A How to Guide Harrisburg Produced by Highmark Blue Shield specifically for use with the Highmark Walk for a Healthy Community Written by J. L. Ruediger/last edit November 2013 1 Table of Contents Task List and Timeline Section One November and December: Internal Support Section Two December and January: Creating Promotion and Recruitment Plans Section Three February-April: Registration, Recruitment and Coaching Section Four May and June: Pulling it all Together Section Five Resources for Getting Organized and Raising Money Committee Descriptions Board Pledge Form Creating a Walker Coaching Plan Combating the Economy and Overcoming Common Obstacles Sphere of Influence Exercise E-mail Topics and Scripts Section Six Promotion and Marketing Toolkit Section Seven Walker Resources Team Captain Kit Teambuilding and Fundraising Tips Section Eight Highmark Blue Shield Contacts 2 Task List and Timeline Task Helpful Resources November – December Form Walk Committee: Assign Tasks, Timelines and Goals. Inform Board, Staff and Volunteers of Participation: Secure board support. Provide required information to Highmark Blue Shield and Fundraising Software for webpage and brochure creation. Make decision about online donations. Suggested Internal Committee Positions and Descriptions Board Pledge Form Highmark Blue Shield monthly meeting, email updates. Information provided by Highmark Blue Shield and Fundraising Software Company. December – January Create Promotional Plan: E-mail communications. E-mail signature blocks. Brochure distribution (mail, sponsors, vendors, community partners, board members’ companies, volunteers’ companies, etc.). Web/newsletter presence. Social media. Cross event marketing. Media partners/story telling. Create Recruitment Plan: Create strategy for past walkers. Work with committee on recruitment tactics and goals. Include walker coaching and communication. Create Sponsor Plan. Save the date e-blast provided by Highmark Blue Shield. Attendance at January Fundraising Workshop. Attend Fundraising Software webinars. Promotion and Marketing Tool Kit Work with Highmark Blue Shield Corporate Communications on making the best use of your media contacts/telling your story. February-April Registration Goes Live February 3: Begin utilizing online registration tools. E-mail registration link to everyone. Distribute brochures. Continue Recruitment Activities Walker and Team Coaching: Provide walkers and captains with fundraising tips. Walk website and Fundraising Software resources. Fundraising Software webinars. Creating a Walker Coaching Plan Team Captain Kit Teambuilding and Fundraising Tips Combating the Economy and 3 Overcoming Common Obstacles Sphere of Influence Establish ongoing communication: E-mails to check in on team captains. E-mail walkers facts about your organization and tips for asking friends and family for support. E-mail reminders the week of event. E-mail Topics and Script May and June Continue with Recruiting and Coaching Event Day Planning: Pull registration reports. Pack supplies. Make plans for money. Table display, giveaways, etc. For June events, continue with coaching and communications. Enter money received at event into system. Make last push to collect outstanding pledges after event. Send thank you e-mails/letters to walkers/captains. Use all Highmark Blue Shield and Fundraising Software resources. Use all Highmark Blue Shield and Fundraising Software resources. Use all Highmark Blue Shield and Fundraising Software resources. Use all Highmark Blue Shield and Fundraising Software resources. Use all Highmark Blue Shield and Fundraising Software resources. Use all Highmark Blue Shield and Fundraising Software resources. 4 Section One November and December: Internal Support 5 Internal Walk Committee Creating internal support is the first step in having a successful walk experience. The walk coordinator can NOT do this alone. Make sure that all staff, board members and volunteers have been informed of your organization’s participation in the walk and what they can do to help. The walk coordinator will lead the committee. Other members can be staff or non-staff. It is beneficial to have a board member on the committee if possible. Current volunteers and top donors make some of the best walk committee members. They have an existing passion for your mission and have many community connections. Utilizing the Suggested Internal Committee Positions and Descriptions located in section five of this guide, decide what positions are most needed for your organization. Always be honest and realistic with potential volunteers so they know exactly what is expected of them. Decide on a meeting schedule. Meet once per month, with updates sent via e-mail. Once your committee is formed, review the timeline included at the beginning of this guide, and assign tasks accordingly. Setting goals for the walk will be the first decisions your committee makes. Assertive but realistic goals are best. A good place to start is to set a goal of $100 per walker. Ask your corporate team, family team and registration chairs to develop goals for recruiting and fundraising based on this guideline. Together this will help to create your overall walk goal. 6 Board Support Your board members can be powerful resources in helping you reach your goals. Board members typically have a wide sphere of influence in their workplaces and community. Even with this amount of influence, it can be difficult to get a commitment from a board member. Your organization’s participation in the walk should be considered to be one of your major fundraising events of the year and needs to be emphasized to all board members. To facilitate 100% board support: Make sure the board knows about your participation in the walk, what the funds will support and why it’s important that they participate. Encourage board members to serve as a team captain. Ask board members to secure a sponsorship from their employer. Create a recognition program for board members to show your appreciation. Use the included Board Pledge Form in section five to formalize their support. 