高雄醫學大學附設中和紀念醫院2012年研究論文獎助申請通過名冊 獎助 編號 發表 年 論文別 英文題名 期刊名稱 單位 名稱 卷 期 頁 21 4838-44 101001 2012 Helicobacter pylori eradication therapy is effective in SCI the treatment of early-stage H pylori-positive gastric original diffuse large B-cell lymphomas. Blood 胃腸 119 內科 100104 2012 SCI original Interactions Between Environmental Factors and 院校外 Polymorphisms in Angiogenesis Pathway Genes in 合作論 Esophageal Adenocarcinoma Risk: A Case-Only Study 文 Cancer 胃腸 118 內科 SCI original Promoter methylation of argininosuccinate synthetase-1 胃腸 101065 2012 院校外 sensitises lymphomas to arginine deiminase treatment, Cell Death Dis 內科 合作論 autophagy and caspase-dependent apoptosis 文 3 3 804-11 - e342 (1-9) - 168361(1-8) 胃腸 227 內科 12 211-22 胃腸 內科 1 32-40 - 674324 (1-5) 101067 2012 SCI review The Optimal First-Line Therapy of Helicobacter pylori Gastroenterol 胃腸 2012 Infection in Year 2012 Res Pract 內科 101068 2012 SCI Brain CB₁ receptor expression following original lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammation. 101069 2012 SCI Increased ferritin concentrations correlate with insulin original resistance in female type 2 diabetic patients 101070 2012 Comparison between Single-Dose Esomeprazole- and Pantoprazole-Based Triple Therapy on the SCI original Effectiveness for Helicobacter pylori Eradication in Taiwanese Population 101071 2012 Genes responsible for the characteristics of primary SCI cultured invasive phenotype hepatocellular carcinoma original cells. Biomedicine & 肝膽 Pharmacothera 胰內 py 科 66 6 454-8 101072 2012 Cancer-associated fibroblasts up-regulate CCL2, Biomedicine & 肝膽 SCI CCL26, IL6 and LOXL2 genes related to promotion of Pharmacothera 胰內 original cancer progression in hepatocellular carcinoma cells py 科 66 7 525-9 Neuroscience Ann Nutr Metab 61 Gastroenterol 胃腸 2012 Res Pract 內科 獎助 編號 發表 年 論文別 英文題名 期刊名稱 單位 名稱 卷 期 頁 Gut 肝膽 胰內 科 61 1 128-34 肝膽 Journal of 胰內 Viral Hepatitis 科 19 9 623-34 PLoS One 肝膽 胰內 科 7 12 e52048 (1-6) Hepatology International 肝膽 胰內 科 6 2 409-435 Lancet Oncology 肝膽 胰內 科 13 10 e410 101073 2012 SCI original Viral clearance is associated with improved insulin 院校外 resistance in genotype 1 chronic hepatitis C but not 合作論 genotype 2/3. 文 101074 2012 SCI original Randomized trial of albinterferon alfa-2b every 4 院校外 weeks for chronic hepatitis C virus genotype 2/3. 合作論 文 101075 2012 SCI Revisiting the stopping rule for hepatitis C genotype 1 original patients treated with peginterferon plus ribavirin. 101076 2012 SCI original APASL consensus statements and management 院校外 algorithms for hepatitis C virus infection. 合作論 文 101077 2012 SCI letter(to Dickkopf-1 and hepatocellular carcinoma editor) 101078 2012 Acta Association between Endostatin G4349A SCI Polymorphism and Coronary Collaterals in the Chinese Cardiologica original Population. Sinica 心臟 血管 內科 28 1 10-16 101079 2012 Predictor of Poor Coronary Collaterals in Chronic SCI Kidney Disease Population with Significant Coronary original Artery Disease 心臟 血管 內科 13 8 98 (1-7) 101080 2012 JOURNAL OF 心臟 Impact of short-duration administration of nSCI acetylcysteine, probucol and ascorbic acid on contrast- NEPHROLOG 血管 original induced cytotoxicity. Y 內科 25 1 56-62 101081 2012 Characteristics of atrial substrates for atrial SCI tachyarrhythmias induced in aged and original hypercholesterolemic rabbits 35 5 544-552 101002 2012 SCI review 28 7 S28-S36 The association between phthalate exposure and asthma BMC Nephrology 心臟 Pacing Clin 血管 Electrophysiol 內科 Kaohsiung J Med Sci. 胸腔 內科 獎助 編號 發表 年 論文別 英文題名 期刊名稱 單位 名稱 卷 期 頁 101082 2012 SCI BCL2 Genetic variants are associated with acute original kidney injury in septic shock. Critical Care Medicine 胸腔 內科 40 7 2116-2123 101083 2012 SCI original Genetic variants associated with severe pneumonia in 院校外 A/H1N1 influenza infection 合作論 文 European Respiratory Journal 胸腔 內科 39 3 604-610 101084 2012 SCI original Distinct and replicable genetic risk factors for acute 院校外 respiratory distress syndrome of pulmonary or 合作論 extrapulmonary origin. 文 Journal of Medical Genetics 胸腔 內科 49 11 671-680 101085 2012 High Expression of Heme Oxygenase-1 is Associated SCI with Tumor Invasiveness and Poor Clinical Outcome in original Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients Cellular oncology 胸腔 內科 35 6 461-471 Nature Genetics 胸腔 內科 44 12 1330-5 SCI brief communi Genome-wide association analysis identifies new lung 101088 2012 cation 院 cancer susceptibility loci in never-smoking women in 校外合 Asia 作論文 101089 2012 SCI original Adenylate kinase-4 is a marker of poor clinical 院校外 outcomes that promotes metastasis of lung cancer by 合作論 downregulating the transcription factor ATF3. 文 Cancer Res 胸腔 172 內科 19 5119-29 101090 2012 SCI original TOPK/PBK promotes cell migration via modulation of 院校外 the PI3K/PTEN/AKT pathway and is associated with 合作論 poor prognosis in lung cancer 文 Oncogene 胸腔 內科 31 19 2389-2400 101093 2012 Prescriptions for angiotensin-converting enzyme SCI inhibitors/angiotensin receptor blockers and monitoring Kaohsiung J Med Sci original of serum creatinine and potassium in patients with chronic kidney disease 腎臟 內科 28 9 477-483 101094 2012 SCI Association of Hyperuricemia with Renal Outcomes, original Cardiovascular Disease , and Mortality Clin J Am Soc 腎臟 Nephrol 內科 7 4 541-548 獎助 編號 發表 年 論文別 英文題名 期刊名稱 單位 名稱 卷 期 頁 Kidney Int 101097 2012 SCI case The case ∣ a woman with bilateral flank pain. report 腎臟 內科 82 5 613-4 101098 2012 Effects of antibody induction on transplant outcomes in TRANSPLAN 腎臟 SCI human leukocyte antigen zero-mismatch deceased TATION original 內科 donor kidney recipients. 