B Bridges SOLQ S Report Job Aid H How to Fiind RSDI and Med dicare Infformation n in the B Bridges SO OLQ Rep port T The followin ng screensh hot lists the e key fields on the RSD DI and Med dicare sections of the B Bridges S SOLQ Repo ort. Each fie eld on the screenshot s has a corre esponding definition/list of codess in the a appendix to o help you understand u the informa ation conta ained in thatt field 2 1 8 7 Bridge es SOLQ Rep port Job Aid State of o Michigan DHS Page 1 Updated 5 5/11/2011 B Bridges SOLQ S Report Job Aid H How to Fiind SSI In nformatio on in the Bridges S SOLQ Re eport T The followin ng screensh hots list the e key fields on SSI secction of the Bridges SO OLQ Reporrt. Each ffield on the screenshot has a corrresponding definition/llist of codess in the app pendix to he elp you u understand the informa ation conta ained in thatt field 12 2 Bridge es SOLQ Rep port Job Aid State of o Michigan DHS Page 2 Updated 5 5/11/2011 B Bridges SOLQ S Report Job Aid Bridge es SOLQ Rep port Job Aid State of o Michigan DHS Page 3 Updated 5/11/2011 B Bridges SOLQ S Report Job Aid F Field Name e Available A Codes/Defi C initions A Address The T residence e address of tthe recipient A Alien Date off Residency The T date the alien’s a reside nce began. Indicates if eligible/ineligib ble individual is in special a alien status. A Alien Indicato or Code Bridge es SOLQ Rep port Job Aid State of o Michigan DHS 1 No stattus alleged 2 Valid status alleged , but not provven – N13 beiing processed d A Proven n U.S. born, U U.S. Citizen B Alleged d U.S. born, U U.S. Citizen C U.S. Citizen born ou utside the U.S S. (includes naturalized citizens s) D Alleged d U.S. Citizen n. Continuouss residence since 01/01/19 972. E Citizenship/alien sta atus not prove en; case denied for reason ns other citizenship/alie c en status F Refuge ee status – Se ections 207 o or 203 (A)(7) o of the INA G Parole status – Secttion 212(d) off the INA H Silva vs s. Levi Alien I Indochinese refugee e (obsolete) J Deferre ed action K Alien la awfully admittted to the U.S S. for permane ent residence e L Asylum m status, Secttion 208 of the e INA M Reside ent of the Nortthern Mariana a Islands (obssolete) N y and citizensship verified b by NUMIDENT T interface (C Code Identity was pre eviously B) P 2 alien (presu umably lawfully admitted fo or Pre-January 1, 1972 nent residencce) perman Q Alleged d U.S. born, U U.S. citizen (a allegation corrroborated with a U.S. place of birth s hown on NUM MIDENT) R Legal temporary ressident – statuss granted as a result of the e Immigrration Reform m and Control Act of 1986 S Legal permanent p ressident – statu us granted as a result of th he Immigrration Reform m and Control Act of 1986 T Alien granted volunttary departure e U Unknow wn V System ms override ap pplied followin ng interface e edit (obsolete) W Alien granted stay o of deportation X Cuban//Haitian entra ant Y Legaliz zed agricultura ral worker purrsuant to the IImmigration Reform m and Control Act of 1986 Z Alien on o whose beh alf an immediate relative p petition has been approv ved * Unread dable transmission Page 4 Updated 5 5/11/2011 B Bridges SOLQ S Report Job Aid F Field Name e Available A Codes/Defi C initions Level of appe eal. A Appeal Code e A Appeals Date e A Ap ppeals Counccil Review C Co ourt Case H He earing O Cla ass Action R Re econsideration n The T date of th he appeal. Decision rend dered on an a appeal. A Appeals Decision Code A Appeals Decision Date A Application Date D C Claim Numbe er for Unearn ned Income Bridge es SOLQ Rep port Job Aid State of o Michigan DHS AD Dis smissed/aban ndoned FA Fa avorable/SSA appealed (co ourt case onlyy) FC Fu ully/partially fa avorable (converted record ds only) FF Fu ully favorable FN Fa avorable/SSA not appealed d (court case only) OT Clo osed: Other PF Pa artially favorab ble T1 Dis smissed: Claiimant deceassed UA Un nfavorable/ap ppealed by reccipient (court case only) UF Un nfavorable UN Un nfavorable/no ot appealed byy recipient (co ourt case onlyy) WC Dis smissed/withd drawn 1D Dis smissed: can not be appea aled 2D Dis smissed: filed d by improperr requestor 3D Dis smissed: file prematurely 4D Dis smissed: file late without g good cause The T date the appeals a decission was rend dered. The T date the claimant c filed the applicatio on for SSI benefits, the da ate the claimant c is de eemed to have e filed the app plication. Con nversion case es may display d a date e prior to 01/0 01/1974. A seccond or subsequent effecttive application a wo ould result in tthe creation o of new SSR(ss) with a corresponding c g application d date. Claim C or identtification num ber under wh hich each type e of unearned d income is s being receiv ved. Page 5 Updated 5 5/11/2011 B Bridges SOLQ S Report Job Aid F Field Name e Available A Codes/Defi C initions Identifies the e representativve payee’s sttatus as to leg gal guardiansship and/or the co ompetency off the of the reccipient. C Competency Code C Country of Origin O A Re ecipient is com mpetent, and payee is the legal guardia an B Re ecipient is com mpetent and tthere is no leg gal guardian C Re ecipient is com mpetent and tthe legal guarrdian is some eone oth her than the p payee D Re ecipient is com mpetent and tthe payee is tthe legal guarrdian E Re ecipient is inco ompetent and d there is no llegal guardian n F Re ecipient is inco ompetent and d the legal gu uardian is someone other than the payyee L Pa ayee is a finan ncial institutio on with whom the recipient has entered into a liiving trust agrreement N Th here is no lega al guardian O So omeone otherr than the payyee is the lega al guardian Y Pa ayee is the leg gal guardian Codes C corresp ponding to tho ose listed in tthe Federal In nformation Processing P Sttandards (FIP PS) publication 10-2 Indicates who o has physica al custody of the recipient. C Custody Cod de Bridge es SOLQ Rep port Job Aid State of o Michigan DHS AGY So ocial Agency CHD Na atural, adoptivve, or step-ch hild (as payee e for parent) ESP Es ssential Perso on is payee FDM Fe ederal mental institution FDO Fe ederal non-me ental institutio on FIN Fin nancial institu ution FTH Na atural or adop ptive father GPR Grrandparent INP Le egally incompe etent, but no representativve payee MTH Na atural or adop ptive mother NPM No onprofit menta al institution NPO No onprofit non-m mental instituttion OFF Pu ublic Official OTH Other PRM Pro oprietary men ntal institution n PRO Pro oprietary non n-mental instittution PYE Pa ayee has custtody REL Other relative (iincludes in-law ws) RPD Th he representa tive payee is being develo oped SEL Liv ving by self SFT Ste epfather SLM Sta ate/Local men ntal institution n SLO Sta ate/Local non n-mental instittution SMT Ste epmother Page 6 Updated 5 5/11/2011 B Bridges SOLQ S Report Job Aid F Field Name e Available A Codes/Defi C initions SPO Sp pouse C Current Pay Status S Effecttive Date The T effective date d of the la ast change to the Payment Status Code e. D Date of Birth Date D of birth of o the recipien nt. D Date of Curre ent Entitleme ent Date D of entitle ement to bene efits for the cu urrent period of entitlement. D Date of Death h Actual A date off death of the recipient, if a available. If no ot available, this will be b either the first f of the mo onth a checke ed is returned, or the date tthe returned r chec ck is processe ed. D Date of Eligib bility Month M and year of the appllication date, final onset da ate, or attainm ment of age a 65 (which hever is later) . D Date of Initial Entitlementt Date D when be eneficiary wass originally en ntitled on this record Source of the e death notice e. D Date of Death h Source Code 0 Initialized value e 1 SS SA DO notifica ation or manu ual adjustmen nt 2 Ele ectronic death h registration notification 3 MB BR notificatio n 4 Tre easury return ned check nottification 5 Re eturned checkk from Treasu ury with no de eath date show wn. (Death date fiel d will show date of transacction.) 