How to stand out Creative solutions expertise and synergy for CommuniCating

Company profile
How to stand out
Creative solutions
expertise and synergy
for communicating
Company profile
Nearly everyone knows why and what to communicate.
The key is knowing how.
LATTANZIO communication designs integrated
communication plans to promote the image, values
and services of PA and businesses.
Keeping a keen eye on international contexts for insight
into the world’s most highly evolved markets while staying
in touch with key local developments to grasp their unique
Because you are always communicating - why not
communicate well?
Evolving communication
Lattanzio Communication supports public
administrations and businesses in communicating through
a dedicated team of experts with the skills to implement
strategically, creatively and qualitatively high-profile projects.
Our understanding of inter-institutional dynamics, extensive
experience with corporate logics and strategic competencies
enable us to deliver fast and effective results. We have
decades of experience in communication and a meticulous
approach to economic resource management and project
status monitoring.
Welding project management
to creativity
Lattanzio Communication delivers the directions,
communication modes, tones and styles, the messages,
actions and tools needed to translate the client’s specific
objectives into effective communication.
We always begin by identifying areas of strength in order
to generate tools capable of conveying the organization’s
individual specificities. We translate ideas into concrete
results. All in a timely fashion.
Every organization develops a culture of communication out of its own unique context,
shaped by the specificities of the PA or business model in question.
This needs to be taken into account to design valuable and effective communication.
Innovative events,
and workshops
With over 1000 successful events
under its belt, Lattanzio
Communication organizes
workshops, conferences,
conventions, focus groups and b2b
meetings. The company’s own web
platform simplifies the various steps
of event organization (managing
participants, sending invitations,
budgeting, etc.) while an extensive
database of service providers
throughout the country (catering,
travel, hostessing, setup) ensures
the success of your event.
Media Relations
Lattanzio Communication
maintains a network of contacts with
the country’s main media centers
and our team includes professionals
specialized in creating press releases,
organizing press conferences and
drafting speeches for clients.
In response to the ever-increasing
significance of the internet
in everyday life, Lattanzio
Communication has developed
specific skillsets for gaining
visibility through digital promotional
Multimedia tools
and online identity
From concept and ad development
to production and results tracking,
Lattanzio Communication takes
care of designing (media planning /
buying) national or local advertising for
print, TV, radio and billposting.
In its many years of managing
public communication projects,
Lattanzio Communication has
faced emergency situations that
threatened to permanently derail
ongoing activities, requiring us to
respond with timely and strategic
choices and ad-hoc public
Crisis management
Lattanzio Communication
has always paid special attention
to performance evaluations,
concentrating on the outcomes
of both projects as a whole and
the individual steps that comprise
Our areas of strength
Our areas of strength
Communicating ABOUT
Programs financed with
European funds
Designing a coordinated project image
Integrated communication strategies and
Technical assistance in developing
printed and multimedia materials
Newsletter content, graphics and
Public awareness and informational
Innovative communication for assessing
public policies
Communicating Local
governance projects
Informational material for institutions
Technical assistance with tourism marketing
Creation of internet portals
Social media relations
Internet campaigns for local marketing
Entertainment and events
Press relations
Communicating Public management
and quality
Institutional communication
