Page 1 “How To Start And Develop Your Own Home Based Business – And Why You Should !” “Your Potential Status – Direct to you A Potential Home Based Business Owner !” Your Free Report Brought To You By © Copyright With All Rights Reserved 27.5.2014 Status Direct Ltd Registered in England & Wales No: 8236405. PAGE 2 HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED ABOUT SETTING UP YOUR OWN BUSINESS AND BEING YOUR OWN BOSS ? IF YOU HAVE, THEN THIS DIAGRAM MAY HELP TO EXPLAIN FOR YOU, HOW YOU COME TO THINK AND FEEL THIS MAY HAVE BECOME TRUE FOR YOU, IN YOUR OWN LIFE, AS WELL AS IN OTHER'S LIVES ! JUST LOOK FOR THE WORDS “THE DETERMINING EVENT” THAT IS WHAT IT IS ! WHEN YOU BRING THESE REASONS, TRUE FOR YOU YOURSELF, INTO YOUR OWN MIND, YOU BECOME MORE AWARE OF THEM, THEY BECOME POWERFUL, AND DEVELOP A STRENGTH THAT NO-ONE CAN EVER TAKE FROM YOU, AND WHICH GUIDES YOU TO CREATING THE BEST CONDITIONS TO MAKE YOUR SUCCESS HAPPEN !! THIS IS THE TRUTH ABOUT ALL SUCCESSFUL ENTREPRENEURS, WHO MAKE MONEY HAPPEN FOR THEM AND FLOW INTO THEIR LIVES - YOU INCLUDED ! RICHARD BRUCE “THE ENTREPRENEURS” ISBN: 0-905004-0207. PAGE 3 THESE REASONS, MAY HAVE INCLUDED SUCH DETERMINING EVENTS OR EXPERIENCES IN YOUR LIFE AS RELOCATION – MOVING FROM WHERE YOU'VE LIVED BEFORE, MARRIAGE OR FORMING A NEW PARTNERSHIP, THE BIRTH OF YOUR CHILDREN, LEAVING YOUR JOB THROUGH REDUNDANCY OR TERMINATION OR THE THREAT OF THIS, OR MARRIAGE OR PARTNERSHIP BREAK-UP, ACCIDENTS AFFECTING OTHERS OR YOURSELF, OR THE ILLNESS OR DEATH OF SOMEONE YOU CARED ABOUT, OR ANY OTHER SUCH TRAUMATIC EVENTS OR CHANGES IN YOUR LIFE THAT MADE YOU THINK AND FEEL, AND BELIEVE, WHAT MANY HAVE THOUGHT AND FELT AND HAVE COME TO BELIEVE “ THERE MUST BE A BETTER WAY TO LIVE LIFE !” HAVE YOU EVER HEARD THE PHRASE, “DIVINE DIS-SATISFACTION ?” THESE ARE THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS WHICH ARISE FROM DEEPER LEVELS WITHIN US ALL – SUBCONSCIOUS LEVELS – THAT THERE IS A LOT MORE TO US, AS UNUSED POTENTIAL, WHICH NEEDS TO BE DEVELOPED AND USED, TO BRING ABOUT IN YOUR LIFE - YOUR TRUE FULFILMENT IN THIS LIFE ! You have probably thought about business in general, in the usual large, international business model, like the one below. But just remember, that while it is useful to think of any business in this kind of way, it really does not apply to the person setting up their own business at home ! All the same, YOU are the Chief Executive of YOUR own business ! So, just let the diagram below be a guide to thinking more of the usual business activities in any business, remembering that you yourself will be carrying out everything – or will you ?! The true fact is, that mostly, a home business owner will do what they can, and get other people who have special knowledge or skills that they need, to do those other things for them. For example, you may well be able to do the day to day and weekly and monthly accounts for your business, using a Simplex D book, that you can get from W H Smiths, or an accounting software package, but, you will be wise to have a professional accountant prepare your accounts and submit them to the tax office in your area – such as the HMRC in the UK. Professional and experienced help at that time in your business and personal life, is essential ! PAGE 4 NOW, LET'S THINK ABOUT MONEY FOR A MOMENT CHURCHES ARE ALWAYS ASKING FOR MORE MONEY AND, WHEN THEY GET IT, THEY PUT THE MONEY ON THEIR ALTARS AND THEN THEY ACTUALLY BLESS THE MONEY ! SO, IT IS THE USE YOU MAKE OF MONEY THAT COUNTS ! YOU CAN USE YOUR WEALTH TO HELP OTHERS, AND AS INDEED, CERTAIN MILLIONAIRES ACTUALLY DO THE TRUTH IS, THAT MONEY IS A RESOURCE – IF YOU HAVE MONEY, IT GIVES YOU CHOICES IN YOUR LIFE – IF YOU DON'T HAVE IT, YOU DON'T HAVE LIFE'S CHOICES EITHER ! WHY NOT MAKE MONEY WORKING FROM THE COMFORT OF YOUR OWN HOME, WITH YOUR OWN HOME BUSINESS ?! SO GO ONLINE WITH WWW.STATUS-DIRECT.NET AND YOU'LL SOON SEE HOW AND WHY, YOU CAN DO EXACTLY THAT Certain quite ordinary people, have indeed become work-at-home multi-millionaires, and are perfect examples of what truly can be achieved if you are serious about working from your home and in your own home business, and not settling for peanuts through working only for someone else – in exchange for your freedom. You can have it all -- you can stay at home and make as much and far more money than only your current job provides you with. Wouldn't it be wonderful to find a person like that, who can show you how to do this, and more than this, to offer to you personally, for you to do the same as he does, to become a millionaire in exactly the same ways he did, by simply following in his footsteps, step by step ?! In this report, we are going to outline and discuss a number of key Money Ways on how to work at home and make as much money as you can cope with, no matter where you live. After these key Money Ways, we'll talk about the most important aspects of any business, whether it be home-based or a giant factory – one is cash flow. Starting and developing your own business in your own home, is all about attitude and inspiration, but all the attitude in the world won't help you without money ! 