HOW TO GARDE A WINDOW KEEP FOR COUNTRY. OR TOWN GIVING INSTRUCTION FULL FOR Garden Window AND Most A CONSTRUCTING THE ApprovedMethods for Raising Beautiful Flowers at Home. A AND COMPLETE USEFUL BOOK. New York: Publisher, TOUSEY, FRANK 34 and 86 North Moore Street. Entered according to Act Congress, of FRANK in the Office \ k of the Librarian in the year 1885, b" TOUSEY, of Congress at Washington, D. ( 1)1 CONTENTS PAGE INTRODUCTORY CHAPTER I. CHAPTER THE MINIATURE 10 GREENHOUSE CHAPTER HOW TO KEEP WINDOW-PLANTS II. FERNS AND 12 HEALTHY CHAPTER MILD 5 . THEIR III. (SCOLOPENDRIUM CULTIVATION ' VULGARE) .. 17 . CHAPTER WILD FERNS AND THEIR CHAPTER FERNS (SCOLOPENDRIUM CULTIVATION {Jdontiuued} vulgare) WILD IV. AND THEIR 22 V. (POLYPODIUM CULTIVATION GARE) VUL- 24 CHAPTER CHOSEN VARIETIES OF FERNS VI. 25 CHAPTER iv VIT. PAGE THE CULTIVATION 26 FERNS OF CHAPTER SUITABLE MOSSES VIII. CHAPTER PLANTS FLOWERING FOR IX. WINDOW CULTIVATION CHAPTER THE CULTIVATION OF SPRING-FLOWERING . . BULBS 33 .... 35 PLANTS PLANTS : THE XII. GERANIUM AND 38 FUCHSIA ... CHAPTER PROPAGATION OF FUCHSIA THE XIII. AND CHAPTER AUTUMN-FLOWERING GERANIUM XTV. 44 CHAPTER PLANTS XV. J CHINESE PRIMULA, OR CHINA 46 PRTMROSE CHAPTER CULTIVATION 41 .... PLANTS AUTUMN-FLOWERING . XI. CHAPTER SUMMER 31 . X. CHAPTER SPRING-FLOWERING 29 CULTIVATION WINDOW FOR OF PLANTS IN XVI. WINDOW-BOXES 47 How Keep to Window a Garden. INTRODUCTORY. As trial chiefly for the indusat aimed required no plainness of language of flowers, one in speaking but can hardly has little book my classes, the from apology me; help rising to a somewhat exquisite beauties, purer them in the dwell to forth with do the fc and so our the analogy me.nory to long as we contemplate have would them daisy" called drew remains, modest the their on gaze we as fain "wee which poet day, and will continue bedecks flower" "crimson-tipped the that as and woods, The As arise thoughts home. at us lay, a life-like,in to quiet level. higher and lanes written been present mead. God made the weed that and Architect; first we grows, in see the although in looking it the handiwork and garden, the humblest upon of the Great of Garden site of the exact Eden waiteth while everywhere, and Beautiful flowers willeth. spread out in a boundless man are varied localities are field for our and their as enjoyment, pure be obscure, their as revel in the the twilight of Childhood with is the youth; days when in we of yore" them behold can counted end ? as a Man recreations, which the the mere forest of type flowers. the and Let list ;he find we divine the it is and back wander us to blue-bell a*llhis efforts Almighty much for done the in has man in fall short placed within early daffodil, as of haunts and teaching ? without By what delight and daub-ihow, blooming but childhood always the monitors has companion. is its sweet moss innocence, delight to poppy of the grove, solitude the the loves fern the but sun: is corn-cockle The hues. in Paradise yet silence. Who mind they are fading, for no giving him enjoyable of the holy recreation reach of the humblest would first individual. In have addressing you a love fellow my for flowers working-men, ? If you have, I I think that ask lean 6 HOW KEEP TO A WINDOW GARDEN. Should your enjoyment from such love. that your love of flowers has been extinguished by a thousand drawbacks, I will do my best to rekindle the old On the Jlame. Perhaps it will burn brighter than ever. "ther hand, if you hare no love for flowers" no love for those tired of waiting upon innocent companions which are never help you it happen to increase result from sheer blindness must ignorance. I w"uldtaskyou to reflect. An hour spent in sweet communion is worth hundreds spent in dissipation. Most earnestlydo I entreat enter to this beautiful department of nature, not you us" this merely as spectators, but as possessors. I would infuse into your that receire when reading of the gorgeous cities,where festoons of beautiful flowere the up ronnd creep along the quaint balconies, and shoot doors and curious windows; where luscious fruit,hanging in the rosy sunshinn, wantonly crush their delicacies on the lips of the dark-eyed Eastern beauties. The atmosphere of our of such enjoyments; smoky habitations forbids the existence be held for embellishment but reasonable out the of hope may windows of all dwellings,however situated,to be decorated form of vegetation. In crowded cities where the with some dwellers may nearlyshake hands with one another across the the genial street that divides their habitations,where narrow the impuritiesof the penetrate, and where rays of the sun never air offend the dullest sense, a few plants in the windows help have to neutralize these facts; and we exhausti only to search the inthe Creator treaiure with which has clothed the universe to fnrnish us with something beautiful for our windows. What a health-giving pleasure lies before us, free for the participationof all; a cup forever overflowingwith all that is lovelyis held toward us ever by untiringhands, and howfreelywe may drink of it,no grudge awaits our draught, for the love of our Creator for us is infinite. In advocating the culture of window-plants as a source from which no little enjoyment can be received,I am fully that all those who live in large towns aware labor under It is no dreamy minds such as we splendor of Eastern pleasure cent to enter with any spiriton this innomany disadvantages, and instructive To the recreation. greatest many obstacle is knowledge how to grow window-plants, and the want of convenient windows for their cultivation. If these I might give up the task obstacles could not be overcome, of leadingyou forward to Flora's temple; but when thousands the most under known in the most are unlikelylocalities, her adverse little pleasure from circumstances, to cull no to place bounteous gifts,it gives me the greatest assurance method before you a practical for acquiringa cultural knowltoo HOW KEEP TO edge of plants,and for their cultivation. especiallyto adapt FOR If I did not know WINDOW A TOWN AND that certain 7 GARDEN. windows convenient COUNTRY. plants, with littlecare in windows to grow attention, might be made where of the blue vault of heaven light from straggling rays toned down to a dingy hue, as well as in mansions where lawns stretch undulatinglyaway to the far-off hills,and a and the are fair brageous um- in the open trees wave it I sunshine, depend upon have this task. undertaken The greatest doubt never would with which mind is possessed, is to be able to persuade the subject to begin the cultisome are on vation very dubious of window-plants" those who in the can see no beauty quiet enjoyment of a pipe and a glass of home-brewed by their own window-side, but leave ailfor the tinsel happiness of the noisy tavern. solaced with the But, after all,I am service to those thought that my littlebook may be of some my who who have Under already joined the pursuit of floriculture present however florist, circumstances, the much he artisan, as a recreation. humble flowers at or have the love of restrained ambition to grow few a affords little scope for plants,from the fact that his window their cultivation. At the best of windowthe cultivators have but for two room three specimens, which or plants are either placed on the window or brackets sill, on higher up the window, circumstances which almost bid defiance to any training of a plant except a one-sided specimen. Then, again,the plants are continuallyreceiving the dust of the the full glare of gas by with household, which, combined night, very soon a sicklyappearbringsthe plants to assume ance, considerable and attention on the part care entailing of the cultivator to keep them in a healthy condition. That at why the cultivators being the case, it is not to be wondered of window-plants proceed with the pursuit in a blow hot, blow the markets cold sort of way. When are teeming with the attributes of spring, they are induced to purchase a plant or two. Exultingly the plants are carried home, assigned the sunniest place in the window, and duly killed with kindness, the window without a remaining for the rest of the season of vegetation. semblance Therefore, the horticulturist who would cater to spread a taste for window gardening, ought to have his attention arrested by these existingcircumstances, and beside giving the household florist a knowledge how the plants he to grow seeks to cultivate,it would be well at the same time to show him some of the construction window which would heart, is much may in his 8 HOW TO KEEP A WINDOW GARDEN. give greater facilities to the cultivation of plants, and also of the drawbacks mentioned. This I have obviate some before to do notice the window endeavored by bringing your miniature or greenhouse, which will not only be found admirably adapted for the cultivation of a few plants all the to the mansion as well as year round, but also an ornament will found be the cottage. The miniature more greenhouse convenient and better adapted for growing plantsthan either the glass shade, which are the aquarium or continuallyin the way, and require great attention in keeping clean and tit But the greenhouse being attached to the to be looked at. is out of the way; outside of the window the plants get more easier are and more examined, air; they securely shut off" air and dust of the household. from the! gaseous Besides, the miniature greenhouse,when adorned with a few plants, the prospect of many would mend a dwellingby blockingout which is certainlynot the least of its adoffensive objects, vantages I take no credit to greenhouse. myself for the invention of the miniature In the western for several years. parts of Scotland they have been in use while running And it was barefoot reluctantlyto school, in the old town of Edinburgh, some that of I first these ingenisaw one twenty years ago, our contrivances. I had a school companion, whose father was a shoemaker, and there was no greater delight for me than to go with my companion and watch his father fashion the shoe upon the last. And but yesterday since I it seems heard the song of the blackbird that hung in a wicker cage the window, and which was near always merriest when the shoemaker beat the leather with his flat-headed hammer. Then, too, as if not to be behind the blackbird, would the to dance to the beat of plants in the littlegreenhouse seem the hammer. I was just chin-tall enough for the windowthat and to my sill, young mind what mystery hung around And I which earnestlygazed. fairy-looking dwelling,into within me to inquire of awakened although no impulse was the shoemaker how he came to think of his littlegreenhouse, where he had drawn or his pattern from, yet impressions were indeliblymade. And now, in looking back through the telescope of the come mind, those far-off landscape, belike a impressions, the blackbird, and visible" the shoemaker, distinctly the littlegreenhouse, stand out in bold relief. And where was attached to the outthis littlegreenhouse, think you ? It was slde"-ofa back window five stories high. And whether it was intended to shut out offensive objects, or as a hobby, it is no matter; there it was, givingpleasureto the shoemaker, who HOW TO KEEP A WINDOW 9 GARDEN. I even earth. on happiest man be a shoemaker, myself would somehow But and have a blackbird and a littlegreenhouse. easier to change than the garments of the mind are or other for me time those of the body ; and when to leave it became than I maker sooner wanted, the happy shoeno school, which was ing excitand his dwelling gave way to objectsof a more the to my Imagination,was far as to say that I went so nature. will think Some that the shoemaker for each and the littlegreenhouse other 30 they are eminently adapted and give up hope, thinkingthat the plants could not sustain That's a false life,from the attention they could give them. are " " if suffered to remain corrodes fully Plants will sustain lifewonderthe best of intentions. with but littleattention, even they themselves will struggle for an existence, and it is only when become ral unnatuwe in our that they sometimes of them leave us. treatment I have seen in where I have windows could burst some plants and gone to work into the house for the sake of those plants had accumulated their on by washing off the dust which I in could have put away some leaves; others out-of-the-way for to well rest a assured, when being corner, quietiy season, with double awakened, they would bud, shoot and bloom fear begotten from hesitation,which vigor. also noticed the uncomfortable positionof plants in when I have them windows. And with seen a great many their leaves pressed hard against the window frames, I have been his reminded of nose a boy pressing always againstthe of a confectioner's window shop, as eager to get in as the plants were to get out. You may be sure, that when the leaves of the plant are pressing against the window, that the habit of the plant is spoilingfast; the leaves which lean against the glass not only hurt themselves, but they also prevent the in the light from reaching other parts of the plant, which the to be their become as as near light struggle neighbors I have very much attenuated, presenting plenty of leaves to the by, but nothing but long,bare, wiry-lookingbranches Now if those plantshad been turned round and then, so as to expose now cessively every part of the plant sucto the light,the branches would have become nicely and the the been outline of would have mired adbalanced, plants passer to the cultivator. much as the skillof the cultivator. all the sorts1 of plants which remember quaintance acmy the shoemaker had in his little greenhouse, but there was which one hung from the roof and which possessed This plant had roundish, great attraction for me. bronzy-green,hairy-lookingleaves, and it threw out a numas I do not 10 HOW TO KEEP A WINDOW GAEDEN. the sides of ber of red-like threads, which hung down over the pot and to the extremity of each a littleplant was tached attwo there were three other plantswhich or ; then little of the rested on the bottom greenhouse,strange,dumpyall and prickles points, and very seldom looking fellows, the fashionable plants of the present day. The seen among which shoemaker, I will remember, called the one was pended susThe others were from the roof " Aaron's Beard." one sorts of cacti,and a variegated aloe, all of which I or two in the same have since learned will grow flower-potfor year$, and require but littleattention beyond being kept clean, and season. receivinga littlewater during the summer hundreds of plants quite suitable for window As there are the culture, plan adopted in the following pages, will be Beside found to meet the requirements of all classes. plaining exof the miniature the construction greenhouse, and aid the of the greenhow to make certain windows, where house is not available,calculated for the culvation of plants, expensi they will also show how each may be adorned with a few inautumn and winter; plants in spring, summer, few of a and when these are done varieties how a with, choicer and somewhat succeed them. costlier kind can Having offered these few introductoryhints on Window Gardening, I trust that my unpretending littlework on this, of the simplest modes of cultivating one flowers,may find favor and indulgencefrom those who, like myself, cherish a affection for these warm dence precious giftsof a beneficent Provibut from and the who, necesssityof ; scanty means, dwelling in the confined streets of the metropolis,or other