v • • ••A, LEGALS CBANFORD (N.J.) CHRONICLE Page 12 REQUIRED BY STATE STATUTE. TO tlOO.00. L£OAL NOTICE CERTAIN SECTION y i l t : That Block 2J3, CORRECT TOWNSHIP OF CRANf«RD TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS AND TO Loi IV, belno located on LaSalle CRANFORD, NEW JERSEY Avenue, and belno the rear portion ENACT TWO CHANGES IN THE ORDINANCE NO. 80-43 ©1-lliatloJ.liBvnflan approximate AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING "slit 0»10 x »0 frfet, be and l« hereby ZONING MAP." THE SALE OF CERTAIN PROPER- &old to Frank and Nancy Cubelo of 2. Tho main objectives and p<ovlTIES, OWNED BV THE TOWNSHIP* <0 LaSalle Avinue, Cranford, N.J. olons of the ordinance a w (a) to amend the Cranford Land OF CRANFORD TO ADJOINING. for th« amount of M0O.00 SECTION IX: That Block 7M, Lot Development ordinance 50 It will PROPERTY OWNERS PURSUANT , being located on Locirtt Drive 'comply with changes required by TO N.J SA 40A:12<Vb). and'havTnoa'n approximate slie of Stale statue; and WHEREAS, tr\* towmtilp ol 3 0 * 100 feet, b« and.Is hereby sold (b) l o correct . certain Cranlord l» ihe nvnar o( v»rl<)OI smoll Ion throuohout the Township to Robert Thomas ol 222 Locust typographical errors made In orM. J . lor the dlnances-79-33and 79-38; and rf Drive, Cranford, of Cranlord thai art lot» than Ihe (o) lo enact certain changes In the amount oH»0.00 . . . . minimum ill* required lor SECTION X: That Block 3U, Lot Cranlord ZonlnQ Map. •" development Under the Municipal i—Zonlno-Ofdlnance and are without is, bolng located on Elliabeth 3. Coplea of the complete ordinance are-ev»ll»ble-U>_niembafll_aL_lhS_ any capital Improvement thereon) «<• site of 70 x 82 feet, be and Is hereby publlc for Inspection during usual and . ' • • " . sold ' to Reginald"*and Irene business hours In Ihe olllco ol the WHEREAS, the T,pwn»hlp Commltfee at the' recommendation of Municipal p Clerk. 6 Sprlnnlleld j the Real Ettate Committee of the Avenue, Cranford, Now Jersey. The *SOOO0 Township ol Cranlord has offered SECTION X I : That Block404. Lot ordinance l> more than twenty the lots for sale to the owners of the real property contiguous to the real e, being located on New Street, ana pages In length, belno the southerly portion of that 4. The final hearing on tho ordinance lot, having an approximate slie of will be hold on Tuesday, December 13.5 x 100 leet, be and Is hereby sold 9, 1980, at B00 p.m., being a regular made by ed|olnlng mintni to John and Elliebeth Pnul of 117 meeting ol tho Township Commit New Street, Cranford. N.J. for the tee. The hearing will be held In-Room the Real Estate amount of 1125.00. the Township ol 7 of Ihe Cranford Municipal Comm)nM SECTION X I I ; That Block 404, Building, 6 Springfield Av'qnue, Cranlord and the'Tax Assessor have recommended to the Town- . Lot «, belno located on New Street, Cranford, New Jersey. and beJno 'he northerly portion of ship Committee that the oMers are 5. The complete Land Development that lot, haying an approximate reasonable and represent In eacfi minimum pm-c slieof 13.5X lOOfeet.be and Is her*- Ordinance with all amendments will case a reasonable minimum price tor-MHuMpectlv. underslied lots; by. sold to Robert Bendlln of 119 be PUbllahed In Ramphl, lo m and • - .• ^^~ —; ~-. v .. fj^-frir+ft, frnnfnrH. N,J lor the made available to Ihe public at a coSTTSoTfo-WCTRmrpTnimireBsV the two air inflatable rolls which w e r e , WHEREAS, the Township of amount ol »lJS?0O. SECTION X I I I : That Block 40i, ol the pamphlet. Lot 10, being located at 91 Burnslde . HENRY DREYER, JR. Chairman, Township Cornmlltee 'monetary gift presented by the Garwood that, when property is sold to Avenue and having an approximate slie of 25x-»00feet, be and Is Hereby ATTEST: . Wrtmon'o PliiK • contiguous' owners, ari advertise- sold to Patsy and Anita DIFablo of WESLEY N. PHILO woman s U U D . 4 U Hemlock Avenue, Garwood, Township Clerk. , m e n t ,hereo( ^ mBoe i n , new. Other members attending were Mrs. paper circulating in the munici- N.J. 07207 for Ihe amount of *100.00. Wednesday, November 26, 1980 It almost happened 1927: GarwoocL the honuTof the world's new giant airliner .gjL, Harding School honor roll CRANFORD (N.J.)'CHRONICLE VPage 13 Wednesday, November 26, 1980 KENILWORTH - On.hundred ninetyseven students at Harding School are on the honor roll for the first marking period. They are: to it GIFT IN USE — Mrs. Leroy Krone, left, social services chairman of By ROSALIE GROSS May 1928 or what Mosher wrote, in theEagle: •Last the Garwood Woman's Club, watches as Clalr Daffner, physical ^ GARWOOD- A biographer's quest has unearthed that Garwood week this writer viewed the huge therapist Children's Specialize Specialized Hospital, t h d iinformation f ist at. Childrens p , uses air inflatable rollsand was the site of a factory "expected to stmcturetrirr-yihe factory at. Garwood with patient, Sarah.. Rolls were purchased with gift ..from woman s build the largest airliner of its time. . where it is resting on wooden supports, club. The time was 1927-just.a few months awaiting transportation to an airport in -after Charles Lindbergh's famous flight the metropolitan .district where the to Paris. The place was the Bell Factory wings and fail piece will be attached, the 12 Liberty motors installed and the ship Terminal on South Avenue. GARWOOD - Garwood Woman's Club The manufacturer was Alfred W. tested in the air." .toe.