7 Section Two December and January: Creating Promotion and Recruitment Plans 8 How will your organization let the community know that you are participating in the Highmark Walk for a Healthy Community? How will you recruit walkers and teams? December and January are the months where you will answer these questions by creating your Promotion and Recruitment Plans. Attend the fundraising workshop to learn about the most effective strategies. In order to effectively promote your participation in the walk, the message must be pervasive inside and outside of your organization. Use the Highmark Blue Shield e-blast Save the Date message provided via e-mail by Highmark Blue Shield. Send it to everyone in your donor/volunteer/sponsor database. Some other ways to promote the walk: Utilize the Promotion and Marketing Tool Kit located in section six. Encourage all employees and board members to place the date and walk web link in their e-mail signature block. Make sure the e-blast, and later a “registration is open” message, is placed on the front page of your website and newsletter (web-based or printed). Use social media and get the message out on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, etc. Reiterate and send informational updates frequently. Make sure to cross-promote the walk at your other events. Tell a story. Potential participants want to know what the goal is and how the funds will be used. o Give enough information so that potential participants can pass the information to others. Brochure distribution Create a plan now for brochure distribution in February: Schedule volunteers to stuff/label brochures to be mailed to donors, volunteers and sponsors. Ask community partners and board members to display brochures in their business and retail locations. Make sure they distribute internally to their employees. If you are a returning organization, ask your highest fundraisers or team captains to distribute in their communities and at their work locations. Utilize brochures at your other events. 9 Recruitment plan Promoting the walk is a major piece in recruiting walkers. If you promote the event consistently and thoroughly you will receive a steady number of participants throughout the process. Here are some other tactics that will help to increase registration numbers: If you are a returning organization, make sure you reach out to past walkers with the date and registration information. Give them ideas on how to improve from last year. Create lists of possible groups for recruitment of walkers and team: o Board members o Staff o Volunteers o Current sponsors o Vendors o Community partners o Schools, school clubs, school sport teams o Area recreational sports teams o Community and Civic Groups and Clubs o Places of worship o Businesses Map out a daily/weekly plan to reach out to these groups with personal asks, emails and brochures. Set a goal of acquiring a certain number of walkers and teams each week. Even with the best promotion and recruitment plan in place you will inevitably encounter some barriers. When recruiting walkers you will receive as many no’s as yes’s. Use the tips and talking points in the Combating the Economy and Overcoming Obstacles sheet in section five to turn a no to yes! 10 Teams The number one way to increase dollars raised is to increase the number of teams participating. $$$ MORE TEAMS = MORE MONEY $$$ Following the example in the Suggested Internal Committee Positions and Descriptions in section five, utilize your Corporate Team Chair and Family Team Chair to reach out to the groups in the list created in the recruitment phase. There are three keys to a successful walk team. 1. A motivated team captain 2. Wrap Arounds and Matching Gifts 3. Friendly Competition and Recognition A Motivated Team Captain Share your mission and goals with the team captain. Provide talking points for them to share with the team about your organization and the Highmark Walk for a Healthy Community. Provide the Team Captain Kit in section seven. Help develop a goal for the team. A good start is $100 raised per team member. Wrap Arounds and Matching Gifts Wraparounds are mini-fundraisers that support the main fundraiser and are a great way for teams to double their funds. Encourage teams to host car washes, bake sales, raffles, yard sales, etc. Many employers offer matching gift programs. Be sure to have the team captain ask each walker to inquire at their place of work. Friendly Competition and Recognition Contests within teams and among all teams can provide motivation. Encourage team captains to host contests within their teams and provide small prizes for: o First walker to get a pledge o First walker to raise $100 o Every walker who recruits another walker gets entered into a drawing Your organization can provide contests among all the teams too, to include: o First team to recruit 10 walkers, first team to reach their goal, largest team, highest fundraising team, etc. Recognizing all team accomplishments is also important for motivation and shows appreciations. Recognition can be done via group e-mails, your organization website and newsletters, appreciation parties, certificates, etc. 11 Sponsor plan Recruiting corporate sponsors is a great way to increase the funds raised for your organization. Sponsors can be secured to: Provide prize incentives for your walkers. A matching gift for the total amount raised by walkers. A flat amount to support the overall walk effort. Keep sponsorship packages simple, but be creative and offer different levels and ways to sponsor so that you attract a variety of businesses. Your organization can show recognition in the following ways: Have sponsor logos and messaging on your organization’s website. Note contributions and participation in your web-based or printed newsletter. Promote sponsors on all communications with walkers/teams. Provide recognition at your organizations other events and/or meetings. Place signage in your tent on the day of the walk thanking sponsors. Include sponsor logos on your walk tent banner. Don’t forget to ask sponsors if they would also like