THE BUFFALO COtJBlER THURSDAY FEBRUARY 26,1903. Ml ~W • "•"" * » •" lIlLllb fflUbl %r7^T~i f%.~ I *, CLOSING OUT SALE BE FIR OBTAIN AT Ribbons *i\ Basement Bargains Heavy Galvanized Wire Sink Strainers, the kind that A cannot rust. Friday «/C 144 Solid Copper Boilers, extra heavy ones, choice of 8 or I size, regular price $2.60 and $8.00; because they are slightly shop worn, O1 A r the price onfFrlday i s . . . s p l . t / t ) 888 sets Mrs. Potts* Flatlrons, nickel plated, with detachable handle and stand. Friday per rv ~ 160 bottles Silver Cream Polish, made for our own use and is used for polishing our silverware stock. A full pint bottle with cork-tight screw top. Put up to QQ sell at 50c. Friday <0t/C About 80 Dress Suit Cases the regular price of which is 11.26 up to $7.75 each. Because these are a little shop worn we markthen for F r i d a y . . . H A L F P R I C E N e w Vienna photo frames for regular slse pictures In medallion style to hang with black, gold and oxiddlsed silver finish; "I /» special Friday price AUC 120 Blssell's Carpet Sweepers with best grade bristle brushes and high >lished cases and every one with issell's name; 0 1 QO eFriday #1.5/0 Incandescent Gas Burners—complete with good mantle and choice of several globes; 1 A Friday prioe ItfC Soda and Candy 800 full-pound boxes Lease's Twentieth Century assorted chocolate creams, the regular 60c OQ ones; Friday, per p o u n d — O t / C A large cup hot coffee or chocolate with whipped cream, any kind of sandwich and a chocolate eclalre, all on Friday 1 A * • • * • • » • • e » e< ee*e • * •• • J**. V f \ ^ only for Women's Underwear Two styles Muslin Drawers—one trimmed with lace—the other with embroidery, 40c QQ values; Friday <C«7C All Odd Shirt Waists have been picked out of our regular stock— 88.00 and 88.60 W a i s t s Ol A 3 Friday •H-lnch, all-silk fancy corded and stripe Taffeta Ribbons IH-lnch all-silk grosde- Venice Wash Ribbon, all colors, value 20c 1%, 2 and 2%-inch, all silk Moire Taffeta Ribbons, all colors, value 15c, 17c and 18c 6-inch pure silk, fancy ^ stripe Loulslenna Ribbons, value 2 9 c . 44-lnch. all-silk Brocaded, butterfly design ribbons In all colors, value 26c 4-inch all-silk fancy hemstitched and stripe effects, all colors, value 26c.... Full line of colors and widths In the "Half Price'' Sale of satin and grosgraln ribbons. Friday 15c Yard 1 Goods Double fold Granite Suitings; regu* lar price 25c 1 A Friday, li/C N a v y blue Cheviot, all pure wool, •ponged, ready for use; regular price 50c. QQ« Friday Ot/C Heavy Melton Skirtings, for walking skirts. Friday £A price .....Ut/C Colored Voile, all new PA shades, for Friday. ...OvC All Wool Challies, this season's goods; regular price 69c. QQ^ Friday. Oi/C Black Henrietta, , £f\^ Friday . . . . . At7C Black Canadensis Whipcord, A •* for Friday /&OC All Wool Black Cheviot, QQ for Friday OJC Black Unfinished Worsteds, £Q_ for Friday Dt7C 66-inch Heavy Wool Skirting QQ for walking skirts. Ot/C * Closing- Sale of Winter Shapes to m S 5 room for the new Spring A ^ S S T h u n d r e d Hats trimmed and untrimmed. your choice justN| as they are ....10c Friday Silks 18-lnch Black Taffeta, regular price 4»c a yard, AC) Friday W0Q 18-lnch Black Taffeta Silk, regular &£rMc*..X"^. 49c 18-inch guaranteed Black Taffeta, a sood trimming silk, regular 9price 86c a yard, jfKm Friday ivC JN——•• « Hosiery Men's Strong Blacl; and Tan Cotton Half Hose—great 1A wearing quality ...1UC Women's Heavy Black Cotton Hose, strong, durable, A 12%c kind */C Another case of Boys* and Girls' Heavy Ribbed Cotton School Stockings, double knees, 1 AI fast black A4t2C Carpets $00 yards Tapestry Brussels Carpets —wool surface, some pretty floral patterns, also those for halls and stairs; value 65c. A r £0C Dropped patterns in Heavy Linoleums, 86c. 81.00 and 81.10 quality at 69c; 60c and 60c Or quality a t OuC 8x104 ft. Wool Tapest / Brussels Rugs, value $12.76, OO n r reduced to WO,JCO 8x12 ft Wool Tapestry Brussels Rugs, value $18.60, OO A P • 'leader in Smyrna Rugs—best value ever given are these rugs: Ixf ft, value 810.00, at $7.60. 