JULY 20. 1954 How to Improve Your Jungles of Chiapas Bible Lesson ,„„me.V11,1k4,0 for July 31 WE HOLD THESE TRUTHS JUNGLE. Take a map of Central America and run your finger south from Mexico City along the Pan American Highway. Just before you cross over the border into Guatemala, you pass through the state of Chiapas. Scattered throughout this region of mountains and jungle are groups of Adventist Indians, largely hidden from the passing world and with only a rare opportunity to see and worship with others of like faith. In "Jungles of Chiapas" Barbara 0. Westphal ,takes us along on a rugged trip by truck, muleback, and finally boat to visit these outposts of the church. Her cover picture is of two Indians of that area resting at the roadside. T. K. MARTIN PHOTO The Face of Joy She was fascinated by her schoolbook stories of the North American Indians. To the little-girl mind of Anna Christine Carlsen, native daughter of Vaxja, Sweden, Indian ways were synonymous with everything adventurous. At seventeen, Anna began her supreme adventure when she sailed for America. In time she married an energetic youth whose given name carried a strong Spanish influence—Ferdinand. One day, busy with her sewing on her front lawn, Anna looked up to see a man approaching on crutches. He turned out to be a book salesman, and he sold her The Great Controversy. Anna and Ferdinand became Seventh-day Adventists, took nurses' training, and finally built a private sanitarium. But they longed to labor for the needy far away. When they heard of a forthcoming conference in the East in 1899, they sold their goods, packed what remained in seven trunks, took their two children, and set out. "We want the hardest place," Ferdinand told Joseph Westphal at the conference, "wherever it is—Africa—South America—" They left directly from the meeting with their seven trunks and two children, beginning twenty-nine years of pioneer work in Bolivia, Lake Titicaca, Perene Mission, and Iquitos. "I am now eighty-three, and I can say that in all the days of my years, the twenty-nine spent in mission work with my husband were the happiest. Before marriage I had wanted a beautiful home. But, oh, how happy I am for the better joys that came." "Would you do it again?" I asked. "What of the hardships?" "0 yes, yes! I guess ours was a life like Paul's—fevers, hunger, stonings, strangers in hostile lands. But I have never lost my first love. I love the message now more than ever before." So Anna, companion to the "Apostle to the Inca Indians," Pastor F. A. Stahl, has fulfilled, in a way she could not foresee, her desire to learn of Indians! And in the learning what joys have fixed the gentle lines in the face of Anna Stahl. AUTHOR Meet Marjorie Lewis Lloyd ("Popularity Poll," page 9). Yount's INSTRUCTOR readers have enjoyed her articles and stories for more than twenty years. She has a unique way of taking the world we face and turning it inside out for our inspection. To read and understand what she writes is to see life more clearly. CONDUCTOR Music circles in Sweden know about the Sabbath because Herbert Blomstedt has risen to the top as a successful young conductor and he witnesses for his faith. His story and picture are on page 10. SUNSET Under the pen name of Lily Gonzaga, a writer from the Philippines unfolds a narrative of the struggles of a mother who faced the responsibility of rearing four children alone when her husband was snatched from her. Her fortitude, foresight, and determination paid outstanding dividends. The story begins on page 17. DUCKLING "How to Improve Your Complexion" (page 5) reveals the sad plight of a very plain girl when she went away to school, inwardly certain that she was the modern counterpart of Hans Christian Andersen's ugly duckling. Writers' original contributions, both prose and poetry, are always welcome and receive careful evaluation. The material should be typewritten, double spaced, and return postage should accompany each manuscript. Queries to the editor on the suitability of proposed articles will receive prompt attention. Action pictures rather than portraits are desired with manuscripts. Black and white prints or color transparencies are usable. /So pictures will be returned unless specifically requested. Vol. 102, No. 29 July 20, 1954 THE YOUTH'S INSTRUCTOR WALTER T. CRANDALL, FREDERICK LEE, Associate Editor Consulting Editors, E. W. DUNBAR, K. J. REYNOLDS, L. L. Morsirr Editor DON YOST, Assistant Editor R. J. CHRISTIAN, Circulation Manager Published by the Seventh-day Adventists. Printed every Tuesday by the Review and Herald Publishing Assn., at Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C., U.S.A. Entered as second-class matter August 14, 1903, at the post office at Washington, D.C., under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Copyright, 1954, Review and Herald Publishing Assn., Washington 12, D.C. Subscription rates: one year. $4.75; six months, $2.50; in clubs of three or more, one year, each, $3.75; six months, $2.00. Foreign countries where extra postage is required: one year, $5.25; six months, $2.75; in clubs of three or more, one year, each, $4.25; six months, $2.25. Monthly color edition, available overseas only, one year, $1.50. The post office will not forward second-class matter even though you leave a forwarding address. Send both the old and the new address to THE YOUTH'S INSTRUCTOR before you move. 2 THE Z lOGd INSTRUCTOR .No one was sympathetic. All that a girl really needed to know was how to cook mealie meal, hoe in the lands, ,carry wood and water, and rear a large family. Lost-FOREVER By MARIE HE three girls had been hoeing rhythmically in the early morning sun. It was now getting hot, and they were weary. "Let's rest awhile," said one. The suggestion was welcome, and they were soon sitting under the big murula tree over at the edge of the garden. There, in the cooling shade, they again began to discuss in an excited way the plan that had predominated their conversation every time they had been together these past few weeks. They had reached the point where they were arguing such weighty matters as whether it would be better to slip away from their village at night, when everyone was asleep, or whether they should go to the lands as usual some morning, but, instead of working, keep on going until they came to the road that led to the Seventh-day Adventist mission a number of miles away. "How soon do you suppose we shall be missed?" "Do you suppose we shall be pursued when we are missed?" "Why, no one will know where we are." "Oh, yes, they will! Everyone in the village knows we want to be Christians. Why, haven't we begged and begged for permission to attend a mission school? Surely they will suspect where we have gone. What I wonder is whether anyone will trouble to follow us." There was one more very important matter that concerned them. What would happen once they reached the mission? "We have no money for school fees." This hindrance had been discussed again and again, but they had always T JULY 20, 1954 J. TRUMPER overcome it in their thinking with the hope that some kind missionary would give them work in one of those white houses that surrounded the school buildings. They knew that both the ministers and their wives were busy from dawn to dark with the work of the Lord and that it was necessary for them to hire someone to polish the cement floors of the houses and to wash the clothing and dishes. How they feared to wash those dishes, for they knew that they were china and had to be handled very carefully, because, if they were dropped, they would break. How unlike the durable tin dishes they used, when they used dishes at all! It was much simpler to use fingers instead of spoons and to have the whole family eat out of the pan in which the food had been cooked. But though they feared the dishes, they longed for something better, and would face even that to obtain it. But would they find work? Perhaps they would be sent back home. Should they find work, they were determined to save every penny until there was enough for tuition. Then they would learn how to be Christian teachers, like the girl who taught their brothers and sisters in their own village school—who tried so hard to teach the villagers to leave their evil ways and follow the Lord Jesus. Grandiose plans, these, from their circumstances— but every girl has a right to daydream, has she not? But why must they plan to flee like this? They had been seized with this longing to go to the mission months before—even before they had finished the local village school—but no one was sympathetic with their desires. Why, their parents reasoned, should a girl want to learn more than was taught in the village schools? All that a girl really needed to know was how to cook mealie meal, hoe in the lands, carry wood and water on her head, and rear a large family. Yes, their difficulties were great—but their longings were greater. Not many days later they carried out their long-dreamed-of plans. Their flight was successful. Cautiously they ap- D. LOIS BURNETT Alice immediately impressed me with the intelligent expression on her face, the alertness in her eyes. We were completely satisfied with her work from the very first day of her employment. 3 proached the mission grounds for what they hoped would be the end of their journey. They had not carried many things with them, and now they were very hungry. They must soon find work where they would be given food to fill their gnawing stomachs, and begin to work for school fees. But they found that the missionary homes, one after another, had perhaps not all the help they could use, but certainly all they could afford to pay. A hurried survey by the missionaries showed that, with a contribution from the missionaries here and there, the student-aid fund could just about be stretched to care for one. So one was taken, and two were left. One of the two remaining became disheartened, and returned to her village, just as Orpah had returned to her heathen gods hundreds of years before. But the other, Alice, like Ruth of old, chose to sojourn in this new and strange place. And that day of her decision was the day I met Alice. We had been away from the mission for some time and arrived back that day. We were in need of a helper, especially now that there was a new baby boy in the family. When Alice asked me for work so that she could save money for school fees, I was immediately impressed with the intelligent expression on her face, the alertness of her eyes, and the lithe movements of her hands and feet. She was pretty too—unusually pretty for a girl from the bush. I quickly saw in her a relief from the unkempt and sluggish type of girl who sometimes comes along seeking employment. Here was also an opportunity to do some missionary work with one who seemed to have been called out from her village. We were completely satisfied with Alice's work from the very first day. As we fed her and clothed her, her work developed nicely, and was well worth the wage we were paying her. However, I was not aware that she had fled her village and had come to us really seeking refuge in our home. Several weeks later, while we were eating luncheon, one of our African ministers, accompanied by two strangers, knocked at our door. As my husband went out to talk with them I must admit that I breathed a sigh, wondering what had brought folks to our door right at luncheon time. Maybe someone had died. Perhaps someone wanted to marry. Or perhaps it was any of those multitudinous problems that are brought to the European pastor of any large African church. When I was called to join in the discussion, my curiosity was more than a little aroused. Here we all stood under the noonday sun—the African pastor, the two strangers, my husband, and I—and a frightened Alice waiting mutely at one side. My husband questioned her. "Alice, did you run away from your village?" 