Racquetball Challenge Ladder Rules and How to Join in the...

Racquetball Challenge Ladder Rules and How to Join in the Fun
What is the ladder?
The challenge ladder is a league designed to help players improve their racquetball skills,
meet different players on a regular basis and enjoy the game. It is open to all Wave members
from beginners to highly skilled.
Ladder Rules:
1. All matches shall follow the USRA Official Rules of Racquetball.
2. A player may challenge any player who is no more than 3 rungs above the challenger on
the racquetball ladder. To issue a challenge, the challenger should contact the player via
e-mail or phone. If the challenged player does not have a match currently scheduled,
he/she should accept the challenge. The match should preferably be played within 7 days,
but if the challenged player cannot setup a match within 10 days, he/she forfeits the
match. Both players should make every effort to schedule the match, keeping in mind that
everyone has a busy schedule.
3. The scheduled match should be played even if there is movement within the ladder
between the time the match was scheduled and the time it is played.
4. A challenged player will not be required to play more than one match per week. If a
second challenge occurs within the same week, the challenged player may refuse the
challenge until the next week.
5. It is mandatory to play a minimum of one game per week (as a challenger or challenged).
Failure to do so will yield a loss of one place in the ranking.
6. If the lower-ranked player beats the higher ranked, then the lower-ranked player moves
up to the higher-ranked player's position on the ladder. The higher-ranked player and
everyone below he/she then moves down one rung to fill the space. One of the players
should complete the challenge report soon after the match so the ladder can be updated
and kept current. Your submission will be displayed on the match results sheet posted on
the courts bulletin board.
7. Games should be played to 15 points (scoring on service only). The winner need only win
the game by 1 point. If after two games a tie breaker is needed, the 3rd game is played to
11 points.
8. In match play there is no such thing as a skunk. All games are played to 15 points with
the exception of the tie breaker.
9. New players who join the ladder may issue two "free" challenges against anyone on the
ladder except the top three players. If both of these matches are lost, he/she must join the
ladder at the bottom rung. Or the player may elect to simply join the ladder at the bottom
rung without any challenges. Contact Carrie Lamb for more information 212-1164 or
10. Eye protection is highly suggested!
11. Have fun!