largetowns, find it difficultto gratifya taste as natural as " it is pure and elevating" one, in fact, that leaves no sting behind." CHAPTER THE MINIATURE I. GREENHOUSE. Given the cover, resembles, as near on as possible to my mind's eye, that of the shoemaker's described in the preceding chapter. And although I cannot recall any data regarding its construction, ventilation,etc.,as the opportunity of passed away long before I ever thought of taking notes useful facts,yet I have managed to construct ;such a greenhouse, which shall be my guide in the present instance. In offering I must request you to you these instructions, look back to the drawing. You will perceive that the picture does not interfere with the slidingof the window-sashes, and TO HOW that KEEP the ventilation A 11 GARDEN. WINDOW dwelling and greenhouse of the are pendent inde- which should not be circumstances the little modification sight conservatory is feet window 5 and 3 1-2 feet undergo. My high may broad, and the greenhouse attached to it is 3 feet high and 2 1-2 feet broad, with a frcnt elevation of 2 feet. The ventilator at the top of the greenhouse is merely a piece of board, hinged to the back piece,and held open by of a little hook and staple. In order that a constant means of air may be passing through the structure, several stream littleholes are pierced in the bottom, which be covered may left uncovered at pleasure. The or tom, whole, except the botis firmly dovetailed dow together, and secured to the winin the followingmanner: To each side of the window, en the outside, and close to the window-sill,is fixed an upright board, three-quarters of inch thick, and broad enough to lie flush with the outer an face of the wall. These more secure uprights are made by of each lost of means fit other" of, whatever a batten cross at the top, which tight with projectingarms brackets," as as to rest possible,and are upon, be well of screwed to two the should be made to driven Two home. feet,for the greenhouse bottom sill of the window. This being done, the greenhouseis lifted on to the brackets to them, also to the uprights,which, it must be of the breadth of the are remembered, part greenhouse. Therefore for them allowance be made must an accordingly. If all the foregoing details are done in a workmanlike and screwed the stoutest gale will disturb the miniature it yourself, any cannot construct greenhouse. will furnish with such respectablejoiner a one as I have you has cost me described,at a very small price. My own nearly ten dollars ; but could be made stillcheaper. they with bow-windows to me to be well seem Dwelling-houses the where adapted for the cultivation of flowers. And could be spared, the bow-window, with little expense, recess might be converted into an elegant little greenhouse: For such a purpose all that is required is merely a little wooden for the plants to stand or wire and curtain a stage upon, hanging square with the room, to shut the plants off'at night from the gaseous air, or when The dusting the apartment. be in the constructed stage might followingmanner: The shelf of the stage should be about feet from two the floor,and placed so that one end would be at the center of the window, and the other nearly square with the room. Thejothershelves of the stage, should rise by steps from the window. center one, to each side of the One center shelf, manner, But if you never 12 HOW TO KEEP A WINDOW GARDEN. three or four others running from it to each side of the ot window, would give the cultivator space for the purpose of plants. And by constructing the stage growing a number ened darknot be so much the apartment would in this manner, allowed to stand fair before the as if the plants were doubt be No found window. some people are to altogether from in the the plants window, against having very reason be darker that the already dark apartment would still. But would this darkness, dreaded by them, not be akin to the full sweet were gloom of the forest;or again,if the windows of the noonday sun, would it not be better to let the fierce into the dwelling by flickering rays of that luminary be subdued ing through gracefulfronds and fragrantflowers,than drawbeautiful be ? What artificial blinds, however they might blind could be compared to that natural one, which presents field for change and recreation ? such a boundless With regard to window-boxes, a great many people secure little pleasure in growing a few flowers in boxes no placed outside of the window, and that enjoyment might be increased greatlyby protectingthe flowers from the scorching heat of and heavy rains. for that purpose have only the sun And we to copy the shop-keeper in his efforts to prevent the sun from windows. the in bis How much wares more fortable comspoiling the plants would feel,we need hardly say, while in these extremities,to be under the protection of a littlecanopy. For this,all that would be required might be had for a trifling A roller with a chintz blind, fixed half way sum. up the above the and two flowers, piojecting rods, just window, of each, to draw down with a piece of cord through the end window-blind fixture it to draw the blind, with the common blind The down of the and the is complete. drawing job up, of an evening, and in cold weather in early spring,would with of spring-flowering the establishment bulbs, much and also them into flower making sooner, bringing the season of them last longer. And by the same economy and be would materiallylengthened summer-flowering plants into late autumn" extended speak loudly advantages which that simple, yet in favor of giving flowers in window-boxes greatly prosper efficient, protection. favorite is the miniature But, after all,my greenhouse, other appliall it does, great advantages, over ances possessing,as is for window when it And neatly, got up gardening. and nicelypainted, using good plain 21 oz. glass, the little embellishes the habitation wonderfully. But some structure " Mr. or Mrs. So-and-So has got a greenhouse," may exclaim, We say that this is a vanity which should have with a sneer. no place in the greenhouse except for the flower's sake. HOW TO KEEP A WINDOW GARDEN. 13 residences where the apartments heated by hotare I see apparatus, nothing to prevent the miniature from greenhouse being heated by the same means. Hot be laid almost anywhere by experienced workmen, water can and a couple of inch pipes led round the bottom of the would sufficient heat to resist give a greenhouse, great and thus some of frost, amount of the more choice green house, if not stove With plants, might be cultivated. reference to of the the builders of cottage dwellings working classes, property might, by introducingthe miniature greenhouse on rent, and also be the means finishingthe house, obtain more of leading the dwellers into a more happy and contented kind to of life. What the a contrast existingstate of things, when their happiness, as it were, passes through a sieve shaken by their own hands, leaving nothing but lumps of for the rest of their clays. At any rate, the principle sorrow is worth trying. How cheerful it is to pass along a street where the houses have small gardens in front,and to see in the windows of those houses fuchsia or a geranium strivingto catch a a What a glimpse of the sun. heightened tone it would give introduce to to the miniature a picture greenhouse, gaily dressed with some of nature's simplest but sweetest gems. To pass along such places in winter, when vegetation may be said to be dead, how cheerful to behold a few of our hardiest ferns decorating the habitations;or in early spring to the sweet-smelling see hyacinth and the golden crocus ing. peepin the fuchsia with a hundred forth; or summer, drops, earand the geranium, so pictorial, fresh and fair looking all without within their dwelling, when waits the refreshing with shower parched impatience; or, in the eleventh hour of to see the last link of the floral year displayed in the season, the white and yellow chrysanthemum, and all the while sweet ferns interspersedbetween. What a beautiful trait of it is to give us innocent flowers for all seasons. nature To be should there sort mind of a a between co-partnership my the song of the bird,the bloom of the flower,and the mind of man. The flower's capital is innocence, the song of the bird is gratitude, but, alas ! the human mind is a selfish agent, carrying his independence so far as to care for neither t lie fragrance of the one the melody of the other. nor To of the the latter of beautiful flowers is mere display many dumb-show, and the sweet fusion song of birds a chatteringconand would ask how should such things help a they ; in the world? innocence is only for childhood. man on But there is something apart from the innocence of flowers which man might with profitmake emblematic of himself in In some water 14 TO HOW KEEP A WINDOW GARDEN. existence which ing Takruns through nature. lit up by the for example, who greatly smiles when man wheu darkened ill-fortune of prosperity, but he sun by leaf under the foot of his kindred. shrinks like a withered to consider the flowers,and try to Think you, if such were at all to smile to be like the snowbe like them" seasons" drop, flown has the to the forth snow north ere icy peeping ; their humbleness to measure by that littleflower,would their strengthlie in a withered leaf ? Far from it,they would be like " Aaron's rod." We can find a more likelyto bud, even the flowers. If we wish to be proud, type for us all among But if we wish to live have only to cultivate the poppy. we of the daisy, the primand be respected,let us be mindful rose, The last three live in melody of and the snowdrop. the poppy ?" But where is the rhyme that measures song. the strugglefor "Pleasures seize You like poppies spread, is fled." flower, the bloom Let us look at the mighty oak of the forest for a true type of society. See the lusty,sinewy limbs of the lower part. forth their to stretch meet How the brawny arms, ready they action of the stoutest gale, How they revel in their strength. See how upward, and join issue with gallantlythey mount those above, and they in turn with those still higher; each with the other making compact, and lending embellishment Yet from all parts of the tree saplesstwigs to the whole. to the ground. Hark, there's a crash. are continuallyfalling A bough, fretful-like at those above, and un beholden-like to aloof thinking to reach the summit those around, sprung without encountering the various crossings which lay in its path, is caught by the storm, snapped asunder and dashed to of the ground, without even being caught in the embrace friends. sympathizing But to resume more practicalmatter let me say, that with the miniature greenhouse,and a sovereign a year to spare household be without florist need the for flowers, never a It is week flower of the in even derful wonplant fifty-two. any be had, as I will show, what a display of flowers can for the expenditure of a few shillings.But before proceeding with what to grow and how to grow, a few remarks relating to plant lifein general will not be out of place. In fact,it is almost necessary doubt have plants As no to do so. many are the alreadv in their windows, of which CHAPTER HOW As with man TO KEEP I may ually. speak individ- II. WINDOW-PLANTS cleanliness not is maintained HEALTHY. to be next to godli- HOW TO KEEP A WINDOW GARDEN. 15 healthiness. be growing in the window, not be allowed to accumulate the dust of the dwellingmust should week week be carefully their after leaves on ; they and a littletepid washed and then with a sponge every now plants,cleanliness Therefore, whatever plants may ness, so witb is essential to water. In doing this,do not take hold of the leaf with the fingers with a pair of pincers,but let the footstalk of the leaf slip as in betwixt the fingersof the left hand, and the back of the the leaf lie on the palm of the hand. Then apply sponge In sponging the feathery until the leaf be properly cleansed. fronds of ferns the task is rather more Let a pordelicate. tion the of and with frond lie the the of the on hand, palm sponge moderately wet, press the frond against the hand gently,but do not rub the sponge up and down, and shifting the hand forward with the operation until the frond is finished. This sponging is to keep the leaf free from dust, and to wash fronds. These sects inany scalyinsects from oft'the leaves, or to the generallylodge on the bacfc of the leaves, near vator. midrib, and should have no quarter whatever from the cultiinsect commonly called the There is also another which is a great pest to certain plants,and if suffered green fly, to remain, will wholly ruin the plants. Spring-flowering plants,such as the calceolaria and cineraria, are particularly also the show geraniums, subjectto this annoyance; and the young shoots of the fuchsia,a3 well as other many soft-wooded plants are infested with this fly. The species mediately being rapidlypropagated,the insect should be destroyed imand of for this the is on no being detected, sponge avail. The best and surest way of destruction is to fumigate the smoke. non-smoker The plants infected with pure tobacco do this very effectually With in the following manner: may the stalk or runt of a cabbage, or any similar object, make sort of horn, and fix the narrow end the nozzle of a on the tire bellows. Then push a little shag tobacco into the horn, and place a small, red-hot cinder on the top of it,and tobacco on the cinder, and with the ventilators a little more of the greenhouse shut, and the window down to the mouth of the horn, blow the bellows until the greenhouse is densely full of smoke, in which state it should remain for two or three hours. has cleared away the When the smoke examine plants,and if the fumigation has done its work, the insects will be lyingon their backs on the leaves and round about, be easilyshook or perhaps not dead, but so as they can blown from the plants. After that has been done, sweep the into the dust-pan, and remains the execution is completed. 