* • jr> - • Septembers. 1997 R»cord-Press 8-6 Union Communities DIRHCT TOLL P R I I LINB PHONK IT HOW TO Professional Services 406-485 Real Estate Rental Best Buys 700-830 II 1 • II " 500-627 105-160 Merchandise Announcements 200-280 Employment Pels & Supplies 630 • 645 Home Services 850 -1195 Recreational Vehicles 1-SOO-559- Classified Hours Super Buy For your convenience, our Classified Center Is open: 3 Lines 1 Week'24* Add the entire county for only $13.00 more. Monday-Friday: 8:00 am to 6:00 pm • Pleate read vour ad carefully after publication. We are not responsible for errors after 1st insertion. Fax Your Ad • Be descriptive. The more Inlormatlon you provide to (he reader, the better the responses will be to your ad. 908-231-9638 Charge Your Ad Real Estate For Sale 305-390 650*65* Flnuncial/Buslness Opportunities Transportation M. ltinnUriw$180 AUTO PAfiT-HoorJ for 1887-88 Mercury Cougar, $B9.fiO, 908-232-17C3 AUTO PART-Tmck cap, 7'x5\ sliding screen windows, y\ cond, $99^608^8^0625, BABV DRESSING TABL.I"Light color. $100. Call 908-S74-2594. BABY-lntont carsoat. Inlanl swing, playpen, $95, 273^ett BAR STOOLS-4-J30, 635-7169. BASKETBALL" BLACK- BOARD-W/rim, good c°ndltton,$30.9OB-6B6-73<H, HinaUirtwtiao mattress. $75, LAMP-Table combo-Tiffany 635-rtS9. shado, Molhar of Pood table, CYMBALsT- 3 withstands, hi blk/biass, $93,9O0'382-0B49_ hot. crash S rldo. Very good LAWNMOWER-QasT Snap. Mid., $30X^11 ?O8j4e4j3e65. DEEn STAND-Aiurrtnuin, LAWN SPREADER-Scotls, portable, Ilka now, $45, Ilka now, $25.808'276-B66_9, 233:a»1_. LIVINQ ROOM TABLES-3DESK d'Suilivnn SB'L.& 30;W Gkiss and binsa, $50, 2 draws on rt, soclyon lit oxc OOfl-352-6723. cond$99.908:J76-_0481. MATTRESS-Good condition, DESK/CHAin-Alf wood, $70. lull ilia. $00, 900-50I!-1377 ovonings __ DESK-Wiih wood iopT MiRnoR-V" x V ~a~$8o" inotal base & chair, $25, 382C066. 908-688-08B7\ DINETTE"" TABLE-Small, walnul, drop teal, $99, fl35-7]69. _ 110 AnMyftttfflMti SPEAKERS-2-Large, both GERMAN STUDENT, Scandinavian, European, Souiri W O J W B a B ^ ^ t 6^. SPEAKER SET-1 Pair, $35, American, Asian, Russian Ex. change Students arriving Be. 8897621. comBaHo5tFamily/AISE Call SPEAKER STAND SET-Pion- 1-6O0SIBLINO er, Z tier, black. $30. HOME STUDYI Free Report STEREO CABINET.4 Shelf, Acciodiled collogos ollor ilass door, heavy wood. $60, tlosroes from homo in one 08J65292^ year. Call now Toll Pros STORM DOOR-Alumlnum. 860-872-7360 2"x8O", w/winaow 4 screen, LailimlFoainl 135 |d cond, $40,908-322-8993 TROLLER-Twin porogo, 11" GIRD • white/gray Cockatiel wheels, navy blue seals $60, losl on Cantarbury Hd, named 006-233 6020 Alda. Cull 908-Z32-728O Employjneni Help J j 1 j :tn}loynimt Full Time IF YOU HAVE AN ITEM TO SELL FOR LESS THAN $100, WE'LL RUN YOUR 3 LINE CLASSIFIED AD FOR $3,50./ Ml m ask is that p ktoA the fries o( ttis itm in your ad f •Ore Item per ad • * Must include a price under $100. Used Clothing must include number ol pieces, and a total lor all inoiioe«eej siro • No autos, pets w business ads, • Firewood not permitted. • Please allow ample time before ad will appear Just (ill out the coupon below (no phono or lax orders, please) and mail to: UNION COMMUNITIES CLASSIFIED NJNC, 10 Park Place, Butler, HJ 074O5 Please run my classified ad as follows: Statt p i id KM Hem loi salt, not ii|fcthu