tea Usta irefc HseAkxs Vbnr aMntA rzcxn sas9r, reetiSHZD uhxut, riAisj&e JfteeSfcJOwtKawreia. ''' HQfttlB?1Hi$ lt&r.rrrr-VV3f,T X6 1 T t jw,p'w- rwr, crAyxatoattl: BwiSe Wt&, Orft GWbert, j tin. &7tiJ rsrc i.jSfe; - ACt - tAsJAttl l,Sr HM9if wi AaEcarrWUs to Hits f darJtT, &4 jxd rrfxeb wt n vx i & Uifosk. Er. HaaUi,of Eao, .''' ruUA Mr. Oew preaewa wltbt-r- wetber tolltJo. t weUtr .rrk, , f tbe Ortgon for f tie J &My . VXM kikij ThaiiAj tilxa j0rio? auj prerfoa tbcj xnA3 " &i All enjoyed od ek- grsAUtUZL&M WttAuz vtiy iec7taxa tpeaL tuJuT ,tZ 14t OJH, b U , ,uJUr HI irti if5 .r Dsrtrs - fc- HAT JL3tt Oalt-S- iis. 7; 4 Hoj-Kc- U ytm TaE JCF-5A-t. tu turn Ifcat eatt ifmt "- - lh x . Tu. ism ur k IB lUi hrc momtmU Maiake a noie Traveli-r- Pie ta who k la petrfle j be oj5teJ(rwrded , rfcteh win ... am r.moaT . , . c .. STtinn L0M.tt caaw and ST. PAUL tw OMAKJ all IraaKoolioeataCllziM. l aad tvlft teo to an WHb Hxt dMt4-- CfULXS. istw U&aliijr l4 , &. istle, 6 to lbs. In tnde, Ife. . diir,;KlS; Tk. A iw su.4 l.. cuwiu fr V7HUS : I krz M.- - 2 & - - ".w -- -- jj - AND IS THE a tta. mm. - of thew MHuimitkn ''.''cvciwci Pact&s. Xi Pkefle. Ceatral Braecb ICestral PusSe. Uaim PwiSt WMtn aa Sbx Cny td PtS jij;uc vii tcti to atfcre'n. .'tt.nr 16, lHa, . d will fill dm within th- tVjikjwiDy fcOf u'.tc and the interest ' TtU tbe priLi(I of the tod ltC512, paid repaid tv tbe WMHpantea to ep 11, 9 fomtrKN KTKtty mm Stttei : cf U? tVeeaIeasdHef The f tle I'Ditrd 5ue-- es iihrgiB tbe4Sr aaJ tr eftteis Sfutirc eltxl ffcaoes tucnt TUaHr krtresed is tfc iiiifjt f iht itaicLx.d ttxas- sail T FAXX FKOD0CXS. Hotter-B-frt rf L. fcy iOten. If aC o - tfntnuii. e tfc irtjitatJ - fcr sdr.-g-b uiM ZjEg by tlnr fcrrfte to rfga U Cosxxeai adbrtittt WcJ Eest. Ite. ; fcrrfwiti j ary Uw4L eiuMK; mfetial tf , & :::0KLV LINE::: -- - S I pt iw-roa- i Crj: , thto i"JJ of the running tl Electric Llght'il btiani II. J Vtsttbal tntsf of 'wj.Id. Lnnug aac ctn-- i f- -- - o AiimL. Df m nbore the ootaul, c' pst wtk fcad inxtlua lb f tlj Unuet bright vrz tb kt' r tbU xeek. 'y vxWe f Gwe ,J,WIlll ;DdIttoiw wereeu- for the bandHojc of , J - .,... ( l.Ulli., nj Wa-b-Inxt- wt e Phynl-chin- qctaiio. ,. !' t .. - r, L .- - 4 tre ire Oct nt'er It dV--3- 7 WISCONSIN et-ier- tr S I" xr iioe. 22c; n, Pde R. R. (Herte.-- s Ce., LIM Um.) run r-- al 'tlct CENTRAL u-- d TWO FAST IBADJS Daily MetVeen fon-nele- ) le jajw-uui.nf- jot entaekily GU Hfoj; ctt ba rr ejd "gotll crcliit" grll fa indrrtiUe ro rapid Jlueelbeirabtrr ) a lawful aDd oetragvc-3- t ciitirse aad enoiiual U an ertonzitust ox lir!iiiiuaii i u wmL eliueiense(3 tbe juttaJcistratioo arbieb Tbey tbo Hst- - ' OaU White, 22c; &tj, 31c, rolled, coij4;adfe for eoutroilin raiircbds iArxx tbe date of their eit-ietio.-.