93 5 493-502 101099 2012 SCI original Multivariate analysis of antibody induction therapy and 院校外 their associated outcomes in live donor kidney 合作論 transplantation in the recent era. 文 腎臟 內科 26 2 351-8 101100 2012 內分 HbA(1c) variability is associated with 泌新 DIABETOLO SCI microalbuminuria development in type 2 diabetes: a 7陳代 GIA original year prospective cohort study. 謝內 科 55 12 3163-72 101101 2012 Increased unbound retinol binding protein 4 SCI concentration induced apoptosis through its receptororiginal mediated signaling. 內分 泌新 J BIOL CHEM 陳代 287 謝內 科 13 9694-9707 101102 2012 Diabetes-related kidney, eye, and foot disease in SCI Taiwan: An analysis of the nationwide data for 2000original 2009 J FORMOS MED ASSOC 內分 泌新 陳代 111 謝內 科 11 637-44 100131 2012 SCI Altered expression of circadian clock genes in head original and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Tumour Biol 血液 腫瘤 33 內科 101004 2012 100129 2012 SCI case report An unusual pulmonary mass with mediastinal invasion and multiple intrapulmonary nodules in a 52-year-old man. Clin Transplant CHEST Cytomegalovirus infection and disease after allogeneic ANN SCI hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: experience in a original center with a high seroprevalence of both CMV and HEMATOL hepatitis B virus. 血液 腫瘤 141 內科 血液 腫瘤 91 內科 1 01 4 149-155 253-258 587-595 獎助 編號 發表 年 論文別 英文題名 期刊名稱 單位 名稱 卷 期 頁 血液 腫瘤 189 內科 4 2033-42 5 e37205 101005 2012 IFN-g Receptor-Deficient Donor T Cells Mediate SCI Protection from Graft-versus-Host Disease and original Preserve Graft-versus-Tumor Responses after Allogeneic Bone Marrow Transplantation. 101003 2012 Induction of Cellular Senescence by Doxorubicin Is SCI Associated with Upregulated miR-375 and Induction of PLOS ONE original Autophagy in K562 Cells. 血液 腫瘤 內科 100130 2012 SCI Philadelphia-negative chromosomal evolution during original treatment for chronic myeloid leukemia. Genet. Mol. Res 血液 腫瘤 11 內科 101103 2012 Trends in the treatment changes and medication SCI persistence of chronic myeloid leukemia in Taiwan original from 1997 to 2007: a longitudinal population database analysis. BMC Health Serv Res 血液 腫瘤 內科 12 10 359 (1-9) 101105 2012 Herpes zoster is associated with an increased risk of SCI subsequent lymphoid malignancies - A nationwide original population-based matched-control study in Taiwan. BMC Cancer 血液 腫瘤 內科 12 10 503(1-8) 101106 2012 SCI Circulating miRNA is a novel marker for head and original neck squamous cell carcinoma. TUMOR BIOL 血液 腫瘤 內科 33 6 1933–1942 101107 2012 SCI case Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2A report Kaohsiung J Med Sci 血液 腫瘤 內科 28 6 341-4 101108 2012 Characteristics and prevalence of KRAS, BRAF, and SCI PIK3CA mutations in colorectal cancer by highoriginal resolution melting analysis in Taiwanese population Clin Chim Acta 血液 腫瘤 413 內科 101011 2012 SCI original 院校外 合作論 文 Int J Antimicrob Agents 感染 內科 Antimicrobial susceptibility of pathogens isolated from patients with complicated intra-abdominal infections at five medical centers in Taiwan that continuously participated in the Study for Monitoring Antimicrobial Resistance Trends (SMART) from 2006 to2 Journal of Immunology 7 40 1 317 - 321 191605-1611 20 1 S29-36 獎助 編號 發表 年 論文別 英文題名 期刊名稱 單位 名稱 卷 期 頁 101013 2012 SCI original 院校外 合作論 文 Antimicrobial susceptibility profiles of Gram-negative bacilli isolated from patients with hepatobiliary infections in Taiwan: results from the Study for Monitoring Antimicrobial Resistance Trends (SMART), 2006-2010 Int J Antimicrob Agents 感染 內科 40 1 S18-23 101012 2012 SCI original 院校外 合作論 文 Correlation between carbapenem consumption and resistance to carbapenems among Enterobacteriaceae isolates collected from patients with intra-abdominal infections at five medical centers in Taiwan, 20062010 Int J Antimicrob Agents 感染 內科 40 1 S24-28 101015 2012 SCI review 院校外 合作論 文 Does empirical treatment of community-acquired pneumonia with fluoroquinolones delay tuberculosis treatment and result in fluoroquinolone resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis? Controversies and solutions. Int J Antimicrob Agents 感染 內科 39 3 201-5 101009 2012 SCI original 院校外 合作論 文 Evaluation of macrolide resistance and enhanced molecular typing of Treponema pallidum in patients with syphilis in Taiwan: a prospective multicenter study J Clin Microbiol 感染 內科 50 7 2299-304 101007 2012 SCI original 院校外 Functional role of wogonin in anti-angiogenesis. 合作論 文 Am J Chin Med 感染 內科 40 2 415-27 101017 2012 SCI review Fusidic acid for the treatment of bone and joint 院校外 infections caused by meticillin-resistant 合作論 Staphylococcus aureus 文 Int J Antimicrob Agents 感染 內科 40 2 103-7 101010 2012 SCI original 院校外 合作論 文 Impact of revised CLSI breakpoints for susceptibility to third-generation cephalosporins and carbapenems among Enterobacteriaceae isolates in the Asia-Pacific region: results from the Study for Monitoring Antimicrobial Resistance Trends (SMART), 20022010 Int J Antimicrob Agents 感染 內科 40 1 S4-10 101014 2012 SCI original 院校外 合作論 文 In vitro susceptibilities of non-Enterobacteriaceae isolates from patients with intra-abdominal infections in the Asia-Pacific region from 2003 to 2010: results from the Study for Monitoring Antimicrobial Resistance Trends (SMART). Int J Antimicrob Agents 感染 內科 40 1 S11-17 101016 2012 SCI review Role of moxifloxacin for the treatment of 院校外 commmunity-acquired complicated intra-abdominal 合作論 infections in Taiwan. 