7Hxl0% f t , value $16.00. at $11.26. 8x1$ ft. value $20.00, a t $14.85. . . « • . • « . « . . • • * • • • '....98c 8c 4c ..59c .16c • . . Q OC Art Goods One lot Ruffled Scarfs and Shams, colored and white; 1Q reduced to It/C The new Bishop Stamped "1 A Stock Collars 1 UC Velour Table Covers, yard square, ticking centers, finished i*Z with tassels J. U i / C Bathrobe Cords, all silk, with heavy silk tassels, 3h% yards 7P\rt long, all colors . . r . I tlC Latest and newest thing in "Secret Order" Sofa Cushions—Red Men. Knights of Pythias, Elks, Odd Fellows, Mystic Shrine, Knights of Columbus, Eastern Star, Knights Templar, American t A Mechanics, etc OUC *£\ will be closed out in this final sale of the season at less than actual cost, in order to make a «lt clean sweep of everything and room for our Spring Goods which are now being received. Here Q are some of the sample bargains: 12 pieces assorted widths Q Tapes OC Lead Dress Weights, q per dosen OC ^ Half-pound box Dressmakers' A Q Pins 66C Darning Worsted, on cards, per dozen 7c Pin Cubes In bright matt and assorted colors. Knitting Cotton Linen Finished Thread, per dozen Furniture \ "I A J.VC pr OC O OC "I A J.I/C Box good Paper with EnQ velopes to match .........OC Lead Pencils, good quality, AA per dozen (4 " C Rambler Playing v Q Cards IOC Wrist Bags, grain, morocco and gold andblack, oxidised, walrus, grey snake and tan, nickel, frames, inside pockets Grain Leather Chatelaine Bags, outside handkerchief pocket, fancy metal frame, a 50o QQ article, for Ot/C 65c Tufted Turkish Adjustable Head Davenport—Golden oak frame, spring edge, in latest patterns Jacquard Velours - C I ? 7 C choice of colors # 1 sV» I u Jewelry 4-pln Pearl Waist Sets Linings Fast Black Mercerised "|A Percaline; Friday Il/C The best Shrunk Duck—brown, gray and tan; ]A Friday IvC 86-inch Fast Black Mercer1 J ised Sateen; Friday 1 IC Lace Curtains and Draperies Silkoline in handsome colorings, all new designs, light and dark colors, full 86 inches wlds; always sold at 12Vic 7 yard. Friday IC Fine Swiss Muslin, in stripes, four different patterns; make pretty ruffle curtains for bedrooms; always sold at 12Hc Q yard. F r i d a y . . . . , OC Fancy Sash Net Lace, bordered or plain, very dainty patterns, overlock edges; made to sell at 20o Friday*..". IthC Fine Tamboured Muslin, all new de,igns and heavy embroidered edges; sold everywhere a t Ol 16c a yard. Friday Q2C 1000 Washable Curtain Loops, for Ruffled Curtains, made with heavy cord and large tassels; always sold at 10c a pair. Sals price A Friday ••• *• / Handkerchiefs Women's nne quality Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, silk smbrotdered corner and initial, - a l u e ET tOc. Friday .......UL Women's fine quaUty, all-linen hemstitched Handkerchiefs, with hand embroidered corners, value 26c; Friday, l$o each, or CA j for ,.....••••••••• W v Women's flns quality, aU-llnsn and Swiss handkerchleks in scalloped, embroidered and lace edges. Z value UVsc; Friday t/C Men's fine quality Hemstitched Japonette Handkerchiefs, with silk smbroidered initial, value £ U%c; Friday w 1 Q IOC 8 gross long Watch Chains, gold and pearl m beads UC Ladies' real Coral Neck fir Chains , 6dC 6 gross ladles' long Watch Chains, coral, pearl, Jet A e and silk <60C Men's Leather Fobs, stirrup shape, in nickel andvgtlt At trimmings—\ 6uQ Kruslers Bros.' K. B. Extra Q l Razors, fully guaranteed v 1 . / White Goods White basket-weave Cheviots, in large and small weave, *| " per