2014 How to Do Business Booklet

 2014 How to Do Business Booklet
Interim Superintendent: Luvenia Jackson
Procurement Specialist: Shon Demby
Chief Financial Officer: Kenneth Thompson
Buyer: Paula Carter
Executive Director of Business Services: Lonita B. Evans
Purchasing Card Administrator: Jenifer Miller
Administrative Assistant III: Tammy Miller
Warehouse Supervisor: Terry Kinsey
Who We Are . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . …..3
Mission & Goals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
Code of Ethics………………………………………………5
Greetings! Thank you for your interest in doing business with Clayton County
Public Schools (CCPS). There are many opportunities for vendors,
contractors, and consultants to do business with CCPS. The Purchasing
Department is the central procurement office and we are committed to
promoting and developing business relationships with a diverse group of
businesses; ensuring that local, minority and women owned businesses have
the opportunity to compete for a fair share of these opportunities. All
procurement actions are done in compliance with policies and procedures
mandated by Clayton County Board of Education and all applicable State and
Federal regulations.
Awards & Purpose of the Vendor’s Guide . . .. . . . . . . . .6
What and How We Purchase. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7
The Solicitation Process. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..9
Registering for the CCPS Bidder’s List . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Submitting Bids, Proposals or Submittals . . . . . . . . .. . ..11
This publication contains a synopsis of the procurement process to assist
vendors in conducting business with CCPS. We encourage you to visit the
purchasing web site at
www.clayton.k12.ga.us/departments/purchasing/bidindex.asp for
additional information.
Types of Contracts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . …18
We hope this resource will provide you with useful and informative
information. We look forward to establishing a mutually beneficial business
relationship with your organization.
Tips for Being Successful…………………………………. 23
Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 26
Exception to Full & Open Competition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Request for Proposal Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Contact Us . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Lonita B. Evans, CFO, C.P.M.
Executive Director of Business Services
Clayton County Public School System is the 90th largest school district in the
United States and the fifth largest in Georgia. Just 12 miles south of Atlanta,
Clayton County covers 142 square miles and is home to over 270,000
We have a total of 66 sites which includes: 36 elementary schools- grades K5 (Pre-kindergarten available in some schools), 16 middle schools- grades 68, 9 high schools- grades 9-12, 1 Alternative High schools, 1 K-8 school, 1
Performing Arts Center, 1 Magnet School and 1 Evening School. The
2014/2015 estimated system-wide enrollment is projected to be in excess of
It is the mission of the Purchasing department to provide exceptional
customer service to schools, departments, stakeholders, and vendors by
ensuring all products/services used are purchased with the highest integrity
and ethical standards in a competitive environment that results in savings to
the taxpayers and premium products/services to educate our children.
It is the goal of the Purchasing Department to ensure that the daily logistical
support to schools and departments is accomplished in an efficient and
effective manner. Challenging goals have been established and progress is
being measured to maximize mission performance. Our goals are:
Timeliness –
We are committed to obtaining supplies and
services for our schools and departments in
the most timely manner possible.
Quality –
We are committed to obtaining premium
goods and services that meet or exceed the
needs of our customers.
Economy –
We are committed to obtaining the best
price and best value based on full and open
User Friendly –
We desire to make our procurement
system transparent for both our customers
and vendors.
Procurment Awards
Code of Ethics
Clayton County Public Schools believes, and it is a condition of
employment in the procurement department, that the following ethical
principles govern the conduct of every person employed:
Give first consideration to Clayton County Public Schools’
mission and policies.
Strive to obtain maximum value for each dollar spent.
Decline personal favors, gifts, and gratuities.
Grant all
competitive suppliers fair and equal consideration.
Conduct business with potential and current supplier in an
atmosphere of good faith.
Demand honesty in sales representation whether offered through
the medium of a verbal or written statement, an advertisement, or
a sample of the product.
Receive consent from the originator of the use of proprietary
ideals and designs.
Make a reasonable effort to obtain equitable settlement of any
controversy with a supplier.
Accord a prompt and courteous reception insofar as conditions
permit to all who call on legitimate business missions.
Create an environment of fair, ethical, and legal business
Protect the district’s interest by ensuring that suppliers honor all
terms of their contracts.