-fZtf^™***'^"?, According to the article, Lawson, a members'were given a guided tour of selected by the hospital with Lawson who dreamed of transporting 100 passengers 120 miles .an hour builder of air liners for 19 years, had just the entire facilities of the Children's enabling them to fly from New York to completed .work on the. 100-foot cabin Specialized Hospital, Mountainside, after nine months of construction where they were able to see their gift in Chicago in seven or eight hours. . Memories of the factory were kindled "behind closed doors." The 12 motors use. James Murphy, 6th district public ^ ^ n ^ ' t ' o r ^ n V e T r l n o inihe minds of five Garwood residents with 400 horsepower were expected to Physical therapist Clair Daffner a f f a i r s c h a i r m a n , : M r s . R a y m o n d which period of time, Vnd for a Court, and being that portion troducad and pasaed on first resdlnp located behind Lat»\0 only, having " meeting l the Township Coma n be made by other members of who responded to an advertisement in propel the ship at a maximum speed of demonstrated with a patient to Mrs. Rambo, and a prospective member, /period of twenty M ) days, offer,, .ne public In an Jamount not less an approximate size of 100 X 10 <»St, mlttea ot the Township ol Cronford, the Oct. 9 Chronicle from Jerrold Kuntz 120 miles, an hour. Two sets of'landing' Leroy Krone, social services chairman, Mrs. Harry M a r t i n Wessels, Cranford. than the minimum price set by the be and Is hereby sold to Sophie N.J. on Tussday.^ovember 25, 1980 Bplcer of 109 Severln Court, Cran- and will be considered lor final ordinance; and of Hoboken who is writings biography of gear of four wheels each were to support WHEREAS, If any - additional ford, N.J. for the amount of 1100.00 passage, after public hearing* at Lawson and asked for information about the 50-ton ship when it landed. The tailoffer or offers are received regard- , SECTION XV : That'Block 531, another meotlnn of said Township Lot 16, being located on Severln Committee at Municipal Building, Ing any particular property, the the old airplane factory. He also piece was to measure 50 feet and the Township of Cranford may reCourt'and being the rear portion of Cranlord, N . J . on Tuesday, contacted Madeline Ayres, librarian wings were to span 200 feet. The ceiling consider the ordinance as It relates that lot, having a.n approximate December 9, 1080 ut 8:00 o'clock of the cabin was to be high enough to 1b a patrtlcular property for which size of 50 xl0feel.be and Is hereby M . (prevailing time), here, for any infomation. an Increased offer has been made; sold to William KukVal of 117 In a letter last week to Mrs. Ayres, allow a double-deck seating arrangeWESLEY N. PHILO and > Severln Court, Cranford, N.J. for Tbwnshlp Clork Kuntz said five people from Garwood ment. The liner was to be equipped to the amount of tlOO.00 WHEREAS, the Township of Dated: November 20. 1980 have confirmed to him that the factory convert into a sleeper'in two hours. SECTION X V I ; That Block 608, Feo: J 3 , . GARWOOD- As a follow-up to a detecting drug use by their children. Lot 17, being located on Hayes According to the 1927 article: "A was at the Bell Terminal site. He also These include mood changes, boredom, are no longer needed tor public pur- Street and having an approximate presented by the Garwood BOROUGHO F"G A RWOO D poses and that the sale of these unearthed a copy of the Brooklyn Daily porter in the customary white coat will of 3,040 square feet, be and Is GARWOOD, N&W-JERSEY; '. last Thursday on drug and alcohol "passivity and a decreasing interest in properties will diminish the re-slxe hereby sold to Richard and Eagle from Nov. 13, 1927 in which a serve light lunches and put up tables abuse, PROPOSED ORDINANCE of the Public Works Ernestine Brown of 3 Hayes Street, forming parent peer sports activity. While these couldbe a sponsibility NO. 60-14 f cardd games .or ffor groups.the PTA is ••••"-.' reporter, Clinton L^ Mosher, visited-the ^between .seats for Department with regard to the Cranford, N.J. for the amount of stage children are going through, it also -general AN ORDINANCE TO ADQPT .•"••••• maintenance ol.these .prop"; „ Garwood factory and wrote a detailed passengers who elect to pass the .time .._ —-CERTAIN-PORTIONS OF ••'THE could mean drug use. ertles; , ' • . These informal groups will gather SECTIONXVII: That Block 412, BASIC PROPERTY MAINTwriting letters home about the big article about the plane. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT OR- Lot 3. being located on Burnslde Also suggested was giving children a DAINED ENANCE CODE, 'FIRST E D I . information on drugs, shareexperiences B Y T H E TOWNSHIP " ""•• • Kuhtz~said lie knows of five more thrill."^ Avenue and having an approximate TION, 1978," AS THE "PROPERin parenting, and lend support to one better self image. Let them know it is COMMITTEE OF THE . TOWN- size of 25 x 100 feet, be and*ls hereby articles about the- plane, but none OF CRANPORD as follows: sold to Roman and Barbara Hyra of TV MAINTENANCE CODE OF . okay to be different and not be pushed- SHIP another. The PTA emphasizes that SECTION I: That Block 113, Lot 99 Burnslde Avenue, Cranford, N.J. THE> BOROUGH OF GARWOOD, Lawson, who plaimed he could operate mention Garwood.-He is hoping the New COUNTY OF UNION AND STATE in a parent peer group does through peer pressure to use drugs, the 1, being located on Seneca Road, for the amount of (2,500.00 W JERSEY" AS Jersey Historical Society will, let him the plane, as- cheaply as railroad membership panelists said. Barents^also-•were- next to the Westflold boondary line, SECTIONXVinThoroihall be a AOFM E N DNEE not mean the parent's child is using m |e D ..