the how to: resume and job search correspondence resumes ¦ cover leers ¦ thank you leers acceptance leers ¦ follow-up leers informational interview request find your edge sm M. Robert Lowe Hall, Hempstead, NY, 11549 ¦ p: (516) 463-6060 ¦ WHAT IS A RESUME? A resume is • • a summary of your skills, experiences, achievements and activities, and a marketing tool presented to employers in order to obtain an interview A good resume is • • • succinct, detailed and action-oriented; organized with easy-to-read headers, identifiable sections and an effective use of white space; and focuses the reader on the information most relevant to the position applied for. RESUME CONTENTS Identification: Name, address(es), phone number(s), e-mail • Include both campus and permanent address and phone number if currently at school • Include day/evening/cell phone number if appropriate Tip: Make sure that a professional greeting is recorded on your voice-mail or answering machine. Tip: Make sure that you use a professional e-mail address (i.e., vs. • Do not include non-relevant personal information such as your age, sex, marital status, race, religion, national origin, political affiliation, social security number, or health status Objective: The reason you are sending the resume to the employer (optional) • Objectives are not required, but are often useful to focus a resume • Clear, concise and specific to the position applied for Example: Instead of “I am currently seeking any position in a museum where I can use my diverse range of art history skills,” use something like “To obtain a Tour Guide position in a natural history museum” Education: Institution(s) attended, location, degree(s) earned, major(s), minor(s), cumulative GPA, major GPA, correlate, thesis, graduation date • May include key courses relevant to objective • May highlight achievements, such as a high GPA • High school is not necessary to include • If a degree/certificate is not yet earned, include credits earned and area studied **The content of this Resume/Cover Letter guide was adapted with permission from the Resume Writing and Job Search Correspondence guide from The Career Development Office at Vassar College. 1 Experience: Work experience, research experience, volunteer experience, fieldwork, internships, organizational leadership, etc. • Include the following components within this section for each entry: • Position held (Title) • Name and location of organization • Dates of work Tip: Remember to be consistent in your use of date formats; for example, use ONE of the following date styles rather than “mix and match”: January 2002-May 2002, or 1/2002-5/2002, or Jan. 2002-May 2002, or Spring 2002 • Accomplishments and responsibilities • Demonstrated skills TIPS FOR WRITING THE EXPERIENCE SECTION How to start Brainstorm all of your experiences, paid and unpaid. • Work chronologically within each category starting with your most recent experience. • Describe (rather than list) your accomplishments using action words to depict yourself as “a doer.” (A list of action words is included on page 4). Quantify whenever possible, using numbers, percentages and dollars. • Include transferable skills you gained from each experience; those skills that you build and carry with you as you move from job to job such as oral and written communication, interpersonal skills, working effectively with a team, leadership, and research or analytical skills. • Place those jobs and accomplishments that will be valued most for the job you are seeking prominently on your resume. Include accomplishments for each Include responsibilities Include skills needed to meet those responsibilities Rank the experiences by importance to the job you seek. Now you can start to write them out in a more organized format. 2 Honors and Activities: Academic honors or other awards, leadership roles in activities • If academic honors are listed in Education, do not repeat them here • Avoid a “laundry list” of affiliations • Include the length of your affiliation/dates • Include high school activities/honors only if they are highly pertinent to the job you are seeking or this is your first year in college Skills: Relevant skills to the position such as computer skills, language proficiencies and key job specific skills • Indicate the level of your understanding of a language (such as fluent or conversational) and computer skills. Interests: Indicates an interest outside of your stated experience • Category is optional • Irrelevant or assumed interests need not be included References: Names, titles, addresses, phone numbers and e-mail addresses of people a potential employer may contact. • Use a separate sheet; do not include “References upon request” on resume • Maintain the same format (font, style, paper quality) as your resume • Use professors, current and former employers, or student-organization advisors who can speak to your qualifications rather than friends or family. Three - five people are standard. Tip: Be sure to get your references’ permission first and give them a copy of your resume! Tip: After you have made a decision about a job or internship offer, send a thank-you letter to each of your references informing them of your plans. 3 ACTION WORDS accelerated accomplished achieved acquired activated adapted addressed administered advised allocated analyzed anticipated applied appointed appraised approved arranged assessed assisted attained audited augmented averted avoided broadened built calculated centralized clarified collaborated combined completed composed conceived concluded condensed conducted consolidated constructed consulted contracted contributed controlled converted coordinated corrected cultivated decentralized decreased defined delegated delivered demonstrated designated determined developed devised directed discharged discovered distributed documented doubled earned effected eliminated employed enforced engineered established estimated evaluated examined exceeded executed exercised expanded expedited extended extracted facilitated financed forecasted formed formulated found founded framed fulfilled generated guided halved headed helped hired identified