er I, 22 ifitit per line. 3 lints miitanv Tr?l» offer ttilliblt only lo prinlt party tdvdllttn tailing murelmidisa under $110 220 ffMlwintfllHtlp $ BARTENDS 1-800-328-1001 ADELPHI BARTENDERS Train FAST 10 work FASTI" Cnll About Summer Specinl! First 50 to Enroll SavoSS Hi EiDBlovnHHi! Help IS THAT CRAZY? A Gas Station Attendant figured out, How lo moke 32 times more money You can loo. FREE report voice 520-792-Gr.27. Box 19066. Tucson. AZa57IO. LABORERS Earn up lo $000 weekly, long distance phono co is seeking people to survice storelronl promotional t ox route eW3547331 GOVERNMENT JOBS Hiring Now' 11-33$ Pei Hr Paid LOCAL CANDY ROUTE 30 Training Full Bertodis! 7 Days Vending Machines Earn apt 1B00-433-7353 E»t 3161$8O0/day. All lor $8,995 Call 1:B0O-99B:yEND. HELPI Overwhelmed wtih leads! Earn 5- I0K oer monih P TAKE Advantage o! tha EconFantastic Supporil No soil- omy. Use your knowledge. Use our system Use our solutions ing NOT MLM 1-8OO-9950793 sxt 04B2 2 to begin tha road lo financial indopandenc* Follow our process GUARANTEED PROFIT HOME TYPISTS. PC users or MONEY BACK Call $45,000 income t-8B8-S66-6530E»t 555. Mulpotonlial. Call 1liple Technologies _ (BD0J5S3 4343 ext B 5097 No Phone Calls Please 11TEM PER AD Mail only NJNC, 10 Park Place, Butter, NJ 07405 • WANTED* Peoplototosetvetgnl Seam enlra $SS" 1-B0O-733-2110 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE /PAYABLE CLERK • Now car dealer see^s e»p'd reliabla S dependable person, computer exp a • We otter competitive salary and benefits based on experience. Call Maggie 201-379-7744 or Fat lesume to 201-379-8907 Fmtlwrrnnl Full Time 246 EBWlawwrt FiH TlfBt Auto Cleanup: Assembly FT/PT. E«perience Prefd ' . COMPUTER CABLES P/T assemblers, 25 hours psr week, 1pm-6pm: no experience required. Casual, PT. Clean Driving Record * non-smoking environment. MAflAfJOiSONS New facility located in Auto Sales. Inc Springfield. Call T o m 507-13 South Ava Kacerek lor interview; (973) G a r w o d . NJ 07037 912-5400 903-789-0555 Auto Driver I Auto JOIN THE WINNING TEAM lor<4rMt.OO" Cil! tJ) lind out how ycu may qmlify lor oui complete Scfoiii- ANIMAL HOSPtTAL Veterinary Assistant. Msdrcalsurgical patient cars Laboratory, inventory contfol Animal care experience preferred, will train Applications at. Fonwood Animmai Hospital, 70 South Ave. Fannvood 24t p c H EiliM rroMnlOMll Mk about oui Personal Piamction Pro3'i.Ti EM Ml tM Tooll KW Mid lo kKtnt butiitall ^9O»^ 2TB-M70 i f l MiiktfShitkiy ERA HMLT0RS PARTS COUNTER Large muli-franchlse now car dealer has immediate opening lor additional pans counter person. It you are currently working in a new car dealttship or an auto parts store looking lo move up. this Is an excellent (*• portunity. Good pay and benefits For a private interview pleaie c«i! our answering service at 908-412-2762 wjth this Ad 240 Emplo^menlFtJll Time UN \ O 1 \ C > \ 7 O( U t ) S SC O I , i l i s% ! , i i i -, 1 r i s r s \ ^ U i n , r i i i ' j ' 1 <! n ' . n h i ' i 240 (With Telemarketing ! < \ l ? >.i • «l 1 » ' l . l ' \ l ihUMlj ! . \ i ! S , l . i ) i i ' J \ . i t i . l i t _ t t s . ) ! a k i \ i i i ,U > .