yard 1 OC Fine quality White Dotted Swiss Mull In three slse dots, 1Q value 26c a yard, for J.OC Hand-loom Embroideries—no two pieces similar, values n 12 V|c a yard, for OC Hand-loom fine Cambric Embroideries, In narrow and wide mar* gins, values 20c a IA yard, for lUC Imitation Torchon Laces and Insertions, values up to 10c tf a yard, Friday OC Bargains In Linens $$-lnch Silver Bleached or Pure Bleached Table Linen, extra fine 89c quality; hr: Z»QA Friday VVQ Extra Heavy Brown or Bleached Table Linen, fine wearing quality for hotels or restaurants; QQ Friday 6VC 60 Bedspreads, large, full slse, hemmed ready for use, our regular $1.00 spread, remember ry(\ only 60 at this price I UO AH pure linen Toweling, bleached or brown, regular ffl price 9c; Friday i 2C $6c Turkish Bath Towel in brown or bleached, targe slse and very absorbent; spscial for 1 £ Friday Suits— "ft Suits— and some $20 suits will be closed out a t . . and some finer suits cut to Overcoats— Coats arid Vests— ] A few winter Overcoats will be closed out at $20, Y2 PRICE 0 Shirts— Cost of Bridges ti City Will be About $ jo,ooo, Col. Ward Estimates—R a i 1 roads to Build Thtir Own Bridges. I Work in etraightenin? out the Buffalo River may be begun t h y summer and ended either next fall m early in the following year. This is practically the declaration of Corporation Counsel Feldman, in which he is supported by A, J. Ellas, president of the Buffalo Hlver Improvement Association. • Yesterday Mr. Feldman w a s quoted as being in opposition to Mr. Ellas' idea that the work could begin immediately. Mr. Ellas said thai he belleved, now that the bids ale in, the different sections can be l a l l out and men started In straightening out the creek and river. "Mr. Ellas may be a goo4 judge of lumber," eaid Mr. Feldman. "but he must know that you cann<l enter a man's property and dig It Up before you own It. It would not, inimy judgment, be even legal to award contracts until the right of way has been obtained. It would at least be an unwise move and I am against it." I "But if the right of way | s secured in some districts or sectlom of the Improvement, could not work be begun?" "I suppose It could. I set nothing against that." This, it Is said, is the plan of the Buffalo River Improvement Association. The moment the ri^ht of way in one of the sections Is obtained, contracts will be let. In this way the improvement will be done In sections, a s provided for in the bids, and, if speed Is secured, floods may be a thing of the past before the spring of 1904. MAY GET LAND BY FALL. $2.50 f a n c y pleated shirts will be closed out at.. K SI.00 $22, $25 Vests- $12^ $».$o to $3.50 v e s t s will be closed out a t . . . . Trousers— of fine worsted etc.— Si 8 ones cut to $9 and #15 coats and I vests cut to . What're left will be closed out at cost or less than 1-2 Hose Underwear— less than % price —35c quality cuti to close at , 75c Fancy colors—11H quality cut to 98e—f 1 Australian wool cut to 69c, and Derby Ribbed cut to 15c Cost 38c INNE & X T I N N E CO. I 357 MAIN STRBET, J^L NEXT TO IROQUOIS. SERIOUS CHARQE AOAINST CATONS ^ ^ - ^ ^ ^ "^^*> FINEST CLOTHINQ AND FURNISHINOS. AND FURNISHINOS. INVEST (Continued From Page Seven.) Urn 77 YOUR MONEY to this plaintiff and the same is wholly without consideration and is null and void. "That thereupon this plaintiff duly presented to said defendants the writing, a copy whereof is as follows: Buffalo, N. Y., Feb. 5, 1903. The undersigned, doing business under the assumed named of "Caton's College of Business," hereby release and discharge Thomas H. Neal from all claim and liability under a writing or contract dated September 3, 1902, purporting to be made by said Thomas H. Neal with M. J. Caton, "President" and "Representative," for a scholarship