How to Make Money Online in 24-48 Hours (Fiverr)

How to Make Money Online in 24-48 Hours (Fiverr)
OK, so here is another great method that you can use to make money very quickly – Fiverr.
Now – when I first heard about Fiverr; I wasn’t very interested.
…I thought that $4 ($1 Fiverr fee) doesn’t leave much profit margins.
…However – I started to look into it.
See, you don’t actually need to “do something” or perform some kind of service for a gig because
this would take way too much time.
Instead, you can offer to teach people how to do something.
Whether you want to teach them how to lose weight, make money, drive traffic, dog training…
the list goes on, and on…
Again, you don’t want to do the work yourself.
You either want to give them guides on how to do something.
You want to outsource it to someone else.
Now, I know that $5 isn’t that much ($4 after fee’s). So, you need to think creatively.
OK, let’s see the breakdown:
If you had 20 gigs that made 3 sales per week each; that’s 60 sales per week. $240.
$240 X 4 (4 weeks in a month) = $960/month.
Not bad, huh?
Considering that once you have posted a gig – you have done the work. It’s up there. Bringing
you money over and over again. It’s a pretty damn good way to make money without doing
much work at all after the initial setup phase. 
I was just browsing through the Fiverr homepage, and I came across this little gig:
As you can see; he is going to send you a guide to how he has got a flat tum/six pack.
Automatic income .
He has done the work once, and gets paid over, and over again.
This gig has sold over 1077 gigs… bringing him in $4308!
Not bad. Imagine if you have 5 of these gigs; doing the same. 
(Oh, even from the “sales video” you can see that this guy isn’t born to sell. In fact, it’s not even a
very good video. Just shows that you don’t have to be a genius to make money. You simply have to
throw something onto the internet. Take massive action!!!!!)
This little strategy is a great way for you to start making some money online.
Nice, right?
So you have no products to sell on fiverr?
I know most of you guys have PLR content laying around collecting dust. So rebrand the
ebook/video/graphics or whatever, and list them on fiverr, and make a promo video if you can.
Having an amateurish video or just being funny can really help sell your gig.
Fiverr people aren’t all web marketers, they don’t know what PLR content is. But you should
rebrand your product into something unique and cool such as rebranding a PLR diet recipes
guide into something unique like: I will Give you “200 of My Favourite Diet Recipes To Kill Belly
Fat” for $5.
If you don’t rebrand your PLR products, you’ll be competing with a ton of other LAZY PLR
sellers on fiverr, all selling the same boring PLR products with the same names and images.
Lastly, if you don’t have any PLR content, then go to google or warriorforum or any webmaster
forums and look for a PLR membership to join. I like (not affiliate link)
Another great method that you can use here is to “up-sell” the people that buy your gigs.
…Essentially this just means that you will offer them more things.
Let’s say for example someone bought my 200 diet recipes guide, I would then upsell them with
more rebranded PLR content such as my desert diet recipes, my fitness routine, my six pack abs
guide, my stress relieving guides, etc.
Another example, you created a gig that offered someone’s website a full SEO report – telling
them exactly what is wrong with their website.
…What do you think would happen after you gave them the report – you told them that you
could solve all of their issues for just $50.
Chances are that they would buy it!
So, as you can see – Fiverr is a great way to get customers “through the door”, and then offer
them more things.
You just need to think creatively.
Think outside of the box.
Stand out from the crowd.
Alright – that’s all there is for this step.
Go and get busy on Fiverr. 
To YOUR Success,
Tom Glover
Leon Tran
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