to put together a walk team! Many businesses sponsor nonprofit walks as a way to give back to the community. But please keep in mind they are a business and it is helpful to point out how their sponsorship can help their business. Let potential sponsors know that: Supporting your organization is a great way to build pride within their company. Having a walk team or several competing walk teams builds morale and serves as a wonderful team building exercise for their company. Those you serve and those that are walking for your organization are potential customers for the sponsor. (Be sure to include why? How so? How many people will their logo or message reach?) By supporting your organization the sponsor is aligning themselves with; o A long standing, well known and reputable nonprofit or o An up and coming nonprofit on with which the sponsor could build a long-term relationship. Please note: Highmark Blue Shield does not show recognition of sponsors supporting individual organizations. 12 Section Three February-April: Registration, Recruitment and Coaching 13 February: Registration Please note the majority of information regarding registration and the online registration and fundraising software will be presented in monthly meetings, e-mail updates and through webinars provided by the Fundraising Software contractor. Registration goes live Monday, February 3. Make sure you have done everything necessary to hit the ground running. o Have you placed the link (www.walkforahealthycommunity.org) on your organizations home page? o Have you sent out messages announcing when registration opens? o Are all promotional and recruitment plans in place? Be sure to attend the special webinars for the online registration system. o Are you ready to go with online payments? o Is all the information on the walk website and registration system correct? o Can you assist your walkers and team captains with establishing fundraising pages? Distribute the bulk of brochures this month. March and April: Recruitment and Coaching Continue with the recruiting methods outlined in section two until walk day! Coaching Coaching gives walkers the tools and support to fundraise effectively. Create a walker coaching plan from the guide in section five. Once registrations are coming in, be sure to begin the coaching process by utilizing the tools in section seven. Make sure team captains have the Team Captain Kit. All walkers should set a goal of at least $100. Be sure to give them the Raising money for the walk is easy! flyer Review the Teambuilding and Fundraising Tips with walkers and teams. Whenever possible engage walkers and teams in discussions using the Sphere of Influence Exercise in section five. This helps walkers set goals based on the people in their lives. Establish ongoing communications: o Refer to the Highmark Blue Shield e-mail scripts in section five. o Check in on team captains. o Make sure participants have talking points about your organization. 14 Section Four May and June: Pulling it all Together 15 In May and June, continue recruiting and coaching walkers and teams. Visit your goals, reassess your plan and make any necessary tweaks. o Utilize the online reporting tools to track individual walkers and team progress. Begin making plans for the day of the walk: o Pull reports for checking in participants. o Pack supplies. o Make plans for collecting and storing the money during the event. o Create a table display, plan for giveaways, etc. o Participants walking for other organizations will also visit your tents the day of the event. Make sure you have information about your organization readily available. After the walk: o Send thank you e-mails to walkers/captains. o Make a last push to collect outstanding payments. o Enter funds collected into the online system. o Once your total is finalized, e-mail your participants again with the final count. o If possible, let them know what you did with the funds (pictures of a new facility or piece of equipment, participants at a program, etc.). 16 Section Five Resources for Getting Organized and Raising Money 17 Highmark Walk for a Healthy Community Suggested Internal Committee Positions and Descriptions Below are suggested positions, descriptions and estimated time investments for use in building your internal committees. The walk coordinator from each organization will serve as the overall chair. Each chair can also have a co-chair to help complete tasks. Please note that these are suggestions and should be changed to suit the needs of your organization. Be up front with volunteers about duty and time expectations. Corporate Team Chair A corporate team chair is a business person willing to serve as a role model for corporate teams and help engage companies to form walk teams. At a minimum, they agree to: Form a team within their company and serve as team captain (5 hours). Set a goal of $1,000-$5,000 for their team (a good goal to start with is 10 people each raising $100). Recruit other business teams by: o Sending e-mails and mailing letters on company letterhead to engage business contacts, clients, vendors, etc. to join or donate to the team or form their own team (3 hours). Attend internal walk committee meetings (1 hour/month, January-May=5 hours). Attend and participate in walk (2 hours). Time Investment: 15 hours Family Team Chair A family team chair is someone in the community that has benefitted from your organization, is a volunteer, major donor or otherwise involved in your organization that is willing to serve as a role model for family teams and help engage families to form teams. At a minimum they agree to: Form a team of family, friends, neighbors, etc. (5 hours). Set a goal of $500-$1,500 for their team. Reach out to families in the community by: o Sending e-mails and mailing letters to family and friends to join a team, donate to a team or form their own team (2 hours). o Distributing brochures and posters (1 hour). Attend internal walk committee meetings (1 hour/ month, January-May=5 hours). Attend and participate in walk (2 hours). Time Investment: 15 hours 18 Registration