CARFAC BC to Host National Conference

In a rare excursion to BC, CARFAC
founder Tony Urquhart will be leading
a painters’ retreat at Island Mountain
Arts in Wells, east of Quesnel, from
July 20 to 28. The Wells Artists Project,
initiated and led for the past three
years by Victoria artist Norman Yates,
is intended for mid-career and professional painters who want to immerse
themselves in a studio environment
and get a few artistic and technical
made a Member of The Order of
Canada in 1995, and is primarily
known for his sculptures, paintings
and drawings. Tony wrote the first
CARFAC Minimum Fee Schedule
with Jack Chambers in 1968 and has
remained an active CARFAC member
ever since.
Tony was the Chair of the
Department of Fine Arts at the
University of Waterloo for many years
until his recent retirement. He was
To find out about the Wells Artists
Project, contact IMA at 1-800-442ARTS, email, or via
Trial date set
To learn more about this distinguished
Canadian artist, you can view his CV
CARFAC BC is pleased to announce
that it will host the National CARFAC
conference and AGM in Vancouver
October 18th - 20th. This annual
Conference, held in Montréal last year,
features professional development sessions, interesting workshops, guest
speakers, funding information and
many engaging activities for all artists.
This is an amazing opportunity for BC
artists to meet with artists from across
Canada! We will keep you posted as
more details of this symposium are
arranged. Or check out the CARFAC
National website at for
Internet Reproduction
continued from front page
accused include artists, students,
clergymen and community
A federal copyright report dealing with
the challenging issues in electronic
copyright has just been tabled in
Parliament, with a standing committee
poised to review and make recommendations for legislation.
A Britannia Legal Defense Fund
has been established. Cheques
made out to “Anti-Poverty
Committee” with Legal Defense in
a memo can be sent to 1840 E.
Georgia, Vancouver V5L 2B6
Editor’s protest math: 75 parents and
students, 6 beautiful banners made
by children and families, 1 Premier
visiting our school, 50 police officers
in bullet proof vests.
National Conference
Internet use of your visual material is
tricky terrain. Many major galleries are
asking artists to sign copyright and fee
waivers for internet use.
Minister being arrested; Murray Bush photo.
Not a member? Here’s how to join or renew:
Any artist with a gallery using their
work on their internet site has the
right to ask for a copyright fee. The fee
should be remitted per year and per
work shown. This applies to
Government and permanent collections websites too.
Volume 5, Number 3, Winter 2003
published by CARFAC BC
Canadian Artists Representation, British Columbia Affiliate
le Front des artistes canadiens–colombie britannique
Trial date set for CARFAC BC photographer
A trial date has been set for CARFAC BC member and former Board
member Murray Bush and eight
others arrested during a police riot
outside the Britannia Community
Centre in Vancouver last October.
A 14-day trial has been set for
December 15, 2003.
The incident grew out of a peaceful
demonstration organized by CARFAC BC Board member Femke Van
Delft and other community members concerned about provincial
cuts to education funding.
A group of 30 officers swarmed the
demonstrators who say police
assaulted and arrested several people, including a 62-year-old United
Church minister and a 13-year-old
Britannia student. Murray, who was
photographing the police action,
was arrested when he tried to step
in on behalf of the 13year-old, who was
allegedly punched and
shoved by three policemen. According to
witnesses, Murray was
pushed to the ground
and kicked in the head
by several policemen,
then charged with
“assault.” The student
and the minister were
also charged with
Those arrested say they were taken
to the back of a deserted parking lot
in handcuffs and physically threatened by more than two dozen
Vancouver police officers. They
were held in jail without access to a
telephone for 29 hours before community pressure prompted their
Photo: Brian Howell
CARFAC founder Tony Urquhart to mentor in Wells
CARFAC-BC member Murray Bush tries to
protect child from Vancouver police outside
Britannia Centre. Witnesses say the child’s mouth
was bleeding from a police officer’s punch.
