College Rugby Club Start-Up Kit

College Rugby Club
Start-Up Kit
Page Number
Page 3
Starting a College Rugby Program
Page 9
Club Start-Up Checklist
Page 11
Approximate Start-Up Costs for a Rugby
Page 14
Rugby Suppliers List
Page 15
USA Rugby General and Collegiate
Eligibility Guidelines
Page 22
Collegiate Code of Conduct
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USA Rugby believes in setting high standards for its Rugby programs on college campuses.
College Rugby provides an outstanding opportunity for students to develop leadership and
management skills, bring positive recognition to the college or university, and promote a high
standard of physical fitness. With these ideals in mind, USA Rugby has put together some
valuable information on topics such as starting a club, managing and promoting a club, raising
funds, and so on to help you develop a successful program that will bring value to your
college or university.
There are several basic steps to starting a quality Rugby program. Within these steps there are
several methods, suggestions, requirements and helpful hints to help guide you along. This is
by no means a comprehensive list of everything you will need and everything you will need to
do, but it will provide some information to get you started. There is also a checklist provided
to summarize the more detailed information within this document. There are many resources
in place at your college or university, as well as within your Local and Territorial Union to
help you in the process of starting a club. You should utilize those resources as much as
USA Rugby has identified the following as key steps in starting a club:
Gathering members & accessing facilities
Finding a coach and assistant coaches
Becoming accredited with the college or university
Becoming a member of your Local, Territorial, and National Rugby Football
Gathering Members
Getting people involved should be your number one priority. College campuses offer many
opportunities to promote your endeavor and other students are usually very receptive to new
ideas and programs. Try some of the following ways to get their attention:
¾ PLACE ADS IN THE SCHOOL PAPER: Many college and university newspapers
offer free advertisements for campus activities. Also tell the sports editor and
photographer about your plans, they might have more information or be able to
provide some coverage.
¾ HAND OUT FLIERS/CARDS: You can easily make fliers or business cards to hand
out on campus that give information on team contacts, meetings, practices, game
times and locations, etc.
¾ HANG POSTERS ADVERTISING THE TEAM: University gymnasiums, weight
rooms, cafeterias, coffee shops, libraries, study areas, central kiosks and other
student gathering places are great locations to post information about your team,
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including contact information, meetings and practice times and locations. You
should make sure the location allows such items to be posted.
events can be a great place to spread information about your new team and perhaps
recruit new players. Participate in marathons, bike races and other community and
university events and don’t forget to bring your fliers or cards to hand out to those
students that express interest.
¾ DEVELOP A WEBSITE: There are many ways to develop simple websites through
personal email accounts, or perhaps there is someone or a program at your college
or university that could help you set it up.
¾ USE WORD OF MOUTH: Start telling everyone that you know or meet that you are
starting a Rugby club and when people express interest, get their name, email and
phone numbers so you can contact them with more details.
Stay Organized
Once you get a group of players, try to maintain good organization and communication
systems by having players fill out a roster with their complete contact information, including
email address, physical address and phone numbers. You will also want to provide
information to potential players and coaches on team contacts, practice and meeting times, etc.
You should keep accurate records of starting match rosters, substitutions, and statistics,
especially scoring statistics. Make sure your CIPP is current and each player appears listed
with the team on the USA Rugby website. Do this a week or more prior to your game, so there
are no surprises the day before when there is no time to remedy the situation.
Field & Facilities
Find a place to practice and scrimmage. The Club Sports department at your University
should be able to provide you with field availability and times, etc. If the weather prevents
outdoor sessions, perhaps there is some gym space you can use. Your Local Area Union may
also be able to assist your club in finding local practice facilities. Until you actually have
allocated field use from the college or university, you might have to use city parks or other
public places. If you do have to use facilities off-campus, you will probably need a Certificate
of Insurance Coverage. USA Rugby membership services can issue the appropriate certificate
if you fill out the request form in the membership section of
Acquire enough gear to get started. Start off with Rugby balls and make sure each player has
a mouthpiece and proper Rugby shorts and cleats. The rest of the recommended practice
equipment can be purchased later when you have a budget. Additional information is
provided at the end of this kit regarding start up costs and equipment needs. You may want
to contact your local men’s or women’s club team to see if they can donate some equipment for
your practices until the team can purchase those items. To find Rugby equipment, we have
also included a list of Rugby supply companies at the end of this kit.
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Finding a Coach
Each college team registered with USA Rugby is required to have a coach who is registered
with USA Rugby and has passed the USA Rugby background screening process. You will
need to find a coach or a knowledgeable Rugby person who can explain the game to others
and knows how to run a safe, quality practice.
Because Rugby is a contact sport, it is important to have someone who has received adequate
instruction on safely introducing the game to new players and developing the skills of more
experienced players. This might be someone you know or you might have to place ads in
community or university papers to find coaches. Most Territorial and Local Area Unions
require a coach who has received at least a Level I Accreditation from USA Rugby. If the
coach is not accredited, he or she can attend a USA Rugby Coach Accreditation Clinic,
complete the course and receive the official accreditation.
You can look on the USA Rugby website,, to view the schedule of times
and locations of coaching clinics that will be given throughout the year. Rulebooks, coaching
texts, and other helpful information about Rugby can be found by visiting,
by conducting searches on the internet, or by calling a Rugby equipment supplier to order.
Introducing the Game
One thing that can help clubs introduce the game to new players is watching videotaped
matches of high level teams. Fox Sports World Net airs international and domestic Rugby
matches and you can record those matches and use them to help become more familiar with
the sport. You must remember that this level of Rugby may vary considerably from Rugby at
the college level, and just because the professionals are playing a certain way, does not mean it
is appropriate for your level of play. College Sports Television also occasionally broadcasts
both men’s and women’s college games and a schedule of broadcasts can be viewed at USA Rugby also has certain videotapes that can be purchased that show
beginning techniques and safety concerns, etc. It might also be helpful to videotape your own
practices, scrimmages and games and use those tapes as a learning tool.
Becoming Accredited With Your College or University
Meet with the Club Sports Director at your college or university about the steps necessary to
become an official club sport. You should do this as soon as possible to find out if there is a
waiting period, a voting process to become a club, or any other administrative processes to
complete. If you go through the process in the spring, chances are you’ll be able to start
participating at the beginning of the fall Rugby season. The following is a list of things you
may have to do to become an official club sport:
¾ Establish club by-laws. The collegiate club sports department should have some
examples for you. An example is also provided at the end of this kit.
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¾ Find a faculty advisor for your club.
¾ Establish and elect officers for the club.
¾ It is highly recommended that you find a manager for team activities. This should
be someone who is not playing and can devote his or her time to scheduling,
maintaining a roster, and fostering the relationship with the college or university.
More information on team management can be found within this website.
¾ Establish a budget to give to the college or university. A sample budget of costs
typically associated with starting a Rugby program is included within this website.
¾ Understand and agree to abide by all rules and regulations, codes of conduct, and
bylaws of your college or university as well as those of USA Rugby, and your Local
Area and Territorial Unions.
Becoming a member of your Local, Territorial, and National Unions
USA Rugby is the National Governing Body for Rugby in the United States. The country is
divided into separate regionally based leagues or conferences, called Unions. There are seven
Territorial Unions (TUs), which are further divided into Local Area Unions (LAUs), with 37
total LAUs within USA Rugby and the United States.
