Thuriday, February 7,19S5 Page 34 Henderson Home News and Boulder City News Thursday, February 7,1985 Hendwtoa Home Newt and Bovlder City Newt Page SI Do you know how to save a life? Learn through free CPR dasses FRESH MEAT PRICES SLASHED 10«to 60«PERPOUND No Supermarket in Las Vegas will have lower everyday fresh meat prices than Smith's. So we have slashed the everyday prices of every cut and kind of fresh meat in our stores from 10« to 60* a pound. ^ Will we still have specials? Of course. Smith s will continue to have ad specials every week for additional savings. IS our meat quality high? it certainly is. Our beef is all Smith s Premiijm USDA inspected. Our pork is all the finest quality. Our fryers are Foster Farm and Grade A. And our seafood is ocean fresh. All satisfaction guaranteed, or your money back. In the future, fresh meat prices will fluctuate as they always do, tjut he assured of this: No one will have lower fresh meat prices than Smith s. u Not Aibertson s, not^ha Beta, not Lucky s, not Safeway, not von S/ Acton Vice President Meat Operations fYOU frr> YOU ^1 SAVE-^ A N.^ jmm 1 99 TOP SIRLOIN $ i STEAK 1 BONELESS BEEF LOIN LB. ii PORK CHOPS ROUND STEAK QUARTER SLICED LOIN LB. BONE IN LB. Cm :\s kSAVE .•*•• • t. FRYER BREASTS GRADE A RGMP ROAST CHUCK ROAST BONELESS BEEF BLADE CUT COU'NTRV SIVll LEAN SPARERIBS WAS»1»» LB GROUND BEEF WASM"-^ (iRADf LB WfcFl.OIN BEEF LOIN NEW YORK STEAK WAS •4'» WHOLE BODY FRYERS PORK CHOPS WAS '2" -X WHOLE FRYERS f OSIFR I 'VRMs CENTER CUT RIB ff::0'm. TBONE STEAK WAS •3'*' LB. BfFI lOlh PORTERHOUSE STEAK PARTY PIZZA I 2 01 TREE TOP REGULAR OR NATURAL APPLE JUICE BEEF CUBE STEAK 1.75 LITER SEAGRAM'S SEVEN CROWN .*:/. 10 LB CELLO BAG 16 OZ V.I.P VEGETABLE OMBINATIONS RUSSET POTATOES EA. LEGAL NOTICE OFFICIAL NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sciled bidi, subject to the ceaditlont centiined in the Contract Documenti, wUI be received (t the ofHce of the Henderson City Clerk, t43 Water Street, Henderson. Nevada, 8Nlt. up to the hour and date stipulated below, at which time the bids will be publicly opened by the City Clerk. The name and address of the Bidder with Bid Title and Contract Number must appear on the outside of the sealed envelope. -CONTRACT NAME: C-1 CHANNEL PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE Contract Number: 84-85 «!• Bid Opening: t:M PM February 18. IMS. Conference Room. City Hall 143 Water Street Henderson, Nevada 8M1S. Location: Located In Section 8 and t. Township tt South, Range (3 East, City of Henderson, on.Pueblo Boulevard 1,320' plus or minus North of Warm Springs Road. Bridge will span the C-1 Channel. Description of Work: The work will consist of furnishing and Insulting a 44' long x 6' wide prefabricated pedestrian l>ridge. constructed of bridge abutments and other work as required by the contract. Bids must be submitted on the forms furnished by the City and accompanied by a certifled check or acceptable collateral In the amount of flve percent (S%) of the toUl amount of the bid. made payable to the City of Henderson. A bid bond in lieu of the certifled check will be acceptable. The successful bidder will be required to furnish at his own expense a Materials k Labor Bond in the amount of not less than one-hundred percent (100%) of the contracted price. A Faithful Performance Bond in the amount of not less than one-hundred percent (100%) of the contract price and a Guaranty Bond in the amount of not less than one-hundred percent (100%) of the contract price. Guaranty shall be for one (1) year from the date of completion. Bid forms and Contract Documents may be obtained at the City Hall Annex, Za Uad street, Henderson, Nevada. Each set of plans and speciflcationi may be purchased for the price of TWENTY DOLLARS (820.00), with'NO REFUND. If mailed, an additional 8S.00-set will be charged for postage and handling. Copies of the Plans and Specifications are available for inspection at the Public Works Department. Current U.S. Labor Department Wage Schedules shall be observed. The City reserves the right to reject any or all bids. The lowest responsive and responsible bidder will be Judged on the basis of price, performance on previous contracts, bidder's qualifications, and the best intereil of the public - each of such factors being considered. A pre-bid conference will be held In the Conference Room In the City Hail Annex. 