" 0 PROFITABLE POULTRY: HOW Fowls, in TO MANAGE Turkeys, Health Ducks and Geese " Disease, BY VALE, W. CONSULTANT POSTMORTEM DISEASES ALL FOR EXAMINER PIGEON FOR Price 3/6, post free 3/9. ALSO CREATURES, FEATHERED CABLE," "THE PAPERS, THIRD OF EXPERT THE FOR POULTRY PAPERS AND C.G.A. EDITION. Copyright.) (Registered s" % ^^ ^p- vVa Yours truly, W. % VALE. 40 o e S5 CONTENTS. Ipart VALE'S HYGIENIC How to Prepare Site How to Construct 1. POULTRY-HOUSE. Illustration IPart FOOD AND 7-1" 2. FEEDING. of Food, Function Digestion of Analyses of Grit and Shells Water " Feeding ,, Constituents of to ,, Stock Breeding Increase Notes duction Pro- Egg ,, on " Animal Matter ,, Insect ,, Fatten Poultry Ailing Poultry to ,, ,, Soft Chickens " ,, Vegetable Green ,, Poultry "art SELECTION Notes Old on Food OF Eng. Game 3. BREEDS-FOWLS. Fowl Notes on Fowl Langshan Indian Game Houdan Fowl Fowl ,, Fowl Plymouth Rock Fowl Orpington Scotch Grey Fowl ,, "_ ,, Fowl Brahma 17-3" Redcap Fowl Fowl Hamburgh Leghorn Fowl Minorca Fowl ,, Fowl Andalusian Wyandotte Dorking Fowl A part HATCHING Eggs, AND Stock, Selection Breeding of Broody Hens, Receiving Method ,, to Method of Set ,, Packing Hens, Testing Travelling Selection of Breaking Coops Setting for ,, Chickens, Food for of " Food ,, ,, REARING. Preserve Number 37-51 4. ,, to ,, Broody Classification of Selection How Fowl " the for Shell 53.5S CONTENTS. Ipart 5. TURKEYS. PROFITABLE Turkeys, Where ,, How to House How to Select How to Feed How to Fatten " ,, to Construct ,, Food Value How of Ducklings, of of 59-62 ... How to Feed How to Fatten . ,, Young Stock, How to Ducks, How to Feed Feed of Diseases Ducks, Eggs Prevention Hatch to Chicks, Dehcacy Stock of " Ducklings, Rear 6. to Construct Pond, House, How Ducks, Selection " to DUCKS. Construct to Feed ,, Diseases PROFITABLE How Set to ,, ,, part Yard, How to Chicks, How Chicks, How " " Duck How Turkeys, Eggs, Keep to of ,, ,, 63-72 part 7. PROFITABLE Geese, Breeds How How How to ,, Geese, How Keep to Select to Feed ,, ,, to GEESE. How of Farm of Farm Feeding of Food Fuel ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, and Grit Buildings Stock 73-7+ FARMING. of Labour Rent Stocking General Management Treatment of Broody Cost Feed 8. Cost Introductory System to Fatten POULTRY of House to Hatch Eggs, Goslings, How part Selection to Extension Method Hens Advice of of to System Development Buyers Disposalof Pure-bred Advertising in Eggs Blood Egg, Eating Stock 75-88 INTRODUCTORY. 'Tp^HIS work is chiefly acquired during " examination of founded extensive an dead poultry information on in the experience and feathered other creatures. which Subjects find Poultry" be better only are place no understood, in this and by careful a In to fair be be order which This is should of can them Shows the I not give study and in the them and unsuitable this should fowls of is the chief as be to make made While studying the became evident to a clear me the best of so is of profit. that every of when only then obtained. how poultry the qualityonly." much it is of as because suitability, of disease, predisposing cause diseases can frequently hears quality to creatures knowledge One point The the regards as food of of stock, generally not principal element is the poultry, so my kind. food case kind experience, and and is housed. question a This essential and fed any requirements especially the " quantity the much is most be remark, which they regarding relating to matter is necessary. managed acquired by is because at successfullymanage to knowledge that It exhibits "Fancy poultry papers. current a of perusal book information obtained, by studying the with connected failure in managing It is necessary keeper feathered they of that poultry. creatures were fed it with certain foodstuffs become to diseased These facts of domestic in order is the how the have to a food and feeding special study of fed be conclusions under arrived at pages. for those knowledge of necessary fair cure. should the and to subject they following essentially stock who the manage symptoms disease. In this of that so discourse The been in in out It of became liable most were the known, becoming ascertain they difficult more circumstances, set live and birds to varying are generously, too little the diseases the reader when of system The the of symptoms, poultry and words housing found will described make the be ment treat- briefly, puzzled advocated to and causes are be not may few a fairly tried, every work by a subject is that one long clear. has advantageous most respect. of system of management effective method Tower House, a poultry-farming single of pen of development is based fowls, and a is made Norwood. simple clear. W. South on VALE. the and PART I. FOWL- HOW TO HOUSES: CONSTRUCT THEM HYGIENIC ON PRINCIPLES. GENERAL DIRECTIONS. commencing B()EFORE detail, picture and V direct a of the rays time advisable brick-rubble, clinkers, covered be earth. By laying with rats the For fowl-house, remark that that is, such the as two days avoid be suitable will be able intention make a wish are to go to is in or low it is of bed foundation ballast of one or part ashes, moistened or and it has directions In a composed proof who year. lie coke-dust, breeze, of it when long low This the as by laying down ashes, to for lies material. of parts that so the ground mixture a damp be the done of when appear run that one should be my should shortest will following it is not covered layer of of those guidance it will the surface inches three through foxes mice nor a and floor the ; can the on quicklime gas-tar, neither the other or into to This with should powdered shine damp it, raise to how plan every place it, if convenient, to during to fowl-house, a mind your site, endeavour subject way in will sun possible as selecting the any careful Be completed. build to vermin road proof, for through, nor set. their construct given, and into too I here may trivial own details, understood. FOOTINGS. The much more building should durable and stand a on tenant's footings, which fixture. Those would on the make outside it Q Z H " " 2 CO Door, ^ X GRASS GROUND PLAN DETACHED OF PLAT. DETACHED FOWL-HOUSE. FOWL-HOUSE. a J CO that " is,exposed bricks bound with their and pointing inner ends. with their and cement sides underneath By thus, will be formed the angle laying uprights carrying wire-work will be water running angle and the much position,or blocks house outside. the faced were and inner. walls of wood. laid A the down of consist be formed gutter may to in any the outside on the roof. fallingfrom footings, proceed a footings laid bricks work brickhave The durable. more and it would any in the caught angle cement off the water carry will be If the with may and boards uprights, consequently wire-work be The stand. the construct illustrated. as To off building to Having will or on FOOTINGS. BRICK in which building appearance the bricks the boards outside underneath the of the run better of the the them the outside down must on on their downwards (seesketch). an them also be laid sides overlappingthose them across should broadest or or Bind laid These of concrete consist downwards outwards. bricks should " used, lay are broadest with together weather with together If bricks mortar. the to front the construct two inches Let into of the halving that piece be " that JOINED (juARTERiNG tops of them quartering to thcy is, cutting long. section a joined together flush be similar another feet sixteen shall long, for uprights. five feet and square pieces of quartering, four section, use each with Do this out of inch one piece by each deep, so joined when HALVING BY (seesketch). piece The be should three one be attached nearer the fifth door and its top side feet eight the the may end from side of the of the be nine uprights inches inner centre piece the Place run, used of the form will long rail,another bottom a let in with uprights. the A As section. front feet sixteen run, to one the which divide to piece give at top left front, to and the the one feet of the which the long the bottoms end each rail of sixteen from inches pen, to the of rails, should thirty-threeinches door should distance increased be hinged. between strength the to the frame-work, fastened to of should is make reach suitable more door inches, and pen with should of the front of it. whole fourths front of their an and sixteen and attach made bolts by nailing sections end and the should be fixed Fix long. rail the The eighteen made in inches similar a from from the the manner, pieces the meet two to inches eighteen on back matchboards be along doors fastenings. to in the threeshirting-hoard a other as of the wire-work the bottom half-inch so quartering front the below feet mesh by thirty-three and piece should One of wood other or feet small a larger a cover with thick pieces of quartering being back space inch of the boards The top. The of covered pieces of quartering. bottoms door a be be can Next should hinges section the fit with pieces four be wire-work. wire-work, and bottom the which it with cover With ways. which wire-work, than appearance in many frame, the Wire-work rail. be can long just sufficiently fasten the front better frame-work nails wire the bottom a This roof. or To below it has best, the screws clenching. not is and with the to support together allow mesh and the on section. ROOF. and The roof four and each end, down over the for the be sections fastened common tacks. lime to each will slack in the tar of this black as gallon It is advisable is The width. that calico the calico is tacked Then fine get powder. of gas-tar, and make should applied,give to on it be a will which A the be the near just roof suitable very fastened down boards, a pound of this gradually stirringit it hot. the with saturate quicklime freshlyburnt, some Add on one all the boards they nails. or is unbleached putting pieces of quartering house, screws near and pen, have to of the of thick together tightly,but end varnish,which the varnish fit them not each When a In run. so means inch an and placed boards it into shelter be boiling gas-tar. pound of the should at by for the and and about pieces of quartering, one covered the dry, do very roof covering it with of boards to outside expansion. of the ends can are nailed the centre with made wide thickness above inside half be down one room of the the a if they boards, allow should Give kept good the well coat in. roof powdered The a stirred. of breeze good As or lime coat soon sand, which will form burnt and varnish fiery,and makes Another On the fine will last found. vvhole have put it it and the good the on The roof very boiling tar, of coat little of and hot. is best breeze a the on of pound boiling surface looking the care, a calico sand. the freshly- waterproof. the lime, melt requires of is lime ordinary and wood-work coat of either or neater a of a dried, a lightcoat using giving By coke. " should of of breeze coat life-time,and a If the with done of tar, and annually The house work Instead good a siftingsfrom composition the " gallon this throw the calico. on calico non-combustible Method. in each pitch concrete a either either it " could not be outside of the that has when composition. SHELTER. The piece should flush with rest the the ends that To quartering. along of the fixed to meet it,so the on fixed be back and of the SHELTER OF The nest roosting broken egg nests in the is egg-eaters) side be not placed. inches up. shelf boxes, which The fowls. three bottom section and roosting shelf fillet be may can be in all parts matchboarding SHELF. nest rather The best in diameter, to are cut Over made in two the top of prevent egg-eating by the dark (the common easily seen. forms matchboard designed in are of made are PERCHES. WITH ROOSTING may with house. SECTION the of the end The give greater strength, a bottom the top and the piece on made be together by pieces of quartering. held matchboards shelter should the angular piece forming places, consequently of cause the out and fowls roosting of a fixed becoming shelf larch with a perches pole, about the round BOXES. NEST These shelf. should be are two There which entered are from roosting shelf),front the box a roosting minute "c. When and on the so as shelter. SECTION (the quently conse- of each nest the nest, principle,the this removed in crevice of every one being of this is obvious. advantage NEST nests, top inspect to on will allow WITH of front lifted and be can The SHELTER OF able be the bottom, nor In ground. This lime- washed. thoroughly back no central a to go consists Each to to pass constructed boxes nest the to sides ; but door, shelf from and small eggs, remove have behind. is made nest make fowls the of side each on one roosting of the underside the to of them, which through space, attached BOXES POSITION. IN PEN. From the matchboards, half front to construct half of the the suitable for will be one, which is very her chicks in when can be through to on suitable the birds of prey, hatched. pen the shelter,fix the a A the on they The pen. and half well as hen upper and hinged of the keeping are chicks the very small, outside, to protect pen lower the as her and piece horse-shoe-shaped allow the platform, and a upper small When to wire a from them pass run cats, "c. PLATFORM In settinga house, with platform purposes to skirting-hoard grass. be fitted to the can for by The doors. two the the at across variety of a of the out cut form to half lower the partition cut half back from of the front form partition to a divided be may of the shelter to the corner back FOR corner of the platform about pieces of quartering WATER at covered three the VESSEL. feet end run, by and two back and opposite to feet. of the It can run rest and the on one 14 weather glance mere of without This and fruit kinds food be may yield ground the be fowls would by allowed keep down and planted, after to the the to that pests few fruiting they years the pay range best a of rent The the ground them. each the from the the fowls, fruit the trees if and occasionally damage a dwelling-house poultry-houses. manure on run insect fruit the of some of Between of sisting con- by ends the connect of system connected bottom apple-trees were them this Ranges be A it. to that can and to quantity by were made situation nourished houses top standard sufficient a evident poultry-houses. If occupied could the to be the grown. suitable the exposed extension. fowl- across with it unlimited such be to makes of could way stores plan of running covered having allows number any way should ground poultry of covered the at housing attendant the they and trees. EXPENSE. The each less glass whole of fowl-house, than boxes, wood-work; purchased, demolishing the material "c., run, In pounds. two old also for old complete, large floor-boards, bolts, very little, dwelling-houses from other men and for material, and doors, other odds who make selling the of construction purchased suitable towns and the be can old hinges, for required old and much such timber ends a materials. business as for can be of 15 i6 17 PART FOOD II. AND FEEDING. INTRODUCTION. JAWING the to senders stating the fed the to myself, that they a which food of as this food only which fact made hindrance In order to had the as it clear been examiner, whole, a to a The of course tained con- in this how the undergoing change. That was too of subject a been the exclusively poultry. to have FOOD. is, all livingbodies which of the of its functions. and is living creature every but it is necessary so OF continuallyby physical agents disease, management be can of food that effect of result has feeding cause FUNCTION known the large proportion of starchy matter success of the nature THE is well a that of disease predisposing understand knowledge It that contain chief the greatest fair which to which, predisposing cause a ample proof foodstuffs is not a fed with evident required thorough investigation. collection with foodstuffs became soon been discovery of unsuitable of the large proportion of starchy matter. very The ation subjectsfor post-mortem examin- names subjects,it had of cause constantly being are loss or acted wasting on of the tissues. of food It is the function body, and this provide without for the injury to required proportions devoured. process To of make organ the of of the constituents this matter digestionand replace this loss, build reproduction any of to nutrition clear,a in the species. body, only of brief poultryis food up To the do about the should be of description necessary. the i8 THE PROCESS All substances membraneous down In time, the food the quantitiesof successive pulp. From the which is stomach, longer a is a gullet, and all substances with supplied into with a or more first pass into secrete the which glands is crop gizzard for conversion the crop shorter or The digestion. stomach the its contents less nutritive for of rate hopper, supplying a of the enlargement an remain the upon crop, which in the the stomach. to passes depends like merely all substances crop which merely and NUTRITION. AND first rest swallowed pouch, which DIGESTION OP gastricjuice. This fluid softens ^ction of the substances a forces the to grinding most fluid into the intestines. in the its contents, the bile and other mixed digestion,are with which into fluid,which more gland in the of material and nutritive should and body, suitable each for is formed blood substance is freelycirculate in solution should substance which is is present deposited in This element an in the liver and being the disorganizationof chicks infertile, from disease As matter a shell, and birds of cases case, various a very fact,the of This organs organs may soon it the the and quantity swallowed, its bulk death, even in excessive take after the any an though element be may quantities. readily understood how place, eggs prove hatching,and death amongst infertile eggs, early mortality,are and quantitieswhich is because occurrence majorityof being unsuitablyfed. tissue quantity required be common into maintaining of cause the or the converted every from assist from pulp means into it in it may die in the shell be of other which is absorbed the substances of food. excess opening functions. if continuous, eventuallybe the may, that or up, be absorbed may the through its natural from by abstract building it enabling it to perform The the less or This tlood. all it, presses valvular a secretions gizzard, the greater portion of a reducing gizzard portions through There, of process for speciallyadapted for the them prepares pulp. In addition and is gizzard,which to and substances most chicks result of the poultry. dead in parent 19 During late these on which a contained some the subjects,and he produced infertile eggs whole, In the writer years same liver four,or cases for person the was the chicks kidneys and livers. recent of yoke of the all the information to ascertain the most It is most whether they Therefore are annexed almost fowls food which, starchy matter. have from as been and by sent the in each The disorganized week a which they or were being disorganized. FOODSTUFFS. chemists now we have able are to been pushing lay our hands organic substance, by any of stock the In science places that several attached be many eagerly and method of management. suitable a fed poultry to is know or not. of most given on the of the results average an diet constituents of the act in order command, our keepers of poultry should figures represent chemists. eminent table seize successful estimate may at their stock supplying to which should we practicaland important The table. analyses by various the substances diyided are : " Proteids. Flesh-forming " which matter, hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon, sulphur, and, It is of these elements Amyloids. " which consist elements without matter the shell have egg enthusiastic approximate an foodstuffs the into OF the management on of that men. In of ence correspond- find in chickens to years analysis eminent chicks in the occurrence organic analyses, and the of cent, this is the result of the liver During on fed with been fiftyper dead ANALYSES forward ascertained very young found of the most hatched, and has post-mortem examination, common a old more more, much very subject of fatty(amyloid)degeneration. majorityof It is had had than more has sugar, of carbon, oxygen being present having is fed to any tissues that the animal Starch, and and in fats and amyloids. of oxygen, rule,phosphorus. a formed. are each are gum hydrogen. amyloids, Owing to proteids,poultry will When poultrythe kidneys as consists are an excess of overtaxed, and these thrive amyloid a deposit takes to place in important health. (N.B. "become These " stored future of metals. creature's any as woody In grain of atom one which elements, when may readilyburnt and system, stored at forms up, a mass. this under figures heading fibre,alkalies,salts,and and injurious vigour depend.) and amyloid matter, The " less or form cannot heat-producing ; but Solids. such matter easily soluble not Other "waste in up more proves strength are time and cheesy which tissue,on Fats. some Amyloid " muscular and organs, seeds it is represent quantities minute such chieflywaste, woody as "bre. Water. food of are Large quantitiesof " specialvalue, solids, consequently overfed being B.t the underfed and order In "constitutes found a in first fat of the chick The and of the of process A about suitable fifteen The the food. of underfed and too great of overfed are a portion pro- flesh-forming with the of other In order proved for the after just before should of should it is chick, where the force until The yolk an the supply a diet in a chick, obtain these contains egg would consist proteids,thirty of amyloids fiftyof into the of food. elements solids, and shell. subjected to nourish of into the tube a it is able to yolk chick its shell. from through fact the be absorbed it emerges pass the the from emerging ordinary conditions to is to be contain to nourishment proteidsin of to what as This required. is yolk, which and opinion right proportions by the of the necessary cent, is which hours sac diet under per being correct fairly ordinary foodstuffs. proportion "combined,five with in hatched supplies heat from exact yolk newly- a egg, an its navel digestion. the fat powers of is in the of the proportion satisfied without proportion a standard food, a of food egg there the the other. twenty-four through contents intestine the an the be overfed may them, they to naturally provided "during the filled and small too be able to form yolk be is,through with suitable decrease Poultry supplied elements it is The to the necessary that food they may solids. fat-formingand in the matter creatures time, that same of "one with because with in combination water water, nearly in and of fats combination these proper- tions,a glance the table of constituents at form portion of considerable a in about one fed to poultry. and eight NOTES Wheat. economical breeding from, it. in matter For it is this purpose of but bursting, until not fatten but them, from breeding for and it becomes wheat laying, proportionof starchy matter. diet constitution,may A show not because for point the point regards kept are a unsuitable an of sound poultry, being their for large too effect of ill eifects, but birds feeding which The " for the As it contains flock of any on for starchy used on it is suitable for those (N.B. evident. always is not of glutinous. is most suitable not until be boiled little kept when it until it is very very large percentage soak to is birds to it is excellent, and it should quality,large full-bodied to the advantage Then germinating. of fattening an usually- food it contains sparinglyfed be very account on fifth,and -a the diet grain this fattening,because should but matter, Waste for employ to and in three FOODSTUFFS. feeding poultry, In " ON to proportion of necessary one that will have matter proportionin half is the a animal The it. solids of the diet is in the proteids of and vegetable, vegetable roots, green it evident makes progeny are likelyto.) Rye. The " above is rather clean and " Ergot of this of dark feeding estimated When " value from of this grain average quality. in the quantityof digestiblematter same difference in thirteen percentage of medium an for much grain, poultry above that see Russian cent. much more quality. purchasing this grain. seven There an it is substances alone should below great variation ranges barley contains Small of view cent, samples of barley. from