-., A N D SUPPLEand hsvlrrff an approximate size of write [a»3aid,,Jbs, - ,9S JJSI!i s running, between New, York that the tb seek . recreational 5,000 square (eet, be, and is hereto)* MENTED, TO P.ROVIDE-POWtfr. ht<Cfrom" im^mCS^ff^M' "expected': to "begin r.dcugs, but that the parent is sold to Milliard and Maria .Williams h^^^Vpm-tH'e!'notonlyin the APPOINT MENT . OF ""•' • '"'' •' " ••"' " his or her child. o( M Seneca Road, Cranhtrd, N.J. G/arwood in • 1928 for more work: operating the restrlcteo-fnwn using the land sold EN.RORCEMENT OFFICIALS for the amount of S1S0.00 " ~ under this ordinance In conjunction. T.HEREFOR, AND TO PROVIDE According to Kufltz, Lawson stated cities by the spring-of-1928. SECTION I I : That Block 130,Lot with the contiguous property as a FOR P E N A L T I E S .County Council/of PTAs. One person FOR T H E -years-la tet~that-hc-lost-financial-suppor±_ 5s, being located at Gallows Hill basis forjrequestjpr a subdivision VIOLATION THEREOF."—frdrrrcatch-group-will-be-the^leader-for^ Bojiri. and helno the rear portion of Or variance so that new construe' ' "' • to complete'the plane, but no one knows now t that lot, having an approximate .tlon-may-b*jnade.on.the.prooar-tlBS discussions. Parents who would like to and Council of th,e Borough of how much work was dor"* «"'it later came true. slie of 15 x 45 feet, be and Is hereby *« lolned. join a peer group may call Lou Johnson, Garwood, County of Union, State of sold to Grace Walsh of 7CU Gailows SECTION X I V : The Mayor and Women see their gift inuse BUDDING ARTIST - Meredith Dodman, 7, uses watercolors and acrylic paint to create a work of art at the Saturday art class. Photo by — BI PTA forming parent groups to discuss students drug use Collector stamp sets available P 2e LAWSON AIRLINER - Here is drawing of airliner being built in Garwood in 1927. Picture is from Nov. 13,1927 edition of Brooklyn Daily Eagle. ' • Lincoln-Franklin honor roll Tracey Schmidt, John Skiilrus, Sergio Diaz. GARWOOD-- Forty-seven students at Micclche, Grade 7 • Carlos Diaz, Pam Lawrence, Barbara Lincoln-Franklin School are on theLeQg,Nancv KamudaKathy Carrea, Cynthia KoonlQ. . honor roll for the first marking period. Grade I - John Barr, Kevin Cullcm, John Murphy, Joe Rydzewskl, Stephen Bnrr, Robin Kolvek, Donna They are: Wist. . ' Gradcf 4 - Kevln~Eagan7 high'ribTior] roVTi Michael Slkuclnski, Joanlno Rybock, Patrick Olonick, Susan McDonald, Christine Kamuda, 'Anthony Fosco, Ralph Marano, Elizabeth Brodle, Catherine Cooper, Mary Hcnnojsov, Potor Hocfllno. Jurrv Micclche, Dawn Sheldrake. Grade 5 Justlno Gaota; John Sto|, high honor roll; Donna Silver, Kara Wllllx, Patricia Reynolds, Scott Holzapfel, Donna Pancurak, Sonla Vlccl, Rudy Sclplonl. '• ' '. Grade i • Stoclo Court, Chrlstlno Diamond, Pamola COASTAL BIRDS ~ "Coastal Colonial Birds, of New Jersey" will be illustrated in slides next Wednesday at 8 p.m. at the Library of theChathams Chatham at he monthly" meeting of the Sierra Club s Loantake >. College gets grant for Nomahegan 1 ^ 1 ^ ^ oppo for the total amount of municipal Hens chargoablo against said Iand3 respectively, as computed up to the 3rd day ol Decomber, 1080, us roqulred under the provisions of Article 4, Chapter 5, Title 54, ol the Revised Staturoti of New Jersey, 1937, entitled "Sale ol Real Property to Enforce Lions," Section 54:5-19 to,54:5-111, and amendments thereon. . TAKE M J R T H E R NOTICE that said landa will be sold at 1B % Interest or less to make the amount oLmunlclpal liens chargeable against redomptyon al-tha lowest rata of-lnUtfeelrpluarcost Ol Bale, The payment tor the sale DUUCJing, m e Humanities a h a | | be made belqre the conclusion of the sale by cash, certine*check, or "With t h e Savings i n money order, or tho property shall be resold. Propert|«s for which there are not other purchasers, shall be struck off and sold to tho Borough of Kenliworth, In accordance with said act of (he legislature. Interest on, subsequent Hans shall bo allowed as provided by law. The land and premises to bo sold are described on follows: DATED: October 31,1980 DOROTHY A. HIMPELE Collector of Taxos you come and sit on electricity and heating oil that will result from the latest improvements," Dr. Saul Orkin said, "The Nomahegan energy conservation project will pay for itself in fewer than six years." FINE ITALIAN DINING Korn to discuss his books on cable T V Wed-Sat,4:30-8:30 P Sun 3-8:30 p.m. CRANFORD HOTEL 1 South Union Ave. 276-2121 Froehlich Elected GRAND OPENING — John J. McCarthy, mayor, cuts the ribbon at the Sheriff Ralph Froehlich »f the grand opening Nov. 8 of Arch Federal's newest branch at the former office of thejjarwood Savings and Loan Association. The two banks mergedTOctn. Fromiefr areTDaVld Hage,-vlce presideptr MagdalenLynes, president; McCarthy; James Leonard, judge; ana Tom is tenure as Union Scheerin, branch manager. Gifts to depositors and color TV County Sheriff. Froehlich's election is Woman injured by tire MEN Si r How to get up to $ 2 0 , 1 0 0 for college. Here's a new way to beat college costs: Under the Vetorans' . Educational Assistance Program, you can join the Army and save a maximum of $100 a month from your pay up to a total of $2700. The government matches.your savings $2 for 5 1. If you save the maximum each -month, that means you'll have $8,100 for future education after 3 years. WOMEN Plus, if you qualify - a $ 1 2,6oO education bonus is added to your fund, by the Army. '• ...:.,, ' Where else can youtpilo up $20,100 so fast? > Or sign up for two yoars and a maximum of $1 5,200. Find out if you qualify for this enriching program. . Servo your country as you servo yourself. CALL 789-1953 U. S. ARMY RECRUITING STATION Etlwurd C. Koanltil Staff Scrfjouru Station Commandur GARWOOD MALL 3 0 0 SOUTH AVE » GARWOOD, GARWOOD-- A pedestrian Was injured slightly yesterday morning when she was struck by a truck tire which had blown out and came off the rim. The truck wasdriven by Michael Lozado, 221 Fourth Ave., who had a rear tire blowout on South Avenue near