestern and branches Pacific, the of them is marketed Grain at every at most station, and other railways. for storing wheat, and flour of them is a grain elevator there at many a Few stations without mill. town adjoining are village where an or been of various denominations the churches have established, where lic pubis open the several free to all, and school where all the stores supply In household farm. these two valleys requisites of an ordinary or main of to inincluded smaller those for the present streams falling are, purpose, north of the Canadian rivers and the lakes Pacific the two Railway. is now best of little free land left in the There agricultural sections very is some excellent with but there intermixed grazing country Manitoba, in the of Manitoba, Shoal land and neighbourhood farming Winnipeg land for sale and at Lakes, quantity of railway prices ranging a large three dollars The is much from (about 128) to five dollars ("1). country others wooded and well diversified, some prairie, and parts being open of English parks. watered, having the appearance grade of wheat, that which into Manitoba. AESINIBOINE AND Red divided be Southern fetches the best ( /'"I \'\ " il.n' i':\ ''WM^m m" " ''V^'wi'"'' V ii hill '} ' I ' -I, u SOUTHERN diblrict This Kailway, is iKuietrnted that ho at and crosHCH, part of miles lontr, and resort of deer that the sowing of this wild hay towns numerous with the Most of for purchase for at "ii) to moderate a coal at i)er capital of Manitoba It of Canada. Atlantic Ocean " is of it : says It is the great $4 (Ids) the the Souris River midway Vancouver Pacific best land (jf free of forage, are etc. raising still land ofmn able suit- $5 at to is reached have be tons Manitoba railway water branch of summer churches, wheat will the resort There of a ly recent- supplied witli MANITOBA. distributing and and a Two for and of ton. the Red about terminus, on the OF of of. the near deep, ern south- thirteen the cut. tracts Manitoba {)er diief the atul on TOWNS situated Railway Eegister Southern junction summer Pacific Canadian in and of some bought is rich all schools, tlosirabie acreage l)e can soil AND tlio large is tliis nart mills, dollars, and coalraincjs New settlers at a land The exceeding not cost a is six to acre. and WINNIPEG, West Manitoba, there CITIES the elevators, is growth to through interspersed grain tbrcic depth. amount th(^ wood(ul, thought never utmsual an lake plentiful a is vast largest the durinj? the this in li.'ih and dry promote fodder Southern Improved opened been in but up, from at grazing. ( "1 $15 villages laiHl free taken been has is not accompanying the to otlier or is well contains spots, many gathers hay acre per untl In lake of and This lofty cliffs, Tlie fowl. wild of and which ravine, a Pelican, tojrether. ExneptI'enibina the wliol(" Htroamw, which, strung birds. enough niontiis, moisture one Iuih cut HpotH, the n)any PatMfic niari"""t8. called phiteau Hivt^r aro of by steep jraine of BO There from remote the limited more bordered ijuantities large of other or and fariiu^r tlio C7unuiliaii of branches r("ui)iina lakes; half-a-dozen chain the prairie. ral larj^e neve four liollows some undulating is ro^;ion by is the point no liiils and injr the wooded Mountain, tlironj^h which railway MANITOBA. The and city the Assiniboine, of the between the wholo Montreal, terminus American Land is North- of and the the Title " ; the territory of Canada seat ; the of of rich nearly 2,000,000,000 acres ion keystone province of the Dominof the political, social, literary, monetary and Dominion the of the Canadian its West, with mart a country of government centre of of the world of manufacturing of the fountain head the educational institutions of suburb, St. Boniface, but the whole North-West. not only Manitoba, Its positive pre-eminence is yearly becoming and more pronounced small isolated then Twenty settlement, commanding. a a years ago of the first the advent when, struggling village, then a town on railway, ; within few of the to the it rose, proud position of one leading a years, of the Ten continent. centres trade like spokes in a railways, branching in all directions, gather the wealth M^heel inland of an it empire to empty at her feet The great navigation Saskatchewan of the and Red other River, Lakes Winnipeg make navigable streams, and the Manitoba, its to tributary line. Seventy- five per cent, of the to untold directly tributary it, while wealth of iron, coal, salt, petroleum, gold, silver, lumber, fish, timber, furs, and horses, cattle, sheep, hogs, etc., go to swell resources backing more varied than vast and possessed by any other city in the world. are other is attracting so the attention much To-day city in America no of miles thousands wheat land of North of important America coast is 16 tweU'e miles balance tavinp good horses all of few There two and down and oxen the cow, a can from in most settled district. intend to I It and governmeiit man wages good, living, if you in got cheaper private land lazy too are and to attends f^nuntry, but the of parties in a good Manitoba recommend soil, it has cessful unsuc- home. parts buy to very are hard works some from or who others who been not who so easy and to it has schools, good on a well- those who good self- cliurches. cold are they healthier and I would young be confidence, winters agreeable more and C.P.R. good has good the Although with can, farm. have country every man any to it is cases in good, comfortable a the who country economy is that make soon bought be that of want this people still homesteads are can always the cause. any in experience my There from farmers are for but his business far for $150 and handy were paid $100 I acres, paid I wood and water 160 house damage a some " work," terms of were are successful. land where farm a instalments. keep to suffered T There to Carberry, bouglit till the All the farming Imple.crops grew. I have neighbors. willingly lent to me by kind now of farming stock of my I liave also three good implements own. and twelve of poultry and stock a goofi cattle, besides good pigs, which I have in failure had paid for. are never nor a crops, $50 I needed '.ave of and annual in ments a north soil good, the Go : say and to those are able and than clear are of that Manitaba, to who wish willing work, to where make to a 1 Old Manitoba. to go dry. I find them the To Country. work is plentiful and free and independent and the am, (Signed) Alex. R. Farm, Oct. Hensall Langmuir. 1892. 