The Vancouver Police Department
is pushing for a long and costly
trial, adding several charges after
the fact, including “obstruction”
and “unlawful assembly.” Those
continued on back page
Name ______________________________ Address________________________
City, Province _______________________________ Postal Code ____________
City pays OTTISS shortfall for CARFAC member
Tel ________________ Fax ________________ e-mail ____________________
reprinted and adapted from email
updates from Geert Maas
City of Kamloops and the Kamloops
Symposium Community Chair.
The Okanagan-Thompson International Sculpture Symposium held
last summer saw an international jury
commission 20 sculptors from 7 countries to create monumental artworks.
The communities of Kamloops,
Kelowna, Lake Country, Osoyoos,
Penticton, Summerland, Vernon and
Westbank paid OTISS a modest participation fee to select individual commissioned artists for their community.
Early during the commissioning
process it became apparent that OTISS
could not fulfill its financial obligations. At the Annual General Meeting
of OTISS held October 20, 2002 a
shortfall of approximately $250,000
was reported. The participating communities were urged to do additional
fund raising in order to pay the artists.
Osoyoos, Lake Country and Kelowna
had fully paid their artists.
CARFAC member Geert Maas’ bronze
sculpture “Community In Motion”
was selected by a representative of the
After lengthy negotiations, legal costs
to the artist, and strong public support
the City of Kamloops has agreed to
Medium ___________________________
❑ Regular (voting) .............................40.00
(Professional Artist - IAA Definition)
❑ Household (voting) .... ....................$70.00
(Two artists living at the same residence)
Donation $ _________
❑ new
member ❑ renewing
❑ Associate (non-voting)..........$40.00
❑ Institution (non-voting).......$80.00
❑ Student (non-voting)............$20.00
❑ Sustainer (non-voting)..........$250.00
Total enclosed $ ___________ Date _______________
❑ Yes,
you may publish my name in Visual Arts Voice as a new or renewing member.
you may share my name & address with non-profit arts organizations wishing to
contact artists with calls for submissions.
❑ Send me bulletins via e-mail.
Membership fees are tax deductible as a professional expense.
All fees include membership in CARFAC national.
❑ Yes,
Please send your cheque or money order to:
CARFAC B.C., P.O. Box 2359, Vancouver B.C. V6B 3W5
page 8
pay the $12,500 OTTISS shortfall.
Geert Maas suggested a payment plan
with installments over a period of up
to 2 years for the remainder of the fee.
He also offered to include a bronze
maquette, valued at $950, to help with
fund raising. The completed bronze
monument, originally showcased at
Riverfront Park, has been moved into
city storage.
Editor’s Note: One way for members to
protect themselves better is to register and
vet your contract with CARFAC
National or the Collective. Many of our
advisory notes deal with contractual
issues in an effort to keep you out of the
Welcome new &
renewing members...
Agnes Ananichuk ❧ Kay Angliss ❧ Anna
Banana ❧ Shirley Bear ❧ Craig Benson ❧
Barbara Bickel ❧ John G. Boehme ❧
Leslie Bolin ❧ Anton Borys ❧ Amy Jane
Brown ❧ Barbara Brown ❧ Brent
Bukowski ❧ Graham Burnett ❧ Murray
Bush ❧ Kate Collie ❧ Campbell River
Community Arts Council ❧ Mackenzie
Community Arts Council ❧ Pauline
Conley ❧ Ann Rosemary Conway ❧
Judith L. Copland ❧ Joanne M. Copp ❧
Leonie H. Croy ❧ Alex de Cosson ❧ Leah
Decter ❧ Ken Dietrich-Campbell ❧
Lawrie Dignan ❧ Karel Doruyter ❧ J.
Douglas ❧ Denise Dupre ❧ Ann Kipling
Epp ❧ Gathie Falk ❧ James (Jas) W. Felter
❧ Maggie Ferguson-Dumais ❧ Irina
Florov & Nicholas Florov ❧ Marilynn
Flynn ❧ Jane E. Ford ❧ Cheryl Fortier ❧
Monique Fouquet ❧ Skai Fowler ❧ Mary
Fox Pottery ❧ Robert Genn ❧ Myrna
Germaine-Brown ❧ Sylvia Graham ❧
Francine Gravel ❧ Donna Hall ❧ Eisert
Hall ❧ Farheen Haq ❧ Shelley Jane
Holmes ❧ Terence Honer ❧ Lyanne W.F.
