How to Apply to Shanghai American School 1. Submit the online application. Click here to complete the online application process. 2. Submit the application-processing fee (RMB 2,500) Once the online application is received; you will receive an invoice directly from the Finance Office for payment of the application processing fee. This fee is non-refundable and applies for the academic year of application only. The application will only be processed after the fee has been received and notification given to the Office of Admission. 3. Scan and submit passport pages Submit a copy of the photo identification page, the entry stamp, and valid visa for the student and both parents. 4. Submit your academic transcripts/records We require school records/academic transcripts of the student's current (full or partial) and previous two years (as applicable). If necessary, school records must be translated into English and authenticated by the current school/certified by an official translator. Scanned copies will be accepted for the admission process. 5. Submit standardized achievement test results (See page 5). The Secondary School Admission Test (SSAT) is the preferred Admission Test at SAS. While the submission of other approved test scores is acceptable, please note that additional testing at any grade level will be decided at the discretion of the Admission Committee. The SSAT test must have been completed within the last year and IOWA, Stanford, CTP4, SAT or ACT testing done within the last 6 months. For more information on how to register for the SSAT please visit their website at Scores should be reported directly to Shanghai American School using our SSAT school code: 7315. 6. Submit the following required additional forms: a. Educational or Emotional Support Documentation (if applicable) Please submit copies of any/all diagnostic test reports, current psychological educational evaluations or other learning support profiles, special needs evaluations, 504 plans and Individualized Educational Program (IEP) if applicable. Our programs are not designed to meet the instructional needs of students with complex learning, language, and emotional or behavioral difficulties. Failure to provide this information during the application process will result in SAS being unable to fulfill its educational commitment and may result in denial of admission or a reversal of an admission decision for an already accepted/enrolled student. b. School Recommendation Forms (See page 6) This form is required for all students applying for Pre-Kindergarten (Pre-K - Grade 5) to Grade 12 (Grade 6 - 12) and must be completed by the student’s current school representative (as indicated on the form) and submitted directly to the Office of Admission. c. English and Math Teacher Recommendation Forms (For the English form see page 7), (For the Math form see page 8) These forms are required for all students applying for Grades 6 to 12 and must be completed by the student’s current English and Mathematics teachers and submitted directly to the Office of Admission. We are unable to accept recommendations sent to SAS by parents. d. Student Information Form (See page 9) All students applying for Grades 6 to 12 must complete this form in their own words and handwriting. Submit Digital Photo of each applicant and both parents Submit recent, color, individual passport size digital photos (200 x 250 pixel) of each applicant and both parents. Photographs must be with a white or blue background, clearly labeled with passport names of each individual and sent as JPEG files. Submit a signed "Permission to Release Official School Records" (See page 9) All supporting documents must be submitted to the Office of Admission: Shanghai American School Office of Admission Puxi Campus 258 Jin Feng Road Hua Cao Town Minhang District Shanghai, China 201107 Shanghai American School Office of Admission Pudong Campus Shanghai Links Executive Community 1600 Ling Bai Road, San Jia Gang Pudong New Area Shanghai, China 201201 Email scanned copies to: Visitation Review (Pre-Kindergarten & Kindergarten only) A visitation review will be scheduled for all Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten applicants that meet our admission criteria. Acceptance will be dependent upon successful completion of the visitation process. Visitations for the fall semester will be held in the months of May and August. Students unable to attend any one of these visitations will be scheduled on an individual basis. Detailed information will be sent to parents with a preacceptance letter. High School Credits For students applying for admission to grades 10 to 12, we will take into consideration the number of credits reflected in the official transcript from your current school. For all students in grades 9 to 12, the transcript must show that the student will have a sufficient number of credits to meet our graduation requirement of 24 credits. A passing grade in a yearlong course earns one credit. A passing grade in a semester-long course earns a half credit. Priority Criteria for Admission Consideration for Admission to SAS is on a priority basis according to the following categories: 1) Qualified dependents of U.S. Government employees 2) Qualified dependents of overseas-hired faculty 3) Siblings of students already enrolled at SAS 4) United States citizens 5) Other expatriate students with English proficiency 6) Other expatriate students 7) PRC National students who have permission from the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission (SHMEC) Recent changes instituted by the SHMEC require all students applying to international schools in Shanghai be covered under a parents work visa designated for Shanghai only. If a family wishes to resides in Shanghai and attend school the working parents 'work