US 200602283 84A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2006/0228384 A1 Eldridge (43) Pub. Date: Oct. 12, 2006 (54) CONTROL OF BIOFILM WITH A BIOFILM INHIBITOR Publication Classi?cation (51) (75) Inventor: Gary R. Eldridge, Encinitas; CA (US) Correspondence Address: THOMPSON COBURN, LLP ONE US BANK PLAZA SUITE 3500 (52) Int. Cl. A611; 31/7034 A611; 31/202 A611; 31/496 A611; 31/65 A611; 31/43 A611; 31/545 A611; 31/4745 (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) US. Cl. .......................... ..424/400;514/35;514/154; 514/200; 514/192; 514/291; 514/253.08; 514/312; 514/560; ST LOUIS, MO 63101 (US) 514/210.09 (73) Assignee: Sequoia Sciences, Inc. (21) Appl.No.: 11/099,800 (57) ABSTRACT The present invention provides methods for preventing; reducing; inhibiting or removing bacterial bio?lm. The present invention also provides methods for controlling acne and chronic bacterial infections. The present invention fur ther provides a method for identifying agents that prevent; (22) Filed: Apr. 6, 2005 reduce; inhibit or remove bacterial bio?lm. Patent Application Publication Oct. 12, 2006 Sheet 1 0f 5 US 2006/0228384 A1 FIGURE 1 Beta-Galactoglycerolipids from Sambucus mexicana and Penslemon centranthifolius CR1 0 R5 R4 OH R30 0 0 R2 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 SP3 82 hexadecadieno yl Ac Ac H Bz SP3 83 linolenoyl Ac H H Bz SF386 linolenoyl H H Ac Bz SF 3 9O linolenoyl H H H Bz SF391 linolenoyl H H H H SP3 97 linolenoyl H H Ac Ac Patent Application Publication Oct. 12, 2006 Sheet 2 of 5 US 2006/0228384 A1 FIGURE 2 HPLC/UV Puri?cation Chromatograms for Hit 39 from Penstemon centranthz?ilius 0 mn _ nan: 0 mm _ 0 man 0.0M; 0907:! 0.0050 - 09050 0025 Patent Application Publication Oct. 12, 2006 Sheet 3 of 5 US 2006/0228384 A1 FIGURE 3 1D Proton NMR Spectra for Hit 39 from Penstemon centranthifolz'us SF382 I I l' as so 1.5 l I v I I L0 7.5 7.0 6.5 ‘.0 70 6.5 l :0 SF383 | 8.5 H n 55 so is .o w Patent Application Publication Oct. 12, 2006 Sheet 4 of 5 US 2006/0228384 A1 FIGURE 4 HPLC/UV Puri?cation Chromatograms for Hit 37 from Sambucus mexicana mi SF391 up» one Q ' a a ’ m n m Iliul-x m n m z: * Patent Application Publication Oct. 12, 2006 Sheet 5 0f 5 US 2006/0228384 A1 FIGURE 5 1D Proton NMR Spectra for Hit 37 from Sambucus mexicana I I I I I I I | I I | i as so 75 10 as 5.0 55 so 45 4o :5 so 8.0 7.5 7.0 6.5 5.0 5.5 5.0 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 $F390 8.5 2.5 .D 1.5 .0 In SF391 I I I l I I I I I I I l I 8.5 8.0 7.5 7.0 6.5 6.0 5.5 5.0 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 I .0 I 1.5 l .0 p: Oct. 12, 2006 US 2006/0228384 A1 CONTROL OF BIOFILM WITH A BIOFILM INHIBITOR GOVERNMENTAL SUPPORT [0001] Part of this Work Was supported by the US. a bio?lm. Presently, current antibiotics, speci?cally antibac terial compounds, cannot provide e?‘ective treatment for bio?lms of chronic infections, because antibiotic therapy fails to eradicate the bio?lm. The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation estimated that approximately 30,000 patients have cystic ?brosis in the United States. These patients desperately need National Institutes of Health under the grant no. R42 RR0l6363-02. The United States Government has certain neW medications that prevent the formation of bio?lms in rights in this invention. tics that interfere With the formation of bio?lms might assist in the treatment of these patients. their lungs. Research supports the conclusion that therapeu FIELD OF THE INVENTION [0007] As treatments for patients With gastritis, bio?lm [0002] The present invention generally relates to methods and compounds useful for inhibiting, reducing, preventing, or removing bio?lms produced by microorganisms. In par ticular, the invention provides a method for the control of bio?lms using palmitoleic acid or its derivative as a bio?lm inhibiting agent. inhibitors can be used to prevent the attachment of Helico baclor pylori to gastric epithelial cells preventing their eventual invasion into these cells or inhibiting or reducing subsequent virulence factors, Which can result in in?amma tion. Bio?lm inhibitors can also be used to prevent or reduce the risks associated With the virulence factors of H. pylori, for example, by reducing arterial damage, Which can lead to BACKGROUND an increased risk of stroke. As treatments for urinary tract [0003] Bacterial bio?lms exist in natural, medical, and infections, bio?lm inhibitors can be used to prevent, control, reduce, or eradicate the population of E. Coli that reside engineering environments. Bio?lms o?fer a selective advan tage to a microorganism to ensure its survival, or alloW it a certain amount of time to exist in a dormant state until suitable groWth conditions arise. Unfortunately, this selec tive advantage poses serious threats to animal health, espe intracellularly in bladder cells, Which resist conventional antibiotics and evade a host’s immune systems. [0008] Each year in the United States, over 7 million patients receive medical device implants, Which include cially human health. For example, bio?lms are involved in central venous catheters (CVC), endotracheal tubes, 65% of human bacterial infections. Bio?lms are involved in mechanical heart valves, pacemakers, and prosthetic joints. Approximately one-half of these patients develop nosoco prostatitis, biliary tract infections, and urinary tract infec tions, cystitis, lung infections, sinus infections, ear infec mial infections, and approximately 80,000 deaths per year tions, acne, rosacea, open Wounds, and chronic Wounds. are attributed to nosocomial infections. [0004] Chronic bacterial infections are serious medical problems in the United States. In chronic bacterial infec tions, bio?lms protect bacteria from antibiotics and the [0009] According to the guidelines of the Center for host’s immune response mechanisms, thus increasing the rates of recurring symptoms and resistance to antibiotics. Examples of antibiotics are Macrobid for the treatment of acute UTI (cystitis) and Tobramycin for the treatment of lung infections of cystic ?brosis patients. In addition to cystitis and cystic ?brosis, chronic bacterial infections include, but are not limited to dental caries, periodontitis, otitis media, and nosocomial infections due to contact lens Disease Control (CDC), the level of CVC bacterial coloni Zation should be determined by the semi-quantitative or quantitative method (Centers for Disease Control and Pre vention, “Guidelines for the Prevention of Intravascular Catheter-Related Infections”, MMWR. 5lzRR-l0, 2002). In these guidelines, a positive blood culture and more than 103 colony-forming units (CFU) per catheter segment, as mea sured by the quantitative method, suggest that the CVC is the cause of the bloodstream infection (BSI). These guide lines have been used in peer-revieWed studies that examine and central venous catheters. nosocomial BSI. The results of these studies suggest a direct [0005] relationship betWeen the probability of obtaining a BSI and the CPU per catheter segment. Therefore, reducing the Bio?lm inhibitors Will have a substantial medical impact by treating many chronic infections, reducing cath eter- and medical device-related infections, and treating lung and ear infections. The potential market for potent bio?lm inhibitors is exempli?ed by the sheer number of cases in Which bio?lms cause medical problems. The bio?lm inhibi tors may be used to control microorganisms existing in extracellularly or intracellularly of living tissues. They may be used to cure, treat, or prevent a variety of conditions, such as, but are not limited to, arterial damage, gastritis, urinary tract infections, otitis media, leprosy, tuberculosis, benign prostatic hyperplasia, chronic prostatitis, chronic lung infec tions of humans With cystic ?brosis, osteomyelitis, blood stream infections, skin infections, open or chronic Wound infections, and any other acute or chronic infection that involves or possesses a bio?lm. [0006] Cystic ?brosis patients have chronic lung infec bacterial coloniZation of a catheter should loWer the inci dence of nosocomial BSI. [0010] Clinical studies shoW that the use of antiseptic coated or antibiotic-impregnated polyurethane catheters sig ni?cantly reduces bacterial coloniZation of CVC and noso comial BSI. A study in 1997 shoWed that in comparison to untreated catheters, the use of polyurethane catheters coated With chlorhexidine and silver sulfadiaZine resulted in statis tically signi?cant reductions in the level of catheter coloni Zation and the incidence of BSI (Maki, D. G. et. al., “Prevention of Central Venous Catheter-Related Blood stream Infection by Use of an Antiseptic-Impregnated Cath eter”, Ann. Int. Med. l27(4):257-266, 1997). In a peer revieWed clinical study, the superiority of the antibiotic impregnated catheters versus the anti-septic impregnated tions that are currently treated With the antibiotic tobramy catheters Was demonstrated (Darouiche, R. et. al., “A Com cin. The principal organism found in the lungs of cystic ?brosis patients is Pseudomonas aeroginosa, existing Within parison of TWo Antimicrobial-Impregnated Central Venous Catheters”, NeW Engl. Jour. Med. 340(1): 1-8, 1999). In Oct. 12, 2006 US 2006/0228384 A1 2003, a study in Which polyurethane catheters impregnated infections often requires an administration of a combination With minocycline and rifampin Were used in both medical and surgical intensive care units demonstrated BSI reduc tions of 8.3 to 3.5 and 4.8 to 1.3 per 1,000 days ofinpatient tin/dalfopristin, or administration of tWo antibiotics simul hospitalization, respectively (Hanna, H. A., et. al., “Antibi otic-Impregnated Catheters Associated With Signi?cant of products, such as amoxicillin/clavulanate and quinupris taneously. The present invention provides an alternative approach to treating chronic infection; a subject is admin istered a combination of a bio?lm inhibitor and antibiotic. Decrease in Nosocomial and Multidrug-Resistant Bacter The tWo compounds provide different mechanisms of action. emias in Critically Ill Patients”, Chest. 