for Gertrude Neal. W. CLEMENT HOWEY, JOHN G. CASKEY and GUY L. CASKEY, Under assumed name of "Caton's College of Business." Gentlemen—You are hereby requested to execute and deliver to me as the attorney of the above named .This grest Vegetable Vltallter. tne prescription of e> tmmomm Prsaeb pbrtVciMu Will gnlckly cure yon of s!l nerroua or d i i e u M of the generatire organ*, sneb »• L**« M a n Thomas H. Neal the above release. hood. U M n t l a . P a i n s In tfca B a c k , SJeaslaal E a U i U m , TVervna- D n b t l l t y , The contract referred to therein PImplea, Uafltaeas t o mmrrr, CxhaaaUaa- D r a l a a Tavrleaeala, a a « Oapaflp a t l a a . Itatopi all losaea by day or night. Prematarlty. wbicb i f not cheeked lead* was obtained by false and fraudu' to Spermatorrhoea and all the horrora of Tmpotency. CpPIDKHJB cleanses the UTCT, lent representations and is rescindthekidneya C U P I D E S K strengthens and restores. The reason sufferers are not enred by doctors ed. is because ninety per cent, are troubled with P r o s t a t i t i s ^ C U P I D K X a B J s the only known remedy ralfon* "6",6D0teVtlmonials." A written guarantee flVtnVad money returned it six to enre without an operation. 6,0001 You are required to return the boxes do not effect a per original paper so obtained to me. testimonials. Address, —with the accompanying letter and t o l d i n B u f f a l o a t ***•« M o r e . No. 2 3 5 Malm s t r e e t . "How much time will be required to then and there demanded a release from secure the land?" was asked Mr. Feld- said pretended contract hereinbefore set man. forth. "That Is speculative," he rfclled. "In SECOND T H R E A T . this improvement many individual "That thereafter and on or about property owners are. concerned and February 7, 1903, said defendants, a s N*r*ous Debility, Falling Fewer. Lame Beck. Weak Kidneys and Bledisr. considerable time will be required. But this plaintiff Olulneis, Unnatural Drains. Loss of Memory, wbicb result from Indiscrstlert is informed and believes, tf there are no more delays the work of sent or caused to be sent to this plainor excesses, should not be neglected. You are Invited to consult see frgi el acquiring land ought to be fllpished by tiff the paper writing as follows: charge, either by mall or In parson. next fall." The World's A c k n o w l e d g e d SpecialBuffalo, N.Y., Feb. 7, 1903. "We can let the contracts! for each i s t In P r i v a t e , N e r v o u s a n d C h r o n i c "Mr. Thomas Neal, City: D i s e a s e s , Halm Street, cor. N o r t h district," remarked Mr. Ellas, when In"Dear Sir,—We wrote you on D i v i s i o n , B u t t a l o , N . T. formed of the Corporation Counsel's January*27th requesting pou to call statements. "As a matter of fact, it at the office of Caton's School of has been the usual practice la this city Business and settle an account to let the contracts for dredging and which we supposed had been overexcavating or wtiatver city contract it looked. We were Informed by the Is, even before title to land has been college yesterday that you have acquired. Assessor Mock a short time paid no attention to our request. ago pointed out to me iniftances In We, therefore, have placed you on which streets have been buillland sewour list as a delinquent debtor, but, ers laid before the proceeding for the before publishing our list we will acquisition of the land had been acii 1 11 in 1 r i .i give you one more opportunity to complished. But if this is tllought at the college and settle this legal in this case we can work only account. where the land la acquired, according to the plans previously adopftd, and it "If it is not settled before the loth will not be long before the entire imof this month, your name will be provement is completed." placed on our