DOMINIK MEYER 30C3 Overview 1 Introduction 2 Requirements 3 Functional Principle 4 Processor Simulation byterazor Processor Design 1/24 FPGA Board byterazor Processor Design Requirements 2/24 HDL Knowledge for example VHDL e n t i t y c3b4bencoding i s port ( iRD : in s t d _ l o g i c ; iK : in s t d _ l o g i c ; iWord : i n s t d _ l o g i c _ v e c t o r ( 2 downto 0 ) ; oWord : out s t d _ l o g i c _ v e c t o r ( 3 downto 0 ) ); end c3b4bencoding ; english http://tams-www.informatik.uni-hamburg. de/vhdl/doc/cookbook/VHDL-Cookbook.pdf german http://tams-www.informatik.uni-hamburg. de/vhdl/doc/ajmMaterial/vhdl.pdf byterazor Processor Design Requirements 3/24 Not working alone ! System on Chip (SOC) Addressbus RAM Processor Core Databus Registerfile Serial Device memory mapped IO Remember: memory access is very slow, compared to intra processor memory byterazor Processor Design Functional Principle 4/24 Instruction Set Architecture byterazor Mnemonic Parameter Description li loa sto shl shr add sub addc subc or and xor not jpz jpc jmp dst,<immidiate> dst,<address> op1,<address> dst,op1 dst,op1 dst,op1,op2 dst,op1,op2 dst,op1,op2 dst,op1,op2 dst,op1,op2 dst,op1,op2 dst,op1,op2 dst,op1 <address> <address> <address> dst = immediate dst = RAM (address) RAM (address) = op1 dst = shl(op1) dst = shr(op1) dst = op1 + op2 dst = op1 − op2 dst = op1 + op2 + C dst = op1 − op2 − C dst = op1orop2 dst = op1andop2 dst = op1xorop2 dst = notop1 jump if zero to <address> jump if carry to <address> jump to address Processor Design Functional Principle 5/24 Small C Programm / / very simple m u l t i p l i c a t i o n i n t main ( ) { i n t a =5; i n t b =6; i n t r e s u l t =0; int i ; f o r ( i =0; i <b ; i ++) { r e s u l t += a ; } return 0; } byterazor Processor Design Functional Principle 6/24 Assembler Code main: li $1, 5 li $2, 6 li $3, 0 li $4, 1 add $5, $0, $2 #because we have no move instr loop: add $3,$3,$1 sub $5,$5,$4 jpz end jmp loop end: byterazor Processor Design Functional Principle 7/24 Instruction Encoding 31 20 25 Opcode 15 Operand1 Result 9 0 Operand2 Immediate/Address byterazor Processor Design Instruction Opcode li add sub jpz jmp hlt 001111 000100 000101 001100 001110 111111 Functional Principle 8/24 Assembling + RAM Image Address 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 byterazor Data Comment 001111_00001_00000_00000_00000000101 001111_00010_00000_00000_00000000110 001111_00011_00000_00000_00000000000 001111_00100_00000_00000_00000000001 000100_00101_00000_00010_00000000000 000100_00011_00011_00001_00000000000 000101_00101_00101_00100_00000000000 001100_00000_00000_00000_00000001001 001110_00000_00000_00000_00000000101 111111_00000_00000_00000_00000000000 li $1, 5 li $2, 6 li $3, 0 li $4, 1 add $5, $0, $2 add $3, $3, $1 sub $5, $5, $4 jpz end jmp loop hlt Processor Design Functional Principle 9/24 Simulation RAM 0 001111 00001 00000 00000 00000000101 5 000100 00011 00011 00001 00000000000 1 001111 00010 00000 00000 00000000110 6 000101 00101 00101 00100 00000000000 2 001111 00011 00000 00000 00000000000 7 001100 00000 00000 00000 00000001001 3 001111 