6 Sta ate notificatio on D Date of Susp pension or T Termination Date D the even nt causing the e suspension or termination n occurred. D Date of WTPY Y Response The T date the response r wass formatted byy the SSA. D Deferred Pay yment Date Reflects R the month m and yea ar the first or next paymen nt can be mad de. Indicates if benefits are di rect deposite ed to a bank a account. D Direct Depos sit Indicator C Ch hecking E Ele ectronic Bene efits Transfer S Sa avings Blank No one D Disability On nset Date First F date of onset o of the diisability. D District Office Code The T servicing SSA office co ode. The Beneficiary Identificattion Code (BIIC) associated d with the dua al entitlement number. n D Dual Entitlem ment BIC Bridge es SOLQ Rep port Job Aid State of o Michigan DHS & Co ombined A an nd B beneficia ary in the sam me payment A Primary Wage E Earner, Retire ed or disabled d B Wiife, age 62 orr over, first cla aimant B1 Hu usband, age 6 62 or over, firsst claimant B2 Wiife, under 65 with a child in n her care, first claimant Page 7 Updated 5 5/11/2011 B Bridges SOLQ S Report Job Aid F Field Name e Dual Entitle ement BIC (continued)) Bridge es SOLQ Rep port Job Aid State of o Michigan DHS Available A Codes/Defi C initions B3 Sa ame as B, 2nd d claimant B4 Sa ame as B1, 2n nd claimant B5 Sa ame as B2, 2n nd claimant B6 Div vorced wife, a age 62 or ove er, first claima ant B7 Sa ame as B2, 3rrd claimant B8 Sa ame as B, 3rd d claimant B9 Sa ame as B6, 2n nd claimant BA Sa ame as B, 4th h claimant BD Sa ame as B, 5th h claimant BG Sa ame as B1, 3rrd claimant BH Sa ame as B1, 4tth claimant BJ Sa ame as B1, 5tth claimant BK Sa ame as B2, 4tth claimant BL Sa ame as B2, 5tth claimant BN Sa ame as B6, 3rrd claimant BP Sa ame as B6, 4tth claimant BQ Sa ame as B6, 5tth claimant BR Div vorced husba and, first claim mant BT Div vorced husba and, 2nd claim mant BY Yo oung husband d with a child in his care, first claimant BW Yo oung husband d, 2nd claimant C1-C9 Ch hild (includes minor, studen nt, or disabled d) CA-CK Te enth through ttwentieth child d (minor, stud dent, or disab bled) D Wiidow (age 60 or over, first claimant) D1 Wiidower (age 6 60 or over, firsst claimant) D2 2nd widow (age e 60 or over, 2 2nd claimant)) D3 2nd widower (a age 60 or overr), 2nd claima ant) D4 Wiidow, remarrie ed after attain ning age 60 D5 Wiidower, rema rried after atta aining age 60 0 D6 Su urviving divorcced wife (age e 60 or over, ffirst claimant) D7 Sa ame as D6 - 2 2nd claimant D8 Sa ame as D - 3rd d claimant D9 Sa ame as D4 - 2 2nd claimant DA Sa ame as D4 -3rrd claimant DD Sa ame as D - 4th h claimant DC Su urviving divorcced husband - First claima ant DG Sa ame as D - 5th h claimant DH Sa ame as D1 - 3 3rd claimant DJ Sa ame as D1 - 4 4th claimant DK Sa ame as D1 - 5 5th claimant DL Sa ame as D4 - 4 4th claimant Page 8 Updated 5 5/11/2011 B Bridges SOLQ S Report Job Aid F Field Name e Dual Entitle ement BIC (continued)) Bridge es SOLQ Rep port Job Aid State of o Michigan DHS Available A Codes/Defi C initions DM Sa ame as DC - 2 2nd claimant DN Sa ame as D4 - 5 5th claimant DP Sa ame as D5 - 2 2nd claimant DQ Sa ame as D5 - 3 3rd claimant DR Sa ame as D5 - 4 4th claimant DS Sa ame as DC - 3 3rd claimant DT Sa ame as D5 - 5 5th claimant DV Sa ame as D6 - 3 3rd claimant DW Sa ame as D6 - 4 4th claimant DX Su urviving divorcced husband – 4th claiman nt DY Sa ame as D6 - 5 5th claimant DZ Sa ame as DC - 5 5th claimant E Mo other (Widowe ed) - First cla aimant E1 Mo other (Divorce ed wife) - Firsst claimant E2 2nd Mother (Wiidowed) - 2nd d claimant E3 2nd Mother (Divvorced wife) - 2nd claiman nt E4 Fa ather (Widowe ed) - First claiimant E5 Fa ather (Divorce ed Husband) - First claiman nt E6 2nd Father (wid dowed) - 2nd claimant E7 3rd d mother (wid dowed) - 3rd cclaimant E8 4th h mother (wid dowed) - 4th cclaimant E9 Sa ame as E5 - 2 2nd claimant EA Sa ame as E - 5th h claimant EB Sa ame as E1 - 3 3rd claimant EC Sa ame as E1 - 4 4th claimant ED Sa ame as E1 - 5 5th claimant EF Sa ame as E4 - 3 3rd claimant EG Sa ame as E4 - 4 4th claimant EH Sa ame as E4 - 5 5th claimant EJ Sa ame as E5 - 3 3rd claimant EK Sa ame as E5 - 4 4th claimant EM Sa ame as E5 - 5 5th claimant F1 Fa ather (aged de ependent) - F First claimant F2 Mo other (aged d ependent) - F First claimant F3 Ste epfather (age ed dependentt) F4 Ste epmother (ag ged dependen nt) F5 Ad dopting fatherr (aged depen ndent) F6 Ad dopting mothe er (aged depe endent) F7 Fa ather (alleged ) - 2nd claima ant F8 Mo other (alleged d) - 2nd claimant J1 Primary PROUT TY entitled to o deemed HIB B - Less than 3 Page 9 Updated 5 5/11/2011 B Bridges SOLQ S Report Job Aid F Field Name e Available A Codes/Defi C initions quarters covera age Dual Entitle ement BIC (continued)) Bridge es SOLQ Rep port Job Aid State of o Michigan DHS J2 Primary PROUT TY entitled to o deemed HIB B - Less than 2 quarters covera age J3 Primary PROUT TY not entitle ed to deemed HIB - Less th han 3 quarters q cove erage J4 Primary PROUT TY not entitle ed to deemed HIB - Over 2 quarters covera age K1 PR ROUTY entitle ed to deemed d HIB - Less tthan 3 quarterrs coverage K2 PR ROUTY entitle ed to deemed d HIB - Over 2 quarters coverage K3 PR ROUTY not en ntitled to deemed HIB - Le ess than 3 quarters covera age K4 PR ROUTY not en ntitled to deemed HIB - Ovver 2 quarterss coverage K5 Sa ame as K1 - 2 2nd claimant K6 Sa ame as K2 - 2 2nd claimant K7 Sa ame as K3 - 2 2nd claimant K8 Sa ame as K4 - 2 2nd claimant K9 Sa ame as K1 - 3 3rd claimant KA Sa ame as K2 - 3 3rd claimant KB Sa ame as K3 - 3 3rd claimant KC Sa ame as K4 - 3 3rd claimant KD Sa ame as K1 - 4 4th claimant KE Sa ame as K2 - 4 4th claimant KF Sa ame as K3 - 4 4th claimant KG Sa ame as K4 - 4 4th claimant KH Sa ame as K1 - 5 5th claimant KJ Sa ame as K2 - 5 5th claimant KL Sa ame as K3 - 5 5th claimant KM Sa ame as K4 - 5 5th claimant M Ind dividual enrol led for Part B (SMIB) bene efits but not entitled to eithe er a monthly b benefit or Partt A (HIB) Un ninsured M1 Ind dividual enrol led for Part B benefits, me eets requirements forr Part A but do oes not elect to file for Parrt A benefits Un ninsured Indivvidual O Co ombined A an nd B beneficia ary in the sam me payment T Primary beneficciary not entitlled to title II o or railroad mo onthly benefitts (at time of ffiling). Also re enal disease o only be eneficiary. TA Fe ederal wage e earner (Mediccare Qualified Governmentt Em mployee (MQG GE) primary b beneficiary TB MQ QGE aged sp pouse (1st claiimant) TC MQ QGE childhoo od disability b benefits (CDB B) (1st claiman nt) Page 10 Updated 5 5/11/2011 B Bridges SOLQ S Report Job Aid F Field Name e Available A Codes/Defi C initions TD MQ QGE aged wi dow(er) (1st cclaimant) TE MQ QGE young w widow(er) (1st claimant) TF MQ QGE parent ((male) TW Dis sabled widow w or widower T2 - T9 Mu ultiple eligible e children TG, TH, MQ QGE Multiple eligible living g spouses TJ, TK TL, TM, TN, TP Dual Entitle ement BIC (continued)) MQ QGE Multiple eligible wido ows TQ, TR, MQ QGE Multiple eligible pare nts TS TX, TY, TZ MQ QGE Multiple disabled wid dows T2-T9 MQ QGE Multiple CDB claiman nts W Dis sabled widow w - First claima ant W1 Dis sabled widow wer - First claimant W2 Dis sabled widow w - 2nd claima ant W3 Dis sabled