- " sr'day baU boHday In exesasioas to , in bags, iS.ToQfi.Vr, ten-cU- , lJjQ, el tbte rrf im ;ratiTe aeceadly to tbe people of the Painfic That it is a o o; bovjl wcere toey , vvrwt ntar tt city, ouw,f.ia j to nave an JDCeptDOeiit mtau; oi emjiiiijosetiKjO msittii--- , ui. inrir VuA.tVC2At TT Hv im cstSngi. ah e &Jip'.1Vi7..t1-- s )in tbe old i.ftti-.nf- r. Bo lij vrtsr and Miv&ie esbisjd w-st iifc i trade: that any new road boilt vxwSd be a line is tbe Afrkajj teakwi that Ttelj 5,iS; groand barley, tUJ; cbop feed, conjbtnaiion, and that tte only trufftwotlby rrznUtwr tf tt; boilt of it Jjare latel folly 100 yar?, j 115 r toH; whole feed, barley, fl7 per owned by tbe public sod oersted in tbe pobiK- - interest. cten i 'lTiat tbe necfcrsity 01 iucn a line, otjuj euoctrb fetore, ua VZ-per ton; to be tbea broken op only on aoconnt of ton; middlings, itartlingly impressed upon all by tbe atoiute isoiatKHi of California and th- chicken wheat. &feHJ per cental. their p''.T tailing rinaiti. otner commonweaitns served oj' ro&d, ana ine complete peraiyris 01 Hop 1K3, 10 to 11. d Kerr York itarbor ba a doable mcn 60 lbs. 31c on bosicewg, canned by a quarrel beUra tle roed- - aud tbeir employee in green, Ealted, Hides very in ta which in wid to be a 60 lba., 25⪼ ebeep pelta, ICK5WC. the people had no ittereM; a dbater ban: recurrence would be impos-IW- e der tbing to in craft of that de tbe presence of an open euvernmect hoe, free from strikers or labor diffleulties DAIKY PBODUCE. of tbe public cervict; are. (cription, Tbe two fooneU are sido by Butter Oregon fancy creamery ,2210 of any kind, as all brant-be-on any in view or tbe? facti1 we earnestly i. that no extension 01 time, ide aod not fore and aft of one another 25c; fancy dairy ,20(2)jc; fir to gcoa, terms whatever, be granted for tbe pay meet of tbe Parifie railroad debt.--, but Jiy', comnion, weighs 1.5 ot cork cobic twit A poond: bat immediately on default in meeting tbe matured hoods tbe mortgages be tneetie Oregon l(ni2X'r txmnlM: coaL 68 coonds: earth, V4 Amerion,13(&14jc"sij!iut,p , foreclosed, and tbe roads bid in by toe government and operated as national enj ixrcndv, hay, paoajU; ice, 7H terprise. ' I25e ?. oer dozen. eat Iron. 4M I Hmo Orezon. atrvunt. hi i And your petitioners will ever pray, etr .: pooad; gold, ,W&y3 pocndi; platina, Poultry chickens, old X'SJJ) diz 1,210 pounds. en; yoang.23.CO; ducks,f2,?.; ?efce. .VAME M (AKOfla w; torKeys, slow nt Beci Toprtrs, 'Z'2ii per lb; fair THE FASHION PLATE. oowe, liQ,2a; PLACE OF RESIDENCE to good steer, drefcfeed beef, 4&5e Braiding is again coming into Motton Best 6beep,J1.7gi2; choice mir's of tbe new dre&ses having tbe ewes, COUNTY H.e01.7S. waUta Almost covered with Hoj?-s- Choice, heavy, 14; light and feaTho full neck rocbe of lace is a dreaied, 5c per lb. feeders, STATE OR TERRITORY. ture tit tho aeaxin'a styles. It ia very Veal Small, choice, tjc; large,3(Sflc inches lace of two about and is pound. per fall 8AK FKASdSCoJif ABKET. wide. Wool: Oregon Eastern choice, 8(5. White leghorn, chip and straw bats 10c; 10 ; are trimmed with ribbon, gauze, velvet 12c, do inferior, 56c; do valley, LAWN GOODS. For or plnmea, and sometimes all of these 210c. Hops Best and Cheapest the are nnited in