| 1 r ' . \ Part Time Opportunity 10AM to 12AM Mon. Thru Sat. $350 - $450 per week ' Ul|l l'i ! ! > f U f N.tjt'U' SAFETY IS NOT AN OPTION * ' • • • * ir% King TeleServiccs - winner of 7 Industry Awards this year for excellence in Telemarketing has several opportunities available. Our Telesales Representatives lire offered: * * * * * Up to $15/hr. Bonus & Incentives Paid Benefit Plan Paid Vacation Pension Plan SNVTHE VOLVO 140 Crugwood Road, S. l'lninfleld Near the Middlesex Moll 1-8O0-817-5468 \4 i f f i t i 4 t 908 273-4200 326 MORRISAVE. SUMMIT, NJ NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY APPLY IN PERSON PHONE*. ONLY $3-50 PER AO FOR ITEMS UNDER $100 1-800-922-8122 ASSEMBLE arts, crafts, toys, jewelry, wood ilems, typing, sowinrj, computer work Irom riomein your spa re urns Graal pay Fine Dtttails 1 •800-032-eoq7,Z4hrs (FEE). Niloa Modal Svc 4 spkr/amp lirotiiclor. Run upto A prs ot SUITS-SWuns, 42H, wool PlWMtl 141 spkrB 2 mnps w/ttl protection. BIKE-Boy's, 28", al! Terrain, lend, IIXo new, a!l $99 99, N } 908g72-(iiei, $40,^00-789^163^ 33-3917 FIND LOCAL LOVE I BIKE-Men'e, 5 speed, Raleigh, DISHWASHER'-HotpoinT PICTURE-26K32, anilquoPost/Llstentooiis'FREe* 'ABLE-Cornor, w/cushloned whlt8L$75JI08;277.3_688. $50,1368-7621. Iramcd Christina's World, ianch scats, 6KC«II«M con. 201-49e-O70O, code2277 18f maltod. $60,906-665-2921. DISHWASHER-Magic "Chel-3 BLANKET-Acrylic luxury GAY (OR CURIOUS?} lltlon, $80, 233-8551. Thermal Europ, 7lb?., new, lavol wash, good condition, PLAfHOUSE-CollapBiDle Moet discresity »try IIFRE El ABLE-Eloctrlc saw machine child's, Tha Lion King, oxc quaon Sz. $89,008-241-B130. $90,908-353-8157. 7324!M0099l20B218 BOOKCASE-3 Shelf, sturdy DISHWASHER-Potlaglo, cond, $1B, 90a-t38U;BO« GIFTED PSYCHICSM! hooka up to any sink excellent APE RECORDER-Sony, proWood, 37"hx4B"wx9"d, $30, POOL TABL^Rogiiln'tlon SENSATIONALRESULTSH cond, $9989,90B-8B9O933 tesslonal style. 5" reel to iaol, 908-6652921 l$50B165W0 Coll 1-90O-329 0983 Ent 2929 DOO CABRIEn-Alrllne PHINTER-For Lotus IS3 or $3.99 per mln Must ho IByrg BUNKBEDS-'Aliracllve ELEVISION-Color, U~, fumljuie pc, Ideal lor child apprvd, extra large, SO lbs. other, 136 colujn, oxtra ribbon cable reedy, $40, / d ^ 4 5 p 2 7 3 5 9 8 /teenager, $57,908-464-6042, MOWCOULDY0U FORGET BOe-665-2921. CAfllNET-1030, white enamel DRUM SET-5 PC, 3 toms, RECLINER-iIacl(,lriVrilnTcon MY DIRTHDAY?<I ICKET-Qlonts/Ballimore, Sound familiar? We Can Help. lop, 3 drawers * door, $30, snare/bass, w/pedal, excellent dilton. SS5.Z76-1&49, _____ cond, J99, .905:46+3666 Sun, 9/14, 1pm, sec \?.B !6W420eOBO FtECLINER/ROCKEH: 4yrs lower. $40. 908-667.9693. CABINET-Plna, far table lump, DRYER-Gas, working con- old,LI. Brown, Irg-sligd, payad fL'Amour Escorts* $240,$65/obO. 931-1050 _ $15,908-CBB-2318, _ _ _ dillon, $30.90a-?33;0345. rREA-DMILL-VitamoBkir, 2 V2 Exotics, Kalians, French, >ra old. pd S80Q. nds tuna up. EXERCISER-BIke, stationary! CARSEAT-Toddler & up to 6Q RUG Spanish, Amorlcan control, $ 4 0 , S ( J O 1 2 X 13, plum $99. Call iitMW^om lbs, good condition, $30, lonslon * 11n Bachelor Panics 900-352-6783. Smllh Priv. Shows aoa-g76-zai7. Mas9ago T i O . 908-220-0960 CHAIR-BIQ man's, sturdy, FAN •Electric, SCANNE'R/MOliiM.FoT' lealher, wing-buck, pnlo gold, Bosea^si Macintosh Portoimn, 7.0 or YPEWHITER-IBM SBlsclric $08^908^232-1259. FILE CABIHET-5 Drnwor, liighor. $75,908:2r7-359Bm III, $50.908-272-9573 MEET SEXY SINGLES! good condition, $35, CHAIR-Ftocllnor, Inn, good S H O W E H - S B I I slondtng', VANITY TOP-CoriBn pink Record*, Listen to Ads FREE 467-0807. fiboigliiss, comploia, fine cond, granite. now never itsod 732-49-!