Hui ❧ Kurt Hutterli ❧ Island Illustrators
Society ❧ Mary-Jane Jesson ❧ Gary Jones
❧ Marci Katz ❧ Margaret Kernaghan ❧
Shirlé Klein-Carsh ❧ Tracy Kobus ❧ Ken
Kowalchuk ❧ Jeanne Krabbendam ❧
voice mail 604-519-4669
fax 250-994-2335
is published by
CARFAC BC Box 2359
Vancouver B.C. V6B 3W5
Edited by Femke van Delft
layout & design by Bill Horne
Board of Directors
Linda Williamson (President), painting
Femke van Delft (Vice President)
(Newsletter Editor / AGM ‘03)
mixed media, sculpture
Paul Ohannesian (Secretary)
(Board Liaison to Membership
Coordinator; Advisory Bulletins)
painting, printmaking
Michael Britton (Member benefits;
sponsorships development), painting
Niina Chebry (Newsletter; AGM ‘03
Assistant), painting
Ken Dietrich-Campbell (Grants)
Susan Madsen, painting
John Orser, inter-media
All articles represent the views of the
authors and should not be taken
as legal advice or CARFAC policy.
Claire Kujundzic ❧ Marc Lacaille ❧
Sharon Lawrence ❧ Donald Lawrence &
Darlene Kalynka ❧ Rebecca Lichtensteiger
❧ Peter Lojewski ❧ Carol J. Lopez ❧Susan
Madsen & Stephen Mitchell ❧ Carol May
Mahony ❧ Gary Maier & Leslie Poole ❧
Malaspina Printmakers Society ❧ Kathleen
Maloney ❧ Elaine Mari ❧ Rae Mate ❧
Bettina Matzkuhn ❧ Rosalie C. McAllister
❧ Teyjah K. McAren ❧ Sandra Meigs ❧
Rob Miller ❧ Carol L. Mitchell ❧ Sherry
Mitchell ❧ Louise Monfette ❧ Isabel
Monson ❧ Alfred Muma ❧ Marie Nagel ❧
A.S.Naomi Narvey ❧ Val Nelson ❧Sheila
Norgate ❧ Hope Norris ❧ Suzanne
Northcott ❧ Dorset Norwich-Young ❧
Terry Nurmi ❧ James Nye ❧ Paul B.
Ohannesian ❧ North Okanagan Artists
Alternative ❧Patricia Peacock ❧Betty
Pehme ❧Enid Petherick ❧Renee Poisson
❧ Anne Popperwell ❧ Nancy Powell ❧
Lynn Pritchett ❧ Campbell River & Dist.
Public Art Gallery ❧ George Rammell ❧
Perry Rath ❧ Marja-Leena Rathje❧ Karen
Reiss ❧ Audrey Riller ❧ Ron Robertson ❧
Dorothy Walsh Ross ❧ Graham A. Scholes
❧ Debra Schuler-Murray ❧ B. Joan
Schwann ❧ Mundo Secter & Ari Tomita
❧ Martin Segger ❧ Phyllis Serota ❧ Sima
Elizabeth Shefrin ❧ Miyuki Shinkai ❧
Trish A. Shwart ❧ Linda Simrose ❧ Janis
Sinclair ❧ Anita Sinner ❧ Marlene Smith
❧ Pamela Speight ❧ Maurice Spira ❧
Harry Stanbridge & Linda Stanbridge ❧
Richard Tetrault ❧Dahne Thalmann ❧
Diana Lynn Thompson ❧ Bill Thomson ❧
Femke van Delft ❧ Janet Vegter ❧ Alan
CARFAC BC was incorporated in 1990
and functions as a volunteer, artist-run
organization on behalf of its membership.
