Asset Allocation Valuation at a Glance Purchasing Power Summary Customer Service Information Portfolio Holdings Transactions Accrued Interest Summary Money Market Fund Detail Schedule of Realized Gains and Losses Year-to-Date Open Orders Securities Cash Not Yet Received Fixed Income Bond Maturity Schedule Bond Quality Annuities Financing Holdings Retirement Account Asset Allocation Valuation at a Glance Purchasing Power Summary Customer Service Information Portfolio Holdings Transactions Accrued Interest Summary Money Market Fund Detail Schedule of Realized Gains and Losses Year-to-Date Open Orders Securities Cash Not Yet Received Fixed Income Bond Maturity Schedule Bond Quality Annuities Financing Holdings Retirement Account Asset Allocation Valuation at a Glance Purchasing Power Summary Customer Service Information Portfolio Holdings Transactions Accrued Interest Summary Money Market Fund Detail Schedule of Realized Gains and Losses Year-to-Date Open Orders Securities Cash Not Yet Received Fixed Income Bond Maturity Schedule Bond Quality Annuities Financing Holdings Retirement Account Asset Allocation Valuation at a Glance Purchasing Power Summary Customer Service Information Portfolio Holdings Transactions Accrued Interest Summary Money Market Fund Detail Schedule of Realized Gains and Losses Year-to-Date Open Orders Securities Cash Not Yet Received Fixed Income Bond Maturity Schedule Bond Quality Annuities Financing Holdings Retirement Account Asset Allocation Valuation at a Glance Purchasing Power Summary Customer Service Information Portfolio Holdings Transactions Accrued Interest Summary Money Market Fund Detail Schedule of Realized Gains and Losses Year-to-Date Open Orders Securities Cash Not Yet Received Fixed Income Bond Maturity Schedule Bond Quality Annuities Financing Holdings Retirement Account Asset Allocation Valuation at a Glance Purchasing Power Summary Customer Service Information Portfolio Holdings Transactions Accrued Interest Summary Money Market Fund Detail Schedule of Realized Gains and Losses Year-to-Date Open Orders Securities Cash Not Yet Received Fixed Income Bond Maturity Schedule Bond Quality Annuities Financing Holdings Retirement Account Asset Allocation Valuation at a Glance Purchasing Power Summary Customer Service Information Portfolio Holdings Transactions with the features and benefits your statement has to offer. Your tool that enables you to make informed investment 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 6 ACCOUNT INFORMATION VALUATION AT A GLANCE ASSET ALLOCATION FOR YOUR INFORMATION CUSTOMER SERVICE INFORMATION PORTFOLIO HOLDINGS TRANSACTIONS INCOME SUMMARY ACCRUED INTEREST SUMMARY MONEY MARKET FUND DETAIL CONTENTS at tax time. 11 12 13 ASSET MANAGEMENT ACCOUNT SECTIONS PORTFOLIO EVALUATION SERVICE (PES ®) SECTIONS CONSOLIDATED ACCOUNT SECTIONS 9 ANNUITY SECTIONS 10 8 FIXED INCOME SECTIONS RETIREMENT ACCOUNT SECTION 7 SECURITIES NOT YET RECEIVED please contact your investment professional or financial organization. annual Form 1099 that summarizes your taxable financial activity 7 securities or asset allocation. If you have any questions or comments, that occur in your account value. In addition, you will receive an CASH NOT YET RECEIVED potential situations. It is not intended to recommend any specific account activity, evaluate your asset allocation, and view any changes 7 brokerage statement are designed to reflect a large number of At a glance, you can easily track your investments, monitor your OPEN ORDERS sections described in this brochure. The contents of this sample you with a concise, comprehensive picture of your financial status. for the year, making it simple to accurately report your investments your account; therefore, your statement may not include all of the reporting needs—including only the sections that are relevant to easy-to-review sections, your brokerage account statement provides maintain a balanced portfolio. Presenting information in personal statement is customized to meet your specific financial Please take a moment and review this brochure to familiarize yourself Your brokerage account statement is a powerful decisions and helps you to effectively manage and INTRODUCTION $99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 Value Last Period $99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 Value This Period Account Number: 999–999999 John Q. Public Call your investment professional for additional information about other interested parties not listed above. As you requested, copies of this statement have been sent to: Interested Party Information Interested Party Information Interested Party Information Interested Party Information Interested Party Information Interested Party Information