AND GRAYLING CATCH TO HOW THEM AND RECOLLECTIONS A SPORTSMAN OF BY M. Francis "Halc"-on," Ltedi Special ol Mercury Yorfcehire "Tbe Weekly Supplement; Correapondenl Britiiih Angler": Angline Flies" to Club. PUBLISHED ANGLER" CO.. the Reviser ; Memb:^ Fishen' "THE Walbran Fishmff ot of London Fiild.- Author Gatelte; Theakston's tKe etc.. The Wharfe"ta1e," "" "BrilLah Fly etc. eV LIMITED, SCARBOROUGH byGoOglf by Jt MAJOR ("SOUTH WfiST" " OF THE FIELD "), V^ P^*^^ by h,Goc)glc first of grayling the Practical added the that not as the few of may The subject. of " graceful, following useful this Pritt's despised Book " little present there as the and have has ance importbut peared, ap- work in on l)een truth that which " will in or swims no, " grayling reader of standard fish no of trout, gliding the is GrayUng Grayling" the work are published, was the work, 185a, work no of considered pages hints, 1888 subject the to excepting even the love, tor capture- his in published until time be of page particularly More " that Mr. year labour Fisher," the to title the the believe, 1 was, attention on devoted and a and Fly From wholly the ; Mill, special words, Umber," Tanfield devote to "The in of Jackson, JOHN future ; be I and able a am I fond so from trust to better gather opinion fish. =^ a Preface. X. The second portion of part of moat collection have of " years to The Angler, and the Editors for permission readers "" who of those to have " them to of The journals the faces," being new slietches time dmring my republish them, and perhaps can either already scan a. which the 1 past Field, Fishing Gazette, I convey altogether as they 4th, for Mercury Weekly Supplement. FRANCIS Leeds, May consists and time the pages Leeds with articles from duly warned, skip friends angling contributed twenty now old hook the seen them best of my them, choose. M. thanks those over WALBRAN. 1895. by To being again or Contents. PART I" HOtV AND GRAYLING, CATCH TO THEM. I. Chapter " More Ihe Times river same inlroduclory less or of Inlroduclion C.ounlry ChiAPTEB Siie they in Grayling and Spawning Grayling, wbicb to " ... - in Dislribulion and allain . Ibis - - 7 . III." GraylinR for List of Flies and " Dressings 13 IV." "Chapter Ihe Swimming Hooks, Chapter of " Troul " etc Worm" Rod, Reel, Line, Floals, 35 --------- V," Maggot and Grasshopper P'ishing . _ _ ^2 =^-h,Gi.)".)^l PART II." RECOLLECTIONS OF SPORTSMAN. A Paok Id the F[rsl Amla-ose A A Frost Cawood: A A A A A Christmas Reverie November Day ChriiliAastide An - August Day Charming Week in ihe 60 Test on Holiday, 67 Grayling with Winler's Fonnigbt^s 56 ----- -------- Ihe Holiday November Reminisccnc on among 49 - a the Youthful . . - Enthiisis't Fishing - - 95 Day (The 102 Second Week) - - - Wales at Redcar 76 87 - Yore - Sea - - - no 130. 137- -------- by Illustrations. of -The Meeting Floais and Hooks Floats for Maggot Tanfield Mill Hackfall on Tbe Halebery, Tbe Upper the for tbe on Yore. tbe Yore. .... (Winter) (Summer) Tanlield. Falls, Fishing Worm Fishing Woods Ballon Waters," AfSgarlh (Winter) on the - Yore by by GRAYLING, AND (part I. HOW TO CATCH THEM. by by GRAYLING, AND CATCH TO HOW THEM. CHAPTER I T has so long the the end trout of them to tell sport that the year, are then that prime, case the hardy -and bold to miss short river of some October, be, for attempts angler, for and when freedom waters, his are his is game second spotted it is in flies the best ber Decem- capriciously, gently stops he British or fluttering willow the at winter freely tracts at- me very and angling months, rises day Allow the November, at again March side. so rods them "graceful, gliding grayling" he inhabits the their up why me anglers handle not the to ardent are do of they duns, when autumn ihat the when may and favourite my wonder lasts, hang more them of who sunshine once of source season September, brief the a sportsmen, many as until been always I. tiny not his as the or the float of stru^les to no relative fish not byGoO^lf Grayling, and 2 even excepted. that this is habits capable time. proper and of A The catch never in class the form It with was total the that sport of their ways articles of The " to swim fly,both sunk " the them, during the winter a few of where shall the the fish may againfollow phases of the sport. As of my name most of the adding readers graylingis thyme. Now, although I have graylingsin my faintest resemblance I will defy anyone time, I to a Salnio fish freshly-caught the with sequently con- I error series of a the as Editor arranged hints about some fish to for grasshopper for ; and and That few to give lastly, elsewhere I programme chapters on will be aware, a but far the found. because of write in Yorkshire be out, fish months best stations and how floating ; thirdly, and and worm the allude of the friend readers my with concerning him. so programme, two are best, to old the at I grayhng; secondly, how of with them My to firstly, give habits his at my for so convincing them of beautiful whom ideas subjectfor the this even anglers to I first undertook Angler. it, was, the view ignoTance as December it is latter when that on of mind, own fished and June quite erroneous a in my yielding when trout them. result of totallydifferent things,and grayling. catch to quite certain am is the feehng regards the fish I hmv other scientific the thymallus,presumably is supposed caught many could never smell his of the eyes shut smell to of thousands trace the last-named to be ; able =^-h,Gi.H)' and Grayling, determine to cucumber the whether or boast grayling can names, and homer. British on " And In hungry in of amount and seems in Umbro the of trouble to inclined to Italy,or somewhat of shadow, is the Enghsh real a Der attain Asch. the trace that markings the of a I graylingone long slender tail,his pronounced more condition, sides consider of the a as he am a fish always regards the but to of I the that the it is teristic charac- fish, these gets into better freshly-caughtNovember handsomest body tapering down milk-white vicinity shadow- grey As the Umbra, the name, little doubt the on the word element. seems name, derivative. appearance natural his river called in Latin of infinite an origin of a mune Com- Pritt,in his taken in reference corruptionof gray-lines, becoming work large size, a Mr. true the source there name into day, play." storms the belief that opinion in his seen March province Umbria a presenting the when wild snow supplies the same, umber, " has grayling, the on other Yorkshire of they where Germany, work standard in the variety of graylingis styled L'Ombre Norway, ; in Harren homer the France ; in the title in his valuable Theakstone, rise voracious Trout cut freshly a mentioned parts Angling Flies,writes 5 his Latin to be some of great a may locally corrupted in oumer of which among odour addition In them. catch to it is the fish. a how belly,and fish that to the sides swims, broad of his forked silver,shot byGoo^lf Grayling, and 4 with prismatichues last,but fin by no hmo of faint tortoise-shell and of find them not " he during June a and grayling, " the the rarelytakes I the and which days year, with I had dead a in low and trout forty-six and in grayling,weighing never saw that a with each with and those length " two of alone, the red-letter Wharfe days Graylingspawn found in an as advanced in swimming it with a zist, in had is the alluded facts of that I killed 21 lbs.; forty-four day's fishing,and interfere in the water, crowded not the mistake be of couple blazing sun, not very assertion an I catch trout a June one is where to do water, say, is incontestable upon " " quote year, lbs.,in graylingwater fish same suitable fish ; that coarse Trout in clear grayhng, weighing graylingwill other On and This, I trout. and trout z8 on instance, that you substantiate to water the November, ; for low making 1889. four feet river where a December When like in unite your hand, when and, therefore, will possible, when by in seldom very other bait. always at time same upstream worm on lies dorsal equal proportionsyou the in November worm this kind in July,it is or these general rule,in a togetherat fishingthe when all purple graylingthrive and trout As grass. gold,and beautiful,his huge forming a perfectpictureas the frozen and lilac,green least means catch them. to good case with which to April and stage much must I comes proof least out in. be tenanted that particular enjoyed those above. May, and earlier are even often than byGl.)*.)' 6 cover have you day with step out in the Tomkins as again. and May And 'em will have for out a day administer to who fisherman good does it do is ? He don't affection find illness. As mean sure for the have to I you. and for Dr. a Yankee about that every graylingthat that gone Francis I hate ! a ill-conditioned fish had poor take a " graylingin brandy ! ha ! ho and to sport, such, they do the has healthy,and something dreadful same thing every- speciesof poacher going. him I feel you that's all ; and " Ha let the Francis ; and with your may up and satisfied, starvation and of pleasesend ; and other any fat and locked kelts slaughters than be cateh all of 'em " when hardly hope good consolation. more him and much stunning a anathemized " end no bait you slaughtering day, a go two or morning, had, and June, and wife the having now hope you'lleat your have to detestation, that never you May pal Jorkins,and for and them. home. at order of grey fishingit and indeed, ever old readiness hatred your in catch to reel week a dear your in how left your pet pitch for a and Grayling, What his sport. beast live to Let grow dirtyadvantage would it." say, there Well anglerwho I have of said, Mr. has the will say the same. by CHAPTER I HAVE often hut far so of proof be I this found in It only. nearly is not with like swirly abiding place no expected such to than down to during of could the of as years The river thirty present accomplish time the in I a feat in ago a very week. gravelly a day much The and a favourite be grayling affected sooner one pools. must from solutely abare by Otley grayling, but greatly single doubt is also of eddying banks, with have habits darkened Wharfe abound years and where far are they flats There kind to the loamy they coincidence a suit into end, any used Harewood seventy-five grayling At bottom are. Some down to are monastery a rocks, and of large grayling. thrive, trout will that hollow, the at pollution recent numbers. with be old; tangible they has easily of more that that ledges gradually hole fact quiet gliding there shallow, weedy deep and running streams A here the no first were monks the is may river every by stream this grayling there than every but ; that country ascertain can grayling. ITiey runs, this statement banks its on into as it said heard introduced II. decreased angler in killed fly only. with whether sole reason he of byGoo^lf 8 Grayling, their decline the town's the river. has is also There year the trout and alone I dead in it is very one of course to in be often day. formation hoped been Otley,where turned During the with common killed in Some for that the when has memorable other time these past are filth of both Club water taken have at shire York- the iish settlingbeds some which and Otley good twenty saw into large numbers fact, on all direct mill exceedingly low, concentrated, grayling ; them, large paper a Wharfe, catch Ilkley and at stream. rivers, became becoming to hitherto polluted the Jubilee how be found may sewage still more and been out in Otley, and in full operation Graylings and the stock that place downwards. how graylingwilt of once Derbyshire,Yorkshire, in England. In and the Dove are found. are the the abound with fine the the Derwent, Lugg, the and Teme, In largestgrayling are is there fifth of November, of them and Blyth said are size to which The question rivers there the as are of the are Test. ready merous nu- the fancy write I caught the on weight is Its togetherwith grayling: with 4 lbs. in weight. also risers Wharfe, graylingattains nature gravellyshallows chieflyof on the to a The contain during the fresh-water Yore, a or covered the pound On such Itchin, where with waving food shimps, larvs, waters, is altogether stream. large size,their moderately rapid or of the Costa, the Test, beds, they grow But the there their As in Staffordshire which I with. I alt habits of the the which be to Rye months. autumn a to Itchin,swarm the Churnet large specimens, the chalk stream, and Avon Yore, the \Vye, and met on 'ITiislast-named Hampshire some 1891, and Shropshire specimen facing me a 3lbs.90Z. the the be to the they in Herefordshire suitable and Hampshire Derwent, in which Wharfe, and grayling, be may the Wye, Costa, tributaries,where fish. the from graylingcounties principalrivers Yorkshire In Swale, is the the Herefordshire and former 9 increase more be the best to said,broadly speaking, them. (qUh to such weed consisting and the like. as the R)e, a good fish is considered byGoo^lf Grayling,and lo in one; fact, during I have thirtyyears, than more Yore. how lb. 6 i On the specimens are, Graylinghave killed never been at have they done present well so inclination an Rye during the past in the bringmy courage give you to of the prospect Irish found and contain waters in also As grayling. Abroad graylingwhich that I mistook when in the closelyresemble Hampshire a lakes, lack until trout of they condition mother-of-pearl. nearlyso not have golden so height of bar brethren. character,and for be may waters. looked them handsome of They partake more the delicate tints of those brilliant black taken from a spots southern stream. is There to Eden. and no aware they I able they vary greatly. I largeCosta graylingare chalk am Swiss more and I as of the German they chub far in many water their So rivers and in the net, but a be may in the Scandinavian were as being me Norway, frequentlyhooked The deters strikingpoint I to regards appearance in the I have Clyde. Should experiences. my of none long railwayjourney. up ten journey thither during the to coming winter, the only thing that the large some but in ri^'ers, as the or taken. introduced Scotch Wharfe the believe,sometimes years into several of the them the portion of over graylingweighing a either on lower I experienceextending an oz. catch them. to me one a Some other English river typicalgrayhng years ago Mr. stream, C. which and 1). always appears that is the Thompson, of byGl.)*.)'^ how Grayling, and Seaton of Carew, Hartlepool,tried near introducinga few long time nothing tlie past few have been that in Kirkby whole Thore I river Eden will be In streams. heard evening in "But he turned have you replied; I the of error visit to and the his Border north my and pannier at full on to of mine Three arrived. journey, and night I to I convince the had way my to next my passed, again to once had Hawes. to of determined months on pursued him of at to one none," occasion the on travelled Proceeding on "Have I had Yore, of Scotch in,and came therefore city. the were in plenty." " the very subject of grayling. failed and the was being the upon me I I recollect angler have we ways, graylingfishingon good, Carlisle I have Apropos here," I said. chill November take local the them. friend a to English grayling our seen a course with bring some had further,but the argument and time specimens caught of none of " of course among the Street,Cariisle,when conversation due that styledgrayling, shop proofs eminently adapted popular error, the fish Kirkby Stephen neighbourhoodof until genuine article, the above-named in counted belief that of chary of river is that chub During unmistakable had a progressing splendidly. The are the for three-quarter pound I have the hope experiment of them. seen several they length of often was neighbourhood them, and so more taken, and the i r Kirkby Stephen, and near years the catch them. to a day's Sport was Carlisle,with friend's a shop, the byGoO^lf fish arranged were knowing-one seen never small " Derwent suitable in trout appeared water in and not well there could be yearlingsinto was done; to the with then the for the done effect the above last time Jhat they and of the white were Above water grayling as great harm and the I feared surface thick trout. Palliaser that I stream found fish,although The a to duction intro- excepting one, their the me the on and ago secretary invited club interfere with no years scum, this,the local anglers had the adapted coal numerous delicate Shotley Bridge would was covered is Consett, water, which a sure picturesque most of well. flies into I told Mr. water. such sport among so mine thrive to castingtheir villagecalled but I felt near went, respect of with places was excellent a the I therefore every never (curtain).There " was advise presence interfere would had " replied; Angling Association, grayling. the completely he that for the presence inspect the river,and was his looked be Palliaser,who friend,Mr. of said, on murky surroundings. Some their the the Durham, It would it not were pitsand that of river in the county stream water I No," grayling a called the Derwent. my He dish, and 1 "Well," " had you to for. acknowledged then them, large meat a their like before. seen catch to these?" are and puzzled; how on sent was arrival,"what a and Grayling, 12 was was purer, the afraid lower the designs, but by turning a ShotleyBridge. that small a I heard lutions polthat few This anything thrivingamazingly. byCt)*.)'^! Island," was Boot where four or a the deal good hare's ribbed and long see of his skill throw. with could it had though been hard fightensued, then a very one. before we I netted Such for the skill in comes weather few hours in in to one hedge to it as must A that the fish to two or with terms fish times. evident gotiate ne- him, and It would is the have or a rise of the mid-day, then is the grand sport with is open, brief the frequently foiled if even graylingoften sunshine a general numerous the time. duns rise well middle I have ling dull, drizz- a in December. in the angler's autumn fly,on a The October. clearingaway so able suit- most as be hazy days followingon September November, and of on a another the dozen a perseverance. those effect of about frequentlyhad day of of August, and on of one for grayling, but, fly-fishing which midges get have flybefore, and a was not no, to what definitely state sharp frosty night has him soon had could rule, I prefer one cold was We reward difficult to day for it It just going was least at gold- a weighing exactly3 lbs. lovely graj'ling a the was the seen H., after float but ; came up Three certainlyhoped reward I asked his head heavy I obtain, and he never have was due so, and over Mr. them. difficult cast, and did He place,and beautifullyover the attempt when give up depth. to meet rise solitary foot in strategy, contrived ear very them. shelving gravel bed, narrow in this were catch to perhaps,a ran, fish good long a water kmv and Grayling, 14 If the during of the the day. byGl.)*.)'