It aspires to be the primary vehicle in BC
through which visual and media artists
may obtain information and practical
advice to support their professional practices. CARFAC is perhaps best known for
its work in establishing Artists’ Fees for
work shown in public galleries. There are
now over 400 members in BC. We are
affiliated to CARFAC National, which
began in 1968.
The organization’s primary goals are to:
● Assist BC visual artists to advance
their professional status and economic
● Provide information to assist in the
development of visual artists and the visual arts as a profession;
● Research, publish and provide educational information for the development of
the visual arts profession and the benefit
of all Canadians interested in the visual
● Advocate the role and value of the visual arts in BC and beyond;
● Assist and encourage members of the
visual arts profession to make individual
and group contributions to the growth
and development of the visual arts in
Advisory Board
Miriam Bohemia (Advocacy), painting
BC Rep to National Council
John Orser
National AGM Liaison
Susan Madsen
Amarrah Brandley
Doreen Dubreuil, mixed media sculpture
E-bulletin Moderator
Val Nelson, Oil Painting, Video
Past President
Mia Weinberg
Update on sculpture demolished by Vancouver Parks Board
A letter from artist Caffyn Kelley
In May 2002, the Vancouver Board of
Parks and Recreation demolished a
community-built environmental sculpture at Trout Lake. While admitting
that the sculpture had gone through all
required approval processes, and apologizing to me for zero consultation on a
hasty demolition (which prepared the
field for a baseball tournament), the
Parks Board has gone on to sabotage
any conflict resolution process. They
have rejected all my proposals for solution or mediation, and refused to
advance any alternatives.
Many community participants and
CARFAC members came forward to
defend the sculpture. I am so grateful
for your letters, which I have included
in a report on the project that is now
in the Special Collections division of
the Vancouver Public Library.
Unfortunately, the Parks Board has
ignored all public commentary on
record, which unanimously supports
the sculpture’s restoration. As the
artist, I feel forced to choose either to
embark on a course of hugely expensive litigation, or to let the sculpture lie
in ruins. I welcome any input or advice
Two artists prepare
for the Olympic bids
continued from page 6
Aquarius: Any doubts or blocks
around your creativity are present and
passing. You have no doubt made a
commitment to your artwork in the
last few years and are taking yourself
more seriously as an artist. Take a little
time to rest and recharge through mid
April. Let your off-beat glamour magnetize people to you during March very little effort is required. You’ve
become more your eccentric self in the
last few years. Old techniques may
need to be revamped; you will no
longer want to solidify your concepts
in the same way. You are thinking of
waves rather than particles.
Wagstaff ❧ Robert B. Wainwright ❧ Elias
Wakan ❧ Jeanette L. Walker ❧ Hai Sheng
Wang ❧ Mia Weinberg ❧ Linda G.
Williamson ❧ Norman Yates ❧ Ruth
McCullough, Arts Section, Yukon
Government ❧
CARFAC’s BC Gallery Survey
CARFAC National e-mail
CARFAC Copyright Collective
Pisces: Tsunami time! Bowl them
over with floods of wonder. Remember
how quickly electricity travels through
CARFAC Ontario
CARFAC Saskatchewan
Editor’ note: Vancouver’s municipal election resulted in the left-leaning COPE
sweep. CARFAC BC has been in touch
with the new Park Board trustees regarding their policy of decommissioning art.
Editorial image:
page 2
Montessori Students working with Caffyn Kelley to install Water Dream - Water Memory.
montage by Femke van Delft
page 7
water, the eerie power of an electric eel.
You remain half in the dream world,
and an active agent of the cosmos.
People may not know what to make of
you - you may not know what to make
of yourself! Do what you can to manifest and fine tune the insights. The
inspiration becomes tangible in your
body. Dance. Rewarding work has
brought you career boosts and will
continue to do so through the summer.
Look for loyal men to be supportive
during March and April. Listen to
their advice.
