Organizational Requirements ! Instructor contact ! MATLAB ! Signal Processing for Neuroscientists ! Cartoon Guide to Statistics (optional) ! Class List !, 310-980-7453. Suite 17-369 NPI ! Please include NITP in the subject line of emails ! Sections and TAs ! Kevin McEvoy ! Web site ( is a Wiki ! Pre-Requisites ! Username: NITP Password: 2007Problem Sets ! Due one week after assignment (usually) " Basic Statistics " Programming " Integral Calculus " Functional Neuroanatomy ! Send via email to Kevin and Mark ! NITP in Subject Line ! Midterm and Final ©2010 Mark Cohen, all rights reserved 1 ©2010 Mark Cohen, all rights reserved Schedule ( Week Topic 1 ! Orientation to Neuroimaging, Neurons, Brains 2 ! Linear Systems 3 ! Noise 4 ! Electricity and Electronics 5 ! Electrophysiology and Stats review 6 ! Advanced Statistics 7 ! Real-World Circuits 8 ! Getting your hands dirty 9 ! tbd 10! tbd 11! FINALS Topics To Be Scheduled: Spike Measurement and Analysis Point Spread Functions Principles of Optical Neuroimaging and Microscopy Exploratory Data Analysis Loose ends ©2010 Mark Cohen, all rights reserved the UCLA Neuroimaging Training Program ! NIH-Sponsored Program Promoting Multidisciplinary Training Neuroscience, Statistics, Mathematics, Physics, Engineering Computer Sciences ! Five Graduate Fellowships (including non-US nationals) ! Annual Summer Advanced Fellowship ! Only Three Such Programs Funded ©2008 Mark Cohen, all rights reserved 3 ©2008 Mark Cohen, all rights reserved How to Apply for Training ! NITP Will Prepare a Certificate for students completing the requirements. This does not depend on receipt of a fellowship. ! Pre-requisites: " Integral Calculus " Basic Statistics " Electricity and Magnetism " Computer Programming (any language) " Functional Neuroanatomy ! Discuss with Home Department ! Contact Mark Cohen ©2008 Mark Cohen, all rights reserved 2 Topics • anatomy of single neurons • resting and action potentials • transmission of signals • chemical and electrical synapses • information coding • BOLD and unit activity • EEG & SITE • MR-visible effects Neuronal Anatomy and Electrical Activity Mark S. Cohen UCLA Psychiatry, Neurology, Radiology, Psychology, Biomedical Engineering, Biomedical Physics Suite 17-369 NPI Cohen ©2010 Mark Cohen, all rights reserved Cohen Types of Neurons ©2010 Mark Cohen, all rights reserved Resting Potential Dendrites Soma (cell body) Typical: -90 < resting potential < -60 mV Axon Axon terminals Cohen ©2010 Mark Cohen, all rights reserved Cohen Development of the Membrane Potential – + + – + + – + – + – + – + – Cohen ©2010 Mark Cohen, all rights reserved + – – Development of the Membrane Potential – + – – + + – + + – + – + – – + + ©2010 Mark Cohen, all rights reserved + – + – ©2010 Mark Cohen, all rights reserved + – + – Cohen – – – + + + – – + Development of the Membrane Potential – + + – + + – + – + – + – + – + Nernst Potential @37°C – – – Observed Ion Concentrations + + [Na+] 460 mM p B [B] p ymV [y]in RT10 mM p A [A]out[K+] [K+] 400 mM out p y [x]in-95 – + RT [Cinside ] ln F [Coutside ] + [C ] ! 