文 J 感染 MICROBIOL 內科 IMMUNOL 45 1 1-6 獎助 編號 發表 年 論文別 單位 名稱 卷 期 頁 101008 2012 SCI original 院校外 合作論 文 Trends in Susceptibility of Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococcus faecium to Tigecycline, Daptomycin, and Antimicrob 感染 Linezolid and Molecular Epidemiology of the Isolates: Agents 內科 Results from the Tigecycline In Vitro Surveillance in Chemotherapy Taiwan (TIST) Study, 2006 to 2010. 56 6 3402-5 101006 2012 Trends in the susceptibility of clinically important SCI resistant bacteria to tigecycline: results from the original tigecycline in vitro surveillance in taiwan study, 2006 to 2010. Antimicrob 感染 Agents 內科 Chemotherapy 56 3 1452-7 101109 2012 Epidemiology and antimicrobial susceptibility profiles of Gram-negative bacteria causing urinary tract SCI infections in the Asia-Pacific region: 2009–2010 original results from the Study for Monitoring Antimicrobial Resistance Trends (SMART) International Journal of 感染 Antimicrobial 內科 Agents 40 0 S37-43 101110 2012 Molecular typing and characterization of nasal carriage and community-onset infection methicillin-susceptible SCI original Staphylococcus aureus isolates in two Taiwan medical centers 感染 內科 12 12 343 (1-8) 101111 2012 MICROBIAL Molecular Epidemiology of Ciprofloxacin-Resistant DRUG SCI 感染 Extended-Spectrum b-Lactamase–Producing Klebsiella RESISTANCE 內科 original pneumoniae in Taiwan 18 1 52-58 101112 2012 SCI review Periodic fever as the manifestation of primary Sjogren’ Clinical 感染 s syndrome: a case report and literature review Rheumatology 內科 31 10 1517-1519 101113 2012 Molecular epidemiology and clinical characteristics of hetero-resistant vancomycin intermediate J Microbiol 感染 SCI original Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia in a Taiwan Medical Immunol Infect 內科 Center 45 6 435-441 101114 2012 SCI original Toxicogenomics of nevirapine-associated cutaneous 院校外 and hepatic adverse events among populations of 合作論 African, Asian, and European descent. 文 25 10 1271-1280 英文題名 期刊名稱 BMC Infectious Diseases AIDS 感染 內科 獎助 編號 發表 年 單位 名稱 卷 期 頁 101116 2012 SCI original Silibinin Inhibits the Invasion of IL-6-Stimulated 院校外 Colon Cancer Cells via Selective JNK/AP-1/MMP-2 合作論 Modulation in Vitro. 文 J AGR FOOD 感染 CHEM 內科 60 51 12451-7 101117 2012 SCI original 院校外 合作論 文 Acute psychosis related to use of trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole in the treatment of HIV-infected patients with Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia: a multicentre, retrospective study. J Antimicrob 感染 Chemother 內科 67 11 2749-54 101118 2012 Proteus mirabilis urinary tract infection and SCI bacteremia: Risk factors, clinical presentation, and original outcomes. J Microbiol 感染 Immunol Infect 內科 45 3 228-36 101119 2012 SCI Association of symptoms of depression with original progression of CKD. Am J Kidney 一般 Dis 內科 60 1 54-61 101120 2012 Association of hsCRP, White Blood Cell Count and SCI Ferritin with Renal Outcome in Chronic Kidney original Disease Patients PLoS One 一般 內科 7 12 e52775 (1-8) 101121 2012 The age-risk relationship of haematologic malignancies SCI in female patients with systemic lupus erythematosus: a original nationwide retrospective cohort study. Lupus 一般 內科 21 11 100141 2012 Immune and inflammatory gene signature in rat SCI cerebrum in subarachnoid hemorrhage with microarray original analysis. Mol Med Report. 101122 2012 The Chinese Facial Emotion Recognition Database (CFERD): A computer-generated 3-D paradigm to SCI 神經 Psychiatry Res 200 original measure the recognition of facial emotional expressions 外科 at different intensities. 3 928-932 101123 2012 Assisted peripheral nerve recovery by KMUP-1, an activator of large-conductance Ca(2+)-activated Acta Neurochir 神經 SCI 154 (Wien) original potassium channel, in a rat model of sciatic nerve crush 外科 injury. 10 1773-1779 101018 2012 SCI The alteration of plasma TGF-β1 levels in patients with Kaohsiung J original brain tumors after tumor removal. Med Sci. 腦神 經外 科 28 6 316-321 101019 2012 SCI review Kaohsiung J Med Sci. 心臟 血管 外科 28 6 299-305 論文別 英文題名 Acute aortic dissection: An update 期刊名稱 神經 5 外科 1 1250-1256 118-125 獎助 編號 發表 年 論文別 100142 2012 SCI comment (Editorial) 101124 2012 Comparison of Needlescopic and Conventional VideoMinim Invasiv 胸腔 SCI assisted Thoracic Surgery for Primary Spontaneous Ther original 外科 Pneumothorax 21 3 168-72 100219 2012 胃腸 A Double-Blind Randomized Study Comparing the SCI Efficacy and Safety of a Composite vs a Conventional Nutr Clin Pract 及一 original Intravenous Fat Emulsion in Postsurgical 般外 Gastrointestinal Tumor Patients. 科 27 3 410-415 100218 2012 胃腸 A observational study of the efficacy and safety of SCI capecitabine versus bolus infusional 5-Fluorouracil in Int J Colorectal 及一 original pre-operative chemoradiotherapy for locally advanced Dis 般外 rectal cancer 科 27 6 727-36 101022 2012 SCI Decreased Total MKP-1 Protein Levels Predict Poor original Prognosis World J Surg 胃腸 及一 般外 科 36 8 1922–32 101023 2012 High Nuclear Protein Kinase CβII Expression Is a SCI Marker of Disease Recurrence in Oral Squamous Cell original Carcinoma 胃腸 及一 Anticancer Res 般外 科 32 9 3987-91 100220 2012 The impact on clinical outcome of high prevalence of SCI diabetes mellitus in Taiwanese patients with colorectal original cancer. 胃腸 及一 般外 科 10 1 76 101125 2012 A retrospective study of the safety and efficacy of a SCI first-line treatment with modified FOLFOX-4 in original unresectable advanced or recurrent gastric cancer patients. 