E-Mail Address: Fax Number: (999) 999-9999 Telephone Number: (999) 999-9999 Investment Professional: Identification Number: 999 Investment Professional Name Address Address Address Address Address Customer Service Information This message area would be reserved for your financial organization. This message area would be reserved for your financial organization. This message area would be reserved for your financial organization. This message area would be reserved for your financial organization. This message area would be reserved for your financial organization. This message area would be reserved for your financial organization. This message area would be reserved for your financial organization. This message area would be reserved for your financial organization. This message area would be reserved for your financial organization. This message area would be reserved for your financial organization. For Your Information Account Total Cash and Cash Equivalents Fixed Income Equities Mutual Funds Annuities Other Global Account Cash Balance Global Account Securities Asset Allocation Your Investment Professional: Investment Professional Name (999) 999-9999 JOHN Q. PUBLIC 1234 TOWNLINE STREET APT. #1234 SOMEWHERE, MA 00000-0000 Pie chart allocation excludes all asset classes which net to a liability. Asset allocation percentages are rounded to the nearest whole percentage. Prior Year-End Fair Market Value: -$99,999,999,999.99 NOTE: Please verify the accuracy of your personal information. If incorrect, notify your financial organization. Date of Birth: 99/99/9999 To report a lost or stolen MasterCard® or check call (800) 888-8888, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Web Site: Customer Service Telephone Number: (999) 999-9999 Service Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.(ET) Saturday 12:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.(ET) This message area would be reserved for your financial organization. This message area would be reserved for your financial organization. This message area would be reserved for your financial organization. This message area would be reserved for your financial organization. This message area would be reserved for your financial organization. This message area would be reserved for your financial organization. This message area would be reserved for your financial organization. This message area would be reserved for your financial organization. This message area would be reserved for your financial organization. This message area would be reserved for your financial organization. 100% 999% 999% 999% 999% 999% 999% 999% 999% Percent Allocation $99,999,999,999.99 Ending Account Value This Period $99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 Beginning Account Value Cash Deposits Cash Withdrawals Dividends/Interest Fees Change in Account Value Valuation at a Glance Account Number: 999-999999 Statement Period: 02/28/200X– 03/31/200X Customer Service Information This section provides specific contact information regarding your financial organization, as well as account-related details. Your investment professional’s name and address, interested party information, service hours, your financial organization’s web site address, and other information may appear here. For retirement products, your prior year-end fair market value is displayed at the end of this section. For Your Information Here you will find important messages and notices from your financial organization regarding your account. These messages may include industry related topics and regulatory announcements. In addition, you may find information regarding new products and services available to you. At least two asset classes must be equal to 2.5 percent or greater of the total account value for a pie chart to appear. 1 Asset Allocation This section provides a summary of your portfolio holdings, segregated by asset class. This information can be used to determine the approximate value of the various asset types held in your account as of the statement date. These asset classes are consolidated Portfolio Holdings summarized in one, easy-to-read section. For each asset class that you hold, the market value (based on prices as of the last day of the statement period) is displayed along with the percentage of the account that the asset class represents. These totals are added together to give you the net value of your portfolio. If two or more asset classes are held in your account, you may find a pie chart illustrating the allocations of each asset class by percentage.1 Valuation at a Glance This section provides you with an explanation of the changes in the value of your account. It offers a high-level overview of account activity, including