FastingOlogy ™ Lesson #28 FASTING & THE MIND PART III • How to Receive Endless motivation & Strength through The Universal law of Reciprocity By Robert Dave Johnston Editor-in-chief Amazing Health Publishing FastingOlogy Health, Life, Freedom A FastingOlogy Lesson: How to Lose Weight Quickly and Transform Your Health Through Fasting NOTICE: You Do NOT Have the Right to Reprint or Resell this Report! You Also MAY NOT Give Away, Sell or Share the Content Herein If you obtained this report from anywhere other than - you have a pirated copy. Please help stop Internet crime by reporting this to: © 2007-2009 Copyright Robert Dave Johnston / Fitness Through Fasting ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this report may be reproduced or transmitted in any form whatsoever, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any informational storage or retrieval system without express written, dated and signed permission from the author. DISCLAIMER AND/OR LEGAL NOTICES: The health-related information and suggestions contained in any of the books or written material mentioned here are based on the research, experience and opinions of the Author and other contributors. Nothing herein should be misinterpreted as actual medical advice, such as one would obtain from a Physician, or as advice for self-diagnosis or as any manner of prescription for self-treatment. Neither is any information herein to be considered a particular or general cure for any ailment, disease or other health issue. The material contained within is offered strictly and solely for the purpose of providing Holistic health education to the general public. Persons with any health condition should consult a medical professional before entering this or any fasting, weight loss, detoxification or health related program. Even if you suffer from no known illness, we recommend that you seek medical advice before starting any fasting, weight loss and/or detoxification program, and before choosing to follow any advice given on Fitness Through Fasting, as well as its 9-month course FastingOlogy.™ For any products or services mentioned or suggested on Fitness Through Fasting or FastingOlogy,™ you should read all packaging and instructions, as no substance, natural or drug, can be guaranteed to work in everyone, nor can they be considered absolutely safe. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements, products or services mentioned in Fitness Through Fasting and FastingOlogy™ have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Never disregard or delay in seeking professional medical advice because of something you have read on Fitness Through Fasting or FastingOlogy. ™ Nothing that you read on Fitness Through Fasting and FastingOlogy™ should be regarded as medical or health advice. If you do anything recommended on Fitness Through Fasting or FastingOlogy, ™ without the supervision of a licensed medical doctor, you do so at your own risk. Not recommended for persons with any health related condition unless supervised by a qualified health practitioner. Because there is always some risk involved in any healthrelated program, the Author, Publisher and contributors assume no responsibility for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of any suggested preparations or procedures described in any of the books or other written materials associated with this website. The author reserves the right to alter and update his opinions based on new conditions at any time. © 2007-2009 Robert Dave Johnston All Rights Reserved 2007-2009 Page 2 A FastingOlogy Lesson: How to Lose Weight Quickly and Transform Your Health Through Fasting Foreword This is the final week of your Phase II detox cleansing. You made it! Make sure to complete the last seven days exactly as directed. Then you’re done for 12 months! You can find instructions for the annual maintenance in LESSON 24, starting at the bottom of Page 7. Detox cleansing will continue to give your health a boost. The remedies can be used anytime you need them, but please do not overdo it. Once a year is more than enough unless you have a specific reason. How can you tell if you need a cleanse? Colon: Symptoms indicating that you may need a colon cleanse include: constipation/difficulty moving your bowels, feeling bloated for more than two days, excessive gas, dehydration and/or headaches. Kidney: You may want to consider doing a kidney cleanse if you experience: pain in the kidney area, water retention or to ease the discomfort of/and help prevent bladder infections. Liver: A liver cleanse may be in order if you notice changes in skin color and/or texture such as blemishes, or experience allergies to food and/or chemicals. Parasites: Worms, unusual matter