Susan Madsen is a Vancouver based
artist and astrologer. You can contact her
for an astrological consultation at
ARTstrology: March - May 2003
All signs:
Mercury goes
retrograde April
26th through
May 19. Pull
out some old
works you
couldn’t resolve and fix them now.
Don’t bother starting anything new.
Wait to send gallery submissions or
grant applications till Mercury goes
direct after May 19th. Revisit a former
technique and catch up with some old
art school friends.
Aries: You burst forth with Spring on
March 21st - conserve your energy till
then. Through March and the better
half of April: type up that C.V., dress
well and introduce yourself to gallery
owners and VIP’s, and take action on
all art-business fronts. You will make a
powerful and curiously respectable
impression. Help from women in
attaining your myriad dreams comes in
March. Surprising and intangible
inspirations enter your work - swim or
spend some extra time in the bathtub
to better access them. When in creative
doubt, think BIG and showy.
Taurus: The past, childhood, and the
home all continue to be major sources
of inspiration through August. Focus
on networking, making connections
with new and quirky people beginning
in March. Find an artist support
group, organize a group show - get
involved collectively for the greater
good of all. Delve into a new lofty subject or technique (icon painting?) in
March /April and get out there and be
acknowledged for it in May. You’ve
learned a lot about committing to your
own values in the last few years, and it
may not have been easy. The time is
coming when you will want to communicate these newfound strengths.
Get ready to speak your wisdom.
Gemini: Your career begins moving in
surprising, perhaps shocking, new
directions and being a Gemini you will
no doubt enjoy the variety and spontaneity. Go with the flow and let your
intuition guide you. Be cautious with
your cash but don’t let it hold you back
from the exciting new professional
paths being offered you. (Ever worked
in film? Now may be the time). Your
natural verbosity continues to be
enhanced through August - teach flamboyantly or create some outrageous
performance art.
Cancer: You may find yourself wanting to work in artistic partnership with
another person. Choose someone older
and more established than yourself if
possible. Your library will begin to
grow, your curiosity bubbles, other cultures inspire you in ways you never
thought possible. Surprise trips (Venice
Biennale June 15 - November 22nd?)
lure you. The ancestral realm and the
romance of taboos continue to tinge
your creations. Honour your need for
solitude and privacy. Let go of what no
longer works but enjoy the current
material abundance around you.
Leo: Continue showing off through
the end of August. You are magnetic
and mesmerizing now, larger than life,
and you cannot help standing out in a
crowd. Use this lucky time to make the
contacts you need to. Your artwork
now has the ability to heal and transform. Expect a startling journey into
more mysterious arenas of inspiration
beginning in March. Money may
come from unusual people. It is time
to focus your energy on a committed
studio practice to insure you achieve
your goals. You may be called a workaholic for the next few months, but
ignore the comments and build sturdy
new creative foundations.
Virgo: Artistic guardian angels continue to keep watch over you. Expect
inspiration and guidance to come
through your dream life - the collective
unconscious is strangely accessible.
Your work strikes a hidden chord in
people. The reputation you have
attained in the last 2 years is solidified
and you find yourself attracted to likeminded, serious artists. You feel a
determined creative drive in the next
month and a half - try molding clay or
chiseling rock or grinding your own
pigments. A partnership of sorts may
come from out of the blue - trust its
Libra: The serious research and study
you have been doing will reap career
rewards by early summer. Issues at
home may distract you from your professional life for much of the spring.
The current intensity of your communication, and your determination to
page 6
Members in Action
speak the truth, no matter how troubling, comes as a surprise to those used
to your typical Libran diplomacy. Your
fine-tuned aesthetic sense is kindled in
May, and ideas and concepts are
sparked with extreme beauty.
Theatrical friends support you. Expect
your work life to become more erratic
and less focused, but a good deal more
Scorpio: Early March brings a new
flood of creativity; mystical, rich and
daring. By late March you are linking a
delicacy of touch with jolts of brilliance. Your work takes on a new fluidity; you have an ability to access a profound well of inspiration. Take some
big artistic risks; try some new water
based materials. Work quickly and let
yourself be an open channel for the
work to flow through. Your reputation
shines - you can afford to be generous
with your expertise. Your voice carries
a powerful authority now - realize the
responsibility of your speech.