225 Uad Street, Henderson, Nevada at: 11:00 A.M.. February It, 1*85. (s) Dorothy A. Vondenbrink DOROTHY A. VONDENBRINK, CMC City Clerk H-Feb. 7,14, 21, IMS LB. LB. 10 OZ TOTirSOS ALL VARIETIES St. Rose de Lima Hospital will offer free GPR classes to the public starting February 12 through March 5. The classes are taught by a certified instructor-trainer and certificates will be awarded to those who successfully complete the four class sessions. Classes begin Tuesday, February 12, from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. in St. Rose de Lima conference Room 2. The following three class dates 12 PACK 12 OZ CANS MILLERS LITE BEER Jan 17 1*8S APPLICATION FOR PERMISSION TO CHANGE THE POINT OF DIVERSION AND MANNER OF USE OF A PORTION OF THE PUBLIC WATERS OF THE STATE OF NEVADA HERETOFORE APPROPRIATED Application No. 48S*1 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, taht on the 28th day of November. 1*84, Las Vegas Valley Water District of Laa Vegaa, Nevada, made application te the State Engineer of Nevada for permission to change the point of diversion and manner of nae of 0.22S c.fs., a portion of water heretofore appropriated under Permit t77M, Certtneate •373. Water will be diverted from an anderground source at a new point located within the SWV4 SEVi, Section 2«, T.2*8., R.WE., N.D.B.*M., or at a point from which the 8E corner of said Section 28 hears 8. ST 48' S8" E., a disUnce of 2S81.13 feet Water will be uaed for municipal parpotes ttvm Jannary 1st to December Slat of each year. The exitling paint of diversion was from an Hadergonnd aonrce located within the SEV< SWV.. Section 20, T.208., R.81E., M.D.B.AM., from which the 8W comer of said Section 2* bears 8. M* IS' 21" W.. a distance of 1,71*J4 fket. Water was used for qoasi-manlclpal and dameatic parpaaes from Jaaury lal to December Slst of Signed: Peter G, Horrss P.E. State Baglaeer Date of first paUicatlaa Jaa 24, 1*88 PRICES EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 6th thru FEBRUARY I 2th. 1985. Date af last publicattan Feb 21, 18U POM-ac ••Jaa 84, II, Fak 7,14,21,1*U Wk are: February 19, 26 and March 5, all from 6 p.ir1. to 10 p.m. Included in the course will be instruction on one or two man CPR, clearing of obstructed airways and CPR for infants. Instruction will include films and the use of mannequins as teaching aids. Instructor Bob Hinshaw, also chief of security at St. Rose de Lima, has 25 years of experience teaching life saving courses and is LEGAL NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 851 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HENDERSON, NEVADA. AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE EXTENDING THE CITY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF HENDERSON BY ANNEXING THERETO THAT PORTION OF THE NORTH HALF (N-m OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER (NE-y4) OF SECTION 10. TOWNSHIP 22 SOUTH. RANGE 82 EAST. M.D.M., CLARK COUNTY, NEVADA, CONTAINING 89 ACRES MORE OR LESS, AND OTHER MATTERS RELATED THERETO. The above Bill No. 538 and foregoing Ordinance was first proposed and read by title to the C Ity Council of the City of Henderson, Nevada, 00 February 4,1*8S, which was a Regular Meeting and was adopted as an emergency Ordinance on February 4, IMS. PUBLIC NOTICE la hereby given that the typewritten copies of the above mentioned Ordinance are available for Inspection by all latereated