16 HOW TO KEEP A WINDOW GARDEN. have not the advantage of the miniature greenhouse must devise some other means to retain the smoke round about the plant. An empty box, or a largepaper bag be equally suitable. to envelop the plant would cleared away, the insects are the After fumigation,and Those who in flower,might receive a gentlewatering over head with advantage. to keep plants healthy by far I have shown how Thus what Let us see clean. else they require keeping them them in that state: to Air, food, light,training, keep included the first two under rest. and I might have food alone; but it suits the present purpose better for to be To them separated. keep plants pent up for weeks months air but what without and comes bouncing in any is opened, when the the door or whistling through is not the when to closed, keep plants healthy. keyhole way All our hardy ferns, all spring-flowering plants, all summer chrysanthemums, love to feel the geraniums and autumn in of the freshness fact,it is their very life. And although air; be said to be very seldom abroad the freshness of the air may in our largetowns, yet, by keeping the leaves of the plants able to breathe of what is going; clean, they are the more first have the opportunity of doing so, and but they must to the that frequently,to keep them healthy. We now come water. soil and food of plants" able to It cannot be expected that window-gardeners are attention to the food of plants as is practiced pay the same by professionalgardeners; though I must say, all books for the guidance of amateur hitherto written gardeners to think otherwise. of would lead one Now, in the matter soil know that the amateur is soil and water" especially"we in with the at a comparison placed very great disadvantage a certain strictness, professionalgardener; and to recommend It is the plants will not grow, is quite out of character. or certaiu certain soil to that true a plants require quite grow On the other in and be well ; in fact,we see that in nature. hand, it is as true that we see miscellaneous plants growing miscellaneous termed soil. be in what Therefore, to may meet the case of the window-gardener, the better plan would to the man, to the not the man be to adapt the circumstances him number of certain soil for a a circumstances, by giving dry, be plants,and by tellinghim to water the plants when it morning, noon, or night, unless when the plants are at plants,if not " rest. would be the most suitable and come-at-able, for all window-plants to grow in, can there is a hedge growing. in any localitywhere A soil which the most be found Go along 18 HOW root, beside TO KEEP livingon to the health Just fancy the fat of the of the having the GARDEN. WINDOW A soil,which is very hurtful plant. naked twisting between foot in a peck of soil,and a the toes, and having no power long worm I have to prevent the gyrations of the tormentor. heard of the window-plants have been people 6xclaim, when some doing badly, "I'm there's of that ascertain the fact. state for months. To at whether there be the ascertain root of the plant or a worm not, turn the plant upside down, with the neck of the plant between the ringers of the left hand, and the right hand on the bottom of the pot, give the edge of the pot a tap or two the window sill,and the ball of soil containing the roots on out. If the fancied worm is there,several little will come made all round the will be channels sides of the ball, and, perhaps, the maker will be coiled into a lump close to the side. Fork him out at once, and fillup any vacancies with a littlefresh soil. In re-pottingthe plant,give the bottom of to settle the ball nicely the floor, the pot a tap or two on If no channels or littleholes are visible on down. the sides conclude of the ball,it is safe to there is no and the worm, of the plant must arise from unhealthiness other causes. With ture respect to watering plants" the position of the miniain general, being a dry one greenhouse,and windows the plants will requireto be almost dailywatered, in summer, and all soft-wooded plants before coming into flower, are benefited much by having their leaves well besprinkled clean with water, two or three times a week, oftener if possible. sure a they have done nothing plant;" Thus in this the plants have gone on but at worm the root to " ing, brings us to the training;as the child requires trainthe Plants should does of the so plant. geranium type that be suffered to become never is,possessinglong, leggy, with a few green leaves on the top. Endeavor bare branches the to the pot, to keep plant as bushy as possible,and near This branch have another. no a over preponderance letting is accomplished by nipping off the points of the ybung shoots has been after the plant some potted in spring,and made in branches into growing; also, by leading any progress weak side of the plant. Nipping the points of the young other shoots, shoots induces the plant to throw out numerous the training of information hence the practice. More on This found further on, in the chapter describing the cultivation of the fuchsia. to the rest of plants,call it sleepif you We come now will, " chief nourisher in life'sfeast." The natural rest of plants it is more obscure. is discernible in some, while in others plants will be HOW TO KEEP A WINDOW GARDEN. 19 Thus we. see the trees of the forest,the hedge-rows, and the fruit-trees of our gardens lose their leaves and go quietly to try to shake them from sleep. Aud the rough winds may voice of spring But it is not until the sweet their lethargy. callingmelodiously for leafy boughs, that the sleepers are and fulfillthe divine mission of love. necessitated to awake Then away they burst, leading forth a gloriousbass to the Feathered choristers. son, Nearly all plants under pot culture require rest in due seaand that season i3 generallyafter the plants have done flowering. All plants that have flowered during summer, such as the geraniums of sorts, aud fuchsias, are rested by all through the at the roots being kept moderately dry In fact the fuchsia should dow winter. be taken out of the winand in some placed away altogetherin that season, there cellar free to until from remain or dryish frost, shelf, round. The plant is then brought forth, and springcomes of the old soil, the shoots shortened, the roots out shaken and re-pottedin fresh,set in the window, and away the plant goes on the journey of life. Just like the laborer, who, having gone through the operation of the toilet,after a good with renewed off to his work vigor; night'ssleep,marches him to wholesome food and habits keep cleanly requiring healthy,and we may add content, to make him happy. Thus we see ti" keep a window-plant healthy,the leaves of be kept clean; they must the plant must have plenty of air, and abundance of water be given to the plant during the be potted in a nice free sandy which must growing season, and then receive a little liquid soil,well-drained,and now trained The plant must also be manure. by pinching off the of the or shoots, points down; and tying them young whether the plant has fulfilled its task by shedding a or not few flowers, the plant must have a little rest after its exertions, which will be noticed in the remarks tion the cultivaon of plants in the succeeding chapters. CEAPTER WILD FERNS" THE III. SCOL0PENDRIUM VULGARE. the many varieties of wild plants that grow around in the country, none esting interour or far away seem more cities, than the fern tribe. Indeed, I may say that none are better adapted for decorating the miniature greenhouse. Their graceful fronds, like palms in miniature, are more i f blossom of the primlasting, they are not so pretty, as the rose; and although the greater number of the varieties of Among 20 HOW TO KEEP A WINDOW GARDEN. love shady nooks, yet there are varieties that some where they receive littleor no shelter grow far up on the hills, from the scorching rays of the sun, nor does the hardest winter their fronds. nip lonely Therefore,our windows being furnished with the miniature greenhouse, whether they partake of the dull aspect of the back slums the hot and or dusty be adorned and made cheerful by a few thoroughfare,may It objects drawn from that part of nature's boundless store. to give a long list of varieties to choose is not my intention from that would be but to confuse you with a host of hard which the daisy, the buttercup and the fern botanical names knew not until scieace christened them afresh; but to confiue to a few varieties of ferns and other wild plants remarks my which grow in almost every country ; also a few cultivated plants. And for the guidance of those persons who may have the wild plants some in gettingto the places where difficulty remarks, add a list of the grow, I will,at the close of my whole, with their prices affixed,and which can be purchased from any nurseryman. The first family or tribe of ferns that I would draw your attention " to as being worthy of notice is the Hart's tongue," of botanists. In searching for or Scolopendrium vulgare, that it will be found growing most this fern, remember riantly luxuthe spray by the side of brooks in deep glens,where in for and kisses it its comof the brook leaps up pany. gratitude be Methinks that it would cruel to part such sweet in absence of pine away friends"nay, the plant would there the is one of kind a little higher the brook. same See, to live with more that the bank, likely you; for know up plants, when transplanted from very sheltered places, from liable to die than others taken from being tender, are more lesson This is tion. cultivasituations. on a plant great exposed ferns " here let me say that if you wish the plants which you "todo well with you, you must wild homes from their gather less ruthcruel plant-seekers,who, in the most not be like some from the soil in which they are tear them manner, away and into tumble them a handkerchief, and found growing, by their lovelyfronds are all bruised the time they reach home When and broken. like,you you would you espy one which armed work must systematically.Having yourself go to from with a littletrowel, and a longishtin box slung your the plant carefully. If it shoulder, stoop down and examine in stones, fast embedded be that the roots of the plant are look for another that is less so; tie up the leaves or fronds about it with with a piece of band, and loosen the soil round not to come Be careful in doing so the trowel. any nearer And HOW TO KEEP A WINDOW 21 GARDEN. plant than three inches, and preserve, if possible,every have portion of rootlet intact. When got the plant up, you reduce the ball of soil considerably, and put the you may box" into tin would a mother plant your aye, as carefullyas the place her sleepinginfant into The Scolopendrium grows the cradle. in tufts, and in favored situations colored dark-green shining cording fronds, varying from eight inches to two feet in length,acto the locality. The fronds are of a stiffish, leathery in and breadth, but two nature, slightlyrecurved, varying inches at the broadest part, which is a little beyond the middle of the frond,may be taken as an average ; then they gradually to from the same a point; taper part they gradually decline in breadth to within six inches of the crown of the nates plant,where the leafy portion of the frond abruptly termiin a heart-shaped manner, and the whole is supported colored stalk or on a stout, dark-brown stipe. This stipe, immediately it joinsthe frond, is termed the " mid-rib," and the upper of the green color of the frond on partakes more of the color surface,but on the under it retains the dark stipenearly throughout. On the under side of the fronds a number of broad, parallellines,covered, in a mature state, with a brown sort of dust, stand out in an directiou oblique with the mid-rib very prominently. All ferns, with few a marked in various exceptions, like the Scolopendrium, are These marks the under side of the fronds. manners on botanists call son", and constitute,so to speak, the flower of the fern ; and from their positionand formation the different tribes of ferns are partly distinguished.It is not from any fancied resemblance flower that to the colored petals of a ply simconsidered those marks are as the flower of the fern,but from the fact that it is there that the seed of the future throws out numerous plant is developed. That brown invisible when sealmost parated dust, which becomes its kindred, to become from a living plant, might here is life almost from nothingness. Beside the Scolopendrium vulgare, there are a great ing advertisvarieties" one many very interesting nurseryman hundred different sorts. near a But there are only upon those two or three to be found in a state of wildness, and nut near ing followand two the so common as vulgare. That, said of the species found in to be be chief varieties, may a wild state. we not say from Scolo'pendriumcrispum is readily distinguished by having the edge of the fronds frilled much after fashion of the shirt front of former grandfathers still stick to with our days, and which some gare, vulthe ot great tenacity. Indeed, 22 a KEEP A GARDEN. WINDOW of a glossywhite instead variety were lightglossy green, they would be a capital imitation if the fronds of TO HOW of this doubt nature, in the firstinstance,as she does in many furnished the design of the frilledfront. more, is easilydistinguished from the Scolopendrium cristatum the the varieties fronds crumpled, tips of by having foregoing the wiud. tassels in This like so many variety, waving green miration, well as that of crispuni, displaysa great craving for adas in find miniature the and therefore oughtto a corner filled and The crested varieties barren of are greenhouse. fructification ; that is to say, they have no patches of so?*i on of their barrenness is imperfectly the fronds. The reason known more er high; but it is supposed that, like a great many in hidden .of who in the scale see no efficacy nature, up beauty, therefore expose all to the first glance. But it would be well if they imitated this little fern, and exposed nothing and no but their own ware. The name '\Scolopendrium,"which of ferns, is supposed to have been which the sort from the resemblance is applied to this genus given to it by botanists bears the feet of the tifically Jenny-with-the-hundred-feet,"which is sciencentipede,or termed Scolopendra hen"e Scolopendrium. But I the two, unless it be the fancied likeness between see no can which the oblong patch of brown sort bears to resemblance the insect itself. The aspect of these three varieties of ferns,taken in the in the whole order treated of,is the simplest genera of British that their fronds are more entire ferns from the circumstance than all other merous species;that is, they are not cut up into nuto other ferns a feathery wings or pinnoe, which give to " " appearance. CHAPTER ferns IV. (Continued.