Sagittarius: Travel as exotically as
you can, read philosophical texts, pull
out Karen Armstrong’s “A History of
God”. This all feels so natural to
adventure-loving Sagittarius. The planets support your natural curiosity just
now. Expect some lucky career breaks
by late summer so make sure you have
all the knowledge you require. Move
studios if something more exciting is
offered or bring in a new studio mate
to share your space. Put money into
your artwork and supplies - it will be a
good investment. Poetry may entice
you and spur new ideas.
Capricorn: Get ready for your imagination to skyrocket. Perfectly unfathomable ideas will burst forth; you may
speak before you realize what you are
saying. Friends will wonder who is
talking. Keeping up with the stream of
brilliance will be the only difficulty be certain to keep a journal for you will
have ideas to work with for years to
come. Ground the energy by doing
some very physical work - earth works
or action painting? Money from an
ancestor or relative, or a commission,
could help support you. Time to start
thinking seriously about initiating, or
ending, a business partnership. Try not
to let your emotions cloud your
continued on page 7
“I make art because it is a way for me to communicate how I
see things. Everybody sees 뱓hings? in this world
?physical things like trees, cars and people, and although they
may be abstract, ideas or thoughts that manifest in your mind
and that of others ?how do we in the end, talk about how we
see these 뱓hings?to others? There must be a form of
language in which you
communicate personally your individual reactions and way of
perceiving elements in the world making them your own
#48210;ubjects? For me, the questioning of how we conceive
and the method we implement to such observations forms the
basis of my work.”
Hyojin Nic Kim is a CARFAC BC board member.
Visual Arts Voice invites submissions of photos of members at
work. Colour or black and white prints are best, or greyscale
scans at 300 dpi in any image file format. Please include a selfaddressed stamped envelope.
CARFAC BC's Electronic Bulletin — a membership benefit
The main purpose of CARFAC BC’s Electronic Bulletin is to
allow members to share useful information. The types of
information circulated on the e-bulletin are: 1) member
shows and other member-related information; 2) jobs in the
art world; 3) calls for entry; 4) workshop information;
5) news affecting the politics of art; 6) requests for help, and
7) studio spaces for rent.
The circulated information is not limited to these topics. Any
member can post and receive information. If you are unsure
of whether the information you have meets the criteria, consider the theme of “artists helping artists”. All information is
screened by the bulletin coordinator.
An example of an appropriate announcement would be a
member winning an award or having a show in a gallery.
Such a listing can help you, the subscriber, to get more people out to your opening. It can advertise galleries they may
not have known about, and it lets them know about awards
they might consider applying for. To get your listing in, you
simply send your notice to the listserv.
One member’s experience
Within a year of joining, Victoria artist, Anne Swannell,
found herself one of eleven artists in Canada commissioned
to do an installation in Ottawa for the fiftieth anniversary of
the Canadian Tulip Festival, (work for which she was paid
over $12, 000). How did this happen? She responded to the
call for artists listed in CARFAC’s December, 2001
The following year, Anne found herself sending an image of
one of her paintings to a gallery in New York which was
looking for “medical imagery” for an up-coming show.
Again, Anne saw the call in a CARFAC news bulletin that
only CARFAC BC members receive.
Don’t miss out on this great membership benefit! Remember,
if you wish to subscribe to a different email address than the
one we have on file, you will need to send an email from the
address on our file to
How to receive the e-bulletin
There are three ways to subscribe:
CARFAC BC is conducting a survey to help formulate the
direction it will take on behalf of the membership. The
results will be used by the board to more accurately reflect
the artist needs of our professional association. These results
will be shared at our AGM and in the next newsletter.
Please take the time to fill out our survey and return it by
post. The last survey on artist and gallery issues was done in
1996 with only 45 members responding. This is a representational survey that will determine services for members.
