HOW TO USE THIS BOOK Hypoth alamu s Gona dotro releas pinin hormo g ne FULL-COLOR ILLUSTRATIONS promote comprehension of challenging concepts Day 1 4 Day 2 2 Estrog en Day 2 8 1 B. Anteri Proge steron e 14 or pitu itary 22 Follicle s hormo timulation ne (FS H) 28 98.0 36.6 F C Graafi an follicle 97.0 F 36 C Estrog en A. CASE STUDIES at the end of each chapter bring content to life and challenge the student to bridge the gap from theory to practice. xviii C. 4 day 97.5 36.4 F C s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 14 da ys (ov ulation 28 14 15 ) 16 17 days 18 19 Days 20 21 22 23 24 25 D. 26 27 28 12 13 TS TH AT IN TERF ERE W ITH M ICRO BIAL GRO WTH eorge Sande rs , 28, comp is see lainin n in th physic g of s e eme evere al exa rgenc mina abdom appen y suit tion, inal p dicitis which e by D ain fo . S urgica tine p indica r. Burr r app l perm reope tes lo is. Mr. roxim ra c is a tive c sion fo lized Sande ately infusio a ri re 4 hou rs has rms a ght-sid n of 5 is give re rs. Th been % dex ed ab signed n. Befo e histo d trose omin In the , the c re the in r y an a lient’s l pain opera client water intrav d , ti a leaves sugge bdom is beg ng ro enous st acu om, th un. en is s the em line p venou te haved e ane ergen reviou s tubin s , th c a y nd ro etist p sly es suite, g, the urepare tablis an intr injecti Follow hed. s to a aveno on sit ing lo Before dmin us As an e of th ss of c is p te esthe u r ncturi anesth onscio e tubin sia pro ng th tion. esia th usnes g is cle gresse e diap When s, the rough aned s, the hragm client this h the with client’ as dri on th is 7 The s 0 given s abdo % iso e e intr d u , a rg p the ab men is ropan genera ery p Severa ad rogres ol. omen l anes prepa l days s th re es wit is the d with follow etic b notes n dra hout y inh ing th 2% po that a p c e a o d la mplic e ope . vodin tion. small the fo ration ation e-iodin area o llowin s and , duri f the in e solu g pres ng a an ap cision cripti d p Irriga re e n s s d has b on is ing ch ectom te wo ecom writte ange, y is p und b e (hydro n in th e : id wit rform fected e hea gen p ha5 ed. . A ba lth ca eroxid 0/50 cteria Follow re pro e). soluti l cultu vider ing id otic. R on of re e n is tificati ecove NSS (n taken on of ry occ and orma the in urs w l salin ithou fectin e solu t furth g orga ti o n) an er com nism, d H2 O plicati the cli Ques 2 ons. ent is tions placed f on an o r D 1. In antib i s c u iprepa ssion ring to has a insert choic the n e of tw eedle dine a o age to init nd po nts fo iate th vidon r disin each e intr e-iodin agent? fectio aveno e (Beta 2. If n of th us infu 70% is dine). e skin sion, oprop What . The the te yl alc be an a two a re chnic th ohol effecti gents e adv ian is 3. W antag ve dis are ch applie hat ad e infecta s and lorhe d to th vanta xid n e inje isadva t? Wh ge cou prepa c ti n y or w on sit tages ration ld be hy no e on th of 4. In gaine , rath t? e IV tu d by u er tha prepa n iod sing c bing, ring ine an hlorh is it li to irri factors k e d x e g a ly m id ate th lcoho ust th ine (H to 5. Dis l? e wo e nurs ibicle cuss th und ns) as e con e adv with sider an ab antag h c y d o d o n ro mina es/dis cernin gen p l advan g the eroxid tages e and of usin use of hyd saline rogen g H2 O , wha perox 2 for t ide? woun d clea ning. CASE STUD Y G N 2: AGEN TS TH AT IN TERF ERE W ITH M ICRO BIAL GRO WTH APPL YING CLIEN DRUG TS RECEIV ING S Asses smen t Asses THE N URS ANTI MALA RIAL ING P ROCE S S 4. Co smen mplia t is an to clie nce B impo nts re ance ehavio rtant ceivin behav with r: De part o g antim ior as mons comm prescr f prov evide trates a o ibed r larial iding nly u lead nced comp egime drugs to to c s e a d r e by ad lia xic sy . Ove n ntima alert heren r mpto dosag la P for he r ia l ce to a ls can ms, a e n n adach i bance ng/G nd th quick es, dr s. Mo e nur oals ly owsin re sev se mu cardio Clien ess, a ere in st be t will vascu n d d icatio visua r e lar co cogniz and r p r l distu ompt ns of llapse espira e sym ly see toxicit r, con tor y a ptom k med ularly Clien y v in u