} hard northern nard fern, or common fern,or Blcchis fern next the I to which boreale of botanists, num It may be said to be the only attention. would call your wild variety that we possess belonging to that interesting group of ferns; though sometimes, in the search for this thai is,a variety across a decided sport fern, we may come with characteristics quite different from the common variety. of Blechnum with the fronds 1 have the gathered specimens The place at the point,like a fish-tail. or less forked more the bank of on where I gathered that singular sport was of the I have also where a country lane, gathered specimens The " HOW common xG xlGGl' variety,with length,having barren A VV'IlwOv, fertile mm is hvo fronds nearly two 23 GARDEN. feet five inches feet. I never in saw hard fern grow so luxuriantlyas it does in that tober"the that is,the month of Oclane; and in the present season fronds literallyclothe the bank with robes of glossygreen, when all around is brown and sere. Here, then, we may say that these ferns have been growing from time immemorial; and in examining the soil in which they are growing, we find it to be composed wholly of decayed vegetable matter, not boggy, but leafy and loose. And in looking at the position of the bank, with an aspect almost due west, slightly shaded would almost think by trees,one that the ferns would suffer greatlyin the hot summer months. But such is not the case. The roots being well covered with their own decayed fronds and other grassy matter, are always in a most healthy state; but take away that covering for a summer's shriveled and day, and the fronds would become brown long before their season, which you would do well to And suffer decayed fronds remember. to as we cannot remain about the plants, from their unsightliness, other would be devised which the same ends. means must secure A littlemoss would answer the purpose, and look well at the time. And if little round same baskets, also covered with could be procured to place the flower-potsin ,the moss, whole ends would be obtained. The common hard fern grows in tufts similar to the hart's tongue, and is possessed of two diflerent kinds of fronds, The former are evergreen, namely, barren and fertile ones. almost and of various prostrate, lengths,from one inch to three inches at their broadest part, and from six inches to twenty inches may be taken as their length. The lower portion of the frond is pinnate, while the upper is " pinnatind;" that is,the leafyportion of the frond commencing at the stipeis cut completely away at intervals varying in breadth according to the size of the frond,and toward the apex of the frond it is only partiallycut, not rib; fullyreaching to the midand the whole aspect of the frond is what is termed " lanceolate,"or spear-shaped. The fertile fronds,spring up from the root a littlelater on in the season. They are more erect and somewhat in front and in taller,but narrower than the barren not ones. pinnae They are strictly evergreen, and on the under side of the pinnae,along each side of the mid-vein with the sort, is exposed to view, a longitudinal similar to the hart's tongue, but darker in color. The patch, fertile as well as the barren fronds are supported on very dark-colored have a little groove channel or stipes,which the of the entire the frond on running length upper surface. the common " 24 HOW TO KEEP A WINDOW GARDEN. Toward the root the stipesare covered with a scaly sort of substance, and both fronds are extremely hard to the touch ; " hence the very appropriate name, hard fern." common I have now well I know guage, as explained, as how, in plain lanthe chief characteristics of the foregoing ferns,and would willingly lead 3Tou further afield;but that field is so wide and full' of objects,that I am almost placed in the same had thousand dresses to a predicament as the lady who choose under the painful necessity of from, and who was of the "day in considering the frittering greater part away to put on ; and who, when which no dressed, had sometimes little mortification in thinking that she might have looked have I much had a better in something else. And though to do in choosing the wherewithal to good deal of frittering dress the miniature greenhouse,yet I hope to have none of that lady'smortification; but, before stepping away from the ferns of our woods, let me point out, in the next chapter, another group as being well worthy of attention. CHAPTER wjld ferns V. (Continued.) ists. polypod, or Polypodium vidgare of botan" " the final e" to which vulgare" requires be sounded, is very often applied scientifically to plants to denote that they are common, just as the word vulgar is individuals to who are rude and boorish in commonly applied and common their manners, But the sense enough they are. in each case is rather different. If it were kind applied to manattached the little to with the same is fern, meaning as should all be vulgar, which is too sweeping a conclusion ; we and it would be a great pity if the fern could mend its commonness, but a great blessingit the majority of men would The common The word mend their manners. The common polypod is a fern that adapts itself,and be makes of the various the most situations in which it may found growing; sometimes waving its pale, green-colored fronds by the wayside ; sometimes by the brook ; now hanging of and the the often bidding defiance to over abyss quarry, the storm lesson the high rocks of the hills. What a on might be read from the adaptability of this little fern. In tion describingthe Polypodium vulgare,I must call your attenhitherto been to a part of the plant on which I have silent,namely, a certain part of the root, which is a distinct feature in this fern,and more or less of all the other varieties that compose the group of polypods. Wherever growing, the stipes of the common found to spring polypods will be 10 EC. will be found a _ decided The greenhouse. Window A :_r v garden. ture acquisitionfor embellishingthe miniafirst claiming special attention is crested buckler fern. This Lastrea cristata, or variety throws out several fronds from two to four feet in length,gracefullyrising from a dark, scaly,tree-like stem. The edges of the deep green-coloredfronds being beautifully crested, give this fern an eleganceunsurpassed by any other noble a and varieties of hardy ferns; and where striking cristata should be Lastrea is remembered. desired, specimen to the As foregoingvariety in habit and color, a contrast named Pulypodium auritum, or eared polypody,may be favorably mentioned; the fronds being a pale green color, and erect, bushy habit,breaks, but does obscure not the wavy outline of the Lastrea. which would nearly correspond with named Adiantum the two is ferns, capillas foregoing fern. is So delicate this little veneris, or the maiden-hair fern in the structure and graceof the fronds and lealilets, fulness with the refreshing greenness of habit, combined which the leaflets possess, as to entitle this fern to a prominent collections. With the Lastrea cristata all in position the Polypodium auritum as a back-ground, and placed in of in front that, a beautiful bank front, with the maiden-hair of moss is placed before of ferns is formed; and when a pan the ferns,the group is worthy the pencilof the artist. great favorite Another CHAPTER CULTIVATION THE The foregoing VII. varieties OF FERNS. ferns,as well as many more by giving them a little shelter and by keeping drought from of easilygrown the hot summer from sun, well will their roots; they repay any other littleattention will also be found bestowed. The varieties before mentioned in a loose, leafysoil,with a good sprinkto luxuriate most ling be in nature of silver-sand,and when must pots, grown the soil imitated as nearly as possible. On woody banks logged. and unhealthy from become sour never being watercan found ferns And are though some growing with rally great strengthby the side of brooks, where the soil is natuwill be be to found a sweet wet, yet that circumstance it The ferns in situations such as have, were, a fresh dampness. of food every instant of the day, and their appetite mouthful is increased Only let by inhaling the pure air of the forest. beside, may be become the brook with the what would same a muddy pool, shut ferns,growing be the result? The as in a in a up state of greenhouse nature, and vigor of the fronds for want HOW TO KEEP A WINDOW GARDEN. 21 become languid, and then a prey to all the rootlets under the double disadvantage sorts of iusects; while food and flaccid fronds would, in a measure, of sour be choked. be going on at.both Thus the process of destruction would ends, and if the plant did not actuallydie, a much dw'arfer Or take it in another way. habit would supervene. Let the abundance of fresh and be air, yet planted in the plants have would then be the ? what result However muddy pool, wantonly the breeze might woo their lovelyfronds,the roots would have no better action than in the former case. Their still make them food would less eager for work, and sour instead of extending to a numerous the plant would progeny to ifleft fall before the rush and the water eventually, nature, in for existence. the To cultivate the plant so struggle flag would be to cultivate it against nature; and all the coaxing be crowned in the world would never with successful cultivation, unless the roots also came for fair of share tion, attena jn and be summed that attention can up in a very few words" of the soil from becoming plenty drainage to prevent like that of the stagnant pool. eour know of good drainage; and however Fanners the utility to ridiculous it may some ing people to talk about drainappear to a flower-pot, or know, yet gardeners ought know, that that operation is as necessary for the well-beingof a plant, it is for the produce of the farm. The operation is not only as ture. necessary for ferns,but likewise for all plants under pot culTherefore I will endeavor to show you bow to proceed in that operation,also how to pot the ferns, and other details with their cultivation. connected in pottin"plantsare always careful to cover Gardeners the hole in the bottom of the flower-potwith a good sized piece called a crock, and the process crockof broken earthenware ing; then on the top of that they place a handful or two of smaller pieces,and over all a little moss to prevent the soil from choking up the drainage. As gardeners generallyhave plenty of broken flower-pots used for this be they are not up purpose ; but as you may desirous to break a new or even a dish, though flower-plot, it be cracked, a few oyster-shells will do equally well; and that is all which they consider necessary beyond soil,a little water and then, and plenty of air to keep the roots in a now In proceeding further to pot the plant, healthy condition. whether it be a fern, a primrose, a geranium, or a fuchsia,or, indeed, with hundreds of others beside,a sufficient soil is put into the pot, so that when gentlypressed down, it will support the ball of roots, and allow the stem of the plant, at of fresh air would 28 HOW about TO KEEP A WINDOW GARDEN. inch above the root, to be on a level with the brim pot. The stem should rise from the center of the pot, and the pot should be largeenough to admit at least an inch its sides and the ball of roots. of soil between The soil is down with the s ometimes with little stick a pressed fingers, when the pot is a very deep one, but in all cases the soil is made uniform firmness round roots of of one the the plant, leveled down and I was within half to to inch an going say, of the brim of the pot, but this last process must depend very much will upon the size of the pot; however, that distance suit whatever is cultivated in the miniature greenhouse. After pottingany of the ferns which I already pointed out, whether collected in spring,summer, autumn, or winter,care must be taken to water them, and in doing this not to wash the soil over the edges of the pot. As I have said before,in boreale speaking of a certain localitywhere the Blechnum the soil over with moss, and remarkably well, cover grows little basket. A the in skeleton of the same moss a place pot with* be made bit of and the inlaid. a moss wire, easily might The be placed in the miniature plants may greenhouse at be if the weather and the window posed; fullyexonce; but, sunny, the most simple method to give the newly-potted plants is to attach to the roof of the a little shade a newspaper an of the greenhouse. have carefullydone all that has been directed, the ferns and placing them in the miniature from collecting will know that the grated never plautg they have migreenhouse, the woody bank, to the from the country lane, from must habitation of man. keep them in that Moreover, you When state of they begin to droop and happy ignorance. turn pine, they are saying to themselves, " Oh, that I could rebeside the brook, under the tall to my happy home but feel someI might yet be well. Or if I could trees ! thing akin to the dews of heaven, my captivity would never with the same be mourned. I would then shine splendor, the smile of my and not be ashamed head to meet to liftmy admirers. But, alas ! I have no voice but my beauty, and that is fast becoming low and mournful. My captors have Oh, how I would shine if eyes, yet they see not the malady. 1 could but bathe in the dewy flood. I can them hear mur murI do not how it is over my departed beauty, wondering They have done everythingto meet the requirements grow. of my roots, who 'Why don't you eat the food say to me. which we send up to you ? We shall die, as well as you, if did not keep up our we appetite.' Alas ! they are as blind as do face is nearly as not see that my They my captors. black as their own littlerootlets." Now, ifyou HOW KEEP TO A WINDOW GARDEN. fresh 29 feels a to let them us partake of that good wash !" and would that they have a health-givingoperation, and remember We have to ourselves. only breathing apparatus as well as difficultit to and how becomes hand the the over clap mouth, their leafysurface is covered breathe. So with the plants when with with dust, for there their breathing apparatus lies, of the human outlets as numerous body. as the pores their plants to keep Gardeners have frequently to wash munity, them healthy,and window-gardeners cannot hope to have imif they wish to keep theirs in good condition, from plants this is a very tedious operation. doing likewise. With some under the at at work I remember, when Chatsworth, the leafy late Sir J. Paxton, being perched for days up among The plant says of the boughs as we say, have "How one plants in the great conservatory, applying a to leaf after leaf of good-sized littletepid water with a sponge be very carefully done, as the trees. The operation should To sponge the leaves of plants are easilytorn or bruised. and fitter task fronds of some indeed, ferns is a very delicate than the great rough to be performed by the hand of a woman be gentle if its hand of a man. the roughest hand can But owner likes,and the plant receive the compiiment with the same grace as if tendered by the hand of a princess. of a fern is to let The readiest way to sponge the fronds of the left hand, and the back of the frond lie on the palm with the rightapply the sponge, moderately wet, to the face the sponge of the frond. If the plant be very dirty, empty back of the The and then for a fresh supply of water. now be patient,and fronds are not so easilydone; but you must be sure to look well after insects, as they generallylodge on the plants in If you cleanse side of the fronds. this manner and then, and keep their roots from drought, now allowingair to circulate at all times through the miniature at night where greenhouse,and drawing down the window quer gas is used, the ferns will be found to contend with, and conresidence. the difficulties of a town the under VIII. CHAPTER MOSSES Though them are we SUITABLE have cultivated. a FOR CULTIVATION. WINDOW great many of mosses, yet few of state of nature, our own sorts in a but, as nearly mosses are exceedinglypretty and interesting, all the varieties require cool,damp situations,they are not iature of the window or the minso well adapted for the decoration greenhouse. Nevertheless, I have been induced to future time to several varieties,and hope at some grow As seen 30 HOW TO KEEP A WINDOW GARDEN. into notice. Waiving then, for the present, our in favor of one varieties of mosses, two or greenhouse is named the first that claims attention varieties, Selaginella of This toothed moss. moss when denticulata, or variety is the to in arrest sure and attention, greenhouse, grown be greatly admired for the refreshinggreenness and neat habit displayed by the plant, thereby claiming to be regarded of our specialfavorites. as one is a native of the South, yet it is Though this little moss bring them own hardy in constitution,withstanding several degrees of siderable frost,as well as the effect of excessive heat, and also conof combined with This, dryness atmosphere. easy makes it very suitable for the decoration of the cultivation, window the miniature the plant is or greenhouse. When very the nursery, in spring or summer, most likelyit will be in a very small pot, and to make the mo3t of the plant,it should be shifted into a larger pot, or shallow pan, the latter for choice, as it givesgreater scope for the arrangement of plants; thus, with the shallow pan of moss in front, with a taller plant behind it,and a taller behind that,a little bank of flowers is,as it were, constructed, which is always in the arrangement of plants. The -pan the neatest mode must be drained in the same way as a flower-pot,covering the holes nicelywith one piece of crock, and