Club Registration
Your new club will need to apply for membership with your Local Area and Territorial
Unions. All LAUs and TUs are listed on the USA Rugby website, If you
are unsure into which LAU or TU your school location places you, you may contact the nearest
LAU, TU or the USA Rugby National Office for assistance. You cannot play or scrimmage
anyone until the club has been approved for membership. The Local Area Union will tell
you how much dues will be for the team, and how to arrange paying them.
Individual Player and Coach Registration
In addition to enrolling the club as an entity, you will also have to have every member of the
club, and at least one coach enrolled in USA Rugby’s Club and Individual Participant Program
commonly referred to as “CIPP Registration”. You must register each calendar year, as all
registrations expire on December 31st of each year. As a member of USA Rugby, the primary
benefits will be the 3rd Party Liability Insurance and the chance to compete in a National
Championship if you succeed at the LAU and TU levels.
Liability Insurance & Other Membership Benefits
This liability insurance coverage is a necessity for participation within the USA Rugby
structure. Most field and other facilities require such liability coverage before granting a
permit to utilize the facility. Your club will receive a pamphlet that gives details of the policy.
THIS IS NOT MEDICAL INSURANCE!! When registering with USA Rugby, each player
verifies with a signature that he or she has a minimum of $100,000 in medical insurance
coverage. Other benefits of membership include:
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¾ Hotel, car rental, travel, and other discounts
¾ Information on upcoming USA Rugby events
¾ Members can attend Coach Clinics and other training programs, Player
Development Camps, etc.
¾ National Championship events
¾ Some regions have access to USA Rugby Game Development Officers (GDOs),
and GDO-run development camps, etc.
USA Rugby Registration Forms
Filling out your USA Rugby CIPP registration forms correctly is not difficult as long as you are
organized. All forms are available for download from The most
important information for all teams may be – REGISTER EARLY!! During the busy season, it
may take a week to 10 days to process registrations and you are not eligible to compete until
they are fully processed and reflected on the website. A good policy for your club to adopt is
never to let a player participate until they have verified medical insurance coverage,
completed and submitted a CIPP form, and his or her registration status appears on the
Payment and Signature
Please note that payment must accompany the individual and club forms. If payment is not
received, the forms will not be processed. Payment may be made by credit card or by club,
university or personal check. If the college or university is submitting payment, it may take
several weeks for them to process the paperwork, so please keep that in mind and begin that
process as soon as possible when your season starts.
Please make sure every player has read the waiver and signed and dated the form! The forms can be
sent by mail or facsimile to the address and number listed on the form.
Checking Registration Status Online
Registration status should be checked online at There are classifications of
“Pending” and “Active”. The “Pending” list will tell you, by club name, that registrations have
been received, but not yet processed. “Active” status means your registration has been fully
processed and the player is a recognized member of USA Rugby. You can also print a
complete club roster from the website. It is recommended that you do this by Wednesday or
Thursday prior to each scheduled match and make sure every player is registered. No player
should ever step on the field for your club without having a confirmed registration with USA
Please do not call the National Office to confirm receipt of an individual or group registration.
If your registration does not appear on the website after a week or 10 days, there may be a
problem and at that time, you should contact the membership department by email or
telephone to inquire about the status.
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USA Rugby Eligibility
Please read carefully the USA Rugby Eligibility Guidelines and make sure all team members
and team officials understand them. Players must meet the requirements for each level of play
to be eligible for competition in matches that lead in any way to a National Championship.
Players that do not meet the criteria outlined in the Eligibility Guidelines may still play in 2nd
side, friendly, or non-league matches. Playing ineligible players in league matches that
determine standings in playoffs is cause for forfeiture of games and possible sanctions by the
Local or Territorial Unions or USA Rugby. Ignorance of the Eligibility Guidelines and other
procedural requirements is no excuse for any violation.
Local Area Union Registration
The following are a list of the things that will usually be required by your Local Area Union to
become a member:
¾ Registering your colors - Make sure you check with your Local Area Union before
you order jerseys, shorts, and socks. They will let you know what colors have been
taken by other teams in the Union and what is available for your club. The LAU
must approve this before you order uniforms. Remember that all jerseys must be
properly numbered.
¾ Some Unions ask that you have a new certified referee - Each club might be asked to
bring a new certified referee to the Union. This can be especially beneficial to new
teams because it may be more difficult to schedule referees at first, and it helps to
have someone on your team that can referee games safely and properly as dictated
by USA Rugby. Ask the Local Area Union when and where local referee
certification classes will be given, or check the USA Rugby website. This referee
must maintain membership in the Referees Society, attend meetings and training,
and be available to referee matches as requested by the Society.
¾ A copy of your club by-laws (a sample document for your reference can be found on
this section of the USA Rugby website).
¾ A team roster. This roster should include names, addresses, and phone numbers of
all players as well as the Faculty Advisor and Club Sports Director.
¾ All players must also prove that they hold at least $100,000 worth of primary
medical insurance. USA Rugby recommends that the team manager requires and
retains a photocopy of each player’s medical insurance card.
¾ A copy of the club’s budget may be required. Your Local Area Union will let you
know what they need to have from you.
¾ A letter, on school letterhead, from the school’s Athletic Director and Director of
Club Sports regarding the school’s support for Rugby (use of school facilities, fields,
trainers, equipment, etc.) may be required.
¾ Locations and actual sizes of practice and playing fields.
¾ Attendance at LAU and TU meetings.
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Some Local Area Unions may require more information from new clubs. The Local Area
Unions will also provide the new club with updated policies that must be followed. These
might include policies regarding alcohol, codes of conduct for players and coaches, and faculty
advisor policies.
Levels of Competition
There is a hierarchy of competition. Once you start competing, you will do so at the Local
Area Union level. Contact your LAU to begin scheduling matches. To go beyond the local
level, your team will need to place at the Local Area Union Championship Tournament. From
there you can compete at the Territorial Level, and if you succeed there, you may continue on
to compete at the USA Rugby National Championship series.
Go Ahead and Get Started!
We hope this provides you with enough information to take the first steps toward starting a
team. There is a lot to do, so please keep that in mind when trying to get things started. We
think you’ll find the rewards and satisfaction of having a collegiate Rugby club will be well
worth the effort you’ve put forth. Please visit the USA Rugby website if you need any more
information. If you need more membership forms or documents, most can be downloaded
from the USA Rugby website, The USA Rugby website, officers of your
Local and Territorial Rugby Unions, as well as members of other teams in your area, are an
excellent resource to help guide you along the way and answer any questions you might have.
Good luck from the USA Rugby National Office!
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Gathering Members
Place ads in school paper
Print business cards & distribute
Print fliers
Print posters
Participate in community/school events
‰ 5K/10K runs
‰ Bike races
‰ Social events
Distribute fliers and posters in:
‰ Gymnasiums
‰ Weight rooms
‰ Dining halls
‰ Dormitory common areas
‰ Coffee shops
‰ Libraries
‰ Study areas
‰ Campus kiosks
‰ Student commons
‰ Building lobbies
Develop information sheet to hand out at practice
Maintain a roster of people at practices & interested people
Develop a website
Accessing Facilities & Equipment
Ask Club Sports about field use & times available
Ask Club Sports about indoor facilities (if necessary)
Request Certificate of Insurance from USA Rugby if necessary for field use – (*club and
15 players must be registered to receive certificate)
Buy enough rugby balls (or have players bring ones they own)
Buy cones for setting up drills
Ball pump and needles (an easily forgotten, but very important piece of equipment)
Provide vendor information for new players to buy:
‰ Rugby shorts
‰ Rugby cleats
‰ Mouthguards
‰ Shoulder pads (optional)
‰ Headgear (optional)
Contact local club to donate or borrow tackle bags, hit shields, etc.