胃腸 及一 Chemotherapy 般外 科 58 5 411-8 101126 2012 Overexpression of S100B, TM4SF4 and OLFM4 SCI Genes are Correlated with Liver Metastasis in original Taiwanese Colorectal Cancer Patients. DNA CELL BIOLOGY 胃腸 及一 般外 科 31 1 43-9 101127 2012 EVI2B, ATP2A2, S100B, TM4SF3, and OLFM4 as SCI potential prognostic markers for postoperative original Taiwanese colorectal cancer patients DNA CELL BIOLOGY 胃腸 及一 般外 科 31 4 625-35 英文題名 Double right coronary artery or split right coronary artery ? 期刊名稱 Internal J of Cardiology World J Surg Oncol 單位 名稱 卷 心臟 血管 154 外科 期 3 頁 243-245 獎助 編號 發表 年 101128 2012 論文別 英文題名 High preoperative ratio of blood urea nitrogen to SCI creatinine increased mortality in gastrointestinal cancer original patients who developed postoperative enteric fistulas A rare complication of Meckel’s diverticulum: A SCI case fistula between Meckel’s diverticulum and the 101129 2012 report appendix 期刊名稱 單位 名稱 卷 期 頁 Kaohsiung J Med Sci 胃腸 及一 般外 科 28 8 418-422 胃腸 Asian Journal 及一 of Surgery 般外 科 35 4 163-165 胃腸 及一 般外 科 24 1 162-169 肝膽 胰 111 外科 3 160-170 101132 2012 SCI Involvement of store-operated calcium signaling in original EGF-mediated COX-2 gene activation in cancer cells 100221 2012 Is wider surgical margin justified for better clinical SCI outcomes in patients with resectable hepatocellular original carcinoma? J Formos Med Assoc 101024 2012 SCI letter Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia presenting as to the portal hypertension editor Kaohsiung J Med Sci. 肝膽 胰外 科 28 4 241-242 101133 2012 SCI Phosphorylated p38 and JNKMAPK proteins in original hepatocellular carcinoma Medicine General & Internal 肝膽 胰外 科 42 12 1295-1301 101134 2012 SCI The Promoting Effect of Adiponectin in Hepatocellular J Surg Oncol original Carcinoma 肝膽 胰外 106 科 2 181-7 101135 2012 SCI Prolactin Promotes Hepatocellular Carcinoma through original Janus Kinase 2 World J Surgery 肝膽 胰外 科 36 5 1128-35 101136 2012 Hepatic resection can provide long-term survival of SCI patients with non-early-stage hepatocellular carcinoma: original Extending the Indication for resection? Surgery 肝膽 胰外 152 科 5 809-20 SCI case Early laparoscopic repair for blunt duodenal 100144 2012 report perforation in an adolescent Cellular Signalling Journal of Pediatric Surgery 小兒 47 外科 5 E11-E14 獎助 編號 發表 年 論文別 英文題名 期刊名稱 單位 名稱 卷 期 頁 101025 2012 Feasibility of Emergency Laparoscopic Colectomy for SCI Children with Acute Colonic Perforations and original Fibropurulent Peritonitis World J Surg 小兒 外科 36 8 1958-62 101137 2012 SCI case Hydrothorax following delayed extravascular migration report of a totally implantable venous access device in a child Journal of Pediatric Surgery 小兒 外科 47 10 E1-E4 65 9 1182-1187 69 6 594-597 整形 外科 12 - 44(1-12) 65 6 e141-145 101138 2012 SCI Medical Epicanthoplasty Based on Anatomic original Variations. Journal of Plastic 整形 Reconstructive 外科 and Aesthetic Surgery 101139 2012 SCI The Love Surrounding the First Skin Graft in Taiwan original Ann Plast Surg 整形 外科 101140 2012 Pretreatment with intrathecal amitriptyline potentiates SCI anti-hyperalgesic effects of post-injury intra-peritoneal original amitriptyline following spinal nerve ligation. BMC Neurology 101141 2012 SCI Ocular Surface Area Changes After Double original Eyelidplasty. Journal of Plastic 整形 Reconstructive 外科 and Aesthetic Surgery 101142 2012 Free flap reconstruction in patients with advanced oral SCI squamous cell carcinoma: Analysis of patient survival original and cancer recurrence. Microsurgery 整形 外科 32 8 598-604 101143 2012 SCI Micro-RNA profiling as biomarkers in flap ischemiaoriginal reperfusion injury. Microsurgery 整形 外科 32 8 642-8 101144 2012 Two-year quality of life after free flap reconstruction in World J Surg 整形 SCI tumor-site discrepancy among Taiwanese with Oncol original 外科 moderately advanced oral squamous cell carcinoma. 13 10 145(1-6) 101145 2012 Ann Plast Surg 整形 SCI MicroRNA Signatures in Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury. original 外科 69 6 668-71 101146 2012 SCI Palmar squamous cell carcinoma successfully treated letter(to by intra-arterial infusion chemotherapy. editor) 腫瘤 化學 治療 外科 67 6 e263-4 J Am Acad Dermatol 獎助 編號 發表 年 論文別 英文題名 期刊名稱 單位 名稱 卷 期 頁 Journal of Trauma and acute care surgery 外傷 72 科 1 306-311 100146 2012 Conductor-assisted nasal sonography: an innovative SCI technique for rapid and accurate detection of nasal original bone fracture 100150 2012 Benzyl butyl phthalate induces necrosis by AhR SCI mediation of CYP1B1 expression in human granulosa original cells. Reprod Toxicol. 婦產 33 部 1 67-75 100151 2012 Bioadhesive Control of Plasma Proteins and Blood SCI Cells from Umbilical Cord Blood onto the Interface original Grafted with ZwitterionicPolymer Brushes Langmuir 婦產 28 部 9 4309-4317 100149 2012 Phthalates induce proliferation and invasiveness of SCI estrogen receptor-negative breast cancer through the original AhR/HDAC6/c-Myc signaling pathway FASEB Journal 婦產 26 部 2 778-787 101027 2012 n-Butyl Benzyl Phthalate Promotes Breast Cancer SCI Progression by Inducing Expression of Lymphoid original Enhancer Factor 1 101026 2012 101148 2012 婦產 部 8 e42750 Phthalates Stimulate the Epithelial to Mesenchymal Toxicological 婦產 SCI 128 Transition Through an HDAC6-Dependent Mechanism Sciences original 部 in Human Breast Epithelial Stem Cells 2 365-76 SCI review 7 S22-7 - 607517(1-6) Possible mechanism of phthalates-induced tumorigenesis. 