29th, of Ontario in I came this province from the province to Sir, I find half years spring of 1884, and during the last eight and a have the bast dren chilof health that my myself enjoyed family and ; our of school of the older had the benefit have privileges equal to those there. better and financially than we were we are province of Ontario, in much the done of We have hitherto not stock-raising, ours way farm. We arable into however, especially an going being are now, mixed farming, satisfactory system. believing it \o be a more the wheat has bushels 27 During our averaged past nine seasons per Dear in " the acre and them have to $3,000 53. oats We pay ("600) be better, and engage farmer, thus and learn think a if but sense advise year a make any up only not two, or his the twenty-five it is to principles this a good a settler P.S. man can contend " Virdtn, Whilst get along with. I say with take but to found about energy more , severance per- is not wages, hold of also the farmer to experienced thoroughly a practical it comes, and everything as of practice farming. an with truly, James Elder, Canada. Man., $3,000 a good have have course, constitution, (Signed) Farm, Of country. Yours Hensall to. succeed. moderate mind for in who man young at will he forty hogs, and to desirable satisfactory start is possessed he of common I would for I make to would kept from always well. make deal a satisfactory less, but would start, of have course drawbacks a to 18 In letter a Province the Virden, " says section of you and 1889, level, so will land, sandy of Minister Gnienway, results the give think I Mr. Mr. Manitoba, II. C tjiiupaon, of venture a Aorriculture of farmer for vicinity of the in : will I which Hon. the to of broke it was agree soil, break to easy 120 from in I Virden, of acres it. ploughing as jxrowintj wheat, bought a quarter the during spring I made succpssful. very miles Heven backset and as a was It ordinary smooth and is very I sowed stubble. last year. started of August and the 7th cutting on off it. I have sold it now at 95 cents 2,1)75 bushels per bushel, for the I paid $8.50 to $2,25G ("451. 4s) land, (Hs) per acre comes $5(50 seeding, etc., tliroshing, ("112) ; my including ex|)enses, Eureka it with wheat, I threshed which or say amounted $485 to of $1,200. keep accurate an Brandon 4,500 bushels Tlie harvest. He his all pay The of Cleveland his started in bushels I obtained " West N. $14 the about from and ixty renti to will amounttHl $300, $75, a store small rent $25, which backsetting marketed and fifty acres this and marketed fourteen flax and 3,420 bushels wages pure of and oats I wheat, flax six sowed 900 and all In 1891 millet. of besides having 1,100 ends and of 1889 capital harness finish and oats, half I sold a third acre ment pay- acres of each of I threshed barley, and 77c. jjer btishel, total outlay for of at My invest of threshed above. bushels 600 to bushels an the ing Dur- oats. ninety-seven elevator. sum paid house my When and the and and seeded I for ground wheat the paint year besides fall. breaking threashed more. from until meet ami when exj)enses 1 seeded The tlie separator direct to leaves $80, which a snug stock, spring My team stable acres barley, breaking on stead, home- 16-4-26 wheat. : crop of bushels the following sixty paid crop J in botli additional some section. 14th, 1891. West follows bills, The backset quarter of S. it to season's from was bred of each it hauling second whicli millet, bushels and ex{)enses. Mr. spring. $50, plow $20, house ivagon by obtaining capital ; however, my stock. to to $125, all my pay rented broke my another wheat, ten I season on and wheat, to of first to additions some feed limit The enough (iurrent pay and to make managed occupied in Iniilding a sod was ("7.10), during realized December I credit fifty acresrealized enough make and the was of season seed $180, small ("2.1 6s.") and seeded crop, which I invested as ("160), $25, amount tirst The $800 to cow this of three of sell until not for ready acres aid E. land Cleve- year wliole $37.50 balance and "if Mr. Mr. The this for a homestead, in 18^8, purchased 16-4-26 to care by pluck case Last with entry an I great done the grain. and snug a be Melita Sir, profit net a taken of was storing with 1881 have can grade wages is he croD what himself by for 1,500 him leaving debts, balance best very sold has I Tnanagement, is interesting. Manitoba, outlay only of careful harvested and sown was horses. instance the and nothing, for becatise expenses.'' my an of land the correct, with Routhwaite, of had crop "As together perseverance, have of account SSun: Cleveland, I that ; so Agures.are These in grain land and left for seed and it has not more feed. This is the accomplished result of three by slavery or years drudgery on a in homestead any way, nd L t like results been may 19 be accomplished and the by courage who anyone stick to has the do to energy Yours L. A. Hamilton, Manitoba to first After a farm laud from and in and one hundred them and Besides with they run- a wheat efforts and and shipped we tlie the and colt They This hundred acres. liundred one through two it. These started and l)oth for themselves them to 100 a(Tes, acres crowned Blasson Manitoba their Johnston and peg Winni- into wheat took and first blood ai\d acres three hunilred pasture with work the work for brood prize classes. 160 over bit) all. at contract success they Clydesdales another in of liard show driving have fenced again fall "Messrs 1 Fall the horses now No. of had wheat at encoiiniged they in, favored help doing Success year in the papers loads saddle whole The the arr" with their sort know land of this on without stocik. have broken Creek Gopher has hired one up cultivation under acres farm any tiiousand three and oats buildings willing are the $2,200.00 and 50 of in wanted men and how capital a first crop in wheat acres This no it on ftmcetl attemj)t hired ^oOO.OO year bought been running done help all at these by excei)t at time. (japital who of oats bought fellows young harvest their the they They year following at made farmers. the Tiiey Fortune crop. employinu: they money bought they R. improvements any 'hrst year's and raising are out their on stable, wells, pasture their and work own car west" in for P. $!40o'(lf) ("280) the first three from mare and saw without C. years in in came then experience the on house, neighboriog (iO who worked and ner.t and crop colonial some V^irden with wheat for teams bigger Virden at tlie tbeir theS14(l0.00 their fntin -eady made all yrainin^' them acres doing farm 15ay Company find we out came Mountain. mile one Hudson's fall Melita. Englishmen in May and young