and Promotion Chair A registration and promotion chair should be someone within your organization, but can also be a trusted volunteer. This person will assist the walk coordinator in registration and promotional efforts and will at a minimum: Learn online system in addition to main walk coordinator (4 hours). o Assist as needed to monitor registrations. o Assist as needed to enter incoming cash/checks into system. Attend internal walk committee meetings (1 hour/month, Jan-May=5 hours). Assist in making sure a plan is created to distribute brochures (1 hour). Assist with promotions via e-mail, web presence, social media (1 hour). Make sure internal public relations contact has information to promote (1 hour). Be responsible for creating a system for checking in pre-registered walkers, day of registrations, money collection, transportation, depositing, reporting (1 hour). Secure volunteers to work the table the day of the event (1 hour). Design display for table, preparation/packing of materials (1 hour). Time Investment: 15 hours Sponsorship and Incentive Chair The incentive chair will head up the effort to secure corporate sponsorships and incentives to be used to encourage fundraising among participants. At a minimum, they will: Work with the walk coordinator on corporate sponsorship package (5 hours). Ideas to consider: o Securing corporate sponsors at various cash levels and create recognition for them in your walker communication, organization website, newsletter, walk tent, etc. o Securing corporate sponsors to match funds raised by the walk. o Securing corporate sponsors to donate prizes to be used for competitions among walkers/teams. Attend internal walk committee meetings (1 hour/month, January-May=5 hours). Create a plan for how incentives will be used. For example: o The first ten people to register receive a pizza or the first person to raise $100 gets a gift card to Wal-Mart (2 hours). Implement and monitor incentive plan to participants (2 hour). Decide on appropriate amounts and types of incentives (1 hour). Time Investment: 15 hours 19 Highmark Walk for a Healthy Community Board Pledge Form (Name of organization) is participating in the 2014 Highmark Walk for a Healthy Community on Saturday, May 17 at Harrisburg Area Community College. This annual fundraising event will help raise funds for ## local health and human service organizations. Since Highmark Blue Shield underwrites the event, we get to keep 100 percent of the funds we raise through this event. Our fundraising goal for the Highmark Walk for a Healthy Community is ($##, ###). We can’t reach that goal without the support of our board members. Please pledge your support to this major fundraising effort! Thank you. (CEO name and signature) (Walk coordinator name and signature) I pledge to support (organizations name) in the Highmark Walk for a Healthy Community by: (Check all that apply) □ Registering for the walk and raising funds as an individual walker. □ Registering for the walk as a family or corporate team captain . □ Asking my company to sponsor the walk. □ Asking my company to match what I raise for the walk. □ Serving on the internal walk committee. ________________________________________ Name of Board Member ________________________________________ Signature of Board Member ________________________________ Date 20 Highmark Walk for a Healthy Community Creating a Walker Coaching Plan For returning organizations Start by utilizing the tips below and then continue with the items listed under New organizations. Divide walkers into “A” and “B” categories with “A” being your highest fundraisers: What do your highest fundraisers have in common? Are they staff, volunteers or someone helped by your organization? These are your level “A” walkers and have the most potential to become more involved by sitting on the committee, increasing their pledges and creating teams. Level “B” walkers are those who are not ready to take a leadership position, but have the potential to raise more money by utilizing the online system and improving basic fundraising skills. o Make sure they understand the online fundraising system. o Give them more information to connect to your organization. New organizations Because you don’t have a list of previous walkers, you will need to base your coaching on two things: 1. Making sure that your current donors/volunteers who have become involved in the walk have the fundraising tools they need to be successful. Most of these walkers already have a connection to your organization and passion for supporting your mission. 2. Provide new walkers with fundraising tips and tools, along with quick and easy talking points about your organization so they can build passion to share with others about why they are supporting your mission. When a team is created, be sure to reach out to the team captain with a personal email thanking them and provide them with the Team Captain Kit. To reach everyone involved in the walk (individual walkers, team captains and team members), create a coaching plan that is based on continual communication using newsletter, e-mails, mailings or phone calls. Use the Teambuilding and Fundraising Tips, Combating the Economy and Overcoming Common Obstacles and the E-mail Topics and Scripts located in sections five and seven. 21 Highmark Walk for a Healthy Community Combating the Economy and Overcoming Common Obstacles What your organization can say/do to combat the economy: Thank your walkers from last year o Let them know you are counting on them to help those in need by continuing their support this year. Be accountable o Tell them what you did with the money raised last year and what you plan on doing with this year’s funds. o Providing specifics makes it easier for people to give. People like supporting projects, not “overhead” or “administrative” costs. o Make your cause tangible and relevant. o Tell a story. Equate what they are spending now to something they can fund at your organization By giving up your two cups of Starbucks a day for one week you can provide ## of meals to a family. Skip a pedicure and donate that money to the walk. Put more emphasis on recruitment o You may need to recruit more walkers to make the same amount of money. It’s tax deductible o Make sure potential participants know that you are a nonprofit and that their donation is tax deductible. o Be prepared to provide receipts for their donations. What to say to potential walkers/team captains to overcome obstacles: I don’t know anyone. Use the Sphere of Influence Exercise created by the American Lung Association in section five to show walkers they know a lot of people who would like to support a cause that is close to the walker’s heart. 