101150 2012 SCI Mozart K.545 mimics Mozart K.448 in reducing original epileptiform discharges in epileptic children 101151 2012 SCI Attenuation of mitochondrial unfolded protein response original is associated with hepatic dysfunction in septic rats 101152 2012 SCI A Strategy for Reduction of Antibiotic Use in New original Patients Admitted to a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit 100192 2012 Correlation between Muscle Involvement, Phenotype SCI and D4Z4 Fragment Size in Facioscapulohumeral original Muscular Dystrophy PLoS ONE Kaohsiung J Med Sci 婦產 部 7 28 EvidenceBased Complementar 小兒 2012 y and 科部 Alternative Medicine Shock 小兒 科部 38 6 642-648 Pediatr Neonatol 小兒 科部 53 4 245-251 neuromuscular 小兒 22 disorders 科部 4 331-338 獎助 編號 發表 年 101028 2012 論文別 英文題名 Bone status and associated factors measured by SCI quantitative ultrasound in preterm and full-term original newborn infants SCI Current status and future diagnostic trends of prenatal illicit drug exposure in the neonatate (Editorial) 100156 2012 comment 單位 名稱 卷 期 頁 Early Human 小兒 Development 科部 88 8 617-622 期刊名稱 Pediatrics and 小兒 53 Neonatology 科部 04 81-82 100160 2012 SCI Contractile peripapillary staphyloma letter(to mimickingmorning-glory disc anomaly editor) 眼科 28 5 294-295 100158 2012 British Journal Extraocular muscle insertion positions and outcomes of of SCI strabismus surgery: correlation analysis and anatomical 眼科 96 Ophthalmolog original comparison of western and Chinese populations y 5 679-682 101029 2012 Apigenin induces apoptosis via tumor necrosis factor SCI receptor- and Bcl-2-mediated pathway and enhances original susceptibility of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma to 5-fluorouracil and cisplatin 101030 2012 Evaluation and Clinical Significance of Serum Heat SCI Shock Protein70, 60 and 27 on Hearing Recovery in original Patients With Idiopathic Unilateral Sudden Hearing loss Journal of International Advanced Otology 101154 2012 SCI Cholesteatoma Growth and Proliferation: Relevance original With Serpin B3 Laryngoscope 101155 2012 SCI Head and neck extranodal lymphoma in a single original institute: A 17-year retrospective analysis. Kaohsiung J Med Sci. Biochimica et Biophysica 耳鼻 1820 Acta – General 喉科 Subjects 7 1081-91 2 171-178 耳鼻 122 喉科 12 2818-23 耳鼻 喉科 28 8 435-441 101156 2012 SCI case Surgical treatment for thyrotoxic hypokalemic periodic World J Surg 耳鼻 report paralysis: case report Oncol 喉科 24 10 21 101031 2012 Alendronate in the Prevention of Collapse of the SCI Femoral Head in Nontraumatic Osteonecrosis A Twooriginal Year Multicenter, Prospective, Randomized, DoubleBlind, Placebo-Controlled Study ARTHRITIS RHEUM 骨科 部 64 5 1572-8 101032 2012 Glucosamine-induced insulin resistance in ovariectomized rats is relevant to decreasing the SCI expression of glucose transport protein subtype 4 in the original skeletal muscle and in increasing the size of pancreatic islets Menopause 骨科 部 19 05 496-502 101157 2012 SCI original Simulated body-fluid tests and electrochemical 院校外 investigations on biocompatibility of metallic glasses 合作論 文 Materials 骨科 Science and 部 Engineering C 32 0 2578-2582 Kaohsiung J Med Sci 耳鼻 喉科 8 獎助 編號 發表 年 期刊名稱 單位 名稱 卷 期 頁 101158 2012 SCI original 院校外 Fruits and dietary phytochemicals in bone protection 合作論 文 Nutrition Research 骨科 部 32 12 897-910 101159 2012 SCI original Interleukin-1β gene is not associated with preeclampsia 院校外 in Taiwanese 合作論 文 Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol 骨科 部 51 - 240-244 Menopause: The Journal of The North 骨科 American 部 Menopause Society 19 12 1360-1363 骨科 部 40 2 114-122 論文別 英文題名 Successful teriparatide treatment of atypical fracture SCI case after long-term use of alendronate without surgical 101160 2012 report procedure in a postmenopausal woman: a case report 101161 2012 SCI Calcium phosphate bone cement with 10 wt% plateletJ of Dentistry original rich plasma in vitro and in vivo 101162 2012 SCI Modified Mitchell Osteotomy with Screw Fixation for original Correction of Hallux Valgus Foot & Ankle 骨科 International 部 33 12 1098-1102 101163 2012 Atypical femoral fracture after long-term alendronate SCI case treatment: report of a case evidenced with magnetic report resonance imaging Kaohsiung J Med Sci 骨科 部 28 10 555-558 101164 2012 SCI case Modified basket plate for inferior patellar pole avulsion Kaohsiung J report fractures - a report of three cases Med Sci 骨科 部 28 11 619-623 101037 2012 Abdominal fat distribution on computed tomography SCI predicts ureteric calculus fragmentation by shock wave original lithotripsy 泌尿 科 22 8 1624-30 101040 2012 Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) Up-regulation Is a Anticancer Res 泌尿 SCI Prognostic Marker for Poor Clinical Outcome of Upper original 科 Tract Urothelial Cancer. 32 9 4111-16 100172 2012 SCI review 101034 2012 101033 2012 Eur Radiol Int J of Infectious Diseses 泌尿 16 科 Genetic polymorphisms in androgen receptor-binding SCI sites predict survival in prostate cancer patients original receiving androgen-deprivation therapy Annals of Oncology 泌尿 科 23 3 707-713 Genetic polymorphisms in oestrogen receptor-binding SCI sites affect clinical outcomes in patients with prostate original cancer receiving androgen-deprivation therapy Journal of Internal Medicine 泌尿 271 科 5 499-509 Emphysematous prostatic abscess: case series study and review 5 e344-e349 獎助 編號 發表 年 論文別 英文題名 期刊名稱 單位 名稱 卷 期 頁 101035 2012 Genetic variants in CASP3, BMP5, and IRS2 genes SCI may influence survival in prostate cancer patients original receiving androgen-deprivation therapy PLOS ONE 泌尿 科 7 7 e41219 101036 2012 SCI Neuroprotection of green tea catechins on surgical original menopause-induced overactive bladder in a rat model Menopause 泌尿 科 19 3 346-354 101038 2012 Protein kinase C inhibitor prevents renal apoptotic and SCI fibrotic changes in response to partial ureteric original obstruction BJU Int 泌尿 110 科 2 283-292 101039 2012 SCI Sexual dysfunction in women with ketamine cystitis: a original case-control study BJU Int 泌尿 110 科 3 427-431 100162 2012 Significant associations of prostate cancer SCI susceptibility variants with survival in patients treated original with androgen-deprivation therapy Int J Cancer 泌尿 130 科 101041 2012 SCI The Role of XRCC6 T-991C Functional Polymorphism 泌尿 Anticancer Res original in Renal Cell Carcinoma. 