one. Potatoes 2ew Early lUxe, ZfM&Sk go to always Galloon, lace and embroidery are ned in sacks; whites, 203oc per tack. Oala Milling, fl,17J1.22J. npori all materials. There are narrow and wido widths, tbe former being used CitlUJ Pnetinj Co, fob Pikttn, 329 Ccnwstniil to edge draperic and raffle. $100 fieward $100 Hats with trimming under tbe brim 103 State street. Tbe readers of this paper will be aro growing in popnlarity, and many of them hove clusters of flowers set at reg- pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science bos ular intervals clote to tho hair. been able to cure in all Its stages and Silk, satin and moire jackets are that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is They garments. are among the popular the only positive cure now known to moderately cIumj fitting and are profuMS-l- y tbe medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional uiee&He, requires a contrimmed with lace and emboridery. Catarrh Medallions, palm leaves, squares and stitutional treatment. Hall's Cure is internally, acting directly An Oregon Newspaper- - -- California news does not long pointed (sections of pawicinentcrie upon thetaken blood and mucous surfaces of are msed for triinniingx, Bnt very little the system, thereby destroying tbe a 111 not answer This is suit you .eastern passementerio garnitoro is obtd in foundation of the disease, and giving Oregon distinctively Newspaper entirely the cover lengths. tbe patient strength by building up tbe ing Oregon interests. 8omo garden party dresses show skirts constitution and assisting nature ia have gathered up in festoon fashion with doing its work. Tbe proprietors to much faith in its curative powers, bows. Thefe festoons fall over full raf- that they offer One Huudred Dollars fles of lace lined with bilk and set upon for any cases that it falls to cure. IBend foundation ftkirts. for list of testimonials. Address. F. J, CHENEY, & CO. A stylish costume of duck has tho collar revew aud cuffs hand embroider- Toledo. O. Sold by druggists, 75c. ed in scallops. Tho work is done after the material is cnt and 'is a revival of Capital Printing Co., Job Printers, 329 Com. an old fashion that was very mucli liked. aaa New York Ledger. Is Keuablk. Announcements of entertainments In The Joujikal. In Waot.n taere ooncL liut - -- itt' &yraUifhtthluii&albivt3itlogois:n.' prcrese ii.FaiiorK bveaui . .j ri f SD(, bwa o Ubnwbed. JAte Mwn jriD I Kill ITT7krvftttib1foofe7ef. UundiDK? bat the cburtuAzi of the on rtber tbrwigboat the week ww cucb of Mr. Tb i!iio ttreet, Booth Bcto, I bearing M to rfpen jt rapidly m that wltbin other week hirveet will pffcctlcally te J. Y,rtXM sod ftmily left Tboraday at an end. All the coantle of the Wllluaette valley, with exception ot ft Waterioo. and Washington report a 111- Yamhill went iiflyeu ti ,DK SHiefemnyof ia tf y,r,d ot K10. rc5lly oil VUrioo tbl week. hot Ibey have dlyjvered ilalliwwn; j.-i.