4 away; however, he still kept bothering both Alice and us. The more we went into the case, the more we were aware of the complexity of the problem we were trying to solve. We went to see the father of Alice, and found him entirely willing that she should come to school. But our newly raised hopes were completely dashed when we learned that he was not married to her mother, and was therefore helpless to say what she should do. We found ourselves involved in a complexity of native laws and customs, and, being constantly troubled by the uncle, went further into the matter. Ordinarily, this heathen uncle would have been the deciding factor in the case, but he was legally cast aside because he had paid no attention to her all the years of her life until now, and it was generally agreed that he was hardly in a position to assert his rights as guardian ,and thwart her efforts to become a Christian teacher. However, that left us to deal with her mother, who was even more of a problem. One needed only a look at the gaudily bedecked mother to see what influence she would have over her daughter. She was not at all concerned that her daughter was happy where she was, but seemed determined to snatch her away from the brief and pleasant interlude she had experienced among Christian young people and in a Christian home. She had but one aim for Alice, and that was to make a By MILDRED WOOD HARRIS marriage for her to some man who would support not only Alice but herself. Since A sweet bird song awakened me she had complete authority over the child, When dawn was very young; she won her case. Disappointed and a bit A rhapsody familiar to my ears: bewildered, we bade good-by to Alice, and I'd heard it sung watched her go down the road, defeated At other dawns, when gilded skies and lost—lost—perhaps forever. Unfolded quietly; A number of months later I boarded a I have not fashioned words to fit train with my two small children. We This lilting melody, were watching the procession of people Because words seem inadequate that always parade the platform when For little tunes that gush trains are soon to leave. In that maze of From feathered throats of mocking- faces I thought I detected a familiar one. bird Was it Alice? Surely not. This girl was And cardinal and thrush. drawn and much older looking. But it was. She saw me and smiled, and although hesitant to approach a European coach, ventured up to the window when she saw my encouraging smile. Tremblingly she talked to me—this girl who village with your uncle who has come only a short while ago had been full of hopes and noble aspirations. She seemed for you?" now to be completely and almost hope"I want to stay, Umfundisi." We did not want to see Alice leave lessly entangled in heathenism, under the now. We had already visualized her go- unholy guidance of her iniquitous mother. As the train pulled away and she was ing to school, continuing. in the Bible classes, then one day going out to teach. lost in the seething crowd again, I felt like How could we let her go back to a calling after her, "Alice! Alice! Don't be heathen village? We must try to help a lost to God! Don't be lost forever! Come young girl who had already shown will- back!" Instead, her name echoed only in ingness to endure hardship to go in the my heart, over and over again, in tune way she thought right. We decided to with the wheels of the coach. Missionaries have successes, but their help. A heated discussion in the vernacular best efforts at times fail. And the failures ensued between the uncle and the run- hurt. Lost—lost forever! away niece, but the uncle finally went "Yes, Umfundisi." "Why, Alice?" "Because I wanted to be a Christian teacher, and no one in the village would listen to me." "You have been here only a few weeks. We like you. You have done good work. We want to keep you. But when you came, we did not know that you had run away from your village." "I want to stay." "Now, let us make this clear. You want to stay here, and not go back to your J...a•-• • .der., • ....•••-• 0.•••• auda So#19 • .11-al.-• 6-A.', •-I.'. •-••••• THE tif4el INSTRUCTOR How to Improve Your Complexion By KRAID I. ASHBA UGH OME unsympathetic persons would declare that she was downright homely. She called herself the Ugly Duckling. She was always embarrassed when she had to meet strangers, for she had such a low opinion of her appearance that she just knew people would be shocked when they first saw her. In her own home church, however, she was quite at ease, for she had been there all of her life, and people, she felt, were used to seeing her. But when she had graduated from the little church school it was time to attend the academy, a whole State away. How she dreaded it! Time slipped by, and in spite of her apprehension she found herself assigned a room in the girls' dormitory and attending the first worship service the evening before the start of registration the next day. Her cheeks burned in self-conscious pity as she felt that others must loathe her because of her homeliness. Oh, why hadn't the Lord favored her with just a little of the prettiness she seemed to see all around her? But suddenly she was startled as she saw a smiling girl enter who was certainly just as plain as she. But the smiling one didn't seem to be concerned about it, and as she observed her after worship, surrounded by the other girls and being hugged by her many friends, she seemed to be one of the most popular girls she had yet seen at this school. Gradually this poor little embarrassed ugly-duckling freshman girl learned that this other girl, who appeared to be just as plain, if not plainer, than she, was a senior who was a true, earnest Christian. Her good works, her untiring service and love for others, so far outweighed her plainness that people who knew her never saw the unbeautiful outside because of the beauty of character within. This little freshman, who called herself the Ugly Duckling, made a resolution to be the same kind of unselfish, loving friend to others as was this senior. School years came and went and she, humbly, still referred to herself as the Ugly Duckling, although she was so busy doing good that she never spent any time in self-pity or worrying about her plain S [Pint given as a talk to a group of academy girls.] JULY 20, 1954 features. In her senior year a good friend took her severely to task, for calling herself by that term and insisted that she stop, for the beauty of her character so outshone her less-than-pretty face that no one ever thought she was homely. Her friend also reminded her that the ugly duckling of the Hans Christian Andersen, story became a beautiful swan, and she suggested that possibly the same thing had happened to her. Daughters of the heavenly King, do you long for the outer beauty that fades away or are you longing and striving f-r the beauty that endures? "The king's daughter is all glorious within," the psalmist declares. As a boy, growing up in a little village in the West, I well remember a near neighbor, who, although passing fair, had a rather sharp tongue. This neighbor made her boast that she had never apologized or said she was sorry for anything she had ever said. She uttered her cruel, harsh words whenever she felt so moved and never manifested the least contrition when these words wounded and stung. I have not seen this neighbor for years, but I heard someone report not too long ago that her face now was hard, sharp, and ugly, bearing the outer impress of the spirit within. This reminds me of the experience of the teen-ager who came in proudly to tell her mother that she had overheard someone remark how pretty she was. The mother, wise woman that she was, said, "Don't feel elated about that. You are not responsible for your face at the age of sixteen; ,you are at forty." The former neighbor is now well beyond her forties. If her face is hard and ugly, who is to blame? But do you feel a little resentful at times that you were apparently passed by when beauty was being distributed? Wouldn't every girl like to be beautiful and glamorous? Wouldn't she like to have a peaches- PETER R. LUCAS, FROM FREDERIC LEWIS A marvelous change began to come over the girl who for so long had called herself "The Ugly Duckling." A friend reminded her that in the story the duckling had become a lovely swan. 5 and-cream complexion and naturally wavy hair? But God told Samuel, you'll remember, when He sent him to anoint a king over Israel: "Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart." The King's daughter, all glorious within, has nothing to worry about; God sees her beautiful heart. The heart, the inner spirit, as already suggested, can produce a change in the outward appearance. For instance, a Japanese mother, observing the girls in one of our schools in Japan, asked, "Do you take only pretty girls in your school?" Is outward beauty, mere prettiness, such a blessing? It is said by those who have seen pictures of the more than seventy men whose names are inscribed in the Hall of Fame at University Heights, New York University, New York City, that one is impressed at once by how homely famous men are. Abraham Lincoln and Benjamin Franklin, for example, were not noted for their handsome features, and their names are there. Woodrow Wilson was certainly a famous man, but not exactly handsome. He was fond of quoting the following limerick: "As a beauty I'm not a great star, There are others more handsome by far; But my face I don't mind it Because I'm behind it— 'Tis the folks out in front that I jar." Former President Wilson, in a jesting way, was putting first things first. He realized that mere outward beauty was of little consequence: it was the man behind the face that counted. He must have felt— "I have to live with myself, and so I want to be fit for myself to know." Someone who observed how plain-looking these famous men were—they all seemed to have that one thing in common —tried to determine a reason for it, and came to the conclusion that the handsome boy has things too easy. Girls sigh over him, little old ladies pat him on the head, and he seems to get the breaks whether he deserves them or not. He's the one that's usually chosen class president; he's the one that is considered for an opening in a business if he has the least ability. What is the effect upon him? He doesn't have to exert himself, so his latent powers are never put to the stretch. His character may become warped because of his handsome face. The homely man, on the other hand, has to work and work hard to achieve, gets no breaks, and develops character through his struggle. Each year during the summer there is staged at Long Beach, California, the Miss Universe contest. Beautiful girls from all over the world are sent there by their respective countries to see whether they can carry off the honor of being chosen the most beautiful girl in all the world. But since there are prizes and Hollywood con- qe4 Pe4Ce By J. ERNEST EDW ARDS G BOUT a year ago Charles Nicolas earned a scholarship by canvassing on the French island of Martinique, and attended the Caribbean Training College. During the school vacation time he re-entered the literature ministry and began working for another scholarship. He drove himself so hard in order to earn the scholarship for the next year that at the end of three months his face was thin and drawn. The publishing secretary of the union urged him to visit one of our Seventh-day Adventist doctors, and after careful diagnosis it was found that he had tuberculosis. He returned home to Martinique, but within two weeks he was dead. 6 It was a very sad funeral, for so many people loved him and remembered the prayers he had offered in their homes. During the summer Charles had met a military man by the name of Elisee Aristidi, and together they had studied the Word of God. This military leader, convinced of Bible truth, decided to follow its teachings. When he learned of the death of the one who had brought him the message of eternal life, he determined to take up the work that Charles had laid down. He left the French Army, gave up his officer rating, and became a colporteur-minister. He plans to receive a college training, so he can do double work—for Charles Nicolas and for himself. tracts for the runners-up as well, the girls are quite eager to compete whether they win the coveted title or not. However, even though Miss Universe and several of her court are automatically signed up for a year's contract at several thousand dollars with some film studios, never has any one of these beauty queens become an outstanding actress. Someone asked a film executive last summer the reason for this. His reply was brief: "It looks as though something more is needed than a pretty face and a handsome figure to crash through in Hollywood." Perhaps the pretty girl, like the handsome man, may rely heavily on outward beauty alone, neglecting the inner. But, the "king's daughter is all glorious within." Last summer I heard a charming lady, Mrs. Lucelia Moore, speak before a university group who were studying deafness. Mrs. Moore is deaf, but reads lips and has dedicated her life to teaching the deaf to read lips and to speak so that they will be able to lead a fairly normal life with those who hear well. She revealed that one of the first things she tries to teach her deaf students is to cultivate a "So what?" attitude. "Mrs. Moore, it's hard for me to understand what people are saying." "So what? In a little while you'll be doing better." "Mrs. Moore, I'm afraid people feel sorry for me." "So what?" "Mrs. Moore, I'm having a hard time to make myself understood." "So what?" Mrs. Moore had a lesson for me in that, and a lesson for you. "Other girls are much prettier than I." "So what? The king's daughter is all glorious within.' " "The pretty girls are more popular." "So what? 