科 32 9 3855-60 101167 2012 Xanthogranulomatous prostatitis: A rare entity SCI case resembling prostate adenocarcinoma with magnetic report resonance image picture 泌尿 科 36 6 858-860 101168 2012 The comparison of the aging male symotpms (AMS) scale and androgen deficiency in the aging make SCI original (ADAM) questionnaire to detect androgen deficiency in middle aged men J of Andrology 泌尿 科 33 5 817-823 101169 2012 SCI The association of eNOS G894T polymorphism with original metabolic syndrome and erectile dysfunction. J Sex Med 泌尿 科 9 3 837-843 101171 2012 The Impact of Androgen Receptor CAG Repeat SCI Polymorphism on Andropausal Symptoms in Different original Serum Testosterone Levels J Sex Med 泌尿 科 9 12 2429-2437 101172 2012 Comparison of secondary signs as shown by SCI unenhanced helical computed tomography in patients original with uric acid or calcium ureteral stones Kaohsiung J Med Sci 泌尿 科 28 6 322-326 101173 2012 SCI review Kaohsiung J Med Sci 泌尿 科 28 9 509-513 Lymphoepithelioma-like carcinoma of ureter—A rare case report and review of the literature. Clinical Imaging 4 876-884 獎助 編號 發表 年 論文別 英文題名 SCI case Early embolic events complicating intravenous 101174 2012 report thrombolysis for acute ischemic stroke 期刊名稱 單位 名稱 卷 期 頁 American Journal of Emergency Medicine 神經 內科 30 9 2079.e3-5 101175 2012 Sex-Specific Effect of Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 SCI Functional Promoter Polymorphism on Carotid Artery original Stiffness Atherosclerosi 神經 223 s 內科 2 416-420 101177 2012 Predictors of in-hospital mortality and prognosis in SCI patients with large hemispheric stroke receiving original decompressive craniectomy British Journal 神經 of 內科 Neurosurgery 26 4 504-509 101178 2012 SCI case Ventricular tachycardia manifested as tonic seizure report 神經 內科 24 1 146-7 101179 2012 SCI case Pseudo subarachnoid hemorrhage in meningeal report leukemia The Journal of 神經 Emergency 內科 Medicine 42 5 e109–e111 101180 2012 SCI Clinical applications of susceptibility weighted imaging original in patients with major stroke. Journal of Neurology 神經 259 內科 7 1426-1432 101181 2012 SCI Obstructive sleep apnea linked to wake-up strokes. original Journal of Neurology 神經 259 內科 7 1433-1439 101182 2012 SCI Disrupted Circadian Rhythm in Rats with original Nephrectomy-induced Chronic Kidney Disease. LIFE SCIENCES 神經 內科 91 3-4 127-31 101042 2012 Development of a home-based telehealthcare model for Kaohsiung J SCI improving the effectiveness of the chronic care of Med Sci. original stroke patients 神經 內科 28 100223 2012 Working Memory Deficit in Premenstrual Dysphoric SSCI Disorder and its Associations with Difficulty in original Concentrating and Irritability Comprehensiv 精神 e Psychiatry 科 53 100182 2012 AMERICAN Change in Quality of Life and Its Predictors in Heroin JOURNAL OF SCI 精神 Users Receiving Methadone Maintenance Treatment in DRUG AND 38 original 科 Taiwan: An 18-Month Follow-Up Study ALCOHOL ABUSE 101043 2012 SSCI Factor Structure of the Center for Epidemiologic original Studies Depression Scale in Taiwanese Adolescents 101047 2012 Factor Structure, Reliability, and Validity of the SCI Chinese Version of the School Bullying Experience original Questionnaire Epilepsy & Behavior Comprehensiv 精神 e Psychiatry 科 Kaohsiung J Med Sci. 精神 科 38-43 5 3 540–45 213-219 53 3 299-307 28 9 500-505 獎助 編號 發表 年 論文別 英文題名 期刊名稱 單位 名稱 Journal of Addictions Nursing 精神 23 科 卷 期 頁 100176 2012 SCI original High-Risk Situations Related to Relapse of 院校外 Methamphetamine Use among Taiwanese Adolescents: 合作論 An Instrumentation Study 文 101045 2012 SSCI Self-Efficacy and HIV Risk Behaviors Among Heroin original Users in Taiwan JOURNAL OF STUDIES ON 精神 ALCOHOL 科 AND DRUGS 100180 2012 SCI Social anxiety in online and real-life interaction and original their associated factors Cyberpsycholo gy, Behavior, 精神 15 and Social 科 Networking 101046 2012 Tattooing among high school students in southern SCI Taiwan:The prevalence, correlates and associations original with risk-taking behaviors and depression 精神 科 28 7 383-389 101044 2012 The Relation of Substance Use with Different Levels of Comprehensiv 精神 SSCI Depressive Symptoms and the Moderating Effect of e Psychiatry original 科 Gender and Age in Taiwanese Adolescents 53 7 1013-20 26 1 145-50 SSCI brief 101184 2012 communi cation Kaohsiung J Med Sci. Predictors of the Severity of Depressive Symptoms Psychology of Among Intravenous HeroinUsers Receiving Methadone 精神 Addictive Maintenance Treatment in Taiwan:An 18-Month 科 Behaviors Follow-Up Study 1 73 55-64 3 1 469-476 7-12 101188 2012 Individual and peer factors associated with ketamine SCI original use among adolescents in Taiwan European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 101189 2012 Socio-demographic Correlates of Involvement in TSSCI School Bullying among Adolescents in Southern original Taiwan Taiwanese Journal of Psychiatry 精神 科 26 3 197-206 101191 2012 SSCI original Online Sex-Seeking, Substance Use, and Risky 院校外 Behaviors in Taiwan: Results from the 2010 Asia 合作論 Internet MSM Sex Survey. 