cash deposits, cash withdrawals, dividends and interest, fees, and change in account value, to help you identify the inflow and outflow of assets in your account. Beginning and ending account values for the current statement period are also provided. Account Information At the top of the first page of your statement, you will find information identifying your account. Your account number and the period covered by your statement appear on the top right. Your name and address, as well as your investment professional’s information, appear on the top left. 4 3 Description Description Income This Year Activity type Description 99/99/99 Closing Balance Account Number: 999–999999 John Q. Public ABC Money Market Fund Account Number: 999999999999999 Current Yield: 99.99% Activity Ending: 99/99/99 99/99/99 Opening Balance 99/99/99 Deposit SHARES PURCHASED BY WIRE 99/99/99 Withdrawal SAME DAY WIRE REDEMPTION 99/99/99 Deposit INCOME REINVEST Sweep Money Market Fund Date Money Market Fund Detail 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 Total Accrued Interest Received 99,999,999,999.99 Accrued Interest Received Corporate Bond Municipal Bond U.S. Treasury Bond 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 Taxable -$99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -$99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 Taxable Total Accrued Interest Paid Accrued Interest Paid Corporate Bond Municipal Bond U.S. Treasury Bond Accrued Interest Summary Total Distributions Distributions Principal Distributions Short Term Capital Gain Distributions - Current Year Other Distributions Total Dividends and Interest Dividends and Interest Corporate Bond Interest Municipal Bond Interest Cash Dividends on Equities Money Fund Income Other Dividends and Interest Income Summary DIVIDENDS REINVESTMENT OF DIVIDEND PAID CANADIAN DOLLAR US DOLLAR ARGENTINIAN PESO US DOLLAR Account Number: 999–999999 John Q. Public 99/99/99 Funds Received Into Your Account 99/99/99 Foreign Currency Exchange Commission: 99,999,999,999.99 USD 99/99/99 Money Market Fund Income Received 99/99/99 Money Market Fund Income Reinvested 99/99/99 Funds Received Into Your Account 99/99/99 Foreign Currency Exchange Commission: 99,999,999,999.99 USD Total Transactions in United States Dollar 99/99/99 99/99/99 99/99/99 99/99/99 99/99/99 99/99/99 United States (Dollar) Process/ Trade/ Settlement Transaction Date Date Activity Type Transactions in Date Sequence Non Taxable Non Taxable 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 Current Period -$99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -$99,999,999,999.99 Amount 99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 Taxable 99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 Amount 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 Taxable -$99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -$99,999,999,999.99 Non Taxable Non Taxable $99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 Share Balance 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 Year-to-Date -$99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -$99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 Year-to-Date $99,999,999,999.99-$99,999,999,999.99 Accrued Interest -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 9,999,999.9999 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 Current Period Price -99,999,999,999.99 9,999,999.9999 Quantity 30-day Yield -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 999.99% Accrued Income -$99,999,999,999.99 -$99,999,999,999.99-$99,999,999,999.99-$99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 Closing Balance -$99,999,999,999.99 -$99,999,999,999.99-$99,999,999,999.99-$99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 Opening Balance Total Cash and Cash Equivalents 999.99% Current Yield Total Money Market Funds Cash Balance Margin Balance Short Account Balance Money Market Funds -99,999,999,999.99 Cash and Cash Equivalents – 99.99% of Portfolio Quantity United States (Dollar) Portfolio Holdings Money Market Fund Detail This section provides information about balances and daily money market fund transactions in date sequence. Opening and closing balances and all purchases and redemptions of your money market funds appear here. If you hold more than one money market fund, each fund’s activity is listed separately. Accrued Interest Summary This section provides the sum of the accrued interest paid or received when you purchased or sold fixed income securities during the current statement period and year-to-date. Income Summary A summary of dividend, interest, or distribution income posted during the current statement period, and the year-to-date total for each type of income appears in