Designing and analyzing communication
Educational campaigns
Municipal and citizen information offices
Community service communication
Social accountability reporting
Press and media relations
Mobile marketing
Corporate image development
Informational materials
Multi-lingual copywriting
Indoor trade fair or promotional booths
with interpretation services
Multimedia tools
Web communication
Sponsorship and co-marketing initiatives
Product press relations
Intangible Assets CommunicaTION
Organizational culture
International communication
Training for internal resources development
Change management
Citizen care
Public awareness and informational campaigns
Direct marketing
Events, conventions, workshops and seminars
Informational and promotional materials
Digital tools
Results and impact monitoring
Web communication
E-books and publishing projects
Communicating FOR Business
creation and development
Communication objectives and plans
Logos, naming and brand identity
Web design, SEO (positioning) and social media
Multimedia corporate presentations and video
Product image development, promotional
materials and product placement
Online and offline visibility campaigns
Email marketing
Digital PR
Media planning and buying
Social accountability
Institutional and public agency relations
An expertise unique in Italy
Public Administration Bodies
Satisfied clients
Central administrative bodies
Ministry of Labor and Social Policy
Regional administrative bodies
Abruzzo, Emilia Romagna, Liguria,
Molise, Apulia
Provincial administrations
Agrigento, Alessandria
Municipal administrations
Augusta, Monreale, Quartu Sant’Elena
National agencies
CONSIP, ISTAT, Italia Lavoro
Local agencies
Mountain communities of Monti Lattari
Campania Region
La Città Ideale Consortium
SVIM Sviluppo Marche
Chambers of Commerce
Educational institutions
University of Genoa
European commissions
and EU agencies
ETF European Foundation
for Professional Training
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural
Ministry of Public Administration
Judicial Courts
Courts of law - Bolzano, Caltanissetta,
Castrovillari, Catanzaro, Cosenza, Crema,
Cremona, Marsala, Messina, Palermo,
Palmi, Reggio Calabria, Rossano Calabro,
Vibo Valentia
Public Prosecutor’s Office Caltanissetta, Reggio Calabria
Appeals courts - Caltanissetta,
Catanzaro, Palermo, Reggio Calabria,
Office of the District Attorney Bolzano, Caltanissetta, Castrovillari,
Catanzaro, Cosenza, Crema, Cremona,
Enna, L’Aquila, Marsala, Milan, Palmi,
Pescara, Reggio Calabria, Rossano
Calabro, Termini Imerese, Trapani, Venice,
Vibo Valentia
Numerous communication-related
Central administrative bodies
Authority for Childhood
and Adolescence
Foreign Affairs Ministry
Ministry of Cultural Resources
and Activities
Regional administrative bodies
Lazio, Marche, Sicily, Tuscany
Provincial administrations
Enna, Livorno, Taranto, Turin, Vercelli, Rome
Municipal administrations
Alcamo, Avola, Bari, Basiliano, Cagliari,
Enna, Foggia, Lecce, Marsala, Oristano,
Palermo, Parma, Partinico, Pomigliano
d’Arco, Roseto degli Abruzzi, Siracusa,
Taranto, Tempio Pausania, Vercelli, Vicari,
Mountain communities of Monti Lattari,
Mountain communities of Monti Dauni
National agencies
Local agencies
Integrated Development Agency
ANCI Nazionale, Orthopedics Consortium
of Emilia Romagna, Tindari-Nebrodi Intermunicipal Consortium
University of Florence
Services Consortium,
Lazio Development Agency
Matese Regional Parks Agency
Sistema Toscana Foundation
Sviluppo Italia Basilicata
Educational institutions
Studi Suor Orsola Benincasa
European commissions
and EU agencies
DG EnlargementDG EuropAid
DG Environment
DG Research
DG External relations
DG Information Society and Media
ETF European Foundation for Professional
Center for Public Administration and Local
Government (PALGO)
Municipality of Sofia Bulgarian National
Association of Municipalities
Handicraft Chamber of Varadzin, Ministry of
Public Administration Ministry of Finance
European Affairs Department, Ministry of
Finance, Ministry for Information Society
and Adminstration
Agency for Industrial Restructuring
Ministry of Economy
Ministry of Labor, Family, Welfare and