parties at the Offlce of the City Clerk, 243 Water Street, Henderson, Nevada; and that said Ordinance No. 951 was proposed for adoption by Councilman Kesterson and aecoaded by Councilman Lawrence on the 4th day of February 1*85; and adopted as an emergency ordinance by the (bllawiag roll call vote. Voting AYE: MAYOR LEROY ZIKE; COUNCILMEMBERS LORNA KESTERSON. RON HUBEU CARLTON D. LAWRENCE, CHARLOTTE YAKUBIK. Vatiag NAY: NONE. Absent: NONE. LEROY ZIKE, MAYOR ATTEST: DOROTHY A. VONDENBRINK. CMC CITY CI>ERK • -Feb.7, 1*M LEGAL NOTICE has taught the course to the community and hospital personnel for several years. For more information, LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF APPLICATION APPLICATION FOR PER FOR PERMISSION TO APMISSION TO CHANGE THE PROPRIATE THE PUBLIC POINt OF DIVERSION AND WATERS OF THE STATE OF MANNER OF USE OF A POR. NEVADA TION OF THE PUBLIC WATJan 17, I*«8 ERS OF THE STATE OF Application No. 482M NEVADA HERETOFORE AP' Notice Is hereby given that PROPRIATED en the *th day of August 1*84, Application No. 4888* Ampclio * Gloria Paaqaalotto NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN, of La« Vegas SUte of Nevada that on the t8th day 0/ made application to the SUte November, 1*84, Las Vegas Engineer of Nevada for perValley Water District of Las mission to appropriate O.IO of a Vegas, Nevada, made applicasecond foot of the public waters tion to the SUte Engineer or of the SUte of Nevada. DiverNevada for permission to LEGAL NOTICE sion is to be made fk'om an unchange the point of diversioa 1*72 Dodge Van to be sold to derground source at a point loand manner of use oro.{75 c.f.s., highest bidder when title Is obcated within the NWV< NWV4, a pertioii of water heretofore tained by mechanic's lien. Section 3*. T.218., R.80E., appropriated under Permit Serial No. B22AB2S3«0S8. M.D.B.I1M., or at a point tttm Z77fS, Certlflcate •373. License No. None. Registered which the NW corner of said Water will be diverted from an owner. Jack Young, 135 W. 44th Section 3< bears N. 70* 48' SI" underground source at a new St. New York, New York, 10036. W., a dIsUnce of 123S.S4 feet. point located within the SEV. ' Legal Owner: Same. Water will be uaed for quasiSEV., Section 35, T.ZOS., R.80E., Notice Is hereby given (hat I, municipal purposes from M.D.B.* M., or at a point ft'om LMS Storage 1801 Athol HenJanuary 1st to December 31at of which the 8E corner of said derson, 8M1S will sell above each year. Section 3S bears 8. 07* 13' 20" mentioned property at 1801 Date of nrst publication Jan 24, E., a dIsUnce of 87S.20 feet. Athol, Henderson, NV 88018 IMS Water will be used for municiWe reserve the right to bid. Date of last publication Feb 21, pal purpaaes from January Ist IMS to December Slst of each year. H-Feb.7,14,«l.l»MSlgBMl The exltllag point ordiverslan Peter C. Morroa, P.E. *** was from aa uadergronad SUte Engineer aaarce lacated wlthla the SEV. New York was the first PGM-se 8WV4, Sectlan 2*, T.208., R.81E., capital of the United B-Jan 24,31, Feb 7,14.21.1*8S M.D.B.AM., or at a point from States. Washington, D.C. which the SW corner of said wasn't used as the capital aectlon 20 bears 8. W IS' 21" until 1800. W., a diatoace of 1718.84 feet. • * * Water was used far qaaslmuaiclpal and damestic purpoaes fl-am January 1st te December 3Itt of each year. BOULDER CITY qUARTERLY REPORT Signed: SECOND QUARTER 1984-85 PETER G. MORR08, P.E, Stote Engineer ACTUAL ORIGINAL Date of first publication Jan 24, .ANNUAL BUDGET TO D.