Blasson Rontledge's and out acres the tiie growing in 320 " two are Mr. Ridintr tlie workinjj; of Johnston 18S8. Bouverie in ranche own " in Messrs. on Clapp, Winnipeg. Blasson Messrs. out day's work truly, J. B. To fair a it. to and horses to Next year with men ; and each increase and At as will a They $1,900,00 200 run valuation fair stand they today , they worth are $0000.00 $11,000.00 three They years a- very ago. believers thorougVi are fair in increase working their on for out a capital while little a it. made they for hay. implements grass farm work dollars second. timothy 40 country new a outlay before ing start- intending to purchasers gain strongly advise some any before their that if a investing capital. They practical experience say in succeed and is ever to work going colony he must man any young learn himself and not to do a premium things as a pu])il to sit and pay and watch would other In men addition mentioned. Judges niiied That Ist class by the very do them. the to they farmers best foregoing are and now the I may say that considerdered work of Canadian done their on T. In the farm parties competent has ad- been ROUTLEDGE. Manitoba. Wbllwood, I both practical farmers. (Signed) Virden, I know by complying cheerfully give with the a request following. from I have resident lived fanners in Nov. 11th Manitoba in this for 1892. Province the last 20 twenty-one and saying on that staying as energetic of America I do as any reasonable of amount man no of done I labor, well to hesitation no farming in here. coming regret of the part Burnside in years have yet nor Dominion in or fact better. just say patience he would skill do reason any any settler ; nine and would I have of intending viz farm, Wellwootl know not I could that in pushing concerned am long, so To I the on farm present my any far So constantly years twelve and ROBT. if he willing is will be to use a succeed. to eure FERGUSON. Reeve of Nortli Cypress. Man. Times Deloraink land of bushels 14,470 and oats, threshed acre 12 90 M. B. 1 wheat, of acres Mr. of acres TESTIMONY Mr. Noble, States, travelled through opinion of " It is nci necessary recognize to the for will life your the itself make has Messrs. State for C. of Vermont, the dison, wheat without laborer, which irresistible an facilities is under in felt rapid M. N. B. of United the and material the being on " to through mind, my for here world. is beginning world country a freedom The railway you visiting farmers from visited Mr. here nine and the met 7,000 the Sanfarm a 3,000 acres, of principally being crop as ago years of farm of have also other " We report : who king of Manitoba, came capital, and now owns a of cultivation, state high a the recurring in Blair, and tlieir an stook." travelled I great charm, your startling developments." Barnes, say As best history the of panegyric, a kept the have Bros, " epithets the all 19, biishels 38 Territories have. you in from Department you and and in give country a : bushels STATES. Western said to me fields grain, two You beautiful, magnificent.' that Interior the of tlireshed was of, acres Mitchell year. average an 400 4,020 making barley, this UNITED Canadian country what of out THE 'from of land acres land of which your ' of turned of raised 75 bushels 483 acres the Son from acres and Secretary the " and FROM his for asked 547 50 wheat, Wilson land grain from N. Haggert, of for on of No. off bushels 573 " : wheat. After adieu to Brandon bidding the party kindly furnished by and fine farming a we country, were and the fertility of the soil. crop were Mr. Knechtel, in Canada the their " Southern The soil great condition, and in said in June and the all kinds of wheat garden crops to land yield vegetables is on very us teams through splendid the Western examine to farmers, desiring to prove im- : the following suitable clay subsoil, it produces. .35 bushels were drove with pleased report where Regina, who agent, highly 29, and country with loam, a expected his Tiie black, sandy fertility in the wonderful I visited the went Michigan, of Michigan number a Winnipeg Manitoba. is State the of I arrived to of interest visited next we showing for and Many to the an day mixed gives of proceeded farming. evidence the acre. excellant of farmers Oats, ley bar- growth. 22 I visited Turtle the with covered A of lake l)eautif(il (juite a productive ])ected in tiie near I visited far west coal has many is tile from the or fields are blight of The kind of that tlie of vince, and figures : the ex- wh'"li import and great a grain fields strength. all stands midge, no most crops to vear, tlie grain the was the the uniform of as of the of grain, of went about weavel, rust grain." in Agriculture the REPORT. the IVIanitoba These Government cultivation undor acreage yielded. liarvest be to ther. CHOP showing reports tlieir feat"ire soil in acres, this necessary, the of one idea Some harvest to sliowing is there noticeable A injure to found was informed was Dejiartment annual is line main the wc'-ld. the farmers the GOVERNMENT lishes h'^ap ( a Deloraine coal district, and along Virden, of it that surface 1 any up, is water, White- at one Near and Brandon that to districts hundreds of height. same larj^er a and Tliere hay. is excellent. the say Blutf High assist to of evenness There and oi"ened and to still required. are ^rivo Kiilarnoy, been I venture laborers more of They are yields a jrood mountaina the of out run well-water Plains Portaj^e the Itroductive cereal-growing the fact begainoil from can 1,70(1 farm wliich future. Pacific, (-'anadian mine Manitoba. of ash), ai)urulauco at water tlie lietrina. as (irenks many speaking South and oak tlie vicinity dear pure (renerally " tireat in nuirshea numerous scrub (poplar, timber, firewood. of supply the along Mountains show reports jinl)- in the the )'"-o- following " Yield. AvKRAGB 1890. 1891. Bush. Bush. 18!)-J. Bush. Wheat 20.1 2o.3 2i'.7 Oats 41.3 48.3 43. Barley 32.1 35.