20 Henderson Home News I The Week of November 25-December 1, 2004 msssm iNsini COLLEGE FOOTBALL PANORAMA Get all your sports Dombrowski enjoying life in San Diego action in the News By RAY BREWER *'• COUNT -^^^ BLESSIKGS NOT CARBS! no artificial ingredients no preservatives no transfots NOT EVER! LAYER CAKES • CHEESECAKES TARTS • TORTES • PttS DESSERTS • COOKIES & BARS COFFEE & ESPRESSO (702) 221-CAKE N. Cre«n Valley Pbwy. (next to Trader loe 't) www.layertbabery.com •J'.The BEST pj^ss/j b-xWi'l doggie • biscuits & h'M-iib'S'yi cat treats 'il' High fashion dog i cot accessories^' Jl' Beds & furnishings for your favorite companions iu, j j . ^ iMr re Mill Jim Brandyn Dombrowski had to pinch liimself. There he was in Ann Arbor, Mich., playing college football against one the nation's most storied programs, and having success. Just a red-shirt freshman offensive guard, the 6-foot-5, 310-pound Dombrowski has worked his way into the starting rotation, making a splash this fall for San Diego State — including the early September contest at Michigan. The Aztecs lost 26-23, but the memories of playing in the famed Big House in front of over 100,000 fans is something the 2003 Green Valley High School graduate says will last a lifetime. "It was just wild to play against a team you grew up with," Dombrowski said. "Everything has been such a dream." San Diego State capped its season last Saturday with a 21 - 3 victory against UNLV at home, giving Dombrowski and roommate Mike Kravetz, a redshirt right tackle from Durango High School, another reason to smile. After all, the Rebels showed little interest in the duo and now both are starting as freshman for the conference rival Aztecs. "We're like brothers," Kravetz said. "We work out like crazy everyday and push each other to get better." This desire to improve has helped the twosome crack the lineup as freshman, a rarity for college football, especially on the offensive line. "When they recruited us, they said that we had a chance to play as freshmen," Dombrowski said. "We just worked so hard in the off-season. We trained our (butts) off." San Diego State (4-7) won its last two games of the season, including an impressive 37-31 victory two weeks ago at Air Force, and Dombrowski says 4''Catered dog A cat W-lM'Sfi MnSiUtnlilN.iNMii We carr7 N^ax\ and Mini ROV/^L CANIN "^ ROt:4LCKNIN for Dogs 4 Feline Nutrition! Paradise SHELL FREE BARBEQUE TANK FILL Buy 5 Barbeque cylinder fills and get the 6th one free *5 gal. maximum 1 Stamp per visit /^ 500 Conestoga Way 558-9044 7 days per week • 6am - 9pm ^^ BARBEQUE TANK FILL 12 3 4 5 $20.00 off I - /• i —-.^«. or choose 3 for $75.00 Chemical Service isdiusiyiisisoniyi "Choose from 2 for $ 50.00 +V\av\lf^ for... Second grade students in Maura Drislane's class at John C. Vanderburg Elementary School in Henderson's Green Valley Ranch are thankful for many people in their lives. To commemorate Thanksgiving, the class submitted listings of those they give thanks for: Jordan Okada My nice family... we go to Utah together; my fun brother ... he likes to play Battleship with me; my awesome friend... he taught me how to grind on my skateboard; my nice cousin ... he helps me do my homework; my cool President... he helps us keep our freedom. RHmer Green VUley offensive lineman Brandyn Dombrowski (62) has started for San Diego State this fall on the gridiron. _. Your First . *Mini Facial (Approx. 