To date, the Clayton County Public Schools Purchasing Department
has received the following awards for “Best Practices” in
Governmental Purchasing:
2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, & 2013 the Achievement of
Excellence in Procurement (AEP) annual award for 5
consecutive years
Purpose of the Vendor’s Guide
The purpose of the vendor’s guide is to provide information to
prospective vendors that will make doing business with Clayton
County Public Schools (CCPS) Purchasing Department a positive,
efficient, and effective experience. While the guide does not
encompass every detail of all regulations, policies, and laws
governing our procurement practices, it does provide a basic overview
of our procurement methods.
How We Purchase
What We Buy
The Purchasing Department serves as a liaison between the
schools/departments and vendors/contractors. The purchasing cycle
is initiated when an end-user presents a purchasing need to the
Purchasing department. CCPS procures an extensive and diverse
range of materials, services, and construction purchase to support the
education mission. The range of needs stretches from office supplies
to school buses, from paper to food items, and from refuse pick-up to
grounds maintenance and, also includes construction purchases. The
purchasing website includes a list of bid summaries and award letters
for past and present contracts.
Purchasing Card (P-card)
The purchase card is a VISA card issued by a local bank. Each school
and most departments within CCPS have a purchasing card to make
low dollar purchases for goods and services. The cards are restricted
by dollar limits and category codes. The merchant category code
assigned to a business is controlled by VISA authorities, who assign
the codes by business type. The cards permit or restrict purchases
from those codes that offer goods and services which are likely to be
used by a K-12 school system.
Purchase Orders (POs)Threshold for Bidding
(there are some exceptions)
Up to $4,999.99
The Purchasing Department will
issue a PO based on a single oral
$5,000.00 to $9,999.99
The Purchasing Department will
issue a PO based on a minimum of
two oral quotes.
$10,000.00 to $49,999.99
The Purchasing Department will
issue a PO based on a minimum of
two written quotes on company
Above $50,000.00
The Purchasing Department will
solicit bids or proposals to award a
contract. Actual procurement of
the commodity will be made by
purchase order.
The Solicitation Process
Registering for the CCPS Bidder’s List
A. Form of Solicitations: The solicitation will follow three basic formats:
(1) Invitation for Bid (IFB) – Bids will be opened in public and
award will be made to the lowest priced, responsible, responsive
(2) Request for Proposal (RFP) - Proposals are evaluated by a
committee, and award of a contract is based on “best value.”
(See Appendix A for more detail on the RFP process)
(3) Request for Qualification (RFQ) – Statements of qualification
are evaluated by a committee, and award of a contract is based
on “best qualified.” (See Appendix A for more detail on the
RFQ process)
B .Notification of Solicitation: CCPS posts all solicitations and all addenda to solicitations on its
website www.clayton.k12.ga.us/departments/purchasing/bidindex.asp. It
is suggested that interested vendors monitor the web site on a frequent
basis. Emails are periodically sent out to notify vendors that have
registered on the CCPS purchasing website; however, it is the vendor’s
responsibility to view the website & stay informed of potential
Vendor Application:
Vendors desiring to provide goods, services, or construction to CCPS
may complete a bidder’s application online at the CCPS Purchasing
Department web site– www.clayton.k12.ga.us/departments/purchasing/bidindex.asp
Changes to Vendor Status: Changes to the vendor’s status such as
change of address, change in phone number, etc. may be made by
returning to the web site and making the appropriate changes to the
vendor’s application. It is the vendor’s responsibility to maintain
current and accurate data on the bidder’s list.
| Surplus Property | Solicitations | Vendors | SPLOST | Intranet
Clayton County Public Schools
218 Stockbridge Road - Jonesboro, GA 30236
C. Late Bids, Proposals and Submittals: Bids, proposals, and submittals
must be received by the time and date specified in the solicitation or
they will not be accepted. No exceptions will be made to this policy.
D. Pre-Bid/Proposal Conference: Pre-bid/proposal conferences may be
held to clarify specifications, answer vendor questions, and in some
cases to perform an on-site inspection.
E. Addenda: Addenda may be required based on many factors, to include
but not limited to: written questions submitted, questions asked at prebid/proposal conferences, or revisions to the CCPS requirement. The
addenda will be posted to the CCPS Purchasing Department web site
www.clayton.k12.ga.us/departments/purchasing/bidindex.asp. It is the
vendor’s responsibility to monitor the site for addenda to solicitations
for which they have an interest.