(5 32.1'J 235.0 Potatoes Produce of U) 180.4 " Wheat 23,191,595 14,665,799 Oats 9,5i:'.,433 Barley 2,0()1),415 14,7(i2 3,179,879 Put atoes 2,540,820 2,291,982 Peas 23.00 Flax 17.00 (i05 HSSINIBOIK EASTERN The to million of and largest found eastern in south acreage any part North-West. is lies between extends latitude, of divided into Each of and two one of the At from of IManitoba tlie International contains great these Province the north an thirty-four Eastern areas, divisions of area its has and ary bound- Assiniltoia peculiar wheat-growing for mixed and In farming ranching. the of south the river and plain lying great Qu'Appelle the is considered International to have to boundary, of wheat chara(!ter land, possessing a uniform of soil, of in the fertile prairie land tract NorthWest. The eastern portion ; the the western better fitted Assiniboia stretching the It Assiniboia. characteristics Eastern and parallel acres. country, Assiniboia Alberta, 52nd the Western and of District tlie District ASSINIBOIA. District Regina is known is the being as junction the essentially Park of the Country Prince own a of the Albert Canadian branch with 24 CLIMATE. The climate which from come falls during with together Pacific rich the favor feels of growth with Of W. 22-18-27 Society "I in grass, and I have since soil for stock was of of for I raising. work and who out here. succeed the Agricultural Moosejaw is and my 1883 the crop is exceedingly size has and prudent soil good Any and that since perseverence could make need man it of success I bought is B. this in an one and country active, fail about fcr well after country. It My doing all for well. bushels purposes. stock If so. the labor paying energetic, persevering North do to 8,000 grazing. thriv(,j energy, this agricultural wonderful winter this grain, for in land section requires ming scarcely can of R. half It fai of bushels is the another from 1883 P. C. I quired re- prudent -West, Latham. Maria Assinihoia. Moosejaw, Charles Mr. to sure Bbeslbv. in of me. excellent is section by capital, country of pay fail not soil in half siiccess a 10,500 do), surely I (as make little a whole farming in afraid not with start Canada of a purchased out The the nearly out 1890) to and better. be not can these this! year threshed wheat. The are of which run first prudence of possessed But bought (in land and Territories and time the adjoining North-West Kngland, in I have the to came produce, is P.O., Assinihoia. Marlborough I bushels garden that one capital some there when thousand for to beaten be 188t! four over here. out in upon change- my cannot grass Clinton, land with except crops be will said satisfied prairie of .town the on than good the from John Chester that snow circumstance, brought parts of raisers. settled more raised amazing an in then am farming year It wheat to grow I have this grain, chiefly and resided. is first-class all roots Ont, Huron, failure, and a of District Moosejaw the to of The late the of winds, : County which This horse Directors the of much year. has Oi' that as (Chinook SETTLERS. OF of one same the " came the 2, the cattle, sheep TESTIMONY the of remove of months much effects the and 0(;ean three or into Assinihoia Assinihoia tlie two is Assinihoia Eastern of Western but Manitoba, Dodd, of Broadview, Assinihoia, R-aid October on 20th, 1890:" " I from came I Winnipeg had This County Durham, just $200 in my under forty acres I had year averaged grain, which which averaged myself, willing much to bushels 22 better work can 45 do England, bushels than per I the same. and oats the to acre could of in got acre. first-class have done When lij82. To-day pocket. a I fine crop had ten I of $3,000. England, " pesrer Say the concerning I arrived right this letter in Winnipeg Our thing. Mr with crops Dodd replied $2 instead this year good of wheat acres done and Charles Asked reached extra I have grain. in T worm am well anyone Dodd." :" of $200 are and beyond you our will be highest OS rnrin.'onsfi Wtl'l 1883 eprinu'ot la.ned. I tl.18 riie be us thrifty unquoslionably i8 will means, Great liritain I myself man. ^T^'-ceste.slnre, England, my Al. preatly began life hero with of agricultural chiefly wheat), progress the^ raised made machinery, during by the in me the and 118 oxen a of Moosejaw, the spring of DELGATTY'S prospects 1889 we wuhthefollowingoutfit: and household rented (640 granary a goods of piece with have 24, good X lo^rtT'f^"^ work farm have are situated tiori. 900 now a of the near surrounded desire to Agricultural second by write the all the cow, all about 20 and all also soil creek, house rude, three the I ever about conveniences a uS miles known to A. mostly Chinook shelter, In in this to necessary that so in all thrsun from We Pasqua eastern life. sta- If von ^ Dbloattt, N.W.T. and tie and coulees the part be large and best by ravines, number part the I would ranges Medicine lying between the sheltered and enquiry your the best cattle Current Assa., May 10, 1892. : to of Swift to belt, of Winnipeg reply beone to between consider number Esq., Sir," Hills range been a oxem Pasqua, Dear the also fo^r Assiniboia. Hamilton, Cypress fur^ pointers, address FoRfiKS, L. (frame), horses, saw We cropT whidi iialf section two the myse/n work! to implements taken from implementa some acres Albx. Pasqua Society. and willing comfortable linest Moosejaw for me in put one and District children seven horses, boy has land, Moosejaw and cash, very stock, young Our acres of $50 house, a . we vvife stabling, although some our team about the to came A and land \ye acres;. 16 Moosejaw DORKKLL. STATEMENT. '". ^y "^.^"'"^"' ""t-A(tl'f T^h% the n Assiniboia. MR. In of ""om- aKMth t^/ie for sat H. President a ofVra bushelu my n cattle, well am with eSetio km and onS and an 7,000 I to fSer or cominrtoT' head about season. past of fourteen and j.ast voke one is the S/ntJy Old by if he in thatre- nee laborer himself Canada "i^!'tI'orses. T ^'l''\"^^T^' nlet^on'iSr plete outfit the farm benefit Eastern or Any and I Imves dian.^e here from ""'*' location, wliem present eatisHedwith from my upon well am Koi whatever country ^'''"'"'''^^ sottled Maple of the Cypress which of creeks afford and say in the Hat. and being considerlthe esSiy exb^rienoe ha^ Forres, that grazing are ^^^^^*^^"^ JhfsSti^talTSe'^^^^^^^^^^^ and situated togethfr with Hills, splendid lakes I country, Mv Creek range, that in P" in the krgi ground the I the and district ^ by 26 district This will after district, for I waid as for horso I horses and I before raising all large at condition, raising start to suitable running in fine spring fat and country is also and show, would Ijeliovo have we in the out come coming anyone settle to large bands many they advise cattle, and firmly the as winter somewhere best the to this in this in range the country. Yours truly, E, G. Mr. McNeil, Alberta, writing " country any to this year of ground raise. Single high raised it country Europe, could feed and million grade beyond of this land 20 cents No. one per 1 harj men and grain went of the the has entire acre. value ((uarter a they crop last year they properly this of out '.Jnch absorb an for pay own yield The capital cropped wheat, Canada, $5 to vvitli the season