or mucus in stool, excessive gas, unexplained weight loss or fatigue can indicate that a parasite is present. Entamoeba Histolytica is an organism that can cause severe colitis, ulcers, abdominal cramps and blood or puss in the stool. The result is a disease known as amoebic dysentery. Entamoeba can invade the liver, brain, lungs and other organs, and can be potentially fatal in extreme cases. Unfortunately, parasitic infections are on the rise. Many gastrointestinal complaints are the result of undiagnosed, unrecognized parasitic infections. This information is given so that you will be more aware of the various signs and symptoms that can be related to body toxicity and/or parasites. © 2007-2009 Robert Dave Johnston All Rights Reserved 2007-2009 Page 3 A FastingOlogy Lesson: How to Lose Weight Quickly and Transform Your Health Through Fasting The Symptoms Listed Below Are Common Indicators That Detox Cleansing May Be Needed • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Coated tongue when going without food for half or full day Constipation, diarrhea or Irritable Bowel Syndrome Excessive body heat Depression, unpleasant or unusual mood swings Gallbladder problems Fatty liver Compromised immune system Frequent colds/excessive mucus production Poor memory/difficulty concentrating Mental fatigue/stress Pre-mature aging/graying Frequent headaches or migraines Skin blemishes/discolorations/rashes Excessive gas Poor/inadequate digestion, heartburn, acid reflux, gas Bad breath Allergies/sensitivity to food or chemicals Sugar cravings Changes in vision Frequent or chronic fatigue Hormonal imbalance/changes in sex drive Sleep disorders/sluggish metabolism Please Note: While detox cleansing is a great way to keep your body in optimum shape, that does NOT mean that you should disregard or delay medical attention. Please have an annual check-up and by all means do seek medical attention when indicated. Always be compliant and follow ALL of your doctor’s instructions. --------------------------------------------------------------Note: Download links for previous lessons will be at the close of each PDF file in case you missed or misplaced an earlier edition. © 2007-2009 Robert Dave Johnston All Rights Reserved 2007-2009 Page 4 A FastingOlogy Lesson: How to Lose Weight Quickly and Transform Your Health Through Fasting INTRODUCTION - FASTING & THE MIND PART III Over the past months, you have studied what your body needs to expel disease-causing toxins and parasites. You have been following a Standard Life Diet (SLD) and now you are in the middle of a 14-day Intermittent Fast. How is that going? You should be about half-way through. Hang in there. It gets easier each day. Drink at least half-a-gallon of water daily. Go the distance and complete what you have started. I have given you step-by-step instructions. All you have to do is follow the path and NEVER give up on your dreams and goals! As we approach the end of the course, you can look back and see just how far you’ve come. The foundation has been erected with much attention to detail. Now we must continue to strengthen the building so that it can withstand any and all stormy weather. And that means expanding and reinforcing the Fasting & The Mind (FTM) principles. Your ability to be aware of, isolate and defuse the mind’s tricks will determine your ability to maintain LONG-TERM weight loss. So today we’re revisiting this topic to solidify our knowledge. But first, let’s recap the (FTM) principles and how they work. FASTING & THE MIND REVIEWED *The discussed was the Time Trap first (FTM) principle we Escape (TTE) technique, found in LESSON 6. I have talked about (TTE) time and again over the past months. I’ve constantly asked you to practice and review it. There is NO EXCUSE for you NOT to know it. To review, you will find some great (TTE) examples on Page 5 of LESSON 16, PART II. The (TTE) technique teaches you to “forcefully bring the mind to the immediate present via the senses of sight and sound whenever you’re tempted to violate the (SLD) or break a fast prematurely”. © 2007-2009 Robert Dave Johnston All Rights Reserved 2007-2009 Page 5 A FastingOlogy Lesson: How to Lose Weight Quickly and Transform Your Health Through Fasting *The second (FTM) principle was “DETOX BREATHING” (DB), found on Page 7 of LESSON 16, PART I. (DB) consists of taking deep breaths and holding them for as long as your lungs allow. (DB) involves a visualization during which you are asked to “see” your body being filled with fresh, clean white air when you inhale (strength and peace) and emptied of dark, black smoke with each exhalation (hunger, negativity, physical discomfort). (DB) helps your body eliminate carbon dioxide faster than