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Finding a Coach & Assistant Coaches
Ask LAU and TU officials if they know of anyone looking for a coaching position
Place ads in school paper
Place ad in Rugby Magazine (free for college clubs seeking a coach)
Ask local men’s & women’s clubs for assistance
Make sure coach has passed USA Rugby background screen and has a current CIPP
registration as a Collegiate coach
Most LAUs and TUs require that your coach have at least a Level I Coach
Accreditation from USA Rugby
Becoming Accredited with Your College or University
Meet with Club Sports Director for specific details
Establish club by-laws
Establish budget
Abide by all rules and regulations set by Club Sports and your College or University
Becoming a Member of Local, Territorial and National Unions
Contact LAU officials about requirements for registering your club
Contact TU officials about requirements for registering your club
Register all players in the USA Rugby CIPP program
Register all coaches in the USA Rugby CIPP program
Register the club in the USA Rugby CIPP program
Read and understand USA Rugby collegiate eligibility guidelines
Abide by all rules and regulations of LAU, TU and USA Rugby
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Local Area Union Dues
(As a Recognized Club)
Territorial Union Dues
USA Rugby 2004
Individual Membership
USA Rugby Club CIPP
Referees fees
Varies from Union to Union
Varies from Union to Union
$20/person for College players (multiply by the # of persons)
$25/person for Adult players (multiply by the # of persons)
$10/person for Youth and High School (multiply by the # of
$25 per calendar year
Varies from Union to Union, and according to grade of referee
and level
Uniform and Playing Equipment**
Numbered game jerseys
Rugby shorts
Extra Cleat Studs
Extra Laces
Rule/Law Book
Practice jerseys (optional)
Scrum Cap (optional)
Shoulder Pads (optional)
$35-$50 each
$25-$29 each
$7-$9 each
$60-$125 per pair
$1-$2 each
$10 each
$20-$40 each
$50-$60 each
$30-$40 each
** Most vendors are willing to give discounts to those who order many items in bulk
and as a team. You could save hundreds of dollars by doing this!!
Field and Practice Equipment
*Goal Posts
**Goal Post Pads (4)
***Scrum Machine
Game Balls
Practice Balls
Ball Bag
Ball Pump
Needles (pack of 3)
Tackling dummies
Blocking/rucking pads
$30-$60 each
$20 each
$110 each
$50 each
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Kicking Tees
First Aid Kit (mandatory)
Field Marking Kit (Includes: 1 spray liner, 14
sideline poles, 1 case of paint)
14 Sideline poles(w/o kit)
Safety Cones (20)
$10-$15 each
$5-$10 each
* Depending on whether you make your own out of PVC pipe or purchase your goals from a company.
** You might be able to use your college’s old volleyball standard pads as a way to save some money
also. Talk with the school’s volleyball coach to see what they do with their old pads. When you begin
to play in regulation matches, the referees will ensure you have regulation pads for safety.
*** There are several different kids of scrum machines. The cost will go up considerably depending on
what type of scrum machine you purchase. $1000 is the approximate minimum price if you
manufacture your own.
Coaching Salary/Stipend
This can vary greatly depending on what the school is able to afford, also depending on how
many staff positions are paid. You should seek additional information from your Local and
Territorial Union Representatives to determine what is common for your area.
TOTAL (based on minimum estimates), not including coaching stipend
Approximately $175 per person (including CIPP dues)
Approximately $2900 per team (including CIPP dues and referee
dues for 10 games)
Note: These are only estimates and do not include tournament entry fees,
travel, etc. All gear listed is what each team should have. Remember,
you can start with less and build up your inventory of field and practice
gear when you can afford it. You might want to ask your Local Area
Union to see if they have any additional helpful information on good
deals for purchasing equipment.
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Ruggers Rugby Supply
1700 Riverdale St.
West Springfield, MA 01089
International Athletic
PO Box 126
Ferndale, WA98248
Rugby Imports
885 Warren Ave.
East Providence, RI 09214
Ball’s Out Rugby Goods
1922 Clairmont Terrace
Atlanta, GA 30345
American Rugby Outfitters
1510 Midway Ct. #E6
Elk Grove Village, IL 60007
Matt Godek Rugby Supply
PO Box 565
Merrifield, VA 22116
Red Rhino Sports Supply
838 W. Lynn Creek Dr.
Arlington, TX 76001
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Bold, italicized print indicates new for this season
(effective December 12, 2003)
General Policy Statement
As the National Governing Body of Rugby, USA Rugby has the sole right to establish minimum rules
under which the game is played within the United States. The rules for player and club eligibility, and
use of logos, uniforms, and equipment, as contained within this document apply to any match that in any
way leads to any USA Rugby Championship. These regulations must be applied by Territorial Unions
and Local Area Unions. Unions are strongly encouraged to establish similar rules for remaining
matches played within their geography.
USA Rugby is responsible for the structure of all national competitions. Territories are responsible for
determining the clubs that participate in the competitions.
Laws of the Game
All games will be played pursuant to the most currently published Laws of the Game of Rugby Football
with instructions and notes on the laws as framed by the International Rugby Football Board and the
directives and variations on the Laws for USA Rugby and the additional instructions contained within
the specific Championship regulations.
Participant Eligibility
All participants (players, coaches, managers) must be in good standing with their club, local area union,
territorial union and USA Rugby in order to participate in any match that in any way leads to any USA
Rugby Championship. To be in good standing the participant must:
1. Be enrolled in the current year's Club and Individual Participation Program (CIPP). Must be
enrolled 22 days before the event.
2. Possess medical insurance coverage of $100,000 or more.
3. Meet any other standards required by his/her club, Local Area Union and Territorial Union.
4. Meet all of the additional standards required in the event-specific sections of these regulations.
All referees, in order to referee any match that in any way leads to any USA Rugby championship must:
1. Referee all matches pursuant to the most currently published Laws of the Game of Rugby
Football and any USA Rugby guidelines and directives.
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2. Be a currently certified referee in good-standing with USA Rugby, the referees and Laws
Committee and the territorial and local area referees societies.
Exceptions: Foreign, non-US certified referees may only referee matches at the level consistent with his
home union ranking in agreement with the local assessor and referee assignor. Visiting referees who
will remain in the United States for a prolonged period of time (greater than six months) are urged to
participate in the certification program. Visiting referees who intend to remain in the United States for
longer than one year are required to participate in the certification program. Non-US referees who
intend to remain in the United States permanently must satisfy all USA Rugby referee certification
Club Eligibility
All Clubs must be in good standing with their local area union, territorial union and USA Rugby in order
to participate in any match that in any way leads to any USA Rugby Championship. To be in good
standing the Club must:
1. Be enrolled in the current year's Club and Individual Participant Program and
2. Meet all other standards required by their governing local area union and territorial union and
3. Meet all of the additional standards required in the event-specific sections of these regulations.
Event Rosters
Each club or team shall submit to the USA Rugby National Office, not less than twelve days before a
national championship match, a roster of the players and manager/coach(s) who will be in
attendance. The roster shall designate each participant's:
a) Complete name
b) Club and Individual Participation Program enrollment number
c) Proof of citizenship and/or resident status
Exception: Collegiate Teams are not required to provide proof of citizenship
d) In the event a player is a non-U.S. citizen and has permanent or conditional resident status, provide a
legible copy of the green card that is to be kept on file at the USA Rugby National Office.
e) In the event a player has been granted Resident Player Status by USA Rugby, that person must
ensure that his status is currently valid. Resident Player Status must be applied for each year.