starting bushels $2 the of They busliel. more in adapted foot-hills hard. 1 else soil of from Young no or doubt, any of Anthracite, Nowhere expanse the to Winnifieg in and " uiibrokon cents. last year. market it out of No. busl.ola Thirty the little with owners on. to 80 to : revelation. a an improvements and 50,000 as is 75 station section as says was uniformly crops The acre. price liberally figured, the to the :. sikjIi Caninoie at Tlie of production, cost belt tliis territory from as bushels to 50 The mines Herald wheat is there Mountains. Rocky 30 earth on raising wheat this over coal the Oskaloosa the to drive My of inaiuiger NUGHNT. of stretch all than area population Europe of granary. SKSKHTCHEWHN. Tins division extends miles mixed and north Mountains and eastward territory of It is watered Railway. Lake brancli innumerable by land Prince lakes in for Manitoba. of the the Rocky and It the is Canadian small grain on the Alberta in and hundred Albert, rises through Winnipeg, Albert excellent which branches two seveial is miles, .square for town River, Prince the of principal in into 114,000 Assinibola districts large The Saskatchewan the terminus present contains Hows Saskatchewan comprising of boundary farming. of branch Canada, northern and northwest, culture Western of the from the Pacific and streams, is character. There extensive topographical are in the tlie railway southern grazing plains through which portion, passes and wood but lake. by the greater part of it is rolling prairie diversified In these well the soil is farming, adapte"l for mixed are parts, which with luxuriantly clay subsoil, in whicli generally a rich loam grass grows is at Settlement and grain chiefly in the Prince ripens well. present of a and Albert of quantity settlers great the diversified very wheat Battleford the best take who The all kinds (Red IJ bushels up which crops of vegetables Fyfe), about sown to land the be may consist 30 acre. selection for open said of which free to cultivate to of of wheat, one are raised to the about and successfully. acre 60 in is there great a Homesteaders, and district oats, barley bushels Oats both in districts, land Government that measure other. and the live upon i. it. e. In applies equally to Turnips Normal yield of potatoes. favorable bushels, from ; 1 seasons three sown to to tho Barley ivoro. for doiniind given any yield in good a Iiiih bo(Mi not of nimntity this favorable Hively, tliore being no it has district, but always exte* urown in cereal the ueasunH. TOWNS. Prince beantifnlly is in the is on of course mills, Battle and or little a bank is It and line runs F^a F'rairie is in (ihurches, scIkx^Ih, the on there and ; brani^h stores, town Albert is delta town a of the destined lakes. Qu'Appelle the near with Hituatod I'rince of west A I'ortaire from supplieil division. Saskatchewan, dintrict. line well territorial North tim farniintr another centre of another It is well is this of town Houth (extensive an Rc^gina important an the Battlpford River, chief the constriK-tion. et(!. be of centre it and betv/een to Albert situated CLIMATE. The climate and Is healthy, free and and salubrious, bracing for constitutionally healthy It is earth about The 6f I". of reason endemic from undoubtedly is Average people. etiuability the of the disease. epidemic or the finest climate on temjmratnre, sunnner in tem|)erature anmnier been be but the stretches water investigated, thoroughly yet may it. for of found about the to account Spring beginning April. opens is generally in May. week Third in August is tisually completed Seeding harvest when winter time settlers the begins. During generally are in rails for for out getting employed huilding fencing, logs pur{H"ses and in to work cattle and doing which be cannot attending fuel, and has not during undertaken busy spring of seasons STOCK-RAISING. The such sheltered be from of bands cattle, and in In farming. and be would prevalence in grass Pure had abundance of North always imported. be to of in all of parts Eagle country here from Sir, " In generally in England trips hither to taking adapted admirably several the and up the to wood, of districts, except of or of the chewan Saskat- of the grass is abundance .lackflsh of cool. are dairy which and I'urtle and Nights that the dairy for of products in had be can south. extreme N.W.T., Albert, your request Albert months for in Prince ago, the homestead. the as care VIEWS. with district thither a For well, and same south everywhere. supply, so the consists four about the there vicinity the exceeded compliance and out luxuriance the to Prince Dear winter. requirements Saskatchewan the Fuel Hills ENGLISHMAN'S AN every winter require all the abundance in water scale, fed, and be must Etc. answer the slopes suitable, owing has demand have will places, particularly m;\ny Mountain. Home most springs. of Horses FARMING. district the on months moderate a flocks. small of this portion four to on Cattle farming. months DAIRY Any stock-raising mixed unsurpassed. in large hands. Sheep kept better are for Etc. it is 500 to be therefore, for three 300 RANCHING, adapted well suitable be would as should can, is country summer. or requirements I purpose have of and for in never settlers seeing seen who 8, 1891. mv opinion of this particular, I arrived since of Nov. then the any wish have made country country to " live paratory preso by 29 dpHirnns of onjmtriag in lainl," and espociiillyfor tlioso wlio aro tiio rivt^rs,with fanning or cattin hroediii^. 'I'iiocountry l)")tw"(eii lal""'n and its I)ru8(|n(" pictnres|iio hlnlFH,the uiKhilutioiis,iiiimeroiis the mixed the of tho liirch IMIIh. and beyond tiie Carrot Kiver, whnro l)road slojies interHected wide by rippling' prairio is stnddi'd with tinilmr hoitx and All am and for tho gettier. lo cry aloud trood ; wood, water brooks, Hoern tho of soil The riili,dark is abundance. in nxceedin;; fertility are hay evidenced by tlie luxuriant L'rowth of the wild pea vine, natural Krasnos and jrarden vei^i^tablesof nearly otlu^r l)eef-producinj; herbajre,while be brought to climate, in my can perfection. The every descrijjtion with. met o|)inion,\n without exception the mf)st enjoyable I have ever heat is less oppressive than in the During' the hottest days of Hunitner Euro{M\ while the nij.'bt8are cool and pleiisant. Of the winter I cannot to complain .." tl'e low temperature, seems yet speak from exi^rience, but no one winter tlit nio^t pleasurand some able ap{)ear actually to consider of the season year. I am, Sir,yours faithfully, S. H. FROM TESTIMONY STATES UNITHD SCKOGGS. F'ARMERS. with