permaneut list of delinquent debtors and more rigid -WILLIAMS WELL SATISFIED. methods will be taken to collect. "When this account was handed Assessor Charles T. Williarqp declared us for collection by the above yesterday that the thought p i e Board named creditor, it was with the reof Assessors' flood report wajp the best Bob HUliard is playing "The Littlest tures, a couple of rocking chairs, weaf*. quest that it be collected without proposition that has yet been advanced. Girl," at Shea's this week, but that ing* apparel of the deceased, and other suit or injury to you if possible, Assessor Williams, in diaeussing it, but In the event of your refusing romantic and tender sketch wjis. If family heirlooms to the grandchildren. said: Since her death, however, it has depayment, to use such methods as anything, more truthfully and faithful- veloped "I believe that everybody will be satthat she was an heir to $10,would Insure its payment. This, isfied with the decision that all the ly portrayed in the Surrogate's Court 000 worth of property, which w a s due we shall certainly do If it Is not lands in the city of Buffa» will be yesterday. her as her share of an estate left by a settled before the 15th of this benefited by the improvement, except relative who died in New York City, Richard Harding Davis' fertile brain month. those property owners who were hopand the fatal clause embracing; "aJl could not have conceived a prettier "Hoping that you will attend to ing that the district would bepo defined the residue and remainder of my e s picture than little Sarah Johnson, who this account and thereby save that they could ultimately upset the astate" covers this wlndfull, which, was called to the stand in a will conyourself further publicity In the sessment roll and throw the entire exwithout a contest, would go to Mrs. test. Sarah has red cheeks that would matter, we remain, pense on the city." William Eagle, a daughter of Mrs. put a peachbloom apple to shame; deep "Yours very truly, Commissioner of Public Works Ward, Pearson. Hence, a merry fight Is on blue eyes, full and round, with the "THE NATIONAL COLLECTION when asked what Attornly E. C. in the family over the possession of most regular of features, topped off by AND DETECTIVE AGENCY." Hawks meant with the declafatlon that the estate, the sons claiming that their a wealth of chestnut hair that hung In "As plaintiff is informed, and bethe bids on the South Buffalo flood mother never intended her grandchildlieves, said defendants have neglected merry childish curls and careless ren to have anything more than the abatement meant nothing, r e f t e d : and refused to release or cancel the dangles over her .forehe-ad. A fluffy, old heirlooms. COST OF BRIDGES. said writing and contract and threaten carmine Tarn O* Shanter crowned It "The littlest girl" was the first wit"No details were omitted from the to do as set forth In said communica- all. "The Littlest Girl" was being made ness called. She was chewing gum intion of February 7, 1903, to the great specifications, as claimed. V i e banks aware that life is not one round of dustriously when lifted into the chair. of the new river must be protected by damage of plaintiff. dolls and playthings, but rather that "How old are you, Sarah?" asked the abutting property ownefi. It is ASKS FOR INJUNCTION. we must all face the serious cares Judge Marcus. not a public expense. Each owner can "I'm pretty near thirteen," piped "Wherefore plaintiff demands judg- which come with years. choose his own way of protection." William H. and Daniel Pearson of Sarah in a thin, almost querulous ment against the defendants for his re"How about new bridges?" Lancaster, were contesting the will of voice. lease and discharge from all claim and "The cost to the city for new