the about highest barleycontains, proportionatel matter indigestible This point per is very in various flesh-formingelements per economical is about flesh-formingmatter. very barley of this food a purplish-coloured,horn-shaped of the five to as barley, and purchasing maize The grain cornutum). (secale Barley. the When free from " value good sample a sample. average " feeding be borne than does in mind even when 23 Oats. than This " grain other, because any be fed to may of the poultry much large percentage it, preventing poultry being over-fed. When quality per it contains substances,and than more of course; the decreased. low It is not of cent, allow of fairlygood qualitycontain addition of production and had the the other wheat and matter shows the they are is owing and the A of grain. medium have oats Ground would Oats. with be them as animals an state. undigested grain for their cooked mixing with purpose ground with pea comparatively sweetness damaged. of kind any the This feeding that see contains oat forms fed the best partlywith and grain for fowls flour bean very much other valuable Therefore and grinding them an advantage to except for the purpose of however, soft suitable cooked Ground and properties, creatures other it through it is for advisable form to cheaper. those waste oats and for means are there ground horse portion of It is not, nearly so not are natural a poultry for themselves The grain. prevent this them. that recommending with vegetables oats or in frequentlypass To fact grinding grain provided not are in up waste it,when are of those fed with full-bodied for the for the whole do grind than selecting oats poultrywhich of wisdom substitute which grind which quantity flock substances, and it not for organ this class of food an of eggs -Were " show some a with one agreeable flavour. an provided The In sized greatest proportion of nutrient food. excellent containingmore the the of starchymatter. sufficiency a products with ; but starchymatter Yet space. per sufficient to the of over-feedingwith liability thin-skinned. staple grain twice the latter to more than more great grain the This eight quality,the fowls about consume a for freelyfed,the of average of food a vegetable, an were greater proportion of have with wheat occupying would oats with a oats. and flocks of fowls would digestibleand fed with of meat as quite of eggs is proportionatel oats about is not fair number a daily supply a diet is provided. If two oats of indigestible purchase to good grain their value flesh-forming elements, which for the of in matter of average of the advisable above of waste cent, feeding value grade, the ruling pricesbeing poultry. Those to twenty freely more food, and as for this middlings bined com- vegetables,which corn becomes soon more are loses or naturally provided its less with 24 of means grindingtheir healthy poultry certain is of very Maize. stock, but not employed will This are on a of their Malt are kept not exceed soft food, but whole bulk Dari. to not This " for This its a time. Maize not not can- be places,but the stock to given to and corn of their food. bulk than portion given be whole they when It may it inviting an considerable it may are of small mixing about with one-fifth the of the produce firmness plumage in dark Hempseed. grain and Tares. of because " furnishingnatural increased be recommended as quantity of starchy dearness. Some much samples This When " they coloured small excessive varies very of any of flesh wintry weather, because a can in quality. The of the dark-coloured good quality. quantity advantage, which of the in colour. Peas, Beans, an less for them time. extent comparative This " is silver grey outlay for and is very suitable for foodstuff a poultry,because buckwheat with the greater is not in it and price a one-half freely of it. Buckwheat. best when liver in food confined in rather a the forage for other any " which fattening fowls, because weather wintry at sparinglyto breeding yellow a left to are Dust. Sprout for serviceable very freelythan should matter a cold which food it is food. fowls food a fat to have and more meal and free range, birds fed be post-mortemevidence. on as In into grain ground large wheat, as is founded but appearance, of the disorganization of cause flesh the should so recommended causes a much conclusion be foodstuff so stock breeding to later,by the excessive or Most than corn quality. poor This " in it. Besides, so. digest more freelyfed ruined,sooner quantity of starchy matter meal and up and ground become to grind to it is When they require. they are able are do certainly grain should own are and obtainable these so may at a reasonable fed to be poultry highly nitrogenous. They improve the colour and gloss of fowls. is an excellent of the heat. yieldof eggs. large proportion Though quantityfed foodstuff to it is for chickens of oily fat in in it comparatively dear laying hens may be paid back the in 25 Middlings the " dressingsfrom price it is with pea bean or meal Barley-meal. whole rather suitable very poultry. Oatmeal. economical with Rice. it. This " in this state equal to for suitable more Potato. feeding value this invitingappearance. the wasters stock. breeding even are with be used a be be used to feed fed the whole as considered an chickens, them to for fattening them. to to in sparinglyon egg rice. of given be not to large quantity given in chickens value and and or Of is cooked excellent nearly advisable Small when the flesh the course household and relish. a than more cooked in reason vegetables production. It is not to as for this are feeding poultry,except are of water, chickens to feeding meal, meat, they give the It is neither price very promoting and from qualityas average feedingvalue be vegetable when meal, because with combined vegetables. same of potatoes, potatoes purpose a These " mixing potatoes for the purpose For when its large proportion of starchymatter of the cooked as this and to in should weight This " should quantity maybe soft food for form high it absorbs their twice to a nature. Grains. Brewers' food this may same little may It small a owing quicklyif freelyfed uncooked cooked the is too poultry because When qualitycontains into meal. quantityof creatures heating to foodstuff. usually of milk. given are comparative feeding value, but same small a and cooked usually ground This " of its other It is food, but porridge account A " fattens grain, but finest this is of the economical Maize-meal. and meat, or is grain nor The names economical an it is of the grain inferior and When " the other flesh-formingmatter, suitable a and flour. wheaten fair percentage of low These Sharps. " supply potatoes cooked and fat parings be may not are to so a of the to same purchase fatten them. and very mixed delicate of potatoes utilized to and feed fatteningas large ones. Cabbage. rape, be too contains " Each valuable of the varieties saline and strongly recommended as a of the mineral food. cabbage, including substances,and cannot 26 Grass. of "stuff, When " which Onions. " combined "oil, "contain and young poultrycannot have The kindred onion with and acetic vegetable matter, and food- excellent an much. too sulphur, which phosphoric acid, valuable this is tender vegetables contain makes They foetid. them acrid an also acid, citrate of liine,and consequently are excellent most a very food. Vegetable Roots. the winter for either foodstuffs, valuable -very when :much of they as Animal Matter and it may necessary that food, obtain to dried Bone. contain too birds male induced or to Insect as food a they of form a proportion of when animal " of vegetable found and food substance them in It is certain crops. to be a which noticed very damage that the interestingto on In Africa thousands but insects,their I have come upon food they larvae,and and scratch other chickens not some crops, the roots and where any I shot food chief shells. fields of round and insect the were land on miles, many condition,with and fruit, watch larva shrubby bushes, within seen that where they always time any variety plump trees, at be in of insects,their consisted would Fowls bone cut for be over-estimated, because great service in riddingorchards is of laying,but be suitable to laying. as shells, food. nothing growing was paratively com- known are when salts guinea-fowl busily engaged foraging for there is and value poultry cannot complete economical in it. matter The selves them- which meat, poultry lime not large quantity a It is very cannot the butcher's for suitable for females Food. for a from bones very great eat of the account are granulated perfect a It is most insect food. as that poultry to as all foodstuffs. Fresh " bone, and they given sold meat cheapest of the :green be good supply of a purchase Green it should is almost large quantities. rather supplied in eat to day. This " excellent are fowls the of the (Meat, "o.). be Swedes scarce. whole the during "c., are carrots, uncooked, especiallyin or (ora net)for feeding cage will cooked vegetable is green in the placing Swedes, mangel-wurzel, " some in their part of their Fowls prove of the and green of parasites it may of old trees. be It ducklings pursuing 27 insects,and frames and suitable a which bone, Meat substitute,and is is very into very broken, and birds. food There are do with produced adopt phosphate should when of be freshly the male surprisingthat system little trouble very able consider- a injuriousto it is in which ways digested. Bone the fowls to prove some and and substances. of great value not variety of a carbonate it may soft spongy contains besides tO' necessary gizzard bone sufficient a and spongy pieces and given being very is meat in the valuable or freely, too fowls keep matter, other small not Insect who their developing obtain cannot best up Fresh nourishing. nutritive they the easily ground lime, iron, and broken in "c., it becomes food, worms, quantityof of great value kept where poultry are of insect supply is of muscles. When find exercise this those it.. propagating be large quantity might a or during expense suitable weather. The is following a germination of maggots and almost any dead the mould, maggots fowls mould the and themselves be Where breed the maggots being well be will the will work their way attracted to food for collected As and poultry. to the breed laid be work as surface over in animal they of the their way cleanse birds material used their to way to the it and pegged are the mould tO' and the place a. down. and turbing dis- fullydeveloped they ground. refuse,and to after ground access scratching away soon or other or hole in the have can chickens lightlayer of mould, a they as fowls and the birds maggots. with a the will maggots the objectionable placed in be netting should prevent the the of working In with as out that so up, of in fine soon way for chickens covered fly-blown,and of wire is flesh box, embedded fall. material quite wholesome in may can hung the As the receptacle impregnated their work they other or If the chickens surface. This a maggots piece when other or basket. or will be may strong odour eat. the they them devour can the place causing refuse,or animal hamper a basket, which or through in box of it exposed until it is leave full grown are hamper offal,other hay, or grass small a blow-fly. Then of the eggs " fill it with animal, and Take : method simple very they Beetles are a will be suitable 28 SOFT It is not advisable FOOD. gizzard (an organ of developed) is sufficiently employed it is too not muscular extraordinary the food is the unnecessary, prepared as so muscular if it has properly developed, and atrophied, that In properly. innutritious fowl's food are other part of dried quantity of a used to all cases chickens the a and an is to into absorption exclusivelywith soft suffer from and roup fowls is laying. boiled and rule saline providingthis for young or Pull sand cress, for added. the food supply middlings, is an suitable soft food vegetable is and to the regular intervals,so chicks (when sprouting)is necessary There contains let them are but few The excellent a on A good by sowing and boxes. secure is containing tender these to in winter boxes roots. as very aperient properties. quite place for which FOOD. in shallow it when adhering a can of flesh-formingsubstances. deficiency a of succulent of its valuable sand. as especiallyfor growing with poultry keepers prepare with fat-forming, supply mustard mixed be may refuse from The GREEN A bran food is necessary, when with soft food excellent an floury some are mixed middlings food. a much seed such vegetable (nicelycooked) as stiffish mass, animal house, when As find too five of suitable middlings some economical too for fat,and too and meat any make If the poultry. of liable to become fed render to with work, however, substances fowls Young system. nutritious ailments. large In bone-forming or chief Its necessary. as its work do to fowl, the combined intimately so gizzard very One be is of it becomes use unable organ become cannot organ be to as food natural matter mineral prepare the the the as organ weakened is, so of any the work in active been freelyused. when stock of that power properly digestingit. Besides, render to the food, as when power in fatteningfor layingand breeding When soft with exclusively feed to seed succession for chickens account of way seed, rape of slight depth a have it with people who may be cannot sown of crops. and the poultry. at Rape 3" GRIT is certain It AND that eager in which way thrown down time. Feathered to nianage reasonable do not require any to that say that teeth do poultry is facilitated does the aid of be reduced of sufficiency to material the unaided of reduce number of eggs produced are "c., into and had the is conveyed been the By fowls cinders,or advisable would coke to occupy serviceable sharp as are break too a flint suitable. that room with its most Whatever small in the grittysubstance, a those which which to of extraordinary organ an prepare should be an tends would Some to have harder and for them prepare mineral means into the egg it into rather much require highlyprobable that glands employed grit is grain, stances sub- quicklygrinding shells,bones, thus shell-formingmaterial For is its aid from mixed abundant. for the blood. to below in feathered certainlyfail to It is much supply Those shell-formingmaterial and particles, absorption into matter grit and absolutelynecessary minute gizzard laying season. them gizzard effectually for the shells of the eggs supply been the it would as in the by substances substances the just grit. They any nourishment This pulp. sumed pre- (liketeeth)assists fibrous harder insufficient the a be digestion,which their and Though power, produced during firm some pulp. to a muscular a or them reducing with portion of a hard other of of beings Human gritty substances perfected. effectually more obtain that of means and have required by require Grit for the process preparing substances apparently an it would not are not obtainable. be may persons grit. for anyone quantitiesrequiredwhen seeds,or some so, deprived of teeth, and say some appreciable quantity any being this it is it for seed or in time swallow naturallyand quite instinctively creatures grain on the by it when deprived of exist when it is to as having to say that fowls to live times all evident devour been considerable a without grittymatter, and, owing is at is made for and have which for condition thriving they creatures confinement in kept will rush after them to This poultry. fowls POOD. gritty substance some for essentially necessary SHELL in other and secreting and charging dis- passage. suitable,but material is gizzard. any stone, supplied it pieces,because are digestion Cinders promotive large are is ones very of health. 31 When fowls liable to swallow may the prove find in to been set by up escaped through which In besides shells destroyed in with vessel sufficient water before they for mixing the fowls dust or time after for can be broken may their own to dust, which themselves the floor before being slacked. be may obtained before up be the eggs. for devour and if not should the shells exposed for are they are of given be not shells feathered them to by doing when would not be creatures was made very shells eggshould whole shells egg- eating be added be may required,and are induced thus then evident to will me grit they do many the By devour to to pelled com- needlesslyovertaxed. they requireit,and only This towns commence ever some in the them In in required soon they so for placed air for to the not used available be poultry,because shells should gritnor of it floor of it, quantities. They inducing poultry,because gritor to lime be may the time. some in considerable Neither shell food when compelled. Lime When there means unerring instinct adding just lime always been kidneys and digestiveorgans an then be left in the The it has them of any by placing them purifiedby burying effectually leaving be cleared are completely cleared should in. of the action in them be and shells should be tages advan- purifythem, the By lime, be may other the fire to fowl-house, sprinklingabout some dust soft food the and quickly done then cockle substances for the fowls. up the with and ground valuable be hours, and broken are they use writers. The slack it. to twelve to on some bone. or assist in the process This placed in can gizzard,which and they pulp. unslacked some limewashing and which the result of of the are softened,and are matter, least by a in coming was expelled. They should, however, or for at to its way nail,piece of wire a food forming shell the shells decomposing a by has inflammation, the up death cases hole made recommended fire the set shells of the oyster, whelk the lost when method had some that death gizzard,and of the contents some a occurrence graduallyworked of the very things which other uncommon an had walls reducing ordinaryfoodstuffs are a the of death. cause obtained, and It is not they are post-mortemexamination pin or of metal, and of the intestines large towns of nail a some inflammation In ior soft part in a immediate had of death. cause by with contact nails,pins,bits subjectssent caused through suppliedwith grittysubstances not are so years 32 back when I commenced laying they would The yard. picked up ducks placedin a broken of water vessel into The should of water upon HOW TO The value breeding from available the their food rather of a vegetables. are grain and in confined found not best foraging be poultry may yieldof more or use. To stock a a kept for free range is chief part of for the forage and commences, of fact the birds then even and meat becoming fat and the grain be poultry cannot suitably of wild fowl, unless for for table be fed rather the supply POULTRY the been birds are exercise of it has TO shell has nest Much breeding. stock in the arrives season rather scanty FEED dead young or the breeding a feeding of breeding in the Infertile eggs eggs obtain feeding fed with liable to if freely possible condition made in them INCREASE PRODUCTION. (and that only) is with liberally doing this,however, less ruined vessel. same by pouring Where prevent is necessary when In The STOCK. of season is to in the nests eggs. should grit. be the rule,except it be with EGG When be products. runs. TO left to matter a the for food and HOW are As care deserted, because in the system breeding they Still greater kept suitable should products of grain. fed with BREEDING point which internally, in the yard should the frequentlywashed PEED feedingshould The be in their to them be over-estimated. cannot birds the placed with supplied to be When again. it. until the spare be if he their shell food yard,and their them, and gritor sand, which pieces and should grit,sand, "c., stream in their small very for the ducks corn allowed fine requirevery Ducks it usuallydropped laying,egg-shellswere not were shell he touch to When into egg-shells thrown rarelyattempted very piece of a untouched. be greedilydevour drake closelyconfined. ducks keep to for stock purposes the greatest number a the view the fowls and of eggs be and object desired increase to will soon only the become fit for table profityear after 33 from year chapteron As or certain a regards feeding,in has been the fowls will eat of animal added the fowls for eat, and wheat When TO bird a be digest its food been being has crop become removed. fowl is too glassfulof fowl added the to the In all cases and bird begins a few nourishment of illness an ordinaryfood. eat done a rule food been to eat is unable the to The is half of ailing birds night As or supply it should freelyit should be be until food has out under should of water the been the fed food. If with wine- a If the spiritmay and be increase soft food. should When is be improves meat warm. If there morning. other the bird by giving some ailing it more egg and some if it had nourishing an up brandy given. food. pointed soft in be to in crop saved give any it actually disease, and undigested beat unlimited in cold weather to be drops food that cease in is noticed case, the one the digesting its until any remains have bird it is As give portionof quantityof tail or are they creature food might a should take and low feathered with seriouslyill, when ill to is very it or Bound." milk force when by not, in any do ailing birds complicates whether this heading "Crop maize consequently decomposes. When empty How sparingly,and, and dies,when in the crop fed a food be ascertained food any will they especiallyimportant fed,the forcibly correctlytreated. should allow day as and be POULTRY. great many When of the the creature cases it may the roots oats AILING A of if it is decomposition fair allowance a cooked, and mostly with is ill it becomes undigested condition, an a feed usual. as be have vegetable or green suitablyfed. food point of bursting, the on should should FEED killed in consequence their until it is food, days. HOW should much in the soft much as given separately. During evening meal alternate on advocated adopted. morning give which or as be greedily. They up matter, have to the kept wet the soft food to fowls,the system poultry-farmingshould grain that as of number be the brought graduallyon vided, pro- ailing to its 34 HOW TO Soft A food mixture is with appearance and flesh when maize skim moisten be the meal of given poultry put them two it should Changing the food addition of If good plan no mild some moss. I without having not per one will fatten them chick is of those In the should be the affords it seek it. will be and days by in the a that time much is not it is certain that when they are that cramming make period out it does of which out egg the yolk it is absorbed way It is peat or system it pay are out of its shell not chicks until much left undisturbed better for to require nourishment hatched. was chick the by of its shell,and until it is strong inducing them thrive been provisionof nature suppliedto they rather a elsewhere. who those working, its in kept in litter, straw, the If weeks. CHICKENS. nourishment less trouble fed,and been is the occasional If fed until it has of the it is water try. of nature of sufficiency If food it,for During yolk have three or adopt to wonderful a the to the soft food. should so of stable FEED not ordinary course during have to should be added only quickly than bed a who TO food, because provided they in two more anyone quite twenty-four hours. any after fatten them. first well studied HOW The fatten on advise cannot cent, should liquor spicy condiment. trying to use keep to day a they It is matter always rather warm, given healthy, poultry will place they warm Animal for boiled the using matter, fatten,and the barley, be soaked. is an advantage, so occasionally littleof a unhealthy, it is a be fattening,but it should little salt should three times or in winter A to of delicate be invitingappearance. an soft food. making up potatoes, fattening. Wheat, corn animal some when not very boiling the thoroughlycooked. food are flesh to is very meal boiled and fattening,especiallywhen very boil the cause fat has yellow Before to fattening poultrywith. best for Maize advertised each good plan a with meals minutes. ten milk, will flavour. are POULTRY. FATTEN middlings,barley meal, loaded Nearly all the TO undoubtedlythe of fine moistened and FEED enough to they need it,there eating, commence during the first few twenty-fourhours after 35 they are clear of their shells. for provided it as be not boiled bread be and (set), In or addition milk. three