implemented improved improvised increased initiated inspected inspired installed instigated instituted instructed integrated interpreted interviewed invented invested investigated launched lectured led lightened liquidated located made maintained managed marketed mediated minimized mobilized modernized modified monitored motivated negotiated obtained operated ordered organized originated overcame overhauled participated performed pinpointed pioneered planned prepared presented prevented procured produced programmed projected promoted proposed proved provided published purchased recommended reconciled recruited redesigned reduced re-established regulated reinforced rejected related renegotiated reorganized reported represented researched reshaped resolved restored revamped reviewed revised revitalized revived saved scheduled secured selected served settled shaped showed simplified sold solved sorted sponsored staffed standardized started stimulated streamlined strengthened stretched structured studied suggested supervised supported surpassed surveyed sustained tailored taught terminated tested tightened traded trained transacted transferred transformed translated trimmed tripled uncovered undertook unified used utilized verified vitalized widened won worked 4 Resume Tips Layout • Crisp and clean look which is visually appealing • Effective use of white space to avoid a “dense” looking resume • Use spacing to accentuate headings Length Generally, does not exceed one page for current students or new graduates Note: Exceptions may include resumes for teachers, nurses, researchers, non-traditional students, or curriculum vitae for those working in academia. Emphasis Bold, italics, underlining and CAPITALS can be used to make key information, such as headings, job titles, or employers, stand out. Be consistent in your use of these tools. Avoid over-use of emphasis tools, since it can break the flow of the resume. Reproduction and Printing High-quality stock paper of at least 20-pound weight is preferred. Paper should be conservative colors such as white, buff, tan or light gray. Print on a laser quality printer; photocopies should be professional quality. Font size should be conservative; no smaller than 10 pt and no larger than 12 pt (except for headings). Tips for a Computer Friendly Resume If you plan to send your resume via e-mail, consider the following suggestions: • Save your resume as an RTF (rich text format) or PDF (portable document format; Adobe Acrobat software required)—this will help eliminate any potential software compatibility problems. • Make sure your resume is suited to online viewing—avoid using italics, lines, graphics or other design elements that may interfere with the screen quality of your resume. 5 RESUME CHECKLIST Do you have the resume components listed in an order that highlights your most relevant experience? Is your format consistent throughout the resume? If you included an objective, is it clear and position specific? Does your experience list all the key components: position, employer, location and dates? Are the descriptions of your experience results-oriented in terms of accomplishments? Are your experience descriptions in the correct verb tense? (Use the present tense for current experience and the past tense for previous experience; for example, “assist” versus “assisted”.) Is it one page – no more than two in length? Are dated listings in reverse chronological order within each section? Does your resume look neat, crisp and well spaced on the paper? Is your resume free from errors? Is your resume an honest and accurate representation of your professional self? 6 RESUME TEMPLATE Campus Address: Home Address: Objective The reason you are sending the resume (optional) Education Institution(s) attended, location, degree(s) earned, major(s), correlate, date graduated Experience Work experience, research experience, volunteer experience, fieldwork, internships, etc. Include title, employer, location, dates and accomplishments Honors and Activities Academic honors and other awards, leadership roles and activities Skills Computer skills, language proficiencies, key job specific skills 7 COVER LETTERS AND OTHER JOB SEARCH CORRESPONDENCE Job search correspondence is designed to generate interviews and, ultimately, job offers written specifically for each application and not mass produced Structure Of Correspondence Your letter writing should follow the principles of proper English usage and effective business correspondence. Generally, it is best to use simple and straightforward language in communicating your message. Be direct and concise. Job-search correspondence typically includes the following components: Writer’s return address Date Employer's name and address (inside address) Salutation Body (usually 3-4 paragraphs) Complimentary closing Writer's name and signature Enclosure notation (when appropriate) Stay Organized! File a copy of each letter you send and receive. A centralized record of all action you have taken will lessen the guesswork in following up on job prospects, interviews, and offers. As when preparing your resume, there are several guidelines to consider when typing job-search correspondence: Use standard 8 1/2 x 11-inch paper. Use good quality stationery (e.g., “resume paper”, preferably the same type used for your resume. Always type or word process correspondence; handwritten letters are unacceptable in the US. (Note, however, that in some parts of the world handwritten letters are preferred.) It is preferable to use a computer and have laser printed copies prepared. Neatness counts (a lot!) Be sure to proofread and correct all spelling and grammatical mistakes. Letters must be errorfree. Do not rely on software spell-checks. Always type (or use computer-generated mailing labels) the return address and mailing address on a legal-sized or flat envelope. Use the same font style and size as your resume. 