widow wer - 2nd claim mant W4 Dis sabled widow w - 3rd claimant W5 Dis sabled widow wer - 3rd claim mant W6 Dis sabled survivving (divorced d) wife - First cclaimant W7 Dis sabled survivving (divorced d) wife - 2nd cclaimant W8 Dis sabled survivving (divorced d) wife - 3rd cllaimant W9 Sa ame as W - 4tth claimant WB Sa ame as W1 - 4 4th claimant WC Sa ame as W6 - 4 4th claimant WF Sa ame as W - 5tth claimant WG Sa ame as W1 - 5 5th claimant WJ Sa ame as W6 - 5 5th claimant WR Dis sabled survivving Divorced Husband - First claimant WT Sa ame as WR - 2nd claimantt D Dual Entitlem ment Numberr Other O Claim Account A Numb ber on which entitlement e exists E Entry# Auto-numbere A ed record entrry number forr benefit row. Identifies the e eligibility for Federal SSI payment in th he current mo onth. F Federal Eligib bility Code Bridge es SOLQ Rep port Job Aid State of o Michigan DHS E Eligible N No ot eligible Blank No ot applicable Page 11 Updated 5 5/11/2011 B Bridges SOLQ S Report Job Aid F Field Name e Available A Codes/Defi C initions Indicates the e type of Fede eral living arra angement (forr the current month) of the e recipient forr Title XVI purrposes. F Federal Livin ng Arrangement Code (Current Mon nth) G Given Name//M.I./Surname A Ow wn household d B An nother’s house ehold C Pa arent’s househ hold (child ca ases only) D Tittle XVI instituttion Blank Ind dividual is livin ng in a non-T Title XVI institu ution, living arrrangement ch hange in prog gress, or outsiide the U.S. * Initial claims su rface edit The T given firstt, middle initia al, and surnam me of the reccipient. Y He ead of househ hold N No ot head of hou usehold R Me ember of a co ouple for whicch the disabilitty determinattion is or o was pendin ng (obsolete)) S Me ember of a co ouple that is (o or was) paid as an individu ual wh hile disability w was being de etermined for the other me ember of the ccouple (obsolete) U Ide entifies month h included in tthe computattion of (and offfset of)) underpayme ent to one me ember of eligib ble couple against overpayyment to the o other H Head of Hous sehold Indica ator Input Claim Acct# A The T claim num mber for the a account on wh hich the recip pient is receiving benefits. b May indicate the a account numb ber of an eligible relative. Input Surnam me/Middle Initial/Given Name N The T legal nam me of the recip pient. Input DOB The T date of birth input by th he State. Input Sex The T gender in nput by the Sttate. Input SSN The T Social Se ecurity Numbe er input by the e State. Ledger Account File code e. Reflects the e Master Bene eficiary Record (MBR) payment status forr this beneficia ary. L LAF Code (Payment Sta atus) Bridge es SOLQ Rep port Job Aid State of o Michigan DHS A Withd drawal for adjjustment AA Withd drawal to spli t payments AC Corre ection in bene efit rate AD Adjus sted for dual--entitlement AE Withd drawn for reccomputation AJ Work ker’s compenssation offset/public disability benefits cancellation AM Withd drawal from H HIB-only statu us; monthly benefits being awarrded AR Withd drawal from S or T to place e in CP status AS Adjus sted for simulltaneous entittlement AW Withd drawn to impo ose Worker’ss compensatio on offset/public disab bility benefits Page 12 Updated 5 5/11/2011 B Bridges SOLQ S Report Job Aid F Field Name e LAF Code (Payment Status) (continued) Bridge es SOLQ Rep port Job Aid State of o Michigan DHS Available A Codes/Defi C initions A(&) Withd drawn from s uspense or d deferred status to be placed d in CP status s A(-) Withd drawn from C CP status to b be placed in suspense or deferrred status A0 Withd drawn to adju ust reduction ffactor A1 Withd drawn for reccomputation u under Section 229 (noncontrributory milita ary credits afte er 1956) A2 Withd drawn for 196 65 or 1968 recomputation A3 Withd drawn for reccomputation u under Sections 217 and 22 29 (non--contributory military creditts before and d after 1956) A4 Withd drawn for disa ability offset rrecomputation n A5 Withd drawn for reccomputation n not separatelyy defined A6 Withd drawn to reca alculate PIA to o include disa ability freeze A7 Withd drawn for reccomputation u under Section 217 (noncontrributory milita ary credits beffore 1957) A8 Reco ord transferred d from OIO to o another pro ogram service e cente er. This code e is no longer valid since im mplementation n of natio onal MBR. A9 Withd drawn for adj ustment actio on not separa ately defined B Abate ement status C Curre ent payment sstatus (excep pt railroad payyment) CP Curre ent Payment Status CA Claim m has been ad djudicated; E Entitlement is a future date.. D Deferred paymentt status DP Deferred because e of receipt off public assistance DW Deferred because e of worker's ccompensation n/public disab bility bene efit offset D1 Deferred because e of foreign wo ork test D2 Deferred because e of annual re tirement test D3 Deferred as an au uxiliary becau use the primarry beneficiaryy is LAF--D2 D4 Deferred because e no child-in-ccare D5 Deferred as an au uxiliary becau use the primarry beneficiaryy is in LA AF-D1 D6 Deferred to recove er overpayme ents not sepa arately defined d D9 Misce ellaneous defferment E Curre ent payment ccertified to the e RRB F Adva anced Filing fo or Current Pa ayment throug gh RRB J Adva ance File Currrent Pay Case e K Adva anced Filing fo or Deferred P Payment L Adva anced Filing fo or Conditiona al Payment N Disalllowed claim ND Disab bility claim de enied P Delay yed claim; ad djudication pe ending Page 13 Updated 5 5/11/2011 B Bridges SOLQ S Report Job Aid F Field Name e L LAF Code ((Payment Sta atus) ((continued) Bridge es SOLQ Rep port Job Aid State of o Michigan DHS Available A Codes/Defi C initions PB Delay yed claim; be enefits due bu ut not paid PT Claim m terminated from delayed d status (PF, PH, PJ, PK, PL, PM, PP, PW, P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9) Used d with delayed d claims: the beneficiary iss to be placed d in S pay yment status upon final ad djudication. Th he low order posittion has the s ame meaning g as the corre esponding low w orderr of payment status S. R Kill Credit C Sx Cond ditional/Suspe ended Statuse es S0 Determination of ccontinuing dissability is pending S1 Bene eficiary engag ged in work ou utside the U.S S. S2 Bene eficiary is worrking in the U..S. and expeccts to earn in excess of annual allowable limit S3 Auxiliary’s benefitss withheld be ecause of S2 status if prima ary bene eficiary S4 Failure to have ch hild in care S5 Auxiliary’s benefitss withheld du ue to S1 status of primary bene eficiary S6 Chec ck was return ed – correct a address being g developed S7 Disab bled beneficia ary suspende ed due to refusal of vocatio onal rehab bilitation; imp prisoned; exte ended trial wo ork period S8 Susp pended while payee is bein ng determined d S9 Susp pended for rea ason not sepa arately define ed SB Bene efits due but n not paid (less than $1.00) SD Tech hnical Dual En ntitlement – b beneficiary is e entitled on anoth her claim or d disability family maximum p provision hass reduc ced the MBA to zero SF Prouty beneficiaryy fails to meett residency re equirement SH Prouty beneficiaryy receiving go overnment pension SJ Alien n suspension SK Bene eficiary has be een deported d SL Bene eficiary reside es in a countryy to which checks cannot b be sent SM Bene eficiary refuse ed cash beneffits (entitled to o HI-SMI onlyy) Page 14 Updated 5 5/11/2011 B Bridges SOLQ S Report Job Aid F Field Name e LAF Code (Payment Status) (continued) Bridge es SOLQ Rep port Job Aid State of o Michigan DHS Available A Codes/Defi C initions SP Prouty beneficiaryy receiving pu ublic