A Veritabfe FEAST of ^^Sunkist Oranges Oraiufes for Christmas! for Health ^ Santa Claus Has Just Arrived, Bringing Millions of California's Finest Oranges-the "SUNKIST* Kind, On Sale All Week at Your Dealer's! f SUNKIST" Being thin-skinned, fibreless and seedless, they are nearly all "meat'' and no waste, You waste money when you buy any other Oranges for breakfast! Oranges for lunch! Orzngcs between meals! Oranges served a;Ao/c Oranges in desserts and salads! and in halves \ Oranges in every conceivable form. That is the program for Christmas and the of this city and vicinity The people 71 \ Holidays. r r ^ /I / ^v. 'u are to be given an orange treat such as they nave never had before. I kind of oranges. Buy a box of "SunkUt" oranges and your fruit dealer wiU make you a special price. V .^:n find ^^^ no wtn trouble *rf%nhU in keeping heeomtr them as You will r . Rogers OraDge Spoon Free The picture shows our new 1911 design, "Sunkist" Orange Spoon, actual siae; being a genuine Rogers product and of the latest style. This spoon will be you want to, because ^'Sunkists" reach you in excellent condition, Umg <is . millions of delicious, fresn, tree-ripened, For hand-picked oranges, direct from Cahfornia's They will be on sale fruit farms, have arrived. Monday morning. dealer will Your fruit a very supply you at Most Healthful Fruit Known Physicians "Sunkist' of orange — ' it Perfect Orange They pack fact that food for the brain cells oranges under the one name, "Sunkist," and ship them by special fast freight. It is a tree-ripened orange. Every **SunIt kist" orange is firm, solid and sound. No orange is picked by a gloved hand. that falls to the ground or becomes bruised or damaged in any other way, ever bears the "Sunkist'* name. The better grade of lemons arc now packed in "Sunkist" wrappers. By >^ calling You Save Money by *'Sunkist" lemons, for Getting •'Sunkists'* In addition to being the finest flavored of all oranges, *' Sunkist" are also the most economical you can buy. you avoid the kind that are thickskinned, pithy and insipid. "Sunkist" lemons contain 50 per cent more juice than any other lemons. The an excellent and a tonic for is Save Your **Sunkist^ knives. new^l911 sire. on 12 "Sunkist" excellent and beautiful design as the orango is spoon, additional hirger spoon send 12 is all but special tempered steel heavily silver-plated. Fully guaranmanu- being teed by and heavier more Sent facturer. to vou on receipt of '24 "Sunkist" valuable. Sent to you on receipt of 24 "Sunkist" virrappers and 20c additional. wrappers and For each 20c, additional knife send 24 "Sunkist" wrappers For each addition- Not ice! On made same quality the of It 12 cents. m!i re- mittances up' to 24c please send one-cent f^'^fwr^. al dessert spoon send 24 "Suukist" uppers and amounts above 24c, mi and 20 cents. l^wr 20 cents. ^ stamps, on send post office money order, express money order or bank draft. Do not tend ca»h. Make your money order or draft payable to Tho California Fruit styles, designed exclusively for us. They are as attractive and stylish as money can buy. All are Rogers qualguaranteed ity, standard A-No. 1 plate and are fully by the maker. No advertising appears on any of our Growers' Exchange, and address your ters to The California Fruit Growers let- Ex- change, 34 Clark Street, Chicago, lU. You can secure these premiums with "Snnkist" orange wrappers, "Sunkist" lemon wrappers, "Red Ball" orange wrappers, or "Red Ball" lemon wrappers. If you will make it a point to buy only "Sunkist" and 'Red Bair' oranges and lemons, you will not only get the finest fruits that grow, ecowrappers to secure a nomically priced, but you will soon have enough shown. here knives and spoons beautiful of the set complete premiums. Read on the right the description of these valuable premiums and how to get them. 1 ' Exc California Fruit Growers' here, actual siie. of It is •'Sunkist" wrappers you can easily secure a full set of genuine Rogers orange spoons, dessert spoons and fruit are Spoon, actual wrappers and By saving your "Sunkist" orange and lemon The patterns shown "Sunkisf'Frult Knife is shown prepaid, receipt of Wrappers Our 1911 shows