The Customer Service Expert: How To Tell Your Restaurant Employees To Be Better (It’s So Easy!) i The New Essential Customer Service Techniques For Waiters! Develop a Large, Loyal Audience That Values Your Unique Style and Services beyond the Restaurant— and Earn Joy, Personal Power, and Huge Tips ii About the author My name is LeeAnne Homsey and I have spent my entire adult life managing restaurants. During my career I had the great fortune to work for the owners of Tao, Docks, Sorbet’s, Canastel's and Marseille to manage and motivate their great N.Y.C. restaurant staff to record high sales and tips. After twenty five plus years of observing guest/server interactions I feel strongly that there are better, easier ways for servers to make more money and with more integrity. Never having the time or energy to do anything about it while managing, I finally afforded myself the time to compile these ideas and get them into book form and into the hands of the people who could benefit the most. In writing the book, I realized there are so many people how could use this information now, not a year or two from now when I finally get published. This book, my tools and my 2 hour workshops are my tools to get more money into the hands of servers and bartenders who work so hard every day. Three years went into the research for the tools and seminars I have created. Every concept has been tested and retested personally. I hope that anyone in a FOH position can benefit from my years, my trials & errors, my tips and my utmost respect for those dealing with customers. I felt it was important to get my ideas "out there" as soon as possible because to help even one server to make a bigger tip iii or make his/her life easier, would make me successful. Since I am not a writer by profession, please keep in mind the goal of this book is not to entertain but to make life richer and easier you in every endeavor of your life. Your restaurant job is simply the foundation to put these tools into practice and begin creating a client base of your own for your passions outside of the restaurant business. So far I have developed easy tools to show waiters and bartenders the personal benefits they receive in seeing the industry and their jobs differently from the past. In one week servers develop a solid foundation that will have customers coming in early, requesting them, giving a much larger tip and leaving much happier, wanting to return sooner and more often! They see how to create great tipping, regular customers who know them by name and experience V.I.P. status which the customer is anxious to share with friends and colleges. Servers know guests by name as well and enjoy more integrity, higher morale and more money. I've created easy tools that waiters and bartenders can use which are right at their finger -tips or in their backpacks! Tools which make the guest feel more personally connected to them, more likely to treat him better, leave a larger tip and feeling the need to return more often with more guests. I want to help waiters understand the huge money making opportunities they have every minute they are awake and in any business they venture into. They will use these tools for the rest of their lives iv CONTENTS Acknowledgments v 1 Standard Waiters vs. Superstars Pg 2 2 Creating an Experience Pg 5 3 Owning Your Own Business Within a Business Pg 7 4 Grab Them! Pg 8 5 Exchange Names Pg 10 6 Thank You Pg 13 7 Leveraging the Incomplete Party Pg 17 8 Meet the Neighbors Pg 18 9 Hollywood Hook-Up Pg 22 10 Pay Attention Pg 25 11 Leveraging Special Occasions Pg 29 v 12 Know Your History Pg 32 13 Manage Introductions Pg 34 14 The Dollars Are in the Details Pg 36 15 Your Restaurant: The Info For Waiters Owners vi Pg 42 vii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS For all the restaurant employees who work and smile tirelessly every day to reach your goals thank you for helping shape this book, my career and me. viii 1 Chapter 1: Standard Waiters vs. Superstars Standard waiters experience their guests as a stream of nameless people who come and go. At the end of a meal these servers take the 20% of the bill left to them, instantly forget everything about that meal, and simply move on to the next one. If you use my techniques, however, you’ll create an audience of customers who come specifically to be served by you...over and over again. They’re not going to be anonymous, and they’re not going to be forgotten. They’re going to become passionately involved with you, appreciate your efforts...and typically leave you substantially more than a 20% tip. While it might seem like a no-brainer that it’s better to be fully appreciated for your unique style and higher paid for your work than to be a virtually invisible and interchangeable servant collecting a standard tip, I often get resistance from actors, singers, comics, and other stage & screen performers. They feel uncomfortable putting substantial effort into their waiter jobs when it’s something they’re doing just to pay bills until their careers take off. If this applies to you, please know this feeling is fundamentally unhelpful, for several reasons. First, the principles I’ll be teaching you about becoming a superstar waiter can also be applied to becoming a superstar performer. 2 Think of your restaurant as a theatre. All your fellow waiters are on the same stage; but you’re going to turn the audience members into fans of you specifically. As you build your personal fan base at the restaurant, these audiences will be returning over and over again to enjoy more of your performances...and the special memories that only you are providing them. Also think about what an incredible advantage in attitude this gives you from your peers. The vast majority of performers resent their day jobs, and so they tackle them grudgingly, exerting the barest amount of effort needed and no more. After they’ve spent most of their time filled with negativity and a closed heart, and actively avoiding giving their restaurant audiences an extra special experience, how well do you think they’re going to do when they’re at an audition for a huge role? How much of a positive attitude and superstar vibe do you think they’ll be able to muster when it counts most for making their dreams come true? Plus you never know who’s going to wander into your station. Sometimes you’ll get customers who can actually help your performance career—especially if you’re working in a major entertainment center such as New York or Los Angeles. How much more likely are they to do that if you dazzle them as a superstar while waiting on them? Another factor is very straightforward: money. Why wouldn’t you want to make a lot more cash at the job you’re already doing? 3 It’s common for performers to spend hundreds of dollars on courses such as “The Business of Acting” that end up having little or no effect on their lives. If you follow this book’s advice, it’ll have a dramatic positive impact on the business you spend most of your time conducting—pleasing customers. And the more you earn the more freedom you’ll have to pursue your performance career. Finally, you’ll actually have more fun at your day job following my techniques. You’ll fill your station with customers who haven’t simply wandered in off the streets, but are fans coming to enjoy you and your special gifts for making audiences happy. Then again, if you aren’t currently striving to work in show business, you may find my techniques give you so many opportunities to practice being a performer before a wide range of audiences that you may eventually develop the desire to try out your skills on larger stages. Either way, you should never feel that you’re “betraying” your dreams by turning your waiter job into a happy, fulfilling, and lucrative daily experience. If you’re truly committed to a career outside of a restaurant, then you don’t need to be miserable to make that happen. On the contrary, the more you nourish yourself with positive energy and a growing bank account, the more likely you are to achieve everything you’re after. 4 Chapter 2: Creating an Experience When personal computers first sold to mass audiences in the 1980s, they were all pretty similar—grey, text-based, and focused on delivering functionality. Then Apple came out with its Macintosh, which looked more like a work of art than a data cruncher; and which focused on not only getting a job done, but on providing a memorable experience carefully crafted to make people happy every single time they used it. A similar situation exists today in restaurant service. Most waiters are trained to be nameless, interchangeable servers who perform a straightforward job of delivering food and drinks, and otherwise are instantly forgettable. What this book will teach you to do is become the waiter equivalent of an Apple Macintosh (or iPhone, or iPad, or whatever your favorite device is). You’ll be serving food as efficiently as anyone, but you’ll also be creating a wonderful experience for your customers, fueled by your unique personality and style, that will make them want to come back to you over and over again. You’ll start off treating every customer who comes to your station like a VIP. You’ll find some people don’t merit star status, and that’s fine; you’ll simply refrain from using your customer retention techniques on them. For the customers who you find do deserve your special care, though, you’ll be empowered to hold onto them. After you do this for a 5 while, your station will be filled with returning customers who appreciate and reward you for being extraordinary, and for making their every visit a special one. Over time, you’ll find that making your customers feel like VIPs will make you feel like a superstar. You’ll also find that trying to make every meal a memorable experience will make your time at work creatively challenging and fun...and very financially rewarding. 6 Chapter 3: Owning Your Own Business within a Business Being a waiter in a restaurant puts you in a wonderfully unique position. You can think of yourself as owning your own business—but with zero overhead. That’s because you don’t have to pay for business rent, utilities, food, beverages, cooks, hosts, inventory maintenance, accounting, or anything else. The restaurant you’re in does all that for you. All you have to do is show up within that larger business, and focus like a laser beam on your personal product—which is your service. If you do a great job of creating a unique experience for customers with your service, than they’ll compensate you for it. And the more you grow your business by attracting loyal customers, the more you’ll earn. Meanwhile, you’re investing almost no money in building your business (aside from small expenses such as business cards), and you’re at no risk. How many other jobs let you run a business within a business? When looked at the right way, this is a sweet deal...if you’re prepared to take full advantage of it. 7 8 Chapter 4: Grab Them! Right now you probably focus only on your station, and on whatever customers happen to wander into it. What I want you to do instead is start being proactive by “Grabbing” customers. I know this runs counter to traditional training. Waiters are taught to stand against the wall with their hands behind their backs until a customer is seated at their station. But seriously, if I walked into your house, would you be doing that? Or would you be saying, “Hey, come in! Let me take your coat!” That’s how an owner greets a guest. And as the owner of your business within a business, that’s what you should do. Stay close to the restaurant entrance, and keep an eye out for customers who are loaded down with umbrellas (when it’s raining), or bags or packages (especially during holiday shopping seasons), or even heavy coats (during cold weather). Help these customers out as soon as they set foot in the door. At that point you’re not just a waiter anymore; you’re a considerate individual who’s going above and beyond to be helpful. 9 Now the customer is almost obliged to have a conversation with you. You can kick it off with, “Welcome! Thanks for coming in. Is there a reservation under which I can check you in?” If the reply is, “Yes, it’s Mr. Buckley,” turn to your hostess and say, “Ashley, this is Mr. Buckley. I’m going to go check his things. Do you know where he’s sitting so I can bring the coat check ticket over to him?” The hostess probably doesn’t know where he’s sitting— which is great. Because when she says, “I’m not sure,” you can say, “Well, I hope Mr. Buckley is sitting with me”—and then leave! If you’ve encountered the sort of customer you want, he’s likely to be thinking, “Wow; no one else in this restaurant has helped me with the door. Nobody has helped me with my coat. No one else has introduced me to the hostess. And there’s only one waiter who knows my name.” And so he’ll turn to the hostess and say, “Yes, I’d liked to be seated at one of her tables, thanks.” Now you’ve got someone at your station who appreciates you for being more than just a waiter. You haven’t even taken his order, but you’ve already established a positive relationship and a feeling from your customer that he owes you above and beyond your 20% tip. Another advantage of this “Grab them!” technique is that during the slow hours, such as the pre-dinner period, it allows you to steer customers to your station who you might 10 otherwise lose to random placement. That means more service, and more tips, every day. Because this isn’t typical behavior, your fellow waiters may tell you that you’re nuts: “What are you thinking, doing more than you have to?! We never go out of our way to create extra work for ourselves!” But you know what—who cares what they think? This is about you setting yourself apart from your peers. Because not only will you end up with a bigger tip, but these customers are likely to come back specifically to enjoy more of your VIP service—and continue tipping you big. While all the other waiters are hoping to get standard tips from strangers, you’ll eventually be waiting on a steady stream of customers who you’ve turned into your fans, and who are coming to the restaurant primarily so they can be served by you. 11 Chapter 5: Exchange Names When I’m providing a service to a customer, I want that customer to know my name, and I want to know the customer’s name. This lays the foundation for a continuing relationship. Again, lurking by the door is a great way to accomplish this. When a customer comes in, you can say, “May I check you in?” The customer might reply, “Yes, my name is Johnson.” Now you have his name. “Hello, Mr. Johnson,” you reply. “This is Ashley, our hostess.” Next, say to the hostess, “Oh, I hope Mr. Johnson is sitting with me”—and walk away! If Mr. Johnson responds appropriately by telling the hostess he wants to be seated in your station, then you’ve got him as a customer. (And if he doesn’t, he’s probably not the kind of VIP guest you’re looking for...) Once Mr. Johnson is seated, wait until he asks you for something even slightly beyond the norm. When he does, work in your name. For example: 12 “Can I have another napkin?” “Of course! You’re in LeeAnne’s (use your name instead of mine) station! You can have whatever you want!” or “Can I have an extra slice of lemon?” “Of course! You’re in LeeAnne’s station! I’ll get it for you right away.” Service isn’t simply saying “yes” and going the extra mile. It’s about doing the unexpected to create a memorable, wonderful experience for the customer. When you stick your name into your sentences, and make a customer feel he could’ve had a whole lemon tree if he’d asked for it because he’s at your table, you’re giving him a reason to remember his meal...and to come back so he can enjoy another wonderful experience from you. You never want to sound canned when you provide your name. It always has to come from the heart. If your customers perceive you as authentic, then they’ll start using your name—and not in an arrogant, finger-snapping way, but graciously—and you’ll have established a lovely relationship. 13 When that happens, go to the hostess after the customer leaves and say, “Just so you know, Mr. Johnson has requested me as his server.” She’ll then link Mr. Johnson’s name to yours, so any reservation he makes in the future will be placed in your station. That’s a customer you now have for life. There’s one more major thing you need to do, though: Make sure you remember Mr. Johnson’s name and details. If the next time he comes in you don’t recall his name, that’ll be worse than if you never learned his name in the first place. Of course, because you’ll be meeting dozens of new customers a week, it’ll be nearly impossible to remember each of their names without some help. So during your next break, in either a paper notebook or mobile device, write down Mr. Johnson’s name, the date and time he came in, which table he was sitting at, a brief description of him (height, weight, hair color, type of clothing—whatever will help you remember him), and anything notable about your time with him (e.g., his food preferences; for more on this, see “The Dollars Are in the Details” chapter). This written record will be a lifesaver whenever Mr. Johnson returns— because you’ll be studying your list of names every night, and doing your best to memorize each key customer. Something else to do when you get home is back up your list. If you’ve written your information in a paper notebook, transfer it to a Word document on your home computer. If you’ve typed it into a mobile device, copy that file to your 14 computer. This information is gold to your business, so treat it that way by always having backup copies. Finally, if you care to go the extra mile, briefly search for a photo of Mr. Johnson via Google Images, Facebook, or, and add that picture to your profile of him. That might sound like a lot of work, but if an image is available online you can usually find it in a few minutes, and then copy & paste it into your Word document in seconds. If you’re like most people, you’ll find it easier to recognize Mr. Johnson the next time he comes in when you have his picture right next to his name and description. If you follow the advice in this chapter week after week, your station will be filled with steady customers who are there to specifically enjoy you, make you feel special while you’re making them feel special, and tip big. Meanwhile, your fellow waiters will be standing around idly and just hoping some strangers who walk in are assigned to their tables. 15 Chapter 6: Thank You Many restaurants train their staff to respond to both a customer request and a customer’s thanks with “Absolutely!” I vehemently disagree with this—because that response makes it sound as if whatever you’ve been asked to do is nothing. If a customer says, “Can I have an extra slice of lemon?” and you reply “Absolutely!” it dismisses the effort you’ll be making—and that’s neither accurate not helpful to you. It’s effectively saying, “I cut lemons and bring them to tables all day long, whether you’re here or not.” It is some effort to go into the kitchen and cut off another slice of lemon. Maybe the chef is pissed off, and he’s like, “What are you doing in here? You’re taking up too much room!” Maybe there’s a long walk from the kitchen to the customer’s table, and while passing a different server’s station another customer flags you down for a favor. You sliced and delivered the lemon specifically for your customer; and you deserve to score points for it. Hospitality isn’t pretending that you’re doing nothing. It’s about letting your customers know that you are doing something for them, so they can feel special and cared for. 16 So what do you say instead of “Absolutely!”? In response to the request, get your name in. “Of course! You’re in LeeAnne’s station! (Using your name rather than mine). I’ll get it for you right away.” That tells the customer you’re ready to go above and beyond for her because you’re special, and you’ll always treat her as special too. When you deliver the item and the customer says, “Thank you,” respond with “Thank you.” That’s effectively saying, “Yes, it was an effort; but thank you for being here.” And it’s also saying, “Thank you for letting me provide this service to you...because I know your tip will reflect it. Thank you in advance for that bump above 20%.” Whether the customer subconsciously picks up on either meanings or just the first one, at least you’re not dismissing your effort with a robotic “Absolutely!” (As in “No problem! I love cutting lemons!”). Even a polite “You’re welcome” is dismissive, because it’s so instantly forgettable (“You’re welcome, I do this all time, and it’s as automatic for me as this response...”). A reply of “Thank you” isn’t the norm, and that makes it stand out. And what you want to do as a server is stand out from the crowd—albeit in a positive way that affirms how special both you and your customers are. 17 Chapter 7: Leveraging the Incomplete Party Customers will frequently rendezvous at your restaurant— which means one of them will arrive before the other (for a couple) or others (for a group). This common situation is referred to as an “incomplete party”—and it’s an opportunity for you to take what you’ve learned so far to another level. Let’s say the first to arrive is Ms. Reed, and she’s meeting two male business associates. Because you’re using the “Grab them!” technique, you’ve greeted her at the door; and because you’re using the “Exchange Names” technique, you’ve already gotten Ms. Reed’s name. Now you have an opportunity to take things a step further. Once she’s settled, pass by again and say, “Ms. Reed, I know you’re waiting for some colleagues. What are your guests’ names? I’ll tell the hostess and make sure that you all connect right away.” Its possible Ms. Reed will decline your offer, saying, “Oh, don’t worry about it, I’ll see them when they come in.” But because you’ve already extended her some other courtesies, she’s more likely to say, “Their names are Mr. Marston and Mr. Winston. Thank you.” 18 This is your chance to reply, “Thank you. My name is LeeAnne (substituting your own name). If you need anything, please just ask for me.” At this point, the chances are Ms. Reed is thinking, “Wow, this LeeAnne really knows how to provide service. I’m going to sit at her table.” Meanwhile, you definitely should tell the hostess, because Ms. Reed’s colleagues might arrive at a moment when you’re busy serving other customers, and you need to keep your word. But if you happen to be at the door when someone new comes in who fits your expectations—in this case, a male businessman—don’t hesitate to go up and say, “Oh, are you Mr. Marston or Mr. Winston?” With luck he’ll reply, “Why, yes, I’m Mr. Winston. How did you—wow, thank you! This is service.” You can then reply, “I’m LeeAnne, and I’ll be taking care of you tonight. Right this way, Mr. Winston.” Then bring him to the table where Ms. Reed is waiting and pull out his chair for him. And repeat this process when Mr. Marston arrives. You now have license to use the names of all three customers for the rest of their dining experience—and establish a relationship with each of them. 19 For example, as you’re walking by, even if you’re busy, you can just casually say, “Ms. Reed and Mr. Winston, how’s that steak? It’s amazing tonight, right? They must have gotten those cows from Heaven!”—and then walk away! What you’re saying to everyone else in the restaurant is that Ms. Reed and Mr. Winston are VIPs. Both of these customers will appreciate that. Then on your next pass by the table, say something positive about Mr. Marston’s dish so he feels included too. If you do little things like this throughout during the meal, you’re likely to get higher than 20% for your tip—and because there are multiple people at the table, that’ll add up. Finally, when you can grab a few spare minutes, jot down the names and descriptions of all the customers in the party— because it’s possible any or all of them will come back another evening to enjoy more of your special brand of service and you’ll need to be able to remember the name of each one. 20 Chapter 8: Meet the Neighbors Until now I’ve been focusing on customers who happen to come into your establishment. You needn’t restrict yourself to walk-in business, though. Like any entrepreneur, you should attract customers using every option available to you—and there’s a whole world right outside your restaurant. The next time you head for work, leave an hour early and take some time to explore the neighboring stores and services in your area. What you’ll probably find is that there are businesses all around you serving hundreds of customers daily. And what you want to do is start steering those customers your way. Your best opportunities are with vendors whose service complements yours. For example, if there’s a convenience store that sells coffee and donuts every morning, it’s getting a steady stream of customers who are used to buying nourishment in the area. It won’t be a big leap to persuade a certain percentage of them to try out your restaurant. Also look for stores that target the same type of customer as your establishment. For example, if you’re working for an 21 upscale restaurant catering to businesspeople, look for places that sell elegant suits, or high-end handbags, or thousanddollar shoes. If you’re working at a restaurant promoting natural ingredients, look for health food stores, juice bars, and fruit & vegetable stores. If your restaurant caters to those who love the arts, look for nearby bookstores, music stores, movie theaters, stage theatres, and comedy clubs. Give yourself a week or more to explore your area. As you do, make a list of the places that attract the kind of customers you’re after. Also, if you don’t already have business cards, get them made now. (You can obtain them locally, or online through a service such as that frequently offers discounted pricing.) The card should have your name very prominently displayed at the top or center. Below it, in smaller letters, should appear the name, address, and phone number of your restaurant. In other words, what you’re emphasizing is you and your service. What you need to make clear, both on your card and when talking to people, is that the star attraction isn’t your restaurant; it’s you. In addition, include contact information you’ve created specifically for your restaurant customers (versus family, 22 friends, non-restaurant career contacts, etc.). This can consist of an email address, a phone number, a blog or website URL and a Facebook page. (The FB page is especially important; see the “Leveraging Special Occasions” chapter.) This is information customers can use to contact you independent of your restaurant. That matters because if you and the restaurant ever part ways, you shouldn’t have to start from scratch attracting new customers. If anyone misses your service, they’ll be able to contact you and learn where you’ve relocated. When your business cards are ready, start visiting each local vendor on your list, and try to develop a personal relationship with the owner and/or staffers. For example, if you drink coffee, consider buying it from the coffee & donut shop that has hundreds of people streaming through it each morning. After the owner has gotten to know your face, come in one day during a period when her business isn’t busy and strike up a conversation. “You know,” you might say, “I work in the restaurant across the street. If anyone ever comes in looking for a place to eat, please send them over and have them ask for LeeAnne (substitute your own name).” Hand over your card, and add, “Also tell them to mention your name. Especially if they come in between 5:00 and 6:00, which is when things are more relaxed, I’ll be sure to treat them right.” If being that straightforward makes you uncomfortable, though, here’s another way to go. Start off by complimenting 23 the people and the product they’re selling: “You guys are so nice to me. And your coffee is so great; it gets me through the day.” Then work in what you do: “I’m always running around at my restaurant, right across the street. Your coffee is my fuel. Maybe I can do something for you in turn.” At this point pull out your card. “I’m LeeAnne. If you ever want to come in between 5:00 and 6:00 pm, before we get super busy, I will totally hook you up. And if you have any customers you like who you want to send over, I’ll do the same for them. Just tell them to ask for me and to mention your name. I’ll make sure they have a great experience too.” Write down “Come between 5:00 and 6:00 pm for special service” on the back of the card, and then hand the card over. Notice that you haven’t promised anything crazy, like buying someone dinner. You’ve simply pledged to deliver something beyond the norm—a memorable experience. And that’s what you want to provide to everyone. Also notice that you’re instructing the vendor to have people mention not only your name but her name. On a practical level, that helps you keep track of who’s sending you the most business, so you know who to keep encouraging. But beyond that, it makes the vendor feel good. If you give her the sense that her name carries weight in your restaurant, then she feels like a VIP—and who doesn’t enjoy being made to feel special? Further, notice that you’re steering business to fill your slow period. If you’ve got more customers than you know what to 24 do with during lunch and dinner hours, it doesn’t really help you to get in more customers then—let alone ones who expect special treatment. But if they come in during a period when you otherwise wouldn’t be earning a dime, then not only will they be super welcome, but you’ll actually have the time to give them extra attention. And once the great job you do get back to the vendor who recommended you, she’s likely to send yet more customers your way. Another benefit of this strategy is that the customers you get through it are likely to be on their best behavior. After all, they’ve been referred by someone who they probably see and conduct business with frequently; and you can report on them just as easily as they can report on you. The fact you all share a mutual acquaintance provides an incentive for everyone to impress each other. What do all these extra customers and local good will cost you? Just some inexpensive business cards; and the time it takes to cultivate positive relationships with the store owners around you so that they effectively become your local marketing campaign. 25 Chapter 9: Hollywood Hook-Up Quite often, your customers completing their meal aren’t the end of their evening; they’ll want to do something afterwards. If you ever hear one of them saying, “Gee, I don’t know where we should go once we’re done eating,” consider it a golden opportunity. You should be prepared to tell them, “There are some great choices tonight. There’s a sample sale just next door, a poetry reading down the block, a rock concert eight blocks south, and a dance club two minutes from here that’s kind of exclusive— except I can get you in with a phone call.” If you can organize something for your guests—and especially if you can promise them VIP treatment and/or access to something relatively exclusive—they’re going to see you with new eyes. Suddenly you’re not only their waiter, you’re a concierge with connections who holds the keys to their perfect evening. Of course, this requires that you keep up with what’s happening in your city. But you’ve already taken the first steps for this in the previous chapter, “Meet the Neighbors.” By exploring what’s available in your neighborhood, and introducing yourself to the owners and staffers, you’ve 26 begun to form valuable bonds. You can now take those connections to the next level. Scout out nearby locations again, but this time with an eye on evening entertainments that might appeal to your customers. Whenever you find one that appears to be a good fit, approach the owner or manager, and offer to refer customers from your restaurant in return for their receiving some sort of VIP access or treatment. Because you’re in a position to send over dozens of customers monthly, many owners will (correctly) view it as a win-win situation for everyone involved. Also make a habit of starting each morning reading about events in your city. For example, major cities such as New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, Boston, Miami, and Las Vegas have their most notable events described by local editions of Time Out Magazine, as well as by daily newspapers. Don’t ignore blogs and websites, either. If you live in New York, for example, the finest source of daily updated live comedy information is, which is entirely free; the best free sources of discounted Broadway and off-Broadway tickets are and; and the best source of cheap access to theatre is, which for $99 a year lets subscribers see select off-Broadway and Broadway shows for a mere $4 per ticket. 27 If you literally make it your business to keep up with what’s happening in your area and around town, it’ll pay off for you in concierge-level tips. I typically make these kinds of “Hollywood hook-ups” a couple of times per night; and not only does it substantially increase my income, but it helps ensure that customers keep coming back to me for new suggestions and connections. Don’t restrict yourself to the world outside your restaurant, either. You can also make impressive hook-ups using the people you work with every day! Specifically, if you have a table that’s celebrating and/or spending a lot of money, and the owner of the restaurant walks by, say, “Oh my gosh! Have you met the owner? Mr. Kingsley, please come say hello to Marilyn. It’s her 21st birthday, so this is a landmark night for her. Meeting you will be the perfect highlight for her special celebration.” That makes your boss feel special, and it makes everyone at the table feel like celebrities with insider access. From this point on them can walk into your restaurant anytime and truthfully say that they know the owner. Who doesn’t enjoy that? If the owner isn’t around, you can do something comparable when your manager walks by. Or you can go into the kitchen and—if he or she doesn’t mind—grab the chef for a few minutes (after the chef dons a clean jacket). Who doesn’t feel special sitting at a dining table and having the chef standing by making small talk? 28 You could say something like, “I just wanted you to meet the artist who made all of this happen for you.” But your customers will know that it was you who made it all happen; and they’ll reward you for making them feel like bigwigs. Further, they’ll make a point of coming back with more of their colleagues and friends...because they now feel confident that you’ll make seem look like VIPs to people they want to impress. 