1.It Takes Commitment Is it any secret that in the UK, Europe, and America and most other countries, that most people detest their jobs? Study after study proves that most people simply dread going to work on Monday morning, and they live for the freedom of the weekend. But even that freedom is not pure because we all know that it is only temporary. For many, it's hard to enjoy a Sunday evening when the sound of the Monday morning alarm clock is just a few hours away. It is very understandable – it make sense that people hate their jobs. Every day, there may be times when you are well aware that you are working at less, perhaps far less than than your real potential. There may be for instance, endless required meetings but which often accomplish nothing or very little really. There can be pointless interruptions, a lot of drifting this way and that, and the effects Page 5 on you of your supposed superiors whose instructions do nothing but waste your time, and who then dog you for not accomplishing your share of work. There may be co-workers you dislike, and who would stab you in the back in a minute if it meant promotion or a raise for them instead of for you. When you work for someone else, you live a regimented life. Your body may not want to get up at 7 am., but you have to be at work by 8 am. so you lurch out of bed with a head full of sleep. People who choose to work at home are doing a lot more than just escaping the yoke of their masters at work; they have made a deep, firm, life-altering decision which says that health, happiness and prosperity depend vitally on the freedom to work for themselves, and in doing so, enjoying the comfort of their own home. And, indeed, as well as working, you may prefer to take a few minutes sometime each day for something that you enjoy for the sake of relaxation, say for example listening to some music, or playing a musical instrument. WELL, NOW YOU CAN ! While we really want to emphasize that fact that to be successful in a work-at-home situation, you have to be nothing less than a kind of fanatic; a zealot, who is utterly committed to making work-athome not only a successful venture, but a profound commitment for life. You must be convinced that working only ever in an outside office job would be the equivalent of a spiritual death sentence. So, you can agree with yourself, that it is also important for you to make time – just a few minutes each day - for your particular way of relaxing, because it is good for your soul ! You'll not be so tired in the evenings as you used to be when working for an employer and with all that endless commuting too, and you'll find this more creative way of living, far more inspirational and rejuvenating even ! Many people hate their jobs working for an employer which they seem to be so reluctant to leave, so instead, they have made an inner compromise with themselves. They have had to convince themselves that their job is "not so bad," pays the bills, and that they can, and must, stick it out because they have to. After all, there's the wife or husband, the mortgage, the children, the car, etc ! Well, now you don't have to ! If you want to be truly successful in doing better financially and enjoying life, then instead of forcing such compromises in your soul that cripple you by staying in your job for ever, it is possible that instead of leaving your day job just yet, Page 6 YOU CAN CONTINUE WITH YOUR DAY JOB, FOR THE MOMENT, AND AT THE SAME TIME, START AND RUN YOUR OWN SUCCESSFUL HOME BUSINESS ! That is, only until you can easily afford to replace your employee pay (less your expenses for all that necessary but mindless commuting), with your own new business owner salary ! Yes, you can take the attitude that even to think of working your whole life just in a job working for other people, is to disregard entirely your real worth, and to degrade yourself by fouling your inner being with a spiritual cancer that sickens and kill many, because they know they are working at less than their proper level, and that they do so mainly out of fear. SO, DO NOT ABANDON YOUR DAY JOB, UNTIL YOUR OWN HOME BUSINESS IS UP AND RUNNING SUCCESSFULLY, AND YOU CAN REWARD YOURSELF WITH ALL THE MONEY YOU ACTUALLY DESERVE ! 