Elderly People
Ministry of Regional Development and
Ministry of Public Finance
Paying Agency for Rural Development and
Regional Development Agency for
Bucharest-Ilfov, Center, North-East, NorthWest, West, South-East, South-West
Provincial Councils of Braila, Calarasi, Caras
Severin, Cluj, Dolj, Ialomita, Mehedinti, Olt,
Timisoara, Valcea
Municipalities of Baia Mare, Satu Mare,
Craiova, Drobeta Turnu Severin, Fetesti,
Giurgiu, Novaci, Slatina
Ministry of Finance
Ministry for Public Administration and Local
Standing Conference of Towns and
Municipality of Belgrade
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of
Public officers Association
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural
Ministry of Finance
Ministry of Labor and Social Security
Ministry of Economics
Ministry for Emergencies
State Committee for Regulation and
Entrepreneurship policies
Center for Corporate Restructuring and
Private Sector Development
Other countries
Armenia - Ministry of Transportation and
Railway Administration
Cyprus - Municipality of Limisso
Egypt: Ministry of Commerce and Industry,
National Research Center
Georgia - Ministry of Transportation and
Railway Administration
Ghana - Ministry of Local Self-government
and Rural Development, Ministry of Finance
Jordan - Jordanian Investment Center
Greece - Xanti District Union of Local
Lebanon - Souk Al Taieb
Malta: Ministry for Resources and Rural
Namibia - Department of the Office of the
Prime Minister
Russia - Ministry of Commerce and
Economic Development
Sierra Leone - NAO National Authorizing
Officer of the European
Development Fund, HRMO Human
Resources Management Office
Spain - Barcelona Municipal Institute of
Our clients
Large companies and multinational corporations
Working synergistically with
Group clients
De Cecco
Carraro, Fonderie Tacconi
Volkswagen Group Italia
Banks and insurance
Allianz Bank Financial Advisors,
Assicurazioni Generali, Banca d’Italia,
Intesa Sanpaolo, Unicredit Group,
Consumer Goods
ENEL, EON, General Electric Oil &
Gas Nuovo Pignone
Pharmaceuticals and
Artsana, Astrazeneca Intn, CD
Pharma Group, Ceccardi Medical
Center, DOMPE’ Farmaceutici,
Ginsana, G. Caporale Istituto
Zooprofilattico Sperimentale
dell’Abruzzo e del Molise, Pfizer Italia,
Philips Medical
Automatic machinery
ILVA, Targetti Sankey, Wurth
IT Services
Selex Elsag Axmediatech
Telecommunications and media
Fastweb, HR Service (Gruppo TI),
Poste Italiane, Telecom Italia
Gruppo Torinese Trasporti
TAP (Portugal)
SCANIA (Sweden)
Banks and insurance
AXA France (France), Bankia S.A.
(Spain), CPA Australia (Australia),
Eureko/Achmea (Netherlands),
Genworth Financial (USA),
Philadelphia Federal Credit Union
(USA), Swiss Re (Switzerland)
Luxury goods
Pandora A/S (Denmark)
Carson Dellosa Publishing (USA),
Elsevier (England), Kaplan Publishing
(USA), Nelson Thornes (England),
Thieme Meulenhoff (Netherlands)
Sky (England)
Pharmaceuticals and
Abbvie (Spain), Amgen Dompé
(USA), HSL Health & Safety
Laboratory (England), Merck Sharp &
Dohme Corp. (USA)
IKEA (Sweden)
Washington Dental Service (USA)
IT Services
Allen Interactions (USA), Edutech
(USA), IBM France (France), Infinitas
Learning (Netherlands), Intuition
(Ireland), Kapsch BusinessCom
(Austria), PC Training Source (USA),
Thales Netherland (Netherlands),
TicketMaster (USA)
Telecommunications and media
Alcatel-Lucent (France), Ericsson AB
More than 600 businesses
Consumer goods
Food and Agriculture, Fashion,
Wood products and home
furnishings, Commerce
Industrial sectors
Printing and packaging, Chemical
products, plastics, ceramics,
glass, Machinery, electronics,
plant design
Logistics and transportation
Construction, health, utilities,
environmental services
and media
Innovative tertiary services, credit,
insurance, education, tourism,
hospitality and restaurant services,
training, service centers
Digital communication is now
To establish direct relationships, share knowledge and
information, socialize but also support, interact, dialogue
and listen through communication: digital media offer an
unparalleled opportunity to identify and meet the needs of
today’s increasingly connected and interconnected users.
