® IBM eServer™ How to set up the z/OS® zSeries® File System and create and access a zFS file system business on demand software ^ © 2007 IBM Corporation This presentation will describe the z/OS zSeries File System and how to set it up so that you can create and access zFS file systems. It is assumed that you are familiar with z/OS UNIX and HFS file systems and that you are familiar with z/OS installation and service concepts. zOS_zFS_setup.ppt Page 1 of 18 Agenda What is the z/OS zSeries File System? What do you need to do to make zFS data available? What do you need to do to access zFS data? 2 Create and access a zFS file system © 2007 IBM Corporation This presentation will explain what the z/OS zSeries File System is, how to configure zFS and how to access z/OS zFS data. zOS_zFS_setup.ppt Page 2 of 18 What is the zSeries File System? The z/OS zSeries File System is Physical File System software that runs on z/OS and is part of the z/OS Distributed File Service base element zFS allows users to create zFS file systems and administrators to mount the zFS file systems into the z/OS UNIX file system hierarchy Users can then access files and directories in the zFS file systems 3 Create and access a zFS file system © 2007 IBM Corporation The zSeries File System (zFS) is a Physical File System that runs as a colony address space under control of z/OS UNIX. zFS is part of the z/OS Distributed File Service base element. Users can create zFS file systems which can be mounted by an administrator into the z/OS UNIX file system hierarchy. A zFS file system is really a VSAM* Linear Data Set that has been formatted as a zFS file system. After the zFS file system is mounted, users can access and create files and directories in the file system. * Virtual Storage Access Method zOS_zFS_setup.ppt Page 3 of 18 z/OS UNIX applications accessing zFS file systems z/OS UNIX appl z/OS UNIX zFS 4 Create and access a zFS file system © 2007 IBM Corporation z/OS UNIX applications access zFS files and directories by invoking z/OS UNIX which, in turn, invokes the zFS Physical File System (PFS). The zFS PFS accesses the zFS file system on DASD. zOS_zFS_setup.ppt Page 4 of 18 Agenda What is the z/OS zSeries File System? What do you need to do to make zFS data available? What do you need to do to access zFS data? 5 Create and access a zFS file system © 2007 IBM Corporation This section will describe what you need to do to make zFS data available. zOS_zFS_setup.ppt Page 5 of 18 What do you need to do to make zFS data available? Determine if you need to specify any zFS configuration options Define a VSAM Linear Data Set (VSAM LDS) and Format it as a zFS file system Mount the zFS file system 6 Create and access a zFS file system © 2007 IBM Corporation First, you need to determine if zFS is installed properly and if any zFS configuration options should be specified. Second, you need to define a VSAM Linear Data Set and format it as a zFS file system. Finally, you need to mount the zFS file system into the z/OS UNIX file system hierarchy. zOS_zFS_setup.ppt Page 6 of 18 Determine if you need to specify any zFS configuration options Ensure that zFS is installed properly Specify zFS configuration options 7 Create and access a zFS file system © 2007 IBM Corporation This section will discuss what you need for zFS installation. zOS_zFS_setup.ppt Page 7 of 18 Ensure that zFS is installed properly The hlq.SIOELMOD library (which contains the zFS executable modules) should be in the LNKLST concatenation. It is recommended that zFS be at the latest service level. In order to start the zFS physical file system, there must be a FILESYSTYPE statement for zFS in your BPXPRMxx. Here is an example: FILESYSTYPE TYPE(ZFS) ENTRYPOINT(IOEFSCM) ASNAME(ZFS,’SUB=MSTR’) If you are running z/OS V1R6 or later*, you can specify the zFS configuration options in a list of parmlib members with member names of the form IOEPRMxx. The member suffixes are specified in the PARM of the FILESYSTYPE statement. For example: FILESYSTYPE TYPE(ZFS) ENTRYPOINT(IOEFSCM) ASNAME(ZFS,’SUB=MSTR’) PARM(‘PRM=(01,02)’) 8 Create and access a zFS file system © 2007 IBM Corporation To ensure that zFS is properly installed, make sure the zFS load module library is in the LNKLST concatenation. Also, verify that you have a FILESYSTYPE statement for zFS in your BPXPRMxx. The slide has some examples of zFS FILESYSTYPE statements. zOS_zFS_setup.ppt Page 8 of 18 Ensure that zFS is installed properly … You can also use the &SYSCLONE system symbol to identify system specific parmlib member names in a FILESYSTYPE statement that is shared among sysplex systems. For example: FILESYSTYPE TYPE(ZFS) ENTRYPOINT(IOEFSCM) ASNAME(ZFS,’SUB=MSTR’) PARM(‘PRM=(01,&SYSCLONE.)’) There must also be a ZFS PROC that looks similar to this: //ZFS PROC REGSIZE=0M //GO EXEC PGM=BPXVCLNY,REGION=®SIZE,TIME=1440 //*IOEZPRM DD DSN=SUIMGVM.