124(3):1030-1038, 2003). This study also shoWed a statistically signi?cant decrease in bacteremia caused by vancomycin-resistant [0016] Enterococci. [0011] The results of these and other studies have led the CDC to strongly recommend the use of antimicrobial- or antiseptic-impregnated CVC in adult patients Whose cath eters are anticipated to remain in place for more than 5 days (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Guidelines for the Prevention of Intravascular Catheter-Related Infec tions”, MMWR. 51:RR-10, 2002). Antimicrobial catheters have also been recommended for use in patients Who have a high risk of developing nosocomial BSI, such as patients With burns or resistance to bacterial infections, patients undergoing cancer treatments, hemodialysis, or transplanta tion, and patients receiving emergency care. With a large number of patients falling into these high-risk categories, reducing nosocomial BSI Would offer a signi?cant societal bene?t. Another approach for reducing BSI is to directly inhibit the bacterial mechanisms that form bio?lms. Bacteria have no knoWn resistance to bio?lm inhibitors. Minocycline and rifampin have been used Widely to treat infections, and microbial resistance to these antibi otics is emerging. A study of an intensive care unit revealed that six out of seven vancomycin-resistant enterococci Were resistant to rifampin (Hanna, H. A., et. al, “Antibiotic Impregnated Catheters Associated With Signi?cant Decrease in Nosocomial and Multidrug-Resistant Bacteremias in Critically Ill Patients”, Chest. 143(3):1030-1038). Bio?lm inhibitors could extend the product life of current antibiot ics. To date, doxycycline, an analog of minocycline, is a ?rst-line therapy for inhalation and cutaneous anthrax. With the dramatically increased threat of bioterrorism, prevention of the emergence of resistance to this class of antibiotic is crucial. Recently, it has been reported that Bacillus anthracis are resistant to cipro?oxacin (Price, L. B., et. al., “In vitro selection and characteriZation of Bacillus anthracis mutants With high-level resistance to cipro?oxacin”, Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 57:2362-2365, 2003). Clearly, microbes acquire antibiotic resistance quickly, challenging research In the United States, the market for antibiotics is ers to develop neW antibiotics. Bio?lm inhibitors provide an greater than $8.5 billion. After cardiovascular therapeutics, alternate strategy to control dangerous, and possibly lethal, antibiotics are the second largest drug market in the United States. The siZe and groWth of this market are continually fueled by an increased resistance to conventional antibac terial therapies, With approximately 70% of bacteria found in hospitals resisting at least one of the most commonly prescribed antibacterials. Bio?lms are involved in 65% of human bacterial infections. Accordingly, bio?lm inhibitors could signi?cantly affect the antibiotic market. bacterial infection. Bio?lm inhibitors are not likely to trigger groWth-resistance mechanisms or affect the groWth of the normal human ?ora. [0012] [0013] Antibiotics traditionally have been discovered using the susceptibility test methods of the National Com mittee for Clinical Laboratory Standards (NCCLS), Which identify compounds that speci?cally effect groWth or the killing of bacteria. These methods involve inoculation of bacterial species in a suitable groWth medium, folloWed by the addition of a test compound and plot of the bacterial groWth over a time period post-incubation. These antibiotics [0017] Bio?lm inhibitors act speci?cally on the biological mechanisms that provide bacteria protection from antibiot ics and a host’s immune system. In one study of urinary catheters, rifampin Was unable to eradicate methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus in a bio?lm but Was effec tive against planktonic, or suspended cells (Jones, S. M., et. al., “Effect of vancomycin and rifampicin on methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus bio?lms”, Lancet. 357:40 41, 2001). A bio?lm inhibitor, co-administered With an antibiotic that alone is unable to clear a bio?lm, for example, can disrupt the bio?lm protection sufficiently to alloW the antibiotic to reach the bacteria, eliminate them and prevent a recurring infection. are not effective therapeutics for chronic infections involv ing bio?lms because these NCCLS methods do not test [0018] compounds in a preformed bio?lm. Accordingly, the meth treatment of acne. Acne vulgaris is the most common Bio?lm inhibitors can also be employed for the ods of the NCCLS used to identify current antibiotics do not cutaneous disorder. Propionibaclerium acnes, Which is the apply to chronic infections involving bio?lms. [0014] When compounds are employed as bio?lm inhibi tors, they inhibit, reduce, prevent, or remove bio?lms pro duced by microorganisms. The bio?lm may offer a selective predominant microorganism occurring in acne, reside in advantage to the microorganism to ensure its survival or alloW it an undetermined amount of time to exist dormant until suitable groWth conditions arise. The bio?lm may directly or indirectly cause a disease or unfavorable health condition in a host. Bio?lm inhibitors used to treat or prevent chronic infections from microorganisms or bio?lm inhibitor-impregnated or coated medical devices offer numerous advantages. [0015] Bio?lm inhibitors have an alternative mechanism of action. Currently, successful treatment of nosocomial bio?lms. Its existence in a bio?lm matrix provides a pro tective, physical barrier that limits the effectiveness of antimicrobial concentrations (Burkhart, C. N. et. al., “Micro biology’s principle of bio?lms as a major factor in the pathogenesis of acne vulgaris”, International J. of Derma tology. 42:925-927, 2003). Bio?lm inhibitors may be used to prevent, control, reduce, or eradicate R acnes bio?lms. [0019] Furthermore, bio?lm inhibitors can be employed to improve contact lens hygiene. Investigations on the occur rence of bacterial bio?lms on contact lens have shoWn that up to 80 percent of contact lens Wearers experienced con tamination of lens cases. Bacteria protected by the bio?lm can be resistant to current lens disinfectant systems Oct. 12, 2006 US 2006/0228384 A1 (McLaughlin, B. L. et. al., “Bacterial Bio?lm on contact lenses and in lens storage cases in Wearers With microbial keratitis”, J. ofApplied Microbiology 84(5):827-838, 1998). The use of bio?lm inhibitors may prevent, control, reduce, or eradicate bacterial bio?lms on contact lens. [0020] Accordingly, for the reasons discussed above and others, there continues to be a need for a means to control bio?lm and its formation. SUMMARY [0021] Accordingly, the present invention provides a method for preventing, reducing, inhibiting or removing a bio?lm comprising contacting the bio?lm or contacting a cell capable of forming a bio?lm With an effective amount of palmitoleic acid, Wherein the composition prevents, [0030] FIG. 2 shoWs the HPLC/UV puri?cation chro matograms for Hit 39 from Penstemon centranthifolius. [0031] FIG. 3 shoWs the proton NMR spectra for Hit 39 from Penstemon centranthifolius. [0032] FIG. 4 shoWs the HPLC/UV puri?cation chro matograms for Hit 37 from Sambucus mexicana. [0033] FIG. 5 shoWs the proton NMR spectra for Hit 37 from Sambucus mexicana. DETAILED DESCRIPTION [0034] Accordingly, the present invention provides a method for preventing, reducing, inhibiting or removing a bio?lm comprising contacting the bio?lm or contacting a reduces, inhibits or removes the bio?lm. cell capable of forming a bio?lm With an effective amount [0022] Still, the present invention provides a method for controlling acne, comprising administering to a subject of palmitoleic acid, Wherein the composition prevents, a?licted With acne an effective amount of an anti-acne composition comprising palmitoleic acid, Wherein the amount of the palmitoleic acid in the anti-acne composition is suf?cient to prevent, reduce, inhibit or remove a bio?lm. [0023] The present invention also provides a method for controlling a chronic bacterial infection, comprising admin reduces, inhibits or removes the bio?lm. [0035] In an embodiment, the cell is selected from the group consisting of Streptococcus spp. including, but not limited to, Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus sobrinus, Streptococcus pyogenes, and Streptococcus pneumoniae, and Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylo istering to a subject in need thereof an effective amount of coccus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Propionibacte rium acnes, Enterococcus faecium, Enterococcus faecalis, a composition comprising palmitoleic acid, Wherein the and Haemophilus in?uenzae. amount is effective to prevent, inhibit, reduce, or remove a [0036] Palmitoleic acid does not appear to be toxic as it can be readily found in foods. Palmitoleic acid can be found bio?lm. [0024] In addition, the present invention provides a method for identifying an agent capable of preventing, reducing, inhibiting or removing a bio?lm, comprising a) in, for example, animal fat products, vegetable oil, olive oil, macadamia nut oil, sea buckthom oil and peanut butter products. contacting a bio?lm With the agent, Wherein the agent is a derivative of a palmitoleic acid; b) quantifying the bio?lm before and after contacting the bio?lm With the agent; and c) selecting the agent that prevents, reduces, inhibits or removes at least about 50% of the bio?lm, Wherein the agent does not inhibit bacterial groWth When the concentration amount of the agent is at least tWice the amount needed to