Lattanzio Communication provides support in choosing
and managing the strategic channels that allow each client
to achieve their engagement objectives, going beyond a
one-size-fits-all logic to create ad-hoc digital communication
solutions that keep constantly abreast of the most recent
technological innovations.
Finding just the right mix. Working closely
with the client, Lattanzio Communication
helps design the ideal mix of online and offline
Our innovative solutions range from creating digital
informational products to activating new
channels of communication to reach specific
audience segments, from optimizing existing
positioning strategies to reputation monitoring and
Social Media
Unlike classic media, social media are not merely platforms for posting promotional ads
and messages: they offer a tool for building relationships. Lattanzio Communication
supports clients in choosing the most appropriate social networks, creating webs of online
contacts and managing web-based interactions.
Today’s users, always online and on the move, are looking for mobile information.
Lattanzio Communication helps clients modernize channels of communication with their
users by updating websites to be read on mobile devices and designing applications for
smartphones and tablets.
Email Marketing
A direct channel to your target audience: Lattanzio Communication delivers dynamic
email marketing strategies with personalized messages designed to inspire the curiosity
and interest of target users. Far from being spam, these are clear and direct messages.
With the astonishing and constant proliferation of web sites, clients need effective
methods for guiding users in their online searches. Lattanzio Communication
offers marketing (SEM) and positioning optimization (SEO) strategies for all the main
search engines to guarantee that users find what they are looking for.
Video and infographics
When words are not enough, when images alone cannot tell the whole story, when
numbers fail to enthrall, Lattanzio Communication offers dynamic, multimedia
content: videos for simple, appealing communication; infographics to get the user
interacting with the message.
Lattanzio Communication works to protect its clients’ online reputations by
monitoring and managing what online users are seeing, thinking and saying. We
respond promptly to negative trends to successfully rebuild the client’s image.
Communication methods, messages,
initiatives, tools and know-how for PA
At all levels, from ministries and public agencies to
regions, provinces and municipalities, communication
for public administrations must meet new standards of
transparency, dialogue and active citizen participation.
Thanks in part to new technologies, these standards
have reshaped relations between administrators and the
communities they serve.
The main challenge in any public project is to establish a
flow of communication that is steady, clear and easy for
everyone to understand.
European funds
Experience and networking
Communicating the innovative
nature of complex projects
Implementing communication projects
for initiatives co-financed through
European funds involves following the
well-defined pathway established by
national and European policymakers.
At Lattanzio Communication,
we understand that meeting funding
requirements means achieving high
standards of quality while ensuring
that all expenses are admissible
and all funding sources are properly
Lattanzio Communication stays
in touch with developments in public
communication at the European level;
as a part of the web of European
Social fund communicators, we
are actively involved in defining
performance assessment indicators
and perfectly positioned to mobilize
high-profile contacts in executing
informational initiatives that require
wide-ranging participation and interinstitutional exchange.
Some organizational innovation
and service quality improvement
projects require an integrated,
multi-level communication plan to
effectively involve the target audience.
Lattanzio Communication helps to
optimize the communication strategies
and visibility of Best Practices
Uffici Giudiziari, an initiative that is
considered one of the most important
public sector change projects to be
carried out in Italy, a collaboration
involving the Ministry of Justice,
the Public Functions Department,
the Ministry of Labor and the Italian
Regions set up as part of ongoing
European Social projects.
Communication: it’s not only for big
Many small and medium-sized entrepreneurial initiatives
have developed thanks to effective communication
– concrete proof that, when a business learns to
communicate, it also learns to grow. When the aim is
to expand your market, you must be able to create,
advertise, promote and strengthen your brand, and this is
even more important at the international level.
With the support of LATTANZIO Communication, even
small businesses can take control of an area that has always
been considered the sole province of large companies.
Creativity alone
is not enough
Start ups and innovation
a matter of image
Lattanzio Communication helps
companies improve and promote
their images through tailored,
cost-effective solutions that take
budget limitations into account.