assistancce SS Post--secondary sttudent summer suspension SW Work ker's compenssation/public disability ben nefit offset Tx Term minated Statusses TA Adva ance filing cla im terminated d before matu urity TB Moth her, father term minated beca ause the bene eficiary is entitled to dis sabled widow w(er)’s benefitss TC Disab bled widow atttained age o of 62 and is no ot entitled as an aged d widow TJ Adva anced filed cla aim terminate ed after maturrity TL Term mination of posst-secondaryy student TP Term minated becau use of change e in type of be enefit or post-entitlement action TX DIB attained a age 6 65 (also used d for auxiliary beneficiariess) T& The claim c was witthdrawn T- Conv verted from diisability benefits to retirem ment benefits u upon reach hing age 65 T0 Bene efits are paya ble by some o other agencyy T1 Term minated to do death of bene eficiary T2 Auxiliary terminate ed due to dea ath of the prim mary T3 Term minated due to o divorce, ma arriage, or rem marriage of the bene eficiary T4 Child d attained age e 18 or 22 and d is not disab bled; mother/ fathe er terminated because last child attained d age 18 T5 Bene eficiary entitle ed to other benefits equal o or larger T6 Child d beneficiary iis no longer a attending scho ool on full-tim me basis s and is betwe een ages 18 a and 22, or a d disabled child d is no lo onger under a disability. Te ermination off a mother/fath her beca ause of death or marriage o of the last rem maining child entitled to receive e benefits T7 Child d terminated b because of ad doption, moth her/father termiinated becausse last entitle ed child adoptted T8 Prima ary beneficiarry no longer d disabled; or th he last disable ed child no longer dissabled T9 Term minated for rea ason not sepa arate defined U Activ ve Uninsured Status W Withd drawal before e entitlement Xx Adjus sted/Suspend ded/Terminate ed/Un-insured statuses X0 Claim m transferred to RRB X1 Bene eficiary died X5 Entitlled to other b benefits X7 HIB/S SMIB termina ated X8 Paye ee is being de eveloped X9 Term minated for rea ason not sepa arately define ed Page 15 Updated 5 5/11/2011 B Bridges SOLQ S Report Job Aid F Field Name e LAF Code (Payment Sttatus) (continued) L Living Arrang gement Code e– O Optional Statte Suppleme ent M Mandatory Eligibility Cod de Available A Codes/Defi C initions XD Withd drawn for adj ustment XF Entitllement transfferred to another program service cente er XK Depo ortation XR Withd drawn from S SMIB Indicates the type t of Federral living arran ngement for the recipient in n those States S that ha ave elected Fe ederal administration of their optional S State supplement. s Code C Z will ap ppear in this ffield where the recipient is not eligible fo or, or waives, w option nal suppleme ntation. Refer R to Regio onal Office de efinitions of S State Supplem ment Codes fo or other possibilities. p Identifies elig gibility for man ndatory State e Supplementtation Paymen nt in the current month. m E Eligible N No ot eligible Blank No ot applicable Indicates the e marital statu us of the recip pient at the tim me the record is established. M Marital Status s M Medicaid Effe ective Date 1 Ma arried and livi ng with spousse (ceremonial marriage, common law ma arriage, or de e facto marria age) 3 Sin ngle, widowed d, or divorced d 4 Ma arried and sep parated Date D of the mo ost current pe eriod of eligib bility or referra al for Medicaid d (see Medicaid M Eligiibility Code). Indicates the e individual’s M Medicaid elig ibility status. M Medicaid Elig gibility Code Bridge es SOLQ Rep port Job Aid State of o Michigan DHS A Re efused third p party liability a assignment – referred to Sttate, Fe ederal determ ination not po ossible B De eeming waive ed: child unde er a State hom me care plan C Fe ederally admin nistered Mediicaid coverag ge should be continued regarrdless of paym ment status ccode D Dis sabled adult cchild E Eligible per Statte determinattion (obsolete e) G Go oldberg-Kelly payment con ntinuation I Ine eligible per Sttate determination (obsolete) P Drrug addiction a and/or alcoho olism Q Me edicaid qualifyying trusts ma ay exist R Re eferred to Sta te for redeterrmination (163 34 States), Fe ederal determ ination not po ossible S Sta ate determina ation – not SS SA responsibiility W Wiidow(er) Y Eligible for Med dicaid (1634 S States) Blank No ot applicable Page 16 Updated 5 5/11/2011 B Bridges SOLQ S Report Job Aid F Field Name e Available A Codes/Defi C initions Indicates if Medicare M data a is present orr not. M Medicare Ind dicator M Monthly Amo ount M Monthly Benefit Credited d Amount M Monthly Benefit Credited d Date Y Me edicare data iis present N Me edicare data iis not presentt The T Federal amount a receivved for the gro oss monthly S SSI payment.. The T monthly Title T II benefitt due after anyy appropriate e dollar rounding (considering a deductible o of SMI premiu um) but prior tto the actual collection c of any a obligation of the benefiiciary (includin ng SMI premium). Payment P data a credited date e. The MBC a amount is paiid in the montth after this date. Indicates the payment p statu us of the Mon nthly Benefit C Credited Amo ount. M Monthly Benefit Credited d Type C Be enefits paid N Be enefits not paiid E Be enefits not paiid, due to dela ayed/pending g or suspense e Blank Be enefits not paiid N Net Monthly Benefit If Payable Benefit B payab ble after deducction of benefficiary obligattions (like SM MIB, overpayment, o child support rt, etc.) N Number of Cross-Referen nce A Account Num mber (XRAN)) Entries Indicates num mber of a crosss-referenced account N Number of Liines of Addre ess The T number of o address line es present. C Can be up to 6 lines. O Onset Date of o D Disability/Blindness O Other Name O Other Primarry Insurance Amount The T date of disability onsett alleged by th he applicant is retained on n the SSR S during th he period in w which the case e is awaiting m medical determination d , or in the casse of medical denial. After a final disability/blind d dness allowan nce, the date of onset disp played will be either: Date of o disability o nset establish hed for Title II purposes in concu urrence with T Title XVI allow wances Date of o onset esta blished for Title XVI mediccal only allowa ances. This date d will be no o earlier than the effective month of the e SSI applic cation unless information in n the medicall file supportss an earlier onset. Another A name e used by the recipient. Reflects R the controlling Prim mary Insurance Amount (P PIA) for paym ment on the claim. Can n be an avera age month wa age or special minimum. Describes wh ho pays third party Health Insurance premiums. Civil Fe ederal Civil Se ervices PRITP Private Third Pa arty RRB Ra ailroad Retirem ment Board Self he recipient pa ays his or herr own premium m. If the recip pient Th is also a receiving g RSDI beneffits, the premiium is withheld fro om the gross a amount of tha at benefit. 