prevent, reduce, inhibit, or remove at least 50% of the bio?lm. [0025] Furthermore, the present invention provides a phar maceutical composition for reducing, preventing, inhibiting or removing bio?lm formation comprising a pharmaceuti cally acceptable carrier or diluent and a therapeutically effective amount of 0.01 to 50% of palmitoleic acid. [0026] The present invention also provides an animal food composition comprising palmitoleic acid, Wherein the ani mal food composition promotes animal dental hygiene by preventing, reducing, inhibiting or removing a bio?lm. [0027] In addition, the present invention provides a den tifrice composition comprising palmitoleic acid, Wherein the dentifrice composition promotes dental hygiene by prevent ing, reducing, inhibiting or removing a bio?lm. [0028] The present invention further provides a nebuliZer for administration of a composition to a subject, Wherein the composition comprises palmitoleic acid and Wherein the TABLE 2 Examples of palmitoleic acid in plant oils and food. % Palmitoleic Acid Animal fat, bacon grease Olive oil Vegetable oil, soybean lecithin Peanut Butter Sea buckthom seed oil Macadamia nut oil 2.7 0.3*3.5 0.4 0*8 9.0 12*22 [0037] Palmitoleic acid can also be found in macadamia nuts. Macadamia nuts consist of approximately 75% fat, of Which palmitoleic acid is approximately 12% to 22%. A reasonable serving of macadamia nuts Would be approxi mately 50 grams. Therefore, at a minimum, an individual Would consume approximately 4.5 grams of palmitoleic acid While eating a reasonable portion of macadamia nuts. An enriched diet containing macadamia nuts signi?cantly decreases the plasma total cholesterol, loW density lipopro tein cholesterol, and triacylglycerol concentrations in plasma (Yang, Baoru et. al., “Effects of dietary supplemen tation With sea buckthom seed and pulp oils on atopic dermatitis”, J. Nutr. Biochem. 10:622-630, 1999). composition prevents, reduces, inhibits or removes a bio ?lm. [0038] Palmitoleic acid can also be found in sea buckthom oil. A topical application of sea buckthom oil on burned, BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE FIGURES [0029] FIG. 1 shoWs the chemical structure of the com humans and experimental animals have shoWn healing and anti-in?ammatory effects (Yang, Baoru et al., “Effects of dietary supplementation With sea buckthom seed and pulp pound of the present invention and its analogs or derivatives. scaled, Wounded, and radioactively damaged skins of both Oct. 12, 2006 US 2006/0228384 A1 oils on atopic dermatitis”, J. Nutr. Biochem. 10:622-630, 1999). Further, treatment With sea buckthom reduces the serum levels of laminin, hyaluronic acid, total bile acid, collagen types III and IV in patients With liver cirrhosis (Gao, Ze-Li et al., “Effect of Sea buckthorn on liver ?brosis: A clinical study”, World J Gastroenterol. 9(7):l615-1617, 2003). [0039] As can be appreciated, palmitoleic acid has many bene?cial medicinal values. Its prevalence in food suggests that it is safe and non-toxic to animals at high doses. The disclosure herein describes a novel use for palmitoleic acid in the control of bio?lm and/or its formation. Palmitoleic acid may potentially provide a safe means to control, remedy or treat a variety of conditions involving bio?lms. tobramycin, clindamycin, cipro?oxacin, tetracyclines, rifampin, triclosan, ox?oxacin, macrolides, penicillins, cephalosporins, amoXicillin/clavulante, quinupristin/dalfo pristin, amoXicillin/sulbactum, metronidaZole, ?uoroquino lones, quinolones, ketolides, or aminoglycosides. [0044] In still another embodiment, the dentifrice compo sition is selected from the group consisting of toothpastes, toothpoWders, liquid dentifrices, mouth detergents, mouth Washes, troches, cheWing gums, dental or gingival massage creams, dental strips, dental gels, and gargle tablets. In many instances, an antimicrobial or the agent controlling the bio?lm alone does not resolve the medical condition or disease. The disclosure herein describes the discovery that, When used in combination With at least one antimicrobial agent, palmitoleic acid provides a signi?cant synergistic [0040] Plaque bio?lms contribute to cavities and and periodontitis. Plaque bio?lm accumulates because of bacte e?fect. rial coloniZation by Slreplococci spp. such as S. mulans, S. [0045] sobrinas, S. gordonii, and Porphyromonas gingivalis, and minant Directs the Species-Species Adherence of Porphy order. Propionibaclerium acnes, Which is the predominant microorganism present in acne, reside in bio?lms. The bio?lm matrix provides a protective, physical barrier that romonas gingivalis to Oral Streptococci, Infection and limits the e?fectiveness of antimicrobial against R acnes. Aclinomyces spp (Demuth, D. et al. Discrete Protein Deter Immunity, 2001, 69(9) p5736-5741; Xie, H., et al. Interge neric Communication in Dental Plaque Bio?lms. J. Bacte Acne vulgaris is the most common cutaneous dis [0046] The present invention, therefore, provides a riol. 2000, 182(24), p 7067-7069). The primary coloniZing method for controlling acne, comprising administering to a bacteria of plaque accumulation are Slreplococci spp. and R gingivalis is a leading cause of periodontitis (Demuth, D. et al. Discrete Protein Determinant Directs the Species-Species acne composition comprising palmitoleic acid, Wherein the Adherence of Porphyromonas gingivalis to Oral Strepto is su?icient to prevent, reduce, inhibit or remove a bio?lm. cocci, Infection and Immunity, 2001, 69(9) p5736-5741). [0047] As used in herein, “control” or “controlling” refers to the treatment and prevention of acne. Preferably, palmi Bio?lm inhibitors can be employed to prevent microorgan isms from adhering to surfaces like teeth that may be porous, subject al?icted With acne an e?fective amount of an anti amount of the palmitoleic acid in the anti-acne composition toleic acid prevents, reduces, inhibits or removes a bio?lm soft, hard, semi-soft, semi-hard, regenerating, or non-regen of Propionibaclerium acnes. Preferably, the antimicrobial erating. These surfaces can be the polyurethane material of agent is an antibiotic. The antibiotic may be selected from central venous catheters, or metal, alloy, or polymeric sur faces of medical devices, or regenerating proteins of cellular the group consisting of tobramycin, clindamycin, ciprof loxacin, tetracyclines, rifampin, triclosan, ox?oxacin, mac membranes of mammals, or the enamel of teeth. These rolides, penicillins, cephalosporins, amoXicillin/clavulante, inhibitors can be coated on or impregnated into these surfaces prior to use, or administered at a concentration quinupristin/dalfopristin, amoXicillin/sulbactum, metronida Zole, ?uoroquinolones, quinolones, ketolides, or aminogly surrounding these surfaces to control, reduce, or eradicate the microorganisms adhering to these surfaces. cosides. [0048] Preferably, the anti-acne composition comprises [0041] Therefore, another embodiment of the present betWeen about 0.01% to about 50% of palmitoleic acid. invention is a method for preventing, reducing, inhibiting or removing a bio?lm comprising contacting the bio?lm or contacting a cell capable of forming a bio?lm With an e?fective amount of a composition comprising palmitoleic acid, Wherein the composition further comprises a dentifrice. [0049] The anti-acne composition may be topically administered. Preferably, the anti-acne composition is applied to the skin of the subject. The anti-acne composition [0042] The present invention also provides a dentifrice composition comprising palmitoleic acid, Wherein the den tifrice composition promotes dental hygiene by preventing, reducing, inhibiting or removing a bio?lm. In one embodi may be a cream, gel, emollient or soap. Preferably, the subject is a mammal. More preferably, the mammal is a mouse or rat. Even more preferably, the mammal is a human. [0050] In another embodiment, the concentration of palmitoleic acid in the anti-acne composition is about consisting of toothpaste, toothpoWder, liquid dentifrice, 0.01%, more preferably about 0.1% to about 5.0%. Because palmitoleic acid can be readily found in food and poses mouth detergent, mouthWash, troches, cheWing gum, dental limited toxicity, the present invention contemplates that or gingival massage cream, dental strip, dental gel, and gargle tablet. Preferably, the dentifrice composition com prises about 0.01% to about 20% of palmitoleic acid. More about 1.0% to 50% of palmitoleic acid in the anti-acne composition may be administered to control acne. ment, the dentifrice composition is selected from the group preferably, the dentifrice composition comprises about 2% of palmitoleic acid. [0051] In yet another embodiment, the anti-acne compo [0043] In another embodiment, the dentifrice composition sition further comprises at least one antimicrobial agent. Preferably, the antimicrobial agent is an antibiotic. The antibiotic may be selected from the group consisting of further comprises at least one antimicrobial agent. Prefer ably, the antimicrobial agent is an antibiotic. The antibiotic may be selected from the folloWing group consisting of tobramycin, clindamycin, cipro?oxacin, tetracyclines, rifampin, triclosan, ox?oxacin, macrolides, penicillins, cephalosporins, amoXicillin/clavulante, quinupristin/dalfo Oct. 12, 2006 US 2006/0228384 A1 pristin, amoxicillin/sulbactum, metronidaZole, ?uoroquino lones, quinolones, ketolides, or aminoglycosides [0052] Akamatsu et al., Arch Dermatol Res (1990) 282:449-454 described that acne could be treated with anti-in?ammatory compounds, such as free fatty acids and metronidaZole. The article taught that while a combination of palmitoleic acid and metranidaZole reduces in?ammatory mediators of neutrophils, neither compound alone could effectively inhibit the growth of Propionibacterium aches. The authors used approximately 2 ug/ml of palmitoleic acid with 100 ug/ml