Our team believes in the power
of communicating a business’s
core essence, bringing together
diverse forms of expertise to
valorize and modernize corporate
communication. This approach
requires detailed knowledge of the
project, innovative methods mixing
online and offline channels, and an
understanding of new tools and
cutting-edge social media marketing
While it is true that communication
is an integral part of the life of
a business in every phase of
development, the real challenge for
new businesses is figuring out “how”
to communicate their business idea,
tech content and product value. The
ability to communicate can make the
difference in attracting investors and
funds (venture capital, crowdfunding).
Lattanzio Communication helps
accelerate innovation by enhancing
every kind of project. We are there in
the planning and start-up phase, with
ad-hoc tools designed for maximum
efficiency and informational value,
and in launching new products. We
are there afterwards, when alliances
and partner networks have already
been created and it is time to pass
the business on the next generation,
engage in significant corporate
reorganization or penetrate foreign
To help companies seeking to use
professional communication engage
more effectively with foreign markets,
Lattanzio Communication
delivers the kind of communication
that translates into economic gains.
Positioning and valorizing corporate
identity: from corporate presentations
to product communication, from
trade fair displays to e-commerce,
we offer a complete communication
plan designed to make the distinctive
features of your businesses stand
Internal synergies: our job, everyday
Communicatingis a highly specialized area
that requires managerial vision and skills
Five key assets
a thorough mastery of national and European
regulations covering public communication
initiatives planning, management and accounting
proven experience working with private
businesses in participatory planning
inter-institutional networking
1.a detailed understanding of public
administrations, their internal dynamics
and the social context in which they operate extensive national and
international network of partner
companies and professionals
specialized in managing public and
corporate communication projects
Delivering value-added solutions
We provide communication services to various kinds
of organizations, companies and associations through
a highly qualified organizational structure and work
teams with experience in multiple practice areas, with
Lattanzio Communication providing a shared set of
methods and the terrain for strategic synergy.
With this approach, we have all the advantages of
Drawing on a wide range of backgrounds, from
communicating about projects co-financed with European
funds to implementing informational and public awareness
campaigns, from designing institutional communication to
launching products, Lattanzio Communication represents
a unique actor in the sector.
belonging to a Group of specialized companies –
frontline players capable of continuously adopting the
best experiences from change projects in Italy and
abroad and the most effective, innovative tools being
developed in our sector – combined with the flexibility
and attention to detail and service that only this way of
working can offer.
Our team is further enriched by engagement with our
management consulting colleagues at Lattanzio e
Associati Public Sector and Lattanzio Business
Advisory as well as our integrated training and e-learning
colleagues at Lattanzio Learning and eXact learning
Research, studies, conventions, training
and publications. Innovating the country
is part of our Group’s core business
Lattanzio Communication takes care of organizing
conventions, seminars, workshops and meetings aimed at
exploring cutting-edge issues in PA and business reform and
modernization for all the companies
in the Group.
Our experts offer an analytical interpretation of the issues in
question through a consideration of the relevant variables,
emergent models being developed in the more advanced
international settings, methodologies and operational tools.
As a rule, these initiatives also incorporate contributions from
active participants in the field who are able to offer concrete
experience in established and recognized best practices. We
focus on constructing moments of dialogue and exchange
among these expert participants, each of whom offers
the fruits of extensive experience within his or her specific
administrative agency.
The editorial series
The LATTANZIO Group publishing house releases
include studies, survey results, relevant case studies
and examples of excellence drawn from Italian public
administration and businesses, thus contributing to
the circulation of best practices and dialogue among
insiders. These volumes bring together reference
models, intervention methods and implementation
processes for specific sites of innovation in which
LATTANZIO Group has developed consolidated
A wealth of knowledge, online
The LATTANZIO Group website enables users to
access the online Documentation Center.
Access is free of charge and reserved for
LATTANZIOnet subscribers. The site allows
our 100,000-plus network subscribers to
view seminar proceedings and consult data
bases, training resources and bibliographies.
A subscription to LATTANZIOnet also entitles
users to receive free of charge the newsletter
that highlights news items, activities
and change-related projects for public
administrations and businesses.