27mV ln inside [Coutside ] – 3 Na+ out Cohen Structure of the Cell Membrane ©2010 Mark Cohen, all rights reserved Glycoprotein 5 nm V Polar Head Axon Ringer’s Sol’n Cholesterol Carbohydrate in i Nonpolar Tail Cytoplasm -50 -100 Taken from Human Biology by Daniel Chiras Current and Voltage Sodium Permeability Transient conductance increase mV Potassium Permeability Voltage-dependent conductance 0 Neurons are REFRACTORY after each Action Potential -50 Membrane Potential -100 1 ms Cohen ©2010 Mark Cohen, all rights reserved Cohen ©2010 Mark Cohen, all rights reserved Sodium Leakage with Action Potentials 100 50 “Action Potential” 0 Cytoskeletal Filament Note: E-field is >10 MV/m! ©2010 Mark Cohen, all rights reserved out 50 mV Peripheral Protein Integral Protein Cohen Electrical Behavior of Neurons i Extracellular Fluid K+ inanions x, y 2are –75 mV ©2010 Mark Cohen, all rights reserved Cohen +60 mV E= E= Nernst Potential: [Na+] 50 mM ! $ ln## && p [A] p [B] p [x] p [y] -45 to -70 mV [Cl-] F 540 mM [Cl-] 40-100 mM " A in B in x out y out % [A-] 350 mM A,B are cations – Cell Volume = 9 x 10 -13 liters, about half of which is liquid. At 40 mM Sodium: = 4.0 x 10-14 Moles Sodium/cell With Each Action Potential: ΔV = 0.13 Volt Q = CV = 1.3 x 10-7 Coulombs /cm2 = 1.4 x 10-12 Moles/cm2 Surface Area = 2.8 x 10-5 cm2 Each AP passes 3.7 x 10-17 Moles of Na+ Na+ 10 µm C = 1µF/cm2 [Na+] is increased by 0.1% with each Action Potential! After Hodgkin and Huxley, 1952 Society for Psychophysiological Research. Berlin 2009 ©2009 Mark Cohen, all rights reserved 18 Sodium Potassium Pump Cable Properties After Matthews and van Holde: Biochemistry 2/e " Potassium Expelled to Inside ! Initial State Pump Open to Inside " Extracellular ! " " K+ K+ ! ! Na+ Na+ ! Na+ K+ K+ Na+ Taken from Inside Na+ P " P ! K+ P K+ K+ Two Potassium Ions Accepted from Outside " K+ Intracellular ATP Phosphorylates ! Subunit and Stimulates Conformation Change ATP INSIDE OF CELL ! ! Na+ " Na+ Cm rm ri Na+ ADP ! Cm rm ! Na+ Dephosphorylation Stimulates Conformation Change rm Cm rm Na+ x ri ri Vx !x =e " V0 " = rm /ri " Na+ Na+ #2" Sodium is Released " #" 2" x " 0 For vertebrate neurons: µm < " < mm " Pump Open to Outside ©2010 Mark Cohen, all rights reserved Cohen Em ri Na+ P ! ! Cm " Vx/Vo " Voltage/Pressure Analogy ©2010 Mark Cohen, all rights reserved Cohen Cable Properties Extracellular rm Cm rm Intracellular ri x Cm rm ri rm Cm ©2010 Mark Cohen, all rights reserved Cohen Propagation of the Action Potential V1 V2 V3 10 V4 V1 V3 V1 0 0 0 V4 thresh V4 V2 0 0 0 V3 0 V2 ©2010 Mark Cohen, all rights reserved V3 V4 0 thresh thresh Resulting Velocity ~1-3m/sec Cohen 20 msec V2 thresh thresh thresh 15 Propagation of the Action Potential V1 thresh 5 ©2010 Mark Cohen, all rights reserved Cohen Em ri For vertebrate neurons: 0.5 msec < $ < 5 msec 0 ri Cm ri V Current Cm rm Resulting Velocity ~1-3m/sec Cohen ©2010 Mark Cohen, all rights reserved thresh Propagation of the Action Potential V1 V2 V3 Propagation of the Action Potential V4 V1 V1 V3 V1 0 0 0 thresh V2 0 thresh V2 V4 V2 0 0 0 V4 0 thresh thresh Resulting Velocity ~1-3m/sec V2 V3 Propagation of the Action Potential V4 V1 V1 V3 V1 0 0 0 thresh ©2010 Mark Cohen, all rights reserved Cohen Propagation of the Action Potential V1 V2 V3 0 thresh V2 V4 V2 0 0 0 V4 0 thresh thresh Resulting Velocity ~1-3m/sec V2 V3 Propagation of the Action Potential V4 V1 V1 V3 V1 0 0 0 thresh V2 0 thresh V2 V4 V2 0 0 0 ©2010 Mark Cohen, all rights reserved V4 V3 V4 0 thresh thresh Resulting Velocity ~1-3m/sec Cohen V3 thresh thresh thresh ©2010 Mark Cohen, all rights reserved Cohen Propagation of the Action Potential V1 thresh Resulting Velocity ~1-3m/sec ©2010 Mark Cohen, all rights reserved Cohen V4 V3 thresh thresh thresh thresh Resulting Velocity ~1-3m/sec ©2010 Mark Cohen, all rights reserved Cohen V4 V3 thresh thresh thresh V3 Resulting Velocity ~1-3m/sec Cohen ©2010 Mark Cohen, all rights reserved thresh Propagation of the Action Potential V1 V2 V1 V3 Myelin Sheath V4 V3 0 0 thresh thresh V2 V4 