\TE •:E^^L FUND __ 1*85 Date of last publication Feb 21, RESOURCES: 1*88 65,091 104,239 Aj Valoren Tj.xes i PGM-se M.491 213,3JI) Licenses 5 Permits. B-Jan 24,31, Feb 7,14,21.1*85 12,"SO 24 'jr4 Frinchise Fees 1,0:2.553 .From 0:.'ier uovernmc ;35^33 Charjes for Service 30,839 33,915 Fines 5 Forfeirs 30,313 75,066 IN THE EIGHTH JUDICIAL Order Resources 245.927 533,577 DISTRICT COURT OF THE Transfers In 331,591 270,308 Opening Balance STATE OF NEVADA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF 2,096,127 3,939,337 TOTAL CLARK Caae No. P18238 'EXPENDITURES: FILED 959,633 General Covernraent iM^?l. Jan. 28 4:18 p.m. '85 708.803 Public Safety " ' 1,476,476 LORETTA BOWMAN -.431.3Q.6_ 805,107 Highways 5 Streets CLERK 452,310 Culture 6 Recreation BY LOUELLA MYERS 10,000 Contingency In the Matter of the Estote of PETER BALCHITIS, 1.824.393 3,703,526 SUBTOTAL LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR PERMISSION TO APPROPRIATE THE PUBLIC WATERS OF THE STATE OF NEVADA Jan 17. 1I8S Application No. 48SN Notice is hereby given that on the ZOth day of November 1884, Clark County .Sanitation District of Las Vegas, State of Nevada made application to the SUte Engineer of Nevada for permission to appropriate .5 of a second fool of the public waters of the State of Nevada. Diversion is to be made ft-ora an underground source at a point^^ located within the NWV4 8EV<, Section 14. T.32S.. R.<«E., M.D.B.AM., or at a point flrom which the £^4 corner of said Section 14 bears N. «2< S3' 11" E., a distance of 21*4.34 feet. Water will be used for municipal purpoaes from January 1st to December 3Ist of each year. Date of flrat Publication Jan 24. IMS Date of last publication Feb 21, INS Signed: Peter G.Norros,-P.E. SUte Engineer PGM-se B-Jan 24.31, Feb 7,14,21. IMS PUBLIC NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 952 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HENDERSON, NEVADA. AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE EXTENDING THE CITY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF HENDERSON BY ANNEXING THERETO THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER (NE-i/4) AND 'THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW-Vi) OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER (NE-V4) OF SECTION *, TOWNSHIP 22 SOUTH, RANGE 82 EAST. M.D.M., CLARK COUNTY, NEVADA, CONTAINING 79.4705 ACRES MORE OR LESS, AND OTHER MATTERS RELATED THERETO. The above Bill No. 538 and foregoing Ordinance was nrst proposed and read by tlUe to the City Council of the City of Henderson, Nevada, on February 4, IMS, which was a Regular Meeting of the Council and adopted as an Ordinance on February 4, IMS. PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given Uhat the typewritten copies of the above mentioned Ordinance are available for Inspection by all Interested parties at the Office of the City Clerk, 243 Water Street, Henderson, Nevada; and that said Ordinance No. 952 was proposed for adoption by Councilman Yakublk and seconded by Councilman Kesterson on the 4th day of February. 1985, and adopted aa an emergency ordinance by the following roil call vote: Voting AYE: MAYOR LEROY ZIKE: COUNCILMEMBERS LORNA KESTERSON, RON HUBEL. CARLTON D. LAWRENCE, CHARLOTTE YAKUBIK. Voting NAY: NONE. Absent: NONE. LEROY ZIKE, MAYOR ATTEST: DOROTHY A. VONDENBRINK, CMC CITY CLERK H-Feb. 7, 1*85 retained in Nevada as a certified instructor-trainer through the American Heart Association. Mr. Hinshaw Ending Balance TOTAL 236,311 :-1.734 3,939,837 2.Q96,i:.7 45,513 34,223 47.039 FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING Opening Balance Resources Transfers In Total E.xpenditUres Transfers Out Ending Balance Total 79,746 ^•.OMOTION FUND Opening Balance Resources Transfers In Total expenditures Transfers Out Ending Balance Total 79,746 -079,746 55.643 55,648 15 1.515 IS 1.5.15 ir 15 UM5 l.M? ORIGINAL A.N.VUAL BUDGET SPECIAL PRCJECTS FUND Opening Balance '-—» - 3,796,472 • 140,504 Resources 212.600 Transfers In 4,149,576 Total 2,627,677 E.xpenditures Transfers Out 1.521,899" Ending Balance 4,149,576 Total RESIDE>n-IAL CONSTRUCTION TAX Opening Balance Resourced Transfers In Total E.xpenditures Transfers Out Ending Balance Total 42.353 70,000 112,353 50,000 62.353 Hi,353 GCLF COURSE IMPROVEMENT Opening Balance Resources Transfers In Total E.xpenditures , Transfers Out Ending Balance Total 16,000 16.000 -0- 16,000 3.487 1.000 Resources Transfers In Total Expenditures Transfers Out Ending Balance Total CEMETERY FUND Total Opel'¥ting Revenue Total Operating Expense Total Nonop Revenue Total Nonop Expense •Net Earnings CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND Total Operating Revenue Total Operating E.xpense Total .Nonop Revenue Total Nonop Expense Net Earnings S 317.414 ).3»0,68<) 2,i-s.ino~ _id9U096_ (312,9961" 2,173.100 «7,62a. 17.»1. 