Different forms of knowledge in dialogue
Contributing to cultural openness and development. Driving (and reflecting) change.
Fostering improvement in organizations and helping them embrace the new. We are
opening our office on Via Nazionale in Rome to solo shows, prestigious projects
and collaborations, presentations and creative events to foster an ongoing
dialogue among forms of knowledge, an insightful continuity between art and the
Offices transformed into works of art where spaces, staff and creative expression
become part of an installation that draws in guests as active participants: this is our
approach to breaking down barriers in order to raise the arts to center stage and
valorize the key relationship between culture and growth.
Leading public sector change
Italy’s only tailored and systemic
consultancy for growing SMEs
Training for growth: content,
technologies and services
ICT solutions and services for
innovation in businesses and
public administrations
Consulting for sustainable
business projects
Design, vision and tools
for good communication
A system for
growing companies
and public
LATTANZIO Communication is a
LATTANZIO Group company.
The Group enjoys an exceptional degree of
national presence in terms of both clients
(operating for years in all Italian regions)
and locations (Milan, Rome and Bari). Its
international scope is also noteworthy,
both in operational terms, with branches
in Romania (Bucharest), Croatia (Zagreb)
and Macedonia (Skopje) and in terms of the
proportion of total sales represented by its
export market share, currently more than
Leading solutions for online
and mobile training
The private and public sectors are distinct and complex terrains, comprising specificities that include local
factors and require personalized approaches and solutions. To effectively serve this network of structures and
needs, a consultancy must operate in an equally sophisticated and evolved way, with method, vision and the
ability to understand and manage a range of complex requirements. This involves activating partnership
networks between PAs and the world of business in order to foster the development of networked local actors.
It involves offering businesses external synergies and connections, a system of relations to ensure growth,
access to the financial community and effective internationalization.
Consultancies today are called on to offer the kind of integrated services that are generated by internal
synergies and an ongoing commitment to researching and developing know-how about frontline issues in PA
innovation and SME support, about models of excellence and ways to spread best practices, about operational
solutions and processes of applied management.
This is what we believe it means to offer “systemic” consulting. To this end, the LATTANZIO Group draws on
its innovative corporate structure to support public administrations and companies in growth.
The website enables users to access the online Documentation Center, which is
free of charge and reserved for LATTANZIOnet subscribers. By joining the more than 100,000 network
subscribers, you can view the entire collection of seminar proceedings and consult databases, training
resources and bibliographies. A subscription to LATTANZIOnet also entitles you to receive free of charge
our Newsletter, with group-related news, activities and projects and the topics most fundamental for
change in public administrations and businesses.
Quality and environmental management
The LATTANZIO Group companies are UNI
EN ISO 9001: 2008 and ISO 14001:2004
certified for management consulting, research,
managerial training, publication, information
system development, communication and event
The associations
The LATTANZIO Group companies are members
Association of Consulting Firms) as well as
ASSOLOMBARDA and ELIG (European Learning
Industry Group).
ISO 9001: 2008
ISO 14001: 2004
LATTANZIO E Associati Public Sector
LATTANZIO Business Advisory
LATTANZIO Digital Innovation
LATTANZIO Green Economy
LATTANZIO Communication
Main Office
Via Domenico Cimarosa, 4 (20144)
tel. +39 02 29061165; fax +39 02 29061102
Via Nazionale, 89A (00184)
tel. +39 06 58300195; fax +39 06 5813174
Corso della Carboneria, 15 (70123)
tel. +39 080 5277221; fax +39 080 5722318
Local Offices
Turin, Genoa, Florence, Cagliari, Palermo
Main Office
Romania - Bucharest
Bd. Carol I, nr. 34-36 (020922)
tel. +40 21 2240161; fax +40 21 2240377
Croatia - Zagreb
Maksimirska 48 (10000)
Macedonia - Skopje
Ul. Roza Luksemburg 15-1 (1000)
tel. +389 2 609 11 11
Head Office
Via Nazionale, 89A - 00184 Rome (Italy)
tel. +39 06 58300195 - fax +39 06 5813174