&SYSNAME..ZFSPARM(IOEFSPRM),DISP=SHR //* PEND 9 Create and access a zFS file system © 2007 IBM Corporation This slide mentions the &SYSCLONE system symbol and its usage in the zFS FILESYSTYPE statement to allow system specific parmlib members for zFS. Finally, you need to have a JCL PROC called ZFS that z/OS UNIX uses to start zFS. zOS_zFS_setup.ppt Page 9 of 18 Determine if you need to specify any zFS configuration options Ensure that zFS is installed properly Specify zFS configuration options 10 Create and access a zFS file system © 2007 IBM Corporation This section will discuss some zFS configuration options. zOS_zFS_setup.ppt Page 10 of 18 Specify zFS configuration options There are several zFS configuration options you may want to consider. aggrgrow=on trace_dsn=suimgvm.private.zfstrace The aggrgrow option is used to specify whether a zFS file system should be automatically extended when full. (The default is off.) The trace_dsn option is used for problem determination. * If you are running a release lower than z/OS V1R6, the zFS configuration options are specified in the data set member named in the IOEZPRM DD in the ZFS PROC. 11 Create and access a zFS file system © 2007 IBM Corporation The aggrgrow option specifies that a zFS file system will be extended automatically if it becomes full (assuming that the zFS file system data set has a secondary allocation size and direct access storage device space is available). The trace_dsn option specifies the data set name of a PDSE that is RECFM=VB, LRECL=133 with a primary allocation of at least 50 cylinders and a secondary allocation of 30 cylinders. This data set can be used during problem determination. zOS_zFS_setup.ppt Page 11 of 18 Define a VSAM Linear Data Set (VSAM LDS) and format it as a zFS file system The following is an example of a job to define a VSAM LDS and then format it as a zFS file system: //USERIDA JOB ,’Compatibility Mode’, // CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=X,MSGLEVEL=(1,1) //DEFINE EXEC PGM=IDCAMS //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=H //SYSUDUMP DD SYSOUT=H //AMSDUMP DD SYSOUT=H //DASD0 DD DISP=OLD,UNIT=3390,VOL=SER=PRV000 //SYSIN DD * DEFINE CLUSTER (NAME(OMVS.PRV.COMPAT.AGGR001) VOLUMES(PRV000) LINEAR CYL(100 25) SHAREOPTIONS(3)) In order to run the DEFINE step of the example, you must have ALTER authority on the data set profile that covers the data set. /* //FORMAT EXEC PGM=IOEAGFMT,REGION=0M, // PARM=(’-aggregate OMVS.PRV.COMPAT.AGGR001 -compat’) //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=H //STDOUT DD SYSOUT=H //STDERR DD SYSOUT=H //SYSUDUMP DD SYSOUT=H //CEEDUMP DD SYSOUT=H //* To run the FORMAT step of the example, you must be uid 0 or have READ authority to the SUPERUSER.FILESYS.PFSCTL profile in the UNIXPRIV class. However, if you are running z/OS V1R9 or if you are running z/OS V1R8 or z/OS V1R7 with APAR OA18981 applied, you only need ALTER authority on the data set profile. Note: You must specify the -compat option in the PARM of the FORMAT step as shown. 12 Create and access a zFS file system © 2007 IBM Corporation Use the VSAM IDCAMS utility to define a VSAM Linear Data Set and use the zFS IOEAGFMT utility to format the VSAM LDS as a zFS file system. The slide shows an example of a two step job that defines and formats a zFS file system. zOS_zFS_setup.ppt Page 12 of 18 Mount the zFS file system In order to make the zFS file system available for user access, it must be mounted into the z/OS UNIX file system hierarchy. Here is an example of a TSO/E MOUNT command for a zFS file system: MOUNT FILESYSTEM(’OMVS.PRV.COMPAT.AGGR001’) MOUNTPOINT(’/etc/zfscompat1’) TYPE(ZFS) MODE(RDWR) PARM(’AGGRFULL(90,5)’) Here is the same mount command issued from the z/OS UNIX shell: /usr/sbin/mount -f OMVS.PRV.COMPAT.AGGR001 -t ZFS -o ’AGGRFULL(90,5)’ /etc/zfscompat1 13 Create and access a zFS file system © 2007 IBM Corporation An administrator must mount the zFS file system to make it available for user access. The mountpoint directory must exist. The PARM specified is optional. AGGRFULL(90,5) indicates that when the file system is 90 percent full, an operator message will be issued. Thereafter, every 5 percent that the file system becomes more full will cause another message. So, another message will be issued when it is 95 percent full and when it is 100 percent full. zOS_zFS_setup.ppt Page 13 of 18 Agenda What is the z/OS zSeries File System? What do you need to do to make zFS data available? What do you need to do to access zFS data? 14 Create and access a zFS file system © 2007 IBM Corporation This section