The roster, when submitted, will be reviewed by USA Rugby staff and/or a designated
representative for the competition. For eligibility purposes, all challenges regarding the
eligibility of any player or club under USA Rugby Eligibility Regulations, must be submitted on
a USA Rugby Challenge Form; this form may be obtained from the USA Rugby National Office.
The player(s) in question will be required to present the appropriate credentials. Failure to do
so will result in immediate suspension from further competition.
***If a player’s citizenship proof is already on file at the USA Rugby National Office and it is
displayed on the database on the USA Rugby website, that player does not need to show further
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proof unless there is a change in the citizenship. Players with Resident Player Status and/or
Permanent Green Cards must ensure that their status is currently valid before each event.
Resident Player Status must be renewed each year. All players should note that signing the
CIPP enrollment form consents to USA Rugby verifying your citizenship and/or immigration
status with the appropriate governmental department or agency.
Local Area Union and Territorial Union Eligibility Standards
Local area union and territorial union standards enacted must incorporate the following minimum
1. All participating clubs and players must be in good standing.
2. Maximum roster size and non-resident alien participation restrictions shall be at least as
restrictive as the criteria established for national championship events.
3. No player shall be eligible to compete for more than one local area union, territorial union, or
USA Rugby Championship. A player by appropriate club affiliation change, may participate in a
different territory for a fifteen-a-side championship than he/she does for a seven-a-side
championships, but may not compete in two local area union championships or territorial union
championships for fifteen-a-side or two local area union championships or territorial union
championship for seven-a-side leading to that year's USA Rugby National Championship.
4. To be eligible to participate on behalf of a club or team in a local area union playoff or
championship match, a player must have participated in at least two matches on behalf of that
club in the competitive season leading to that given year's local area union playoffs or
championship and territorial union playoffs or championship.
In the absence of a local area union championship event to determine representation, that local area
union's eligibility regulations will apply for that local area union's representations.
Exception: A player unable to meet this standard due to injury may request a waiver from the USA
Rugby Eligibility Committee. Upon a demonstration of appropriate circumstances such waiver may be
granted. The USA Rugby Eligibility Committee decision shall be rendered prior to the event for which
the waiver is requested.
Definition: A competitive season, as used within the USA Rugby Eligibility Regulations defined herein,
means any and all matches that in any way lead to that year's USA Rugby National Championship in
any division. The competitive season for Club XV’s starts September 1 and continues through the
National Championship the following year. The competitive season for Club VII’s starts in June at the
conclusion of the Club XV’s Championships and continues through the National All-Star Seven’s
5. With the exception of non-contact rugby, no women/girls shall play on a men/boys team and no
men/boys shall play on a women/girls team.
6. USA Rugby shall follow the International Olympic Committee and US. Olympic Committee
policies regarding transgendered athletes.
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7. USA Rugby encourages those under 18 to play within their respective high school or collegiate
Any player under 18 who desires to play in men’s or women’s senior level competition may seek
a waiver from the Eligibility Committee based on the following provisions:
a. A statement from the applicant describing the reason for senior level play; AND
b. A signed statement from the participants parent or guardian certifying their approval
(waiver and release); AND
c. A statement from their current or proposed certified USA Rugby coach stating
their perspective of the participant’s ability to perform at the senior level of play.
Written request for exemption from these General Eligibility Regulations must be received by the USA
Rugby Eligibility Committee at least 15 days prior to any match for which the player is requesting an
exemption. The USA Rugby Eligibility Committee will have ten days from receipt of any such request
to respond to the applicant.
All written requests should be sent to the following address:
USA Rugby
Attn: Eligibility Committee Staff Liaison
1033 Walnut Street, Suite 200
Boulder, CO 80302
All challenges and appeals regarding the eligibility of any player or club under USA Eligibility
Regulations, must be submitted in writing to the USA Rugby National Office.
If a club or player has been deemed ineligible by an LAU, TU or other member of USA Rugby, the
effected player or club shall have the right to appeal to the USA Rugby Eligibility Committee. All
appeals should be directed to USA Rugby, Attention: Eligibility Committee Staff Liaison at the address
set forth above. The appeal must contain a written ruling on the eligibility issue by the LAU, TU or
other member of USA Rugby, and certification that the LAU President, TU President or highest officer
in the member organization of USA Rugby that issued the decision has been provided with all
paperwork that is being sent to USA Rugby. The failure to notify the appropriate LAU official, TU
official or official of the member organization of USA Rugby issuing the decision may be grounds for
denial of the appeal. The appellant must also submit all relevant documents to USA Rugby and all
written communication regarding the decision. The appeal must be received by USA Rugby within
seven days of the date of the decision appealed. In such an appeal, the USA Rugby National Office
shall notify the LAU President, TU President or highest ranking officer of the organizational member of
USA Rugby that issued the decision that such an appeal has been docketed. The administrative fee
for processing an appeal is $25.00 payable at the time of the appeal submission.
Appellate Panel. Any decision of the USA Rugby Eligibility Committee whether based on its original
jurisdiction or based on its consideration of an appeal of an LAU, TU or other USA Rugby member
ruling on an eligibility issue, shall be appealable to a USA Rugby Appellate Panel as referenced in the
Bylaws of USA Rugby. Such appeal must be made within seven days of the decision of the USA Rugby
Page 18 of 22
Eligibility Committee. All written appeals shall be addresses to USA Rugby, Attention: Appellate
Panel, 1033 Walnut Street, Suite 200, Boulder, CO 80302. The National Office must provide the
Appellate Panel with all documents and relevant communications that were part of the record in the
initial consideration by the USA Rugby Eligibility Committee.
With regard to any such appeal, the Executive Director, Chief Executive Officer or his/her designee
shall randomly choose a three-person panel from the Appellate Panel to consider the approval. The
panel must act on the appeal within seven days.
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Bold, italicized print indicates new for this season
The USA Rugby National Men's and Women's Collegiate Championships are designed to determine the
bona fide collegiate champions in the United States, and are not intended to be an all star or
representative competitive.
USA Rugby is responsible for the structure of the collegiate competitions. Territories are responsible
for determining the clubs that participate in these competitions.
In addition to meeting all of the General Eligibility Regulations, clubs and players participating in the
USA National Men's and Women's Collegiate Championships must meet the following eligibility
College Club Eligibility
a) Each participating club must be recognized by the college/university.
b) Each participating club must be in good standing with the college/university.
c) Each participating club may carry an unlimited number of players on its roster.
Player Eligibility
In order to participate in any match that in any way leads to the National Men's or Women's Collegiate
Championship, and through the championship, participating student-athletes must meet all of the
following eligibility criteria:
a) The student-athlete has five (5) consecutive years of eligibility to play collegiate rugby. The five
years starts the moment the player first enrolls in a college or junior college, whether that player is
currently playing rugby or not. Any college courses that are taken during high school do not affect a
player’s collegiate eligibility.
b) The student-athlete must be enrolled full-time, as defined by his/her university, and an
undergraduate student seeking his/her first bachelor's degree.
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1. A student-athlete in his/her final term may carry less than a full-time academic load and still
maintain eligibility. That player must be a graduating senior and this exception requires a letter
from the Registrar confirming such status. This exception may only be used once in a player's
career and once used that player loses all future collegiate eligibility.
2. A student athlete may maintain eligibility after completing and or receiving an undergraduate
degree if that athlete is enrolled full time in post-graduate studies (graduate school or pursuance
of an additional Bachelor’s Degree) provided:
a) The student athlete is attending the same institution they received their undergraduate degree
and the student athlete still falls within his/her 5 years of collegiate eligibility.
b) The student-athlete must play on the team representing the school in which he/she is enrolled.