00100 00000 00000 00000000001 8 001110 00000 00000 00000 00000000101 4 000100 00101 00000 00010 00000000000 9 111111 00000 00000 00000 00000000000 RnW addr data MEM_IF Address 0 1 0 RegisterAsel Fetch/Decode Instruction LoadEn 0 RegisterFile PC 0 0 RegisterBsel 0 0 3 0 Result 0 JMP 0 0 RegisterRessel 1 ADDR 0 2 0 4 0 Carry 0 0 5 0 Zero 0 1 AddrSel incPC Jump LoadInstr 0 1 0 0 0 shl 0 0 0 0 OP1 OP2 Zero Carry ALU Immidiate 1 0 OpCode 0 LoadInstr AddrSel 1 1 byterazor incPC RnW Enable Processor Design Jump OpCode Control Unit State Load Zero Carry LoadEn 0 Processor Simulation 10/24 Simulation RAM 0 001111 00001 00000 00000 00000000101 5 000100 00011 00011 00001 00000000000 1 001111 00010 00000 00000 00000000110 6 000101 00101 00101 00100 00000000000 2 001111 00011 00000 00000 00000000000 7 001100 00000 00000 00000 00000001001 3 001111 00100 00000 00000 00000000001 8 001110 00000 00000 00000 00000000101 4 000100 00101 00000 00010 00000000000 9 111111 00000 00000 00000 00000000000 RnW addr data MEM_IF Address 0 0 0 RegisterAsel Fetch/Decode Instruction LoadEn 0 RegisterFile PC 1 0 RegisterBsel 0 0 3 0 Result 5 JMP 0 1 RegisterRessel 1 ADDR 0 2 0 4 0 Carry 0 0 5 0 Zero 0 1 AddrSel incPC Jump LoadInstr 1 0 1 5 0 li 0 0 0 0 OP1 OP2 Zero Carry ALU Immidiate 0 0 OpCode 5 LoadInstr AddrSel 1 0 byterazor incPC RnW Enable Processor Design Jump OpCode Control Unit State Decode Zero Carry LoadEn 0 Processor Simulation 11/24 Simulation RAM 0 001111 00001 00000 00000 00000000101 5 000100 00011 00011 00001 00000000000 1 001111 00010 00000 00000 00000000110 6 000101 00101 00101 00100 00000000000 2 001111 00011 00000 00000 00000000000 7 001100 00000 00000 00000 00000001001 3 001111 00100 00000 00000 00000000001 8 001110 00000 00000 00000 00000000101 4 000100 00101 00000 00010 00000000000 9 111111 00000 00000 00000 00000000000 RnW addr data MEM_IF Address 0 0 0 RegisterAsel Fetch/Decode Instruction LoadEn 1 RegisterFile PC 1 0 RegisterBsel 0 0 3 0 Result 5 JMP 0 1 RegisterRessel 1 ADDR 0 2 5 4 0 Carry 0 0 5 0 Zero 0 1 AddrSel incPC Jump LoadInstr 0 0 0 5 0 li 0 0 0 0 OP1 OP2 Zero Carry ALU Immidiate 0 0 OpCode 5 LoadInstr AddrSel 1 0 byterazor incPC RnW Enable Processor Design Jump OpCode Control Unit State Execute li Zero Carry LoadEn 1 Processor Simulation 12/24 Simulation RAM 0 001111 00001 00000 00000 00000000101 5 000100 00011 00011 00001 00000000000 1 001111 00010 00000 00000 00000000110 6 000101 00101 00101 00100 00000000000 2 001111 00011 00000 00000 00000000000 7 001100 00000 00000 00000 00000001001 3 001111 00100 00000 00000 00000000001 8 001110 00000 00000 00000 00000000101 4 000100 00101 00000 00010 00000000000 9 111111 00000 00000 00000 00000000000 RnW addr data MEM_IF Address 1 1 0 RegisterAsel Fetch/Decode Instruction LoadEn 0 RegisterFile PC 1 0 RegisterBsel 0 0 3 0 Result 5 JMP 0 1 RegisterRessel 1 ADDR 0 2 5 4 0 Carry 0 0 5 0 Zero 0 1 AddrSel incPC Jump LoadInstr 0 1 0 5 0 li 0 0 0 0 OP1 OP2 Zero Carry ALU Immidiate 0 0 OpCode 5 LoadInstr AddrSel 1 1 byterazor incPC RnW Enable Processor Design Jump OpCode Control Unit State Load Zero Carry LoadEn 0 Processor Simulation 13/24 