How to Raise Regional Marine Research-driven Clusters at International Level Round table: Promote trans-regional research and innovation in the maritime economy* Gorizia, 11 December 2009 * a public initiative of the STARNETregio, a project coco-financed by EC within the FP7 Marcello Guaiana Project Manager Technology Transfer Department AREA Science Park Trieste - Italy 1 Introduction Introduction Enabling Technological Progress and Innovation Innovation is considered the key factor for fostering territory economic growth and increasing the industry competitiveness on the global market (innovation by IMPULSE) Innovation has a regional dimension, as widely recognized from the European innovation policies (innovation by CORE competencies) Innovation can be effectively developed and diffused through specialized regional structured systems (innovation by NETWORK) 2 Science and Technology Parks Science Scienceand andTechnology TechnologyParks Parks are areeffective effective Regional Clusters for Innovation Regional Clusters for Innovation A Science and Technology Park (STP) is an organisation managed by specialised professionals, whose main aim is to increase the wealth of its community by promoting the culture and diffusion of innovation and the competitiveness of its associated businesses and knowledgebased institutions. To enable these goals to be met, an STP stimulates and manages the flow of knowledge and technology amongst universities, R&D institutions, companies and market; facilitates the creation and growth of innovative companies through incubation and spin-off processes; and provides other value-added services together with high quality spaces and facilities IASP Source 3 AREA Science Park Founded in 1978, AREA Science Park has 30 years’ experience in developing new methodologies for technology transfer. It is, by choice, very different from other international parks the focus is not on “real estate” but on customized and “face to face” services to all the companies and Research Centres of the Science Park—Region—Country -3- 4 Main Activities and Strengths Main Activities Technology Transfer and start up incubator Education in R&D management & entrepreneurship International networking Coordination of Friuli Venezia Giulia (FVG) Region 42 Research Bodies Management of the Science and Technology Park Strengths A highly skilled management team (63% graduate and PhD) Dedicated and customized services for SMEs: each member of staff personally manages on average 10 SME innovation projects per year. Direct benefits and measurable results for companies receiving our services: 6-24% increase in sales 6-12% increase in personnel World Class Research Centres in the Science Park and in the Region 5 -4- AREA Science Park 88 88R&D R&Dorganizations: organizations:2121PROs PROs&&industrial industrialR&D R&D centres, 66 knowledge-based companies centres, 66 knowledge-based companies 2400 2400qualified qualifiedpersons: persons:researchers, researchers,technicians, technicians, entrepreneurs entrepreneursand andservice servicestaff staff state stateofofthe theart artfacilities facilities(81.000 (81.000sqm), sqm),world-class world-class infrastructures infrastructuresand andinstrumentation instrumentation the theleading leadingScience Scienceand andTechnology TechnologyPark ParkininItaly Italy with multidisciplinary features: with multidisciplinary features: logistics logisticsand andsustainable sustainablemobility, mobility,new new materials, nanotechnologies, materials, nanotechnologies,biotechnologies biotechnologies and anddiagnostics, diagnostics,ICT, ICT,electronics, electronics,energy energyand and environmental technologies environmental technologies 150 150MEURO MEUROofofglobal globalturnover turnover managed managedby byaaresearch researchinstitution institutionofofthe theItalian Italian Ministry Ministryfor forUniversity Universityand andResearch Research two twoextended extendedcampuses campuses(55 (55hectares) hectares)inin Padriciano and Basovizza on Padriciano and Basovizza onthe thehills hills surrounding surroundingTrieste Triesteininthe theFriuli FriuliVenezia VeneziaGiulia Giulia Region Region 6 AREA Science Park The Innovation Management System 7 Research-driven Clusters Research-driven Research-drivenClusters Clustersare areclusters clusterswhere whereRTD RTD isisthe power engine that drives the the power engine that drives the development developmentof ofindustry industryinnovation innovationand and competitiveness competitiveness Suitable Suitableregional regionalinvestment investmentpolicies policies concerning RTD and innovation concerning RTD and innovationfor for competitiveness competitivenessinto intothe theglobal globalmarket marketare are needed and have to focus on