Phone: 678-479-4505 Ext 160300
Fax: 678-479-4506
Executive Director of
Business Services
Lonita B. Evans
Administrative Assistant III
Tammy Miller
Procurement Specialist
Shon Demby
Procurement Card
Jenifer Miller
Paula Carter
Warehouse Supervisor
Terry Kinsey
The Purchasing Department is responsible for the bidding process and the
purchasing of supplies and services for the Clayton County Public School System.
Additional Conditions, Specification, Bid Schedule, Drawings,
General Conditions, Technical Specifications and Addenda.
Submitting Bids, Proposals or Statement of
The solicitation will give specific instructions for
submitting a bid, a proposal, or a Statement of
Qualification. The following provides general guidance:
A. Bid Openings:
Vendors are encouraged to attend public bid
openings. Bid opening dates, location, and times are specified in
the solicitation.
B. Revision or Withdrawal of Bid: A bid may be revised or
withdrawn by the bidder prior to the bid opening date and with the
permission of the CCPS Executive Director of Business Services.
Requests to withdraw a bid, along with supporting documentation,
shall be made in writing to the Executive Director of Business
Services. After the bid opening, the CCPS Executive Director of
Business Services will permit withdrawal only when the best
interest of CCPS would be served. Generally, withdrawal will
only be allowed in cases where there has been an honest mistake
made in preparing the bid not resulting from negligence, and the
mistake is clearly ascertainable.
C. Schedules (Bid, Proposals, & Qualifications): All prices and
related correspondence shall be submitted on the Solicitation
Schedule furnished by the Clayton County Schools Purchasing
Department. All documents shall be submitted in a sealed
envelope addressed to the Executive Director of Business
Services, 218 Stockbridge Rd, Jonesboro, Georgia 30236, plainly
marked as a bid, proposal or quote, date and time of
opening/submission, and the solicitation number and name.
E. Compliance with Laws: All property or services furnished shall
comply with all applicable specifications, Federal, State, and
Local laws, codes and regulations.
Protests dealing with the specifications or the
solicitation shall be filed not later than three (3) working days
prior to bid opening. Other protests shall be filed not later than
three (3) working days after bid opening, or if the protest is based
on subsequent action of the CCPS, not later than three (3) working
days after the aggrieved person knows or should have knowledge,
of the facts giving rise to the protests. Protests are considered
filed when received by the Executive Director of Business
Services. Protests which are not filed in a timely manner, as set
forth above, may not be considered.
G. Purchasing Policy:
The CCPS Purchasing Policies, are
incorporated into all CCPS solicitations (and, therefore, any
contracts awarded as the result of these solicitations) by reference.
By acceptance of a CCPS solicitation a bidder, potential bidder, or
contractor agrees to be bound by the CCPS Purchasing Policy in
any issue or action related to the solicitation or subsequent
contract resulting from the solicitation. The Purchasing policies
can be obtained from the district’s website.
D. Examination of Solicitation Documents: Bidders shall
thoroughly examine solicitation documents which may include:
Cover Sheet, Table of Contents, Advertisement, Bid Conditions,
H. Vendors Qualifications: CCPS, before Contract Award, may
require bidders to document that they are “responsible” bidders to
the complete satisfaction of CCPS. Bidders may be required to
show they have the necessary facilities, technical ability, and
financial resources to execute the work in a satisfactory manner
and within the time specified; that they have had experience in
work of a similar nature; and that they have a history and
references which will verify their qualifications for executing the
work. CCPS shall have the absolute right to determine contractor
responsibility and responsiveness to any solicitation issued by
CCPS reserves the right to suspend or debar vendors from bidding
on, or performing as a subcontractor on all District contracts for a
minimum period of one (1) year up to a maximum of three (3)
years. However, if a vendor under suspension fails to correct or
cure the deficiency in which they have been suspended during the
suspension period, the District may convert the suspension into a
debarment. Prior to formally suspending or debarring any vendor,
the Executive Director of Business Services shall review and
investigate all reasons and evidence supporting such a decision
and shall inform the suspended or debarred vendor in writing of
such decision.
The suspended or debarred vendor may, at the conclusion of the
suspension or debarment period, submit a formal request to be
removed from such status. Upon receipt of this request the
Executive Director of Business Services will be required to
investigate current and past performance by the debarred or
suspended contractor to determine responsibility.
