2010年5月8日 香港中央圖書館 都會香港專題講座 Subject Talks on Cosmopolitan Hong Kong 18 May 2010 HKU ICEE Talk , Yam Pak Bldg., HKU How to Get from Green to Sustainability? 從綠色到可持續性 LAU Stephen S.Y. 劉少瑜 Associate Professor The University of Hong Kong Honorary Professor Tongji University, Southeast University, Wuhan University & Fuzhou University laustephensy@gmail.com Abstract 摘要 • The past decade saw vast developments in the understanding, promoting & practicing of sustainability in all walks of life. 可持續發展的理念的理解、促進和實踐在過去十年來在我們生活的各個方面 都得到深遠的發展。 • Sustainability is recognized to be a simple concept yet complicated when put into practice. The basic issues at stake are the so called three pillars of concerns for sustainability: economics, social and environment. 可持續的概念雖然簡單,但要運用到實際中卻十分複雜。需要考量可持續的 三大支柱:經濟、社會和環境。 • In reality, they work against each other instead of targeting an ideal equilibrium. 因爲在實踐中這三者相互矛盾,而難以得到完美的平衡。 • The presentation discusses emerging, international debates arising from evolving concepts and methods to quantify & qualify sustainability, by proposing ways to reinforce the social and environmental pillars in order to counteract the economic pillar. 本講座對此國際學術前沿領域的熱點問題進行討論,重點探討如何強化社會 和環境的支柱以應對經濟因素。 Contents内容 • Three pillars of Sustainable Development (SD) 可持續發展的三大支柱 • Emerging Issues 浮现的問題 Economic– From Climate Change, Global Warming, to Low Carbon Economy 經濟 - 從全球變暖,溫室效應到低碳經濟 Environment - From Green Building, Sustainable Building to Low Carbon Building 環境 - 從綠色建築,可持續建築到低碳建築 Social– From LOVOS, LOHAS, SLOHAS to Blue Zones 社會 - 從樂活、慢活到藍色地帶 Understanding the 3 Pillars of Sustainable Development 可持續發展的三大支柱 (Source: http://www.dep.org.uk/activities/venndiag1.htm) • “Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.“ ("Our Common Future", 1987) “滿足現代人需要而又不損害子孫後代滿足他們需要的能力”的發展方式。 • It is well recognized that sustainable development is a holistic approach, and comprises three aspects of economic, socio-cultural and environmental development. The "interdependent & mutually reinforcing pillars" of sustainable development (World Summi t Outcome Doc ument, 2005). 可持續發展是一個綜合的策略,涵蓋經濟、社會-文化以及環境的發展。是可持續發展“相 互獨立而又相互影響的三大支柱"。 The Fallacy of the 3 Pillars of Sustainable Development 對三大支柱的錯誤理解 (Source: http://www.i ucn.org/programme/) 從左至右: 實現烏托邦的理論、 改變 理論 現實和需要的 現實 • 乌托邦Utopia (or Eutopia): an ideal community or society, that is taken from Of the Best State of a Repub lic, and of the New Island Utopia (1516) by Sir Thomas More describing a fictional island in the Atlantic Ocean, possessing a seemingly perfect socio-politico-legal system. • The term has been used to describe both intentional communities that attempted to create an ideal society, and fictional societies portrayed in literature. It has spawned other concepts, most prominently dystopia. • 非理想化社会(非乌托邦)Dystopia is the often futuristic vision of a society in which conditions of life are miserable and characterized by poverty, oppression, war, violence and/or terror, resulting in widespread unhappiness, suffering, and other kinds of pain. (Dictionary.Referenc e.com) Illustration for the 1516 first edition of Utopia. • Three pillars of Sustainable Development (SD) 可持續發展的三大支柱 • Emerging Issues 浮现的問題 Economic Economic– – From Climate Change, Global Warming, to Low Carbon Economy 經濟 - 從全球變暖,溫室效應到低碳經濟 Global Warming 全球暖化 • Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of the Earth‘s near-surface air and oceans since the mid-20th century and its projected continuation. • Global surface temperature increased 0.74 ± 0.18 °C between the start and the end of the 20th century. 