29 Chapter 10: Pay Attention Paying close attention to your customers may seem like such obvious advice that you’re wondering why I’m even mentioning it. But I can tell you from long experience that very few waiters actually do this well. For example, I’ll notice a customer is shivering, or has just put on a jacket while inside the restaurant, because she’s been placed right next to a drafty door. I’ll go up to her and say, “I hope you don’t mind my noticing, but you seem cold. Would you prefer another table?” Along the same lines, if I see customers frowning, I’ll walk by to eavesdrop. One time the snippet of conversation I caught was, “This is awful. You can’t see anything from here.” I didn’t hesitate to say, “I’m sorry, but I couldn’t help overhearing. If you like, I’ll be very happy to place you at a table with a much more interesting view.” I can’t tell you how grateful these customers were—and how ridiculously they over tipped me later. 30 Not all problems stem from the restaurant. But that doesn’t matter; when guests are in your station, your job is to help them out with whatever they need. For example, I’ve sometimes seen customers fidget and come over to learn that they’ve run out of cigarettes. “No problem,” I tell them, “I can get them delivered for you in about five minutes.” “Really?” they say, looking overjoyed. “Of course, just tell me what brand you want.” Because I’ve scoped out the neighborhood, I know precisely who to call that delivers cigarettes; and when asking my customer for the money to pay the delivery person, I simply tack on an extra $5 for myself for the service. There are hundreds of different reasons for individual customers to become unhappy. What matters isn’t the particular cause, but your noticing the discomfort and letting them know they should never feel trapped or stuck when you’re around—because you’ll always find some way to offer them new and better choices. 31 Chapter 11: Leveraging Special Occasions When you see customers arrive dressed up in some special way, or carrying flowers, or loaded with gifts, this is another great opportunity for you. Go up to them as soon as they walk through the door and say, “Wow, this looks like a special occasion! Tell me, what’s going on?” The chances are one of them will be happy to reply, “We’re celebrating our wedding anniversary!” or “It’s my birthday!” or something comparable. Without hesitating, respond, “That’s wonderful! I’m so excited for you! Tell me, what’s your name?” This is actually an unusual question for a waiter to be asking. But if you deliver your response in the right tone, you create a vibe that you’re celebrating with them, so it’s only natural you want to know the name of the person whose special day it is. After the customer answers with something like, “Oh, I’m Megan,” you can proceed to say, “I’m so excited for you! I’m going to make your meal super special.” Depending on where you work, your restaurant might frown on giving away a free slice of cake. But most kitchens have a chocolate sauce or something else yummy that you can 32 drizzle on a blank plate in the shape of the words “Happy Birthday, Megan!”—with maybe a cookie and a candle in the middle. Alternatively, if Megan’s ordered a burger, you can draw “Happy Birthday, Megan!” on a plate using mustard or ketchup; or at minimum stick a candle into the burger. (If your restaurant doesn’t have candles, buy some out of your own pocket. Your investment will pay off in tips...) So far you’ve done something that’s cost your restaurant virtually nothing, but has created unexpected joy for your customers. Your service has already gone beyond the norm. But don’t stop there. Since this is a special occasion, and your table is feeling extra happy, this is a moment they’ll want to preserve—so offer to do that for them! Say, “This is so nice! Can I take a picture of you guys?” The usual response will be, “Oh, yeah! Please do!” If they have a camera, offer to take it from them so they can all be in the shot. If they don’t, use a camera that you’ve made a habit of taking into work for precisely moments like this one. Once you’re holding a camera, you have a lot of power. So say to them, “I do this conditionally. The first way is your way, but the second way is LeeAnne’s (your name’s) way!” Now you’ve injected a bit of fun suspense; plus you’ve reminded them of your name. 33 On the first shot, they’ll probably do what everybody does— hold up their drinks, smile at the camera, and be sweet but kind of boring. When that’s over, say, “All right, the second way is LeeAnne’s way. And if you like how this comes out, I want you to post it on Facebook!” With that extra bit of anticipation created, position things so whatever special event plate or candle you’ve created for them will be in the shot. Then tell them the following: “This is your rock star cover photo. You have to point at the camera and be angry rock stars.” Point the camera at them and say, “Angrier! Angrier!!” This is so much fun for grandparents or anybody that age, because they grew up in the 1960s and 1970s when angry rock stars were at their heyday. Besides, everybody’s got a little rock star in them. When your customers are sufficiently going “Arrr!”, and sticking their fingers and/or tongues out, take the shot. (Or take several, and then show them the best one.) Chances are they’ll love it, because it’s so different; no one’s directed them to pose that way before. So repeat, “If you like this, I want you to put it up on Facebook.” Now add, “Please also mention that it was taken by LeeAnne at (name of your restaurant);” and so they don’t forget, hand each of them your card. 34 If they follow through, that photo will be an advertisement for you for the hundreds of Facebook friends of each person at that table. Imagine that you do this several times a day. You’ll soon have your name and restaurant associated with good times in front of thousands of Facebook users; and it’ll have cost you only a few extra minutes per table. But you don’t even have to stop there. To take things to the next level, carry around a small, portable device that can shoot short but high-quality videos. You can then also preserve your customers’ memories using motion and sound! You should get your manager’s permission for this. But assuming you receive a green light, you can tell the hostess that whenever customers call in to reserve a table for any sort of celebration, she should ask if they’d like their event preserved by a 2-minute video, at no extra charge. Most people will be thrilled to say “yes.” To make your life easier, have the hostess add that for the best results they should come in during non-rush hours (e.g., 4:00 pm-6:00 pm). And to encourage the hostess to be your partner in this, tip her something (say, $5) every time she gives you a party during the pre-dinner period. (Your small incentive might spur the hostess to ask everyone who calls, “By the way, are you celebrating anything? Because we have a great videographer on staff...”) 35 As a result, while other waiters are standing around idle during the slowest period of the day, you’ll automatically be assigned some of the most joyful customers the restaurant gets in—and you’ll be making them extra happy by preserving their celebration forever. For example, one evening a customer named Bob wanted to come in and celebrate his girlfriend Lisa’s birthday. I started with the camera pointing at me saying, “I’m LeeAnne, your server for the evening. Over there is Bob—he’s waiting for you, Lisa. Bob’s created a really cool birthday event for you.” I turned the camera on Bob, who said, “Hey Lisa! We’re going to have a great celebration tonight!” And then I cut. I also shot a short scene when Lisa arrived; treated Lisa with extra consideration during the meal; and included in her dessert a chocolate-drizzled “Happy Birthday, Lisa!” and a lit candle. Finally, I shot Lisa making a wish and blowing out the candle. Lisa assumed that Bob had arranged every detail, and was highly impressed with how thoughtful he was—but the truth is it was all my idea. How grateful do you think Bob was? Very. And his tip expressed it. But that’s not all...because I was the one with physical possession of the video! So when I was able to get Bob alone for a few moments, I said, “Let me get your email and your Facebook address. I’ll upload the video to your Facebook page; or, if your settings don’t allow for that, 36 send you the link so you can “share” it to your page and have Lisa see it. I just want you to promise that if you like it, you’ll mention on Facebook that it was shot by your waitress LeeAnne.” Notice that I’m not asking Bob to mention the name of my restaurant. I’m also not mentioning it in the video. That’s because, unlike photographs, videos contain spoken words and so raise liability issues for the restaurant. In addition, a high-quality restaurant probably won’t want to put its stamp of approval on a low-res and rushed video. However, when I post the video to my Facebook page I’ll include tags that let people find me on Facebook—and so learn where I’m working. What all this means is that in addition to getting you a huge tip, your video can end up creating thousands of dollars worth of free Facebook advertising for you. One warning: Don’t tell your fellow waiters about this. It’s a pot of gold you want to keep to yourself. 37 Chapter 12: Know Your History In previous chapters I’ve had you discover what’s in your neighborhood and what’s happening around town. But it can also be helpful to know the backstory of the very restaurant you’re working in. Many restaurants have colorful histories. Some have had famous politicians or movie stars dine in them. Others have been the scenes of dramatic clashes or calamities. Whenever your owner has some spare time before or after hours, ask for any interesting stories about how the restaurant came to be, and if it played host to any memorable events. Don’t stop there, either. Find out if the building the restaurant is in, or any building nearby, has historical significance. And learn whether the owner, the chef, or anyone else who works with you has some wonderful stories in his or her past. You can even ask whether the menu, the ethnicity of the food being served, and the wine inventory have any tales to tell. While verbal anecdotes are likely to be your best source of information, don’t restrict yourself to them. Google 38 your restaurant, and its key players, and jot down anything that strikes you as fascinating. When you’re looking for ways to break the ice with new customers, these tales can be of immense value. For example, one time I seated a couple in a corner, and they asked, “Oh, can’t we sit by the window?” I could’ve simply accommodated them, but instead I replied with an air of mystery, “You don’t know about this place, do you?” “What!? What are you talking about?” “Well, that table by the window is the scene of the biggest mob hit in New York.” This was absolutely true. “Only certain really brave people are willing to sit there.” This was a bit of an embellishment on my part; but to my mind anyone who lives in New York is brave... My customers were instantly hooked and wanted to know every detail—while seated safely away from the window. I shared with them the dark story, and they were riveted. Their experience was transformed from a mere meal to living in the shadow of a jolting event that they’d remember for the rest of their lives. How many people do you think they referred to me? And how many more do you think came in from the referrals of friends of friends of friends? Never underestimate the power of a great story. 39 40 Chapter 13: Manage Introductions Every now and then someone in the top management of your restaurant will bring in friends or colleagues to dine. If these guests are seated in your station, you’ll be able to do a better job if proper introductions are made upfront. Let’s say the guests are friends of the owner, whose name is Dan. The usual, but wrong, way for Dan to bring them to your table is to say, “This is LeeAnne. She’ll be your server tonight.” The right way to do it is for Dan to say, “This is LeeAnne. Have you ever dined with her before? LeeAnne, these are my friends John and Sam from college.” On the surface it might seem like a small difference, but it’s actually huge. The first introduction makes Dan the host and you nothing but an employee who fetches dishes. But the second introduction elevates you to being Dan’s co-host, and gives you permission to address his guests by name. This creates a much more relaxed and personal relationship. It also makes Dan’s guests feel more like VIPs—because they aren’t being served by a random server, but by someone Dan is treating as a peer. 41 If you feel you have the kind of open relationship with management that allows you to request this, and then simply take the pertinent person aside when things aren’t busy and say, “Can you do me a favor and introduce me when you have your personal guests at my station? It’ll help them feel more at home if I start using their names right away and when they feel welcome to use mine. Plus I want them to know they can ask me for anything, even when you’re not at the table.” If you put the request in terms of being able to serve esteemed guests more effectively, you’ll probably receive a “yes.” 42 Chapter 14: The Dollars Are in the Details This chapter offers a variety of additional ways in which you can go so above and beyond the norm as a server to ensure your top customers keep coming back to you...and compensating you like the star you are. In the “Exchange Names” chapter, you learned it’s a great strategy to jot down and memorize customer names. If that’s as much as your memory can manage, then stop there, because it’s much, much worse to get a fact wrong than to never bring it up in the first place. If you have a mind that’s great at recalling details, though— for example, if you’re a stage performer who’s practiced at memorizing pages of dialogue—then be more ambitious about the amount of customer information you retain. For example, imagine that the first time Mr. Howard and his friend Ms. Jennings come into your restaurant, you use the “Grab them!” technique to check their wet umbrellas and coats, and the “Exchange Names” technique to get their names; and you notice their preferences for their steaks and salads. Now imagine that because you did a great job of serving him, Mr. Howard returns a week later on a sunny day. You spot 43 him again as he enters and say, “Mr. Howard! It’s so great to have you back!” First point scored: You’ve remembered his name. You then add: “Thank goodness the weather is nicer and you don’t need your umbrella today.” Second point scored. Mr. Howard realizes you’re paying close attention to him as a customer. Next, you ask, “Will Ms. Jennings be joining you today?” Third point scored; you remember his dining companion. Smiling at how you’ve made him feel special, he replies, “No, actually I only have a short amount of time today. I’m just running in to grab some food before returning to the office for a meeting.” “Then I’ll try to get your food ready for you as soon as possible. Would you like what you had last time—steak medium rare, and a Waldorf salad?” Now he’s grinning. “Yes, that’d be great.” “I’ll go tell the kitchen right now. And I’ll tell them to give it top priority.” Wow. Your customer hasn’t even touched a menu, and you’ve practically got his order cooking. 44 After you’ve served his meal and he’s getting ready to pay the bill, you add, “Mr. Howard, in case you’re ever in a hurry again, let me give you my Google Voice text number. You can just text me “The usual, 6:00 pm,” and I’ll have your medium rare steak and Waldorf salad ready for you. Or if you’re bringing in a guest and need something special in advance, like flowers or a certain kind of chocolate on the table, just text me. I’ll make it happen, and you can reimburse me when you arrive.” Wow! You’ve just elevated your relationship with Mr. Howard from waiter to personal assistant! Naturally, you’d make this offer only for customers with whom you have an excellent relationship, and who you fully trust to reimburse you for whatever they request. You can add an extra charge for this type of service, so when you order flowers or chocolate or whatever you need through your network of contacts, you’ll be making extra dollars on top of the handsome tip Mr. Howard will be providing for his meal. The next time Mr. Howard returns, you’re busy at another table so don’t get to see him come in. Because you told the hostess weeks ago that he’s one of your regulars, though, Mr. Howard is automatically seated in your station. (Of course, even if the hostess messed up and tried to place him somewhere else, Mr. Howard would insist on being served by you). 45 You greet him enthusiastically as usual: “Mr. Howard! How wonderful to have you back!” He doesn’t appear to be in a hurry this time, so while you’re ready to rattle off “steak medium rare and a Waldorf salad,” you simply ask, “What are you in the mood for today?” Mr. Howard replies, “I’m torn between the steak and the lobster. What you do think?” If you were an ordinary waiter, you’d simply say, “They’re both excellent.” But because people are often tempted by more than one entree, you’ve previously requested from your manager the ability to let top customers order a combination dish. This isn’t something you could do on your own; but thanks to your initiative, and management’s blessings, it’s another way for you to provide extraordinary service: “Well, Mr. Howard, if you like, I can get you a plate that’s half steak and half lobster. That choice isn’t on the menu; but if you’d prefer it, I can make it happen.” Mr. Howard happily agrees. He adds, “That’s such a great option! You know, there are lots of items on the menu that are tempting, but I’m wary of taking the chance of ordering them in case I won’t like them.” Because you’ve also heard this before, you’ve discussed it with your manager too; and he’s provided permission for you to say the following: “Actually, if you ever come in on a 46 Tuesday between 4:00 and 6:00 pm, I hold a tasting party that allows customers to try a range of our dishes and wines for a flat fee. “And by the way, if you come in on a Thursday between 4:00 and 6:00 pm, I can offer you and your guests, free champagne with your meal! “Those are both normally slow periods for the restaurant; but because of these special offers, my station is pretty full at those times. That makes my manager happy, and my VIP customers like you seem to appreciate it as well, so it makes me happy.” Customers enormously appreciate such options, and they aren’t terribly difficult to provide; but very few restaurants actually offer them. Mr. Howard replies, “You know, you’re an angel on earth. Whenever I need to relax and not worry about anything, I’m coming here. And when I have a colleague or friend I want to impress, I’m also coming be served by you.” Now that’s what great service is all about. It’s not screaming “Absolutely!” every time a guest asks for something. 47 It’s paying strict attention to your customers, and keeping an eye out for anything out of the ordinary that you can do for them that will make them feel cared for and special. Remember, as a waiter you’re a small business owner with no rent, no inventory, no employees to pay, no business insurance, and food that’s prepared by other people. That’s a good place to be. And it means you can focus 100% on raising your service to the level of superstar. Of course, not every customer rates superstar treatment. But if a guest starts snapping his fingers or whistling for your attention, speaks to you with disrespect, or simply fails to compensate you adequately in tips, you can always gently cut that customer loose. All you have to do is provide that person with standard service, and no more; and let the hostess know that the customer is no longer a request of yours, so should be placed randomly at whatever station is next available. The customers that treat you right, however, are your personal VIPs. The other servers in your restaurant are waiting on strangers who walk in, eat, and leave. But you’re getting in regulars who know your name, and understand that you’re unique; who appreciate all the extra things you do to make them feel welcome and special; and who are happy to reward you. The result is your station is continually buzzing with warm feelings. 48 When this happens, how much more enjoyable do you think your experience is on a daily basis versus that of your colleagues? And if you have your heart set on a career beyond your restaurant, how many potential doors do you think you’re opening by handing out your business card around your neighborhood and spreading your name around town; and by having so many loyal, appreciative, and affluent customers? Also, how much more performance experience and star charisma do you think you’ve developing by serving a large audience of fans every day? Finally, bottom line: How much more do you think you’re earning in tips? Money is freedom. It buys you time and options. If you become a superstar waiter it will ultimately help you become a superstar in the career of your dreams too! 49 Chapter 15: Your Restaurant: The Information For Waiters Owners Teach employees to think and feel like the owners of the business and sell more. Teach employees the “why” in customer service and guarantee superior customer service every time! Teach employees “why” it benefits them to create regular customer after regular customer and guarantee bigger profits for the life of your business. Employees already knows how much easier it is to sell to a ‘regular’ customer. They also know “regulars” benefit the business in a twofold. Now show your staff how to create “regular customers” and sell to them! Teach employees the tools and how building your business benefits them and sales will soar! With this book you will show employees how to make jobs easier and make more money at the same time. Show employees how to get customers shopping more often, spending more money and referring more friends. With my book you will show see the personal benefits of building a network of regular customers and how they give 50 your you more time, money and energy for life outside of work. Why referral customers spend so much more money, and how to create referral customers twenty four hours a day. Discover why everyone in the neighborhood should know you by name and send you new customers every day. Use chapters 1-14 to get “perks” everywhere in town just by mentioning the restaurant. Use the simple “1-14” blueprint above to make the neighborhood your own personal goldmine for great customer referrals and special treatment everywhere you go. When employees see the limitless possibilities they have in your business and in their own job, you will not be able to stop them from creating new customers and new sales guaranteed! They have learned the technical ways that you want your business run now empower your employees with all that your business has to offer, inspire them with all that new customers will bring to their lives Together you will create an un-stoppable stream of continuous profit. Your customers will be warmly welcomed, assisted with their coats, packages and needs. Your employees will be greeting your customers by name and offering one unique services that lead to bigger sales, providing exceptional customer service inside your business and encouraging new clientele during their time off! 51 Show your employees how much more valuable a regular customer is to them personally and how easy it is to create regular customers and explode your sales! I teach your employees the superior customer engagement that creates repeat customers for life. Let’s face it; you and your staff know it is easier to assist regular customers. They also know “regulars” benefit the business but no one has ever shown them how to create those customers! They have learned everything but the most important element to your success! How to drive consistent traffic into their own station. After twenty five years in the hospitality business motivating employees who's dreams and passions are focused elsewhere, I know how difficult it is to keep staff motivated but not when they realize how creating new customers benefits them! They’ve been taught to believe it only benefits you, the business owner. No wonder your employees are difficult to motivate! My name is LeeAnne Homsey and having been a N.Y.C. staff manager and motivator for more than thirty years. I know how hard it is to keep employees motivated so I created fun and exciting customer engagement / retention / sales tools that employees love to use everyday lives! I had been living my dream of being a New York City Restaurant Manager for years and thought it would never end but when the economy took a turn, so did foot traffic and sales and I found myself doing more for less money. I was working longer hours with a more demanding boss and staff. It was 52 becoming frustrating. This was not my dream at all anymore. I was used to turning people away because there just weren’t any seats left ant the wait was already two hours long. I was used to Harrison Ford calling me from his limousine telling me he was running late and then arriving with a bottle of Chateau Margaux as peace offering. I was used to getting relationship advice from Diahann Carroll and Kathleen Turner, impromptu drum lessons from Max Roach, front row tickets to Broadway Shows from the lead actors themselves and dating Soap Opera stars. Now I’m looking at food and liquor cost all morning and long faced waiters all night. Sitting in meetings and trying to “plug leaks” is not my idea of managing so I decided to create something to manage. I started looking at ways my staff and I benefit from being busy and making connections. Next I developed ways we could each start creating our own stream of customers since we all had this restaurant at our disposal and a fantastic chef ready to cook, no inventory that we would have to purchase. Why not start controlling our own destiny? Our meetings became more like brain-storming sessions and soon roll-playing and competitions for the most customers. The team building was inherent and infectious and soon the environment was back to a constant, up-beat buzz of activity, sales, smiles and most of all profit! We kept to our scheduled daily staff meetings my staff had grown to love and strangely had begun inviting friends who did not work in our industry. When everyone claimed to be making more money, loving their job and getting more respect I knew I had stumbled on something really good. My husband became gravely ill during my last management job and I was forced to leave work to care for him 24/7. I knew I had to come up with a way to make money from his hospital room. I came up with a monthly event where each guest was introduced to the other 53 and a new wine or two was poured and discussed. It worked well and I was selling on-line tickets to complete strangers and leaving my husband only once a month for about three hours to host a party and tell people about one another. In a room of sometimes more than fifty people this was no small feat but we needed the money and each guest seamed to really appreciate all the connections being made for them. This skill I discovered is something which translates to a different type of customer service which is easily utilized in any industry or field. I was simply sharing information that I had gotten. I began sharing all sorts of information not just interesting facts about each guest but about things my guests may not have been aware of or could use. I took my role as master of ceremonies very seriously and my guests felt very accommodated and attended to. They referred friends and began attending more often. It was a complete surprise to me that it became such a success. After my husband passed away I could no longer manage. His failing health had become such an overwhelming presence in our lives every single second of every day over the course of fourteen years that I really could not even manage myself much less a restaurant full of employees or room full of party guests full of life and promise. I was suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and it was devastating. I couldn’t process his loss and couldn’t admit that after hundreds of infections, the side effects of chemotherapy, radiation, transplants, the comas, injections, medications, 4am 911 calls, antibacterial wipes on every doorknob, phone, handle, even remote controls, screening the health of guests, making his excuses, pretending to smile, informing the family that is was really, really over. I just couldn’t believe it. I couldn’t believe he wasn’t coming home so I sat down and waited for him so I wouldn’t miss him if he came. After a few weeks I started fiddling around on my computer writing him letters that I knew he could find if they were on his Facebook page when suddenly an e-mail came 54 from a former employee who wanted to know if I would come an train his new staff the way I had done when he worked for me years ago. He was now out in California and I couldn’t afford it so I promised him a video of my basic ideas. Two days later he said he couldn’t believe the difference in his co-workers and suggested that I write the ideas in book form so that everyone could benefit. The following pages are the result. I hope you enjoy. What to expect in this guide: A step by step guide complete with script to get your staff creating regular customers for your business 24 hours a day. The ability to motivate your staff to create more sales and only provide superior, consistent, uncompromising customer service and provide it enthusiastically. Having worked in the hospitality business my entire life, there is one thing I know well and that is people. Assisting and "guiding" the decisions of sometimes hundreds of people per night, I have learned several things that make customers happier and my staff's life easier. The best part is that what I learned is time tested and transferable to any business in any industry! Now I motivate your staff showing them tools that will build their tomorrows. I have employees all over the country waking up every morning thinking about how to drive more customers to their existing business. Your business! As long as you have customers to interact with, I can show you and your staff engagement and retention tips & tools that will have customers coming back, spending more money and referring more friends than you could even dream! 55 Your employees see how the contacts they make today will help in every aspect of their lives in the future. With me, employees learn the building blocks of customer engagement and what triggers customers return again and again plus refer friends. Why referral customers buy so much more, and how to create great referral customers. I teach your employees why everyone in the neighborhood should know them by name. This is the best two hours your staff will ever spend! I make sure they treat your customers the way you treat your customers. Customers will be warmly welcomed, assisted with their coats, packages. Your employees will be greeting your customers by name and offering specialty services. You will not believe your staff's transformation in one day. My seminars are exciting, intensive, fun tools that show your employees how much more they get from their jobs by creating new customers plus how to easily create repeat customers from new customers. These fast-paced and full of networking, seminars are rife with clientele building tools that your employees will use for the rest of their lives in every endeavor! They will be so glad that they work for you and that you brought them this this life-changing seminar! 