8 Types Of Correspondence There are six basic types of job search correspondence: the cover letter, prospecting letter, interview confirmation letter, postinterview thank you, job offer clarification, letter of acceptance, and letter of declination. While each letter has a specific focus, the format is similar for all. Remember… Job search correspondence is business correspondence, and should always be typed. The Cover Letter A letter of application, or cover letter, provides cover for an enclosure (your resume). A well-written cover letter allows you to highlight your qualifications in a way that lets the employer know why you are the best candidate for the position. To be an effective advertisement introducing the qualities you are promoting in your resume, your letter should: capture the reader's attention, stress your potential value and benefit, and invite an in-depth reading of your resume. In general, the basic cover letter has three sections (i.e., paragraphs), each with a specific purpose: Paragraph 1– Tell why you are writing. State how you found out about the organization/position. Mention any referrals. Paragraph 2– Refer to your enclosed resume. Highlight skills relevant to the organization/position. Indicate how you can make a contribution. Paragraph 3– State how and when you plan to follow up. Indicate your interest in meeting to discuss the organization/position. Thank the employer for their time and consideration. Although cover letters are not always required for resumes submitted for many on-campus interviews, they should always be used when sending resumes or returning employment applications to hiring officials. Electronic Cover Letters With the increased use of the Internet for job search correspondence, you may find yourself in a situation where you are e-mailing your resume rather than sending a traditional “hard copy.” In this case, you will still want to include a “cover note” in your e-mail that will serve the same purpose as the more traditional cover letter. The following are a few tips for writing e-cover letters: Use the subject line of your e-mail to entice the potential reader. Keep it short—one or two paragraphs should be sufficient. Include a statement about who you are, the position you are applying for, how you heard about this job, and an indication of your knowledge of the organization. Use standard salutations and closings (e.g., “Dear” and “Sincerely”). Carefully spell-check and proofread your cover letter. 9 Prospecting Letter Use to inquire about possible vacancies, get your resume read, and generate interviews. Use extensively for long-distance searches. Target specific individuals in specific organizations. Structure as you would the basic application letter (cover letter). Focus on how your qualifications match the organization's needs. Post-Interview Thank You Send promptly (within 24 hours) after each of your interviews. A well-written thank-you letter will: Remind the employer who you are and impress them with your courtesy and follow-through. Reiterate your background and qualifications. Show your enthusiasm and continued interest in the field or specific position discussed. Convey to the employer your sincere appreciation for his or her time and consideration. Tip: Sending your thank you letter via e-mail is appropriate, especially if there is a quick hiring timeline; additionally, you can follow up with a “hard copy.” Traditional letters will remind them of you a few days after the interview has passed. Job Offer Clarification: Sent in response to an oral or written job offer that does not provide all of the pertinent information you need to make an informed decision. Your letter should: Indicate your interest in the employer and the offer. Ask specifically for the information you need. Note: This information may be requested over the telephone, but be certain to confirm all details in writing with the employer to avoid any future misunderstandings. Letter Of Acceptance Sent to formally accept position and clarify important information: Refer to the offer made by the employer. Restate terms of employment and confirm pre-employment details, starting date, etc. Close the letter by expressing your appreciation and pleasure at joining the organization. Letter Of Declination/Withdrawal As a courtesy, a formal letter declining a job should be sent to each employer who extended you an offer after you have made a decision not to accept. You should also notify an employer if you wish to withdraw your candidacy before an offer has been made. Always be tactful and appreciative in your correspondence (in other words, don't burn any bridges behind you, since you may want to work for these employers in the future). 10 COVER LETTER TEMPLATE Your Address Date Specific Person in the Organization Title Organization Address City, State Zip Code Dear Mr./Ms. XXXXX: Opening Paragraph – Tell why you are writing. State how you found out about the organization/position and your interest in it. Mention any referrals. Middle Paragraph – Refer to your enclosed resume. Highlight skills relevant to the organization/position. Indicate how you can make a contribution. Closing Paragraph – State how and when you plan to follow up. Indicate your interest in meeting to discuss the organization/position. Thank the employer for time and consideration. Sincerely, Your Signature Your Name Enclosure 11 SAMPLE E-MAIL COVER LETTERS To: JoAnn Jones From: Megan Small Subject: Experienced ESL teacher seeks Training Coordinator position Dear Ms. Jones: Professor Smith told me that you are looking for a Training Coordinator for Literacy Volunteers of America and suggested that I e-mail you my resume. My interest in literacy issues was fostered during my AmeriCorps tenure, where I served as an ESL teacher for middle school age students. Additionally, I have been tutoring adults for the GED for the past three years. I think my experiences working with ESL and basic reading populations, as well as my background in education, make me an ideal candidate for the Training Coordinator position. The attached resume will provide more details about my experience and accomplishments. I would welcome the opportunity for an interview at your earliest convenience. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Megan Small ------------------------------------------------------------------To: Henry Large From: James Brown Subject: Interest in paralegal position at Smith, Smith, and Jones Dear Mr. Large: I found your posting for the paralegal position at Smith, Smith, and Jones in the New York Times. As a current student at Hofstra University, I will obtain my Bachelor of Arts in History with a correlate in Political Science this May. While I have always been interested in legal research, my specific interest in real estate law was sparked during a summer internship at Fisher and Fisher, a firm that specialized in real estate law. I hope you will find me a good match for the paralegal position; the attached resume will provide more information about my experience and legal research skills. I will be in New York City between April 1 and 15 and would welcome the chance to discuss the paralegal position in more detail. You can reach me via e-mail at or by phone at (516) XXX-XXXX. I look forward to meeting you. Yours truly, James Brown 12 SAMPLE THANK YOU LETTER February 7, 2007 Frederick Flintstone Corporate Finance Legal Assistant Sullivan & Flintstone 125 Bedrock Street New York, NY 10004-2498 Dear Mr. Flintstone: Thank you for an interesting and informative interview. I learned a great deal about Sullivan & Flintstone and am more convinced than ever that my qualifications are a perfect fit for the Legal Assistant position. I would like to be part of the Sullivan & Flintstone team and think that my combination of academic achievement and international law and financial experience will be exceptionally suitable to your company's dynamic plans for the future. I also see how quintessential client contact and the ability to analyze will be for this job and this industry, something in which I have excelled, both in college and through my internships with Countrywide Insurance Services, Inc. and Merrill Lynch. Again, thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely, Your Signature Your Name 13 Additionally, you will find a multitude of resources for resume writing and job search correspondence on the Internet. You might start at: Good luck! 14 BOBBY BRADY 100 Hofstra University, 412 ▪ Hempstead, NY 11549 ▪ 516.463.0730 ▪ EDUCATION Bachelor of Science in Music Business Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY (May 2007) Minor in Marketing Marketing GPA: 4.00, overall GPA: 3.85 HONORS Pi Kappa Lambda Music Honor Society Membership (2007) Dean’s List all semesters Gold Key Honor Society Recognition (2005, 2006) RELATED EXPERIENCE Marketing/Creative Services Intern Cherry Lane Music Publishing, New York, NY (Jan 2007–present) Assist marketing team with music and talent analysis and song placements Apply marketing objectives to pitch process, targeting clients based on song and price considerations Produce song samplers and enhance online music search on company website through song analysis Treasurer Music & Entertainment Industry Students Association, Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY (Nov 2005–present) Produced benefit concert which raised over $600 from college students Created and managed advertising that resulted in up to 400% increases in event and meeting attendance Increased group funds by 200% through fundraising successful fund coordination with campus resources Assistant/Intern Wildflower Records, New York, NY (Jun 2006–Aug 2006) Developed and launched marketing campaign for new artist Used direct marketing techniques, such as cold calling, to increase publicity appearances for Judy Collins Assistant Company Manager Lloyd Allison Entertainment, Toronto, ON (Sep 2003–Dec 2003) Coordinated grassroots marketing efforts by facilitating flyer distribution Created buzz using targeted word-of-mouth promotion Assisted Company Manager with merchandise and ticket sales OTHER EXPERIENCE Resident Assistant Hofstra University Residential Life, Hempstead, NY (Aug 2006–present) Manage 24 students as a campus resource and mediator Increased attendance at programming using creative marketing concepts Received 60 hours of training in conflict resolution, mediation, and working with diversity Sales Associate/Lead Visual American Eagle Outfitters, Garden City (Nov 2004–Apr 2007) Exceeded company daily sales expectations by 25–100% Earned salesperson of the month honors in third month with company Selected by management to train other employees due to reliability Sales Associate French Connection SoHo, New York, NY (Jun 2006–Aug 2006) Pool Manager/Head Lifeguard Wolf's Camping Resort, Knox, PA (May 2003–Aug 2005) ACTIVITIES Treasurer/Sound Engineer Sigma'capella Vocal Ensemble (Sep 2005–present) SKILLS Proficient on Mac and PC: MS Word, Power Point, Excel, Access, Publisher, Filemaker, Photoshop Songwriting and audio recording using Digital Performer, Protools 15 100 Hempstead Turnpike, Hempstead, NY 11549 January 26, 2007 Good Housekeeping 300 West 57th Street New York, NY 10019-5288 Dear Human Resource Manager: I am applying for the associate copy editor position advertised on I am interested in becoming a part of the Good Housekeeping team. I would like to help disseminate information that concerns and interests the readers of Good Housekeeping Magazine. When it comes to recipes, fitness programs and diet plans, it is important to make sure the facts, numbers and details are accurate. My passion for being a part of a team whose mission is to guarantee clarity and attention to detail makes me a perfect fit for this position. As you will note from my resume, for the past six years, I have been working in the publishing industry. Currently, I am the assistant managing editor of a medium-size daily newspaper in Massachusetts. In this role, I have the final approval before the paper goes to print. I ensure that every aspect of each page is scrutinized for clarity, accuracy and presentation. Quark pages are read onscreen, as well as, in print for the utmost precision. This job requires a close relationship with our production team. Working together to fix any errors or improve upon the pages helps facilitate the production schedule and ensure that deadline is met. Furthermore, I am proficient in Associated Press style, Quark Xpress, Microsoft Office, Excel and posting to the Web. I am dedicated to my work and highly organized. I perform best in a high pressure, deadline-looming atmosphere. My enthusiasm for bringing a quality, well-put together product to its readers is one of my greatest assets an editor. I am relocating to New York City in February and I am very interested in this position. Please contact me at or by phone at 516-123-2255 if you need any further information. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, Marcia Brady Salary Requirements: Minimum $30,000 per year(**Note: ONLY when they ask) 16 Marcia Brady 100 Hempstead Turnpike Hempstead, NY 11549 Cell Phone: 516 123-2255 Education Bachelor of Arts in English with concentration in creative writing, May 2001 Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY Experience Assistant Managing Editor, Daily News Transcript/Editor, Sharon Advocate, 2006-present (Community Newspaper Company/Gatehouse Media New England) Edit, copyedit, proofread daily newspaper (circ. 10,000) and weekly newspaper (circ. 5,000) Manage newsroom of 12 reporters and two weekly editors in addition to freelance writers and columnists Layout, design weekly newspaper and specialty pages for the daily (business, seniors, real estate, classroom and health) Fill in for managing editor of the daily as needed. Duties include creating and updating daily budget, assigning stories to reporters, coordinating with photographers, office management and troubleshooting Post stories and copy to both weekly and daily Web sites Editor, Saugus Advertiser (Community Newspaper Company), 2003-present Edit news hole of over 2,000 inches for weekly newspaper (circ. 4,500) Manage one reporter, coordinate freelancers, local columnists and other contributors Layout, design, paper on page dummies, copyedit pages before going to press; created special monthly pages including Studious Creations, Artscape and Business Points North Interview and write 3-5 stories a week - features, news, sports, special sections Full-time Lead Reporter, Spencer New Leader and Webster Times (Stonebridge Press), 2001- 2003 Spencer, MA Interview for stories, special supplement; write, edit, copyedit, layout pages in Quark Made connections with local and state officials ABC Daytime: All My Children, Writer’s Office Intern, Spring 2001 New York, NY Researched for outline writers of the soap opera Wrote weekly synopses of episodes; kept track, updated character cards ABC PRIMETIME CONVENTION: SCRIPT TYPIST, SPRING 2001 New York, NY Typed changes to script in fast-paced environment Awards New England Press Association, First Place for Best Sports Feature (2004) CNC Quarterly Contest, Honorable Mention for General Excellence (2004) CNC Quarterly Contest, First Place for Bright Idea (2004) CNC Quarterly Contest, First Place for Community Service (2004) CNC Quarterly Contest, First Place for Best Front Page Design (2005) 17 40-20 Bunch St. Garden City, NY 11530 February 14, 2007 Human Resources Department 498 Seventh Avenue New York, NY 10018 Dear Hiring Manager: It is with great interest that I enclose my resume for the Assistant Media Planner position that MindShare posted on the careers page of the Hofstra University website. I am a senior graduating in May 2007 with a Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing, and a minor in International Business. I believe that my experience and solid academic background will qualify me as a valuable addition to your organization. I would be a tremendous asset to the Media Planning department at MindShare. As you will note from my resume, my background working with Strategic Corporate Marketing at NBC Universal has allowed me to participate in numerous key cross-business critical issues incuding customer research and developing new media and strategic initiatives. I have proven strong analytical and strategic thinking skills in creating and implementing various marketing initiatives to prospect, grow, and maintain clientele. From interacting with all levels of business management, I have a broad knowledge of marketing strategies that accelerated revenue and knowledge to Sales Force and customers of NBC Universal Media assets. Furthermore, my experience in public relations and advertising, I can effectively prepare and deliver client presentations and marketing collateral materials such as web site presentations, online proposals and program one sheets to agencies and advertisers. In addition, my outstanding work ethic and demonstration of leadership skills as Vice President of Advertising Club at Hofstra University have allowed me to demonstrate my ability to work as a team player. Also, I enjoy researching and tracking industry trends while contributing ideas to the success of the company. I believe I am an excellent match for the Assistant Media Planner position at MindShare. Please feel free to contact me at (516)-123-6666 or by email at if you need any further information. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, Jan Brady 18 Jan Brady 40-20 Bunch Street ♦ Garden City, NY 11530 ♦ (516) 333-6666 ♦ EDUCATION: Hofstra University Hempstead, NY B.B.A in Marketing with Minor in International Business May 2007 3.5 GPA, Dean’s Honors List, Hofstra Academic Scholarship 2004- Present RELEVANT EXPERIENCE: Sony Pictures Entertainment New York, NY Columbia TriStar Marketing Group Intern January 2007- Present Provided key support to senior management in all SPE product publicity, corporate communication and special events ♦ Conducted comprehensive research to promote company brand and assets ♦ Coordinated publicity events for Columbia Pictures by managing the record of press and marketing material for corporate and commercial use NBC Universal New York, NY Strategic Corporate Marketing Intern June 2006 – August 2006 Acted as a liaison between executives and internal departments to support the design and execution of strategic and tactical plans ♦ Constructed MS Excel spreadsheet for GE’s high profile annual customer loyalty measurement, resulting in the creation of an attendee list for annual fall NBCU event with top advertisers ♦ Assisted with implementation of marketing plans for clients and compiled