several other smaller pieces round about. In shiftingthe plant into the pan, the ball of soil about the roots will most likely have to be reduced, and if the is plant largeenough to be divided, into two or more pieces, let it be done, then plant them at about two inches apart in the pan, and taking a handful of silver-sand (which should be used freely among the soil)shake it nicely over the top, and give the plants a gentle watering over head. Next, place the plants in the greenhouse, and shade them for a few the top of two on days by placinga piece of old newspaper stuck into the soil in the pan. The or three littlesticks to in their progress plants will soon begin throwing grow, clothed little delicate branches with little out numerous Once the plant has fairlycommenced shining pointed leaves. it will very soon till the allotted space, and to grow, to hang down the sides of the pan, becoming a dense over bed of the loveliest green. The plant should receive plenty of water and in winter occasionally. during summer, gin On the approach of spring, the health of the plant may beof head ing becomthe dense to show tokens of decay, green is The then to make the best in center. a course yellow of the greenest portions of the old fresh plantationwith some as manner them into and start plant, growth in the same bought at TO HOW WINDOW A KEEP 31 GARDEN. previously described. Selaginella denticulata without ever seeing the next a little light. The sun will grow have variety of Selaginellaclaiming the tability attention, as contrastingfavorably in habit, color,and adapwith denticulata,is named selaginellaca"sia, or the This variety looks extremely pretty when blue shaded moss. of a the roof of the greenhouse. Being more suspended from trailinghabit than denticulata,the blue shaded branches hang stuck into the sides of the pot ; or, if a stake was down over form it would nice trained to a branches the soil,the being feathery pyramid. The cultivation of this varietyis the same tention. as the one preceding,and will well repay the cultivator's atI might add, that with this variety, it is better to from the plant before winter have the branches totallycut away to clothe as by doing so, the plant begins commences, itselfin new attire,and so prepares for the spring growth ol another at all,but of course it must year. IX. CHAPTER FLOWERING PLANTS FOR WINDOW GARDENS. revert to the beginning this section, I must of the year and call attention to the snowdrop" pale,but not timid in decking the copse and sward long before the natural approach of spring. Like the hare-bell and the daffodil,the suowdrop is nearly familiar to all,requiringlittledescrption hands at my beyond the mode of culture,which would seem simple enough, seeingthat it grows like the wild ferns from by the care of man, requiringno year to year, unattended of rest, and shelter from the hardest frost,but a long season be be said iant to that while kindred flowers may blooming, radIn enteringon in "Blow a glory. away," the snowdrop says sea hereafter." of The to them, "I shall bloom not to feel the soft snowdrop cares the gloriousripening breath of autumn breeze of summer, nor ; but, with an honest, unpretending ambition, it says, "Be mine forward Flora's train." And on they march the lot to marshal Battalion after battalion leader's grave. their modest over sinks like him on flood and field;and ere the tread of the last is heard trooping away, the dead leader is again about to He has never of snow. his helmet rise to put on yet failed cultivate the snowdrop, be like his part; and if you would and nature in your treatment, question the you need never resurrection of the littleflower. of The snowdrop, or galanthus nivalis of botanists, is one the earliest flowers of the year, and belongs to a very ex ten- 32 HOW TO KEEP A WINDOW GARDEN. sive family of plantsremarkable for their beauty. Solomon not arrayed like one of these" a lily. in all his glory was the members of of this lilieswhich be family Among may classed with the suitable for as the along snowdrop being miniature ment, treatgreenhouse,and requiring nearly the same be t he mentioned the daffodil, hare-bell or wild may and the latter does not belong the crocus. hyacintl), Though termed to the sort of third same a family,yet it maybe will never cousin, and it grumble to fare as the liliesfare. In the search for flowering is plants,much greater difficulty when experienced than ^lookingfor ferns,especiallythose varieties which which found and ever be are can green, all at short hardest of the frost. But transplanted seasons, with flowering plants,nearly all of which die comnot so pletely down to the ground after floweringand ripeningtheir to collect such Therefore is limited. seed. plants the season Thus you might at autumntide hunt, and hunt in vain, in the fields and woods, in the hope of findingthe snowdrop or some of the lilyfamily. No other member doubt, the little bulbs from which the leaves and flowers spring are there; but they to tell where Their have tombstone no they lie buried. flowers, and their long, narrow, grass-likeleaves have all until rise they again perished. So, up from the dark earth, it is in vain to seek for their whereabouts. The snowdrop begins to flower about the 25th of January, it fades, the crocus, and blooms away, leading forth,ere with its golden robes, to further open up the floral year. in primrose yellow,joins another And then the daffodil, link; mead when rich dews of bathe and the and May flowers,the with sheets of lovliest blue. hare-bell clothes the woods the daffodil, and the hare-bell,are The snowdrop, the crocus, themselves six sufficient of to make months of the year nearly snowdrop for chasteness, and gay with floral beauty. The other plants at a distance. the hare-bell for display,holds all our mountains of the heath the on Truly the purple gleam is a magnificent display of sober richness, and we in autumn could do with the whirringwings of the black-cock; but the of its purity, sharp crack of the breech-loader robs the scene it were, with a deeper stain than and dyes the heather, as that which belongs to the gleam of the wild hyacinth; the associates of which are altogetherof a different character. have For the whirring wings of the black game we soft, balmy breezes, awakening bud and flower,and for the sharp have a gust of the sweetest crack of the breech-loader we melody pouring forth from bush and tree. It may be said Hint the gleam of the hare-bell is the gleam of life and love, And and that of the heather the gleam of decay and death. 34 are HOW as much TO as is KEEP WINDOW A requiredfor one GARDEN. pot of each, aud these will thirtycents. Hyacinth bulbs cost from ten cents to dollars each, and are generallyplanted one in a pot; but, instead of burying them in the soil,they are kept much the surface. The pot being drained and tilledwith soil, nearer made for the reception of the bulb, which, after a hole is then about it,should have its apex the soil is nicely level round of above surface the Cover the soil. them little well a over with moss, and be careful not to give them much water until which will easilybe known root action has fairlycommenced, and the of the bulb swelling graduallyshowing the by apex points of the leaves. Water may then be given them more freely,and by and by you may place the pots in saucers, but do let the water remain not stagnant in the saucers, but out frequently. empty them until the bulbs have flowered; but Continue this treatment when the flowers begin to show signs of decay,gradually withdraw the supply of water, much in the same manner as and increased do not as do some it, people ungenerous you when they have got their turn served wholly neglect those The bulbs will repay you ing who iiave served them. by bloomwell. and floweringagain if you treat them Also be kind dressed in their full robes of beauty, by supwhen to them porting the flower-stalk with a nice littlestake,and applying the sponge and then to keep their long, narrow leaves now the free from dust. When bulbs, after flowering,have rested for some time" until them out of the pots July shake say and put them dry situation,to be ready when away in some round. the potting season Where there are a again comes the bulbs may few yards of land at command, be turned out allowed of the pots, and to ripen at leisure in the soil of the if wish of And to lengthen the blooming season garden. you those bulbs, such as the hyacinth and tulip,pot them at three four of in intervals" month a or apart" some September, say and the will be lengthened accordingly. There is season another way of growing the hyacinths in glassesmade for the These be the at can glasses seedshops. bought purpose. in this way The mode of cultivation is very simple. The glasses are filled with soft water, and the bulbs are simply of the glasses,the water placed on the mouths being allowed of the bulb. The glasses are then just to touch the bottom dark into the other until some or cupboard recess, put away, bulbs have begun to grow. They are then brought forth to the light,and the water, from the beginning,is changed now and then The roots are also very fond to be perfectlysweet. of having a piece of charcoal Those, placed in the water. varieties"named in the list at the end of the book will do for cost about two " " TO HOW A same time suceessional or at the same GARDEN. 35 be put to grow intended intervals,when at WINDOW glass or pot culture, and either the KEEP both may foi flowering. CHAPTER SPRING-FLOWERIXG XL PLANTS. link in the succession of flowering plants to the outgoing spring-floweringbulbs with the incoming summerfloweringplants,the Cineraria and Calceolaria will be found admirable for that purpose. But they are very subject to the aphis, or green-fly;and beside this drawback, the window cessfully hope to be able to tide the plants sucgardener could never the winter unless he possesses other appliances. over All this reduces the importance of these plants for window But those who culture to a minimum. lars can spare a few dolto purchase floweringplants from the nurseryman in early spring,may hope, by paying attention to the following hints on the cultivation,to realize a good displayof flowers for their trouble: In proceeding to buy a few spring-flowering plants,it is almost necessary for me to go along with you to the nursery. As very probably you will become captivated at the sight of some plants beautifullyin flower; and ere you have had them for a week with you at home, their brilliancywill have departed, and set you a sorrowing. Beside, I shall be the better able to point out to you a few other plantsworthy of notice. And have stepped out at the palisaded front of the now we of all sorts of plants are reared to where thousands nursery, meet the demands It is May, and of all comers. we are marshaled forward civil guide to the cinerarias. by some Oh, there's a charming one !" you exclaim. Yes, that one has been charming for some time, and the sooner ready to fade. See, here is one just bursting the calyx,or flower-cup, the crimson-tipped petals of the corolla. disclosing Buy this How one. interestingit will be to watch the numerous flower-buds that have yet to open, and imagine that you have done it all yourself. Well, certainly,the buds would never open unless you did When the cinerarias have got to their fresh your part now. must be compelled to cry out for water never quarters, they coming by the little buds hanging their heads, and the leaves befor the of the sponge. want And if you give dirty them nice lightsituation in the miniature a greenhouse, the plants will thrive,and the buds will open, repaying the attention by remaining in flower for a considerable time. As " a 36 HOW TO KEEP A WINDOW OrARDEN. We to the calceolaria, with its many come curious now little purses for flowers. What a brilliancy they give to the not full in flower,or it plant,yes; but you must buy one in the There is same may grieveyou way as the ciueraria. with its richly-colored flowers bursting the littlegreen one calyx. That one will do capitally;buy it,and treat it just as you have done the cineraria through the floweringseason, by tying them to neat wooden supporting the flower-stems stakes, not too crowded together, and the plants will grow and displayits pretty-coloredpurses to the be3t advantage. But, after all,what a deceitful thing it is to boast of purses when they are full of nothing but emptiness. What ? That hothouse covered are you looking at, now with canvas ? Ah, that is the den of secrets. No admittance there; that is where stems are graftedon to roots, and other curious operations leaves turned into plants, with many with the propagation of plants. Let us go to the connected Did you ever cyclamen-house, and look at the sow-breads. vexed such a sight? Oh ! you are in purchasing now see of some of these charming what you have bought instead modest in appearance. Is your cyclamens, so neat and calls upon it. so purse empty ? Oh no; but you have many last Their at this will be the sistible. Well, beauty is irrepresent. But will they live,then ? Yes, for years; and with littleattention, the littleplant will display for your amusement shuttlecock-like its little the loveliness of numerous The cyclamen likes plenty of water flowers. during the Afterward the supply may growing and flowering season. soil to be shortened; but not so the become as thoroughly and be the should in airiest the placed plants part of the dry, it will ripen months, where greenhouse through the summer About off its leaves, and lose them. August, the plants should be re-potted, not necessarilyinto a largerpot, but the soil,taking into a clean one, using plenty of sand among in this instance) root (calleda corm to keep the bulbous care leaves soil. And above the the as begin to spring up just be increased. the supply of water should from the corm In very frosty weather the temperature of the miniature to such plants by leaving greenhouse may be accommodated have retired to the window up of a night, after the household the artificial covering migh.t be thrown over rest; or some the link is joined to the summerlittle structure. And now floweringplants. But, for the benefit of those who may have the miniature a cold frame, beside a littlegarden, and house, greenI will let the chain swing a moment tle to tell them a litlaria, about the cultivation of the cineraria and the calceomore and be able to keep so that they may propagate these HOW plants,and TO KEEP A WINDOW GARDEN. 