'Man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart.' " "The pretty girls get more favors." "'So what? The pretty girl is not responsible for her face at sixteen, but she is at forty. Can you hold out for twenty more years, forgetting to pity yourself while you cultivate a beautiful heart, which will, before long, shine through and make the outside beautiful as well?" The beautiful heart will he your passport to the new earth, where, as daughters of Eve, with beautiful new bodies to go with the heart, you'll certainly look like your mother. "Eve was not quite as tall as Adam. Her head reached a little below his shoulders. She, too, was noble— perfect in symmetry, and very beautiful." See what's ahead? Miss Universe will be clear out of the running when compared with you, if you are faithful. Until that time I invite you, King's daughter, to make this little prayer your own: "I pray Thee, Lord, that I may be beautiful, within." THE eleitSI INSTRUCTOR ITH the gates of Londonderry closed against the soldiers of King James, the die had been cast so far as the city was concerned. The next thing was to consider what was best to be done. There was still no indecision on the part of the youthful leaders of this Irish revolt which had resulted in the refusal to admit the Redshanks. Some of the apprentice boys who had shut the gates, once more led by Henry Campsie, hurried to the magazine to seize it. They had observed that the deputy mayor and the two officers of the Earl of Antrim's regiment who had come to the city earlier demanding lodging for the troops and who still remained, together with a number of Roman Catholics in the city, had sent a party to secure it. When the apprentice boys arrived at the magazine, the sentinel, a Roman Catholic named Linegar, no doubt bravely doing his duty as he saw it, shot Henry Campsie, wounding him in the arm. Campsie was thus the first to shed his blood in the defense of Derry. Later, blood was to flow in crimson streams on the walls and in the streets before the city was finally saved. The siege was on, and it lasted for seven long months. Preparations were made for resistance. Supplies of arms and powder were procured from Holland and elsewhere. A messenger was dispatched to London to present the condition and resolution of the people and to procure speedy relief. Plans were also made for provisions to be stored. As it was said: "Thus all the town were at a vast expense! In stores and money for the Town's defence." and: "The country likewise gave a helping hand! And with their forces did the foe withstand." Among these were the people of Enniskillen in County Fermanagh, who were also threatened by the Jacobite forces. They also resolved on a policy of resistance and took as their slogan: "We stand upon our guard, and do resolve by the blessing of God rather to meet our danger than expect [await] it." They waged a campaign against King James's forces at the same time as the citizens of Derry, and their efforts too were crowned with eventual triumph. The Jacobite forces, having swept forward through the North, were making for their two final objectives Londonderry and Enniskillen, and were looking forward to another easy conquest as they approached the walls of the Maiden City, as Derry was called. Following them was King James, confidently expecting that the citizens, on learning that he was approaching, would give him a royal welcome. These expectations were doomed to disappointment. James was answered by the inhabitants with their war cry of "No surJULY 20, 1954 The besieged were finally reduced to eating rats, horseflesh, dogs, cats, mice, tallow, and starch during The Siege of LONDONDERRY By EVE ELLIS PART TWO—CONCLUSION render," refused admission to the city, and ignominiously chased from before its walls. The Jacobite army, reinforced from time to time, and repeatedly urged by James to take the city, which he was so desperately anxious to overcome speedily, lay before it for 105 days, unable to breach its ramparts, because they were defended by a resolute, proud, and unconquerable people. An English expedition sent to their aid failed in its mission, leaving it a city defended only by citizen soldiers who, deserted by many of those from whom they expected leadership, banded themselves together, and choosing their own leaders, resolved to fight and never to surrender under any circumstances. In spite of unutterable hardships and sufferings, these gallant and indomitable men, and women too, defending all they held 'most dear, their faith and their homes, proved faithful to the end. For some eight thousand of them this was to mean death from wounds, disease, fever, pestilence, ill-nourishment, cold, exposure, lack of sleep, hunger, or famine, for no people ever suffered more than the defenders of Derry during those agonizing months, in the course of which they endured almost every human trial and tribulation save only defeat. In May the enemy decided to erect a boom across the river to prevent the relief of the city from the sea, and this was constructed at the narrow part of the river at Brook Hall. The boom was made of timber, joined by iron chains and fortified by a cable twelve-feet thick twisted round it. To make assurance doubly sure, forts were built on each bank of the river right PHOTO, COURTESY OF THE AUTHOR The walls of Londonderry are the most complete city walls existing in the British Isles. The circuit of them is about a mile. The guns of the siege still remain in position at many places. 7 at the ends of the boom to prevent the chains' being cut. On June 15 two ships laden with provisions for Derry were sent from Glasgow, Scotland. There were several debates about going up to break the boom, but nothing was resolved on. A council of war was held. It was pointed out that the enemy had blocked and secured the river, and it was judged impracticable for the ships to force a passage to Derry. The decision was to stay till the relieving forces were organized. With the relief ships in the Foyle making no effort to reach the town, notwithstanding the high tides and favorable winds for sailing to Londonderry, and with provisions getting scarcer, the toll of dead and dying steadily increasing, the situation in the town became extremely grave. The siege was pressed with confident fierceness in the third week of July, inspired by the news of the terrible straits to which the besieged people had been reduced in the matter of provisions, mortality, and sickness, and by the inaction of the fleet in not attempting to force a passage of the river. But the hopes of the Redshanks gave way to despair as it became more and more apparent that there were within the walls of Derry men and women who were resolved to resist. The greatest trial the besieged people had to face was occasioned by the lack of adequate provisions. For thousands there was no place to sleep (the town was full of refugees), and as the siege progressed, fuel was exhausted and water became more and more difficult to obtain, while much of that which was available was muddy. All this was intensified by the exceptionally inclement weather that prevailed in the summer of 1689. There was a severe system of food rationing, and they had to eat food not fit for human consumption: they were finally reduced to eating rats, horseflesh, dogs, cats, mice, tallow, starch—and these sold for high prices. They came to the place where they had nothing left unless they could prey upon one another, and a certain fat gentleman, thinking himself in great danger, and fancying that several of the garrison looked on him with a greedy eye, thought fit to hide himself for three days. The sufferings of the people were intense. The huge multitude within the walls were torn asunder and destroyed in every part of the town by the enemy's bombs. Death met them at every corner, and even water could not be obtained without hazard of life, for the wells were outside the walls. Great numbers were swept away daily by the fever that raged in the city, occasioned by the bad food, ill lodgings, and want of rest. They had to put up with the stench and dismal sights, the noise of cannon, the cries of the sick and wounded, the continual fear of death or of famine, or of falling into the enemy's hands. Hundreds lost their nearest relatives and friends, whom they were not able to help, and women were unable to support their infants. At length the people died so fast that room could scarcely be found to inter them, even the back yards and gardens were filled with graves, and some corpses were thrown into cellars. Still those remaining did not give in. On July 28 the ships Dartmouth, Mountjoy, and Phoenix got under way. It was Sunday evening, and Governor Walker preached in the cathedral. Confident that God would not, after miraculously preserving the city so long, suffer the besieged to be a prey to their enemies, he encouraged the people and stressed the great importance it was to the Protestant religion that they should stand firm, and 'assured them that God would at last deliver them. About an hour after the sermon they saw the ships coming. Captain Browning, who owned and commanded the Mountjoy, was a native of Londonderry, and he eagerly volunteered to take the first risk of succoring his fellow citizens. It was agreed that he, leading the vanguard, should run with full sail against the boom in order to break it. The crimson flag on the Cathedral steeple had flown once or twice to let the fleet see the distress the besieged were in, as much as to tell them that if they came not now, the wind blowing fair, they might as well stay away forever. When the Mountjoy struck the boom, she recoiled and ran ashore on the right bank. This caused distress and despair to the besieged as they anxiously watched events on the river from the city's ramparts, but their spirits rose again as they saw the Mountjoy refloated, the result of the shock caused by the firing of her guns, and get clear with the help of the rising tide. The Mountjoy then crashed through the shattered boom, and the Phoenix also forced her way past it. The Mountjoy brought with her the body of her gallant commander. He had been fatally struck by a bullet on the head as he stood upon the deck with his sword drawn, encouraging his men with great cheerfulness. He died on the spot. He never heard the acclamations of the famished garrison as the little ship and her consorts drew to the shore laden with provisions. He never received the blessings of the fainting mothers of Derry, but perhaps he realized in his last moments that the deed was done and Derry was saved. These men and women of Derry were fighting for their religion and their homes. They said "No surrender"—no surrender of their ideals and no compromising in the matter of their faith. They put their whole trust in God and He failed them not nor did He forsake them. PHOTOS, COURTESY OF THE AUTHOR These scenes in Londonderry show (left to right) the Guildhall with Shipquay Gate in the foreground, Bishop's Gate, and the Walker Monument. 8 THE 'eltalt:2, INSTRUCTOR THERE'S a fellow that will go places! No question about it. Bob is the most popular man on the campus. Somebody will grab him up for a good position the minute he's through. You know, Bob hasn't really made up his mind yet. Only a sophomore. He'd make a fine doctor—or minister. Or even a lawyer, with his gift of speech. He'd succeed anywhere. He just has a way of getting along with people, getting them to see things his way. Now Jim? Yes, Jim is popular too, most of the time. Friendly—loves people. Can talk them into most anything. Just one thing. If Jim has a conviction that a thing is right or wrong, he won't budge. And he doesn't care if it moves him down a few notches on the popularity scale. In spite of that, he's without question one of the most popular campus men. He'll go places. Yes, Bob and Jim will go places. Bob and Jim have been enrolled in college and graduated, all over the country, under many different names. And now they're going places. Let's watch! Dr. Bob is still popular. He has a big practice, a fine home. His patients like him. He always says the right thing, always gives them something or other that makes them feel better right now. And he never scolds his patients—takes them as they are without trying to reform them. Now and then a patient detects a trace of impatience or lack of interest, but doctors. are busy men. Dr. Jim isn't quite so spectacular. He has a good practice. But he loses a patient now and then—one who wants to be constantly doped with drugs that Dr. Jim, without diplomacy, insists are causing more troubles than they cure. Or one who doesn't want to be told he shouldn't smoke. And those, of course, who say it's none of the doctor's business what they eat. But most of his patients love him. They know they can call him day or night. They like the security of knowing they can bank on what he says. They like him for saying he doesn't know when he doesn't know. Bob as a minister seems to be making quite a record. He 18 promoted at regular intervals to larger responsibility. He gets cooperation wherever he goes. He's a good mixer. As popular as ever, he never rubs the wrong way. Folks like his sermons. They make them feel so sort of comfortable, as if they're really not doing so bad after all. He never scolds or lectures, knows when to keep quiet on controversial issues. In short, he never steps on anybody's toes, manages to agree with everybody. Still popular, his churches are well filled. He brings in glowing financial reports. JULY 20, 1954 All graduates look much alike as they are awarded their degrees and enter upon their chosen lifework. Will those who have been popular in school be the most likely to succeed in a profession? POPULARITY POLL By MARJORIE LEWIS LLOYD What about the spiritual condition of Bob's churches? Well, at least the people like their pastor. He never disturbs them, never upsets their way of life. So they keep coming. Jim as a minister has quite a different record. There's no question about his popularity and his success with most of the people. He loves every one of them. And they know it. They know they can call him, count on his prayers and help and counsel, day or night. He's their pastor. But Jim's sermons. Well, they don't always make his people feel comfortable. They aren't always as cheering as they might be. Often they make his congregation feel that they stand as sinners before God, needing a Saviour. Often he points out wrongs that need to be righted. And people react in very different ways to sermons like that. Some find God, find their way into a new and transformed life. They are deeply grateful to their pastor. But some, always some, don't like straight preaching. They can't take it. They look at the ceiling while he preaches, or they go to another church. Or they complain that the pastor scolds, or talks too long, or just doesn't get along with people. Yes, Jim is just like he was in college. He's popular with people. He loves them. And they love him. But he still won't budge an inch on principle, no matter what it costs. Bob as a lawyer is doing right well. He speaks eloquently, makes a good impression. And he has countless opportunities in his profession to witness for his Lord and his church. Of course he's too busy sometimes to take advantage of these opportunities, but on Sabbaths he makes it up. He's elder of the church, gives excellent Sabbath school lesson reviews. Incidentally, he can help you with all the angles on your income tax. Jim as a lawyer is doing well too. He speaks with an earnestness and sincerity that do much to win his case. He feels that being a lawyer is much like being a minister. So many troubled hearts sit across from his desk. Now and then he makes To page 23 9 Flag Unfurled By E. L. MINCHIN PHOTO, COURTESY OF THE AUTHOR Young Herbert Blomstedt is already among the foremost Swedish conductors. He has a marked ability to inspire the musicians he directs. Best of all, Herbert is a loyal Seventh-day Adventist. RILLI ANT ! Sensational! Inspiring!"