visited Western Canada State their in Ea.stern for the friends of the view the country upon reporting the several reports : from The extracts States. followinji; are r"elepatesfrom I will " say that and land that I have S. C. Pollard, Emx. cattle man."" " Albert " only the of I saw ever Vermont the best wheat, oats, barley, potatoes, 1 think seen. it is the place for The best wheat, oats, potatoes and barley I have Azra Rinnfy, Jericho, Vt. and Stony Creek."" It is the W. A, a poor Vt. best place for a poor Pollard, WeMford, Vt. man to make seen a home are at Prince dren."" for his chil- who it to anyone wants a cheap most can heartilyrecommend laid up for the future."" ylr//tr/rEllis. and money with a jiood living: soil is wonderfully rich, producing: a "The variety of luxuriant is no in v/orld. There the make finest the that place in hay grasses in so short a time, home comfortable where create a a America maii can is not to allow this and advice and to every middle-aged man young my land to be taken or given to railways without making a selection first, that are doubt these fine farming lands given'by tho Canadian no as settlers will be very soon to become who wish Government to those 'homes taken and made plenty.'""yl. /'. Goff,Rich/ord, Vt.. "I consider the country well adapted for mixed farming, and the with in making home for themselves a pioneers have little to contend the old pioneers of the New England and families compared to what J. Wilder,Sheldon, Vt. States had.-^. " for a make the country fine home would I should that a say free in low or lands The so are price man. or middle-aged very young with the intention of getting a that those who to homestead go there 3/. W. Rounds, Enosburgh Falls,Vt.. in earnest must succeed."" home " Prince Albert After thorough inspection of the country between for stock of the finest countries and Stony Creek District,I think it one trious that any indusraising I ever saw, also grain raising,and am convinced inside of three years."" jf. S. home make can a comfortable man " I home Jericho,Vt. All the other delegates made Ransom, .'-3?^ffT??*r""'",""*" similar reports. 30 A Canada started and districts, finest, if believe tinest, the farming of a fine very for timber cla"^s ; the building not believe roof our from natural and this country. Mr. oats weighing 45 with of bushels lot of oats oats We " that care Northwest ought a agreeable very we it being drove all overcoat no for cold the and can to move land and and child in is "A. KtssELL, his the : "I and of was Creek raised and 432 fine as a it were in any very the the of that say is winter eastern tries, coun- the not kind, and thinly dressed cannot we Canadian climate in storm severe of gloves here as that, with tho The years. muc'i as most such in season even an \ an had suffered we to from that state tlie sell out best the and Maine our : where particularly, and to the as the State every give can soon as of intend we advice wo that in property our Northwest, home, evidence this is country to man, United we Maine take up woman States erally, gen- likewise.' do Price, North Maine Andover, District. to Canadian H. A delegate State, says without with future State the barley Stony lie Jn and acre, and acre, were is cold certainly the our going great our 'Go During wish we are make tlie the farmer poor few a in feel to party and wliatever, satisfaction wo prosperity to bushel, per a much. very entire possibly of hands conclusion "In our ilriver some our it seem dry. the day, to there. produce a although not extremely while on, cover from of does farm independent and one, for management, become still anybody time, farm Campbell's 42 pounds weighing had made hay first-class condition, the to would not the on visited ihen and and luid hard 1 bushels HO We prices paid the good and to No. for way country cattle, they and tho this evidence of the just enough in being all in were l)ore the all grown. ever noticed with acre- is fed Mr. at 4', acres, was reasonable an look a on as grew abundance there 1 is been .'5.3bushels bushel, per bushels had and district, Myers GO had as great that Creek of one America, over saw us prairie ; the cattle Everything lbs. of yield a We informed and it looking days place. fat. even in and fuel, without four Myers' of the them of here Stony doubt continent first-class, and when he eyes all winter, heads grass uf most Mr. at own their over water Western upon and without found is River is the are pur{)rses We spent operations. night stopjx"(lone farming Carrot this on reporting " the that country recjuisites for successful : say Maine, of State inspect to out \ve not the soltlemout, for field a as Wo " from Delegates of party Fryeling, ; E. the State of C. Maine; Murphy, Maine, uIurphy, F, A. Maine" Michigan, reporting to the farmers in Prince bert Al- : much very The pleased country in with the the appearance immediate of vicinity the is admirably It is hilly and contains small for stock lakes adapted raising. numerous where the from three and feet The two to long. hay marshes, grows luxuriant with of covered growth hills, too, are vine, a.very grass, pea of timber, and is an There abundance etc. poplar), for (spruce, oak About Prince firewood. from Albert, fencing and along the fifty miles is a Creek Carrot in the and Kiver, there locality unsurpassed Stony in this Territorities for mixed Homesteads be had farming. (Free) can be purchased for $2.50 an acre." locality, or land can in where live there is some to good scenery. People enjoy a country the of is gently undulating, surface this the Along line, though country to become delightfully picturplaces it is sufficiently broken yet in some " 32 For esque. got glimses along up frequently we springing are secluded Bome distance short a dell or we the on beautiful valley, and through a very of the that villages Many plains. in either pleasantly situated, very ran delectable of line are sheltered a hillside." Yours truly, very (One the Knkchtel, A. (Signed) of from delegates Michigan.) KLBERTK. The extends of British limits divided in of westerly most which from essential divisions limits western within Columbia, Alberta Northern into fhe several the and particulars the and the Northwest Rocky the of range Alberta. Southern therefore are of of Assiniboia occupied by tories, Terri- the to eastern is Mountains, unlike They are difl'erent classes of settlers. NORTHERN division of the ALBERTA. r! I'; ;ui large extent a g land the vegetables on by tinent concrops any of all kinds is raised of America. stock Live ing extensively, includIndian horses of