25-30 min.) "Pedicure "30 Minute Massage * 10 Tans *One Hour Massage and 1 Hour Facial for $ 100.00 * *Gift Certificates Available In Any Amount 12 W. Pacific • Henderson • 567-2455 '•t Call Or Stop By A And MeeTour Friendly Staff STORE LIQUIDATION SALE 30% TQ 50% OFF ENTII?E5TQCk Oarce, i(ks\j^(k{ & Active Wear • Shoes • Leotards • Tights • Sweaters • Jewelry • Accessories • Otomix • Champion • Dickies (Mens, Womens, Juniors, Kids) • Purses and 3ags • Danskin (Exercise & Yoga) • Store Fixtures and Hangers 410 Nevada Way, #160, Boulder City • 702-294-1180 TV\ose I d we Winter Tanning Special Holiday Special FREE GIFT with your first Perm or Color Call For Details 120 E. Horizon Suite -B Comer Of US 95 & Horizon the pieces are in place for a bright future. The Aztecs won two of their first three games to open the season before going on a six game losing skid. "We have a lot of freshman and sophomores on offense," the 19-year-old Dombrowski said. "So, we are only going to get better." Dombrowski, according to San Diego State coach Tom Craft, is a big part of this core group of players. "We have had two of the best recruiting classes in the Mountain West Conference the last two years and you are seeing the results of that," said Craft on the team's web page. "Bran- SIGN I from Page 15 stand how to keep the ball in the infield. "He's just an overall baseball player. He brings a lot to the table." Foley credits much of his success to the time his coaches at Green Valley put in to help him improve. The respect they showed the speedy infielder made \)}s effort that much more meaningful. don Bomes, Kevin O'Connell, Lance Louis, Eric Miclot, Brandyn Dombroski, Will Robinson, Mike Kravetz — these guys have all seen a significant amount of playing time and it's looking good (for) the future. "It's easy to be critical of a young and inexperienced team, but they've played very well given the situation." Dombrowski was an AllHenderson selection as a senior at Green Valley, playing his first three years at Chaparral. RON MARTINEZ/NEWS STAFF PHOTO John C Vknderburg Elementary School second graders (from left to right) Jordan Oliada, Itevor Fisher, John Sterlacci, Kyler Ttacy, Kelly Haines and Ryan Rapp brasinstorm about what they are thankful for with their teacher Maura Drislane this week as people throughout the country prepare to celebrate Thanksghrlng. Kelly Haines My nice mother... she helps me do my homework; my kind friends... we play jumprope together, my loving dad ... he gives me kisses at night; my fun teacher... she makes up games for us; my sweet brother... every night he gives me his candy. (Haines pictured at right). ^Trevor Fisher Ray Brewer is sports editor of the Henderson Home News. He can be reached at ray.brewer&hbcpub.com or 9902662, John Sterlacci "They just always had confidence in me," said Foley, who adds another link in the Green Valley baseball chain spread across collegiate and professional baseball. "Even if I felt I was doing something I couldn't, they always pushed me. "They treated me like an older player and didn't baby me. Everything they do for any player is great. If >'ou work hard, >'ou should progress and they've instilled a lot of good qualities in me on and off the field." My nice friend ... he is fun to play with; my loving mom ... she lets me have sleepovers; my sweet father... he always cares about me; my great grandpa ... he lets me watch scar>' movies; my friendly grandma ... she lets me make tea with lemons in it. My nice dad ... he always plays football with me; my smart sister ... she helps me do my homework; my funny mom... she gives me hugs at night; my fun brother ... he is always home for me; my helpful friend ... he helps me run faster. Kyler Tracy My cool brother... he makes me happy; my awesome dad ... he takes me to work; my kind cousin ... he sticks up for me all the time; my sweet sister...she is kind to me; my nice mom ... she buys me clothes for the first day of school. Ryan Rapp My funny brother...he tells me good jokes; my nice mother... she gives me hugs and kisses; my smart sister... she takes me to gymnastics; my helpful dad ... he helps me do my homework; my nice principal... she makes good rules. Talking Turkey: How to bake that beloved bird By TARA MARAS RACE I I I from Page 19 AISH Thniiksgiviiiij lAleekeiifl Nouoiiilier 26 & 27 from liim to lOiiiii I we re yiuiny nway CASH! Customers iilaving in the winning . section of slot machines or winning lahle games will receive S^Ti^i^ iA l.i* Picking