October 2011 Musical Excellence since 1950 Wednesday, October 26, Arlington Woman’s Club President’s Message 2 VMTA Fall Conference Business Meeting 10:15am, Program 11:00am Young Artist Musciale 3 Talk About Teaching Technique for the Elementary/Intermediate Pianist National Certification Concerts, Workshops, How to Get from Here to There: Required Repertoire as a Foundation for Advanced Literature Festivals, and Conferences Theory Is Fun! 4 Composition Competition Pianist Veda Zuponcic presents an informative program about teaching technique to elementary students. She will cover piano literature that every elementary piano student must learn in order to play advanced repertoire. Newsletter Re-Imagined 5 Pianos for Sale Miss Zuponcic made her formal European debut in 1971 as a recipient of the Martha Baird Rockefeller grant. Critics in London, Vienna, Amsterdam and Berlin noted her powerful and fluent technique, intelligent interpretations, and her natural affinity for Romantic composers. As a prizewinner in the Alfredo Casella Competition she toured Italy, and since then Miss Zuponcic has performed widely on four continents. Born in Aurora, Minnesota, Miss Zuponcic’s early studies were with Dorothy Crost Bourgin of Virginia. She went on to study at Indiana University with the great pianist and pedagogue Sidney Foster. Ms. Zuponcic has been Professor of Music at Rowan University of New Jersey since 1972, where she has built a reputation as a successful teacher of students of all ages. In 1992 she was an Exchange Professor at the Moscow State Conservatory. She has served on the juries of numerous national and Nov/Dec Newsletter Submission Deadline: November 15, 2011 nvmtanewsleter@gmail.com TEACHER REFERRAL LIST To place your studio on our referral list download the form at nvmta.org. Fill it out and enclose it with your international competitions and she is in frequent demand as a clinician, pre- $35 check payable to NVM- senting workshops and masterclasses throughout the world. Her students TA, to Peggy McNulty, 1209 have been prizewinners at many national and international competitions. Stable Gate Ct., McLean, She is currently the Artistic Director of the Northern Lights Music Festival in Va. 22102. For questions Aurora, Minnesota, an intensive solo & chamber music performance program for serious pianists and string players of all ages. She has recorded two CD’s for Melodiya, including works by Carter, Dello Joio, Fine, Copland and Gershwin. (find also at nvmta.org, Meetings) contact Peggy at 703.356.3219 or Peggy.McNulty@verizon.net Page 2 President’s Message (find also at nvmta.org, President’s Message ) There’s a chill in the air, Samantha is debating between the Homecoming Dance and an optional recital and pumpkins are everywhere. Must be October. It was wonderful to see all of you at our first Membership Meeting on September 28 th.; only a few of us were caught off-guard by the 10:15 AM starting time. However, there were enough members present to engage in a lively discussion of upcoming events as well as possible responses to the MTNA Executive Board decision to eliminate the National Performance Competitions in Brass, Strings, Woodwinds and Voice. The NVMTA board crafted a draft resolution and motion to the Executive Board of MTNA, for consideration by our membership, urging the MTNA Board to rescind this decision. NVMTA members are encouraged to voice their opinion about this matter to Executive Director Gary Ingle and MTNA President Ben Caton, as well as individual MTNA Board Members. Email addresses of MTNA board members as well as Gary Ingle’s July 25, 2011 memo to the Competitions Committee can be found on the MTNA Issues page at nvmta.org. Following the business meeting Rene Johnson’s hands-on Fun with Theory presentation had us tapping, drumming, and clapping music theory. Many of us even won prizes in the theory games raffle! Please join us at our October 26th meeting at 10:15 AM at the Woman’s Club of Arlington as pianist Veda Zuponcic presents a program about Elementary/Intermediate piano technique and required repertoire as a foundation for advanced piano repertoire. Kenneth Lee, President VMTA Fall Conference October 28 – 30 Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond The Art and Science of Teaching Music Ann Schein, Guest Artist Concerts, Master Classes, Student Competitions, Networking and Pedagogy Workshops by Scott Beard, Lise Keiter, Samantha Luck, Rosita Mang, Dmitri Shteinberg, Martha Smith and Sonia Vlahcevic Schedule and registration form at www.music-usa.org/vmta/ Page 3 October 2011 Young Artist Musicale: Muli Yu, age 13 and Bryan Ho, age 15, with pianist Jeffrey Siegel after the Young Artist Musicale Performance in September. Muli said, "We enjoyed other students' playing and Mr. Seigel's Keyboard Conversation was awesome! He had a good sense of humor and he had an amazing control over the piano. We enjoyed our time at GMU!" Talk About Teaching Would you like to Talk About Teaching? Come to any one or all of five informal get-togethers throughout the coming year. The idea is simply to provide a forum for teachers to talk about their work with each other. You may suggest a topic ahead of time, bring one with you, or just come to hear others. Talk About Teaching takes place at Nancy Breth's studio in McLean on the second Wednesday of every other month. Everyone is welcome to come and can find directions to the studio at brethstudio.net. Space is limited, however, so please RSVP Nancy at nancy@brethstudio.net. Classes begin in September, from 10am until noon, and take place on the following Tuesdays: November 8, January 10, March 13, and May 8. (find also at nvmta.org, Members Area) National Certification This fall is an ideal time to start the process of national certification. Mtna.org