weeks should have minced egg food, From with and cooked be thoroughly they of animal boilingmilk, The vegetables. old mixed should be or they maggots, as greaves, meat two days such matter, may middlings are two are ground or stale change, a milk, or and should egg until the chickens when meat, as with oatmeal the time granulated and ing provid- quite hard, but it should bread, scalded fair allowance a meat, middlings the be continued may old. of made The it to become cause whole meal porridge This to naturally continue to week. a the to littlewhole a given, or and their food for about long enough nicely cooked minced. first food the advisable chickens, it is certainly portion of a Egg being with thoroughly cooked. This Their class food of food is very of shquld be greatest portion should but small a fed with liberally or uncooked, is the As meat the or silver grey. the they are of their chickens young but best last meal days ten should add which rice. directed as for chickens, and this up not any by giving is in which buckwheat, not broken some grain, but Follow French-grown may either cooked prepared from the contain They their diet to screened feeding yellow-legged chickens, nearly (maize).may corn four be given old the meals or at most rather should be be given daily advisable It is not legs. than more food is suitable dry or When the colour The grow, little Indian full-grown,a very food. seeds seed, little of the improve possible,but as foodstuffs of those Soft Food" " dari,millet, canary colour kind vegetables. Cabbage, the chickens grain,hempseed, a and excellent an heading expensive. them consist a chickens. growing proportion of amyloid (starchy)matter. be under varied as for necessary to feed five times a four,and at even day, When night. late at to eight weeks old, three daily. It is for a very breeding because from these grave too chickens starchy matter is made very feed chickens to freelywith grain and the fatten and foodstuffs reproductive organs. of mistake tend That enter evident to there into should the not which are products intended of grain, disorganize the be a composition large of the by studyingthe subject,and tion propor- diet of under- 36 Standing fowl in that of the fowl that being there is the the is right formed. It chicken vigorous overfed from elements nature and strorig a a of state a of nature with of but corn, is for a common it is not of kind one in is with feeding advisable and mixed to feeding suitable poultry to use. with the in elements egg prevent must do because so, that the egg. the to give each fowls are the neither mixtures economical of will corn to select aimed purpose fowl of mixture a some that so is, with poultry " Besides, accomplished. not feed to another, some corn suppose from which a CORN. practice grain to hatched of chick the erroneous matter, natural MIXED It is be can amyloid proportion which a variety usually purchase at " sold nor 38 ,i'.l|]lH"",, in U O (^ X H O "" 1-1 Pu 39 III. PART SELECTION of BREEDS of FOWLS. -i-i- TlHEfollowing intended It must, may of any When below layers and breed in supply a production of eggs of eggs the average increased production of by good management. fowls which produces soon become ruined indifferent prove of fowls breeds bad bad by layers. have in great a as been a may be strain of of eggs number of fact measure their parents. contrary and of the result strain of fowls the or a may consequence some of ruined by best our years of management. BREEDS. of view breeds select obtaining are a a yieldof better quickly adopted. breed and When management. of his yieldof suitable for eggs doing its up during other breed is much producing flesh two more for or breeds of fowls so to and which new to all-round the successive his will produce a ductiveness pro- seasons attention turn than profitable eating. a and layingqualities, improved three this it is advisable layersbut by good poultry-keeperhas stock poultry-farming. A of with breeds owing and eggs, improve to the best out a advisedlytake average Instead endeavour simply by picking may always tryingfresh keepers of poultryare Some he fowls and a matter is above fowls it is the the average a laying so-called the certain by unprofitableif assured. is not management, As of fowls ways On than more NEW not eggs breeds other of those are of stock. best by fowls selection the the breed previousand present management Thus the purchasing production of average in of breeds in that out that various amateur pointed and the the be indifferent badly managed, the on assist the to however, prove strains notes breed a to good chiefly 40 SCOTCH GREYS. 41 " cq H O 42 NOTES Old called fault,is a admire. of this grand remark that to have been fowl I have At revolting. which comb Game and fowl, but indicate I fail to know than mother she provide for to the from death carries fowl her brood weight, insect life food. It is winter a and it should laying well deserved only In " of choice brown tint,which and a weather. purpose kept it late years makes on turkey. This requirefull layer table fowl may information Fowl," by a it is second be about A. the and kept in C. Croad. to middle " than in the of of skin The rich a white a severest for this but Though May. is white is like confinement, read for her of none, cockerel it should fowl. egg even glossy,its matured The of maintenance sized produced before well - egg For June. Croad readilysaleable are black beautifully the medium more them be hatched a white steadilygaining Miss in defence where flavour. Game has been to other place the first of English it little additional delicacyof before this fowl lays it a thin, and Langshan It As is for fowl any other will them table a than requires but great credit is due quantityof plumage or sitter a defend and meat fowl she range As wood As fowl,and lays a unequalled fair it should a refer to the Old winter A English useful or free a white in be hatched in it. race on medium-sized favour, and purity Old hen. enemies. persistentchampionship and Game English other when is system a advantage. beautiful others, and and hardy it is when is to the true belong intend never the face it is unfair an the chief part of their food size,which Langshan. its all rats very foregoing remarks egg, gain green-stuffabounds or of medium long Old proportionatelymore of its it at more sprightlier, excels that I here mongrel. a a an we I may type. of game dubbing the do not partridge coloured a and of to off the skin about shaving large bones as strains cruelty,and unjustifiable it experts none only fault,if it Its fowl, and a the present time faking,by coarse of extent to some fighting propensities, preserved true I consider to the performed second table fowl. dubbed never stands pugnacious disposition,which its to BREEDS. fowl and its Owing do so, because of This " layer,sitter,mother, be should PROriTABLE Game- English all-round can ON and a and young those History of who the 43 Plymouth and farmyard,where of its food, and hardly be free range, a for it advantage, fair average it should a greatlyboomed, all-round This and Scotch it is very of result of time good a a laying sitter, close equal it. to the to It has been the country. it is with become a black the because greatest utility, is It is medium keep. to feather,this fowl, which and has summer, It eggs. lays however, be have them a been brown-tinted a the The better Dorking and of the some are be can layers. it is old fortunate. By greatly improved light Brahma layer than a is of the dark good laying and produced. Wyandotte. established " This and fowl a of American a size. rather clumsy mother, sitter, who with crossed because mother. above farmer in winter first-class may when a for may, persons and again for bred close sitter and the present strains careful management and fowl There table fowl. those a highly valued of rather productionof its size, is about, and firmly about apply good egg good layer a regards as table fowl is this fowl is being Though " one Brahma, produces winter It is with kept crossing Langshans a white a better all-round no of medium a use. popularityis doubtful, yet In Scotland layer of Brahma. egg For May. merit remarks same and hardy, sprightly, I know ruined in its present " winter at and consequently has spread through fowl, the it is not appearance. fowl the Grey. good was neat a voracious Rocks. Plymouth kind has of be egg in winter. even a can for home it may brown before the middle it will retain good not rich coloured Rock, and Plymouth That lays a and " suitable very properly managed, them This productive,and when be hatched Orpington. table,but large portion a for it has close run, a fat to be too for quantityof good mother, in forage for field for the adapted fowl. profitable a prove kept fowl is well be left to it would becomes soon fowl it should then readilysaleable On This said of it when appetite,and a Rook." production has general favourite in this become country, on 44 46 of its neat account silver-laced It lays is Wyandotte brown-tinted a and layer,steady sitter, This Dorking. " table and crossed table fowls. with Game. layer. On portion of its food keep it. farm a It the greater table fowl, and stock of the large white This hardy and For crossing purposes, Redcap. " round, medium-sized soon grow not place where for so a fortunate are matured Old Houdan fowl, but it could to is improve Game exception into robust egg. and was who tgg. not a good obtain a large has to still possess purchase considered now both have hardy is chickens a layers of delicate,but fowl layingand no birds. any layer and unadulterated fair winter of occasional The excellent an were non-sittingfowl white who man poor quicklythan more English This the table good non-sittingfowl The egg. with a originalstrains,which and as progeny fair sized white a fowl, the food for his fowls. those was Houdans their improves layerof other by foraging it might possibly be profitableto portion of " of any high-class mother. is other or it its fowl. winter good a chieflyfor excel those breeds good This certainlyis Houdan. mother. indifferent a " attentive whole, other an It is.a close sitter and it is is valuable the beautiful and neat very size,and careful and on It is but Indian of fair fowl qualitieswhich, when a certainly egg good qualities. A all-round and appearance of equal table a it size. qualities, equals. good layer all rests, and are at first the year produces a but delicate, 47 Hamburgh. but with small the to exception of short than any a much consumes large fowl Black Hamburgh, This food. would is offal. owing A It is would its very hatched in bird hatched This " than in the Minorca. readier ruined on and head rather are winter and of proportion clear an but they deliqate, confinement, For require but laying they egg soon usuallyfalls over, the and is For winter should earlier age of medium be not head than and ? rests severe very suitable for specially than be the The breeds. most popular is not there rather has he The It is not number being kept are a bit out of if the soon bird has good of condition head cradles makes male a comfortablywhen carry a finds it will continues his overburdened there fowl any of account on delicate,and been. can weather,'but large it should rather delicate when are is very he becomes as laying and wattle fowl layer and winter better it as size. become Already ground. a popular as robust, hardy birds,and into an Spanish as is not chickens grow appendages by laying a is small a large breeds. frightenedcan when in in size of comb good layerin times of the any as small, fowl,though and bones thrive It has, however, good health, and rest table a flesh than present this fowl like the more a eggs and laying qualities, for increase "combs, why nor At sale. his comb to many The lay at white " its first-class in as eggs, May. to Leghorn lays a now twice non-sitting fowl quickly but pulletscommence be produce Minorca. April and hatched, craze food chickens will be, for it lays more table first much or May. Leghorn. should it Rock, Orpington, as As for exercise. room the Black twice exceedingly active, and quickly. They sufficient The about small eight-footfence, Hamburgh mature year. Plymouth proportionof to the with hardy fowl, produces more and consume which greater a sit, and through greater weight of them. it carries not too are breed, and yieldsa greater profitbecause less other much beautiful very other all lay rests do They good layers, are their eggs Hamburgh the Black of is of this fowl varieties readilysaleable. Hamburgh a the be exception eggs All " made fowl up is brought for their for the table for this at other good-sized white in rather confined eggs, places. 48 i^i 49 a; O O W J w p"i!fer i;i""^ 5" Andalusian. As classed between reliable authorities fowls by their of flesh production than return of medium the Leghorn the this is delicate is taken is considerably of and into larger fowls. size. For fine flavour, they account They winter and non-sitters, are laying should they of cost a better produce eggs yield and year a birds the to very table when found are in As 150. over to produced eggs be may According of number fowl this Minorca. and average breed merit economic regards " in hatched be May. I CLASSIFICATION. A Fowls of sufficient the cottager for utility For the Leghorn, divided be may either Old : The for excellent laying a and good plan Old crossing to introduce keep Rock, with one fowl, a of mixed these very the in sitting sitting Orpington, or Houdan breeds, and Houdan, lot able. suit- Scotch following the fowls common the as suitable. very non-sitting Game Where Of Brahma, following such Wyandotte, be may English qualities. table would Plymouth the of not are is layers. silver-laced fowl, farmer Also Redcap. are which Hamburgh, good the the Langshan, advantage. and is these ments require- the to fowl Black and Game English Besides with those " or breeds suited medium-sized or fowls " Grey, arid or non-sitters are all-round breeds small Andalusian, Minorca, best keep. to a those farmer, or cottager These into to of separate Dorking improve fowls years. are their kept it 51 54 INCUBATION. When to using follow point given, and great advantage avoid loss the temperature it lower to of incubation. days on keep to When of the under lowest it is hens a very chicks the out last three to them. When good an of feathers coat An excellent best time Old to set be likelyto fifteen minutes and she should likelyto less exercise. and cramped fingersshould should be it is a gently there whether are good plan the hen should it should happen When counted under the to cover to the hen and so the her wings. with a would is taken In a and she first ascertained very cold weather case HENS. and the fat in it assists chief part of in keeping up little hempseed. off each see body, the long. too sittinghens, the she nest piece of flannel,in SITTING for they become off the having eggs, and nest may of her ing morn- when she hen a centre be off the eggs because inspected,to taking eggs FOR maize, their temperature, In off the is the best food be exercise,or to tame off the taken all properly her chickens some raised up the on when under any will make a ten Each eggs. down placed FOOD Grain take to settles down sittingof a trample suffer in health. be her to off the be taken her, allowing her If she The if at eggs should off to feed, which squats compelled be should give flurried and If she hatched. for feed and dummy she morning proves introduced be to be ducklings. or has placed on placed fowl game-crossed or of chickens be Next and leg feathering,should night, if she should be taken be Game water the dummies remove is at she to free from size,with of medium those sitting, brooder restless. food and for English hen a HENS. and sitter and strange place,and nest, hens employing preferred. are the destroyingany by treading or squatting SELECTING a each on to hatch incubator an the hen through that it is in my inclining to set are eggs have to degree one it is advisable the eggs, hatching suppliedwith it,except the instructions opinion advisable for machine a if any morning, are the eggs should be missing, soiled,cracked 55 broken. or Soiled and allowed they should in an tissue be The paper. covered selvage for this purpose. the with eye a of between and fowls in incubation fertile eggs in eggs will have retained that the will have egg has about which which food fresh as kept has not seventh recentlylaid advanced be may by being the or of day the centre, but infertile should be except ones, An colour. addled in patches. with marked preserved same in D a the fourteenth by for the be used and between the shell is discoloured doubt a held the darker a seventh bull's-eyelantern On of of and they or eggs, crack suitable tested and a patch in become there is feed young to dark a infertile may are be or room. the on may the appearance rejectedif incubation Those tested the sun, dark a cloudy appearance, a Those and shell be They as have A be re-made. should box a her. strip of gummed narrow and thumb, forefinger the lamp placed a nest, when EGGS. strong light,such a the on is soiled it should of incubation. day grasped is is very If the nest eggs fourteenth hen water, warm off postage stamps TESTING The in rather placed washed, wiped dry and placed under should egg be in it until remain to be should eggs day. of purposes lime and water chickens. NESTS. If possible,the ground, should the in earth or be where should nest placed in it would be plan dust powdered and sulphur nest The basket. or or slighthollow a in chaff. of means Coarse the mixture a lime, " eggs in it. composed part of lime one nesting place to and is not straw in sufficiently becoming caught with in the wintry weather, protect the eggs the the feet of the hen the hay not through to box in be well sheltered it does it may be made a be lined with suitable,because weather, and should nest cold broken being It is a good of flowers of two of parts sulphur. METHOD It hens is at the seventh there may excellent an day same time. OF plan to Then of incubation, and not SETTING set two HENS. or better still three when the those which be sufficient fertile eggs eggs are left to are tested or more on the infertileremoved, fullyemploy all the 56 hens. the fertile eggs However, of the hens, the and the chickens When placedin they examine her to and corn Then dark she possibleuntil bad hurry, and a the In the than hen has get to seven hen a all careful talk to to night. at rather should be her to place warm kept the as work. frightenher. to be out, and and they If Don't get in not to hen in a ing sooth- a thrive much year under eggs need and many The same should should be had been other conditions twenty-fouror eggs a them for should out on shells hours forty-eight be small air, broods in preferenceto hens. The in hatching. heat a SHELL. the considerable not cold brooding chickens, twenty-first day the on time sliaken before they not broken, If the set, were hatch after the proper or of incubation previous day. being unfavourable,they may even growing 70 per cent. THE breakingtheir laid eggs cannot are to weather for apparatus exceed due to hatch hen MOTHERS. BREAKING Chickens the are liable to very exposure largerones. never depending feathers hens be said of incubators Mother the their thriving. than are hatched are place to greater number of the eggs experiencedbreeders employ may a In cold excellent some number when ARTIFICIAL are hen, the protection from better under There advisable a some the chickens it is not When If all spoiled. most EGGS. of the eggs. prevent them may OP of the nine that sufficiently protect Foster not as things in cold weather, chilled which be made may then will,even settled down quietly so early months her size and under if she nesting place NUMBER upon not, and of voice. tone more or distance, carefully a healthy or which capitalplan a from drink eggs, above It is temper. and The her retake escapes, be in dummy is cold. weather as she is for her to eat her upon set if the whether see water eggs. the hens HENS. is received hen broody a more or fresh with up be left with may TRAVELLED When one Mother." Foster " a hatched are made be sittingsmay placedunder be can out time. but may be or until fore Theretested 57 when Those water. about to in the the in outwards of appearance of the its vent, through chicks moisture the see it in very round successful A it is very chicks unwise their on which chicken chaff,ashes, or before " ventilated, but be to a wire small feed and free from to run expose The enemies. other cases result of lack avoided by always be fed the than plan moisture of earth merely is essential the during to first during sittinghen more than empty egg shells, remove kill they able are some to of support Incubation.") COOPS. have floor boarded a Attached draughts. allow the chickens to fresh should be to to coop to their natural grass on well should of the out come with be it there air,but not placed covered it should dry material, and themselves coop the hatching) some restless and become legs. (See some the her to them should not disturb may coop it is In better a helped quittedtheir shells,and CHICKEN A is should under on be can nest itself assist is the quantity of to the hand by treading themselves It have they because, if disturbed, she the Chickens." be occasionallydamping Chickens after by gently passing Feed and certain hatching. time (from which slightest to the not extricate shell,which dry weather, twenty-fourhours that earth should egg management. the eggs. damping to the to in nest How " bad to of the yolk stuck are due making its efforts to is the the tgg return chick a continue to carefullyremoving If there the egg. be avoided can has by extending the chipped operating and shell,because absorption the If it chick a unable and be done circle round a bob in will sink after be to warm and up, chicks hours by slowly should blood,cease incubator. of its This large end dead If fourteen be assisted it may with those the shell it appears chipping the top of the tgg. out and of the vessel. bottom process, space in will float in rather them by placing live chicks with livelymanner, a commenced or overdue twenty-fourhours or untainted ground. PRESERVING The which causes This shell are the allows of decomposed by porous shell to moisture to of alkaline chieflycomposed is egg an EGGS. the action become pass out of air and more porous of the egg and earths moisture, which still and air to pass thin. in. 58 In order various the to methods an have laid preserve been dry bran with to keep them for be may rubbed in this way Eggs oiled,placed in be may for months place,and kept immediately after they twelve eating middlings The salt and should middlings must the eggs should be PACKING Whether it travelling, layer of hay be oiled for of of ten middlings. and oven, The fine the eggs vessel taining con- dry place. very TRAVELLING. large enough to allow to yieldingmaterial for the eggs room to laid. a not cool are mixture a an is selected box soft and some should preserved good in in closed FOR a Treated dry, airy and a be as egg weeks. may soon as in for pack eggs of rather a being be embedded to receptaclefor packing best settingis of the a be enveloped should be of sufficiency it displacement. on secured screws Label advisable in top to fastened or thick line used to in similar a prevent are with placed in The wire. wire, stringis not " " send eggs which are and from the stations by bottom soft hay, a betwixt the lid of box with for each a and a slightest cover may should be for this purpose. care." It is not hatching by if possiblethey should hand. egg The them, the Eggs, intended and hamper suitable sides and soft paper. of possibility any conspicuously, Fragile to hay intended are The piece of a layers,with Post, but by Passenger Train, and to size. of it and in in which eggs lined with be some If the eggs or suitable a should placed be tied down with of hamper receptacleused should eggs kept or the of material. The for should still leave it,and kind hamper or it EGGS a but in be dried in placed in months, part of salt one " bran. them by burying salt be oiled and racks They laid. powdered in the three chalk oiled,and eating,especiallyif they for are months and settingafter of as If it is French some it be or for many keep good for the purpose kept week, a soon as. downwards. end buried then and paper, will eggs than more buried be greasing of lime. solution may large into the shell gently in tissue wrapped the oiling and as saturated a setting,they in very necessary