1. If you have a !Yahoo ID, subscribe from the website at
http://groups/, using that ID[1]
2. Go to our website at, click on
membership, click on membership benefits, scroll down, and
on the left hand side is a spot to enter your email address.
Remember to click on the Join Yahoo Groups Now button.
3. On renewal of your membership, ask to be added to the ebulletin; this will result in you receiving an email from
!Yahoo inviting you to join the group; respond to this email.
page 3
Want to win a big prize? No really ... I mean big! [Nina is
going to get something amazing donated. She has a beautiful smile. I am sure she will get you a big prize] Sign up
your artist friends to CARFAC and get entered in the Win
Nina’s BIG prize draw to be held at the AGM.
Zeljko Kujundzic: 1920-2003
CARFAC National report
CARFAC National held a very well
attended conference and AGM in
Montréal in November. Various speakers offered perspectives on the artist in
society, the myths versus the realities.
Most lectures were in French but
simultaneous translation was provided.
Pat Durr is now the National
Spokesperson for CARFAC. She gave a
rousing, passionate speech at the AGM
that brought tears to my eyes and, I
understand, many others as well. (Look
for the text of this speech in National’s
newsletter, Calendar.) Pat has been
involved with CARFAC for many years
and was the Executive Director for a
few years in the 1970s. CARFAC
National has been without a National
Spokesperson for three years, so we
were very happy to welcome a person
with so much commitment, knowledge
and enthusiasm. She will greatly
invigorate the organization.
Jeka Arnold of Alberta signed a
Memorandum of Understanding
(MOU) with CARFAC National,
The new CARFAC
National video has
now been distributed
to the provinces and
all the artists have
been paid copyright
fees. If you are interested in seeing this
video please contact
CARFAC BC and we
will arrange a screening.
Having completed
the video project, I
have decided to step
down from my posiJeka Arnold, CARFAC Alberta Rep, celebrating signing the MOU with
tion as CARFAC
CARFAC National. CARFAC BC Rep Susan Madsen and CARFAC BC
BC’s representative to
Advisory board member miriam bohemia join her.
National. I greatly
making Alberta now an official CARappreciated the opportunity to meet
FAC affiliate. Diana Chabros, our new
and work with artists from across the
Western representative, took over from
country. Victoria artist and CARFAC
Eveline Boudreau. Eveline was very
BC Board member John Orser will be
instrumental in ensuring that Alberta
taking over the position.
formed an affiliate and Diana is currently researching the possibilities of a
Susan Madsen
Yukon affiliate.
President’s Report
Mark your calendars. Your Board will
be having an extra busy year this year
with two conferences happening.
The first is our regular Annual General
Meeting and Conference; the theme
this year is Reclaiming Art in the 21st
Century. This event will be occurring
June 20-21 on John Orser’s property.
Yes, an outdoor art camp in Victoria!
Arrive with your tent or RV on Friday
night for an informal gathering with
entertainment. There will be a ‘boondocking’ spot for you (i.e. no electricity
for RVers).
Depending on the number of advance
bookings, we will order extra portable
facilities to provide necessary relief to
us all. So, to ensure shorter line-ups,
book early.
The other conference is CARFAC’s
National Symposium and Annual
General Meeting. CARFAC BC will
be hosting this event in Vancouver
October 18-20 and will have input
into the conference
Organizing workshops that meet the
needs of artists in BC also helps us to
meet some of this year’s goals, such as
increasing our profile in BC and
increasing our membership.
The board is currently working on a
Strategic Plan, a necessary tool to apply
for operating grants. Ultimately, we
would like to have a staffed office to
better serve our members’ needs. You
can help us give us some guidance by
filling out our member survey form.
Replacing Susan Madsen as our BC
Representative to National Council is
John Orser, a dynamic, hard-working
person, as well as a successful artist. We
are expecting John to have some very
positive affects for BC at the national
page 4
Susan is retiring from CARFAC and
will be missed by the entire board.