Bob's Garage. The tire came off and struck Lynn Smith, 30, of 44 • Johnson Ave., Cranford. She suffered leg injuries and was taken to Memorial General Hospital, Union, by the Garwood First Aid Squad. go horseback riding KENILWORTH - S. getaer CONSUMER AID : ' • 'T & E* MEETING SERVICE BURNERS FOUNDATION HELP — Anne W. Attrldge, vice president.and executive director of the Schering-Plough Imtrndatlon, and Victor J. Fresolone, president of Memorial, General Hospital, look over plans for renovation and expansion of ther hospital's medical library. xfoundatlon has pledged $45,000 over three f pg years to complete the expansion work. 4 "Ten Tips on. Screening Home Improvement Contractors" are offered free of charge to home owners in New Jersey by the National Remodelers Associations of this state, North Jersey Council. The tips are part of the 19 8 0 . C o n s'lfm-e r Information brochure and membership list published by the organization as a public service. National Remodelers Association 'represents remodeling contractors who work on botti r o s id e n I i a 1 an d commercial properties. To receive a copy of the brochure, just send ;i stamped, self-addressed l p to NHA, Uox-iov, envelope Belle Mead, N.J. 0U502 AUTO DEALERS FORD TUIMIIIR.il \ITII IIIKH AUTHORIZED Superb Service Red Carpet Lease SERVICE Soles Service Rentals Open Eves riI 9 30 Sot til 6' 00 245-6100 10J SOUTH AVENUE CRANFORD 158 WESTFIELD AVE. HOSELLE PARK; N.J. AUTO SERVICE BANKS BUILDERS PRIBE WB PERFORMANCE KKMIWIIIMII STATE BANK A BUONTEMPO AUTOCENTER . %et Cc. Nolhinq (nuMls like Service • FUEL OIL • COMPLETE HEATING INSTALLATION • REPAIRS AND SERVICE AIR-CONDITIONING 230 Centennial Ave. Cranford Call 276-9200 PLUMBERS REYNOLDS PLUMBING & HEATING INC. Goo-Cuo«o FREE CHECKING 272-4500 • • • • • General Builder since 1950 Alterations Additions Concrete Work Fireplaces CamKmr_cLa.l&-Bosidential j General Repairs i Fully'Insured Free Estimates KENILWORTTT Member FDI FUEL OIL FUEL OIL t Quality Used Cars OLDSMOBILE SALES& Aulon/icd FORD • Dodler Smct> iv,'O 276 3205 The Union County Division of Consumer Affairs, Department of Your Complete Human Resources, l e a v e dd shoppers SSi^SloSti b .Automotive Service almost $2 m llion since the^jjnit was •, .. ™. . ,n , established in 1077 reports Ellen Bloom Sf*0™1 meeting Tuesday at 8 p.m. at American & Foreign established in un,helped repous Liien bloom, School, onathan Dayton igh director, "We've consumers save JSpringfield: 14 Years Experience Minimum HBasic Skills test y C l J l _ d resulbrresults of-the -district-s-T-.A.SlK—contracts, avoided or completed," Mrs. testing, and plans including budgetd. Bloom said. "We've answered more requirements to implement program than 5,000 written complaints and 276-7573 improvements for the 1981-82 school thousands of phone calls." year Meadowlanrls Race Track -\ • Home Improvement Products Slorm Windows H. Doors In compliance with "Thorough and efficient" education legislation Remodeling Brochure Is Offered Free AUTO DEALERS LIFETIME \ l IMINI H PRODUCTS, INC. ;;aion' of 6^virBr;wn:' s]udente Transportation to Call: Beviano Chartered Service 486-2505 A L U M . PRODUCT di Construction Corp. celebrated its first receive instruction about horses and anniversary last Friday, at, itstheir grooming, followed by a riding headquarters at 40 Sidney Circle. Sylvia lesson. The Riders Club provides p and'Saul Seltzer hosted the party. He is a assistance and adapts h individual professional engineer and planner who ; t wherever needed spent 1G years as chief engineer with MKip This program provided an opportunity W.D. Snyder and Sons, builders and developers, before setting up his own for independence and recreation for handicapped high school students. firm here. TOTAL AMOUNT »1,038.02 1,603.30 106.00 138.15 a.m. to 3 p.m. dally, Thursdays To 7 p.m., and Saturdays to noon. Jersey sheriff. ROBBINS & ALLISON Inc. Handicapped students KENILWORTH - Local author Frank ~3. Korn will appear on the caijtiT television talk show, New Jersey Brearley High. School, under the r>f Qchhie Parin. had the ml S) Dec. 3 at 7 p.m.- l i H opportunity to go 3 hp hotsseback riding as and again Dec. 5 at 5 p.m. iut?alss program for the Korn will be discussing his two books, part of the intramu^ "Rome, the Enchanted City" and From handicapped. The Somerset 'Hills Handicapped Peter to John Paul II," with the host of Riders Club operates a special program the show, Father Michael Russo. for the handicapped at the Crossroads' SELTZER CELEBRATES Farm in Bedmihister under the 1 l V John J, McCarthy OWNER C. DIStetano C. DIStetano E. Anderson A. Neville D. Mohn 20&'26, 1980 open after school Seniors planning anniversary dinner Bears turkey day BOCA'BasIc Proporty Maintenance Code shall be deemod to refer to the codo as defined In Section 1 hereof, • and the l£80 supplement thereto ~ and any other supplements and amendments to be. Issued hereafter. SECTION B. Nothing contained herein shall be construed to permit any use, structurWor activity, or any other thing, otherwise prohibited by and ordinance of the Borough of Garwood or by any law of this state. SECTION «. This ordinance shall take effecf upon final passage and publication, In accordance with MaV0r Attest Doris Polldoro Borough Clerk NOTICE The foregoing ordinance was has 684.04 Introduced and passed on first reading at a regular meeting of the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Garwood, N.J,, held on Tuesday, November 35, I960 and will be considered for final passage after a NOTICE OF SALE OF PROPERTY FOR NONPAYMENT OF TAXES public hearing, at another regular meeting of said Mayor and Council at the Municipal Building, Garwood «« N o Td the first H m p t h p hnnnrhn«<n»i(» in