Morning News • Sunday, August iM. 19y/ 3F I CARPET REMNANTS COMMUNTTYCALENDAR BRIEFLY AMfRICORPS/VISTA needs people over age 13 to tutor children ages 5-15 from 3-5 p.m. Monday-Thursday through May 1998 at neighborhood centers in the Savannah area. For more Information, call Denise Fisher, Americorps/VISTA leader, 651-3601. SMANNAH VETERANS AFFAIRS PRIMARY CARE CENIER is recruiting volunteers to assist in clinical and administrative areas. For more information, call Carol Flanders, volunteer program office, at 9200214. HARVARD LEARNING CENTER is offering a prize of $200 for the best essay on how to achieve peace In Northeast Ireland. The deadline is Ally 1.1998. Send essays to J J. Dunn, 536 E. 49th St., Savannah, Ga. 31405. Call 2383193 for more information. VMNOSOR FOREST HIGH SCHOOL alumni and former faculty members are invited totecome patron supporters and be Jisted on the patron alumni pages of the 1997-96 sports program. To do so, -mail a $10 patron donation to Suzle Rains, Windsor Forest High School '-Booster Club, 12419 Largo Drive, 'Savannah, Ga. 31419. 921-3714. niDWELL MSTfTUTE CLASS OF 1B87 hold its lOyear class reunion on v. 7-8 in HlnesvUle. For more details, ^contact Usa Wells, 3680612; Leslie "T*. Smith, 369*864; Brymn G. ..M.itchell. 927-3901; or Bille Arm Gaskin. 876-8771. SJUM4NAH SYMPHONY WOMEN'S OUttO will sponsor a gala opening night <*rv —ner at the Civic Center, preceding the first Masterworks concert Sept. 20. We want to hear from you The Our Community section welcomes submitted articles about a group's upcoming event or an individual's accomplishment for the Calendar or Noteworthy columns. To ensure that the item appears in the newspaper before .the scheduled event, please send your notice at least one week in advance. Space permitting, the newspaper may run photos with some items, particularly in the Noteworthy column. Group pictures will not be accepted. Our address: P.Q. Box 1088, Savannah, Ga. 31402-1088 • Fax: 2346522 • Phone: 652-0330. The Ben Tucker Trio wHI provide musical entertainment. The black-tie affair will begin at 6:30 p.m. In the Flannery O'Connor Room. Tickets are $100 each, which includes an open bar. Reservation deadline is Sept. 15. For more information, call 352-0842. 40TH ANNIVERSARY MISS SMMNNAH SCHOLARSMP PAGEANT will be held at 7 p.m. Oct. 18 at the Armstrong Atlantic State University Fine Arts Theatre. Former Miss Savannah title holders are being sought. Applications are being accepted for contestants In Little Miss. Teen Miss and Miss Savannah. More information: 3529280. •FLEA MARKET RESCTWHONS: Reservations are being accepted for table rentals for the annual fund-raising event at the Largo Plaza Piggly Wiggly store, which was postponed until Sept. 13 because of weather. This year, proceeds from the $5 table rentals will benefit the homeless animals at the. Humane Society of ChathanvSavannah Inc. Setup Sept. 13 will be at 7 a.m. and the sale from 8 a.m.-noon. Pay for tables at the store when reservations are made. PENMES FOR BABIES, an annual drive conducted by Open Arms, a home for medically fragile babies, will run through Oct. 31. Wal-Mart stores are placing penny jars at all their checkout counters. Others who would like to participate are asked to put a collection jar or bank on their desk or counter, or to organize a collection in . their church or club. Coins should be turned In to Open Arms Coastal Area Office. 10 W. 31st St., by Oct. 31. For more Information, contact Lyn Montgomery at 23&0070. MONDAY SMMNNAH AREA GENEALOGICAL ASSOCIATION will meet at 7:30 p.m. at Marsh Auditorium in Candler Hospital at 5353 Reynolds St. Steve Davis, associate editor of Blue and Gray Magazine, is scheduled to speak on "Behind 'Stonewall' and Brickwall: The Civil War Records of Savannah's Ogtethorpe Light Infantry." For more Large Selection! •SIZES information, call 598-0847 PARK ANNIVERSARY: Admission to trie Fort Pulaski National Monument and all other National Park Service sites will be free on this day in commemora lion of the Park Service's 81st anniver sary of service as an agency within the U.S. Department of the Interior. The Fort Pulaski monument, on U.S. 80.15 miles east of Savannah, is open daily from 8:30 a.m.