interregional needed and have to focus on interregional clustering clusteringand andnetworking networkingcities citiesand andregions regionsinin order orderto tointernationally internationallyenhance enhancethe thelevel levelof of integration between research and industry integration between research and industryand and the capability to develop and manage the capability to develop and manage innovation innovation The TheEuropean Europeanprogram programRegions RegionsofofKnowledge Knowledge paves pavesthe theway wayto todrive drivethe theEuropean Europeanregions regionsinin sharing sharingand andadopting adoptingthe thebest bestinnovation innovation practices and policies as well as to practices and policies as well as tobuild buildup up network networkssofofregional regionalResearch-driven Research-drivenClusters Clusters 8 The Marine Sector in Europe The The Marine Marine and and Shipbuilding Shipbuilding Industry Industry isis strategic in a number of EU member states strategic in a number of EU member statesand andfor for the European Union as a whole the European Union as a whole Shipbuilding ShipbuildingIndustry Industry More Morethan than150 150shipyards shipyardsininthe theEU, EU,approximately approximately 40 of them active in the global market 40 of them active in the global market of of large large sea-going sea-goingcommercial commercialvessels vessels European EuropeanMarine MarineEquipment EquipmentIndustry Industry An An annual annual turnover turnover of of the the EU EU shipbuilding shipbuilding industry amounting to more than industry amounting to more than11.5 11.5billion billionEuro Euro and and over over 350,000 350,000 people people directly directly employed employed by by yards yardsand andmarine marineequipment equipmentindustry industry Looking Lookinginto intothe thefuture future The The competitive competitive advantage advantage of of the the EU EU inin the the marine industry sector needs to be sustained marine industry sector needs to be sustained by by increasing joint research and technology increasing joint research and technology development development and and by by raising raising and and adopting adopting regional innovation policies based on regional innovation policies based onnetworks networksof of Research-driven Clusters Research Research-driven Clusters 9 The STARNETregio Project The TheSTARNETregio STARNETregioproject projecthas hasbeen beenconceived conceivedby bythe theFriuli Friuli Venezia Giulia Regional Authority and AREA Science Park Venezia Giulia Regional Authority and AREA Science Park to to increase increase the the overall overall capacity capacity of of Friuli Friuli Venezia Venezia Giulia, Giulia, County of Rijeka and Slovenia to properly invest in County of Rijeka and Slovenia to properly invest inRTD RTD and develop industrial innovation in the “ sea economy” ” economy and develop industrial innovation in the “sea economy” industry, industry industry,with withaaspecific specificfocus focuson: on: shipbuilding shipbuilding ports portsand andmarine marineequipments equipments The TheSTARNETregio STARNETregio project project(2008-2010) (2008-2010)isisintended intendedto tostrengthen strengthenthe themarine-sector marine-sector technology, innovation and business bases by adopting and sharing suitable technology, innovation and business bases by adopting and sharing suitableinnovation innovation practices and policies aimed to manage and raise a valuable network of Marine Research practices and policies aimed to manage and raise a valuable network of MarineResearchResearchdriven drivenClusters Clusters 10 Regions of Knowledge Milano Venezia Torino Genova Trieste The STARNETregio multi-regional area: County of Rijeka, Slovenia and Friuli Venezia Giulia Bologna Friuli Venezia Giulia Region Firenze Roma Napoli Cagliari Palermo 11 Regions of Knowledge The STARNETregio Network in a Nutshell about about900 900enterprises enterprises more than 11,000 more than 11,000employees employees aayearly turnover of yearly turnover ofabout about3.000 3.000millions millionsofofeuros euros the headquarters of ‘FINCANTIERI Cantieri the headquarters of ‘FINCANTIERI Cantieri Navali Navali SpA’, SpA’, the the well-known well-known worldwide worldwide key key player player aa sound sound presence presence ofof sectorial sectorial research research institutes, institutes, technical technical universities universities and and innovation innovation competence competencecentres centres ‘AREA ‘AREAScience SciencePark’, Park’,the theItalian Italianleading leadingscience science&&technology technologypark park aafavourable framework of regional innovation policies favourable framework of regional innovation policies 12 Regions of Knowledge The Project Partners Country Partner