V M o i i r taxes ol the Borough olQsrwood In the county ot Union, will Bellas publlc N * J Jersey, on Tuesday, UK?J I C J U I I H P IHC nonornja^O_ne_l0_ajNeW _ ,. n, Z. December 9,1080 at 8:30 p.m. (pro valllno tlmohoresHjoon Iheroattor— I960 as said matter can be reached. at the Borough Hall, Corner South and Center Street, Garwood, N.J., at 11 DORIS PQLIDORE A.M. each and all of the several lots and parcels of land assessed to lha Borough Clerk respective persons whose names are Bet opposite ejach respective parcel Dated; November 16, 1VB0 as the owner thereof lor the total amount of municipal llena chargeable P-re: X U,u against said lands respectively, as computed up to the 15th day of • IOWN5HIP OF CRAWFORD December, 1980, as required under the provisions of Article 4, Chapter 5, TiCRANFORD, NEW JERSEY tle 54, of the Revised Staturea ot New Jersey, 1037, entitled "Sale of Real PROPOSED ORDINANCE Property to Enforce Liens," Section 54:5-19 to 54:5-111, and amendments NO. 80-44 theroon. A N ' O R D I N A N C E TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that said lands Will be sold at 18% Interest or E S T A B L I S H I N G FEES FOR less to make the amount of municipal liens charnaable against redemption SERVICES PROVIDED A N D at the lowest rate ot Interest, plus cost of sale. The payment for the sale MATERIALS DISTRIBUTED BV shall be made before the concluolon ol the sale by CASH, CERTIFIED THE F I R E DEPARTMENT' OF CHECK, OR MONEY ORDER, or the property shall be resold. Properties for THE TOWNSHIP OF CRANFORD. BE IT ORDAINED BV T H E which there are not other purchaaera, shall be struck oft and sold to the Borough of Garwood In accordance with said act of the legislature. Interest TOWNSHIP C O M M I T T E E O F THE TOWNSHIP OF CRANFORD on subsequent Hens shall be allowed as provided by law. THAT; The land and promises to be sold are described as follows: SECTION 1. The following fees DATED: Novomber 14.1980 " EILEEN D.MASTERSON are hereby fixed and established Collector ot Takes for services provided and materials distributed by the Fire Department BLOCK • LOT OWNER TOTAL AMOUNT of the Township of Cranford. 1 15A Lance Homes Ino. S440.B7 a. Fire reports loach copy) *3.00 Bowlby, Kenneth & Wile 557.B9 u e b. Viewing ot phbtoaraphs 13.00 33 23 Tho Logan Co. Inc. 3204.10 c. Copies of photographs S7.J0 10 Papandrea, Joseph SECTION 2. This ordinance shall JS 2012.66 take effect upon publication after DATED: November 20, 26, December 4, 11, 1980 final passage as provided by law. Fee: S J9.J0 HENRY DREYER, JR. Chairman, Township Committee ATTEST: ' • • WESLEY N. PHILO Township Clerk NOTICE The foregoing ordinance was Introduced and patted on' first reading at a mooting of the DEPARTURE , Township Commlttoe of tho Township of Cranford, N.J. on TIMES: Rahway Train.Station - 6:00 Tuesday, November 3S, Wad and wll linden Train Station.- 6:15 . -l be cons|d«roij for_ final passaoe, after public hearing at Broad & E. Jersey Sts.,Elizabeth - 6:30 another tnoetlng,o( gald Township Committee at Municipal Building, For Departure I n f o r m a t i o n Cranford, N.J. oh Tuesday, Docmeber v, i960 at 8:00 o'clock P.M. (proValllnfl time). • . WESLEY N..PHILO : Township Clerk Dated: November 16, )no. — Fee: % I-, y-j ' BLOCK LOT 5-A S-7 9-B S-7 10 152 37-A 81 2-F 201 A • Dated: November 0, 13, Fee: $ 43.o8 Kenilworth Calendar Art club slates oil floral demo of the 22-year-old building, a n d part o f THE 3rd DAY OF DECEMBER, toeo N.j.s.A.52.27pii9,ctseq.,andthej the-grantrmoney-will-b€-UBed4o4nSUlate—^-iha-twrninh Hull pniilnvnrd. Xenllwbrth, N.J, af10:00 a.m. each and all regulations promulgated there* ^ rV 3 p u b l l c aale> o n ^ Scort Reu, Timothy RMey, Cecilia R i u o , Richard • scheer, Kathleen Shanahan, Michael Shanahan, Kelly Sokol, Sharon Veneilo, Michael Veroura, T r a r y Williams, Jeffrey Walyus.__ . ' Sixth G r * d « : Evan BIckeVstaM, JosfiUa Brausteln, , Su&an Buchner, Janlne Corbd, Joseph Cwlak, Shurn De Prlsco, Rosa De Vlto. Dcnlse Pltlpatrlck, Sherry Pord, Judith Fuentes, Lynn Havankl, Kenneth H e l m . Mary Jo Herman, Lorraine Hoffmann, Brett Hublhoer, Gary Kino, Peter KirlaKatls, M i c h a e l . Krlhak, Mlchole Maroeton, • Frod Mlccll. Jamcr, Miller, Scptt Miller, Lisa Muia, Maria Mula, Barbara M u r p h y , Domfenlck P a s C a r e l l a , Cathlet-n P a t e , Christina Roese, Marcy Salerno, Dean Schafor, Susan Shorba, Sarriuel Simoei, Sandra Spillman, Scott Swanson. Lori Talarlco, Gulllotta Tartlvlta, Robin Taylor, Nicholas Troiano, Cynthia Van Busk irk, M.irk Vannauker, Brian Wyss. n HIM Road, Cranford, N.J. for the Clerk of the Township of Cranford New-Jersey, as follows: SECTION 1: Articles O , 3, 4 and amount of J2O0.00 are authorized to execute all docu- B hereinafter modified and .suipple- . SECTION 111: That Block Mi, m e n t necessary for the acmented, of "The Basic Proporty • Lot 10, being located on Greaves complishment of the sales above Maintenance Codo, First Edition,-• Place, and being that portion described.. SECTION XX : This ordinance. 