so r ls c r est. C ical a t will lude ions, susce ttentio f anemia a h not e and c ptible ildren thera f r o nd x m n. ardiac perien to tox py ge seem m e d icatio ce ne icity. nerall to be and li Clien gative ns. Clien y hav p a t r ver f t w icts o side e ill ver e perio unctio ffects balize encou tion p dic blo n long-ter n tes rocess under rage m od ce ts, an the c s a t a n such C n ll d li d d the ent w medic count in lient testin g o f the in ill dem s ation to ke nurse g. It is and icatio regim ep ap fecshould also r perio n regim onstrate c en. point ecom dic v ompli m e ducte n e m . is n a e ts for ion a nce w nded d. Th nd h ith m that b e nur NIC client earin edaselin se sh comp g tes ould e ts be laints repor light, 1 o cont any . Circ and/o f blur u evide r red v latory nce o ision, 2. He It also eye muscle Status r alth E sensit weakn is imp of the ducat ivity ess. 3 ortan . possib Teach ion, S to t f o in urveil ility o r the reactio g: Ind 4. Tea lance f the ividua ns in : Safe ching develo nurse to b l and maqu d ty : e ark-sk I p Prescr a n m w d ine p e iv a n r inned idual e t of h ibed M hosph skin a emoly edicat perso ate. R I m nd or tic ns ta ions plem o al mu recom king entat cous m utine asse p mend r is T smen i embr h o e ed. n s c t anes o hedu of th ling o f thes e impo Nursi e clien f med rtant, ng Di t icatio s as mo is T o agno n adm preve st ant Nursin n ses imala inistr t g diag G given I ups rials c a noses et, th imme ause G tion is Risk f includ ese d d w ia I distr or alt e t e e e kly ad ly be but ar r u ess. g e r s e fore o ease p d tiss are g e not minis phyla ue pe e rocess limite tratio r afte cticall rfusio n of a d to: r mea nerally Risk f y n ntima to sup be in ls. W relate or inju larials struct hen d to d press ry rela malar ed to attack is use iseach ted to ial th d pro t s a , w k t a e e h e d r e apy e clie verse k t Deficie h . e d n effect rug o t shou nt kn Clien s of an n the ld owled cess a ts ta tisame moni ge rela nd m k i n g an torin day edicat ted to Risk f timal g for ion re inclu infect or no arial adver gimen ding ion p ncom d tion r s r e p u r e g o p e r s req tion liance ffects iodic egime tests, uire blood of lon of th n and e the g-term cell c Clien NOC vision rapy, ounts ts sh medic ould , live and aevide heari r fun also b nce o 1. Cir n ce ins f blee culatio in the tructe g evaluati ding, n Sta ir on. d u s t status u r o ine. ch as tus: D r e p as evid o noseb rt an emon enced y leeds limits strate by vit or blo s circ Evalu al sign 2. Ris ulatio od a t k Con s with n i o n trol: D in no dence rmal emon Clien d by la strate t reco 3. Kn ck of s risk gnize perfus owled adver contr s sym ion an g s e: Inf ol as e effe ptom Demo d seek e e cts Clien ction vis of a nstrat s med t and T ltered d o e ical at e s s reatm baliza k n tissue n m o o tentio t e w d exper ent R tion b ledge icatio n pro e ie y clie gimen ns. as evid n c mptly e C nt side e lient : enced . verba ffects by ve lizes proce from runde ss, me r s ta dicatio Clien n regim nding of in t dem onstr fectio en. tion r ates c n egime ompli n. ance with medic a- APPLYING THE NURSING PROCESS section discusses nursing care considerations that help the nurse focus on his or her role. NIC and NOC have been added to all of the Applying the Nursing Process sections. xix TAB LE 1 6-1 CHA PTE R1 6: BRO NCH ODI LATO RS A ND OTH Note ER R : Cli ESPI ent e S y RAT mpa duca ORY thom impr tion AGE is ver ove h i m NTS y imp etic umid shou ificat ortan Bro ld not b ion o ncho t and To us e use f air, must dilat e an and d, un inclu ors use m inhale less p d The e instru edica rescr r pro clien ibed ction perly tion t is a dry, prop , the by th dvise in wa and erly, clien e hea d to ys to repla inclu t is in use t lth c Mon dec ce th ding he in are p struc itor c e inhale rease env m h t rovid ed to aler a hang outh ironm e rs. M r. piece t the es in follow DRU ultip enta . cardia first s G the d l irrit le inh ign o c fun ir ants, e alatio ction f dist ction n me s in F ress o and albu dicat igure