October 25, 2002 Record-Press Real Suggestions on howto save water at home during a drought in the city since 1989. How can people account for nearly 20 percent of resi- method. Bricks should not be used as your teeth? Shaving? Washing dishes? in New York and other areas facing dential water use with conventional displacement devices as they break Washing the car? Don't. Fill the sink drought better equip their apart- toilets using 3.5 to 5 gallons per flush. down over time and the small parti- for shaving and doing dishes and simply turn the faucet off while you're ments, homes and offices to reduce Low-flush toilets use 1.6 gallons or cles can damage plumbing. Install low-flow faucet aerators — brushing your teeth. If you brush your water usage and lessen the effect of less, reducing water usage and waste These simple and inexpensive devices teeth for four minutes with the faucet water production. the drought? Replace your showerhead — By break the stream of water from the open, up to 10 gallons of water could A: The drought problem is more widespread throughout the United replacing an old 4.5 gallon per minute tap into fine droplets and bring air be going down the drain. When washStates than most people think. (gpm) showerhead with a new 2.5 gpm into the stream, reducing the water ing the car, use a bucket and turn off Obviously, in New York it's a high pri- showerhead, the EPA reports that a used by up to 60 percent, while still the hose until you're ready to rinse. ority because of the population densi- family of four can save about 20,000 maintaining a strong flow. Aerators Also, wash your car on the lawn and ty. The National Oceanic and gallons of water per year. Because con- can be installed in just a couple of the water you use will serve a dual Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Humers enjoy the shower pressure pro- minutes and usually without tools. purpose and reduce the burden on a predicts in its "U.S. Seasonal Drought vided by a higher flow rale, companies Before purchasing a low-flow aerator, water treatment facility by not going Outlook" that drought conditions on such as Mocn have developed efficient check your faucet's spout to see if you down the sewer. Wait for the full load — Some washthe East Coast of the United States, showerheuds that still feel like they will need internal or external threads. from New York City to Jacksonville, are delivering high volumes of water. You can take your faucet's standard ing machines allow for adjustment of Fla., will continue with only slight Moon's now Revolution showerhead aerator to the hardware store to deter- the water level depending on the size improvement through at least the taken ordinary water, spins each drop, mine the diameter for your low-flow of the load. Make sure you adjust the knob when you're washing a smaller fourth quarter of 2O02. In the western and then twirls the entire stream giv- aerator. Also, remember to clean out exist- load. For those without this capability, United States, every state west of ing the user the sensation of higher Missouri, in whole or in part, is suffer- pressure and greater coverage. The ing aerators yearly as they can accu- wait to wash clothes until you have a full load. The same goes for dishwashing from drought, with conditions in larger drops of water created in the mulate sediment. Insulate hot water pipes — This ers — don't do the dishes until you the overwhelming portion of affected process even make the water feel simple but substantial task will have a full load to conserve water and areas expected to persist or intensify. warmer. reduce the amount of time between reduce wastewater. Use Toilet Displacement Devices — With such widespread water shortSweep, don't hose — Many people ages, it's important for people nation- A homemade conservation device, like turning on the faucet and actually wide to tnko some steps to curtail a milk jug filled with water or stones receiving hot water, thereby reducing hose off the driveway or porch rather than sweeping. While it may be easier, water usage. On a positive note, reduc- and placed into the toilet tank reduces the amount of water used, hosing away the dirt is a huge waste of Q: Do you have any tips on small the amount of water used per flush, in ing water use will also save the resiA Qmxniail UuUe to HmUng the Home ( / Yourihukrin the Community of four (hukr. dential user money in the long run, effect turning your existing toilet into ways that people can change their water. Grab a broom and get a little There are quite a few products that a low-flush toilet. Depending on the behavior to reduce their water usage? exercise. CRANFORD "It just takes a little bit of conscious A: There are a number of small con help save water, especially in size of your tank and how many containers you can fit into the tank with- things we can do every day that will effort on everyone's part to make a big older homes that probably had few, if REALTY EXECUTIVES any, of these products installed origi- out touching the inner workings of the end up making a big impact. However, difference," Lingafelter says. "If there toilet, a gullon or more of water can be these can be .some of the most difficult is no other reason a person should Jenny & Mark Berse nally. Q: Can you share with us what are saved per flush. A more efficient tool things to do because they sometimes look to water conservation, it should 21 So. Union Avc.Cranfoixl is a toilet dam, available at hardware involve changing old habits, but they be to reduce their water bill and some of those products are? (908) 709-1077 there's a direct correlation between a A: This is a short list of suggestions Htores, which holds buck a reservoir of are changes worth making. reduced water bill and the amount of water when the toilet is flushed, These Turn off the