-11'U,codo2060,18* $9989. 466-7568 fy CHAJRS-4-Dlnelta, solid oak, i9B.TOi«l8:354-e44S. 220 wnlnut finish, exc contl, $G0, lico lype, $20, aft 5pmSHnUB-3-Roso oi Sharon, VIOLIN-J99. J01-379-9O34. S73jmH)153 imill- colors, hardy, versatile, 608-6880338 ova. $1000'S possibto typing Part, VISE Cross lablo lot drill pross CHAinS-1-Mnpl«. kltclmn, FREE-Brlcks, For (jotdons. all all_$!2.908-6B7-4521. you can h mil Irtio, SOFA-Coiwerliblo. exc cond. 5"»Y travel 4"|aw opening, lost lime. At homo. Toll Irao $35,635-7169. 1-B0O-218-90DOExl T5139for iron New S30 90S• ?73; 128B 600-513.0936. Janiloson iloublo mnllress. COMPUTER 2B6 2,G Meg WALL UNIT-Li(jht color, lor TV HOOKEDONIPHONTCS-N'OW. $75,ap8-232>paj8,_ RAM 42MHD, VGA Color SOFA-Gotd. D4", good con- orsloroo, $50, _9Oa:352-e7!3. $1000 S possible roivJing Monitor, Windows. Mouse, S8S. 654-4327^ books. pAHTTIME. aT JACKCT-Lonthor cycle, 3G, WASHER/DRYER-Spoed dltlon, $50, qoa-48_6-261B. primer $08, 908;277-'J538. HOME tOLL FREE, Ouean combo, largo, oicollent $70. allar_Cpinapa-G_B4-7236. COMPUTER GTR-L-BlinpfSd. 1-600-218-9000. ext R-5139 SOFA-Gold. 66" long, sturdy, cl^SgO, 90B-353-015; LAMP-Old wooden, llcor lypo. oak vanoer/blncK trim, $60, good condition, $ 4 5 , (or lisliny sydirectoy. $25. 906-6B8-2318. WATER HEATeR-Bratflord 90*665^2921. $1000 WEEKLY 5tul(ing nglas, else, cap BO gals. CfifB-Chlldcrnfl, light woiHl, LAMPS -1 Pr, bwssplnted, sill- SOFA-Sloepor & lovosaat, otwoiopos at youf locution groni condition, $70, ilo, 2<l'h. w/17* Ivory stindos. blue, boiao plnld, good con- 240v. jiconly. $50.635-7169. Giiarnntswl • Ensy woik. ex$50/pr,D0a6G5-2921. 908-Z33-C030 dition, $90,232-0738 pay. Workers neodod IDS cullonl now! FREE DETAILS-Ssrut ADOPTION Happy loving SASE: PO Box 754505-KT couple looKing lo shower a Cofal Springs, FL33075 child with love. Prolossiortnl i . A High Diiil, slay ill hums Momi). EKpanses paid CnN Mure nnd Earmnij, prestigious opportunity as a Wolcomo Wagon RepNikkl_o1 I-8O0-S27-2229 rosDntnlivo Manago flexible READY, WILLINQ. ABLE I hour w#ek whilo woiking with golit couplo amieusly local businesses and prowishing lo provide ndopled lossiunrils Visit new paronta newborn with life's best Logal wvi movers Benefits TrnmColl Northern NJ /modical paid. We can inooi ing Homastudy nvniiabto Coil 201-539-0202. So/Comral NJ Chris colloct5ia-872'94.12. Items Under $100 Cancellations To Cancel An Ad please call toll-free 24 Hours A Day kV HwmUfidiiSIOQ AGAIN FREE • Run vour ad for an ample length of time. Remember, as soon as you gel results you can cancel al anytime. ir.:.^;Ti^ 100 SELL YOUR MERCHANDISE WORTH $101 TO $2,500 FOR ONLY'2f IF IT DOESN'T SELL IN 1 WEEK, WE'LL RUN IT • Always Include the price of the item for sale. ViSA 1350 • 1415 MAIL IT AN AD For maximum convenience just fax us your ad anytime, 24 hours a day at: 1300 -1330 PAX IT : ; ' ©1997 Volvo Cars ot North America, Inc. Drivo Safely Is a trademark ol Volvo Cars oi North America, Inc. Atways remember to wear your seat boll. Fof car specifications, visit tho Volvo Wob sito at htlp,7/www.volvocare.com, I
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