^ and Grayling, One from is the no kill to because you have for you may, by I give the was others from I do flies. fault,and own to stream he had so I'took the fared. fish. for So trout who Exactly off my water. Fishing on six inches not that below.. up with much I an hour the same and took almost coloured, fish up I generallycast a littleway down. across, Of but and in the allow course, I was to see rightenough, of invariably,unless stream, it my up how "swimming" to again. for perseverance inch an myself,I found, basket handsome fish. it,went me, as this bait took a of never one think to was What probably only secured began single a All accompanied flycast They maggot. I finished the after about friend a I water September 22nd, on rises I trout under this. know, and not on"" in as apparently stopped short about sunken my about of all these out stream, ever)- cast, but of day. "coming are of It smoking, just graylingtake Vore, it. sport of the fish the of 5 couple of hours, a the instance surface possessedthem shall,but of 1 end bank rise for the the the to the a often an flash a day on graylingat rose fish broke The the surface tributaryof visible persevere had very will small I must doing, miss so because fishing, 1891, of not the by watching a is, if the- tell whether cannot only. that foohng about use You certain, and good basket, he a beginning thim. is thing, however, angler wishes 'kfftv to catch the twenty-two In fly-fishing the case water of flies to begin at and the is grayling float a bottom byGoO^lf 1 6 Grayling, t)( alt the stream a pull him down Before flies which l-'orthe one or 4*-, makes hands There three are as land to is free from water the "" the the four to " 2x last This perienced ex- pounds obstructions. distinct classes or of flies for imitations hackled underneath or secondly, what water; grayling the termed are unlike anything in creation,but greatly fancy flies," by grayling; and, thirdly, splitwinged favoured duns, floating at for termed. anything up use follows: as 3.V, and flies,to be fished wet, of surface always reel)I employ it is often ; firstly, fishing ordinarywinged of natural I about two taper cast, strong enough in beautiful a if the gut, gossamer or cast my yard next word the successful most fine, too construct for the a below. dressingsof the to say nearest (i.e., fish is hooked out found be cannot first yard degree of gut, have them. a play him like myself,and gut when describe I should cast, which "drawn and catch to and same, stream, I grayling, the how proceeding to different with and surface LIST OF when use order named ORDINARY The r," dubbed inside No, with feather are other. rising madly We will take : " WET Water 0, Kendal no WINGED FOR No. the fish will take food, or in the ithem for or from HACKLED FLIES FISHING. Hm water OR 5/"i." Body, yellow silk, rat's fur ; hackled a water hen's with the wing; hook, scale. by Grayling, Remarks. there autumn, it vary On " is readers No. I try both can The 2." silk well from will take advises be found owl, No. is 3. Blue with small feather of rump Kendal fare field- a scale. In they frequently water his "Book but on above on Angling," Yorkshire our and dressingwill generally feather in his very best notice. "nailer." sin^ of from Body, a merHn day, was He On a[^4e turn silk, orange hackled fur; with hawk; T. Challinor,of probably one the hook. Newton of the most Wharfe, first brought this ffy avers that it is,bar and flyfor graytit^, autumn plain body rat's late Rev. the on expert fly-fishers my " scale. The " Hawk. water 0, Kendal Kyme, who, S the Francis,in The " Remarks. with orange the best killer. No. a a Body, splendid graylingfly. a stronglyon the " the swift,or a my themselves. 0, long shank, This steelyblue it is judge for whether However, employ. to I of body certain means with other. dubbed under smooth a hackled Derbyshirestreams No. no winged pattern, a foregoing. waxed; it is no the Needle. " fact,when earlyspringor Spanish ; hook Remarks. and on 17 in Dark brown a by am best pattern the flythan the hackle them. catch to days,either better by wrapping not how cold no and yellow quill, this is and certain green of crimson days I none, confess roust it kilts best sitk,and a head the with fovmed floss. by a 1 8 Grayling, No. The 4-" with Poult red fur slaty blue grouse ; Remarks. but the is As natural fly imitates has dubbed with neck ; dark is termed dressed as hackle a as harl There and the none correct cold the squirrel'sfur purple silk, dark legs from ; bullfinch's a its grass after "fog." It is substitute a the Body, " flyderives in short it is bred do of becomes from wing for the fly,but I from name time. hay excellent an No days. dull graylingfly,especiallyon will wing, a varied wire. gold which pattern. ling's star- a ; hook. scale. This North young body, weather heron's wings 00, Kendal Remarks." the silk any Black. Fog s.^The that a Yorkshire produce hue rusty a of wing the closely. very No. the with scale. in feathers birds as the of fine two or suitable soon hackled plain yellow a tum under favourite a them. yellow silk,dubbed 00, Kendal with young very shade. No. This few very from No. a catch to squirrel; a hook, with only are from dressed sometimes how Bloa."hody, feather " It is also and wings. other the fact This in autumn feather It is sometimes prefer the winged pattern myself. No. 6. legs, black small ; Remarks. take The " with Orange hackle hook. " This ; No. is Midge. Body, silk ;. orange wings, pale starling, very 00, Kendal a " minute scale. insect avidity during the latter part which of grayling August and Grayling, and When September. the how the to them. catih begin leaves it is better streams to down come dressing with the vary to 19 an body. apple-green No. dark Dark The 7." outside 0, Kendal No. Remarks. best No. 8." i excellent in the then with A I with a by No. good 9. " Remarks. very One ; (thrush's) scale. It do me was was on the a with nothing natural and efficacy, finished winged pattern is used up in results. satisfactory Olive Bloa. olive rabbifs whiskers wing; hook. of It water. an to who Cawood, I could but shown was legs, dark small hen's " fur squirrel's throstle's a Ambrose its A Dark silk ; water red risingfreelyat were basket. The tail,three cinnamon known, generallj' not when discovered coloured of from Otley Club the Derbyshirewith . pattern afternoon soon fly; , grayling,which fly. with Kendal 1 No. first instance on the autumn Wing.^-'BoAy, feather hook, keeper with jacksnipe'swing; hook, killer,nevertheless. September the Throstle " hackled springand silk, dubbed Remarks. ; days. The hackled wing a excellent dull coloured of FurfU."'Ro"s, scale. An " cold on waxed purple silk,well feather from and Snipe No. Body, " black or ; lead- hackle " ; wings, inside 0, Kendal Jackson'spatterns. A scale. good fly =^-h,Gi.)t.) on dull days, warm No. The lo." from September Willow Small them. catck to the to ^/v." with blue hackle, having golden cock's 0, Kendal Remarks. A " Hereford No. II. either brown trout Fly. " tail a blue quill Body, harl from feather, ribbed feather of cock's from best the grayling. or In water. hackle wings, ; landrail a buff on ; hook, scale. ^One " a hackle. same legs,ginger silk ; I, Kendal Remarks. with tipsj hook, any districts Cinnamon ruddy No. the pheasant's coloured the graylingflyon Worcester The cock a rat's fur ; hackled wrater noted with " of the scale. and is used body end Body, yellow silk,dubbed No. the htne and Grayling, 20 Best fiies September taken in for mild, showery weather. No. The 13." ribbed with with up grey cold When weather prime favowite. which No. to use 13." silver 'Rody, wire ; hackled hackle, having 0, Kendal RSMAjtKS." by fine a hook, Na Palmer." Grey sitt, all the way black centre falls October on flybecoBjes the is the ^mtter b"Ht weakeoed tkis fly is month "iliiring goldm b")wn it. """ SmaH ; scale. the hcHis" and a black ^W." Body, Grayling, and 22 the should droppers above, I will I have proved No. I. from the the No. the whole marked success in silk the No. The 2.-" Remarks. for a small " of ; the best. me that A hook, hackled hold I add is he A others, it the on of gold preferableto floss a and turn discoloured. Body, bright green " with soft silver grey a 0, Kendal may good kills in this is taken among be when it a scale. that is bred gentleman during September its twenty-fivefine grayling in the latter form reverend tirst rivers,and that I used It autumn. the ivas pattern among anglers insist aphis,which among a Insect. not I best leading favourite. Wool hook. No. does theory certainly tag is added, and ; a gets sodden soon Some green leaves than Green feather me tag. peacock's harl; hen's harl hackle, ; wool very Yorkshire Sometimes red the latter as the first time less no its agency. tinsel under bright red it gave the very Yore, I killed through the made soon 1878, and which remarks any peacock'sfeather a probably is gentleman Worcester those given scale. it into introduce to of fancy graylingflies. list of list Body, bright green " cock's ; tag, This " the efTective,with Tag. " 0, Kendal Remarks. from useful. moon bright red selected most Red " ilum. catch to give the dressingsof now The " be 1 consider that thereon hmv so ; a the caying de- but the red wool generallytakes Derbyshire tells great many trout byCtJD'.^l Grayling, and on this fly,minus it is Vymwy, No. 3. with feather fine flat and strand a 0, Kendal scale. The above Remarks. " He patterns. gold been Yorkshire kill so Wye, and No. 4. tinsel ; rivers I well as body of one such its found never hook, a tation repu- killingproperties Priceless " ; Halford's Mr. obtained the on hackle, honey the styled the floss orange Bumble." series the of Derbyshire Derwent, Dove The " floss sword dun Foster, and 5. A " feather The " fly,and " on a strand hackle, medium with the honey pure scale. David late Derbyshire rivers. ^ody, of claret peacock's blue dun cock's ; floss sword hook. scale. This is the the a 0, Kendal Bumble." with 0, Kendal Remarks. killer Claret silk, ribbed feather ; favourite of peacock's strand a with No. salmon- ~"oAy, with ; hackled hook. ; great good a Bumble." silk,ribbed hen's feather Remarks. Dun Honey coloured No. river, peacock's sword of Hampshire anglersfor that it has bumbles is that it has says among the 23 Welsh Body, " cock, wrapped all down No. No. the On tag. Bumble. Orange silk,ribbed dun On red catch them. to noted killer. a The " the fww one is a grand September exceptionto the and bumble ber Octoseries byGoO^lf Grayling, and 24 that I have also called the No. 6. Found brown has been Kendal Remarks. on almost the Mulberry Bumble. entirelycut of " the the remarks and forefinger.The and Mr. who Marryatt,of Salisbury, Bradihaw's " of neck a the how to using probably in thumb originatedby was is the by the coloured a best water " Norwegian 1 head " Leeds, is one anglersof 0, or Remarks. an Mr. Fancy, ^Body,copper-coloured (or wool),with No. wherever in before between and ; hackled peacock'sharl is due given be irresistible. to at 1, *),or flatten it well to pattern in the kingdom, dry fly-fisher silk the scissors ; No. that forwards nail 7. patterns the tyer is body drawing it backwards No. with away red- a which Floating Flies,and author The quillfor It is scale. splendidwork, them." is said river. any ginger cock's; hook. Another " Halford's the them. the quillof Corkscretv.^-'"QA-^, hackle, brown dress and catch to partridge'stail feather, from plume 00, kill to Ruby The " lunv Kendal it is used. excellent trout from the bright crimson tag, couple of of the turns same purple; hook. scale. most enthusiastic acquaintance. To creation the ; Henry Bradshaw, of the my crow feather a tying silk, dark ; Mr. a with of this Bramley,near and successful his inventive fly,which This, like of the flyin September. is green a genius "nailer" insect,is In fact it is the D,9,-7s"ibyGt) Graylings and of only one the red Mr. favour. length of patterns. I No. Z."Goideri hackled Cr/m'. with a crow Remarks. the On I of sunshine December it is then No. SiVvcr The hackle Remarks. " or Another flies to on use a in very good killer. during brief those brightenthe gloom frost and around snow Winter on Z^w?!." " flat Body, legs,lightblue ; Some bitterlycold Up snow. fairlywell; then one, with dun No, 0,. if not the^lateDavid the best,of the frostywinter's day, with day'sgraylingfishingon deep a patterns. times favourite doubt of sunshine. a is wegian Nor- a scale. wings, pale starling ; hook. ; beyond was tinsel ; of Bradshaw's river evenly laid Foster, and It at use scale. Kendal a other flyfor breast 0, Kendal any day, with silver tinsel gleams this the Mr. of which it,while effective. particularly 9." hen's from No. trial on 1890, killed situated. Pickering,this at always give it a a hook, ; Anglers' Body, plain gold " feather Another " Costa, gleams of wherever trout ordinary local the thoroughly recommend can graylingstream, any in with day a 25 knew ever Eamont, doing nothing with anglers were on the them. Yorkshire the on thirtytrout to twenty catch to tag series that I Bradshaw, Association's from hinv a to ten to day, years the Yore with mid-day the feeble ray of the ago above occasional I Masham. ground fish took for went the sunlightlit foot a worm up the =^-h,Gt)t.) 26 Grayling, how and catch to faitil them. landscape,and I saw flat below I immediately mounted and me, had the a fish the story I killed a hour, then the and worm with the No. nail and show to occasion Tag. Ibis alternate with Remarks." of rings of Mr. great favourite in south cock's there of long outlives that of either wool Yellow The " hook. No. " A very hackle ; tag, scale. a ever what- feather natural floss silk. Body, " lemon of bronze strand a a ; it kills doubt no the or with up 0, Kendal so yellow; streams is Bumble, colour, silk ribbed, with all the way thumb the 0, Kendal . hackled of strand and blue country chalk brilliant scarlet the Remarks. Tanfield at Marrj'att's patterns, and well elsewhere, and n had wrapped carefully on, blood-red a One that sky western ^Body,a " scarlet,Ibis feather; hook, No. equally flyin requisition. I into and forefinger, hackled No. this on the the curtail tail feather, strippedbetween macaw as in another upon Marryatts " To dun fly. same lo. again came equally good sport sank sun silver a good giaylingall dozen the on appear first cast. very less than the dimple blue harl ; cock's hackle ; scale. good pattern on the shire Stafford- streams. No. 12." The tag, broad cock's Gold Tag. " Body, brightgreen gold tinsel ; hackled hackle ; hook. No. with Oil,Kendal a harl ; blood-red scale. byG":)C)(^l Grayling, and 'l"hisis Remarks," but brightdays on of the sufficient when Red Tag the sunken. If the he the surface will,in nine they are are graylingwill the times, as I had I have autumnal the we our were sat stated Mr. All the with down pipes in been by sittingwas a at ; and once edge of of a me the Yore, lovely a plantationand to dition. con- could flywe one do to beautiful about on angling was hackle Opposite first was unable in island,and The the on It vain,and fishing of this were was silence. small we worm. water of best. Senior, Wm. fly or tried in solemn deeply gleam below system the morning the the when fly,either winged fishingwith Field,was day, and of had point at when previously, southern Every likelypattern think a his fish,unless practicalillustration a anything, either line the sunken at 10th, 1886. Tanfield. flies,but best faintest singlefloatingflyanswers editor of the answers short. very then that kingdom. used ten, hook of out cases hackled, and time be may tighten his should look a the of artificial generally taken not with fancygraylingflies of natural Fancy angler sees coming There at end season. flies are Fancy class is clear Bradshaw's or of river in for any water throughout the October 27 killer until the good very before, this I remarked best or a them. generally-knownpattern, a foregoingtwelve patterns amply As not catch to season. The are is how o'clock smoked where just above we It a =^-h,Gi.)t. funv Grayling, and 28 beautiful fish graylingflat,upon fullyhalf-an-hour had never his to even patterns of Tag the made first very cast ibis tail,and he was less than half-an-hour of them one The about of similar a killed other lost not the practising on art, Hampshire wading is seldom plan on find in inches such watch a streams masters their of very I if I master am the drag any and to the art flywith a have matter. taken to littleodourless the North the up your feat the eighteen some The whatever. whole but ; rise,lettingit float accomplish to, and carefullyinto deliver risingfish,then for yard above success, pool a perfectlystill,looking difficult part of the of that so in the found are wade depth, and Spot without as eddying flat,or an stand to and resorted best about In pound. a me, experienceI always angler generallyfishes kneelingdown and those four, and of three-quartfers the to of dry. for him. duly netted n-as it fished one a situation. the In is floating mounted he fast into had under was immediately set across he that lesson efl'ect of come I but sprang After dry fly. for expressed net, an which grayling, them friend and them, good down, sat over duns with tried we rod with obdurate not I had Suddenly my offer. try them to half-a-dozen fly before grasping his feet, and several At with an his intention Red which risingincessantly. were them. catch to stream, midwater, singlefiy over the latter is fatal is the Recently most several anointing the wings but parafitin, unless byGl.)*.)'^ hmv Grayling,and 3" excellent character. fisherman wrote he had No. used ever 2. the pinionor on the Derbyshire best the Wye, Dove, and Body, " tail feather of graylingfly Derwent. strand from a adjutant,stripped an edge only, by tearingdown flue with hand it was me the on well-known Adjutant Blue. The " One tell to catch them. to the thumb legs and ; and of forefinger tail,blue wings, medium the Andalusian No. starling ; hook, longer the left hackle ; flC,Kendal scale. Remarks. of Mr. One " splendidkiller during 3. Iron " in slate Blue dye, or the outside tail,dark Rem.^rks. and the " a blue. the a quillfrom Andalusian hackle 000, Kendal will kill of ; legs and tit wings, tom- ; scale. of when anywhere one wing,which coot's splendidimitation A " imitation an exactlythe rightshade blue a Body, f)eacockquill, dyed stripof hook, No. that one (A). patterns, and It is small feathers of will be found tail ; October. tint of the iron of the October No. Halford's the iron that blue, flyis on water. No. 4. " Nailer. The pig'swool, hackled bright red cut all round cock's to ; Head " all up and the body hackle, which the shape, i.e., hook, No. tail,brightred red 00, Kendal with must a be thick wards after- points cut off scale. byGtJDt^Ie Grayling, and Remarks." A the writer of by in appeared occasion one article an 31 stronglyrecommended which graylingfishing, on Angler, November killed nine he them. catch to pattern new The how 26th, 1892. brace of On good graylingby of it. means No. Dark 5. " undyed ; Autumn Dun. legs and tail,purest blue wings,snif"e ; hook. Remarks. best after the Pale with of One " heron's Body, " No, Mr. 00, Kendal Halford's Autumn dun Dun harl, hackle scale. Kills patterns. has ; been killed otf earlyfrosts. No. ft." Jenny white of with a ends ; Dun, and cream hackle cock's " worked ; fly is This is such tying silk hackle ; hackled hook, No. angler is completelypuzzled to fish are which he The fish not catch had were his coat Jenny Spinner. an the tell at Derwent it was sleeve Coming with artificial, that he ashore the at times what the the grayling him, but saw he on Chatsworth. at only when a Iron splendid work all sides of risingon on the on them, and of day's sport among a once settled dressed in his rising. Mr. Aldam, recounts with delicate littleflythat a both at 000, KendaV imago the the flymaking, undyed bristle, on of crimson turns tail,pale Remarks.