a Christmas tree 7 HENDERSON HOME NEWS | THE WEEK OF NOVEMBER 25-DECEMBER 1, 2004 | BOULDER CITY NEWS COURTESY PHOTO Buy Oae Month Get Next Moatb FREE Cage saves 'National Treasure* from burial, 4 4 News Service in 1965. "And racing is always a challenge. And I know the next question you're going to ask: No, I don't fear death, but I recognize the possibihties of it -1 think all racers do." Best in the Desert Racing Association will both produce and sanction the Henderson's Terrible 300. which will feature cars, trucks, buggies, motorcycles and ATVs. It will be the sixth and deciding race of the Best in the Desert Racing Association's six-race series in the southwest. The race, which is sponsored b> the Henderson Convention and Visitors Bureau, Herbst Gaming and the city of Boulder Cit>, will take place in the Eldorado Valle>' located between Henderson and Bt)ulder CJt>'. There VNTII be two courses — one for motorcycles and ATV's and one for cars and trucks - running in a figureeight style. The start-finish line will be positioned off of Nevada Highway 95. near the Railroad Pass exit For more information regarding Henderson's Terrible 300, visit wwv\'.bltd.com. >• U 1 Do thoughts of making turkey turn your legs to gravy? The annual day of giving thanks can easily cause rookie cooks across the country to fall to pieces. Questions may abound, from how to stuff a turkey, to where to stick the meat thermometer. But 'tis the season when poultry' pros light up turkey hotlines and chefs emerge from behind kitchen doors to offer sage wisdom to a panicked public. According to David Caplan, kitchen manager at Carrabba's Italian Grill, 10160 S. Eastern Ave., the No. 1 Thanksgiving Day mrkey blunder is (Acrcooking the bird. "People need to simply follow the package's directions," he said. "If the> do, there will be fewer dry tiirkeys, come dinnertime." Caplan recommends that cooks arm them.selves with the season's most sought-after secret weapon —the meat thermometer. Caplan is not alone in his cooking counsel. According to Butterball's Web site. www.butterball.com, two of the Top 10 turkey questions concern proper use of the meat thermometer. For more Information Contact Butterball's Turkey Talk-Une, 1-800BUTTERBALL, or visit www.butterball.com for more tips on cooking Thanksgiving dinner. MIKE STOTTS/NEWS STAFF PHOTO IMwcCaplMi, IfUMy manager for Cambba's Italan Grii, 191M S. Eartmi Ave^ Hendmon. says preparing a TTiaataghrlag bird dOMiit have to be a oMfO wH be fewif 9irf tHtluys* Butterball's turkey frequently asked questions (FAQs) suggest sticking an oven-safe meat thermometer in the bird's lower thigh be- fore cooking. Be careful not to touch thermometer tip to mrkey bone. Marge Klmdera, supervisor of the Butterball Turke> Talk- Ms garik rosemary tartey crMthM Ml •••d la sinarfv fDSiiHf the oackaiie*s Line, said the magic temperature is 180 degrees. "When the thigh comes to 180 degrees, the center of the breast needs to read 170," she said. And whether the stuffing is filled vsith sausage, shallots or shitake mushrooms, if it's stuffed in the bird, it must wmmmmmmmmm •?S?f? l5Hir HM reach 160 degrees to be food safe, said Klindera. But, what if the thermometer isn't sharp enough to make a dent in the icicle-encrusted turkey? Turns out, still-frozen turkc> s are to Thanksgiving morning what Lions football is to Thanksgiving afternoon. According to Klindera, if the turke\ has been defrosting, the cold bath method will easil\' finish the job. "Submerge the turkey in cold, clean water," she said. "It will take about 30 minutes per pound to defrost." While it's a gamble to roast a frozen gobbler, IClindera says it can be done. "If the turkey's frozen, it will roast unev enl> and it's hard to judge the meat's temperature," she said. According to Caplan, however, a frozen turke> the day of the feast means it's time to consider eating out. Tan Moms is a News dent.
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