poor, shallow breathing. You'll perform better, be less stressed and feel more relaxed. This technique will assist you with hunger pains, detox symptoms and mood swings. *The third (FTM) principle we have studied (and my all-time favorite ) is “RELEASE THE SERPENT” (RTS), explained in great detail starting on Page 10 of LESSON 16, PART I. (RTS) is a visualization exercise that will help eliminate “thoughts or behaviors that go against your goals”. RTS has the potential to give you ongoing strength, resolve and commitment. I practice it constantly. *The fourth (FTM) principle is “WHITE PAPER” (WP), found on Page 7 of LESSON 16, PART II. (WP) is a simple exercise designed to shut down the constant (and often senseless and/or negative) chatter that runs in our minds. (WP) is easy to implement, yet VERY effective. At the bottom of Page 8 of LESSON 16, PART II, I gave you step-by-step instructions on how to work all four of the above principles simultaneously. AND, the foreword of LESSON 25 – Pages 3 to 5 – has some exercises to help you distinguish your “real” voice from the one belonging to “the food monster” who wants to sabotage your progress via relentless temptations. This is a lot of valuable material. Have you been practicing these techniques? Are you learning to control hunger, detox symptoms and thoughts/feelings that go against your goals and dreams? I cannot emphasize enough the importance of embracing and mastering these simple techniques. If you truly wish to make your weight loss permanent, then learning to tame the mind is INDISPENSABLE. © 2007-2009 Robert Dave Johnston All Rights Reserved 2007-2009 Page 6 A FastingOlogy Lesson: How to Lose Weight Quickly and Transform Your Health Through Fasting According to, indispensable means: Absolutely necessary, essential, or requisite: an indispensable member of the staff. Incapable of being disregarded or neglected: an 2. indispensable obligation. 1. Get the message? If you are procrastinating or, worse yet, disregarding these FTM techniques and lessons, I can tell you from hard and painful experience that you are asking for trouble. If, however, you HAVE been working them but have struggled, then continue! You’ve probably heard it many times: “Practice makes perfect”. This is no different. In time you’ll find yourself doing these exercises automatically. They can also be very helpful in other areas of your life. But you must go through the learning process. Believe me, it is worth it. These FTM techniques can help you to transform your thoughts regarding hunger, food and eating. There is also a key piece of the puzzle that can supercharge these exercises and make them even more effective. Let’s take a look at the ultimate FTM weapon and add it to your arsenal. FASTING & THE MIND PART III – THE UNIVERSAL LAW OF RECIPROCITY So far we have studied FTM exercises that involve only you. Now it is time to add some universal laws into the mix. These, combined with the FTM techniques that you already know, can vanquish negativity as well as relieve detox symptoms. The first one I want to discuss is one that you probably have heard of: THE LAW OF RECIPROCITY (LOR): When hearing the word reciprocity or “retribution”, one may initially think of revenge (an eye for an eye) or being punished for wrongdoings (karma). Sir Isaac Newton’s Law of Reciprocal Actions states that: FOR EVERY ACTION THERE IS AN EQUAL AND OPPOSITE REACTION. In other words: “Whatever you put out, you will get back”. © 2007-2009 Robert Dave Johnston All Rights Reserved 2007-2009 Page 7 A FastingOlogy Lesson: How to Lose Weight Quickly and Transform Your Health Through Fasting Or, as the Christian scriptures say it in GALATIANS Chapter 6, Verse 7: Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. These two definitions tell us that the (LOR) is both scientific and spiritual. They tell us that it touches the material world, AS WELL AS the spiritual. The (LOR) is absolute and never changes. It cannot fail EVER. You can bank on that. It is a “mathematical certainty” like 2+2=4. Whether we know it or not we’re always “planting” seeds with our thoughts, words and actions. We will ALWAYS receive the equivalent reaction as a direct consequence of what we planted. If what we planted was positive, we will get back positive. If, however, what we plant is negative, the harvest will also be negative. Grapes for grapes, and apples for apples. Don’t expect grapes to grow from apple seeds. The (LOR) is similar to Newton’s Universal Law of Gravitation. WHATEVER GOES UP, MUST COME DOWN. It is absolute and will NEVER change. This law contains ultimate, indisputable power. It can be tapped into to create destruction, but it can also be used as a never ending source of