010650 A state s is purch hasing Health Insurance co overage throu ugh a Buy-In B agreem ment. If the sttate is Michigan, the numb ber 23 30 will appearr. Other State Codes are lissted in the LO OR Ma anual ED-030 0, p. 14-15. P Part A/B Buy y-In Code Bridge es SOLQ Rep port Job Aid State of o Michigan DHS Page 17 Updated 5 5/11/2011 B Bridges SOLQ S Report Job Aid F Field Name e Available A Codes/Defi C initions P Part A/B Buy y-In Indicatorr Indicates if the ere is a third p party code for Part A/B. W Will be YES, NO, or Blank B if no info ormation on ffile. P Part A/B Buy y-In Start Datte Effective E startt date of Mediicare Part A o or B buy-in eliigibility P Part A/B Buy y-In Stop Date Effective E stop date of Medi care Part A o or B buy-in eligibility P Part A/B Indicator Indicates whe ether Part A o r B data is pre esent. Will dissplay YES or NO. Indicates if th here is Part B B/SMI coverag ge. Part A/B Opttion Code C No o (cessation o of disability) D No o (Part A/B co overage denie ed) F No o (invalid enro ollment termin nated) G Ye es (good causse) N No o (Puerto Rica an beneficiaryy not entitled;; also dually/technicallly entitled beneficiary not entitled to SM MI) P Ra ailroad Board has jurisdiction R No o (refused Pa rt A/B covera age) S No o (no longer re enal disease provision) T No o (Part A/B te rminated for n non-paymentt of premiumss) W No o (withdrawal from coverag ge) Y Ye es (has Part A A/B coverage)) P Part A/B Prem mium Supplemental S premium am mount collectib ble. P Part A/B Starrt Date The T first montth of Medicare e Part A or Pa art B coverag ge P Part A/B Stop p Date The T first montth of Medicare e Part A or Pa art B non-covverage P Payee Mailing Address The T mailing ad ddress that w will appear on the SSI checck and other ssystemsgenerated g corrrespondence e to this indivi dual and his/her representtative payee. p P Payee Name Reflects R the to otal number o of lines neede ed to display tthe full payee e name and a mailing ad ddress. Up to o 6 lines poss ible. P Payee Zip Co ode The T 5-digit zip p code require ed as part of tthe payee’s a address. P Payee Zip Co ode + 4 The T Zip-Code e +4 portion off the payee’s address (if present). P Payment Datte Reflects R the date of payme ent of the SSI Gross Payab ble Amount. Indicates the e type of paym ment and if it w was returned. P Payment Flag g1 Bridge es SOLQ Rep port Job Aid State of o Michigan DHS 0 No payment made e 1 Recu urring paymen nt 2 Retro oactive payme ent 3 Supp plemental payyment dated tthe first of the e month 4 One--time paymen nt 5 Reco overy (advancce payment o or overpaymen nt) Page 18 Updated 5 5/11/2011 B Bridges SOLQ S Report Job Aid F Field Name e Payment Fllag 1 (continued)) Available A Codes/Defi C initions 6 Recu urring paymen nt (Type 1) on n which a request for substitute paymen nt has been ssent to Treasu ury 7 Retro oactive payme ent (Type 2) o on which a re equest for substitute paymen nt has been ssent to Treasu ury 8 Supp plemental payyment (Type 3 3) on which a request for substitute paymen nt has been ssent to Treasu ury A Recu urring paymen nt returned byy SSA Districtt Office and Treas sury J Recu urring paymen nt returned byy SSA Districtt Office only I Regu ular payment returned by T Treasury onlyy B Retro oactive payme ent returned by SSA Distriict Office and Treas sury K Retro oactive payme ent returned by District Off ffice only S Retro oactive payme ent returned by Treasury o only C Supp plemental payyment returne ed by District Office and Treas sury L Supp plemental payyment returne ed by District Office only T Supp plemental payyment returne ed by Treasurry only D One Time Payme nt returned byy SSA Districct Office and Treas sury M One Time Payme nt returned byy SSA Districct Office only U One Time Payme nt returned byy Treasury on nly V Reco overy voided Indicates the e type of paym ment or quarte er of paymentt or collection n. P Payment Flag g2 P Payment Stattus Code (Cu urrent) 0-9 or A-D Quarrter of retroacctive or advan nce payment ccollection with h code es 2, 5, or V frrom Paymentt Flag 1 E Totall of Payment Flag 1 Type 2 2, Retroactive e Payment F Force ed payment N Force ed payment n not applicable e. If Payment Flag 1 is 5 orr V, the overpayment o ccollection cam me from the m monthly checkk. S Force ed stop paym ment T Force ed terminatio n U Used d in conjunctio on with a 4 in Payment Fla ag 1. Indicatess the amou unt of a One T Time Paymen nt for a speciffic quarter. The T most currrent SSI Paym ment Status ccode. A three-posittion alphanum meric code. Th he first positio on reflects the e status of the SSI/State Su upplement payyment. The ssecond and th hird positions reflect the reaso ons for the sta atus. P Payment Stattus Code NOTE: The follow wing descriptio ons, “C” throu ugh “T” apply to the first position o of the code. C Bridge es SOLQ Rep port Job Aid State of o Michigan DHS Indicates the recip pient is eligiblle for SSI/State Supplemen nt paym ments Page 19 Updated 5 5/11/2011 B Bridges SOLQ S Report Job Aid F Field Name e Available A Codes/Defi C initions E Indicates eligibilityy for Federal a and/or State benefits base ed on th he eligibility co omputation, b but no payment is due base ed on th he payment co omputation H Indicates a case in n "hold" statu us, final disposition is pend ding M Indicates a case iss under manu ual control. C Case is known n as "force ed payment" although payyment may no ot be involved d N Indicates the appl icant is not e ligible for SSII/State Supp plement paym ments or that a previously e eligible recipie ent is no longer eligib le P Provisional, possi ble reinstatem ment (obsolette) S Indicates recipientt may still be eligible for SS SI/State Supp plement paym ments, but payyment is being withheld T Indicates SSI/Statte Supplemen nt eligibility is terminated Spec cific Codes Payment Status Code (continued) Bridge es SOLQ Rep port Job Aid State of o Michigan DHS C01 Curre ent Pay E01 Eligib ble for Federa al and/or Statte benefits based on eligibility comp putation, but n no payment iss due based o on payment comp putation E02 First month of elig gibility – perso on is not due payment in th his montth H10 Living g arrangemen nt change in process H20 Marittal status cha ange in processs H30 Reso ource change e in process H40 Stude ent status cha ange in proce ess H50 Head d of househol d change in p process H60 Hold pending rece eipt of date off death H70 Hold pending tran nsmission of o one-time paym ment data H80 Early y input, appliccation has bee en made H90 Syste ems limitation n involved. District Office m must manuallyy comp puter and inpu ut payment amounts. M01 Force e Payment – client may be e in payment or non-payme ent status. See SSI G Gross Payable e Amount field d for eligibilityy amou unt. These fie elds will conta ain zeros if in non-paymentt status. N01 Non--pay. Client’s countable inccome exceeds the Title XV VI paym ment amount a and their Statte’s payment standard. N02 Non--pay. Client iss inmate of pu ublic institution n. N03 Non--pay. Client iss outside U.S.. N04 Non--pay. Client’s non-excludab ble resourcess exceed Title e XVI limita ations. N05 Non--pay. Unable tto determine if eligibility exxists. N06 Non--pay. Client fa ailed to file forr other benefits. N07 Non--pay. Cessatio on of client’s disability. N08 Non--pay. Cessatio on of client’s blindness. N09 Non--pay. Client re efused vocatio onal rehabilita ation without Page 20 Updated 5 5/11/2011 B Bridges SOLQ S Report Job Aid F Field Name e Available A Codes/Defi C initions good d cause. Payment Status Code (continued) Bridge es SOLQ Rep port Job Aid State of o Michigan DHS N10 Non--pay. Client re efused treatm ment for drug a addiction. N11 Non--pay. Client re efused treatm ment for alcoho olism. N12 Non--pay. Client vo oluntarily with hdrew from prrogram. N13 Non--pay. Not a cittizen or eligib ble alien. N14 Non--pay. Aged cla aim denied fo or age. N15 Non--pay. Blind cla aim denied. A Applicant not b blind. N16 Non--pay. Disabilitty claim denie ed. Applicant not disabled. N17 Non--pay. Failure tto pursue claiim by applicant. N19 Non--pay. Client ha as voluntarilyy terminated p participation in n the SSI program. p N20 Non--pay. Client fa ails to furnish a required re eport. N22 Non--pay - Inmate of a penal insstitution