2. Eliminating the “It's only working at home” Mentality ? ! To move our work home, however, does not mean we eliminate every single thing about the traditional English or American office. Rather, we should select what is useful and practical, and “de-select” what is not ! It's usually a mistake just to quit your job and go home with a "home-office" mentality. By this we mean thinking small, and believing that you will automatically sacrifice a decent income in exchange for your freedom. Please! Do not think small ! To quote Jeffrey Lant again: "Too many home-based practitioners fail to understand the benefits that accrue because of the professional style they have selected. They focus on the "home" part of the business rather than the "business" portion, and as a result are doomed to small incomes." WELL, NOW YOU CAN FOCUS ON THE “BUSINESS” PORTION INSTEAD, AND SUCCEED ! The truth is, that working at home provides many benefits. We can save a lot of the hassle and stress of travelling to work in the first place – because we don't need to mindlessly commute and we have much more control over our schedule. We can save a lot of costs because we don't have the overhead requirements of larger businesses. We can cut our stress levels -- and so have more energy – because we avoid many of the characteristic problems of working life in the 21st Century office. We must work these advantages to our profit. Now you can begin to see how you can enjoy life so much more, living life like you want to live it – So, what does this mean for you personally ?! The German philosopher Immanuel Kant said that if you sit at home alone at your empty kitchen table, eventually, the "whole world will come to you." True for him, but not necessarily for you. However, in today's world, you don't need the great mind of a philosopher to make the entire world come into your living room. Also, you should not believe that just because your business is home-based, you cannot compete with the big guys., because... Now, with the Magic of computers and the World Wide Web, the Internet, you definitely can ! 3. YOUR INTERNATIONAL HEADQUARTERS ! Page 7 THE WORLD WIDE WEB INTERNET – AND YOUR CUSTOMERS – AT YOUR FINGERTIPS ! What you do need and will need, is an internet ready computer with internet connection – possibly a laptop, and computer related items like a printer / copier / scanner, and a phone. Again, the truth is, that we live in a unique time in history. Satellites, fibre optics, integrated circuits and other communications miracles mean that you can be just about anywhere in the developed world WHICH HAS INTERNET CONNECTIONS, and establish communication with anyone, and especially is this so, right now, this moment, because of satellites ! The computer, and the internet especially -- all of these are not only affordable by most people, they are the key to eliminating your need to drive along hectic motorways or mind numbing train journeys everyday, just to get to a place of business outside your home. Think about it, you personally may not have a computer at the moment, but, your husband, wife or partner, or, your son, daughter or a good friend does, and if you can use it, You should allow yourself to "think globally !" Too often, home-based businesses focus on the narrowest markets, the neighbourhood, the county, the city or state. This is fine if you are providing a local service and you're content with a certain moderate level of income. But if you want the big income, you should not think small. Also, you should not believe that just because your business is home-based, you cannot compete with the big guys. ALWAYS REMEMBER THIS: YOU CAN ALWAYS GET COMPUTER EXPERTS TO DO THE COMPUTER WORK YOU CAN'T DO, OR DON'T WANT TO DO, AND YOU CAN DO THIS AS WELL, IN EVERY OTHER ASPECT OR PART OF YOUR BUSINESS TOO ! PAGE 8 The purpose of any business is to seek out, access and assess every possible market for its products and services, to ascertain whether these markets have the ability to buy these products/services, to determine whether there is sufficient profit in these markets to warrant approaching them, and,once positive assessment has been made, to launch a sustained marketing campaign that gets a significant percentage of this market to purchase the product or service in question. Your home telecommunications machines will not only enable you to do this,but they can also help you overwhelm much larger, more cumbersome, traditional businesses that are your competition. As a home-based entrepreneur, you will not have all of the disadvantages of your more traditional competitors: after all, you have no office to purchase or rent, no immense equipment expenses; no employees to pay salaries and fringe benefits for; no time wasted on meetings, employee