all grades, from to heavy draught poniefi, horned and do well Native horses cattle, sheep, pigs poultry, including turkeys. the but whatever all stock without of kind good stabling round, year it is it its when to to most best, bring requires good treatment profitable. There and nutritive in summer; is a varied during long season pasture a is an abundant for winter there supply of hay procurable feeding, and an distributed There abundant and water few supply. universally are timber is winter The storms. Building easily procured. or summer than that of districts climate is less severe the winter ewan along the Saskatch- This for unexcelled further east class of cattle better in loss tell so lavor season, be can and root of the account on contains territory and grain raised chinook winds. cheaply more As and a with consequence, less a danger of than other The this district in some which advantages parts. for of the district cattle in raising tell as heavy heavily in favor is a milk There rich of of for a lone dairying. large flow is unsurpassed. and the quality of the butter made here Macleod and Edmonton Canadiii;,; Railway, operated by the the divisions from two leod MacRailway Company, through passes in the in the south facilities at to Edmonton north, affording market of convenient number distance. There is a points along the whole a the north of the called Edmonton bank Saskatchewan on flourishing town in the vicinity of the old Hudson's Bay Company's post, of the same The Pacific and name, railway both the sides of for stations, south 'he over called town new a on bank. river, a hundred as South Land well miles as Edmonton of in south the at the terminus best quality of neighborhood very the of it. Coal is of is found the mined the on railway in the and the bars of the river small but Saskatchewan, on a of is taken months. So out the quantity gold during summer pood paying of the that this section reputation enjoys that settlement IS the country number of points before the made at and railway was was a complete in in 1882, when road full operation, the of stream was regular more a banks of the 34 settlement There began. that sections. This, however, find can will of room looked ; and world to as of one stands the the unequalled land unknown the be to room for choice in the selection for many case of free years. ALBERTA. Alberta Southern the ample for continue not SOUTHERN To-day such is, however, thousands locations of a supply future greatest the among few cattle years of depots tries coun- is ago the now British markets. Great boundless only owners are fatten that be being now after paying into year, animals that stockmen $42.00 that in of round ups. tlie cost the all the country of these and annual plains, western freight for 2,000 had Yearto it is reckoned the miles, fattened been and stocking Ontario from way per their cost incurred cattle these it is to original investment this grasses of calf cost if tlian greater in profits shown this ranges the on sent nutritious the on the tlieir share and when seemingly these over the management imagined on interest the ranche, linsrs readily will at roam proper naicl for steers was tlie With be can as cattle range pastures. large, are head of herds profit will feeding in by stall Ontario. There which is at point of the on now season any in cattle to any range have been imported satisfactory and fed neither and size breeding, of Alberta ranges are condition; general world. the great at hundreds cattle ; but which in superior, and bulls Angus the on outlay is Herefords interest the of fat cattle, too, if equal, are Shorthorns, expense; of herds sheltered nor not the and cattle of the Alberta encouraging, young the with cattle of Great barnyard would favourably compare ranges from to local market Britain. The eighteen consumes annually twenty while the of the demand, thousand great market growing a beeves, with number for Tiie is England world within is shipped access. easy both increasing. annually TOWNS. The chief Alberta of towns Macleod Edmonton, Calgary, are and Lethbridge. Calgary situated miles is the at of east and bright a busy confluence of Rocky Mountains. the tuppHes It is built West. principally and Macleod Calgary branch It is an important Railway. of ways does a variety large of hotels, several excellent Edmonton, market the and Alberta, town for the Edmonton, Macleod, the Macleod on of terminus present ri."ing centre, on the good where and is and Saskatchewan, South farmers, the Old Edmonton a of station of the It business. and Saskatchewan, the traders, miners, etc., on hotel well and south bank and of laid-out the Edmonton at is the the present chief stores. is the north present side of town. and the Saskatchewan, is another Railway, accommodation, River, Railway, a several has first-class in and Police, the of Pacific Canadian Mounted the schools and Macleod Man line increasing and prosperous the and stone, main the bank north centre smaller the white with churches the on of is the It It is population. about Rivers, sixty tricts disof the ranching towns to the mining is the junction of the 4,500 Elbow and of many about of town Bow the stores, etc, lished. estab- terminus southern centre are of business of for ISM 35 that section at of Pinchers' There country. Creek, is also tliirtymiles about LETHimiDCB, the terminus Dunmoro, on the line of the C Macleod, is a progressive town of with villajre a of west tlie Alberta P. and Railway R., situated doing liotels, stores, etc.^ Macleod. Coal Co. from thirty miles about of east good a .CLIMATE. The climate though not wind reaches climate. No been that in the touched Edmonton finds one Alberta winter, and with fault with in that frost the be the anxious snow-fall the on district. time in the In Alberta winds result that is the snow-fall the valuable ranches the older operations many conditions direct more in being self-cured horses during the with the comparative most light ; and and to suppose those on rare should regard as a is hardly all hands ever ing great ranch- new-comer there for which The the the year, endless of does aiibrds led to has remain not nutritious most the the the on composed grass, food for of which, cattle and fodder, coupled of Alberta Southern the of action north, with mainly is supply climate, makes the country, and The in the country with This mildness grazing than ligiiter and fall of the winter. difl'erent. are stronger in much length of time. any covered rolling j)rairii- extensive crops mistake a the liave no by settlers,except in the a good deal of complaint for ground Chinook