in preserved,and be must such adopted egg for eggs its shell egg shell,and keeping the To be preserve Parcel be veyed con- 59 PART V. PROFITABLE book is written TIHIS classes certain for sale might have extensive an be must them be An from forage for to make for them the birds young or large portion of and rearing turkeys land. require thrive who Labour, too, deal great a large for them they those only by orchard, with an them, rear and suitable on by keepingprofit a but remunerative, in hot weather, and sun place to a how poultry. Breeding made upland the is the best of for show to range cheap, attention. TURKEYS. trees to of protect forage under, to better when left to their food. HOUSING. Almost of foxes building which any for is suitable The suitable. very will not The birds should thrive when kept plan they only can SELECTION In in when emerge their of firm birds with softness also those with Another of or broad the built and roofed trellised front,is perches placed ground. or on foul ground. much a airybuilding,from an at Turkeys in trees, but it is roost BREEDING which from, hard thighs or the with birds of good of the birds skin. tightly-fitting of skin should It is coloured and Turkey (black), weight looseness breastbones. select the bronze Norfolk the or STOCK. a better be plan see that Heavy rejected, to chase pur- constitution. point of great importance entirelymature shed atmosphere in to breed and crooked medium-sized not to being guided solelyby thighs are A the inroad allowed. Cambridgeshire, American, instead close a OP purchasing birds on from secure three feet from sheltered them keep to and wirework a roost be allowed adult birds may better having of the house, about the back dry housing turkeys. galvanized iron,and with is is age. The turkey does until it is in its third year, therefore younger 6o birds should not year may second allowed each to be selected be from. bred under the and hens, turkeys. their nurse arrangements, should be when which accustomed hen to under The turkey. the eggs The should be tested larvae and ON the left to should depend say the quantity which induce the when even but many would a birds of the eggs amongst of root are green feed,in she than more is nine fifteen under a day. other large portion of their of year, or by foraging. should be rather promote may and infertile, when vegetable matter. birds,and especially breeding obtain prove insects,their upon In food. I should order to sparinglyfed, production, egg the young the parent birds had hatched foraged for their food. very crops, caterpillars.This poultry,and marked twenty-eightdaj's,and the time feeding vigorous than large portion of Turkeys may be eggs three or whom than is and a upon they can laying. High be less for forage they to place turkey subsists stock,should supplied her off to person a to own FEEDING. domesticated, young That should come more or Therefore, when forage her (two sit to and persistentsitter, a by to shells,fruit,seeds, grasses, be laid are fails to the tenth on of nature state a she incubation NOTES In is turkey hen, period of they as advisable common make can nesting-place,but be attended It is not large hen and they places), unless should turkey and nest set. see. a The possiblefrom be allowed turkeysmay the hen the eggs set to as eggs many as the nest disturbed she case eggs from when be not get left in their being should May regards as laid and to as broods. own it is advisable of the year so In removed dummies be HATCHING. ON earlymonths common the stock should five females About in their hens but male. NOTES In breeding from, for when partialto wandering along hedgerows, in search of insects, slugs and class of food is most they can obtain vegetable they require but products of grain. a an suitable abundant and species some for all kinds supply of of it and scanty supply of grain or the 62 It is This can with the be be the done the to other and week of food the birds beneficial ways meal, ground A little It is them, allowed be shed a soft they should and be not they should they It is not of the close be bowels. to the In until This is four than weeks occasionally and whether fatten to the killing those best they are which plan they is do which ascertain not should a bed during the Turkeys fatten, to what apparently from while frequently airy. suffer food, should containing and the flesh. day be will in to of place, which light last soft. should they in beanthe the the but but is fattening during perches, place of quite sleeping on. the examined trying use and longer making are any fed allowed rest firmness They their without to and weather, will. near during very turkeys up own fed them well boiled inclement building for are pen their and other material if day food or in except at and it promotes food each are should pea-meal, flavour the salt antiseptic an flavour the little little a soft the to barley to just improve soaked roam with tempted be to also and advisable not fattening of wheat when If improve being swedes or because poultry, and food, added be A potatoes. them. will celery especially more fattening for it will Full-bodied for occasionally. food mangel-wurzel cooked cooked of change a the to oats fattening flesh. of soft of appetite give to mixing by instead meal added advantage great a gress pro- healthy. looseness dislocating the neck head. DISEASES. Turkeys be more treated medicine subject are in the for same a dose. to way the same except diseases that as they fowls, and require should one-third 63 PART VI. PROFITABLE If'N opinion, directions be made case, can duck pond. people in such to to serve place as fail to keep ample accommodation this the when pay ordinary care of source pages, for provided a handy when and When grass after barrel,and without pen a at man water, and of undertakes requirement pond. will not matter, as is,a house, yard especiallyis ducks whether has to they in town sketched suitable More judiciousmanagement of management kept it. to as are them simple that a keep, and they then very There to a as absurd more seeing outlay. opinionexists every a ducks, small or out years' experience of be can provided. be can made country. following in the duck-keeping in space. ducks to have forage the over, advantage they than greater profits when of a stream or large pond, by judiciousmanagement can regards housing, feeding,collection much is profitand pleasure,either system much old an tub of water a dirtycreatures This and good to cask, or a conclusion clean. is the result of many limited and be can to The a themselves a how duck-keeping. on are of clean pond a a or great diversityof made With a have case A be cask a must pond, that ducks lead likelyto of matter in books arrive at such be house, and abundance which in housing, feeding, to show duck a Ducks on their to as as be found Ducks and and think who they a book a is devoted Space This, useless,is doubt no not which, if followed,would practicalresults. some given are management, and is there my _L DUCKS. of eggs, kept "c., be made in rather confined to as yield places. 64 ACCOMMODATION. the to near and Yard Duck the house ground level,so that and drain yard order be to append and the to Almost marked inches pond " margin that the centre The gutter and be should coke). coarse deep all This the entire over care to this foundation that it may the surface all set "pond, "c., may or that form should be laid down at surface,includingthe retain the is wet prepare one of the foundation with and form brick-bats the (waste the coarse cement least two and as three to inches Beat it gutter, pond, "c. facing by mixing part of a sand, compact a margin." " of the shape and small, gritty, into part of action breeze use and Portland gravel be the pond combined it must the in the upper with and one from form the out cement proportion of A pond. sloping ground cement, will not similar a to be made is used the six ducks, but or portionsfor facing and together be made sides four foot to have soil removed with furnace or sand, with parts of fine siftings, Damp for four space be about in the but ground, of the should resist the to made a in the rubble. down, taking While it has land. in the inch should In description,I outside it,and shaped material the finer foundation,mixed the anywhere which dirt,or anything Sift out mass. of raised be can Whatever free from and to The the water. to raise the be utilized to raise the concrete, It used diameter, with in by subject to alteration, ground largeenough clinkers from and cement a frost. and remain the of be one covered house, pond, gutter should of the three Having the on The plan. for (slow setting), cement from is may concrete whole the carrying off course, fall ot about a fall from shaped pieceof changed daily. part of the yard. damp and deep pond gutter, lay with will not outwards, should water have water feet two is, of water. feet above more or convenience suit any the on D. marked so for and waste be to situated be the surface one a for- of material covered be deep, and drain fall kind to be course well,to as any is to " or understood, the house which shall there should yard the whole six inches ground plan,which a duck drain to receive a site,raise yard,from and The " and supply water selected the Having Pond. two cement. lay on solid laid with the mass. a facing so The yard, flat surface and 65 HOUSE. DUCK CROSS RAILS. CO o " r " 5" o POND. ft o 3- C z o r " YARD. GUTTER. 66 faced is with economical very coating it with and "brick-kiln, from the nearest of equal parts with made yard duck a dust),tar, and quicklimepowdered, not free from (dry and making waste concrete a of way brick of burnt foundation by laying a ashes A cement. slaked. House and framework to Duck make 3. a top and long. the of the edge should is bottom rail should two inches above meet the Board the top and round enough the space above rail at the back of the the back meet 'coarse of boards boards may be inches ends, the lid of should be cut redressed At ways E ducks ^thrown sides should four to the be be can top sloped to used, or joins in the them over a the that the ducks so of air. overlap can so the to the tar will it to The back. house four about roof it long enough be taken can be can too removed and tightly, to be removed Hke to rail at the back. fit in not with house for the ends off in made be may floor of the sist con- may rest These on the boards left unfastened cleaned,and when so necessary composition. the entrance, which about that it The house. the bottom easilybe make and as so that so portioiji board rail and with nine on " piecesof cross they the centre box a bottom the to water-tightand the duck out and of wide by largeenough be made "order to clean that above long all round. It must fixed The B. and boards using eight inches direct currents A rail,all round, bottom nailed rails to cross marked House," top rail the the on rails of it shall be overlapping the first,or subjectedto the roof Fix on outside. the bottom matchboards wood The flush with points front,and stand " uprights, and the B. thus the Duck Thick stripsof have Make with house, C second shall not flush that posts should be to uprights. " front. and required is that rail at the top rail in is of the marked from reach to inches bottom All these as so bottoms of the tops done points marked be let in the be thirtyinches uprights (posts), to uprights so The with the is to first thing to yard. completed at gutter be let into the level the round go frame a The " rail fastened bottom When Fence. three above should board form the ladder about nine the floor of the house. requirea piece of a be to with stripsof entrance. A Of wood drop inches course cross- shutter is 67 requiredto dose of the out of piece under inside similar a the roof at the end advisable the damage where they Besides be made flowers would be very of wire-work. When When it floor boards this has and and made on about by melting apply boilinghot. tar, and give it and a When of coat a good is. It better than the pound dry must enter.. position, pitch com- and in of gallon a will be the house ing saturat- could wet pitch with of the boilingtar, of tar of have can whole the where coat in pots outside, constructed be can crevice a wire the wire-work through out, house yard. the ducks When fixed every dried in put placed roadway a netting is inside the house woodwork, the from the be may passage fits down Fasten the a put their bills through it ornamental. libertya for them, and the entrance. cannot that with of the it is in every way as piece- a hole roof back rail all round the ducks or the at cut the If the out. ventilator mesh, lerns greater amount and bottom half-inch larger sizes. ventilate the house farthest from and top to use To drop shutter,covering perforatedzinc netting to a of the centre closelymake very to the entrance. ready for occupation. SELECTION The duck feel disposed if do they keep to Of that may breed medium-sized per worth advisable A food. can to keep certain be obtained has supply to be ducks the produces its eggs it where profitof are from ducks pure breeds laying season, five to within and pen of ducks a for can their management be were prefer a I which has. average which in were twelve which seven it is not portion of its. shillingsper when even a good a period of during fifteen faulty to of consumed purchased. By utilizingthe a My season. food may ducks common forage it cannot owing have five months during the laying season, of the house profit. If the of the months, consequently there the who of these, and any be to had value the duck The months. during ninety during twice least Of I have but eggs many head, about at certain possible to lay badly. Aylesbury, produced quite as been, it is course chose profitcan it is almost succeed not for ducks the and Pekin, Runner, good layers; therefore,those each are management. laying Indian Aylesbury, Cayuga, common STOCK. OF waste kept to every from head ment requirethe food yield a greater better understood in 68 this country there would kept best of their value account on be hundreds of the very quality. FOOD THE As regards among the milk, an This DUCK. shell. It seems and everything that are contained complete in food a food than milk, in an The kept. eggs is an and ; but is. no a perfect animal. a is made creature some its perfectdevelopment fact,and it shows concentrated albumen, oil,and the and abode food for this importantthat or absolutelyfree kept sweet and of the water from clean. place and food and there water this water they where the flavour alone, if food life. the upon in as are, flavour,but strong a reason the how nourishing saline matter qualityof sanitarycondition astonishing,and be have the after it easilydigestedif not damaged more ducks from muscles, bones, feathers, is the such It is also there is of Like it does as twenty-fourhours requiresfor effect of odorous should place of egg the first mystery how entirelyupon greater, it is very ducks the fact that during articles of diet. itself, containing development creature The of almost they have, in prices,they average rightproportion for sustaininganimal eggs depends a at food by a egg egg. the The an Indeed cooking. it by food as nutritious for the evident very EGGS. most complete a OP of eggs cheapest and sustained quits its VALUE value necessary is made it and the is egg everything in of them more of food producers as PEKIN are of thousands were are of the not a provided for impure matter, and their 7" exercise, which For with is the and food animal 5ome with supplied boiled be and handful If they are should have in confined places ducks food daily,and soft food of insect food up and placed for be composed they them duck meal a they are should have some to eat of the refuse if so from and they fatten should have It is advisable eat some, as to mince corner be shell and the green duck a are seven occupy or more ducks food, and should eight weeks than two or laying. When well as to bones Their as green take the pounded soft food may of the house Poultry," which and equally than matter much as Even to fowls). food for not them penned up to healthy. Rape, each suitable. ducklings. FOOD. there should in this vessel and those keep vegetable green turnip-topsare Shell FATTENING Young food free a aliment, a morning. fresh SHELL yard placed (see"Grit other supply have it tends AND of on and animal all times. at GRIT should Bold rOOD. ducklings should will are laying,and Feeding " on lettuce, onion-tops, cabbage grit and For depends it is not disposed. the food from when requireanimal GREEN the be eat. suitable. is and night appliesto ducks, but they require more In should will they food when vegetables (see chapter as confinement they they as When not. insects, green kept food in made DUCKS. is sufficient for each laying they Ducks kept kept for breeding ducks layingor obtain can of oats place soft food wheat STOCK feeding of proper whether range tailed or have it, and to vegetable FEEDING upon If ment. perfectdevelop- fattening. is too The added green maize, oats, should they vegetables. should much as evening meal, wheat meal morning middlings for their essentially necessary be the Food a corn vessel ing contain- for the ducks "). DUCKS. be old,and penned the three weeks. up to fatten fattening process Almost any before should kind they not of meal 71 is suitable in for which skim milk boiled used for make to with and mixed four or and mixed them. To stimulate little salt may in or access to While out they beneficial very added to fattening. To old ducks same of the refillthe of a same in away a The vessel be before wash The would prove this For be other are of point poultry. treated and penned and they the on or ducks should in not down grit in be hose, which the refilled with the can place when clean the yard should done ducks, with conveyed be to the broom, then pond by coiled and " should daily,adding water bass a the water sweep put means carefully with. grit vessel " STOCK. OF lettingout water rubber damp allowed be pen. and pond. litter, peat last week it is until be celery seed, may the during MANAGEMENT pond of except that drakes way, morning, piece of quantity a should of their flesh. flavour should and and clean themselves. fatteningducks they should food, which green the for bed of stable a to preen barley boiled food DAILY out some daily meals or ducklings daily they small very excellent in the the have improve a The is fattening spicy condiments place on noon be fed matter in greatly assist food. hour, in order an animal a meal enough be if some ; and form meal ducklings should the it will the about Wheat preciselythe In warm and fatten kept and of the one bursting is to should celery,or purpose be for should appetitemild added At water the food the dark straw. moss, There day a and Potatoes little maize a and stiff, times with be rather a rather cooked. liquor middlings (coarsemiddlings or fatteningducks. cooked kept meal with be scalded been fine with wheat the food it three has matter and suitable), food good animal some not are fatteningducks, b.ut it should washed be fresh and gritwhen the it is required. Place necessary the shut ducks "grit up. food renew their The cannot whole Add bed. The vessel." is about Who for the ducks, let them last time it ? corn thing at night to the shake the up the average. and if water, "c., in ducks should required dailyin looking after half-an-hour,on spare their out, then a pen be of 72 DISEASES. The Disease and Loss " add it to usually the in dose of Acute Enteric of result ducks of young legs, falling over Septic annually. to their on backs, ducks To eyes. food a also ; the add This forward its tongue chiefly their and them amongst skinned, The from breeding in given may form be Of tends kept to this of supply swedes, cooked fed to where vegetable ducks, they can keep they roots ducks cannot should day of which in a be or fed too products be eggs thin- barley the ducks or kept able are meal to should moderate two matter should much. roots, condition. them when disease the they vegetable grass, to of feed to animal have breeding should when some healthy obtain the and ducks producing vegetable green it. healthy by foraging, and hardly it is behind cause grain advisable a When their duck medium-sized with once food evening. the part. A of suitable supply a than more with for It is not change. a their to a both predisposing oats, round dose remarkably staple food full-bodied for corn meals or DISEASE. feeding generous to the pass keep chief grain, the short, to suitably feeding Ducks young. is too Of grain. in oil or OF consists properly managed. obtain food to Powder Krekodyne medicine PREVENTION for or dirt collects Roup add Roup giving When draw to of them water. necessary Indian morning, Powder Krekodyne suffering from are cure drinking stock night and oil sweet water. When are is thousands of power Give " the drinking be Roup, diarrhoea. Treatment. of are ducks latter destroys many Symptoms. and The Cramp. Disease, which of ailments principal "c., some every such When cabbage day. as they or 73 PART VII. PROFITABLE GEESE. SELECTION TlHERE which will for them land the over to Embden less not than old. years is for that one Birds old, and year selectingthem In and preference, about of are nearly equal three they long are from birds be should should with run many it is of suitable more bodied should geese because breeding and mother, preferredby goose for used sufficient frequentlygoing too reason Toulouse Toulouse, has owner be to and is the closer sitter,better prefer the build. the varieties two bird,and some compact more the Embden having The goose also the better table a of geese, without ground. farmers, while STOCK. yield a profit when graze same The rnerit. kinds two are OP be at five have the each gander. HOUSING. Geese are comfortably A dry hardy, but very housed than and well-sheltered of early laying. more would space for it to have an material, there is it absorbing for be not any freely. for suitable For ducks. expensive bedding material the large quantity that would bed under either ducks them. or Dried geese. this ground It is also As than peat Clean a are of from five geese, regards bedding moss, straw very motive pro- advantage an or required to keep fern-tops make or it is the reason are space for four for either ducks be they bed, warm floor. concrete more and a when well accommodated. so largeenough rather to dry advantage. an bedding a better not building with asphalte or moisture material A do when and pen, feet will be fortyto fifty square but they thrive much a owing most to able suit- would prove geese, owing fairlyclean suitable bed for 74 FEEDING. On sufficient addition of the to the food with turnips, swedes, mixed vegetables and with animal most up, cabbage, oats, some little a any dried scanty, supplied be and without during is herbage vegetables middlings, thrive themselves should they other with for other and snow or will geese procure can grass covered or land they When year. frozen suitable cooked or matter. INCUBATION. The and a hen four. thirtieth hollow should be of in damp thirteen, It especially turkey seven, if the they shells make the on nest eggs of days ten under large the dry last set are a their is the during when and to weather hens, common breaking advisable water warm or be is and ground, turkeys, a should young with more geese, incubation. damped incubation, given The day under set be may or a be may goose three the in eggs hen or food as a turkey. FEEDING Young if and they not must market or three with access but those on stubble. be hatched should weeks to intended early put before up they of for be to in the are a will in soon should required for for for way market. food, green to have table same of commence Those the of supply market ready class same larger year. fatten to the on they grass Geese be fed be addition the have themselves, if should goslings but ducklings, GOSLINGS. some keep food Michaelmas at the as Christmas ducks two 75 PART VIII. POULTRY-FARMING. INTRODUCTORY. general verdict is, Poultry-farming cannot T''HE pay." to Yet of thrive when lay many as those than more kept or in a more say twice than many they stock,and should be managed. purchased be fowls the very this in for Eggs deducting of rent all reasonable invested,and in poultry-farmingis of cost in and court when kept in from larger diseased,and if necessary system of fowls many small groups groups, the and if contracted by manage can only majority of the diseased less the value surplus great drawback that, of money of the eggs from to