this section. For your convenience, the income is categorized as taxable or nontaxable and summarized by the type of income. For retirement accounts, the income is tax deferred. Transactions This section provides a detailed list of transactions that were posted to your account since the last statement period. Transactions can be displayed in any one of three ways: by date, by security identification, or by transaction type. The process/settlement date is the date on which a transaction was posted to your account. The date that you initiated either the sale or the purchase of a security also appears in this section. Portfolio Holdings This section provides comprehensive details regarding your portfolio’s holdings. Organized into subsections and by investment type, this section indicates the quantity, description, market price (if available), market value, dividend and capital gain options, and other information on each security position as of the close of business on the last day of the statement period. In addition, the subsections display the opening and closing cash, margin, short, and money market fund balances. 6 5 Buy Buy Sell Sell 99/99/99 99/99/99 99/99/99 99/99/99 Security Market Value $99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 100% 999% 999% 999% 999% 999% 999% SEARIVER MARITIME FINL HLDGS INC GTD DEFB INT DEB 0.000% 09/01/12 REG DTD 09/01/82 CALLABLE MOODY RATING AAA SEARIVER MARITIME FINL HLDGS INC GTD DEFB INT DEB 0.000% 09/01/12 REG DTD 09/01/82 CALLABLE MOODY RATING AAA99/99/9999 SEARIVER MARITIME FINL HLDGS INC GTD DEFB INT DEB 0.000% 09/01/12 REG DTD 09/01/82 CALLABLE MOODY RATING AAA 99/99/9999 99/99/9999 99/99/9999 Account Number: 999–999999 John Q. Public Security Description 100% 999% 999% 999% 999% 999% 999% Percentage of Bond Market Value Call Date Called Bonds Quantity Eligible Quantity 9,999,999,999.999 9,999,999,999.999 Limit Price Called Quantity 9,999,999,999.999 9,999,999,999.999 Current Price Special Instructions -$99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 Market Value To be reinvested To be reinvested To be reinvested To be reinvested Dividend Option Price discretion XWXWXWXWXWXWX Next day settlement # days for settlement Call Price 9,999,999.9999 9,999,999.9999 Partial Partial Full Type of Call 99,999,999.999.99 99,999,999.999.99 99,999,999.999.99 Redemption Proceeds Percentages of bond market values are rounded to the nearest whole percentage. Percentages of bond market values are rounded to the nearest whole percentage. 9,999,999.9999 9,999,999.9999 9,999,999.9999 Current Price $99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 Amount of Payment 9,999,999.9999 9,999,999.9999 9,999,999.9999 9,999,999.9999 9,999,999.9999 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 Quantity of Payment 999.999999 999.999999 999.999999 999.999999 Rate 9,999,999.9999 9,999,999.9999 9,999,999.9999 9,999,999.9999 9,999,999,999.999 999.999999 999.999999 999.999999 Rate 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 Quantity Held -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 9,999,999,999.999 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 Quantity Held Percentage of Bond Market Value Bonds that are in default are not included. Please refer to your Portfolio Holdings section. Total AAA AA A BAA BA/Lower Not Rated Bond Quality Bond Quality $99,999,999,999.99 Market Value 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 Within 1 month 1 to 6 months 7 to 12 months 1 to 5 years 6 to 10 years Over 10 years Total 99/99/99 99/99/99 99/99/99 Distribution Date 99/99/99 99/99/99 99/99/99 99/99/99 Payable Date Account Number: 999–999999 John Q. Public 99/99/99 99/99/99 99/99/99 Ex-Dividend Date Bond Maturity Bond Maturity Schedule Total Value of Securities Not Yet Received CIRCUS CIRCUS ENTERPRISES INC AMERICAN INTL GROUP ABC COMPANY Security Dividends and Stock Splits Security 99/99/99 99/99/99 99/99/99 99/99/99 Record Date WXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWX WXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWX WXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWX WXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWX SCUDDER NEW ASIA FD ORACLE CORP FORMERLY ORACLE SYSTEMS CORP. Securities Not Yet Received Total Cash Not Yet Received INSURED MUNICIPALS INCOME TR UNIT SER 168 MONTHLY Distribution PHILADELPHIA ELEC CO 1ST & REF MTG 7.750% 01/01/23 REG Interest DISNEY WALT CO. FEDERAL NATL MTG ASSN Dividends Security Cash Not Yet Received Stop Limit Type of Order Limit Contingency Type Order Stop Date Entered Buy/Sell Open Orders 2 This section is available to account holders who have a minimum of five fixed income securities. Called Bonds This section provides a list of bonds that