- and formed " horsehair few badger Blue Spinner. Body, detached a he natural that it sat result that could was down he fly the and filled a =^-h,Gt)t.) and Grayling, ^2 splendid basket. the river Dove, day in I but The 7. " flank of paje buff that Littk ten with the years ago. opossum cock This is of imitation an ^nd is the friend. in company hardly ever months as and a I Mr. uses and he friend of mine who good deal a deadly fly on those streams. Blue the same Kendal Mr, 9. An me coot as his that he tells the three fish many fishes the Costa thai me Body, legs and excellent September, " told " in Test peacock's tail,hackle ; it is hook. No. dyed 00, scale. Halford's No, olive ; wings, pale ; Remarks." August, Olive. Winged quill,dyed pale October, and certainly kills Derwent Z." tail, pale watery floatingflyduring Yorkshire No. and the he 1891, other any A one. legs the Geoi^e Selwyn Marryat, fishingon was September, named, any of When from the prevalent during August, September my fur a scale. dun invention during trout ; on wings, palest starling; ; 00, Kendal Remarks." experience Marryat."Boiiy, cochin hook, No. them. similar a was Australian an caUh to had once about September, No, how bright October. fljs during is another of floss silk aboat the It patterns. In^n cokMxr and afternoon of lemoa Yellow. natural yeRow " Body, Russia leather, ribbed tying siHt; legs and with tai^ haw Grayling,and pale buff four cochin slate-coloured feather from wing,same is used as 00, Kendal Remarks. excellent most No. 10. Red " cock under for the of for one Ant. young a Poult Kendal hook, patterns, and well graylingas trout. as tyingsilk ; butt, orange peacock'sharl legs,red ; wings, palest starling ; hook. ; or grouse's Bloa ; Aldam's Mr. Body, " coloured copper head, three ; scale. Another " cock 33 tyingsilk ; wings,the pale of orange turns No. a coloured catch them. to No, game 00, scale. Remarks. A " first-rateSeptember flyfor grayUng ; will also kill duringAugust. No. II. Drakes " Extractor. olive floss silk,ribbed white cock's,dyed in the entire tail fan No. work 000, Kendal No, Given " inventor,who ra, silk ; was a Remarks. water, either " A hackle, dye, carried shoulder to down tail ; scale. Halford Mr. by It derives No. its in his standard from name the Hampshire fly-fisher. noted Dun. legs,ginger cock's starling ; hook, ; wings, pale starling;hook, Orange The " gold wire oUve green same; flies. floating on with fine lengthof body, from the Remarks. Body, pale yellow " " Body, brightorange hackle 000, Kendal ; wings, palest scale. capitalgraylingfly in during August or a clearing September. by 34 These river in Grayling, and how twelve are this patterns country, and to catch sufficient for any may be having been thoroughlytested by the and successful them. grayling fullyrelied most on as experienced fly-fishers. by CHAPTER A ND now the artificial winter until useless by superior better sunshine of April riverside the the they begin the the and angler mimic ber Decem- to fly once over back go it is time when is he and fitful showers summon cast to that is grayling October in taken taken I have November in February, until rod the After of fly,although September ; one killed all. middle the aside of best August those A lure. that an still ; and are until to with them is it course, during December, weather, of of then, these condition really first-class catch to opinion my also and maggot, In in ; and set means into get never has in open them the fishing. endeavouring even fond, viz., swimming winter, swimming fish grayling fishing of exceedingly am grasshopper handsome far I in worm branches approach we which of IV. lay to gleams again the of to rising trout. In should To me months golden the first the angler it is of days place not quite spring, of as the autumn. ask I would fish during enjoyable glory All of are the the as question, why winter during ? months fickle the midsummer, or beautiful. I the have byGoO^lf 36 fished on air has Grayling, and hundreds of been the slush filthy the in the and icicles to Maker your that you my friend. You may out of look fire and spreadaround, but knee-deep in Take my no window at the winter and I can boastingspirit that rheumatism This up to the what point,viz., important, bound first place allow flannel linen to year. The it the on to throughout Not bit of a huddle the as it, up to the white warm waded mantle as few can find to got toast. a winter every say what me to shirt with " for but in what out of perhaps clothingshould expedition. I most In change never the from undergarments throughout the entire winter collar knitted woollen your winter tell you Englishclimate the first,and this kind heightof follyto I advise as means. leads be when is I have " I graylingfisher, standing I have for it. thirtyyears, over the you flakes, well,so Nature as crystal water, the word shiver every deepestgratitude say ? you when rocks; when strong and of to sparkled with snowy the grey were Cold, do has " diamonds; the beauties year. town debt of the a pagne, cham- different very " feathered from owed be able to admire the whole been depended felt that you have snow like rays have twig and bough white the when glassof good a in the dismal sun's feeble them. brightwinters' days, pure found catch to as invigorating as when how do is so so. anglerto variable that I consider The wear followingis what : " A thick flannel attached, flannel drawers, a thick jerseywith sleeves,and over all a byGl.)*.)'^ Grayling, and 38 Now three yards, the gut, the drawn with exceptionof the be of 4 x, must of second with this,wrap or silk as used formerly to employ or illustrated, them The " top of the " cranked of the as that the gilttail but I during I find latter,as another to reason with false bites. keep myself. The the the out, or the head the bend is attached then your float to be I of the hook of a the top. of the eightor tackle side the colour The of natural head The The I upper cork tMl inches ten is is being hook considered. bite. should of the worm, complete. give three round generallyemploy, findingthat the best indication only fishing;I until the examples of this part of the outfit. kind the are head shank portionat out singleshot is the pointof below carefully up hook, and worms in this kind use any the bent A the the under On round-bend bent slightly termed, in order down, hang straight Stay, there is the which into their mouths be x, also shown, as hold, and must little way a by exposed. above it is latter threaded must shank of are be inserted secured wire x of 3 inches round-bend, them brandlings or preferthe and lose their i in its place. worm Small kind the of third thus causingfewer readily, more worm fine a not it is called. as adopted the fish take that the sneck-bend a I have years less liable to being the ten gut be formed yard x, and gossamer crimson should cast last sixteen the hook the last first 2 them. catch to for the tackle itself. The than less how it float gives part is red, varnished. byGoO^lf Grayling, and The float shown used pretty in the float in in the how water, book such useful. them. 39 is a pattern of the three centre The other speciallydesigned by " catch the colouringbeing the universally, former. his to as of the It is not the with Mr. the foot of a as long wedge is Pritt,and grayling." same In weir, this adapted, however, a illustrated rough foamy float is very for smoothly glidingwater. It may be taken as a general rule that from sixteen byGoO^lf Grayling, and 40 to is the eighteeninches the float; the bait bottom, and for If the trout. absolute water, when past the best with heavy of months feet in depth, or a is stream bait and to where ways. and in at wade to the swim stickingto the proceeds I well recollect ten years ago, the well-known on knows the the day, and autumn such float an Hawes in take a instance the different a varietyof a second, before, but the Yore. professional angler,was the bite,and wary which the are you quitea as it is cast little above only stops for course rest fishinga where it in frequentlykills on if the and a below a gregate graylingcon- of throw two dips into end worm also its the bottom the that spot, at but one, usuallythe method down They trout. practisedhand best The water. be taken may underhand an Sometimes then or muggy are Here several standing.Graylingtake to warm of rocks ledge a The float with manner worm higher. coloured slightly gravellybottom. allowing it you, a an in the also, long gliding flats,about ; disturbed. not on grayling during together,and are either is much rough rocky streams winter with clear,frost is days take was the Hshing worm littlecolour a fix to from bad exceptionally an rainfall and abiding places hole certain on I made tails of The if there is been basket six inches and the temperature has season swim which at considerablyfrom but necessity, maggot them. depth river is low will grayling catch to correct should differs so kmv fish at occurred by last. some James Blades, watching me byGl.)*.)'^ Grayling, and fish the and middle of how I had Bainbridge. Suddenly bites I just recorded. except the loss of the entire swum carefully the story short, six each other and the the the fine a fish is the swim, and the drag of he raises follow to making hand a the grab If the gently at without jerkingit out novice, not a hooked contrive hook take to without even complete mystery a with dodge anglerbe the the of the old an end of down fisher, the swim throw. next of way these it rises with at it justas presence breakage at bag, and graylingwas bait all the sharplyfor suspecting the quickly,and absolute always similar a time I selected next favourite very the float. his is the cut simply gazed they off float under To find in my lb. \ How worm Another me. cunning out I could trick,for of taking the to The ultimatelylanded. whole We other. worm Ditto. disappeared in worms result no " of Baitingagain,I place. same the wrist my worm. in astonishment. smallest very that did after one manner, the the over Hawes of the kind one turned 41 between stream, half way a them. catck to a A fish,pulls fine tackle certainty. =^ is an CHAPTER I T for with bait certain a maggot fishing seeking after would to Siilmo and Iishing but wilt the tapered bend the end cast, wrap The the quill; the running gliding water, flats or very worm well, ferent. dif- somewhat a three-yard 2 No. a two with of other latter purpose shewn, are of celluloid red, and reel, rod, sneck- scale, using white Kendal I recommend catching for of the purpose. of is is the of being silk floats posed com- ivory tips coloured cork and porcupine in effective most and shapes one ; work advised float and fj reference same the answer gut hook, have I To for The liking the of still my art I contempt without the great my other any much fish, but of tackle of of complete that that too Thymatlus. line, grayling use savours branch this of amount coarse be not for the view to account on iishing worm inclined am be perhaps, may, V. the celluloid tail end of rapidly one in streams. byG":)C)(^l Grayling, and One single shot Some experts with be to use how used, while maggot threaded another impaled through consider the animation in thrown but this think the the to from myself that after known be made, flood" I have of both of truth I cannot mills suitable particularly is be fishing, I never eagerlyas so such at been should best of all in and trout ling gray- amount neighbourhood of for this a I have times told,with what say, that the I gives more sparingly. then and point: roach is taken maggot baskets it in as very August, and phenomenal to done a the on 1, one hook, maggots time, to the after clearingwater few No. say the best, as A only be must worm bait. fishing. advocate of head the plan time others the 43 worm hook, shank the up latter in as still smaller a single maggot, a catch them. to com styleof grayling fishing. The grasshopper is not, agilelittleinsect meadow grass, a as size about No. scarlet ; Another stripsof small a On : " is about anything Limerick a scale, is wound 6, Kendal wool supposed, that artificial bait which an follows be hopping see you sphericalform a Berlin green but may largegooseberrythan It is made wire in that as ; over with a the more sembles re- in creation. bend hook, lead some this foundation wrapped, in broad bright tag of ribbingof yellowcompletes the monstrosity. pattern is straw as down trianglehook, above, with the addition each side of No. 1, Kendal the of bait,and scale,attached two a to byGoO^lf Grayling, 44 a loose The thread of gut the is the following rod is the to modus three-yardgut This linyfloat to detect as the sink and a best lure,and four maggots the on on answer well so tried it on Derbyshire, but Leinwardine limited club number place in this it,as it feels a as heavy weight play him you can, as quill the bottom. be must wrist. which hook of three singularfeature the and that members in days the at the someone end not to him of yet it is only large so a come about suddenly hung line. into the disturb the mistake on large a that ones no had your fish it When year. bait,there is though also in rule in the famous a can a hopper "grassstreams. without that there is ing, eddy- creases greatlyin- does success, the fish this to addition the so worked An the Worcestershire as boldlyand get so of rivers and of lure)takes inch pered ta- ordinaryway, most grayling{and they generallyare at a all the Yorkshire the Teme deadly on it of the The of angler when graylingstreams no " I have the tip of end touch to it is said that the its attractiveness. of it is that an line fishing. worm the to then ; action is the curious waterproof silk show to stiffbamboo A in the as ground draw swirlyhole or used not bite,but a bait touches with is grasshopper." for bait the " " about cast, and allow exactly to fine a is attached "grasshopper" fixed operandi: recommended one them. catch to length of the generallyused, and similar The how and net rest After as that soon of the of the hole. by as pants occu- by DAYS WITH THE GRAYLING. by by OF A there is .such RECOLLECTIONS SPORTSMAN. In I really beginning AM My he past men he long list of He knew. your angling somewhat the series of him when from grayling, as to there can fish at often open the is have up his goes a contributed to by "and saying, he and Tweed to account is of a day high waters, tend at- he instance, a turn in the against out is thinking of six or the at county When certainty. war wage one fool sets flood a for What always If, for Yorkshire ever of which a-fishing. to as luckiest the enumerated way circumstances usually only all,on often for aiany me of one and to me London soon told luck. as perfectly exasperating." adverse he be winds always is has which converted journeys goes he " to me that disappointment Spinner has luck has he of circumstances belief, but heavens world Red " believe to considered that the this friend good years in thing a Frost. First THE the mon, sal- that else he there byGoO^lf Recollections 50 is whatever water no leaves in the he rain in that the on fate once ; and of cold. all at events had selected "a right'un," the to what he To day, however a of Cara " and as which children not go I it form was the me to in is correct my " had Wednesday asked against it, and had a guarded informed couple answer, me for Friday on a in the that she musical smoking concerts what could home, that manded deI do delight? evening, however, if I could ginning, be- going graylingfishing previouslyascertained from intense the at say, the first place,the condition friends she of were absence ing night for a I could friend my dinners, lectures, or express in, and gave In Sposa some my On the weather invited evening ; but with hand, it lengthcompelled at intention no and my neither the other long beforehand, that as week. particular water had on the says. commence, second by incidents conclusion I bad that the and from heels up though as him regards fishing;whenever as this article have subjectof come that year run Halford, friend prevented Now, flood a arranged to and as begins to it heralds I joinhim to days, and day which by layinghim us attack wrong, sixth intervened, and reallyseemed had the when lastly, Hampshire more severe of for six manner persistent accompanying a Sportsman. a speak to evening of Monday into down of him accompany of days a with viz.,that the friend called the foUow- on grayling. I I should send him byCtJD'.^lc of Recolkaions later; and word the whole I could not reasonable o'clock would on wife I p.m. with and which he had gone turned obliged beds had looked to come journey,it and as I had station a had ; but opinion that which miles' but going; one no " hope angler'sbreast" buoyed hit number platform,at in I found me, frost,and When two. the end place a the with had an and by myself. go afternoon matters drizzlingrain began I was a steady downpour, to to set out daughters expressed a lunatic which me I definite in- on drive,after a certain railway would fog that the Lucky the on first stage of my rain and in I started. stepped out the dream ever springs eternal up, and of the of the A time my but thing some- conveyance to Thursday on reached, was that saw as decided increased seven of his head, Saturday,if possible,I on content by six,at that I say shirked, and anything but hopeful. and fall, behind be not four o'clock nine friend arrived shake once any important engagement engaged, I my of be to been About to one. by to my doleful I at an wrong; that could up the greeted me, promise was from feel if and note a morning'.However, the scene, emphasis sentiments,as my send to explained hit number angler should, an able was next go of I friend would Lucky with quite agreed 51 laid great my him. accompany home and case, disappointmentthat wife My I reached facts of the the upon when Sportsman. a railway journey, I had left deep blue sky,brightwith stars, a hard ground dry and like iron. Words could byGoO^lf Recollections 52 not express assured. a for delight, my overnight, my lasted The drive delightful one, before almost we think , I The morning. visible with it is in out It behind. a the their base snow, stood was set wading stockings, river I found soon bite I my rod of until severingly walked at time last Another same scene size brisklydown a feel that long in but of action. The colour, and The apparent, a fish,which This I knew from so not resulted in of him. come, patching desmy streams sure fished on was perience ex- per- three-quarter pound grayling hour passed, and joined his comrade, to of white donned now made would white I got to work. I hooked ; cloud a one very Then vengeance following firtrees, which having firsttwo the I had a that the landed. for the I greeted mantle not was graylingwas of blanks. comforting with the I bed. summits makes togetherand was escaped just when about out obtained, and the blankest was not just the right height and proverbialfickleness a blue, hearty breakfast,and a very that awaited as the with dark day a was glass of to on against the be alive. luxury to then loftyhills,their such A keeper, who azure fine relief was fact. blind clothed was journey'send lovelyscene a my up sky anywhere, of the such morrow the pipes,and two things sharp frostyair at the of state the the were with chat or only this on aware I drew as eyes my we beheld never if through were arrival,one Sportsman. a success and something hot, a my of the end of a then another after which fir I plantation byGoo^lf RecoUections 54 The water. another proves determination with my my given were the begin to object,and your I become Had only with a stick to disgusted early part of the day, 1 should and home, gone up, freezingharder is who damped reallygood a missed so And astonished in my again, and but the liked none Never I was so the much splash of rain-drops when though fine I arose, I apparentlyfreezing, saw chance my blue sky,brightsunshine, and yesterday's keen been daunted, and On take well three landed. forth I I as soon lost in were the rain,like that of Once worth in mackintosh rain day they candle commenced before your and ? " but a face no one was soft,warm sharp icy shower and partlywavered But to short, they came began again,not Aprilor May, and of graypeculiarities ling. rapidsuccession I hatted the of the be going to not was started, but by wind, making again. I and sallied,clad this unfavourable as Fog ; but example Then driven gone. dominant another " had mist of sway big day frost had waders He held another where life to hear earlymorning ; prophet, rather weather righthe proved. ten but the landlord, ever, " At day. next than feelingsby saying, my look of it" in the for expectations my o'clock it was game is That : also opportunity. Great and do. you ill-luck in the probably have viz. basket accomphsh to it while closelyto splendidday's sport maxims, good a Sportsman. a this of of my make to way result of ; I tingle ears : had "Was come the to byGl.)