Note: A student may apply to the USA Rugby Eligibility Committee to have this period of
eligibility extended; total extension(s) of eligibility may not exceed two years. Students must apply
annually for this exemption. On the following list are some possible circumstances that might
warrant an eligibility extension. Individual circumstances should be thoroughly explained and
documented on the “Eligibility Waiver Request Form”:
Active military service recognized
Official church service
In the case of female athletes, pregnancy
d) Each player shall meet and remain in compliance with all applicable amateur standards excluding
any player receiving compensation for being a member of the US National Team (Eagles).
Player Certification Process
To register at local area union, territorial union and national championship events, each player
must submit the following documentation to establish student eligibility. Players not able to
provide documentation as outlined below, will not be eligible to compete in the event.
a) Current photo I.D. Card, such as drivers license or passport, or school ID and
b) Proof of enrollment in the current Club and Individual Participant Program, and
c) Completed USA Rugby Waiver and Release Form with acknowledgement of medical insurance
coverage section completed and
d) Completed USA Rugby Collegiate Player Eligibility Form or Collegiate Team Eligibility Form.
Team Certification Process
At registration for local area union, territorial union, and national championship events, each club must
submit the following three items:
a) Completed USA Rugby Collegiate Team Eligibility Form verifying that the team is recognized by
the college/university and is in good standing, and
b) Team Participation Agreement (form found on the USA Rugby website)
c) Collegiate Club Eligibility Form (signed by the TU and LAU Rep verifying good standing)
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Collegiate Code of Conduct
"Student athletes and coaches who participate in collegiate rugby represent their colleges and are
ambassadors of collegiate rugby in the United States. As such, collegiate rugby players and coaches are
expected to behave with dignity both on and off the field, and should not tolerate or indulge in behavior
which would reflect negatively on the college, USA Rugby, or the image of collegiate rugby. Any
breach of this Code of Conduct will be forwarded to the appropriate disciplinary committee for action."
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*insert College or University name (if officially affiliated)*
The Club is and shall be called the *insert your College or University name (if officially
affiliated)* Rugby Football Club.
Object and Purpose
The objects and purpose of the Club are:
• The introduction, teaching, promotion, encouragement, understanding, and
extension of the game of Rugby Union Football in all its aspects, within the
University, within the community.
• To insure that the playing of the game of Rugby Union Football within the said
area is carried out observing fair play according to the Laws of the Game and a
sporting spirit.
The *insert name* Rugby Football Club membership shall be open to any willing and
able person that wishes to contribute in the objects and purpose of the Club.
The membership shall consist of two forms:
• Has paid his/her dues to the Club in the amount specified and at the deadline
specified by the Club President;
• Takes responsibility and follows them, as set forth by this Constitution, the
Requirements for Selection, the By-Laws, the Fitness Requirements, and the Code
of Conduct that may be instituted by the Club, according to this Constitution, for
the Club’s benefit and objectives;
• Has fulfilled all the University requirements for insurance.
• Has paid his/her dues to the Club in the amount specified and at the deadline
specified by the Club President;
• Takes responsibility and follows them, as set forth by this Constitution, the ByLaws, and the Code of Conduct that may be instituted by the Club, according to
this Constitution, for the Club’s benefit and objectives;
• Has fulfilled all the University requirements for insurance if he/she wishes to
participate in practices;
• A Club member will cease to be a member if at the Judgment of the Executive
Committee the said members has failed to meet the criteria set forth by the Club.
• The Club and its members will observe and be immediately governed through its
affiliation with *insert College or University*.
• The Club and its members will observe and be immediately governed through its
affiliation with *insert Territorial Union* and the *insert Local Area Union*
which directly interpolates the Laws of the Game as written by the International
Rugby Board.
• The Club shall remain governed by the *insert Local Area Union* as long as that
body remains affiliated to, and in good standing with, the *insert Territorial
Union*, and the United States of America Football Union and the International
Rugby Board.
The officers of the club will be as follows:
• The President. The President of the club shall be the Chief Officer of the club and
shall have general and active supervision over the business of the club and
oversee its several other officers, subject however to the control of the voting
members of the club. The President of the club shall also be the chief
representative of the club in all outside meetings, activities, and functions.
• The Vice President. The Vice President of the club will have such responsibilities
and duties as may be assigned to her/him by the President, members, Executive
Committee, and/or the By-Laws of the club.
• The Secretary. The Secretary of the club shall keep the minutes of the annual,
general, and special meetings of the club; see that all notices are duly given; be
custodian of applicable club records; conduct and have charge of all relevant club
correspondence; and in general; perform all the duties incidental to the office of
Secretary. This is on the provision, however, that he shall be authorized to
delegate such of these duties as he shall, with the approval of the President, deem
proper. Other duties may be assigned to him by the President, members of
Executive Committee, and/or the By-Laws of the club, to include the scheduling
of matches.
• The Treasurer. The Treasurer of the club shall have charge of and custody of and
be responsible for all funds of the club. The collection of dues, deposit and
disbursement of funds, and exhibition and auditing of accounts shall be directed
by the members of the club. Other duties may be assigned to him/her by the
President. Members, Executive Committee, and/or the By-Laws of the club.
• The Captain. The Captain of the club, in direct coordination with the Head and
Assistant coaches, shall have charge of the preparation of the club for all matters
concerning the playing of the game of rugby union football.
• The Vice Captain. The Vice Captain of the club shall assist the Captain in his
duties relating to preparation of the club for all matters concerning the playing of
the game of rugby union football.
• The Social Chair. The Social Chair will be responsible for all activities of a social
nature, post game, and club functions.
These offices may or may not be held by playing members of the club
All officers elected by the club shall take office after the election and shall hold
the office for a period of one year.
In the event of an office becoming vacant between meetings of the club, then the
President may appoint an individual to fill the office, with the approval of the
Executive Committee, until the next club meeting, at which time the club will
elect an individual to fill the remaining part of the one year term for the position.
Other positions of responsibility shall be assigned by the Executive Committee
and subject to the provisions set forth in the By-Laws.
The income from the club shall come from:
• The subscriptions of the playing and non-playing members;
• Any net profit (after payment of all proper and relevant outgoings and expenses)
that is derived from any special event (tournament, dance, etc.), match or other
function organized by the club;
• That part of any net profit (after payment of all proper and relevant outgoings and
expenses) that is due to the club by prior agreement and is derived from any
special event (tournament, dance, etc.), match, or other function organized by the
club in cooperation with any other group; any grants, subscriptions, or donations;
any funds provided by the University to the support of the club in its needs and
• In any event that it becomes necessary and/or desirable to discontinue the
activities of the club as it is presently constituted, this can be done by two thirds
majority vote of the playing members. Under such circumstances, the net assets of
the club shall be given to the University to support other clubs and/or student
• This constitution may be amended by two thirds (2/3) of the playing members of
the club that are present at that club meeting.
• The details of any proposed amendment shall be circulated to all playing members
with the call of the meeting at which the vote is taken.
• Such details shall be sent out not less than ten or more than twenty days prior to
the club meeting.
• Any proposed amendments must be submitted in writing to the President and
Secretary of the club at least twenty-one days prior to the meeting at which it is
proposed to consider it.
The club shall propose and administer a set of By-Laws.
These By-Laws are set forth in fulfillment of Article IX of *[insert school name here]’s
Membership to the Club
The membership shall be open to any willing and able person that wishes to contribute in
the objects and purpose, goals, and ideals of the club (Article III, Constitution of the
• The applicant shall be given details of the current operations of the club, of the games
played recently, and those scheduled for the future.