bridges their mother, Aurelia M. Pearson. The MARCUS OBJECTS TO GIM. liability under said pretended contract will not be more than $51,000. The document they hope to break gives railroads will have to pay for their own and for a surrender by said defendants "What are you chewing?" queried bridges and with the city it Will mean of said pretended contract to this plain- Richard Pearson, the husband, and the Surrogate. Daniel, one of the sons, the use of the tiff and for an injunction forbidding only the shifting and lengthening of a "Gum," came back the reply. property for life. A residuary clause and restraining said defendants and number." "Take it out, Sarah." was the degives the balance of the property to The Aldermanic Committee on their attorneys, agents or representacree of the Court, and the gum was some grandchildren and over this clause tives from In any manner placing the Wharves and Harbors will cipslder the moved with reluctant grace from bids for the Improvement t i l s after- name of this plaintiff on any list of all the trouble has been brewing. Sarah's mouth to a deep recess in bar delinquent debtors or from bringing F I G H T OVER » 1 0 , 0 0 0 LEGACT. noon. pocket. any action or proceeding or taking any Devoid of the distraction, Sarah. At the time the will was drawn the steps to compel the payment of any with little bidding, told her story In a witnesses to the subscription of Mrs. money in said agreement mentioned or free and natural way. She testified Pearson state that the residuary from publishing any list, in which the name of this plaintiff may be Included clause intended to give some old pic- that on the day the will was drawn the door was locked where Mrs. Pearas a delinquent debtor and for such son, Mrs. Eagle and the lawyer were other and further judgment and relief seated drawing the will, and that the as shall be just, with costs of this acchildren were reminded they "couldn't AGED PONTIAO CITIZEN RfH DOWN tion." come In." BY TRAIN—DOGS PRESENT FOR FAMILY TO SETTLH. HIS RESCUE. From Sarah it was also learned that "once she thought Aunt Clara was Mm. Hutchlns, an old lady that lives over Charles Dye, 70 years old, whose home near our house, and Grandma Person was In Pontiac, was run down and killed B r H i s M a r v e l o u s D i s c o v e r y a, N o t e d W i s took Aunt Clara for old Mrs, Hutching, by a Lake Shore passenger trfln In Ant o n s l n Scientist Makes Possible t h e Cure gola late Tuesday night. Yes, she did, Judge. I w a s there.** CALL D E T A I L S O F C E L E B R A T I O N A T o f A n y Case o f T h i s T o r t u r i n g M a l a d y . Dye was driving into Angola with his Judge Marcus, after the trial was son late in the afternoon whsli he sudSTAR THEATER HAVE BEEN over, intimated to the attorneys. Frank denly became Insane and leaped from the It doesn't make the slightest difference how ions Williams, who appeared for the wlU, ;.'agon. Running across the fields he was ARRANGED. or how severely you bevs been tortured by rheumatism, or bow often you be v * tried to be cured ens and Mr. Mlnard, who appeared for the oon lost to view and It wasl not until several hours later that he waf located. felled. OlorU TooJc will contestants, and Charles P. Norton, the cure you and do It so special guardian, that this w a s a case Then he was foundjn a field w ith two Arrangements for the celebration at the Quickly sad easily thet dogs guarding him. The dogs jefused to yea will marvel et Its where the heirs should get together and allow the members of the seattf ing party Star Theater on Sunday evening In memsettle the estate. wonderful power. to come near the old man an« aid was ory of Ireland's patriot and martyr, RobNegotiations to that end were In Rheumatism results summoned from the village Before help