22 I can’t afford to donate. Try saying this, “It’s great if you can make a personal donation, but you don’t have to, you can raise funds for our organization by asking others to donate or by having a car wash or bake sale! Every dollar helps us fulfill our mission.” You can also recruit individuals to assist in promoting the walk by helping to distribute brochures, stuffing envelopes, etc. I don’t feel comfortable asking others for money. Walkers aren’t asking for the money for themselves. They are asking for funds to support a wonderful cause. If walkers share what they know about your organization and why it means so much to them, people will support the cause. I don’t have time to fundraise. Fundraising doesn’t have to be time consuming. In just five minutes, walkers can write an e-mail and send it to all of their friends and coworkers. If they have 30 minutes to spare, they can write, print and mail letters to everyone in their address book asking for their support. A self-addressed stamped envelope makes it even easier for people to send donations. With just a few hours of effort, walkers can plan and host a wraparound event like a bake sale or car wash. The weekends are for my family. All ages and abilities can participate. Walk as a family team and enjoy the 5K route or One Mile Fun Walk! I’ll be out of town. If someone will be out of town on walk day, they can participate as a “virtual” walker and collect donations just like a regular walker. They can tell all of their friends and family that the cause is important to them and they are willing to support the effort even if they can’t be there in person. 23 Sphere of Influence Exercise created by the American Lung Association The Sphere of Influence is an exercise designed to help team members realize their full fundraising potential. It is basically a casual conversation that pulls in all aspects of the team member’s life and helps establish a list of personal contacts. This exercise helps reach their fundraising goal. Here is a list of potential things to cover in the conversation: 1. Tell me about yourself. 2. Tell me about your family. 3. Does a member of your family have asthma or another other lung disease? 4. Where do you work? What is your position there? 5. Tell me about your friends. What do you do for fun? 6. Do any of your friends have lung diseases, asthma, bronchitis or COPD? 7. What types of hobbies/interests do you have? 8. Are you affiliated to a house of worship? 9. Do you send holiday cards? 10. Do you belong to any clubs or organizations? As you talk with the person, more questions may come up that are not on this list. These are just guidelines to help you through the conversation. Feel free to make notes during the discussion so you can remember specific people mentioned. Once you have completed the questions, take your team member back through the conversation. Only this time, highlight the people that were mentioned (for example, family members, friends, co-workers, etc.) When you name a person, discuss with your team member the potential giving level of that person. Once completed, tally the results. It’s amazing what you’ll discover! Your team member will have their initial list of people to contact and a great look at their fundraising potential. 24 Highmark Walk for a Healthy Community E-mail Topics and Script Save the Date (send in December/January) Save the date e-blast is provided by Highmark Blue Shield Registration (February) (Organization Name) is one of ## organizations participating in the Highmark Walk for a Healthy Community. This annual fundraiser is underwritten by Highmark Blue Shield so that 100 percent of the funds raised go to the nonprofit of your choice. The 2014 Highmark Walk for a Healthy Community will be held Saturday, May 17 at Harrisburg Area Community College. Online registration is available NOW at www.walkforahealthycommunity.org. Register as an individual, create a team or join a team. You can even create your own fundraising webpage and share it with family, friends and co-workers. Register today! Goals and recruiting walkers (mid to late February) Thank you for choosing to support our organization in the 2014 Highmark Walk for a Healthy Community. This unique event benefits ## local health and human service nonprofits and because Highmark Blue Shield underwrites the entire event, 100 percent of the money you raise will go directly to supporting (organization name here)! Here are a few tips to get you started in your fundraising efforts: 1. Set a fundraising goal of at least $100. It’s as easy as asking 10 friends for $10. 2. Donate yourself. It shows your commitment to the cause! 3. Ask everyone. Friends, family, co-workers and others in your community. Remember you are asking for a good cause, so don’t be afraid to aim high. 4. Ask early and often so you are not rushed in trying to reach your goal. 5. Build a team. The best way to raise funds for your favorite nonprofit is to build a “friends and family” team or a company team. 6. Use the tools provided on the online system where you registered. You can create a webpage for yourself or your team, send out e-mails with a link to everyone you know and track your progress. 