During her terms Susan completed a
National video that involved many
artists across Canada. She will stay on
the board until after National’s AGM
to act as liaison between National and
BC, as well as supervise the coordinator position. The coordinator position
is a paid position with CARFAC
National but, as hosts, we will recruit
for this position soon.
I will be stepping down this year as
well, as will Paul Ohannesian. Thankyou Paul, for all your work.
So you can see, we are busy this year.
Oh yes, and volunteers will be needed
for both conferences — if you have the
time, let us know.
Your comments are always welcome.
Linda G. Williamson, President
by Bill Horne
State University, National Sculpture
Collection, Toronto, and Kyoto
National Museum in Japan.
Zeljko was commissioned to create the
Thunderbird sculptures at UBC's
Thunderbird Stadium and The Gate of
Life, a 135-ton sandstone archway.
This monument at the Jewish
Community Centre in Uniontown,
Pennsylvania is dedicated to remembering those who died in the
An artist and an academic who left his
mark worldwide, Zeljko Kujundzic,
Professor Emeritus of Pennsylvania
State University, died January 23 at the
age of 82 in Osoyoos, BC Canada. He
was born in Subotica, Yugoslavia,
October 23, 1920.
He was also a writer and inventor. His
autobiography, “Torn Canvas”, documents his early years and his experiences in WWII, including escapes from
both the Nazis and the Russians. One
of his major achievements was a working solar kiln.
Zeljko received a master’s of fine arts
degree from the Institute of Fine Arts
in Budapest. His artistic media included sculpture, clay, painting, printmaking, metal, stained glass & weaving.
He made his own paints and put them
in tubes; dug clay for KSA. He was the
person to ask technical questions: how
to make sepia ink from walnut husks?
How to turn copper black? How to dry
clay without warping? How to crank
out thousands of clay tiles by hand
with a simple jig? How to make a glaze
from Mt St Helen's ash? He took
delight in figuring out how to salvage
enamel from the beaches of Spain and
fuse it to ceramics. This was a man
enchanted with the world. A
Romantic, too: who else would fill a
solar kiln lens with wine instead of
water or another liquid?
Zeljko is survived by his wife
Elizabeth, his first wife Ann, his children Laszlo, Kate, Claire, Judy, Andrew
and Natanis, and grandchildren
Willow, Jake, Shane, Joshua, Chelan,
Narisse & Jadzia, and great grandson
He was Founder and Director of
Kootenay School of Art in Nelson,
British Columbia from 1959 to 1963
and head of the Art Department at
Pennsylvania State University's Fayette
Campus from 1971 to 1982.
His award-winning art has been exhibited in public and private collections
around the world including the
Smithsonian in Washington D.C.,
Edinburgh University, Pennsylvania
His “Art with Zeljko” TV program was
a charming, how-to program. “If my
children can do it” - and they were
often recruited as models - “you can,
too!” His confidence, enthusiasm and
encouragement inspired many students
to pursue their dreams.
Donations can be made to a memorial
fund in his name at Kootenay School
of Art, 606 Victoria Street, Nelson BC
V1L 4K9 or call 250-352-2821. For
further information about Zeljko, see
“Grandmother”, pit-fired ceramic vase
by Zeljko Kujundzic
CARFAC BC hosts camping conference
Why doesn’t your resumé look like
your drawing and idea book? Does
your grant application fail miserably in
representing you? Show us what you
really look like on paper!
This year’s CARFAC BC conference
and AGM will be held at John Orser’s
acreage outside Victoria on June 20th
and 21st. Come experience 11 acres of
island paradise and talk about
Artmaking in that strange way that can
only make sense to another artist. The
page 5
feature session, Mapping our Terrain:
How artist’s see themselves, will have an
unusual format. Registered artists are
asked to submit 20 pages of selfdescription about their How, Where
and Why of artmaking. Participating
artists will decide what CARFAC
could do with this material ... perhaps
a publication? Deadline for your visual
resumé submissions is May 15th.
Looking for a registration form? Check
our website at