due unproductiveness loss from the disease yield of average fowls it may destruction To kept together. are the be the to large flocks. in rather disaster,for the unavoidable increased a poultry-farm labour, interest in the on five success to management mis- feeding. of fowls large number to a or Poultry-farmingis generallyunderstood a fowls for stock to will will then following pages from expenses, disease how more a in the produced,there would be a fair income The fowls properlymanaged. hundred in know to eggs free range. a have they risk,owing evident farm, on settingor fowls being country they keeping start do not considerable It will be made condition. after at they because to attempt or produce that when because made food, that they and do to persons why, us will of their space, large scale, but they usually fail unsound of fowls the cost limited very tell do not so breeds eggs facts encourage These who facts that most dispute the the value be " be are stamped of the advocated poultry-farming immensely they are is greater than liable out first group in these is of this is to When eggs less do keeping pages with to become little loss attacked. depends The in a 76 great measure upon successful the system of dealing. It is certain that a poultry-farmermust be a of person be to business good capabilities. THE In to selectingthe into be taken the produce, whether location outbuildingsor are It storehouses, "c. where produce is of is market a at remunerative pricesthroughout it is may in out-of-the-wayplace, because an other many to be very Soil. It is " upon gravelly fowl-houses the undoubtedly houses the should When the wintry weather advantage Size. ground each could farm take of carriage and a located as near fixityof be used aspect built for and up down situation their north on and made be and make to roadways. The be sides of ranges it. across secured a wood cold winds from poultryruns is south-west or slope,not cannot east footings for runs. the a of for use construct south poultry reasons drier,contains course to thrive will not for many can duck-ponds, on, acre thousand of land, room for fowls a be can dwelling-house In should between I.,they will the ranges fruit-growing. in a be taken upon and thriving condition ten not of are cover also half of the poultry-housesshould some placed in are built in accordance one This acres. stores, fact,if only eight fowls fowl-houses,and they in Part kept eight thousand or for cultivation. of the plans spaces A allows space the Though of. " one upon in it that will protect the obstacle any of the to fowls It is of stones favourable above be obtain to be absolute that gentle slope facing best be should suppose the stand A " cost a erecting bulk the year. there should preferred. and to Situation. in be concrete, which making for the properly managed, yet gritty matter, most to erroneous is to one advantage of the farm The of cost great mistake very for years. soil when any a possible,and as for twenty-one tenure or low disadvantages. large town a the hand at rental market a outbuildings are save greatest near things many from Good not. the are of soil, supply of water, would they there distance as of tenancy, nature great advantage, because premises of the farm consideration,such terms there FARM. with land. the The be utilized for 78 sold for good a soft fowls the September price for will have food, which laying until late in the will realize good price. fowls farmyard tendency a remarkable a which disappeared,almost would be preferredfor and to handy a of the in a a lime has once a doing heavy a fresh be also be which towns when done sold for more to surprising. will have there are in mostly employed and work and ing superintend- required ; should he the be management be must the fowls time and done be must In their spare lime-washing soft preparing Everything "c. to properlyarranged, Upon frequentlythan less from removed a layer of dust every under suitable droppings, should A the the fed, men cleaningthe clear be kept should be entirelyremoved, The runs with chaff,waste should stable should be renewed manure can the on be from every corn three be obtained with, if not required for manuring than it cost for carriage,"c. the The to house in which a roostingshelf. bedded a day, perches. each dry earth, or third rake, dust shovel, and added, should supply. large the the dust six inches manure, other easilyattend can be regularhour employed not or should been week each cultivatingland. or minute. than would would At be receptacle for least in men doing this,supplied with person boys houses women food,water, green Every day, a twelve mainly depends. should droppings these white-legged fowls, which good poultry man. a success fowl-houses, a The systematicmanner. boys with being represented,and thousand one manager and farm in ; the A man, suppliedwith and and appearance dressing poultry for market, eggs, boys. and spare. food for the fowls the resemble scarce MANAGEMENT. women, fowls time have packing in two men, thousand eight houses the continue to very with the table. GENERAL Two of good percentage a are eggs mongrel crossbreed every them of end fed generously cause most the the result will be rather their extent be stocking When select those to when autumn, in separate houses, and place To a killed should be to From sittingpurposes. to for the little About and replaced by the depth mill,or or of at stable sweet four months. a less mere In and trifle, land, it may be 79 TREATMENT OF Gratings,which the with pieces of be placed to to sit. and wood inches two ways, ' part of the pens upper The they fed are two apart. On that the so once and food, and faintlysaline Epsom should have except sufficient. much food fowls. cook and be turnip-tops,swedes, other crusher bone good wheel-barrows, with most wide, so food be found "be placed square to on boxes The with be in a the a very suitable or trolleys without barrows to machine be have as food food, such into fragments be in the food very and long light to two feet The soft shovel will it. mixing for conveyance and removed, will be passages. for ditiously expe- is necessary. strong wooden instrument the cabbage, as lighttrolleysor can for the will conveying For be superintend green a should that be three feet and day, a the It can fowls in along the lids. with barrow feeding-cage doors garden A sides which large tubs, should other and requisite. inconvenient laying would corn large boilers more animal should when feeding, over- eat. the fowl-houses They be to trolleyor passages, And not be mixed can or food. upright suitable. as ordinary food they they will tion informa- against of meal their is also If will be greedilytwice will eat good mangolds, from and things to found and of wood the caution a one large quantity of a up To II. only of the required salts,they person's specialduty one mixing in Part they as as not days. adding mangolds, swedes, cut A when building one It should cooking to roots or convenient a "fixed to addition In green In when Sundays, on should their drinking forceegg-pnductionfowls to - FEEDING. dealt with food much as four OP that out with in at most in it I must, point see cross their fellows. soft can made hens be made day sparinglywith feedingis contained gratings broody should be together hear SYSTEM Food nailed broodiness,if they are hens of their broodiness cured these wide and a is made water poultry-houses,should inches of their the floor in required on of that part of the pen door wirework, in the about them cure HENS. placedwhen be may BROODY trowel or the soft food to the is taken rightand left other suitable instrument are a opened, sufficiency 8o of food for each this way boy a In less time with food green large baskets, be he minced can placed in the when and which and fowls the other with of the that so the the to can fowls with reach liable to a broken be continuous Should there be to adopting the thousand fowls conducted to Ducks." The and must to water become of water other no it from above it water, and gutters not it by to tank the gutters. water can force-pump. By a quickly supply eight can this system water advised as and remain pipes and tank in cleansed in the also can " be Profitable occasionally, pipes or gutters SUMMARY. NUMBER After satisfaction many that AND if not farmyard fowls, lay on allowed in that VALUE years' experience advised, will each produce of is not elevated an are frozen. GENERAL year, in supply by be flushed be allowed the supplying If there ways. means constructed must of the which drinking-vessels, person by which through the filling of skirting-boardon means be stored can of one In the This of structed con- part of it opposite each a in other source duck-ponds in on be must gutter be made must from system with in cost means the fowls formed gutter be a This inches. frost and to the houses driven be the save the to run. regards supplying the that drink. to by supply conducted and will the ing object of reducing work- as runs. two aperture an forward water of the of about run this do will remain water conveyed the recommend front depth front of the fowls To I must in scatter feeding-dishes. with arranged expenses. water outside house be must just their SUPPLY. WATER Everything hour. one of fowls pen should be in boy being supplied the for each measure of corn, allowance proper The that will fowls thousand one be fed with corn, can feeding-dishes.In the placedin is easilyfeed can fowls the vessel a of fowls pen it has selected the average to sit. time OF At this rate 1,280,000 eggs, EGGS. been and more proved treated than i6o eight thousand which at one as eggs to herein in fowls penny my one will each 8i would realize is (which certainlybelow country, for the would be The head one fowls ; but for year at this rate even the above "'1,733^s. rather above having half than more (calculated by ton a 8s. 6^d. week than fowls fowls by would corn allow to the average in the winter in the for and fed for be fed for less thaa the last based seven years. eightthousand year, and for waste. per penny following estimate the one weights one could be can allow daily for each ounce one of tons produced rulingpricesduring the average Eighty-two That evident is made amount shilling- a value, even be eight thousand 8d. for FOOD. OF fed for less per be can would "^,571 COST fourteen at market average fair percentage a the amount months) If sold 6s. 8d. "5,333 , would be Average price per ton pricesof there fowls five "y. quarters), Total, "574. The weight being given Total, of meal weight saftie fowl. each to of course, would, allow Average price of the same "6. ton, per "492. hundred One would provide two Average price per allow would fowl fowl of tons having having cabbage one and allow Total for waste. "98 8s. granulated meat, as one-fourth swedes, of an ounce daily. would allow Total, "294. "14. ton, fowl known meat, and mangolds together,12s. of dried for each Average priceper for each taken tons Eighty-two for each ounces ton Twenty-one of sixty-fourtons and other or food green daily. Average priceper ounce ton, los. Total, "41. quantitiestogether amount These of dry and would be would to be through, cost greatly dry),and with mix of food for each green the increased a. the meal fowls Ten earth to tons to be the the five the bulk animal and food be as soft food. able to eat Taking ounces weight (which swedes the all this food. year Total 8s. of coal would placein given not OF COST and daily, by cooking than more great proportion of the mangolds and would food, "1,499 fowl to FUEL AND suffice for dust-boxes and to GRIT. cooking the food, to scatter on the bura roosting- 82 shelf. .and Ten and crush to of supply be and of to a the than more and bones and considerable very With for eight in each, eight thousand be less The ;f3,500. The condition, utensils of created,out and of cost and and than cost, which couple this scheme must in these two women be for kept in rebuilding outlay ings build- on 4/6 per couple annual cost stock on (thiswould would be be in if not much, less than not If the stock,"Si. they would young be Allow cent., "36. per of would prime more, the 4/6 down. set has which OP been labour admitted that the cost pages Eight at of the the average as poultry-farming, by be annual readilysell for quite as would of labour cost fund a at four sum when COST In fowls Total directed as condition per and cent, per buildingscould for STOCK. loss of one-twentieth killed they OP on likelyto occur)"45. are laid on, four at required the stores, water sum Total eight thousand the interest for the annual fowls this other annum. be utensils,"^340. The be and food. of houses, with on provided, COST ;fgoo, there valuable would equipped, and and houses "'200 per be houses number interest good "'140. refuse for animal the item thousand one built and be would made BUILDINGS. The would and such amongst refuse large boarding a littlemoney, food, which fowls. "c., required,could than for very course, OP in may The purposes. kitchen saving in COST and institution large a other the Of animal cheaper a "1"]. from fowls. is not coal, quantitiesof coal These also be secured the the with fowls,if there for fuel and that may feed be effect gritfor mix requiredto available. used table "establishment would be refuse,cinders,ashes, "c., from the use as cost not obtained from use would grittymatter "coke would The of coke tons thousand at LABOUR. well found as to is reduced by g/-,twelve be can a Every great advantage,and much be attended boys industries,the of management is very at other great drawback. a has the system of labour fowls in many advocated reduced. toby 8/-a week, it two and men a at manager 21/-, at 83 ;^ioo per Total annum. exceeded, except of means Within " would and be for "50 it roots, on and grown other made of sum land, which produce distance of the land taxes exceed not advantage, could cultivation reasonable a rent, rates, and fowls This 12s. should not be would be the the profits. increasing Rent. the for the "505 of large a required for eight additional ; but even land would other food cabbage, and thousand be great a fowls for the great saving effected by doing this. a could also be grown, the town Fruit being poultry manure of to fertilize the soil. use STATEMENT. The profitshown would fowls, which that any number principle. could easilymanage A N.B. than see why reason no build increasinghis a a boy going the fore- profitof nearly "130 per lose money likelyto more likelyto customers them stock exceed for fowls pair,if one by The young should required. as time spare not A ; and be handy while graduallygaining experience and be would built in his one supply the demand, killed when 5/- per couple. the houses he would that of fowls large number a and of customers. connection the be Poultry -farmingis novice in A " could not of his wife and the on including wages. graduallyaccumulated a kept gain it. I man be can evident fowls,and according to would there it is made but the assistance with man thousand keeping eight eight to eight thousand five hundred calculations not of result requirea large capital; from same annum is the and weigh and of reliable fresh there not sold at would less a than be no nine price not eggs is lack of pounds exceeding EXTENSION The of system tred fowls for poultry-farming already be extended advantage great addition of way interfere with for egg As sixteen such for occupy an to fowls forage there houses between In over. The paddock. that the male through would be very wires fastened fence The thick, hot four are breed call other twelve to would the one four of fowls " in the made and from A the with fence other should or ground for liberty in the such be should each fight at to fences iron be trained may allow would creosoted may mere the birds at one This they to in male be well of freedom clear of leaves are should ground, crossing casting wires," trees twelfth every galvanised fence. from keeping pulletskept fruit-trees the would facing paddock get or which from when placed cannot Boarded Two wide, them paddocks these fowls pen. enough any the at adjoining ones or be not wirework between tarred " hens The more and in allowing eleven or and bird male a extra constructing parallel By houses inches lime-wash feet. and suitable,against Casting Wires. along, kept any feet three of the fence. the shelter them be eight forty feet apart, posts supporting the fence they stock of their food. have the in contain side, and there fences being tefore the in not advantage gained houses, they would eight then birds other the each portion a to sixteen each on be from for between females fight through to should not the by feet,including about the production, pens by need be covered passage a pure-bred should egg half a house, counting six space and not managing there fowl-house sixteen area ten need of system foraging each with of these ranges the the will not six and by houses, seven stock pure-bred that pure-bred ground-space is their eggs. with production. incurred the ty of pure- rearing the with may DEVELOPMENT. regards accommodation, expense described embrace to as OF The merely so profitablesale along METHOD any SYSTEM. OF be of fruit. and or to tarred with coated quicklime. five feet eight over be high inches it. very with above These fine. wires two run it,will keep wires, which They any I will should be 86 to By referring there is chicks be can only the the screen over from set can in the better method them be allowed this way trouble having is hatch, to the a hens chicks, and found be to there very are be reared look favours the as it development free exercise it,and of maintenance Hatching to and has and " is the he is stock that difficulty disposalof pure-bred stock likelyto he must be able to A On close been be very in them the very atmosphere especiallyfavourable Feed OF STOCK. see at remunerative the Part IV., to encounter prices. large quantity of This of his stock time to Chickens." has poultry-farmer gain a high-classreputation. some by successfully exhibiting have the the contrary cold checks to a many even make to This not should fuller information dispose of time brooding warm, warm How the full the chickens are for there chicks For less especiallyin of which the air is then with many more used case of disease. and the year. have any influences. perfecthealth. greatest be tendency a and naturally there keep in the open Rearing" who may DISPOSAL The those mDst variety, a should during during eggs when hens being occupied a long positiveboon, a transfer to after it is dark. hens broody not For is susceptibleto atmospheric " after the hens now used to much a days, can satisfactory.In weather, three or largernumber of the year little artificial heat severest for two Artificial Mothers broody. The night incubator early months and incubator an consequently laj-more good the whole on at great advantage gained. a It is them to wire a incubated be to under period of incubation, and sittingwould hens in the pens. eggs placed much a than under in be reared dummy be place food. of the pen the outside on they choice to necessary pen. the chicks to on should the chicks In hens sit to of each corner hatch to broody to ground and birds of prey. and cats be may preferto place eggs who one the pen, prevented eating their small, it are in the her outside,where land the to on go and a confined be may that seen hen where fowl-house thus the hen it will be Fowl-Houses," " hen to portion of a Those The allowed chicks protect them I., in each kept. fed, and While Part pen chicks be may small a REARING. AND HATCHING may Before eggs and be obtained after time. This, 87 is however, a a reputation,for also must been them. have is the surest The "whom for of they send were from in another from and sittingof at sending notice eggs their of a process, there necessity whose those are not are redress swindling, of the offered is poultry,and from brought under been poultry have quality poultry-dealers are have cases if they as infertile, usually diseased yards from person The ? eggs or hatched only Kingdom of diseased introduction Is half-price. There from out the large stocks where slow a frequentlyprove eggs the chicks bargained for, are worked dealing they have purchased that The stock. own all parts of the United my fair littlebetter than instances and fowls eggs stock fact that the in many instances many kind who their the facts independentlyof prize- who This, though purchase to arises out you prizeshave commendable. most dealing is for -and those of customers. it is advisable enquiring but gained,together with by systematicadvertising and and obtaining borne certain the fact that are be to question is constantlybeing asked. system or There connection good a the expenses certain distinctions and pertainingto up only have not of expensivemethod and extensivelyadvertise won, winning uncertain very ruined been the by stock. ADVERTISING. Of things 'advertising requires the all discrimination,and are certain coals are There made. there enough "scale of read in papers purchasers. low, it is chieflyby those :seminating a general knowledge It is advisable become regular advertiser,for should because is not to be a become there necessary familiar is a to to with of matters select keepers. the a out of of there if the advertise the are your become likely to means more or paper of dis- that the and weekly, nor A to readers advertising, dealing with strangers. season. find interestingto poultry- of the person name large sum advertising anything one sending because likelyto most it is necessary generaldistrust spend be to not are which mistakes even principle, who papers wise advisable not be may saying about same poultry-farmerwill The by advertisingin "customers old an the On already. is very charges is infers that it is not Newcastle, which to goods be to careful the advertiser however of amount greatest It is it advisable simple straight- 88 forward of what statement have you of forms dispose to the best advertisement. ADVICE ascertain To the purchasers should take phrase (see fowls see of the advantage which there not is not cooked when found, which unwholesome, is rupture of it is from As vessel a rule the a in the a add the is certainlyhas the for be to egg consumption. it is the when of the rupture in some result of the in the white have to been faintlysaline. If this does of iron should of the the cases with added. When feed them food prevent also be added to to blood sparingly, drinking-water not vessel blood- immediately feeding to salts to their Epsom as will bleeding the each of quart drinking-water. EGG This nest or is The they or lying placing china fowls about eggs the the fowls If putrid filledwith a soft paste trace of powdered rotten have eggs egg an and any about abundant composed desire eggs also the (putrid)eggs be broken shell,and having attack cannot aloes. becoming instinctive an Remedy, run. in the nests should an the broken consequently material. justa having eating place stop egg course will EATING. result of they seize matter contents nests generallythe run. forming to It unfit ; and of fowls it is advisable much as of tincture dram legal substance cause egg an over-stimulation,due in the eggs it taste make of predisposing cause spicycondiments to In in the oviduct. which and not in the ovarium is is found blood. it does yoke exciting cause pungent dark-coloured simply cooked fattydegeneration, but is written a legalremedy. slightestdegree blood-vessel a they EGGS. small a but in the or is found blood When them have or 89). page purchasing any IN invitingappearance, an before be " egg sometimes it should Examination," deposit system, BLOOD an fowl a emptor buyer beware. caveat In of health Health " cannot warranty, without of state examined systematically If BUYERS. TO they for shelltasted in see its the prevention,lies in If obtainable, run. about supply of obtained, egg of linseed in the oil and the run. Of shell-forming shells may be whiting,and 89, PART IX. DISEASES. INTRODUCTION. this effort has chapter INclearly symptoms, an the diseases In has which very mentioned and In the the decided Besides in disease, medical been HEALTH sent for of treatingthe which to thousands from than human, the on internal there at any organs. subject of poultry, letters much these is the experienced keepers valuable employed experimentallyin and gained be may for treatment, him of letters upon From men. writer post-mortemexamination. its effect note the purposely kill them able to being to of diseases treatment of received been has and briefly creatures, livingsubjectsother