25 Letters and e-mails (March) The 2014 Highmark Walk for a Healthy Community will be here soon! To make sure that you reach your goal, try your hand at sending a heartfelt letter or e-mail to everyone you know. Tell them why you’re walking for (organization name here). Include some information about us and your connection to our organization. We’ve included some talking points below. Don’t forget to tell them what your goal is and then send it to everyone in your address book. Include a self-addressed stamped envelope if sending by mail. You can send your letter via e-mail too, and follow up with e-mails on your progress toward your goal! Talking Points (Insert your organization talking points here). Wraparounds (April) The 2014 Highmark Walk for a Healthy Community is approaching quickly. Want an easy and fun way to double your donations? Host a wraparound! A wraparound is a small fundraiser that benefits the big fundraiser. You could have a car wash at your local community center or a yard sale with proceeds benefitting the walk. Have a bake sale at work or maybe a pancake breakfast. Perhaps your boss would let you auction off his/her parking space for one week to the highest bidder. The possibilities are endless! Matching gifts (beginning of May) The 2014 Highmark Walk for a Healthy Community is just a few weeks away! So, you’ve sent out your letters, asked everyone you know and even had a wraparound or two. Now what? Have you thought about matching gifts? A lot of companies offer matching gifts to employees who donate to a nonprofit fundraiser. Some will match your personal 26 donation or some will match all the funds you’ve raised. Ask your manager, human resource department or community relations manager if your company participates. Don’t forget to have those who donate to you ask their employers too! Before you know it, you’ve doubled or tripled your donations! Final ask and walk day highlights (two weeks before the walk) Just two weeks to go until the 2014 Highmark Walk for a Healthy Community! Check your list. Ask everyone you missed and collect donations from those who committed earlier. If you are walking with a team, give everyone a call to give them one last push! The walk will be held rain or shine, so check the weather reports and dress accordingly. Refreshments, prizes and entertainment are part of the walk day festivities! Pulling it all together and walk day information (one week prior to the walk) The Highmark Walk for a Healthy Community is just five days away! Be sure to have all of your un-submitted donations in a marked envelope. Check-in begins at 7:45 a.m. Arrive early to hand in your donations at our table and pick up your official walk T-shirt while supplies last! The walk begins at 9 a.m. and the One-Mile Fun Walk starts at 9:15 a.m. Get those sneakers ready and we’ll see you on Saturday! 27 Section Six Promotion and Marketing Toolkit 28 Promotion and Marketing Toolkit TO: Highmark Walk for a Healthy Community participating organizations – Harrisburg FROM: Highmark Community Programs and Highmark Corporate Communications ______________________________________________________________________ Highmark Blue Shield is pleased to provide the opportunity for your organization to participate in this year’s Highmark Walk for a Healthy Community. In order to maximize your organization’s exposure and to create a broader understanding of the benefits of this fundraiser to your organization, we encourage you to promote the Highmark Walk for a Healthy Community in as many means as you deem appropriate. The enclosed toolkit provides you with guidelines, publicity ideas and communication suggestions that will help you through the process. In order to maintain a consistent message about this event, we encourage you to collaborate with our corporate communications team before promotional materials mentioning the Highmark Walk for a Healthy Community are distributed to the news media or printed. If you speak with a member of the news media, please be sure to let us know because we would like to recognize and track your organization’s coverage. Please send us copies of news releases, newsletter articles, promotional materials and newspaper articles that mention your organization and the Highmark Walk for a Healthy Community. For all public relations and media relations needs, please contact: Rebecca Kleha Highmark Corporate Communications 717-302-2348 rebecca.kleha@highmark.com _____________________________________________________________________________________ Thank you and best wishes as you begin promoting and recruiting for the event. 29 Publicity Guidelines We encourage you to promote your organization’s participation in the Highmark Walk for a Healthy Community as often as you can. The following guidelines and ideas will help you begin to think about promotions and marketing. Please collaborate with Highmark corporate communications team before promotional materials mentioning the Highmark Walk for a Healthy Community are distributed to the news media or printed. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Please include an acknowledgement that your organization is one of ## organizations participating in the Highmark Walk for a Healthy Community. Please mention that: Highmark Walk for a Healthy Community is presented by Highmark Blue Shield, who underwrites the cost of the walk so that 100 percent of the money raised by walkers supports the participating organizations, in all press releases, newsletters, website and Facebook mentions, brochures, annual reports and other promotional materials for this project. We encourage you to utilize the Highmark Walk for a Healthy Community logo on your organization’s website, on your organization’s Facebook page and in printed materials. To increase and streamline registration, all participating organizations must include a link to www.walkforahealthycommunity.org on your organization’s website. Publicity Ideas _____________________________________________________________________________________ By promoting the Highmark Walk for a Healthy Community on behalf of your organization, you will help the community at large understand how Highmark Blue Shield supports nonprofit health and human service agencies. Tell your story: By engaging the community in the mission of your organization, they will learn firsthand how their donation and participation in the Highmark Walk for a Healthy Community will have a direct impact in making a difference. Utilize all existing means of communication to promote your participation in the walk. This may include monthly newsletters, weekly e-mail blasts, post card mailings, website calendars, letters to board members, etc. 30 Save the Date! You may think that it’s too early to start promoting your organization’s participation in the 2014 Highmark Walk for a Healthy Community, but now is the perfect time. Take advantage of holiday mailings, social gatherings and end-of-year communications to encourage supporters of the walk to save the date. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Website or Facebook post template Save the Date! Highmark Blue Shield will present the Highmark Walk for a Healthy Community on Saturday, May 17, 2014 at Harrisburg Area Community College. The walk benefits ## local health and human service organizations, including <insert your organization name here>. For more information, visit www.walkforahealthycommunity.org. (include hyperlink) _____________________________________________________________________________________ Newsletter template Save the Date! [Your Organization] is participating in the Highmark Walk for a Healthy Community presented by Highmark Blue Shield on Saturday, May 17, 2014 at Harrisburg Area Community College. The Highmark Walk for a Healthy Community is a fundraiser that benefits local health and human service agencies in Central Pennsylvania, such as [Your organization]. Highmark Blue Shield underwrites the cost of the walk so that 100 percent of the money raised by walkers goes directly to the ## participating organizations. Mark Saturday, May 17, 2014 on your calendar and start gathering friends, family members, neighbors and co-workers to join you in walking to ensure a healthier community. For more information, visit www.walkforahealthycommunity.org. 31 Registration Promos _____________________________________________________________________________________ Get your walking shoes ready! Now is the time to register to participate with [Your Organization] in the Highmark Walk for a Healthy Community presented by Highmark Blue Shield on Saturday, May 17, 2014 at Harrisburg Area Community College. The Highmark Walk for a Healthy Community is a fundraiser that benefits ## local nonprofit health and human service agencies, including [Your organization]. Highmark Blue Shield underwrites the cost of the walk so that 100 percent of the money raised by walkers goes directly to support our goal of [Your organization’s mission here]. Register now at www.walkforahealthycommunity.org to join the 5K or One-Mile Fun Walk, and raise funds to support [Your organization]. For more information, call XXX-XXX-XXXX [Your organization phone number]. _____________________________________________________________________________________ It’s not too late to register! It’s not too late to join us in walking for a healthier community! Register by noon on May 16, 2014 to participate with [Your Organization] in the Highmark Walk for a Healthy Community presented by Highmark Blue Shield on Saturday, May 17, 2014 at Harrisburg Area Community College. The Highmark Walk for a Healthy Community is a fundraiser that benefits ## local nonprofit health and human service agencies, including [Your organization]. Please join [Your organization] in this 5K or One-Mile Fun Walk, and help us to raise money [for/to] [Your organization’s purpose/cause]. Highmark Blue Shield underwrites the cost of the walk so that 100 percent of the money raised by walkers goes directly to the organization of their choice. Register now at www.walkforahealthycommunity.org, and raise funds to support [Your organization]. For more information, call XXX-XXX-XXXX [Your organization phone number]. 32 Key Messages These fast facts about the walk can help you develop phone scripts, “elevator speeches” and provide your office and board members with talking points they can use to encourage registration and support of the event. _____________________________________________________________________________________ The Highmark Walk for a Healthy Community will be held on Saturday, May 17, 2014 at Harrisburg Area Community College. Walk registration is at 7:45 a.m. The 5K walk begins at 9 a.m., and the One-Mile Fun Walk begins at 9:15 a.m. There is no registration fee. However, walkers are encouraged to raise funds for an organization of their choice. Walkers can register for the event by visiting www.walkforahealthycommunity.org. Or request a registration brochure by calling XXX-XXX-XXXX [Your organization phone number]. After the walk, Highmark Blue Shield provides refreshments, raffle drawings, games and live entertainment for the participants. The Highmark Walk for a Healthy Community is an annual fundraiser that benefits ## local, nonprofit health and human service agencies. Highmark Blue Shield underwrites the cost of the walk and handles the logistical planning. Because of Highmark Blue Shield’s commitment, 100 percent of the money raised by walkers goes to the participating organizations. The primary goal of the walk is to help participating organizations raise money for their individual missions. The secondary goal of the walk is to energize participants to have a greater hand in their own health. The Highmark Walk for a Healthy Community provides an outlet for active individuals to continue their exercise routines and provides motivation to encourage inactive individuals to become more physically active. Highmark Blue Shield hosts the Highmark Walk for a Healthy Community each year because it believes that by working together, we can encourage people to lead healthier lives. With your support, you’re making this community a better place to live. 33 Section Seven Walker Resources 34 Team Captain Kit 35 Team Captain Responsibilities 1. To build one or more teams of walkers from co-workers, family and friends. 2. Motivate walkers to raise money for your participating organization. 