ournc w 191 design, Dessert etc., wrappers and 12c. For each run-down nerves. No better laxative than sound, ripe oranges can be found. fect LemonSy Too! orange juice Knife Free The picture packing, es, This Fmit Valaable Dessert Spoon Free sent you, charg- counteract the meats and other heavy foods we eat, one should eat oranges It is a universally known liberally. their per- all is Medical authorities state that to not a species, size or variety is a certain grade or quality, is •tate's entire crop. claim that the orange pastry and other too-rich foods. the choicest of each of 5,000 California Orange Farmers, who produce 60% of the ^'Sunkist" now the most healthful of all fniits. Hence, it is a food that can be eaten liberally and as often as desired. It is much more appetizing and healthful for children, men and women than candy, reasonable price. The Premiums pointment of a lunacy commission that upon room, received the congr'itulatioiis of CHARCiE. will pass on his case. The note which whicii are the annual meeting and determine work. companies Insurance ers in dealing questions Mrs. Hurst, who tried to ('orporations" and hi.s friends. Wagner sent Miss Greenwood was as a definite program and'inetliod of se«urHles. railroad in investors large in with the limitations of ootnbinatiuns follows: the trial and of eve A«*old*at«. very the escape on laduMtrlal for t'omprniiatlon manuWrote restraint of trade, whether in "Miss Greenwood Today at 1 o'clock A pr«>posed uniform bill on compcnwas brought back under arre.sl, was Against Millionaire facturing, finance. lab..r. agri. ulture or '^e will coming to your house to meet an accidents I am indusuiai not in court, nor could she be found other fields, will be conaldned at this sallon for to Actress. Letter Love Ihis who is goiiig to be my wife, by actress consideration. fir ->f presented A feature of this part meeting. I cteinltv. result of a years care- Is Thomas Mellon. Rich Pittsbiiiger. after the trial, though she is under the l>ec. 10.— .lohn C. consort through life and expoInd., thorough measure Is Bend. a .South be will program the lieavy bail. shall bring our marriage certificate „^.<^!"" l'.^ question » Into the went of studv which ful millionaire, act local new the sition of Yours, Tlie woman, who posed as a widow, Wagner, an eccentric with me. Tins act niittec oiuposed of members of ofiKiai .\(('iised By Foriiier Servant. as an insane pereffect in t'anada May 1. 1!»1<'. the on last Friday confronted by two has been arrestedwritten was commissions, •JOHN r. WAGNER. of six compensation, applicatitm letter love state a upon provides that ourt, while son, after he had Pittsburg. Pa., Dec. 16.— "Not guilty." of her three husbands in state laws •p. s. Keep tho stage p<iwder off leading Greenwood. Winnifrede citizens who complain against a cor- 'commissioners on unlfoini Miss Callfoiuia to in from heard the was your «r was the verdict or the jury In the third company here. your lips. It leaves marks. Send poration a judgo may order that a of thinv-two states, rep esentatives She announced on the ladv of a theatrical W. .1. «'. eignthe rich bv the court. police address with the boy. the custody, into taken commi.'-sion of three be named, one me American Bar association in cB'-e of ThomfiS A. Mellon, When that finished was .serious niglit after the case by Ite-- states, representative employers. Plttsburger. who.«e trial Although the note does not indicate on member bv the complainants, one sav. he was making an attempt to .sell In no charges preferred by Mrs. Kllzabeih •lie was satisfied she had lost the stock In a $60,(»0«,000 moving picture directly that Miss Greenwood is the the corporation and tlu third by Die labor men and sot lal experts. case. principal figure in his matrimonial [subject is tliere gieater need for uni- Hurst, formerlv a servant in the Meltheater. two thus sele. ted. The commi.