37 the expense of buying them year after year save the from nurseryman. Let a us couple of plants of each have been suppose bought in April,either seedlingsor named varieties,the latter Fire Queen and Captain Schrieber for choice for cinerarias, and Prince of Wales for calceolarias. and Cole's Gem After the cut flower stem from the plants have done flowering, in the them cold and which should be them frame, place placed in the shadiest* part of the garden; or the plants may be shady part of the garden, placed out -openly in some from getwith the pots restingon slates to prevent worms ting Be careful to water the plants through the into them. and by the beginning of September the cinerarias summer, several young will have plants or suckers growing round A littlesharp sandy soil must be about the old stools. now prepared,and a few small pots with a little crockage in the Turn the cinerarias out of their pots, and breaking bottom. to get the young the ball of soil nicely,endeavor plants away roots from the old stool with as many as possible,and young the in small one by one, pots. repot them, The young be placed under glass,such as plants must now frame in the garden, and receive a gentlewatering overa head from the rose(that part of the spout of the watering-pot little holes),and the frame shaded and pierced with numerous closed for a day or two. The plants will soon lished estabbecome in their new watered be to quarters, requiring every be kept free from day, needing also plenty of air,and must the green-fly by fumigation. By degreesthe plants will be for ready largerpots; and thus you may grow cinerarias for the million if you choose. On the approach of winter,the plants must be brought into the greenhouse,and kept growing and free from frost,until they have flowered. The plants in May. For this purpose may also be raised from seed sown tilla flower-pot with very fine soil,and sow the seed on the it little with soil. Place over a a top, slightlycovering the mouth of the pot, giving it a shady square of glassover positionin the garden,and attending to the soil with water. The plants will soon When come they are largeenough up. to handle, pot and treat them the same way as the young old from the stool. plants The different propagation of the calceolaria is somewhat to that of the cineraria. It is also hardier in nature, some varieties resistingseveral degrees of frost. By the end of several young September the calceolarias will have made shoots, suitable for cuttings,or if cuttingsare not required, the plants will be all the better for having them taken off', for as more another In they will make plants bushy year. " 38 ei HOW TO KEEP A rikingthe cuttings,filla WINDOW few small GARDEN. pots with sharp sandy the cuttings,which should be made in Take the shoots off below the third the followingmanner: and with knife of cut the lower a sharp leaves, pair away pair of leaves from the shoots, also the end of the shoots, the leaves spring from ; when this is close to the joint where done the cuttings will be ready for planting. With a little of the soil in the pot, and dibber make a hole in the center therein nearly up \o the second place the cutting pair of fix to the and care leaves, taking cuttingsnicely firmlyin the soil. When the cuttingsare got in,they should be placed for a few days. and kept shaded in the cold frame, watered strike root; they may then be planted, The cuttings will soon forward to flowering three in a seven-inch pot, and grown also be raised from seed, sown The calceolaria can season. and treated in the same manner as the cineraria. oil,ready 5- to receive CHAPTER SUMMER-FLOWERING PLANTS: XII. THE GERANIUM AND THE FUCHSIA. is strictlya summer-flowering plant, and both in winter and them summer decorating though we see the windows of the cottages not with flowers but with leaves, is illsuited to their nature. such a mode of treatment I can treatment to else sort that of the than ish foolnothing compare task the pedestrian sets himself of walking a thousand miles in a thousand hours; and ere it is accomplished, be to be said neither be sleepingnor waking. So with the may fuchsia that is expected to grow summer and winter; the to it in the winter, may be said to be like the water given and the pedestrian to keep him awake pinches given to pricks What is the individual tit for when in this state ? to his task. To load his stomach with food might lose him the day, if not but time his life; after a of natural stored, rest,vigor is partly reand the individual becomes for food both ready again and labor; and it is the same with the fuchsia after resting in due season. The fuchsia,like the geranium, is nearly everybody'splant, and may be purchased at any from the nurseryman time ; When but April or May is the best season for doing so. you the in. roots the in state examine what are plant home, get of the This is done by sliding the right hand on the mouth flower-pot,and turning the pot upside clown, give it a tap or out easily, If the ball comes two on the edge of the table. matted and the roots do not seem together but growing nicely,they are in a healthy condition. If the ball does not The fuchsia HOW come TO KEEP A WINDOW GARDEN. 39 to be matted, the plant is easily,and the roots seem been would have benefited is termed pot-bound, and out what had it been shifted into a largerpot. In either case shift the plant into a size larger pot, giving it a little richer soil than what it has been previouslygrowing in, and see that the soil round every part of the roots. down The soil U3ed for goes the bulbs, with a littleturfy loam added to it, will suit both the newty-potted plant a the fuchsia and geranium. Give the greenhouse, and if you good watering and place it in wish to have a nice bushy plant,pinch the point off the leading about two feet high,doing the same shoot when by the the lead. other shoots to have which seem the causes This pinching plant to become nicelybalanced with numerous branches, forming,as it were, a little pyramid. to pass, you must this has come When cease pinching, and let the plant have its will,and be sure at this stage never to suffer the roots to become very dry for lack of water; also be greatlyrefreshed by being sprinkedover the plant would with water every evening. the fuchsia will begin to repay you for your trouble, By July with a grand displayof beautiful ear-drops. You must then but do to water the plants overhead, not neglect the cease will the be for and a display kept up roots, long time. As leaves begin to turn soon as the yellow and drop from the water should be graduallylessened,and plant, the supply of the plant by degrees set to rest until the followingspring. The plant should then be brought forth,and all the shoots the year before which it made considerably shortened,but stillkeeping a pyramidal outline ; also shake a portion of the and re-pot the plant with fresh soil, old soil from the roots remembering to give it plenty of drainage,and a littlewater start into fresh life. and then, and the plant will soon now different in cultivation to the The geranium is somewhat fuchsia, which loses its leaves entirelywhen at rest; but that period is not so observable in the geranium, which retains a and portion of its leaves throughout the whole season, attention at the hands of the cultivator. requires rather more of has late increased The geranium in beauty, years greatly attention than the fuchsia, and if it does require a littlemore that attention is well repaid not only by the beautiful flowers with which they are adorned, but also by the beautiful variegated of the varieties produce. I would leaves which some advise you to buy the geranium in April or May, and pursue treatment the same in potting the plant as for the fuchsia; and if any shoot is likelyto take the asceudency,nip the side of the plant be always point off,and do not let one it toward the light,but turn and then, and Iherr round now 40 HOW by endeavor TO KEEP A WINDOW GARDEN. instead of nice,bushy plant. And like the fuchsia,apply the watering the geranium overhead and then the leaves free from dust, and to now keep sponge to grow a be careful not to allow water to length of time, as that will soon lodge on the leaves for any In winter, disfigurethem. the geranium is not actually at rest, yet the plant water at the roots, but the leaves should less requires always be kept free from dust. In very hard frostyweather, the geranium, or any other though tender plant which you may have in the greenhouse, should, of an evening be brought to the inside of the window, in case Mr. Frost should put in a claim, and cruellytake the lives of After the winter has been fairlytided over, your favorites. the geranium should be re-potted,not necessarilyinto a into clean If but shifted into the same one. a larger pot, sized pot, the ball must be reduced, great care being taken in doing so not to break the roots. In re-potting,have the had with the fuchsia, in seeing that the as you same care round soil goes down ber every portion of the ball, and rememof the flower-pot as to let the plant rise from the center perpendicularas possible. After the plant is potted,give the the soil over not to wash a good watering,taking care sides of the pot. In the operation of potting,a littleforethought should be given to that circumstance, which, if the soil fillsthe pot entirely, can fore, Therescarcely be avoided. soil half be inch let the about beneath the rim of the an soil the flower-pot. dry weather, such plants as the fuchsia and geranium, especially when they are pinched for root-room, will be greatlybenefited by having the pots in which they with artificial some are growing protected covering, the The flower-pot of itself is not for the ferns. same as advised sufflicient to prevent rapid evaporation ; in fact,it rather which we would in a measure aids that effect, now prevent, nature and conductor of of heat. a a being great very porous In summer, the soil the pot contains very soon becomes dry; and when think that the roots of the plant may be lying we of the the inside around must thickly conclude, when pot, we the rays of the sun beating on the soil is dry and the pot, suffer greatly, and in fact, they very that these roots must flaccid it the leaves of the plant; but cover in show the soon In very flower hot it into another, and the plant is able'to resist of drought. In the former a greater amount case, water would have to be given dailyto the plant without any corresponding the while in water two three or latter, good effect; times a week would suffice, and the plant would thrive better. pot, or pop 42 HOW TO KEEP A WINDOW GARDEN. then by few days, at first chieflyat night, and In three weeks the or so cutting degrees during the day. and be to be will have struck ready root, presented to your beeu on for a friend. host of other plants,may be propagated if taken at the proper season. With after this manner, only the convenience of the miniature greenhouse, May and for strikingthe fuchsia ; while June will be the best season .August will suit the geraniums of both sections" that is,the leaved varieties,embraciug all those zonale, or horse-shoe kinds which are chiefly for the brilliant coloringof grown and of white, pink or scarlet their leaves, having trusses as the show flowers; and the other section, commonly known varieties,and which are chieflycultivated for their magnificent with of which parti-coloredflowers, they are display months. But though cuttings adorned in the early summer be struck in August, yet the cultivation of both sections may different to the former. latter is somewhat the of plants in Say you buy a plant about the beginning of April; I would but I would courage ennot look for any flowers from it that season, the into and it to grow a largerpot, plant by shifting it made to branches that the rim all the as near down tying The geranium, and a of the flower-potas possible. line I would thereby lay a good foundation for the future outis the case with the of the plant; and as fuchsia, or to have other varieties of geraniums, any shoot which seemed the would nin the point off with my ger finof too much lead, I would check it,and at the same time and thumb, which of success a great secret induce it to send out other shoots about the end of Sepin the training of such plants. From tember, and all through the winter the should months, plant On the approacli of spring, be kept rather dry at the roots. the beginning or April" shift the fplant into a larger "say and give it a good watering. As the plant continues to pot, shoot to fill up the vacancy. By grow, try to lead a young to have the end of May, you ought a nice quiring bushy plant, reand moderate of to be free from a kept supply water, insects,such as the green fly" a great pest to this section of the geraniums, which, if allowed to remain, will check the the show of flowers. Therefore of plant,spoiling growth of the enemy, must the first appearance commence on you fire ot hostilities immediately, by pouring such a destructive the leaves that be he will tobacco-reek quickly among a paper bag brought to nought. To accomplish this,make the the plant plant, and while over big enough to envelope fillIt full of pure tobacco-reek, and you will soon lay the pests their backs. on " HOW TO KEEP A WINDOW GARDEN. 43 may at any time tie down, or of the points should be lead any shoot into a gap, but none time previous to the period of flowering. pinched off for some wish if the Thus, plant to flower about the latter end you of June, you must cease pinching at the beginning of May. Two or three weeks after the plant has done flowering, all the the which it has made branches ably considerseason are during shortened, In a short time after receiving this cutting down, as it is termed by gardeners,the plant, if healthy,will show signs of life,by the points of its branches becoming of time will thicklystudded with green buds, which in course become shoots, to form the plant and produce flowers young another for season. Some of those littlebuds may have to be rubbed off;because, all suffered to grow, the plant would he nothing if they were of thin wood, which the plant, in supporting, but a mass would be sure to hurt itself in the struggle. But if these buds are all rubbed up to three or four on a branch, the plant at food its disposal,the young shoots dingly accorhaving more and become of stronger, capable producing larger As this annual flowers,and in greater abundance. cutting of keeping the plant in a dwarf, bushy down is the means of years, the roots state for a great number also annually undergo such a treatment. Wheu the plant has been cut down, and the young shoots have begun to grow, the plant is turned out of the pot, and all the soil shaken from its roots. The plant is then repotted with fresh soil,but in a much smaller sized pot, in all the winter. In March which it remains or April it is again shifted into the former sized pot, and receives very liberal until the blooming season is past. It is then cut treatment and down from to so on again, year. year not expect to be able to arrive at the same You must state of perfectionin the cultivation of the fuchsia and geranium, have every bear upon to those who as appliance at hand the objects; but, if you persevere I see no reason steadfastly, why you should not cultivate the friendship of flowers than that of boon companions, who, when much sooner your is melted in a flowing pot, will assuredly fall last shilling from you like the leaves of the lime-tree in the earliest away breath of winter. True, the flowers may fade, but they die of they can sustain a semblance away gradually;and when friendship no longer,they do not cut you completely, but will lingerwith you until better days. That perseverance lead you to enjoy a greater amount of pleasure than what dow Of the bare winyou would receive with only the convenience for the cultivation of the friendship of flowers. In trainingthe plant you 44 HOW For better TO KEEP extension of than recommend A WINDOW GARDEN. summer-flowering plants,I cannot do a few more gold and silver variegated an have become as a class very fashionable it but is not that of plants,and are likelyto remain on so, account I go in for them, it is rather for their brilliant colored leaves. They, without a flower at all,are pleasingthe whole In early spring,and all through the summer, year round. beautiful. In autumn and on to the tints of the leaves are of Christmas, the tinted coloringof the the friendlyseason to come out more leaves seem vividlythan ever, impressing idea that the coloringmatter of the flowers must with an one into the foliage, means so have escaped by some beautifully and is it inlaid with crimson gold. Beside, the variegated geraniums will be found very suitable companions for ferns and other gracefulfoliaged plants. to be The varieties recommended not of the are grown must it remembered for be that this class of newest stamp, plants are of recent introduction,not from foreigncountries, the hands of our own but from gardeners and nurserymen, demand who extravagant prices for new sorts, which are and every sometimes no better,if so good, as older varieties, into whole lot of them existence. fore, Therespring year sees a the sorts recommended, though old,yet from their good retain a prominent place in the to sure characteristics are geraniums. They lists of all cultivated plants. named Mrs. Pollock, The golden variegated varieties are and Grieve. The silver Lucy variegated ones, Lady Cullum for a gold Italia Unita, Picturata, and Rainbow, with Model and bronze-leaved variety. Being of established repute, any vator. the attention of the cultiof these varieties will well repay XIV. CHAPTER AUTUMN-FLOWERING PLANTS FOR WINDOW GARDENING. back to the lilyfamily, and wish I come the autumn With letta Valor the to your notice the Scarborough lily, to introduce believe I I within that of botanists. speak purpurea home that or I when no bounds foreign, displays plant, say of flowers for so little management such a beautiful umbel led to say so, not only from I am as the Vallota purpurea. but also from a plant management, plants under my own for the last has had in his window which a friend of mine in the same soil, and three years, in the same flower-pot, and then, it has never now with but a little drop of water retained its it has beskle about failed to bloom August; beautiful,long, narrow, green leaves throughout the season. HOW TO A WINDOW GARDEN. 