Name – Country Type IT Consorzio per l’AREA di Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica di Trieste (AREA Science Park) PA Consorzio per l’alta ricerca navale (RINAVE) RTD Fincantieri Cantieri Navali Italiani SpA E INFORMEST-Service and documentation center for international economic cooperation SpA E Innova SpA E The Public Agency for Technology of the Republic of Slovenia (TIA) PA University of Ljubljana – Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport RTD Luka Koper, port and logistic system, d.d. E SI HR 3 Research Organisations (RTD) FVG FVG IT IT SI SI 3 Regionalna razvojna agencija Porin d.o.o. (PORIN) PA Pomorski fakultet u Rijeci RTD Megaflex-cijevni sustavi d.o.o. E Teri-Crotek d.o.o. E Public Administrations (PA) Rijeka Rijeka HR HR 6 Enterprises (E) 13 Regions of Knowledge The Project Goals coordinated coordinatedand andeffective effectiveuse useof ofEuropean EuropeanStructural StructuralFunds Fundsattributed attributedto tothe the Regions involved Regions involved increase increaseof ofpublic publicand andprivate privateinvestments investmentsininRTD RTDfrom fromthe theregional regionalproject project partners partners set setup upof ofregional regionalinnovation innovationpolicies policiesand andpractices practicesconcerning concerningnew newproducts, products, components and systems in the maritime sector components and systems in the maritime sector full fullexploitation exploitationof ofavailable availableresearch researchinfrastructures, infrastructures,to tobe beshared sharedand andused usedby by the Network partners the Network partners implementation implementationof oftransregional transregionaltechnology technologytransfer transferactions actionsfor forraising raising industry competitiveness on international market industry competitiveness on international market set setup upof ofaajoint jointRTD RTDagenda agenda 14 Regions of Knowledge The Key Activities PHASE 1 WP1 Structuring the STARNETregio Network WP 2 Information gathering PHASE 2 WP4 International dissemination forum 8 P R O J E C T W P 7 D IS S E M I N A T I O N W P WP3 Cross regional analyses and preparation for future transnational research PHASE 3 M A N A G E M E N T WP 5 Trans-regional Research agenda Knowledge and experience transfer PHASE 4 WP 6 Development of Joint Action Plan 15 Regions of Knowledge The Expected Key Results SWOT SWOTAnalyses Analysesof ofthe thethree threeRegions Regionsinvolved involvedaddressing addressingRTD, RTD, Innovation and Markets Innovation and Markets aaShared SharedInterregional InterregionalRTD RTDand andInnovation InnovationAgenda Agenda establishment establishmentof of33linked linkedRegional RegionalLiason LiasonOffices Officesfor for Technology TechnologyTransfer Transfer aastrategic strategicJoint JointAction ActionPlan Plan(JACP) (JACP)for forincreasing increasingprivate private and andpublic public(regional) (regional)investment investmentin inRTD RTDfor forthe themarine marinesector sector 16 Regions of Knowledge The Results achieved by 2009 33SWOT SWOTand andprospective prospectiveterritorial territorialimpact impactanalyses analyses Development Developmentof ofthe theweb website www.starnetregio.euas aswell wellas asthe the “international “internationalform formfor forsea seaeconomies”– economies”– (January (January––December) December) Joint JointShared SharedAgenda Agendadrafting draftingas asfirst firstexample examplefor forthe theterritories territories concerned concerned Organisation Organisationof ofnr.3 nr.3events eventswith withthe thepurpose purposeof: of: sharing sharingaacommon commonagenda agendafor fortrans-regional trans-regionalresearch researchbetween between TSC partners and members (Rijeka, 1-2 October) TSC partners and members (Rijeka, 1-2 October) Networking NetworkingWorkshop Workshopfor forLiason LiasonOffices OfficesProfessionals Professionals (Trieste, (Trieste, 5th 5thNovember) November) Public PublicEvent Eventto topresent presentresults resultsto toregional regionalstakeholders stakeholders(Gorizia, (Gorizia, 11th 11thDecember) December) 17 Regions of Knowledge Areas and subjects of possible collaboration for the JAP Long-term - Economic interest of companies + Shared infrastructures Technical workshops and staff exchanges Common research agenda Market studies Short-term Specialised training Company growth, collaboration networks and innovative financing Innovation services Creation of new, highly-skilled businesses Joint promotional campaigns - Availability of skills, results and technological solutions + 18 Thank you very much for your kind attention ! Marcello Guaiana Project Manager Technology Transfer Department AREA Science Park – Trieste (I) mailto: 19
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