全球暖化是指20世紀中葉以來地球近地面和海洋的平均溫度逐年上升的現象。 全球表面溫度在20世紀的100年内上升了0.74 ± 0.18 °C。 • Most of the observed temperature increase since the middle of the 20th century was caused by increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases resulting from human activity such as fossil fuel burning and deforestation (IPCC). IPCC 研究發現,20世紀中葉以來的氣溫上升是由於人類使用化石能源以及過度砍 伐森林造成的溫室氣體濃度上升。 Evidence of Global Warming 全球暖化的举证一 北極海冰對比圖 美國冰雪數據中心公佈 的數據顯示,北極冰川 目前的覆蓋面積為165 萬平方英里,自1979 年開始對北極冰川面積 進行衛星測量以來,這 是有記錄以來最少的一 次。 http://www.cma.gov.cn/ztbd/qihoumeeting/tushuo/200908/t20090826_42702.html Evidence of Global Warming 全球暖化的举证二和三 挪威冰川 右圖显示的是自1928年以来挪威布洛姆斯特 兰德布林冰川(Blomstrandbreen)消退的情景。该 冰川共消失了接近2公里。 喜马拉雅山脉 下图上下两个部分是“绿色和平”组织分别于19 68年和2007年考察喜马拉雅山脉时所拍下的图 片,上下形成了鲜明的对比。 http://www.cma.gov.cn/ztbd/qihoumeeting/tushuo/200908/t20090826_42702.html Carbon emission & economy – avoiding pledges vs rights to grow 碳排放和經濟 – 避免承諾以及發展權 United Nations Climate Change Conference, Dec 7 – 18, 2009 Copenhagen, DK • Obama announced plans to cut carbon emission by 17% from 2005 level by 2020. 奧巴馬總統宣佈計劃到2020年在2005年基礎上減少17%碳排放。 • Wen Jiabao pledged to cut carbon intensity – carbon emission per unit of GDP – by 40 to 45% by 2020, compared with 2005 level. 溫家寳總理承諾到2020年在2005年的基礎上減低碳排放強度(單位GDP碳排放 量)40 到 45%。 • What’s gone wrong? Economic growth or no growth? Developing vs. developed nations. 哪裏出了問題?經濟要不要發展?發展中國家與發達國家的矛盾 Low carbon innovation versus trade war 低碳創新措施和貿易戰 商人 政客 地球 Source: Luojie (China Daily) • Trade emerged as a major challenge in global climate negotiations. 貿易逐漸成爲全球氣候談判的主要挑戰 • It is important to find ways forward that link trade and reduce CO2 emissions in a mutually-supportive way. 重要的是尋找使貿易和CO2減排相互關聯和相互促進的解決辦法 (Source: D. Pamlin) Low-carbon lifestyles 低碳生活方式 Source: Petar Pismestrovic, «Kleine Zeitung» • It is important to remember that the main problem is the high-carbon lifestyles in Western countries. • We need a solutions that provide a high quality of life with low emissions. 不能忘記,問題的主要原因是西方國家的高碳排放生活方式 我們需要一種解決方案,在提供高品質生活的同時減少碳排放 Understanding Emission by a complex way: example 1 The carbon emission world map in 2005 了解碳排放的複雜性,案例一: 2005年世界碳排放地圖 中 國 1995-2005碳排放增長最高的國家 美 國 美 國 中 國 2005人均碳排放最高的國家 Source: www.globalwarmingart.com Understanding Emission by a complex way: example 2 The carbon emission world map in 2006(Compare the US & China) 了解碳排放的複雜性,案例二: 2006年世界碳排放地圖(美國與中國對比) http://www.guardian.co.uk/global/interactiv e/2008/dec/09/climatechangecarbonemissions Understanding Emission by a complex way: example 3 Carbon emission according to country in 30 years (1973 compared to 2005) 了解碳排放的複雜性,案例三:30年來世界主要國家碳排放量(1973年對比2005年) Emission = population + consumption/lifestyle 碳排放量 = 人口 + 消費/生活模式 (Source: EDMC, 2008) •Divergence of domestic developments - China costal cities vs. inland cities 沿海和内地城市的差異 •Divergence of technologies – agricultural production 農業生産技術的差異 •Divergence of city form -- sprawl vs. compact 城市形態-灘大餅和緊湊模式的差異 •Transfer of emission from one country to another -- Globalization, emission by business, emission tax 國家之間的碳排放交換 – 全球化,商業排放,排放稅 • Three pillars of Sustainable Development (SD) 可持續發展的三大支柱 • Emerging Issues 浮現的問題 Environment- From Green Building, Sustainable