advantages, includingmany information of birds number advantage have describe method a of feathered subjectsreceived these disease large disease stage of the to advantages, amongst great numerous studying and causes, diseases many the made frequentlyaffect poultry. most studying the had been the poultry. amongst AND EXAMINATION SYMPTOMS OF DISEASE. It is essential readilydetect he may those be who disease. the be may any are keeper This chapter unacquainted disease may more than one of poultry his affecting- disease It must, however, he suffering from To the serious purchasing. symptoms of a cause that he able and in order to to any guide ordinary symptoms understood distinctly not be stock own is written the with should that the whole of of the subjectmay present; besides, disease,in which case some symptoms others to he obscured. ascertain the examined systematically state from of health head to of foot. a fowl, it should be go A dark or which lungs, see purplish the be may Wart-like swellings see contagious affection, A white comb pale shows and scurf hollowness raised When result spots the head brain is cold, see Puffiness An the enlargement or eyes under of and indicate a of Comb." merely the be may disease. shows the The that result of bubbles watery and the eyes, disease, the slight a in the swelling of "Swelled see gaping, are corners the wattles Head" and shutting the mouth of symptoms Laboured " Roup, a without breathingmay of muscular of the Tuberculosis" even and an of symptoms are "Enteric apparent cause, Gapes (False)." be due to of the an tion obstruc- lungs, see DiphtheriticRoup." to over-fed liver,or may any disease " be due tissue " see cough, Bronchitis,"and heart,or ulceration mouth, patches windpipe, bronchitis,or Pneumonia," the "c. in breathing,or Difficulty in the in coloured yellowish and Opening Loss of the comb walking, be secretion the DiphtheriticRoup," diseased face of the Wattles." (Canker), a pale a (wry neck) it when may of tubercular Thickening " disease,merely does so Disease side one of a Roup." symptoms and to sneezing about Wet " "Dropsy a Catarrh." " indicate indicate "Vertigo." or eyes or Anaemia." " see unsteadiness affected,see liver flabby or a vision, deformityinherited,or depressed, or Watery (anaemic); Parasitic " comb, symptoms scurfyparts on is held of defective head " the eyes, wattles or the over other by contagious disease,see very lation, circu- Disease." is debilitated under of the congestion face Fungoid " spread evenly the fowl that of the upon unaccompanied Minute are result defective indicates comb of Liver." Congestion " coloured inflammation of the condition. (wasting)is usually due tubercular Disease." lungs, disease, see to organizatio dis- "Chronic 91 Tail is depressedand straining are irritant matter some in or symptoms the vent, near when seen Cloacitis " see there and " "Metritis." Frequentlygoing Indigestion,see Unnatural to laying,see not shows that the is 'in creature result of disorder, needing prompt Weakness in the Bound." Egg " Bound." Crop " thirst condition,the and nest legs is due sole of foot, and attention. affectingthe disease to feverish a liver and bowel. Enlargement the results are of powder inflammation, of the Thickening like on between scales them, crop, marked are Foot." white a toes, substance Scaly Leg." " of symptoms leg,with diarrhoea Stupor, accompanied by Bumble " the the between Synovitis " see on see redness and Acute " of food retention Enteric Disease in the (Cholera)." ANiEMIA. Comb"" ("White A Symptoms. " fine powder. This is detached from the soft and plumage, which comb, the the on of minute composed under Hollowness scurf white Scurf.") " eyes, is scales of the scarf-skin and denote white a flabby. loss of eyes, also flabby thighs, and like usually pale of dullness comb gloss on anasmic an condition. Causes. The " a or sufficiencyof more or be an simply the without and vegetable food, green may cause to imperfect crowded, too sunlight, will pronounced be due Being kept air pure result of or fowls in without to a become less anaemic. Treatment. have is insanitary conditions. place, damp scurf which is, impaired vitality, anaemia, that nutrition white " unlimited allowed Medicine beneficial. the important It is most supply of green advantage is unnecessary, but of ansmic vegetable food, pure a that saline air and tonic fowls and that wholesome would should prove they food. very 92 PARASITIC DISEASE (" White At Symptoms. " small very the protuberances disease advances is that the comb Comb." has The its mode and contagious disease,which Comb," due advanced which at and a A should Treatment. This " head, lobes, wattles, and the legs feet. Do this re-established Cause. cold the is " a week The a combs circulation in or intense the an feathers, covered are in the and is defective,and The applying some comb pinch to been have of flowers of the and the affected circulation cold. It is my Britain health. should comb be oil to It is is not opinion parts soon our only any the when or the less climate. gently rubbed, at or that affect injuriously previouslymore frost-bitten in camphorated other die. perfect it becomes part of COMB. in Great enough in if intense to at the neck, also dressings small of the comb and black therefore lotion to every three a and Commencing down little way OF fowls " is in days. ten of Treatment. time colour, Exposure congested,that distinct spores cure, it out. stamp daily until spikes become never neck, for "White parts, reproduced by FROST-BITE purplish affected affected birds give the sulphur dailyfor turn a the disease is difficult to to the " that it is and perceptible, comb, apply Parasiticide the Symptoms. and scales. is disease spikes of Also name so sacs. the applied. are White " face,head When the epithelium in requires persistenttreatment and lines scales, be mistaken not is from parasite which feather the to the it very evident peculiarodour with hence condition. easily drawn quillend " makes anaemic an be Cause. skin to stage, can the of advance in minute detached spreads and enlarged papillas. As " appearance, soon which on the surface of the affected parts on becomes affection seen spot comb, irregularmarginal skin whitish a Favus.) circumscribed a be the The destroyed, and soon is may over usuallymaintained. "" Comb first there COMB. OF other mild the same stimulant. 94 Stitches. is not As Before dirt any water Of and before before course, the instruments clean. Catgut is balsam in rather first antisepticointment suitable of stream a pour should of cleansed, be be scrupulously used soften to should it. To and be arrest Friar's simple wounds, healing should there its surface. on substance dressing For or should hands water warm suitable. very to that seen up. animal other for the and bleeding in it everythingused any previously soaked closing it operating, the and or be it is advisable measure wound a upon it should foreignsubstance other or precautionary a is closed wound a dressing sores a be used. TUMOURS. It is Some just tumours incision simple or with to the directed as the under (pressurewith After " removed the by a thumb-nails) attached usually not are removal heading fatty tumours. be may quill. They stout neighbouring tissues. treated skin the enucleation a fleshy and out underneath and point of the dissect to necessary the wound should be Wounds." " FRACTURES. the When the should hold and bone it there A displacement. with be saturated and Paris wing the in size a pocket for each against be it over other outer starch. folds of the with The best wing, and sew up the position by bandage a of starch. glue way it to in set to secure pockets wool cotton- plasterof a piece of make should The or a with broken cardboard with saddle a rather give support to bandage, which Then wing. assistant of possibility in secured applying position is by gluing of the the suitable material be coated may shape and or position, an freshly-madesolution a of the natural and truding pro- easilyset right. Having are can pieces or numerous natural a leg wool, wood" bandage instead into until it is secured in the be bound in broken tightly. Stripsof should limb it in cotton wrapping broken the skin, fractures through placed is not bone wings a inside. POISONING. In all endeavour this is done of cases to wash or supposedpoisoning it out not, the crop with rather is advisable warm give a tablespoonfulof sweet to water. or at once Whether salad oil and 95 large wineglassfulof a repeat end the at of end that of one, time coloured matter little raw egg the and scalded is known the patient two of of antidote greenishoil with giving the feed Of If at the and about sparinglywith crust the when course, should a After Chlorodyne. is empty possible; as passing slimy boilingmilk. suitable soon four hours. then drops if the crop most is as blood, continue three or v/ith water warm three, and traces or twenty-four hours, of bread rather be poison given. CLOACITIS. (Septic Symptoms. pecking a Inflammation The " its vent at volume the as the advanced disease and becomes walks The disease " cakes is due to far to any of the disease if not When with I as group a cleared is depressed. which is acquired aware the means of fowls has not am off disease the its tail septicmatter So increasing in the vent, and clumsilyand first At discharge gives abominable. spread by contagion. introduction round irritant. away, The fowl the red, very comes progresses. the fowl Cause. and swollen glairy discharge stench Pouch.) Vent the straining to expel some peculiar offensive odour, away is vent and muco-purulent of of been discovered. Treatment. is a male disease vent be washing with covered giving the disease the vent, in (Lardaceous " " eggs ; being full Causes. few " and heavy It is the outside and small until oil the of the at least twice pledget of night a white this treatment morning, and days. OF -Amyloid Symptoms. Squatting himself By adopting sweet DEGENERATION FATTY a Ointment. a by inside insert teaspoonful of be cured can pen if there poultry,and astringent lotion an Krekodyne a a The out. with out in placed stamped be washed After and isolate all affected once should been should day. rag he has At " Disease about and LIVER. THE of laying Liver.) but few or small behind. result of feeding poultry too generously 96 with kept and grain in limited Treatment. of Feed " add grain,and less Food " drinking-water as The in the crop. remaining of Loss in colour. dark turning comb the LIVER. THE OF CONGESTION Symptoms. to products faintlysaline. it taste will make sal-ammoniac much the grain and sparingly with very as sufficient exercise. without and space they are grain, especiallywhen of products the spikes of appetite,and the more a or dejectedappearance. Causes. free the too the is,however, Treatment. the crop treat Powder of use common for disease by germs congestionof the liver. large quantityof rather a advised as of cause is If there case crop-binding,and food add in the Krekodyne drinking-water. the to most " Invasion spicy condiments. food, Unsuitable chill,a close insanitaryhouse. A " HEPATITIS. (Inflammation A Symptoms. " impossible for affection the necessary be poultry may and the droppings In liver the subjects waste prolonged They lame. is advanced Causes. of the Treatment. This not affection is set liver,which " wineglassfulof If the Give rather to it about keepers of bad and sub-acute generally are of inflammation greedily,and when the frequently skeletons, and mere ment. manageis set up, fatal diarrhoea yellow of the disease continue lame up by the same means as gestion con- usually follows. twenty grains of sal-ammoniac water warm patientcontinues advisable drink also that but little food. eat " to away "c., so rather of cases this positivecertainty. It is, quickly become soon frothy. become is not disease diagnose to evil results the It is appearance. observer the causes, of forewarned the When sleepy of the liver with describe to and scientific most congestion or however, depressed very Liver.) the of or treatment. twice does a not day and feed in a sparingly. quickly improve, it is 97 APOPLEXY. If death Symptoms. " subjectwill turned to be found side one result of disease Causes. of take not its head and or place immediately, the hanging down, These depressed. or of the brain thrown symptoms pressure the be may it from upon back, without. ture suddenly developed congestion. Rup- capillarywith cerebral a with Intense " does extravasation into of blood some part of the brain. Treatment. three every dose add four or made water warm Place " about the in patient hours it half give rather a rather To each round and salts. Epsom and place wineglassfulof a with faintlysaline dark twenty drops of tincture of iron. VERTIGO. straightly.Turning walk to Symptoms. Inability " round. Causes. -Congestionor " Treatment. Feed place. very subject in the Keep " other some add sparinglyand affection of the brain. rather a dark saline some and quiet aperientto the drinking water. METRITIS. (Inflammation Symptoms. Standing " Causes. egg passage use of The " the keeper four common spicy condiments, of " An oviduct. feathers with succeed may It is, however, sufferingfrom If killed for table Metritis would be a and an the flesh quite wholesome. too free will set it up. removing advisable of the The egg. pepper, in tail nest. to for teaspoonful of use out of inflammation cayenne as poultryto merely give hours. going cause such expert puffed of the shell of is the retention Treatment. from most Oviduct.) the strainingand Occasional depressed. of of an egg-shell the sweet a fowl ordinary oil every simply 98 SOFT-SHELLED An overfed shelled condition fright, worms, sexual added food, the to forming also Poultry through or condiments spicy soft- through them produce insufficient an of cause common irritation, pungent Feed " abundance of green being of supply shell- should be See article unstimulatingfood,and Of vegetables. the soft food. to with sparingly and shell-formingmaterial added most material. Treatment. an is the laid. being eggs EGGS. it should supplied,but and "Grit on of sufficiency a course be not Food." Shell DIARRHCEA. The Symptoms. " first,but later is colour is watery excrement changes on to mainly dependent greenish a in dark yellow or condition the on and colour at The hue. liver of the of the subject. Causes. the It may " be the digestive organs, sudden diarrhoea specificdisease adopt the treatment As a rule,give a feed with teaspoonful of of bread crust is be to prescribed for even due that four oil every sweet affecting a it. cause supposed to any disease. hours, and boilingmilk. with scalded and Worms, will sometimes If the " disease any food. unsuitable or of temperature, change Treatment. result of almost GAPES. Symptoms. Difficultyin breathing, gaping, coughing, " and sneezing. Cause.- A " worm colour,thread-like syngamus in appearance, inch in to half an sclerostoma " and length, which of " pale-reddish a from measuring eighth one itself to the inside attaches of the windpipe. Treatment. -vessel place "coal tar. a Set slowly diffuse fumigationscan turn one down and " Upon a tin plateor tablespoonful of the vessel the be fumes which managed over place the the carbolic flame the over the with lamp chickens two to be acid, creosote, of a chickens very small must suitable lamp with the thus fuming in the other to The inhale. hampers, treated some or sized good vessel and of any the bottom on " stance, sub- hamper, 99 and stand it upon the like material should but the top. not over fumes minutes' be The internal symptoms for which kept should that chickens and to would treatment sufferingfrom are be not hampers- a few be to worms hold upon the cough them up. floor of the with of the place where lime. Do not because gape-worm, on the affection of the air passages other some their the chickens dusted such or subjectedto all the lose expel the to of the fumigations cause to be well chickens be due the to them sacking be four or complete destruction, the are may should Three windpipe, Some the outsides round chickens cause suspicion treat mere down. will be sufficient of the their the chickens The fumes surface ensure wrapped morning. duration expelled. To and night turned one The suitable. is gape-worms only proof seeing them. WORMS. A species of commonly infested the with met by into the sent lor bile ducts where which them found sometimes they are whitish length, are enables are to in crawl subjects, post-mortemexamination. There Symptoms. " when poultry are cases may is infested be tested will salts,which not by but worms by giving bring some reliable any a dose away from fifteen drops of show Suspected seeing them. purging worms to symptom jalap or Epsom subject infested a them. by Give from tablespoonful of sweet Treatment. or pointedhead, a one subjectis occasionally they and in size and vary only the the cases some of them, They have In poultry. number of death. cause is (heteratis inflexa) worm in large a in colour, and in round a give " third a part of a ten to oil night quarter of every third oil two hours after each of ounce an a turpentine for three morning and morning fasting,and powder of oil of days, nut areca tablespoonfulof in sweet powder. LICE. and Some speciesof others obtain infested creature to the heads these parasitessubsist their nourishment by of them. The direct from latter kind newly-hatchedchicks. upon the will There the feathers, body attach of the selves them- they remain, tecome the much very chickens the To " the other bodies of their wings three Fluid : " poultry, dust mixture a effective their abode. soon multiplyto The crevices to poultry and irritating by die by them. When these and The dirt. to having any minutes at be the worked in made To make place old an be of place a they They loss of fluids are infested chickens soon abstracted a coke " and the every part of the building, nests and with slacked freshly- The lime, call fumigate of the fire in in suitable The for holes few fowl-house a some house. a fire can draught of it. DISEASE. feathers shafts and here must and cinder or sides I lime-washed galvanized-ironpail,with and all rubbish be easily (Feather feathers where of Hygienic Poultry-house not my quickly dry SKIN frizzled enters crevice. every it in the centre into the bottom Symptoms. the made cannot time. any burn into advantage lime-washing, punched possession remain. to who lime-wash should part which receptacle,and be take their attacks, young and nest-boxes, lime-wash attention after Thoroughly " it should and prove parasites. Treatment. perches and (known will way especial resort, person any lime MITES. irritation and constant same if allowed subjected to the through to the under ifit is freshlyground. their are and pyrethrum fowls, but the number vast a in make lice off the clear feathers Powdered AND infest only not pests To will as part of powdered of vermin, PLEAS drops, sweet much their one used powder) FOWL These of chicks, apply twenty as paste. sulphur. ridding poultry acid amongst of heads sulphur thin well of insect in of composed parts of flowers Dalmatian off the carbolic ingredients a of their presence relieved die. vermin flowers tablespoonful, one with and away clear following mixture oil as pine may Treatment. if not enlarged, and Disease.) on parts The shrunken. of skin the at body the become roots of the a parasite is discoloured. Cause. " The disease is in the skin and due to EMPHYSEMA. The Symptoms. " skin being usually Cause. reared in This " some affection the air passages, the intra-muscular quinine they treated and front It is of air it is ball, the a ments enlarge- part of the body. found generally needle a advisable chickens in young with usually associated certainlydue cells, and obstruction to of the escape wineglassful of grains two of air into of the and let out the of citrate of iron and the chickens' affection an skin the puncture add to sufferingfrom are is neck lungs. With each to like tissues. " It is also the rupture out puffed place, and warm of the Treatment. air. about affection close a is drinking-water. lungs they should If be ailment. for that PNEUMONIA. (Inflammation In acute Symptoms. " and rapid laboured convulsively, and The and head stands Causes. same atmosphere, of aconite tincture set subject given and at heaves cases inspiration. every feverish, and and wet to which The " in most body and the plumage body. those as Treatment. two the hot are with spasmodic cough, a is outstretched neck Exposure " causes the is The breathing. body from out there cases Lungs.) the of and tablespoonfulsof up rather be three grains ten air,and the bronchitis. should every of chilled currents kept hours in of warm of drops two of nitrate moist a potash B.P. in about water. warm TUBERCULOSIS. This different attacked, of the I scourge These names. and given names who disease, the the to it Roup, Wattles, Gapes, am say depend symptoms are of the Liver poultry-yard, is spreading." some A of their Disease, moment's birds Swelled Roup, and continuallyreceiving letters that The produced. Wet have consideration part of the upon the by body common Head, Dropsy Pip. from " most known keepers caught should a make of cold poultry that is it evident I03 that there be must can be and inflames something As contagious. attacked the be dormant in the latent creature. This simple harmless cold. The the germs sensitive,and the up disease Various in parts of the birds the body bowel is very disorganized through contained whole, the When "developat if not If the germs when proved be and to in their that more than died of which poultry of creature is at any assume an Tuberculosis, and yet A form. acute exhibit WET ROUP, disease illness susceptible, not with This I have the cooked just some proportion of small a the vast More, I fed a bird or a slowly aggravated by other some excitant, sufferingfrom be may When advances be it may it thrived, matter. disease fowl number the flesh of creatures amyloid noticeable no as matter. serious diseases, and food, atmospheric influence,unsuitable and with other time any which, died, including susceptible,the only partially insidiously,but is extent of the harmless. swallowed. contain them. liver starchy germs exclusively upon and not of visiblyaffected by months did food ducks set diseases, includingEnteric and have must Tuberculosis its food fed the cause and a young certain a subject is various not were twelve because and fowls by and ones with soon very by feeding they germs old to comparatively sparingly food In proportion contrary the are some separatelyand chicks In the susceptible, from suff'ering Those of disease for fact a life. feeding a rate, and the on flesh killed,while starch great very taken uncooked Disease. too to naturally be attacked become of them ordinarycircumstances periods of it has be follows are liable to be attacked course marvellous death. under susceptible. a subject is a membranes to with disease contagious a mucous are attacked, because mostly 3. is how different independentlyat it in contact subject predisposed to a irritates merely especiallyliable subject,or affected very disease a of the disease,supposing (bacilli) germs or before fact, cold tissues,rendering them the by of matter a transmitted be to symptom of disease. ROUP. (IncipientTuberculosis.) These membranes :secretions. names are of the mouth This given and interferes to the nose, with disease causing the when a it attacks thickening of bird's breathing, the the and I04 it to gape, causes feverish,and cough the bubbles extends and the rather white, owing this of intensity the affected. passed, The It in that and Diseases symptoms of this formidable subject written of those all forms of and little is soon thoroughly supposed to of very cause contagion tubercular Manual " my pose decom- be separate Poultry This disease. disease and which distinct, and post-mortem appearances many is the of recognised the I unity of and previouslybeen perplexing. of red nostrils incipienttubercular connection clear the Direct of much. but becomes microscope, which " as malady in the secretions extent very appear the not degrees vary it may for the Cause. The sight. accounted had an ruffled, or aid of the the previouslybeen such to is disease the if offensive odour. very as If its eyes cases that, with becomes plainlyseen very the symptoms until after I had discovery made had a of the soon drooping condition, plumage off not " a be can unassisted and differ, many partially corners throat increases is,the thickened give was these incipientstage