-6:45 p.m. SAVANNAH LANDLORDS ASSOCIATION will meet at 2:30 p.m. at AmeriBank, 7393 Hodgson Memorial Drive. First District U.S. Rep. Jack Kingston is . scheduled to speak. Landlords and visitors welcome. More information: 9272853. SAVANNAH WOMEN'S NETWORK will hold its monthly meeting at 5:30 p.m. at The Pirates' House. The scheduled speaker is Debbie Ehrstin of Hilton Head Island. For more Information, call 351-7195. •COLORS TUESDAY AFTER 5 CLUB, a Christian business and professional women's organization, will sponsor "O'dem GoWen Slippers." presented by the Rack Room of Ogtethorpe Mall, from 6:45-9 p.m. at Barnes Restaurant, 5320 Waters Ave. The cost is $9. For reservations, call Virginia at 9257275. RETIRED RAILROADERS CLUB OF SMMNNAH will meet at 6:30 p.m. at Carey Hilliard's Banquet Room, 11U1 Abercom Extension. WEST SAVANNAH COMMUNITY ORGAN*ZATWN will hold its monthly meeting at 4 p.m. at Moses J, Jackson School on Richard Street. Schulze Eye Center attended Glynn Academy. Robin Laine Wilson of Statesboro, a sophomore communications major, the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Jerry Wilson. She attended Statesboro High School. Leah Ellen Kalmanson of Swainsboro, a junior philosophy . major, the daughter of Mr. and Airs Neil Kalmanson. She attended Swainsboro High School. Kevin l#le Huitt of Valdosta, a spring graduate and an English major, the son of Mr. and Mrs, William G. Huitt He attended the Valwood School. Molly Suzanne Lewis of Valdosta,, a junior English major, the daughter of Janet W. Douglass. She attended Valdosta High School. Wendy Arasdorff, a student at the University of Georgia, has been named to the President's List for the spring quarter. In order to be named to the list a student must have a 4.0 grade point average for the quarter. She is the daughter of Wendell and Cheryl Arnsdorff of Springfield. • •Jason Statta of Savannah, a student at Savannah College of Ait and Design, competed in the Society of Illustrators Student Competition for 1997 and was selected by a jury of professional artists to receive $1,000. The Hallmark Corporate Foundation has matched this award with a grant to the illustration department of the student's school. From more than 5,000 entries submitted by college-level art programs nationwide, the jury selected 99 works for exhibition. Of those chosen, only 23 will receive cash awards. •St Joseph's Foundation award1 ed its 1997 Hazel 0. Branson Nursing Scholarships to St Joseph's Hospital nursing employees Stuart Pingel and Melanie Finocchiaro. The scholarships were awarded by Peter Schenk, vice president for clinical services who made the presentation for Robert Brunson. Brunson established the scholarships in 1993 in honor of his wife, Hazel 0. Brunson. He says his late spouse aspired to be a nurse. However, at the time she and Brunson married, nursing schools CHART HOUSE. We'll Give You steak, prime rib, seafood or pasta, you can savor the savings with our early evening dinner specials at Chart House. Wednesday Mornings ftdwd R. ScWzt, M.D., FA.CS. Rfcbrd R. Schuke, Jr., M. Phil., M.D. did not admit women who were married. Hazel Brunson died in the care of nurses at St Joseph's ' Hospital in 1992. Pingel, works in the coronary care unit at St Joseph's. He is currently working toward a bachelor of science degree in nursing at Armstrong Atlantic State University. Finocchiaro is a master's degree student She expects to complete her degree program this academic year. Finocchiaro is a registered nurse in the post-anesthesia care unit at St Joseph's. 9:00 «m -12:00 IKHXI, No appointment necftutryA • Renay Viator, gymnastics coordinator at the Habersham Branch of the YMCA of Coastal Georgia, recently returned from the United States Association of Independent