of metranidaZole to inhibit the in vitro growth of Propionibacterium acnes. The authors applied methods similar to that set forth by the National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards (NCCLS). Only a very small amount of palmitoleic acid was used because the authors believed that while metranidaZole affected the grow of R aches, palmitoleic acid merely reduced the in?amma tion associated with acne. The present inventors determined that 2 ug/ml of palmitoleic acid would be ineffective in controlling bio?lm, especially for in vivo use. This may explain why the application of an antibiotic alone to the skin of a subject with acne (even assuming that the skin naturally has palmitoleic acid), does not resolve the acne. [0053] Willie et al., Skin Pharmacol. Appl. Skin Physiol. (2003) 16:176-187 offer another perspective on the role of palmitoleic acid. Willie et al. taught that palmitoleic acid could inhibit the growth of Gram-positive bacteria (typical minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) value of 10-20 ug/ml), but could not inhibit the growth of Gram-negative bacteria such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Escherichia coli, or Propionibacterium acnes and several methicillin resistant strains of Staphylococcus aureus. For example, palmitoleic acid failed to inhibit the growth of R aches even at a high concentration, such as 125 ug/ml, using methods similar to that prescribed by the NCCLS. Willie et al. described that palmitoleic acid could inhibit the growth of gram-positive bacteria, such as strains of Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus salivarius, but concluded that it had no inhibitory effect on clinical strains of Staphylococcus aureus at 100 ug/ml, suggesting that palmitoleic acid might crobial, which usually indicates the presence of bio?lms, it has been only recently that bio?lms have been implicated as the reason these infections are very difficult to treat and eradicate (Harrison-Balestra, C. et al. A Wound-isolated Pseudomonas aeruginosa Grow a Bio?lm In Vitro Within 10 Hours and Is VisualiZed by Light Microscopy. Dermatol Surg 2003, 29, p. 631-635; Edwards, R., et al. Bacteria and wound healing. Curr Opin Infect Dis, 2004, 17, p. 91-96). In fact, it is estimated that approximately 140,000 amputations occur each year in the United States due to chronic wound infections that cannot be successfully treated with conven tional antibiotics. This is another clear unmet medical con dition that conventional antibiotics have been unable to resolve. It has also been suggested that treating these infec tions with high doses of antibiotics over long time periods has been a contributor to the development of antibiotic resistance (Howell-Jones, R. S., et al. A review of the microbiology, antibiotic usage and resistance in chronic skin wounds. J. Antimicrob. Ther. January 2005). Bio?lm inhibi tors in combination therapy with antibiotics have great potential to make an impact at treating chronic wounds. [0056] With bio?lms, microbes can resist antibiotics at concentrations ranging from 1 to 1.5 thousand times higher than conventional antibiotic therapy. Similarly, during an infection, bacteria surrounded by bio?lms are rarely resolved by the immune defense mechanisms. Costerton, Stewart, and Greenberg, leaders in the ?eld of bio?lms, have proposed that in a chronic infection, a bio?lm gives bacteria a selective advantage by reducing the penetration of an antibiotic into the depths needed to completely eradicate the bacteria’s existence. Clearly, bio?lms play a signi?cant role in chronic infections, the treatment of which represents a large market whose needs have not been met. [0057] A typical chronic lung infection is in the lungs of cystic ?brosis patients. The principal organism found in the lungs of cystic ?brosis patients is Pseudomonas aeroginosa. The bacteria exist within a bio?lm. Presently, current anti biotics, speci?cally antibacterial compounds, cannot provide effective treatment of chronic infections, because antibiotic therapy fails to eradicate the bio?lm. The Cystic Fibrosis not be useful in a medical treatment. Interestingly, no Foundation estimated that approximately 30,000 patients synergistic effect was observed when palmitoleic acid and an antimicrobial agent, mupirocin, was used against Gram have cystic ?brosis in the United States. Research supports the conclusion that therapeutics that interfere with the for mation of bio?lms might assist in the treatment of these positive bacteria. [0054] The present invention also provides a method for controlling a chronic bacterial infection, comprising admin patients. [0058] Bio?lm inhibitors can be used to prevent the istering to a subject in need thereof an effective amount of attachment of Helicobactor pylori to gastric epithelial cells a composition comprising palmitoleic acid, wherein the preventing their eventual invasion into these cells or inhib amount is effective to prevent, inhibit, reduce, or remove a iting or reducing subsequent virulence factors which result bio?lm. in in?ammation. Bio?lm inhibitors can also be used to prevent or reduce the risks associated with the virulence [0055] Chronic wound infections are problematic because they are difficult to eradicate or routinely recur. Diabetic foot ulcers, venous leg ulcers, arterial leg ulcers, and pressure ulcers are the most common types of chronic wounds. Of these four types of chronic wounds, diabetic foot ulcers appear to be the most prevalent. These wounds are typically factors of H. pylori, for example, by reducing arterial damage which can lead to an increased risk of stroke. As treatments for urinary tract infections, bio?lm inhibitors can be used to prevent, control, reduce, or eradicate the popu lation of E. coli that reside intracellularly in bladder cells. coloniZed by multiple species of bacteria including Staphy [0059] Examples 1, 2, 4 and 8 herein demonstrates that lococcus spp., Streptococcus spp., Pseudomonas spp. and palmitoleic acid acts as a bio?lm inhibitor by reducing the Gram-negative bacilli (Lipsky, B. Medical Treatment of Diabetic Foot Infections. Clin. Infect. Dis. 2004, 39, p.S 104-14). Even though clinical evidence has shown for quite attachment of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcos epidermidis, Escherichia coli, Streptococcus mutans, and some time that these chronic wound infections are polymi Streptococcus sobrinas to surfaces. The invention demon strates that palmitoleic acid exhibits bio?lm inhibition and Oct. 12, 2006 US 2006/0228384 A1 reduction against bacteria that are genetically diverse from infection may result from an infection of bacteria selected each other as listed in the examples. These bacteria are from the group consisting of Streptococcus spp. including Gram-positive and Gram-negative and from clinical and laboratory strains. Due to the diversity of the bacteria shoWn in the examples of the speci?cation, palmitoleic acid exhib its broad spectrum bio?lm inhibition. Therefore, the examples are not meant to limit the scope of the invention against only the bacteria examined, but only to provide su?icient evidence that palmitoleic acid exhibits broad spec trum bio?lm inhibition and reduction. The examples also speci?cally demonstrate that palmitoleic acid can reduce a mature bio?lm With and Without antibiotic. Examples 5 and 6 shoWs that palmitoleic acid can be applied to reduce the sustainability of pre-formed bio?lms With an antibiotic. Because bio?lm contributes to many chronic bacterial infec tions, these examples strongly support the use of palmitoleic acid and possibly its analogs or derivatives described herein in the treatment of chronic bacterial infections, such as lung and ear infections. The results of the examples and descrip tions in the speci?cation also teach the distinct difference betWeen the methods used to discover bio?lm inhibitors like palmitoleic acid and the NCCLS methods used to discover conventional antibiotics. Furthermore, it becomes clear to those skilled in the art Why chronic infections are not resolved by conventional antibiotics: conventional antibiot ics Were identi?ed according to the NCCLS methods Which do not represent the bio?lms found in chronic infections. [0060] As demonstrated in Example 5, palmitoleic acid may be administered alone to a subject for a treatment period. After this treatment period, an antibiotic With the compound could then be administered to the subject for a but not limited to Streptococcus pyogenes, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Propi onibacterium aches, and Haemophilus in?uenzae. [0064] The present invention further provides a nebuliZer for administration of a composition to a subject, Wherein the composition comprises palmitoleic acid and Wherein the composition prevents, reduces, inhibits or removes a bio ?lm. Preferably, the composition prevents, reduces, inhibits or removes a bio?lm in the lungs of the subject. Still preferably, the composition comprises about 0.1% to about 2.0% palmitoleic acid. [0065] In addition, the present invention provides a method for identifying an agent capable of preventing, reducing, inhibiting or removing a bio?lm, comprising a) contacting a bio?lm With the agent, Wherein the agent is a derivative of a palmitoleic acid; b) quantifying the bio?lm before and after contacting the bio?lm With the agent; and c) selecting the agent that prevents, reduces, inhibits or removes at least about 50% of the bio?lm, Wherein the agent does not inhibit bacterial groWth When the concentration amount of the agent is at least tWice the amount needed to prevent, reduce, inhibit, or remove at least 50% of the bio?lm. Preferably, the bio?lm is quanti?ed by staining the bio?lm With a dye and measuring the stained bio?lm using a spectrophotometer to obtain the quantitative value for the mass of each bio?lm. The