• The applicant shall be welcomed to the practices of the club, but will not become a
playing member or a non-playing member of the club until all the membership
requirements are met as set forth in the Constitution and the By-Laws of the club.
• The membership requirements shall consist of two forms:
*A playing member is a person who:
• has paid dues to the club in the amount specified and at the deadline specified but
the club President,
• takes responsibility and follows them, as set forth but the Constitution, the
Requirements for Selection, the By-Laws, the Fitness Requirements, and the Code
of Conduct that may be instituted but the club, according to this Constitution, for
the club’s benefit and objectives,
• has fulfilled ad the University requirement for insurance,
• is a student, staff, or faculty of *[insert school name here].
*A non-playing member is a person who:
• has paid his dues to the club in the amount specified and at the deadline specified
but the club President.
• takes responsibility and follows them, as set forth but the Constitution, the
Requirements for Selection, the By-Laws, the Fitness Requirements, and the Code
of Conduct that may be instituted but the club, according to this Constitution, for
the club’s benefit and objectives,
• has fulfilled all the University requirements for insurance if he wishes to
participate in practiced,
• is a member of the University community, staff, or graduate school, or alumni.
Members of the club will be separated into playing and non-playing members.
*Playing members can:
• participate in the practices and matches of the club,
• will pay the required dues as set forth but the Executive Committee and approved
by the club,
fulfill any position in the Club Officers, and Committees, except President and
Treasurer (restricted to full time undergraduate members),
participate in all other club functions.
*Non-playing members can:
• participate in the practices but not play in matches of the club,
• will pay the required dues as set forth but the Executive Committee and approved
but the club,
• fulfill any position in the club committees,
• participate in all other club functions.
A club member will cease to be a member if at the judgment of the Executive Committee
the said member has failed to meet the criteria set forth but the club.
Committees of the Club:
Executive Committee
• The Executive Committee shall consist of all the elected officers of the club and
ex officio the Faculty Advisor.
• The Executive Committee of the club will be chaired but the President of the club.
The committee shall have the responsibilities of working with the President in
overseeing the day to day operation of the club in the times between the general
meetings of the club.
• The committee shall meet at least six times a year, two of these meetings being
held in conjunction with the general meetings of the club. The President of the
club shall have the responsibility for calling the committee meetings. He/she
shall call such meetings at his option or upon written request of the Executive
Committee. He shall invite the faculty advisor and coach. He/she may also
request other additional persons to attend if their presence will assist in achieving
the aims of the meeting.
• The minutes of the meeting shall be recorded and kept by the Secretary of the
• Individual office requirements shall be specified in the Constitution of the club,
the By-Laws of the club or the requirements of the club officers.
Social Committee
• The Social Committee will be chaired but the Social Chairman and responsible
for all social functions and various match preparations of the club.
• The Social Committee shall consist of two club members and one person from
each side fielded and one non-playing member.
• The representatives shall be selected from the club membership at the Fall
General Meeting.
• The Social Committee shall be responsible for providing water for the matches
for both the visitors and the home team. The Social Committee shall also be
responsible for accommodations for the visiting team, food, and refreshments
(non-alcoholic) for the club’s social gatherings after home matches.
The Social Committee of the club shall be responsible for securing transportation
for players for away matches, for all clean up operations after club functions, for
securing accommodations and required materials for any club function.
The Social Committee shall keep a Social Committee Book. This book shall be a
log of social function, social committee members, budgets, and expenditures.
The book shall be given to the Secretary of the club at the end of the season for
documentation and filing.
Special Events Committee
• The Special Events Committee of the club shall be responsible and have the
custody for all tours, tournaments, and other events in which the club may be
• The Vice President of the club, three club members and two non-playing
members shall chair the Special Events Committee of the club. The seasonal
representatives shall be selected from the club membership at the Fall General
• The requirements for variable members of the Special Events Committee are to
assist in the projects as needed.
• The Special Events Committee shall follow the local union requirements for tours
and tournaments. These requirements shall be reviewed with the Executive
Committee prior to any formal communication with the local union.
• The Special Events Committee shall be in charge of and have the responsibility
for all correspondence and accommodation requirements for hosting or attending
tournaments, or tours.
• The Special Events Committee shall be responsible for submitting a budget for
materials needed to perform their functions throughout the year. This budget
shall be submitted to the Executive Committee for approval and the disbursement
of funds. Preceding the even the Social Events Committee shall present an
expense account of the funds used and the justification for such usage to the
Executive Committee and the Treasurer.
• The Special Events Committee shall keep a Special Events Committee Book.
This book shall be a log of Special Events functions, Special Events committee
members, budgets, and expenditures. The book shall be given to the Secretary of
the club at the end of the season for documentation and filing.
Field and Equipment Committee
• The Field and Equipment Committee of the club shall be charged with the
custody and responsibility for all club equipment, field preparation, field clean
up, field reservation, and uniforms.
• The Field and Equipment Committee of the club shall be chaired but the Vice
• The Field and Equipment Committee shall consist of three club members and
two non-playing members.
• The seasonal representatives shall be selected from the club membership at
the Fall General Meeting.
The Field and Equipment Committee shall be responsible for the field prior to
match play and practices, for reserving the field prior to the start of the season,
for any possible schedule conflicts during the season, for the scoreboard,
match and practice balls, touch flags, roping off the field of play for each
match and practice.
The Field and Equipment Committee shall be responsible for policing the
fields after the matches and practices to clean any litter.
The Field and Equipment Committee shall be responsible for the upkeep of
team jerseys and club balls.
The Field and Equipment Committee shall be responsible for submitting a
budget for materials needed to perform their functions throughout the year.
This budget shall be submitted to the Executive Committee for approval and
the disbursement of funds. Preceding the event, the Field and Equipment
Committee shall present an expense account of the funds used and the
justification for such usage to the Executive Committee and the Treasurer.
Selection Committee
• The purpose of the Selection Committee of the club is to select from the playing
members of the club, according to the Selection Requirements, who will
participate on which fixture, for which match, at what time, and at what place.
The Selection Committee will consist of all Coaches, the Captain, the Vice
Captain, and the appointed Captain of each side fielded. The club President will
chair the committee in a non-voting capacity.
• It is the duty of the Selection Committee to fill all requirements for the team
fixtures for each match.
• The Selection Committee is responsible for the preparation of the Selection
Criteria and Requirements. If said requirements exist, the Selection Committee
shall review the existing criteria and requirements for effectiveness from
previous seasons experience. Any changes made shall be documented and the
reason for the change documented in the club By-Laws. The Selection Criteria
and Requirements shall be presented to the Executive Committee for review and
acceptance no later than two weeks prior to the first practice of the season. These
requirements shall be made known to all playing members of the club at the first
• The Selection Committee shall maintain a Selection Book. This book shall
contain a picture of each playing and non-playing member of the club, the
address and telephone number of each playing and non-playing club member, the
position of each club member, and any selection records such as fitness trial
times, matches played, selection requirements and criteria, fitness criteria, etc.
This book shall be given to the Secretary of the club at the end of the season for
documentation and filing.
• The Selection Committee will post its selection at least 48 hours before the
The basis for selection will be the following:
o Skills
-- 30%
*each player will be rated on a
o Fitness
-- 30%
scale of 1-10 in each category
o Commitment -- 30%
o Match Needs -- 10%
-- 100%
Fund Raising Committee
• The purpose of the Fund Raising Committee of the club is to provide a means to
increase the amount of monies in the Club Treasury.