water! — Do you let from the Environmental Protection work on the same displacement the water run when you're brushing water we have left in our supply." Agency. More information is available To advertise under the "water" link at www.epa.gov. And naturally, all the YOUR office caN water-saving devices in the world Terry Radomski won't do much good if you have leaky New Home Sales at her direct line (908) 233-6439 or efaucets or pipes, so checking for and WESTFIELD — Ileen Cucearo, Certified @ 908-575-6722 her at IleenWeatfield Office of Burgdorff ERA Professional CSP Course and is also in mail fixing leaks is a good starting point. Cuccaro<0>burgdorff com. the process of completing a second Realtor, bus been honored for the Install low-flush toilets — Toilets Judy Sagan, Vice fourth time this year as Agent of the course in Advanced CSP Designation, Month, for Sales Agent in September the only National Designation Course President/Manager of the Westfield and February with a total of 11 units for New Homes Sales. Both courses Office, stated "It is obvious that hard and as Listing Agent for March and gives Ileen a competitive edge in the work and dedication to her clients' land development process and new needs have resulted in high producJuly with a total of 10 units, tion in yet another fabulous month for Ileen has received many distin- construction. guished awards and has been a mem- The knowledge you attain from this Ileen. She is a great asset to our office ber in the New Jersey Association of course is invaluable with step-by-step and a role model for all agents. We arc Realtors Million Dollar Sales Club and info on building a house, understand- very proud of Ileen and congratulate If you're thinking of selling your home on your was awarded the Bronze Level 11)96- ing the building permit process and her in her many outstanding accomown you don't want the process to be like "Trick 97 and 1999, 2001 and the Silver Level construction schedules and the lan- plishments." The Burgdorff ERA Branch office is 1998 and 2000 and is a member of guage of building. The completion of or Treat." The first step is to prepare your home the first course entitles Ileen membera full-service real estate center located Burgdorffs Presidents Club for 2002. for sale. Next establish a lair marketable asking ship in the Community Builder at 600 North Avenue West, Westfield. Ileen has recently completed the price, and attract a "Qualified" buyer. Finally and Association of For real estate assistance, or to most importantly bring that buyer to a successNew Jersey (CBA inquire about a career in real estate, ful closing on the sale of your home. All steps ofNJ). call the office at (908) 233-0065. You are important but the last step is crucial or obviShe has been a can find us on the Web at New Jersey real www.burgdorff.com where you can ously everything else is tor naught! A profesestate profession- learn more about the Westfield Office sional realtor like Hill Decker (Bearded witch on al for 6 years nnd and the market area, individual Web the left) can take the "Trick-or-Trcat" out of sellresides in pages for each sales associate, elecAWARD WINNING OFFICE ing on your own and earn the commission you tronic listings and directions to the Garwood. You pay him. may contact Ileen Burgdorff ERA office, (ARA) - People are thinking more about water. White in years past most Americans have taken an unlimited supply of clean, safe water for granted, droughts in the Western United States and more recently on the East Coast and in the Midwest have caused many people to think about how they use water and how much they use. Concern is increasing and there will likely he more reasons to conserve water in the future. David Lingafeltcr, Moon Incorporated'** vice president of product marketing, answers .some questions about water conservation issues. Q: In late March, 2002, Nc-w York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg declared the first drought emergency Cuccaro is again honored for her sales efforts U QJi hfr* HU+i Bi Decker ERA Meeker Realty 908-272-2570 x28 HOME OF THE WEEK Elizabeth $249,900 ERA MM i HIM I ERA Meeker Realty 124 South Ave E. 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Loans lo $ 1 5 million dollnts.pBrcunttmo down v.trios on l am supplied by lha lendurs ;mrt presented without gunrontoiv Rnles nnd lorms nro stib|ocl to charajo Lenders interested in displaying infominlion should conlncl C.M.I (eg H00-426-4565 Contnct lomlt'rs lor morn informnllort on olhor products or additional toos which mny apply. C.M.I, and Itiu NJN Publications assume no liability (or typogrophlc.il errors or omissions. Rnlos woro supplied by the londors on October 17. 20O2. N/P-nol provided by Institution VISIT ALL LENDERS @ www.cmi-mortgageinfo.com Copyright. 2000. Cooperative Mortgago Information. Inc. All Rights Reserved. "Dear Ms Guzman HOME GLOSBI ON O C T M a 8,2002 Wa have one word to describe Melanie. .'AWESOME' She always kept us informed on the status ot our contract and she was very dependable This took a lot oj pressure off ol us in which we were able lo concentrate on other matters at hand...words cannot eipress how grateful we are lo have someone like Melanie assisting us with the sale of our home. Melanie is rtlso professional, patient, courteous and knowledgeable., truly she is an assel to your realty We wll recommend Melarne to everyone we know who plans on selling th«?<r home We would also like lo take this opportunity Ic "Thank You- lo Mrs Guzman for the times you personally called us to assure us your realty would do everything possible to assist us in (he selling of our home No wonder Jill Guzman Realty is a name people deper>d on a n j trust God bless the both ol you in your future endeavors. Forever grafelul. 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