-... w ,r . .,. I, ( W.ttU ul,r(.tlwf UllJ, ;iHUC llatclux. went to Baletn Tboreday "- j the of wehht: hut llttil. fwl jrtrft Mr. L Welch, a daughter of abuMj of tbe grain aphis lessens owing Ms. Gofc. to this fact, and farmers are inclined to Jr, Jefleya of Baletn, vWted Hdo be more cheerful, Yamhill and Wednwsday, the goeat of the Mteua county correspondents report an Myrec average crop of grain as well as other Ve regret to announce the Intended products. The correspondents In tbe dtpartare of Mr, Got. Fergnon who coast and southern counties- - state that obortly to join her htiaband at their grain crops were not especially TbeDftliesf, heavy, but corn looks promising and Jefl 5f yre aw down trout Balera fruit is abundant. Showers at this Wftdneeday. time would be received with grateful-neand would be beneficial to pasEwJng and All Peter Hmltb, iiettm. Vtly who have been aojournejlng for tures, gardens and tbe potato crop, but tho pcutt month at the Boda Hprlngx, would be a disadvantage to fruit and Tbe hop crop has stood the dry lure returned very much Improved In grain. well; there are many lice on weather health. In some sections and there vines the r Hand-camovement Tbe DeLsartian also of premature ripencomplaints are under tbe management of John Goinn, ing. The hop crop will be large, the e. exer-ctebid fair to Income a fashionahle acreage has been materially increased. A good yield may be expected even Mr. John Irewlu, of Portland, lavlelt-ioj- i without rain, yet a rain or cloudy frlencbi at Bhelburn. weather would be a great benefit. Milch cows arc being fed on green food illcbard Tltu, of Brownavlllo, Is owing to drying up of tbe grass in tbe visiting his brother at Bbelburn. pastures. o Garrien Nosker, who ban been some Stuck Men, Itead. week and Farmer this returned In lift California, time Frank Pennell, one of the best known to attend the bedside of his mother, who la very ill at her home near bbel- fanners in Middlesex county, N. J,, dfod yesterday ot Franklin Park of lockjaw. burn. About a week ago ho inhaled a wheat Blielhurn lava no claim to greenuetta beard, which lodged In his throat nnd whon the vegetable garden of ,Mr. J. J. caused much Irritation. Efforts of phylltzgerald was entirely const mod by sicians to remove tiro beard wero fruitless, but tlio man ralght have got well had fire this week. not had an experience with a fine be Dcaplte the warm weather several Holstein bull on Friday, 'hops" have been given lately, among The animal has always been regarded the latest were thoee at Wm. Bllyeu's as tamo, but on Friday as Mr. Pennell and George Morrow'a, field on his placo was leaving the Dr. King who has been III mi long ho became conscious of tho rapid apwith cancer, died at his home Monday. proach of tho bull from behind.an Mr. Peninado for tho fence as fast iosilble. Ho leaves a wife and five children, all nell The bull was nearly upon him when ho urowu. He was born lu Madison (Jo., was within a few feet of tho fence. He Ohio, lu 1613 and In 1837 moved to Ore- - dropped down, hoping tho enraged aniuou