56 Use the chapters 1-14 to: Promote & Market Business Your Business 24/7! Sell More! Find & Create New Customers Everywhere You Go! Create Relationships With Current Customers! Build New Relationships With Old Customers! Hand Business Card To People Everywhere You Go! Remember Customer's Names And Preferences! Greet Customers By Name With A Genuine Smile! Start practicing my techniques for the building blocks of customer engagement and what triggers customers return & refer friends. Why referral customers buy so much more and how to create great referral customers. Everyone in the neighborhood will know you by name and will refer customers to you 24/7! (It's easy and you will use this tool for the rest of your life!) I make sure employees want to treat customers the way you would treat your customers because they want to! Putting into practice chapters 1-14 will create financial and emotional freedom for anyone willing to put in the effort. Your employees will be greeting your customers by name and offering services and extras that no one else is! 57 I guarantee no employer before you has ever taught their staff how to cut corners and take advantage of a system for their own personal gain. Yet that is exactly what you will be doing when you help them create their first repeat customer. It is also much more difficult to be rude or curt with someone who knows you by name. So your employees experience far fewer inpatient or unfriendly customers and for more customers who treat them with respect and even wish them happiness. What a different experience the same store can be for the employee who has even one regular customer a day who they would know by name. Helping them find and choose things, learning their tastes and even personal details about their life, children and careers. This type of customer is like shopping with a friend and still getting paid. It’s the closest thing to a stolen hour that they can get and the crazy thing is that only they can create this scenario. No one else can do it for them. The competitive “name that name." Challenge is actually a fantastic tool that your employees will benefit and use in every area of their life! (Free networking tool with this week's paycheck: Make sure they are writing customer’s names down in a book. You don’t want to remember someone one week but not the next). What's shocking is that you and you alone have the power to turn your black and white, cold, boring store into a virtual Candy-land of daily opportunity and excitement for your staff. You just choose not to because the old ways are much more comfortable. Well “comfortable” is going to put you out of business my friend. Things are they really very different and you better get up to speed and start engaging your staff, and giving them the tools and structure that they are asking for or they will eventually go somewhere else but 58 not before the unhappy and unsatisfied feelings seep through the cracks of every conversation that could have easily blossomed into repeat customers, but instead became a poor customer experience, complete with bad mouthing your store’s reputation, bashing on the Internet and around town. Or worse, they say nothing and eventually you close your doors. Stop this vicious cycle and cater to the needs of your employees. Their days don't need to be interminable until they move on. Make it fulfilling so they never want to leave! Employees: if you want to make your working life better, easier, more fun and more profitable than call your customers by name. The way to accomplish this is very easy. Mention your own name a few times or assist your customer with things not related to what you are selling. Another way to get a customer's name is if they have children with them. Try keeping the kids entertained and or putting the stroller somewhere safe. You can introduce yourself and tell the mom or dad you are more than happy to help. Any time you are not busy. When they obviously appreciate you singing the A B Cs with Junior you can tell them that they can call the store at the time to let you know they are coming in and that way you can finish up with other clients Past to keep Junior company while year she shops. Trust me; I know you’re not in the motivational speaking business. You are in business to make money not to parent and holding your employees hands. This guide is the answer to your prayers on every level. You may even want to make it required reading detailing your new, much easier customer service, clientele building attitude. This is true for both David and Goliath business is at this moment in this moment alone. By 2014 you will likely either have the lion’s share or be on your way out of business. Most 59 brick and mortar businesses are slow to the gate by virtue of overwhelming the day business operations, but believe me, this is the one and only time that if you are not in the game with your uniform on and select in hand, you are on your way up to the bleachers with nothing in your wallet, but some mold the “shoulda-woulda-coulda” and an old “I told ya so” wrapper. Listen, if you still have a yellow pages book anywhere on the premises of your business, I guarantee you are doing less revenue. If you are in the Yellow Pages, I guarantee you are behind on your payments and your employees. Talk about you behind your back. (It is the equivalent of saying “indoor toilets? That will never work!” Caan’s recent comments and see what this business guru’s thoughts on your business and the internet. He has forgotten more than most business owners will ever even know. Donald Trump should have him on his Facebook chat list. (That’s speed dial. If you still have a cord attached to your phone. And parental between James, I and the omnipotent presence of the Internet and “apps” you should absolutely be alarmed if you don’t already have the basics: Facebook page, Linked-In account, Twitter account, Instagram, PInterest, Google profile, Yahoo business listing and Yelp account in listing. And yes, all of these are free to so if you’re not taking advantage. No wonder your employees are talking about you! You are literally the limit take in the town square, screaming you don’t want any customers. This is no more a fad, than toilets were. Get in the game and fast! With my customer service mini guide or superior customer service seminar, you could have every one of your employees sending more customers into your store in addition to the 60 customers that you already have. Customers speaking highly of your business because of their relationship with your employees. Customers who use social media and “word-ofmouth” marketing daily with or without your involvement. Why not get involved? Why not grow the customer engagements and relationships in your store to control public opinion? Take advantage of what I have learned and use it not only to pick up a bat, but hit it out of the park. Start controlling your online image, your reputation your income and your destiny. Book me to come speak to your staff today. If you don’t increase your customer base, sales and bottom line within one week I will refund your money! I already know how great and usable these tools are. I also already know your employees can’t wait to start using them. So really you aren’t risking anything, you are activating your employees to become around the clock promoters and your own personal marketing team, it costs less than a tank of gas, but will take you much further. If it changes the mindset of just one of your employees, you will make more your money back. Thousands of times over your employees will actually want to use the tools, they are going to thank you and send in more business, like their jobs more, be happier at work, take less days and time off… Why are you still reading this, you are literally standing in an outhouse with a yellow pages book in one hand and a corded phone in the other! Get out of your own way and call me! You win no matter what! Isn’t that what you went into business for? Yes, we do it everywhere we go, the bank the park, the drycleaner, the hairdresser and especially in our own store… telling everyone we meet where we work and to “come on by for something special… just for you.” Waiters & bartenders out on a night off, telling other waiters and bartenders to drop 61 in on these days at these times for V.I.P. treatment at their restaurant hoping to fill their sections with great tipping nice customers who request them. In the restaurant business you learn early how to get and remember people’s names and convince them to come to your business because they are the easiest customers to assist. Not only that, they feel like V.I.P.’s because they are recognized, remembered and eventually introduced to and woven into the fabric of our community so that we all know what their personalities and preferences are. You can waive to them from across the room to acknowledge them and let them know you will be with them shortly, you can relax with them and really assist them personally and you both benefit from the relationship. When “your mom” customer is leaving the store now, make sure she knows you can always do this for her when you are here and not busy. (Tell her this whether she accepted your help today or not. This gives her something to think about if she didn’t) this opens the door for three obvious questions: You just took a less than perfect situation for a mother and turned it, not only into an opportunity, but a scenario where she will ask for your name, the days that you work, plan to come back earlier and tell friends!) Bamm! Now you’ve complemented your boss, complemented your new customer, your boss is aware of your new clientele building practices and techniques. Your boss knows this is your customer, Mary knows two people in the store which makes her twice as likely to choose to shop with you every time! She knows your name and you know hers, which makes it likely that your exchanges will all be more pleasant than with a customer who you don't know at all. Mary is one step closer to complementing you online and referring friends. 62 Would you even know how? Probably not and yet when employees are powerful they produce more, engage more an inspire more. Still most employers and managers struggle daily to motivate their staff. It is amazing to me how much personal power, self-fulfillment and enthusiasm employers let slip through the cracks while trying to micro manage the minutiae. If employees really wanted to do their best, there would be nothing to manage except excess orders and sales. The best customer service employees will strive to become more like social media hubs for their place business and discover the limitless power and potential it holds for both them personally and the business that they work for. Take for instance the mother in the previous example. Let’s say she was shopping in a store like Sears. After attending my seminar, customer service employees would notice for example, 1) what she is purchasing, 2) what items she is struggling to lift or if 3) even if the children are dressed in a different or particular way. Paying attention to these types of details creates a tremendous amount of opportunity. How? Let me explain; #1 What is she purchasing: some items such as baby food, water, milk, snack cereal snacks etc. are personal preference items and will be purchased over and over maybe weekly for years. What if you knew her favorite item was much cheaper if she did or bought this? That would build trust and a personal, relationship with a store wouldn’t it? One customer could mean over $52,000.00 over a twenty year period buying water alone! Ask yourself this? Could you afford to lose $52,000.00 a year to the competition and still pay your employees what they ask? Building one or two of these kinds of customer relationships is also really great for the employee who just offered this one of a kind service! Thankful customers show their appreciation in a multitude of ways. Referrals & Holiday cards are just two. Now when that 63 thankful customer tells her other “Busy” friends to shop only with you they will be coming in, asking for you by name and hoping for the same special service which you can now control the time and frequency of simply by saying, “Oh I can only do that when I’m not busy with my job’s responsibilities and that would be at 8:00am or 1:00 pm, whenever the store has a lull. Your boss and the store owners will eventually know that you personally are driving traffic into their store using just one of the social networking tools available to you. Using these tools becomes addictive. Once someone begins opening doors and opportunities for themselves they never turn back. This is a tool the best employees will use for the rest of their lives. Is your store empty at the beginning of the day or end of the night? Business cards will change that! Anywhere you go you can drop a card on someone saying, “You guys are the best, I love your…Muffins, candles, clothes, discounts, cars, burgers, services (whatever!) let me give you my card and anytime you want to stop in I would love to return the favor! If you come in early I can give you undivided attention and let you in on product details & specials that no one else knows and V.I.P. them in other ways! Maybe introducing them to your manager, give a sample, coupon or suggest a photo of them with your product etc. You have so many free tools that will make a guest feel special, wanted and inclined to return more often. And when I say free tools please know that I never mean upselling. You have real tools, money making tools, all around you always at your disposal but no one in business is going to tell you that because they think their products or services should be enough for a customer to think, “I am coming back here every week and I want this guy to always work with me!” 64 Sorry, we are never going to build a repeat clientele foundation with a great smile and the best gadget ever. The world is social now. Everyone is now focused on building relationships and when it comes to technology and harnessing its power, brick and mortar businesses are a little slow to the starting gate to begin with. Start thinking like a social media hub and you will become your own $2000 billion dollar Facbook of the business but trust me it takes business cards and looking at each person you meet outside of the business as someone you want to give a business card to. I once bought a train ticket for someone when the ticket machines were down & he had no cash. I had cash and he was about to have a really really bad day. I stepped in & said I would buy it. In his utter confusion I put my business card in his hand as he was saying, “But how will I return the money to you.?” I just smiled and said mail it to the address in your hand and walked away. Not only did I get my money back, he also enclosed a $4,000.00 gift card for Tiffany’s & a new car! Alright, it was a $15.00 gift card for Duncan Donuts and in a very sweet hallmark card but it felt like a million bucks and that’s one more person sending people down to ask for me. (His train ticket was only $12.00 by the way. It’s not like I am curing any diseases or anything, I’m not that sweet. I’m just always looking to increase business for my boss and maybe me someday but this is a really good habit to get into.) This is networking and you will be doing it any business you go into because your contacts are your revenue source. Example: the customer’s son is carrying a violin and you know of a concert in the area featuring a famous violinist, mention may name for guaranteed tickets or she is carrying a Channel purse and you know of a place that has Channel accessories on sale, mention my name for special service. Any way you can strike up a conversation and introduce yourself is a great thing but giving your customers a reason to remember your name will create a lifelong relationship. 65 The customer will eventually introduce himself and if not you will eventually find the perfect time to say, “and your name?” Being able to call someone by name is very powerful! Whether he is your customer yet or not, he soon will want to be, which is so powerful! Plus the customers around him will want to know who he is which makes him feel even more important and more catered to. This makes getting other customer’s names easier so use the momentum! One easy way to get your customer's name is making sure they are calling you by name. The easiest way to make sure if this is happening is by mentioning your name for example when they ask about anything you say "Of course! You are in Dave’s Department. You will get all the information you want!" From this point on it will be difficult for your customer to call you anything but Dave. After they call you by name two or three times it's more than appropriate to know what their name is. You can accomplish this with one easy sentence. (Important: once you get your customer’s name you must remember it! It is inappropriate to learn someone’s name in a professional environment and then forget it the next time he comes to your business and it is easy to remember name when you write them down. You should already have a composition book with the first names of a few of your neighborhood business owners so this is the perfect place to write it down.) Remembering people’s names is one of THE fastest ways to put money in your pocket and create performance recognition at the same time. Getting your customer’s name does take 66 some finesse I will admit, not for any other reason than “It’s just not the norm.” Once it does become the norm for you, you will see dramatic difference not only in the money you make but in the way you are treated by customers, neighbors and your boss alike. People are also much more forgiving when things take a little longer in the store or mistakes are made. In the end everyone wins especially the customer. When employees know the customer by name they can keep them in the loop of what is happening, what to expect, special situations or sales. When an employee sees a potential customer for the first time and can’t assist them right away, has no idea what their preferences or time limits are can only say, “I’ll be right with you.” Of course if this doesn’t happen within a reasonable amount of time according to the customer, they now perceive themselves to be receiving poor customer service and may never return. Is it tricky to get someone’s name? Yes! Is it almost an art form? Yes! But only because it is just different! Your customers are not yet accustomed to power customer service or power customer engagement! But with the advent of social media the playing field has changed, some industries are just slower to the gate. Those who will win are taking advantage of the new “wild west” and building new empires simply by becoming social “hubs” for their customers. Others are wallowing and bound to disappear while trying to cling to old concepts that don’t work for anymore. Which will you be? What a fantastic opportunity! You can make the most of every single second in a store you don’t have to create the concept for, design & create the products for, find the location, advertise or staff or pay rent for. This turnkey operation is ready and waiting for you to start making money the moment you walk in. You don’t even lose money during slow times or incompetence the way your boss does. You are 67 set up to win from Jump Street simply because you have a job. Now focus on getting new and repeat customers to come into your small business and treat them like you want to create a relationship for with them and make their lives easier and better because they know you! Try thinking like the host of a party at your home, the master of ceremonies. As guests arrive in your home do you ignore them or greet them warmly and offer to take their coat, umbrella or packages? Surprisingly many employees feel as though the only thing they can say to potential customers who have gone out of their way to come into their store is “Let me know if I can help.” Or “Can I help you find anything?” I understand that some customers act as though they prefer to be left alone but if they just came into your home you may have a far more warm and personal exchange which is actually they key which unlocks so many more conversational doors. Conversations which may lead to exchange of names and information, “Can I help you find something?” invites the answer “No.” and no conversation can grow from that. I don’t know about you but I thank people for coming to my house, offer to make them comfortable and tell them a little about what to expect or where things are. (As you should as the master of Ceremonies) As an employee working only for a paycheck it is much easier to do things mechanically “correct” and create standard outcomes. As an power employee working for a future, every customer is a potential connection, a potential friend of the store, potential referral for more customers, potential on-line marketer, potential holiday gift or card, potential compliment to your boss and recommendation for promotion…. For a power customer service employee, every customer is potential. For an average employee every customer is just a customer for someone else’s business. 68 These are a lot of tools, I know, but pick just one or two for the day and focus on it. For instance my favorite is "get your name in it". Any sentence you can get your name into is actually a free effortless marketing tool for you personally. The customer is beginning to feel like part of the business but only in your department or because of you. You are subtly letting your customers know that he or she can use your name whenever he wants but also opening the door for you to ask his name which is putting him on the fast track V.I.P. “regular customer” status. Once your customers are known by name it automatically elevates your business and certainly you personally in this hierarchy of shopping choices. This one tool alone will give you more respect, more referrals, create possibilities for promotions and more money, save you time and create opportunities and good will for you and the business. My other favorite is, “Thank you.” Any chance I can get to get someone to say to me is a possible opening for a conversation! “Thank you” to me is a chance to say, “Thank YOU!” to them which lets them know I value them taking the time to come in. Value them asking ME a question instead of my co-worker which gives ME a chance to create a lifelong relationship and friend of the store while my coworkers get paid to stare at their hands. “Thank YOU” for giving me the opportunity to say “Thank YOU!” in a way that will make you hear me and see me with respect and understand how much I appreciate you. When your customers hear “Thank YOU” enough times they actually begin to feel thanked and appreciated and not for the dollars they spend but for who they actually are. It begins a fantastic process of creating possibilities that you will become addicted to even when you are not at work. You can also find a way to get your name into a sentence like that or get their name? (2 for 1!) “Thank You for coming into 69 LeeAnne’s department where magical things happen….or actually I just give you the inside scoop on new sale items.” The more you get your customer to say “Thank you” the more you can return with a “Thank YOU!” which leads to conversations which leads to opportunities to get name into sentences. The more you do that, the more they remember your name. The more they remember your name, the closer they are to posting about you personally, telling friends and coming back to buy more. Without these doors opening these people are just faceless customers coming and going. Buying or not. A simple “Thank YOU” can open a floodgate of possibilities for every part of your life giving you more energy and optimism for the really important things to you: maybe your kids or biking, cooking, writing or shopping! Business owners: How can you guarantee your customers the very best customer service from even non-tipped employees? It’s easy! What if you don’t plan to stay in the restaurant industry? Would you like to know how to sky-rocket to promotions, bonuses, repeat customers and lots of thank you “gifts” working in retail? Below is one example for non-tipped / retail employee and by now you should be able to see how these “steps” or ice-breakers or casual conversations transcend any industry to be used easily in the field of your dreams. How to get your retail customers posting about how great you are! It’s easy! (Retail) Look for customers with kids or who are shopping for a special occasion… 70 She may open up right away and say it’s a 1st date, anniversary or she that just loves cooking. This is awesome because she has just revealed something to you so respond in kind. Tell her something about you or ask how she met the other person or where she learned to cook then add to the conversation plus gushing a little with some “wow, congratulations” or “that’s amazing.” Then maybe tell a story about a first date, learning to cook, anniversary surprise etc. and let her know that you know of a few things in the department that may be perfect for her “vision” or “celebration” but that you know it has to be “just right.” Then before you go say, “Oh! We should Instagram this!” Pause, she will be confused, thinking, “Take pictures of what exactly?” She is thinking. Then say, “You should do before, Now you’ve complemented your boss, complemented your new customer, your boss is aware of you and your desire to create repeat customers. Your boss knows this is your customer, Victoria knows two people in the store which makes her twice as likely to choose to shop with you every time! She knows your name and you know hers, which makes it likely that your exchanges will all be more pleasant than with a customer who you don’t know at all. Victoria is one step closer to posting pictures of the stores products and complementing you online and referring friends to shop with you personally Now go buy a composition book and start filling it with the names and descriptions of people who are going to get you promotions, bonuses, referrals and make your eight hour day seem like four! Today do something that no one else would do. Look for problems and situations not related to your job then fix them. You will be amazed by the doors and opportunities it opens! 71 Another Retail Example: mother with children distractedly trying to shop while kids are requiring her attention too – ask age appropriate questions of the kid(s) (“Hey does anyone know the ABC’s?”) then smile & say, “You shop, we’ll follow.” then immediately turn your attention back to the kids and ask your next question. “That was great! Does anyone here know what the Itsy Bitsy spider went up?” She will smile and try this new idea out, thankful for the relief or say, “That’s ok”, uncomfortable with something new. When someone accepts your help, you just created an opportunity for a dialog and from there: a customer for life. You now have opportunities to get your name out there and make sure that the person knows the unique experience you bring to the table. A mom who accepts your help will remember you for life and tell friends… whether she buys something or not! You see when you work in retail you have more power over your paycheck than you think and what you have all around you is limitless opportunity to harness that power no matter what kind of products you sell! When “your mom” customer is leaving the store now, make sure she knows you can always do this for her when you are here and not busy. (Tell her this whether she accepted your help today or not. This gives her something to think about if she didn’t) this opens the door for three obvious questions: Who are you and when are you here? And when should I shop that you are not busy? Like the early powerful social media sites, most employees have no idea how much power they really have. More than likely that no one has shown them how to be more powerful either. Have you? Would you even know how? Probably not and yet when employees are powerful they produce more, 72 engage more an inspire more. Still most employers and managers struggle daily to motivate their staff. It is amazing to me how much personal power, self-fulfillment and enthusiasm employers let slip through the cracks while trying to micro manage the minutiae. If employees really wanted to do their best, there would be nothing to manage except excess orders and sales. But we generally let our employees flounder in the mechanics of the job instead of inspire them in the exciting existence of it. Having a job in the customer service field is such a gift. Let me explain; depending on the business employees may have access to an inventory of sometimes hundreds of thousands of products or services! People shopping for these products/services mean that employees have hundreds of thousands of opportunities to create relationships. Relationships they could not have built otherwise. Now getting back to the products… it is important to remind employees often that this is an inventory of goods/services that each and every employee has access to which required absolutely no investment on their part. That even the building they spend eight hours a day in is furnished rented and lighted with someone else’s money. They in fact have walked into a turnkey business with no outlay of funds and can start creating wealth almost immediately. To the average employee this means nothing but, to the best employee this is his perspective already and one he will maintain on the rise to the top. But even the best employee has no idea how much power he/she has at his disposal from the time he/she opens her eyes in the morning. The power to 73 create personal relationships for themselves outside of work because of the inventory they have access to while at work. They have no idea how to look for problems both inside and outside of work which will create new customers requesting them by name. Most have no idea how this alone catapults them to stardom and bonuses within their company and most managers, busy plugging leaks have no time to tell them. If they had time to tell their average employees to think more like the social media giants everyone would win. The best customer service employees will strive to become more like social media hubs for their place business and discover the limitless power and potential it holds for both them personally and the business that they work for. Take for instance the mother in the previous example. Let’s say she was shopping in a store like Sears. After attending my seminar, customer service employees would notice for example, 1) what she is purchasing, 2) what items she is struggling to lift or if 3) even if the children are dressed in a different or particular way. Paying attention to these types of details creates a tremendous amount of opportunity. How? Let me explain; #1 What is she purchasing: some items such as baby food, water, milk, snack cereal snacks etc. are personal preference items and will be purchased over and over maybe weekly for years. What if you knew her favorite item was much cheaper if she “did this” or “bought that”? That would build trust and a personal; relationship with a store wouldn’t it? Now what if after you built that trust and relationship, you mentioned to her that you notice she is usually pressed for time and since you already know some of her favorites, that if she sent you a text, you could make sure those things were already waiting for her at the front of the store. That would be helpful for her wouldn’t it? Not only would it be helpful, knowing those things were taken care of already frees up her time and shopping cart for other things and she ends up buying more. This is pretty great for the store right? 74 One customer could mean over $52,000.00 over a twenty year period buying water alone! Ask yourself this? Could you afford to lose $52,000.00 a year to the competition and still pay your employees what they ask? Building one or two of these kinds of customer relationships is also really great for the employee who just offered this one of a kind service! Thankful customers show their appreciation in a multitude of ways. Referrals & Holiday cards are just two. Now when that thankful customer tells her other “Busy” friends to shop only with you they will be coming in, asking for you by name and hoping for the same special service which you can now control the time and frequency of simply by saying, “Oh I can only do that when I’m not busy with my job’s responsibilities and that would be at 8:00am or 1:00 pm, whenever the store has a lull. Your boss and the store owners will eventually know that you personally are driving traffic into their store using just one of the social networking tools available to you. Using these tools becomes addictive. Once someone begins opening doors and opportunities for themselves they never turn back. This is a tool the best employees will use for the rest of their lives. “Why” it Benefits Your Employees to Create Regular Customers: Why referral customers spend so much more, and how to create referral customer after referral customer. Teach your staff why everyone in the neighborhood should know them by name. Show them why they would want everyone in the neighborhood to know who they are, where they work and what hours/days. Give them the simple one, two, three blueprint to make neighborhood introductions. They'll even be telling neighbors in the area where they live. Show your employees “why” and they will be telling everyone about your business and handing out your business cards to everyone they meet guaranteed. 75 Like the early powerful social media sites, most employees have no idea how much power they really have. More than likely that no one has shown them how to be more powerful either. Have you? Would you even know how? Probably not and yet when employees are powerful they produce more, engage more an inspire more. Still most employers and managers struggle daily to motivate their staff. It is amazing to me how much personal power, self-fulfillment and enthusiasm employers let slip through the cracks while trying to micro manage the minutiae. If employees really wanted to do their best, there would be nothing to manage except excess orders and sales. The best customer service employees will strive to become more like social media hubs for their place business and discover the limitless power and potential it holds for both them personally and the business that they work for. Take for instance the mother in the previous example. Let’s say she was shopping in a store like Sears. After attending my seminar, customer service employees would notice for example, 1) what she is purchasing, 2) what items she is struggling to lift or if 3) even if the children are dressed in a different or particular way. Paying attention to these types of details creates a tremendous amount of opportunity. How? Let me explain; #1 What is she purchasing: some items such as baby food, water, milk, snack cereal snacks etc. are personal preference items and will be purchased over and over maybe weekly for years. What if you knew her favorite item was much cheaper if she did or bought this? That would build trust and a personal, relationship with a store wouldn’t it? One customer could mean over $52,000.00 over a twenty year period buying water alone! Ask yourself this? Could you afford to lose $52,000.00 a year to the competition and still 76 pay your employees what they ask? Building one or two of these kinds of customer relationships is also really great for the employee who just offered this one of a kind service! Thankful customers show their appreciation in a multitude of ways. Referrals & Holiday cards are just two. Now when that thankful customer tells her other “Busy” friends to shop only with you they will be coming in, asking for you by name and hoping for the same special service which you can now control the time and frequency of simply by saying, “Oh I can only do that when I’m not busy with my job’s responsibilities and that would be at 8:00am or 1:00 pm, whenever the store has a lull. Your boss and the store owners will eventually know that you personally are driving traffic into their store using just one of the social networking tools available to you. Using these tools becomes addictive. Once someone begins opening doors and opportunities for themselves they never turn back. This is a tool the best employees will use for the rest of their lives. Noticing the buying habits of someone who may appreciate some extra assistance is smart and productive. It is a much better use of the exact same time and space that a typical coworker is using to complain about his job. Now noticing a customer’s preferences may lead nowhere but there is a possibility that it may become useful. One thing is for sure, not taking notice of what your customers prefer can only result in the exact same outcome that has been happening for years, a million times over each and every day. The best customer service employees, acting as social media hubs are learning how to change this and become more powerful in their community as a result. 