Simulation RAM 0 001111 00001 00000 00000 00000000101 5 000100 00011 00011 00001 00000000000 1 001111 00010 00000 00000 00000000110 6 000101 00101 00101 00100 00000000000 2 001111 00011 00000 00000 00000000000 7 001100 00000 00000 00000 00000001001 3 001111 00100 00000 00000 00000000001 8 001110 00000 00000 00000 00000000101 4 000100 00101 00000 00010 00000000000 9 111111 00000 00000 00000 00000000000 RnW addr data MEM_IF Address 1 0 0 RegisterAsel Fetch/Decode Instruction LoadEn 0 RegisterFile PC 2 0 RegisterBsel 0 0 3 0 Result 6 JMP 0 2 RegisterRessel 1 ADDR 0 2 5 4 0 Carry 0 0 5 0 Zero 0 1 AddrSel incPC Jump LoadInstr 1 0 1 6 0 li 0 0 0 0 OP1 OP2 Zero Carry ALU Immidiate 0 0 OpCode 6 LoadInstr AddrSel 1 0 byterazor incPC RnW Enable Processor Design Jump OpCode Control Unit State Decode Zero Carry LoadEn 0 Processor Simulation 14/24 Simulation RAM 0 001111 00001 00000 00000 00000000101 5 000100 00011 00011 00001 00000000000 1 001111 00010 00000 00000 00000000110 6 000101 00101 00101 00100 00000000000 2 001111 00011 00000 00000 00000000000 7 001100 00000 00000 00000 00000001001 3 001111 00100 00000 00000 00000000001 8 001110 00000 00000 00000 00000000101 4 000100 00101 00000 00010 00000000000 9 111111 00000 00000 00000 00000000000 RnW addr data MEM_IF Address 1 0 0 RegisterAsel Fetch/Decode Instruction LoadEn 1 RegisterFile PC 2 0 RegisterBsel 0 0 3 0 Result 6 JMP 0 2 RegisterRessel 1 ADDR 0 2 5 4 0 Carry 0 6 5 0 Zero 0 1 AddrSel incPC Jump LoadInstr 0 0 0 6 0 li 0 0 0 0 OP1 OP2 Zero Carry ALU Immidiate 0 0 OpCode 6 LoadInstr AddrSel 1 0 byterazor incPC RnW Enable Processor Design Jump OpCode Control Unit State Execute li Zero Carry LoadEn 1 Processor Simulation 15/24 Simulation RAM 0 001111 00001 00000 00000 00000000101 5 000100 00011 00011 00001 00000000000 1 001111 00010 00000 00000 00000000110 6 000101 00101 00101 00100 00000000000 2 001111 00011 00000 00000 00000000000 7 001100 00000 00000 00000 00000001001 3 001111 00100 00000 00000 00000000001 8 001110 00000 00000 00000 00000000101 4 000100 00101 00000 00010 00000000000 9 111111 00000 00000 00000 00000000000 RnW addr data MEM_IF Address 2 1 0 RegisterAsel Fetch/Decode Instruction LoadEn 0 RegisterFile PC 2 0 RegisterBsel 0 0 3 0 Result 6 JMP 0 2 RegisterRessel 1 ADDR 0 2 5 4 0 Carry 0 6 5 0 Zero 0 1 AddrSel incPC Jump LoadInstr 0 1 0 6 0 li 0 0 0 0 OP1 OP2 Zero Carry ALU Immidiate 0 0 OpCode 6 LoadInstr AddrSel 1 1 byterazor incPC RnW Enable Processor Design Jump OpCode Control Unit State Load Zero Carry LoadEn 0 Processor Simulation 16/24 Simulation RAM 0 001111 00001 00000 00000 00000000101 5 000100 00011 00011 00001 00000000000 1 001111 00010 00000 00000 00000000110 6 000101 00101 00101 00100 00000000000 2 001111 00011 00000 00000 00000000000 7 001100 00000 00000 00000 00000001001 3 001111 00100 00000 00000 00000000001 8 001110 00000 00000 00000 00000000101 4 000100 00101 00000 00010 00000000000 9 111111 00000 00000 00000 00000000000 RnW addr data MEM_IF Address 2 0 0 RegisterAsel Fetch/Decode Instruction LoadEn 0 RegisterFile PC 3 0 RegisterBsel 0 0 3 0 Result 0 JMP 0 3 RegisterRessel 1 ADDR 0 2 5 4 0 Carry 