r tigh bloo tero R ions O 16-2 d pre UTE( tness l . S) ssure (al-B of th YOU , esp e c h USU eciall ter-o est a (Prov Oral, AL D hl) nd to y in t entil, inhala OSA he eld routin Vent GE erly. tion ely w olin) Oral: ash, Adult s and c 2–4 hildre mg 3 N U RSIN n ove –4 dose G IM r 4: shou times da PLIC ily; to ld no Inha ATIO • So lation t exc tal d NS m a e : il e e A y d 32 dults inhala older mg and c used : tion hildre prod in ch 2 inh ucts ildren n 12 alatio m and 4 an Elder ns ev d old ay be ly: ery 4 er. – 6 hour 2 mg s by m Child outh ren 2 3–4 time mete –12 year s/day s: red d ose in epin 0.1 m ephr haler g/kg in with e HC 3 tim incre (ep-ih l ase t es/da -N o ma 3–4 KLOR EF-rin hy ximu y (may time -droh Subcutan -eyed m 2. s/day ) 5 mg (Adre (SC), eous, P nalin aren intra , Prim Vapo t e r m a l: Adu aten u nefrin s c u IV e, lar lts: : Adu , e (IM), lts: tc.) in 0.1– 0.25 veno tramg o us (IV injec • IV f 1:1 ted s ) route 0,00 lowly Infan 0 solu prefe ts: care tion rred use. 0.05 for a • Esp mg; cute e m c 20–3 ially ay be in 0-min shou repe c h il dre at ld ute in asthm terva ed at not a be used o n, IM rou a att ls to acks vaila nly if Neon te man b • ates: le IV ac If . age clien cess 0.01 t intu is mg/k given bate Nebu g d, v lizer: direc ia the end IV dose c an b tly in Adult e to th otrachea • Re sa l tub e bro peat 0.5 m nd childr e ed lo n c en ov h L (8– ia in cal in l t vascu er 12 r 10 d e epine e jec . : lar n rops) phrin • Ma ecros tions can of ra e ssage 0.3– is at result cemic 0.5 m after in • je P c rotec g SC injec tion of 1: t solu site. tion. o 1,00 • So tions 0 solu r IM (0.3 Child lutio –0.5 of dr tion) ren: n s ug fr mL hould as ne brow 0.01 o m lig eded not b n or m ht. cont e use • Cli single g/kg or 0 ains ent s d if it .3 m a pre h dose is o u g ld cipita betw /m2 4 ho every w a e it as a te. urs en in 20 m • Cli halat 1–2 minu inute in a s ; do not ent a ions. tes ex s ingle pedia ceed 0.5 to in giv nd family mg tric d ing s ose ubcu may be in • Mo tane nitor ous in structed b lood may jectio press rise. n n n. ure, as it deve DRUG TABLES in each drug classification chapter provide ease of reference for nursing implications, routes of administration, dosages, and adverse effects SING NUR E 3-2 CTIC A R P y erap Th infilnous s for rave t n I usion , pain, f f o in s g tion eivin ction plica ts rec bitis, infe ogenic Com clien r le e h v p r , o n py Obse romb travasatio . 1. y n, th x is io e s t , o a r ptly b d tr erloa tissue nec prom g v s o g u r in fluid and xic d ollow ions, of to and f tment. react filtration sion a u f e r t in in or uld he Treat ure f ing t s sho e 2. roced ntinu usion t th a disco itution’s p ess of inf t n st gr ssme time the in g the pro l asse each tely initia tin e r r h a t u h o ly ia C ter ift, h med 3. h s ne af im o e d d n day. th be g of ed, a it for the k in c n e n u t begin sion is ch lien fu the c the in aving le e r befo SAFE xx Ext the w s b er long is no done g n i s be res the d es must t or hang s we conti nues SAFE NURSING PRACTICE boxes highlight the most important principles of drug therapy and their relationship to clinical nursing practice 395 NUR SING CARE PLAN A Cli ent w i t Ange h Hy lo An pert gero head ensio ni is ac a4 glass hes. He n Ta make 5-year-o es ch king ange ld co s an cove appo d. W ntrac rs sw Enal h in e to e bloo april d pre lling of th n the ph tment w r who h as be ith th ys ss Male e a rea e e op ding ure. He t optic dis ician per ate ( htha n having akes form k, wh of 26 he is lmolo Vaso seve s the Mr. A 0/12 ich is adm re gist t 0 eye e n it side usua tec), o ha x sodiu ted to in . He refe geroni’s ll a y m v symp Hydr e his He is inatio rs M bloo tensiv m (N t r. An , how d pre oma n, he e car iprid ochl g t s ic sive ever, e s e e). T orot care ASSE he cli for intra roni to t ure in th of eleva disover fo hiaz he n weig t e e veno ent h SSM e r nalap offic d 48 h eares ht at us ad ENT as no ide e ril 20 ours and t 2 h m b 80 p p o a id fi inis NU mg rev sp nd nd He ( Anxio vous usness, n ness er- Bloo d