whoro. until a few years ago, was mal would rush by him. Tho bull lit' poos him, Just stepping on his right arm. a practicing physician. Then Pennell jumped up and attempted AUMHVI&LK. to gain ths fence. Tho boast turned on 0. Gilbert has finished the school hlin, and ono of his horns was jiinuned Into the man's neck. Tho animal then well. Thomas Davlu has u bridge builder rushed off In another direction. Mr. I'eunell was able to stagger to tho houso, outfit for sale. where tho sight of the terrible wound in wood Moyor Is getting his winter his neck and his palo face caused his near his stove. wife to faint. Tho four young children Our butcher is dolux n good buslnesr. ran screaming from tho houso. s He thrlycson opposition. said that despite tho wound made Thomas Ball paid Aumsvllla a visit by the bull they might hove saved Mr. this week settling up his lumber buol- - Penuoll's life hut for tho ailment in his throat caused by the wheat beard. Lock- SlCtHS. ft 'I'lui wlilnwnm f!liarlcs IIIeilB and tw est in immediately, and ho died In agony. New York Sun. Dan Builth nro doing very well, thank Treatment ot Die tVrlile. you. Very few peoplu know tho importance Mr, Toole has n fine prune orchard of keeping tlio wrists cool in worm :tf, which ho has cultivated continually, weuthur. Actors uud actresses toll you v kaonltiB It oluau from woods. Old act- - thut if ono of their number fulnts they UwHsay tlutt lie Is killing the soil by pour cold water on their wrists. Ath- aoHtuoh cultivation. How they over lutnt cugagod In tho performance of fouud this out, wo can't Imagine, cer feuts of tmiluranco know that in whiter UlHly not by experience. But It looks the wrists must bo kept warm and in oool, but the general publlo m If they hw partly right, for the soil mmmor to wear tight gloves and continues till tlOM eeiu to he dead to everything hut heavy cuifs in the dog days, and then miuo trees, as nothing elao grows upon wonder why it is hot. Taking off one's gloves (odjiocially iu It, hut If they are right, that much kills land, then wo advise church) of ton makes quite jin omatlng Uiom who want toRUOceedlii the prune difference iu temperature. Tight sleeves, feuftliifitf to kill the ground as much I above H things, mako tho wearer hot omtuAw wwitlwi jldlcato girl prune do AMdMOfUnMlwwIbKfoP nave iweu auuww to ituuv trout una jU HUOh ,t...i Uud. tHrtV j fVJM al0U0,Kbguga h,t -- t GWkrf j ruuSs teHca.4 yfcttrwt, of RAILWAY. tefmtrd turn My FUUw fct--ae oJ- - V.cin wk aaared la ; -- C 7st7 tt ( (WHEAT. t4 fci railr&4 kfriKwt steMbuii En7diHtftkmte ts ln-H&-n irt xa erealojj' mmBDt tbl bfng ! rrh d7 MrOU-.rootbero- tor PmM CtaMMtiWe - 1- teJapTtaxe Tersr dariui vtxl Weisfc Wesabw. Tt warr oUn lo?k witb X. 21, WuilAtiuA?. Aaz.uet, Vt.fvr lw)EDonj grt Oo Tbantisj trrtalug lAroftfaeTtaoicw'&teofUjLiTleioltyJprecSDjUifoa m.'AtAiivshftatol Mls MiaoSe Etm The KJmblB , ,.1. bc tfe HKi- t''gSiyfelfceiiyr" xerit4 -i ST. i with tbft ye, JtTljr. E.M- - Vnjet iatttn , KskfeA. K. ffbtxi Jeu 12. Ml. Branthfo.niieuA. is The CMC CO, TIE PiHPIC RI1LE01DS? d UUte Artie Vyr&a chill zed fcrrer. cj 4 .ferlXSAX. ynj.yaacEs. A?BrtfAk- - 'iwsi??! txnl tfj the eoTera&ieat to Maj Vi, ad sot - ijzjvruzzi. m. Cfcr. rU: ' tbe mb so advaneed acoetraaies art asder oUHaUktti v Tbt tbe BMittage teeoad J5"ce may are br the txtatare: tbete rreoftt oWiiioato Jtecliiiiiiff Chairs, j tbtt pvrui. lo4 PotAO. 