文 Archives of sexual behavior 精神 科 41 5 1273-1282 101192 2012 Quality of life of methylphenidate treatment-responsive Kaohsiung J SCI adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder Med Sci original 精神 科 28 5 279-284 101193 2012 Apolipoprotein E Polymorphism and Behavioral and Alzheimer Dis 精神 SCI Psychological Symptoms of Dementia in Patients With Assoc Disord original 科 Alzheimer Disease 26 2 135-139 101058 2012 Comparison of Clinical Outcome of Breast Cancer Patients with T1-2 Tumor and One to Three Positive SCI original Nodes with or without Postmastectomy Radiation Therapy Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology 42 8 711-20 100183 2012 Isocitrate dehydrogenase mutation hot spots in acute SCI original lymphoblastic leukemia and oral cancer Kaohsiung J Med Sci. 精神 科 21 10 553-558 放射 腫瘤 科 放射 腫瘤 28 科 0 138-144 獎助 編號 發表 年 論文別 英文題名 期刊名稱 單位 名稱 卷 期 頁 Tissue Engineering: Part C 101195 2012 BMP-2 Embedded Atelocollagen Scaffold for TissueEngineered Cartilage Cultured in the Medium SCI Containing Insulin and Triiodothyronine—A New original Protocol for Three-Dimensional In Vitro Culture of Human Chondrocytes 牙科 部 18 5 374-386 101202 2012 Effects of denture maintenance on satisfaction levels of Gerodontology 牙科 SCI Taiwanese elderly using removable partial dentures: a original 部 pilot study 29 2 e458-e463 101203 2012 SCI Influence of different implant materials on the primary original stability of orthodontic mini-implants Kaohsiung J Med Sci 牙科 部 28 12 673-678 101048 2012 SCI Impacted mandibular second molars-A retrospective original study of prevalence and treatment outcome Angle Orthodontist 牙科 部 82 4 670-675 100188 2012 SCI case Management of unilaterally deep impacted first, report second, and third mandibular molars Angle Orthodontist 牙科 82 部 Kaohsiung J Med Sci 牙科 部 28 10 559-563 101199 2012 Bulletin of Detrimental Effects of Maternal Lead Exposure during Environmental SCI 牙科 Pregnancy and Lactation on Molar Development in the Contamination original 部 Young Rat and Toxicology 89 2 240-244 101200 2012 SCI Soft-tissue profile changes after orthognathic surgery original of mandibular prognathism 牙科 部 28 04 216-219 101201 2012 SCI Evaluation of a self-assessed screening test for original masticatory ability of Taiwanese older adults Gerodontology 牙科 部 29 2 101204 2012 The public health threat of phthalate-tainted foodstuffs SCI in Taiwan: The policies the government implemented original and the lessons we learned 家庭 醫學 科 44 0 Optimizing anterior esthetics of a single-tooth implant SCI case through socket augmentation and immediate 101197 2012 report provisionalization: A case report with 7-year follow-up SCI short Detection of melamine in a human renal uric acid stone 101205 2012 communi by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-ofcation flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS). 101206 2012 SCI Reappraisal of melamine exposure and adult calcium letter(to urolithiasis editor) Kaohsiung J Med Sci Environment International Clin Chim Acta 家庭 醫學 413 科 Kidney Int 家庭 醫學 科 82 3 565–571 e1113-e1120 75-79 191689-1698 20 3 361-362 獎助 編號 發表 年 單位 名稱 卷 期 頁 101207 2012 International Archives Of 家庭 SCI Atypical work schedules are associated with poor sleep Occupational 醫學 original quality and mental health in Taiwan female nurses. and 科 Environmental Health 85 8 877-84 101208 2012 SCI Occupational Risks of Esophageal Cancer in original Taiwanese Men Kaohsiung J Med Sci 家庭 醫學 科 28 12 654-659 論文別 英文題名 期刊名稱 101051 2012 SCI case report An unusual orbital mass with dural tail signs Internal Medicine 急診 部 51 15 2063-64 101050 2012 SCI case report Hair-on-End Skull in an Infant without Anemia Journal of pediatrics 急診 161 部 2 367 Waist circumference, body mass index, serum uric SCI acid, blood sugar, and triglyceride levels are important original risk factors for abnormal liver function tests in the Taiwanese population. Kaohsiung J Med Sci 保健 科 28 9 470-476 101210 2012 SCI Trajectories and predictors of return to work after original traumatic limb injury–a 2-year follow-up study Scandinavian Journal of 職業 Work, 病科 Environment & Health 38 5 456-466 101211 2012 SCI original Effects of long-term antiepileptic drug monotherapy on 院校外 vascular risk factors and atherosclerosis 合作論 文 Epilepsia 職業 病科 53 1 120-128 100222 2012 SCI Rapid identification of the copy number of α-globin original genes by capillary electrophoresis analysis. Clinical Biochemistry 檢驗 醫學 部 45 0 798-805 100194 2012 SCI False-positive Urine Pregnancy Test Due to Leukocyte Ann Lab Med letter(to Interference. editor) 檢驗 醫學 32 部 101052 2012 High-resolution melting (HRM) analysis as a feasible SCI method for detecting spinal muscular atrophy via dried original blood spots 檢驗 醫學 413 部 101209 2012 CLIN CHIM ACTA 2 21 167-8 1781-5 獎助 編號 發表 年 101213 2012 論文別 SCI review 英文題名 High-Resolution Melting: Applications in Genetic Disorders SCI case Concurrent metastatic thymic carcinoma and 100217 2012 report postirradiation sarcoma. 期刊名稱 單位 名稱 Clin Chim Acta 檢驗 醫學 414 部 The annals of thoracic surgery 卷 病理 93 部 期 頁 0 197-201 4 1295-6 101053 2012 Increased CD133 expression after preoperative Virchows Arch 病理 SCI 460 chemoradiotherapy in rectal cancers other than mucinoriginal 部 rich tumors 5 447-453 101054 2012 SCI Overexpression of annexin 1 in the development and original differentiation of urothelial carcinoma Kaohsiung J Med Sci. 