I. Tie Bids: In case of tie bid, the award will be made as follows:
4.1 The bid will be awarded to the in-county vendor
4.2 The bid will be awarded to the in-state vendor.
4.3 If applicable, the bid will be awarded to the goods made in
4.4 If these preferences are insufficient for resolution, drawing lots
in a public forum will resolve the tie.
J. Rejection of a Bid: Failure to observe these instructions and
conditions will constitute grounds for rejection of a bid or removal
from the list of bidders.
Bids will be rejected if:
1) The acceptance period is limited to less than required by the
solicitation (normally 90 days).
2) The bidder fails to submit requested samples within the time
specified by CCPS.
3) The bid contains a minimum order/ship quantity or dollar
value (unless called for in the solicitation).
4) The bid contains a prepayment and/or progress payment
requirement (unless called for in the solicitation).
5) The bid contains provisions for late charges whether
designated as interest charges or otherwise.
6) The bid fails to include all appropriate elements of all addenda
7) The bid contains terms and conditions, which are in conflict
with the solicitation or CCPS policies, or that otherwise, may
be construed as qualifying the bid.
8) The bid does not meet the terms and conditions of this
solicitation or imposes terms and conditions not acceptable to
9) The bid/proposal is received after the designated date and/or
time as determined by the official date/time stamp located in
the Purchasing department.
K. Additional Terms: CCPS shall not be bound by any terms and
conditions included in any bidder’s packaging, service catalog,
brochure, technical data sheet or other document which attempts to
impose any conditions at variance with or in addition to the terms and
conditions contained in this solicitation, the CCPS purchase order
related to this solicitation or contract.
L. Taxes: CCPS is exempt from all state sales tax and Federal
Excise Tax. These taxes shall not be included in bids. However,
in the event taxes are required by state or federal law for the
services or products outlined in this proposal, such taxes shall be
the sole responsibility of the person or firm unless otherwise
stated in writing and agreed to by CCPS.
M. Charges and Extras: Bids are to be firm net prices, F.O.B.
destination to include all charges for delivery, unloading, placing
in our buildings as directed by the authorities in the buildings,
drayage, express, parcel post, packing, cartage, insurance, license
fees, permits, costs of bonds, and any other cost.
N. Solicitation Questions: If a contractor contemplates bidding and
is in doubt as to the meaning of any part of these documents, he
may request an interpretation. This shall be submitted in writing
by the deadline date specified and addressed to the Executive
Director of Business Services, 218 Stockbridge Road, Jonesboro,
Georgia 30236 or email at purchasing@clayton.k12.ga.us
O. Addenda: No oral interpretations will be made as to the
meaning of any part of the solicitation documents. Interpretations
will be made by addenda only. CCPS will not be responsible for
any other interpretations or explanations.
P. Reject and Waive: The Owner reserves the right to reject any or
all bids and to waive technicalities and informalities. The
judgment of CCPS on such matters shall be final.
Q. Insurance: The solicitation may require insurance. Proof of
insurance will be required prior to contract award. To be
acceptable, insurance shall be issued by a surety company
licensed by, and in good standing with, the Commissioner of
Insurance of the State of Georgia, to do business as an insurance
company in the State of Georgia.
The insurance company shall have an A.M. Best rating of not less
than A and an A.M. Best financial size category of not less than
Class VII. Types of insurance required will be listed in the
specific solicitation.
R. Bonds: The solicitation may require bonding. If bid bonds are
required, they must accompany the vendor’s bid or the vendor will
be declared non-responsive. If payment, performance or other
bonding is required, proof of bonds shall be furnished prior to
contract award. To be acceptable, bonds will be issued by a
surety company licensed by and in good standing with, the
Commissioner of Insurance of the State of Georgia, to do business
as an insurance company in the State of Georgia. The insurance
company shall have an A.M. Best rating of not less than A and an
A.M. Best financial size category of not less than Class VII.
Bonding requirements will be in the specific solicitation.
S. Options:
Solicitations may contain provisions for options.
Vendor’s failure to fulfill obligations under the options clause
contained in the appropriate solicitation will be viewed as a
breech of contract. The contract will be terminated in whole or in
part, at the discretion of CCPS, and the contractor will be liable
for any increase in cost incurred by CCPS to secure the goods or
services that were required by the contract. This obligation may
be satisfied from funds owed to the contractor that become
obligations of CCPS to the contractor, or by some manner of
payment from the contractor to CCPS that is satisfactory to CCPS.