'ew, Jfc. , I on tbe reads, net tfcere Is ao coAatrfJit r tbat iot aueoint ill Ur atade to meet Vaklng lu MTTice M&d to Done in ' . Onion 3 centrnvijx-Aw;"iMsiwfaiaseir&-'jibed. Kfc AcwMPr w ibtn "IMerrKr ofkl. That the road have bees o Htr4r-- ti to diaiai$fa tbe value of tbe A&sSeaSOcba. ! at ail prcml-i- . tt Jlw & Tlekrt" tu j bfaei lak eotsprotnbe trKHL a $Ktm;' Uc ptaasible en: a meet atakinz teearity ttittt ad fcrsfeii Pe&eaea 0c box. . 6pv1 6vt wA to nuke bbek as woakl kATe tee dttU of tbe eoaipany U U; pua by fcteie etaerationa oj MCKtS o UVK POClTET. rv; raaacr l aK ii.'X.cartlli ll Wte" tvxznotatnu ifjv.trr Htus. 6 rvMnn r.m- - tua4 fest, or 6dm tne worof ot me retort oi ooreraor rauaroa o. ine tnatin GVw a srw: pUjvl i Md to lj of wanted; old decks net wanted; yoaoz i eooieot to a eoaipro- laxettizttiae Comrubion. "a tatte creditor wigia, tbys?b a daw,8; yoang cbickez, bt. asdoabteri C.J. EDDY, General Agt. u bo bad vtolsled all 'mlre a torretU jeaiibg witt a libboaeKd-rf-to- r vbieb, in tt ekwrly very rei yuKiutv rbHiyj esaff, atTord u, I l eaaaot vAwrr. r aod vrouid be ubite It rettir&aut tin tt.vtbaD. i. Vf. CASEY, Trav. Pass Agt. CrkIo.Fcd. rtc iivsn tiate immemorial tern ptsyl in-- ; vji.- BVxjr Portland. 65- -. Willi Walla,- jooccemti liana, .lu .vauoste I be iosoaiU . U's . te crrtnt . j.m ' onr itroorZ&Q tbe O.' U I S SDO PORTLAND, OrejJ IXad rn.!j; 2UISIlJ. rlUlIUr rSeniItti, Hi) vnhim I9IA- uirfin I eiaaelaoathtSOpaxxvKtrxiaik' Cter, Mix. - - if 5etrirT rf laJctte Vll WllLVMEST ' MILWAUKEE Oaaoet. asv ItSK&aUs Jr tk)MfdyajdBptoto8aMto cctam wtst xm StSk&wrsz ,xst&t &hb DAXLT CATXXAX. pea tU iuJMBti barsr TVt 4 l4. Wa pttee for tatWsz- - .' tar aa. T"e re cti wi Fail" fKMttbe ri7 iew rVaeas iift tfat UMtrwk m Ciniltx HJeo' ; T Aa Mn. ixi&iUx zA too 2pat. .i.. krfrie. - lm IK "wt,t lump nrfr5 Zeal T3fcjza3i Aaz.2. Kfxxsc, art dztau H. B. Sworjct, fwl, Usarivi Ue?si wfc tnn lifted w J u ir ftiJUis &a to wai r Tin tor wnMit fir r 4 viae Uowk vUkleg tu fnaO tird7 trrealugs wsyJfarr o fcy i - IMn.C Iise sfcs Czrreri SU1L - - ft taH g?l.Wptrlrna f W mem tr Pr5x cswei cj,rxuA uw ' i' jux r taca 3.M tetet Uailiii &tesjL S TODAY'S MARKETS. 1 05- - sjmctfT30&&cx:yLazx.Ez. Jiilk iSbktwi sfe& ass?- CXGH13C !nCS in ' ..