—so said the musical critics in fourteen Swedish newspapers recently concerning Herbert Blomstedt, a Seventh-day Adventist youth of Stockholm. On February 4, Herbert broke into the musical life of Sweden when he conducted the Stockholm Symphony Orchestra in the crowded Concert Hall. It set the musical world of Sweden talking. The newspaper Aftonbladet reported: "Herbert Blomstedt was the thrill of the evening, yes, why not—the sensation. . . . The packed house greeted the guest conductor and the soloist with a storm of applause. Herbert Blomstedt is already among our foremost Swedish conductors, if not even the foremost. A red-letter day in the history of the Symphony. Besides the everywhere highly praised musical knowledge and artistic merits, which 10 Herbert Blomstedt has shown himself to possess, he has a marked ability not only to inspire the musicians, but actually to hypnotize the audience who sit as if in a trance." Best of all, Herbert is a loyal Seventhday Adventist. His father, Pastor Blomstedt, is the respected leader of our Voice of Prophecy work in Sweden, and his mother, a gifted musician, has had a strong influence in the development of her son's musical talents as well as his religious principles. Herbert has unfurled his flag, and the musical world knows of his unswerving allegiance to his religious convictions. The Svenska Morgonbladet of February 5, had this headline: "Sabbath Commandment Hinders Artist From Signing Advantageous Contracts." It was a report of an interview with Herbert, who said: "I am a Seventh-day Adventist and cannot work on Saturdays with rehearsals and the like, and cannot give concerts on Friday nights. I cannot be untrue to my convictions. I do not covet success, but I am nevertheless happy over the success I have had. My Christian faith has buoyed me up in many difficult experiences and, of course, I cannot compromise in such things which to me are a matter of conscience." Another paper stated: "Herbert Blomstedt is an unusual person in more than one way. He is a Seventh-day Adventist, which has several times created unusual problems for him. Blomstedt is (as is his father, Adolf Blomstedt, and the whole family) a Seventh-day Adventist. The Sabbath for him comes on Saturday. Several years ago his written state examination came on his Sabbath. Herbert had to sit locked up all day long in the school garret until finally, after sundown, he could take hold of the task which his classmates already had finished during the day." I had the privilege of attending Herbert's second concert in the Stockholm Concert Hall recently. He conducted the Symphony Orchestra to the pianoforte accompaniment of Shura Cherkassky, one of Europe's greatest pianists. Behind this concert was a story that thrilled me. It was held on a Sunday night. Cherkassky had sent word that he wanted two rehearsals, one Friday and the other Saturday. Herbert had replied that it was impossible for him to rehearse with the orchestra on Saturday. It looked as though the concert might be canceled. On a previous Sabbath morning I had met Herbert at -our church, for on the Sabbath day he takes an active part in the young people's meetings and the Sabbath services. He asked me to pray for him that the Lord would overrule. He said confidently, "Something will happen, I know it will." Next day he met me with a smile, saying, "Something has happened. Although Cherkassky had appointments elsewhere, he has replied that he will now arrive on Thursday and we shall have our rehearsal before the Sabbath. God longs for the love and witness of our talented youth. He has need of faithful representatives in the musical and cultural circles of our countries. Speaking to such youth, God's servant says, "Balanced by religious principles you may rise to any height you please." Like Joseph, Esther, and Daniel, they will by their faith and their devotion to high religious principles, proclaim the truth among a class of people not usually reached. As I watched Herbert conducting so brilliantly that Sunday night, I thanked God for his loyal and humble heart and lifted a prayer that the Great Musician would keep him so, and use his witness to bring a knowledge of present truth to those whom he is now able to influence. THE Velak INSTRUCTOR R A F? OF Montego Bay MV Rally By A. M. Dwyer, R.N. They came from east, west, north, and south to the Seventh-day Adventist Temple in Montego Bay, Jamaica, British West Indies. It was MV Rally weekend. After a lively song service D. H. Baasch, Inter-American Division Missionary Volunteer secretary, gave the keynote message, and the evening was climaxed by a reconsecration service. On Sabbath morning at 9:15 we again gathered for the Sabbath school song service. High lights of the hour were the review by Pastor A. C. Stockhausen,"Pastor Baasch's story, and the lesson study by M. J. Sorenson. We were all greatly blessed after having listened to each speaker. L. A. Skinner, of the General Conference Missionary Volunteer Department, was the speaker at the eleven o'clock worship hour. Surely the Spirit of God was present. We felt reluctant to leave the mount to come back down to earth after having seen the glory of the Lord. The topic for the 3 P.M. hour was Outpost Evangelism. During this period our leaders taught us how to do more effective missionary work. And by placing Christ above all we pledged ourselves to do all we can for the finishing of the gospel work in this generation. On Sunday we especially enjoyed the workshop hour in the new Harrison's Memorial School. It was directed by L. A. Skinner, D. H. Baasch, A. R. Haig, and H. Fletcher. The object of the MV Kit was made clear to us, with its invaluable help to the society, and all the high points to make each of us better MV leaders. This is 1:30 P.M., and Pastor B. Hurst, publishing secretary for the British West Indies Union, and his co-workers are on the platform. Without the printed page we would be powerless in sharing our faith. The candidates for investiture came forward during the three o'clock meeting —two Companions and three Master 'Guides. The Master Guides of the Montego Bay church, seventeen of them all dressed in their regalia, were right behind -the candidates. A. M. Dwyer presented the candidates, Pastor Fletcher examined them, and Pastor Haig gave the charge. The insignia -were presented, and then the candidates JULY 20, 1954 formed a circle as Pastor Baasch offered the consecration prayer. The church was overcrowded for the Sunday evening service. Many were standing on the outside. It was very hot, but we were there to enjoy a feast of good things. Could it be true that this was nearly the end of our rally? Elder Skinner was the evening's speaker. His appeal was Spirit endued, and we pledged our allegiance to God. By God's help we have volunteered for service, to do all we can to help others and to finish the work in this generation. Alert to Truth telligently, her ma rIfAr eXVI• J i sceer, She was sure that I foevtik 'a ed that she convinced me. an opening that had occurred that morn•ing. She could report for work Monday. My work was to hire, supervise training, and discharge. Monday morning I assigned Miss Wilson a difficult job requiring speed, concentration, and instant judgment. Never before had anyone learned so quickly or acquired such efficiency in so brief a time. In a few days she had surpassed the girl who was to train her. She advanced rapidly both in salary and responsibility. In the girls' lounge I kept a reading rack well filled with Adventist literature. When passing through at lunchtime I would often see Miss Wilson avidly reading a Signs or YOUTH'S INSTRUCTOR. One day after several months she asked me why I went to church on Saturday. Some of the girls had informed her that that was the reason I did not work the half day Saturday as others did. I explained briefly and gave her some reading matter on the subject. To page 23 By Gloria H. Faythe She was a tall attractively dressed young woman. She stood at the door of my office respectfully waiting for my attention. Busy, as personnel and training manager, cleaning the last-minute details of a hectic Friday from my desk, I had not noticed her at first. She asked for work. I told her regretfully that the response to the ad in the Sunday paper had been overwhelming and our quota was filled. She had no previous business experience, she was too young, she was too late. To most this answer would have been sufficient, but not to Miss Wilson. She listened politely and then started talking. She talked interestingly, confidently, in- PHOTOS, A. M. DWYER Above: The three Master Guides and one Companion invested recently at Montego Bay, Jamaica. Below: This fine group of Master Guides, in their regalia, assisted in the investiture service. 11 It was sundown when* the party rounded the last mountain and came in sight of the village. People stared with curiosity at the first white woman who had ever ridden into their town. Jungles of CHIAPAS By BARBARA 0. WESTPHAL FIRST OF THREE PARTS March 6.—This was the day we had been looking forward to for many months! For weeks I had been pondering over the strange names on our itinerary and wondering what this trip would be like. This morning we left Tuxtla Gutierrez, the capital of the state of Chiapas in southern Mexico, in a rented car. A few miles up in the mountains we left the Pan American highway and took a gravel road. Our first stop was in the village of Soya16, and our purpose was to see a tiny metal image, just a little head with a Joanof-Arc haircut. The people in the town reportedly found it in a cave where they claim to have heard its voice one evening. The little image, given' the name of LESTER QUADE The quetzal, national bird of Guatemala, is an emblem of freedom. 12 San Miguelito, is not kept in the town's church, but in a private home, a two-room house with dirt floors. In the first room candles were burning before a large image of San Miguel and men were kneeling on the floor before it. In the second room we found four men busy at typewriters answering San Miguelito's mail, for the little image receives thousands of letters from all parts of the world, asking his advice on every detail of life—and enclosing checks for the keepers! San Miguelito himself was in a small wooden box decorated with artificial flowers. At seven every evening his keepers have an interview with him, asking him the questions received in the day's mail and consulting him concerning the problems of the village people. We don't know the explanation of this mystery—perhaps ventriloquism or spiritism, but we wanted to see San Miguelito, for he once helped one of our colporteurs sell a book! The Adventist was canvassing the owner of the image, but the man said he couldn't buy a book without the permission of San Miguelito. "Ask him," said the colporteur. "All right," agreed the owner; "you explain it to him." So the colporteur stood in front of the little wooden box and gave his canvass to the image. A voice was heard saying, "I have nothing against it," and the sale was made. The views of mountain valleys were lovely as we climbed higher up, and the air was fresh and cool, though we were in the tropics. It was dinnertime when we came to the end of the road in Rincon Chamula, which means Chamula Corner. The picturesquely dressed Indians of this section of the mountains are the Cha- mulas. All our equipment was unloaded on the ground from the rented car, which returned. We were happy to see the mules and the men who had come to meet us from the church in Pantepec. After a bit of lunch the guides loaded the pack mules with our bedrolls, . my accordion, our cameras, our necessary books and kindergarten materials, a box of canned food for any emergency, and too many miscellaneous little bags. There were five in our party today: Ben Maxson, the mission superintendent, an American friend, my husband, his secretary Manuel, and I. The three guides had left Pantepec before four in the morning and had been waiting for us some time in Rincon Chamula. They guided the pack mules and trudged over the terrible mountain trails barefoot as we rode, and I believe they reached here less tired than we. We rounded some mountains, coming out on the Atlantic side, where the rain clouds sweep up from the Gulf and keep the jungle a moist dark green. Taking a short cut that went straight up a mountain and then straight down the slippery, rocky trail on the other side, we came into the Black Forest, a tropical cloud forest full of tall jungle trees draped with graceful lianas. The clouds rushed past overhead. I put on and took off my sweater repeatedly as we rode through alternate clouds and sunshine. There were round, giant leaves as broad as our outstretched arms could span. "What kind of leaves are they?" I asked our guides. "We don't know the name of them," they laughed, "but they are very useful. They are the poor man's umbrella." The hillsides were draped with THE Z10atit:2 INSTRUCTOR all kinds of ferns. Especially lovely were the big tree ferns with their cinnamoncolored buds shaped like the neck of a violin and almost as large. If this was the dry season, I wondered how the mules ever navigated the trails when it was really the wet season. On level stretches the mud was deep and had been worn into a deep corduroy effect by the constant passing of mules. The troughs were full of at least two feet of dirty water. At first I was inclined to guide my mule near the edge, where there was less mud, but the men told me it was dangerous to stay on the edge of the precipice, where it was slippery, so I let Cricket plunge clomp, clomp, clomp into the troughs of mud with all four feet. The forest was too dark and deep to see birds as I had hoped, but I did enjoy hearing the slate-colored solitaire, Mexico's best songbird, according to my taste. Its flutelike song is reminiscent of a thrush's, whose cousin it is. It was sundown when we rounded the last mountain and could see the village of Pantepec below us at the head of a canyon surrounded by hills. Villagers gazed with curiosity at the first American woman who had ever ridden into their town. We stumbled from our mules and fell into the string hammocks offered us. A few minutes served to limber up stiff knees, and I was able to find a dark corner where I could change from my riding skirt and shirt into a dress for the evening meeting. Sitting on a bench with no back, I played the accordion till my arms ached. Now we were ready for bed. We were glad for our air mattresses, for the beds here are just frames, with no springs at all. March 7.