-sion .. .Mr. Mellon, who claims the woman he admitted to the police that matter in court days scheme, inquiry and two years old extended the in required 61 an than Is house, who to make tlon a. slate lon Wagner, National required form Discussed at tried to blaekmail him, announces that the tase. wa« accisuch must be the apwhich pending in.lustrial report, held foi week. be a will publish compensation last J ., married, of and is not yet through with her case. he courtthe in ten the was within l>y who corporation proven Mellon, the bv cleaily Mr. Is This accepted dents. days upon penalty of a fine of H.OO't increased cost of Insurance resulting Civic Federation s Anunder the applbalion of the New ^ ork a day. eases Another feature of the program will (ompensation law, which In some If which. syndiand rate, potash the the of doubled has ion script be a d» nual Meeting. hardship work German the would by applie;!, organized generallv recentlv cate to government, in which the government Ion New" York employers, who have The 'compete with employers in other states. itself has a minority interest. l.awfi KeBuloHiiK Labor DiNputrN. svndicate is practically a pool, fixes In view of the recent street railway prices and regulates the output under in government supervision. The same •strikes in Philadelphia and Columbus for principle is being applied in that coun- and the express strike In .New York city, try to the electric and whisky indus- there will be considered questions of Federal special interest to the public at this tries. and State in combinations tiinc. to-wit: How far is the t^'anadlan The regulation of comiliation and arbltrtalon act apEngland will also be described. supreme plicable to and desirable for the I nited States AVl.ile the I'niifl Legislation. on meliacourt :s expected to define clearly the States" fan the state laws made effecdve Sherman anti-trust act in the Standar j •tion and arbitration be disturbances in Oil and .American Tobacco cases, and in handling industrial legislation be: anspecial Shall eleventh Tlie anti-boycott 16. (general? and Dec. injunction York, N«w in the street railways r'lvlc rases against t!ie officers of the Amer- advocated, applying to National nual meeting of the Shall the! utilltes.' municipal decision <.ther and Labor, that of ican Federation F-'d^-ration will be held Jan. 12. 13 and will not necessarily have any bearing Krdman act. which Is st> effective In: railways, be exU. 1911. In New York city. The state on the forty or more state laws on the the case of interstatetelephone and cxto telegraph, tended federation subjects. the by same organized ci-uncils, press companies? Itali^^ay Hesuladon. diiiinff the pa.st year to promote the Natlonallmn" and "Old MoralltlM." The need '.or uniformity in .state reg- "New uuifit-atiun and co-ordination of state The following statement, in the anof railroads and other public ulation tho annual meeting, and Federal laws, will hold their first utilities, the co-onilnation of the laws nouncement for the work of the federation describes commisthererailroad state conjunction the governing iijiiional meeting in legislative harmony beinterstate commerce law, in promoting states: with. In addition there will be spe- sions and the the tween hearings re<ent ' made evident at the cial meetinfrs of the various depart- on the railroad rate question, and also . Whether we call it the "new nationThe import- the regulation of public utilities oy alism' or the "old moralities." the fact nienle of the federation. ant topics of the hour, in which the commissions will be discussed. remains that there Is an Interminable Comprises the cities of Diiluth and Superior. ^ ^ ffdf^ratlor. has been especially Interconflict between the states themselves proposition all the over the controversy including The Superior, and are: states con.sldered. the Duluth be between wlH whi< li and efted and tlic territory surrounding railroad rate", now before on «.ome matters increase to comand others. on corporations government ReK'-iiaiioin of the interstate commerce commission. and the Federal probbinations; _, is of tremendous concern not only to In respect to many of the vital towns. municipal be and only can which dav, ReKiiliiiion of railroads of the !em« ttie stockliolders. merchants, manufactafter framed legislation U.ilities; by terminated .j , » and other shippers, but also to It Is romptnsatlon for industrial accidents, urers3.000,0(t0 sane