Building to Low Carbon Building 環境 - 從綠色建築,可持續建築到低碳建築 Building sector & Carbon Emission (energy consumption) 建築行業和碳排放 (能耗) US Energy Consumption 美國能耗比重統計 US Electricity Consumption 美國用電統計 Canadian Energy Consumption U S Energy I nformat ion Administ rat ion Architect ure 2030 U S Energy I nformat ion Administ rat ion Architect ure 2030 HK Energy Consumption by sector 香港各行業耗能 統計 EMSD, 2006 ht t p://irc.w eb-t .cist i.nrc.ca/bsi/92-1_E.ht ml World Energy Consumption 全球範圍能耗 Source: ROODM AN, D. AND N. LENSSEN. "A Building Evolut ion: How Ecology and Healt h Concerns Are Trans forming Const ruction". W orld W at ch Paper #124, M arch 1995. Carbon Emissions in Japan 日本的碳排放 • • Tokyo 東京: 63% comes from buildings 建築. Japan 日本: 31% comes from buildings 建築. Tokyo Japan Others Waste treatment 2.7% 1.8% Transportation Industrial process 4.2% Commercial 18.0% Commercial 26.2% Transportation 19.9% 36.8% Residential 13.0% Industrial 9.3% Residential Industrial Energy supply 6.1% 36.1% 25.8% (Tokyo Metropolitan Government, in 2006) Building is the target for reducing Carbon emissions in urban area. 建築是實現低碳城市的主要目標 (Source: Katashi MATSUNAWA, Nikken Sekkei Research Institute) 20 Building CO2 emission in Japan (AIJ) 日本建築的碳排放 • CO2 emitted from buildings will increase 15% in 2008-2012 without any effort • Promoting AIJ’s proposal is a Key measure for Japan to attain the target set in the Kyoto Protocol 按照現狀,日本建築行業CO2排放量將在2008-2012年内增加15%。 0 2050 2050 2040 2030 2020 2010 2000 1990 1980 0 CO 2 emitted from Operation of Buildings 1 2040 CO2 emitted from Operation of Buildings 1 CO 2 emitted from Construction of Buildings 2 2030 2 3 2020 CO2 emitted from Construction of Buildings CO 2 emitted from Renovation of Buildings 59% Reduction by 2050 2010 3 4 2000 CO2 emitted from Renovation of Buildings The Target set in the Kyoto Protocol can be attained by the AIJ’s Proposal 6% Reduction by 2008 - 2012 5 1990 by 2050 4 6 1980 5 The Target set in the Kyoto Protocol 10% cannot be attained Reduction without any effort. 1970 15% Increase by 2008 - 2012 CO2 emitted from Construction,Renovation and Operation of Buildings (x 108 t-CO2 /a) 6 1970 CO2 emitted from Construction,Renovation and Operation of Buildings (x 108 t-CO2 /a) 推進AIJ的減排措施是達到京都議定書目標的關鍵。 T.Ikaga & S.Murakami Structure of CO2 Emissions from Buildings (Nikken Sekkei) 建築碳排放的路綫 (日建) Demand Side Supply Side Buildings Power Plants Fossil Fuel Power Energy consumption Energy consumption Secondary Energy Consumption Primary Energy Consumption Tracing back to the primary energy consumer 22 (Source: Katashi MATSUN AWA, Nikken Sekkei Research Institute) Climate Change Links with the Building Sector 氣候變化和建築行業的關聯 Cause Higher temps Intermediate Need more AC End Result Insect population Operating cost More energy & GHG Repair / control High winds Wind damage Repair / rebuild Rain & Flood Flood damage Repair / relocate Drought Water supply Soil instability Forest fires Ration or import Repair / relocate Rebuild / relocate Sea level rise Vulnerable areas Relocate Bad Habits in the Building Sector 建築行業的一些坏習慣 Cause Intermediate End Result Too much AC Excess energy use Excess GHG High operating costs Occupant discomfort Bad orientation Excess solar gain or not enough Excess AC & GHG High operating costs Occupant discomfort Too much glass Bad energy performance Too much solar gain Excess AC & GHG High operating costs Wretched Too much area / volume Excess materials Occupant discomfort Excess heating and AC Excess GHG High operating costs Embodied GHG Excess cost What is green building (GB)? 