bio?lm is preferably a mature combined treatment period. Alternatively, the compound bio?lm. That is, “mature” refers to a bio?lm that is fully developed and shoWs resistance to knoWn antibiotics. could be repeatedly administered alone to the subject to continually reduce the formation of neW bio?lms. [0066] The present application also describes novel com pounds that alfect bio?lm formation. (See FIG. 1). The [0061] compounds can prevent or reduce the formation of bio?lms or reduce the sustainability of a bio?lm. The methods In an embodiment, the composition to control the chronic bacterial infection further comprises at least one antimicrobial agent. Preferably, the antimicrobial agent is an antibiotic. The antibiotic may be selected from the group consisting of tobramycin, clindamycin, cipro?oxacin, tetra cyclines, rifampin, triclosan, ox?oxacin, macrolides, peni cillins, cephalosporins, amoxicillin/clavulante, quinupristin/ dalfopristin, amoxicillin/sulbactum, metronidaZole, ?uoroquinolones, quinolones, ketolides, or aminoglyco sides. Preferably, the subject is a mammal. More preferably, the mammal is a mouse or rat. Even more preferably, the mammal is a human. [0062] Bio?lms provide a structural matrix that facilitates bacterial adhesion to the inert surfaces of medical device implants and venous catheters. The bacteria also attach to mammalian cells. For the 5 million central venous catheters that are implanted each year, microscopic studies con?rm that all of these catheters are coated by bacteria embedded in bio?lms. More than 1 million patients develop urinary tract infections from catheters. [0063] Accordingly, in an embodiment of the present invention, the chronic bacterial infection is selected from the group consisting of urinary tract infection, gastritis, lung infection, cystitis, pyelonephritis, arterial damage, otitis media, leprosy, tuberculosis, benign prostatic hyperplasia, chronic prostatitis, osteomyelitis, bloodstream infection, skin infection, rosacea, open Wound infection, chronic Wound infection, and sinus infection. The chronic bacterial described in the speci?cation and the examples involve ?rst, identifying compounds that inhibit the attachment of bacte ria to surfaces (plastic or epithelial cells), Which involve bio?lms, and second, testing the compounds against a pre formed bio?lm that is resistant to an antibiotic. This proce dure simulates chronic mammalian infections, by exposing the bacteria to the bio?lm inhibitor and determining if the inhibitor can reduce or modify the bio?lm With or Without the presence of an antibiotic. [0067] Other analogs and derivatives of palmitoleic could potentially be used to control bio?lm. Accordingly, the present inventor has produced a compound library using the method previously described (Eldridge, G. R. et. al., 2002; Cremen, Peadar A. et. al., 2002). The compound samples have corresponding preparative HPLC elution conditions that are tracked With a bar code system, so that the exact gradient elution conditions of any sample in the library could be recalled. The ability to rapidly isolate the com pounds in the active samples is achieved by utiliZing starting conditions from the preparative HPLC separation and apply ing these to the semi-preparative HPLC system. With this information, precise starting HPLC conditions are used to loWer the gradient elution conditions to rapidly develop a method to isolate the compounds in the active samples. The individual compounds are then submitted for re-screening in the bio?lm inhibition assays to identify the active com pound(s). By “bio?lm inhibition”, it is meant that the Oct. 12, 2006 US 2006/0228384 A1 compound prevents, reduces, inhibits or removes a bio?lm formation or a bio?lm that is fully developed. [0068] After screening 12,000 samples produced from a compound library of plants according to similar methods as described in Example 1, samples that exhibited bio?lm [0072] FIGS. 2 and 4 illustrate the HPLC collection chromatograms of the compounds isolated from tWo samples, Hits 39 and 37. The active compounds from Hit 39 Were isolated from Penstemon cenlranlhifolius (Scorphu lariales) collected in North America. The active compounds Inhibiton Assay results presented in Table 1, one compound from Hit 39, SF382 con?rmed bio?lm inhibition after puri from Hit 37 Were isolated from Sambucus mexicana (Capri foliaceae) collected in North America. The chemical struc tures of the bio?lm inhibitors are determined using a 600 ?cation. As can be seen from the adjacent column (bacterial MHZ NMR spectrometer equipped With a CapNMR probe. inhibition Were identi?ed. As is evident from the Bio?lm growth prior to rinsing the assay Wells), this inhibition is not due to the inhibition of bacterial groWth. Thus, the percent age of bacteria attached (Within the bio?lm) versus free ?oating compared to untreated (negative) control has shifted toWard free-?oating upon addition of the treatment. Com [0073] Hit 37 and 39 Were generated from Sambucus mexicana Presl. (leaf and ?oWer extract) and from Penste mon cenlranlhifolius Benth. (Whole plant extract), respec tively. The common names for the source plants are Blue pound SF382 Was particularly active, reducing the formation of bio?lm by 50% compared to negative control. Compound SF382 is represented by structure (I). Elderberry and Scarlet bugler (or Beardtongue), respec tively. Sambucus is in the Family Caprifoliaceae, Order Dipsacales; Penstemon is from the family Scrophulariaceae, [0069] As can be seen in the second part of Table 1, the Asteridae. The Asteridae also contains Asters, Dogbanes, Detachment Assay results, the selected compounds detached signi?cant portions of a preformed bio?lm When compared Mints and other taxa knoWn to produce a Wide range of to the untreated (negative) control. Compound SF397 Was particularly active With a detachment of 27% after one hour incubation time. [0070] FIGS. 3 and 5 shoW the analysis of an NMR data; the data reveal that the active compounds isolated from Hits 37 and 39 are structurally similar. They all consist of a beta-galactoglyceryl moiety esteri?ed via the terminal glyc erol hydroxy functionality to a fatty acid. Aromatic func tionality has not been previously reported. An extensive literature search has revealed that the benZoyl containing compounds SF382, SF383, SF386, SF390, and SF397 are Order Scrophulariales. Both orders are in the Class chemical repellants. Because Classes and Orders are fairly large taxonomic groupings it is safe to suggest that While the tWo plants are clearly related, the relationship is someWhat distant. [0074] In addition to being from the same Class, the tWo plants share similar biogeography. Both are Woodland plants from California and both tend to groW in open spaces beloW 3000 meters. The Elderberry tends toWards moister climates than the Beardtongue, but neither is found in a truly arid environment. It Would not be surprising to ?nd that tWo plants in the same taxonomic Class and sharing the same environment Would evolve similar compounds. TABLE 1 Bio?lm Inhibition and Detachment of the Isolated Compounds from the Active Samples Bio?lm Inhibition Assay % Growth Isolated Sample Compound Hit 39 SF382 SF383 SP3 84 SF390 7 —4 2 —4 50 4 19 21 4 1 5 0 SF391 —7 —1 —4 3 11 SF397 0 5 3 9 27 100 0 100 100 0 Negative Control novel structures. While compound SF391 is knoWn in the art, the present inventors have shoWn herein that this com pound can prevent, reduce, inhibit or remove a bio?lm. Similarly, none of structures described herein have previ ously been reported as bio?lm inhibitors. [0071] Compound SF382 exhibited potent bio?lm inhibi % Bio?lm % GroWth Active Hit 37 % Detachment Assay GroWth Inhibition Before After % Compound Compound Detachment 14 1 11 4 15 15 19 15 [0075] Analogs and moieties of palmitoleic acid Were tested as mentioned in Example 1. The analogs also include oleic acid, ricinoleic acid, 1-O-hexyadecyl-2,3-dipalmitoyl rac-glycerol, and 1-palmitoyl-2-oleyl-3-linoleoyl-rac-glyc erol, Which each exhibited bio?lm inhibition from approxi mately 20% to 40%. Preferably, the analog has a 16-carbon conjugated chain. Unlike palmitoleic acid and compound SF382, palmitic acid lacks the double bond conjugation and tion. SF382 contains a hexadecadienoyl fatty acid side chain. The other compounds carry a linolenoyl fatty acid side chain. The hexadecadienoyl appears to be a signi?cant contributor to bio?lm inhibition. This hypothesis lead to the [0076] FIG. 1 lists the compounds prepared and tested for discovery of palmitoleic acid. bio?lm inhibition as described in Example 1. The com does not inhibit the formation of bio?lms. Oct. 12, 2006 US 2006/0228384 A1 pounds Were prepared based on the discovery of the novel function of palmitoleic acid in controlling bio?lm as described herein. The compounds are represented by the composition may further comprise at least one antimicrobial agent. Preferably, the antimicrobial agent is an antibiotic. The antibiotic may be selected from the group consisting of following structures: tobramycin, clindamycin, cipro?oxacin, tetracyclines, rifampin, triclosan, ox?oxacin, macrolides, penicillins, cephalosporins, amoxicillin/clavulante, quinupristin/dalfo pristin, amoxicillin/sulbactum, metronidaZole, ?uoroquino SF 382 lones, quinolones, ketolides, or aminoglycosides. [0078] In another embodiment, the composition further KEY. comprises a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier and diluent. This pharmaceutical composition may further comprise at least one antimicrobial agent. Preferably, the antimicrobial agent is an antibiotic. The antibiotic may be selected from the group consisting of tobramycin, clindamycin, ciprof loxacin, tetracyclines, rifampin, triclosan, ox?oxacin, mac rolides, penicillins, cephalosporins, amoxicillin/clavulante, quinupristin/dalfopristin, amoxicillin/sulbactum, metronida