visa' must be specifically designated for Shanghai. Waitpool In the event enrollment at a grade level is at its capacity, the Office of Admission will maintain a wait pool. The wait pool is maintained for the applying year only; all applicants that are interested in the next school year must re-apply each school year. Tuition Payment Once a seat is offered, the student must enroll at that time, and pay the tuition in order to hold the seat for immediate or later entry within the school’s calendar year. A family cannot defer a student’s entry for the next school year without reapplying and submitting the necessary documentation and application fee. APPLYING GRADE ASSESSMENT • • Pre-K and Kindergarten • • Grade 1-3 • • No formal assessment is required Students whose primary language is not English must have at least one to two year(s) of formal English education prior to applying A select group of applicants will be invited for an interview and visitation session Interviews are conducted on an ongoing basis while observational sessions are held in May and August A select group of applicants will be invited for an interview, and interviews are conducted on an ongoing basis Students whose primary language is not English may be required to complete a language assessment All standardized test results from the student's current school • Grade 4 and Grade 5 • • If no standardized test scores are available, students may be required to sit the Elementary Level SSAT - this test is offered to a select group of students as a flex test at Shanghai American School; this will be decided at the discretion of the Admission Committee A select group of applicants will be invited for an interview, and interviews are conducted on an ongoing basis Students who's primary language is not English may be required to complete a language assessment All standardized test results from the student's current school Grade 6 • to • Grade 10 Grade 11 • • • and • Grade 12 • Middle and Upper Level SSAT (preferred), IOWA Basic Skills Test, Stanford Achievement Test, or CTP4 A select group of applicants will be invited for an interview - interviews are conducted on an ongoing basis Students whose primary language is not English may be required to complete a language assessment Upper Level SSAT (preferred), SAT 1 or ACT. Shanghai American School no longer accepts the PSAT as an entrance assessment but it may be submitted as a review document A select group of applicants will be invited for an interview - interviews are conducted on an ongoing basis Students whose primary language is not English may be required to complete a language assessment Checklist of Documents Required to Complete the Application Required Application Documents Students applying Students applying Students applying for Prefor Grades 6 – 8 for Grades 9 - 12 Kindergarten– Grade 5 Online Required Application Form Required Required Application Fee Required Required Required Copy of Passport Required (Student & Parent/s) Required Required Color Digital Photo Required Required Required School Records Required Required Required (current + 2 full previous years) (current + 2 full previous years) (current + 3 full previous years) Standardized Test Required for Scores grade 4 and 5 applicants Required Required School Required Recommendation Form Required Required Math and English N/A Teacher Recommendation Forms Required Required Student N/A Information Form Required Required Educational or Emotional Support Documentation If applicable If applicable Required Required If applicable Signed Required Permission for Release of Official School Records Please return this form to: S hanghai American School - Office of Admission 258 Jin Feng Road, Hua Cao Town, Minhang District Shanghai, China 201107 Fax: (86 21) 6221-2060 Email: (for scanned copies) Confidential School Recommendation Form FOR ADMISSION TO Pre-Kindergarten - Grade 5 Name of Applicant: _______________________________________ Date of Birth: _______________ Current Grade Level: _____ (as on passport) month / day / year To the Teacher: The above mentioned student is applying for admission to Shanghai American School, a college preparatory, English-language international school in Shanghai, China. Your recommendation is helpful to our placement process. We appreciate the time you spend to complete this form. Your candid evaluation of the applicant will be of great value to the Admission Committee. All information shared is considered confidential and disclosed only to the Admission Committee and other school personnel as deemed necessary by the Office of Admission. Always Usually Occasionally Never Demonstrates self-discipline Responds positively to challenge of academic work Focuses and maintains attention Completes tasks independently Communicates ideas clearly Displays a well-balanced temperament Shares materials Cooperates with others during group activities Exhibits age-appropriate study habits and organizational ability Possesses a sense of humor Demonstrates an age-appropriate reaction to criticism Displays self confidence Shows concern for others 1. How long have you known the student? _______________________ 2. A re the parents supportive? □ Yes □ No Please provide comments:_________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Please describe the student’s performance in the following areas: Quality of work: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Leadership skills: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Peer interactions: _______________________________________________________________________________________ Faculty interactions: _____________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Has the student ever received any academic, behavioral, or similar support within or outside of school? □ Yes □ No If yes, what