0 0 thresh thresh 100 Å Resulting Velocity ~1-3m/sec Cohen ©2010 Mark Cohen, all rights reserved Nodes of Ranvier ©2010 Mark Cohen, all rights reserved Cohen Saltatory Conduction Internode: High Membrane Resistance Long Spatial Constant Short Time Constant Efficient Electrotonic Conduction Myelin Axon Node: Low Membrane Resistance High Membrane Current Flow Fires Action Potential Action Potential Regeneration Cohen ©2010 Mark Cohen, all rights reserved White and Gray Matter ©2010 Mark Cohen, all rights reserved Cohen EPSP’s: Excitatory Post-Synaptic Potentials Trans-Calossal Fibers Muscle end plate potentials Recorded in low Ca2+ / high Mg2+ Boyd & Martin, 1956 Optic Radiations 20 Arcuate Fibers # of Observations 16 12 Amplitudes are quantized and display a Poisson distribution 8 4 After: Catani, et al., NeuroImage 17:77, 2002 0 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 2.8 Measured Potential (mV) Cohen ©2010 Mark Cohen, all rights reserved Cohen ©2010 Mark Cohen, all rights reserved Reversal Potential Outward 200 Neural Synapse 38 mV Vset Synaptic vesicles Synaptic Bouton – + + 0 nA Golgi Complex iout Neuron Synaptic vesicles Extra-cellular fluid Mitochondrion -120 mV 0 2 Dendritic Spine 4 6 ©2010 Mark Cohen, all rights reserved Postsynaptic Membrane Presynaptic Membrane 8 msec From: After Magleby and Stevens, 1972 Cohen Synaptic Cleft Synaptic Cleft -15 mV 200 Inward Microtubules epsp’s result from increased K + and Na+ conductance, with %Na+ > %K+ Cohen Synapses by EM ©2010 Mark Cohen, all rights reserved Synaptic Mechanism (movie) Flat Vesicles Delay from Presynaptic Action Potential to Post-synaptic Voltage Change is ! 0.5 msec Round Vesicles Mitochondria Synaptic Density 200 nm Atlas of Ultrastructural Neurocytology Cohen ©2010 Mark Cohen, all rights reserved Cohen Synaptic Vesicles ©2010 Mark Cohen, all rights reserved Neurotransmitters Small Molecules: Acetylcholine Serotonin Histamine Epinephrine Norepinephrine Dopamine Adenosine ATP Nitric Oxide Amino Acids Aspartate Gamma-aminobutyric Acid Glutamate Glycine Exocytosis of Transmitter requires Ca2+ Peptides Angiotensin II Bradykinin Beta-endorphin Bombesin Calcitonin Cholecystokinin Enkephalin Dynorphin Insulin Galanin Gastrin Glucagon GRH GHRH From: Matthews, G. Neurobiology: Molecules, Cells and Systems 2nd edn Cohen ©2010 Mark Cohen, all rights reserved Cohen ©2010 Mark Cohen, all rights reserved Motilin Neurotensin Neuropeptide Y Substance P Secretin Somatostatin Vasopressin Oxytocin Prolactin Thyrotropin THRH Luteinizing Hormone Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide ! …and many others Electrical Synapses Gap Junction Microstructure Gap Junction Channel Connexon NH3+ Connexon Subunit Gap Junction COO– Intercellular Gap 50 nm 50 nm Cohen ©2010 Mark Cohen, all rights reserved Gap Junctions have no synaptic delay, and may act as simple resistance or as electrical rectifiers Modified from: Cohen SpatioTemporal Summation of psp’s ©2010 Mark Cohen, all rights reserved Integration of Inputs Single epsp 2 mV 0 8 ms 12 Electrotonic properties of cells can result in spatial information zones within cells 6 0 -2 Summated epsp’s Cohen ©2010 Mark Cohen, all rights reserved Cohen Dendritic Spines ©2010 Mark Cohen, all rights reserved How Do Neurons Encode Action Potentials are Identical! 