ert Emmet, have been completed. The from ibe retention la progress all yesterday afternoon, and It arrived Dye wandered onto the fracas and the system of salts end is expected that the family will unite was struck by the train. „ r t # , n _. Rev. Patrick Cronin, chairman of the ptomaine* which Nature Intended to be on & basis of settlement that will be Medical Examiner Danser w«s notified meeting, will speak on "Ireland as I Saw thrown off. It can agreeable to all. of his death and had the body jtrned over It." Father Cronln's remarks will be only be cured by stop to an undertaker at the direcf|on of the followed by the musical programme, which pins tb« formation of dead man's family. ^* these distressing aalta Is composed as follows: "Irish Fantasy," end poisonous ptoMiss Cecilia Lanlgan; "You'H Not ForD17GGAN GETS f 15 VEBJMCT. mslnee, end by securing t Kathleen" and "Ireland, I Love You," t be absorption of tboee already In the system. las Alicia Briscoe; "Oh, Breathe Not The Jury in County Court yesterday Name" and "She Is Far from the Gloria Tonic does thin returned a verdict of $15 la favor of His without upsetting the Land," Miss Gertrude Lamb; "Klllarney" the plaintiff in the case of Hsrry Dug- and "The Harp That Once Throt T a r a s •temacb or nervous system, and Bet only gan against his sister, Sarah Duggan, Halls," Miss Carolyn Cramer; "Who Ths affairs of the defunct Kenilworth cures rbeuwetlsm bat for $1,500 for false arrest. The plain- Fears to Bpeak of &8?** and "O'Donnell racetrack are now drawing to a head, as prevent* Its return, ,„ . tiff was arrested on a charg» of petit Aboo," Frederick Hicks. l a MSf percent of Juetice White in Special Term of the SuThe address an "Robert EmmeC* will be larceny in taking the wedding ring ««_ .**a.~ ..---«- »—— - iaigv package preme Court yesterday appointed George by the Hon. Daniel F. Colfthan Deformity of tb0 hmmda which sens at fasOend Clinton referee to hear, try and deterfrom his mother's hand as ske lay on delivered of New York. 4U tm m f S M f s f Chromic which is a 2 months mine the case of Hurd Bros, agralnst Edher deathbed, and, as he claims, disReserved seats are now on sale at tns f * T ^ » ! ~ . . I w i r L treatment, wUl cure the ward IM Koons, as temporary receiver, charged. box office of the Star Theater. The fol- Articular RnmtmmiBm. worst case In existence, and the hearing to show cause why the lowing Is the committee In charge: John oven cases given up by the hoap'tala Light oases corporation should not be dissolved, comes T. Ryan, chairman; Martin Coyne, secre- are usually cured by a dollar box. You can take up today before Referee Hubert C. Mlnremedy 16 days and If you are not cured or ard. In his office in the Erie County Bank tary; Joseph V. Fitsgerald. treasurer; the helped you can have your money beet. It W a Building. James Mooney. Richard Hammond, James scientific discovery and contains no drugs to dull The latter action Is a technical one to Hanrahan, John McManus, Michael Dana- our sense*, or barm your Btaomach, heart or liver straighten matters and Is believed to hy, John H. Lascelles. Maurice M. Wall, t has been endorsed »y some of the most eminent Purnish the motive power of the en- William J. Forsyth, John Hughes. M. J. Professors of Chemistry. This remedy will ours have been out brought to prevent Charles G. 1 you when every other one falls. It is put Up in Hutchinson, a stockholder, of Chicago, tire body. Dr. Miles Nervine wdl Kane, John A. Murphy, John Qulnlan, tablet farm. Sold a n d g u a r a n t e e d b y o t o d d a r t from tying up the whole aftalra of the W. J. Bhields, J. H. Brown, M. J. Concompany. It is expected that the propkeep the nerves strong and healthy nors, M. O'Neil M. Welsh. D. Moynjhan, B r o s . , 8 4 S e n e c a S t r e e t . erty will be ordered , 0 i d and that M. 8. Penslow. the ojd^ \ y , * j } } f f i - t y * Jft Editorial Notice—W* assure oar readers that WITH William Hurley & Co., 84 South Park Avenue, Opposite Downing Street Call on them and they will build you a house where no flood can ever reach you. MANHOOD,RESTORED "CUPIDEME" MENOFALLAGES Notions Stationery and Leather Goods Wrappers—39c millinery Articles $1.25 Chamois Chest Protectors.. One lot Nail Brushes, with handles .....»