84.980 84.g30 ,84.380_ :J.135 2J.135 16.000 CONTRIBUTIONS Opening Balance UTILITY FUND Total Operating Revenue Total Operating! E.xpense Total Nonop Revenue Total Nonop Expense Net Earnings AlTT'JAL TO DATE 4,437 1.000 23.US VLAJ^ 5.U.8 225 s.-^-t^ 1,424 3,487 4,437 , 4.2:9,000 3,417,72? 1S4,724 954,613 41,333 ORIGIN..\L A.NN-UAL BUDGET 29,000 3,500 500 25,000 (4,000) 7,350 -0- 750 ,919 _LJi3_ 353.309 1•346.039 -SlOfe-. HI ACTUAL T: DATE .79Q I.O:D 6,6(18 U.31S .i.:» 16,307 74,170 •;.;s9 75.150., 12.000 _a6i 12,000 861 Total Operating Revenue Total Operating Expense Total Nonop Revenue Total Nonop E.xpense .Met Earnings 5,000 7535" 12,000 H - Feb. 7,14, 21,1*88 BEFORE THE PUBLIC SERVICE C0MMM8SI0N OF NEVADA NOTICE OF PETITION (088K) A peUtion, identifled as Docket No. 85-143, hss been Hied with the Pabiic Service Commission by Ray & Ross Transpert, Inc. for authorisation to roll the surcharge into their base rates. This petition la in compliance with their order In Docket No. 84-lM serves only to eliminate the surcharge and create new base rates which reHect the identical prices being charged te the public at this time. The petition it on Hie at the offices of the Public Service Commission, Capitol Complex, Kinkead Building, SOS East Sahara Avenue, Las Vegas, Nevada 881S8 and la available for public viewing. Interested and affected parties may comment la writlagte the Commission and file appropriate Pretette and • or Petiliena far Leave to laterveae at Its Carson City office on or before February M, 1*88. By the Cemmltaion, (a) William H. Vance WILLIAM H. VANCE. Commission Secretory Dated; Carson City. Nevada January 31.1*88 (SEAL) -1.3:7 LV.0 IMPROyBENTFUND CABLE TV INCOME FUND Openin; Balance Resources Transfers In Total Expenditures Transfers Out Ending Balance Total NOTICE OF HEARING OF PETITION FOR ORDER SETTING ASIDE ESTATE WITHOUT ADMINISTRATION CECILIA RUHLE, Petitioner, haa filed her PetitioD for Order Setting aside Estate Without Admlniatration; that the 1st day of March, 1*85, being a day of regular session of said Court, at •:30 o'clock, a.m., at the Courtroom of said Court, in Las Vegas, Clark County, Nevada, haa been set by the Court as the time for the hearing upon said Petition, at which time and place all persons interested In said estote may appear and show cause, if any they have, why said petition should not be granted. Reference is hereby made to said Petition for Order Setting Aside Estate Without Administration for further particulars. DATED this 28 day of January, 1*85. LORETTA BOWMAN, Clerk by LOUELLA MYERS Deputy (DISTRICT COURT SEAL) 861 361 B. - Feb. 7.1*88 please call St. Rose de Lima Hospital, 564-2622. The hospital is located at 102 Lake Mead Drive, Henderson. LEGAL NOTICE Although Thomas Edison invented th^ fthonograph, bringing istening pleasure to millions, he barely was able %o hear the sounds himself, for he was almost totally deaf. LEGAL NOTKE IN THE JUSTICrS COURT of LAS VEGAS TOWNSHIP, COUNTY OF CLARK, STATE OF NEVADA Case No. 22 88 SIDNEY WILSON, doing bnalneii aa ACACIA MOBILE HOME PARK Plaintiff vs. ED HERRIN Defendant ~ SUMMONS THE STATE OF NEVADA SENDS GREETINGS TO THE ABOVE-NAMED DEFENDANT: NOTICE! YOU HAVE BEEN SUED. THE COURT MAY DECIDE AGAINST YOU WITH OUT YOUR BEING HEARD UNLESS YOU RESPOND WITHIN 20 DAYS. READ THE INFORMATION BELOW. This is an action In unlawful detainer for restitution of property and for recovery of money due and owing and for a Declaratory Judgment of abandonment of the property. TO THE DEFENDANT: A civil Complaint haa been fUed by the plaintiff against you. 1. If you wish to defend this lawsuit, you must, within 20 days after this Summons Is served on you, exclusive of the day of service, file with this Jaa 17. I*n Court at 302 E. Carson, Suite APPLICATION FOR PER410, l,as Vegas, Nevada a written pleading in response to this MISSION TO CHANGE THE POINT OF DIVERSION AND Complaint. 