and "roupy," above its and the nose. disease the become at and employed. the in be the when may appear mouth tubercle to attack subjectmay watery, and is deposit of they to from filmy deposit taking place. Miliary a power plainly visible be The to process, magnifying the ducts and what discharge, some- and mouth, lining the membrane ulcers follow ,to the usuallyhot is exudes egg, an frothy bubbles cause The checked, in lachrymal eyes. low of appear along choked white head glairymucous clear transparent a resembling Frothy The sneeze. or undoubted primarily, cause, such disease, except as be may hereditary. Causes. Predisposing and of deficiency cause, and feeding as ventilation, which the causes rebreathed. A cause. cause cold of Any or in the food it is. doubt no a Roup, chief of these exclusivelywith too saline matter influences,such and The " So is inherited but unsuitable its insanitary condition they are damp is very simply a weakness the food. A predisposing and ing weaken- equivalent,defective polluted air same chill from feeding, undoubtedly over- is said to be overcrowding and the is is to a often be breathed predisposing spoken of as immediately exciting I05 By long causes. become inflamed the germs expel the upon the Cure " tissues the germs and tissues from the than a lose offensive of the in of sweet the cases such with right hand of air from the mouth morning, and and might nostrils salad oil to the a good plan disease under eye. the is These mucus forefinger add a clear This- germs. cleansed night Lotion. and Most the food to a the upon in and Pilla Powder to while Having Canker or the pressure lotion give half better still to frequently tubercular septic anti- the contagious by adding Krekodyne food,or symptom some sticky mucus, with a and, sticky the with give mouth with Krekodyne two little sweet or or teaspoonfuldaily. HEAD. SWELLED A The important. the mouth It is also drinking water. first This, with with is very nostrils, give cured of tubercular cases remove force to loaded mucus lightlytouch be tend health promote out full of are subject,and gentle quickly-repeated pressure lungs, will of the washed the eye downwards. decomposed clearingout all no- cure. bowel. to in more be must forms the lotion, close it,and make from In day, a speedy various be If the nostrils is wet passages should to in occur of the the ing destroy- diminishing food will tend as soothe least twice and There the destroy to that will render- treated. to effect a oil to same that this will say act eventually eliminated are treating the nostrils matter. the mouth cases to to- proof no time substances and is given be can able agents There at the requires persistent attention. lotion,at the by unfit for the them propagation, mean be make that potency treatment be successful if necessary, the their curative the germs. without for their I do not for any teaspoonful out of the however, are, too, must vigour of the attacked being our upon to as seriously affected,and environments disease membranes liable to be make discovered good percentage To so disease unfit body. vital organ nasal been subject. There they body development of tubercular numbers and disease,or of the anything has animal rendered mainly depends of the germs propagation the thus are air, sensitive of disease. Treatment. that and keen to exposure observed swellings about enlargements in the are poultry sufferingfrom head, caused especially more by a deposit of io6 tuberculous into does not parts with swollen tincture iodine. of operation is the cases oozes out. disease and I believe This that found cases it is I have when become into the foment or the dose the does not adding swollen of insert down is,pass the that " being and to fro tied of the daily. kidneys, in this way Pills I have in the made large needle If the threaded the form swelling a of the has low through allow to and swelling wattle worsted with loop ; and tincture of with long sufficiently worsted When side hot, rather water. under night drinking-water, the to warm together looselyto DIPHTHERITIC of the the worsted move disappeared the seton " natural spots a ^The appear, dirtyyellow. the membrane pinkish colour,and next mouth ROUP. ROUP-DIPHTHERIA-DRY Symptoms. in "roupy" poultry, Krekodyne vinegar rather seton a fluid loaded be removed. may to with wattles a in watery fluid a serous congestion Powder Krekodyne off'the wattle, cut ends cut, disappear,paintthe enlargements iodine, and little a kidneys congested. subjectfreelywith soon the enlarged,and in occurs Treatment. "^-'Qe.si"ts, giving two morning, of subjectsaffected killed an ment instru- remove insert much tissues result and pricked or sometimes a sharp very tumour very If the hard, WATTLES. THE hard. a with "). Tumours " wattles germs. foment them become has quill,and stout a The Infiltration " with in all (see quite firm and Cause. because of OP " some point if it mass. paint or With of the centre DROPSY Symptoms. cheesy deposit filtration in- or but soft at first, vinegar, for its removal. Ointment Krekodyne hard a hot the into the with deposit rather When necessary down cut into ducts, or treating the subjectfor Roup, Besides " glands the depositis This disperseit forms Treatment. the tissues. the soon in taking place matter ; which In these a lining the whitish film mouth spreads graduallyenlarge and some give over change large cheesy masses cases off first loses an offensive odour. its it. White in colour are From found the 107 mouth the nose, the disease the When windpipe. rattlingnoise origin a is also loud, harsh noticed of this Give " lightlytouch and strong quill remove be there, not under becomes all makes and a ally occasion- noise the was It out). cry in peculiar a Gaping distorted. is of consequently times some- Gapes." wash Pills mouth cheesy any do with and mouth, if the parts do bleed subjects which mornings Carfker Lotion. with the out and night possible of as minding destroy to neck much as fowl its neck twisting of the inside this doubt Krekodyne applying the lotion, is advisable and The " two the No lining the mouth attacked,the which affection, Before that may membrane {Scotch,to shout, to the cases erroneously called Treatment. " arching some symptom a the to catchy cough, a noise. Roup " is windpipe breathing, has name In manner. the when of the also be may spreads a deposit takes place in occasionally and makes sometimes not a masses little. a It improve soon treatment. (False). GAPES Fowls when they being thickened They frequently are also their nostrils when thickened which gape and of more breathing. tuberculous or less when secretion. should for be treated (sclerostoma syngamus)is gape-worm their deposit a windpipe, of the Birds " is " Gapes " in their mouths interferes with there filled with are Treatment. if the gape mouth in the matter of the secretion sticky,which and sufferingfrom be to in consequence gape may said " discovered not " Roup in the windpipe (see"Gapes"). ENTERIC DISEASE. noticeable Symptoms. The most less pronounced type. This or " more " or to wasting. both legs. be due to Cause. taken In into " This there cases some condition is is diarrhoea symptom is followed is loss of power by a loss of flesh by to of stand on one erroneously supposed some cramp. Contagion. the develops slowly body and As with a rule the food or and insidiously, germs water. owing of the disease In to some cases are it its interference io8 with the process of graduallywaste of the When away. the liver,spleen,kidneys,and Disease other therefore Pills. soothe to A bowel of the the to is in all give to it ; at the suitable spoonful Powder The " it is advisable morning for dose oil and disinclination its an liver and other possession of the again into the takes place most cases stricken the of sudden large blood-vessels most cases gorged with heart, and some dark fluid the vascular are parts of the and most In the In it to blood, some is to of cases albuminous more cause death cases be ailing. plugging remarkable body In of fluid than usually a extent. congested, and are clots of death. consistencyof proventriculus have takes quicklyfalls is effused serum the a much very parts immediate body and the clots. vary spleen are of of state some seen crop the process to if roused albuminous the deathly stupor a been having coloured, but congested cases out Diarrhoea cases owing the " parts it is of the colour and crop, this is appearances. ^These congested. In in the standing death, it is the result of the the liver and All tissues. feathers colour. subject,and with Krekodyne remaining cases is at first dark severe fowl oil and tea- a subjectusually exhibits lethargiccondition. same without Post-mortem the some through In organs. Krekodyne dejectedappearance. doubt arrested add and Cholera.) " excrement No night DISEASE. most greenish a oil food. for hours, with to digestion being Or place the of salad is half pills. a inflamed, less or fowl about, in full of food. remains the Enteric ordinary sized move and up, changes on much Acute of first attacked body, and having set soon to and posture same In invade dose ENTERIC When " the they soon give a drinking-wateror Symptoms. later " more dose time (Septic Fever is (see cases a same two ACUTE from dition con- "). Treatment. a the germs organs a of the germs, propagation case subject is in subjectattacked In this prodigious rate. a o" the tissues muscular the favours which body multiplyat digestion,the into the usually very are found The usual, and gas tar. natural The blood in in in other gullet, appearance. washed, including the The lime-wash used while be should in in its bottom and placed this place where dry the in with frequentlyrenewed. The the chief book should which do drink not This warm. it with food any with the food still remains bound the should be tips of be which done every three in remains in the with If the it should crop, made of be the birds rather hours, mixing the crop by kneading crop the end at four or of in this affected the water be necessary. advertised drinking-water, and fingers. the Powder or removal it contains poultry, because dosed ashes should preventive to should with deodorant measures course, floor of the The is the Krekodyne Of quickly. only disinfectant The added be This punched receptacle,and covered be and fire cinder or is the affected the it out. lime, holes suitable should little lime. a of the disease. germs kept Quicklime from coke weather. drying warm object of these excrement other any building to dry poultry are mixed earth in and freshly slacked with galvanized-iron pail,with of the necessary inside nest-boxes, lime-washing, a sides,or in the centre is not After old an and made be it is hot. made may furniture twenty-four removed (see hours Crop- " "). SCROFULA. Certain animals are forms of known as disease tubercular Scrofula, but in the and man the is fast term lower becoming obsolete. Symptoms. " the Deposits of cheesy various in matter of parts body. Cause. General " Treatment." unqualified My they poultry,because and it is doubtful even when they infection. tubercular are whether is to kill all scrofulous likelyto yield readilyto not would they apparently are advice produce treatment, untainted stock cured. PIP. When a frequently fowl or become creature is mouth. The chick choked is sufferingfrom with thickened consequently compelled constant exposure " to of the breathe tongue Roup," the nostrils secretion, and through to the the its open air causes it to become and like horn. This condition is known the bird for Roup. Pip." " as dry, hard, Treatment. Clear " the nostrils,and treat APPENDICITIS. (Inflammation of Traces Symptoms. " which excrement, that proves and that of part tubes be and bowel. filled with it is found had pungent Give " added charcoal hard and The " results becomes in becomes to a as in the from to inflammation by up chickens and night the ; crop mass is irritant, an which have morning, and becoming crop To " of dry to the water a time it with .kneading the crop the on crop, as down the digestion. through gizzard. A fowl indigestible an together, blocking matted grass liver, In rare swallowed cases a substance a fowl too crop. act of the warm little at the of cases of the congestion process some the crop from pass the contents mix in crop-bound through having "of rather a is found their food. to cause arresting from Treatment. up common crop-bound passage large to blind CROP-BINDING. remaining most substance, such the the distended. Cause. which results oil AND Food " examination fleshy a of both or other any the soft food. to INDIGESTION Symptoms. having certainlyset little sweet a little powdered mass frequentlyin spicy condiments Treatment. a is most occur appendages, lymph. inflammation to firm a This of being from post-mortem exudation The " for the come Occasionallyone fleshygrowth. cavity and vermiform in not cases Tubes.) substance excrement the does some away. a and add In The Blind " slimy a of one blood subject sent a Cause. in and firm. usually slime comes in in the is been the Appendages of blood it has the appearance Vermiform the add liver and as will make the throat contents with your of much at the the Of saline. patient,and crop. fingers. time same Glauber-salts it taste of the If Do by this this to break a pint this pour endeavour by gently means the become contents times with and hold He his left hand, the right, fowl operator, parting makes incision an half inches that part the the the cut This may substance closed with being used. washed The way, care between the skin handle the be anything being taken small directed feed as very sparinglyfor should enough of a warm whether see large too of draw to endeavour withdraw. to pair of blunt-pointed scissors. in the the skin that it should crop, animal should be substance closed foreign substance no be in a is left the crop. after If the egg. it to a contents with crop enlarge it,he over edges the remove out incision in of salad teaspoonful raw the wash a fowl, then with instrument a the and skin, then pieces wound and Immediately of of the head and one spinal column, ordinary single stitches,some similar nearly carefully cut than safely with well Having fowl The the there into first hand, with side. turn next Should be done its should suitable opening, rather the left back the on required legs just above near examine forefingercarefully quite empty. through his the He crop. should lie the to the to of the line with the other his with the skin through He with allowed wings removed. will be its iirmlyby its by nearest crop or crop. and water, to of and through length, in teaspoon of the it is in it not it still remains and assistant an is process its contents and three process this crop, opened hold feathers the outwards crop small be being incision into shorter of the contents should If hours. performing this operation the fowl. repeat the apart, three hard, it should the feet with his of reducing the When to broken intervals effect\jal in distended well the operation oil, and becomes crop the under first the be may fed empty, heading " with should small a in about Sick Feeding days seven fowl the after the have a quanti'y twelve hours Poultry,"and operation. EGG-BOUND. Going Symptoms. " walking the pointed substance to nest ; tail depressed when be felt in the in post-mortem subjectsthe left side near vent. Causes. fowl hard ; a frequentlyto has " been In the found majority of to be the cases subjectof fattydegeneration. In "3 the oviduct, owing circular muscular results,and large egg fibres it fails to cause may Treatment. teaspoonful of This vent. assist in that oil every would tend walk allay internal extra are cause. At treacle the be and a. time same injectedinto inflammation, and a the may the egg. WEAKNESS. almost Squatting As " disease and to continually, inability their irritant matter legs in As is the legs birds is stand weakness. the This usually attributed diarrhoea,which discharged into of result to of fact it is in most matter a chronic but the constitutional of young strength. mild to weakness consequent in the overgrowing due rule a of power cases an}' An Pullets teaspoonfulof may the- properly. Cause. loss this hours. the expulsion of effecting " functions. from a in weaknesa egg-bound. water to muscle extreme an its natural two warm LEG or canal, give of place become to cases rather Symptoms. the temporarilyso of sweet wineglassful of fowl In all " taking perform a liable to become very fat to from bowel is the provoked by liver,which, is disordered. Treatment.-, Keep the subject on material, add warm and give freelywith feed to of sweet dose a Powder Krekodyne meat oil night hay the to and or some other drinking-water, It is advisable morning. and insect food or of bed a " vegetables. CRAMP. " This muscles. a more less or from Young when " oil by Cramp ducklings and chickens water, night and dry Soak them morning. and are wash well Feed and of the result of mostly the improperly fed, and kept " contraction on very a diarrhoea of muscles. improper management. liable to become damp rub legs and in some affected birds with cramped floor. wet or the affected then by of the readilybe distinguished can the contraction is to usuallyaccompanied type. severe Cramp Treatment. warm is affection leg weakness Cause. of the feet due Distortion Symptoms. warm feet in very camphorated nourishing 114 food and keep them If diarrhoea on bed a is present, of hay adopt the or other some material. warm prescribedfor treatment it. RHEUMATISM-ARTHRITIC. Inflammation Symptoms. " in The walking. some affected swelling of rather joints are The enlarged. cases and hock stiffness joints, the in red, heated, and joints are usually the most seriouslyaffected. Cause. This " that there is in Treatment. camphor some three water should be of grains painted be rubbed inherited subjecton four with times iodine, highly probable bed, and warm soda in give from tablespoonful of a The day. a or faultymanagement predisposition. a of salicylate or it is feeding,though an the result of the certainly or cases Keep " live to should is regards housing as three ailment affected joints stimulating liniment some in. FOOT. BUMBLE (Synovitis.) An Symptoms. " some gradually increases cases the between out hard substance takes Cause. the disease floor from is the been has by It may hard a The- tissues some junction of round puration sup- cases Before sore. open corn-like a in bulges the there is usually toes be a synovial a caused by in numerous fowl the high perch. or sac, No which ot having doubt nearly all cases sheath to alight constitutional It cases. have of one been certainly examined me. Treatment. taken then of predisposing cause in the so the at and it in inflamed. Inflammation " tendons. upon foot the an that pressure foot. inflamed, foot,which extent an continued to place, resultingin and red becomes such sole of the become enlargement, any the on the sole of the on to Owing toes. is formed substance the enlargement " If observed place, paint apply a In bad daily. dissectingout the bandage cases, the before affected rather the growth. the hardening part with iodine tightly,repeating only When chance of process has liniment,and this treatment effectinga cure is by doing,this apply a ligatureto "5 the leg just excessive round as blood of blood, then the wound. be can clean Wash the and water dissect wound by pouring upon keep it with it in " surface, with inflamed are forced Cause. this affection has say Treatment. vinegar and water then large or it single stream a stitches. bandage. a scales epidermic between seen an upon of the enlargement A leg. scales,which the legs. have attention given it is caused that by to which parasite, a paintingthe leg it lotion applicationswill usuallycure using a " with legs stiffbrush rather ; days paint the leg with Scaly Leg alternate the affected the cleanse part in three one on allow to to copiesmutans. " When upwards, be Thoroughly " dry well, and Lotion. found have named been of pathologistswho Eminent " the skin LEG. can from outwards with place consequent substance powdery few a all of the affected much as skin sound tendons accumulation An Symptoms. out the through injuring the SCALY white tightlyto prevent without close then and pad, wet a it carefullycut Next removed vessels. Apply is, bind foot, that part requiring removal, leaving all the over part the loss of the close above to should held be between run the worst with the the foot Four scales. cases. VARIOLA. (Small-Pox.) Symptoms. ^The " in different pustules,which first they scab forms affected this asked they had case birds rather are I I had not. I have Cause. ever " A When noticed of them if any vary eventually falls and disease cases examining turkeys had one feverish, yet been near As and found cases fowls and the size. do attacked very that it poison spread by contagion. At expected, was not by naturally poultry-man seen. blood be some them, small rusty-coloured a may some ailing,and caught, on in in much very off. is symptom later yellowish blisters,but are depressed. appear characteristic most said the worst Ii6 Treatment. the Add " and drinking-water, the dress FEATHER Symptoms. When " there not are certain that of the fowls. Cause. the fowl full of fowls feathers This " vice and The fattymatter, fowls. This for feather eating. them associates these Treatment. feather when leather instances rests they it is almost by eaten some overcrowding, or a frequentlyset up through it has ah unusual tasted the are feathers, are new they way it is set up when a do to relished much very contracted have they and will race the habit through strange a of fowl fowl place foyvlswith by passing gaq eighth in the mouth for and nose and of of effective method most is of the an and overfed,or by patches, and run, feather because it is advisable The " plucking septum It is in is fresh it is dark. vale's the result of evident many Therefore when the of fowls when In a maliciouslyseizing another, as introduced. plucked occupation. is made scramble been be may and their lying about have feathers of feathers bare are seizingand pullingout appearance. or oil when sweet EATING. feathers any of exercise want by with break. they a. pimples preparationto tonic saline,aperientand a an feather a piece of eating attaching to inch thick. curing copper a wire fowl of through poultry. it a The pieceof rubber soft rubber or leather prevents the fowl closingit firmlyenough ii8 they moulting. Cayenne are substances added are poultry,with be because done, in atoms view a the like the in liver. sensitive work be not has given feverish If any to is to of the hasten Birds therefore mild a should should be with the pull at them ; in the itself. because cause A vice. of fowl should Fowls cold and of a they of in a mortem post- should increase the fowls of when they beneficial. If to its moult, view a fowl a littleearlier than moulting will male allow bird eating is when seasonable. moulting, are possible the than or until the males time to over the they when be allowed to to prolong if left to is inattentive and become should be up of feathers be may commence he be set may bare tend to place with warm pullets sometimes very due probably assists vigorous a moulting. moulting-time approaches, and until and wet it is use when temperature a when not serious Experience because very prove more feather this way a This Hens feathers organs- disease substances depressed would become females. established be the rather season. and recuperate in moult a kept apart breeding next its increased separated be the inflammation continued, Warmth put tonic in into sensitive assist fowls to from skin. bring on to fluids the not patient. The usually are sexes the of minute into pungent medicine, frequentlygiven moult. a that me a sometimes are sittingtends by as effect upon they they even is use should ground sub-acute up pungent keepers This certainlyfollow. real benefit is derived laxative and proved condition Sulphur if its will nature sets other some with is carried matter and organs, is mixed blood, and Pungent serious more the by moult. matter pungent gizzard,becomes enters intestines, food assisting a to the soft the to and ginger pepper, when get wet the process, to an placed ing, moult- and may illness. ENTERITIS. (Inflammation of the Inner Coat of the Bowel.) from slightdepression to complete Symptoms. These vary, thirst and are diarrhoea, prostration. Symptoms usually seen " and in remains some cases squat on the the subject may ground. be seen straining,but mostly iig Causes. up by pepper or set in the