—A busy Sabbath day. Manuel and I taught the children in the house where we are staying, for there is no children's room at the church across the street. We put planks over boxes to make room for them all. They were delighted with the lovely pictures we had to show them and with the new songs. "Why don't you stay in Pantepec," they pleaded shyly, "and teach us every week?" In the afternoon I slipped away for a short walk, back over the trail on which we had entered the village. I was rewarded with a white-winged tanager, a new bird for my list, which now consists of about five hundred as a life list, three hundred of which I have seen in Mexico. March 8.—Today we had a beautiful ride, mostly through a deciduous forest of chestnut oaks and tanbark oaks where wild begonias were growing in the shady nooks. We came to a deep canyon where a rushing river and waterfall could be heard far below. Up into the higher mountains we followed this canyon and finally came out on a grassy meadow where the village of Tapalapa is. Here the mud and bamboo huts cluster around the ruins of an enormous old monastery. JULY 20, 1954 One of the surprises of this trip was finding old Catholic churches way back here in the mountains. I hadn't realized the Spanish conquest had been so complete in so short a time. Behind the village rose rocky cliffs and wooded mountain peaks, and in front was a view of endless hills and valleys. One of the thatched huts had been set aside just for us. There were pine needles on the floor of our "hotel" as well as in the church. We climbed down a steep mountain canyon for a bath in a stream, and then were ready for our dinner. It was fun to see the Indian women carrying our food from the hut where they cook it to the hut where we stayed. They formed quite a procession, carrying our rice, beans, tortillas, and corn coffee. The women here dress in a homespun tight wrap-around skirt tied on with a coarse red woolen sash. They wear a loose flowing blouse, go barefoot, and have their black hair hanging down their backs in braids. In the afternoon the mission superintendent asked me to talk to the women in the church while the men had an outdoor meeting. Every woman came with a baby at her breast, wrapped in a wool scarf. They were all Zoqui Indians, and there wasn't a woman there who knew enough Spanish to translate for me, so we had to have a man come in for that. "You live in a beautiful place," I told them, "and God wants you to be clean and healthy and to have healthy children." Then I talked to them, in very simple language, about the most elementary ideas of sanitation. Some of my foreign ideas seemed to amuse them, as well as the translator, very much, but they were happy and friendly. March 9.—Of course I was up early to see the birds in this new paradise. When I came back to the village for breakfast I was happy to find that my husband had ordered two mules saddled for us, so we could have a little ride back into the mountain forest. That is the time and the place to see the gorgeous quetzals with their long-flowing tail feathers. The quetzal is the national bird of Guatemala, the emblem' of freedom (because it will not live in captivity), and one of the world's most beautiful birds. But they are secretive and live in the deep forest. By the time we got out of the village a crowd of happy little boys was following us, and I knew there was no chance of even glimpsing the swaying of a long quetzal tail. As we were riding down a steep trail my mule jumped from one stone to another, and the loose saddle and I gently rolled into the only mud on the trail. I found myself in a very narrow spot, looking up at the mule's belly above me. My husband says he was torn between a terrible desire to stop and get a picture and a fear that the mule might step on me. Fortunately love won out, and he came to my rescue quickly. If he had only known that Cricket would stand perfectly still, he would have taken that picture first! On the way back to the village I dropped behind the rest to be alone and see the birds better. A sudden flight of a hummer revealed its tiny nest right beside the path. I came back to get a close-up of the delicate nest with its two eggs, and while focusing the camera, was thrilled to have the bird come, sit on the nest only three feet away, and insist on being in the picture. This hummingbird was another new one for my list, a green-violet ear. This afternoon Pastor Camerena inTo page 23 PHOTO, COURTESY OF THE AUTHOR As we visited the various groups of Adventists back in the jungles of southern Mexico we were always well provided for by the Dorcas ladies. They refused payment, but we left an offering. 13 BEWARE of Side Tracks By NORMAN 0 F A person obeyed the suggestion of every roadside advertisement, there is no telling what the drastic results would be. And, if a person ignored every roadside sign, the results might be even more drastic. But these thoughts were not bothering young Lester Wickes as he and his life companion sped along the straight desert highway. For many hundreds of miles they had been fascinated by the vastness of the great Western desert. On every side, 'as far as the eye could see, were barren, sunbaked hills and plains. Sagebrush and jack rabbits were about the only things C. MABERL) that could survive on that arid wasteland. The day before had been one of those days that make travel worth while. In the morning they had visited the famous temple square of Salt Lake City. They had looked at the great gray temple while a friendly Mormon guide told stories of the old pioneers and the hardships of earlier days. They had entered the Tabernacle, built without a nail, which has such perfect acoustic properties that the slightest sound on the rostrum can be heard at the very back of the building. They had listened to the mighty pipe organ, built by an Australian, as it was PHOTO, COURTESY OF THE SALT LAKE CITY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE They had visited the famous temple square of Salt Lake City. Then they headed across the desert. 14 played for the whole country on a coast-tocoast radio network. Then in the afternoon, as the temperature was rising to well over 100°, they had driven out to the lake itself. The experience of floating on water without being able to sink would be fascinating to anyone. For a long time they bobbed about like corks, held up by the mineral content of the water. It had been a good day, a day well spent. But today they were on the road again; the heat was almost unbearable; and they chuckled together as they read a number of roadside signs, one of which read, "Sagebrush is free, stuff your trunk full." Other signs were in abundance, and reading them was a tiring pastime. Consequently they did not observe very closely a little notice that appeared again and again. It said, "Do not turn off onto desert side tracks." Toward the latter part of the afternoon Lester was growing very weary and hungry when up ahead he sighted a number of shady green trees. As he and his wife approached they saw that nearby was a little clear stream. This was the perfect place for a picnic lunch and muchneeded rest. A turn of the wheel took them off the highway and down to the green grass and shade. Soon they were out stretching, yawning, and relaxing, but in less time than it takes you to read this sentence they were back in the car, winding up the windows as fast as the handles would turn. That perfect little spot in the desert was also a perfect breeding ground for mosquitoes. Thousands of them were swarming all about the fast-closing windows. With one objective in mind Lester started up the motor and began to back out, but a car heavy with luggage—every conceivable space inside full, a luggage basket on top, and a full trailer behind— is not easy to move on a sandy desert. The wheels gave a spin or two, and there the couple were, mosquitoes and all, with the car up to the axle in the sand. Now a saucepan can be a very useful thing. But whoever heard of using one as an excavator? After two hours of standing almost on his head fighting a losing battle against mosquitoes and sand, Lester, followed by his wife, climbed into the car, said good night, and slept till morning. When they awoke after a long sound sleep, Lester made his way up to the highway to try to get help. But he was dirty and unshaven. Passers-by thought he was a tramp and paid no attention to his frantic efforts to stop them. At long last a farmer on a tractor came chugging down the road, and without a word he hooked a chain to the marooned auto and pulled it out onto safe, hard ground. Naturally he was rewarded well, and as he drove off he turned and said, "Beware of side tracks, young fellow; they're dangerous." Are you like Lester? THEolet,a2 INSTRUCTOR BRA OF SABBATH SCHOOL clean: from all your filthiness, and from a # a new spirit cleanse you. A new heart al3o will I give yo 4mart will I put within you: and I will take away tke of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh. An, I w: put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do them." 8. What "family trait" will I have? (1 John 2:29.) "If ye know that he is righteous, ye know that every one that doeth righteousness is born of him." The New Birth LESSON FOR JULY 31 9. What is a sign that I have been born again? (1 John 3:9.) "Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God." FOR WEDNESDAY FOR SABBATH AFTERNOON MEMORY GEM: "Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God" ( John 3:3). THINK IT OVER: Years ago, on one of the islands of the Pacific Ocean, a missionary preached to the people on the commandment, "Thou shalt not steal." He said if they had stolen anything they should return it to the owners. The following day the missionary found his house surrounded by the people bringing back their stolen goods. They said, "We have not been able to sleep all night. These things we have brought with us are stolen goods." They returned them to the rightful owners. A noble example of conversion. The new birth changes people. FOR SUNDAY 1. What is the sure result of sin? (Rom. 5:12, last part.) "And so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned." 2. What is the sad condition of every one living on this earth? (Rom. 3:23.) "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God." 3. What distressing situation am I in? (Eph. 2:12.) "That at that time ye were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of Promise, having no hope, and without God in the world." FOR MONDAY 4. What bitter cry came from the lips of Paul when he realized his condition? (Rom. 7:24.) "0 wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death?" 5. (a) Realizing his wretched condition, what prayer did the publican offer? (Luke 18:13.) "And the publican, standing afar off, would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon his breast, saying, God be merciful to me a sinner." (b) What was David's earnest plea? (Ps. 51:7-10.) "Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. Make me to hear joy and gladness; that the bones which thou hast broken may rejoice. Hide thy face from my sins, and blot out all mine iniquities. Create in me a clean heart, 0 God; and renew a right spirit within me." FOR TUESDAY 6. Since death is the portion of every sinner, how can I hope to live again? ( John 3:3.) "Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." NOTE.—"The change of heart by which we become children of God is in the Bible spoken of as birth."—Steps to Christ, p. 71. 7. What does God promise to do for me? (Eze. 36:25-27.) 10. What change takes place in my life? (2 Cor. 5:17.) "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." NOTE.—"Through the power of Christ men and women have broken the chains of sinful habit. They have renounced selfishness. The profane have become reverent, the drunken sober, the profligate pure. Souls that have borne the likeness of Satan have become transformed into the image of •God. This change is in itself the miracle of miracles "—Acts of the Apostles, p. 476. 11. How long will the new life last? (1 Peter 1:23.) "Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever." 12. Will my spiritual birthday be on as definite a date as my natural birthday? ( John 3:7, 8.) "Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again. The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou Nearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit." NOTE.