2. Unless you respond, your MANNER AND PLACE OF USE OF A PORTION OF THE default will be entered upon PUBLIC WATERS OF THE application of the plaintiff and or St.\Knk this Court may enter a Judg- STATE APPROPment against you for the relief HERETOFORE RIATED demanded In the Complaint, Application No. 48*** which could result in the takNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. ing of money or property or that on the 28lh day of other relief requested in th; November, 1*84, Las Vegas Complaint. Valley Water District of Laa 3. If you wish to seek the ad Vegaa, Nevada, made applicavice of an attorney in this mas- tion to the State Engineer of ter, you should do so promptij Nevada for permission to so that your response ma^ b' change the point of diversion filed on time. and manner and place of use of 4. You are also required to 0.05 c.f.s., a portion of water serve your response upon heretofore appropriated under plaintifTs attorney. If there is Permit 11102, Certificate 312*. one. otherwise upon the plain- Water will be diverted from an tiff. The address of the Attor- underground source at a new ney or Plaintiff is: point located wlthla the SWV. EDWARD G. MARSHALL SEV.. Section 28, T.2eS.. R.80E., 324 S. Third St. No. 2 M.D.B.ftM., or at a point from Las Vegas, Nev. 8*101. EARLE W. WHITE, JR. which the SE corner of said Justice af the Peace. Laa Vegas, Sectton 2* bean S. 88* 48' SO" : Nev. E.. a distonce of 2581.13 feet. By BobbI Kay Alcorn Water will be aacd for municiDeputy Clerk pal purpoaes from Jaaaary lot to December Slat of each year. DATE: • January. 1*85 The existing polat of diversion H-Jan 17. 24, 31, Feb 7,1*85 waa from an underground sonree located within the SEV. 8WV<,8ection 12.T.21S.. R.81E.. NOTICE OF APPLICATION N.D.B.AM.. or at a point from NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR PERMISSION TO APwhich the Sv.corner of said FOR PERMISSION TO APPROPRIATE THE PUBLIC PROPRIATE THE PUBLIC Section 12 bears 8. 51* 18' E., a WATERS OF THE STATE OF WATERS OF THE STATE OF distonce of 1 288.0 feet. Water NEVADA was used fir irrigation and NEVADA Jan 17.1*85 domestic purposes from Jan 17, 1865 Application No. 48553 January lat to December Slst of Application No. 48825 Notice is hereby given that each year. Notice is hereby given that on the 18th day of November Signed: on the 7th day of December 1*84. Michele Goiaes, Neal KaPeter G. Morroa, P.E. 1(84, Donald J. and Diane plan 4 Kelsl Kaplan of Las Stote Engineer Highsmith of Las Vegas. State Vegas Stote of Nevada made apof Nevada, made application to Pate of first publication Jan 24. plication to the Stote Engineer 1085 the State Engineer of Nevada of Nevada for permission to spDate of last publication Feb 21, for permission to appropriate propriste 0.02 of a second foot of 0.81 of a second foot of the pub1885 the public waters of the Stote of lic waters of the State of PGM-se Nevada. Diversion is to be made Nevada. Diversion Is to be made B-Jan24,Sl,Feh7,14.21.1*85 from an underground source at from an underground source at a point located within the SEV. a point located within the SWV. NWV., Section 24, T.22S . NEV., Section 2, T.22.S., R.81E.. R.81E., M.D.B.AM., or at a point M.D.B.