release, renewal and inspiration. but what does this have to do with fasting and the mind? It means this: If you are feeling weak, discouraged or hungry and want to break the fast or violate the SLD, you can swiftly find strength, courage and determination by GIVING THESE QUALITIES TO SOMEBODY ELSE. In other words, if you are discouraged, encourage someone; if you are sad, cheer somebody else up; if you are hungry, call friends and listen to their problems for a while. Do this and you will receive that which you are lacking… you will find yourself refreshed. You will overcome, even after being on the verge of giving up. The (LOR) will ALWAYS work anytime you get the urge to quit or eat inappropriately. Tell me: When can you say that something is absolutely, guaranteed to always work? © 2007-2009 Robert Dave Johnston All Rights Reserved 2007-2009 Page 8 A FastingOlogy Lesson: How to Lose Weight Quickly and Transform Your Health Through Fasting Yet that is exactly what I am telling you. The (LOR) WILL ALWAYS WORK. In my opinion, the prayer associated with Saint Francis of Assisi says it best: Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; and where there is sadness, joy. O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned; and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen It is by giving that we receive! When was the last time you felt doubt, despair, sadness and anger? In which way have these emotions influenced your eating patterns? I would venture to say that the answer is: A LOT. When I first started fasting and changing my eating habits, these emotions hit me constantly. Being human guarantees that we will experience these painful feelings from time to time. Add fasting, dieting and hunger into the mix and the result is often eating, eating and more eating. I can tell you that 99.9% of food relapses are preceded, in one form or another, by an emotional upheaval. Why? Because when we feel painful emotions, our (usual) automatic response is to try to “fix it” by eating, crying, isolating, shouting, sleeping, sulking … whatever brings relief. © 2007-2009 Robert Dave Johnston All Rights Reserved 2007-2009 Page 9 A FastingOlogy Lesson: How to Lose Weight Quickly and Transform Your Health Through Fasting The problem with these “fixes” is that our thinking becomes focused (almost completely) on SELF. But becoming preoccupied with “self” only yields more painful emotions. Thinking about ME, worrying about ME and drowning in a cesspool of shame, guilt, bitterness and SELF-PITY induces still more destructive eating. And more harmful eating causes ME to think even more about… ME! In this fashion the cycle continues ad infinitum, sometimes for a lifetime. The bottom line is: focusing only on ME DOES NOT WORK! members ask , “aren’t the FTM exercises all focused on self?” Some The answer is: Yes and no. FTM techniques are designed to shift the mind’s focus “away” from discomfort via : 1) positive visualization and 2) disassociation from the negative. They interrupt “self-centered” thinking and replace it with present moment focus, as well as reinforce goals and objectives through inspirational imagery. This is very different from the constant “self-preoccupation” that we are working to stay away from. The FTM exercises now run on premium gasoline. Now, however, we are upgrading to jet fuel! SELF FORGETTING A 20th century genius saw the power of the LOR and put it this way: "Strange is our situation here upon earth. Each of us comes for a short visit, not knowing why, yet sometimes seemingly for a divine purpose. From the standpoint of daily life, however, there is one thing we do know: That we are here for the sake of others…for the countless unknown souls with whose fate we are connected by a bond of sympathy. Many times a day, I realize how much my outer and inner life is built upon the labors of people, both living and dead, and how earnestly I must exert myself in order to give in return as much as I have received." Do you know who authored these words? It was Albert Einstein. Yes, one of the most gifted minds of the 20th century saw and understood that we are all connected to each other. Nobody can receive strength, inspiration and motivation in a vacuum. It is done by reaching out to another. In so giving, we receive … and that abundantly and beyond measure. © 2007-2009 Robert Dave Johnston All Rights Reserved 2007-2009 Page 10 A FastingOlogy Lesson: How to Lose Weight Quickly and Transform Your Health Through Fasting MY EXPERIENCE WITH (LOR) Now let’s put the (LOR) to work on your behalf. When you are struggling with hunger, detox or are simply having a rough day and want to eat inappropriately, immediately turn your attention to someone you can listen to