Zole, ?uoroquinolones, quinolones, ketolides, or aminogly cosides. [0079] Furthermore, the present invention provides an animal food composition comprising palmitoleic acid, Wherein the animal food composition promotes animal den tal hygiene by preventing, reducing, inhibiting or removing a bio?lm. The bio?lm may be a dental plaque. In an embodiment, the animal food composition is a dry or SF 386 @YO A00 EXAMPLES [0080] The folloWing examples illustrate the testing of palmitoleic acid and related compounds and the preparation of formulations comprising palmitoleic acid. The examples 0 OH O HO semi-moist pet food composition. For example, the pet food composition is a pet biscuit. Alternatively, the pet food composition is applied to the surface of a cheWable pet toy. Preferably, the pet food composition is a dog or cat food. O demonstrate the many uses of palmitoleic acid and are not O intended to limit the scope of the present invention. OH , Example 1 O SF 390 \JYO HO Effect of Palmitoleic Acid on Bio?lm Inhibition [0082] In vitro bio?lm inhibition Was evaluated using a high-throughput method. This method uses standard pre steriliZed 96-Well polystyrene microtiter plates. Each Well O OH Was ?lled to a ?nal volume of 200 pl. Initially, a concen O HO [0081] With Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAOl and Staphylococcus epidermidis ATCC 29641. O trated compound solution is transferred into each Well, O except those Which are used as controls, to achieve an OH , O appropriate testing concentration, typically 10 ug/ml. 150 pl of sterile media Was then added, folloWed by 50 ul of or SF 397 A00 [0083] After the allotted groWth time, the samples Were OAc removed from the shaker, rinsed and stained. The rinse OH HO O bacterial inoculum. The plates Were then placed on a shaker for 24 hours. O involves ?rst draining the Wells, ?lling each Well With PBS, and draining each Well again. The rinse removes suspended O OH , O [0077] A composition comprising one or more of these compounds may be used to affect bio?lm formation. The cells from the system. The bio?lm Was then stained With crystal violet for 20 minutes. The Wells Were each rinsed 4 times to remove any excess stain from the system and then eluted With 250 pl of ethanol. The elution step improves the detection of the stain during the analyses. The plate Was then immediately analyZed With a microtiter plate reader. The Oct. 12, 2006 US 2006/0228384 A1 samples and controls Were analyzed in triplicate. Each plate contains negative and positive controls. The test samples Were compared to the positive and negative controls to detect any reduction in the total amount of bio?lm. Example 4 [0090] [0091] [0084] Palmitoleic acid at 10 ug/mL resulted in 55% bio?lm inhibition for R aeruginosa PA01 and 80% bio?lm inhibition for S. epidermidis ATCC 29641. Effect of Palmitoleic Acid on Bio?lm Inhibition of a clinical strain of Escherichia coli UT189. Dose response experiments Were conducted on palmitoleic acid as described in Example 2 at 4, 8, 16, and 32 ug/mL With E. coli UT189 in LB media. [0092] Palmitoleic acid inhibited bio?lm of E. coli UT189 by approximately 10% (4 ug/mL), 55% (8 ug/mL), 70% (16 Example 2 [0085] Palmitoleic acid and Bio?lm Formation With Wild Type Escherichia coli JM109. [0086] Bio?lm inhibition experiments Were conducted using an assay adapted from the reported protocol described in Pratt and Kolter, 1998, Molecular Microbiology, 30: 285-293; Li et al., 2001, J. Bacteriol., 183: 897-908. E. coli J M109 Was groWn in LB With or Without 0.2% glucose in 96 Well plates at 370 C. for tWo days Without shaking. To quantify the bio?lm mass, the suspension culture Was poured out and the bio?lm Was Washed three times With Water. The bio?lm Was stained With 0.1% crystal violet for 20 minutes. The plates Were then Washed three times With Water. OD reading at 540 nm Was measured to quantify the bio?lm mass at the bottom of the Wells. Then 95% ethanol Was added to dissolve the dye at the bottom and on the Wall and the OD reading at 540 nm Was measured to quantify the total bio?lm mass. To study the overall effect of palmitoleic acid (3.6 mg/mL in 100% ethanol as stock solution), it Was added With the inoculation and a time course of bio?lm mass Was measured. To study if the compound can cause bio?lm removal, it Was added one day after inoculation. Appropriate amounts of 100% ethanol Were added to each sample to eliminate the effect of solvent. Four plates Were prepared for each study to give a time course. Each condition had 3-4 replicates on each plate. ug/mL), and 80% (32 ug/mL) compared to controls. Example 5 [0093] Effect of palmitoleic acid and Tobramycin on Bio ?lm formation With Pseudomonas aeruginosa. [0094] Bio?lm formation of R aeruginosa Was evaluated using a standardiZed bio?lm method With a rotating disk reactor (RDR). This method provides a model resembling the formation of bio?lms in cystic ?brosis patients. The rotating disk reactor consists of a one-liter glass beaker ?tted With a drain spout. The bottom of the vessel contains a magnetically driven rotor With six 1.27 cm diameter cou pons constructed from polystyrene. The rotor consists of a star-head magnetic stir bar upon Which a disk Was af?xed to hold the coupons. The vessel With the stir bar Was placed on a stir plate and rotated to provide ?uid shear. A nutrient solution (AB Trace Medium With 0.3 mM glucose, see Table 3 beloW for composition) Was added through a stopper in the top of the reactor at a How rate of 5 ml/min. The reactor volume Was approximately 180 ml and varied slightly betWeen reactors depending on the placement of the drain spout and the rotational speed of the rotor. At a volume of 180 ml, the residence time of the reactors Was 36 minutes. The reactors Were operated at room temperature (ca. 260 C.). TABLE 3 Composition of the AB Trace Medium used for the RDR test. Component Formula groWth of E. coli JM109 When compared to controls, dem Disodium phosphate Na2HPO4 6.0 onstrating that palmitoleic acid is not an antibacterial com Monopotassium phosphate KH2PO4 3.0 3.0 [0087] Palmitoleic acid had no inhibitory effect on the pound. HoWever, When palmitoleic acid Was added With inoculation of E. coli, the compound, at approximately 20 uM, inhibited the total bio?lm formation by about 60% reduction as compared to the controls. Concentration (g/l) Sodium Chloride NaCl Ammonium sulfate (NH4)2SO4 2.0 Magnesium chloride MgCl2 0.2 Glucose Calcium chloride Sodium sulfate Ferric chloride C6O12H6 CaCl2 NaZSO4 FeCl3 0.054 0.010 0.011 0.00050 Example 3 [0088] Antibacterial effect of palmitoleic acid on methi cillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 33591 and 78-13607A). [0089] Using the appropriate NCCLS procedures, the anti bacterial elfect of palmitoleic acid on tWo strains of methi cillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 33591 and [0095] For each test, tWo RDRs Were operated in parallel With one receiving palmitoleic acid and the other serving as an untreated control. The RDRs Were steriliZed by auto clave, then ?lled With sterile medium and inoculated With Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain PAOl. The reactors Were then incubated at room temperature in batch mode (no medium ?oW) for a period of 24 hours, after Which the How 78-13607A) Was studied at 32 ug/mL. For both S. aureus ATCC 33591 and S. aureus ATCC 78-13607A, palmitoleic Was initiated for a further 24 hour incubation. Palmitoleic acid Was dissolved in 10 ml ethanol to achieve a concen acid had no inhibitory effect represented by an MIC (mini tration of 1.8 mg/ml. After the 48 hours of bio?lm devel mal inhibitory concentration) of greater than 32 ug/mL. These results along With the results described in Example 2, palmitoleic acid Was added to the reactor to achieve a ?nal opment described above, the 10 ml of ethanol containing further supports that palmitoleic acid is not an antibacterial concentration of approximately 100 ug/ml. Control reactors compound. received 10 ml of ethanol. The reactors Were then incubated Oct. 12, 2006 US 2006/0228384 A1 for an additional 24 hours in batch (no How) mode. After this incubation period, the six coupons Were removed from each reactor and placed in 12-Well polystyrene tissue culture plates With Wells containing either 2 ml of a 100 ug/ml tobramycin solution or 2 ml of phosphate-buffered saline (PBS). These plates Were incubated at room temperature for tWo hours. The coupons Were then rinsed by three transfers to plates containing 2 ml of fresh PBS. For each tWo RDR reactors run in parallel, four sets of three coupons Were obtained: one set With no test compound treatment and no tobramycin treatment, one set With no test compound treat ment and tobramycin treatment, one set treated With a test compound treatment and no tobramycin treatment, and one set treated With a test compound treatment and tobramycin. After rinsing, one coupon of each set of three Was stained With a LIVE/DEAD® BacLightTM Bacterial Viability Kit [0098] Peg lids Were rinsed three times in sterile Water, placed onto ?at-bottom microtiter plates containing bio?lm inhibitors at 10, 20, and 30 ug/ml in 100 pl of CAMHB per Well and incubated for 40 to 48 h at 37° C. [0099] Pegs Were rinsed, placed in a 0.1% (Wt/vol) crystal violet solution for 15 min, rinsed again, and dried for several hours. To solubiliZe adsorbed crystal violet, pegs Were incubated in 95% ethanol (150 pl per Well of a ?at-bottom microtiter plate) for 15 min. The absorbance Was read at 590 nm on a plate reader. The Wells containing palmitoleic acid Were compared to negative controls. Negative controls Were prepared as stated above but Without palmitoleic acid. [0100] Palmitoleic acid caused approximately 50% to 70% detachment of the mature bio?lms at 10, 20, and 30 ug/ml against three clinical strains of R aeruginosa. (Molecular Probes, Eugene Oreg.) and