*.)' Recollections catch kept picking them rod, and trudged the nothing on through the that set evening at off on my o'clock p.m. mud. as a that Never than inn, and after the return proverbial had appeared did I' did a I welcome on total catch substantial consisted with of a arrival my journey,reaching Leeds grayling,weighing 31^ lbs.,and happy blood line,disjointed my miles more slippers My three previous evening,wearilyenough the rain and fire and warm three the unto my up flesh and then longer; like no there I until at losingthem ten, and rat," I wound drowned as it stand could " basketed 55 and Here have. or up Sportsman. a fish I would fish,and o'clock I had of dinner at ten thirty-eight that I king. by was as Cawood. Ambrose A " /^OOD fell that on Pool of on the speaker. old hale, hearty-looking beard, standing white knee breeches it once have This forms My him, river and both at to " them Ambrose this and hours little they used explain care, of eldest two of he evening hundreds saw clad was coat and I patriarchal a He his to all with meeting first my round velveteen watcher, perceived not with tention at- my ; I in at saw ashore came to him. subject the summer many river with was brown a the was word a and stream and Wharfe, bank. voice, in the deep fellow, July warm cheery a Turning the on soft, a sport, I had my sport?" much in knee river the on of spoken wading was rivetted approach close words, Bridge, being a I ear. having ye the above the are ; towards was my above the sir evening, It day REMINISCENCE. I cottage and best were girls about individual reminiscence have seek the his I friends, and in his company. particularly were and on the infant little trout fish of fond banks and company, the his spent tha"^ from ; of who of the would he under " his quite were by RecoUdlions household to The words. strangers, but acquaintedhe about of to old years with Hon. Sec. well Mr. P. told occurred Mr. collect to the who stand at while the other one into the fish down the in to beat the being duly attended the percentage missed in was one responded, we " of Nay, will gang in the his once catch stand a be are moods ye Now the where highly was in the net always hev net upstream proposed that to good supply a result first attempt. higher up," fish the beats and Ambrose P. my trout holding the being found I think of the party has The there which mysteriesof P. made him. funny nay, those water to, Mr. place,as same To to there would to beck stream despatched down small of one the trout satisfactory, twenty-three trialof the a order Mr. knew spawning fish,and ; him, dull November one into the ova, net. of here place, laughed heartily Otley. ascends experiencehe water in near place in certain off ova that say obtain to a trout uninitiated are which started Wharfe, breeding,I. may these that at followingepisode that the me graylingin understood I and volubility Pratt,of Otley, Association anyone, Ambrose and readers from friend and well was " into from trout reserved : evening runs as he the greatest watcher, and as 57 very whom the Angling Ambrose perhaps, as He the to employed when by. My was with talk with would gone man anyone his achievements the Sportsman. a The a ; another certain old low fel- evening,and dun Mr. enough P. knew byGtJD^If Recollections 58 there was obstruction an mentioned, and further Sportsman. a in the endeavoured companion, who, avoid of him good here," said Ambrose, nae entirely againsthis below gang arrival wish This again." halt caught, a landed, when were Ambrose broke tell yer I watchers notable had in my the work, and I stranded river's bank of work the night incredible,consideringthat he Upon to number of low, and favourable the night of watch trout there to a and stream no the strictest absolute an three ; in fact, the weeks poachers. his- death, where The did amount almost of sixty-three years was moon, the 1887 for July and, 1888, there grayling. The being his at performed during that period was he up and fish became Ambrose pace of season one much so be found alwaysto was river with take to one exceedinglylow, ran that say abnormally hot the the almost over found never after sat fine fish experience of necessity. Night he were Nae, didn't " words, I must time, but During river Wharfe age. their upon twelve let's P.'s infinite amusement, considerable exceptionI interest in his watch with out " ; so." have post. Mr. to been twenty-threetrouts time It's " it had come done, and This made. was to The ditto. one they had was the his to P. went. though as that the spot where on Mr. blank; second a point inexorable, and was parleyingwith the at explain this to however, iirst trial resulted in stream the old a was river was night man was had great very one com- byGl.)*.)'^ Recollections plained during the day relatives tried not to a of not they might "Leave them Sportsman. when evening well have as 59 feelingwell, and him persuade go, but rock, of to of graylingto themsels,nay, nay,"was his only response to less than an old his for midnight vigils hour ruined after mill he breathed bank, being struck by Poor leavinghis old Ambrose the last flows that well ; no than beautiful ! No usual that of shadowy glidinggrayling,no the Great all be ready as when Watcher you as over soul by the life that he performs his duty, then of the man that and me alas ! us river's with some as I feel wilt be the sure : " when may we the time I believe with religionis best and the or And at so more to come, were you ; and true leads Almighty Judge the loved us lusty trout more, down heart a the on of to the I believe that all my good and both beckons us stricken were by which alongside point out specimen fine time, for in shall I ramble more stream will you more he apoplecticseizure. an meadows through the daisy-dotted you a care ; and littlecottage his last to take and out came spoken trout went his manner shown in which that the verdict Well done, faithful servant." by thou Christmas A [ OFTEN wonder which "The and ; of my pages in have are like a how details connected years while events time of pages and yellow day date, recent The did naturally therein they the so, appertaining were for to was that is as he angling, who earth, is very trifling most have happened of yesterday occurrences which of are some forgotten. the in but early portions, the memory in my fresh written. my whom It the matters, faded, of name of the like diary, my face seem almost are ink the noted when they " the things important " more with ago others remembers the happy of eyes. it is over many some my so that and before perfectly one general return, over dream waking curious twenty wide and of events year revert turning comrades, to never far scattered with past hence gone come the in remains den, the diary, the should fact my of people mind the I sit in as anghng days spent but time the by the days, to-night, that at termed Season," bygone to why, usually Festive much so is Reverie. not my and did W. N. mentor I not of the on the at that as frequently How cousin mind appear, in form are alt my and things first byCt)*.)'^! Recollections 62 tinted line with into for great excitement on his, I witnessed trout wandered up about dish of from on eighto'clock in the eighttrout From and inseparable, by the or Euclid, more was we be to in were to away my the heart many, he grayling, many shook hand my bank there. I fatallyinjuredin for several ^ain I cheery voice the can see of my had we trout and time, depart* situation in again, as far away he from was his friends if sentimentality those will come, the handsome dear pursuitof last free to match, and, after lingering it foolish tears in was N. ; sad W. after,when him saw football Call were supposed were remunerative I sit thinkingover as angling career once a I minnow we Poor for the a weeks, he died relatives. like,but never and study of Virgil flyor years ing to Australia,to accept and in the river. happy days of pretty a realitydiscussing(to us) far beloved our spent hundreds a cousin deadly,when most seen. condition. whether important questions, prove on ing another, finish- eveningwith my deep of pound ever occasions, when many head-master to likely rush on beautiful a to pink of day two or first I had in the memorable that minute stream one bent perfectcoolness capture of before,the mentioned as We the tightened supple rod a part, and my then His aAer instructor my and draw. and gracefulcurve, a excitement moment, a steady a Sportsman. a signof no his hand dropped the ; with water of earlydays and I friend,who, let in my fancy face and us you hear that the hope, is byGoo^lf Recolkdions in that now of unknown Sportsman. a land where 6j all is peace and rest. Then, there whom upon fished with anything at certainly ever a better the I have basket ; then him a to truant employ throughout the Bloa, Snipe Bloa, be as with tested have that size,I Dick his Smith I turn above them of two the joined or his few more memory over on a other famous pany accom- in many his say he would as His special Waterhen Purple,Dotterel series of bodies. fail. his to I should Orange, a experiencewas knew never forgethis names the ing admir- first lessons my many and various-coloured I would season. Yellow, Yellow-leggedBloa, and hackles and ones. Snipe and Dark spend to winged fly, all a entire Woodcock were many fish after fish receive as I suppose, movements hackled varieties would dozen and in order day was fisherman a Many " added used being to seldom very school^or, close of the seldom patterns favourites he cottage fiy-tying. He that the at to his favourite which good Yore, from played He as or wont artificial fly,and him, watching his skill with the Skell once, with day about angler veteran were awe. the stayed away at say to but time that line upon threw time feelingakin a Smith, a youthful Waltonians we with look Dick old was partridge Since rivers,and then am It is many years I I vinced con- for,varied correct, majority,but and in since shall never teachings. pages, and come anglers,who across always the were byGoo^lf Recollections ^4 to be and found mind field,the only the service any above-named weir. the had and Bruce Arms, when Bellerby in we " try that,John ? killer that on know, but so and the we I had "They did take it days when fished o'clock all and there " day, in the and Another To it every was not flyin have back from again friends,since then. well-known Ripon angler was cutler. always rightly, only use, cost He and me our hardly books, was Tanfield pannier full my I you usual a That added. I walked tramped sport, outofcommon," my that I almost trout, made was railwayto no the great of " about he right," and the John," our replied, he evening with umbrella-maker I recollect "Old Whatever Nay," times many Tentporamutantur^ rod tried two length below and asked, knowing " other produced such flyhad water. be myself splendid basket thoughtwewouldgive'emsummat Masham, an Dibb told the Down-looker. were Oak disappointingday, very Mr. a inquiringwhat on the in the little parlourat came had Tan- and the familiarlycalled. was astonishment, each and knew friend the on tea our at day a ever A experienced a having were of village,and were immediately generallycalled, to Yore. worthies We I it is as the on fishingabove were when Dibb W. " of them recollection occasion Down-looker, Fly, or as mention John Bellerby.The my Sportsman. a fishingexcursions togetheron brings to of of made in and Ripon, after to the nine lid. Lowther, for me the which, although,if three half-crowns,I byCt)*.)'^! of Recollections would rod tnan adept at built. ever was round ; he the the point wonder And so could I continue be or the fishermen how much so the leaves turningover of in that weather-beaten of one a incident some ragged flyor mind the strugglethat angling began there If tarnished a a be would I term bad, ignoresdiscomforts to put up I fishing, with say a The If that of the man is also the the thing every- reminds mere sightof bringsto ago your with pleasures of capture of fish, of the sport to-morrow. angler,namely, never sport be good or weather, and is willing inconvenience an from years the born it is tion, conversa- fly-book;but many with sport. how be evoked impatient whether or weary ended termination a is what man grows and tute consti- looking volume fish. history togetherthat they can had fact,a beloved artificial bait you in the of earnest old I living. of the our another. or exceedingly heavy some of He there, and memories come an see into the Vore. understand interest can just below water These for hours subjectmatter fancy I filled with charm great a infinitum; anglingcannot of couple find can ad could extent of traducers of is stillin the land if he great a a I was I resided that angling experiences. to when flows time goodly-sizedvolume The and worm, the Skel! where Ripon during the my fly; he alt- good a was fishinghis favourite bit now, of Lowther fished the seldom swimming him often 65 cane exchange for the best five^uineasplit not that left Sportsman. a a to insure a lover of Nature day's ; to byGoo^lf 66 Recollections him the that ground my at an door room and sisters her, and and travels and Sportsman. over in there is excite him. is thrown flushed inspectthe a book, and a end, for I hear dancing eyes come he is his attention attract is riverside of by tree my pen must to reverie my littlefeet,and begs of that mother decoratingupstairs. There are of little fairywith a cheeks, who Christmas yard something But the patter of open every is no me to and denying be laid aside. by A Day November T^HE historical with mind one's is "Fifth" it the as anniversary I grayling fishing to in crackers, squibs, and I shall but of the always ber remem- remarkable most experienced, ever associated generally bonfires, (in Yorkshire) ginger-bread, Test. the on or am day's likely ever do. I had read that Test, when, mind, received days invitation the famous the afternoon of the the route for have accompanied wished It time two many is us the about passed hours' saw sport run quickly enough enthusiasts points of get of and up last who is arranged, I a left in off at his the usual few at the at crop en to was the last station, and cheery to Stockbridge, in fishing talk, but for together it is quite astonishing interest on Waterloo prevented us a and "Redspinner" was I ber mem- try a my year, spend to the shire Hamp- make to have soon H. but however, two and action. us, best him, 4th, H., Club, were of scene He, moment. friend with the October Houghton Preliminaries grayling. inhabit long in from Stockbridge at that take not morning one an of it did concerning much so grayling and trout moqster heard and style. the when how up. D,9,-7"ibyG00g Recollections 68 Ah " ! here The last-named, Field. West' hon, that within a ensconced in quarter of cosy a excellentlycooked " not in the worm one graylinghave " Finallyit was the to With such requiredno and were meet " served were of the but an the ploits, anglingex- whole country), his much morrow. flylately," at I think hole you if you will land try a good a a start long wide was street. drive train to settled, was up needless me, in the morning, in light. The frosty,a typicalgraylingday, so form by come there ; after that before prospects in excellent I should and retired. we knocking H. friend our us long before it was o'clock one of past done arranged that cigar,and more awake us remainder plansfor hatch Mill, and Horsbridge and one of so two." or down The remarked, bottom three doing justiceto West" our West South "South the throw, Mutiny (throughthe discussed we lastly, of able real comfort- a stone's a the to all readers the and room repast. campaign "The but tinued. con- club, and the Vine, hour an tales of the Indian and of spent in reminiscences evening was of which sec. the is hostelry, old-fashioned introduced to my us," he meet was is familiar plume the station to From to I moment is the who de nom 'South next Sportsman. a last,"suddenly exclaimed at are "and companion, whose we of for our effected. During day to fact I broke that both breakfast,and say, I was sharp of by nine Stockbridge consists the race week, and us of the byCt)*.)'^ Recolledmis 70 lad Callinga asked we in a in an him who if he very short I should something he you hook But I had H. one of landed or two to use red wee far I could as hooked. chalk then stuck there. H. and and returned might not hatch the pounds. three to the inform else and the fun him above water took we our began. touch, so stand on The required At third attempt the first swim something heavy in the taken was went to the bottom grand sport ensued, grand the Half dry land. the to Carefullywas his friends and could liking. Then, my of a down I took fish " hatches, until the stream our line minutes subject. kindly shut I felt that down Ten sojournon nothing stream. cleverlynetted two of the float Judge, with the the on two to was Twenty yards of first rush, and when doubt topped the float,and went the Costa on miller,who pool certainty." to a you regulated the other the H., gut cast, "for if will break the them, and Hampshire down Then score master, fine drawn my expressedmy interviewed depth, so the yard, gilttails,and a you, running through was adjustingmy and few a with two-pounders running through was the mill this,"quietlyremarked fish he good a water a us returned than stouter tackle,and and on get strongly advise critically examining The standingin was could time Sportsman. a old lobster tin. " same of between trout he hatch unhooked so that he relatives of his an hour porary tem- passed,but accordinglycrossed the firstswim opposite bank. down I was into byGl.)