outlines the process clearly and it is easier and more streamlined than ever! Your Name, NCTM, presents you as an independent music professional to colleagues and others. National Certification provides you with the confidence to share your unique gifts as a teacher. It’s definitely worth the effort! If you need information, encouragement or extra help contact Diane Perett, perettduet@aol.com or 703.534.4124. (Find also at mtna.org, Members Area) Virginia Chamber Orchestra Concert: Bravo Mozart Music Director, Emil de Cou, opens the Virginia Chamber Orchestra’s forty-first season with an all-Mozart program, featuring Aaron Goldman and Dotian Levalier in Mozart’s Concerto for Flute and Harp. The concert takes place on Sunday, October 23, 2011 at 4:00pm at the Ernst Community Cultural Center, Northern Virginia Community College, 8333 Little River Turnpike, Annandale, Virginia 22003. Tickets are available online and at the door and students are admitted free. Parking is free and a complimentary reception follows the concert. To purchase tickets contact 703.758.0179 or virginiachamberorchestra.org . (find also at nvmta.org, Community Events) Page 4 Theory Is Fun!: At Wednesday’s meeting President Ken Lee and member Jacqua Yeomans leap to their feet to answer Rene Johnson’s (left) theory questions about the order of modes. Theory can be fun! Theory Resources for Teachers Music Mind Games by Michiko Yurko, musicmindgames.com (suggested by Jacqua Yeomans); Musiclearningcommunity.com, some free games, some with membership, track student progress; Teoria.com; learnmusicytheory.net (printable worksheets); susanparadis.wordpress.com (ideas); musictechteacher.com/musicquizzes.htm; rhythmmasters.org (pdf files for printable rhythm sheets at various levels; gmajormusictheory.org/Fundamentals/workbooks.html (free theory worksheets); laytonmusic.files.wordpress.com/ (printable candy bar rhythms; and learningwrapups.com/ (a 25% discount on ALL supplies with the code ―NVMTA‖. Learning Wrap-Ups Set of 10 Boards for Intervals and Chords: $5.00 ea. + shipping (a 50% discount) Drills on major and minor chords in root position and inversions. Available from Rene Johnson at r@renej.us. (Find also at mtna.org, Members Area) NVMTA COMPOSITION COMPETITION The NVMTA Composition Competition comes up quickly— the application deadline is January 31, 2012. Awards include having the McLean Symphony select your composition to be orchestrated and performed, three Jo Lombard Awards, and the chance to perform at the Composition Competition Honors Recital. Each candidate receives detailed judges’ comments—a wonderful learning opportunity for our young composers. Competition requirements at www.nvmta.org. Contact Amy Conley for questions at amidee01@aol.com. (Find also at nvmta.org, Competitions/Festivals) Kudos to the Finance Committee: Many thanks to Elizabeth Blakeslee and Linda Gutterman for serving as member auditors for the NVMTA financial system. Another thanks to Elizabeth and Linda, as well as Ken Lee, for serving on the Finance Committee to help prepare the FY 2012 Budget. Hats off to the team of three for a great job! Link Your Website to the NVMTA Web Site: If you have joined the NVMTA Teacher Referral List and you would like to link your studio website to your listing on the NVMTA web site, contact Peggy McNulty at Pegy.McNulty@verizon.net. October 2011 Page 5 Newsletter Re—Imagined For over 50 years the NVMTA Newsletter has served its members well. Written communication, however, has changed greatly since the 1950’s and, as with all good and beloved things, the newsletter must keep up with the times. Our current newsletter arrives in a fixed format that is often outdated days after publication. However, we have an exciting, new website that delivers the same information immediately and is always up-to-date. Our last newsletter in its current format will be the 2011 November/December issue. As of Janu- ary 2012, the newsletter’s information will be incorporated into the site as soon as it becomes available. Check out nvmta.org and go to the ―Competitions/Festivals‖ page, ―Community Events‖ in the drop-down to see continuous updates about what’s happening in our organization and around town. Competition results have been available on the ―Competition Results‖ page for the past 6 months; the President’s Message is now available on the ―President’s Message‖ page and members can post their news in the Member Area. So go to nvmta.org, catch up on all the developments — and don’t get left behind! Piano For Sale: Young Chang G-157 grand piano with mahogany satin finish, serial #G086976. The piano is in excellent condition both inside and out and has seen very light wear. Recently appraised for $5,000 but will consider best offer. Please contact Doreen at 703.859.6091 Piano For Sale, $4800: This 2004 Kawai UST-8, a well-maintained, professionalgrade piano, is Kawai’s sturdiest studio piano. It produces a lovely, deep sound, has a lovely walnut finish, is in perfect condition and conveys with a humidifier. Our sons trained on this piano and were very involved in NVMTA events; it has many more years to give budding pianists. Contact Julie Hildbold at 703.779.9678. Advertise Your Business on the NVMTA Website and get a free listing in the Newsletter! Reach musicians, teachers and the music community by advertising on our website 24/7 as well as in the newsletter (for free and also on the site 24/7!). Contact Bettye at bcooley.music@gmail.com for rates, fees and artwork. Page 6 PIANO TUNING AND REPAIR Frank Cahill 703.239.2754 Ronit Seter Piano, Theory Ph.D. in Musicology Children and Adult lessons, Historical Musicology www.fairfaxpianostudios.com 703.277.1001 20 rseter@mindspring.com years teaching experience Fairfax City
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