-- .l mik!8 arl irirst Til&ol I bwK tbise it Mit 9k& XtaZsdrtsbtfl cagate. its. K U ga"? t iiiWKrt fer defeat tfe64 Hezgt (Sreswd tj. fcj" a 4rrsi m f Sawaiav; smA & Urtawtl()l2PU ftin Ttlitir r' Tft" rT T ""' &&. - prlii. (Kl D"-- W MaScxneias it o4X&. M , r:ar sae iiuart tfcs3,5fe rsfexvSU. trtcfctSaSofi ft ,kttuM an Howell Mm. Tlbw. OOOT Seres! Ix&Ava. 11 lay daat I ertsy axrSescH.t, bojteg VKDSK2D AY, ACXIOrfT "f ipjj TALLEX LOCAL 5EW8. gpmdteg Vy - jr HFyHfUfw"' inifa n """""i,.' o crd Chlop micrcl! poisus in M !sc rn,i;nu PjuI. Ft Uilwatikee ancli.il ng cuaatrcuun uHagu waa i. .ILCtr siag sfri Huu uum. Ticket sold kimJ jr?i:e Cliechi-- tfcnM to all polnta In tbe L'lii'ed M.es nd Isijt Pro Inns. KorloU In6.rn n J jur r.c'f.ri'l tw-.- s Dwp, fo'deif.etr J msmtuti .M fctent or JA"5. C. I'0ii Ifb . . ...... r. Jlivncccf, i4j t!a. ini jki siei.. .... rr. c . HOUSE Painting, Decorating Hard Wood Finishing, 1 1 j Can give good re'erencfs. Estlrrate? ranHij to. A aureus t.eo. ttcnttrni n. Ml h i 'if deote on a!em ilolor Kat:way, fam. 'crlh ItZn xw yfave sle,nr K'muri nrer:! hcumatlsrriy it Lumbago, Sciatica, Kidney Complaints, Lame BacK, &c f-- GAR EN HOSE! Chucchil! & Burroughs, TaketheOn eCent Dailv J DIM It A skull of brienvood, with silver for ornament, is a smoker's fancy. Tho vino wreathed claret jugs in engraved gloss and silver gilt are the most attractive things of their sort. toto-o-tet- e coffeo 'I ti,u.t, ctrj Mdars 8tadrorIUoydPa3iphJet.tninl.taud,t!i SAHDEN ELECTRIC CO., I?3Plrstatreet.IOJXTX.AXIOBL Vo. Rraoved to cr JMic iu a a&blc.ionii HorUand, Or. HERCULES GAS or G&SOLIHE ENGIES A SURE POWER. J KOEtECTBIG WITH A CHEAP LINE. REQtn.ES oxees. NO Blffll GRADE OF WSt SPARK. s1 Bat-O.o- ALWAYS and YOUB WIFE NOLiuksuEi- - 9JT0KB Ready to Sum, CAHSUHIf. CHEAPEST Iffl )1? 91 1 OREGON Receiving all the MS l & en-nm- f T WE GIVE ACTUAL POWER. PALMER & REY, Portland, san Francisco, CaL W CSfN-- Ts OTS.j FOR Associated Press In Postno, wo will send A Kaniplo Envelope, of elllior WIUTE, IXESH orBnL'XETTE Dispatches. Chronic Nervousness Could bo heard Not Sleep. Nervous DAILY BY a MIL, Chicago Herald. Tired, Weax, Nervous, Means Impuro blood, and overwork or too much strain on brain mid body. The only way to cure Is to feed the nerves on pure blood. Thousands of people certify that the best blood purl fler, the best nerve tonlo and strength builder is Hood's Barsaparllla, What It has done (or others It will also do for you Hood's cures, Hood's Pills cure constipation by restoring peristaltic: action of the alimentary canal. Dr. Miles' Nerrlna U told on a notltlre fuiraatae mat me ort bottle win ixoaub Airdrurii 0 bottles forU.o Uwflll"a prepaiq, on receipt 01 price bythobr, une- Hpuicat vo.. cauian, ma. - I OZZONIS PER YEAH WILL PAY YOU TO MEAD THIS: We publish the only O.ve Cent Daily on the Pacific Headaches. Gentlemen: I have been taking Coast and tbe cheapest and best daily paper for the monoy in your Restorative Ncrvlno for tho past Oregon. three months nnd 1 cannot say PJeaso lot us know if you can use any Ramplo copies o cuough in its praise It has Daily tho or Weekly. They will bo sent free. Saved fly Life, Reinombei these are Associated Press newspapers, giving for I had almost given up bono of ever being well again. I waa a all the current news of the world from day to day in "large