presentations for sales force in pitches aimed at attracting corporate sponsors ♦ Conducted comprehensive research on top creative agencies to support senior management’s execution for cross promotion of digital media ♦ Presented market research findings to upper management with weekly industry and competitor reports Koch Records New York, NY Public Relations Intern August 2005-December 2005 Provided professional assistance and support by directly reporting to the Vice President and General Manager of Media Relations ♦ Created and managed online marketing outlet, attracting potential clients and increasing advertising and promotion ♦ Optimized record release date schedules to ensure efficiency in shipment of orders and invoices Hofstra School of Law, Hofstra University Hempstead, NY Student Assistant for Alumni Relations January 2005- July 2005 Administered all office functions such as data entry, telephone support, filing and scheduling ♦ Assisted directors in the organization of alumni programs, resulting in a mass mail distribution of business materials and event requests LEADERSHIP ACTIVITIES: Hofstra University, Advertising Club 2004- Present Vice-President, Member of the American Advertising Federation ♦ Handled all team related issues: promotion, event planning, managing team budget and recruiting ♦ Served as a representative of the team at off-campus events and to school administration Hofstra University, Marketing Club 2004- Present Member of the American Marketing Association ♦ Attend bi-weekly professional development and marketing information sessions COMPUTER SKILLS: ♦ Proficient in FileMaker, Microsoft Office, Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Outlook 19 Cindy Brady CBRADY@HOTMAIL.COM•2316 HOFSTRA LANE • EAST MEADOW, NY 11734 • (516) 693-1234 EDUCATION Hofstra University, Frank G. Zarb School of Business Bachelor of Business Administration Major: Marketing Minor: Finance Hempstead, NY May 2007 INTERNSHIPS WABC-TV New York, NY Marketing Intern 9/06-12/06 • Developed internal competitive analysis on wireless application protocol to asses budget allocation and media dollars • Assisted in planning and execution of marketing events (e.g. Celebrity Jeopardy, Protect Our Children) • Helped organized WABC after-walk event for “Making Strives against Breast Cancer Walk” • Gathered information for promotions and various marketing projects • Logged beta tapes for editing projects (e.g. Central Park Conservancy, NYC Comedy Festival) Deutsch Inc. New York, NY Account Management Intern- IKEA 6/06-8/06 • Worked with IKEA Account Management team to oversee creative development and production of new brand campaign • Presented strategic communications plan to CEO’s of Deutsch and the Advertising Educational Foundation outlining suggested tactics to attract talented individuals into the field • Assisted Broadcast Producers with logistics for IKEA commercial shoot • Compiled “IKEA Bible” for internal Deutsch use, containing essential documents and protocol for IKEA account • Participated in video ethnography for Circuit City pitch, influencing account win Sony Pictures Entertainment NY Sales Servicing Intern • Relocated and Purged inventory using Sony Database • Researched syndicated deals and titles for Network (client) • Revised contracts using Sony software (e.g. “Seinfeld”) • Screened Movies for visual and sound defects (e.g. “Bewitched” and “Stealth”) Inwood, NY 6/05-8/05 Virgin Records Publicity Intern • Coordinated and distributed daily clips • Prepared, organized, and maintained press kits and product inventory • Forwarded daily mailings to major journalists and editors • Assisted with preparation for press days with artists New York, NY 5/05-8/05 Koch Records Media Relations/Publicity Intern New York, NY 2/05- 5/05 • • Compiled press kits for signed artists and sent out to various media outlets Researched press clippings and responsible for updating database LEADERSHIP ROLES • President, American Advertising Federation (Hofstra University Chapter) • Member, American Marketing Association (Hofstra University Chapter) • Virgin Record’s College Marketing competition, initiated and oversaw Hofstra participation • Volunteer Service: IRTS Foundation, Boomer Esiason Foundation, Ronald McDonald House WORK EXPERIENCE Sephora USA, (LVMH) Salesperson Realty One Inc. Receptionist Garden City, NY 10/05- 2/06 Freeport, NY Summers/00-04 SKILLS • Bi-Lingual (Spanish/English) • Proficient of Windows Operating System; Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and Outlook 20 16 Flower Drive New York, NY 10004 April 20, 2007 Tinker Bell HR Manager Random House 1745 Broadway New York, NY 10019 Dear Ms. Bell: Please accept this letter as an application for the New Media Marketing Assistant position with Random House. I learned about this opportunity through I will graduate from Hofstra University with a Bachelor of Arts in Public Relations and a minor in Speech Communication and Rhetorical Studies in May. I am pleased to enclose my resume for your review. As you will note from my resume, I have acquired a great deal of experience working with various public relations organizations during my time at Hofstra. My career formally began at Weinreb Partners where I learned the basics of media planning and Public Relations. I further developed my skills with the American Camp Association of New York. In that position, I began writing feature stories and pitching them to the local media. The culmination of my education with my experiences with public relations came together at the American Red Cross Nassau County Chapter. In that role, I assisted the director of Public Relations with community events and wrote various press releases. Working at Random House would be an ideal fit because I have acquired a great deal of experience working with children, at camps and volunteering for Big Brother Big Sister. I am anxious to put my degree and experience to work at a public relations company; where I can help with a variety of clients and projects. Please contact me at (914) 900 -3000 or if you need any further information. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, Carol Brady Carol Brady 16 Flower Drive New York, NY 10004 21 (914) 900-3000 EDUCATION Bachelor of Arts in Public Relations Minor: Speech Communication and Rhetorical Studies Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY May 2007 CAREER EXPERENCE Public Relations Intern, American Red Cross Nassau County Chapter Mineola, NY September 2006 - December 2006 • Assisted Director of Public Relations with press releases • Wrote various press releases covering events and introducing new board members • Preformed media list updates • Represented the chapter and took photographs at various community events • Helped prepare for board meetings and coordinate hand-outs Public Relations Intern, American Camp Association of New York New York, NY May 2006 - July 2006 • Researched and wrote feature story ideas for state-wide media • Pitched stories to the local media • Updated media lists for the local media Public Relations Intern, Weinreb Partners Chappaqua, NY April 2003 - July 2003 • Participated with media planning and buying for Liz Claiborne fragrances • Conducted media list updates, created mailing lists and updated databases • Researched and coordinated media placements for new fragrance line Child Care, Winakor Family Mill Neck, Montauk, NY June, 2004 - Present • Given full responsibility for care, entertainment, and creative activities, for two young children Head Counselor, Sportime Amagansett, NY June 2003 - August 2006 • Managed both staff and campers • Maintained heavy interaction with parents • Resolved conflicts between campers • Escorted campers to and from activities • Engaged campers in activities such as softball, soccer, basketball, swimming, tennis, and field games and created various arts and crafts projects • Participated with open house by conducting all of the public relations • Promoted and given additional responsibilities each summer MEMBERSHIPS AND ACTIVITIES • Member, Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) • Member, Hofstra Hillel • Volunteer, Big Brothers/Big Sisters • Volunteer, Westchester Holocaust Education Center SKILLS • Public Speaking, Advertising, Marketing • Microsoft Office (Excel, Word, Power Point, Access) • Quark Express • Adobe (Illustrator, Photoshop, In Design) Greg Brady 26 Service Rd. Bellerose Village, NY 11001 (516) 221-1111 ▪ Objective: To obtain a position in the Cintas Training Program. 22 Education: Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY Bachelor of Arts Major: Interdisciplinary Studies Minor: Creative Studies May 2007 Business Experience: Bebe Sport, Roosevelt Field, NY Sales Representative June 2006- Present • Led as top seller in the store, exceeding $6K per week • Maintained a successful clientele book • Created a store winning loss prevention slogan which was submitted to corporate headquarters • Trained new employees on store procedures, policies and selling techniques • Entrusted to handle deposits, reconciliation of register, and opening/closing of the store • Communicated effectively with clients and played active role in loss prevention • Helped create weekly visions/merchandise displays • Conduct store inventory and organize back stock Abercrombie and Fitch, Roosevelt Field, NY Sales Representative 2004-2005 • Worked effectively with clients • Met and exceeded sales goals using company sales techniques • Handled register and all financial transactions Other Experience: Testakers, Greenvale, NY Office Assistant Summer 2001, May 2007- Present • Utilize strong organizational skills in the preparation of marketing materials Hofstra University, Residential Life, Hempstead, NY Resident Safety Representative October 2003- May 2004 • Responsible for checking all visitor identification to ensure dormitory safety Buckley Country Day Camp, Roslyn, NY Camp Counselor • Supervised seven 7-10 year olds • Shadowed campers with special needs • Instructed dance and art workshops Summer 1999- Summer 2004 Skills and Attributes: • Painting: oil, watercolor and acrylic; Drawing: conte-crayon, charcoal, chalk and oil pastel • Photography: black and white • Strong interpersonal skills • Goal oriented and passionate; strong work ethic • Microsoft Office (Word, PowerPoint), WordPaint, Internet Peter Brady 20-16 Grand Central Pkwy New York, NY 10008 Cell: (212) 900-2200 E-mail: CERTIFICATIONS 23 • New York State Certification as Approved medication assistive personnel. • New York State Certification in Crisis prevention, intervention and management EDUCATION Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY Bachelor of Arts in Social Science - May 2007 Overall GPA: 3.43 HONORS Pi Gamma Mu International Honor Society of the Social Sciences September 2004- Present ADVANCED COURSEWORK • Spanish level 3: Structural review. Readings and conversations on the culture of Spain and Latin America. Composition. • Statistics: Frequency distributions, averages, graphical representations, moments, measures of disperson, types of distribution, curve fitting and correlation theory. • Research and Report Writing (Economics 184): Interdisciplinary course in practical methods of empirical analysis of a wide variety of social science issues. Basic techniques of data collection and verification, descriptive presentations in tables and graphs. • Psychology of Personality: Personality organization, factors influencing development, methods of appraisal and personality theories. WORK EXPERIENCE Queens Centers for Progress, Bellerose, NY July 2004 – Present Counselor • Attend numerous trainings for delegated tasks such as administration of medications, crisis prevention and intervention strategies, physical therapy, and enforcement of healthy lifestyles • Assist in overseeing the day to day operations of an Individual Residential Alternatives for adults with developmental disabilities • Plan and implement recreational activities such as attending various sporting events, table top game tournaments, and socials for groups ranging from 1- 10 participants • Supervise groups of 2-6 participants during recreational outings to maintain their safety • Assist with personal hygiene needs of participants • Drive participants to and from community activities