—"A person may not be able to tell the exact time or place, or to trace all the circumstances in the process of conversion; but this does not prove him to be unconverted. By an agency as unseen as the wind, Christ is constantly working upon the heart. Little by little, perhaps unconsciously to the receiver, impressions are made that tend to draw the soul to Christ. These may be received through meditating upon Him, through reading the Scriptures, or through hearing the word from the living preacher. Suddenly, as the Spirit comes with more direct appeal, the soul gladly surrenders itself to Jesus."—Th e Desire of Ages, p. 172. FOR THURSDAY 13. (a) What was the mind of Christ? (Luke 22:42, last part.) "Nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done." By ELEANOR WENTWORTH In Earth's great cathedral I sit musing As the thunderous overtones roll. Now major, now minor, the organ notes peal In the tremulous pipes of my soul. The coolness, the shadows, the sunbeams astray, Whisper calm in my soul, stilling strife. The Master, from joys and from bitterest pain, Is composing the symphony of my life. 'Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you, and ye shall be JULY 20, 1954 15 (b) What mind, or disposition, am I . admonished to have? (Phil. 2:5.) "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus." 14. What is expected of me when I have the mind of Christ? (Micah 6:8.) "He hath chewed thee, 0 man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?" 15. What joyous experience is mine after the new birth? (Gal. 5:22, 23.) "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law." NOTE.—"When the Spirit of God takes possession of the heart, it transforms the life. Sinful thoughts are put away, evil deeds are renounced; love, humility, and peace take the place of anger, envy, and strife. Joy takes the place of sadness, and the countenance reflects the light of heaven "—The Desire. of Ages, p. 173. FOR FRIDAY 7coefet Za4ed By HORACE C. GATES 6 HE pickup truck whined as it ground around sharp curves and ascended the steep roadway that skirted breathtaking drops. "Oh! a bear, a bear!" screamed the boys and girls, with the girls taking the leading role. Certainly we were not more surprised than the big brown beast was as he pulled himself up onto the road, paused for one short instant to stare at the truck with its screaming cargo, then rapidly waddled into the protecting underbrush above the road. As suddenly as the change of pictures upon a screen the green waters of Twin Lakes lay before us, nestled in the lap of jagged mountains whose summits played with the clouds, which were reflected in the cold, pure water. On a grassy plateau overlooking the lakes the units pitched camp. Tents were appreciated, for the wind of the high altitude had a tingle of winter in it. And when in the middle of the night the director was rudely awakened by a chorus of girls shouting "bear," he found the frost-covered ground rather shocking to bare feet. Incidentally, the "bear" was in the form of a mouse that had knocked a can over as it scurried across the makeshift table. Sabbath school was not prolonged because of the inefficiency of a campfire in warming both sides at the same time. But such a Sabbath school held in the alpine meadows with great walls of solid rock surrounding cannot soon be forgotten. It must have been in just such a cathedral that the Waldenses of long ago met to preserve the truths we cherish. The morning was concluded by a walk to Lone Jack Mine. All the way we marveled at the great upheavals of na16 Read John 3 : 1-21. cure in this wild Cascade country in the Pacific Northwest. As we started up the rock dump at the foot of the old mine a little weasel poked his nose out from under a rock and peered at us. We "froze." The little creature came closer and closer until he was within a few feet of us. His beady black eyes sparkled and his nose twitched as he sat up and peered inquisitively. After dinner and ,rest period some of us went to another abandoned mine while the others remained behind to talk with visitors who had arrived. Alpine flowers hemmed the that seemed to be leading us to the the clouds. At last it broke over a saddle and started down to the mine, and better yet, to huge patches of dwarf blueberries. At vespers around the campfire we saw the sun paint pictures subduing and softening the rugged mountains, wrapping them in pastel shades, and bathing their reflections in the tinted lakes. The sun may set. Such events may have their end. But in the files of memory and in the art galleries of the inner self such events and scenes can never fade and die. PHOTOS, COURTESY OF THE AUTHOR Every one of the boys and girls on the weekend outing enjoyed the adventures at Twin Lakes. THEefeark. INSTRUCTOR From SUNSET to SUNSET By LILY GO\ZAGA HE had a mole on her cheek, right under the left eye, and another one just below her right shoulder. The mole on the cheek meant, so the belief went, that she would be shedding tears; and the mole on the shoulder meant that she would be a burden bearer, just as Jesus bore the cross on His shoulder. Superstition? fate? coincidence? Whichever it was, she seemed early marked for a life of problems, of hardship, of sorrow, of sacrifice. Elisea's childhood was not too pleasant. Her mother had been married once before, and had a child by this first marriage. All favor centered on this daughter. Elisea early learned that her stepsister must have the best food, must have the lion's share in everything, must always be given the preference. The other children might not eat till this stepsister was already satisfied. Elisea used to walk to and from the Philippine normal school to attend classes; or else a rich uncle, who looked upon her with special favor, would give her carfare so she could ride the streetcar. After two years of this she graduated from the regular course. That was in 1906; she was not yet seventeen. Her maidenhood! One glowing spot in her life she could look back to with pleasure and satisfaction! Just as the sunset, with all its gorgeous hues, displays its varicolored splendor in the western skies, then slowly fades over the horizon to give way to the coming darkness, her maidenhood was the roseate spot in her life, which was but to give way to suffering later on. "Let it not be said," so her mother philosophized, "that my daughter wanted to get married just to escape an unhappy maidenhood." So, she didn't have to do the washing; Mother did that. She didn't have to do the cooking; Mother attended to that. When she came home from school and some young people might be waiting for her, she was free to join them. She had a good supply of clothes—bought by Mother. S JULY 20, 1954 She had invitations aplenty. No birthday party, no baptism, no fiesta, no society, was complete without her. The young people would congregate in her home and wait till she was ready. She was popular, sought after, looked up to, for was she not the first in that big community to graduate from the normal school? And so young too? She was someone! Elisea taught in the San Nicolas elementary school for one year, then transferred to Meisic elementary school the next. Here she met the man destined to become her life companion. .Both of them were teachers. Since they lived in the same locality, it seemed natural that they should go home together after school. And even when she was transferred to the Paco intermediate school, he would do the correcting of papers for her. Her mother did not favor this young man. Others who seemed more worthy and deserving were hoping for Elisea's hand. But when this particular young man sought not only the young woman's favor but her mother's favor too, all defenses were, broken down. There was a wedding, a typical highchurch wedding. Though the young man was a Protestant, it could not be otherwise. The young woman's family would not have allowed it, especially her father, who had earlier studied for the priesthood. So the young man had to go through the three announcements of the wedding, make confession to the priest the day before the wedding, and be wed to his bride in the inner sanctum of the altar of the local church. After a year or so a child came to bless their home. However, the blessing was short lived. One day the child was toddling along, holding on to the chairs as he went.. Then—it happened so quickly —the child's hand slipped, and he fell backward, first to a sitting position, then hitting the floor with his head. For forty-two days the infant was in a coma. The suspense and anxiety were painful. Death mercifully claimed the baby at last. The young mother seemed unable to believe it. For about a week after that she would hurry home from school, fully expecting her baby and her husband to be waiting for her at the window of their home. Then, when she neared the familiar spot and looked, the window was stark and empty. The painful thought would stab her: "Oh, there's no one to wait for me anymore!" And her body would feel limp and weak. A second child was born to the couple, a daughter this time. Happy? yes, if but to assuage their grief over their first-born. But even this happiness was dampened by a discovery they made about this second child. It happened when the child was about a year old. Luming, Elisea's sister, came to stay with them. One day the child began to cry. Luming, thinking the child hungry, proceeded BEN BUCK Though tragedy seemed to fill her life, Elisea and her children have been faithful light bearers. 17 to prepare milk for her. As she beat the fork against the sides of the bowl she purposely let it make noise, so the child would hear it and stop crying in anticipation of the food to come. But the infant continued to cry. Luming was suspicious. "Maybe this child is deaf," she thought. She decided to test the child's hearing. She came behind the infant, milk bottle in hand. The child still was not conscious of her presence. But when Luming gently thrust the milk bottle against the infant's cheek, the baby quickly turned and sucked hungrily, eagerly, at the bottle. So the child was deaf indeed! Through the years that followed, when the couple would hear of any possibility by which the child's hearing might be restored, they would go hopefully, only to be disappointed. The darkness was gathering in Elisea's life. Midnight was coming on. Shortly after Elisea had married, her husband became interested in the teachings of Adventists. Pastor L. V. Finster would come every Tuesday, accompanied by Mr. Roxas or someone else, to give Bible studies. Elisea would listen 'in, but was not too interested. For one thing, she was expecting her first child. For another, although she did not presume to be a devout Catholic, she felt sufficient in herself. She felt that as long as she was good and did nobody any harm, that was enough. But her husband accepted the third angel's message, and a year afterward resigned from his teaching to devote his time to gospel work. After three years as a worker, Elisea's husband was ordained to the ministry. Elisea still was a lukewarm Christian. The Adventist faith did not appeal to her, especially when her husband would often leave her for one or two weeks at a stretch To page 19 qeadetwe An de qiele egot6 "MINE EYES HAVE SEEN...", By G S NEWSMEN will do after they have written a big story, a small group of reporters were sitting together in one of the many bars of Las Vegas, Nevada. Each started telling the others what headline he thought his editor would affix to his particular story. One thought his story would be titled, "Hell Bomb Biggest Yet," and another thought his headline would read, "Atom Blast Rips Nevada Skies." These were men who, on the morning of March 17, 1953, had seen one of the greatest atomic blasts ever witnessed by human beings. They were a few of the hundreds of newsmen from scores of newspapers and magazines throughout the United States who were called to Yucca Flats, Nevada. Standing on News Nob, as the rise was called, they were required to wear heavy dark glasses if they desired to look at the blast as the bomb exploded. The glasses were so thick and so dark that the newsmen could not see their own hands as they waved them directly in front of their faces. The hour of the blast came and passed, and the men on News Nob hurried off to Las Vegas, the nearest large city, to file their stories and send them off to their hometown papers. As each of the reporters in turn contributed what he thought would be a fitting headline for his story all eyes focused upon the last journalist of the group. His mind quickly 18 went back to the terrific explosion earlier in the day. He thought of the extreme precautions taken by military authorities to protect the newsmen there; he thought of the heavy dark glasses and of the blinding brilliance of the bomb's burst even through those specially constructed HERB FORD lenses. Finally his inspired answer came to his waiting colleagues. "Gentlemen," he said, "I think if my editor is wise he will write a headline for my story that says simply this: 'Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord.' " WIDE WORLD THE (11.0.4i INSTRUCTOR Deem Dewte,, Several years ago a young man from Jamaica came to work on our farm to help pay his way through medical school. His summer's earnings were not enough to make expenses, so my parents and several Adventist farmers helped him. He is now an intern in a large hospital in Nashville, putting the finishing touches on his training so that he may return to his native land as a missionary. Today we had