chronlo sufferer from nervousness and could not Bleep, I was nlwj troubled typo nnd attractive style. with nervous headache, and had tried These low hard times ruts enable every farmer to have doctors Jn vain, until I used your his daily paper and know tho at.tto of vho market and all the Yours truly, Nervine. MK3. M. WOOD, lUngwood, lit news of tho world. Editorial comroont is foarlos and independent. Dr. Miles7 Nervine Edited by its publishers to secure good ovornmont' for tho people Cures. ablo to deal justly and fairly with all, farther than tho report of a 100 ton gun. ur EM. 'nlw. I and Our arandmotksr's Way. Wos to steep root and herbs and use It every night we can do me same by using Park's Tsa. Nothing acts as promptly and without discomfort. a cathartic hut moves Not i pill I ho bowel evry day, Hold by Capital prupitoni iimi ru.aui er aaa berry sots festooned with garlands tho hospltulity of piazzas and arbors. Largo spoons of silver gilt havo stems of raised work inclosing plaques of work. Thuso spoons havo broken edges of metal and enamel half way around, leaving tho working ends sharp. Belt pins aro among the novelties. Thcso aro enlarged bibpins intended to ofTcat a better union between tho bock of tho belt and a woman's skirt They aro covered with raised work or ooca- ! sioually aro sot with tiny turquoises. I Jowelers1 Circular. 'Thovhlspor of slander con u c Onlv One Cent Daily Newspaper g:cr Wt hj0 ml VL tJlvT7 s 3' on the Pacific Coast. NOVELTIES. croHsboues I CAP TAL ELECTRIC BEIT SUSPENSORTi I urK iBiBraTrni.nl. WC1 rtsaittnj tra withoot medicine all crrrxxAtion ot tiraln crrro fcrresi ercceaorb. erction. aj Drrroaa detjtr, (keplenaoa, Urrxf r cocipUi kiduey, L.r ad J1 budd-UnfUtk, lamteso, flJC'-a- , female rompotfi Ul bdlth. etc. Belt cotbla rcvnl Itisallelectric wrBj orer otfcer. Oszmi InruoUr teutij vearer cr ire torXelt ts,coao0, ui villcare allot the abore iittases or no rer. R hare Uen enred br tlm oayrlon, onds aXtrr all ot&rrms:tes failed. asd ,o sire licr. LcaLtJ ot tettinioalaU in tau and otfeer frute. Our r.irrf.l Iapr.,M EUCTBIC SrAr01IT. U pr.u b.o eirr otr.rrd vrak ra,n, rtLK M Bllk UnlUaKttlrar.uSCr.nriaCVllUSTUUUi'll Electro-Magneti- papis con-tiuuo- Graceful silver DR. SAWDEH'S Vtth Only $3X)0 a year. $1.00 for si months. $1.00 for four months, OWDER. Ton haTO seen It advert!sc4 for nunf years, but have you ever tried '""? uui, you uo not Know wnat iu av Ooniiluxiuu Vow der In. J betide bolnir an acknowledg-ebeuUJ baswanrralrealilnsuac. 1 1 proven U en-- ' Intf.aun-burn- . iho wind-tan- . luaoniiier.!rat I J. A. hp" I POZrOHl CO. St. Louis MEHTIOM THIS I i PAfBU. WANTED AGENTS -- BROWN'S NEW to 8fll!' fOCNMIN t a fl o .WASUEH. UM' BlrRiDti Wacbcr knrwr nt,0,M lualruttloiii amiI4 OB lev1! xiiaiiH fir.tM Vi It w-u. liruvrn. Hox Aau't;j, rva.trfrwlihiull arnfiUiiAliaui.j wawv - J i(n(actltUaraoatdolleataanld:r7 iuukuuu to ino laco UurlllU duiu AvcryHriicrw Iit 1 i C w
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