什麽是綠色建築? Green buildings are designed to reduce the overall impact of the built environment on human health and the natural environment by: 綠色建築設計旨在通過以下措施減少建築環境對人類 健康和自然環境的綜合影響: • Efficiently using energy, water, and other resources • Protecting occupant health and improving employee productivity • Reducing waste, pollution and environmental degradation 有效節能、節水、以及其他資源 保護使用者健康和提高工作效率 減少廢氣和廢物排放 Impacts of the built environment 建成環境的影響: Aspects of Built Environment: Consumption: Environmental Effects: Ultimate Effects : Siting •Design •Construction •Operation •Maintenance •Renovation •Deconstruction Energy •Water •Materials •Natural Resources Waste •Air pollution •Water pollution •Indoor pollution •Heat islands •Stormwater runoff •Noise Harm to Human Health •Environment Degradation •Loss of Resources What is Sustainable Building (SB)? 什麽是可持續建築? • The term relates to both process and product; 該術語既指過程也指結果 • It is more meaningful at a national or regional or urban level; • Strictly speaking, a fully sustainable building would have to, over its life-cycle: 在城市、國家或地區尺度上討論更有意義 – Not cause a diminution of fossil fuel supply; – Not cause a diminution in net potable water supply; – Not cause a diminution in supply of virgin materials; – Cause zero net emissions; – Cause zero negative ecological impacts; – Cause no negative impacts on construction workers, occupants or users (or investors??); 嚴格説來,可持續建築在全生命周期内零不可再生資源、零飲用水 、零原材料、零排放、零負生態足跡、以及零其他負面影響 • These are fairly tough targets to meet… 非常艱巨的任務…… From GB to SB (based on performance) 從綠建築到可持續建築(基於表現) Water consumption 水 Land consumption 土地 Materials consumption 材料 Greenhouse gas emissions 溫室氣體 Other atmospheric emissions 其他氣體 Impacts on site ecology 基地生態 Solid waste / liquid effluents 固體、液體廢物 Indoor air quality, lighting, acoustics 室内環境 Longevity, adaptability, flexibility 健康、適應性 Planning for good management 管理 Cost 成本 Social and economic considerations 社會和經濟 Urban / planning issues 城市/規劃 可持續建築 Sustainable Building Fuel consumption of non-renewable fuels 能源 綠建築 Green Building From GB, SB to Low Carbon Building - What is low-carbon building? 從綠建築、可持續建築到低碳建築–什麽是低碳建築 ? 位於英國 倫敦南部 的貝丁頓 BedZED 零碳社區 (2002年 入住) http://greenlineblog.com/wp-content/photos/SVGallery_BedZED/BedZED_Image%2002.jpg A Low-carbon building should be based on high energy efficiency, on-site carbon reduction measures, and a list of allowable solutions for dealing with the remaining emissions. 低碳建築以高能効和場地減碳措施為基礎,採用一系列的措施來應對剩餘的排放。 It encompass two aspects 兩個方面: • achieves large reductions in carbon emissions compared to current Building Regulations; 實現與現有建築規範的大幅度碳排放量 • allows a range of solutions for dealing with the remaining carbon emissions 採用合理措施應對剩餘碳排放 From GB, SB to Low Carbon Building - What is low-carbon building? 從綠建築、可持續建築到低碳建築–什麽是低碳建築 ? 位於英國倫敦南部的貝丁頓(BedZED)零碳社區——被動式設計降低能源消耗 http://greenlineblog.com/wp-content/photos/SVGallery_BedZED/BedZED_Image%2002.jpg From GB, SB to Low Carbon Building - What is low-carbon building? 從綠建築、可持續建築到低碳建築–什麽是低碳建築 ? 