1978," as published by Building Oflocated behind Lot 9 only, having an take effect upon publication flclals and Codo Administrators approximate size of 40 x 17 feet, be shall after final passage as provided by (BOAC) 'International Inc., are and Is hereby sold to Joseph and law, i hereby adopted and established as Ellxabeth'Terranova ot 11 Greaves HENRY DREYER, JR. the "Property Maintenance Codo of Place, Cranford, N.J. - for the the Borough of Garwood, County of Chairman ol Township Commlttoo amount of S30.00 Union, State ol New Jersey." Three SECTION IV: That Block 175, Lot ATTEST: copies of the aforesaid code, 10, being located on Greaves Place, WESLEY N. PHILO marked In $uch a fashion so as to and being that portion located Township Clerk Identify the portions- thereof STATEMENT behind Lot 8 only, having an adopted pursuant to this ordinance, approximate size of 40 X 17 feet, be The fdronolnq ordinance , was *haye .been placed on file In the "»h"a"Hrherebv~soldicrFrederlck A—tinBity-posJod~«f:a meatlni and Phyllis Garllck of 15 Greaves township CommllVoo o l I h * Place, cranford, N.J. for the townstilp ot Cronford, N.J. on Tiios- use and examination of the publlc and shall so remain on tile. amount of 130.00. day, November 25, 1080. SECTION 2. Nothing contained SECTION V : That Block 175, Lot. WESLEY N. PHILO herein shall bo construod to affect 10, being located on Greaves Place, Township Clork any suit or proceeding nowpendlng and being that portion located In any court or. before any court or behind Lot 7 only, having an Dated: November 26. 1080 before any Administrative body, or approximate slie of 40 X 17 feet, be Fee:'* Aj.13 any right, liability or.cause of and Is hereby sold to John and TOWNSHIP OF CRANFORD action acquired or existing under Donna Mullen of 17 Greav.es Place, any prior law. ' . CRANF6RD, NEW JERSEY Crenfordi N,J. for the amount of SECTION 3; Sectjo.n.PM-lOO.'l of PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO. 80-44 SM.O0. this code Is supplemented to .In- * NOTICE OF ORDINANCE SECTION V I : That Block 517, Lett elude the namo of this [urlsdlctlon, PURSUANT TO N.J.S.A. 40:49-2.1 6, being located on Claremont that Is the Borough of Garwood. Place and having an approximate 1. The Township Committee of the SECTION 4,-. Section PM 109.2 of size of 15 x 125 feet, be and Is hereby Township ol Cranford has passed on sold to Dorothy Hughes of 520first reading, an ordinance (BO-44) en- this codo Is supplemented to Includo the following, penalties for Claromont Place, Cranford, N.J. titled: violations: "A fine ot not toss than for the'amount of SlpO.OO' "AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND OR- 150.00, nor more thah 1500.00, or Im- . SECTION V I I : That Block 222, DINANCE NO. 79-33 ENTITLED prlsonment for a term not to oxcoed Lot i, being' located on Orange Avenue and having an approximate LAND DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE thirty (3") days, or both, at the dissize of 164 square feet, be and Is OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CRANFORD cretion of the Court." .SECTION 5; All references In. hereby sold to Joseph and Anita AND ORDINANCE NO. 79-38 WHICH Carvalho of 9 Orange Avenue, AMENDED ORDINANCE NO. 79-33 this code to "code official" shalbe .deemed to refer to the Construction Cranford, N.J. for the amount of TO REFLECT CERTAIN CHANGES Code Official or such appropriate Subcode Official as ho shall PUBLIC NOTICE designate. NOTICE OF SALE OF PROPERTY FOR NONPAYMENT OF TAXES, SECTION I. All references In this ASSESSMENTS AND OTHER MUNICIPAL LIENS code to -"building- codo" shall be deemod to refer to tho building code Public notice Is herebyglven that I Dorothy A.JHlmpolo, Collector ol adopted under the Now Jersey laxoB of the Borough of Konllworth In the county of Union, will sell as -llnUnrm (-nmti-nrtlnn rnrln Art, the^oof. The College is providing $48,799 in matching funds for the project. • The college previously received a $44,954 grant from the Department of Energy for energy conservation efforts in its MacKay Library, and an adjoining K..;i,i;n* " ' « , u ,™'« •»• ~ ^^ ^ ^ p'etr«ce«,.-jo.nne pinder, NICOU, Rosa h( Seven-cars marked—i on Hemlock Ave. Last Thursday's program drew 60 to GARWOOD:- Seven cars parked' on 70 parents and featured a .film, "For -the 200 block of Hemlock Avenue Friday Parents Only - What Kids Think About evening were marked up with red and Marijuana," and a panel discussion. The - purple magic marker. The vandalism panel included Dr. James Callam, occurred between 7:30 and d p.m. superintendent of schools, "Joseph "kThis is the third time cars on the street Troiano, local principal, George have been, marked. Owners report Cuzzolino, assistant principal at David difficulty in removing .the. magic Breariey High School, and Constance marker. ' • . ordruglsiwal The-damaged-cars-are^awned_hy::_ the "drugg culture" which p S t e ; the Michael Wolski, 229 Hemlock; John Purdie, 259 Hemlock, two cars; Crown use of drugs through magazines, drug Trophy Co., 86 North Ave.; Donald paraphernalia, rock music and other Brazinsky, 818 Center St.; Ed Eagan, types of commercial exploitation. 353 Beech Ave., and Alice Allspach, Another reason given was the.low cost of Millington. marijuana. Stronger peer pressure Police said the vandals apparently coupled with a . weakening, in family started from Lexington Avenue and authority also has added to the situation, made their way to Center Street. said the panelists. Parents were alerted to methods of PARENTS' ORIENTATION GARWOOD - Monroe B. Nestler, director of guidance at David Breariey High School, met Nov. 19 with parents of- eighth grade students at Lincoln „... „ Union College has received its second ii School to describe course registration, *grant from the U. S. Department of requirements and other Energy for an energy conservation prograduation the students' ject at its Cranfftrd Campus. information regarding at Breariey, The freshman year The $74,521 grant will be used for p r o g r am was sponsored by the Garwood projects in Union College's original PTA. ' structure, the Nomahegan Building. The ^ Noncy . KENILWORTH-Anthony V. Richel,' upon two phases of interpretation of the Superintendent of schools, presented an MBS test. p Phase 1 of the analysis involved analysis of the district's Minimum Basic Skills test to the Kenilworth Board of teachers from grades three and six. Education