77 #1 Don’t poison yourself. The people around you may not actually want to be work so most of what comes out of their mouths is going to be disparaging and unhelpful. Whether you want your job or you are pursuing other passions, your goal in showing up at work is make as much money as possible and be treated with the most respect. So, don’t pay attention to the negative it can ONLY bring you down and your job is hard enough! (And what you don’t realize is that many of these people may want you to be down like they are and if your goal is the most money then you really don’t have time or head space for their crap) We all know the job is stressful, customers don’t understand, most managers are tough and you co-worker is never around! Your focus should now be tuning that out & taking their first customer while they look for a pen which is NEVER put back in the right place. #2 Names! From now on, every opportunity you have to get someone’s name USE IT! People feel much more inclined to shop more and "gift" when the person helping them knows them by name and uses their name during their time in the store. Some of the ways you get your customers names are: If they are looking at/for special occasion items, if you recognize them from being in before, if you’ve seen them in the neighborhood or introducing them to your boss or telling them about events or happenings in the area that they may not be aware of. Any way you can strike up a conversation and introduce yourself, the guest will usually introduce himself and if not, now it is perfectly normal to say, “Sorry, and your name?” Being able to call someone by name is very powerful. #3 you have your own small business that you don’t have to stock with inventory, furnish or pay rent for. This is a opportunity to suck the life out of every single second in a place you don’t have to create the product or 78 invoice the user. Try to focus on getting every single customer and every single dollar and then leaving. You will feel much more in control (As you should since you are really the master of ceremonies) #4 Sow Seeds in the neighborhood of your small business. Talk to all the business owners and employees in the neighborhood as you do the things you usually do, just start introducing yourself as well! #5 What’s in your wallet? It should be 5 business cards. (And you should do this for the rest of your life!) – Plan to give out 5 cards a day even if you leave the customer service business. This is such a good habit because you begin to talk to and listen to people differently. The bank teller, the deli guy, mail man… You will be surprised what happens when you start saying , “oh hey, I never gave you my card… any time you want to come down or send friends in, just tell them to mention your name and I will totally hook them up! Thanks for always taking care of me.” (Hostess, drycleaner, bartender) Just wait and see what kind of service you get next time you go in there! This is all about building a foundation for your section. A foundation on auto-pilot filled with people who have been referred by friends or neighbors! You are not an anonymous employee, you are Mike or Doug “who is going take really good care of the people I send in.” And if the guest comes back to “thank” me you can bet I’ll will send more! Not only that, the guests I send in know that you are an acquaintance of mine. That we obviously talk. Have a good relationship. That’s why they are getting the hook up. These customers will not want to jeopardize the 79 relationship that was built and therefore will be extremely patient and respectful customers. You are now controlling the type of customers you are assisting! 5-6 times a day just for taking out a business card! Imagine if you actually did talk to 5 people a day giving them cards & writing your name on them and the “best” time to come in for super V.I.P. attention (Haha.. say anything here. You don’t want to be caught with your pants by offering anything free or anything you can't deliver on. But when they come in you know there are ways you can upgrade them and make them feel that V.I.P. land only exists with you.) But if you gave 5 cards out in one day and each neighbor sent one person in who wouldn’t have been there in the first place, let alone early, that would be 5x a polite and courteous exchange with people coming in and asking for you personally. *Say for instance that you work in a restaurant. Let’s say for example an average tip is $10.00 at your restaurant. Now you’ve got your neighbors putting $50.00 in your pockets before the rush even begins! Now what if all of those guests felt like it was more appropriate to leave $13.00-$15.00 dollars? Well that’s $65.00-$75.00 dollars before the night starts isn’t it. If it happens on every shift and you had four shifts a week, this one tool alone would put $260.00-$300.00 per week or $13,520.00-$15,600.00 a year. $15,000.00 an year to stop saying just, “Thank you” or, “Milk, no sugar” to instead of, “Thank you for my coffee! Hey you guys are so nice to me whenever I’m in here! I work across the street, (Or downtown it doesn’t matter) you should let me treat you to something sometime. My name is LeeAnne by the way (Extend hand to shake here! No one will ever refuse and they will remember you forever.) What was your name?” Remember his name. You will need it trust me. Now launch back into, “I would love to repay the favor so if you come down or send friends down make sure they mention your 80 name so I can do something special.” Be vague but be clear that you A) appreciate their kindness B) now know them by name and will C) do something special for anyone they send in. That’s a loaded hand shake and you may not even have a business card to give them…uh-oh you’ll just have to drop it off tomorrow which is when you reinforce this whole concept one more time AND ask for his business card. If this is by your small business do ask if they deliver, or pick up. If you are speaking to the business owner he knows that that means more money in his register. It is really important to start thinking about your daily interactions and how you can use them to fill your small business early so you can make money & go home early. Even if you tell people you are only going to be there for a year before your side project is done or you are finished with school… all that means is that they better hurry up and start sending people because it’s not everywhere that friends can stop in and mention his name. And people love having cache like, “Mention my name and Joe will take really good care of you.” I look for that opportunity now every time I answer the phone at work. How many of you have a business card for your store in your wallet right now? Is your store empty at the beginning of the day? Business cards will change that! Anywhere you go you can drop a card on someone saying, “You guys are the best, I love your Muffins, candles, clothes, discounts, cars, burgers, services (whatever!) let me give you my card and anytime you want to stop in I would love to treat you like a superstar! ..If you come in early I can give you the royal treatment.” You can VIP them in so many ways! Maybe by introducing them to the manager or suggesting you take a photo of them etc. You have so many free tools that will make a guest customer special, wanted and inclined to shop more often. And when I say free tools please know that I never mean up-selling or refolding a napkin for someone. You have real tools, money making tools, all around you always at your disposal but no one in the restaurant business 81 is going to tell you that because they think bringing amazing food to the table and refolding a napkin should be enough for a guest to think, “I am coming back here every week and I want this guy to always be my server!” Sorry, we are never going to build a repeat clientele foundation with a folded napkin and the best tomato ever. The world is social. Everyone is now focused on building relationships and when it comes to technology and harnessing its power, restaurant owners are a little slow to the starting gate to begin with. Start thinking like a social media hub and you will become your own $2000 billion dollar Facebook of the restaurant but trust me it takes business cards and looking at each person you meet outside of the restaurant as someone you want to give a business card to. I once bought a train ticket for someone when the ticket machines were down & he had no cash. I had some and her was about to have a really bad day. I stepped in & said I would buy it. In his utter confusion I put my business card in his hand as he was saying but how will I return the money to you. I just smiled and said mail it to the address in your hand and walked away. Not only did I get my money back, he also enclosed a $4,000.00 gift card for Tiffany’s & a new car! Alright, it was a $15.00 gift card for Duncan Doughnuts and in a very sweet hallmark card but it felt like a million bucks and that’s one more person sending people down to ask for me. (His train ticket was only $12.00 by the way. It’s not like I am curing any diseases or anything, I’m not that sweet. I’m just always looking to increase business for my boss and maybe me someday but this is a really good habit to get into.) This is networking and you will be doing it for almost any business you go into or stay in because often your contacts are your revenue stream such is the case here as an actual frosting on the cake you already have in your section which your boss and his marketing / PR arm has provided. TIP: Conversations with strangers: (Especially people in the restaurant biz.) Always try to find a way to say, “by the way 82 if you send friends in, just tell them to mention your name so I know to give them VIP treatment.” EVERYONE WANTS TO THROW THEIR NAME AROUND! #6 Managers work for you! (They just don’t know it yet!) Start introducing all your regular customers to your manager and make your life easier! Use his title and prestige for yourself. Why should he have all the fun? It will impress your customer to know the boss personally, make you job easier and cast you in a very favorable light once your boss sees the extra effort you are making to get to know the neighbors. (Don't forget to write their name down in a book somewhere though! Once you know someone's name it is very important for business that you don't forget it. #7 Pictures & Videos = $$ In so many ways! Look for opportunities to take your customer's picture. When they try something on or hold something up say, "Oh, You should Instagram that!" You will be blown away by how fast they start posting and asking you to take their pic in different outfits or holding your products. When you offer to take their picture tell them that you do it conditionally: "First the way you want then the way I want.” (Or “First Your way Then Mine.”) 100% of your customers will be intrigued, even excited by the prospect and wonder what you have in mind. Take the first picture with them posing the way everyone has posed since the beginning of time. (Yawn) Then tell them “Ok, now it’s my turn, this is your rock-star album cover and you are angry rock-stars pointing at the camera. “If you sneer and point at them as an example they will mirror you and do it back. Everyone has a little rock-star in them trying to get out and this is the perfect way to help let that rock-star out of them. As you are setting up the picture you can mention, The other part of the condition is if it comes out good, you can 83 mention me when you post it." Having the opportunity to do something completely different will make them putty in your hands and whether they post it or not they will ask you for your name. You are the master of ceremonies and you have the reins after all! Send and include “Every once and a while I host private fashion shows, test drives, tastings for my customers. Would you like me to e-mail you when I have events or specials?” #8 Help parents! Entertain their kids. It frees them up to shop and endears you to them. Just start talking to the kids. Prepare ahead of time with songs, games, stories, and coloring books. (Your co-workers will think you are insane. Your boss will think you are brilliant and all the moms in town will be asking for you personally! Then start using mom's camera to take pictures of "junior" doing cute things and get them together for photos with your products in the pictures and watch how fast her tweets and pictures make you employee of the month!) #9 Make Calls On Your Customer's Behalf! Do you know about a concert, book signing, cute pair of sandals on sale, sample sale, new restaurant with amazing calamari? When you are talking with your customer about why she is shopping listen for important details that you can use to further assist her and get her name at the same time. Would those sandals match her dress perfectly? If she is interested then make a call to that store down the block to have the sandals set them aside for her. Then ask her name. When she gives it to you don't feel like you have to share it with the other store. They should only know your name. The name of the person sending them a customer (And perhaps they will eventually return the favor!) Now you got her name, 84 provided unheard of customer service that she will tell friends about and the store down the street knows your name and make refer you customers. Not bad for noticing what’s on sale in your neighborhood and what your customers are wearing! #10 Grab it! Gab anything and carry it. Help open the door, grab an empty stroller to assist an over-worked mom. Grab bags. People walking in with bags may like to leave them some place safe to free up their hands while they shop. Simply reach for their belongings (This is really easy if you know their name) "May I put your bags behind the counter for you and lighten your load?” (Or check your coat for you so you don't over-heat?") Why not offer them some tea while you're at it. They are confused but still handing them over.. Now if you don't know their name this is how you will get it! "Sir/mam, can I have you name so everyone knows these are your belongings", simple. Now you are building a regular customer simply because they had bags or a coat. Tip: Try hiring a financial adviser for your staff and watch your company spirits rebound! Many employees have no idea there is any other way to do things but the way they do right now. Imagine how empowered some of your employees would feel buying stocks or saving for the first time… because of you! Try This Weekly Team-building Game! I don’t think employees realize how much they “leave on the table” by providing sub-standard or even satisfactory customer service. A great way to increase customer service is 85 by doing a little team-building exercise where employees pick a predetermined/scripted roll out of a hat. 1/2 of the employees are employees, 1/2 are “customers” who act out their rolls (mom with kids in a rush, older lady, needs a glass of water to take a pill, crotchety man looking for gift etc.). Get Your Customers Posting About You On Facebook Right Now! It’s easy! Another example, a customer is food shopping or in homegood section and picking out item that would be used for a romantic dinner or picnic. Could this be preparation for an anniversary or fist date? Ask! “Wow, there is one lucky person in your life. Is it an anniversary?” or “Are you shopping for a first date or do you always cook like this?” “Wow, first date or do you always cook like that?”, pointing to her shopping basket and smiling. She will either tell you or ignore you for a few minutes. Either way you didn’t ask a closed ended question that could result in a “No.” (“Can I help you find something?” - Translation “Can you help me sell you things you don’t need?” “No. I’m just looking’ – Translation. “I don’t know you and you are probably going to try to sell me things I don’t need.”) This is the new way of selling: creating added value for seemingly no personal gain. It may take a minute or two to sink in but she will either hand you her phone to take pictures of her or you will see her taking pictures of her own basket. Either way you win. You just wrote, directed and produced a commercial where she and her efforts are the stars and you’re your store’s products are the co-stars. It is a completely new focus so give yourself and your customer’s time to get comfortable not being “sold” rather celebrating and posting. So she has you take a picture or two with her phone (or you see her taking pictures of the store’s products with your 86 fabulous idea in mind. Either way you win and make sure you let her know you don’t do this for just anyone.) So when she has you take the picture tell her you do it conditionally, the first one is “her way” the second one is yours and whichever one comes out best goes on our Facebook page.” Then laugh. (“If you love the pictures you can even mention me as your personal photographer on our FB page” or something to that effect.) Now, her first picture will be pleasantly posed but nothing to write home about, now the second one is your way and she is expecting to get some direction so have fun with this. Have her do something cute. Use your imagination but maybe she could hold up the card she is going to buy and point or point to all the things in her basket etc. Get creative she will really appreciate it. (This can also be the scenario you would offer a mom with kids shopping for a special occasion. Offering to take pictures with her phone of the whole gang picking out the gift makes a great gift in itself! And all it takes is a few words like, “Wow it looks like you are picking out something for someone really special!”) Now make sure you gush a little bit because you are genuinely happy for your new customer’s anniversary. Ask how they met, how did she know he was the one? What is she going to wear & is she excited? Really listen and share stories. Don’t sell. You may be creating a relationship with someone who will send in every one of her friends to request to shop with you personally. If the opportunity presents itself, introduce her to your manager or boss as an alternative in case you are not available and she forgot something or needs something in the future. “Oh, Mark, I want you to meet my super sweet customer Victoria. She is very important to me 87 so if she needs anything I told her that you would have it flown to her house by helicopter within 4 minutes.” Everyone will laugh but the point that you will make your boss go above and beyond for her will make her feel really good and more connected to the store. Now you’ve complemented your boss, complemented your new customer, your boss is aware of you and your desire to create repeat customers. Your boss knows this is your customer, Victoria knows two people in the store which makes her twice as likely to choose to shop with you every time! She knows your name and you know hers, which makes it likely that your exchanges will all be more pleasant than with a customer who you don't know at all. Victoria is one step closer to posting pictures of the stores products and complementing you online and referring friends to shop with you personally When a most of your team is seated and while still handing out their composition books begin asking, loudly over the music, these questions: “By a show of hands, who would like more energy in their life outside of work? Ok! Great! Who would like to have more fun at work? Come on! Hands again! Nice! (Thank You!) Alright, who would like more opportunities in… general? …. Yes! Awesome! (Or come on guys! No one wants more fun or opportunities?) Ok! By a show of applause, (And this is not a test!) who would like more choices? Great! Thank you! Applause again who would like more promotions and Less (Micro) Management? Yes! I thought that might appeal to some of you! You: “Yes! You said you wanted more time, energy, fun, choices, opportunity and promotions. Guess what? You will find it all right here! “And this is where you will find all of that (It) If your pages are empty you will be looking. 88 When your pages are filled, you will have all the things you need and more. Now listen carefully because you have this job you can talk to anyone. Because you have this job, you can meet any one. Because you have this job, you can connect with anyone. Yes. (Long Pause) Because you work here you can talk to anyone, meet anyone and connect with anyone. Isn’t that an unfamiliar thing to hear? Usually when you start a job you learn about the products, the services, your role in their business. No one ever stops to explain the personal benefits you gain from your employment. Well, when employees are happier and know they have much more than just a job… who wins? Yes! Everyone! When a team member feels like he is getting more out than what he is putting in what kind of employee is he? Yes! He is a great employee. He is someone who doesn’t need management. He make even want to do more to attain recognition from superiors. He is probably taking fewer sick leaves. Now who wouldn’t want that type of employee and all we have to do is show him (or her) the way to take advantage of their job? Why isn’t everyone doing this? Because we are trained, we learn about the job. Not the other way around. Now YOU can use our inventory to your advantage in two ways: The first example is when you would like to meet someone new. Simply observe what they are doing. What they are wearing, watching on TV or looking at for instance. At a sports bar, for example, you think a guy is really cute and he is rooting for a team on TV. What do you have at the store that you can tell him about? Did you have the Alex Rodriguez bobble-head? Are there St. Luis Cardinal shirts on sale? It is the ‘EASIEST’ way to open up a conversation and NOW he knows where you work! (If you are too shy to talk 89 to him, talk to his friend.) Don’t let it end there though, pull out your business card and write your name on it and tell them that any time they come in and ask for you that you will “hook them up” with all the new sports stuff and secret sale items that no other customers ever get to know about. Everyone likes to have an inside source. It makes people feel important and well attended to even if you nothing but remember their name. It makes them feel good, feel special plus it makes your work easier, the business guts a new customer and now the cute guy at the bar know how and where to find you when he wants to ask you out. If it feels comfortable, make sure you jot down your days and hours on the card. This gives you more opportunity to exchange information that you will put in your composition book. (Is this your hometown or why is that your favorite team? You’ll get better about asking great questions which open up lots of conversations and details which will help you in every area in life, not only at the store.) Another way you can use our inventory to your advantage is buy using it during your everyday interactions with other people: Coffee/deli owners, muffin shop employees, wine shop employees, waiters, hairdressers, bartenders, gas station attendants, drycleaners, cashiers, bank-tellers, nurses, anyone really! The easiest way to engage these people is to ask for their help and then “respond in kind.” Telling them for example, “Thank you so much for my delicious coffee every morning! You are always so nice. (or you’ve been so helpful!) I would love to return the favor! I can’t do as much as you’ve done but if you come in and ask for me, I will totally hook you up like an insider where I work. (Where I work at ________) I’ll give you the inside scoop on all the store secret/special items.” This is when they will ask you for your name which is important because when you tell them they will actually be listening and trying to remember it since they asked for it. Plus your name is the gateway to their preferred services at your store. This is a great time to take 90 out a business card. “Here let me write it on our card.” Keep in mind that these are now the nicest customers in the store because they know you by name and you told them you would give them special service. They don’t even know what that means but they want it, everyone does. So they will be on their best behavior plus it is almost impossible to be rude to someone who you have exchanged names. This is another way to control your day and make work more enjoyable for yourself. Can you imagine waiting on only people who like you and appreciate you? It would be like going to a party in your department every day. Plus these customers are more patient and understanding so they make your job even easier. You don’t have time to shop for your mom or girlfriend. I work at ____________ and I can handle all that for you.” Now that you know you can meet anyone because you have this job and that it starts with a conversation, that conversations lead to exchanging names, names that get written into your books so you can remember them, remembering people’s names become the foundation of a relationship and relationships can become anything you want! That relationship could be your next best friend, the first person on line at your first book signing, the person in the front row of the play you wrote or are staring in, the mother of your child’s next play date, the mother of your next child! (Laughter) Your next boyfriend or carpenter… the possibilities are endless! “Thank you!” And it is a fact that saying, “Thank you for your help! I would love to return the favor.” Makes people listen to you. So now use it to your advantage every day and everywhere you go. Leveraging your job for everyday tasks and encounters saves time effort and money which means again, because you have this job you have more options, 91 possibilities and goodwill from the people you do business with every day. With the old way of thinking about retail, there is no reason to exchange names. Now, with the advent of social media, customers find it preferable to get referrals, recommendations, create connections and buy from “friends.” I want you to personally benefit from this new business landscape by showing you how to personally gain using one of your most valuable resources: your job. The old business model almost prevents any type of friendly relationship, focusing on the curious, almost mechanical greeting and farewells time and again. (Most places I go into, it’s like the movie “Ground Hog Day” where the staff acts like it’s the first time they have seen me even though I have been in every day for a week. Then I give them my, “Thank you so much!” and my card and ask their name for my book and a magical new world opens for me even in a coffee shop! Suddenly I’m the V.I.P. and even standing in the back of the line someone is shouting, “The usual LeeAnne?” saving me time. Next at the cash register, it is human nature to want to help someone who has recognized us right? Yes! So she may already begin thinking of people or ways to refer people to you! Why? Because everyone likes to feel important and you just told Courtney that if people use her name they will receive special services. Everyone likes to use their name! You just created so much power and opportunity for yourself and so much goodwill and recognition for someone else simply buying a cup of coffee! You are on your way to becoming unstoppable right? Nice! (Thank You!) Alright, who would like more opportunities in general? Yes! Awesome! (Or come on guys! No one wants more fun or opportunities?) Ok! By a show of applause, (And this is not a test!) who would like more choices? Great! Thank you! Applause again who would like 92 more promotions and Less (Micro) Management? Yes! I thought that might appeal to some of you! “Now, yesterday we talked about how to create opportunities and goodwill for yourself through creating conversations outside the store by empowering the people we want to know (The cute college student was empowered by knowing you can take care of all of his gift giving needs)and people we do business with anyway (The coffee shop owner was empowered when you recognized her hard work). “Social media is changing the playing field of almost everything and opening brand-new doors for those willing to change with the times. It is no longer the exception but the rule to do something nice for strangers online. Offering referrals, information and tips are easy and effortless at your keypad but not yet put into practice in real life. Those who dip their toe in these new waters will find themselves always quenched while those around you struggle in thirst. I encourage you to start practicing these easy exercises both in-store and on your own time to create your own rivers. Thank you so much, for attending all of the four sessions and thank you for working here with us. I really appreciate you and look forward to a great new future that we will mold ourselves unlike any other store or business that has ever been before could luck team and thank you again now give yourselves a big round of applause. Now what if after you built that trust and relationship, you mentioned to her that you notice she is usually pressed for time and since you already know some of her favorites, that if she sent you a text, you could make sure those things were already waiting for her at the front of the store. That would be helpful for her wouldn’t it? Not only would it be helpful, 93 knowing those things were taken care of already frees up her time and shopping cart for other things and she ends up buying more. This is pretty great for the store right? With my guides, employees learn the building blocks of customer engagement and what triggers customers return & refer friends. Why referral customers buy so much more and how to create great referral customers. Everyone in the neighborhood will know your staff by name and will refer customers to them 24/7! (It's easy and your employees will use this tool for the rest of their lives!) I make sure employees want to treat customers the way you would treat your customers. Your employees will be greeting your customers by name and offering services and extras that no one else is! You will not believe your staff's transformation in one day. My seminars and guides are exciting, intensive, fun presentations that show your employees how much more they get from their jobs by creating new customers and how to easily create repeat customers from those customers and even help prevent “Show rooming” These fast-paced and full of networking, guides are rife with clientele building tools that your employees will use for the rest of their lives in every endeavor! They will be so glad that they work for you and that you brought them this this lifechanging tool! Your Staff Has No Idea How Lucky They are and it's Your Fault! 94 You've been so focused on your business that you forgot about your employees. Is the position offered enough to keep your employees happy? Is selling your widget enough for them? Is yours the best widget on the planet and selling it makes your staff jump for joy? Probably not! Many employees are arriving daily to accomplish a means to an end for eight hours and they don't really care what they sell. This means, of course, they don’t really care if they sell either. This is a bad scenario for retailers. Your widget better not have any competition or be able to sell itself otherwise, you better start caring about your employees and whether they like selling. So how do you motivate your entire sales team to sell more and drive more traffic to your business? Show them how to take advantage of you. Teach them how to use your widgets for their own personal and financial gain. I guarantee no employer before you has ever taught their staff how to cut corners and take advantage of a system for their own personal gain. Yet that is exactly what you will be doing when you help them create their first repeat customer. Repeat, regular customers are great for business. This is a customer the employee can greet by name or wave to fondly from across the room indicating he will be assisting them momentarily. Communicating even from a different department in the store. 95 This is cutting corners and yet the customer feels as though he/she is getting more customer service and anyone around him. This one customer service trick alone will save your employee hours over the course of a year! It saves hundreds of yards walked a year. Wouldn't you like your employees to have more energy for the things they like to do after work? Knowing your customers by name does just that. Employees can tell an entire store that the person who just walked in is their own personal customer with a simple wave. There are so many nonverbal and verbal ways to communicate with good, regular customers, but this is only possible. Once you know the customer's name. It will save so much time, energy and stress your employees will be made. It is also much more difficult to be rude or curt with someone who knows you by name. So your employees experience far fewer inpatient or unfriendly customers and for more customers who treat them with respect and even wish them happiness. What a different experience the same store can be for the employee who has even one regular customer a day who they would know by name. Helping them find and choose things, learning their tastes and even personal details about their life, children and careers. This type of customer is like shopping with a friend and still getting paid. It’s the closest thing to a stolen hour that they can get and the crazy thing is that only they can create this scenario. No one else can do it for them. How do you learn customer’s names, you may ask? It's quite simple actually. Here are two ways; get their names before they become customers or learn names while assisting customers who are coming in anyway. 