This presentation discusses how to improve personnel safety with high-impedance fault (HIF) protection. An HIF is a type of fault on medium-voltage distribution systems. These faults are typically caused by tree branches touching the conductors, dirty insulators, and downed conductors. These faults have small fault currents that make them difficult to detect with traditional overcurrent elements. Due to the small fault currents, these faults do not cause thermal damage to power equipment, and they do not interrupt normal distribution operations. Nevertheless, if HIFs from downed conductors are not corrected in a timely manner, they pose a serious public hazard. 1 SEL has tools and information available to help understand and detect an HIF, specifically Arc Sense™ technology (AST). When to use AST depends on the standing unbalance from loads. Not all HIF events and downed conductors can be detected; therefore, it is important to understand the detection performance for HIFs. Along the way, this presentation discusses AST detection algorithms and a more accurate way to describe the dependability of HIF detection. Last, we present some HIF test results and the experiences of a utility applying AST. 2 The application of AST closely relates to the type of distribution system in place. AST is not always the best solution for detecting HIFs for every system. For the ungrounded distribution system shown on this slide, all loads are connected phase to phase. The residual current during normal system operations (the standing unbalance) comes from the asymmetries of three-phase equipment and feeder constructions and is typically quite small. A simple, sensitive ground overcurrent element set above the standing unbalance can reliably detect faults with high fault resistance. The SEL-351 Protection System has a 0.2-ampere sensitive input (IN) that can detect 5 milliamperes secondary overcurrent. 3 The picture on this slide shows a staged test on a 4.6 kV ungrounded distribution network with a downed conductor on a concrete street. The fault current is anywhere from 0.2 to 1.3 amperes primary (approximately 2 kilohms of fault resistance). A 10:1 core-balance (toroidal or donut) current transformer (CT) provides 20 to 130 milliamperes secondary, well above the standing unbalance for this system of under 1 milliampere. The sensitive residual overcurrent element of the SEL-351 is well-suited to detect these faults on ungrounded systems. 4 For the multigrounded distribution system shown on the slide, the single-phase loads between a phase and the multigrounded neutral wire cause a large system standing unbalance. The utility system operation engineers balance the single-phase loads among three phases and achieve a small unbalance when all loads are in service as planned. However, the worst possible system unbalance occurs when a long single-phase lateral is out of service. This scenario makes the traditional overcurrent element ineffective in detecting the HIF in multigrounded systems and must be considered when setting the ground overcurrent element. 5 On a 12.5 kV multigrounded distribution system, a downed conductor on a concrete test pad caused a fault with a fault current of up to 25 amperes primary (approximately 300 ohms of fault resistance). This 25-ampere fault current is easily under the worst system unbalance when a major single-phase lateral is out of service. Traditional ground overcurrent elements also need to coordinate with downstream protection devices, cold load pickup, and transformer inrushes, further reducing the capability of HIF detection. A special algorithm such as AST has to be used to detect HIF on multigrounded systems. 6 Unigrounded distribution systems have only one grounding point at the substation transformer neutral point. Large loads are typically connected between phases. Without load-caused standing residual unbalance, HIFs can be easily detected using a sensitive residual overcurrent element, such as in the ungrounded systems. However, some utilities supply remote small loads on a single phase with the earth as a return path for the cost consideration. These single-phase loads can produce residual current as large as 10 amperes and, therefore, reduce the capability of a residual overcurrent element in detecting HIFs. AST can be used in this situation to detect additional HIFs. 7 The graph on this slide shows the fault current, in primary amperes, produced by a downed conductor on different types of ground surfaces in multigrounded distribution systems. When a conductor falls on a surface such as dry sand and asphalt, it generates no fault currents. There is no signal back at the substation that can be used to detect such faults. The substation-based detection device cannot detect all downed conductors and HIFs. Note: If the downed conductor associates with considerable amounts of load loss, it is possible to detect a broken conductor fault using a negative-sequence overcurrent element. 