problems, paid sick leave, etc. All the money your competitors spend on heating the office and buying furniture could be better spent on the actual marketing you'll be doing, to effectively produce sales and net profits that as well as to promote your business further, you yourself can use, and according to your own personal wishes and benefit ! As a home-based business, you will be already positioned where the traditional business is currently struggling to move: toward the lowest possible overhead, costs and the greatest possible focus and concentration of money on products /services development and products /services marketing and sales. So, a home-based business takes full advantage of a number of major great advantages and advances of modern business success: (1) Vastly reduced overheads (2) Easy access to a global market (3) Full advantage of present day telecommunications (4) Widespread national and international use of credit card facilities (5) Global 24 hours a day 7 days a week postal and courier services (6) Rapid duplication services for paper and digital products (7) Ability to choose yourself, the hours you'll use to produce profits (8) And the real time you can set aside to follow your own wishes for your own chosen enjoyments ! To not have the basic telecommunications machines – computer with internet connections, scanner / copier / printer facilities and telephones, quite simply, is just not practical ! Still, even in this day and age, there are some people who still strongly resist the one powerful series of elements that are undoubtedly the heart and brain of any successful home business nowadays -- the computer. The computer is so important in fact, that we have made it a category all itself. And remember this - that the two hardest things in your life that you ever learned to do, given the age that you were at the time, and your limited experience of life at the time too, were learning to walk, and learning to talk ! Also, you have probably already learned and already know how to drive a car, and learning to use a modern computer nowadays, is much easier than learning to drive a car, so you have no excuse to not plunge forward – now do you ?! 4. The Computer You should pay very close attention to what the powerful computers of today can do for you in your plans to eventually escape your job, and make your own new home business dreams come true ! Page 9 People who want to run a home business like yours, usually have a very small staff -- in fact, a staff of one – yourself ! The rest of your needs can be out-sourced - handled by independent contractors, depending on the kind of business you are in and the products and services you need, and can in turn provide, for profit. To run a seriously, truly global home based business, a computer is as necessary as oxygen is to life on earth. Those who try to fool themselves into thinking they will ever make a serious go of their home-based business without a computer are sadly mistaken. Computers give you many primary advantages – here are just two: (1) They enable you to store enormous amounts of data and to sort it by data fields so that you can far more easily get the information you need and never thought you could get, like unbelievably sophisticated yet simple analysis, and the production of creative, practical ways ahead that you're looking for, from market research, analysis and planning, and in all the ways through to actual delivery to your customers, to their satisfaction. (2) They enable you to develop with appropriate software, pattern documents for every situation you'll ever be in, in your business. To run a home-based business successfully, you must anticipate just what situations will emerge, and prepare appropriate and profit making responses accordingly. A business is based on a characteristic series of situations and a characteristic set of things that you know are going to happen -- or that do not happen. From purchasing, manufacture, stock ordering and control, accounting, packaging and delivery, you must be prepared with the proper documents and ways ahead for each situation. Once you have established all the usual, acceptable and accepted ways of doing things, and have experienced all the situations associated with your kind of business, the time will come when running your business is, in large part, a repetition of certain key tasks. Computers are all about handling repetition swiftly and efficiently. But the computer is much more. Today, by connecting a computer to the internet, your machine becomes more than a data storage system and repetitive task handler. It becomes a multi-tasking, multi-level communications processing centre, that connects you globally