Tuesday, September 4, 2001 Henderson Home News Page 5 Page4 Henderson Home News Tuesday, September 4, 2001 Rules for zone variances are strict By Caria Riddle News Staff Writer Amidst all the hustle and bustle of starting the new school year, some" students may vfind themselves wanting to' attend a different school outside of their attendance zone for reasons such as athletics, academic programs, and friends or because it's closer to work or home. But for most of these students, the deadline for a zone variance request to be approved is far past. Unless the student has just moved and can show proof of residency, a zone variance request will not be accepted for consideration until the open deadline ^ between March 1 and May 1 of 2002. The written request must be submitted to the receiving school's principal for approval, who will then consult the sending school's principal for agreement. A zone variance request is good for one year only, meaning every year he student has to re-apply. Until a zone variance request is granted, the student, must attend whichever school is in his attendance zone. After the request is granted, the student and his files are transferred to the receiving school. Under Clark County School District regulations, a zone variance will be granted only if: • There is proof of a change of family residence. • There is proof of day care requirement in another attendance zone: • If a high school student is employed and the employment is complimentary to the educational or vocational goals of the studenjt. • If the student is a child of CCSD employee and wishes to attend the school where the employee works. • If the student is enrolled in a magnet school or program. • If the transfer request of a student will bring both schools involved closer to the majorityto-minority average applicable at all CCSD schools. of equal value or less value, excluding specially mat. maximum size 32 x 40 Oder good on incoming orders only One coupon per cuslomef Expires 10/2A)1 *^ Please mention this ad to receive this FREE oNer. ^^^^^^^^^^^M' •• y^^^^l H ' f ^^^H OK'* "^^^^^^^I - - '-T7-V ''' •-'-V-'-J . Courtesy Photo ',-• ^ JAWS CHAMPIONS - From left, Bartlett Elementary School students Brandan Jung, Jesse Houchens, and Jacob Geckler were recognized for their yearly participation in the Jog And Walk Stars fitness program. ^ jr; • total number of more than 100 miles. Prizes are given to partici- pants reaching a now level. Students also learned about the benefits of exercising - having a The new NCA-Nevada Chapter's board of directors includes: president, Bobbi Brady, concierge director at The Meridian at Hughes Center; vice president, Jaci Zweig, corporate concierge at The Howard Hughes Corp.; director of finance, Leslie Hall, concierge at The Meridian at Hughes Center; and director of membership, Debbie Kaye, VIP lounge/conciergp supei-visor at the Aladdin Ijondon Club. "We are very excited about the limitless opportunities our local chapter can offer concierge professionals and affiliate members," Brady said. "The networking, social interaction and information exchange the chapter provides will be an invaluable resource in allowing us to better meet 4 PM-10 PM INCLUDES ALL YOU CAN EAT SALAD BAR (11AM 10 PMl NO TAKE OUTS stronger heart, a healthier body and more energy. Although more than 800 students, parents and teachers participated in last year's program, only 67 runners completed the Saturn card, or the highest level. These students received a JAWS T-shirt, their name on a JAWS 100-miler plaque and a pizza party. Three fifth-grade boys who have participated since their first-grade year, when the program was first started, were recognized for their participation each year. Branden Jung ran ^ total <if 837 miles during his time at Bartlett ES, with student Jacob Geckler close behind at 546 miles. Jesse Houchens completed 900 miles total diiring his five years of participation. the needs of our clients and strengthen the role of the corporate and personal concierge in Nevada." NCA-Nevada Chapter offers three levels of membership: concierge member, associate member and affiliate member. Those interested in learning about membership qualifications are encouraged to call 796-8163 for details. 