T. Delivery: Time of delivery is a part of the solicitation and an
element of the contract that is to be awarded. Offerors may
provide alternative schedules and/or delivery dates in their
submittal. Time shall be stated in “calendar” days. Failure to
deliver in accordance with the contract awarded could result in the
contractor being declared in default.
Types of Contracts
U. Termination for Default:
1) In the event any property or service to be furnished by the
contractor under a contract or purchase order should for any
reason not conform to the specifications contained herein or to
the sample submitted by the contractor with his bid, CCPS
may reject the property or service and may terminate the
contract for default.
In general there are four types of contracts and one agreement used by
CCPS Purchasing Department. The types are as follows:
Prior to a termination for default, a contractor will be given
the opportunity to respond to a “cure” notice “and/or a show
cause notice”. In either case the contractor will be expected to
either correct the offending situation or provide an acceptable
plan and time frame for correction within 5 days of receipt of
either notice. Failure to do so will be cause for termination.
Basic Purchasing Agreement (BPA): An agreement between CCPS
and a vendor to establish an account for the purchase of repetitive
supplies. CCPS may enter into an agreement to make purchases up to
$9,999.99 per purchase but not to exceed a total annual dollar amount
of $50,000. Such agreement may be accomplished without
competition with as many suppliers as may be necessary to fulfill
CCPS requirements.
In such event with specific instructions by the Executive
Director of Business Services, the contractor shall
immediately remove the property without expense to CCPS
and replace all rejected property with such property or services
conforming to the specifications or samples.
2) If the contract is terminated for default, CCPS may procure
such property or services from another source and shall have
the absolute right to deduct from any monies due the
contractor or that may thereafter become due to the contractor,
the difference between the contract price and the actual cost of
the property or service to be replaced or substituted. Price
paid by CCPS in such event shall be the prevailing market
price at the time the substitute purchase is made.
3) Failure by a contractor to perform on delivery of goods or
services as specified may also result in the removal of the
contractor from doing business with CCPS for a period of a
minimum of one year.
Purchase Order: A one-time fixed price transaction. May be used as
a delivery order for supplies or a task order for services to be
performed against a Firm Fixed Price or Recurring Contract.
Firm Fixed Price (FFP): A Contract for delivery of specific supplies
or services at a specified fixed price at the award of the contract.
Requirements Contract (RC): Provides for the procurement of
supplies and services for a specified period. Terms, conditions, and
pricing are set based on CCPS estimates of need. The price is fixed.
Exceptions to Full & Open Competition
o Explain why this is the only product or service that can meet the
need of the requesting department/school.
Procurement Services recognizes the following
situations which necessitate exceptions to full and open
competition through competitive bidding.
o Explain why this vendor is the only practical available source
from which to obtain this product or service. Include any
documentation from the manufacturer or publisher to support the
sole source status.
Sole Source Purchase: When supplies or services are readily
available from one responsible source. Use of this authority may be
appropriate in situations such as the following, (the examples are not
intended to be all-inclusive and do not constitute authority in and of
When there is a reasonable basis to conclude that the
minimum needs can best be satisfied by unique supplies or
services readily available from one source with unique
The existence of limited rights in data, patent rights,
copyrights, or secret processes; the control of basic raw
material; or similar circumstances make the supplies and
services available from one source.
When purchasing utility services (gas, electric power, etc.),
circumstances may dictate that only one supplier can furnish
the services.
When the Superintendent or designee has determined in
accordance with a program for standardization or continuity
that it is in the best interest of CCPS to limit purchases to
specified makes and models of equipment and parts to satisfy
needs for additional units or replacement items.
Prior to purchase, schools/departments must submit a “Sole
Source Justification” form to the Purchasing Department
including the following information:
o Provide a letter from the vendor confirming sole source status.
Emergency Requirement: Emergency Requirement can be cited
when the need for supplies or services is of such unusual and
compelling urgency that the school or the school system would be
seriously injured unless it is permitted to limit the number of sources
from which to solicit bids or proposals. Use of this authority applies
in those situations where delay in award would result in serious
injury, financial or other, to CCPS. The Executive Director of
Business Services shall approve use of this exception, upon
recommendation by the division administrator of the user department.