N23 Non--pay - Not a U U.S. resident N24 Non--pay - Convictted of felony o of fraudulently misre epresenting re esidence in tw wo or more S States (Effectivve Through 11/99) N on-pay - Adm ministrative S Sanctions penalty impo osed because e claimant hass provided false or mislead ding state ements to obta ain benefits. ((Effective 12/99 until prese ent) N25 Non--pay - Claima nt is fleeing to o avoid prose ecution for, orr custo ody or confine ement after co onviction for, a crime which is a felo ony (or in New w Jersey a hig gh misdemea anor) under th he laws of the place ffrom which he e/she flees, o or is violating a condition of proba ation or parole e imposed under Federal o or State e law. N27 Non--pay. Disabilitty terminated due to substa antial gainful activity. N30 Non--pay. Slight im mpairment – m medical consideration alon ne, no visual impairm ent. N31 Non--pay. Capacityy for substanttial gainful acctivity – custom mary past work, no visu ual impairmen nt. N32 Non--pay. Capacityy for substanttial gainful acctivity – other work k, no visual im mpairment. N33 Non--pay. Engagin ng in substanttial gainful acctivity despite impa airment, no vissual impairme ent. N34 Non--pay. Impairm ment is no long ger severe at time of adjud dication and d did not last 12 2 months, no visual impa airment. N35 Non--pay. Impairm ment is severe e at time of ad djudication bu ut not expe ected to last 1 2 months, no o visual impairrment. N36 Non--pay. Insufficie ent or no med dical data furn nished, no vissual impa airment. N37 Non--pay. Failure o or refusal to ssubmit consulltative exam mination, no vvisual impairm ment. N38 Non--pay. Applican nt does not w want to continu ue developme ent of cla aim, no visuall impairment. N39 Non--pay. Applican nt willfully failss to follow pre escribed Page 21 Updated 5 5/11/2011 B Bridges SOLQ S Report Job Aid F Field Name e Available A Codes/Defi C initions treatm ment, no visu ual impairmen nt. Payment Sta atus Code (continued) Bridge es SOLQ Rep port Job Aid State of o Michigan DHS N40 Non--pay. Impairm ment(s) does n not meet or eq qual listing (disa abled child und der 18 only), no visual imp pairment. N41 Non--pay. Slight im mpairment – m medical condiition alone, visual impa airment. N42 Non--pay. Capacityy for substanttial gainful acctivity – custom mary past work, visual iimpairment. N43 Non--pay. Capacityy for substanttial gainful acctivity – other work k, visual impaiirment. N44 Non--pay. Engagin ng in substanttial gainful acctivity despite impa airment, visua al impairment. N45 Non--pay. Impairm ment no longer severe at tim me of adjud dication and d did not last 12 2 months, visu ual impairmen nt. N46 Non--pay. Impairm ment is severe e at time of ad djudication bu ut not expe ected to last 1 2 months, vissual impairme ent. N47 Insuffficient, or no medical evide ence furnishe ed, visual impa airment. N48 Non--pay. Failure o or refusal to ssubmit to consultative exam mination, visua al impairmentt. N49 Non--pay. Applicattion does not want to continue developm ment of cla aim, visual im mpairment. N50 Non--pay. Applican nt willfully failss to follow pre escribed treatm ment, visual i mpairment. N51 Non--pay. Impairm ment(s) does n not meet or eq qual listing (disa abled child und der 18 only), visual impairment. N52 Non--pay. Deleted from State ro olls before 12 2/73 payment.. N53 Non--pay. Deleted from State ro olls after 12/7 73 payment. N54 Non--pay. District O Office unable e to locate app plicant. P01 Susp pended. Susp pension of disability payme ent due to substantial gainfu l activity, prob bability of rein nstatement. S04 Susp pended. Syste em is awaiting g disability de etermination (systtem generated d). S05 Susp pended. Subsstantial gainfu ul activity decision pending. S06 Susp pended. Clien nt address unkknown. S07 Susp pended. Returrn check for o other than dea ath, address, paye ee change, or death of payyee. S08 Susp pended. Reprresentative pa ayee developm ment pending g. S09 Susp pended. Misce ellaneous susspense code. S10 Adjud dicative Susp pense (system m generated).. S20 Susp pended. Poten ntial rollback case or no disability made e prior to 07/73/ S21 Susp pended The cclient is presu mptively disabled or blind and has received r 3 mo onths of paym ments. S90 Susp pended - PR1 change in prrocess becau use SSR was estab blished underr the incorrectt SSN (this co ondition is extre emely rare) Page 22 Updated 5 5/11/2011 B Bridges SOLQ S Report Job Aid F Field Name e Payment Sttatus Code (continued) P Person’s Ow wn SSN Available A Codes/Defi C initions S91 Susp pended - PR1 change in prrocess becau use SSR was estab blished underr the incorrectt SSN (this co ondition is extre emely rare) T01 Term minated. Death h of client. T20 Term minated. Rece eived paymen nt under 2 diffferent numberrs. T22 Term minated. Same e definition ass code T20. T30 Term minated. Manu ual terminatio on (payment p previously ma ade). Chan nge in record composition requires term mination of existing record. T31 Term minated. Syste em generated d termination (payment previously made).. T32 Term minated – Auto omated syste ems terminatio on of a paid recorrd that has exxceeded certa ain size limitation T33 Term minated – Man nual terminatiion (through M MSSICS) T50 Term minated. Manu ual terminatio on (no previou us payment made e). T51 Term minated. Syste em generated d termination (no previous paym ment made). Social S Securitty Number of the recipient.. Method provided by recipiient for valida ating age P Proof of Age A Alleged B Birrth/Baptismal C Co onvincing evid dence F Fo ormerly establlished by SSA A N No ot proven P Pro oven Q Query Dt Q Es stablished oth her than B or C The T date and time when th he report was requested. R Race Code Indicates the race r of the re ecipient (if app plicable). R Record Estab blishment Da ate Indicates the date d of estab lishment of th he recipient’s SSI record. R Rep Payee In ndicator Y – there is a representativve N – there is no ot a represen ntative The T date the current c payee e was selecte ed for the indivvidual and/or spouse. R Rep Payee Selection Date e R Residence Address Address A wherre the recipien nt lives, if diffe erent from the e mailing add dress. Otherwise, O fie eld will be blan nk. R Residence Ziip Code Zip Z Code for the t address w where the reciipient lives, if different from m the mailing m addres ss. Otherwise e, field will be e blank. Bridge es SOLQ Rep port Job Aid State of o Michigan DHS Page 23 Updated 5 5/11/2011 B Bridges SOLQ S Report Job Aid F Field Name e Available A Codes/Defi C initions Indicates if th he recipient o owns a house. R Resource Co ode – House A Po ossession of a home – prin nciple place of residence. N Not to be disposed of. F Un nverified (obso olete) J Po ossession of a home – prin nciple place of residence. T To be e disposed of. S Eq quity in properrty. T Ho ome and equi ty in propertyy. Z No one Blank No ot determined d. * Initial claims exxception Indicates if th he recipient h as insurance. If so, indicattes if the recip pient must dispose e of the insura ance. R Resource Co ode – Insuran nce C Fa ace value und der $1500 H Un nverified reso urce L Ag greement to d dispose O Un nder/over limitt Z No one Blank No ot determined d Indicates if th he recipient o owns other ressources. If so o, indicates if tthe recipient mus st dispose of those resourcces. R Resource Co ode – Other E Ov ver limit N Ag greement to d dispose Z No one Blank No ot determined d Indicates if th he recipient o owns income-producing pro operty. If so, indicates if th he recipient m must dispose o of that properrty. R