1741 N. Boulder Hwy. (South of Sunset) Henderson, NV 89015 AN INVESTMENT „ THATPAYSI Las Vegas - Clark County; Library District. Business Bank of Nevada, j City of Henderson, Sliver State Bank and Jay's Markets congratulate Paragon Asset Management Company on... ' The preliminary hearing for James Turner Jr. 23, charged with the July 6 murder of Miranda Johnson, 21, will be held at 9 a.m. tomorrow at Henderson District Court. The hearing was postponed because, according to prosecutor Ed Kane, additional charges were pending. Turner is charged with murder with the use of a deadly weapon and burglary while in possession of a firearm. Kane said no additional charges have befen filed at this time, but the matter is still under investigation. Johnson was shot at the Siena Heights Apartment Complex, which is located near Eastern Avenue and St. Rose Parkway, while holding her 3week-old baby. Three men were seen leaving the apartment after the shooting, and Turner was arrested on July 10. The District Attorney's Office has filed a notice of reservation to seek the death penalty for Turner Two other suspects, described as African American males in their early 20s, who were seen leaving the scene with Turner, are still at large. By Kris Hill News Staff Writer t :A Paragon Asset Management Company A Registered lm;estment AdvUory Company Paragon Asset Majnagcnient Company Is a fee-based professional Investment advisory firm specialuinf; In fixed Income securities. (702) 547-1430 • EmaU^ pamco^lvcm.cora. Prostate cancer takes the lives of more than 41,000 men each year. It is a "silent disease" which is often initially symptom-free but highly curable with early detection. lb help detect this disease, free prostate screenings will be offered ft-om 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 8, at two locations: the radiation oncology office at the Sunrise Diagnostic enter, next to sunrise Hospital, 3006 Maryland Parkway, Suite 100, and the radiation oncology office at Mountain View Hospital, 3150 N. Tenaya Way, Suite 160. The screenings will include both a PSA (Prostatic Specific Antigen) blood test and an exam by a physician. Men should be 40 or older and should not have had a prostate exam within the last year or a previous prostate cancer diagnosis. Appointments are required. For scheduling, call 731-8788 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. iHenderson and Boulder City residents can help at-risk students become better readers. New and near-new books are needed for al-risk children in pre-school through fourth grade and are being collected as part of a program sponsored by Spread the Word Nevada called "Kids to Kids." Spread the Word Nevada started the project in February. "We've been holding book drives since February," Lauri Porter said. "We've partnered with both public and private schools for book drives and received about 16,000 books through those book drives." Book companies have also contributed about 10,000 books. With the foundation laid, An arrest warrant for murder has also been issued-for CurtisPowers, aka 'Gotti' or 'Iceberg Slim,' who is described as 5 feet, 7 inches, weighing about 130 pounds. Anyone with information about this incident is asked to call Secret Witness, 385-5555, or the Henderson Police, 5652009. • $4.95 1741 N. Boulder Hwy. (South of Sunset) Henderson, NV 89015 r I Banking Alert I For CD Owners Only I I' If your CD matures during the months of I September or October 2001, you might be eligible for I an 11% interest rate. You may also qualify for^x I advantages and probate protection. J I To fmd out whether you are eligible call the I toll free number below 24 hrs/7 days and order your I Frel book; I I "The Top Ten Reasons Your Banker May NOT I Be Telling You The Whole Truth About Your CD" I 1-800-579-6862 I I Please note this is only for investors with I CD's maturing during the months of September or I October 2001. I Review the information provided in the FREE I I book in the privacy of your home before your CD I automatically renews for another term of low interest. :''•' \.. •'•'•••.•-••.->•••'••..••;•:'•.••/•••:.• .••': ^ ©GFE20OO I Ron Martinez/News Staff HOMESCHOOLING PICNIC - Michael Patraw plays chess with his father Steve at the "Not Back to Schqol" potluck picnic Thursday at Mission Hills Park. The Homeschool Melting Pot sponsored the event for homeschooled students and their parents. Porter, who developed the project with her husband, state Sen. Jon Porter, R-Henderson and Boulder City, says those working on the project felt it was time to reach out to the community. "Now is the time we are opening it up for the community to participate," she said. Spread the Word Nevada seeks out at-risk schools. They define at-risk schools as those that have the highest number of children on school lunch programs. Every student participating in the program receives a black tote bag that holds between 30 to 40 children's books. It's ideal for storage of the books. Porter said. "It's a permanent library, but it can .also be a trading library as well so that students can always have something The Henderson Parks and about cultural events hosted by JElecreation Department wiU. the Henderson. EarM , and, host a performance by renowned visual artist and mime Michael Cooper at 7:30 p.m. Sept. 8. The show wiU take place at the Black Mountain Recreation Center, 599 Greenway Road. Tickets are $8 for adults, $5 