pulse pressure , , ratio and resp ns i- ious G DI A Distu rb tion: ed sens o v of hy isual rela ry percep te perte nsion d to effe ct on re tina Anxie ness ty related and inten to acute sive c il are l- Ineff ec syste tive tissu m e incre ic relate perfusio d ased n: resista perip to hera nce l ital w tratio s here n of r y of n hype itroprusrtens ion. NOC histo Pain C Pain ontrol, Leve l Sens o tion: ry FuncVisua l Anxie ty Co ntrol Circu la Statu tion s Perfu ; Tissue sion: Perip h Sign eral; Vita s Sta l tus a ound then bid ( s and incre diuretic) . He a beta-blo transferr as ed to 5′11″ ta is als cking work e intake ll. He o a reg of fo place for a a g e is ula od nt t ders d until least 1 w s contain on an 1 ) and hy r room kept in in and d ,8 h e ten follo roch 00-c w-up e is accli ek and is ing pota PLA lo alorie rothia started o ss mate NNIN offic die n zid d to cautione ium. He e vis G/G d to it in his n is told t and ins e 50 mg O A 10 d a t LS Clien ays. ew medic void heig to stay ructed to t of he will obta h a h o tions NIC a in re . He ts and st me from lief 1 ho dache w ay is sch u it Med edule off ladmeas r of pain hin IMP icatio relief ures. d L Adm n for a EME inistr NT Clien t adeq will main u tissue ate syste tain m denc perfusion ic e signs d by norm as eviand peda al vital l puls es. Numerous NURSING CARE PLANS apply the nursing process to specific drug therapies for common health problems. The plans give students the opportunity to study the dynamics of the nursing process in typical clinical situations. HOME CARE/CLIENT TEACHING sections provide information for nurses providing care to clients before discharge from acute care facilities, health clinics, and physicians’ offices and once the client has returned home. ATIO Clien t N calm should b e a EVA gesic nd take instructe LUA presc d to , to li TION sta ri room e , and down in bed anal- y Clie Envir te n a to m t is h nsive darke onm a aving h in med eada e Man icatio tain anti ned fewe c agem ntal h es a to hy n sch r ent Mon edule per- re obtain p nd is able it romp . lief o diplo or client t f fo p when headac acuit ia, or im r blurred he they p y occu s tine . Teach c aired visu vision, r. e li Clien bloo ye examin ent to ha al t has d pre v a e norm a retu rouAnxie ssure tions w a h is co bloo l vision a rn of Redu ty ntroll en d ft ction ed. trolle pressure er Prov d. C is c ide e u le x s ann lient sch onand edproc planation u al exam edure s for signs inatio eye s d n. Enco and symp . Assess c rugs lie u toms Clien fears rage clie of an nt for t n a of an verbalize Circu meth nd conc t to verb xiety. x s lator alize erns. ods o a rela iety. Clie relief y Ca Id f nt xed a entify copin re ppea has g. Freq ra u nce. sure, ent check s p tially ulse, an of blood d res every p re p s time iratio hour s Clien skin a day wh moving ns (init co to e adeq demons palpa lor, warm n stable). 4 tr u ble p Asses th. C sion ate tissu ates shou e e per a h s d s eck al p see ld fu and effec monito ulses. C for dry s n by warm lient r urin tiven kin color, ess o Avoid e palpa , good f diu output c a a n b ff d vit re fo le p e stres s-pro ine, nico tic thera r norm al signs ulses, py. ducin ti with al lim g situ ne, and in its. ation s. ation Pain , M men anaget Clien t ence will not e fu chan rther vis xperiges. ual Clien t redu verbalize ction s in an a xiety . AGE NTS USE DT O TREA T CA RDIO VAS C U LAR DISO RDE RS Visua l cha nges RSIN GNO Acute SIS severe pain rela te hype d rtens to ion SEC TIO N5 : adac he CHAP TER 4 3: AG ENTS USED IN TH E TREA TMEN T OF SKIN DISOR DERS HOME CARE/ CLIENT TEACH 1. Cli ents usi ING ng top ical derm should be inst atologic ructed al agen use of on pro ts th e se per app agents 2. Cli lication . ents usi feet aft and ng susp er wash that su ensions ing; da areas o spensio should ily insp f dryne n s must be info ection before ss, redn a rmed of feet be shak lways w u se ess, or . for en tho 3. Pa earing breakd 5. Cli roughly rticularl shoes. own; a ents w y durin nd ith diab g winte counse etic foo encoura r, the