with everyone else. Such things as e-mail, on-line services, the internet, the web and more can't help but revolutionize the way business is generally done. If you do not become a part of it today, you certainly are going to suffer for it greatly in the near future. So, the sooner you do become part of the internet age, the better for your own home based business, and hugely better for you, yourself ! So, if there is an effective way to market products through the internet or any other on-line activity, and there certainly are such ways, then why on earth wouldn't you want to know about them, and use them ?! The only people making money in internet marketing, are the people who have learned to do so effectively and profitably ! If you have a product or a service and expect to reach millions of buyers through computer screens, you are correct........ But, who is going to teach you, and how are you going to learn, all the ways of doing that then ? The Internet is definitely a wonderful resource, where a lot of innovative things are happening right now, at this moment. It's a great place to exchange ideas, to find out what is hot, and what's not, and to stay on the cutting edge, whatever and wherever your particular home based business may be. Just keep in mind always, that with a computer and the internet, you can have your business and your home, in any part of the world that has good internet access ! The freedom to be wherever in the world you want to be, and to enjoy the life you want to enjoy ! Page 10 5. Your Business Hours If you've been thinking about the foregoing points, you're well on your way to becoming a successful, profitable home-based business owner. Now we don't want you to blow it by thinking you can keep the average banker's self indulgent hours. Well, not all the time, anyway ! The global market is a 24-hour per day market, and a 365-day per year market-place. Let the others sleep late on Saturdays and take Sundays off. Those times could be your days and chances to move ahead and corner many customers that the others miss. You can think of and arrange to get up earlier and finish work later. Your international internet business could be, and maybe should be, open for business on holidays and be available 24-hours a day either personally or through your answering service. "But, wait a minute," you might be thinking at this point ! "I thought that working at home was all about freedom and an end to drudgery. This sounds to me like nothing but endless work !" And, you have a point there, don't you ?! SO, WHY NOT DELIBERATELY BUILD IN SOME PERSONAL FUN TIME ?! Perhaps your enjoyments include some sporting activity – well ok, SO IN ADDITION TO YOUR DAILY OR WEEKLY WORK SCHEDULES, SO, WHY NOT PLAN AHEAD, AND BUILD IN SOME PERSONAL FUN TIME FOR YOURSELF, WHATEVER IT MAY BE, AND MAKE SURE YOU ENJOY IT ?! Well, here's another thing. For just like most people who leave their regular jobs, so that they can work for themselves, you'll very soon discover something quite magical. You'll very soon discover, that when you are working for yourself, when you are building your own business, a lot of what you do, does not seem like work at all ! Now, how bad can that really be ?! Running your own business is all about being inspired 24 hours–a-day. When you stop selling your body, your mind, and your life and soul, to some other business, company or corporation, and start giving energy to yourself instead, and to your own activity, this then has a way of turning into truly profitable, gainful, and enjoyable activity, inspiration, and even play ! The perfect work for you is that which you do not think of as work at all, yet doing it, makes money, and provides you with the bread and shelter of life, and also it's pleasures ! PROFIT MAKING, GAINFUL ACTIVITY – YES ! WORK AS IN WORKING FOR AN EMPLOYER - NO ! PAGE 11 You'll very soon see what it's like if you make a true commitment to yourself, to be enjoying BECOMING AND BEING YOUR TRUE SELF, putting all your energy into it, and sticking with it for the long run ! SO ALL YOU REALLY NEED TO DO NOW, IS TO ACCEPT THE GENEROUS OFFER BEING MADE TO YOU PERSONALLY IN THE WEBSITE – SO GO TO WWW.STATUS-DIRECT.NET RIGHT NOW, AND THEN, TAKE ACTION AND DO IT RIGHT NOW ! HERE AT STATUS DIRECT LTD, WE RAISE OUR GLASSES IN A TOAST TO YOU, AND YOUR HUSBAND, WIFE OR PARTNER, AND YOUR FAMILY, AND WISH YOU ALL, EVERY SUCCESS, IN ALL THE WAYS TO YOUR WONDERFUL NEW LIFE OF SUCCESS AND ENJOYMENT ! End of Free Report, provided for you WITH COMPLIMENTS, by STATUS-DIRECT.NET © COPYRIGHT 27.05.2014, WITH ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, BY STATUS DIRECT LTD.
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