for youth and seniors. Michael Cooper's one-man show features handcrafted masks, original tales, stilt dancing, and a physical repertoire that ranges from the madcap to the sublime. The result has often been described as "moving sculpture." "Michael Cooper expertly blends mj^hical and autobiographical stories that come to life with his exquisite masks and animated storytelling," said Sally Ahlstedt, assistant recreation coordinator. "His performances encourage self-expression and creativity." Cooper's masks - ranging fiDm a baby head to a giant nose - are each as unique as the artist himself They are made ftx)m common household items, such as paper bags and old cloth, which are ripped into small pieces, dipped into glue, and laminated over a crafted clay sculpture. Some of the more elaborate masks, writh features such as smoking nostrils or periscopic vision, can take up to 300 hours to create. For additional information NOW Henderson has.. Call 501-8096 "The Best in the West' for Permanent Make-Up extluiipeh st: LAYERS Salon Hi l)av Spa Hair & NaiU Sif.X S r i SS Smith (iihson '•' llw\ 21S H>at they want to read," she Nevada needs about 10,000 said. "We're there to fill in the books in its reserve. "That way we can give the new students cracks, to help where we can." The goal of the program is to their first allocation of five and help children build libraries at returning students get a book honfe so they can practice read- on a monthly basis," Porter ing after school, as well. said. Having books at home is fundaBooks can be dropped off at mental to help improve chil- all fire stations in Henderson ijren's reading skills. and Boulder City, Barnes and Porter says it has done more Noble and B. Dalton bookstores, than help young students par- at the customer service desk at the Galleria Mall at Sunset, the ticipating in the program. "We have found that parents Henderson Home News and the and older brothers and sisters Boulder City News. are reading the books and pracAll Barnes and Noble and B. ticing their reading skills," she • Dalton bookstores in Southern said. "It really has become a Nevada will be hosting book family literacy project." fairs from noon to 5 p.m. Sept. The organization has adopt- 15, and 20 percent of every ed four schools to provide books book purchase goes to the Kids to in the valley. to Kids project. Once a school is adopted, it is Donations are taxcontinually funded with books. deductible. In order to open the four existFor more information,ws call ing schools, Spread the Word 564-7809. Recreation "Department, call 565-2367. Veterans of Foreign Wars Basic Post 3848 « 401W. Lake Mead Dr. Henderson, NV > '-•'564-5822 • Monday Night Football. Start gathering at the Post at 6 p.m. Fun and food, hot dog with a draft beer just $1.50. • At 7 p.m. every Tuesday beginning Sept. 4, a 3-BaIl Pool Tbumament will take place. Check-in time is 6:30 p.m. • .From 4 to 6 p.m. Fridays beginning Sept. 7, use of the pool table will be free to all veterans and guests. Wednesday, Sept. S 7 p.m. Ladies Auxiliary Meeting. . ^:. : •• Monday, Sept. 10 _ .":•'": I 7 p.m. Home Committee Meeting. ...•:. ' • Thursday, Sept. 13 v :^6 p.m. MOCA Meeting. ,;? ' •:'!\' •'- • 7 p.m. MOC Meeting. Friday, Sept 14 6 to 8 p.m. Steak Dinner. Suggested donation $7 (includes bar drink) Sunday, Sept. 16 and Sunday, Sept. 23 8 to 11 a.m. Breakfast. Suggested donation $3. Monday, Sept. 24 7 p.m. All Post Officers meeting. '^^ Wednesday, Sept. 26 7 p.m. VFW General Post meeting. Thursday, Sept. 27 7:30 p.m. Marine Corps League Officers Meeting. Friday, Sept. 28 6 to 8 p.m. Fish Fry Dinner. Suggested donation $6. Sunday, Sept. 30 -' 3 p.m. to ? Birthday Potluck. Come and celebrate post members' birthdays for the month of Sept. Call 564-5822 for more information. The public is invited to attend all breakfasts and dinners. SAME DAY A/C SERVICE wiumw • • • • • • I. • . ^ k How To Find TTTTuT Ifbur Home with Nevada State Bank's Home Equity Line of Credit Be one OT die first to try Lake Mead Cruises' brand new ECO-Adventure Tour aboard VELOCITY, its state-of-the-art 57 foot catamaran, at a very special price! 100% SotisfocTion Guoronteed Free unit replOcemenr quores. We srond behind our v/ork. Ler us insroll o new complere sysrenn for you. If you hove o single problem in rhe firsr 12 monrhs we will nor only fix rhe problem, we N REFUND YOU S250.~ FOR YOUR INCONVIENCE. NO OTHER COMPANY WOULD GUARAMTEE DAREJV^AKE THIS OFFER. Exp 09/30/01 Take a thrilling dash across Lake Mead and up the """"w ^^ Colorado River to get an up-close and personal ^^H^:;/ ^ 1 look at Mother Nature, and some of the most ^^f\^^^^^ fascinating geology in the world! Enjoy spectacular ^"vdw photo opportunities on this exhilarating ride! ^ l^/l# Consolidate your debt. Send your children to college. Remodel.your home. A Home Equity Line of Credit may be just what you need to get the things yqu want. There are no application fees, no closing costs, and you may be able to deduct the interest from; your taxes.