n l older t ulcers ged to person urse sh preven should mainta s abou ould health t dry sk t in follo be m c a e in. The re prov thods to w-up w ing the se id treatm er and metho ith the humid e ds inclu nt plan adhere ir ity by u the freq de incre to diab to con sing a h to with uency trol blo etic asumidifi in norm of bath od glu than h 6. Cli er, limit a l ing, usi li m c ot wate o e its. nts usin se leve ing ng tep r for ba ls g nysta lient fo id rath thing, instruc tin oral er llowing and usi ted to suspen bathing Table 4 n h g o si ld a on sho n emolmouth . The e nystati 3-2 are uld be mollien for sev n suspe examp produc eral min ts listed nsion in les of e around ts. The utes an in th a si in e ly c th li o d e btainab e mouth mainta 7. Nu nt also to swis in an a le should h it rses mu before 4. Cli dequate be cou st be a swallow ents w n c b fl seled to tively in uid inta urns. T ing it. ith diab hey ma volved ke. etes ne regard y discu in prev home a ed to b ing pro ss burn enting nd gen e instru per foo washin h azards eral fire cted t care, home v g with in the safety w includin is it nondry s. 8. Nu hile do g daily ing soa ing rses sh p; care ould co ful dryin unsel c and th g of lients a e ways b th o ey can ut skin excessiv protect cancer e expo their sk sure to in from the sun CASE STUDY L uis Rosa do is a 57-yea opmen r-old m t of dry ason w , thick ritus. T ho sees ened sk he derm a derm in t xxi 1031 H HOW TO USE STUDYWARE™ TO ACCOMPANY PHARMACOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF NURSING CARE, 7TH EDITION The StudyWARE™ software helps you learn terms and concepts in Pharmacological Aspects of Nursing Care, 7th Edition. As you study each chapter in the text, be sure to explore the activities in the corresponding chapter in the software. Use StudyWARE™ as your own private tutor to help you learn the material in your textbook. Getting started is easy. Install the software by inserting the CD-ROM into your computer’s CD-ROM drive and following the on-screen instructions. When you open the software, enter your first and last name so the software can store your quiz results. Then choose a chapter from the menu to take a quiz or explore one of the activities MENUS You can access the menus from wherever you are in the program. The menus include Quizzes, Scores, and Audio Library. xxii QUIZZES Quizzes include multiple choice, true/false, and select all that apply questions, mirroring those appearing on the NCLEX-RN. StudyWARE allows the user to take quizzes in both Practice Mode and Quiz Mode. Use Practice Mode to improve your mastery of the material. You have multiple tries to get the answers correct. Instant feedback tells you whether you’re right or wrong—and helps you learn quickly by explaining why an answer was correct or incorrect. Use Quiz Mode when you are ready to test yourself and keep a record of your scores. In Quiz Mode, you have one try to get the answers right, but you can take each quiz as many times as you want. xxiii SCORES You can view your last scores for each quiz and print your results to hand in to your instructor. AUDIO LIBRARY The StudyWARE™ Audio Library is a reference that includes audio pronunciations and definitions for over 800 terms found throughout your book! Use the audio library to practice pronunciation and review definitions for pharmacology terms. You can search terms by key word. Listen to pronunciations of the terms you select or listen to an entire list of terms. xxiv SUPPLEMENT PACKAGE Instructor Support Resources Electronic Classroom Manager ISBN 1-4018-8889-5 Free to all instructors who adopt Pharmacological Aspects of Nursing Care, Seventh Edition, in their courses, this comprehensive resource includes the following: Microsoft PowerPoint Presentations: This vital resource for instructors parallels the content found in the book, serving as a foundation on which instructors may customize their own unique presentations. Computerized Test Bank: Over 1,200 questions not found in the book or in the StudyWARE™ are available for further assessment. Provided