imaged using epif luorescent microscopy. The remaining tWo coupons Were placed in 10 ml of PBS and sonicated for ?ve minutes to remove and disperse bio?lm cells. The resulting bacterial suspensions Were then serially diluted in PBS and plated on Example 7 [0101] In Vitro Cytoxicity Assessment of palmitoleic acid in Human Hepatocytes. tryptic soy agar plates for enumeration of culturable bacte [0102] ria. The plates Were incubated for 24 hours at 37° C. before ity in human hepatocellular carcinoma cells (HepG2). colony forming units (CFU) Were determined. Palmitoleic acid Was tested at tWo concentrations of 30 and [0096] The combined treatment of palmitoleic acid and tobramycin resulted in a 60% reduction of CFUs for R aeruginosa compared to treatment With tobramycin alone. This clearly demonstrates that palmitoleic acid increased bio?lm susceptibility to tobramycin by modifying the bio ?lm. As a comparison to multiple published clinical studies, these results With palmitoleic acid and tobramycin demon strate that improved lung function (FEV or forced expiratory volume) and decreased average CFU (density) in sputum from patients With cystic ?brosis Would be observed in a combination therapy involving these compounds (Ramsey, Bonnie W. et. al., “Intermittent administration of inhaled Palmitoleic acid Was tested to assess its cytotoxic 60 uM in HepG2 cells in triplicate. Gross cytotoxicity Was assayed by ?uorometric detection in response to mitochon drial activity according to Nociari M M, et al. (1998) J. Immunol. Met. 213:157. ChlorpromaZine Was used as a positive control. [0103] Cytotoxicity of HepG2 cells Was not observed at palmitoleic acid concentrations of 30 or 60 uM. Example 8 [0104] Effect of Palmitoleic Acid on Bio?lm GroWth and Inhibition With Streptococcus mutans 25175 and Strepto tobramycin in patients With cystic ?brosis”, NeW England I. coccus sobrinus 6715. Medicine 340(1):23-30, 1999; Saiman, L. “The use of [0105] Palmitoleic acid Was tested against S. mutans 25175 and S. sobrinus 6715 at a concentration of 80 ug/ml using the method described in Example 2. The use of 1 mL polycarbonate tubes Were used in place of 96 Well polys terene microtiter plates. macrolide antibiotics in patients With cystic ?brosis”, Curr Opin Pulm Med, 2004, 10:515:523; PirZada, O. et al. “Improved lung function and body mass index associated With long-term use of Macrolide antibiotics.”, J. Cystic Fibrosis, 2003, 2, p. 69-71). Using the endpoints listed in these publications and used in Cystic Fibrosis clinical trials, this example demonstrates that a combined treatment of tobramycin and palmitoleic acid Would provide bene?t to Cystic Fibrosis patients or other people suffering from chronic lung infections. The research results of this example also demonstrate that palmitoleic acid in combination With an antibiotic Would remove bio?lms from teeth, skin, and other surfaces. Example 6 [0097] Effect of Palmitoleic Acid on Mature Bio?lms of clinical strains of R aeruginosa clinical isolates isolated from cystic ?brosis patients Were passed tWice on tryptic soy agar With 5% sheep blood after retrieval from —80° C. and then groWn overnight in CAMHB. After dilution of a culture to 0.5 McFarland in broth medium, 100 pl Was transferred in triplicate to Wells of a ?at-bottom 96-Well microtiter plate. Bacterial bio?lms Were formed by immersing the pegs of a [0106] Testing palmitoleic acid at 80 ug/mL against S. mutans 25175 and S. sobrinus 6715 shoWed greater than 75% bio?lm groWth inhibition. Example 9 [0107] In Vivo PK Study of Palmitoleic Acid in Rats. [0108] TWo groups of animals Were prepared to evaluate palmitoleic acid. Palmitoleic acid Was evaluated for tWo dose routes consisting of 50 mg/kg (IV) and 100 mg/kg (Oral). Three animals Were assigned to the IV route group and tWo animals Were assigned to the oral route group. Prior to dosing, a baseline blood sample Was taken from each animal. At time Zero, a single bolus dose of palmitoleic acid in 10% Cremophor (BASF) Was given to each animal. Blood samples Were taken from each animal at 1, 4, 12 and 24 hours post dosing. All blood samples Were processed to plasma. modi?ed polystyrene microtiter lid into this bio?lm groWth [0109] The plasma samples Were extracted by adding plate, folloWed by incubation at 37° C. for 20 hours With no internal standard at a concentration of 10 ug/mL to achieve a ?nal concentration of 2 ug/mL When reconstituted. A movement. Oct. 12, 2006 US 2006/0228384 A1 protein precipitation. The samples Were then vortexed and [0117] Formulations A and B Were stored for thirty days at 2° C. to 8° C., room temperature (approximately 22° C.), and centrifuged. The supernatant Was decanted and the solvent Was evaporated olf. Samples Were then analyZed and quan remained homogenous for thirty days. solution of 80:20 methanolzchloroform Was used to cause at 30° C. Both formulations at each storage condition ti?ed by LC/MS. [0110] The reported AUC for IV dosed rats Was 123 ug/ml/hr and the AUC for the orally dosed rats Was 219.71 ug/ml/hr. These data demonstrate that palmitoleic acid is in Example 12 [0118] Palmitoleic Acid, 2% Toothpaste Formulation sufficient quantities in serum of rats to demonstrate bio?lm [0119] Toothpaste preparations Were prepared containing inhibition or reduction. 2% palmitoleic acid With and Without antibiotic and With and Without polymer. Polymer, GantreZ S-97, Was added to improve retention of palmitoleic acid and antibiotic on teeth. Example 10 [0111] Palmitoleic Acid, 2% Topical Bio?lm Inhibitor Formulation. [0112] This invention provides topical bio?lm inhibitor preparations containing 2% by Weight palmitoleic acid. A similar formulation could be prepared as listed in this example With an antibiotic. [0120] All of the dry ingredients Were mixed together. Glycerin Was sloWly added While mixing. An aliquot of Water Was added sloWly and thoroughly mixed. Peppermint extract Was added and then the rest of the Water Was added While mixing. Palmitoleic acid and antibiotic Were then added until homogenous. [0113] Components of the oil phase are heated to 65° C., With constant stirring, until molten. Palmitoleic acid is added to the oil phase and stirred for 5 minutes. The aqueous phase is heated to 65° C. and stirred until complete solution is achieved. The aqueous phase is mixed With oil phase at the Formulation A Ingredients same temperature for 10 minutes. The cream is stirred and cooled to 40-45° C., before a vacuum of 1 bar is pulled. Stirring is continued until the cream reaches 250 C. Parts By Weight Sorbitol 20.0 Glycerin 22.0 Silica 20 Sodium lauryl sulfate 2.0 Xanthum gum 1 2.0 1.0 0.3 Palmitoleic Acid Peppermint extract Sodium ?uoride Water Formulation A Ingredients 31.7 Parts By Weight [0121] Oil Phase Mineral Oil 50.9 Stearyl Alcohol Cetyl Alcohol Phenoxy Ethanol BenZyl Alcohol 3.5 3.5 0.5 1.0 Palmitoleic Acid 2.0 Formulation B Ingredients Aqueous Phase Polyethylene Glycol 6.0 Xanthum Gum Water 0.2 32.4 Parts By Weight Sorbitol 20.0 Glycerin 22.0 Silica 20 Sodium lauryl sulfate 2.0 Xanthum gum Palmitoleic Acid 1 2.0 Peppermint extract Sodium ?uoride 1.0 0.3 2.5 29.2 GantreZ S-97 Water Example 11 [0114] Topical antibacterial gels Were prepared containing 5% of palmitoleic acid by Weight With and Without antibi otic. [0122] [0115] Formulation A. 0.5 gram of palmitoleic acid Was dissolved in 5.5 grams of ethanol. 0.2 grams of hydroxypro pyl methylcellulose Was added With gentle stirring until a homogenous solution Was obtained. 3.74 grams of Water Was then added With gentle shaking. [0116] Formulation B. 0.5 gram of palmitoleic acid Was dissolved in 5.5 grams of ethanol. 0.2 grams of aZithromycin Was dissolved in this solution. 0.2 grams of hydroxypropyl methylcellulose Was added With gentle stirring until a homogenous solution Was obtained. 3.74 grams of Water Was then added With gentle shaking. M Ingredients Parts By Weight Sorbitol 20.0 Glycerin 22.0 Silica 20 Sodium lauryl sulfate 2.0 Xanthum gum Palmitoleic Acid Triclosan 1 2.0 0.3 Oct. 12, 2006 US 2006/0228384 A1 strating that nebuliZation can be used to deliver this com pound to patients With lung infections. -continued Formulation C Ingredients Example 16 Parts By Weight Peppennint extract Sodium fluoride 1.0 0.3 Gantrez S-97 Water 2.5 28.9 [0131] Palmitoleic Acid, 2% Liquid Soap Formulation [0132] This invention provides a liquid soap preparation containing 2% by Weight palmitoleic acid With the following formulation. This liquid soap could be used daily on the face prior to going to sleep to prevent and reduce facial acne. [0123] Formulations A, B, and C Were prepared and stored for thirty days at 2° C. to 8° C., room temperature (approxi mately 22° C.), and at 30° C. Ingredients Example 13 [0124] [0125] Parts By Weight Palmitoleic Acid Ethanol 2.0 1.5 Propylene glycol 3.0 Palmitoleic Acid, 2% Mouth Rinse Formulation. Cellulose 1.5 Glycerol 16.0 This invention provides an oral care mouth rinse Tetrasodium EDTA preparation containing 2% by Weight palmitoleic acid With the following formulation. 