96 Why assist nameless people who might be unfriendly when you can turn them into "friends of the business," who want and request you. Why settle for the standard that has been set years ago when clearly times have changed? Windows to new connections have been newly thrown open due to the internet and the ability to create connections has never before been this easy. If your employees prefer not to engage people who they could be building relationships with then they are absolute fools! You never know where a relationship may benefit you. As an employer, you are now supplying them everything they need to make their eight hours into a powerhouse of opportunity and promise and their eight hour day will seem more like four hours so if they prefer the old-fashioned ways, then they are no smarter than someone standing in an outhouse with the Yellow Pages and a princess phone. Each employee has the limitless possibility to open, create, benefit from and even profit from a relationship with multiple regular customers. “Regular customer energy” is infectious as well. Your other clients will want to be called by name and given what seems to be superior and unique customer service treatment. 97 If you have an employee incentive program in place, even better! Start a rewards challenge involving introducing customers to the manager. The employee with the most introductions wins a prize. The employee wins the prize, gains customers and request plus now the customer is known by the manager of the store, making it all the more enticing to shop and refer friends. The competitive “name that name." Challenge is actually a fantastic tool that your employees will benefit and use in every area of their life! (Free networking tool with this week's paycheck: Make sure they are writing customer’s names down in a book. You don’t want to remember someone one week but not the next). In my opinion, you are creating bad customer service by making your widget the focus of everyone's attention. Clue phone! It's not the best widget ever! The focus shouldn’t even be the customer! The focus should be your employees, the conduit to the sale and how to make them happier to drive more traffic. They need to feel loved and appreciated at some point in the equation. I assume, for example, that your managers are not telling them how great they are, maybe they are only pointing out your employee’s flaws and mistakes. Maybe the customers are unappreciative or inpatient, maybe even rude. If your employee didn’t really even love your widget in the first place but has too much personal debt or responsibility to look for other job opportunities. This is not the best equation to a purchase. In fact if this employee is frustrated enough. He may be displaying passive aggressive behaviors onto every customer experience and you don't even know it. 98 What's shocking is that you and you alone have the power to turn your black and white, cold, boring store into a virtual Candy-land of daily opportunity and excitement for your staff. You just choose not to because the old ways are much more comfortable. Well “comfortable” is going to put you out of business my friend. Things are they really very different and you better get up to speed and start engaging your staff, and giving them the tools and structure that they are asking for or they will eventually go somewhere else but not before the unhappy and unsatisfied feelings seep through the cracks of every conversation that could have easily blossomed into repeat customers, but instead became a poor customer experience, complete with bad mouthing your store’s reputation, bashing on the Internet and around town. Or worse, they say nothing and eventually you close your doors. Stop this vicious cycle and cater to the needs of your employees. Their days don't need to be interminable until they move on. Make it fulfilling so they never want to leave! It's not about your widget. It's not even about the customer! It's about the people who make you want the widget, buy the widget, take pictures and post about the widget and the experience buying the widget. It's the people who shake your hand when you enter the store and ask how your kids are. It's the people that customers want to thank and send holiday cards to, recommend to friends and for promotions, call with funny stories or questions because they know they are wanted and appreciated by these people, appreciated personally and not just for their wallets! It’s about your employees. These are the people who personalize your business your brand and your widgets. Employees: if you want to make your working life better, easier, more fun and more profitable than call your customers by name. The way to accomplish this is very easy. Mention your own name a few times or assist your customer with 99 things not related to what you are selling. Example; if customers are carrying bags, coats, umbrellas greet them and offer to put their items behind the counter or someplace safe. As they are handing their belongings to you asked for their name. (Don't be nervous! It's easy, and you are providing extra customer service they didn't know they needed or could possibly have.) Just say, "And your name? I’ll put a little tag on it so everyone knows it's yours." Walla! With seems like extra effort on your part is actually the first step to creating your effortless workday and then workweek and ultimately career in a rewarding customer relations position. (Lucky dog!) Now it is vitally important that at some point after getting your customer’s name, you write it in a book that will become your regular customer’s names book. Do yourself a favor and purchase a standard composition book for customer’s names. When you get a name put the date at the top of the page and jot down things like: weather conditions that day and a politically correct description of the customer plus her kids names or career… any little thing that she may have mentioned that will help jog your memory if you don’t see her again for a few weeks. Another way to get a customer's name is if they have children with them. Try keeping the kids entertained and or putting the stroller somewhere safe. You can introduce yourself and tell the mom or dad you are more than happy to help. Any time you are not busy. When they obviously appreciate you singing the A B Cs with Junior you can tell them that they can call the store at the time to let you know they are coming 100 in and that way you can finish up with other clients Past to keep Junior company while year she shops. Don’t Be Victimized By Your Customer’s Comments On Social Media, Control It Easily And For Free! Create Your Own Public Opinion Using Just Your Staff And Free Internet Tools! Your on-line presence is so vitally important but what happens if your pristine reputation is sudden sullied or destroyed? Many businesses have lost control of their own reputation and even branding with the advent of the Internet. Don’t let it happen to you or if it has already, click here to control or regain control of your valuable reputation. Best of all, you don’t even need a website, or a lot of money. You can download in the area, easy (short) guide, complete with script so you can share with your staff, word for word the secrets that will control, enhance and elevate your reputation in real life and on the Internet. Not only will your staff love and use these tools every day, they will use them to build clientele on their days off. This fun and easy guide is easy to communicate, easy to grasp and pays for itself 10 times over after your first employee meeting. Even if you never spoken to your staff as a whole before this simple guide will have them singing your praises and shouting from the rooftops how much they love their jobs. 101 Trust me, I know you’re not in the motivational speaking business. You are in business to make money not to parent and holding your employees hands. This guide is the answer to your prayers on every level. You may even want to make it required reading detailing your new, much easier customer service, clientele building attitude. You will see your staff blossom into full throttle social media experts engaging customers on a whole new level and controlling the outcomes of their sales and social media comments. These are exciting times and a whole new frontier with uninhabited territory. Those who harness the power they already possess within their very own customers and free World Wide Web will dominate in their field. Dominate! This is true for both David and Goliath business is at this moment in this moment alone. By 2014 you will likely either have the lion’s share or be on your way out of business. Most brick and mortar businesses are slow to the gate by virtue of overwhelming the day business operations, but believe me, this is the one and only time that if you are not in the game with your uniform on and select in hand, you are on your way up to the bleachers with nothing in your wallet, but some mold the “shoulda-woulda-coulda” and an old “I told ya so” wrapper. Listen, if you still have a yellow pages book anywhere on the premises of your business, I guarantee you are doing less revenue. If you are in the Yellow Pages, I guarantee you are behind on your payments and your employees. Talk about you behind your back. (It is the equivalent of saying “indoor toilets? That will never work!” 102 I bet one or more of your employees have thank you to enter the computer or technology age and maybe that sounded scary to you because you sell tangibles, but I’m telling you this as a concerned friend, do not ignore the pink elephant in the room because these days. Even she has a smart phone with preloaded apps and is reading your bad reviews this is an age not to be trifled with. Google some of James Caan’s recent comments and see what this business guru’s thoughts on your business and the internet. He has forgotten more than most business owners will ever even know. Donald Trump should have him on his Facebook chat list. (That’s speed dial. If you still have a cord attached to your phone. And parental between James, myself and the omnipotent presence of the Internet and “apps” you should absolutely be alarmed if you don’t already have the basics: Facebook page, Linked-In account, Twitter account, Instagram, Pinterest, Google profile, Yahoo business listing and Yelp account in listing. And yes, all of these are free to so if you’re not taking advantage. No wonder your employees are talking about you! You are literally the limit take in the town square, screaming you don’t want any customers. This is no more a fad, than toilets were. Get in the game and fast! Take one afternoon and a teenager in your family or neighborhood and get it done! He/she will set up all of your accounts. Use one password for all of them and then change it when he leaves. It should take no more than two hours and $50 don’t get overwhelmed or scammed into purchasing services from so-called professionals you know your business better than anyone and your neighborhood kid can set these things up in his sleep. Just sit with him to answer address, hours, business description information, You will have a fantastic, searchable presence in only two hours. Try to use great search terms in your descriptions to show up higher in the rankings systems. (Words like best and great, location info help the search engines deliver you to the your potential customers. No one is looking for the “worst” suit or 103 car. For instance, so use words that people might search for to find the products and services you provide. I want you to succeed and prosper not just get by these above tips alone will begin crushing your less aware competition. Now, do yourself a huge favorite download my simple basic guide to motivating your staff and start trampling any competition and overflowing your bank accounts. Between me and your neighborhood kid, you’ll spend about the same as one dinner for two and you will see your employees embrace their job, their customers, you, the value of your customers, the ability to create good regular repeat customers at work, and the ability to create customers during their time off. With my customer service mini guide or superior customer service seminar, you could have every one of your employees sending more customers into your store in addition to the customers that you already have. Customers speaking highly of your business because of their relationship with your employees. Customers who use social media and “word-ofmouth” marketing daily with or without your involvement. Why not get involved? Why not grow the customer engagements and relationships in your store to control public opinion? Why settle for just the business you have when you can print a few pages and guarantee more customers and customers who are posting great things about you, your products and your employees! I’ll go one step further and say I guarantee your staff will be sending in at least two more of these 104 customers per week for the life of their employment. How much could that mean to you? 2 Customers x even 5 employees = 10 x 52 weeks. Could you use an extra 520 customers this year? How about 1,040 new customers next year? (And believe me to per week is conservative). Wouldn’t 500 new customers be great? Even if they only spent $1! You only spent $50 for the teenager, $10 for the guide two hours with the kid, during which time you can read the entire guide! The principles I talk about during my seminars are the same ones you will find in my little guide and people find them invaluable. How can I guarantee your staff will start generating more customers? Who cares? I just guarantee they will or I refund your money. It’s that simple. You don’t get to experience human nature at the magnitude I have for the length of time I have without learning some valuable insights into predictability. Take advantage of what I have learned and use it not only to pick up a bat, but hit it out of the park. Start controlling your online image, your reputation your income and your destiny. Download my guide today. If you don’t increase your customer base, sales and bottom line within one week I will refund your money! I already know how great and usable these tools are. I also already know your employees can’t wait to start using them. 105 So really you aren’t risking anything, you are activating your employees to become around the clock promoters and your own personal marketing team, it costs less than a tank of gas, but will take you much further. If it changes the mindset of just one of your employees, you will make more your money back. Thousands of times over your employees will actually want to use the tools, they are going to thank you and send in more business, like their jobs more, be happier at work, take less days and time off… Why are you still reading this, you are literally standing in an outhouse with a yellow pages book in one hand and a corded phone in the other! Get out of your own way and download the guide! You win no matter what! Isn’t that what you went into business for? Like What You Read? Feel free to follow my blog or sign up for my free newsletter & teleseminars! 106 Motivate your staff! The way I do this is either in person or on-line 2 hour seminars or through a brief 20 page guide / script that I wrote so that you can motivate your own staff. I am looking for new clients in the restaurant and retail sector so I can show them how much more enthusiastic their employees will be when they see the limitless possibilities their job holds for them. Feel free to refer me to anyone you think may need help with their staff! What? Going to get me a different size underwear would be your pleasure? Posted on June 25, 2013 by LeeAnne Homsey - Customer Service Expert Seminars I Firmly Believed We All Got Cheated Somewhere With Regard To Our Jobs. Mine has always been in hospitality so it was easy to create the kind of job I believed wanted. Restaurant management is an amoeba like thing; constantly morphing and changing but always connecting with people. With the advent of social media the world has become, well more social, but on every level and in every facet not just on our computers. We expect more social connectivity everywhere now and it is becoming glaringly obvious to me that the retail industry is struggling to catch-up on what we in the hospitality business have already forgotten: How to create great, easy, “regular customers.” Yes, we do it everywhere we go, the bank the park, the drycleaner, the hairdresser and especially in our own store… telling everyone we meet where we work and to “come on by 107 for something special… just for you.” Waiters & bartenders out on a night off, telling other waiters and bartenders to drop in on these days at these times for V.I.P. treatment at their restaurant hoping to fill their sections with great tipping nice customers who request them. But now everywhere I shop, every retail employee seems to be trying so hard to make my experience so sugary sweet it’s almost unpleasant. I know they are being trained and retrained to say the nicest things to every customer at every moment of the shopping experience but retailers are missing the mark and driving their employees crazy with unrealistic demands. I can only speak for myself but I don’t want super smiley employees screaming, “Absolutely! It’s my pleasure.” every time I ask a question and then they don’t even remember me when I come in the next day because they are so overwhelmed learning what not to say. In the restaurant business you learn early how to get and remember people’s names and convince them to come to your business because they are the easiest customers to assist. Not only that, they feel like V.I.P.’s because they are recognized, remembered and eventually introduced to and woven into the fabric of our community so that we all know what their personalities and preferences are. You can waive to them from across the room to acknowledge them and let them know you will be with them shortly, you can relax with them and really assist them personally and you both benefit from the relationship. Today’s retail stores are almost guaranteeing their own demise between “show rooming” and the unrealistic demand 108 on it’s employees and the really unbelievable and consistent response: “Absolutely! It would be my pleasure!” (What? Going to get me different size underwear would be your pleasure? That sounds ridiculous even to me! What’s worse though, next week you will greet me as though you have never seen me before and if you were properly trained, you would know my name, my occupation and even know what color and size underwear I have on! 109 2 Ways To Learn Your Customer’s Names Fast! Your customers will be blown away when they return and they are greeted by name. This is the type of service customers love and return and shop more often as a result of! The first example is when you spot someone with kids. Keep it casual act as though it is no big deal to help keep their kids and occupied in this act will reward you, her and the store 10 times over! At some point in offering your services to her, it will become comfortable ask for her name but… please make sure she gets your name! (Why? Because you never know!) This is your next regular customer, but it is even better now, through telling her "mom" friends about the store and you personally they were excited. Example: mother with children distractedly trying to shop while kids are requiring her attention too - ask age appropriate questions of the kid(s) ("Hey does anyone know the ABC's?") then smile & say, "You shop, we'll follow." then immediately turn your attention back to the kids and ask your next question. "That was great! Does anyone here know what the Itsy Bitsy spider went up?" When “your mom” customer is leaving the store now, make sure she knows you can always do this for her when you are here and not busy. (Tell her this whether she accepted your help today or not. This gives her something to think about if she didn’t) this opens the door for three obvious questions: 110 Who are you and when are you here? And when should I shop that you are not busy? You just took a less than perfect situation for a mother and turned it, not only into an opportunity, but a scenario where she will ask for your name, the days that you work, plan to come back earlier and tell friends!) When you tell her, "Feel free to call the store a few minutes before you get here so I can finish up with whomever I am working with. What is your name by the way?" – This no pressure customer service attitude has nothing to do with the clothes or widgets so she will happily tell you are name and be sure she gets yours. If she seems really enthusiastic write your name on a piece of paper or store business card. When she reaches for the card, pull it back and say, "Oh, I should write the days I’m working days too." In her head you have already moved her to the head of the line, in front of other customers when she calls to tell you of her eminent arrival, now you are pulling back the only piece of paper that has your name on it. The name she does not want to forget. People don't like having things taken away from them. So this will further solidify your name in her memory. You made her life easier for no apparent reason and for no financial or emotional gain for yourself and you told her you will hurry others along in preparation for her arrival. Now that is customer service! She feels like a queen and you created that with the same exact amount of time and space 111 that your coworkers would use to complain about something. Now when you are writing down for her the days that you work, mention that, "mornings, (afternoons or evening's… whatever time you are consistently slow or looking for business) are best." and also write that on the card. Now as you hand her the card or paper back, and this is important, let her know that you can only do this for a few people a week and laugh and say, "otherwise it might turn into a different business altogether.” and laugh again. “Thank you for coming in. I hope to see you soon, by-by Junior!" Another way to get a customer's name is by mentioning your own (and not in the same forgettable way like, "Hello, my name is LeeAnne and I will be assisting you today." Rather in a way that makes people listen. Example: "Can I help you find something?" "No, I'm just looking." "Well, you are looking in LeeAnne section so if you want to know the secret deals let me know." The customer may not want your help. But now, they at least know your name. You should get something or give something every time you speak to someone. Don't settle for the average, normal sub-standard exchange. That is so social media. Now people expect more from each and every exchange in their lives. Did you know you get something every time you give your name? You are one step closer to being able to say, "And your name is?" 112 When customers have used your name enough times you can absolutely ask for theirs plus you are that much closer to a relationship, more respect, your customer recommending you to friends and for promotions, being better known in your community and receiving thank you gifts, holiday cards and perks from people outside of work. But none of this can happen if you don't give your name or get theirs. Look for opportunities to get your name into your customer’s years. People like to go to places where they know people. They will choose your store over the competition simply because they know your name. Your boss will also become aware of how many people are spending money in his store because of you. A good way to make sure this is by introducing your customer to your boss or manager. Do this by saying, "I don't know if you met our amazing manager (Or the man behind all of this), Mark. Mark this is our new, super nice customer and neighbor. Sorry, I never asked your name? Oh Mary? Nice to meet you!) "Well, Mary if you can't find me, LeeAnne, ask for Mark and he will see to it you get my special treatment. Even if I'm not here.” Bamm! Now you’ve complemented your boss, complemented your new customer, your boss is aware of your new clientele building practices and techniques. Your boss knows this is your customer, Mary knows two people in the store which makes her twice as likely to choose to shop with you every time! She knows your name and you know hers, which makes it likely that your exchanges will all be more pleasant than with a customer who you don't know at all. Mary is one step closer to complementing you online and referring friends. Can you believe you did all of this by mentioning your own name and introducing your boss to your customer? 113 You just stacked the deck in your favor and created a regular, really nice customer all using just a few words and not settling for, "No thanks just looking." Get your name in it. Use your words! Use your connections to your boss/manager to your advantage. Use his cache to your benefit. Use the power that he throws around to create and cement your own relationships with your customers. You will be surprised how much get from sharing his power and title with your customers. Your boss may want you around all the time! (And believe me, no one else will come to mind when it comes for a promotion). This is a lot of power and positives coming from simple introductions and learning customers’ names. Stop throwing your power away and complaining you have none. You have the power to do amazing things and create and forge phenomenal relationships for yourself. Go do it! Example: a mother with children distractedly trying to shop while kids are requiring her attention too - ask age appropriate questions of the kid(s) ("Hey does anyone know the ABC's?") then smile & say, "You shop, we'll follow." then immediately turn your attention back to the kids and ask your next question. "That was great! Does anyone here know what the Itsy Bitsy spider went up?" Like the early powerful social media sites, most employees have no idea how much power they really have. More than likely that no one has shown them how to be more powerful either. 114 Have you? Would you even know how? Probably not and yet when employees are powerful they produce more, engage more an inspire more. Still most employers and managers struggle daily to motivate their staff. It is amazing to me how much personal power, self-fulfillment and enthusiasm employers let slip through the cracks while trying to micro manage the minutiae. If employees really wanted to do their best, there would be nothing to manage except excess orders and sales. Having a job in the customer service field is such a gift. Let me explain; depending on the business employees may have access to an inventory of sometimes hundreds of thousands of products or services! People shopping for these products/services mean that employees have hundreds of thousands of opportunities to create relationships. Relationships they could not have built otherwise. To the average employee this means nothing but, to the best employee this is his perspective already and one he will maintain on the rise to the top. But even the best employee has no idea how much power he/she has at his disposal from the time he/she opens her eyes in the morning. The power to create personal relationships for themselves outside of work because of the inventory they have access to while at work. They have no idea how to look for problems both inside and outside of work which will create new customers requesting them by name. Most have no idea how this alone catapults them to stardom and bonuses within their company and most managers, busy plugging leaks have no time to tell them. If they had time to tell their average employees to think more like the social media giants everyone would win. 115 Now what if after you built that trust and relationship, you mentioned to her that you notice she is usually pressed for time and since you already know some of her favorites, that if she sent you a text, you could make sure those things were already waiting for her at the front of the store. That would be helpful for her wouldn’t it? Not only would it be helpful, knowing those things were taken care of already frees up her time and shopping cart for other things and she ends up buying more. This is pretty great for the store right? One customer could mean over $52,000.00 over a twenty year period buying water alone! Ask yourself this? Could you afford to lose $52,000.00 a year to the competition and still pay your employees what they ask? Building one or two of these kinds of customer relationships is also really great for the employee who just offered this one of a kind service! Thankful customers show their appreciation in a multitude of ways. Referrals & Holiday cards are just two. Now when that thankful customer tells her other “Busy” friends to shop only with you they will be coming in, asking for you by name and hoping for the same special service which you can now control the time and frequency of simply by saying, “Oh I can only do that when I’m not busy with my job’s responsibilities and that would be at 8:00am or 1:00 pm, whenever the store has a lull. Your boss and the store owners will eventually know that you personally are driving traffic into their store using just one of the social networking tools available to you. Using these tools becomes addictive. Once someone begins opening doors and opportunities for themselves they never turn back. This is a tool the best employees will use for the rest of their lives. Noticing the buying habits of someone who may appreciate some extra assistance is smart and productive. It is a much better use of the exact same time and space that a typical coworker is using to complain about his job. Now noticing a 116 customer’s preferences may lead nowhere but there is a possibility that it may become useful. One thing is for sure, not taking notice of what your customers prefer can only result in the exact same outcome that has been happening for years, a million times over each and every day. The best customer service employees, acting as social media hubs are learning how to change this and become more powerful in their community as a result. How many of you have a business card for your place of business in your wallet right now? Is your store empty at the beginning of the day or end of the night? Business cards will change that! Anywhere you go you can drop a card on someone saying, “You guys are the best, I love your…Muffins, candles, clothes, discounts, cars, burgers, services (whatever!) let me give you my card and anytime you want to stop in I would love to return the favor! ..If you come in early I can give you undivided attention and let you in on product details & specials that no one else knows and V.I.P. them in other ways! Maybe introducing them to your manager, give a sample, coupon or suggest a photo of them with your product etc. You have so many free tools that will make a guest feel special, wanted and inclined to return more often. And when I say free tools please know that I never mean upselling. You have real tools, money making tools, all around you always at your disposal but no one in business is going to tell you that because they think their products or services should be enough for a customer to think, “I am coming back here every week and I want this guy to always work with me!” Sorry, we are never going to build a repeat clientele foundation with a great smile and the best gadget ever. The world is social now. Everyone is now focused on building 117 relationships and when it comes to technology and harnessing its power, brick and mortar businesses are a little slow to the starting gate to begin with. Start thinking like a social media hub and you will become your own $2000 billion dollar Facebook of the business but trust me it takes business cards and looking at each person you meet outside of the business as someone you want to give a business card to. I once bought a train ticket for someone when the ticket machines were down & he had no cash. I had cash and he was about to have a really bad day. I stepped in & said I would buy it. In his utter confusion I put my business card in his hand as he was saying, “But how will I return the money to you.?” I just smiled and said mail it to the address in your hand and walked away. Not only did I get my money back, he also enclosed a $4,000.00 gift card for Tiffany’s & a new car! Alright, it was a $15.00 gift card for Duncan Donuts and in a very sweet hallmark card but it felt like a million bucks and that’s one more person sending people down to ask for me. (His train ticket was only $12.00 by the way. It’s not like I am curing any diseases or anything, I’m not that sweet. I’m just always looking to increase business for my boss and maybe me someday but this is a really good habit to get into.) This is networking and you will be doing it any business you go into because your contacts are your revenue source. Names! From now on, every opportunity you have to get someone’s name or mention yours USE IT! Names are so important! People return much more often when the person helping them knows them by name and uses their name during their shopping experience. Some of the ways you get your customer’s names are: you recognize them from shopping in the store before, you’ve seen them in the neighborhood, noticing things about them and sharing information that may be of interest to them. 118 Example: the customer’s son is carrying a violin and you know of a concert in the area featuring a famous violinist, mention may name for guaranteed tickets or she is carrying a Channel purse and you know of a place that has Channel accessories on sale, mention my name for special service. Any way you can strike up a conversation and introduce yourself is a great thing but giving your customers a reason to remember your name will create a lifelong relationship. The customer will eventually introduce himself and if not you will eventually find the perfect time to say, “and your name?” Being able to call someone by name is very powerful! Whether he is your customer yet or not, he soon will want to be, which is so powerful! Plus the customers around him will want to know who he is which makes him feel even more important and more catered to. This makes getting other customer’s names easier so use the momentum! Some of you are uncomfortable with this, saying to yourself, “I can’t ask anyone’s name while I am assisting them, that’s just weird and plus I’m not good with names, I can’t remember names. They just don’t stay in my brain aaaah!” Well rest assured that neither one of these are true and this is actually an easy, powerful tool that you will use for the rest of your life! One easy way to get your customer's name is making sure they are calling you by name. The easiest way to make sure if this is happening is by mentioning your name for example when they ask about anything you say "Of course! You are in Dave’s department. You will get all the information you want!" From this point on it will be difficult for your customer to call you anything but Dave. After they call you by name two or three times it's more than appropriate to know what their name is. You can accomplish this with one easy sentence. (Important: once you get your customer’s name you must 119 remember it! It is inappropriate to learn someone’s name in a professional environment and then forget it the next time he comes to your business and it is easy to remember name when you write them down. You should already have a composition book with the first names of a few of your neighborhood business owners so this is the perfect place to write it down). The easy, foolproof way to get the customer’s name is by introducing him to someone else preferably the owner or manager. You simply say I want to introduce you to my boss who can assist you if I’m not here, Mr. Rogers, this is a V.I.P. customer I’d like you to meet, and your name?” He will happily shake hands and tell both you and Mr. Rogers his name. Next just follow up with “Mike, Mr. Rogers will be more than happy to help you with anything you need if I’m not available when you come in. Thank you Mr. Rogers.” This exchange accomplishes not only getting your customer’s name but also makes your boss aware of your newly acquired, expert customer service technique. (This technique is completely unique, highly desirable, nontrainable and in other words a commodity!) Remembering people’s names is one of THE fastest ways to put money in your pocket and create performance recognition at the same time. Getting your customer’s name does take some finesse I will admit, not for any other reason than “It’s just not the norm.” Once it does become the norm for you, you will see dramatic difference not only in the money you make but in the way you are treated by customers, neighbors and your boss alike. “manage” your department, not just be an employee! When you know your customer’s names you can greet them personally and warmly, keep them in the loop AND make them feel like the most important customer all at the same time! 120 Plus knowing customers’ names is a life saver and actually helps you save time when you are busy, make you more money when you’re not and impresses your boss and the business owner. Not only will can you expect to have more fun at work, you can also expect Christmas cards with gifts from your customers and raises from you boss! Sound good? Keep reading It gets better! Greet people personally and warmly. You may want something from them later… like a few extra minutes while assisting another customer, recognition from your boss that you are greeting customers personally, maybe even a Christmas card or referral but how can any of this happen if you don’t know your customer’s name? It is really easy for people to “showroom” and leave without purchasing when money is “tight” and they are watching every dollar. It’s much harder to spend time with and utilize the expertise of a retail professional who the customer builds a relationship with, to go home and buy at a discount on-line, even when he is on a budget. People are also much more forgiving when things take a little longer in the store or mistakes are made. In the end everyone wins especially the customer. When employees know the customer by name they can keep them in the loop of what is happening, what to expect, special situations or sales. When an employee sees a potential customer for the first time and can’t assist them right away, has no idea what their preferences or time limits are can only say, “I’ll be right with you.” Of course if this doesn’t happen within a reasonable amount of time according to the customer, they now perceive themselves to be receiving poor customer service and may never return. 