When " due not the action to irritant mineral some such bowel like pungent in vegetable or substances greater a lesser or of disease substance. will set Cayenne inflammation up degree, and it is germs, certainlyin the Jiver. Treatment. three every bread To " soothe hours, and scalded with the feed three give sparinglywith boilingmilk. frequentlystraining,increase or bowel, In the raw and egg when cases dose little sweet a oil of crust the patient is add to of oil and it two drops of chlorodyne. CHRONIC TUBERCULOSIS. ("Liver Disease.") When Symptoms. " tubercular disease, and "organ, there and eyes, is " a " is of Chronic fungus, or -checked New the severe cases "extent that growths disease become the eyes appear extends disease colour, incurable. are and the closed up. an ulcerative process, yellowishdischarge oozes a the round over By like somewhat comb, face, or the upon the mouth. swollen, the are the liver matter. appears enlargements usually break -out. too CONTAGIOSUM.) growth, wattles,and occasionallyin these When contagious disease,a growth wart-like face DISEASE. (MOLLUSCUM 3. The Disease." of tubercular FUNGOID' In this virulent important yellowish a culous tuber- hollowness causes colour. of Liver " tuberculous cases other or flabby thighs. usually chronic deposit of which " unhealthy an symptom deposit of A Treatment. has glands wasting " sufferingfrom considerable a and excrement is also Cause. soft and affected,the iameness there loss of tissue a shrunken appears is is the is subject in the liver,mesenteric matter under the originalones, head head As and neck, sometimes the and if not which such to discharge " in an becomes dry, yellow crusts formed, are and a oifensive very odour given is off. Cause. Contagion, and a " Treatment. is It " contagious to appear the be and a : Gently Parasiticide apply of salad may and all two At Krekodyne the the may yield surface same Pills. of time this and eggs cases off scrape of subjects producing be Mild Lotion. oil kill to diseased. seriously treatment teaspoonful they though not following growth half disease, advisable very susceptibility. peculiar to the give GLOSSARY. In the foregoingpages commonly used, and Abdomen. The I have those which endeavoured may (Lat. abdo, I conceal.) posterior portion of the body, containing the intestines and other using words not here ex-plained. are to amass.) Congestion, (l^st.congerere, An unnatural in an accumulation of blood other or organ of part a. creature. organs. Albuminous. of to avoid be understood not Having albumen, forming thick a constituent a and animals, pure in the and white the properties glairy substance part of plants existing nearly of an Cerebral. Pertaining Capillary, hair.) A minute Chronic. egg. long Amyloid. form.) (Gr. amylon, Of the brain. capillus, blood little a vessel. (Gr. chronos, time.) Of continuance. starch, eidos, Diarrhoea. of starch. nature (Lat. the to rhein, (Gr. dia, through, flow.) to A and purging. Analysis. (Gi. analuein, to resolve.) Debility. (Lat. debilis, weak.) by chemistry of any Languor, weakness. into its primary and matter stituent con(Gr. diphihera, a skin Diphtheria. Analyses, plural of parts. A tion stripped off.) growth, or formaanalysis. The resolution of Anaemia. (Gr. a, without, aima, blood.) A deficiency of blood. false membrane. a Emphysema. (Gr. emphysdn, Distension Antiseptic. (Gr. anti, against,sepein, a to putrefy.) That which collection (Gr. enteron, an intestine, Inflammaitis,inflammation.) tion Apoplexy. (Gr. apo, from, andplessein, strike.) A deprivation stroke, of of the power a due of the to an brain. (Gr. epi, on, Epidermic. the skin.) Pertaining outer or intestines. (Gr. arthron, a joint,and Inflammation itis,inflammation.) of a joint. the (Gr. bronchos, and pipe, wind- bronchial tubes. Cloacitis. (Lat. cloaca, a sink, and mation Inflamitis, inflammation.) of the vent into oviduct, cavity just which and their the urinary inside the intestines, organs charge dis- contents. Catarrh. (Gr. kata, down, and rhein, cold accompanied by a to flow.) A discharge. (Gr. chole, bile, and rhein, of the digestive to flow.) A disease characterized by bilious system and great prostration. diarrhoea Cholera. Excrement. an derma, dermis, epi- the layer of skin. (Lat. ex, separate to excreted matter and to Superficial cell-tissue. and of, out and from.) Waste expelled from animal. Extravasation. and vas, (Lat. extra, a vessel.) flammation fluid passing itis, inflammation.) Inof the Gr. Epithelium. cernere, Arthritis. Bronchitis. intestines. sudden Appendicitis. (L3.t.ad,to, a.ni pendere, Gr. itis,denoting inflammation.) to hang. Inflammation of appendages of the to air. Enteritis. and affection flate.) in- to due will prevent putrefaction. to of of tissue Exudation. out The of its proper (Lat. ex, sudare,io sweat.) The of a place. of, and out exuded. matter fungus, fungus, and Fungoid. {'Lz.t. eidos, like.) A spongy of, out act Gr. excrescence. (Gr. gaster, the Pertaining to the stomach. Gastric. stomach.) Hepatitis. (Gr. hepar, the liver,and Inflammation itis, inflammation.) of substance of the liver. Incipient. (Lat. incipere,to Beginning, commencement. begin.) Indigestion. (Lat. in, not, and digere, Not to dissolve.) digesting. Intra-Muscular. and muscnlus, the canals ducere, which Iiymph. (Lat. lympha, mesentery, of a middle, to in the membrane oviduct. Miliary. (Lat. of pus, more Oviduct. matter. an ovum, canal.) a Parasiticide. The Lat. of Pungent. (Lat. pungere, of Affecting the organs a pricking sensation. (Gr. pathos, and One logos, science.) pathology. (Gr, rheuma, (Lat. pendere, of peritoneum, the enveloping joints or swine " and tissues versed in makes pus, matter. and membrane a The purulent bag.) egg the white of the joints to Lat. for effusion white of fluid a a. like between them. with, syn, Lat. ovum, itis, inflammation.) in the of glands with Lat. saccus, placed an egg, lubricate Gr. egg, Inflammation ducing pro- with, and syn, and ; (Gr. and of process receptacle A and under, matter. (Gr. sac. an ovum, cavities. sub, (Lat. matter.) A hedge.) (Lat. sepes, a Septum. partition separating two hang.) to body. the (Gr. sepein, to putrefy.) That that is, putrefaction, causes Synovial affection, of organs which pus, (Gr. peri, around, Inflammation stretch.) to humour.^ a the of breeding (Lat scrofa, a being supposed subject of to something similar.) A defect in the constitution causing tubercle sow Synovitis. teinein, sisting Con- muscles. an the affection painful site para- a Hanging. Peritonitis. with matter. pus, Rheumatism. A prick.) to sense (Lat. ptts, matter.) Purulent. ccedere, parasites. iPathologist. Pendulous. stomach. Suppuration. passage. (Gr. farasitos, or hanger on, kill.) A destroyer and egg, egg and to the Septic. fluid (Lat. ductus, sembling Re- seeds. less or millet.) tion, secre(Lat. mucus, matter.) Consisting -purulent. and and womb, Inflammation milium, millet the Scrofula. the (Gr. metra, the Muco and Pertaining itls, inflammation.) of water.) abdomen. the Metritis. of before, pro, In stomach.) (Lat. ventriculus, of (Gr.piesos, cavity tears. pure intestine.) enteron, and fluid. Mesenteric. the the convey colourless A (Lat. lachryma, to lead.) The ducts. and tear, Froventriculus. front muscles. Xachpymala (Lat. intra, within, Between muscle.) a of a fluid joints like the egg. an intestines. (Lat. tuberculum, in which swelling.) A disease Tuberculosis. Pneumonia. and (Gr. pneumon, itis, inflammation.) mortis, after lung, death.) and [Examination] death. form.) of parts Tumour. (white albumen caseine, animal of which "c., tissue eidos, (Gr. elkos, Ulcer. state " go to form is, flesh-forming that (Lat. pro, of swell.) trusum, to forward, and thrust.) The being protruded. a An sore.) Small-pox. colour.) Yermiform. (Lat. forma, Yertigo. affection changing varius, (Lat. egg), gluten, matter. trudere, to such and Protrusion. various body. (Lat. tumere, Variola. as in formed are the enlargement. (Gr. protos, first,and A of class compounds Proteids. little tubercles (Lat. post, after, Post-mortem. mors, a vermis, resemblance.) (Lat. vertere, of the nervous to a worm, like. Worm- turn.) system. An a 123 INDEX. PAGE of Advertising, Method of Anaemia, Treatment Andalusian Fowl, Qualitiesof . Animal Matter, Food . Value of of Apoplexy, Treatment of Appendicitis,Treatment . Apples, Food Value of Arthritic,Treatment Food Barley, . of Value Barley-meal Bleeding,How Value Cholera, Treatment Cloacitis, of . . . . . . . . " . . of . . . . . . ,, Disease, Parasitic Comb . . Injuries of. Treatment Comb, Ulceration of, ,, Cold, Treatment Coops . . Mixed Corn, Cramp, . Crop-Binding . . Treatment 25 24 94 18 26 43 of 25 loi . . " " . . . . " " . . . . " " . . . . " " . . 79 24 114 25 loi 97 57 34 108 95 92 of 93 . . . . 36 . . in . . " " . . . . ,, . . . . Chickens to ,, Disinfectants .. of Constituents Digestionof 24 98 of Function 106 Green Vegetable Insect of Behind, Treatment Down Dropsy of Wattles, to Ducklings, How . Fatten How to Feed.. How to Hatch . 117 106 of . . Prevention " Food Value ,, of Eggs .. 69 Fungoid " " of . . ,, ,, for.. .; of Frost-Bite Grit for House Fowls, Selection 69 ,, 32; . 34 . . of. of 100 . 116 .. 100 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 21 iS 17 2S 26 28 .. .. on .. ,, Ducks, Diseases Foodstuffs, Notes Fractures, Treatment . . .. 70 . ,, Soft.. " .. . ,, 46 . . Disease, Treatment Feather ,, . 33 " .. . . ,, no .. " . . Poultry 34 Egg Production32; Fatten ,, .. . . to Increase ,, Dorking Fowl, Qualitiesof "34- .. ,, ,, Diphtheria, 20 . ,, ,, Dari, Food Value of of Diarrhoea, Treatment . 95 . . , " .. .. ,, . . Eating, Treatment How to Destroy Fleas, Food, Analyses of ..113 .. . Fattening Poultry Feeding Ailing Poultry Breeding Stock 57 - of Fats, Nature loi . " . . of . . DEGENERATioN,Treatment Fatty 93 ,, of . 22 " Cayenne Pepper, Evils of Chickens, Food for Feed 21 . " . to 97 in . Food Value of Cabbage, of Catarrh, Treatment How . 26 . Foot, Treatment ,, . 50 . . Fowls, Qualitiesof Brewers' Grains, Food Value of Bronchitis, Treatment Broody Hens Buckwheat, Food Value of Bumble . " Brahma . . . of . . " . . Formed Food Bones, gi . . . Arrest to . ..114 . ,, 87 . . . .. of . .. ,, Beans Blood, How . . 22 . . . . . . . " . . . . of 3? 94 92 Disease ..119 .. .. 72 72 68 Game Fowl, 32 Gapes, Treatment ..66 ,, Qualitiesof of False, Treatment . . . of . . . . . 42 gS 107 124 PAGE Breeds Geese, How Eggs, " Keep to How . Fatten How to Feed How to Select ,, ,, . . . . . . . " " ,, How Grass, Food Green Food . . . . . . . . Shells Qualities oi. Fowl, Hamburgh Hatching . . . . Sitting,Selection Hens, Food Hempseed, . . . . . Indian of . Game Potato, 26 28 Poultry-Farming Poultry Food, Special to Poultry-house, How 30 Protrusion 47 Redcap 24 . . . . . of Value Food Insects, . . Qualitiesof Fowl, Indigestion, Treatment Poisoning, 73 . of Qualities of Fowl, Houdan . of, "c. Value Hepatitis, Treatment 74 53-58 8g 54-56 Examination Health Pneumonia, 46 Scotch 26 . . . . Langshan (see Hepatitis) Fowl, Qualities of Fowl Leghorn Leg Weakness, Lice, How Destroy How Value . . . " " . " Disinfectant Disease .. Congestion of Fatty Degeneration .. Inflammation of How Maize, Food Soft 96 . " . . . . . . . " " . . . . " " " " . . . Moulting " Food Value of . Ground, . Value Food ,, no . 25 . of IDO 115 " How Food, Prepare to 27 of Eggs, Cause Stock, Disposal of Sunflower Seeds, Constituents Food Value of Swedes, 98 86 of 21 26 . of Treatment Head, Food Tares, . 105 . of 114 . . Value of . 25 Turkey 24 . of Treatment (Chronic) ,, Tumours, 102 119 ,, of Treatment of 94 61 Feed 61 . . Chicks, Delicacy How to " " . . . . Diseases Turkeys, of 62 . 97 How 47 Where to 117 How How 55 Turkey 23 Variola, 23 Vertigo, . 61 Fatten to Keep Feed 59 60 to House 59 to Select to Eggs, How Treatment 59 60 Set to of . "5 . 97 ,, 25 Water ..26 20 . . " " 43 97 Vessels Parasites.. Constituents Value of of . . . . . . Value^of Food How 21 24 Wyandotte . to How to Fowl, expel 22 . of Treatment Comb, Worms, Wounds, 100 .. .. .. 29 ,, Wheat, White Peas, Food of of ,, Fowl, Qualities of Orpington of Oviduct, Inflammation Parsnips, 43 115 Treatment How of Oatmeal Onions . of . 100 Nests Oats, . . . Disease, 24 26 Meat . .. ,, of Metritis, Treatment Minorca Fowl, Qualities of to Destroy Mites, How . 25 103 Qualities of Value 26 Mangel-wurzel . Soft-shelled 27 . . Maize-meal . . . 95 . . . " 22 Treatment Synovitis, Treatment of 114 106 Fowl, ..96 Breed to Value . .. Treatment Tuberculosis, Maggots, 46 . 106 ..119 . . . ,, . . of Swelled . . . . of 7-16 ..117 of Value Scrofula, Small-Pox no .. 35 " of ot Grey 42 10 " . . 47 99 . construct . Food Skin 113 . 25 " Dry " g6 Make to .. ,, . . Best ,, . of Treatment ,, Liver . . ,, to Limewash, . 94 . 75-88 Qualities of Sharps, Food Lameness . Treatment Scaly Leg, of . . . Diphtheritic Rye, . .. Treatment ,, . . of of Vent Rice, Food 102 . of Value Fowl, Roup, . Treatment Food 43 of Treatment Rheumatism, 96 46 m .. no Fowl, Qualities of Rock . of . 74 ""74 .. Value " " Feed to . and . 74 Pip Plymouth 73 . . . Goslings, Grit . Hatch to to . . . . . 91 99 Dress Qualities of " " 93 43 , YALE'S REMEDIES FOR PIGEONS. " " of Roup, Colds, Diarrhoea,, I" cases PI LLS." going light,"give one Pill night and morning. A bird sufferingfrom Diarrhoea, or going light,"should have from ten to twenty drops of salad oil two one or capsules with each Pill. As a Tonic giveone Pill a day. These: Pills are prepared from pure vegetable substances, and do not contain arsenic, which is used in pillssold to revive,invigorate, and act as a "pick-me-up." and KREKODYN E " " " " BOXES containing 42 Pills,7d.; 90, 1/-; one gross, 1/6; five gross, 5/- post free. CANKER LOTION." Fo"^ throat, this Lotion will be found invaluable. be used can squabs on a and days old. With ^"'^ " a of the fine camel rtiouth or 's-hair brush it each, post free. "y"^, and ^^^^ gross, 2/6; (Canker) ulceration In bottles,i/- LOTION. ANTISEPTIC mouth few two washing out the nostrils. lotion should be painted on inflamed joints, and the feet of scurf or parasites. clearing legs daily. Besides the local treatment, birds sufferingfrom an affection of the jointsshould have ten drops of salad oil and a Krekodyne Pill daily. LOTION. WING " This " It is also serviceable for E" KREKODYN This POWDER." cases Roup, "going light,"Diarrhoea, "c. contagious diseases, and is an excellent tonic. When of mild stimulate in their moulting. When the are spreadingof ill it will not splendidfeather,and cures assist them Price are not systems, keep them TON! assists drinking water, birds birds digestiveorgans, keep i/-per box, three for 2/6, post free. them A N T IS E PT IC bird's in preparation quickly It checks and saline Tonic checks the when added of the to a sick disease. spreading digestiveorgans, invigoratetheir in splendidfeather,and assist them in moulting. a cure ill it will stimulate Six CAPSULES. This C" " Salad their packets, 2/-,post Oil for Pigeons, free. i/-,2/6,5/-per box, post free. ^' GOING LIGHT," ROUP " KINDRED AILMENTS IN PIGEONS: Their Causes, By The " "dreaded The " We " booklet diseases no PIGEON "The is not attack anon book W. free. information pigeons of for the treatment all varieties." Fanciers' " only equallyvifellarranged,but equallywell got up." " in thoroughly recommending Price printed,and that the booklet." in HEALTH VALE. is well Treatment. 3icl.,post practicaland valuable and hesitation useful littlework a much and Price MANAGEMENT By and VALE. contains which ever booklet have W. Symptoms into three divided fancier should no parts be without." " of those Gazette. Fowls. Poultry. " " DISEASE. 1/7, post free. housing,feeding and Racing Pigeon. " diseases, Pigeon Management,' as its name implies,treats of such important subjectsas feeding, housing and diseases,and pigeon-keepersare indebted to the author for this little work, which we can thoroughly recommend." Poultry. ' " " and practical with the housing,feeding deals in a plsiin manner Pigeon Management with of pigeons. As the writer so truly observes, Success pigeons depends of the food fed to almost entirelyupon the knowledge of their keeper as regards the suitability of should read it. 'Pigeon Management has 71 well-filled pages them.' All pigeon men should be without instruction on housing,feeding and diseases,and no pigeon-fancier a copy." "Bath Daily Chronicle. " and ' ' diseases ' ' AND ECONOMICALLY. HOW TO FEED PIGEONS SCIENTIFICALLY Second "The work beginning to " I have Mr. Vale sense and be before end." is like us W. By all others 3id., post Price VALE. the from same pen, free. thoroughly practicalfrom Poultry. " and Economically.' latelybeen much struck by How to Feed Pigeons Scientifically and of a naturalist of common the point of view of a chemist the questionfrom ' treats observation." Pigeons must Edition. sent taken with Examinations, " O. E. in for every Cresswell, treatment. bird. Other 1/7. Subjects to Letter Esq. " Fee, feathered be delivered of Advice. " if cured, 6/6,including i/6which creatures, 10/6. Post-mortem carriagepaid. Fee, 1/7. HOW TO By The " " book ' How Feed to VALE. keepers, ' 1/7. post Price How to Vale. Canaries,' by W. Feed free. in Volumes an shell." egg- Review. thorough, therefore treated" plain and perusal." repay W. for bird Fanciers' " CANARIES. FEED Canaries and other is nothing if not Vale Mr. Birds.' is admirably that the subject dealt with will well useful information, and contains much Seed-eating it is superfluous for us the point. The work to add to Poultry. " of Mr. Vale's handbooks is another and other Seed-eatingBirds The get-up of the price is. 6d. seems large for so small a book. book is such as to justifythe expense stand the covers some handling. This of it ; it makes likelyto be quality,though an external one, will be severelyput to the test by the demands made the contents." Scottish Poultry journal. on " ' with How Feed to much ' Canaries in little. Its " " " DISEASES Their 3rd Edition Causes, (Revised " All breeders " Mr. Vale and has keepers of made consequently practicalmen pleasurein recommending "6 A remedy Dose " it." " a ought without appreciatethe Poultry. fail Canary i or and 2 Diarrhoea drops The 66 tends to is an n: three in birds. times a Price " ""rx7' becoming too fat,and n xt is of great service 1/- per we Fowls. " many have yearsf great 1/- per Bottle, post free. according to size. it is small bird, especiallywhen a bird's throat a camel's-hair pencilor day, and for other birds close its mouth, to then turn the 99 antisepticsaline preparation for adding to the drinkingwater of the breathing and digestiveorgans. It is also prevent birds for specialstudy for affections Price to them while of cage birds as a excellent tonic, an moulting. Box, post free ' W. its contents." free. 99 " This peruse of his researches, and following is a capital way to give Krekodyne to sufferingfrom a cold or asthma :" Pass to the back of the feather that has been dipped in the medicine the bird ; allow it. pencilor feather round and withdraw remedy to tribe his results 1/7,post Price VALE. By W. of the feathered Treatment. xrT"T7"/Mrr^T^"v^ia"ir" for Colds, Asthma For birds cage diseases will and Symptoms, Enlarged). " BIRDS: CAGE OF wwwwwww^vvwr^ TOWER HOUSE,SOUTH NORWOOD, YALE,Dispensary, A few which Testimonials be may London, S.E. selected inspected at from Tower thousand, ten over House, South Norwood, :" THE PROBLEM SOLVED. In for ventilation; Poultry in April, 1885, the Editor said, So much and the prevention of roup. it has Its successful when once treatment, of the acquired a firm hold on a bird, has for years been considered one difficult problems which the poultry-keeper encounters. If we most may " judge irom the number the successful of use problem of letters which Vale's Mr. been has have treatment reached we in reference us Langley, Bucks. contains useful information. for your book, which have worked wonders, and made My ;"^ioodifference to me. in splendid health. Yours truly, Thanks remedies are now A. Pietermaritz 295 poultry pillswhich The and Sons are I sent for C. Messrs. excellent. W. Dear longer P.O. Chickens ask to once pillsthe your just received have recently received ' use Sir, I and I and you from them to Fowls,' forward Box Meadowcroft MELDRUM. Zealand. I like them. S. South Johannesburg, 41c, MAJOR. C. K. Africa. box a Mr. of your pillsfrom Spencer, who and the loan of j'our booklets, ' Roup, you, and I me better Your birds. Street, Pietermaritzburg. through Christchurch, New The that solved." Sir, Dear the to think, safely say we may, am pleased so of some and same with both the booklets that I has "c.,' write at too. R.F.J. Mr. Sandley House, Vale, Please which enclose I done send with my The Sir, thousands gross remedies G. faithfully, Game I am pleased very with have proved supplied me pheasants here this year, and many of of pheasants Farm, Hargham, the that to that since another me chickfens using it my it in they have had died since still persists in keeping think that is from School 21 send pure his HORNBY, Capt. Attleborough, Norfolk. Powders Krekodyne you cold, roup, die from that Esq. Sir, Please Dorset. pills tor poultry, for wonderful, they have say 6000 of the greatest benefit in rearing some of their value, I feel certain if keepers knew Vale, Dear are PHIPPS Yours W. your Gillingham, birds. Yours Dear five shillings. Your five marvellously another me head cussedness. box have their well etc., would be saved. faithfully,S. J. BELL. Road, Sparkhill,Birmingham. I may Krekodyne Powder. say improved marvellously, none having little heast One drinking fountains. of sunk between his shoulders, but Faithfully yours, T. W. WILKINSON. I Mr. Vale, Dear Will kindly you pleased am to send that say first by me post Krekodyne your box a pills have send acted the me following marvellously on as order small a birds. my I Sir, Pills for High 7 Will please you fowls. I poultry-keeper send per speak cannot should return always re-sale. a PUXTY. Krekodyne consider and them, Faithfully them. by supply a Sussex. Battle, celebrated your of Sir, I but good, Rudge have it is pills, which used a will lot your trouble of be Krekodyne Pills DAVIS. catching the by overcome years, quantity a Powder and which found fowls of you Garrel Please in of cases forward and roup me 1/6 box a of Glen your colds. Kilsyth, They Ashleigh Your stud of Light Krekodyne upwards last " of Pills Dragons 150 Please season. have did I forward House, given five a gross per Yours PATERSON. bird Sir, 20 Please it is the plight, for I but send best of stuff has killing box another I have preparation your thought me made and Flood of used. new burying My birds them. of of my Going " return. faithfully, Street, your Norfolk. Out through F. JONAS Dear value great Fakenham, single N.B. truly, satisfaction. great lose not of are Yours Sir, out. DAINTON E. R. Dear the brought Cottage, pills. very them truly, W. Sir, them give to have Yours Dear Somerset. Frome, Farm, for every yours, H. Dear The truly, yours Street, of highly too have box of Brynmanor. C. Dear I birds DOBELL. for am, Pills. game A. Street, Newport g Please my C. truly, Yours Sir, Krekodyne of cured Powder cholera. Dear Dalton-in-Furness. Road, Ulverston 127 Sir, Road, King's Krekodyne birds have them, in WRIGHT. Chelsea. Powder. been fact Yours I in it has a saved truly, T. MITCHELL. can very say bad them, w The Scienceof Living OR HOW FROM FREE KEEP TO LIFE, PROLONG AND DISEASE, BY VALE. W. [Consultant for Price 2/6 All Post nett. SECOND W. Tower of Feathered Diseases House, Creatures,] Free 2/9. EDITION. VALE, South S.E. Norwood, So* il J*'or Contents see over. LIVING. OF SCIENCE THE CONTENTS. PAGE Introduction.. The 5 Function Division 9 Foodstuffs of Natural Food of ID . . Diets 12 l6 Foodstuffs Notes on Animal Table of Constituents Notes on Breadstuffs, Table of Constituents Notes on Pulse 29 Notes on Veoetables 30 Table of . 21 . Table of on Table of 35 Constituents Oils . 4" Constituents . The Cause The Degeneration The Influence Old " 44 5" Mankind of of " Age Predisposing The Cause to Suitable of Eat and Disease of 57 Water Result and 55 Cause 6o of How Overeating 62 Much . 63 . Dieting 66 . . Table Food 68 . The 54 . Nutrition.. and Influence 52 Diet . The 43 . Life of of Digestion When 39 . Fruit Duration a 37 . Vegetable of The Food, 33 . Nuts Value Notes 27 Constituents . The 23 . . on . "c. . Notes . . Comparative Diet and Value Foodstuffs 69 Disease . Involuntary of 71 . Work.. 76 Glossary 78 PRINTED BY J. D. SMITH, DEPTFORD, LONDON, S.E.
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