*.)' Recollections styleof 1 1 his oz., and within him hid the justas rest !" Ah " fish,"I the grass. "South about to weary wet a line,in fact unselfish most whole to land the trap two that lb. so tackle it run to together. wants my above, I landed three to times. pounds With such dark spent another parlour. In from the to see able enjoymorning "Redspinner" saying and " pect ex- five o'clock At gettingtoo and M. was companions two disaster. down from landed utterly impossibleto was inn one two three work the cosy other the to it was as struck to My put their rods never broken tel^rams, intended, the covering un- November ; the smallest i oz. varying from arrived,and unable H., pool were one oz. every fish without evening in was may by detailing memorable addition was longer,we said spiritthey attended In day. weight,and came you of well in so readers my largest2 lb. 6 extremely fine any done man?" these, old grayling weighingzz eightlovelytrout in brace something; have of the sport of that lb. 8 oz., the the were visible and left two observingthe to lb, i appeared in sight. done ; suffice to say that from a be to the by once, three. intend not the whole never H. on have glad you how I do twelve at lai^erones even West" exclaimed, the other day tell 71 time." a "And In four yourselffortunate consider short could hour an on he am Sportsman. a play. Duly netted, he proved laid beside he I good grayling. That a I of join us, as he had princeof dry flyfishers byGoo^lf our as that he intimate to " wandered the second and was I wished day, for and trout hole pen that Francis " spinner have and has pencil. It termed gracefully triumphs,and it was on September day, when, " littleabove the shall fish bridge is the archives of the club containingthe tome M. sport. I saw an a rod and anglerwho line. him. To else, I know angler,so him many no hazy and M., remarked !" more A therein may shape of ponderous a a be found happy day's then, for the firsttime, anything he one liked with in my men many with half the time, sweet is a privilege.It allowed providence made within the past him and only by was to if for pleasure,and a that that I have was and is know I so Red- sportsmanlikefeelings, possessed acquaintanceof that " as it fishinghut, the crystal never the H. the met thankful am below H. and more, do made of no could I have true or disposition, with details of many truthfully say can shallow last time in the joinedus, soon depicted with author, company lavingits very steps, and stream born in the one bridgeitself, the old us chance about him, achieved up his line for the pathetically,I but I the on Francis, angler and has he reeled was greet good fish, up been often so Several showing in day morning of the on rest. a to give the flya to were grayling, Sheep Bridge,which both littlesunshine a the spend to leisurely upstream let the hatch both Sportsman. a coming was There company. we by of Recollections "J2 witness me a thirty years others the thing no- whom to intercession his marvellous byG":)o^lt " Recollections of which he steeplecast," by towering hke line shoot thing a of life. left-handed then ; then under his This Hampshire Ashing M. on would without then the last It is not the 7th On then saw the the fish opinionthat 1 had 2 lb.,I will go we " third swim. the yet at Horsbridge, evening and seen think." such the angler sees an 6 lb. 9 oz.,'but the case, was Pool on one the on and upstream the over, was and try with and spot where I hooked fifth," when morning, next more H., standing on turn he Mill the stand my 1891, Just have " grand sport on at two the details. : Taking better. respectively. memorable long life that a November, arrivingat and worm, our landed oz. littleinn clean Of the H. lb. 3 graylingweighing two remarked H. in often of z to day. are briefly these in the and oz. rail ; another by home 10 else. said less fish,I couldn't, and and capture of the not day, ; and Yorkshire anything second feat same flyfloating perfectly. from the rustic tea a going the his back the case then it floats Uke when flybehind the worth see, air,and performed in each 1^, i lb. goodly grayling, Then he threw was to in the the stream, Then 73 keep twenty yards of can corkscrew a midge-flyacross a Sportsman. a fish I had the fly." such something heavy the I weir beam, expressed my something largerthan anything hp nonchalantlyremarked, "About I do nothing literally for thought differently, with him. For fullyten I could minutes byGoO^lf Recollections 74 he kept over on " Sportsman. a quite out the top revealed No " his what is the roll a splendidproportions. Did " triumphantly, attemptingto but did was, I " companion. he then you " use said my and sight, of Now, then," I exclaimed that ? see float the of when saw wish not biggestgraylingI deceive have to any you hooked unnerve ever longer," you seen him He you. ; now do take of the struggle care." minutes Twenty tackle fragile the had we wall to below water, resort the he I did H., and weigh ? " for the the came The balance fullyhalf for a beautiful that the to and I above " landed an sat we hour. nearlyembraced him we on above try for one floated down of them, but " Now After sode epi- the smoking proceeded upstream Just above it we could sucking down large fish leisurely eddy he oz. water. the weir beam Island, shallow,and gravelly does 3 lb. 9 that on on Then the bank. "What question of voyage depositedon I believe in the the spot, and another on the on deep net proclaimed spot called the Boot four the off give way, lay down H. capture of the three-pounder ! described me lifted out say. and fish towards start largestgraylingever the or to afraid that was chafed sank and led the I cannot I ever. strategy; weir was then as the end become to about was discoveryhe AVhat would graduallyI justas to far off apparentlyas was so passed,and to I them. was see a three every insect H. wanted simplylaughed at byGl.)*.)'^ Recollections the " idea, and Sportsman. a gold-ribbedhare's ear,"and he did The fish naturals throw. as though train,and and Up I after him going under a graylingof Alas ! foot with Club the and fish have a justone of the net. like Over netted express an hedges two fish the him, a shall I tread for the first of on ceased always remain shall beyond to a paid green the age always remember Mill, " Boot was handsome weight. visits that I have if I live lot, next the banks of exist,the Island," and to whole that district spot in my allotted the to hatch that that January, 1893, The ever, will,howand memory, the life of man, hole memorable at the length having been purchased by the StockbridgeClub. two little novelty. The a then, just as bridge,I more gloriousstream, Houghton quite tumbled 3 lb. no bi^est the came have to rushing downstream was stile we a takingthe they would him prevailedon fly was the H. moment I a tantalizing. After, perhaps,twenty casts, H. got disgusted,but more mount them, which most was artificial before^the justas to float it over result 75 put down, but continued not were of. none bit perfection.The to him prevailedon last I at of I Houghton November day- by Christmastide the among Grayling. "yHERE are great a keen their favourite tints of after of of chill is laid aside swallows are Now, in its sultry and to garb Of summer. so the search of sang the admire like more in the to icicles depending trout of the very of from our pure different large boughs of of and plied in but j towns and the trees or art place in you ling spark- black the " ferent difare snow, the a or ferns your their white to the spring flowers, you until beautiful are mosses, rod eaves. as verdant wild as the beauties leaves, you surface streets its many-hued diamonds" found the the then quite soon mantle again is turesque pic- as white among country course, keen-eyed the hand it is in green the are which once as first winter, of in of green but autumn, taken the mind, my winter's birds can not tender the the approach twittering kind" gone, the banks the correspondingly the and ingly exceed- are as in and in sets heralds snow in or summer November long so clothed are early spring, foliage as sport rivers who anglers many slush sparkling overhanging byCt)*.)'^! Recollections 78 world last to in " in have the Monday took morning train friend " Watchet," the higher up of have to the on insisted,in his heartyway, accepteda half in less than and were " on of the looking up tail end of into down I had not put we a an in fair condition him in also a a together. I and which about four time me. Which when of at feet in busy playing a the " my the graduallyran I was to work swims was I right-hand bank, stream, yards above trout, and he " for this class of sport, few taken par- waders our dozen for had company, I commenced eddying pool a I joininghim. fish the to long rough warning, and bargained take ? river,and made his house at donned rods our elected the miles seven colour," I remarked will you water good my the river. Just rightheightand as a.m. leavinghome, him had 8-25 with some my bear must exception. although upon we to way "Watchet" gave hour day before justto tea an our companion, side of cup ale," and at I arrived meal square cakes being no Wharfe, When myself Everything a at following one last,and at breakfast,and at good a arrived valley. him I found " of festivities Pool at the fragrantweed. end, Christmas an I settled and Day But adjuncts. readiness,and consumption the Scotch," and Sportsman. a necessary spend Christmas to assistingat I these procure everythingwas down of depth. little float the 6 oz. year. I trout, had not however, and threw The beginning to next get fish was impatient, byGl.)*.)'^ Recollections there when the next white he "Your escape. remarked, the word to my your first fish.) Five my basket This not was I fished the This drew I will next the to hour an above not exactly9J caringto weary readers my day's sport, o'clock lbs. I continued I had I could fish it the long properly. river oppositeside. twice time more but most I there up, well killed ; but not fever for the to the say, grayling,weighing twenty dusk relatingall let it suffice leaking,and rheumatic reeled with easilyhave fishinguntil stockingswere grayling,I waste is a crossingthe from of reposing in which to after health onwards. three of half stream not details of that attack drink suiting of Glenlivet taste blank, although I fished it down proceeded at small a start,and bad a and carefully, that and eventually, good graylingwere requiringabout one, him I left that first stream, before crystal one," I I took from in the good health, number (Mem .^Always flask. down milk- and efTorts to I basketed as action the silverysides the fro in his vain and to very under bending plainly, deep darted 79 graylingbite, and was 1^lb. fish,whose a as rod my bellyshowed water, Sportsman. a unmistakable an moment of weight was of had more, I found my caringto risk sake of satisfied with my a few ding waan more first day's sport. " but Watchett the reason the shallower " had was water, not quite such apparent, he owing to a a successful having only fear of day, fished contractingan byGoOglf Recollections 8o rheumatism of of the streams, which much I were space memorable Saturday were of One which I have by me minnow never seen he asked and the have been swim the for me fast in was when I half a stira fish least at forward Mr. to operations. little very and there provBj 3 and p.m.)I For after the I but by had about the some time 1 1 my next o'clock that 9 lb. of a.m. 9-30 when must I few a came swims justlanding was him, my and bank. having a he watching fishing, half doing,beyond picking up ; I chose coming along the meet little conversation, I resumed my where M. would anywhere, and hour, an had I would short time. pounder, which caught sightof walking After a fishingabout perfectlooking stream, a day he and, if possible, water, fishingfor what upon he ; and grayling, for worm know not given to known ever commenced I could start been is,perhaps, the best clear have watch Friday, and At I fish his scribe de- permission to fish,to had previously, I let him to me down come fisher anyone to come alluded to and them. place on tickets of gentleman, who a water the three the took days' Friday the I will attempt days which events six myself by content as too occupy entire the but them, I killed where It would describe to deep portion the place fish. of summary the the I will therefore and proceedings, giving a waded was greater part of my the Sportsman. a if he attack to of hour a sport there stray fish here began friend left me graylingin was my to im- (about creel. byGt)t.)^lf Recollections At time the tail end of named said, " trout fishing." and in the good me of direction of luck bid like day about when care." walked Mr. M, rapidlyaway to me be this," he escape I'll take Ilkley,leaving good me It wouldn't narrow and fishingthe warning " a a many " wished then he bottom. right,"I replied, All " word ducking a had I have and stream, 81 in engaged was of the pleasant to get very SporUman. a parting a me nature uneven I long rough a day, giving the of resume my fishing. All which went well time other in my going to prove keeping my stream, I for the fixed upon stumbled over This 9 lb. of before I tune be to but dea how them 1 froze n I eter on I a b say in k " four feet of a have and'' creel,con- , ' my " neck,' 1 was water. when ever been for the had venturing the " dangerous piece of able eventuallyregained of in the rock Robinson Jack onths, they will be leaned of in once, float out wooden my at was , upon had all laigepiece panions com- that it grayhng, to slinground mmersed, nter ; but small my a readers my ell too the an of think to day caused could flounderingabout If any began real red-letter fell forwards. and I creel,and a minutes, during twenty graylinghad joined their two eye tainingover next below terra I felt support wisely not ice " '" during form some The firma. freezingpoint temporary river to misfor- all day, against the completely paralysed. byGoO^lf 82 of Recollections If had anyone have walked Francis he from which a had only or bank into to empty field. "Hotel, where to use a me I and of It blood, and to climb that the next doors was able myself was- make to divest the did hospitable to Half of the myself of with thoroughly borrowed in up I maining, re- soon my I a mj- portion swallowed. thing I brandy, the don must in go. Yorkshire common had greater ever great I could as fast when pint a able clothes, rub rough towels, warm over of first hard within me half-frozen my the was The Ilkley as saw Crescent and wading stockings,and my hour an I had him, half about circulation minutes how stuck he fortunatelyI immediately the the for tracks this I four, three over two, or Mr. scribed graphically de- he feeling crept sip a restore to came containing had and began that late Cornwall, position position. Very flask a in awkward similar very my pocket I fear not articles, recounts extricating himself; the realised his of one could The moment. shooting snipe difficulty in confess in that at I fiftypounds me when bog, a yard a Francis, once, in offered Sporlsman. a suit, which, " phrase, fit where it touched." For the smoke assembled, I came At were succeeding the where room, and in for length a my good the three readers can modicum and hours fairlygood a landlady perfectlydry, four or upon sat in. were it that chaff. announced then company depend of I only that did my it clothes begin to- Recollections dawn would " be not that rough," hurl it would faced, come by " train,and but " then the cara sposa makes for we made ; but experienced a out, smoking the oration to my my coincidingwith said as a until pipe no with all she I had knocked were that events hour an knew that simply sat fire,and retired out, to it when prophecy the ashes said,and the many of I I angling, to for half the aforesaid I arose, seldom course the you." as point many, the of for tone adverse avail,so in front would clothes my It is very that from fell into joyous time. of You " you careless be to domicile. expected,and be finished demise, on most explanationwould good-night, tea remarks any I had friends waited we this occasion on had you burst. storm home danger my " wait compact a exactly as ran I the well that very unfortunatelyI obliged to And ago against wife,lookingup my reading; ; was my later entered was assume years would hour's dissertation knew new bid I remarked the 4-20 river,and W. being brought me this 7-30 she she " Yes, dear," I replied,in could half a up in day about late.Max," book Mrs. of invectives manner that some half hour the troubles my extremely probable adventure wind However, so home 85 of going fishing in winter,with insanity end some are all declaration drowned." I reached my sport, and the solemn and of up upon Sportsman. a end, for it was an hearing beloved a at upon cut my that when me upon of tive rela- quite bed. byGoO^lf of Recollections $4 The day next accordingly I joined proceed to been had him very severe eventualljlanded, and at the door time since of the we had Throughout inn, we bv the 8 25 frobt both our times lines,and the meshes after were Station of the using our a day ice which when rods a long morning. we were tinually con- accumulated landing nets completelymade we together it was cold to There train agreed that engaged in thawing the on our Tan- it Helhwell, and overnight,and putting were whole G Arthington at experiencedsuch the spend to fnend, ni\ destination our a promised Yore, with the field,on I had Sportsman. a up several with ice, byCtJD'.^l Recolledions 86 December On order owing to 28th the of Sportsman. a and 29th the of presence I believe the result would One or thing other is very the rule, much be because that such graylingfound the feed the is not water the melted in the those is better ? is purer, It because still. reason some from of wise other- better Wharfe taken out was snow, been have certain,viz.,that for largerthan Is it because river are, the as Yore. certainlycannot it is well known case. by a An Holiday August Youthful DANK if not that the This of attendant I down went place. In by one under informed of had been the first it country be also good a which fact, but transpired touched, instance, bag that because and Bank a containing he miseries it is generally I made various porter consequently not matters a toilet duly was again stationmaster's was from abiding my enquiring upon the ; a fray early driving be to length Holiday, everything. seat more, the escape football, is carriage the the a was or start the morning, Sunday on for ready to once preserved a travelling on upon leaving requisites Tuesday it upon racing, cricket, that the round come to and Tanfield, to conceded wishing early Melmerby and at being probably reason had spend to morning, usually bad carnival and Yore, predecessors two settled more popular, as best. decided Monday on is annual I had the the quite now its than Whitsuntide, its very is August so, weather looking and more and Easter a Enthusiast. in Holiday with on dignity referred to in remained byGoo^lf '88 Recolleitions in statu these The quo. especiallyif importance of is masters their station However "Junction." Sportsman. a of sense station country of be quite overpowering, by, the exalted the of some bag turned title of week a up later. What a charming old church and barley,and oats, the rustic August emerald sun wild meadow Jackson, the the round sweet you will be the comforting ready which dead a as made I was state clear not on of suckle honey- view of the of door John of that gentlemen, expect,"were prove the unacceptable. familiar crystal here faintest sharp plop announced couple ol patriarchalchub of think to us of the river with as palepink worthy hostess, cause the graylmg a the and low surface, while trout would by appetisingodour an certainlydid later and hour eat, I the in Fly Fisher"; "Now, something to influence home the at its fine moss-covered "Practical Arras. with little breakfast rismg a for a the pull up we Bruce ham bridge examining of the the get we over Kendall, greeted us, and An a of words fried home-fed " sweet- shut redolent Mill,the former and the anglers'home, ; now it tumbles author corner, and rose, boulders, past Tanfield eye the almost again now ; sparklingriver,as a the fields of wheat, on vicarage, past ripeningrapidlyunder of the and that through foliageor by hedges brightwith blossoms Mrs. had we lanes, through picturesque Wath, with scented of drive old the were critical a and dimple stone on there the presence truising byCtJD'.