121 Is it tricky to get someone’s name? Yes! Is it almost an art form? Yes! But only because it is just different! Your customers are not yet accustomed to power customer service or power customer engagement! But with the advent of social media the playing field has changed, some industries are just slower to the gate. Those who will win are taking advantage of the new “wild west” and building new empires simply by becoming social “hubs” for their customers. Others are wallowing and bound to disappear while trying to cling to old concepts that don’t work for anymore. Which will you be? The Customer Service Expert is for anyone in any industry who would like to make more money doing less work and feel as though you have more pride, power and integrity at the end of each and every day. It is meant to be an easy to implement “roadmap” to your personal success not just at work but in all of your endeavors and every part of your life. These tools will help build a foundation which will have you doing far less work and taking home much more money, admiration and respect. The goal of creating this guide and seminars is to make sure you succeed and thrive so keep reading! Consider for a moment that you have your own small business. Where ever you work you have your own small business that you don’t have to stock with inventory, furnish or pay rent for. What a fantastic opportunity! You can make the most of every single second in a store you don’t have to create the concept for, design & create the products for, find the location, advertise or staff or pay rent for. This turnkey operation is ready and waiting for you to start making money the moment you walk in. You don’t even lose money during slow times or incompetence the way your boss does. You are set up to win from Jump Street simply because you have a job. Now focus on getting new and repeat customers to come 122 into your small business and treat them like you want to create a relationship for with them and make their lives easier and better because they know you! Try thinking like the host of a party at your home, the master of ceremonies. As guests arrive in your home do you ignore them or greet them warmly and offer to take their coat, umbrella or packages? Surprisingly many employees feel as though the only thing they can say to potential customers who have gone out of their way to come into their store is “Let me know if I can help.” Or “Can I help you find anything?” I understand that some customers act as though they prefer to be left alone but if they just came into your home you may have a far more warm and personal exchange which is actually they key which unlocks so many more conversational doors. Conversations which lead to the exchange of names and information. “Can I help you find something?” invites the answer “No.” and no conversation can grow from that. I don’t know about you but I thank people for coming to my house, offer to make them comfortable and tell them a little about what to expect or where things are. (As you should as the master of Ceremonies) As an employee working only for a paycheck it is much easier to do things mechanically “correct” and create standard outcomes. As an power employee working for a future, every customer is a potential connection, a potential friend of the store, potential referral for more customers, potential on-line marketer, potential holiday gift or card, potential compliment to your boss and recommendation for promotion…. For a power customer service employee, every customer is potential. For an average employee every customer is just a customer for someone else’s business. These are a lot of tools, I know, but pick just one or two for the day and focus on it. For instance my favorite is "get your name in it". Any sentence you can get your name into is 123 actually a free effortless marketing tool for you personally. The customer is beginning to feel like part of the business but only in your department or because of you. You are subtly letting your customers know that he or she can use your name whenever he wants but also opening the door for you to ask his name which is putting him on the fast track V.I.P. “regular customer” status. Once your customers are known by name it automatically elevates your business and certainly you personally in this hierarchy of shopping choices. This one tool alone will give you more respect, more referrals, create possibilities for promotions and more money, save you time and create opportunities and good will for you and the business. My other favorite is, “Thank you.” Any chance I can get to get someone to say to me is a possible opening for a conversation! “Thank you” to me is a chance to say, “Thank YOU!” to them which lets them know I value them taking the time to come in. Value them asking ME a question instead of my co-worker which gives ME a chance to create a lifelong relationship and friend of the store while my coworkers get paid to stare at their hands. “Thank YOU” for giving me the opportunity to say “Thank YOU!” in a way that will make you hear me and see me with respect and understand how much I appreciate you. When your customers hear “Thank YOU” enough times they actually begin to feel thanked and appreciated and not for the dollars they spend but for who they actually are. It begins a fantastic process of creating possibilities that you will become addicted to even when you are not at work. You can also find a way to get your name into a sentence like that or get their name? (2 for 1!) “Thank You for coming into LeeAnne’s department where magical things happen….or actually I just give you the inside scoop on new sale items.” The more you get your customer to say “Thank you” the 124 more you can return with a “Thank YOU!” which leads to conversations which leads to opportunities to get name into sentences. The more you do that, the more they remember your name. The more they remember your name, the closer they are to posting about you personally, telling friends and coming back to buy more. Without these doors opening these people are just faceless customers coming and going. Buying or not. A simple “Thank YOU” can open a floodgate of possibilities for every part of your life giving you more energy and optimism for the really important things to you: maybe your kids or biking, cooking, writing or shopping! For more call or click and I will make you a customer service expert in two hours! Plus now use this code: h ttp:// to access any of the Power Customer Service Teleseminars Free! LeeAnne Homsey 1-860-248-0988 Subscribe for Power Customer Service Newsletter 125 Business owners: How can you guarantee your customers the very best customer service from your employees? It’s easy! Look at this scenario for instance: #1) Making a purchase signifies that they perceive the combination: quality, price and experience in adequate proportions. Adequate, but will they return or tell friends? #2) Not making a purchase signifies that one or more of the above factors were less than adequate and may never return. The previous two statements are irrefutable and shockingly most customer service employees would be satisfied by the outcome of either statement! As a business owner you better be unhappy with both! Customers buy when the price & quality is right. Returning & referring friends is based on the best customer service which is easy…. but first ask what does “the best customer service” mean to you? Is it service, availability, friendliness, cheerfulness, a smile, product knowledge, ability to suggest other products when price is an issue… perhaps all of the above? But are those always the best customer service points or are you sometimes in a rush and the best customer service would be addressing your time constraint immediately and executing whatever task you needed expeditiously & without the smiles & extra banter? Let’s face it, we are all different people with different backgrounds, personalities and needs and so are your customers. 126 Some of your customer’s service needs change within days, hours or even minutes! As a result “the best customer service” will mean different things to different people even at different times! How can “the best customer service” be in a trainable in scripted context when it is so subjective by nature? When it seems as though every part of the customer experience could be perceived as a variable instead of a constant? And we certainly can’t train and script our customer support staff that everything is a variable. The Script would be all but blank! So ask yourself this, “As a customer what does best customer service mean consistently when customer service needs are a variable?” You already know. The best customer service would be service that changed to adapt to your current needs. Interaction with your sales staff is one factor most of your customers have during their shopping experience. With more intuitive staff training, your customer should be making this purchase, telling friends, thinking about future purchases, posting on social media, returning to make future purchases and referring colleagues. An intuitive staff will be greeting customers by name and assisting them with the obvious. (That may be as simple as helping with the door or their coat & bags, charging phones, entertaining kids etc.) 127 What does customer service mean to you as a business owner? You already know because you built part of your business around it yet for the most part; it isn’t being executed in the manner you would like because it is your employees, not you, who are interacting with your consumers. Employees who are satisfied whether the customer makes a purchase or not. Yes, customer service is highly subjective. Your employee’s perception and delivery of customer service is highly subjective too. So how can you as a business owner, train your entire staff to provide the intuitive customer service you need? Customer service that would bend and flex and fit the customer’s needs instead of punishing him for having needs that are “offscript”? Customer service that would be 100% guaranteed to bring the customer back to buy more? It’s easy. Inspire and motivate your staff to go above and beyond! Every employee can do it. Every employee knows what would be good for business. They just don't have the motivation. Now ask yourself this, “What does customer service mean to each of my employees?” You may be surprised that what actually motivates them to go above and beyond is not money. If you think about it, most Americans working in low to midlevel jobs are living way above their means anyway, maybe 128 even “paycheck–to-paycheck.” The money you pay them is already spent. They are already sitting on it, driving it, living in it or sending someone to school on it. When you factor in the law of diminishing return you can expect the subject to turn even more bleak. But this is not how your employees feel. They don’t see the situation as bleak. It’s just a situation. It’s simply their lifestyle right now which has no bearing on their dreams or happiness they go home to every night. As long as they have a job they have options, hope and possibilities. Some have a family they work for, some have possessions, some education or artistic endeavors they are financing. Whatever the reason they work, it is your employee’s dreams that inspire them go above and beyond for your customers. To become intuitive and see problems as opportunities. To create a loyal customer base which, with time will reshape an average work day and evolve into much more personal relationships and support of their dreams. It’s time to help your employees understand the “why” in customer service! “Why” it Benefits Your Employees to Create Regular Customers: Your staff already knows how much easier it is to service a regular customer. They also know “regulars” benefit the business in a huge way but they have never been told why serving “regular customers” benefit them outside of the business then give your staff the tools to create repeat, loyal customers! 129 They have learned everything but the most important element to your success! The "Why." “Why” it benefits your employees to learn the building blocks of business: Teach your staff why the building blocks of customer service make their jobs easier. What triggers customers to buy, return more often and refer friends and why that benefits them. “Why” it benefits your employees to build a network of customers who request them by name: Why referral customers spend so much more, and how to create referral customer after referral customer. Teach your staff why everyone in the neighborhood should know them by name. Show them why they would want everyone in the neighborhood to know who they are, where they work and what hours/days. Give them the simple one, two, three blueprint to make neighborhood introductions. They'll even be telling neighbors in the area where they live. Show your employees “why” and they will be telling everyone about your business and handing out your business cards to everyone they meet guaranteed. They have learned how you want things done, invested in their uniform and now they are talking to your customers. Make sure they treat your customers the way you would treat your customers. Customers should be warmly welcomed, assisted with their coats, packages and needs. Your employees should be 130 greeting your customers by name and offering specialty service. Once they see the “why” you will not believe your staff's transformation in one day. Show your employees how much more customer is to them personally and how regular customers! Show them clientele they will use for the rest of their lives endeavor and your sales will explode! valuable a regular easy it is to create building tools that in everything they Look For Problems and Situations Not Related to Your Job Then Fix Them. You will be amazed by the doors and opportunities it opens! Retail Example: mother with children distractedly trying to shop while kids are requiring her attention too - ask age appropriate questions of the kid(s) ("Hey does anyone know the ABC's?") then smile & say, "You shop, we'll follow." then immediately turn your attention back to the kids and ask your next question. "That was great! Does anyone here know what the Itsy Bitsy spider went up?" Today's Suggestion: Shock Your Customer, Shock Your Boss Always searching for ways to put more money in your hands, today I suggest shocking your customers and shocking your boss. She will smile and try this new idea out, thankful for the relief or say, "That’s ok", uncomfortable with something new. 131 Either way you did something new unrelated to selling and she now knows this is a shopping experience only you provide. If she excepts your Above & Beyond, expert customer service, you will now be someone she seeks out whenever she shops and will start coming to your store because of you! When someone accepts your help, you just created an opportunity for a dialog and from there: a customer for life. You now have opportunities to get your name out there and make sure that the person knows the unique experience you bring to the table. A mom who accepts your help will remember you for life and tell friends... whether she buys something or not! You see when you work in retail you have more power over your paycheck than you think and what you have all around you is limitless opportunity to harness that power no matter what kind of products you sell! When “your mom” customer is leaving the store now, make sure she knows you can always do this for her when you are here and not busy. (Tell her this whether she accepted your help today or not. This gives her something to think about if she didn’t) This opens the door for three obvious questions: Who are you and when are you here? And when should I shop that you are not busy? You just took a less than perfect situation for a mother and turned it, not only into an opportunity, but a scenario where she will ask for your name, the days that you work, plan to come back earlier and tell friends! You just created a repeat customer who knows you by name. The door is now wide open to give her more information on her next visit. (More about that to come) 132 Can you think of other scenarios where you could help someone and turn it into an opportunity? Like the early powerful social media sites, most employees have no idea how much power they really have. More than likely that no one has shown them how to be more powerful either. Have you? Would you even know how? Probably not and yet when employees are powerful they produce more, engage more an inspire more. Still most employers and managers struggle daily to motivate their staff. It is amazing to me how much personal power, self-fulfillment and enthusiasm employers let slip through the cracks while trying to micro manage the minutiae. If employees really wanted to do their best, there would be nothing to manage except excess orders and sales. But we generally let our employees flounder in the mechanics of the job instead of inspire them in the exciting existence of it. Having a job in the customer service field is such a gift. Let me explain; depending on the business employees may have access to an inventory of sometimes hundreds of thousands of products or services! People shopping for these products/services mean that employees have hundreds of thousands of opportunities to create relationships. Relationships they could not have built otherwise. To the average employee this means nothing but, to the best employee this means everything and is just one of the irons he will have in the fire on his/her accent to the top. 133 Now, getting back to the products. It is important to remind employees often that this is an inventory of goods/services that each and every employee has access to which required absolutely no investment on their part. That even the building they spend eight hours a day in is furnished rented and lighted with someone else’s money. They in fact have walked into a turnkey business with no outlay of funds and can start creating wealth almost immediately. To the average employee this means nothing but, to the best employee this is his perspective already and one he will maintain on the rise to the top. But even the best employee has no idea how much power he/she has at his disposal from the time he/she opens her eyes in the morning. The power to create personal relationships for themselves outside of work because of the inventory they have access to while at work. They have no idea how to look for problems both inside and outside of work which will create new customers requesting them by name. Most have no idea how this alone catapults them to stardom and bonuses within their company and most managers, busy plugging leaks have no time to tell them. If they had time to tell their average employees to think more like the social media giants everyone would win. The best customer service employees will strive to become more like social media hubs for their place business and discover the limitless power and potential it holds for both them personally and the business that they work for. Take for instance the mother in the previous example. Let’s say she was shopping in a store like Sears. After attending my seminar, customer service employees would notice for example, 1) what she is purchasing, 2) what items she is struggling to lift or if 3) even if the children are dressed in a different or particular way. Paying attention to these types of details creates a tremendous amount of opportunity. How? Let me explain; #1 What is she purchasing: some items such 134 as baby food, water, milk, snack cereal snacks etc. are personal preference items and will be purchased over and over maybe weekly for years. What if you knew her favorite item was much cheaper if she did or bought this? That would build trust and a personal, relationship with a store wouldn’t it? One customer could mean over $52,000.00 over a twenty year period buying water alone! Ask yourself this? Could you afford to lose $52,000.00 a year to the competition and still pay your employees what they ask? Building one or two of these kinds of customer relationships is also really great for the employee who just offered this one of a kind service! Thankful customers show their appreciation in a multitude of ways. Referrals & Holiday cards are just two. Now when that thankful customer tells her other “Busy” friends to shop only with you they will be coming in, asking for you by name and hoping for the same special service which you can now control the time and frequency of simply by saying, “Oh I can only do that when I’m not busy with my job’s responsibilities and that would be at 8:00am or 1:00 pm, whenever the store has a lull. Your boss and the store owners will eventually know that you personally are driving traffic into their store using just one of the social networking tools available to you. Using these tools becomes addictive. Once someone begins opening doors and opportunities for themselves they never turn back. This is a tool the best employees will use for the rest of their lives. 135 Four Days to the Customer Service Staff You’ve Always Dreamed Of Day 1 Step 1 Pick a location which will be large enough for your entire staff to attend and hear you from every seat. Step 2: Acquire a way to play amplified music. Buy a CD player for example or check your sound system. Step 3: Acquire the songs “Them from Rocky” and “We are the Champions.” Step 4: Set a date and time when most of your staff can attend and business will not be adversely affected by a lighter staff. Approximately a week notice gives employees time to arrange schedules so that they can attend with their full undivided attention intact. Step 5: Alert your staff to the 1 hour meeting on the given day. (Make the meeting mandatory if necessary). Step 6: Purchase standard composition books for each team employee. Step 7: Continue reading and complete this guide to allow you time to get comfortable with and make personal additions to the script. 136 Day 1 Of Event: Arrive early. Bring in music source: CD player or IPod and have “We are the Champions” or the Theme from Rocky ready to be playing as your employees arrive. Have composition books ready to hand to each employee as they settle in. (Or have them at their seats if it is a large group). With music playing loudly, (Keeping energy high) start the meeting before everyone is seated by moving around the room handing out the composition books and saying “This is for you but don’t look inside.” When a most of your team is seated and while still handing out their composition books begin asking, loudly over the music, these questions: “By a show of hands, who would like more energy in their life outside of work? Ok! Great! Who would like to have more fun at work? Come on! Hands again! Nice! (Thank You!) Alright, who would like more opportunities in general? Yes! Awesome! (Or come on guys! No one wants more fun or opportunities?) Ok! By a show of applause, (And this is not a test!) who would like more choices? Great! Thank you! Applause again who would like more promotions and Less (Micro) Management? Yes! I thought that might appeal to some of you! Alright now what if I told you that the key to ALL those things are right there on the pages right in front of you? Believe me? 137 OK! Open your books then and you will see for yourself that it’s true!” Give them a moment to absorb. There will be confusion looking at empty pages and a totally blank book) You: “See? Aren’t these books amazing?!!” Someone will eventually speak. They will say “It’s empty!” (“They are blank!” or “I got the wrong one! There is nothing here!”) You: “Yes! You said you wanted more time, energy, fun, choices, opportunity and promotions …. Guess what? You will find it all right here! “ And this is where you will find all of that (It) If your pages are empty you will be looking. When your pages are filled, you will have all the things you need and more. Things you haven’t even dreamed of yet. Opportunities and options than you ever imagined or hoped. By Applause: Does that sound good? (Haha! To me it sounds GREAT!) Or Ok! Let’s find out how to get this rolling! Does it sound good that by writing a few things in a simple book a few times each week can change your life for the better? Give you more time, more energy even more money for what you really love to more excitement for your passions? 138 It was pretty amazing for me too that I one blank book could change my life but I started mine four days ago and it is crazy! (I am amazed!) Maybe some of you have noticed the change in me? OK. I am getting off topic. So who has a “full book”? Is there anything written on anyone’s pages? Anywhere? No where? Really? Um, ok, then we must all be in the same boat together! We all want more fun, choices, promotions and opportunity from our jobs! Good! Guess what else this book will give us? Community & Job recognition! That is a Lot to expect from a few written words every week! But it will absolutely be the thing that changes your entire life for the better. But how would you feel if I worked for you but I didn’t want to tell anyone about it? of the things that we’re missing. But if your job could talk it would tell you that you are not taking full advantage of it. Here are a few of the ways it would try to convince you to start: Because you work here you can talk to anyone, meet anyone and connect with anyone. This actually may not mean a lot to some of you in the room but for those who are thinking “Wow! That’s pretty cool if it’s true!” Then if it is true then 139 you are already getting more than just your paycheck the first time you use this idea. Now we’ve all been trained (taught) that our job is a place where we arrive do our work and leave. When it is done for the day we are anxious to stop doing or even thinking about it anymore. Excited to start living our personal lives. But what if what we do or what we sell could help us outside of work. Help us outside of the job in our “Real lives.” What if this job gave you your regular pay plus leverage, respect, community, fun and energy just by taking advantage of you position? Thant would be pretty good right? And the great thing is that if you don’t agree, if you don’t like meeting new people and getting perks or bonuses then you don’t have to. You can continue doing the excellent work you have been doing and thinking of you job the way you’ve been taught. This is just an opportunity to use you job as a resource for every part of your life, not just a paycheck. It is a chance to use our robust inventory of products or where we work or services we provide to your own advantage outside of work. Now YOU can use our inventory to your advantage in two ways: The first example is when you would like to meet someone new. Simply observe what they are doing. What they are wearing, watching on TV or looking at for instance. At a sports bar, for example, you think a guy is really cute and he is rooting for a team on TV. What do you have at the store that you can tell him about? Did you have the Alex Rodriguez bobble-head? Are there St. Luis Cardinal shirts on sale? It is the EASIEST way to open up a conversation and 140 NOW he knows where you work! (If you are too shy to talk to him, talk to his friend.) Don’t let it end there though, pull out your business card and write your name on it and tell them that any time they come in and ask for you that you will “hook them up” with all the new sports stuff and secret sale items that no other customers ever get to know about. Everyone likes to have an inside source. It makes people feel important and well attended to even if you nothing but remember their name. It makes them feel good, feel special plus it makes your work easier, the business guts a new customer and now the cute guy at the bar know how and where to find you when he wants to ask you out. If it feels comfortable, make sure you jot down your days and hours on the card. This gives you more opportunity to exchange information that you will put in your composition book. (Is this your hometown or why is that your favorite team? You’ll get better about asking great questions which open up lots of conversations and details which will help you in every area in life, not only at the store.) Now in your composition book you want to have at the top of the page, the date and location of where you met the cute guys then a brief, politically correct description plus what you talked about etc. (I even include weather conditions to help jog my memory.) And you want to write those things in your book as soon as possible because you don’t want to forget anything. Now even if it’s a few weeks before he comes into your store, you will remember all of the important details simply by looking back at that page in your book. Now when he comes in for the rest of his life you will be able to take a quick look at your book before impressing him with your amazing memory and making him feel ultra-appreciated and who knows where that could lead. Another way you can use our inventory to your advantage is buy using it during your everyday interactions with other 141 people: Coffee/deli owners, muffin shop employees, wine shop employees, waiters, hairdressers, bartenders, gas station attendants, drycleaners, cashiers, bank-tellers, nurses … anyone really! The easiest way to engage these people is to ask for their help and then “respond in kind.” Telling them for example, “Thank you so much for my delicious coffee every morning! You are always so nice. (or you’ve been so helpful!) I would love to return the favor! I can’t do as much as you’ve done but if you come in and ask for me, I will totally hook you up like an insider where I work. (Where I work at ________) I’ll give you the inside scoop on all the store secret/special items.” This is when they will ask you for your name which is important because when you tell them they will actually be listening and trying to remember it since they asked for it. Plus your name is the gateway to their preferred services at your store. This is a great time to take out a business card. “Here let me write it on our card.” Imagine that! Think of how many people you interact with every day! Yes! From one person to sometimes ten people you do business with everyday who now have an “insider” when they go to shop simply because you said thank you! Keep in mind that these are now the nicest customers in the store because they know you by name and you told them you would give them special service. They don’t even know what that means but they want it, everyone does. So they will be on their best behavior plus it is almost impossible to be rude to someone who you have exchanged names. This is another way to control your day and make work more enjoyable for yourself. Can you imagine waiting on only people who like you and appreciate you? It would be like going to a party in your department every day. Plus these customers are more patient and understanding so they make your job even easier. Everyone wants to know someone “on the inside” and guess 142 what? That’s who you are! Start using your job in customer service to your advantage and get more than just a paycheck. I used to go to the front of the line of every New York City night club just by handing the bouncer my card telling him I would “totally hook him up” when he came in. Of course they never did but the possibility was so enticing that they moved me to the front of the line every time. When they let me in I would always ask for their name, put it in my book and then call him by name the next time I went. Guess who never waited on any lines? Start your books today and stop waiting on lines, start meeting people and maybe even start getting free muffins! Start your composition book today/tonight and you will be taking more from your job and taking more than just a paycheck! And this is just day 1!” 