* For more information, visit your local Nevada State Bank or call 1-800-789-4671. New Low Rate! 50% Annual FAST PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Percentage Rate For '6 Months Prime Minus 2% Prime Plus 0%, Thereafter. •IMPORTANT DISCLOSURE INFORMATION Offttrji Intcrmation Of*r tiiwd on *n own*r-«cciipw) pnumty *Ht> *r 80^ Of m\ kMMo-Miu* (cTVt r«to iM w jvaiiaDit on ftim • K $250,000 Otfltf rtns, imownts and lernn art avaiubt* tor praptnlM Mfi a Mgktr LTV Tht Annual FM n S50 utti*» you Ornm on tftt iitt during tnt ciiMSar ywr An Mfty ctown ofiuity of S250 wtil bt crw^d if tftii »ccoiiM ii dowd Artng tfw firs two yun borrmmr «il< D* rtvoniHf for com incurrM to r»movf prior Htm, mifu citry pniwrty inuiranct, iM may tM rMiutrid to purctuw flood mwranc* Of4»r wbwct to cr»dR loproMi and Kcwabtt titM sMrch. Proptrty vaiu* m^rmtma by th* bar* Mmimwm momMy parm*ni i^ S50 or initmi only, wMcrwvtr ti mor* Tai Dtduciibiiity ConsuH </Oif tav advitor rtqarding HM daductibitiiy of initrKt IniKt* Rai* Intormaiton Tnt ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE (APRM^ vanab't and subtKi (o crtangt moniAry As ol Augmi 22 2001, tht Pnmt rnt and APR n (>S0% Tht Pnnw lm»r«it Rait i% th» pub)i4t*d commtrciai loan ratt indii httd by tw (ottitnMit tt« iwdun r««) of tttt (DiiMring Cliaw MaMunan ftai*, WWU Far90 Bank N.A.. and Sank of Amtnca N.A Tn» maiimufn APR ii 25% Thi ImrodHCtory Anflvai ^irMMavt Rat* ii a vaniW* intcrttt rait tf Prtmt Itu 2% 'curfvntfy 4 50% A^) af0niti tf«tci tfit flrtt tii bimng Cftm fn>m account optwig AH ratti w(tt tm bottf o« Wm MM ^^ tt tffta on tfM dHt of y«yr agrttmtn TntMaofifi»wOf«''PrHnt''dotsnoiint«nit»itfitrait iithtbtttormmi Mtrttt r«t oHtr by a^p ttndtr OfftrtvifVtStaitnbtr X. 2001 '^r^ Reservations Required 293-6180 * Some reifricnons apply Present Ad at Check-In Sm^^H 24 Hours a day 7 days a week and all you can eat salad bar (llam-IOpml NO TAKE OUTS Visual artist to perform Satunlay at BM Recreation Center NO AIR CONDITIONING? FREE SECOND OPINION im 20 01 Book drive to help young readers build personal libraries Five Years of Exceptional Investment Expertise. Preliminary hearing for Turner scheduled to start tomorrow By Lisa Stiller -News Staff Reportef - ^ FILET & CRAB LEGS National Concierge Association forms Nevada Chapter The National Concierge Association (NCA), a professional organization for concierges, recently granted a charter for the formation of a Nevada chapter. The new chapter will promote the NCA's networking, educational, and promotional opportunities to concierge professionals in Nevada and throughout the world. Reservations for the.,annual "It's Happening in Henderson" narrated bus tour, sponsored by the Henderson Chamber of Commerce and the city of Henderson, are now being taken. The event, set for Wednesday, Oct. 24, is open to the public. Reservations are required.. The bus tour's continental breakfast will begin at 8 a.m. at the Civic Center Plaza, between City Hall and the Henderson Convention Center at 240 S. Water St. The buses will depart at 9 a.m. and return to the Plaza at about 12:30 p.m. A box lunch will be provided to each participant at the conclusion. Tickets are $20 per person if purchased before Oct. 19. After Oct. 19, tickets are $30. lb make reservations, visit the Henderson Chamber of Commerce, 590 S. Boulder Highway, or call the Chamber, 565-8951. SUNDAY thru WEDNESDAY Students, parents record 25,000 miles in Bartlett E5 program Bartlett Elementary School students and parents hope this year's participation in the Jog and Walk Stars (JAWS) fitness program will top last year's record-breaking amount of 25,492 miles. The program, which begins every October and lasts until May, teaches participants about the importance of physical fitness by walking each morning before school around the JAWS track on the school's playground. For every lap walked or jogged around the one-sixthmile track, a hole is punched out on a JAWS card carried by the participant. The first "rocket card" is a'total of 10 miles or 60 laps. Each card after that reaches further into "outer space." A "Saturn card" holds a I I I I I I iPECIALIlT 2704215 Never too early to get ready for the 'Holidays' BUY ONE MAT & 80 N. Pecos Road, Suite B (Wigwam & Pecos) RECEIVE THE SECOND UAT FREE Hospitals provide prostate screenings Chamber's bus tour scheduled ^ (^ Uc# 0OT3649A MMrVMrl ValM tor four persons Not vaHd w«h any other offers. Expires 10/31/2001. Lak* MMO CniMt it an aulhortaad concMsonar ol Ih* Naflonal Park Sante* VHBCOMI i If you think you hove a gambling problem, c^ 1-800-522-4700 A
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