位於英國倫敦南部的貝丁頓(BedZED)零碳社區——水和能源的自給自足 http://greenlineblog.com/wp-content/photos/SVGallery_BedZED/BedZED_Image%2002.jpg Benefits of Low Carbon Buildings 低碳建築的優點 A wide variety of benefit from buildings to global scales 從建築到全球尺度的優點 (Source: Katashi MATSUN AWA, Nikken Sekkei Research Institute) Practicing Environmental Sustainability by Certification 通過認證實現環境可持續 • LEED – USGBC 美國 • CASBEE – Japan 日本 • Green Building Label (GBL)–China 中國綠建築標識 LEED Ver. 3.0 NC (U.S.A.) 地 室內環境 材 水 能 CASBEE-NC (Japan) Q IEQ Material 40 30 20 10 0 Site Water Energy L Green Building Label (China) 中國綠建築標識 (Public buildings) “四節一環保” • ★—— 22 ~ 34 scores • ★★—— 35 ~ 45 scores • ★★★—— 46 ~ 57 scores Green Building Design Label Green Building Label General Items ( 43 scores) Water Star-class Land Saving Energy & Outdoor Saving & Saving & Environmen Utilization Utilization t (6 scores) (10 scores) (6 scores) Optimal Material Indoor Items Operation & Saving & Environmental Management (14 scores) Utilization Quality (7 scores) (8 scores) (6 scores) ★ 3 4 3 5 3 4 - ★★ 4 6 6 4 5 6 ★★★ 5 8 4 5 7 5 6 10 Table 1 Item Requirements for Grade Division (Public Buildings) (Source: Evaluation Standard of Green Building) 1st batch of six certified projects, 2008 2008年 第一批獲認證的項目 No. Project type 上海市建筑科学研究院绿色建筑工程研究中心办公楼 Office building, Green Building Research Center, Shanghai Research Institute of Building Sciences, Shanghai 1 2 Public building 3 4 5 6 Project Name 华侨城体育中心扩建工程 Extension project of the OCT gymnasium, Shenzhen 中国2010年上海世博会世博中心 Expo center, Shanghai Expo 2010, Shanghai 绿地汇创国际广场准甲办公楼 Chuanghui International Center, Office building, Shanghai 金都·汉宫 Residential Jindu Han Palace, Wuhan building 金都·城市芯宇(1号、2号、3号、5号、6号) Jindu Chengshi Xinyu (No. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6), Hangzhou Source: www.cngb.org.cn Star ★★★ ★★★ ★★★ ★★ ★ ★ Costs and financial benefits of green buildings 綠建築的成本與效益 • Financial benefits of green design are between $50 and $70 per square foot in a LEED building, over 10 times the additional cost associated with building green. – A report by G. kats, Capital E ‧ 一份研究報告指:綠建築設計的經濟成本節省在每呎50-70美元,比較綠 色設計的成本高出10倍以上。 The financial benefits are in lower energy, waste and water costs, lower environmental and emissions costs, and lower operational and maintenance costs and increased productivity and health. 效益體現在節能、 減少的排放費用、 較低的運行和維護 費用以及顯著提高 的工作效率 Up-front cost vs. life-cycle cost and the benefits of green buildings 綠建築的前期成本與生命週期成本以及綜合效益 The stigma is between the knowledge of up-front cost vs. life-cycle cost. The savings in money come from more efficient use of utilities which result in decreased energy bills. Also, higher worker or student productivity can be factored into savings and cost deductions. Studies have shown over a 20 year life period, some green buildings have yielded $53 to $71 per square foot back on investment. http://en.w ikipedia.org/w iki/Green_building CASE: The City of Bloomington Environmental Benefits Economic Benefits •Emissions Reduction. •Water Conservation. •Stormwater Management. •Temperature Moderation. •Waste Reduction. •Energy and Water Savings. •Increased Property Values. •Decreased Infrastructure Strain. •Improved Employee Attendance. •Increased Employee Productivity. •Sales Improvements. •Development of Local Talent Pool. Social Benefits •Improved Health. •Improved Schools. •Healthier Lifestyles and Recreation. http://bloomington.in.gov/green-building-costs • Three pillars of Sustainable Development (SD) 可持續發展的三大支柱 • Emerging Issues 浮現的問題 Social 社会 – From LOVOS, LOHAS, SLOHAS to Blue Zones 生活模式的演變——從崇尚西方到回歸東方 模式一:LOVOS • LOVOS is an acronym for Lifestyles of Voluntary Simplicity which are oriented to health and sustainability; and are critical of consumption and consumerism. LOVOS提倡自覺自願的簡樸生活,對高消費和消費主義持批判態度。 • It is an essential characteristic of the LOVOS that environmental awareness is in agreement with environmentally suitable behavior. LOVOS的核心理念認爲環境保護的意識和環保的行動應該是一致的。 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LOVOS 生活模式的演變——從崇尚西方到回歸東方 模式二:LOHAS • The term Lohas was coined by American sociologist Paul Ray in his 1998 book, Culture Creatives. 美國社會學傢Paul Pay在其1998年的著述 Culture Creatives中第一次提出Lohas的概 念。 • Ray originally used the concept to identify a new segment of consumers who were drawn to ecofriendly but more expensive goods and services in the West. 最初Lohas是指當時西方社會湧現出的一 批趨向環保但是相對高價產品的消費者。 • Since then, the acronym has cropped up regularly in discussions on climate change, sustainability and health, when deliberating ecologically friendly production methods that entail less carbon emissions. 從那以後,Lohas被濫用于與氣候變化、 可持續和健康的討論,泛指生態友好和較 少溫室氣體排放的消費產品。 LOHAS族的定義 • 一群人在做消費決策時,會考慮到自己與 家人的健康和環境責任。 The Cultural Creatives: How 50 Million People are Changing the World, 1998, Paul Ray, Sociologist, U.S.A. LOHAS族的生活價值觀 – – – – – 健康Health 環境Environment 社會問題Social problem 個人發展Personal development 適可而止的生活態度Balance Source: http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/樂活族 What are H & S in LOHAS? • H (Health)指的是「健康的飲食、生活、身心 靈的探索與個人成長。」健康的生活型態像是 近年逐漸被提倡的生機飲食法、營養補充品 等;而最近熱門的運動瑜伽,或是中醫、自然 療法、個人成長的出版品等,則都是現代人對 於身心靈健康的追求。 • S (Sustainability)指的是「生態永續的精 神」,例如可重複使用的能源,或是有機、可 回收的產品。 LOHAS: age-old wisdom in China LOHAS:回歸中國的傳統智慧? “乐活的本质是和 谐,快乐和健康" 中國式“樂活” • "People were curious about the word because it seemed to represent an elite lifestyle, but more Chinese found later that Lohas is very similar to a number of daily behaviors passed down from earlier generations." (Shen Li, chairman of the Second China International Lohas Forum) • 人们对这个词感到好奇,因为它似乎代表了精英的生活方式。而中國人則發現“樂活”其實 是與先輩的一些日常生活習慣相似的。 • The American concept of Lohas is a marketing strategy based on consumption, but in China, it is more about a life philosophy guiding people to lead a simple yet happy life." (Stev en French, managing partner of Natural Marketing Institute) http://www.rmloho.com/user6/40394/upload/20077248300.jpg LOHAS example 案例 - Cool Biz • The Japanese government recently launched "Cool Biz", a campaign that encouraged offices to allow their workers to remove the tie and adopt light-colored business suits. This made great a contribution to the environment as offices adjusted their themostats up to 28 degree Celsius, subject to the government's instruction. ‧ 日本政府發起的清風行動,要求寫 字樓夏天冷氣調高至28度,白領除 掉領帶套裝,改穿輕薄淺色的便服 上班。 • The "Cool Biz Fashion Show“, organised by the Environmental Protection Department (EPD), together with the Environmental Campaign Committee, aims to further encourage more corporations and institutions to adopt a "dress down" policy in summer, saving energy in the age of global warming. ‧ “清风时装秀 Cool Biz Fashion Show” 由香港环保署组织,旨在鼓励公 司和机构在夏天清凉着装,减少 冷气用电,应对全球暖化问题。 生活模式的演變——從崇尚西方到回歸東方 模式三:SLOHAS ‧ 慢活 SLOHAS (Slow Lifestyles of Happiness and Sustainability) 則是最近才開始提倡的,它主要是 針對大都市中長期處於忙碌狀態的 人群所提出的一種生活態度,既是 樂活的,也是慢速的。 http://www.91now.com/down/upload/2008-8-27 • 現代人熱愛速度,執著於用更少的時間做更多的事,不斷加快腳步,成為跟 上時代的方式。因此「快速」無疑成了一個癮頭、一種崇拜。 