143 Day 2: Step 1: Print your seminar material. (Do this ahead of time to allow time for unforeseen internet or printing problems.) Approximately two hours ahead of time for day 2 of your seminar, on a computer with printer attached, open your “Paint” program and then an Internet browser. Step 2: On the Internet, locate your business address in Google Maps. On the upper right hand corner of the map click “satellite.” Zoom in until you see several blocks around your business and the buildings surrounding your building. Step 3: On the upper right hand part of your keyboard find and push the button marked “prt sc” (Print Screen). Click your “Paint” program open and on the upper left toolbar click the clipboard to “Paste.” Step 4: Next to the “Paste” button on the toolbar, click “Crop” then click a corner of the map and drag your mouse across to the end of the map and release. Next click “Crop” again. Step 5: Save & Print map1 for your employees. 144 Step 6: Arrive at the meeting place early again and again begin music before your team arrives. (The same two songs should play. As employees arrive, move around the room giving each team member a map and colorful marker which will show up on the black & white maps when they circle the businesses where they know an employee by name.) With music playing loudly, (Keeping energy high) start the meeting before everyone is seated by moving around the room handing out the maps and markers. When a most of your team is seated and while still handing out their maps begin asking, loudly over the music, the question again: “By a show of hands, who would like more energy in their life outside of work? ….. Ok! Great! Who would like to have more fun at work? Come on! Hands again! …Nice! (Thank You!) Alright, who would like more opportunities in… general? Yes! Awesome! (Or come on guys! No one wants more fun or opportunities?) Ok! By a show of applause, (And this is not a test!) who would like more choices? Great! Thank you! Applause again who would like more promotions and Less (Micro) Management? Yes! I thought that might appeal to some of you! “Yesterday we talked about the fact that since you have this job you can meet anyone. And it is a fact. I don’t care what you sell… you can ALWAYS start a great conversation with someone you want to talk with even if you sell ladies underwear and you want to talk to a 22 year old college student! Tell him you can make his life a lot easier. When he 145 asks “how” or “why” just tell him, “Obviously if you are a serious student (or this good at baseball, math, computers etc.) You don’t have time to shop for your mom or girlfriend. I work at _______________ and I can handle all that for you.” You can even go as far as saying you handle that for all the serious students (or sports guys) Just come in and ask for me. (Or text me your budget and I will put something together for you to look at.)” Now that you know you can meet anyone because you have this job and that it starts with a conversation, that conversations lead to exchanging names, names that get written into your books so you can remember them, remembering people’s names become the foundation of a relationship and relationships can become anything you want! That relationship could be your next best friend, the first person on line at your first book signing, the person in the front row of the play you wrote or are staring in, the mother of your child’s next play date, the mother of your next child! (Laughter) Your next boyfriend or carpenter… the possibilities are endless! Your possibilities are absolutely limitless and exciting! Right? And all because you have a job. Use it to your advantage and you’ll get way more out of it then you put in.” “OK, we also talked about the fact that you can begin a rewarding relationship with the store owners and employees that you encounter everyday single day simply by saying, 146 “Thank you!” And it is a fact that saying, “Thank you for your help! I would love to return the favor.” Makes people listen to you. So now use it to your advantage every day and everywhere you go. Leveraging your job for everyday tasks and encounters saves time effort and money which means again, because you have this job you have more options, possibilities and goodwill from the people you do business with every day. Some of the people you do business with are our neighbors. Neighbors who probably have no idea what your name is and you have no clue what theirs is, even though maybe the same person hands you your coffee every morning or your rings you up every Wednesday night perhaps even for more than a year! With the old way of thinking about retail, there is no reason to exchange names. Now, with the advent of social media, customers find it preferable to get referrals, recommendations, create connections and buy from “friends.” I want you to personally benefit from this new business landscape by showing you how to personally gain using one of your most valuable resources: your job. The old business model almost prevents any type of friendly relationship, focusing on the curious, almost mechanical greeting and farewells time and again. (Most places I go into, it’s like the movie “Ground Hog Day” where the staff acts like it’s the first time they have seen me even though I have been in every day for a week. Then I give them my, “Thank you so much!” and my card and ask their name for my book and a magical new world opens for me even in a coffee shop! Suddenly I’m the V.I.P. and even standing in the back of the line someone is shouting, “The usual LeeAnne?” saving me time. Next at the cash register, 147 Courtney the owner is saying, “This one is on me.” saving me money. And I am asking Courtney, “When are you going to come to my store so I can show you all the tricks of the trade and special deals?” Creating goodwill. But I take it one step further, I make sure she sends me her customers too by saying, “I know, I know. You’re a busy lady, well if any of your friends or good customers need___________ feel free to send them in for my special services but they have to mention your name! I’m only going above and beyond for friends of us hard working people.”) You just made absolutely certain that you will receive preferential treatment and that she will refer people to you, yet you have really offered her nothing, simply recognized that she is working really hard. It is human nature to want to help someone who has recognized us right? Yes! So she may already begin thinking of people or ways to refer people to you! Why? Because everyone likes to feel important and you just told Courtney that if people use her name they will receive special services. Everyone likes to use their name! You just created so much power and opportunity for yourself and so much goodwill and recognition for someone else simply buying a cup of coffee! You are on your way to becoming unstoppable right? All this power came from a, “Thank you” and exchange of names that could not have happened without having a job. Use your job to create more possibilities and energy. Now something you haven’t thought about yet. When Courtney sends people in they are wonderful customers because they are a referral. They have no idea what your relationship with Courtney is and will take great care not to jeopardize anything that has been created. It is human nature. Now you have power, goodwill, energy and kind courteous customers coming in asking for you and it’s only The second day of our seminar! 148 Now take a look at your maps. Can you see our building? Ok, I want you to circle the buildings around ours where you know the name of at least one employee and they know you and what you sell.” “Ok. See you tomorrow.” Walk out of the room. 149 Day 3 Step 1: You will need current newspapers and colorful markers again. Acquire newspapers for your entire team. (The newspapers should include an entertainment or event section with arts, movies, bands, book readings/signings, concerts, charity happenings, poetry or plays in the park, bake-sales, live music nights at local restaurants etc.). Step 2: Arrive at the meeting place early again and again begin music before your team arrives. (The same two songs should play. As employees arrive, move around the room giving each team member a newspaper.) With music playing loudly, (Keeping energy high) start the meeting before everyone is seated by moving around the room handing out the Newspapers. When a most of your team is seated and while still handing out their newspapers begin asking, loudly over the music, the question again: “By a show of hands, who would like more energy in their life outside of work? Ok! Great! Who would like to have more fun at work? Come on! Hands again! Nice! (Thank You!) Alright, who would like more opportunities in… general? …. Yes! Awesome! (Or come on guys! No one wants more fun or opportunities?) Ok! By a show of applause, (And this is not a test!) who would like 150 more choices? Great! Thank you! Applause again who would like more promotions and Less (Micro) Management? Yes! I thought that might appeal to some of you! (Start to fade the music) “Now, yesterday we talked about how to create opportunities and goodwill for yourself through creating conversations outside the store by empowering the people we want to know (The cute college student was empowered by knowing you can take care of all of his gift giving needs)and people we do business with anyway (The coffee shop owner was empowered when you recognized her hard work). Now I want to show you how to create (Gain) more power and goodwill for yourself inside of the store simply by knowing what is going on in your community that others may not.” “Go ahead and take a few minutes to skim through your newspaper and circle a few of the events and happenings that you DID NOT know where going on this week (Month) but that interest you. Events or happenings that you would attend and then go ahead and put the # 1 next to those.” (Wait about 5-10 minutes. Talking is ok. Not encouraged but ok.) “Ok. Did everyone discover a few things they found interesting? Things you may take the time to check-out?” “Good.” 151 “Now, look to your right (choose a direction) and based on what you can guess about by looking at the person sitting next to you, go ahead and skim your paper again and circle some events or happenings that you think may appeal to that person.” “Mark those with the #2 please.” (Give your team another 510 minutes for this.) “Ok. Now turn to the team member on your (right) and tell them what you found. Thinking as if you have never met this person before and don’t know anything about them, can you find a way to tell them about the event/happening? Go ahead and tell your total stranger about the event that you think would interest them.” This is fun. Give them a few minutes to muddle through and have a little fun with it. “Can anyone tell me why we just did this?” (Or what was the point of this exercise?) They should give you answers like: how to approach people we don’t know, how to use readily available information to start conversations etc. “Exactly Now, people on the right, what are some of the ways complete strangers approached you and how did it feel for you?” 152 Have fun with this. You will get all types of answers but basically you're looking for, "I felt that a stranger gave me a gift out of the clear blue." Or "Someone I didn't know did something nice for me." “Social media is changing the playing field of almost everything and opening brand-new doors for those willing to change with the times. It is no longer the exception but the rule to do something nice for strangers online. Offering referrals, information and tips are easy and effortless at your keypad but not yet put into practice in real life. Those who dip their toe in these new waters will find themselves always quenched while those around you struggle in thirst. I encourage you to start practicing these easy exercises both in-store and on your own time to create your own rivers 153 Day 4 Now that you understand the mechanics of how to create conversations which leads to the exchange of names, names which get written into your book to become the foundation of a relationship a relationship which can become anything you want, you can now take fuller advantage of your job. The possibilities are limitless in this regard alone but this was just a four-day seminar and I can’t take any more of your time to tell you all the ways you can get more of than your paycheck and get bonuses (promotions) faster but I think you have seen that I really want you to get much more out of the job you already have and I have a book here that will show you how to take fuller advantage of your position. Now we benefit from your new relationships for sure but you are creating customers who want to come here because of you. That is a skill no one is teaching their employees out of fear or myopia. Fear of losing their employees to their true passions, fear of employees taking customers with them if they ever do leave, Fear of adapting to the thing called social media or the Internet, or fear of trying something new. Whatever their fear is, it doesn’t concern me. I believe happy employees not only stay but also thrive and pursue their passions as well. I also believe that our products and services are top quality and carry enough merit that customers will continue to shop with us. 154 So with that said there's nothing for any of us to fear and only an amazing new world rife with opportunity ahead. Thank you so much for attending all four sessions and thank you for working here with us. I really appreciate you and look forward to a great new future that we will mold ourselves unlike any other store or business that has ever been before could luck team and thank you again now give yourselves a big round of applause and exit. Teach Your Staff To Genuinely Care About Your Customers! It's easy really! You would be surprised by how much your employees want to do a great job. They just don't know how. Your employees have only been taught by you to do an adequate job. You taught them how to sell your products or services but not how to build relationships with your customers! When your staff begins to build great, rewarding relationships with customers and the community they become engaged with their jobs want to offer special, superior service. Becoming well known in the community helps your employees create recognition and respect for the service they provide. 155 Right now your employees don't realize the amazing opportunities involved with building relationships with customers but with a little time and effort your staff will begin profiting from creating great relationships. When your staff simply welcomes or thanks customers they are only earning the paycheck that you provide. With my seminars, employees see they can take home so much more than a paycheck simply by changing perspective and adding a few words to their vocabulary. It is such an amazing time as social media has educated the entire country that "giving" and sharing actually benefit and empower us. Now take that concept and give and share with your customer to ensure they never shop anywhere else! It is so easy to show your employees how to give, how to open up dialog how to look for customer's "signals" and body language to create fantastic opportunities for long lasting relationships and referrals. Your employees can accomplish anything they want, anything they can envision anything they can dream. You just need to show them how. Your customers will thank you over and over. Your staff will be excited, enthusiastic and engaged. They will actually look for opportunities to tell people about your store or service. Your profits will begin their steady climb upward with employees sending in customers and thinking of new ways to promote your business. Even family members of your employees will join the effort and all because you showed your staff the personal value of repeat customers. Your staff will see how much better every part of their lives are with more repeat customers. 156 To the average employee this means nothing but, to the best employee this is his perspective already and one he will maintain on the rise to the top. But even the best employee has no idea how much power he/she has at his disposal from the time he/she opens her eyes in the morning. The power to create personal relationships for themselves outside of work because of the inventory they have access to while at work. They have no idea how to look for problems both inside and outside of work which will create new customers requesting them by name. Most have no idea how this alone catapults them to stardom and bonuses within their company and most managers, busy plugging leaks have no time to tell them. If they had time to tell their average employees to think more like the social media giants everyone would win. Observing the “Likes” of others is what has been driving social media and subsequently our culture for years but most employer/managers have no clue how to make it translate into motivated a staff or higher sales. The best customer service employees will strive to become more like social media hubs for their place business and discover the limitless power and potential it holds for both them personally and the business that they work for. Take for instance the mother in the previous example. Let’s say she was shopping in a store like Sears. After attending my seminar, customer service employees would notice for example, 1) what she is purchasing, 2) what items she is struggling to lift or if 3) even if the children are dressed in a different or particular way. Paying attention to these types of details creates a tremendous amount of opportunity. How? Let me explain; #1 What is she purchasing: some items such as baby food, water, milk, snack cereal snacks etc. are 157 personal preference items and will be purchased over and over maybe weekly for years. What if you knew her favorite item was much cheaper if she did or bought this? That would build trust and a personal, relationship with a store wouldn’t it? Now what if after you built that trust and relationship, you mentioned to her that you notice she is usually pressed for time and since you already know some of her favorites, that if she sent you a text, you could make sure those things were already waiting for her at the front of the store. That would be helpful for her wouldn’t it? Not only would it be helpful, knowing those things were taken care of already frees up her time and shopping cart for other things and she ends up buying more. This is pretty great for the store right? One customer could mean over $52,000.00 over a twenty year period buying water alone! Ask yourself this? Could you afford to lose $52,000.00 a year to the competition and still pay your employees what they ask? Building one or two of these kinds of customer relationships is also really great for the employee who just offered this one of a kind service! Thankful customers show their appreciation in a multitude of ways. Referrals & Holiday cards are just two. Now when that thankful customer tells her other “Busy” friends to shop only with you they will be coming in, asking for you by name and hoping for the same special service which you can now control the time and frequency of simply by saying, “Oh I can only do that when I’m not busy with my job’s responsibilities and that would be at 8:00am or 1:00 pm, whenever the store has a lull. Your boss and the store owners will eventually know that you personally are driving traffic into their store using just one of the social networking tools available to you. Using these tools becomes addictive. Once someone begins opening doors and opportunities for themselves they never turn back. This is a tool the best 158 employees will use for the rest of their lives. Noticing the buying habits of someone who may appreciate some extra assistance is smart and productive. It is a much better use of the exact same time and space that a typical coworker is using to complain about his job. Now noticing a customer’s preferences may lead nowhere but there is a possibility that it may become useful. One thing is for sure, not taking notice of what your customers prefer can only result in the exact same outcome that has been happening for years, a million times over each and every day. The best customer service employees, acting as social media hubs are learning how to change this and become more powerful in their community as a result. Thousands More Per Week For Tipped Employees Like many people in the restaurant business I grew up in it. My mother was in the restaurant business, her mother was in the restaurant business, I met my husband in the restaurant business, many celebrities working in the restaurant business and I met my best friend in the restaurant business. It’s my best friend that I would like to talk about though because without her I don’t think these ideas would have become anything. You see every day in a restaurant there is a lot of banter both before and after the shifts and while everyone else was discussing what they didn’t make in tips, what the manager didn’t order going into the shift or fix during the middle of it, what the customer failed to do or realize, what the chef didn’t make or allow them order, what the hostess hasn’t learned or appreciated, what the owner hasn’t done or seen to yet….while all those negatives kept coming up … especially after work when we all went for drinks somewhere to celebrate another victorious shift, Nikki & I kept pointing 159 out the positives. Mainly to each other for fear of bodily harm. So I created a business that would help you get the absolute most dollar value out of each and every hour that you are at your restaurant. I developed my seminars to do one thing: put money in the pockets of the people I have grown to respect and admire for their intestinal fortitude because I know that is one of the most important things to you and for over 25 years each one of my staff members has made my priorities their priority often during incredibly busy times, and for that I am eternally grateful. While outlining my thoughts and ideas I realized we may just have it all wrong! Think for a moment that it may be at least possible that the way that you are thinking about your job could be wrong. How many people here went to school to learn how to wait tables? Ok, so would it be accurate to say that most of the people around you went to school for or want to do something else too? Yes? Ok. Now this is a great place to start because we can safely say that 80% of the people around you, would rather be somewhere else or if they were going to be here, they would much rather be sitting, having you wait on them. “ Let me go a little further and assume that some of the people you work with don’t like each other or maybe don’t even like you! Yeah! If they were in here having dinner they may not 160 want you to be their waiter! So Wow! You are in a place hours a day, days a week doing something you don’t want to do surrounded by people who don’t want to be doing it either and may not like you! That’s incredible to me! It’s incredible that you still greet me at your table, with a smile on your face and graciously bring me everything I ask for while unbeknown to me there is anger, frustration, maybe jealousy, discomfort, stress, confusion maybe fear going on as you serve me. I think it is so admirable that you have a, “the show must go on attitude,” while other people complain about situations or relationships inside of their CHOSEN profession. You just keep showing up to work, doing the necessary preparations, taking care of people’s desires with a positive attitude and then going “home.” It seems pretty cut and dry but is it? I’ve been in the restaurant business a long time so I am aware of the low opinion you have of many customers, I also am aware the less than stellar opinion you have of most managers, many restaurant owners and even the restaurant that you work at themselves. It’s pretty safe to say that while working in restaurants, the people that trained you and the people you worked with have shared their own feelings of dis-satisfaction as well. So let’s review just this ONE area: You are doing a j ob you don’t really want to be doing, surrounded and trained by people who don’t want to be doing the job either and may not even like you, serving customers who don’t think you are doing the job you don’t want fast enough and managers/owners who want a bigger smile on your face 161 while you do it, oh and hey did I mention getting in the weeds while the computers are frozen and only half of your order is in? Ok, Now think with all this in mind you may be feeding each other poison over and over before, during and after the shift is over and…. the last people I can think of that knowingly took poison did not fare very well. So that being said and people possibly poisoning your way of thinking and ultimately your bottom dollar, I’m curious are you going to continue to let them bring you down? Now I know that Danny Meyer has a Seminar on hospitality and he addressed the very same topic and from what I understand, he labels it “Skunking.” Definition: “When someone is spraying out of fear,” and although I think the concepts are similar, I believe his warm & fuzzy idea of “embrace the skunk” may be a bit like disconnecting the cord to solve the engine light problem. (That’s a car reference) I have and always will have the utmost respect for you because I know from years of experience how difficult your position really is and the difficulties your job entails and usually while your career passions lay elsewhere. Be memorable! One liners and a library of jokes would be perfect here but don’t rule out sarcasm especially with some of your more light-hearted guests but as always, read your audience. You want to be memorable, not on probation. Remembering people’s names is one of THE fastest ways to put money in your pocket and become memorable at the same time. Getting your guest’s name does take some finesse 162 I will admit, not for any other reason than “It’s just not the norm.” Once it does become the norm you will see an amazing difference not only in your tips but in the way you are treated by those guests. On a side note, what an empowering feeling to be able to “manage” you station, not just be the “server” there! When you know your guest’s names you can keep them in the loop as you are walking by AND make them feel like the most important guest at the same time! Imagine for instance, Jennifer’s salad still isn’t in the window, Dave just handed you his credit card, Mr. Jacob’s steak is ready at the pass and table two wants more water (Whoever they are since they have a coupon!). While you are taking Dave’s check presenter you would be saying, “I’ll be right back with this Dave, and I’m bringing your steak with me Mr. Jacobs whether the chef lets me or not!” Then as you walk by Jennifer’s table you are saying, “Boy, they will only put the very freshest ingredients in Jennifer’s salad! They’re probably waiting for the tomato to stop growing. I’ll go grab it for you.” You could be saying this while pouring the waters or delegate that to the busser but not knowing names you really would have had to make a stop at each & every table. Knowing guest’s names is a life saver and actually helps you save time when you are busy and make you more money when you’re not! Greet people personally and warmly. You may want something from them later… like a larger tip! It is really easy for people to leave an average tip when things are “tight” and they are watching every dollar. 163 It’s much harder to short a “friend” even when you are on a budget. People are also much more forgiving when things take too long or mistakes are made if you can address them personally by name. Is it sometimes tricky to get someone’s name? Yes, absolutely but mainly because it is just different and your guests are not yet accustomed to you being different and memorable Yet! Some of you are already uncomfortable with this, saying to yourself, “Self, I can’t ask anyone’s name while I am waiting on them, that’s just weird and plus I’m not good with names, I can’t remember names at all they just don’t stay in my brain aaaahh!” Well rest assured that neither one of these are true and this is actually a tool that you will go on to use for the rest of your life! These tips are for anyone in the service industry who would like to make more money doing less work and feel as though you have more pride, power and integrity at the end of each and every shift. It is meant to be an easy to implement “roadmap” to your personal success not just in the restaurant but in all of your endeavors. These tools will help build a foundation which will have you doing far less work and taking home much more money. The goal of creating the seminars was to give back to waiters. The one group of people, I feel have more and more taken from them and no one seems to be trying to give anything back. The party line seems to be “If you don’t like it, get another job!” Well in my experience I’ve learned that some people can’t just get another job and without going too far down that dark road, I really grew to resent people who rigidly refuse to understand the economic or familial constraints that remove the possibility of just getting another job for many people. The beginning of each shift servers face the uphill climb of the general public’s sense of diminished job “value” only compounded by working with fellow servers who are only working as a means to leapfrog to true career passions. Next 164 to be treated unkindly or at least not respectfully by many people is not a scenario that many of us have to deal with every time we go to work. I think waiters are really special and amazing people who are the underdogs in an industry rife with rules, stress, suspicion, demands & chaos. I felt more and more that things could be done differently or at least tweaked to better serveboth the waiter and the guest simultaneously so I took a part time job as Maitre’d at a tiny, white glove style lounge that serves both drinks and food to see and hear the interactions of the sommeliers & guests. It was the only way to put into practice my new guest services tools and create an easy to execute road map for success. In writing the outline for my first seminar someone pointed out that I should make it a book for servers across the country who can’t attend my seminars. The following information is the result. Did you know that you alone control the amount of money and how difficult or easy your shift is? It's hard to believe because we've all been taught that the restaurant business belongs to the restaurant owner and that your role is as an employee. An employee in an industry that does not have a great reputation for treating employees well by both the business owner and its customers. It is extremely hard to function as an ever exuberant, constantly enthusiastic employee when it is not even your business. On top of that, you may be treated badly at any given moment by a customer and sometimes even "stiffed" over situations you have no control over. 165 It is extremely hard to start and run a business authentically enthusiastic especially when it is not your business. Well guess what... if you plan to go into any other career, then actually those tables are the foundation for your future business! I don't care what business you are going into, you are going to need customers or contacts. Whether you are studying dentistry, music, cosmetology, literature, construction, law, the arts, business ... almost any field is going to require customers or contacts and do you know who people prefer to shop and buy from? People they know. Do you know who people refer? People they know. Stop viewing your restaurant as a business you work for an see it for the incredible amount of business contacts it is providing you for your future. Now you just need to unlock the conversational opportunities that reside outside of the "pre-scripted" waiter / customer conversations so you can start building relationships. These opportunities are absolutely everywhere from the moment you wake up to hours later when you start getting busy in your restaurant you can be building really great relationships with people in and outside the restaurant to fill your station from the moment you begin working. These relationships are not anonymous waiter/ customer relationships. They are really great tipping, very thankful for your personal service and "touches", know your name and can't wait to buy your book, go see your band or play, visit your salon or refer friends to your practice kind of relationships. 