0 6 5 0 Zero 1 1 AddrSel incPC Jump LoadInstr 1 0 1 0 0 li 0 0 0 0 OP1 OP2 Zero Carry ALU Immidiate 0 0 OpCode 0 LoadInstr AddrSel 1 0 byterazor incPC RnW Enable Processor Design Jump OpCode Control Unit State Decode Zero Carry LoadEn 0 Processor Simulation 17/24 Simulation RAM 0 001111 00001 00000 00000 00000000101 5 000100 00011 00011 00001 00000000000 1 001111 00010 00000 00000 00000000110 6 000101 00101 00101 00100 00000000000 2 001111 00011 00000 00000 00000000000 7 001100 00000 00000 00000 00000001001 3 001111 00100 00000 00000 00000000001 8 001110 00000 00000 00000 00000000101 4 000100 00101 00000 00010 00000000000 9 111111 00000 00000 00000 00000000000 RnW addr data MEM_IF Address 2 0 0 RegisterAsel Fetch/Decode Instruction LoadEn 1 RegisterFile PC 3 0 RegisterBsel 0 0 3 0 Result 0 JMP 0 3 RegisterRessel 1 ADDR 0 2 5 4 0 Carry 0 6 5 0 Zero 1 1 AddrSel incPC Jump LoadInstr 0 0 0 0 0 li 0 0 1 0 OP1 OP2 Zero Carry ALU Immidiate 0 0 OpCode 0 LoadInstr AddrSel 1 0 byterazor incPC RnW Enable Processor Design Jump OpCode Control Unit State Execute li Zero Carry LoadEn 1 Processor Simulation 18/24 Simulation RAM 0 001111 00001 00000 00000 00000000101 5 000100 00011 00011 00001 00000000000 1 001111 00010 00000 00000 00000000110 6 000101 00101 00101 00100 00000000000 2 001111 00011 00000 00000 00000000000 7 001100 00000 00000 00000 00000001001 3 001111 00100 00000 00000 00000000001 8 001110 00000 00000 00000 00000000101 4 000100 00101 00000 00010 00000000000 9 111111 00000 00000 00000 00000000000 RnW addr data MEM_IF Address 3 1 0 RegisterAsel Fetch/Decode Instruction LoadEn 0 RegisterFile PC 3 0 RegisterBsel 0 0 3 0 Result 0 JMP 0 3 RegisterRessel 1 ADDR 0 2 5 4 0 Carry 0 6 5 0 Zero 1 1 AddrSel incPC Jump LoadInstr 0 1 0 0 0 li 0 0 1 0 OP1 OP2 Zero Carry ALU Immidiate 0 0 OpCode 0 LoadInstr AddrSel 1 1 byterazor incPC RnW Enable Processor Design Jump OpCode Control Unit State Load Zero Carry LoadEn 0 Processor Simulation 19/24 Simulation RAM 0 001111 00001 00000 00000 00000000101 5 000100 00011 00011 00001 00000000000 1 001111 00010 00000 00000 00000000110 6 000101 00101 00101 00100 00000000000 2 001111 00011 00000 00000 00000000000 7 001100 00000 00000 00000 00000001001 3 001111 00100 00000 00000 00000000001 8 001110 00000 00000 00000 00000000101 4 000100 00101 00000 00010 00000000000 9 111111 00000 00000 00000 00000000000 RnW addr data MEM_IF Address 3 0 0 RegisterAsel Fetch/Decode Instruction LoadEn 0 RegisterFile PC 4 0 RegisterBsel 0 0 3 0 Result 1 JMP 0 4 RegisterRessel 1 ADDR 0 2 5 4 0 Carry 0 6 5 0 Zero 0 1 AddrSel incPC Jump LoadInstr 0 1 0 1 0 li 0 0 1 0 OP1 OP2 Zero Carry ALU Immidiate 0 0 OpCode 1 LoadInstr AddrSel 1 0 byterazor incPC RnW Enable Processor Design Jump OpCode Control Unit State Decode Zero Carry LoadEn 0 Processor Simulation 20/24 Simulation RAM 0 001111 00001 00000 00000 00000000101 5 000100 00011 00011 00001 00000000000 1 001111 00010 00000 00000 00000000110 6 000101 00101 00101 00100 00000000000 2 001111 00011 00000 00000 00000000000 7 001100 00000 00000 00000 00000001001 3 001111 00100 00000 00000 00000000001 8 001110 00000 00000 00000 00000000101 