&M., or at a point from tma which the Center corner which the E'>i corner of said of said Section 24 hears S. 4*' Section 2 bears S. 83* 03' 34" E., 40' 58" E., a diatance of 4S8.4 a distonce of 1731.4* feet. Water feet. Water will be used for will be used for quasiquasi-municipal and domestic municipal and domestic purpurposed from January 1st to poses from January 1st to DeBy M.A. PETTI. M.D. December 31st of each year. cember Slst of each year. Keeping your sl(in clean Date of flrkt Publication Jan 24, Date of first publication Jan 24, is a good idea, but too 1*85 1885 Date of laat publication Feb 21, much of a good thing Is Date of last publication Feb 21, 1*85 bad. Today, excessive 1*85 Signed: Signed: cleanliness is a much more Peter G. Morrot, P.E. Peter G. Morros, P.E. common cause of skin proStote Engineer Stote Engineer blems than dirt. PCM-ae PGM-se B-Jan 24,31, Feb 7,14,21.1*85 B-Jan24,31.Feh7 14 »i i"" OFFICAL NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Scaled bids, subject to the LEGA1. NOTICE IN THE EIGHTH JUDICIAL conditions contained la the INVITATION TO BID DISTRICT COURT OF THE Contract Documents, will be STATE OF NEVADA IN AND NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, received at the office of the that the City Council, City of FOR THE COUNTY OF Headersoa City Clerk, 243 Henderson, Stote of Nevada, CLARK Water Street. Henderson. Invites proposals for renewal Nevada. 8*015, up to the hour Case No. D71S57 of the City of Henderson's and date stipulated below, at FILED property and liability Insurwhich time the bids will be JAN. 30 4:0« p.m. 'U ance program for an effective publicly opened by the City LORETTA BOWMAN date of April 1,1*85. Clerk. The name and address of CLERK Specifications and supporting the Bidder with Bid TItte aad BY Patrice Uffl underwriting information Contract Number must appear may be obtoined from David on the ontaide of the sealed enIn the Matter of the ApplicaLee, Purchasing Agent, 243 velope. tion of BRUCE LARATTA a-k-a Water Street. Henderson, NV CONTRACT NAME: Water BRUCE CLAIBORNE. 8*015 between 7:30 a.m. and Mala, P2B to R-8, Phaae III Petitioner. 5:30 p.m.. Monday through Contract Number 84-85**0 For Change of Name. Thursday. NOTICE Bid Opening: 2:00 PM DATE: NOTICE is hereby given that Proposals must be submitted February 21.1888 not later than 10:00 a.m. on BRUCE LARATTA a-k-a City Clerka Office, City HaU March 14. 1*85 to the City BRUCE CLAIBORNE, has 243 Water Street Clerk, City of Henderson, 243 filed a Petition in the above eaHeadersoa, Nevada 8*015 Water Street. Henderson, NV lltled Court on the 30th day of Location: Westerly aioag 8*015 and are to be clearly January, 1885, aeeking to Horixon Drive fk'om the area of marked "Insurance Bid". change hit name from BRUCE Arrowhead Trail to the Union CLAIBORNE to BRUCE Proposals submitted by mall Pacific railroad tracks, thence must be addressed to the atLARATTA. Northwesterly along the Ualea tention ofthe City Clerk at the Aay peraoB having any objecPacific railroad tracks to Pump same address and clearly Stotloa P2B. toa to the above change of name marked "Insurance Bid" and Deacriptioa of Work: Supply ahould file his obJecUons with must be RECEIVED by 10:00 and ceastruct some 4.004 liaeal the Clerk of the above entitled a.m. on March 14. 1*8S. feet of 24" water iraasmiasioa Court on or before the 22nd The City of Henderson exmala alsag with related apday of March, 1*85. pressly reserves the right to purteaaace*. DATED this 30th day of waive-any informality in any Bida must be aubmitted oa January, 1*85. proposal, or to reject any or the forms ftarnished by the City (s) James J. Brown all proposals, or to accept any and accompanied by a certified JAMES J. BROWN, ESO. part of any proposal In its sole check or acceptoble collateral Attorney for Petitioner discretion and interest. in the amount of live percent 830 East Charleaton Boulevard (s) Dorothy A. Vondenbrink (5%) of the totoi amount of the Las Vesat. Nevada 8*104 DOROTHY A. VONDENbid. made payable to the City of BRINK