at a public meeting last night They measured local expectations against the actual test scores achieved • The Postal Service this month is catalogue numbers and an index listing at Harding School. h i tstudents. d His report reflected the results of the b by their issuing some new philatelic products of every U.S. stamp ever issued. The MBS test which is issued annually by the Phase Phase 2 2 of of t hthe that will help get new stamp collectors new book is still priced at $3.50. . e analysis focused on G r . d , s . v < ( n ; L o r l B € . r 1 o l o t t i . N a n c y Bieber, s.,ndr,, Buchner. .. New Jersey Department of Education comparing Harding's scores to that of Bober, Ondlna Borola, Annemarlc started and keep veteran philatelists upVittoria also reports two new Christopher Cardoso. Teresa Costa. Lori Ann Cronin. and is administered by local districts reference groups provided by the state, 'Trlcla Ernst, Gcralynn Garrlck, Kathleen Glacaidne, to-date on their collections, Kenilworth philatelic products, the "Women's Mint Saturday, Nov. 29 each March. The test measured student Data, furnished, by the Department of Stacey Godfrey, Anne Grarnegna, Allan Holland, « ."Postmaster Peter Vittoria announced. Set" and the "U.S. Commemorative A*t lessons, 10 a.m. - noon Joseph Impall, Stevon Kallenseo. Frank Karovic. in reading and Education ..permitted each . district to competency Stamps' "Coral Reefs" folder are now Recreation Center. 4 . 4 Ylana Klrlakatls. Cynthia Kranlck, John Kurlaw;v. 1 • • C o m p a r e l t S . . S C O r e S _ a g a j n S l _ ^ S t a t e , | , i . a Torre, JamcsMatora, Debra McGoldricK., mathematics. " The 1980 Postal * Service mint "seT available" "at" all~philatelic-centers—or Monday, Dfec; 1 ~- - v...i_.i_-.._ ._.-.-.--• ..-... Sported""'that~the--district's -county;^^ community-4ype -jirid_ distrM^^ajnc^Morrisoh, Micttad /wurphyr-Aiida petr»t-ca. Richel rep through the Postal Service philatelic T 7 p.m. -.Municipal Court. ' being released this month contains all y overall pperformance inggrades three and factor grouping grouping (DFG) (DFG) results. Analysis g^gZ^Z^lJ^JXZ^SSZtr • 7,-9 p.m. - Consumer yoffice open. the commemoratLves and. special catalogues available at all-post offices. the A;,i,-,,.t district lo.iol level Williamson, John Zimmerman. -•—-'•-- " - . » : - . • - . -r _ . . J . ^ , ~r each u ttest.item ^ - t ; » „ « , at i tv.r. The "Women's Mint Set" includes a six for all categories of .reading (word1 of Tuesday; Dec."Z . stamps released during the year -- 28 GV»d« Elflhtr Carol Andtpski, ''Beth ^kkerstatl, . 1^ Harding^ • Joyce.Boewaard,. Timothy. Bowan, .Carolyn Bra'un, , 7-9 p.m. - Recreation Center open. recognition/comprehension, and study indicated that, JP genera stamps in all," Vittoria said, The new package of nine mint stamps,, mounts l lihtl skills) and for all categories of students performed equal to or slightly Cathy Cardella, Karl Clemnlecki, Larlsa Cluffreda. and one postal card retailing for $3. All 7-9 p.m. - Building office open, kil d i mint set-will bp available at all post. Dc Luca, Toni DeMario, Gina DePrU'co. mathematics (computation, number better- than that of -similar students Anthony items in the set honor prowinenkWiEjieJV ^ ^ i Saniantho boStcfano, Helen Fillpponc, Rudoll Huber. : r on g .office open; p " ' siwisin^he state. . . • Down Huss, Frederick Huss, Arlcnc Glasco_, Particia-^ ^fr^iisto3^isticlia6"Edith.iVlha t . Helen fci-. .pOTcepts, measurement, geometry, arrerfC Also being issued -this month-is the Johnson, Susan Majura, Scott, MposbruuflcfrCiicVt^ 8 p.nYT - ftorough.;-"" Council -probrem solving) had cbntinue'd to be _ A detailed report of the district's Moulto'n,' , Shirley Parrprt.'Antriohy Petracti^JBci^ra • postal Service's seventh edition' of Keller," Ajuie Siillivaii,T Dolley Madison, K workshop^ . " ~~""."~ ~" '•"" • .satisfactory, This conclusion was based strengths, satisfactory areas, and needs • PII57 tisa Pontoriero. Anthony Rchm, John Wtcft^ ''Stamps and Stories" which" contains Frances Perkins, Molly-Pitcher, Emily Richard...Rgssa, Dcnisr Salerno, Patricia S.inford. Wednesday, Dec. 3 • • •'''•• r: Iis" on file in the<maih office of Harding ... Dohald*Scorese, lla Gather and Harriet information for new stamp collectors, ,Bissell, Frederick Soos, Ko'liy'Shields, Tracy ^-lubmau Jrhe^Cor'aLReefslLfolderJs_a_ .12:15 p.m. - Rotary Club, Villa ._ ' ' School. This report is available to the Splllman, Keith Swanson, Michael Tripodi» a 9 B a r i t t a r~.—. • ' • Chr'lstine^Xjplano, John Trotto. Arthur^ Wrlnht new philatelic product and is similar in !3Brary~SerVlCeS—puWie-upon-request. —^ . price trends of selected stamp issues^ 8 p.m. - Planning Board meeting. design to the winter Olympic folder. It Thursday, Dec. 4 contains attractive underwater, 'CABARET' 1-4 p.m. - Welfare office open. photography, a mint block of four coral "Cabaret" will open at 4-5 p.m. - Building office open. re<jf stamps, mounts; and narrative on Circle Players' Theatre in 7:S0 p.m. - Library_board meeting. each reef, The Union County Regional Hfgh 'the Round, 416 Victoria Local Moving & Storage J H p.m. - Board of Health meeting. School District No. l'has continued a--Ave., Piscataway,.Friday program this year that, offers after- at 8:30 p.m. Performances KENILWORTH - Hannah Hoffman school library service for students will continue Fridays and will present an oil-floral demonstration attending David Breariey High School .Saturdays through Dec. ' for members and friends of the and the three other regional' high 13. Sunday matinees are. ; Kenilworth Art Association Monday at schools. . scheduled at 2 p.m. Dec. 7 the Recreation Center at « p.rri. . Students can receive . after-school and 14.'Call 968-7555. , M-rs-HofTman-its^-graduatc of-Newark—,.