Resource Co ode – Propertty D Inc come produciing property M Ag greement to d dispose O Un nder/over limitt Z No one Blank No ot determined d Indicates if th he recipient o owns a vehicle e. If so, indica ates if recipien nt must dispose e of the vehic le. R Resource Co ode – Vehicle e R RSDI Claim Account A # Bridge es SOLQ Rep port Job Aid State of o Michigan DHS B Ve ehicle either o over or under limit K Ag greement to d dispose G Un nverified reso urce Z No one Blank No ot determined d The T Claim Acc count Numbe er (CAN) and Beneficiary Id dentification C Code (BIC) under which w a Title III claim exists.. The CAN po ortion of the claim number n is the SSN of the w wage earner o on whose reccord benefits a are being b paid. Page 24 Updated 5 5/11/2011 B Bridges SOLQ S Report Job Aid F Field Name e Available A Codes/Defi C initions Indicates if th he recipient iss receiving RS SDI benefits R RSDI Status Blank SS SA is unable tto verify the e existence of th he record, or tthe req quest was forr Prisoner datta. C SS SA indicates tthat there is a record, but itt could not be e loc cated by SVE ES D SS SA indicates tthat there is a record but th here is a nam me or da ate of birth disscrepancy bettween SSA’s record and th he Sta ate’s record. Y An n RSDI record d exists N An n RSDI record d does not exxist. S Schedule Current Payme ent A Amount Amount A certified in the Sch hedule Payme ent action for the current o operating month m as show wn in the Sch hedule Payme ent Date field. The check is actually a paid in the month a after the Sche edule Payment Date. S Schedule Pay yment Date Shows S the current operatin ng month in w which the Schedule Current Payment P Amo ount was proccessed. Displays eith her the prior o or current mon nth accrual. S Schedule Pay yment Indica ator S Schedule Prior Payment Amount P Cu urrent month a accrual amou unt paid by da aily update op peration R Cu urrent month a accrual paid b by monthly m merge Blank Prior month acccrual only Shows S the acc cumulated pa ayment certifie ed in the Sch hedule Payme ent action a for all months m throug gh the Prior M Month Accrual Date. Zeros are displayed d if an n actual paym ment has not b been made. T The accrual m moth is the month pre eceding the cu urrent operatiing month. Gender of the recipient. S Sex Code S SSI Direct De eposit Indica ator S SSI Race Cod de S SSI Sex Code e Bridge es SOLQ Rep port Job Aid State of o Michigan DHS M Ma ale F Fe emale U Un nknown C Ch hecking E Ele ectronic Bene efits Transfer S Sa avings Blank No one A As sian B Bla ack H His spanic I No orth American n Indian N Ne egro O Other U Un ndetermined W Wh hite F Fe emale M Ma ale U Un nknown Page 25 Updated 5 5/11/2011 B Bridges SOLQ S Report Job Aid F Field Name e Available A Codes/Defi C initions S SSI Gross Pa ayable Amou unt The T Federal amount a the re ecipient was e entitled to rece eive (before adjustments a fo or overpayme ents) in the prrevious Treassury File. S SSI Gross Pa ayable Amou unt (Current) The T Federal amount a the re ecipient is entitled to receivve (before adjustments a fo or overpayme ents) on the P Payment Date e displayed. Indicates if th he recipient iss receiving SS SI benefits. S SSI Status S SSN Multiple e SSN Indicattor S State and Co ounty Code S State and Co ounty of Juris sdiction S State and Co ounty Code of o R Reimbursement S State Gross Payable P Amo ount S State Gross Payable P Amo ount (Current) Blank SS SA is unable tto verify the e existence of th he record, or tthe req quest was forr Prisoner datta. C SS SA indicates tthat there is a record, but itt could not be e loc cated by SVE ES D SA indicates tthat there is a record but th here is a nam me or SS da ate of birth disscrepancy bettween SSA’s record and th he Sta ate’s record. Y An n SSI record e exists N An n SSI record d does not existt. Indicates the number n of ad dditional SSNss used by the e individual. Additional A SSNs are listed in the followin ng fields. Up to five total S SSNs can c be listed. The T first two positions p of th his number represent the S State code. Michigan’s M Sta ate Code is 2 23. The remaining numberss are the Cou unty code. c This is the t State and d County in wh hich the recip pient has resid dence. Indicates the State S and Co ounty that are responsible ffor any mandatory or optional o suppllementation p payment. Rep presents the S State and Cou unty of residence r for the recipient unless another State and County have ju urisdiction. Reflects R the State/County S ccode correspo onding to the agency with which the SSI/SSP applicant a sign ned an agreem ment for reimbursement off interim assistance a pa ayments. Thiss field will be zzero in the folllowing situatiions: Recorrd is for an esssential perso on An ap pplicant who m may not have e authorized (o or timely auth horized) reimb bursement to tthe State Where e there is no Federal/State e agreement ffor reimburse ement The T amount of o Federally-ad dministered ssupplementattion the recipient was entitled e to rece eive (before a adjustments ffor overpayme ents) in the previous Treasury T File. The T amount of o Federally-ad dministered ssupplementattion the recipient is eligible e to rece eive (before a adjustments fo for overpayme ents) on the P Payment Date D displayed. Also referrred to as the S State Supplem mental Payment (SSP) Amount. S Supplement Amount A The T Federally y-administered d supplementtal amount re eceived for the e gross monthly m SSI payment. p T Telephone Number Recipient’s R telephone num ber Indicates the e individual wh ho receives th he check. T Type of Paye ee Code Bridge es SOLQ Rep port Job Aid State of o Michigan DHS AGY So ocial Agency CHD Na atural, adoptivve, or step-ch hild (as payee e for parent) ESP Es ssential Perso on is payee FDM Fe ederal mental institution Page 26 Updated 5 5/11/2011 B Bridges SOLQ S Report Job Aid F Field Name e Type of Pay yee Code (continued)) Available A Codes/Defi C initions FDO Fe ederal non-me ental institutio on FIN Fin nancial organ nization FTH Na atural or adop ptive father GPR Grrandparent INP Le egally incompe etent, but no representativve payee has be een selected MTH Na atural or adop ptive mother NPM No onprofit menta al institution NPO No onprofit non-m mental instituttion OFF Pu ublic Official OTH Other PRM Pro oprietary men ntal institution n PRO Pro oprietary non n-mental instittution PYE Re ecipient previo ously had payyee but is now w receiving direct pa ayments REL Other relative (iincludes in-law ws) RPD Th he representa tive payee is being develo oped SEL Be eneficiary is o own payee SFT Ste epfather SLM Sta ate/Local men ntal institution n SLO Sta ate/Local non n-mental instittution SMT Ste epmother SPO Sp pouse Blank Be eneficiary is o own payee Indicates the e type of recip pient or other individual invvolved in the record. If a re ecipient is inittially disabled d, this code will not change e at age 65. T Type of Recip pient Bridge es SOLQ Rep port Job Aid State of o Michigan DHS AI Ag ged individual AS Ag ged spouse BI Blind individual BC Blind child BS Blind spouse DC Dis sabled child DI Dis sabled individ dual DS Dis sabled spousse EP Es ssential perso on XF Ine eligible fatherr XM Ine eligible mothe er XP Ine eligible perso n XS Ine eligible spousse Page 27 Updated 5 5/11/2011 B Bridges SOLQ S Report Job Aid F Field Name e Available A Codes/Defi C initions U Unearned Inc come Amoun nt This T field conttains money a amounts that do not repressent income tto the recipient r (MIL amounts, de eeming allocations, and blin nd countable income fo or conversion n cases). Will be greater tha