HOW TO GET INVOLVED CHECK OUT A MEETING... WHEN: Second Friday of every month, 7PM WHERE: Room 118, St. John’s College, University of Manitoba, Fort Garry Campus Our meetings are open to the general public. The schedule, including topics, speakers, and room and/ or time changes is posted on our website: JOINING THE RASC... RASC Winnipeg Centre P.O. Box 2694 Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C HB3 National office: toll-free (888) 924-RASC Locally: Lindsay Price (204) 831-0150 or Jay Anderson (204) 474-1485 email: ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY OF C A N A D A WINNIPEG CENTRE You can join online at our e-store! Visit the national RASC website and click on “store”: Alternatively, send this form and your payment to: RASC Membership 136 Dupont Street, Toronto, ON M5R 1V2 Centre affiliation: Winnipeg One year membership, please select a category: ORDINARY - $55 YOUTH (under age 21) - $34.25 Name: Address: City: Province: Phone: ( Postal Code: ) Email: Do you wish to receive the printed version of The Journal? Payment type: VISA YES (add $16.05) NO Cheque (payable to “RASC”) Mastercard American Express Card # Expiry date: Signature: Personal information is collected for membership purposes only. See for the RASC Privacy Policy. Cover image of Saturn by Winnipeg Centre member, Mike Karakas Inside image of Moon by Winnipeg Centre member, Jennifer West w i n n i p e g . r a s c . c a WHAT IS THE RASC? W H A T ASTROPHOTOGRAPHY Digital or film? Piggyback or through-the-telescope? Winnipeg centre boasts some accomplished astrophotographers who are more than willing to share their knowledge and skill. ARMCHAIR ASTRONOMY Just interested in learning more about the universe? Our publications and guest speakers can help unravel some of those burning questions... and maybe help you ask some new ones! O F F E R ? Your membership entitles you to receive the following publications: Sky News - Canada’s magazine of astronomy and stargazing The Journal of the RASC - review articles, research papers on historical and contemporary topics, book reviews, and news items concerning the Society and its Centres. Members receive this publication in electronic format; the print version is available for a small additional charge. The Observer’s Handbook - the world’s most useful astronomical reference, published annually since 1911 Winnicentrics - Winnipeg Centre’s newsletter Winnipeg Centre has about 140 members interested in a wide variety of astronomically related topics: Many members are active observers. Meet others to share tips and techniques for observing with your telescope, binoculars, or just your eye. Observe just for fun or with the goal of earning one of several observing certificates offered at all levels - beginner to advanced. Or just meet some people who are more than happy to help you out with buying, building, or using a telescope! W E PUBLICATIONS The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada (RASC) is a nation-wide group of approximately 4500 members who share an interest in the night sky. There are 27 Centres, located in all provinces and most major cities across Canada. BACKYARD OBSERVING C A N FACILITIES In addition, members receive discounts on other RASC and non-RASC publications such as The Observer’s Calendar, The Beginner’s Observing Guide, and Sky and Telescope. Winnipeg Centre operates an observatory at the University of Manitoba’s Glenlea Research Station. Members have exclusive access to this facility, which includes an observing pad where you may set up your own equipment and a “warm room”. Members can also use the Centre’s Meade 30-cm (12-inch) LX200 telescope (after completing the simple training course). In addition, the Centre maintains many other telescopes of various designs that may be used at the observatory or even borrowed for a month at a time. Perfect to “try before you buy” if you are thinking of getting your own. EVENTS Winnipeg Centre hosts monthly meetings featuring speakers on a variety of astronomical topics. There is also a monthly “members observing night”, giving members the opportunity to gather together at the observatory. Each year, several public observing events are hosted at venues such as Bird’s Hill Park, The Forks, and Fort Whyte Centre. The Spruce Woods star party is held each September in Spruce Woods Provincial Park, where members gather and camp under the stars. Members regularly attend the RASC’s General Assembly, which is hosted by a different Centre each year. Members also attend other RASC and nonRASC star parties that are held all over North America.
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