How to Enroll New Employees in a HealthEquity® HSA

How to Enroll New Employees in a
HealthEquity® HSA
Use the HealthEquity® Employer Portal
(Applicable only to groups whose health plans don’t provide electronic eligibility files to HealthEquity.)
Enrolling new employees in a HealthEquity HSA using the HealthEquity employer portal is easy, simply:
1. Log in to your HealthEquity employer portal at
2. Select “Enroll Employee.”
3. C
hoose to add employees manually one-at-a-time using the online interface or by uploading
a file with multiple employees.
 Remember to enroll only those employees that have elected, and are eligible for, the HSA.
4. See the Employee Listing to confirm the employees were added.
If you need assistance, simply access the HealthEquity Employer Portal Guide at or call HealthEquity
Client Services at 866.382.3510.
Capture Which Employees Want an HSA
Here are some tips and resources for for
capturing which employees want an HSA
for different benefit enrollment processes.
1. Paper HSA authorization form—If
you have a paper benefit enrollment
process or your online benefit system
can’t capture which employees want
an HSA, have employees complete a
paper authorization form and return
it to you. You can use HealthEquity’s
standard authorization form available
2. Electronic capture—If you use an
online benefit enrollment system, have
employees elect to open an HSA during
online enrollment. Following is sample
language you might use for online
Qualified for a Health Savings Account?
The benefits enrollment process
includes the option to open a health
savings account (HSA). An HSA lets
you set aside funds to use to pay for
qualified medical expenses—tax-free.
Your HSA belongs to you, even if you
change employers or health plans.
To open an HSA, you must:
 Have a qualified high-deductible
health plan (HDHP).
 Have no other health coverage except
what is permitted as other health
coverage by the IRS.
 Not be enrolled in Medicare.
 Not be claimed as a dependent on
someone else’s tax return.
 Not have access to dollars in a flexible
spending account (FSA) that can pay
for any medical expenses before the
HSA’s required deductible is met,
including a spouse’s FSA.
Authorization and Certification
I accept the terms of the HealthEquity
HSA Custodial Agreement available at
I understand that in compliance with
the USA PATRIOT Act, HealthEquity
must verify the identity of all individuals
who seek to open an HSA. I understand
that as part of this identity verification
process, I may be asked to provide
additional information and/or
documentation before my account can
be established.
3. Include disclosure as part of the HSA
qualified medical plan selection.
Following is some sample language
you might use when the employee is
electing the medical benefit.
By enrolling in the <Name of Plan>
plan, a HealthEquity HSA may be
opened on your behalf (subject to
the confirmation of your eligibility).
HealthEquity is <Employer’s> preferred
HSA administrator and your account
will be subject to the HealthEquity
HSA Custodial Agreement available at
In compliance with the USA PATRIOT
Act, HealthEquity must verify the
identity of all individuals who seek to
open an HSA. As part of this identity
verification process, you may be asked
to provide additional information and/
or documentation before your account
can be established.
To be eligible for an HSA, you must
meet the following criteria. If you’re
not eligible, please call HealthEquity
and make sure an account is not
opened (or, if already open, is closed)
and that any contributions made on
your behalf are returned.
Capture HSA Payroll
If you don’t currently have a process
for capturing how much an employee
would like withheld from his/her
paycheck, HealthEquity provides a payroll
deduction form that you can use. Log in
to the HealthEquity employer portal and
select “HSA Payroll Deduction Process”
under the Resources tab and select the
HSA Payroll Deduction Form Template
or call HealthEquity Client Services at
 Have a qualified high-deductible
Have Questions or Need Assistance?
 Have no other health coverage except
Call HealthEquity Client Services at
866.382.3510 from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.
MST Monday through Friday or e-mail
health plan (HDHP).
what is permitted as other health
coverage by the IRS.
 Not be enrolled in Medicare.
 Not be claimed as a dependent on
someone else’s tax return.
 Not have access to dollars in a flexible
spending account (FSA) that can pay
for any medical expenses before the
HSA’s required deductible is met,
including a spouse’s FSA.
MST Monday through Friday or e-mail Copyright © 2011 HealthEquity, Inc. All rights reserved. HealthEquity and the HealthEquity logo are registered trademarks or service marks of HealthEquity, Inc.
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