tempers summer. Southern Chinook It is Manitoba, and extent and of The that shorter. some very of that which it does is winter, was score benefit, facilitatingas like much to country is regarded with dislike districts. There is, however, when is winter the snow occasions not of Northern cold so a of the establishment already mentioned. THE COST OF STARTING A RANCHE. For of the cost of starting the benefit of intending settlers an account is herewith Take t)ringing in : as a given example jjerson band of 500 head of good grade two-year old heifers,at say $25 (t;)); a suitable locate also -0 bulls at $50 ("10). In the first place, he must a a ranclie for buildings, etc., in is,of course, preferable. will cost log house, which site eight horses, "50 the vicinity Then pomes al}out ("10) ; of good the $150 ("30) ; a shed water ; of erection a 100x20 running stream buildings" a lii.s stable to for weak horse feet a date accommocows and calves during winter, say $75 ("15), and a pole corral for branding calves, for the first year, etc.,about $15 ("o). These buildings will be suthciont and be added Next the purchasing band incr^-ases. to as his can comes head of say fifteen saddle horses of at about team $60 ("12) per ; one work and at $250 ("50) ; mower rake. $125 ("25), and a wagon $125 ("25). This will be the principal outlay ; in addition the smaller tools,furniture,provisions, etc. horses harness, are HOW If horses it is the intention TO to OBTAIN A embark in RANCHE. the extent a large scale, an sheep on rancher's requirements be obtained under can : Government terras the following easy on or and there business of of ground lease from raising cattle equal to the the Dominion 36 Settlers annual in two allowed the three other than granted are obtained on from years lands upon the lessee a Minister not, no and the or Manitoba in of lease order-in- the of date the be he years his by an for.shall be placed on; stipulated Whether place sheep from permission grazing lands to specified above, be of lease. the covered be pay three within of land acres cattle of to without can twenty sliall lessee shall shall lease The The sections four exceeding not residence. years. The lessee acre. for each granting be twenty-one every of tlie number ird settler's the an lands public of of cents of cattle within range shall of one-t) council leases vicinity exceeding not head one least the the rental place at obtain can (2,650 acres) for a period Interior. the person west Northof Leases that larger quantities than Full lars particupublic competition. the Minister of the to Interior, settlers, in or only after application Ottawa.. showing Maps Commissioner's Maps sale lands the secured be can their and height atmosphere, purest noted become other States. A Its combine for luxuriant for open to Canada the horse adapted dry breeding for freedom has horse Alberta the young, and power, the and plentiful supply and grasses tucky Ken- what attains invigorating its eminently it lung endurance, be where is still very industry the will altitude, high make to lands the showing prices. country with winters, Although Land the at seen cost, Alberta country. perfection. of short water, horses. or United the to very of breeding horse a is be can RAISING. HORSE As lease of free there districts ranching intlie under now Winnipeg. in Office hereditary from diseases. in several in Alberta at present grades of horses, varying are the the Indian to beautiful, (Cayuse) quality from hardy pony Britain and Great "Thoroughbreds well from formed thoroughbred. and from Percherons Irom Scotland, France, Clydesdales Kentucky, United from at the been States, have imported great trotting stock There point of expense, and with in any is that result the to Capitalists coming busineso, will find millions attraction every During have been without hillsidee or pasture horses the last raised any are of will of Alberta horse young country of acres advantage, five years and of fit for which half other of to compare lands, a the on and horses rich grasses found shelter world, the the along off taken when sheep in shop ing possess- location. cattle, sheep Alberta this in engage choose and butcher's any to the than cattle The trees. wishing meadow unoccupied thousand many shelter or and from thesourthtrn feeding in clumps fat this and in rolling are the Canada. and the the fat. SHEEP. Alberta years ago in every and also dust has to-day offers what the a storms, railwav injurious to through running so colonies Australian of acres of rich grass ; millions for first-class mutton respect the and centre had watered are almost of the thirty adapted ofier to and cold where wool, fine fleeces, the well lands, unknown. grazing lands rains It and PQ " 6 a u K O M :-}8 of the within wool mutton and country suits for markets air sheep, mature early owing safely, good warm roomy Sheep them and head) brother My to bring raised in wheat; year 40 from 1887 we sowed 110 acres, our wheat would other have a in failure sowed we and had in better 1 I four This broken. acres wheat, When 1883. part of my acres raised weighing acres, 42 of wheat. 3,900 bushels and hard, yielded per in success always settled I .sowed with well done acre raising wheat than We us. all I had in 1884, Sheep on S70. was Brothers. paid $32 threshed and in Creek, I Alberta have to bushels 225 of spoiled. being crop lately. 4 grain-raising. and Hope I landed, Port from came July, almost and acres, Shikld 20th in sowed we 15 Alberta sutlicient until stock 1885 30 raised No. have oats ; sowed we grade have and Barley crop. had never We potatoes 1886 in busliels. 55 to 100 1892. in only engaged in invest to settled had we been have we for oats; of 1891 Each in 1883" means no except bushels; 2;')0 time having crop, winter the L'Oth January and Ont., inSeptmnber which since no bushels 1,000 any had ',ve Peterboro' from came Calgary, raising, grain 1884 and of here" us exclusive In I and south-east To to SETTLERS. OF Cau;.\ry, miles disease. no is wanted. TESTIMONY 20 l)racini? dry or fnie "|uality of the the grass. slieds, plenty of hay, (10 tons to is all that attention little from suffer clear, The reacli. easy which . T cattle and 14 of cultivation estate as acres of horses, 1 900 own 960 land, my follows " acres all land, binder, and work of 2 which mowers, 5 teams. is fenced. and 1 76 own I estimate the value fenced at $9,600 $10 cattle 2,000 00 14 horses 2,000 00 1,000 00 $14,600 January, of 00 76 1892. (Signed) Joseph of for : Implements 27th head needed implements 00 Prick. my
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