and scheduled appointments Savoy at Little Neck, Little Neck, NY October 2002- August 2003 Waiter • Provided efficient and well mannered service to customers • Escorted customers to designated tables • Prepared and decorated tables Queens Borough Public Library, Queens Village, NY August 2000- October 2002 Page • Built and managed collections of reading materials which included books, periodicals and cultural products • Assisted customers in locating materials and operating computer terminals SKILLS • Languages: Proficient in Spanish, working knowledge of French • Computer: Excellent working knowledge of WordPerfect, Microsoft Word, and Excel SHIRLEY PARTRIDGE 286 Hofstra Street Oceanside, New York 11572 Cell: (516) 221-1234 EDUCATION Hofstra University, Hempstead, New York 24 Candidate for Bachelor of Arts in Communication and Rhetorical Studies Anticipated date of graduation: May 2007 CAMPUS ORGANIZATIONS Sigma Delta Tau National Sorority Fundraising Chair Fall 2005 - 2006 • Sinterklaas: A sponsored event where organizations work together to decorate and donate gifts for underprivileged families during the holiday season. • Co-Planner for ‘Prevention of Child Abuse America’ Fundraising Programs • American Heart and Breast Cancer Association Sponsored Walk-A-Thon and Fundraiser Assistant Scholarship Chair Spring 2006 • Reviewed members’ academic status; successfully promoted an increase in overall member GPA Parent/ Alumni Chair Spring 2006 • Organized brunch for graduating seniors, parents, and alumni • Liaison between Alumni and Sorority National Headquarters RELATED EXPERIENCE Frost & Sullivan, Rockville Centre, New York Spring 2006 Intern • Worked closely with Senior Event Planning Coordinator • Organized Executive MindXchange programs for business professionals around the world • Secured hotel and restaurant reservations for national conferences • Organized data from conferences into coherent Microsoft Excel reports • Edited and updated events’ program and logistics website • Demonstrated comprehensive knowledge of Frost & Sullivan’s “Executive MindXchange” conferences Westbury Beach Club, Atlantic Beach, New York May 2004 – August 2006 Office Director Supervised office staff, cabana boys and maintenance Managed financial accounts through computer, telephone, mail, and fax correspondence Responsible for cabana sales; all telephone and written correspondence Greeted and admitted all members and guests Job Corps, Oneonta, New York 2004 - 2005 • Tutored disadvantaged youth/adults OTHER EXPERIENCE Uslander Family, Oceanside, New York 1998 - 2005 Caregiver • Picked up two children from elementary school; supervised and assisted with homework • Communicated with parents on a daily basis about social events and progress in school Denny’s Childrenswear, Baldwin, New York September 1999 - December 2004 Sales Associate Responsible for cashier, sales and inventory duties Sands Day Camp, Atlantic Beach, New York Summers 2001 - 2003 Head Group Counselor • Developed and monitored activities for 17 girls, ages 5 to 6 • Supervised counselors in day-to-day camp activities • Communicated with parents on camper progress SKILLS • Proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Internet access Danny Partridge 10 Singing Avenue · Merrick, NY 11566 · (516) 884-0222 · (516) 463-0826 · EDUCATION HOFSTRA UNIVERSITY, Hempstead, NY Bachelor of Arts in Communications, Audio/Radio December 2005 Minor: Music KELLENBERG MEMORIAL HIGH SCHOOL, Uniondale, NY June 2001 25 COMPUTER SKILLS Platforms: MS Windows 95/98/XP, Software: MS Office Suite (Excel, Word, Office, Power Point), Prophet, Selector, Digital Performer, Peak, Sound Forge, Unity, Pro Tools, PSI Audio Format Converter, Wizard Mini Editor, Cool Edit Pro, Adobe Audition, iTunes, Nero, Limewire, Ares Hardware: PC, Mac AUDIO/RADIO EXPERIENCE Sirius Satellite Radio, New York City, NY Sept 2005-Dec 2005 Music Programming Coordinator · In charge of uploading voice tracks using Prophet for the daily music programs · Manage uploading music database using Prophet and CD Extractor Pro · Adding intro and outro posts, end dates, and day-parting tracks using Mini Editor and IOC software · Convert file formats for various songs using the PSI Audio Format Converter · Assist with daily operations in music programming department Columbia Records, New York City, NY Jan 2005-May 2005 A&R Scout · Conducted online research for potential breaking artists and contacted for press kit submissions · Advanced music to A&R managers during weekly meetings · Attended shows on Long Island and New York City to scout various types of artists WRHU, Radio Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY Jan 2002-Mar 2006 On-Air Talent/Producer · Producer and on-air talent for a block format show · In charge of clearing CDs and records for on-air rotation · Compose weekly Top 30 and Adds charts for various record labels, distributors, and music licensing companies · Conduct concert reports, news, and live sets and interviews for the show ACADEMIC PROJECTS · Artist Profile: Interviewed an artist and made collage of sound bites and clips to tell a story: Pro Tools, Sound Forge · Music Piece: Wrote audio to coincide with pre-existing video clip: Digital Performer, Peak, Unity EXPERIENCE St. Francis Hospital, Pt. Washington, NY May 2004-present Transporter · Transporting patients to and from the Radiology department · Assisted with administrative responsibilities, such as organizing charts, filing, and handling phone calls Porto Bello Restaurant, Mattituck, NY Sept 2003-present Waiter Sam Goody Music Store, Westbury, NY 2000-2002 Sales Associate HONORS & ACHIEVEMENTS · WRHU, Leadership Award, 2005 · WRHU, Program of the Year Award, 2005: Awarded for most improved block format show during 2005 ACTIVITIES · Hofstra: WRHU, Ice Hockey, Bookstore Staff. Participated in a full-time band which included touring, recording a professionally mixed and mastered CD, and shooting a professionally produced music video. · Kellenberg: Senior Retreat Staff, Sodality, Ice Hockey, Chorus, Innkeepers (Outreach Program for the Homeless) 26
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