^l Recollections about them buttress of the the in the of way by the that a youth provender that I current. I did remained but cannot of some that the that is Sportsman. a not was see twelve fish so intent upon by being thirteen case on me, " and accosted who summers, risingwell. to vations obser- my approach startled or down brought was anyone were generallythe 8^ bridge,pickingup anylhing consequentlysomewhat was by of They Sundays, when fish,"I replied. by are, one Rerolkctions -90 "I my the saw Now, ifthere is it is for during matters one youths wheeled -a lake the round admire of one " him, and here ? He he had angling ramble in my mind own so there to dib to fish the with that pursue, I third at awkward which was that roses. to courses four o'clock fresh beautifully chopping wind I felt sure I mistaken. would At I should here my verj' first would state be clear not there at all The was an like,and operations. cast I I told at saw my to ing morn- water. anythingbut that water leading lane club's that I did finest of Monday clear,but impede the anglingthat day and second I decided the part of the Tanfield less, use- the first " the to the on we my to ; the one walking briskly down was me on recourse the on next the bushes was were quite decided to open have recognised brings you be upstream latter I me flyfishingwould minnow the lower was I had natural was village. Before morrow. flybehind and the He his mother and I so height,with ; then accompany three fishing. The worm air the were the he ; this right sort," to natural tackle; and, to arranged on angling their lives Julian,what holiday in short in medium smile explained that -spendinga parted winning a exclaimed, "Why, " another, leisurely surveyed him. and and of early?" than interest the lad of brightintelligent-looking fearless eyes rather more real a yesterday," water it not early portion evidently was ; "is thingI to the on continued one Sportsman. a fog black friend young of a Nor once t"ed of young byG":)onlt' Recollections that he fnend the at me had better Bruce and friend then from and almost was the found startingplace. that the wind that to throw gale,so only the weight of good last I each on fish,I to side. each I of had a and killed four nice pound. never this I I did another very five o'clock could strongish nice shallow I threw short of time space losing several here and there, I did told him the that I the morrow, me. nicehalf over he before, and way this,or why on the middle delighted; that accompany At with fourteen was day'sfishingon in anything one. a them, however, being FinallyI of in many and a fish, besides killed in trout overwhelming. if he liked he of a little enthusiast My seen and centre in a work a ghost of kept gettingone at up none questionswhy have the to experiencecontained the saw last, at were long gravellylength with of me, until I finished to never side trout, from Wading cautiouslyup After others. sized I knew running down stream " which streams, came was fish we gut with gossamer the Moreover, a " until almost end the at us Leeds, and increased yards of worm of wait accommodating humour, an amount any a labour. considerable but three hearty arrived there We had A from to in, went four excited too then bar. were Scarborough, another Julian,who reached There start. a in the meet I killed o'clock. time, and me 91 early,but too nine breakfast findingJulianwaiting for meal rise not about Arms nice fish before four of a Sportsman. other a had his were going was and that My Scarborough byGoO^lf Recollections 92 friend returned friend had morrow, so been to ahead of us, traversed the on affairs was, In the very got good ' risingfish water trimming rat bough attracted his dissertation the it and upon the water, I angler,one long, and be so day he who as and put drew his whiskers mind; Achates After next into havoc whom cares he is only wandered a the he the asked me, from my flies their young my a real born never be making of little what fry of the examined to catchingfish. once ouzel learned a among day'sfishingcan but a hanging over- water perfectlydelighted with saw a bird,expressinghis and, bringingthem I was the a entered that it now under tree; he on me attention, then my habits of that in him to long he played great was companion; of hawthorn grayling. trout names. a frame notice, and that opinion of on fish,and two ran fectly per- possible. now capitalstart, of was myself. My youthful Ftdus which to I had we condition different ; the air I entered a anglers were ground casting was observant most a was with terms in was The accurate This one. several previous day. way two or had intended We trout. the first stream the on hour an to our however, very and stili, for hearing that wended we started off I fishingalone but the a.m. 9-30 had killed four fish upstream, Leeds my perch fishingexpeditionon a at out and previously, evening, and Julian and young Tuesday morning I had Sports/nan. a that home arranged of the weather During too may the whole side,and then it byCtJD^If Recollections 94 will express as a time summer's become of Yorkshire a hope that day: and an may of a your that Sportsman. future may you angler of which be may the be in the good as bright fulness of old proud. by county Day November A I T was a cold damp when November, from North in Hawes, Leeds grayling the the weather rivers the to end, an and I knew was an to rain nasty as before making and at saw the assist "It " me that day upon way my the I up river expected, had of I determined journey. my cheerful the came chance voice platform lighting to days still there a fine on the hours, twenty-four was a and frost ; vious pre- sharp " three the the at village. at I turned hearing down come my pipe, my professional angler, who, was to luggage. my is, Jimmy," Just right, sir. the about the off set thither turn a certainty give to at days, upon a night, sir," spoke that with day was station perfect clear for of fortnight a but fixed accordingly Blades, inn having simply ; middle journeyed For incessantly as I stood elbow, of been flood a and down, A " having I had fell that it, and little by bright that one risk the right height intervening running reached had succeeded the the intention frosty nights, before about following day. the exactly evening, Yorkshire, with on I Yore. the on I I have replied; been out "how all is the to-day, and river?'" killed byCt)*.)'^! ReO}lkctio7is ")6 thirteen four beauties o'clock it partakingof fun waxed if own Shepherd " so his boon other of terminated a the narrative and told by anglers, piscatorial the " in the held Ettrick able memor- the landlord was being bid fair which last, and at came which outside 1 went predecessors. the mented aug- have certainly weather, and, greatly to mist had cleared with abruptly related by of them to spect in- delight,found my and away an eclipseany to , that when, was ardent companions that fact from W the tea, Ambrosianse." intimation its and ; company furious,while Closing time, however, Matthew doing pittedagainstthose and morrow to- substantial Yorkshire related would were that drooping spirits ; a my latter,the the I think good day." towards fast and Noctes " real arrival of several the narratives that their a I left off at when ; settlingfast,and was stillfurther by the maggot and bladingfire, contributed after Sportsman. a aroused intelligence room, cosy the will have you This with of the stars were shiningbrightly. " Now o'clock eight All walked The I walked to ihe right,sir brisklyup next day don't we a later than moment ; no forgetthe he pared pre- worms." his fear," was reply,as he the street. was fine,and the fields behind down river not morning," I said,as to-morrow depart,"and to " remember, Blades, could see that as my companion the hotel it was on our just about and way the byGooglf Recollections r^ht level. just above We the tackle,and and and worm, I should me that side from bite? think "1 down the of I should rod try the and Hardrow, river,and with no watching was if it was asked so," I replied,"but Blades float moved my sharply,but 1 struck angler from Corry,an alternately wading was the third swim slightly sideways,and Mr. I that state About not. was here them stream a the maggot. companion my take arranged that then we in long in adjusting my not was 97 to commence then and village, I Sportsman. a decided had the river. down of shall we a soon see." Once the more again gave the spot, and turn of the first capture. wrist,and graylingfaint A watch this half there, and "depths to retiring "on his the to at the and pannier. looking down -engaged with a I cast with I do I Just liberty. Here, in the crystal salmon, the river ; but an now he is admiring glance purple and green tints, black, before I consign so the river I observe another. his ? so says miniature of with As gentle the surface of the water, on last,and there A proclaimed the about darts bottom sides,shot silvery the Who ! line like at net spotted here him hearted pounder fightfor out sulk rod bending rollingover running safelyin a slightindication. a everywhere he now " now tiny,red-tippedfloat approached basket I hear a shout, and that Blades other two is busily nice fish byGoo^lf Reci'lkctiims gS before I leave Mr. whereupon home the for nf in stream rod, own which remarks Corry his Sportsman. a I that commenced, shall he as they appear a rough one go in the be to up- humour. The next willoH's some over some it I get Mr. down as the to the have it, 1 below .stream fence other the at a At the head deepens the is bar a swirly hole, nothing river,and, in the over field a of it but shallow, mine. gradually of golden gravel, terminating is the which abiding place the stont over way particular favourite a further themselves my scene basketed the spans make it is somewhat over do road, get side, and the upon had located cross which stream to which I fish touch. a Bkdes I nice a then having arrived has bridge stone tail into fish,and without maggot. companions my 8-oz. under running the at operations,and with more another Corry commenced one out likelywater ver)* Meantime and widening and From pool. is stream of in a a many goodly grayling. Wading throw bait my shoulders play it into him the water, the hold liber et rebait. in for into the striking,I upon I gently the am of the edge goes that I have hooked as leading not him suddenly gives,and exuUans. I lose I other make two up Sa/ma a fish a disturb to to tidy fish. the the net, when retires remark, basket of rest thymallm forcible and soon float,and, the ; down find which stream, eddy carefully,.so and distance, I carefully short a and another RecolUctioits before that " from tells conclude has that under has will worm comes is Useless for but, as see our caught a I landed had large trout, interval succeeds, even bite. a mile i then C. has work to Just below the one for grayling. up by which two we first swim the fish down certain ; wend Blades largestgrayling i lb. of A us long get can for about stream a short a after which man, ran a stream, the feet in usuallyto edge at standing; were a pipe, of be this but which the at stream is a side of the far broken beautiful found. had we depth, and rocks into several are which under It is shallow three to moss-covered in which the neither fence stone noted it will be depend again. fresco lunch side to suspend operations for al at therefore Here stream. down gone our ri\er I surface,we trifle under a " eaten the the I killed and refresh the inner period and and next duiing which therefore we the far so now, it is excellent flyfishing For to and to under fishing, except on nothingstirring onwards way fish up escapes. long stretch of deep water, worm of the water. I hook corner best bait the I short time, very the a seen be a conditions we a willows and some not Here depth. nothing further. done this After which rushes that he me Blades on. roughish, narrow in round comes gg the river,so cross a inches eighteen another, which that shore" the just as friend C. He then four nice fish in ile,"killing strike and fish about stream, Sportsman. a that stream, and I leave I may of eddies, The very produced a byGoO^lf Recollections loo fish,and then result,when I fished of for the the I had worm feel the fish. and then I turned and told fiim that fishyfriend fished back turned below a the choice fine he fence little red rascal trifle times to without imagine through the ; the fact,had worm upon I should have ever have drank the health of me to more The the best ofthe a basket I of or consisting of and not with skill. my hook proved ; but be to basketed that fish,whose all the at rest seven pricked,I him. hook We not can- twice think not all of capture put a How worm I do all stream tackle put the not we the tried the even of that November day, and he but, ; my last essay, my satisfaction than last hour evaded whole being hooked, in again and me, We three-quarter pounds. over secure mile arrivingat him, enacted, back. way joined C, more secured graylinga contrived once even down, givingour our and worm, not of watching halt, baited my a more whole I did another we success, I called eighth worm the for swim, once the was upon total was this game was together. Upon cunning 'I"he river any and go lower chance the with would we float Blades, who to I struck another found more, four times another down meeting once Other result spot, the further no float. rebaited, look I striking, gone with the went same disappeared. Upon the time somt only apparent worm. and, exactly in the Sportsman. a suddenly down immediately, but loss of us gave together. afternoon proved four o'clock I reeled up, with seventeen grayling. Through byGl.)*.)' A I fully aware AM the To have present year with a clear far for the they and the in There is and, spirits, so full of twenty some when Tanfield, camera, smoky he armed, it did not I^eds, the a view that with rods not take as I long walked gently mise pre- is air of some this I whom such cursion ex- an his should nets, to the in buoyant so in and to and vitality, that we me be can comfort for He for is sky the day fresh when suggested the article. and younger revile acquaintance Gray. upon substantiating of this my the regards pure enthusiasm years for, if companion a as friend my in of men me east, as write to select sooner I^t the blazing lire, a novel, and the both with entered wrong, in not during we variety. persons anomalous. sit before latest ramhle few are than in wind I sit down statement, that of of comfort since altogether are retreat, country so sake long a of to the profitably spent, more health, feel idea is (1S95) number somewhat appear or that would must Day. great a experienced newspaper weather to prevailing the we weather that title above such, the Winter's Charming you company, journey but decide. station, to with a Even the air byGl.)*.)'^ of RccoUeciioiis felt and exhilarating, old the leading to sweep of frozen tower named xenus. At of the Arihington I of Anyone country us as Arms we familiar after the in the bridge,the and looked coming of winter stood for a moment lane picturesque and hoc espied soon the remainder chieflyin discussingthe trout time the history,et out, and season. scepticalabout all 103 below, the grey old Marmions spent was the at mj' mind quieklyjoined me, journey prospects pictured in ri\er above friend, who my I Sportsmiiii. a ought or the to two surveyingthe landscape. The beauty of have been outside sky was the with the Bruce without byGoO^lf a cloud, and tht covered sludge which landlord disfiguredthe of the cottage, and yearlingtrout him at the task the in and home, had top end of fullyhatched fish out, and swimming After was that indeed to opened. food, to Wild feeds which expect it. and ; the there length. which should prepares I must say of The fishing. I a place as marked should have a I have of it as trout mence comwas special a they natural!)' seen those a more in now with the in that into the them, least six inches these difference stated tiny the day with never at soon Fishery the door as than them introduction will take the see perfectlyblack plenty of are found we stillattached. himself, and seems to up lost, we watched soon twice that plish accom- rearingpond, and as yearlingtrout water make them he splendidlot pond the surface come be sac interesting sightto an to must the the to found viz.,Co walk time his to We were we the hatcheryand the Howietoun fro with seen, up hatcher)-. Here some proceeded we if time from for and to the out, no for the recentlyobtained ova that mapped Hackfall, immediately started walk to at ova We been rearingpond. the knowing we Leeds. negativefrom decided we inspectthe the the black the to of streets any which snow, river watcher, had Bruce, then white the pure receivinga replyin upon without different,indeed, " the inquired if \\'ild, and but brightly, upon ground the Sporlsmati. a slione sun influence perceptible the of Reciilkctions I04 the in river, ice clears awa)-, the way before we of trout left the byCtJD'.^lc Recollections took bridgewe of the point from takenakin At to fit of a curious this in of Robert in C'.., to well Wild's cross a the on and it to came were that within pass all three of before with violent a And us. desire of the house, so, out trooped we Wild as now " as Mr. a appeared),and to the fore ; he rather me at hand, and when of way, that a then to I a G. he take a shouldered vigour. pint of nothing else would Mackley, his wife and humble directed us how in host imbued in front him, satisfy as servant, to Thus. of time suddenly vanished the home-brewed familygroup your I might we short space was " little refreshment. renewed very with parently ap- of what box comfortablyensconced us a his exertions mind and had (whose indisposition it to upon have plateboxwith the Mackley's ingle nook, ale kind ice and something my dawned casual of them dry plates." Suddenly " close was to huge a beamed, face'positively camera we his attack view was. previouslybeen had and camera and icicles depending with appeared he sented pre- camera a owing perspiration, Mackley's hinted The taken was which ague, of scenery large of group photf^raphers term cause glimpse Mickley Weir, and requisition, coincidence, as beheve as a into carrying the the was point Wild bathed in reached we dripping rock. a called more once a Tower. itself until that 105. and strikingbit particularly other above Sportsman. a view of the river above a Marmion No of pose daughter. suddenly (j. wa* ourselves byGoo^lf Recollections io6 in on pleasingaspect a the "ulty, as but the operator in the sternest readj, all of struck the off four Mackley iis It was had we to deep once is^hts the uill be we me "he is the negative before he down had therefore, are, forwarded handed were informed broken two then, lens, we himself or 1 hese mid-day,and to to Mr postent) the frozen in longsettle to Mickley Weir is proceeded up was covered of I instituted bank, of persons a on thick heart black ice of anyone being provided series of slides,and a couple of AVild who Not the long distance of a the skating. proceeded we with gladdened the river for touching the harrowingtales my the inclined seemed kitchen, but I, on so art skates, G. and Wild the make river and guns, have the suggested mildlythat I HackfalL to way would the recross Above to has cat, impressions water, which devoted with it hand, stuck which so our way. our nhith G said, heirlooms. now stick to other the the though as then Since or Wild better best of cheerful as interest, and and veritable from cap he "Now, but, fortunatelj,not group -of historical the diffi faces, our when assume, senant, certain quite that look to wedding a that either of remoied tried us j^oingto not and could he tones and small no inexorable, and nas heads, smile to of matter a " told were and shining directljm wis sun limbs our ladies The adjusted were iill Sportsman. a absolute!)regal manner an put o/ was had miles timid come without ; he to told an us un- byCt)*.)'^! Recollections of a Sportsman. timelyend by similar cojiduct,and which adventures attributed these proceeded on at to our himself; but G. and befallen the influence feats of marvellous of ice,and after The daring. on way through view of caused So " us taking Wild a miniature some two Fisherman's to severe landowner halt,and has on and rough Hut " another of and the north leave to " wended until snow a Mowbray platewas the past winter us stones myself posed picturesquely iceberg, we feet I Mackley's ale,and Mickley Barrows, however, compelled the the had narrated to'] been side of the our lovely Point " covered. that Mr. Arlon, river,has been byGoo^lf io8 Recollections obligedto idea some be Mr. the gained by turnips.The and hay gained bj'this arrangement have of Sportsman. a the rabbits with feed also squirrels of Arton's of wild love "'ill not fact,that he ; and animals allow single a be to stoat, weasel, badger, or kingfisher squirrel, his on about stream that if any would lands. three have be to o'clock, and views more called. At ice,and then crossed last farewell over the to Tanfield. to lookingdown of the canopy In with on the the old and Staveley'sstream, the tint of of the west molten never will sun caused brass seen such again. The appeared,and the which tower the the This sunset lovelyvision faded shortlyafterwards familiar little bar at the Bruce we Arms. sky a was flected re- The as boldly saffron though I have perhaps as a was out appear before, and a leafless trees, flowingthrough pink banks, a wards home- horizon eastern stood to the pronounced distance. the river to witnessed heads our banks, took settingin colour. rose was risingground be was Above snow-covered againstthe twilight sky in plates then we would canvas, brilliant Marmion time no Mickley ; justone the deep Italian blue, and suffused was again we mounted we brightestsaffron. of Bed evident taken Mackley family,and the west Sand couple more the weir to sightthat, if depictedon stroyed de- retrogrademovement a at As upon impossible. be a Barrows Mickley the it became to were lost,therefore exposed, and were reached We may never suddenly as walked An into it the excellent byGtJD'.