Henderson. A bid bond In lieu H - Feb. 7,14, 21,1*85 CMC, CITY CLERK of the certified check will be acceptoble. H • Feb. 7, 1*85 The successful bidder will be required to furnish at bis own expense a Materials k Labor CASE NO. Pl»230 CASE NO. D708*3 Bond in the amount of not iesa IN THE EIGHTH JUDICIAL Dept. No. IV than one-hundred percent DISTRICT COURT OF THE Docket No. C (\Wk\ of the contracted price. STATE OF NEVADA IN AND IN THE EIGHTH JUDICIAL A Faithful Perfonsaace Bead FOR THE COUNTY OF DISTRICT COURT OF THE In the amount of not Iesa than CLARK STATE OF NEVADA IN AND one-hundred percent (100%) of In the Matter of the Estote of FOR THE COUNTY OF the contract price and a FAYE RUTH MASON, CLARK Guaranty Bead in the amount Deceased.NOTICE OF TIME IN THE MATTER OF' THE of not Iesa than one-hundred OF PROVING WILL AND APPLICATION OF LINDA percent (1**%) of the contract HEARING ON PETITION FOR ANNE HOUSTON, price. Guaranty shall be for one PROBATE OF WILL, AND Petitioner (1) year from the date of comFOR ISSUANCE OF LETTERS and JEREMIAH RAY PINpieUon. TESTAMENTARY GUL, Bid forass aad Ceatraet NOTICE IS HEREBY A Minor, Docnasento may be eMalacd at GIVEN that Petittoaer. STE- FOR CHANGE OF NAME. the City Hall Aaaex, 2S8 Lead VEN L. MASON, has filed with NOTICE OF PETITION FOR Street, Headersoa, Nevada. the Clerk of the above-eatitled CHANGE OF NAME Each set of plaaa and apeclflcaCourt a Petition for Probate of NOTICE IS HEREBY tloas may be parckaaad for the Will and Issuance of Letters GIVEN that LINDA ANNE price of TWENTY DOLLARS TestmenUry. A hearing on said HOUSTON and JEREMIAH (820.00), with NO REFUND. If Petition has been set for Fri- RAV PINGUL. by and through mailed, aa addltlaaal 8*.*Mo( day, the ISth day of Feb.. 1*8S. his mother and legal guardian. will be charged for peotage aad at the hour of 0:30 A.M. In De- LINDA ANNE HOUSTON, haadllag. Copies of tke PUas partment XIII of the above- have, on the >th day of January, aad Specifleattoas are avalUeatitled Court, located at the 18*5. filed a petition addresacd ble for laapecttoa at the Public County Courthouse, 200 South to the above-entitled court WortaDepaifeat Third Street, in the City of Las praying that said court enter Ito Carroat U.S. Labor Depai«Vegas. County of Clark. Stoto of order changiag Petitioners' meat Wage Schodales akall to Nevada. legal names from LINDA All persons interested in the ANNE HOUSTON and The City reoerves the right to Estate and such Will and Peti- JEREMIAH RAV PINGUL to reject aay or all bids. The lowtion are hereby notified to ap- LINDA ANNE BRYANT and est reopoasive aad reapeaalMe pear then and there to show JEREMIAH RAY BRYANT, bidder will he Judged oa the cause. If sny they have, why the respectively. basis of price, pcrformaace oa Petition should not be granted. NOTICE IS FURTHER previous coatracts, bidder's YOU DO NOT NEED TO AP- GIVEN that any person having qaaliflcatioaa, aad the best laPEAR UNLESS YOU WISH TO objection to the changing of terest of the pabllc - each of RAISE AN OBJECTION. Petitioners' names at aforesaid aach fhctera belag coaaMered. DATED this 25th 4ay of shall file written objection A pre-bM caafmaee wlH toJanuary. IHS with the above-entitled court held la the Coafereace Room la Loretto Bowman, Clerk within tea days after date ofthe the aty Hall Aaaex, 8*8 Laa« By WILLIAM SABEL last publication of this Notice. Street, Headersoa. Nevada al: Deputy Clerk DATED this 21st day of *:*OA.H. oa Febraary I*. !••. DISTRICT COURT SEAL January, 1884. (s) Dorothy A. Voadeahriak .Submitted by: STEVEN J. PARSONS DOROTHY A VONDBNANDREW J. URBAN, Esq. Attorney for Petitioners 243 Water Street 1000 Nev Hwy. No 203 CMCcitrCiHft Henderson, NV 8*015 P.O. Box 68< SEAL (7«Sl 885-7731 Boulder City. Nev 8*005 H-Jaa. SI, Feb. 7.14,1(« H-Jaa 1<, Feb 7. 12,1*85 B-Jan 24. 31, Feb 7, 1*U Bum 55^WCTT^-TT""W^
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