in ExamView® software, this test bank saves you hours of creating and grading exams, while allowing you to customize tests to your course. Instructor’s Manual: This manual provides ideas for numerous classroom exercises and discussion topics, and also provides answers to case studies and NCLEX-style review questions from the text. Image Library: This software tool includes an organized digital library of over 100 images and photographs from the text. With the Image Library, you can customize your PowerPoint presentation by choosing images that support your lecture outline. You can also create additional libraries, set up electronic pointers to actual image files or collections, sort art by desired categories, and print images. Student Support Resources StudyWARE™ This dynamic software is packaged free with every book. In contains: 500 NCLEX-style questions Glossary of 800 terms including audio pronunciation and definitions Student Study Guide ISBN 1-4018-8887-9 Containing matching, true/false, multiple choice and critical thinking questions, this study aid builds on and reinforces the content presented in the text. Students have an avenue to learn key concepts at a pace that is comfortable for them. Answers are provided in the back of the study guide. Online Resources Thomson Delmar Learning is committed to Bridging the Gap from theory to practice with dynamic online resources including the following: WebTutor Advantage WebTutor for WebCT: ISBN 1-4180-6518-8 WebTutor for Blackboard: ISBN 1-4180-6517-X This tool is compatible with WebCT and Blackboard, with the ability to convert to other online platforms. This robust resource provides chapter-by-chapter features to enhance the book for the user. Each chapter includes: Chapter outline Chapter objectives Learning Links student web activities Classroom discussion starters xxv Microsoft PowerPoint presentations with audio lectures Computerized Test Bank Glossary flashcards with definitions and audio pronunciations Online Companion Thomson Delmar Learning offers a series of Online Companions™ through the web site The Pharmacological Aspects of Nursing Care, 7th Edition, Online Companion enables users to access a wealth of information designed to enhance the book. Included in the Online Companion are: Microsoft PowerPoint Presentations Image Library Instructor’s Guide Student Web Exercises To access the site for Pharmacological Aspects of Nursing Care, 7th Edition, simply point your browser to and select the nursing discipline. Additional Resources 2007 PDR® Nurse’s Drug Handbook ISBN 1-4180-5066-0 With over 1,000 of the latest and most common FDA-approved drugs, the 2007 PDR® Nurse’s Drug Handbook is a clinical necessity. Each drug monograph provides a wealth of facts including drug action, dosage, interactions, and contraindications. Clear guidelines are also provided for administration of drugs, communication with clients, and nursing considerations. The handbook highlights prevention of medication errors and clinical accountability like no other drug resource, making it the gold standard for modern nursing practice. Get free downloads to your PDA with the purchase of the 2007 PDR® Nurse’s Drug Handbook! Clinical Decision Making: Case Studies in Pharmacology ISBN 1-4018-3521-X This systematic, application-based resource allows users to develop their knowledge of pharmacological nursing in clinical situations. With 40 pharmacology case histories and questions based on real-life client situations, Clinical Decision Making: Case Studies in Pharmacology is the perfect companion for this textbook, making learning easier and more memorable. IV Therapy Skills CD-ROM ISBN 0-7668-4010-7 Following the nursing process and latest clinical protocols, this case-based interactive IV Therapy CD-ROM uses three-dimensional technology to simulate patient encounters and perform intravenous infusion therapy skills. Numerous two-dimensional animations and video are included that demonstrate proper technique throughout the program. xxvi
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