^lc Fortnight's A I I PON found we Warner to from the proceedings of of " the After obtained Drake stragglers, and one mounted, of began the as which to a was in led both catch various to the parts would Blue a narration of the a couple of and of that The of he and (Jreen only the a few- a artificial. small flies, immediatelj' grayling, eventually of his other countrj, at the district the couple Upright, and scriptions de- details but look not trout and in the assigned appears show, to all performed day's fishing. a experiment, an fillinghis pannier This fish I the It staying beginning just was Costa. for him to he us E. intended give graphic well gave were each ticket a the on friend reverend a W. Captain department right friend day's sport great W. and that and night, is unnecessary it relate to That sport. our mine, and week, past Saturday arrived, and Yore, had we Redspinner," task. and that say of had the to the on friend a Midlands, us to me I^eeds to that accompany for to return our Holiday. pockets record the time as well. day's sport passing so byGoO^lf Recollections aware of weather had been in a the change by and panes, Now, perfect,but morning, it was to I drew the up the going most cheerful aspect The Leyburn. we it destination drive almost was thence Leyburn also it this heavy rains overnight; uneasiness, for at I as been the ^Vhite the years, course to and to local twenty home, from its and pursue in his Swan, and interview the to ask that his me friend hearty way the opinion afternoon. he I training from way effects of for of found insisted the beds, etc., Field to the menta impedi- J. E. M., as saw- little some state arranged correspondentto miles' Yore, and unsettled my our mercy two a our caused an small graylingfishing. After plantingour I sallied forth has like never reached for the for route little after a had On cumstances, cir- the en we noted rising fast was and assuming under a.m., we crossed we dow win- ever, How- and us, that its castle. for was- Monday on fine, for which Middleham to that once water time Middleham, to stables, and at the I in torrents. 9-5 devoutly thankful, as were we by at saw blurred brightened up weather left Bedale, and blind could we left I^eds we glass against the deter to night prospect a upon not was the rain blotted,with the rain descending that the Sunday night,we During gaze were then, the- to up patteringof when we looking at on retiringon the 1 1 1 arrived before fact. indicated. was awakened the before hall Sportsmaft. a morning quicklythat Monday hardly of for the him upon who over best at me byGooglf returningfor for bit of lunch. a ihat to was once " "our guide, as .and came to I what " .a Why, always the leave .cided,upon "said that he " term a my nice donning fields under his colour,"exclaimed steep hill which stream ning run- was water." pale ale fish try the would cast a for Blue point fly. Hawk Ant at the very top. My fate,and reposing in came my of edge just like " the in the fly,and or over four creel, a nice W, eddies. first dropper,and three my I viz.,Reg flies, three first cast of I de- continued. with maggot the at up standing; commence Tag was and do, but he somewhat behind," he rod this,to fish settled his ing of tak- W. after so the a a were we .accordinglymounted he not ; exclaimed graylingare actuallyrising," where pool below to would across wooded narrow a Redspinner,"as Juck and might ; descended we continue fishingrod, myself Just rightheightand " guidance. off set decided commenced now his Yore that the we waterproofs, our of of the tributaries one Middleham to his intention of place friends my appeared likelyto performance said M. j. E. thought the to yet been It had work. his bright were to hint in round look season had nothing in umbrella watching a therefore avowed Redspinner" an " that rain, and to more had object in coming that afternoon's to bringing them I ventured then fish,and and late that al ostensible our also We even flowers,and with Sportsman. a companions my gardens, which -as of Recollections 1 12 the minutes Brown rising later graylingabout byCt)*.)'^! Rewllectiom of Another three-quarterspound. it became then fun. some just above a I where the edge oppositebank. going fish,I to rather was I could with and him, of the stream, shouted had brought to of which next I have in to me done but I do life, make now remember that added afforded between when centre it round mile a was higher up. wading anything but there secure in my than worse and me until in the tumbling all round the bank ; but wood anythingmuch in the water, of branches stream, quarter of a intervened which reward He a side bushes, and nut pretty rough bits of some not of the bank on through the way the head struggling along with my my about lengththat boulders little thicket of head, over- the other at a the maggot, swimming appeared now rose another to came \ lb. graylinglaid island. an comer pool ; nice a pool at was W. I 1 killed four properly. I was flyrod, which branches the to the place I of work. before trout a of ft. 12 carefully under kind of fishing underhand my river advice commenced the strike them J. E. M. to a came now knowing couple of a beside the Not there I found space, and open the throwing not the by have to the trees, wading and graylingand more and stream of fish,but, owing great number I the long for this kind too going were and fishing, was overhung long deep flat, along followed, and soon we 113 crossed stepping-stones of row I crossed J.E. M., that apparent A Sportsman. a the said afore- slippery foothold, work through a perfectnetwas this I did get there. comfort, I The met pool at last. byGoO^lf of Recolkdions 114 work and, before commencing rod and net damage a to a the lovely spot ; length,and with up in the wood. was willows of row which with I could gravelbed, see an and I I heard could that over " for he time I ; was of it. rod,and fish. At the grayling a just swimming the " was he of mass added about to that he as fish the and grayling risingwell. turning my Upon again,I found hour of that almost and short passed the pool were water a that heavy a was stream, I said it was he covered mai^n the a in gap a usingW.'s was a a side own shout,and, looking up of the encounter, and to river ground my rightdown a below ; of the standing,and was "Redspinner" pound, a worm W. ; at evidentlycontending with conclusion beyond of open bracken which on Suddenly was indeed edge, through expanse came toweringfoliage see Itwas stream, with the island in fringedthe bushes nut looked fifty yards in oppositeside the on occurred rushingstream, overhanging greenery of it ; centre my I then about was of it a strong splendidrapid trout a the itself pool the head at vista of a had take stock of the situation. to me of flies which cast my hung through getting round it,I laid down on gravelbed, litmy pipe,and repaired the on Sportsman. a every under some wet such to attention be the to case, September afternoon cast that the willows of them I made and I reallygood for the was towards I either hooked ones. fishing own my kept busy ; the or The last deeper fish, rose a last one I byGoO^lf Recollections hooked led as W. and to watch 'un. disaster. to " Redspinner first he Sportsman. a I had up behind came dived at in under of his manner reached the turned and All at had I at rush This he however, and proved to It was was well soaked, by had two a fine brace after dozen! long them. ones, net oz. dark, and, as he as my grass Before soon we basket, and up, the road to retrace home our fairly were the river,the brushwood that he in started, I turned found killed twelve losingat was fish, which companions and moment the it best his immersion wet my good W,, who next He lb. 3 of of trout, besides ^U make him net he pool. to to the to thought by one hooking the again, the over and the river. 1 had four-thirty and back shouted in graylingt we one, of all and just in time passed through. contents rightoff turned stone, and almost the he come round was now stream, down- ran evidentlyintended lengthin a line of the did, but just at the criticaltime his besides, both ; other the be rough a steps a laid full was to on, slippedon foot he branches he once somersaults downstream, his waders passed. ; then that saw good a just stopping before me, water gyratory once another he rough was the willow takingfullyfifteen yards reel, and, luckily for this fish occasionally after all kind, then 5 the willows that he once sulked, shaking his head and 1 1 just hooked " 1 found and me, At of that between graylingand least another My friends with maggot had and out dozen taken worm. half a We byGoo^lf Recollections of of when Ii6 none were Middleham market were our us sorry lane a troubles, while dinner, which the that the the during evidence night ; still be time was J, E. higher than We once. W. to came to ever, therefore take the middle, and place. There heightor the my colour as south-west, my think, as that very soon the that news the As the Yore into water beats ; the much very anything it in the left off we was How high. rose these limber starting the hopes line often prove the in an fallacious ! through top will be on shade a blowing gently from was thread the to the "good difference than when water if lane " the mainstream companions my we questionat junctionwith down the wind you conclave, and " of the do therefore portion, Redspinner not hopes hedgerows that settled the the the quite certain,viz., the divided as heavy downpour a solemn with so way angler'sexperience You M. previous evening ; clearer,and, of the unfishable,and Wishing was puddles in again. try the tributary upper upwards. promising the was held we myself from luck," I made of thing one would breakfast sat, in forgot substantial a more condition drawled ultimatelydecided were was overhead, but weather Yore castle, we good fire,and a doing justiceto unmistakable during the the awaitingus. was and roadway bore leading past followingmorning regardsthe lightsof and, entering us, before ensconced soon the saw we twinkling below place by The Sportsman. a the bending rings, in a byGl.)*.)' 1 1 Recollections 8 cast, and failed to hook them I broke ever might easilyhave of common all the surface came the which he been welcome line and quitecertain my therefore,after disgust, find that my by the tail. same capture his as of my contempt I must had at anglers, At their paid the bottom, I fish. What of my bottom longer. The creel. I must disdained the flyin I came be a bolder a me, and I foi^ottenhow of my the to came to clusion con- fish. companions fully success- been they hooking them, why full. Then I looked again at juvenileprecocitylyingat go up and see what journey up they were stream the no doing. plain was ground, bestrewn yellow bracken and fading herbage,but iron wire fencing,skirtingan an by way No, I could stand the suspense firstpart of my to the penalty for his temerity. being fairlyopen enough sailing, with was the have victim of the unfortunate in reallyexciting play, lure in freely above, and panniers must last manner landinggraylingafter grayling. If they had risingas most comrades, but, emphasising his appeared visions Then that hooked only a \ lb. grayling, was completely settled that the good some feathered lash of his tail,he This from a had I distinctly making bored was Evidently he manner fish for one water, and fish in the river. a that he fly. Not unsuccessful among felt to each pull,and, off the ran of the pardoned not was although they of the seen excuses viz.,that there of them, inch an good eyesightand not Sportsman. a one apparentlywithin came of of at length impene- byGoO^lf of Hecolkctions Sportsman. a 119 hazel,and trable-looking coppice of larch,fir, far So I as could this path through from my thread fellow anglers,I way through my holdingmy in others in with bush below down bed. To threading it of add to and the result if the The situation question was, impossible,to which well landing handle on how I to foothold shudder me awkward of it P out to in half,and retreat after much erratic in an appears labour,and brambles, open I found upwards that there was a This myself,to gate, my great through the on the to and I did ; scratches numerous path winding down rod five-foot my climb was there was, ; unscrew then red ; the left,viz.,to take my could, template con- giveway. one To equally so was to was shaky to in that direction. explore the territory and, its rocky over standingwas was far side, while river rushed course I branches, I little plateau of get advance as places, some the every undoubtedlyan was therefore,only one pieces as under it made secure, upon in head difficulties, my my anything but sandstone when, by dint of hemmed rocky precipice, a the swollen me ever, how- was, onwards, I suddenly found bramble and best to my This ; and my do to maze. done summit the myself on than the five minutes stni^led for clearlydefined no determined high above rod was obstruction,but, as it separated me easier said and there see, bramble. from delight, wood. It outskirts of the wood, leading to this path, the existence of which eof by I Recollections 1 20 of Just beyond this point I and then I found results same that I had. as advised deciding stick to conducted to me rushingstream his a broad both all had the exhibit came not yet sudden rain of And then the fish now inaction,and tell,and It could the at ; from two the when time, we that that in each assign any appeared baskets good same came I basketed that appeared time same M. morning J. E. the rise and case, for reason point as I did the where pool with commenced to the the worm, singlemaggot, of the I had it would decided we instead on brought us the and, falling rapidly, was ; therefore tributary ; but, A for fell,he thought that changed it. of the change. that the Yore morrow guide yardsin length,with other. us friend my hundred continued, so exactlythe one Next news each low comparativelyslow- their tale to to at on but up, as arranged together, same a present ground, my the head from met us together on and until four the fun three of sat graylingin rapid succession and trout o'clock to one at awakened have experienced just the we of perseverance, the reward to had Redspinner," lunch, J.E.M. appeared, and to running pool,about " upon proceed higher to us came As wall, eatingour stone a he Sportsman. a be to fished on found a at on the to the the I made experienced my and more again stick previousday, not if no fishable commencing fly,but, welcome same direct to good sport. I risinganything,I that equallya very small hook, failure. was my byCtJD'.^l Recolleciiom next with that I grayling,for I had hold of a the tail of the at In pool. eleven than less all nice " there was of \ Then two I saw rise a or under bank, and, changing to fly,I gentlemen The in remainder short and, before I counted companions, those were but I had E. J. which had small no arrived M. somewhat was after was denying no and reluctant girding up him. our not line " " half describe Our guide bounded of young a glee when the over antelope,and he heard me of consisted best the short " W. and Redspinner are gatheringup " I open ; but previousday ; so, the in the wood. cut ; and myself,preferringthe the fish maggot lot. to us rejoin to The to spent was reelingup, conduct there our gear submissivelyfollowed loins, we Rockie the far on across the was fot^et that I shall not Herrick's did I friend our previousday. day trout. among just as then takingas spoil,which four ones experience of my and ; pilotedone soon wading below) through a was the fallen victims latter said that he would (who lb. i autumn the eighteen graylingand of killed I had the willows very of the side. my of the this manner, my to across to on second the head that,for they ceased commenced ile,"or the one hours lb. \z\ struck " at of couple a fish,from end an rapid stream suddenly as they had the Sportsman. a experiment,and rather swim of short thy of that the boulders give vent with smiled to time. some all wayes discomforts I believe for cut " over journey. the with a " more agility covert than byGoo^lf Rfcothctiom 122 of Sportsman. a beheld usuallyexpressiveadjective,or from momentarily Great was our we emerged the graylingon had s^ht into relief when the the justlanded Gnat as we came brace in the day, and I had afternoon. a " " " slated Redspinner floatingRed after same " Quill watching him the manner, made we pitfall. reached, and was where him, and, to up up for that was end fish with good disappear hidden some gravelbed Monday a another capture the to on W. the best of game our way homewards. The the morning J. E. next Yore in was order having a permit for Bridge,drove fish the to the which water a " country above breakfast,W. he had my visited a eyes rector model white drive with a the distant garden, with kitchen ruddy brick walls,while the completed hoary a a with age glimpse of picture. ; previous a the dence typicalresi- Hall and with the ; whole as real a we old- plums ripeningon of rustic beehives row Then of the comes and, wheeling round Wensley its walls,covered view I, proceeding leafyverdure, through which, past, appears fashioned and and village, creeping plants,a trim, well-keptlawn surrounded " last at Wensley the on vicarageis " that Redspinner preservedwater beauty indisputable. The for announced so ; thither after Wensley is in day. M. a the row of church, after comer, dian trulyArca- dwellings (radiantwith glowing Virginiancreeper mingled and with pullup at we purple clematis), the descend the bridgefoot. by hill Recolkctiom The of early morning day ; but the dog"art even the as driver,glancing westwards of black On Fancy Dark Needle his faith Snipe on and Purple,and fullyhalf For piece of not hour an This " be five or won't friend. my " Let until arrived we one-arched broken eddy in the at a below stream pounder, which above consisted Waterhen of a Bloa by a stick assiduouslyto Dark rusty body. a that from them of some number a tainly cer- !" at length ejaculated higherup stream," he over " lot a added. of briar,bramble, and rough, fern " lovelystream, situated justabove of the this operations with man with rods Bloa bridge,which the ice Our weight. went we stone the convenience had on just water but perfectfor grayling), in get us one. companion pinned my smolt, ounces ground, covered stony the obtained, except do, old Accordingly an we unusually large salmon four a Poult did a the wet a surmounted tail, {which looked water rise could a for Tag out cast fly,with droppers ; as Red a tail as rain, and commenced we fine a rods from height. charming graylingflat. My Bradshaw's and readiness,and turn and of gathering bank a found regards colour as in soon a of towards clouds, opinesthe day will right,both on of two reaching the riverside,we were creels and spitor a 123 given promise had boy liftsour is there Sportsman. a residents by killinga bridge,and named escaped " when the river for crosses of Bolton nice almost Hall. I graylingout of the Redspinner almost first throw " hooked close to a the byGoo^lf landing net. few A again, this went we for on sport ended I sprung had here river. (not a across againstthem stream up a a determmed very easy with a of the moment which had the a came the soon by twistinground was (therehaving the came upon ran, the shallow despatched the placewhere and I resources I had the at water little round float seeingit slant expected. all next and been The an few rapidly. like earlyfor almost fly,with I minutes, gained his liberty round too line right; but his mate, which and, after tryingfor another to running out stream, rather again resorted proceeded gravellystream the satisfaction of net within the it I war wage silverythree-quarterpound grayling He to to chance, a I careeringdown I I water. a worm was But began singledry fly,while stream, sidewaysjustat hooked oppositeside (havingapparentlyexhausted its errand, and next largegrayling the at task),and V/ading cautiouslyinto on Some this and commenced, of trees had companion, noticingthis,waded fly)to give the edge the breeze smart away. prospect the to then and begun. a had we row My grand pool,into of that the rain clouds risingunder the it had So losing,now now " ing bend- was basketed. grayling; a remark shortlyafter up driven were or suddenly as as should trout being hour an his rod and victim the about a Sportsman. a casts more time catching either of of Recollections 124 a teetotum. this styleof fishing total absence half hour which without 1 landed of frost), success, two more byCt)*.)'