a letter from Herbert. Though he has had a very big job to do and has been overworked most of the time, he has never let down on his courage. When he first came to us he was about the most cheerful person we had ever met. One day my mother asked him how he could look into the future with its huge obligations and not worry or fret. "Well, you see it's like this. I know God wants me to be a doctor and take care of my poor sick people, and so if He wants me to be, He'll provide the money. There just isn't a thing to worry about!" In his letter Herbert said that he has had a pretty tough time even since he has completed his college work, but he still maintained that he was going to make it because God wanted him to. We have noticed that most of the overseas students, once they become Christians, put all they have into their faith. They do not seem to have the inhibitions that many of us moderns have. I wonder if it is because they have lived carefree, simple lives rather than the complex, involved lives produced by modern living. I wonder too whether that is why God wanted us to live in the country away from the perplexities of city life. From Sunset to Sunset From page 18 to preach the gospel in the provinces. She did not like the idea of being left alone. One of the reasons she had married was for protection. What if thieves broke in at night when she was alone with the children? Was this the protection her husband could provide? While her husband preached, Elisea continued to teach. A boy was born, and after three years a girl followed. Then the blow came. No, it was a series of blows. She was expecting her fifth child. Her husband had taken sick, but because he was scheduled to baptize in a nearby province, he went despite his sickness. Quite a number of persons were baptized that day, but Elisea's husband became so sick afterward that he had to be taken to the hospital. The doctor's JULY 20, 1954 eat-afe Diauy By JOAN This afternoon I was worried about my music lesson. Hard as I tried I couldn't seem to get the notes in place. PHOTO, COURTESY OF THE AUTHOR diagnosis: malaria, with pneumonia complications. The sickness grew worse, till finally Death reaped his harvest. The blow was a severe one. And that was not all. At the same time she and her three children were plagued with itch— itch all over the body. She would spend the whole morning cleansing and dressing their itch, then spend the whole evening giving sponge baths and applying ointment. Besides that, she was on leave from teaching, and therefore jobless. In addition, the house into which she and her husband had poured their savings burned some months afterward. The whole world seemed to have collapsed about her. She was dead in mind, dead in soul. What was the use living when life could be so miserable? It was midnight, indeed, in Elisea's life. A weaker woman might have either gone crazy or committed suicide. But not Elisea. Her indomitable will, her strength Finally, with a bang on the keys, I dashed out of the room and went for a walk. After about five minutes of walking through the orchard I began to feel fresh and confident. I was relaxed and relieved. I doubt whether I would have received as much good from a walk along a city street. Faith comes out of the forest, from the thicket, from the wood lot, from a flower in bloom, from the song of a bird, and from the fresh, fragrant country air. Diary, I want faith as Herbert has. I have a feeling that somehow I could really amount to something if I had it. One evening he visited with us for several hours, describing his native land. I'll never forget the pictures he painted for us of little children running over the green fields, swimming in the river, climbing trees, and playing hide-andseek through the banana groves, as free as birds. There was one cloud on the horizon, however. He said that many people died because there were not enough doctors. Herbert, go home to your island, and heal the sick. Our prayers and your faith will surely bring success. of character—ever her distinguishing traits—stood her now in good stead. She must face the world with chin set, with head held high. The dependence of her children urged her to take up the reins of life where her husband had dropped them. No more could little pleasures be indulged. No more must she attend any socials. She must buckle down to work. She must save, plan, sacrifice—for her children. She must see them through their education, each one of them. Little more than two weeks after her husband's death Elisea's last child was, born. The next year she put the deaf child in the School for the Deaf and Dumb in Pasay (now Rizal). The boy she put through what was then Philippine Junior College, also in Pasay. Bible instructors had visited her, and had tired of visiting her. They would take her children to church with her permission, but she herself would not go. Plainly uninterested, hardhearted, difficult 19 4 1 2 3 , 7/ / II V74/ 10 i4. Ar15 19 %% 5 12 16 V, :,....•.' 201 z, / 28 , r -A, 29 32 39 :t ,.,'. i 8 23 W //zZe rd 26 27 25 30 .9":07 33 \-. 35 34 //r ' e/ '', 17 7.1 22 24. 031 77. 7 7, 78 9 6 /,.4 . - 13 /„ ..se,„A 36 . ..7 41 45 44 37 38 ' 50'\"/ 1/44 44 45 46 SO 47 48 0 49 ''' ' 'V . . .. 53 54 0:ce/ e, r ." 55 56 51 52 4 ' VA 57 61 58 .7 62 39 60 )'/' 63 © W.A.W. CO. Saul (From I Samuel) Across I One of the prophets 5 "sore war against the Philistines all the . . . of Saul" 14:52 8 "stubbornness is . . . iniquity and idolatry" 15:23 10 "anoint him . . . be captain over my people Israel" 9:16 11 "Wherefore then didst thou not . . . the voice of the Lord" 15:19 13 "that there . . . none like him among all the people" 10:24 15 Reward of merit 17 Junior Grade (Navy abbr.) 18 Mother 19 The betel pepper 21 Instruments for pressing 24 Genus of herbs 25 Masculine name 26 Before to win, so they thought, for they did not know the reason why. The real reason she would not go was that in going to church she would see the people her husband had been associated with, and on seeing them, she might show her feelings. She wanted to restrain her feelings, to keep her emotions in check. She learned to pray more fervently. Knowing how to read music, she learned to turn to the songs in the Christ in Song as a source of comfort. In every song she sang it seemed that each word applied to her personal situation. She especially felt the words of the hymn "Ask Not to Be Excused." Eight years after her husband's death Elisea took her stand as a Seventh-day Adventist. More than anything else, the songs in Christ in Song were what really won her. The members rejoiced. So the hardhearted woman was won at last! How happy her husband would have been to see her now! 20 28 The linden 29 "the Spirit of the Lord ... from Saul" 16:14 31 "given it to a neighbour of thine, that is . . . than thou" 15:28 33 "he was higher ... any of the people" 9:2 34 Yield 35 Net 37 Same as 10 across 39 Negative word 41 "There shall not a man be put to . . . this day" 11:13 44 Unit of electrical resistance 47 Compass point 49 "Saul became David's ... continually" 18:29 51 "and ... thee what thou shalt do" 10:8 53 Bone 55 Electrical Engineer (abbr.) 57 "and there they sacrificed . . .s of peace offerings" 11:15 61 "Saul drew ... to Samuel in the gate" 9:18 62 Doctor of Tropical Medicine (abbr.) 63 "And Saul ... the javelin" 18:11 Our text is 10, 11, 13, 31, 33 and 57 combined Down 2 "Saul took a sword, and fell upon ..." 31:4 3 "Samuel . . . with Saul upon the top of the house" 9:25 4 Utensil for carrying coal 5 "and . . . Israel out of the hands of them that spoiled them" 14:48 6 Affirmative vote (var.) 7 "all those ...s came to pass that day" 10:9 9 "Saul and the people . . . Agag, and the best of the sheep" 15:9 12 Bachelor of Arts (abbr.) 14 "Samuel took a ... of oil" 10:1 16 End of the month (abbr.) 17 Son of Saul 20 "my family the least of all the families of the . . of Benjamin" 9:21 22 Tap 23 Horse hair 25 The same 27 "The Lord hath . . . the kingdom of Israel from thee" 15:28 30 Royal Highness (abbr.) 32 "Saul hath slain his thousands, and David his ... thousands" 21:11 34 See 36 down 36 and 34 down ". . . ye him whom the Lord ' 10:24 hath . 38 "the Spirit . . . God came upon him, and he prophesied" 10:10 40 And . . . whom is all the desire of Israel" 9:20 42 Tellurium (abbr.) 43 Hectometer ( abbr. ) 45 His Highness (abbr.) 46 Flat-topped hill 48 "that I may chew thee the ... of God" 9:27 50 "Saul's uncle said unto him and to his servant, Whither went ..." 10:14 52 "the Philistines make ... against me" 28:15 54 "made them ... in the chiefest place" 9:22 56 "for ye shall . .. with me today" 9:19 58 Field Marshal (abbr.) 59 Cape Colony (abbr.) 60 Each (abbr.) Key on page 23 The midnight was past, but it was still a long, dark night. Shortly after her husband's death, her mother was taken ill with a lingering stomach trouble. During the day Elisea taught school; at night she gave fomentations to her mother and administered injections every so often. For eight years she cared for her mother and at the same time continued teaching. This kind of a program began to tell on her physically, to say nothing of the drain financially. Finally, once again the Dark Angel claimed another life, and Elisea stood alone. Sooner or later the day must come. And when dawn breaks, that is the time to bestir oneself for the work at hand. Elisea set herself to the work of rearing her children. The deaf child and the boy continued in their respective schools. The .younger daughter and the child born after her husband's death were placed in nearby public elementary schools, to be near her and to be in her company to and from school. She continued to teach. She could not afford to stop, with so many mouths to feed. And like a good teacher, she was a good disciplinarian, not only in school, but also at home. Her children were not problem children. Whenever their feet tended to stray, she guided them aright; when they had the tendency to grow crooked, she straightened them. When the school in Pasay was moved to Baesa, and became the Philippine Union College, Elisea and her family followed sometime later, to give the children opportunity to obtain a Christian education. While in Baesa she had to commute every day to teach in Manila. She worked tirelessly, sacrificed unstintingly. Strenuous? What matter? Sacrifice was a pleasure. Weren't the children getting the education they needed? She had no houses, no haciendas, no riches, to bequeath. This was a better legacy! One by one the children finished their elementary and high school courses. One by one they obtained their titles or their degrees. She, by God's help, had seen them through. The day had passed its zenith. Even the afternoon heat had not daunted Elisea's spirit. It had been a day fraught with hard work, but it was nonetheless a pleasant one. She could now lean back to enjoy the splashes of color another sunset afforded. Once again the golden orb lingered in the western heavens, with a trail of majestic hues in its wake. And the magnificent view was satisfying indeed. The children were finding their places in the Lord's work. The son was connected with Philippine Union College itself. The deaf daughter was employed in her alma mater, the School for the Deaf and Dumb. The other daughter was much appreciated as a teacher in one of our Adventist academies in the south. The youngest daughter was employed in our academy up north even before her graduation, but went back to Philippine Union College after a year, and was soon to graduate. Both she and the son were gifted musically; Elisea could have her own home concerts if she so wished. God was good! That was more than a decade ago. The tale should end here, with "and they lived happily ever after." That is not so, however, for life can be more ruthless, more ironical, than fanciful booklore. Elisea is still working herself to the bone, still sacrificing, still wearing herself out physically, financially, emotionally. Maybe that is her lot, the tears to shed, the burden to bear. It is pathetic, heart-rending, to see her being still thus spent when, by all counts, she should now be enjoying a life of ease. But thereon hangs another long, long tale, which would bear telling some other time. I ought to know. For Elisea is my mother. THE Vela& INSTRUCTOR • Please accept our invitation. For you, your friends, and your loved ones we are today offering three great dollar introductory specials. JUNIOR GUIDE—Our new journal for junior youth. 13 BIG, colorful issues. Introductory subscriptions. ONLY $1.00. YOUTH'S INSTRUCTOR—The grand journal of Advent youth. 13 BIG issues, 3 special color numbers. Great and good reading for Advent youth. Introductory subscriptions. ONLY $1.00. REVIEW AND HERALD—Learn why our readers affectionately call it "the good old REVIEW." 13 BIG issues. 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As my premium, please send GO, the journal of Adventist laymen, free for three months. • If you wish to send each journal to a separate address, give all the necessary information and mailing instructions on a separate sheet of paper and attach with this order. Also print names and addresses for additional subscriptions on a separate sheet. In countries requiring extra postage, add 10 cents for JUNIOR GUIDE, 15 cents for YOUTH'S INSTRUCTOR, and 15 cents for REVIEW AND HERALD. BOOK AND BIBLE HOUSE Review and Herald Publishing Association Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C. JULY 20, 1954 21 PRESENTS THE FACTS OF— • • • • • The beginning of Christianity Its struggle against the forces of evil Its persecutions and martyrdoms Its position in the religious world today Its final triumph The Greatest Buy of the Century (Over 700 pages) ANSWERS OFT-REPEATED QUESTIONS— • • • • When did evil begin? What will be its ending? Will the earth be obliterated? Is there a hopeful future? Only $1.00 postpaid in lots of 10 or more— Christian Home Library Edition (In Canada $1.25 postpaid) regular price, $2.00 THE BOOK OF THE YEAR THE BOOK OF THE HOUR 1 to 9 copies, $1.15 each, postpaid (in Canada, $1.40 each, postpaid). One or more copies outside U.S. and Canada, $1.00 plus postage of 150 per book. Add sales tax where necessary. "Great Controversy should be very widely circulated. It contains the story of the past, the present, and the future. In the outlines of the closing scenes of the earth's history it bears a powerful testimony in behalf of the truth. I am more anxious for a wide circulation for this book than for any others I have written; for in Great Controversy the last message of warning to the world is given more definitely than in any other of my books."