will discuss what you need to do to access the zFS file system. zOS_zFS_setup.ppt Page 14 of 18 What do you need to do to access zFS data zFS data can be accessed in same way as any z/OS UNIX data is accessed z/OS UNIX applications z/OS UNIX shell commands 15 Create and access a zFS file system © 2007 IBM Corporation zFS data in a mounted file system can be accessed in the same way that any z/OS UNIX data is accessed. z/OS UNIX applications and z/OS UNIX shell commands can access zFS data in a mounted file system. z/OS UNIX permissions and ACLs* apply to zFS just as they do to HFS. zFS has the same sysplex shared file system support as HFS. * Access Control Lists zOS_zFS_setup.ppt Page 15 of 18 Final points Documentation for zFS is in: z/OS Distributed File Service zSeries File System Administration (SC24-5989) zFS Concepts and zfsadm command for zFS z/OS Distributed File Service Messages and Codes (SC24-5917) IOEZxxxt messages and X’EFxxrrrr’ reason codes for zFS z/OS Distributed File Service zSeries File System Implementation (Redbook SG24-6580) Redbook (updated February 2006 to include z/OS V1R7) 16 Create and access a zFS file system © 2007 IBM Corporation Finally, refer to documentation for zFS in the referenced documents. There are many topics that were not covered in this presentation that you can read about in these books. zOS_zFS_setup.ppt Page 16 of 18 Feedback Your feedback is valuable You can help improve the quality of IBM Education Assistant content to better meet your needs by providing feedback. Did you find this module useful? Did it help you solve a problem or answer a question? Do you have suggestions for improvements? Click to send e-mail feedback: mailto:iea@us.ibm.com?subject= Feedback about zOS_zFS_setup.ppt 17 Create and access a zFS file system © 2007 IBM Corporation You can help improve the quality of IBM Education Assistant content by providing feedback. zOS_zFS_setup.ppt Page 17 of 18 Trademarks, copyrights, and disclaimers The following terms are trademarks or registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both: IBM z/OS zSeries UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States and other countries. Product data has been reviewed for accuracy as of the date of initial publication. Product data is subject to change without notice. This document could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. IBM may make improvements or changes in the products or programs described herein at any time without notice. Any statements regarding IBM's future direction and intent are subject to change or withdrawal without notice, and represent goals and objectives only. References in this document to IBM products, programs, or services does not imply that IBM intends to make such products, programs or services available in all countries in which IBM operates or does business. Any reference to an IBM Program Product in this document is not intended to state or imply that only that program product may be used. Any functionally equivalent program, that does not infringe IBM's intellectual property rights, may be used instead. Information is provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind. THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS DISTRIBUTED "AS IS" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. IBM EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NONINFRINGEMENT. IBM shall have no responsibility to update this information. 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Inquiries regarding patent or copyright licenses should be made, in writing, to: IBM Director of Licensing IBM Corporation North Castle Drive Armonk, NY 10504-1785 U.S.A. Performance is based on measurements and projections using standard IBM benchmarks in a controlled environment. All customer examples described are presented as illustrations of how those customers have used IBM products and the results they may have achieved. The actual throughput or performance that any user will experience will vary depending upon considerations such as the amount of multiprogramming in the user's job stream, the I/O configuration, the storage configuration, and the workload processed. Therefore, no assurance can be given that an individual user will achieve throughput or performance improvements equivalent to the ratios stated here. © Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2007. All rights reserved. Note to U.S. Government Users - Documentation related to restricted rights-Use, duplication or disclosure is subject to restrictions set forth in GSA ADP Schedule Contract and IBM Corp. Create and access a zFS file system zOS_zFS_setup.ppt © 2007 IBM Corporation Page 18 of 18
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