4 000100 00101 00000 00010 00000000000 9 111111 00000 00000 00000 00000000000 RnW addr data MEM_IF Address 3 0 0 RegisterAsel Fetch/Decode Instruction LoadEn 1 RegisterFile PC 4 0 RegisterBsel 0 0 3 0 Result 1 JMP 0 4 RegisterRessel 1 ADDR 0 2 5 4 1 Carry 0 6 5 0 Zero 0 1 AddrSel incPC Jump LoadInstr 0 0 0 1 0 li 0 0 0 0 OP1 OP2 Zero Carry ALU Immidiate 0 0 OpCode 1 LoadInstr AddrSel 1 0 byterazor incPC RnW Enable Processor Design Jump OpCode Control Unit State Execute li Zero Carry LoadEn 1 Processor Simulation 21/24 Simulation RAM 0 001111 00001 00000 00000 00000000101 5 000100 00011 00011 00001 00000000000 1 001111 00010 00000 00000 00000000110 6 000101 00101 00101 00100 00000000000 2 001111 00011 00000 00000 00000000000 7 001100 00000 00000 00000 00000001001 3 001111 00100 00000 00000 00000000001 8 001110 00000 00000 00000 00000000101 4 000100 00101 00000 00010 00000000000 9 111111 00000 00000 00000 00000000000 RnW addr data MEM_IF Address 4 1 0 RegisterAsel Fetch/Decode Instruction LoadEn 0 RegisterFile PC 4 0 RegisterBsel 0 0 3 0 Result 1 JMP 0 4 RegisterRessel 1 ADDR 0 2 5 4 1 Carry 0 6 5 0 Zero 0 1 AddrSel incPC Jump LoadInstr 0 1 0 1 0 li 0 0 0 0 OP1 OP2 Zero Carry ALU Immidiate 0 0 OpCode 1 LoadInstr AddrSel 1 1 byterazor incPC RnW Enable Processor Design Jump OpCode Control Unit State Load Zero Carry LoadEn 0 Processor Simulation 22/24 Simulation RAM 0 001111 00001 00000 00000 00000000101 5 000100 00011 00011 00001 00000000000 1 001111 00010 00000 00000 00000000110 6 000101 00101 00101 00100 00000000000 2 001111 00011 00000 00000 00000000000 7 001100 00000 00000 00000 00000001001 3 001111 00100 00000 00000 00000000001 8 001110 00000 00000 00000 00000000101 4 000100 00101 00000 00010 00000000000 9 111111 00000 00000 00000 00000000000 RnW addr data MEM_IF Address 4 0 0 RegisterAsel Fetch/Decode Instruction LoadEn 0 RegisterFile PC 5 2 RegisterBsel 0 0 3 0 Result 6 JMP 0 5 RegisterRessel 1 ADDR 0 2 5 4 1 Carry 0 6 5 0 Zero 0 1 AddrSel incPC Jump LoadInstr 1 0 1 0 0 add 0 6 0 0 OP1 OP2 Zero Carry ALU Immidiate 0 0 OpCode 6 LoadInstr AddrSel 1 0 byterazor incPC RnW Enable Processor Design Jump OpCode Control Unit State Decode Zero Carry LoadEn 0 Processor Simulation 23/24 Simulation RAM 0 001111 00001 00000 00000 00000000101 5 000100 00011 00011 00001 00000000000 1 001111 00010 00000 00000 00000000110 6 000101 00101 00101 00100 00000000000 2 001111 00011 00000 00000 00000000000 7 001100 00000 00000 00000 00000001001 3 001111 00100 00000 00000 00000000001 8 001110 00000 00000 00000 00000000101 4 000100 00101 00000 00010 00000000000 9 111111 00000 00000 00000 00000000000 RnW addr data MEM_IF Address 4 0 0 RegisterAsel Fetch/Decode Instruction LoadEn 1 RegisterFile PC 5 2 RegisterBsel 0 0 3 0 Result 6 JMP 0 5 RegisterRessel 1 ADDR 0 2 5 4 1 Carry 0 6 5 6 Zero 0 1 AddrSel incPC Jump LoadInstr 0 0 0 0 0 add 0 6 0 0 OP1 OP2 Zero Carry ALU Immidiate 0 0 OpCode 6 LoadInstr AddrSel 1 0 byterazor incPC RnW Enable Processor Design Jump OpCode Control Unit State Execute add Zero Carry LoadEn 1 Processor Simulation 24/24
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