Gymnastics Clubs' national conference in Las Vegas. Viator attended seminars and lectures by gymnastics experts. Fine's is pleased to present the Fall 37 Collection from Aug. 28 & 29. Thursday & Friday 10am to Beautiful daytime and evening dresses and suits.' As Always th« Best of the Best. F HO S A V A N N A H Oglettiofpe Mai 355-4496 Outside Entrance ome experts estimate that at any given lime, 14 percent of Americans have back pain. But that doesn't mean it should always prevent you from being active. Either because of injury, age or heredity, a bad back may be something you may haw to live with. But here's the good news: Back pain can be managed at a level that still enables you to function. Here are some good back stretches that you can do standing up at work, if you suffer from back pain, you may find they relieve discomfort. Over the long term, these same exercises will increase the flexibility of your hack, and make it more resistant to strain. Lumbar rotation: Standing at uvrk. mix your kneetowardyour \ chest, andsloutypuU it across your body. Kepeot Z* ui&wur other knee. - If you really want to get serious about getting your back in shape, call us. ~~ We'll send along a free home exercise program to get youstarted. 'Mir WIIT itexk or unrt Before 6:30 SAMPLE EARLY EVENING DINNER SAVINGS KNTRtE A ptonitttm ii i« i'tmlrt a minimum tf Screening; How to relieve back pain at work Every evening, from 5:00 to 6:30 pm. Chart House serves up $5.00 savings on every dinner entree. Whether ydu prefer i (.irernt 10.1 U». ind I0t Indm Vision, Cataract, & Glaucoma 728 E.67* SbMtOPwbtn • SmnmK,GA• (912) 352-3120 Tofl &« i* GA (800) 342-7220 • Tol fiw b SC (800) 331-4250 Dean's Ust •The following area students made the dean's list for spring at Qglethorpe University. Julie JoAnn Shuman of Savannah, a senior accounting major, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Shuman. She attended Calvary Baptist Day School. Kathleen Eliiabeth Trucksis of Savannah, a spring graduate and a English major, the daughter of Mr. aqd Mrs. David Trucksis. She attended Jenkins High School. Edward B. Wilkes of Savannah, a spring graduate and a sociology major, the son of Mr. and Mrs Edward H. Wilkes. He attended Windsor Forest High School. ! Casey Michael Dryden of St. Simons Island, a junior, the son of Mr. and Mrs. David Dryden. He ^ss^ RUG CO., INC. Only at 408 Bonaventure Rd. • 236-71731 IOTEWORTHY • Melanie Lagrone of Savannah was awarded a bachelor's degree in business administration management from Lipscomb University at £md of summer term in August Christopher James Miller ived a master's degree in business administration from Owen School of Management at Vanderbilt University during the May commencement He is a I960 graduate of Benedictine Military School and has a bachelor's degree from Georgetown University. He is employed by Perspective . "Technologies in Reston, Va., and married to the former Martha Parsons. He is the son of Dr. and Mrs. James W. Miller of Savannah. ^ Debra D. Clifford of Savannah graduated in the summer from Southwest Missouri State University. She was awarded a bachelor of science degree in education. Tremendous Savings! Fusilli Pomodoro Tcnyaki Chicken Top Sirloin Chart House Cut Prime Rib Orange Basil Salmon Big Island Tiger Shrimp REGULARLY S-6 30 F.M 13.95 895 13.95 895 16 95 11 95 19.95 14 95 1995 1495 1995 1495 Offer includes full-price entree* only Salads, appe.iters and desjerts do not qualify May not b« combined with other offers \ \ i : s i li.\^ s r k i : i : l • S A V A N N A H • («)U) _».M-MISI, tin-it /'Lii't i»;/r/u/wv ,ii>,uibt \\iur If lnl>l \~'lir i,f>f,T hn<i\ htl(k It llhi'li tif(hnn, vt'tir tit\k lii'ld ttw tin vi u (mlt* Itik? Ik time tiurvn /A >li\ A ii'itint\'k mu&'lt* AW/ i"//r un \ltit1 hi Wtit Ui//> |v//r,>m;\ />y"> muling them vmnlt* \iriittiuill\ mihni! /Ae' (tnity larptr i 'iitittnui tnr ill 912-691-BACK CENTER**SPINE AT HEUROLOGICAL **•
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