• The Treasurer of the club shall chair the Fund Raising Committee.
• The Fund Raising Committee shall consist of three playing members and two
non-playing members. These representatives shall be selected from the club
membership at the Spring General Meeting.
• The Fund Raising Committee of the club shall submit a business plan for the
development of funds to the Executive Committee by September 1 of the new
season. This plan shall be discussed and accepted for implementation. At
season’s end, April-May, the Fund Raising Committee shall submit a report to the
Executive Committee summarizing their efforts, successes, and failures. This
report shall include but not be limited to projects, contacts, funds generated and
spent, and recommendations for the future.
Disciplinary Committee
• The purpose of the Disciplinary Committee of the club is to record and review all
cases of misconduct involving individuals, players, and members of the club.
• The Disciplinary Committee shall be chaired but the President of the club. The
committee shall also contain the Captains of the club, the Faculty Advisor of the
club, the Coach of the club, and the Secretary of the club.
• The Disciplinary Committee shall review any case for a “player ordered off” from
a match per Law 26. They will decide on the course of action within three days of
the offense. This will presented to the Executive Committee for review and
• The Disciplinary Committee shall prepare the “Code of Conduct” requirement for
the club. These requirements shall be reviews but the Executive Committee prior
to institution.
• The Disciplinary Committee shall review any case for a member of the club
violating the “Code of Conduct” of the club. This will be presented to the
Executive Committee for review and approval.
Publicity Committee
• The purpose of the Publicity Committee of the club is to provide news releases for
match scored, match articles, club programs, and any other publicity or public
relations function for the club.
• The Publicity Committee shall be chaired but a player appointed but the President
and two players chosen by the Publicity chairman.
The Publicity Committee of the club shall submit a business plan for publicity and
public relations matters to the Executive Committee by September 1 of the new
season. This plan shall be discussed and accepted for implementation. At
season’s end, April-May, the Publicity Committee shall submit a report to the
Executive Committee summarizing their efforts, successes and failures.
The Publicity Committee shall submit to the University newspaper and the
community newspaper a schedule at the beginning of the season, and update after
every match, and a report of scores to the designated sub union official at the end
of the match.
Alumni Committee
• The purpose of the Alumni Committee of the club is to actively inform and
communicate with past members of the club and to coordinate any annual
fundraisers or events.
• The Alumni Committee of the club shall be chaired by the Vice President of the
club and two players appointed by the Chair.
• The Alumni Committee of the club shall submit a business plan for publicity and
public relation matters to the Executive Committee by September 1 of the new
season. This plan shall be discussed and accepted for implementation. At
season’s end, April-May, the Publicity Committee shall submit a report to the
Executive Committee summarizing their efforts, successes and failures.
Other Positions of Responsibility of the club
Coach: This position provides the primary guidance role of your technical development
of your program.
• The coach must have a firm grasp of the basics and acquainted with the
rudiments of teaching. It is a sound gesture to have funds available so the coach
can attend the local union, territorial, and/or USA Rugby Coach and Referee
Clinics. It is also suggested that your coach be able to purchase literature that
will assist him to plan the practice session.
• The coach should provide a good role model for your players to follow.
• The coach must work closely with the captain/vice captain. This working
relationship is imperative to the club.
• The coach must follow all of the university’s policies and guidelines and strongly
suggests the club members also enforce them.
• The coach must follow all of USA Rugby’s policies and guidelines.
• The coach should be involved in the match scheduling and attend matches and
Manager: The responsibilities of this position include the details and assembly of
practices and matches. This person shall assist the Vice Captain of the club and the Vice
President of the club in their responsibilities for matches and practices.
Athletic Trainer: This person shall care for the physical aid of the players.
Faculty Advisor: This position provides the primary guidance role of administrative
support for your program.
*The faculty advisor should be experienced in rugby matters or be willing to learn about
the sport of Rugby football.
Minimum Duties of the Officers of the Club
• Call all meetings for the Executive Committee and General Meetings for the club
• Chairs The Executive Committee meetings
• Chairs the Disciplinary Committee meetings
• Chairs the Selection Committee
• Represents the club at all outside activities, functions, and meetings
• Communicates with the local sub union
• Communicates on a routine basis with the Faculty Advisor and the Director of
Vice President:
• Take the place of President when needed
• Chair of the Alumni Club Committee
• Chairs the Special Events Committee
• Club record person
• Assists the President at sub union meetings
• Takes minutes at all club meetings
• Schedules forthcoming matches
• Chairs the Fund Raising Committee
• Maintains the funds for the club
• Develops, presents, and maintains the club yearly budget
Social Chair:
• Coordinates all functions
• Arranges transport to and from away matches
• Provides for the accommodations of touring clubs
• Provides water for the half at home matches
• Works closely with the coach in the setup of practices, player development, and
match strategy
• Reads and understands the Laws of the game
• Is responsible for the conduct of the players on and off the pitch
Vice Captain:
• Take the place of the Captain when needed
Chair-person of the Field and Equipment Committee
Works closely with the Captain and the Coach
Subscriptions (Dues) of the Club
The subscriptions of the club shall be a fixed sum determined by the Executive
Committee and accepted by the club by a 2/3-majority vote of the play members of the
General Meetings of the Club
• The general meetings of the club shall be held at least twice a year, once in the
fall and once in the spring.
• The spring general meeting shall be held to elect the elected positions for the
following year besides for other business.
• The President of the club shall call the general meetings no later than ten days
prior to the meeting date.
• The accommodations for the meetings shall be the responsibility of the Social
• A quorum of 1/3 of all of the playing members must be made before general
business can be started.
• The President of the club shall chair the meetings. In his absence the Vice
President shall have the responsibility.
• The club shall consist of one unified body consisting of all playing and nonplaying members. All club members should be present at all general meetings. It
is at the first half of the meeting with a quorum membership of playing members,
that all general business be conducted. Only after all general business is
discussed can elections be made.
• This constitution may be amended by 2/3 of the playing members of the club that
are present at that club meeting.
• The details of any proposed amendment shall be circulated to all playing members
with the call of the meeting at which the vote is taken.
• Such details shall be sent out no less than ten and no more than twenty days prior
to the club meeting.
• Any proposed amendments must be submitted in writing to the President and
Secretary of the club at least twenty-one days prior to the meeting at which it is
proposed to consider it.
Amendments to the By-Laws of the Club
• The procedure for Amendments to the By-Laws will follow the same procedures
set up in Article VII of the Constitution of the club.
The income from the club shall come from:
• The subscriptions (dues) of the playing and non-playing members,
• Any net profit (after payment of all proper and relevant outgoings and expenses)
that is derived from any special event (tournament, dance, etc.), match, or other
function organized by the club;
• That part of any net profit (after payment of all proper and relevant outgoings and
expenses) that is due to the club by prior agreement and is derived from any
special event (tournament, dance, etc.), match, or other function organized by the
club in cooperation with any other group, and grants, subscriptions, or donations,
and funds provided by the University to the support of the club in its needs and
• In any event that it becomes necessary and/or desirable to discontinue the
activities of the club as it is presently constituted, this can be done by two thirds
majority vote of the playing members. Under such circumstances, the net assets
of the club shall be given to the University to support other clubs and/or student
Rugby Club Fundraising Tips
Often there are multiple sources of financial support within a school or university. The club sports and/or
student activities department have budgets for various activities. Any financial support from club sports
will generally be related to the individual programs organizational practices. For instance, a well-organized
program that is able to plan ahead, submit the proper forms on time, and generally has a positive reputation
will be more likely to secure financial support.