n zero if the u unearned inco ome is other tthan Socia al Security ben nefits (Type A A). Will be zero for Typ pe A when the claim numb ber has a “T” or “M” suffix (indicates un ninsured bene eficiary with health benefitss). May be b zero for su uffixes other th han “T” or “M” if the unearn ned incom me Frequencyy Code is “C”, “N”, or “T”. T This generallyy occurs becau use the recipie ent is dually e entitled but re eceives only o one Title II check. Both claim m/identificatio on numbers appear in the rrecord, but with a positive money amou unt for the prim mary claim nu umber and zero money fo or the seconda ary claim num mber. Indicates how w frequently tthe unearned income is be eing or was be eing received. U Unearned Inc come Freque ency C Co ontinuous mo nthly paymen nt or uninsure ed (Title II claim number suffix “T T” or “M”) or T Title II benefitts in non-pay sta atus. N On ne-time paym ment R sed in conjuncction with Typ pe A income tto indicate reccent Us RS SDI filing, or w with Type D in ncome to indicate potentia al elig gibility to a R RB benefit. T Te ermination of ccontinuous m monthly benefiit U Us sed only in co onjunction with h a Type D en ntry to indicatte RR RB has jurisdiiction of the T Title II (Type A A) payment, a and tha at recipient’s e entitlement to o a RRB annu uity has not been de etermined. Blank Initialized value e U Unearned Inc come – Net C Countable Am mount Current C month h’s amount off earned incom me after all exxclusions are e applied. a Used in determinin ng eligibility a and, if the Bud dget Month Fllag is zero, z computing the payme ent. U Unearned Inc come Numbe er of E Entries The T number of o entries for tthe seven une earned incom me data eleme ents. Up to o 9 entries maximum. U Unearned Inc come Start Date D Indicates the date d that the unearned inccome started, if the payment is monthly, m or the date a one--time paymen nt was receive ed. U Unearned Inc come Stop Date D Reflects R the effective e date of termination n of unearned d income. In a situation s wherre the unearn ed income am mount change es, this will be e the la ast date the previous p rate or one-time p payment was received. The T particularr type of unea arned income the recipient is or was recceiving. U Unearned Inc come Type Code C Bridge es SOLQ Rep port Job Aid State of o Michigan DHS A So ocial Security – Title II B Bla ack Lung C VA A compensatio on (not based d on need) D RR RB E VA A pension (ba ased on need)) F As ssistance base ed on need a and not exclud ded from Page 28 Updated 5 5/11/2011 B Bridges SOLQ S Report Job Aid F Field Name e Available A Codes/Defi C initions unearned incom me Unearned Income Type Code C (continued) G Re etroactive Title e II benefits p posted as if pa aid when due e\ used in Title XV VI offset comp putation H In--kind support and maintena ance I Ine eligible child a allocation (no ot income) J Va alue of one th ird reduction for Living Arrrangement Co ode B K Blind countable e income (con nversion cases) L Military retired p pay M Fe ederal Civil Se ervice pension n N Su upport payme ents received from absent p parent O Inc come based o on need from private sourcces P Em mployment-re elated pension n (State or loccal government rettirement, priva ate pension) Q Wo orker’s Comp pensation R Re ents, interest, dividends, ro oyalties S Other T Ala aska Longevi ty Bonus U Co oncurrent and d Title II only a attorney’s fee es allocated o over mo onths where T Type A, G, orr W unearned d income is pre esent V Ma anually comp uted deemed d income W Re etroactive Title e II benefits p posted as if pa aid when due e, used in Title II o offset computtation X Minimum incom me level amou unt (not incom me) Y Sp pecial need re eduction (applies to a Fede eral countable e minimum incom me level) (not income) Z Sta ate countable e income Blank Initialized value e Indicates if the e unearned in ncome allegattions of the re ecipient has b been verified. v 0 umber and inccome have no ot been verifie ed Nu 1 Nu umber has be een verified, a amount has no ot been verifie ed 2 Nu umber and inccome amountt have been vverified 3 VA A, OPM, RRB B overlaid amo ount was the same as the am mount shown for the prior m month 4 Sa ame as “3” ab bove, except tthe overlaid a amount was not the e same as the e amount sho own for the prrior month 5 or type A, sam me as “3” exce ept verification code was Fo “2””before the M MBR interface.. If type X, Fe ederal countab ble MIL transmitted d by FO in con njunction with h T30/T50 U Unearned Inc come Verification Bridge es SOLQ Rep port Job Aid State of o Michigan DHS Page 29 Updated 5 5/11/2011 B Bridges SOLQ S Report Job Aid F Field Name e Available A Codes/Defi C initions 6 Fo or type A, a on ne-time paym ment from the MBR which there wa as no pre-exissting entry on n the SSR beffore the interfa ace. If Type T X, Fede eral countable e MIL systemss generated. Sp pecial MIL esttablished by tthe system wh hich does nott consider N Freq quency Code for Title II pa ayments receiived in the first quartter of 1974. W When this cod de is present, the 01/74 MIL is fro ozen and the ssystem will no ot recalculate e for 01/74. 7 Fe ederal countab ble MIL – sysstems generatted. This is th he sta andard Type X income. 8 Sta ate countable e MIL, or inco me transmitte ed by FO (ap pplicable to V Vermont only) 9 Sta ate countable e MIL or incom me (code 8) a adjusted by th he sys stem (applica able to Vermo ont only) I Ide entification nu umber and am mount verified d, and that Tittle II be eing paid in insstallments du ue to DAA pro ovisions. Unearned In ncome Verifiication (continued)) U User ID The T ID of the employee req questing the rreport. Indicates eith her SSN veriffication, or rea asons for non n-verification. Includes SSN N mismatchess, SSN-surna ame mismatch hes, SSN-datte of birth mismatc ches, multiple e SSNs. Blank Re ecords failing initial edit che ecks and not making it as far as the verificatio on process V SS SN is verified X SS SN is verified (and individual is decease ed) 1 SS SN not on file 3 Eitther DOB or S Surname doe es not match S SSN on file F SS SN verified, bu ut Surname d does not matcch (and was ign nored) M SN verified via a MBR or SSR rather than n NUMIDENT SS (ov verlay value o of 1) P SS SN verified via a MBR or SSR rather than n NUMIDENT (ov verlay value o of 3) R SS SN verified via a MBR or SSR rather than n NUMIDENT (ov verlay value o of 5) Z aim Account Number was submitted byy the State Cla ins stead of a SS N. SSN not vverified. * put SSN is no ot verified, butt SSA located d and verified the Inp SS SN provided in n the Verified d SSN data fie eld. & Mu ultiple SSNs p provided in Ve erified SSN d data field. . Sa ame as blank V Verification Code C Bridge es SOLQ Rep port Job Aid State of o Michigan DHS Page 30 Updated 5 5/11/2011 B Bridges SOLQ S Report Job Aid F Field Name e Available A Codes/Defi C initions Data that is displayed d con ntingent upon specific field codes return ned by the Verific cation Code fiield. V Verification SSN S Data Z Zip Code Bridge es SOLQ Rep port Job Aid State of o Michigan DHS If Verification n Code is * Field willl contain the SSN located by SSA wh hich differs fro om the SSN in nput by the S State. If Verification n Code is 3 orr P Field willl contain date e of birth If Verification n Code is X Date of death will be displayed fro om NUMIDE ENT If Verification n Code is & Field willl display multtiple SSNs wh hich were pre eviously issue ed to the individua al. The T Zip Code of the reside ence address.. Page 31 Updated 5 5/11/2011
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