病理 部 28 3 145-150 101215 2012 Expression of MMP-2, MMP-9 and MMP-11 in SCI dermatofibroma and dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans. original Kaohsiung J Med Sci 病理 部 28 10 545-549 101216 2012 SCI Salt-and-pepper eye pain and brainstem stroke. original Clinical 病理 Neurology and 114 部 Neurosurgery 7 972-5 101217 2012 SCI Clinical analysis of cheiro-pedal syndrome. original Journal of Clinical Neuroscience 病理 部 19 7 991-5 Substance Abuse 病理 部 33 4 366-72 Neurology Asia SSCI brief The antemortem neurobehavior in fatal 101218 2012 communi paramethoxymethamphetamine usage. cation Low dose gabapentin abolishes ipsilateral tinnitus after peripheral facial palsy: A case report and literature review 101219 2012 SCI review 病理 部 17 3 255- 258 101220 2012 Journal of SCI case Ischemic Stroke After Low-voltage Electric Injury in a Stroke and 病理 report Diabetic and Coagulopathic Woman. Cerebrovascul 部 ar Disease 21 8 913.e1913.e4 SCI letter(to Anti-beta2-glycoprotein I antibody and cerebellar 101221 2012 editor) 院 ataxia in breast cancer. 校外合 作論文 101223 2012 SUV on Dual-Phase FDG PET/CT Correlates With the SCI Ki-67 Proliferation Index in Patients With Newly original Diagnosed Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Lupus 病理 部 21 4 460-462 Clinical Nuclear Medicine 核子 醫學 科 37 8 e189-95 獎助 編號 發表 年 期刊名稱 單位 名稱 卷 期 頁 101224 2012 SCI case The Characteristics of FDG PET/CT Imaging in report Pulmonary Langerhans Cell Sarcoma Clinical Nuclear Medicine 核子 醫學 科 37 5 495-497 101225 2012 Development of a Gd(III)-based receptor-induced SCI magnetization enhancement (RIME) contrast agent for original B-glucuronidase activity profiling Inorganic Chemistry 影像 醫學 部 51 0 101226 2012 Comparison of Gd-Bz-TTDA, EOB-DTPA and GdKaohsiung J SCI BOPTA in Dynamic MR Imaging of the Liver with Rat Med Sci original Models 影像 醫學 部 28 3 130-137 101057 2012 Soft catheters reduce the risk of intravascular SCI cannulation during epidural block-A retrospective original analysis of 1117 cases in a medical center Kaohsiung J Med Sci. 麻醉 科 28 7 373-376 101227 2012 A comparison of Trachway intubating stylet and SCI Airway Scope for tracheal intubation by novice original operators: A manikin study Kaohsiung J Med Sci 麻醉 科 28 4 448-451 101228 2012 Comparison of the GlideScope videolaryngoscope and SCI the Macintosh laryngoscope for double-lumen tube original intubation Anaesthesia 麻醉 科 67 4 411-415 101229 2012 Motivating medical information system performance SCI by system quality, service quality, and job satisfaction original for evidence-based practice BMC Medical Informatics 護理 and Decision 部 Making 12 - 135(1-12) 101230 2012 SCI The impact of different nursing skill mix models on original patient outcomes in the respiratory care center World Views 護理 On Evidence部 Based Nursing 9 4 227-233 101231 2012 Prevalence and knowledge of sexual transmitted SCI infections, drug abuse, and AIDS among male inmates original in a Taiwan prison 護理 部 28 12 660-666 101233 2012 Effectiveness and safety of antiplatelet therapy in SCI stroke recurrence prevention in patients with liver original cirrhosis: a 2-year follow-up study Pharmacoepide 藥劑 miology and 部 Drug Safety 21 12 1334-1343 100205 2012 4-Shogaol, an Active Constituent of Dietary Ginger, Inhibits Metastasis of MDA-MB-231 Human Breast SCI original Adenocarcinoma Cells by Decreasing the Repression of NF-κB/Snail on RKIP. 論文別 英文題名 Kaohsiung J Med Sci Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 臨床 醫學 60 研究 部 3 12426-12435 852-61 獎助 編號 發表 年 論文別 英文題名 期刊名稱 單位 名稱 Plos One 臨床 醫學 7 研究 部 2 e31587 臨床 醫學 129 研究 部 4 e65-9 13 9753-64 1 e30635 卷 期 頁 100210 2012 Computational analysis of mRNA expression profiles SCI identifies microRNA-29a/c as predictor of colorectal original cancer early recurrence. 100214 2012 Lack of association between a functional genetic SCI variant of connexin 37 and ischemic stroke in a original Taiwanese population. 100202 2012 Lung Cancer-derived Galectin-1 Enhances SCI Tumorigenic Potentiation of Tumor-associated original Dendritic Cells by Expressing Heparin-binding EGFlike Growth Factor 100211 2012 SCI microRNA-152 mediates DNMT1-regulated DNA original methylation in the estrogen receptor α gene. 101062 2012 臨床 SCI MicroRNA-195 regulates vascular smooth muscle cell CARDIOVAS 醫學 original phenotype and prevents neointimal formation C RES 研究 部 95 4 517-26 100224 2012 SCI MicroRNA-328 May Influence Myopia Development original by Mediating the PAX6 Gene. 臨床 醫學 研究 部 53 6 2732-2739 101061 2012 臨床 MicroRNA-93 inhibits tumor growth and early relapse Carcinogenesis 醫學 SCI of human colorectal cancer by affecting genes involved original 研究 in the cell cycle. 部 33 8 1522-30 100209 2012 臨床 Journal of OxLDL causes both epigenetic modification and Molecular and 醫學 SCI signaling regulation on the microRNA-29b gene: novel 52 Cellular original 研究 mechanisms for cardiovascular diseases. Cardiology 部 3 587-595 100212 2012 Synergistic effect of ANRIL and BRAP SCI polymorphisms on ankle-brachial index in a Taiwanese original population. 臨床 醫學 76 研究 部 2 446-52 Thromb Res 臨床 The Journal of 醫學 287 Biological 研究 Chemistry 部 Plos One INVEST OPHTH VIS SCI Circ J. 臨床 醫學 7 研究 部 獎助 編號 發表 年 100215 2012 論文別 英文題名 Tannic acid suppresses ultraviolet B -induced SCI inflammatory signaling and complement factor B in original human retinal pigment epithelial cells. 期刊名稱 單位 名稱 卷 期 頁 Cellular Immunology 臨床 醫學 273 研究 部 1 79-84 Mol Vis 臨床 醫學 18 研究 部 0 471-478 100213 2012 SCI The FGF2 gene in a myopia animal model and human original subjects. 101234 2012 臨床 CXCL1/GROα increases cell migration and invasion of Carcinogenesis 醫學 SCI prostate cancer by decreasing fibulin-1 expression original 研究 through NF-κB/HDAC1 epigenetic regulation 部 33 12 2477-2487 臨床 醫學 研究 部 28 12 631-640 101238 2012 SCI MicroRNAs in atherosclerosis review Kaohsiung J Med Sci
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