and comfort. Combined with the FTM principles, this act of “reaching out to another” will neutralize discomfort and help you hang in there. I am always amazed at the results. Here’s an example from my own life to illustrate: As you may know, I have a fasting personal coaching program online that works via private message board. There, members write about their fasts and struggles. They look to me for guidance and motivation. I love being a fasting coach. But I’m also human. Some days, when I get home at night after a rough day when things didn’t go my way, I open the message board and see dozens of posts waiting for replies. Feeling crabby and tired, writing is the last thing I want to do. I just “don’t feel like it”. The longer I sit with that sinking feeling, the worse it gets and the less I want to do anything. I feel weary, discouraged, angry, bitter and hungry. I want to just sit and stare at the walls. I want a cheeseburger with large fries and a soda. So here’s what I do: I remember where poor eating took me in the past (obesity, depression, isolation, near death). I remind myself how terrible it felt. I then make a decision that “going backwards” is NOT what I want for my life. I take a moment and go through ALL of the FTM exercises back-to-back, as described at the bottom of Page 8 of LESSON 16, PART II. Right away my mind gets calmer and I start to focus. Within minutes I’m feeling better. Then I sit down and begin to read the posts and write up responses. Initially, my fingers are crawling on the computer keyboard and the mind feels sluggish and sleepy. The word “cheeseburger” resonates in my head over and over … just like a mantra. I just want to say “screw it” and give up. But, somewhere along the line, the fingers start to move faster and my thoughts get clearer. © 2007-2009 Robert Dave Johnston All Rights Reserved 2007-2009 Page 11 A FastingOlogy Lesson: How to Lose Weight Quickly and Transform Your Health Through Fasting Soon – like clockwork - I am zooming along and am going all-out motivating, cheering and comforting. Miraculously, I have forgotten all about MY hunger, MY sadness and MY frustrations. I have tapped into the (LOR) and been given that which I lacked: hope, peace, faith and renewed strength and inspiration. I stand up from the computer feeling upbeat, refreshed and energized. I can go on for hours. Sometimes I start writing a new lesson or page for the website. Other times I end up cleaning the house; dusting, vacuuming, sweeping and mopping. Hunger, weakness and discomfort has been drastically diminished and/or completely vanished. And this has happened to me without any effort on my part, except for a willingness to set my feelings aside and focus on the needs of another. The result has been the same WITHOUT FAIL for years. It is a universal law just like gravity. It works! ADOPTING (LOR) AS A LIFESTYLE While (LOR) will work EVERY TIME whether or not you do it regularly, it works BEST when practiced as a lifestyle. What would you prefer to have: Jolts of inspiration and strength here and there when you feel weak, OR a steady supply of these qualities ON AN ONGOING basis? If you are like me, you probably answered the latter. How can this be done? Let’s look at 10 ways through which you can access (LOR) daily to help you counteract hunger, negative thoughts and/or the physical discomfort associated with fasting and eating-habit changes. 1. SHOW RESPECT & CIVILITY: It seems like such a small thing, and in our busy lives we often forget that a kind word, a helping hand, or just a smile and “Thank you” can create a bright spot in another person’s life. Do this daily at least three times. Grumpy? Don’t feel like it? Do it anyways! That’s when you need to do it the most. 2. LISTEN MORE, TALK LESS: Something I have learned from working with others is that sometimes people just what to vent about their day and how they are feeling. Making eye contact with another and just listening is very powerful. There is a huge problem with this today. Most people barely hear because they are thinking of an answer while the other person is still talking. Worse yet, they interrupt the other person before he or she is done speaking. OR, they listen superficially, provide some frothy (and meaningless) emotional appeal and simply turn the focus of the conversation back to themselves. They trample (and basically disregard) the other person’s feelings. So try to just be quiet and listen. © 2007-2009 Robert Dave Johnston All Rights Reserved 2007-2009 Page 12 A FastingOlogy Lesson: How to Lose Weight Quickly and Transform Your Health Through Fasting 3. GIVE GENUINE PRAISE: Recognizing the contributions of others is a mighty act of service that will keep the (LOR) active