8 Some HIF detection device manufacturers like to use a single number to represent the HIF detection performance. One manufacturer uses 80 percent for their HIF detection function. Utility customers typically want to get the detection rate as a simple answer. Unfortunately, the successful detection of HIFs depends on many factors. The foremost factor is the type of ground surface that a conductor falls on. As shown in the graph on the previous slide, substation-based devices cannot detect downed conductors on asphalt. The detection rate for this type of HIF is zero. Even for the same ground surface, the closer an HIF is to the substation, the easier it is to detect because the HIF signature passes fewer power apparatus (like capacitors) and becomes less attenuated. Compared with a dry season, a fault during the rainy season has an increased fault current for the same ground surface at the same fault location and, therefore, is easier to detect. It is not accurate to describe the HIF detection performance with a single number. 9 SEL uses a more scientific method to describe AST performance. We use a probability to give customers a clear picture of what to expect from the SEL AST algorithm for different types of ground surfaces. This slide shows the likelihood of detection for downed conductor faults on different ground surfaces, from the highest likelihood for earth to the lowest for wet sand. 10 There are several technologies available on the market today to assist utilities in detecting HIF and downed conductors. Because high-impedance fault current magnitudes are below the system standing unbalance, all HIF detection technologies utilize current quantities other its magnitude. These quantities include even-, odd-, and interharmonics of phase currents. This slide shows two different detection algorithms. These two algorithms complement each other. The first algorithm uses a sum of the difference current (SDI) that represents the total interharmonic content of a phase current. The algorithm derives the detection threshold through an adaptive tuning process that automatically tunes to the background or ambient noise level of a feeder. The second detection algorithm is a statistical method. A special filter screens out the odd harmonic content of a phase current. In an initial tuning process, the algorithm learns the statistics of the odd harmonic for normal system operations and derives the detection threshold. The algorithm constantly monitors and compares the statistics of the odd harmonic with those from the normal situation. It declares a fault when there is a large statistical difference. 11 Other HIF detection technologies include the expert system and neural networks and wavelet, as shown on this slide. The expert system uses a set of weighted factors to derive final decisions based on several detection algorithms such as energy and randomness. A neural network uses layers of interconnected nodes that are similar to human brain cells (neurons). The interconnection factors are obtained through training the network on sets of fault and unfaulted data. Wavelet uses a special set of filters to decompose input signals into different frequency bands. The results in higher frequency bands are effective to detect discontinuities of the inputs, one of the main signatures of arcing faults. 12 The slide shows an HIF event with a downed conductor on wet earth. The fault generated an approximately 13-ampere fault current, as shown in the upper plot on this slide. The middle plot is the current measurement back in the substation. Note that the noise on the envelope of the substation current is not related to the HIF, because the noise is also there without the fault. 13 The graphs on this slide show one type of noisy load that impacts HIF detection. The feeder loads include rail transportation, commercial and residential. The current waveform on the top clearly shows the train acceleration, running, and deceleration processes. The train load generates many harmonics and a lot of noise that HIF detection algorithms are using (shown in the bottom plot). 14 We have done many HIF field tests with different utilities to validate HIF detection algorithms. This slide shows results from one of the HIF field tests. The test site is about 14 miles away from the substation where the relays under test are located. Eighteen total tests are carried out on different ground surface materials. Relay 1 detected four of the faults and Relay 2 detected three of the faults. The number difference may look small, but the difference is large in terms of percentage. Both relays use the harmonics of the phase currents as the HIF detection algorithms. However, Relay 1 uses more traditional logic in making the detection decision, and Relay 2 uses one type of artificial intelligence. 15 This slide shows the test results for downed conductor faults staged 2 miles from the substation. 16 The table on this slide shows part of an HIF alarm log from a utility. The first HIF alarm was associated with a feeder that burned down between poles MA-6 and MA-7. (The circuit had to be manually opened after the circuit breaker reclosed twice.) In the second event, a service person found that an approximately 8-inch-round tree was laying on the conductor while it was energized. The third event is a case of two downed phase conductors, one laying on the ground burning when the service person arrived. The fire lasted at least 20 minutes. In the last event, a tree came down and broke a phase and the neutral wires. The wires were not on the ground but were open on the source side. The HIF most likely occurred when the tree was coming through the wires. 17 18
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