^! iz6 Recollections to came landed And a hearts pleasant of for decided walked stream lower and the the and I had This it time onwards. I wooden hut soon a descended about had come across hooked stream to table so " under inches a lai^e a of landed right to the in I made open a and a row the river's piece of I R. at up to at once fly water way of hutches Beyond, edge saw of Jib. where branches overhanging depth, that ing think- my space, pheasantry. a we previous evening, rest, a up both " I walked and in front existence eighteen the on up cast came with water previous day private bridge, this thick the capitalorder spirits. Leaving good one miles of certainlyencouragiiig,and, was the as in first proclaimed wood the have for which water in the on lodge gates, couple good We as to at the us a was reeled give to of on the very grayling. a than above the park water work where at the Swan. anxious was pitality hos- catering water same with length clearer stream one White The commenced we the W., who another permit. a host through to had mine Yore, dismounted the on excellent the been warm-hearted the it upon Middle- at M., and at he visit had our the to day E. ; while previous day and by as which grayling. last our heavy, thanks J. spend to to come one, of out of nice-sized were friend comfort our day had we Our most number goodly now ham. Sportsman. a likely-lookingstream, a a of ; a and, was that I superlative quality. There was only about thirtyyards of it,as beyond Recollections this point the determined to the considerablydeeper, so make the most of bank at yards amber-coloured the the at cast water. him followed, and short I something kilted six the prove grayling and value of up into the been utterlyspoiled. short when the the I waded me, I did landed not risingrapidly,and, knowing river inform cause I Yore, to anyone discovered on sitting There it for the was doubt well not immediately ran "Redspinner" of the of hour, an could than fish to have fish tenth quite so this clear I as steps towards in reaching diflSculty was this trout a would the appear point. no played of those the whole that was then a a out fishing, in,and while retracing my There I Nothing one I experiencedsome railings from ; fishingmore allowed before water him trout. stream above water time thought that four if I had head where I, in less than half water, like hauled me, careful a into the move gently, and very waded made branches behind finally, by performance,as A wrist stream length of I and the saw which fence stream, ultimately basketed out, and that the under shadow, raised my lovelygraylingdown the I opportunities. my pheasant ground, into out measured carefully grey 127 was wood three some Sportsman. a water Quietly descending divided of as about it" the the extreme when danger acquaintedwith fast the possibleto as fact; but he himself,and, river had I found already him, was bank, smoking placidly. no more flyfishingfor us that day, the byGoO^lf Tz8 Recollections remainder of which worm," pickingup about joined us had done next distance almost as to join him and We arrived and witnessed below be for many *lse ; it A rest we once more Leeds, all of us rise by have Such year, and was or was fishing the might chance point anything think of the to to easilyto that than shudder not spectacle not more came I had as one one be overtaken boilingtorrent. with the our cast flood a afternoon Niagara that a thoroughly at any attempt Mill Tanfield invitation of the river below littlebar on country an rector of the in village garden overlookingthe river, a in the snug are whole pleasantchat beautiful to it then ; across and course, long a angler who swept away long preserved by him. question. absolutelymade fate of any drive to September miniature a morning Yore due Tanfield at forgotten. The resembled and of the that the weir a tinuing torrents, con- afterwards the in there the Yore began Arton) had given us but enjoyed his hospitality, down such genialproprietorof luncheon, completely out walk in next off set we portionof the on afternoon, but the water descended the Thomas at two rain o'clock ten Tanfield, where Lodge (Mr. in the he got there. night the brightenedup, there ; W. and nothing; having to as until to o'clock the "swimming to fish here fishingground, soon That chance three Sportsman. a devoted we a to his to of at the Bruce homeward feelingthe his half hour's Arms, and then journey to smoky better for our well spent byCt)*.)'^! Recollections holiday,and ready for which in itself tends relaxation so much to more of a Sportsman. the inevitable work render the 129 at the mill, enjoyment of such appreciable. by Week A "yHERE few are according excursion an to beforehand the the while other the Such in when, ago, visit I spent " '" and and the Artio river and district. This place decided a week's the Llanbedr paid hand beforeof should the good, lakes the at after ; " Pensam to very in ; sea with the hotel." several and be the likely a close landlord first my following good and years pages obtained enough, between ; August be may I the out often many discover to Several trout. that in general very the over hotel, months Victoria the a railway station, ; Sport attractive seemed for For weeks expectations, jour wife, my singled inn, tickets Day letters was ; Castle. sewen I As experience poring Barmouth near Harlech both in for programme my plan to the like. little Wales." length at Llanbedr, on the with hours than what to up of was be Diary," endeavouring Angler's place, come company "gallant Co will portion them. excels not mind your scenery, does sport pleasant, more district, and unknown in are thinking, of way my an the that things picture to river, and rule to Wales. in liminary pre- myself, our holiday. by it abiding of a Sportsman. Recollections Leeds Leaving ourselves We evening. trains a a of one both and clean questionwill our return, smelt in my wax candles, which like cold to attempts bad job, When we to that the commenced I had heard often in the female Shrewsbury tell of the Principality ; how mile distant the was reason considered for guard, a on as profusion of it up of certain from all the a bers mem- attempts when sorry off that as hands. my not any our feet, curious little Cambrian line. of railwaytravelling delights the sight of gingham an elderly umbrella half a by the engine driver quite bringingthe upon ness. cheerful- to with were two darkness gave barred effectually frantically waving sufficient legs off railway,known gauge length I journey our the make a rest, the presence of laid utterlyimpregnableto at in first the supper conducive altc^etherwe dust In with right, hotel the found only out the the insect tribe shook narrow How twisted retired sleep,so and be to turning familyvault,and prove it,and carve and we of at out curing se- had is all town a we to fowl,decked parsley,turned before memory. served not visible,did certainly A a more morning, so of the Severn in which place,the sitting-room, after no were picturesque,but dwell ever in the hotels,we principal the the banks on until night. Shrewsbury as in for the being at there that found we o'clock seven branch Cambrian room long walk informed were the on about Shrewsbury at alternoon, August one 131 seeing a train meadow to a standstill. white with byGoO^lf Recolkctiom 132 and I had always looked jest,but after the Barmouth I little every and journey from master, the tumbling out I looked was to take the cry, off " gave At in a few is was hills stood sky ; a of out, sudden the in the marshy It There old the the moments garden ushered we bright fire burning comfortable in a purple western us a ; cordial a to an few see the flowed house, and little sitting-room the grate, meal, and lights the distance gave snug Welsh the saw the side of the into with a the were August evening against the landlord at we laid for we lane. just light enough was then were in readiness bridgecrossingthe Artio,which stone close under in land, moor- which was distance road, and gleaming and more welcome. in the ; tiny platform, conveyance of the gloom sharplyoutlined turn Victoria moments grey lustrous closing in, and fast tables, of denying the picturesqueness no The scenery. time the bowling rapidlyalong a typicalcountry There versations con- sigh of relief; a destination. our few, the a Pensarn, Pensarn the across for the the gate, and outside anything. porters held animated around to on us to belongings upon my mere cakes )tot were nature. as of town slightest regard to the train rumbled and similar a believe Llaiibedr,"I for of the to and gather a supply, statements there last I heard at here change these upon station,and without ajid when halt, and a felt inclined guard, station Sporlsman. a narratives startling other many call would mushrooms, of a table ready appetisingodour byCt)*.)'^! 1 Recollections 34 sittingin were that Welsh a on stream averaged lb. i of symptoms were very he once " friend,"said Francis, will " " table," inches, " that admitted there here, air,but it mark " length of out the on of the He hardlyso long as they were my anything-from-a-foot-to-a- 14 big take The that. to 10 inches. Yes," said Francis,coolly, exactlywhat I thought, and " was experience,but my that fellows,and their small One day I but the inn,and he as I me, a gathering was even plentiful, and perhaps a meadow, better half my very behind early. I so turninground, upon to as to my he as speak nothing but could was seemed desire were sound laid down but for I wildly, unkempt-lookingindividual gesticulating an Welsh, he little game degree compensated some fishingin was brambles, which a they were svie.. mile above heard in that." ^Vales,if they measured fish for good very Such saw down gradually shortened length was " look indicate the they that length? were gently continued, indicatingabout he Now," friend trout Thereupon Now, you an in the of way kind yard it in do the fish ; don't killed twenty Francis's row. a voice, asserted loud believe it. not a evening,when one a apiece. he did premised that Sportsman. a inn country a individual,in bombastic that of wise if he rod and me net was talkingSanscrit. perturbed in be somewhat showed throw as unadulterated and tried his mind, I argue with him ; a violent river,I thought it advis- unmistakable into the to As signs of byGoO^lf Recollections able make to the tracks. had lake that with and cross the a then to us go as bridge at ever of them good a Arrived a hut, with sieve. "carry my "did the the was on our have the maiden make her avail. become utter an I very to inability said; but other considerations I smiled lake of and graciously was followed of resignation last,and at extra hour justas a we superfinequalityburst spent in a shepherd's the thatched fishingto be roof like done, and the pleasantlydiversified by having in misfortune over to rivulets which upward journey. think of that "daily wanderings on on no no companion I often Avalks all of coming in,at water There exist not wanted, but girl, despitemy dozen; it Welsh to the next journey was return espieda I to us found tried thunderstorm us, and a and she found It told least the steep hillside with the We martyr. upon word in the way, and wife up at alone, I could friends with the stood my we Brachen, we plantation, summers, I been understand found ; then in morning. Every one the book. fir through a be had pilgrimagethither,so a to we " perhaps twenty think, had make referred what fishingto hills,called Llyn Cwm to we equal number understand of the guide-book, set off wooden a told a 135 did, as wise we much so determined we now heard among .armed of So Sportsman. a finish. We a of the holiday,the pleasantweek's banks of the little river,the sea-shore,and the excursions in the heart of the Welsh hills. I often to the lakes wonder if the byCt)*.)'^ Recullectiom 136 genialold landlord alive,and sometimes for a week's undergo Cambrian upon the and Sp^rtsmiifi, a his kind-hearted when fishing,I I fee! miser)-of line in order the banks of to am sister are studyingwhere inclined to once railwayjourney on a spend another happy of the Artio. by still' to gO' more that week Sea-Fishing I_I ONESTLV the at had sea-side. conjured other, giggling whose mention any of of of loth mightier Bainbridge, or fact a a be soon boatman as country I got of the So there who fishing grounds. was we my well My first up eldest in the I a in " like me has as course, if there soon the thing geography daughter or it is when Of was was Redmire, to are that went. inquiry stances circum- Tanfield, says I struggles the after what of me Redcar. which the now Dornestic or and peace reminds and hankered all know suasion, per- idiotic ; and at the on more converted household and masher of retreats Redcar to the suggestive codling. soul always and ; and presence my But done. of Appletreewick, or home. presiding deity to for more score second my go, am holiday a have genus quivering whiting, of the to hoc watering-places our demanded verj' but now infants, spades conversation 1 I hand, one to up spend to maidens length at desire girls et and that say paddling nurse mackerel, rushes the anything were But and On inane quietness. sheeny great men young behaviour anj- visions up buckets, I cannot speakir^, I have Redcar. at was of a the satisfied byGoo^lf mind my taken He that on her which to I boatman that with on him and he the o'clock rowing across. mixed bait The later the on I agreed with Finally, the on prospect in all of name Monday " was sands, Sahara, and charges who draggled and But had both to braved a as presently, ascendency, and the and of lines and Redcar towards in the wore the the stormy, and to The long, become like a second weather a desert their nursegirlsand day boat, supply plentiful the inclement woe-begone prime his have in the way caused the mad was anything but encouraging. have mussels, mussel evening, with morning arrived,wet which hundred one they were him looked perfectchildren's paradise, of to Florrie,"readyat eight everythingnecessary The previous docks, whiting,had- of hour how tackle. haul one former,and romantic the on herringand for with regaled me he was how of bait and level a forthwith I While come recounted bearingthe interviewed capable dog-fish, amounting favourite. and up I and civil, intelligent, ever landed he all that was of his achievements twenty fish. and That Sunday evening graphicaccount and on I have the night,when most for fishinggrounds whiting. or sea. Sadler, and Street, Redcar, whom be the proclaim to best had the to female a immediately looked Lord Harry Guy, the who one dailyon like row were codling,mackerel, wanted, and knew sisters almost taught her had She score. her her and shown a of a Sportsman. Recollections 138 little looked extreme. on, old Sol close of the won the afternoon byGl.)*.)' of Reculledions Redcar brightwith was of ladies' hoUday Sportsman. a sunshine attire. It was their the Stockton, Middlesbrough, and ; the male that coats sex emulated "vefy conceivable that I unable am do to attempt fabrics is of the titleof to appear making own the pipe of witnessed and peace the hour came the in embark. would who her our to At said ; therefore he not such who were a of was a was trouble did so, and the ing. even- last at several the little in these pages, she of few smoking waits,and us, and leavingthe lightsof little donkeys,children the sands that,as there and on escape accompany his sail,and erect endeavoured the last moment that the to rejoicingin to on on him to lamentations Harry way, sat figuredbefore has fishing ground on I to the family party, attempt eight. ladies decided maiden, loud of owing wishing for the advent Everything comes he the to ; children as my in their riotous fathers who " sightsI as intend not foot to children everywhere tricycles, the of ; conceivable expeditionsof their on Rock" of strugglingunder head quite unattached every neckties mysterioussweetmeat a Redcar " waistcoats, in fairy-like costumes troupe of children a enjoyment, and stickyfrom consumption tricts surrounding dis- limited,I do mothers ; stout of management from properly describe, and, to of art knowledge The hundreds Joseph, and ; ladies clad hue hues show. in white gorgeous chat of the varied brave a in ubiquitous trippers came and 139 was so allowed to good breeze, to we town row were to the soon twinkling byGoo^lf ReiolUctio7is 140 It in tiie distance. track leavinga fierjFrom sea. be boat fade alone ocean had we reached thrown lead my that a charge of moment scored explainthat in vc^ue wound tied into on a Mussels were did hours and at at only bait we continue and haul, to I here kind primitive namely, a " frame, with we then I should once. to in ladies of the of the usual attached tug " glancing upwards One one tug detect,and once water. three the man boat- our I felt the at can wooden whipcord,and was department. Hardly had when was that the anchor givenout, were brace of the fixed. boatmen professional square C.radually announced down the tackle could againstthe silverywhiting was a sound waves Harry escent opal- strains At clear, green among a fire, sweet the voice duly that feat with excelled the the shore. last sun ball of distance,and the bait a with a not of the on fisherman practised in the next and fairlysettled another as destination,and hand-lines the took that washing our overboard Then beyond remains. The surface of the wa/ted in the away west, red pierwas of voices the hum and these of but except the heard the the broad on the stringband, a Sportsman. a lovelyevening. a was in justdisappearing H-as of of three line hooks the line at intervals. For used. haul them a on couple board, whiting,until curiouslyenough, nothing but silver)last,exactlyat fun few was at hours an ten end. o'clock,the bait How my of the sport ; how soul gave out, and at the yearned for another I wished that Harr)-and byGl.)*.)'^ of a Sportsman. Recollections 142 codling fishing is mackerel either and flyor of a white better answers a is your you can persuade her This that it is due acceptance me in may of your was really sorry with his horny again,sir,won't to hand you leave in ?" dressed flythan mice to theft or she is discovered so moths, I don't you. or my Redcar, and replied in to thing any- guarantee blame pleasedon't through a surreptitiously suggestion. when I Harrj-, mine, whispered," You'll I full. morning, endeavour statement, if j'Ou get into trouble broad with while petticoat, the the to occur be can take the billet of this body wife's flannel escape else that wing, swan's slumbering peacefully. If before an body, ribbed for the flannel. pieceof turkey-red from red season mackerel and triangularspinnerreadily, a gold tinsel, and obtained in their and had, plentiful.The billet are fancy a flycomposed Nothing be to the words come of the playwright,"Why, cert'niy." by
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