have already been called—on a full or partial basis. Bond Quality (With Pie Chart) This section provides a breakdown of your fixed income securities as rated by Moody’s Investor Service.2 Bond Maturity Schedule (With Pie Chart) This section provides numeric and graphic detail of the maturity schedule of your bond investments. Negative values are not included in the pie chart.2 FIXED INCOME SECTIONS Securities Not Yet Received This section details pending stock distributions that are not yet posted to your account. For instance, an entry displayed here could represent a stock split or stock dividend of record during the current statement period that is not payable until a future statement period. The ex-dividend date, distribution date, rate per share, price, and market value for each stock distribution also appear here. Cash Not Yet Received This section details pending payments for dividends, interest, and other cash distributions not yet posted to your account. For instance, an entry displayed here could represent a dividend of record during the current statement period that is not payable until a future statement period. The record date, payable date, rate per share, and dividend option for each distribution also appear here. Open Orders This section details open equity and option orders. These are orders that were not fully executed as of the close of business on the last day of the statement period. Limit and current price, as well as additional information for each security, are shown as of the statement date. 8 7 Description Activity Type Description $99,999,999,999.99 Total Contributions Account Number: 999–999999 John Q. Public -$99,999,999,999.99 -$99,999,999,999.99 Total Tax Withheld on Distributions -99,999,999,999.99 -$99,999,999,999.99 Total State Tax Withheld State Tax Withheld State Tax Withheld on Distributions Total Federal Tax Withheld Early Normal Disability Death Roth IRA -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -$99,999,999,999.99 Total Distributions Federal Tax Withheld on Distributions -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 Early Normal Disability Excess Contribution Education IRA Roth IRA Direct Rollover to IRA Direct Rollover to QRP Distributions 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 -$99,999,999,999.99 -$99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -$99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -$99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 $99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 Tax Year - 2002 This Period Year-to-Date Participant Employer Employer - Prior Year Rollover Roth Conversion Recharacterization Contributions Retirement Account Transactions XWXWXWXWX Identification 100.00% 99.99% 99.99% 99.99% % Allocation -$99,999,999,999.99 -$99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -$99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -$99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 $99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 -$99,999,999,999.99 -$99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -$99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -$99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 $99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 Tax Year - 2001 This Period Year-to-Date $9,999,999.9999 $9,999,999.9999 Account Number: 999–999999 John Q. Public Purchase Price 9,999,999.9999 9,999,999.9999 9,999,999.9999 Total of All Pending Annuities XWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXW XWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXW XWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXW XWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXW XWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXW XWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXW Total ABC VARIABLE ANNUITY PRODUCT ABC VARIABLE ANNUITY PRODUCT 99/99/99 XWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXW 99/99/99 XWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXW 99/99/99 XWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXW Transaction Date Pending Annuities $99,999,999,999.99 $99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 Market Value Total of All Variable Annuity 9,999,999.9999 9,999,999.9999 9,999,999.9999 Market Price Total ABC VARIABLE ANNUITY PRODUCT Account Valuation as of 99/99/99 ABC INSURANCE COMPANY ABC VARIABLE ANNUITY PRODUCT Contract Number: A009733008XXXXX Security Identification: PRO0000001 99,999,999,999.99 GROWTH 99,999,999,999.99 MONEY FUND II 99,999,999,999.99 OTHER SUBACCOUNT Variable Annuities Quantity Annuities Retirement Account Transactions If you have a retirement account for which Pershing LLC serves as the Custodian or servicing agent, this