type of support has the student received? ________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Has the student ever been supported by a special program (i.e.: gifted and talented, learning difficulty, speech and/or language therapy, resource, behavioral, etc.) or had any individualized testing (i.e.: intelligence testing, writing, reading and math diagnostics and/or psycho-educational testing)? □ Yes □ No If yes, what type of program and/or testing has the student received or taken? ___________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. Please add any additional comments that will help us to facilitate this student’s transition to SAS. __________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. Academic strengths and weaknesses: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name of Applicant: _________________________________________________ (as on passport) □ Yes □ No 9. Is this student currently enrolled in an ESL (English as a Second Language)/ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) program? □ Yes □ No 8. Does this student have grade-level appropriate English skills? If yes, please rate the student’s proficiency level on a scale of 1 – 8 by checking one box below: □ 1 □ 2 □3 □4 □5 □6 □7 □8 (New to English) (Native Speaker) 10.If this student is in a school without English as the language of instruction, how many hours of English instruction per week does the student receive? __________________ ; how many years has the student studied English? ____________ 11.Did your school make any special accommodations for this student? □ Yes □ No If yes, please explain in detail:_____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 12.Has the student missed more than 10 days of school during any school year? □ Yes □ No If yes, please explain in detail:____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13.How would you rate this applicant? As a person (circle one): Outstanding Above average Average Below average As a student (circle one): Outstanding Above average Average Below average I recommend this applicant for admission to Shanghai American School with great enthusiasm with confidence with reservation I do not recommend Print Name ______________________________________________ Professional Title ____________________________________ School Name ____________________________________________ School Phone Number _______________________________ Evaluator’s Signature ______________________________________ Date (mm/dd/yy) ____________________________________ Email Address ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Comments: (please feel free to add any comments here) ________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please return this form to: S hanghai American School - Office of Admission 258 Jin Feng Road, Hua Cao Town, Minhang District Shanghai, China 201107 Fax: (86 21) 6221-2060 Email: (for scanned copies) Confidential School Recommendation Form FOR ADMISSION TO GRADES 6 to 12 Name of Applicant: _______________________________________ Date of Birth: _______________ Current Grade Level: _____ (as on passport) month / day / year To Principals or Designee: The above mentioned student is applying for admission to Shanghai American School, a college preparatory, English-language international school in Shanghai, China. We appreciate the time you spend completing this confidential form, and request that the person most knowledgeable about the student respond to the questions below. The checklist helps us evaluate areas of general interest. Your candid evaluation of the applicant will be of great value to the Admission Committee. All information shared is considered confidential and disclosed only to the Admission Committee and other school personnel as deemed necessary by the Office of Admission. Outstanding Above Average Average Below Average Not Applicable Motivation Attitude Participation Achievement Reaction to criticism Self confidence Concern for others Reaction to setbacks Personal conduct Personal integrity General emotional stability General level of maturity Sense of humor Perseverance 1. Is the student in good standing and eligible to re-enroll in your school in the next grade level? □ Yes □ No 2. Has any disciplinary action ever been taken on the student? □ Yes □ No 3. Has any disciplinary action involved alcohol or drugs? □ Yes □ No 4. Are parents cooperative? □ Yes □ No 5. Please provide your assessment of the student’s integrity: _____________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. Please describe the student’s relationships with peers: ________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. Please describe the student’s interactions with adults: ________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. Please describe any disciplinary issues pertaining to this student: _______________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. Please tell us anything else you can about the student that will help us understand him or her better as a student and as a person: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name of Applicant: _________________________________________________ (as on passport) 10.Did your school make any special accommodations for this student? □ Yes □ No If yes, please explain in detail: ____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11.Has the student missed more than 10 days of school during any school year? □ Yes □ No If yes, please explain in detail:____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 12.How long have you known the student? ________ Would you be willing to discuss this student with us? □ Yes □ No I recommend this applicant for admission to Shanghai American School with great enthusiasm with confidence with reservation I do not recommend Print Name ______________________________________________ Title _______________________________________________ School Name ____________________________________________ School Phone Number ________________________________ Evaluator’s Signature ______________________________________ Date (mm/dd/yy) _____________________________________ Email Address ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Comments: (please feel free to add any comments here) ________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please return this form to: S hanghai American School - Office of Admission 258 Jin Feng Road, Hua Cao Town, Minhang District Shanghai, China 201107 Fax: (86 21) 6221-2060 Email: (for scanned copies) Confidential English Teacher Recommendation Form FOR ADMISSION TO GRADES 6 to 12 Name of Applicant: _______________________________________ Date of Birth: _______________ Current Grade Level: _____ (as on passport) month / day / year To the English Teacher: The above mentioned student is applying for admission to Shanghai American School, a college preparatory, English-language international school in Shanghai, China. Your recommendation is helpful to our placement process. We appreciate the time you spend completing this form. Your candid evaluation of the applicant will be of great value to the Admission Committee. All information shared is considered confidential and disclosed only to the Admission Committee and other school personnel as deemed necessary by the Office of Admission. Outstanding Above Average Average Below Average Not Applicable Shows academic potential Ability to express original and creative thought Writing conventions are strong Writes with fluency Reading ability Speaks fluently Intellectual curiosity Motivation Attitude Participation Takes risks Reaction to criticism Self confidence Personal integrity General emotional stability General level of maturity 1. How long have you known the student? ___________________________________________________________________ 2. List the courses you have taught the student and indicate the level of difficulty (accelerated, honors, or regular): _______ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Please describe the student’s performance in the following areas: Quality of work: ________________________________ Leadership skills: ____________________________________ Peer interactions: ____________________________________ Faculty interactions: _________________________________ Academic strengths and weaknesses: __________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Does this student have □ above grade-level, □ grade-level, □ below grade-level English skills? Please explain in detail if below grade-level: ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Is this student currently enrolled in an ESL (English as a Second Language)/ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) program? □ Yes □ No If yes, what is the student’s level of proficiency? _________________________________ Please explain:_________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. If this student is in a school without English as the language of instruction, how many hours of English instruction per week does the student receive? ______________________; how many years has the student studied English? _________ 7. Did your school make any special accommodations for this student? If yes, please explain in detail: _________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name of Applicant: _________________________________________________ (as on passport) 8. How would you rate this student? As a person (circle one): Above average As a student (circle one): Above average Average Average Below average Below average I recommend this applicant for admission to Shanghai American School with great enthusiasm with confidence with reservation I do not recommend Print Name ______________________________________________ Professional Title _____________________________________ School Name ____________________________________________ School Phone Number ________________________________ Evaluator’s Signature ______________________________________ Date (mm/dd/yy) _____________________________________ Email Address ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ______________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Comments: (please feel free to add any comments here) Please return this form to: S hanghai American School - Office of Admission 258 Jin Feng Road, Hua Cao Town, Minhang District Shanghai, China 201107 Fax: (86 21) 6221-2060 Email: (for scanned copies) Confidential Mathematics Teacher Recommendation Form For admission to grades 6 to 12 Name of Applicant: _______________________________________ Date of Birth: _______________ Current Grade Level: _____ (as on passport) month / day / year To the Mathematics Teacher: The above mentioned student is applying for admission to Shanghai American School, a college preparatory, English-language international school in Shanghai, China. Your recommendation is helpful to our placement process. We appreciate the time you spend completing this form. Your candid evaluation of the applicant will be of great value to the Admission Committee. All information shared is considered confidential and disclosed only to the Admission Committee and other school personnel as deemed necessary by the Office of Admission. List the courses you have taught the student and indicate the level of difficulty (accelerated, honors, or regular): ____________________________________,_____________________________________,_______________________________ By the end of this academic year, this student will have completed (please check all appropriate boxes): o Mathematics course o A full year Algebra II course o Mathematics course with approx. ½ Pre-Algebra or Algebra o including Trigonometry o A full year Algebra course o Pre-Calculus, which includes analytic trigonometry oincluding quadratics solved by factoring o Calculus o including quadratics solved by formula oAdvanced Placement AB o A full year Geometry course oAdvanced Placement BC o IGCSE o MYP (6, 7, 8, 9, 10) o Other____________________________(please describe) Please list current course textbook and author. How much of the text will be/was completed by the end of the school year? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Which math course would be the most appropriate for this student next year? ______________________________________ Please evaluate the student’s ability in relation to other students of the same age/grade you have taught. Please check the appropriate box for each item below. Outstanding Above Average Average Below Average Not Applicable Academic potential Knowledge of basic skills Accuracy in use of basic skills Problem-solving ability Reasoning ability Understanding of the underlying ideas and concepts Willingness to accept the challenges of the more difficult problems and exercises Command of mathematics when compared to other students whom you have taught Effort Overall performance If the student is weak in any area listed above, please elaborate or add any additional information: ____________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Did your school make any special accommodations for this student? If yes, please explain in detail: ___________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please check those areas that the student has or will have studied by the end of this school year, and indicate the depth at which the topic has been studied. Mastery Linear Equations and Linear Functions Graphing Linear Functions Algebra 1 Solving Systems of Equations Quadratic Functions and Equations, with graphing Factoring Binomials and Trinomials The Quadratic Formula Operations on Rational Expressions Competence Acquaintance Name of Applicant: _________________________________________________ (as on passport) Mastery Competence Acquaintance Parallel and Perpendicular Lines Congruent Triangles Quadrilaterals Angles in Polygons Similar Figures Circles Geometry Areas of Polygons and Circles Areas and Volumes of Solids Coordinate Geometry Transformations Right Triangle Trigonometry Pythagorean Properties Constructions Formal Proof Use of Geometer’s Sketchpad or similar software Laws of Exponents Exponential and Logarithmic Functions, Base 10 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions, Base e Adv. Algebra Inequalities Matrices Conic Sections Use of graphing calculator: model:___________ Sequences and Series (Arithmetic and Geometric) Law of Sines and Cosines Trigonometry Trigonometric Functions, including graphing Solving Trigonometric Equations Trigonometric Identities and Formulae How long have you known the student? __________ I recommend this applicant for admission to Shanghai American School o with great enthusiasm o with confidence o with reservation o I do not recommend Print Name ______________________________________________ Professional Title _____________________________________ School Name ____________________________________________ School Phone Number ________________________________ Evaluator’s Signature ______________________________________ Date (mm/dd/yy) _____________________________________ Email Address ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Comments: (please feel free to add any comments here) ________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please return this form to: Shanghai American School - Office of Admission 258 Jin Feng Road, Hua Cao Town, Minhang District Shanghai, China 201107 Fax: (86 21) 6221-2060 Permission to Release Official School Records Dear Parents of Applicant, Please present this form to your student’s current school for a release of school records. All school records must be translated into English by the school or certified by an official translator. Faxed copies will be accepted for the admission process. Official transcripts/records and all original signed forms are required prior to your student’s start date at SAS. Date: _______/________/________ month day year School Name: __________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________ Email: __________________________________ City, State & Zip Code: __________________________________________________________________________________ Country: _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Telephone number: ______________________________________________________________________________________ The following student has applied for admission to Shanghai American School. We request copies of all academic school records for: Student Name: _________________________________________________________________ (as on passport) Date of Birth: ________/_____/__________ month / day / year Grade Applying for: _______________ Please fax records or email scanned records to the Office of Admisson Fax: (86 21) 6221-2060 Email: Please send the offical transcripts or records via priority mail to the Office of Admisson Shanghai American School – Office of Admission 258 Jin Feng Road Hua Cao Town, Minhang District Shanghai, China 201107 School profile or summary of your school’s grading policy/system. Academic records that include reports for the previous three (3) school years. Please submit the records in English. Standardized achievement, intelligence or aptitude test scores (if applicable). Teacher and/or counselor observations and comments (if applicable). Results of any special academic or psychological educational evaluations (if applicable). Health records or health concerns. Signature of Parent: 12 Date: / / month day year
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