It is the customer’s responsibility to gain the appropriate approval.
Appendix A
Request for Proposal Process
The Request for Proposal (RFP) process is the method utilized when
researching the marketplace in seeking a “best value” solution to our
requirement. The offeror providing proposals will be evaluated by a
committee. Offeror(s) should make their best effort to satisfy the
requirement at their best price, because a contract may be awarded
based on the initial evaluation. However, it is often necessary to hold
discussions with offeror(s) about their proposal. This will be done
after the initial evaluation. The results of the evaluation will be
reviewed and a “competitive range” will be selected for discussions.
Essentially, if a contractor’s proposal is not evaluated as having a
chance for contract award because of the content of the proposal
and/or the price, the proposal will be dropped from the “competitive
range” to save time and money for both the contractor and Clayton
County Public Schools.
The Request for Qualification (RFQ) process is the method
utilized when seeking the best qualified contractor in the
marketplace. The offeror responds to the RFQ by providing
submittal(s) to be evaluated by a committee. Offeror(s) should
make their best effort to describe their capabilities and expertise
because a qualified list may be established based on the initial
evaluation. However, it is often necessary to hold discussions
with offeror(s) about their Statement of Qualification.
Essentially, if a contractor’s submittal is not evaluated as having a
chance for contract award because of the content of the submittal
and/or capabilities, the submitting contractor will not be allowed
to continue to the competition phase of the process. If a submittal
is evaluated as being able to, at a minimum, satisfactory meet the
needs of the district, the contractor’s name is placed on a list of
qualified contractors.
If discussions are necessary, offerors in the “competitive range” will
be notified of the weaknesses in their proposals and given an
opportunity, in discussions, to assure they understand the weaknesses.
At the end of discussions with offerors in the competitive range, best
and final offers (BAFOs) will be accepted.
The BAFOs will be evaluated and the results reported to a selection
official who will select the proposal that presents the best value to
Clayton County Public Schools. This selection will then be
recommended to the Clayton County Board of Education for
approval. If approved by the Board and other matters (insurance,
bonds, etc.) are verified and approved, a contract may be awarded.
If the solicitation you are responding to requires
additional pages, clearly label the information provided
including the bid/RFP section name and number on
each. Use tabs, table of contents, etc. To aid in
organizing your response to lengthy, complex
o Bidder’s checklist – Check and double check to make
sure your solicitation contains all of the documents
Tips for successfully doing business with Clayton
County School District
Complete a vendor application. You will find a vendor
application on the CCPS Purchasing home page. Instructions
for completion are included.
Check the CCPS Current Solicitations website regularly to
stay aware of business opportunities with the District.
Read carefully! Each solicitation contains complete
information regarding the product/service sought, date/time to
submit responses and how the solicitation will be awarded (i.e.
for bids – award will be to the lowest priced, responsible, &
responsive bidder meeting specifications and requirements;
RFPs will include evaluation criteria and will be awarded
based on the best value).
Provide all information requested and in the format
o References –References are checked. Provide all
contact information, requested phone and fax numbers,
and email addresses . Samples –Provide samples by
the due date when and if they are requested.
o Pricing – Provide pricing in the format requested.
Procurement must be able to analyze prices on an
equivalent basis across all participating vendors. For
example, if pricing is requested per carton of twelve
items, pricing should be provided as requested rather
than per each item, etc.
Ask questions! Should you have questions concerning a
particular solicitation, submit them in the manner stipulated in
each bid/quote/RFP document. Communicate only with the
designated Procurement Services staff member during the
solicitation process.
Submit your response on time! Allow plenty of time for
your completed submission to arrive before the deadline
indicated. The official time of receipt is the time reflected on
the CCPS Procurement Services time stamp. Late
submissions will not be accepted.
o It is the vendor’s responsibility to ensure timely receipt
of all information. Vendors are encouraged to call,
email, etc. to confirm receipt of information.
o If your company is not successful on a particular
solicitation, follow-up to determine why. Our files are
open for public inspection and our staff is available to
answer questions.
Thanks for your interest in doing business with Clayton County
Public Schools and Good Luck!
Contact Us
678-479-4505 ext. 160300
E-mail Director :
Web Site:
(Note: Procurement Specialist and Buyers’ e-mail
addresses are available directly from the web site)
218 Stockbridge Road
Jonesboro, GA 30236