...*• Kirk's Snowberry Soap 75c Rubber Sponges. Cutlcura Soap ........••« Pound bars Green Castile Soap # Sample line of Imported Duchesse Lace Trimmed Handkerchiefs, "slightly soiled," at about half price: $8.00 and $10.00 Handkerchiefs...85.00 7.50 Handkerchiefs 3.00 5.00 Handkerchiefs 2.75 8.98 Handkerchiefs 2.50 8.50 Handkerchiefs 2.00 8.00 Handkerchiefs.. 1.50 1.88 Handkerchiefs 1.00 Dress Toilet #I.i70 All our Fleeced House Wrappers marked one price for quick selling Friday, nothing reserved, 81,50, 82.00 and 82.28 QQ wrappers i/OC About 80 Odd Corsets, sixes 18, 27. 28, 80 and 80— QQ $1.00 values ...-vOtfC One lot Children's Colored Silk Bonnets, Tic and $1.00 AA values 'tVC One lot Children's Tarns and 1 r Toques, 88c and 60c v a l u e s . . . I O C All Children's Flannelette Gowns, stses 1 to 6 years, mostly AA T6c values, a t 4H7C Friday I. Handkerchiefs About 18 Colored Silk Underskirts, what's left of numbers we are closing out, 88.76 and • £ A ~ 810.00 values .#u.£7O All our Eiderdown and Flannelette Dressing Sacks, marked a t one prioe for Friday, AQ^ 8100, 81-60 and 82.00 v a l u e s . . . . VJC House Grey, white and tan Fleece Blankets, 10-4 size, sold all over town at 56c. Friday JQ here at ....*t/C 10-4 grey wool Blankets, cotton warp, sold all season at $ 1 £*% 82.00. Friday ejl.Dt) Quilted Comforters, pattern both sides, large size. Ol A A Friday 0 1 .l/V Mercerised Sateen Comforters, large else, nicely quilted, corded edge and pattern both sides; always sold for $2.50. 0 1 QQ Friday „ 0l.t7O All Winter Goods priced to close right out. Odds and ends, broken lines and broken sizes of 4* SUITS. OVERCOATS, RA1H COATS. TROUSERS, FAWCY VESTS AMD KJRHISHIWGS FALL OF 1904 SHOULD SEE FIMSH Blankets and Comforters LESS THAN COST. % City Can Do In S e c t i o n ^ Straightening o falo River Beg Summer. •fen's and Boys' colored negligee stiff bosom shirts, some with collars, some without. All have cuffs to match, soiled 76c or and It00 goods, about SO dos. J£t)C Men's Strong Leather End Suspenders, line webs, selected l A 16c lines, Friday only itfC Boys' all-wool Sweaters, odds and ends of 11.00 lines, PA half price OUC Men's and Boys' Band and Shield Bows, all silk, some worth 1 t)l up to 60c; clean 'em up a t . . . i / C s C I IOC $>4 brown 8heetlng, very fine quality, our regular 17o "i A sheeting, Friday I4-C Another lot of remnants of 86-inch brown Sheeting, heavy quality and in the piece sells at 8c; W_ remnant price } OC 81x80 Blsached Sheets, regular 60c sheet; Friday A A nrice .«.....••••••••••••••••«• T T V 46x86 Blsached Pillow Cases, regular Dries 16c; \%g% Friday .•••.•»•••«•»•«»••••••• i w w DR. LINN "THE LITTLEST GIRL" ; AS COURT WITNESS Bob Milliard's Clever Sketch Overshadowed by Incident in Will Contest Before S u r rogate Marcus. 70-YBAR.OLD MAN I KILLED Rheumatism Cured ROBERT EMMET PROGRAMME Or No Pay, • KBNILWORTH TRACK K Your Nerves *^£xZ£X'***>i<>*s' Oo., EUftart, lad. Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 in CASE f • a genuine ofterand that every dot of the James McNamara, Jamta "Conner*, Daniel meat wlU be carried oat by both" the maaufactarar Messrs. Hanklns ani others fat their e ? fbrts to resuma-control of it. of OloriaTenlc and Stoddert Broa t Boland and John O'BTten
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