on your behalf. This is an investment in others that doesn’t cost you a thing, but the returns can be remarkable. Get out of yourself and start looking for things that people around you are doing well, or qualities you like about them, and let them know! Do this frequently. Even in a disagreement there is an opportunity for service, and you can restore happiness to the relationship, if you speak the truth in love to help another to learn and grow. 4. PRACTICE FORGIVENESS: Resentments are the source of a great deal of pain and unhappiness in the world. Holding a grudge against another is a blemish on the soul and will feed painful thoughts and emotions. In fact, I have received dozens of emails from people who said they fell off the wagon amidst a moment of anger, or because of a resentment. So make it a point to forgive, even if the other person was in the wrong. Why let someone else’s actions rule your emotions? If you are hurting because of the misdeed of another, please take a moment and learn Five Things Everyone Should Know About Forgiving. 6. SMILE AND SAY HI: It may sound cheesy, but try smiling more often, even if it's on a Monday morning commute. You never know whose day it may cheer up. Strike up conversations with strangers and give them compliments. When I was depressed a few years ago, I remembered a day when someone came up and remarked on how nice my hair looked. It didn't end my depression, but it did change my mood for that day and helped in the recovery process. When you smile, and live your life with energy, it can be contagious. Offices are terrific examples of this. If everyone looks depressed, work is boring. If people start joking and laughing, suddenly work doesn't feel like drudgery. Make someone happy, and whatever hunger, discomfort or bad mood you were experiencing is likely to dispel. . 7. CALL AN OLD FRIEND: It's amazing how often we lose touch with old friends. It is very easy to become absorbed with MY life, MY issues, and MY problems to the point where there is little time for anything else. This pattern is a big (LOR) blocker. Take a few minutes to call someone this week that you haven't talked to in awhile. It feels refreshing to get a phone call or a letter from someone who simply states: "I'm calling b/c it's been a long time since we've talked and I want to know how you are." 8. ORGANIZE A SOCIAL EVENT: What better way to get out of yourself than to organize a social event such as a dinner party or bowling night? Don't just invite the same old friends - mix it up a little. Invite your co-workers, your close friends, a relative, and tell them to invite friends of their own. Helping others make new friends is invaluable. And it's also a great way to network and broaden your connections. I recall one time I was amidst a 30-day water fast and organized a large meeting with some out-of-town friends. Before I knew it, seven days had gone by and I barely felt any hunger pains or discomfort at all. Amazing! If you’re ambitious, try starting your own group at © 2007-2009 Robert Dave Johnston All Rights Reserved 2007-2009 Page 13 A FastingOlogy Lesson: How to Lose Weight Quickly and Transform Your Health Through Fasting 9. JOIN ONLINE FORUMS: My favorite way of tapping into the (LOR) is to visit online fasting forums and leave encouraging posts for those who are hurting and/or struggling with hunger and/or detox symptoms. This is by far the one I want you to start doing ASAP. It will help you immensely. You can go to Fitness Through Fasting’s -- Fasting Forum #1 or Forum #2 and post messages. is wonderful. Every day there are dozens of good people looking for fasting support and motivation. Give and you shall receive. 10. HELP A FRIEND WITH HEALTH, WEALTH OR LOVE: It may sound simplistic, but the main concerns people have center around health, wealth, or love. So if you can help them with any of those 3 areas, you just made their life better. If your friend wants to lose weight, help him/her with diet choices and workout choices. If a friend is looking for a relationship, ask around and see if you know any other single friends. If a friend has no clue how to invest, find useful resources he or she can use to learn. THE WINNING MINDSET Practicing the FTM exercises AND the (LOR) on a daily basis will help to keep your thoughts, emotions and attitude in check. This winning mindset makes it much easier to walk through the physical and mental discomforts associated with weight loss and eating-habit changes. The key word I want to emphasize is: PRACTICE. What we have discussed today is certainly nothing new. But few of us have lived a life of utmost “mental discipline”. For that reason, please do not be discouraged if at first you find this