Player Dues
Player dues are a common way for teams to pay for their expenses. Rugby is much cost efficient than other
sports. As an example, a member of the club crew team is likely to pay as much as $500. Rugby dues, per
player, tend to be around $50-$100 for the season.
Institutional Fundraising:
Most schools/universities have opportunities for clubs to fundraise and make money for travel and
equipment expenses. Specific examples of these opportunities are cleaning facilities, running concession
stands, letter writing campaigns, etc. The ability to take advantage of these opportunities is again related to
the clubs organization. Once you find out the procedure for these events, you must make sure to follow the
specific instructions, and all forms are filled out completely and on time. You must also ensure that the
players arrive on time, properly dressed, and stay for the full duration of the shift.
Team Fundraising:
Activities that the rugby program conducts on its own, in which the university is not involved, can be
highly profitable. It is extremely important that officers of the team confirm that the activity does not
conflict with any school or university rules and regulations. It is best to consult the club sports
administrator prior to the activity to avoid conflict.
Sample Fundraising Projects:
• Develop a game day/tournament program and sell advertisements
• Develop merchandise (t-shirts, hats) and sell for profit
• Alumni hospitality tent/alumni game
• Sell credit card applications (sometimes comes from institutional fundraising)
• Sell magazine subscriptions or coupon books
• Host a car wash on campus or in the community
• Host a tournament
• Run a clinic for high school teams/players (qualified coaches and administrators required)
There is many local businesses within your community to whom you can approach for financial support of
your club in exchange for exposure at events or club activities. Make sure to consult with your school or
university’s club sports department to determine what you can appropriately offer to potential sponsors in
exchange for their financial support. Some examples include:
Signage on game day at your events and tournaments
Exposure in game day/tournament programs
Special activities that direct business to a particular establishment
Parent Support
Most teams overlook this opportunity. Parents are very eager to support sports initiatives and this can be
especially useful when traveling to playoffs or to a tournament. Make sure to set the donation as a tax
deductible entity. This should be established as a regular yearly appeal.
Alumni Support
Teams can receive serious funds from alumni support. If you have not already done so, you may want to
appoint an Alumni Relations Committee within your program structure to develop an alumni network and
seek out an annual appeal/drive. Alumni are more likely to donate for a specific project or item such as
travel, field equipment, or development of a new field or facilities.
Many school and universities, especially private, will have an entire department dedicated to alumni
development. It is worth a planned visit to this office on campus to determine whether they may be able to
assist in any alumni outreach efforts. In addition, an investigation on records that have been kept of players
in past years is worth completing. On that note, the team’s Alumni Relations Committee should institute a
complete record-keeping system to be used from year to year, as well as regular email or newsletter updates
to alumni, and perhaps even an annual fund drive focusing on alumni.
Many rugby programs will host an alumni weekend that may be planned in conjunction with a major
alumni draw. (i.e., homecoming, alumni weekend, rival football game, etc.). Special invitation should go
out to all alumni, and every attempt should be made to present the team as a well-organized, successful
program that anyone would be proud to support.
Steps to 501(c) 3 for Rugby Clubs
By: Ron Myers
There are two significant parts to starting up a Non-Profit Youth Rugby Organization or Club (herein
“club”). Many of these steps are ones that should be considered regardless of whether you are starting a
501(c)3 club or just starting one to join your Local Area Union or Local Youth Rugby Organization.
Incorporating Your Club:
How to set up a 501(c)3 – overview:
Initially, the easiest thing to do is to go to Nolo is an online legal resources service that
offers overviews of various topics (including forming a non-profit) as well as the documents (whether in
hard or electronic copy form) for a fee.
Once on Nolo’s site, click on the “Business & Human Resources” tab at the top of the home page.
When that page opens look under the “Main Topics” heading and click on the “Nonprofit Organizations”
When the Nonprofits page opens, look under the “Related Topics” heading, and click on the “How to form
501c3 non-profit Corporation” hyperlink.
The section is 5 pages long and is a general overview of all the steps needed to create a 501(c)3 club
both at the state and federal level.
Note: many of the steps recommended in the Nolo document apply to creating any type of corporation
and should be consider as good business practice in any event. These practices include, but are not
limited to: filing your Articles of Incorporation; drafting Corporate Bylaws; and Appointing/Electing
Additional Resources:
The forms and information needed for the Internal Revenue Service can be found here:
The forms and information needed for your individual State Corporations Division can best be found by
going to and using the following search term “[Name of your] State Corporations
Division”, then search your respective state’s site for information on non-profit services.
Consulting an attorney before filing to make sure all of the proper steps have been taken may also be of
interest, but is not essential.
“Branding” Your Club:
Once you have established a Corporation name that is unique to your club, you must consider "branding"
for your club. Branding is important as it will create an image and an easy reference point for your
members to focus on. It will also create a sense of professionalism which will pay dividends not just at
the club level, but also when dealing with those whom you are trying to interface. This may include
schools, state based athletic organizations, sponsors, the Local Area Union Clubs, Local Area Union
Referee Society and of course both the USA Rugby as well as the IRB.
* Content provided by members of the USA Rugby Youth Development Network (YDN)
Image sells. An incorporated, branded (logo trademarked) and professionally run (club specific website w/
email) club will reap the benefits of these organizational components.
To that end the following “branding” processes must be considered:
Choose a domain name and web hosting service. One company that provides both domain name
registration and a large number of hosting services is By going over their site
you can get a general idea of what is required for this process and then you can pick and choose your
own hosting service.
Note: as your club is going to be a nonprofit you should be looking for domain names ending in the “.org”
suffix. An example would be While a “.com” suffix is not incorrect, it is best to
make your branding as a nonprofit club as complete as possible and thus an “.org” suffix is best.
Consider registering your club name and logo w/ the US Patent and Trademark Office which can be
linked to at Trademark protection is useful for various reasons and can serve to stave off
challenges to your club for various branding issues as well as again projecting an image of
professionalism which can only accrue to your benefit.
Once on the USPTO website, click on the “Trademarks” tab on the left side of the page and you can
search (for free) to see if your name/logo are already trademarked, as well as beginning the process of
filing an application online with TEAS (Trademark Electronic Application System).
Again, you may choose to seek guidance from and/or retain an attorney to do this work for you.
As a final important step remember to register your club with USA Rugby through the CIPP process which
can be accessed via the USA Rugby website at
* This document was prepared to introduce you to the process of forming a 501(c)3 non-profit rugby
organization; issues that are related to that formation; and any attendant organizational issues. It is for
informational purposes only. While every attempt is made to maintain the accuracy of the information, it is
not guaranteed to be complete or to represent the latest legal developments.
Obtaining legal advice is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements or
website information. You may wish to contact your respective State Bar Lawyer Referral Service if you
feel you are in need of further legal assistance."
* Ron Myers is a member of and the current Treasurer for the Pacific Northwest Rugby Referee Society.
He is also a referee with Oregon Youth Rugby and the Northern California Rugby Referee Society. He
has served USA Rugby as a Match Commissioner for the Collegiate D1 Men’s Round of 16 and #4 at the
Collegiate D1 & D2 Men’s & Women’s National Championships. He has also coached both Collegiate
Men and Women in Northern California as well as Mini-Rugby in Oregon.
He is currently on staff as a Paralegal with the Oregonians In Action Legal Center. A dedicated litigation
and appellate law non-profit legal services provider that handles civil rights cases at all levels of the
Oregon, Washington and Federal Judicial Systems.
He can be reached at if you have any specific questions.
* Content provided by members of the USA Rugby Youth Development Network (YDN)