consideration. employes working on the serious and there the are many questions Arbitration and i onciliation. clear that railthe shops of the In and railroads alone can and The announcement of the meeting road supply manufacturers. indi- with which the states It uniform action; through thus describes the program: deal should deposof millions rectly concerns the other questions with which TrMStN and <oiabInatloiiii. banks and policy-hold- there are Federal government can deal •State and Federal Regulations of itors" In pavings onlv the effectively: and still others in which thereon will entitle the purchaser to 2,000 between the initial co-ordination of effort the paying and piano a Purchasing only states and nation Is essential, the " test being, which control is the more Votes. desirable and effective, from the standVotes. point of public welfare? Every $10 paid on old accounts will entitle the payer to 100 Anyone Who Finds a Pair of MADNESS THE i REGULATION Who EXONERATEDBYJIRY I I — 1 i I , ' OFTRUSTS « i — « I ' l.=» , , To Be I I i I ! TWO PIANOS GIVEN AWAY j Harmony Work I — $300 | $300 I DRAPER , | 1 BROS. i ' TO THE CHURCH CONGREGATION OR PARISH THE LARGEST NUMBER OF VOTES. DISTRICT NO. 1— I ' I I EACH DISTRICT REGISTERING . Range i ' . _ HOW TO GET VOTES j . IN BROS. DISTRICT NO. ^-Comprises I , ABSOLUTELY FREE DRAPER , payment new ' The importance of this situation to commercial and industrial In registering votes, don't all business, SORENSEN SHOES or Slippers in their Christmas stocking will be happy indeed. Look into our windows (where the birds fly) for gift suggestions. have the largest stock of shoes in the city to select from, for men, women and children. Suede, Patent, Colt, Gun Metal Calf, Vici Kid, Fancy Colored Kid Slippers and the dressy Pearl Button Velvet Top Shoes are We NEVER MORE OR LESS direct from the factory an each pair. Come at shown in our windows. Every pair of "Sorensen"' Shoes and Slippers are made Goodyear welt or by hand-turn process, no nails to hurt your feet, and they are sold to you wholesale prices. . we in, , are always glad to You save $1.00 to $2.00 u show shoes whether you are , , . ready to buy or not. SORENSEN S. T.WEST SUPERIOR STREET. 317 A "Sorensen" Gift Certificate makes a pretty gift and a sensible one. clearly recognized when institutions we consider that our larger corporasuch as the railroads, telegraph, tion.s comtrust insurance, banking and panies, and In fact, eo far ae taxation ' — 1 \ . / 1 / . fllled This Coupon Is good for 5 Votes when properly First St. out and Bcnt to HaU-Kreldler Music Co., 214 West and. In fact, all duslrial accidents, labor legislation relating to hours and men. for conditions of employment women and children, the Interminable laws delay arising from lack of iinlformlty In court proce<lure, the conflict between tho states and the Federal government on the (luestlon of pure food and drugs, the urgent need for an the laws approximate uniformity in governing the building of good roads, and the regulation of dairy products (both of which are being urged by farmers' organizations , give emphasis to the seriousness of our present chaotic legislative situation. To promote harmony between these clanhlng interests the National Givlc Federation is organizing councils in every state in the Union, composed of representative men from the commercial, manufacturing, mercantile, bankDelegaing insurance, professional. tions of tb« Btate councils will attend ; i mention the ;hurch you are voting Voting Coupon onconcerned, all manufacturing cerns whose plants are in different states are subject to forty-six masters, each with a mind quite different from that of the others. The diversity of state laws on ordinary commercial matters, such as warehouse receipts, bills of lading and negotiable notes*, the urgent need for a uniform bill on compensation for in. is . / to — y- V fail for. Is - . " - Name friends to iielp. Contest Began Oec. 13, 1910 of Cliurdi Full Address .1; HALL ^ Here Is an opportunity to help your churcii win a new piano. Get busy and get your and Closes Feb. SEND ALL VOTES TO 1, 1911 Ci:
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