「慢活」 並不是將每件事牛步化,而只是希望活在一個更美好而現代化 的世界。一言以蔽之:慢活便是平衡──該快則快,能慢則慢,盡量以音 樂家所謂的tempo giusto(正確的速度)生活。沒有一成不變的的公式,也 沒有萬用守則。每個人都有權利選擇自己的步調,如果騰出空間容納各種不 同速度,這個世界會變得更加豐富。 http://www.dajiyuan.com/b5/6/10/8/n1480479.htm 生活模式的演變——從崇尚西方到回歸東方 模式三:Blue Zones藍色地帶 • AARP/Blue Zones Vitality Project was the brainchild of Dan Buettner, from his book The Blue Zones in 2008. 心臟病的威脅 藍色地帶由Dan Buettner在其2008年著作 The Blue Zones中提出。 • • The premise of Blue Zones is: identify the optimal lifestyle of longevity and you have a de facto formula of longevity. 長壽的生活方式和長壽的生活法則 And the secret within the Blue Zones is - The Power 9 九大威力 IT’S TIME SOCIETY STOPPED REINFORCING THE BAD BEHAVIOR THAT LEADS TO HEART DISEASE - AND PURSUED POLICIES TO PREVENT IT 是時候停止那些折壽的坏生活習慣– 並尋求長壽健康的新生活方式了。 - Dan Buettner http://www.bluezones.com/ The Power 9 – Change your everyday environments & encourage a healthier lifestyles. 改變日常生活習慣促進健康的九大威力 1. Move (find ways to move mindlessly, make moving unavoidable) 運動 2. Plan de Vida (know your purpose in life) 計劃 3. Down Shift (work less, slow down, rest, take vacation) 減速 4. 80% Rule (stop eating when you‘re 80% full) 80%法則 5. Plant-Power (more veggies, less protein and processed foods) 素食 6. Red Wine (consistency and moderation) 紅酒 7. Belong (create a healthy social network) 歸屬感 8. Beliefs (spiritual or religious participation) 信仰 9. Your Tribe (make family a priority) 家庭 http://www.bluezones.com/ Blue Zones example 藍色地帶 例子 • In Albert Lea, Minn. U.S.A., the Blue Zones Project involved more than 2,600 of the city’s 18,000 residents. ‧ 美國明尼蘇達州 Albert Lea市的藍色地 帶計劃吸引了該市18000居民中的2600 位參加。 • The result were stunning. In six months, participants lost an average of 2.6 pounds and boosted their estimated life expectancy by 3.1 years. ‧ 效果令人稱奇:6個月内參與者平均減 掉體重2.6磅,預期壽命增加3.1年。 http://www.bluezones.com/ From LOHAS to SLOHAS to Blue Zones S L B Changes needed in order to achieve a sustainable utopia 實現烏托邦我們要做的改變 Economic 經濟 Environmental 環境 Social社會 Changes needed in order to achieve a sustainable utopia 到達烏托邦我們要做的改變 Economic 經濟 Low Carbon Economy Environmental 環境 Low Carbon Building & Certification Tool LOHAS SLOHAS Blue Zone Social社會 Concluding Remarks 小結 Sustainable development 可持續發展: • is all about ensuring a better quality of life for e veryone, now and for generations to come. 是關於現在及未來普通大衆的生活品質都能得到改善 • This can be achieved through the three strands of social equity which recognises the needs of everyone, maintenance of stable levels of economic growth and employment, and using natural resources prudently, whilst protecting, and if possible enhancing, the environment. 可以通過:爭取社會平等,通過保障就業、合理利用自然資 源、並盡可能保護和改善環境品質,保持經濟的穩定發展 A Sustainable Future 一個可持續的未來 (from individual building to the globe): • SOCIALLY, the new lifestyle and new way of living can be accepted by local people 社會層面,可持續的新生活方式應被本地市民所接受。 • ECONOMICALLY, emphasizing the long-term benefit of the cost of short-term environmental technologies/innovations. 經濟層面,著重環保技術、產品產生的綠色成本的長期效益。 • ENVIRONMENTALLY, reduces eco-foot print by exploring renewable energy and improving energy efficiency • ARCHITECTURALLY: The source code for an urban operating system; Not focused on the form but on the performance of the form. 環境層面,以開發可再生能源和提高能效降低生態足跡。 建築層面,著眼于形態的環境表現而不是形態本身。 Thank You 謝謝! http://www.pl and.gov.hk Acknowledgment 鳴謝 Edison Zhang, Neil Yang, & N. Larsson.
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