section provides information for this period and year-to-date. Specific contribution and distribution transactions are displayed by type. Total contributions and distributions, as well as federal and state taxes withheld, are displayed for the various retirement account types. For tax reporting requirements, the year-to-date totals are also featured along with the previous tax year’s activity. RETIREMENT ACCOUNT SECTION Pending Annuities This section lists annuities purchased through your brokerage account that are awaiting acknowledgement by the appropriate annuity providers. The transaction date, annuity description, and purchase price appear in this section. Annuities This section details all of the fixed and variable annuities held in your account. A product description, contract number, valuation date, and the account value of each annuity are displayed here. Your subaccount investments are also displayed for variable annuities, including: quantity, description, market price, market value, and allocation percentage. ANNUITY SECTIONS 10 9 Activity Within Your Account Asset Management Check MasterCard® Transaction Combined Closing Balances 99/99/99 99/99/99 99/99/99 99/99/99 99/99/99 99/99/99 99/99/99 99/99/99 Check Number 9999 9999 99/99/99 99/99/99 99/99/99 99/99/99 Opening Date Vendor Account Number 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 Accrued Income -$99,999,999,999.99 Total Fixed Income 99,999,999,999.99 Income This Year 99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 656569100 MCIC CSCO MCIC Security ID -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 Quantity Proceeds -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -$99,999,999,999.99 -$99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 Cost Basis 999.99% -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 $99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 Realized Gain/Loss -$99,999,999,999.99 -$99,999,999,999.99 $99,999,999,999.99 $99,999,999,999.99 -$99,999,999,999.99-$99,999,999,999.99 $99,999,999,999.99 $99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 999.99% -$99,999,999,999.99 -$99,999,999,999.99 -$99,999,999,999.99 Account Number: 999–999999 John Q. Public 99,999,999,999.99 Estimated Yield Total Short Term and Long Term NORTEL NETWORKS CORP *N/C* EFF 5/1/00 MCI COMMUNICATIONS -99,999,999,999.99 Accrued Interest 999.99% Current Yield -$99,999,999,999.99 -$99,999,999,999.99 -$99,999,999,999.99 Sell Buy Description CISCO SYSTEMS INC MCI COMMUNICATIONS -99,999,999,999.99 Unrealized Gain/Loss 999.99% 30-Day Yield -$99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 Amount -$99,999,999,999.99 Estimated Annual Income Reference Number Amount -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 Total Long Term Long Term 99/99/99 99/99/99 99/99/99 99/99/99 Total Short Term Buy Sell Acquisition Closing Date Transaction Short Term 99/99/99 99/99/99 99/99/99 99/99/99 Disposition Date Schedule of Realized Gains and Losses Year-to-Date -$99,999,999,999.99 -$99,999,999,999.99 Total U.S. Treasury Securities XWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXW 99,999,999,999 99/99/99 9,999,999.9999 -99,999,999,999.99 9,999,999.9999 Original Cost Basis: $99,999,999,999.99 U.S. Treasury Securities Total Municipal Bonds Market Value 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 -$99,999,999,999.99 -$99,999,999,999.99 $99,999,999,999.99 $99,999,999,999.99 Market Price XWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXW 99,999,999,999 99/99/99 9,999,999.9999 -99,999,999,999.99 9,999,999.9999 Original Cost Basis: $99,999,999,999.99 Municipal Bonds Acquisition Date Adjusted Cost Basis 99,999,999,999.99 Check Category $99,999,999,999.99 $99,999,999,999.99 $99,999,999,999.99 $99,999,999,999.99 Quantity Unit Cost 99/99/9999 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 Closing Balance Balance $99,999,999,999.99 $99,999,999,999.99$99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 Charitable Contributions Fees/Dues/Subscriptions -99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 Total Cash and Cash Equivalents 99999999999 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 Opening Balance Location NEW YORK, NY NEW YORK, NY Amount 99,999,999,999.99 $99,999,999,999.99 $99,999,999,999.99 $99,999,999,999.99 $99,999,999,999.99 99/99/99 Activity Ending Account Number: 999–999999 John Q. Public GREENVILLE HOTEL ATM WITHDRAWAL Price 99,999,999,999.99 9,999,999.9999 -99,999,999,999.99 Quantity Total Money Market Funds Cash Balance Margin Balance Short Account Balance Money Market Funds 99,999,999,999.99 CHECK NUMBER - 9999 MASTERCARD TRANSACTION ATM WITHDRAWAL NEW YORK NY GREENPOINT BANK AMERICAN EXPRESS COMPANY MOVED FROM CASH A/C INTO MARGIN