HOW TO O GUIDE Upgrading g Pcounter Embedde ed for Kyo ocera MFD Ds INTRODU UCTION This T document details the necessary steps to upgrade the Pcoun nter d software for Embedded Kyocera M MFDs. cence 1.. Check Lic efore upgra ading, ensu ure that yo our licence key for Pc counter forr Be Ky yocera is va alid. Check this throug gh Pcounte er for Kyo ocera Co onfiguratio on softw ware, Server m menu > e Licence ke eys/registtration. If the date d displayed is in the pa ast then yo our licence e key is no o longer valid and upgra ading will disable th he softwar re. Contactt s at info@a to obtain your latesst licence ke ey. us Click h here to access further How to Guides he upgrade e. If the key is valid, continue with th p 2.. Downloa d and run the setup he latest version is availa able from m our website w Th htttp:// oads/print-m managemen nt-software e. Fo or Support Click here att nce down nloaded, ensure that t Pcou unter for Kyocera a On Co onfiguration n is closed d then run PcounterrKyocera[ [date].exe e fro om within tthe zip file. ess Installl All settings ((such as file location) can be lefft as is. Pre hen promptted followe ed by Finish h once com mplete. wh HOW TO O GUIDE Upgrading g Pcounter Embedde ed for Kyo ocera MFD Ds Rem member Each M MFD will be out of action for 10 minutes around 1 at a time e whilst the e upgrade is taking place. Check y your licence e prior to upgrading to ensu ure you do not disable the software, as per Sttep 1. You will need an Admin account in order tto remove and reinstall the ation from applica each M MFD. If you have no ot already, set one e through Serve er > MFP Secu urity in Pcou unter for Ky yocera Config guration. Pcounter fo or Kyocera a Gateway y service 3.. Update P pen Pcountter for Kyoc cera Configuration and d browse to o Services Op > Pcounter for Kyoce era service e. o upgrade tthe service: To Best Pra actice Tips s… e Action tthe upgrade out off hours to ensure e minimum disruptio on to users s. ce Test thorroughly onc complette to ensure e there e were no problem ms with the e upgrade. Stop tthe service e using the Stop butto on Press the Updatte button and close th he confirma ation messa age Startt the service (the Stop p button wi ll change to o a Start butto n when the e service is stopped) Click OK to cclose the window. HOW TO O GUIDE Upgrading g Pcounter Embedde ed for Kyo ocera MFD Ds 4. Update e Pcounterr.pkg on each e MFD unter.pkg file from C :\Program Files\Pcoun nter for Kyo ocera onto the root off Copy the latest Pcou ble USB sto orage device e. a removab emoving and the new one installiing. Each MFD needs the current application re e the curren nt pkg: To remove gin to the device d as an a Admin u user. This can c be eith her the MFD D default admin user,, Log or any of the AD accoun nts you hav ve listed under Serve er > MFP Security in Pcounterr onfiguration n. for Kyocera co Bro owse to Sys stem menu > Applic cation Select Pcounter from the e table and press Dele ete h been removed, in nsert your USB devic ce. Answerr No to the e message e Once the old .pkg has ble memory y is recognis sed. Displa ying fields.. Are you su ure?” “Removab kg: To install tthe new .pk Application ns, press the Add buttton. Pcountter will now w be display yed in the application n In A list. ess the Install button and confirrm the prom mpt. Press Close whe n complete e. Pre Pre ess Activatte and conffirm when p prompted. a will now load, and will promp pt you to add a the de evice to the e gateway. Pcounter ffor Kyocera Press the Connect button b to co onnect. If tthe device will w not con nnect, rebo oot and press Connectt e the device e is back up. again once ep 4 for all MFDs. Repeat Ste f Kyocera a is now co omplete. If you experiience any p problems or have any y Upgrading Pcounter for T Ltd Suppo ort on: questions contact AIT support@a k/log-a-case e 0113 273 0300 HOW TO O GUIDE Upgrading g Pcounter Embedde ed for Kyo ocera MFD Ds
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