How to Read your York University Pension Plan Statement Presented by the Pension & Benefits office Pension Statement Mandatory that a statement is produced for each member every year. Statement estimates pension at normal retirement date. 2 Income Tax Act (ITA) ITA limits the amount that can be contributed to a pension plan or RRSP 2010 limit is $22,450 therefore anyone earning more than $ 193,818.50 their pension contributions will stop when $22,450 is reached ITA also limits the amount of pension that can be earned in a Defined Benefit, Minimum Guarantee Pension Plan 2009 limit is $ 2,494.44 per year of credited service (to a maximum of 35 years of service) 3 December 31, 2009 Pension Statements The University does not know what the money purchase contribution limit or the minimum guarantee benefit limit will be moving forward. The December 31, 2009 pension statement uses the limits that are currently known. 4 December 31, 2009 Pension Statements The pension statement documents the employee’s key pension information including employee and employer contributions along with credited service. The pension statement is an estimate only and is intended to present a general guide for retirement planning. For those members affected by the ITA limits they have seen a decrease in the minimum guarantee figure. The benefit formula/calculation has not changed. The member will receive the pension they are entitled to at their retirement. 5 FAE and MGP formula Final Average Earnings - York uses a five year highest earnings – the five years do not have to be consecutive 1.4% of FAE up to the average YMPE, PLUS 1.9% of FAE above the average YMPE, MULTIPLIED BY Credited service 6 Credited Service vs. Continuous Service Credited Service – The total number of years of pension plan membership. You can not earn service if contributions by you or the University are not maintained at the full rate for each month in the calendar year. Continuous Service – Your unbroken service with the University including vacation, authorized sick leave, and authorized leaves of absence. 7 MPC Money Purchase Component Employee Contributions, PLUS Employer Contributions, PLUS Rate of Return (can be positive or negative) Employee contributions are: 4.5% up to the YMPE, PLUS 6% above the YMPE Employer contributions are the same as above PLUS an additional 3% 8 YMPE Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings Canada Revenue Agency establishes this figure each year 2010 = $47,200 2009 = $46,300 2008 = $44,900 2007 = $43,700 2006 = $42,100 2005 = $41,100 9 Non Reduction Reserve The Employer contributes an additional 3% in pension contributions to your pension plan account At retirement, if you elect to take a monthly pension this 3% is set aside to help fund the reserve so your pension does not reduce in your hands 10 Special Transferred Contributions If pension funds are transferred from another registered pension plan without service from that pension plan the funds will show in this line These funds are affected by mortality table changes and the rate of return 11 Additional Voluntary Contributions (AVCs) The Pension & Benefits office can determine how much room you have to make AVCs into the York pension plan AVCs are like making RRSP contributions but you receive the tax advantage immediately You may transfer non-locked RRSP funds into the York pension plan and they would appear in this row AVCs/transferred in non-locked RRSP funds are affected by the mortality table and the rate of return 12 Stock Market & the Pension Plan The 2010 annualized rate of return to the end of August was 2.02% The 2009 rate of return for the pension plan was 15.98% The 2008 rate of return for the pension plan was -19.2% This affects the MPC portion of the pension plan only 13 December 31, 2009 Pension Statements Member Information The information that appears in this statement is based on the University’s records as at December 31, 2009: Date of Birth Date of Hire Date Joined Pension Plan Vested Date Normal Retirement Date Current Final Average Earnings Marital Status Spouse’s Name Spouse’s Date of Birth Designated Beneficiary at Statement Date Credited Service to December 31, 2009 Current Accrued Monthly Minimum Guaranteed Benefit 14 Example 1 Pension Plan Account Balances Balance at 01/01/2009 Money Purchase Component Your Contributions University Contributions Total Contributions Voluntary Contributions Transferred Contributions 2009 Contributions 2009 Fund Gain/(Loss) 15.9818% Balance at 12/31/2009 68,701.70 70,008.59 138,710.29 2,118.86 2,182.44 4,301.30 11,131.99 11,345.42 22,477.41 81,952.55 83,536.45 165,489.00 11,154.13 200.00 1,811.88 13,166.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15 Example 1 continued… Estimated Monthly Pension at Normal Retirement Date * Money Purchase Component Pension Minimum Guarantee Benefit Supplementary Pension 2,173 1,991 0 Additional Voluntary Contributions Pension 144 Special Transferred Contributions Pension 0 Estimated Total Monthly Pension from York University 2,317 *Assumptions The estimated monthly pension at normal retirement is based upon long term assumptions of an annual rate of fund return of 6% and annual salary inflation of 3%. The assumptions do not in any way reflect University policy with respect to future salary adjustments. Nor should the projections be viewed as firm forecasts of actual pension amounts payable in the future. Rather, they are intended to present a general guide for your retirement planning. Members have access to the York University Retirement Planner (YURP) which can be used to project future pension amounts using various assumptions. 16 Example 2 Pension Plan Account Balances Balance at 01/01/2009 Money Purchase Component Your Contributions University Contributions Total Contributions 2009 Contributions 2009 Fund Gain/(Loss) 15.9818% Balance at 12/31/2009 1,205.91 1,242.08 2,447.99 2,616.00 2,692.51 5,306.51 383.04 394.54 777.58 4,202.95 4,329.13 8,532.08 Voluntary Contributions 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Transferred Contributions 0.00 30,988.26 2,903.65 33,891.91 17 Example 2 continued… Estimated Monthly Pension at Normal Retirement Date * Money Purchase Component Pension Minimum Guarantee Benefit Supplementary Pension 3,630 4,399 769 Additional Voluntary Contributions Pension 0 Special Transferred Contributions Pension 1,093 Estimated Total Monthly Pension from York University 5,492 *Assumptions The estimated monthly pension at normal retirement is based upon long term assumptions of an annual rate of fund return of 6% and annual salary inflation of 3%. The assumptions do not in any way reflect University policy with respect to future salary adjustments. Nor should the projections be viewed as firm forecasts of actual pension amounts payable in the future. Rather, they are intended to present a general guide for your retirement planning. Members have access to the York University Retirement Planner (YURP) which can be used to project future pension amounts using various assumptions. 18 Form of Pension If single your pension statement shows a single life pension with no guarantee If married your pension statement shows a joint & survivor 60% with no guarantee 19 YURP To access YURP go to: User: Password: type Employee # If first time click: Forgot your password Account balances are updated in approximately June each year to reflect the prior years results. For example, in approximately June 2011 the December 31, 2010 results will show in your account. 20 York University Retirement Planner (YURP) The YURP will have the 2010 results factored in once the December 31, 2010 pension statements have been posted – likely May 2011 Until then any estimates you run uses the December 31, 2009 year end data Individuals may change the ROR assumption and salary rate assumption Individuals may also add RRSP funds to see the effect it will have on the pension 21 Contacting the Pension & Benefits Office You may contact the Pension & Benefits office by phone, e-mail or make an appointment to meet with us. Call 416-736-2100 Last name Initial Counsellor Extension E-mail A– E Margaret Crowe 20377 G–L Andreea Madaras 20702 M-R Yvonne Rego 33912 F, S – Z Peter Chakonza 20617 22
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