3. Communicate walk information and distribute walk registration forms to team members. Note: • Each team member must complete a registration form or register online at www.walkforahealthycommunity.org. • Team members are responsible for submitting offline collected donations to the nonprofit of their choice on walk day. Team Captain Helpful Hints 1. Communication • Send a general memo or e-mail to employees announcing the walk and formation of a team (sample attached). • Send several e-mail messages to your team of walkers to maintain their enthusiasm and provide new fundraising ideas. • Use a flyer as a recruitment tool for walkers. 2. Display Logo • Offer a t-shirt, visor or cap for all members of your walk team. 3. Incentives • Sponsor additional incentives for your walk team. Seek donations from vendors and other sources and include promotional items. 4. Team Kick-Off • Hold a kick-off walk meeting to get people interested. (If you wish, we can have a representative from our organization attend your meeting.) 36 Sample Announcement Memo/E-mail (Please personalize this memo and send or e-mail to your team prospects) TO: (All employees, family members, neighbors, friends, etc.) FROM: (Your name) I’d like you to join me as a team member for the Highmark Walk for a Healthy Community presented by Highmark Blue Shield scheduled at 9 a.m. on Saturday, May 17, 2014 at Harrisburg Area Community College. I know that walk events are not new, but this one is unique. The Highmark Walk for a Healthy Community supports local nonprofit organizations, such as < org name >. This year, we are one of ## organizations participating in the walk. Highmark Blue Shield underwrites all of the expenses for the walk ensuring that 100 percent of the funds you collect will help support < org name >. All organizations participating provide many important programs and services that make a difference in the lives of those living in our community. You can contact me for a registration form, information about this organization and tips for collecting donations. My phone number is < > and my e-mail address is < >. Highmark Blue Shield is providing incentive prizes for the walk, and they’ll have entertainment and refreshments. I’ll keep you up-to-date on new details regarding the walk, additional fundraising ideas and news about our walk team. Please join us in this exciting event. Thanks for your participation! 37 Raising money for the walk is easy! Here’s How To Raise $100 in Just Five Weeks TOTAL Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 $ 10.00 $ 20.00 $ 20.00 $ 30.00 Put in your own $10 contribution Ask two relatives for $10 each Ask four neighbors for $5 each Ask your employer to allow you to hold a 50/50 raffle Ask your hairdresser, veterinarian, dry cleaner, pharmacist or other retailer for $10 each $ 20.00 $100.00 Here’s How To Raise $200 in Just Six Weeks TOTAL Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 $ 10.00 $ 30.00 $ 30.00 $ 30.00 $ 50.00 Put in your own $10 contribution Ask three relatives for $10 each Ask three friends for $10 each Ask six neighbors for $5 each Ask your employer to hold a dress-down day Ask your hairdresser, veterinarian or dry cleaner to raffle a package of their services* to benefit your team $ 50.00 $200.00 Here’s How To Raise $500 in Just Seven Weeks TOTAL Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Put in your own $20 contribution Hold a bake sale Ask your employer to hold a dress-down day Ask four neighbors, four friends, and four co-workers for $10 each Ask your hairdresser, veterinarian, dry cleaner and one other retailer to raffle a package of their services* $ 20.00 $ 50.00 $ 50.00 $120.00 Ask your kids to hold a car wash to benefit your team Ask your spouse to reward your efforts with a $20 contribution $ 40.00 $ 20.00 Week 6 Week 7 $200.00 $500.00 *Examples include $50 of dry cleaning services, a basket of pet products or a manicure and hairstyling gift certificate. If retailers would prefer not to hold a raffle, ask for a direct contribution. 38 Highmark Walk for a Healthy Community Teambuilding and Fundraising Tips Set a goal o Reaching $100 is as easy as asking 10 people for $10. o Ask family, friends, co-workers, at your place of worship, golf buddies, people in your book club, or your hairdresser. o Ask early and often. Use the online fundraising tool to share a link to your own fundraising page o You can add pictures and tell your story. o Supporters can pledge/donate instantly and follow your progress. Use the online fundraising tool to create a team o Encourage all of your team members to register online. o Host a kick-off event. Ask a volunteer from the organization of your choice to attend. This is a great way to recruit team members quickly. o Keep in touch with all of your team members. Write a letter or e-mail and include: o Why you are walking. o How the organization has helped you or someone you know. o Statistics and numbers related to the cause (people affected, helped, etc.) Include pictures if you can. o Everyone in your address/e-mail address book/list. (If sending by U.S. mail, include a self-addressed stamped envelope or if by e-mail include a link to your fundraising page.) Doubling your money o Matching gifts Many employers will match what an employee donates or raises for a nonprofit. Your supervisor or human resource manager will have more information. o Wraparounds (a mini-fundraiser to benefit the big fundraiser) Wraparounds can double your money and create team spirit. Tried and true wraparounds: Bake sales, car washes, cookouts, pancake breakfast, coin canisters, gift basket raffles and yard sales. Keep in touch with the walk contact at your selected organization. Ask questions early and often so that you and your team are receiving the most timely information and tips. 39 Section Eight Highmark Blue Shield Contacts 40 Jodie Ruediger Sr. Community Affairs Specialist Walk Coordinator 717.302.3853 office 717.571.8317 cell 717.302.3874 fax jodie.ruediger@highmark.com Rebecca Kleha Highmark Corporate Communications 717.302.2348 rebecca.kleha@highmark.com 41
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