lesson difficult to implement. Keep practicing, keep practicing, keep practicing! When you wake up in the morning, determine that, JUST FOR TODAY, you are going to find as many ways possible to practice the LOR. Experiment… challenge yourself! Do something every day that you DO NOT feel like doing. Little by little, you will gain more insight… and the freedom, strength and inspiration will flow stronger than ever. I have lived it and it works. Believe me. It works. © 2007-2009 Robert Dave Johnston All Rights Reserved 2007-2009 Page 14 A FastingOlogy Lesson: How to Lose Weight Quickly and Transform Your Health Through Fasting This Week’s Assignments 1) Go To The Fasting Forums Mentioned Above and Make it a point to leave at least three posts daily motivating and encouraging others.Get Involved! These forums are filled with people who are genuinely hurting and struggling. A post cheering them on and comforting will definitely make their day. I have done that for a long time and am always amazed at the gratitude people express just for a few kind words. This world is starved of “comforters”. There are way too many “takers” and too few “givers”. Ironically, the true power lies in being a giver. When you give, you will receive in great abundance. You will find true strength. You will find the power to do great things! 2) Complete The 14-Day Intermittent Fast According To All of The Instructions I Gave You in LAST WEEK'S LESSON. This is an excellent opportunity to put the (LOR) to the test. If you have followed my instructions, then you are probably around half-way through the 14-day intermittent fast by now. As a rule, Intermittent Fasting (IF) is, in many cases, easier than a straight juice or water fast. So I want you to push yourself and make it all on the way. You can do this! You have everything you need… you have what it takes! 4) Stay Close to AND Communicate with The Person or Persons You Selected When You Took The DECLARE AND DESIGNATE Steps on Page 9 of Lesson #1. This FastingOlogy™ pillar has great importance. Have you noticed that it has ALWAYS been part of your assignments? Why is that, you think? First of all, I want someone to look in on you often to make sure that you are safe. But, above all, I want you to internalize and realize that NONE OF US CAN DO THIS ALONE. I have tried it and, while I made some progress, it eventually did not last. We need each other. The LOR works in us and through us. The key word is: US. So please do not isolate or try to do this alone. © 2007-2009 Robert Dave Johnston All Rights Reserved 2007-2009 Page 15 A FastingOlogy Lesson: How to Lose Weight Quickly and Transform Your Health Through Fasting See You Next Time! Warm Regards, Robert Dave Johnston Publisher FastingOlogy™ Coming Up Next … Lesson 29: Calorie Restriction, Anti-Aging & Life Extension Train your Body to Survive and Thrive with minimal food intake. I will give you FIVE ways in which this practice can add quality years to your life and keep you looking young and slim. PREVIOUS LESSONS Lesson #1 … Lesson #2- Part I … Bonus (Twenty Questions) … Lesson #2- Part II … Lesson #2–Part III … Bonus 2(Intermittent Fasting & Home Enemas) Lesson #3 … Lesson #4 – Part I Lesson #4 – Part II Lesson #5 Lesson #6 Lesson #7 Lesson #8 Lesson #9 Lesson #10 Lesson #11 Lesson #12 Lesson #13 Lesson #14 Lesson #15 Lesson #16 – Part I Lesson #16 – Part II Lesson #17 Lesson #18 – Part I © 2007-2009 Robert Dave Johnston Click Here to access. Click Here to access. Click Here to access. Click Here to access. Click Here to access. Click Here to access. Click Here to access. Click Here to access. Click Here to access. Click Here to access. Click Here to access. Click Here to access. Click Here to access. Click Here to access. Click Here to access. Click Here to access. Click Here to access. Click Here to access. Click Here to access. Click Here to access. Click Here to access. Click Here to access. Click Here to access. Click Here to access. All Rights Reserved 2007-2009 Page 16 A FastingOlogy Lesson: How to Lose Weight Quickly and Transform Your Health Through Fasting Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson #18 – Part II #18 – Part III #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #24 #25 #26 #27 Click Click Click Click Click Click Click Click Click Click Click Here Here Here Here Here Here Here Here Here Here Here to to to to to to to to to to to access. access. access. access. access. access. access. access. access. access. access. PS: Remember to type in the appropriate password you receive via e-mail each week along with the link to the lessons. © 2007-2009 Robert Dave Johnston All Rights Reserved 2007-2009 Page 17
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