0.30 Triethylalnine 10.0 Water 65.7 Example 17 Ingredients Parts By Weight Palmitoleic Acid Ethanol 2.00 10.00 [0133] Palmitoleic Acid, 2% Topical Burn and Wound Healing Formulation 7.00 [0134] This invention provides a topical preparation for Sorbitol (70%) Glycerol SodiuIn lauryl sulfate 10.00 9.00 0.30 treating burns and healing Wounds containing 2% by Weight Tauranol Flavor Water 0.20 0.10 61.4 Propylene glycol palmitoleic acid With the folloWing formulation. Ingredients Palmitoleic Acid Vitalnin E Example 14 2.0 0.3 Polyethylene glycol 400 Polyethylene glycol 4000 [0126] Palmitoleic Acid, Pharmaceutical Suspension For Water mulation for Aerosol Administration [0127] Parts By Weight 49.8 44.9 3.0 This invention provides a suspension aerosol for mulation comprising a therapeutically effective amount of about 0.1 to 0.5% by Weight of palmitoleic acid, about 5 to 12% by Weight of ethanol, about a 0.1 to 0.5% by Weight of oleic acid, and a propellant comprising HFC 227. [0135] [0128] The palmitoleic acid suspension aerosol formula containing palmitoleic acid. tion of this invention can be prepared by ?rst placing the palmitoleic acid in an aerosol vial. A mixture of the propel lant, oleic acid and ethanol can then be added, and the palmitoleic acid dispersed in the mixture. This formulation could be used to assist in the reduction and prevention of bacterial bio?lms in the lungs. [0137] It is preferred that the pet food of the present Example 15 Example 18 Dental Care Pet Food With Palmitoleic Acid [0136] This invention provides a pet food composition invention be a dry or semi-moist pet food, preferably a biscuit, but the description applies generally to dry pet foods such as pelletiZed dog or cat foods. [0138] The manufacture of such pet foods, particularly pet biscuits, generally involves the step of shaping and baking a dough containing the desired ingredients. The dental care biscuits of the present invention can be made from any [0129] Palmitoleic Acid, Pharmaceutical Formulation for suitable dough according to conventional techniques knoWn NebuliZation in the art. [0130] Solutions Were prepared comprising 2 mg/ml and 10 mg/ml of palmitoleic acid in ethanol/propylene glycol/ to palmitoleic acid, at least one ?our, meal, fat and Water. A [0139] The dough compositions may comprise, in addition conventional dough for dog biscuits may also comprise Water (85:10:5). These solutions Were nebuliZed separately by a ProNeb Ultra nebuliZer manufactured by PARl. The nebuliZed solutions Were collected in a cold trap, processed appropriately, and detected by mass spectrometry. Palmi particles of meat and/or meat byproducts and fat solids. Alternatively, the palmitoleic acid can be applied to the toleic acid Was recovered from both formulations demon Water. surface of the biscuit after baking, as a 1-50% solution in Oct. 12, 2006 US 2006/0228384 A1 [0140] The dough ingredients are admixed at a tempera ture of about 15° C. to about 300 C. The dough pieces can be baked using any suitable or conventional equipment and conditions in the range of about 100° C. to about 3000 C. With subsequent drying to produce the desired moisture content in the ?nal product. REFERENCES [0141] Costerton, J. W. et. al. 1999. 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A method for preventing, reducing, inhibiting or removing a bio?lm comprising contacting the bio?lm or contacting a cell capable of forming a bio?lm With an effective amount of a composition comprising palmitoleic acid, Wherein the composition prevents, reduces, inhibits or removes the bio?lm. 2. The method of claim 1, Wherein the cell is selected from the group consisting of Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus sobrinus, Streptococcus pyogenes, Streptococcus pneumo niae, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylo coccus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Propionibacte rium aches, Enterococcus faecium, Enterococcus faecalis, and Haemophilus in?uenzae. 3. The method of claim 1, Wherein the composition comprises about 0.1% to about 20% of palmitoleic acid. 4. A method for controlling acne, comprising administer ing to a subject a?licted With acne an effective amount of an anti-acne composition comprising palmitoleic acid, Wherein the amount of the palmitoleic acid in the anti-acne compo sition is suf?cient to prevent, reduce, inhibit or remove a [0153] Burkhart, Craig N. et. al. 2003. Microbiology’s bio?lm. 5. The method of claim 4, Wherein the composition principle of bio?lms as a major factor in the pathogenesis of acne vulgaris. International J. of Dermatology. 42:925 prevents, reduces, inhibits or removes a bio?lm of Propi 927. onibacterium aches. Oct. 12, 2006 US 2006/0228384 A1 6. The method of claim 4, wherein the antimicrobial agent and palmitoleic acid or its derivative provide a synergistic effect. 7. The method of claim 4, Wherein the antimicrobial agent is an antibiotic. 8. The method of claim 7, Wherein the antibiotic may is selected from the group consisting of tobramycin, clinda 30. The method of claim 29, Wherein the antimicrobial agent is an antibiotic. 31. The method of claim 30, Wherein the antibiotic may is selected from the group consisting of tobramycin, clin damycin, cipro?oxacin, tetracyclines, rifampin, triclosan, ox?oxacin, macrolides, penicillins, cephalosporins, amox icillin/clavulante, quinupristin/dalfopristin, amoXicillin/sul mycin, cipro?oxacin, tetracyclines, rifampin, triclosan, bactum, metronidaZole, ?uoroquinolones, quinolones, ox?oxacin, macrolides, penicillins, cephalosporins, amox icillin/clavulante, quinupristin/dalfopristin, amoXicillin/sul ketolides, or aminoglycosides. bactum, metronidaZole, ?uoroquinolones, quinolones, ketolides, or aminoglycosides. 9. The method of claim 4, Wherein the amount of palmi toleic acid is betWeen about 0.5% to about 50%. 10. The method of claim 4, Wherein the anti-acne com position is topically administered. 11. The method of claim 10, Wherein the anti-acne com position is applied to the skin of the subject. 12. The method of claim 4, Wherein the anti-acne com position is a cream, gel, emollient, or soap. 13. The method of claim 4, Wherein the subject is a mammal. 14. The method of claim 13, Wherein the mammal is a mouse or rat. 15. The method of claim 13, Wherein the mammal is a human. 16. The method of claim 4, Wherein the anti-acne com 32. The method of claim 28, Wherein the subject is a mammal. 33. The method of claim 32, Wherein the mammal is a mouse or rat. 34. The method of claim 32, Wherein the mammal is a human. 35. The method of claim 28, Wherein the chronic bacterial infection is selected from the group consisting of urinary tract infection, gastritis, lung infection, ear infection, cysti tis, pyelonephritis, arterial damage, leprosy, tuberculosis, benign prostatic hyperplasia, chronic prostatitis, osteomy elitis, bloodstream infection, skin infection, rosacea, open Wound infection, chronic Wound infection, and sinus infec tion. 36. The method of claim 28, Wherein the chronic bacterial infection results from an infection of bacteria selected from the group consisting of Slreplococcuspyogenes, Streptococ position further comprises at least one antimicrobial agent. cus pneumoniae, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aerugi 17. The method of claim 16, Wherein the anti-acne com position prevents, reduces, inhibits or removes a bio?lm of Propionibaclerium aches. 18. The method of claim 16, Wherein the antimicrobial agent and palmitoleic acid or its derivative provide a syn nosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, ergistic effect. 19. The method of claim 16, Wherein the antimicrobial agent is an antibiotic. 20. The method of claim 19, Wherein the antibiotic may Propionibaclerium aches, and Haemophilus in?uenzae. 37. A method for identifying an agent capable of prevent ing, reducing, inhibiting or removing a bio?lm, comprising a. contacting a bio?lm With the agent, Wherein the agent is a derivative of a palmitoleic acid; b. quantifying the bio?lm before and after contacting the bio?lm With the agent; is selected from the group consisting of tobramycin, clin damycin, cipro?oxacin, tetracyclines, rifampin, triclosan, ox?oxacin, macrolides, penicillins, cephalosporins, amox icillin/clavulante, quinupristin/dalfopristin, amoXicillin/sul bactum, metronidaZole, ?uoroquinolones, quinolones, ketolides, or aminoglycosides. c. selecting the agent that prevents, reduces, inhibits or removes at least about 50% of the bio?lm, Wherein the agent does not inhibit bacterial groWth When the con centration amount of the agent is at least tWice the amount needed to prevent, reduce, inhibit, or remove at least 50% of the bio?lm. 21. The method of claim 16, Wherein the amount of palmitoleic acid is betWeen about 0.5% to about 50%. 22. The method of claim 16, Wherein the anti-acne com 38. The method of claim 37, Wherein in step b) the bio?lm is stained With a dye and measured using a spectrophotom position is topically administered. eter to obtain the quantitative value for the mass of each bio?lm. 23. The method of claim 22, Wherein the anti-acne com position is applied to the skin of the subject. 39. A pharmaceutical composition for reducing, prevent ing, inhibiting or removing bio?lm formation comprising a 24. The method of claim 16, Wherein the anti-acne com position is a cream, gel, emollient, or soap. 25. The method of claim 16, Wherein the subject is a mammal. 26. The method of claim 25, Wherein the mammal is a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier or diluent and a thera peutically effective amount of 0.01 to 50% of palmitoleic acid. mouse or rat. comprising at least one antimicrobial agent. 27. The method of claim 25, Wherein the mammal is a human. 28. A method for controlling a chronic bacterial infection, comprising administering to a subject in need thereof an effective amount of a composition comprising palmitoleic acid, Wherein the amount is effective to prevent, inhibit, reduce, or remove a bio?lm. 29. The method of claim 28, Wherein the composition further comprises at least one antimicrobial agent. 40. The pharmaceutical composition of claim 39, further 41. The pharmaceutical composition of claim 40, Wherein the antimicrobial agent is an antibiotic. 42. The pharmaceutical composition of claim 41, Wherein the antibiotic may is selected from the group consisting of tobramycin, clindamycin, cipro?oxacin, tetracyclines, rifampin, triclosan, ox?oxacin, macrolides, penicillins, cephalosporins, amoXicillin/clavulante, quinupristin/dalfo pristin, amoXicillin/sulbactum, metronidaZole, ?uoroquino lones, quinolones, ketolides, or aminoglycosides.
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