1. Firing Rate: Ranges up to 1000 spikes/ second 2. Labeled Channels: Each neuron has different information content 3. Modification of Synaptic Efficacy 4. Firing Synchrony 5. Transmitter Identity 1 µm Atlas of Ultrastructural Neurocytology Cohen ©2010 Mark Cohen, all rights reserved Cohen ©2010 Mark Cohen, all rights reserved Place Encoding - Basilar Membrane Inhibition V 20kHz t -60 Frequency -70 K+ efflux -80 20Hz 0 5 10 15 ms Reversal potential of Cl– is near the resting potential. Therefore, its inhibition may be silent. Cohen ©2010 Mark Cohen, all rights reserved Cohen Pre-Synaptic Inhibition Cl– influx ©2010 Mark Cohen, all rights reserved How does BOLD relate to neural firing? Energy Demands in Transmission Pre-synaptic: Transmitter Synthesis Exocytosis Transmitter re-uptake Inhibitory Synapse Post-Synaptic Maintenance of membrane potential after ion leakage Excitatory: Removal of Sodium (Na/K pump) Inhibitory: ??? Excitatory Synapse ©2010 Mark Cohen, all rights reserved Cohen ©2010 Mark Cohen, all rights reserved Logothetis results Average BOLD Normalized Response Logothetis Results LFP = 40-130 Hz MUA = 300-1500 Hz Normalized Response Cohen Contrast Time On! Post Stim BOLD Pre ! Normalized Response LFP * hrf Logothetis, et al., Nature 412:152, 2001 Time Cohen ©2010 Mark Cohen, all rights reserved Cohen ©2010 Mark Cohen, all rights reserved LFP/MUA Types of Neurons Presumed Origin of the EEG + + + – + – – – – Skin Bone CSF – Axon ©2010 Mark Cohen, all rights reserved Cohen Many Neurons are Not “Seen” by EEG ©2010 Mark Cohen, all rights reserved Cohen General Limitations in EEG Localization Skin Bone Bone • • • • • CSF Deeper Sources Show Weaker Signals Magnitude Depends on Dipole Orientation Magnitude Depends on Temporal Synchrony Magnitude Depends on Spatial Coherence Conductivity of Body Tissues (CSF, scalp) Blur the Scalp Potentials SITE = Simultaneous Imaging for Tomographic Electrophysiology ©2010 Mark Cohen, all rights reserved Cohen EEG at Rest Cohen ©2010 Mark Cohen, all rights reserved Alpha Mapping Fp2-F8 F8-T4 T4-T6 Average Power (µV2) Fp1-F7 F7-T3 T3-T5 T5-O1 100µV spectral power in the alpha band predicted BOLD response 1.6 T6-O2 Fp2-F4 1 sec F4-C4 C4-P4 P4-O2 Fp1-F3 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 F3-C3 0 C3-P3 0 0 P3-O1 25 50 1 ©2010 Mark Cohen, all rights reserved 100 125 2 150 175 3 time (sec) time (minutes) EKG Cohen 75 Cohen ©2010 Mark Cohen, all rights reserved 200 225 4 250 SITE of Resting Alpha EEG-fMRI Issues • Scalp Potentials are Proportional to the Derivative of the Voltage, whereas fMRI is Proportional to the Integral of the Firing • The Action Potential, per se, Is Probably Invisible to BOLD • The Rhythmic Structures in the EEG May Depend More on Synchronous Firing than on High Firing Rate • The BOLD Signal is Likely Associated with the PostSynaptic Neurons R Goldman (2002) NeuroReport 13(18):2487 Cohen ©2010 Mark Cohen, all rights reserved Cohen MR-Lucent Neurophysiology Energetic Demands! ©2010 Mark Cohen, all rights reserved Thanks. (BOLD, ASL) Transmitter Synthesis, Exocytosis, Metabolism Na+/K+ Pump Cohen [Na+]" Imaging Glucose Metabolism" Spectroscopy Extracellular Currents (?) " Phase Disturbance Anisotropic Diffusion" DTI, etc… Neural Constituents (NAA) " Spectroscopy ©2010 Mark Cohen, all rights reserved Cohen The Neural Membrane ©2010 Mark Cohen, all rights reserved Anatomy of a single neuron Dendrites Observed Capacitance: 1 µF/cm2 Since: C! 1.1k 4"d # 10 $12 Soma (cell body) If k (the dielectric constant) is about 6, then d ! 5 x 10-7cm = 50 Å. Axon If P.D. ! 0.1 Volt, then the E field is " 2 x 107 V/m ! Schwann Cells © Axon terminals Cohen ©2010 Mark Cohen, all rights reserved Cohen ©2010 Mark Cohen, all rights reserved
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