45 because cultivators some allow the long leaves of the plant to fall back to the ground and so become decayed, long before their proper time, and the plant thereby makes a during very shabby appearance half of the year. one The bulbous root of the Vallota resembles thicka brown necked onion, and the long leaves have nothing to support them but the thin scale of the bulb, which very often breaks, and down their beautiful leaves. so comes My friend prevents that mishap by wrapping a piece of soft paper round the neck of the bulb, but not too tight as interfere to with the gracefulhanging of the leaves. A good sized bulb of the Vallota,in a pot, may be bought at any time for about fifty cents. After in the pot in procuring it, let it remain which it had been growing, but wrap the plant round the neck with some soft material, and give the roots plenty of water ficient during summer, withdrawing the supply in winter all but sufto keep the leaves from the Vallota will flagging,and do well in the miniature greenhouse. I mentioned the chrysanthemum as bringing up the last link of the floral year; but I would not lead you to think that venience you could cultivate it to any perfectionwith but the conof the miniature greenhouse. The chrysanthemum likes plenty of fresh air,and it suffers terribly, if its roots are 'if had of land two a or Nevertheless, pot-bound. yard you attached to your dwelling,I can put you in the way of growing that plant so as you might make the miniature greenhouse flowers October from until Christmas. gay with of my readers may have a garden, as well as a Perhaps some miniature greenhouse; therefore,I will endeavor to instruct them how to proceed in the cultivation of the chrysanthemum. I mention the latter KEEP circumstance, the end of May, buy two young plants from the nurseryman, Jardin des Plantes and Ion as a as a white yellow, say, variety. Take them out of the pots, and plant them into the soil of the garden, and the plants continue to grow, as you must to the out so cause throw plants by judiciouspinching several shoots, which cught to be tied to stakes to prevent the wind from breaking them. the middle of August About filla number of six or seven-inch flower-potswith good, rich soil,and make as many stout pegs; then loosinga branch of the chrysanthemum from the stake, carefullybend it down to the ground, and peg the point of the branch on to the soil in the flower-pot;proceed in the same to peg down manner as branches as you require. many When the operation is completed, put a handful of soil on the top of each pot, and give them all a good watering, conAt 46 HOW TO KEEP WINDOW A GARDEN. be droughty. By the tinuing to do so daily, if the weather end of September the plants will have grown wonderfully, and established themselves in the pots. They may be then severed from the parent plant, and brought in to decorate the miniature greenhouse. Thus the two young plants bought in May, may be made dozen to produce two nice flowering plants by October. CHAPTER AUTUMN-FLOWERING PLANTS: THE XV. CHINESE PRIMULA, OR CHINA PRIMROSE. ration plant is a great favorite with gardeners for the decoof conservatories in autumn and though winter; and alconsiderable skill and attention is requisitefrom the time of sowing the seed in May up to rearinggood plants in of this can be avoided by purchasing a few autumn, yet much at that season the nurserymen. from After floweringplants the primula has to flower, the commenced plant requires little attention beyond watering about twice a week during the plant, winter, and picking off the decayed flowers from also avoid lettiug the pot stand in a saucer containingwater. its salverBy these little attentions the primula wili open flowers after the other the whole of one autumn and shaped the greater part of winter. The plants are very seldom kept after the flowering season. For those who have the appliance of a glass frame and a garden, plants may be raised from seed in the following This manner: the seed in May on the surface of very fine soil, well with silver-sand, in a flower-pot or shallow pan, and the seed cover slightlywith a little of the soil. The soil of glassplaced over the should now be watered, and a square mouth of the pot or where put into the frame pan, and be cucumbers or other tender plants may growing. In a few days the plant will appear. When large enough into very to be taken in the fingers, shift them one by one that in which to soil small they have pots, having similar been growing, and replace them in the frame. Attending to water, shading, etc., the roots of the plants be shifted will soon fillthe little pots. The plants must now the into larger pots inches across say from four to seven In and flower. mouths" in which ti.ey will remain potting the plants keep their necks rather above the soil than under in the neck, and bend weak it;and if the plants be rather Sow mixed " over to one side, support slickingthree angles, and them upright position by into the soil at right of the plant. As the plants in an little sharp-pointed stakes close to the neck HOW grow water. TO KEEP A 47 GARDEN. WINDOW they should be inured to the air, and receive plenty of By August they will be ready to flower. The plants greenhouse,and may then be taken into the miniature to their linal bloom. onwards CHAPTER CULTIVATION OF the protectionof With and drawn down over of XVI. PLANTS IN a screen the WINDOW-BOXES. or blind, fixed plants in inclement plants may With the above simple bulbs, such as the crocus, greater range tended be cultivated to the window, weather, in the a window- protection,the ing spring-flowerthe hyacinth, etc., the tulip, to great perfection. After those have might be grown flowered,the box might be replenished,by sowing or planting: a few pots of mignonette; and by May, the Tom Thumb scalet geranium might be planted with advantage. Even in winter the boxes might be made to look comely by a covering boxes. of mosses, gathered from off old walls or other buildings in the country. If it be thought desirable to plant the box with springfloweringbulbs, to make it look well, a littlearrangement in drops plantingis then requisite. You may plant a patch of snowat each end of the box, succeeded cuses, by a patch of croand one of early Due Tholl tulips,with three or van four hyacinths in the middle of the box; this will make a very agreeable arrangement of the plants,and will give greater effect than if the bulbs were ously. planted by each other promiscubulbs should all be planted in September or October, three inches deep, and the surface of the soil covered with moss over or sphagnum, easily procurable at the sery, nurbank is uot at hand. if a mossy In about six or seven weeks after the bulbs are planted, the coming up of the be looked for. Those that are peeping up through plants may the soil should be allowed to appear through the moss, and occasional receive waterings. In order to ward ofl*wet or the blind should be drawn the plants. over frostyweather, After the bulbs have bloomed, and the season be suitable for replantingthe box with other flowers,the bulbs may be taken out and planted in the garden, or in a few pots, or a hold them, and where box, or any article that would they could be placed to ripen off at leisure. Information having been already given on the subject of bulbs and other plants,repeticultivating spring-flowering tion is unnecessary. With regard to the cultivation of anThe about 48 HOW nuals, such TO KEEP A WINDOW GARDEN. the dow-boxes, Virginian stock, candytuft,etc., for winseed should be sown about a quarter of an inch under the surface of the ground; and when the plants should thinned come be out if a little, they be too up, they thick,givingthem plenty of water, and they will soon repay the attention by blooming profusely. as the HOW TO MAKE AN of the most delightfulamusements fitting stocking an aquarium, up and AQUARIUM. One The are aquarium is a tank, wherein placed" the one to consume and the other to consume or of the mimic day, is the fish-pond. vegetables the flsh and water and give out oxygen, carbon and give out carbon, in oxygen such In the proportions that the water is always kept pure. aquarium, by an imitation of nature, you have a miniature aqueous fish-pond, wherein the habits of fish and the growth of sublaid to the observer, so as to vegetationare open afford him The continual amusement. is a miniature the freshwater sea, and be miniature real to aquarium a aquaria, pond. Both, must have in themselves of keeping vegetableprothe power ductions fresh and growing, and animals alive,without the The few cubic feet of water necessityof changing the water. enclosed in the glass box remain to must pure from month life therein animal and the month, kept so by plant existing; salt-water aquarium of decay in the plants, or of the live inhabitants unusual is observed, it mortality among be taken is that as sure a sign something may wrong in the of the littleworld. structure or condition the aquarium, either of sea The which or principle upon fresh water, is founded, is the following: A plant immersed in water will, under the influence of light,exhale oxygen gas; and this oxygen and fresh-water it is that all fish and marine animals are kept in a require to sustain life. When goldfiish and so soon as any appearance die if the water not were bowl, they would soon continually the for exhaust from the small supply they changed; oxygen there is nothing to revivify the of water in the bowl, and indis from which they have extracted what is to them water an of plant-growthpensable element of life. The introduction however, alters all this ; the plants give out the necessary 50 HOW similar KEEP TO operations; fixed, it should once The GARDEN WINDOW A toward success undisturbed. entirely grand point a remain aquarium being cleansed and clear, the next is that, thing is of the miniature Sand bottom sea. first four be must of about inches, and depth either artibe introduced" ficial Rockwork must now introduced. material such as is used for the borderings of gardens, the sea-shore. A or pieces of natural rock, collected on the when the of of finished, deal aquarium, appearance great these pieces of rock in which will depend upon the manner form natural distributed and arranged. They should are the to prepare ground or pebbles, to the caves, the animals in which and conceal may juttingpromontories, one or more themselves at extending ure, pleasabove firmly fixed,by propping around their pebbles, scooped away the arran *ement be spared to make pleted, as of rock and water picturesque as possible,as, once comIn some be again interfered with. it cannot aquaria, is sand and dispensed with, and the pebbles this layer of pieces of rock are merely fastened with a little cement, or These rocks the water. them up with sand and No pains should bases. should be the placed loose on the slate floor of the vessel, on animals hide themselves of the smaller ground that some the shingle,and, dying there, infect the water; but, among be prevented. with care, this may even sures treathe sea-side visit is the time to procure several There indeed, are, for the aquarium. places in and other large cities where specimens of all kinds, York New be procured; but no supply and vegetable,may both animal make thus purchased can up for the pleasure and profitto be derived from collectingthe whole stock for your aquarium yourself, and the specimens thus collected may easily be brought, safe and sound, to the finder's inland home; for The period of shall presentlygive a few we this part of the task, moreover, the the sea is retiringfrom At low water, when directions. of weed-covered foot of the cliffs, leaving a large expanse rock uncovered, follow the margin of the retiring waters, for you must, in collecting with a chisel and hammer; armed the rocks, your specimens, avoid all that are merely lying on must You dead. of ten, are out and which, in nine cases weeds the are chip off'a little piece of the rock on which growing that you collect,and bring them away adhering to a piece of their native rock" though a very small fragment, as to cling to, will be sufficient, just enough for the weeds sea-weeds decaying have weeds no or roots. animals that there are no Take care the bits of stone; for if they on HOW TO KEEP A WINDOW GARDEN. 51 suffered to remain, and begin to decay in your vase, they collection. be the rain of the whole may choose In making your selection of sea-weeds, or algae, clusively exliner kinds ; the large coarse fuci the smaller and for the and the with too strong cover are aquarium purpose, delicate specimens slime in decaying. The smaller and more are frequentlyfound hidden under the shelter of the larger move rekinds, or nestlingbeneath rocky ledges. In every case that a portion of the rock on them gently,taking care Endeavor is detached to obtain with them. which they grow various colors and forms of as possible;for as many specimens of colors" crimson, the judiciousarrangement and contrast on and purple and and olive the appearance of your green, The litlte will aquarium mainly depend. purple-tinted pretty is exceedingly well adapted coralline (corattinaofficinalis) likewise the pinnate-leavedlaurencia. for the purpose; The Common Sargassum is an interesting specimen found the American The stems shores of the Atlantic. on are a foot or in length, alternatelypinnated with more simple branches. The plant is dark olive-colored,changing to red dish brown, upon exposure to air. The small pea-likeshells iloat the large which growing upon its stems are air-vessels, are " - of the plant in water. Fugus The Buck's Horn is destitute of air-vessels, but the extremities of the fronds are inflated,forming terminal receptacles. The fronds are from a few inches to a foot and a half in length,olive-green tremities. color,with a tinge of yellow at the exstems The Dictyola rocks, as well as grows upon the largeralgae.The fronds are from two to nine inches upon in height,green in color, forming a beautiful specimen when dried. There are narrow and broad fronded varieties, of the same The Dichotomous species. Peacock's Tail Pavonia is a curious species,growing i n where the is water and exposed chiefly rocky pools, still, at low tide. The frond is membraneous and spreading,presenting various shades of brown, and yellowish or reddish darker and concenlrical olive,which, with the numerous and lines,and a white bloom-like powder, spreading over less modifyingthe multiplied hues, renders this one more or of the most beautiful and remarkable of all our marine tables. vegeSeveral base in erect generally rise from the same or than two more spreading tufts,seldom or three slightly inches high,the divisions arising not from apparently growth, but from laceration,or separation after growth, the same concentrical lines being continued in the same curve through all the segments. 