166 These are the kind of relationships you boss wants you to create but doesn't know how because he is so focused on his business. He knows that his customers are 60% more likely to return if they know someone or are known at the restaurant. Why do you think he has you state your name at the beginning of service? I think this is on the right track but for the most part the customer /waiter conversation is so ingrained that stating your name matter of factually merely solidifies your role in their life as only a waiter. Our goal together, me and you, is much much more. I want you to be much more to them and them to you. So much so that they can't get angry with you if things go wrong with their order or table, your boss loves and adores you and you have a future client when you are done with school. Know and work your audience drop little teasers and then go in for the kill with history or information on the building in the few quote ” insider only" tips on things in the area. Is this where Frank Sinatra used to hang out? Does a famous musician have an apartment upstairs or nearby? Mention it! “Did you know there is an open jam session down the street on Monday nights. There is also a music store across the way with signed, framed sheet music for the musician in your life!” Now your customer learned some history of your restaurant, you took him on a mini, musical walking tour of the neighborhood right from his seat and he's already thinking about the different musicians in his life that he wants to bring to your restaurant and dine with you as a special gift. And this is just one example with a musical angle. Your possibilities are literally limitless! 167 Warning! Do not tell people your secrets! Your coworkers will literally think you have lost your mind but who cares? One of the masters of getting information was a manager named Michael and right at Capital Grille and Morton’s. He said to everyone, "Hi folks! Where are you coming in from?" And boy oh boy did that work every time. I guess everyone wants to be called "folks" and I guess in a town like ours it's a pretty safe bet that someone in the party is coming in from somewhere. Amazingly with that little question Michael had new best friends and a ton of information. This one just graduated, this one just got engaged, that one had her tubes tied… What ever! They are celebrating which is fruit ripe for picking! Start planning the rest of their night! Take their coats, ask your manager if you can send a complimentary champagne toast and find out where they're going after this. If you have time you can suggest places they may not be aware of located near their final destination if one piques their interest offer to call ahead for them to get them priority attention. Once you secure their priority situation following dinner make sure you tell them to use your name at the door or next location not theirs. You want them to remember and share your name as often as possible. When they arrive at the hotspot or club or theater or bakery or piano bar or cigar lounge they use your name and they will be greeted warmly and escorted to their VIP table. This simple effort seems like quite a lot to your guests but really all it took was a phone call. When you call make sure you say this is, "John from blank bistro. I'm sending some of my VIPs down to you. Do you have availability for four in 168 about an hour?" When the person says yes, make sure to impress upon them who you are and that you have several guests a night asking for place like theirs and you will be sending more and more people down if they want. They will always use your name, John. Then ask for their name and if they are the person to speak with to ensure that your guests get VIP treatment. Most times they will say yes or just put you in touch with the manager. This is a win, win, win situation. A much bigger tip for you, you look like a moverand-shaker. Someone who can get things done in your town plus when you have a chance to visit this other venue and introduce yourself to the manager that you've been sending customers to… Let's just say be prepared for a lot of gratitude. Remember to say, “Thank you” when your guests say thank you. Don't just say “you're welcome” or “my pleasure.” “Thank you” reminds your guests that you’re not doing these things for your health. Grab drinks from people walking through the dining room. Put it on a tray and carry the tray really high. Just say, “Where are we headed?” They love it when you take control & holding the tray high will have all eyes in the dining room on these guests. You just created “V.I.P. Land” and they know it. (I was showing my hostesses once how easy it is to add panache & make extra money and the gentleman tipped me $100.00!) Questions always equal information and opportunities for more and bigger tips. Always ask questions. 169 If you don't ask questions of your guests don't expect any difference in your tips almost everything I talk about begins with stepping outside of the steps of service The only thing they can come from asking what you can bring our directives to bring things. You are now a "bring our." If you start your relationships slightly different you will gain some of the power in the relationship. More power, more control:, more integrity and ultimately more money. Questions plus information equal's unexpected action expected service and anticipated service question it is expected tip. Even if the tip is 20% it could still be much more! Ask what they expect you to ask and they will respond with answers you expect. Try; "wow! You look (fancy, dressed up, spiffy, gussied up) are you going somewhere (are you celebrating something)." Even if they are not celebrating a birthday or anniversary, you've already complemented them and taken some control. If they are predictable humans they will say something to the effect of, "we are celebrating life (Tuesday, birthday, anniversary, evening)." You the should say something to the effect that you are to now you have a little info to play with. If you wanted to go all the way at the end you could bring a complimentary dessert with "happy Life!" Or "Happy Tuesday!" Written on It with a candle. "Happy Tuesday from Jeffrey!" Is even better because they may take a picture and posts it on their Facebook page. The more people promoting your station the better! It will make your life so much easier when Jan nice, considerate, compassionate people who you can tell, "I'll be right there Judy." Instead of having to immediately attend to unreasonable demanding strangers. The customer is not always right the customer is always a customer until you 170 make him your friend or the guests in your station as you proceed as master of ceremonies or the host of the evening and the only way this can happen is if you start asking questions. "Did I see you here for lunch about eight months ago?" (Either way they answer you win! Plus they will think you have an amazing memory!) Visit my website: often for more tips, updated tips, the easy to use work-sheet that will have neighbors sending in customers only to your section plus a new segment: The Customer Is NOT Always Right! Password: “Hospitality Tricks” write it down because you will need it to un-lock important features, events, bonuses and tools Your Fast Success Is In Building A Foundation! The Following Will Get Your Station On Auto Pilot With The Best Tipping Customers From Beginning to End: Simple Next Steps Go to work 5 minutes early for your next shift. Go to the delicatessen nearest the restaurant and ask if they have composition books. Buy it and introduce yourself to whoever sold you the book. Tell him you work right over at ________ restaurant and that he should come in some time and that you would love to “hook him up” “Do something special” or “Buy him appetizers” whichever is most appropriate for your type of restaurant. Next ask him his name and reiterate yours. If at all possible thank him in his native language. This goes a very long way in being memorable and you want a 171 neighbor who sees lots of hungry people every day to remember ONLY you! Some pros are amazingly carrying doting, some are like manly steakhouse guys you're not sure if they're going to sell you dinner or car and they are so good you don't care you will take either or both. I could go on about different characteristics or professional strengths there are millions in fact there are as many as there are waiters and that is the point of our workshop… Your professional strengths and unique characteristics of what will make you the most money. Try to keep this in mind all I want is for you to be happier and to make more money that's it. Your bosses may want something more but that's all I want. Not bad to have someone in your corner who only wants you to be happier and make more money. Okay let's assume you are reading this because you want to be happier and make more money too. With that assumption in mind let's start… If I tell you that if you think of your restaurant differently you’ll be happier would you at least try it? Try not thinking about all the negatives and poisonous thoughts and people but just the restaurant where you are an independent contractor. You have a ready-made store furnished, complete with products and staff. An inventory you didn't have to buy, furniture you didn't have to pick out. Think of your station, like your section of the store you own but haven't had to invest a dime into. Your station is your store like a hairdresser rents her chair for the day and gets as many customers as possible. Using referrals, handing out business cards she builds a following. You have your station for the shift; get as many cities as possible. Which means getting people to come in early and late before the busy time and after you also want people to 172 request you to do this by telling people you can make pretty much anything happen but don't just tell them show them… Make things happen for your guests! This may sound familiar but trust me when I tell you it's not and keep reading making things happen for your guests does not mean running and fetching things faster over the bigger smile on your face or saying absolutely making things happen for your guests means knowing what they want to have happen and sometimes they don't even know this themselves and how you make this happen is by asking questions when you ask your guests things like is this a special occasion or "you look like you're dressed for a special dinner is there something you're celebrating?" In most cases you will learn with one question what your guests are trying to accomplish. They may either gush about this special dinner, the relationship that brought them together, the anniversary they are celebrating, the birthday, this neighborhood that means so much to them or they may convey to you in no uncertain terms that they want privacy and wish to be left alone. In either scenario you win! In my humble opinion in order to make more money than your super smiley coworkers who scream "absolutely! Be super glad to!" When I ask for a wedge of lemon, you need to outsmart them and bring it more actual hospitality to the equation. A big yellow smiley face bringing lemon wedges at lightning fast speed does not change a 15% tip to a 35% tip but unique, personal hospitality absolutely well. I know your managers and bosses have all said to your guests as if they were coming into your home or treat this restaurant as if it was your home and these are your guests coming in but did they ever really help you visualize the difference in the conversation? For instance you and your roommate are having a party at your house. Guests come in some you know some you don't do you offer wine to only your friends since you know them? And only offer to take your friend’s coats? And look the others up-and-down since they are friends of 173 your roommates? Probably not and when someone asks for a glass of wine will you say, "absolutely! Be super glad to get that for you!" Probably not in fact you probably went over when their glass was almost empty touch them lightly on the arm and asked if they wanted another. Back to your table of the people celebrating their, "Tuesday" retirement, the union, new apartment or puppy. Additional questions such as, "So are where you going after" "So where you going after dinner?" "Do you know the neighborhood for after dinner or do you already have plans?" "What is the plan for after dinner or would you like suggestions?" "Do you know what's going on in the neighborhood for after dinner?" This is where the information that you read up on will come in handy! Events in the neighborhood or around town, poetry readings, sales, shows, events these are all things that can make you extra money and if there is nothing going on, this is where the history of the neighborhood will come in handy. They can do their own walking tour with a little help from you! Either way when they say please tell us what should we do after dinner this is where you hint that this is a service that only you can provide. "You're in luck sitting in Michael's exciting station. The one and only place in town you will find out about neighborhood and community events plus history! I know of a bunch of things you can do after dinner. What kind of things are you interested in? Shopping? Being entertained? Games? Local art? Would you want to do a walking tour? I'll let you think about it. When I come back you can tell me what you'd like to do and I put something together for you." Now of course these types of conversations cannot go on when the restaurant is busy so please try to emphasize with any of your guests that this is a special service that you provide you and you alone during the early or late seatings if a customer calls and requests the service personally. All these tools are meant to save you time, making you more money and or make your life easier. Having guests walk away telling other friends about you in particular creates a whole 174 another other dimension to the restaurant your special service equals true hospitality. Not only will they haven't excellent meal which is expected but now there is no other reason to eat somewhere else because of your business savvy. Your entrepreneurial spirit as an independent contractor within an existing business for which you do not need to order inventory now enables you to create an a business for which customers will be flocking it's only a matter of time between taking pictures and videos and guiding your guests after dinner entertainment and activities making phone calls to accommodate your guests elsewhere after dinner for the “hook up" Michael’s station will be the only place in town! These are a lot of tools I know of but pick just one or two for the day for instance my favorite is "get your name in it". Any sentence you can get your name into is actually a free effortless marketing tool for you personally. The guest is beginning to feel like part of the restaurant but only in your section. You are subtly letting your guests know that he or she can use your name whenever he wants something but also opening the door for you to ask his name which is putting him on the fast track VIP status either way. Once your guest is known by name it automatically elevates your restaurant and certainly you in the hierarchy of dining choices. This one tool alone will make you more money save you more time and create opportunities for you long after you left the restaurant business. My other favorite is, “Thank you.” Any chance I can get or create to make someone to say, “thank you” to me is a chance to make money. When I say, “Thank YOU!” enough times suddenly ten and twenty dollar bills start coming out. (Even if the customer is not mine!) You can also find a way to get your name into a sentence like that or get their name. (2 for 1!) 175 “Thank You for sitting in LeeAnne’s amazing station! Where magical things happen!” The more you get your name into sentences the more they remember your name, the closer they are to posting about you personally on the larger restaurant sites and their Facebook pages. Without these doors opening these people are just faceless customers leaving an average tip and disappearing into the wilderness and to them, you are a nameless server who takes their order, makes drinks and food come to the table (Or not) and then vanishes into anonymity. Some restaurant pros are amazingly caring and dote on their tables, some are like “manly steakhouse guys” you're not sure if they're going to sell you dinner or car and they are so good you don't care you will take either or both. I could go on about different characteristics or professional strengths there are millions in fact there are as many as there are waiters and that is the point of our workshop… Your professional strengths and unique characteristics are what will make you the most money. Yes! You already have the tools you need to make more money you will use these skills to crush your competition and every subsequent job you have. Try to keep this in mind all I want is for you to be happier and to make more money that's it. Your bosses may want something more but that's all I want. Not bad to have someone in your corner who only wants you to be happier and make more money. Okay let's assume you are reading this because you want to be happier and make more money as well with that assumption in mind let's start… If I tell you that if you think of your restaurant differently you be happier 176 would you at least try it? Try not thinking about all the negatives and poisonous thoughts and people but just the restaurant where you are an independent contractor. You have a ready-made store furnished, complete with products and staff. An inventory you didn't have to buy furniture you didn't have to pick out. Think of your station, like your section of the store you call on but haven't had to invest a dime into the products you sell. Your station is your store like a hairdresser rents her chair for the day and gets as many feedings as possible using referrals, handing out business cards did she build a following you have your station for the shift, get as many cities as possible. Which means getting people to come in early and late before the busy time and after you also want people to request you to do this by telling people you can make pretty much anything happen but don't just tell them show them. Make things happen for your guests! This may sound familiar but trust me when I tell you it's not and keep reading making things happen for your guests does not mean running and fetching things faster over the bigger smile on your face or saying absolutely making things happen for your guests means knowing what they want to have happen and sometimes they don't even know this themselves and how you make this happen is by asking questions when you ask your guests things like is this a special occasion or "you look like you're dressed for a special dinner is there something you're celebrating?" In most cases you will learn with one question what your guests are trying to accomplish. They may either gush about this special dinner, the relationship that brought them together, the anniversary they are celebrating, the birthday, this neighborhood that means so much to them or they may convey to you in no uncertain terms that they want privacy and wish to be left alone. In either scenario you win! 177 If the guest is celebrating anything at all even if just an, "It's Tuesday!" dinner or they made it through the work week, a health scare, a promotion, just retired, divorced, met, graduated, moved in, got a dog……You see my point. The reasons to celebrate with food are almost limitless but there's no way of knowing that your guests are celebrating even the smallest of things unless you ask. Approaching your table and asking how they are won't usually get you the desired results that you're looking for. "How are you tonight?" Is the expected question to which you will get the expected answer and be regarded in the expected way; as someone who brings food. The evolution of the food service industry now has the general public in a mindset that customer service is equal to faster service or super smiley service. In my humble opinion in order to make more money than your super smiley coworkers who scream "absolutely! Be super glad to!" When I ask for a wedge of lemon, you need to outsmart them and bring it more actual hospitality to the equation. A big yellow smiley face bringing lemon wedges at lightning fast speed does not change a 15% tip to a 35% tip but unique, personal hospitality absolutely well. I know your managers and bosses have all said to your guests as if they were coming into your home or treat this restaurant as if it was your home and these are your guests coming in but did they ever really help you visualize the difference in the conversation? For instance you and your roommate are having a party at your house. Guests come in some you know some you don't do you offer wine to only your friends since you know them? And only offered to take their coats? And 178 looks the others up-and-down since they are friends of your roommates? Probably not and when someone asks for a glass of wine will you say, "absolutely! Be super glad to get that for you!" Probably not in fact you probably went over when their glass was almost empty touch them lightly on the arm and asked if they wanted another. Back to your table of people celebrating their, "Tuesday" retirement, the union, new apartment or puppy… Additional questions such as, "So where you going coming in from?" "So where you going after dinner?" "Do you know the neighborhood for after dinner or do you already have plans?" "What is the plan for after dinner or would you like suggestions?" "Do you know what's going on in the neighborhood for after dinner?" This is where the information that you read up on will come in handy! Events in the neighborhood or around town, poetry readings, sales, shows, events, new store openings these are all things that can make you extra money and if there is nothing going on, this is where the history of the neighborhood will come in handy. They can do their own walking tour with a little help from you! Either way when they say please tell us what should we do after dinner this is where you hint that this is a service that only you can provide. "You're in luck sitting in Michael's exciting station. The one and only place in town you will find out about neighborhood and community events plus history! I know of a bunch of things you can do after dinner. What kind of things are you interested in? Shopping? Being entertained? Games? Local art? Would you want to do a walking tour? I'll let you think about it. When I come back you can tell me what you'd like to do and I put something together for you." Now of course these types of conversations cannot go on when the restaurant is busy so please try to emphasize with any of your guests that this is a special service that you provide you and you alone during the early or late seating’s if a customer calls and requests the service personally. All these tools are meant to save you time, making you more money 179 and or make your life easier. Having guests walk away telling other friends about you in particular creates a whole other dimension to the restaurant your special service equals true hospitality. Not only will they have an excellent meal which is expected but now there is no other reason to eat elsewhere because of your business savvy. Your entrepreneurial spirit as an independent contractor within an existing business for which you do not need to order inventory now enables you to create a business for which customers will be flocking to. It's only a matter of time and implementation. Between taking pictures and videos, greeting your guests by name, knowing intriguing area information and guiding your guests after dinner entertainment and activities, making phone calls to accommodate your guests elsewhere after dinner for the quote "hook up" Michael station will be the only place in town to eat… no matter what restaurant you work in! How To Piss Off Your Waiter And Guarantee Bad Service Are You Doing These Things? Do you want a flawless, exceptional dining experience? Start with a "Thank you." If you are truly looking for an exceptional dining experience realized that your server may be going to school for something else and this is a temporary stop, this may be a situation they don't want and cannot change at the moment, like you they may not like their boss's unrealistic expectations or their lazy, needy coworkers. 180 Think this is not your problem? Guess again. It's actually your behavior that dictates how successful your dining experience will be. You can actually turn an extraordinarily memorable evening complete with extra gifts and perks into an extremely frustrating experience with just a few words or actions and not even be aware of it. How to piss your waiter off and guarantee yourself bad service: Ask your waiter where he is from or other personal questions. Hold them hostage at your table while trying to decide. Waive. Snap your fingers. Say you're a friend of the owner. Often the key to great service is being recognized as a great customer and the key to that is being recognized. Are you recognized as a great customer or are you an average customer expecting great service? If you do any of the above, you are likely considered average... or worse and you could be receiving passive/aggressive treatment in return. 181 Asking your waiter things like "Where are you from?" will probably be considered rude and you don't even know it. Your server is not there for your entertainment they are there to bring you what you ask. Do yourself a huge favor and leave the personal questions for later, once you have both established a relationship. (It is an especially sensitive subject for those who were not born in this country and asking where they are from highlights cultural differences to a complete stranger. Would you like it if your new customer showed up and said "Hi, your different." Often your waiter can't even know if you are going to leave a good tip... or any tip at all and they will end up having to go into their pocket to pay support staff for your meal so starting with a round of 20 personal questions may not be a game you should even start if you want really good service.) If you want great service try one of my tips below instead of offending people you would like to serve you. If you have a “go to” for great sushi, a go to for great steak and a “go to” for great burgers why not add a “go to” for great service? With anything worth wild it will take some work on your end. As there are several variables at play, your mission will be to make a few of those variables as constant as possible. But this is a process and will take some effort and perhaps some extra cash on your part depending on how “recognized” you would like to be. First pick a restaurant in an affordable price range and then a pricier one for special occasions. Next schedule your reservations. Make sure you dine early enough that your server is able to focus on you and isn’t swamped with diners. (Translation: If you are trying to become a recognized customer, don’t dine at a time when your server is so busy that he doesn’t have time to recognize you. You will be wasting your time. He will not be able to remember you.) 182 When you make the reservation, tell the hostess why you what your dinner will be for i.e. a date, business meeting, friends from out of town and ask the her for the best table for your needs and what that table number would be to request it in the future. (A table good for a date probably won’t be good for a business meeting and vice-versa but when you simply make a reservation there is no way of knowing which you prefer and you most certainly will be let down a certain percent of the time as a result.) You are a smart person. You are reading this page after all. How many times have you begun an evening with a table that was the complete opposite of what you wanted? How many times have you arrived to dinner during peak dining “rush hour” to find every other table taken? Well guess what? If you don’t tell your hostess you need something romantic she has no reason to hold the romantic corner table for you and will give it to the extremely persistent couple who just walked in before you. She still has a table for you after all, and that’s all you asked for. A little communication with her beforehand and she would have told dozens of couples that the table you are miserable at now was the only one she had available for them and they would have been thankful. Instead, your night is off to a lousy start because the person on the other end of the phone was not able to read your mind. Now you are frustrated, you feel like “What is the point of a reservation!!?” things are off to a bad start with your waiter and he has absolutely no idea why. So, you make your reservation, communicated your needs and desires with your hostess. Make sure to remember her name so you can thank her or if the table isn’t what you had in mind, you will want to use her name to request another one. Before you hang up, ask the hostess who is the best waiter and why. Some servers are more efficient and invisible, others have vast wine knowledge and others take 183 pictures and videos etc. and make celebrations unique and special. If you just ask for the best server you won’t have a name to go with it and his style of serving may not be what you are looking for. The more you can give and get from conversations with your hostess, the better prepared your server will be. Now you arrive at the restaurant and are seated at a great table, you already know your server’s style and he already knows the theme for your dinner from what the hostess has told him and can better sense what you are looking for. Now, for something completely different: Say, "Thank you." You will have his full attention because no one ever does it. They just take for granted that they should start telling a complete stranger what they want or that they aren't ready to order yet or "What are your specials?" Try "*Thank you" instead. There is quite a bit of preparation that goes in to the table that you are sitting at and learning about the foods and ingredients your are going to be asking about. Your server has already been working for you long before you even arrived and it's a nice, disarming way to start a relationship with a total stranger who's table you are now seated at. The rest of your dining experience should go as expected but when you are paying the check if you received everything you were expecting then tip more than usual. (I recommend 25%-30% of the total. Remember this is part of the process. You can go anywhere and have an average experience and leave an average tip but this is going to be your “go to” for great service and recognition. Here you are going to be known as above average, warranting extra attention because you are generous.) If nothing went terribly wrong, your waiter seemed to sense your needs and desires, your personalities didn’t clash and you can see him as your regular server then thank him by 184 asking to speak with the manager or owner. When he comes to the table make sure to tell him what a nice experience you have had and how your server really was in tune with what you wanted. Your complement will go a very long way for a server and he will really appreciate and remember you for it. Give the manager your business card and tell him why the restaurant and server is perfect for your future business dinners or get-togethers. Be sure to send complements to the chef and ask for his name. Tell the manager that next time you come in you would like to meet the chef to thank him personally. Make your next reservation with the manager before you even get up from the table. Ask what table number it is or request a different one. It will be in the computer associated with your phone number every time you call. Thank your hostess by name on the way out. Thank her for taking the time to plan the perfect lunch or dinner with you and listen to what you wanted. (These things mean a lot and move you to the top of the list when it comes to priorities. Don’t abuse your recognition. Although it is effort on your end don’t mistake it for entitlement and start finger snapping or using a server’s name. There is a fine line between a “good customer” that the entire staff is happy to see and loves showering with V.I.P. perks because it is unexpected and an arrogant guest who uses the staff’s names and kindness against them to create additional work. Those guests will not be “Welcomed” for very long and all your efforts will be for nothing and you will only embarrass yourself.) 185 Waiters: for ideas on how to get customers tipping you consistently more click here! *If I have a really important dinner and don't know the restaurant, when I arrive I ask the server to show me to the restroom and when we are out of sight of my guests I hand him $20 and say, "Thank you for your help in making this a special dinner tonight. My name is LeeAnne." Then I ask his name, tell him about my needs or the theme or my guests needs so he doesn't have to try to read my mind all night. The result is usually fantastic. LeeAnne hosts seminars that show servers the unconventional, money making tools they have right at their fingertips. Hospitality expert and wait staff coach, LeeAnne Homsey developed money making tools for anyone relying on tips and gratuities for income. Having spent her entire career working with the owners of Tao, Docks, Sarabeth’s, Canastel’s and Marsielle, Leeanne has been managing and motivating New York City waiters to record high sales, tips and superior hospitality for over twenty-five years. 186 I hope you enjoyed this book. Feel free to e-mail me: If you would like me to come and inspire your staff personally Website: 187
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