—KEN -I-LW-ORT-HThe an School of Fine and Industrial Arts and •' anniversary dinner of the Kenilworth instructional media centers.from.3:15 to she has done post-graduate work at the Senior Citizens.Club will be Friday, Dec. TRANSFERS « Art Students League. She has taught in 5 "at 6 p.m. at the Veterans Center. • Suburban Cablevision will cablecast 5:45 p.m. Monday through Thursday. 60 colleges from The Board of Education-has provided 10Nearly the Newark School System and at many Reservations must be made prior to the the Thanksgiving Day game between states and the District, the Gpv. Livingston Highlanders vs. the the opportunity for students to have -adult schools. She exhibited her d i n n e r ; . . .'. ,.-.-.•.,. • , . ... •, •of Columbia will be paintings' at Montclair Art Museum, The-club's next regular meeting will, David Breariey Bears on Thanksgiving extended time in the library coupled represented at Union Day at 7 p.m. via TV-3r with professional assistance in libralry College's sixth annual Bergen Community Museum and in be Wednesday, Dec. 3 when election, of : AGENT ALLIED VAN LINES The game will be played at Breariey resources, by employing special khows-throughout New Jersey.,- — _ . officers..will take place .at 1 p.m.. at (he with""Matt "Loughlirr-and Al -Reinoso iibi-arians for-after schooW-Edward- F-. Transfer Day today from Mrs..Hoffman .is past president of the Veterans Center,. . . 21-3 SOUTH A-VE., E-, CRANEORD _• 9:30 a.m. to"T:30 pTrri:in The following were honored at the bringing viewers the play-by-play. The Brown, coordinator of cultural arts and the gymnasium of the Essex,Water Color Society. One of her game .will have a repeat cablecast instructional media services, is "in TEL. 276-0898 ppaintings is in the collection of. the late recent birthday party: Ann Scheuerer, Friday at 7:30 p.m. via Suburban's TV-3". Campus Center. charge of the program. Anna Siock, Nelson Brown, Marge vice president, Hubert Humphrey. •• Mrs. Hoffman, the former advisor of . Kosmutza, Charles Kraus, Elizabeth the Kenilworth Art Association, helped Weber, Josephine Wados, Raymond the association in its formative years McElroy, Stella Rosentover, Stella • LysRoT, Marie Matthews-—---Ar-t-hur— and has been a member since. Goodreds and Ann Machsky. 1 789-1078. • Student skills 'satisfactory' PAPER.SOLQIERS — Clint Kaminski and Michael become Christmas ornaments. Activity is taking Lynch, both' ag*e7, and Jill Derkowski, 6, in photo place at the Kenliworth Recreation Center Saturat right, are making paper soldiers which will day morning art lesson. Photo by Theo Robinson. O — •• Fourth Grade: Gerald Accomando, Alelandro Borgia, Lisa .Cordelia. Adrians Chesss, Pamela-Clesla, Krlstlne Cwlak, Karen Derkowikl, Lorrell Jorgej, Lls» Kssper, Jonathan Krlnak. MIchneLKurlawa, Jennifer Lo Blanco, Msrln Noble, Debra Price, Brian Chalenskl, Kathleen Dodmarj, ' Lisa Faucher..Becky Hublnger, John Koksl, Lee Ann Kopyta, Teresa Londln'o, JojiR Lynch, Travis Marshall. Kevin McSorley, Cory Boll, Erlf Boyea, Lisa Cheeka/ Sharon Demeter, Danielle Farbanec. Marcy Herman, Stacey Marshall,Theresa MIstretTa, Raymond Murphy, Franklin Rachel, Robyn Rica, Aleeto Schenesky, Marlsa Scorese, Cetla Scuorzo. Diana To«ltano, Kevin Turk, Jill VordallJ. I r a c l Zalenskl, David Zimmerman . Fifth Grade: Anthony Abarno, Cheryl Becker;~Toari\ Bober, Kevin Bowen, Raul .Canelro, Mlchaul ChslenjkJ, David Chongo, Frank Chlappetla. Nicole Cluffreds, Vincent Colwell, Michelle Coraooio. Gary Faucher, MVlchele Flllppone, Klmtosrly FNjIlch, F a u , p Stevon Grohol, Laurie Gl-iymala, Llnda-.Gr-iymalo, Lisa Hicks, Bridget Horn, Steven l<lm. Martin Lueddeke, Annette Madden, George MarreM. Laura Mascaro, Sandra Malero, Laura Mula, /)lka Palel. Llcnnso #02160 INSURANCE 276:5367 3 B 8 NORTH AVENUE B CRANFORD BODY S FENDER STRAIGHTENING COMPLETE COLLISION SERVICE ' TOWING H.F. BENNER/INC 276-1111 272-7250 SEWER/DRAIN CL. TELEVISION REPAIR Cooimq Alterations Air Repcv Conditioning 2761320 NORTH AVE CRANFORD SEWER AND DRAIN CLEANING SERVICE DECORATORS TERMINAL MILL END STORES, Inc. Custom Mad« COLOR BLACK A WHITE All Miikoa Adntlr.bl to ^nnlOi Survlcu WlihlrrlM-Houro ' ANTENNA INSTALLATION . AND REPAIR 276 1)60 , 2 10 Cotitannlql Ave Largi ialvctlon of r.brlcibv V.rO or Hott ^o«m Rubber . HitBdqU*rt«m drkp«rv hardware Alterations Additions Remodeling---.'. Free Estimates CALL CRANFORD 276-1474 SIPPLY CO. mm\ HL'fltinq SALES ~ ~ DAILY RENTALS > LONG TERM LEASING ALL MAKES 232-3700 Service - Parts 654-3222 USEDCARS "35 Years This Location" Interior Decorating Specialists Call 688-9416 U Stuvvt'sunl Avi'niic I nion THIS RALPH J. LAGRIOLA DONALD E. BRUT2MAN 115 No. Union Avenue Craatord 276-0900 ~ LUMBER INSURANCE .Personal and Business Insuranee Planning Tony DiFabio_ Over 3fi YfS ExpuMunci; SAME n»Y SEflVICE Diillironni and Kilchen M Oder in.:i11 inn;. SERVICE SALES DEPAinS vA/n Lio Tho CoiTiijIulu Job flEASONAHLE HATES- WE'LL PUT IT B A C K TOGETHER FOR Y O U I SERVICE Since/925 f l E A T I N G OILS -, INSTALLATIONS • SERVICE 549 Lexington Ave. CRANFORD 433 North Ave.. E. WesHield, N J. Jack Davis INDEPENDENT BROKERAGE | Dependable, Friendly Service CONTRACTORS DAVIS BROS. 606 SOUYrTAVE.; E7CBANF0HD- MEL-STROM FIELTO. - PLUMBERS COLLISION REPAIRS AUTO DEALERS LUMBER BUILDING MATERIALS MILLWORK SPACE CAN SELL YOUR SERVICE 276-0505 CALL 334 CENTENNIAL AVE CRANFOBD 276-6000 TREES HEYDER TREE SERVICE Landscaping Free ostimates Fully insured Reasonable prices 789^1951 TREES S J SHAW JH TREE SERVICE CCT I9JB TREE SERVICE SPRAYING FULLY INSURED REASONABLE RATES 26 Tulip St.. Crunforil 276-3607 ••si. • ' " / : : '
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