—Ellen G. White. WIN MORE IN '54 WITH PACIFIC PRESS ORDER SEVERAL COPIES TODAY Please place all orders with your Book and • Bible House. This offer expires December 31, 1954. The qua eaabiatieuift PUBL ISHING ASSOCIATION Mountain View, California 22 THE Zlaea41. INSTRUCTOR Popularity Poll Wet SkaIftegeir.4 M1 7 /T CAH_,DAYS "IA In I $ MP 0 '7/4 . 0DE Y VrAMEDAL ,,IG %M.A I TM0 '4, 41 R ONS4R ARUMr41 VAN ,ERE L INr:ADEPARTED N MBETTERETHANE CEDE 4 M E S H MM 1" 0 H ' 47 4NO V ADE A 1" 1-IMF OHMNNWr4ENEMY 4 S H E W 40 5 /V,,E E E v SACR I F I CEr4 A N E. ARDTMMCA ST 7 W.A.W. CO. MV Youth in Action From page 11 One Sabbath afternoon several weeks later my doorbell rang, and there stood Miss Wilson. I invited her in. She spoke briefly with assurance. "I wish to become a Seventh-day Adventist. How do I go about it?" I questioned her in detail, amazed at her knowledge. She had purchased the entire Conflict of the Ages set and had literally read her way to truth. I called the pastor and arranged for Bible. studies. Miss Wilson was baptized. She is now a student in one of our colleges, using that same confident manner, the keen intellect, the now-consecrated heart in God's service. When we sow, how seldom we expect to see the reaping! Jungles of Chiapas From page 13 sisted that I give another talk to the women, and he suggested I wash a little girl's hair to show them how it's done! Armed with a washbasin, towel, comb, hot and cold water, soap, and—as a prize for the brave little model—new hair ribbons in the bright color the Mexicans call bougainvillae, I went to church. Esmeralda looked like a different girl when her long matted hair was shining, neatly braided, and tied with the bright ribbons. The children have taken to following me around wherever I go, hanging on to my hands affectionately. I shall be sorry to leave these simple, friendly people tomorrow. [This is the first installment of a three-part serial. Part 2 will appear next wcek.] JULY 20, 1954 Believe It or Not From page 9 an enemy because he feels that right is right and wrong is wrong and that men and women should do and pay what they promise to do and pay. Income tax? He'll gladly help you. But don't expect to save money. It may cost you more than you plan if you are as honest as he. The Bobs and Jims are everywhere. In the social circle Bob is more popular. Anything goes. Jim is loved and respected. But anything off-color doesn't go at all with Jim. For that reason he is sometimes pushed out. Bob sings. And he sings to increase his popularity. Jim sings to bring courage and hope to a heart in need. Bob teaches. He is a clever teacher. Jim teaches, and lives are repatterned. Bob sits in committee. He agrees with everyone. His motion passes. He's a diplomat. Jim's motion passes too, because it's right. Conscience compels others to vote for it. But they let Jim make the unpopular motion. And they'll remember to tell folks tomorrow that they didn't make it. Come to think of it, it was that way in school committees. Bob would wait and see which side Professor So and So was on. Then he knew how to vote. Jim waited 00903040 Ritzy.—The genealogy of this American slang word takes us back to Piccadilly Circus, London, where from 1850 to 1918 a Swiss-born restaurateur and hotelkeeper, Cedar Ritz, operated an elegant, ultrafashionable hotel bearing his name. Ritz appointments and cuisine became so famous that erelong almost every major city of the Western world had its Ritz hotel, where luxurious and lavish service was available for an equally lavish outlay of money. Ainerican hotels soon copied the name, Ritz-Carlton of New York City being one well-known example. As used today, "ritzy" means anything ostentatious, showy, lavish, smart in appearance or manner, elegant, ultrafashionable, or expensive. arr2iPAP By NATHANIEL KRUM ompi, too, and if Professor So and So let down the standards, he knew he had to lift a little harder to bring them back up. Jim never learned how to play politics or polish an apple. You couldn't make a deal with him. No question about it. Bob is top man in the popularity poll. Jim takes a lower rating. But wait a minute! Whose popularity poll are we talking about? Whose really but when Judge Courtney C. Wells, of Whitesburg, Kentucky, launched a general cleanup drive in Letcher County, his first order banned all smoking and tobacco chewing in his courtroom, thus recognizing smoking and tobacco chewing as a disgusting, filthy habit, defiling to the user, and very unpleasant, annoying, and even dangerous to those having to breathe the atmosphere that has been polluted by the pipe, the cigar, the cigarette, or the foul breath of the tobacco user. W. A. SCHARFFENBERG counts? Bob may be top in man's poll. But in God's—undoubtedly Jim would outrank him. The popular man will go places. He will have praise and laurels and applause. But in the end, if he builds his house on the shifting sands of popularity, his work will crumble. God's man was never promised popularity. "In the world ye shall have tribulation." "Ye shall be hated." But the man who loves God and loves people enough to be lited, unpopular, in order to be right and lead right, is the man whose work will endure through all eternity. "The greatest want of the world is the want of men,—men who will not be bought or sold; men who in their inmost souls are true and honest; men who do not fear to call sin by its right name; men whose conscience is as true to duty as the needle to the pole; men who will stand for the right though the heavens fall." God's man may not recognize his own work as a success. He may often stand alone, an apparent failure. Man's popularity poll may rank him high or low. He cares not. His record may be considered excellent or inferior, according to who reads it. But he'll choose the approval of God before that of men every time. And he leaves the results with God. No one ever failed who, with his hand in God's Has done his best, And standing, sometimes all alone, Has met the test. He truly lives who lives not for the praise of men And laurels won, But prizes this one thing above all else— God's own "Well done!" 23 THE huge water area of the earth supplies only about 1 per cent of the food for earth's 2.5 billion people. ▪ every 10,000 live births in the United States in 1940 there were 34 deaths. By last year the rate had dropped to only about six per 10,000. W.. FOR • A RICH planting mixture, which can be diluted 400 per cent with sand and still be a satisfactory planting medium, is now available. It is a cross between an organic fertilizer and a potting soil, enriched with a bacteriabiotic-enzyme compositiOn. • LONDON children can play with goats, rabbits, llamas, woolly lambs, and even a baby elephant in a special play section of Regent's Park Zoo. It is presided over by hostesses, and is part of a 34-acre area that holds 7,000 birds, beasts, and fish. 11. biologists in Nova Scotia have become concerned about the unusual antics of moose. They report that half the moose population in the sea-gate province seem out of their minds. Moose madness is known to occur in individual cases as a brain disease. In this case it seems that a gradual deprivation of certain minerals and vitamins has brought this disease upon a large segment of the moose population. W.. GOVERNMENT miles of attractive hard-sand SEVEN beaches will soon be available to the people of Mobile, Alabama, and to out-of-town tourists. These beaches are on an island that lies just off the Alabama mainland at the mouth of Mobile Bay. Generally inaccessible until at present, Dauphin Island will be linked to the mainland by three bridges with a combined lenth of approximately two miles and a causeway equally long. • SOME meteorologists suggest that tornadoes occur when "an invisible, but real wave in the atmosphere breaks, somewhat like a single wave of water toppling over as it hits the shore." It is presumed that the pressure jump when such a "wave" breaks is what triggers tornadoes and other severe storms. ▪ control programs are planned to fight the gypsy moth in New England this year. Some experts believe that the area's beautiful hardwood trees that were stripped on a record 1.5 million acres last year will be threatened by a heavier attack this summer. MP. EXTENSIVE THE famous cathedral of Notre Dame at Rouen, France, is being restored from its war damage by the same hand tools that were used by medieval craftsmen. After years of slow, painstaking work, the cathedral was recently opened to public worship. BEGINNING typists can now secure gloves to help them learn the touch system. They fit the hands and fingers snugly and have the letters of the typewriter keyboard printed on the back to correspond with the fingers that strike the keys. ▪ " THE booming call of the male prairie chicken is produced in a wind sac on his throat. BOSTON'S new $25 million Aerial Highway is inaugurating a new feature of highway planning. Heating pipes are being installed to melt snow and ice from all access ramps, giving the expressway the largest snow-melting installation in the United States. THROUGH the construction of two 920foot towers, Radio Luxembourg will beam programs into Paris with a power of 500,000 watts. This station, being rebuilt by the Telefunken-Works of Hanover, Germany, will be the most modern in Europe when it is completed. Its power will be ten times as great as the maximum power of any commercial United States station. ▪ greatest temperature contrast to be found anywhere in the world is the place where the Gulf Stream coming north meets the Labrador Current. There the cold wall, the boundary between the two streams, is nearly straight up and down, sometimes as deep as 1,500 feet. Sailors have been known to go swimming in the warm Gulf Stream while within sight of their ship floats an iceberg. I.' SAN FRANCISCO'S well-known cable cars had their beginning one rainy. day back in 1§69. Andrew Smith Hallidie was watching a crowded horsecar climbing up one of the city's hills. Suddenly one horse slipped; the driver threw on the brake, but the brake chain snapped; horses, car, and passengers piled 'up at the bottom of the hill. According to the National Geographic Society, this inspired Hallidie to devise a better method of hill transportation. The key invention of his car was a grip that would seize or release a steam-powered cable that traveled underground. On July 31, 1873, just hours before his deadline, Hallidie cautiously maneuvered the first car down Clay Street hill and braked it to a stop at Kearny Street. His contraption was a success. FR. THE SOME 100,000 "ham" radio operators in the United States will be celebrating the 30th anniversary this year of the American Radio Relay League. These hobbyists have for years formed a homemade radio network that links most of the countries of the world and provides a vital means of communication whenever disaster strikes and people need help. It was just such an amateur hookup that brought a portable iron lung to East Africa for Dr. Gus Hoehn in time to save his life and arranged his return to the United States. (See "8,000 Miles in a Portable Lung," THE YOUTH'S INSTRUCTOR, Sept. 9, 1952.) ▪ PINE trees that grow unsupported and unprotected in the face of storms and high winds grow bigger and stronger than trees protected with wire supports. This is the finding of Dr. M. R. Jacobs, of Canberra, Australia, in a 15-year experiment. The protected trees, although they grew faster in height than the swaying trees during the first two years, were not able to support themselves during storm when their guy wires broke. ▪ THE United States Navy's Hydrographic Office has predicted that the iceberg menace will be heavier than usual this year. The mountains of ice come drifting south toward the Grand Banks of Newfoundland, and constitute Greenland's largest export. MI. THE Great Smoky Mountains of North Carolina and Tennessee maintain a 36-mile crest of more than 5,000 feet altitude. You are like a tree, teaches the Bible. You are to put your roots down into the firm earth of Scripture and bear fruit for the kingdom. But some trees are weak, because they have grown up in groves. Others have matured alone in the field, by the sea, on the mountaintop. They are rugged; the storms have strengthened them. Now the final selection of good people for the kingdom (often called the shaking time) is much the same. When the winds of persecution whip across the church, the members who have been supported by parents and friends may topple. That is why the Lord wants His people to grow independently and to grow strong, "that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord." Next time you see a mighty oak in the middle of a field—strong yet graceful—remember that you are like a tree. DON YOST
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