A/C 99,999,999,999 SHARES AMERICAN EXPRESS COMPANY RD 99/99 PD 99/99/99 ALLIANCE CAP RESERVE AMERICAN EXPRESS COMPANY A DLJ CO MAKES A MKT IN THIS SEC & ACTED AS PRINCIPAL SOLD ARS @ 9,999,999.9999 Description XWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXW XWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXW Cash and Cash Equivalents – 99.99% of Portfolio Quantity Portfolio Holdings Total MasterCard Activity Transaction Date Process Date MasterCard Activity ® Total Checking Activity Date Written Process Date Payee Cash Dividend Received Checking Activity Money Market Fund Income Received 99/99/99 99/99/99 99/99/99 Foreign Currency Exchange Purchased Commission: 99,999,999,999.99 USD 99/99/99 99/99/99 Combined Opening Balances 99/99/99 Settlement/ Transaction Process Date Date Activity Type Daily Transactions Summary Schedule of Realized Gains and Losses Year-to-Date In this section, you can review the details of all positions closed out year-to-date. Buy transactions, sell transactions, instruments that mature, and option expirations are displayed, among other transaction types. While the Portfolio Holdings section includes all settled positions, the quarterly Schedule of Realized Gains and Losses includes all closed positions as of the trade date. Portfolio Holdings For investors who subscribe to PES, tax-lot information is provided for easy tracking of gains and losses. Monthly statements include an enhanced Portfolio Holdings section indicating dates acquired, original cost basis, current price, and unrealized gains and losses for all current holdings. For bonds, the statement reflects both original and adjusted cost basis (adjusted for principal paydowns and any accretion or amortization on premium or discounted bonds). Additionally, the average unit cost for mutual funds is available, and annuities appear in their own subsection. PORTFOLIO EVALUATION SERVICE SECTIONS Debit Card Activity For asset management accounts, investors can use this section to keep track of debit card usage for the month. Checking Activity This section displays checking activity for asset management account holders only, and is presented in sequential check number order. Daily Transactions Summary For asset management accounts, transactions are presented in date order with a running cash balance for each entry. Checking and debit card activity, deposits and withdrawals, and brokerage transactions are listed here. ASSET MANAGEMENT ACCOUNT SECTIONS 12 11 Asset Management Account Brokerage Account Value Last Period $99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 $99,999,999,999.99 Account Total $99,999,999,999.99 $99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 -99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 Value This Period 100% 999% 999% 999% 999% 999% 999% Percent Allocation XWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXW XWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXW XWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXW XWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXW Pie Chart Total Cash and Cash Equivalents Equities Fixed Income Mutual Funds Annuities Other Global Account Cash Balance Global Account Securities Summary of Asset Allocation Name XWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXW XWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXWXW 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 999-999999 999-999999 Retirement/Trust Account Total Account Number 999-999999 Description Summary of Accounts JOHN Q. PUBLIC 1234 TOWNLINE STREET APT. #1234 SOMEWHERE, MA 00000-0000 $99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 100% 999% 999% 999% This Period Value % of Assets Primary Account Number: 999-999999 Investor Identification: 999999999999 Period Ending: 03/31/200X 100% 999% 999% Pie chart allocation excludes all asset classes which net to a liability. Asset allocation percentages are rounded to the nearest whole percentage. $99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 99,999,999,999.99 999% Last Period Value % of Assets 99,999,999,999.99 Summary of Asset Allocation This section summarizes the value of each type of investment held in the linked accounts, along with the percentage that each asset category represents. Summary of Accounts This section lists each of the linked accounts, including the account description, the account number, and the registration of each account. This section also provides the value of each account, the percentage of total assets for each account, and the entire market value (or net worth) of all accounts included in the Consolidated Account Summary. CONSOLIDATED ACCOUNT SECTIONS 13 BRO HOWSTMT 1-04
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