52 HOW TO KEEP A GARDEN. WINDOW Chylocladia may be found either growing to some rocks, or attached larger plants. Its upon fronds are tubular, looking like a series of the cells of an united at their extremities; the branches spring orange, in of these constructions, and the plant grows from some tufts,from a creeping,fibrous base, and rises in height from to six inches; they are of a tender substance, and one purvarieties other colored. This and plant, plishor pinky-red of annual that are allied to it,are duration; but the only minnte by fibres,which disk,in all of them, is accompanied the stem of the rock or supporting plant,fixing creep along here and themselves there, and forming the rudiments of The Articulated future frond3. is one of a beautiful The Red Rock-Leaved Delessaria genus, of which there are about a dozeu varieties. They are plants of very fragiletexture, rarely found entire,unless growing in rocky pools,or drawn up in nets from deep water. The leaves of the Delessaria sanguinea are of a rich red color, and satinytexture, ar.d from three to twelve inches in length; is fixed by a small red disk. the short-brauched stem liancy When this plant is perfect,it is scarcely equaled in brilthe eous membranof hue by any vegetable production, the frond being of a vivid and glossy rose of pink, part and veins of deep carmine. tbe midrib Frequentlysmall to it. found attached zoophytes are The Esculent Irid.ea consists of a subcartilaginous iform cunefrond,attenuated below into a short stipe. Being an inhabitant of deep water, it is most commonly found near the mark. The fronds are from four to eight inches low-water blood-red or purple,changing to greenish or yellong,deep lowish It is sometimes white upon exposure. ermen, eaten by fishand other people on the coast, after being fried or roasted, and it is said to taste like roasted oysters. The term iridoea has reference to the iridescent hues of the growing frond in some of the species. The Feathered is of a red color,characterized,with Ptilota three four varieties,by the feathered form of the some or three frond. It is frequent on from rocky coasts, grows inches to a span in length,and is attached by a small disk. The younger branches are pale crimson or pink; the older, This is a beautiful deep purplish red, passing into brown. under a object,viewed microscope or magnifyiug-glassof high power; the surface appears dotted with coral-like scales, ties and the fruit is contained in small involucres at the extremiof the segments. The Blunt Ruscous-like species,growing upon Delessaria rocks, and upon is the red-fronded largermariue a HOW TO KEEP A WINDOW GARDEN. bo is remarkable for the production of small leaves from the midrib of the fronds. is another of the red gioup, The Lacerated Nitof-hyllum divided. It is very frequentlymet its fronds being irregularly with on rocky coasts, growing from a minute discoid base, from which it is frequentlybroken The by the waves. away whole plant is in general very thin and of delicate, a pale The lower pinkish red, varying to reddish brown. part of the frond is always more with parless distinctlymarked or allel, dark the at base, and veins,originating interbranching generally vanishingat the length of two or three inches, but sometimes The speciesis extending even into the branches. in to variable reference the breadth and lacerations exceedingly The alga thrives well in a tank. of the frond. The feathery bryopsis,leafylaminasia, and curly condrus, also flourish well ; and with the broad-leaved ulva, the purple bagnia, and purse-like cod-rain, will form a beautiful mixture of colors,that may well rejoicethe heart of the aspiring the of aquarium. projector There is much in exhibiting by small engravings difficulty the true the forms of the portraits of sea-weeds, because most and more specimens are minute, interesting larly particuthe details are such as can observed be tive only by atten- plants. Thte examination, aided,in some cases, by the microscope, or by magnifying-glasses. To be transported from the seaside to the collector's inland home, these specimens must be very is The broad oar-weed carefullypacked in damp sea-weed. the best for the purpose, being at once and smooth stout and of moisture. The weeds should be holding a great amount replaced in their native element, in the tank, as soon as possible, before the least decay has had time to set in. There certain in are each month when the tide recedes periods lower than usual, leavinga portion of the rocks dry that is at low water. If possible,these times usually covered even should be chosen for collecting, for a rich harvest of beautiful specimens is sure to reward the collector;and the plants that just grow below low-watermark are exactly those that thrive best in the narrow precinctsof the tank. Very few of the smaller specimens will fail to flourish if,when obtained, they but must be are quite healthy; carefullywatched, and they that exhibits the least sign of yellownessor decay, any weed at once Avoid brown removed, before it can infect the rest. weeds of the largerkind; they slough,and make the water turbid and offensive, and thus ruin all your efforts. When the vegetable products of the ocean have been left undisturbed is not at all for a few days in the tank" a fortnight clear, greenish,crysta\ too long" and the water a assumes, 54 HOW TO KEEP A WINDOW GARDEN. appearance, and when minute bubbles are seen adheringto the sides of the leaves, and risingto the surface of the water, the time has their new come for introducingthe zoologicalspecimens to for these tilledwith minute bubbles are abode; is iu oxygen gas, and their presence is a sign that the water state to a tit support animal lifewith all its requirements in the seathe way of oxygen. Now is the time to go out shore on in search of inhabitants for the newly-organizedsea; and we must of the animals that give a descriptionof some will best thrive in the aquarium, and a few directions as to the method of findingand preservingthem. The Sea- Anemone, is or Actinia, in its different varieties, of the first objects for which the young naturalist should one the objects search "if, indeed, it can be called a search, when of quest lie scattered at low tide along every coast, and it is rather a matter tion of selectingthan finding; but on this selecthe appearance of the aquarium will greatlydepend. the that were These are curious creatures once thought to form the link between and vegetablekingdoms. the animal contended Because found attached to rocks, it was they were cause that they derived nourishment of roots; and beby a system they put forth long and slender arms, it was contended that they had branches analogous to those of a plant; while, their arms, and being able to move taking and digesting held to partake also of an animal nature. food, they were observation has shown, however, that they are of not permanently fixed to rocks: they have the power moving from one place to another, and attaching themselves is desirable. whenever such a removal anew, When the animal is left dry by.the tide,or is reposing or orifice feeding,the tentacula are drawn in, and the common with water, and searching for food, closed,when covered with a gentle about the tentacula are extended, and move Attentive the anemone changes its abode, the it quits hold of the rock, and reversing its position,uses fish,or meat tentacula as legs. When shells,pieces of raw diately too offered to them, if not are large,they will be immethe shells seized and swallowed; and although pf in mollusks given to them may be firmlyclosed, they manage the fish and ejectthe some extraordinary way to consume undulatingmotion. When shells empty. somest the handvarieties of the sea-anemone; There are many tinted in various is the carnation-like sea-anemone, mone for the carnation-anescientific name shades of red. The Americans, who is A ctinia mesembryantliemum ; but ously have unceremonidon't in general care for long Latin names, " well-known other mes." There are shortened this into HOW TO KEEP A WINIOW known of anemone, as sheaf," and the "crass," which kinds the is an 55 GARDEN. "daisy," the abbreviation "wheatof cras- sicrais. A littlebelow high-watermark, plenty of specimens of the found. The posed exmore they are the air, the darker is their color. to the light and to varieties be sought for are Thus, the beautiful pale pink to low-water nearer mark, and in situations where overhanging shelter them from the sun. weeds or stones Those found mark are half-way between high and low water generallya fine bright red; and the anemones in exposed positionsare in the darkness of their tints. almost brownish The is generallyto be sought for in crevices, "crass" In your wanderings behind bunches of overhanging weeds. along the coast, if you stop at any overhanging lump of rock, sea-weeds hang down, so as to form a natural from which if stones and some screen, you liftthis screen, you will see to be arranged on stance. shells which seem some gelatinoussub" is a crass." This substance By touchingthe base find is fixed on will whether with your finger, the crass you the solid rock, or on the loose sand. If the former is the case, better leave him alone, and search for another specimen ; for he holds on so tightly, that you will scarcely succeed in detaching your crass without injuringhim in such a way that he won't live in the aquarium. A good many are generally that found to there is need risk of the no run together, so carryingaway an injuredspecimen, as a littlefurther search will almost where crasses invariablyshow you plenty more have found Choose fixed two that have one. or three you themselves to small bits of stone or rock that you can cbip off, and bring them away with the stone. The smaller specimens are best, for they live longest,and look most ornamental. Small specimens of star-fish are very interesting objectsfor the aquarium, with their strangely colored rays and extraordinary motions. There varieties of this strange are many The star-Ash has a considerable creature. motion tendency to locoand is quite a livelyobject among the sedate pants occuof the aquarium. brittle The star-fish is one of the handsomest i n addition its to curious specimens, displaying, form, vivid hues, arranged in beautiful patterns. It is called brittle from the curious property of spontaneously dividing into with wonderful quickness and itself, pieces separating Touch it and it flings ease. in a an arm ; hold it,and away moment not an arm attached to the body. The starremains fish multitude moves of of little suckers means the a on by under side of each ray, which adhere to the surface over which he walks, on the principleof the leathern "suckers'' "mes" anemone maybe 56 HOW TO KEEP A WINDOW GAKDEN. which boys raise bricks and stones, by exhausting the with the stone and the sucker. Iu traveling, air between the starfish puts three of his rays out in front,while the remaining follow behind. two They are evidentlyaffected by the presence of light,and in the aquarium will grow when a lively lighted candle is brought near them. called the sea hetlge-hog, The Echinus, commonly or seafor the treasure is and be a urchin, aquarium, great may found. seized as a prize whenever They are mostly of a divided five into conical or spherical shape, segments, from which with minute covered project tentacles, holes, etc. The surface of of touch, locomotion, as serving organs with shellyspines,of various forms and the body is covered is in the center; they feed upon mouth The thicknesses. marine productions. mollusks, livingin strong shells of an oblong triangularform, terminatingin a point. The head of the hinge. Mussels the point,near the animal is situated toward abound on rocks, and the pilesof piers and quays, to of 3trong fibres. themselves which they attach by bunches which they sometimes When do, they thrust a they move, in way tongue-likefoot out of the shell,and fixing it some ways alshould mussel The onward. themseves advance, draw It is a very hardy have a place in the aquarium. creature, and although familiar to everyone, is by no means mands an object of contemplation. It especiallycomuninteresting of its means byssus our admiration, whenever, by itself of silk-like threads), it anchors (formed by a number take to the sides of the tank, becoming so fixed that it would pretty considerable force to dislodge it. Barnacles often to be found upon the sea-shore,drifted are thither upon the wood of a wrecked ship, or other floating had long driven which body. We have seen a ship's mast, with them. about at sea, They are often literallycovered of ships, to the bottoms found clingingin great numbers in live clusters, greatly retardingtheir speed. They grow or Mussels are bivalve or branch barnacle consistingof a membranaceous which is fixed to some body, the animal being invested arm, with compressed shells,attached to the pedicel. The larger in the same barnacles cluster with the smaller group, and with furnished form of various sizes. They are bunches food. tentacula, with which they gather their many each When ships covered with the barnacle arrive iu our ports,the barnacles are eagerly scraped off by men, who take them for their delicate white sale as marine curiosities, or who make kind of fancy shell-work. The porcelain-likeshells into some coasts of Africa, barnacles themselves eaten some on are 58 HOW through hands, a TO curious KEEP A WINDOW GARDEN. of series performances, which, if he had ahould be disposed to call manipulations. A the ground, and the hermit seizes it with his we shell lies on with claws and feet, twists it about wonderful as dexterity, if testingits weight; and having examined every portion of its exterior,he proceeds to satisfyhimself about the interior. For this purpose he pushes his fore-legs far into the shell as as they will reach, and probes, with their assistance,every that If this examination be reached. satisfies him, can spot he whisks himself into the shell with such that bo rapidity, acted appears to be upon by a spring." [THE END.] USEFUL HOW HOW AND INSTRUCTIVE BOOKS. This wonderful to Become book, " How the and with life example Rich," presentsyou experience in the world, including of some of the most noted and wealthy men of book the self-made is edited men our country. 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