52 Technical GET VERIFIABLE CPD UNITS Answer questions about this article online Studying this article and answering the questions can count towards your verifiable CPD if you are following the unit route and the content is relevant to your development needs. One hour of learning equates to one unit of CPD How to measure fair value The IASB’s IFRS 13 standard offers guidance for determining exactly what constitutes the fair value of an asset or liability, and how entities should go about measuring it The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) has recently completed a joint project with the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) on fair value measurement. The result is IFRS 13, Fair Value Measurement. The standard defines fair value, establishes a framework for measuring it, and requires significant disclosures relating to it. The IASB wanted to enhance disclosures for fair value so that users could better assess the valuation techniques and inputs used to measure it. There are no new requirements in IFRS 13 about when fair value accounting is required – the IASB is relying on guidance on fair value measurements in existing standards. Although IFRS 13 moves International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and US GAAP closer on how to measure fair value, differences remain about when fair value measurements are required and the recognition of gains or losses on initial recognition. The guidance in IFRS 13 does not apply to transactions dealt with by certain standards (such as share-based payment transactions in IFRS 2, Share-based Payment, and leasing transactions in IAS 17, Leases) nor to measurements that are similar to fair value but are not fair value (such as net realisable value calculations in IAS 2, RW_AP_T_HoltCPD.indd 52 Inventories, or value in use calculations in IAS 36, Impairment of Assets). IFRS 13 applies therefore to fair value measurements that are required or permitted by those standards not scoped out by IFRS 13. It replaces the inconsistent guidance found in various IFRSs with a single source of guidance on measurement of fair value, and has an effective date of 1 January 2013. The standard is applied prospectively and can be adopted early. The exit price Fair value has a different meaning depending on the context and usage. The IASB’s definition of fair value is: the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date. In other words, it is an exit price. Fair value is focused on the assumptions of the marketplace and is not entity-specific. It therefore takes into account any assumptions about risk. It is measured using the same assumptions and taking into account the same characteristics of the asset or liability as market participants would. Such characteristics include the condition and location of the asset and any restrictions on its sale or use. The basic principles thus remain similar to current IFRS, but if an entity did not use these principles before IFRS 13, it could result in significant change. For example, if an entity’s view of fair value did not take into account the highest and best use of the asset when revaluing its property, plant and equipment, then IFRS 13 could result in a higher fair value. It is not a relevant argument in the valuation process for the entity to insist that prices are too low relative to its own valuation of the asset and that it would be unwilling to sell at such low prices. The prices to be used are those in ‘an orderly transaction’ – one that assumes exposure to the market for a period before the date of measurement to allow for normal marketing activities and to ensure that it is not a forced transaction. If the transaction is not ‘orderly’ there will not have been enough time to create competition, and potential buyers may reduce the price that they are willing to pay. Similarly, if a seller is forced to accept a price in a short period of time, then the price may not be representative. However, it does not follow that a market with few transactions is not an orderly one. If there has been competitive price tension, and sufficient time and information about the asset, then the market may return a fair value for the asset. 14/09/2011 15:20 53 TO GET THE QUESTIONS GO TO www2.accaglobal.com/IFRS_13 NEW CPD ARTICLE * TECHNICAL QUESTIONS NOW ONLINE MISSTATEMENT *RISK OF MATERIAL/ab_tech www2.accaglobal.com Unit of account The unit of account to be employed for measuring fair value is not specified by IFRS 13, but is determined by the individual standard. A ‘unit of account’ is the single asset or liability or a group of assets or liabilities. The characteristic of an asset or liability must be distinguished from a characteristic arising from the holding of an asset or liability by an entity. An example is where an entity has to sell a large block of shares at a discount to the market price. This discount is a characteristic of holding the asset rather than of the asset itself and should not be taken into account when fair-valuing the asset. of activity for the asset or liability that can be accessed by the entity. The most advantageous market is the one that maximises the amount that would be received for the asset or paid to extinguish the liability after transport and transaction costs. Often these markets would be the same. Sensibly, an entity does not have to carry out an exhaustive search to identify either market but should take into account all available information. Although transaction costs are taken into account when identifying the most advantageous market, the fair value is not after adjustment for transaction costs because these costs are a characteristic of the transaction, not THE CHARACTERISTIC OF AN ASSET OR LIABILITY MUST BE DISTINGUISHED FROM A CHARACTERISTIC ARISING FROM HOLDING AN ASSET OR LIABILITY Which market? Fair value measurement assumes that the transaction to sell the asset or transfer the liability takes place in the principal market for the asset or liability or, in the absence of a principal market, in the most advantageous market for the asset or liability. The principal market is the one with the greatest volume and level RW_AP_T_HoltCPD.indd 53 the asset or liability. If location is a factor, then the market price is adjusted for the costs incurred to transport the asset to that market. Market participants must be independent of each other and knowledgeable, and able and willing to enter into transactions. IFRS 13 sets out a valuation approach that refers to a broad range of techniques. These techniques are threefold: the market, income and cost approaches. When measuring fair value, the entity is required to maximise the use of observable inputs and minimise the use of unobservable inputs. To this end, the standard introduces a fair value hierarchy, which prioritises the inputs into the fair value measurement process Fair value measurements are categorised into a three-level hierarchy, based on the type of inputs to the valuation techniques used, as follows. Input hierarchy Level 1 inputs are unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for items identical to the asset or liability being measured. As with current IFRS, if there is a quoted price in an active market, an entity uses that price without adjustment when measuring fair value. An example of this would be prices quoted on a stock exchange. The entity needs to be able to access the market at the measurement date. Active markets are ones where transactions take place with sufficient frequency and volume for pricing information to be provided. An alternative method may be used where it is expedient, and the standard sets out criteria where this may be applicable. For example, it may be that 14/09/2011 15:21 54 the price quoted in an active market does not represent fair value at the measurement date, a situation which may occur when a significant event such as a business reorganisation or combination takes place after the close of the market. Determining whether a fair value measurement is a level 2 or level 3 input depends on whether the inputs are observable or unobservable, and on their significance. Level 2 inputs are inputs other than quoted prices in level 1 that are observable for that asset or liability. They are quoted assets or liabilities for similar items in active markets or supported by market data – for example, interest rates, credit spreads or yield curves. Adjustments may be needed to level 2 inputs, and if these are significant, the fair value may need to be classified as level 3. Level 3 inputs are unobservable inputs, which should be used as a minimum. Where situations occur when relevant inputs are not observable, they must be developed to reflect the assumptions that market participants would use when determining an appropriate price for the asset or liability. The entity should maximise the use of relevant observable inputs and minimise the use of unobservable RW_AP_T_HoltCPD.indd 54 CPD Technical ones. The general principle of using an exit price remains and IFRS 13 does not preclude an entity from using its own data. For example, cashflow forecasts may be used to value an entity that is not listed. Each fair value measurement is categorised on the basis of the lowest level input that is significant to it. Valuation concepts IFRS 13 also sets out certain valuation concepts to assist in the determination of fair value. For non-financial assets only, fair value is decided based on the highest and best use of the asset as determined by a market participant. The fair value of a liability or the entity’s own equity assumes it is transferred to a market participant on the measurement date. Often there is no observable market to provide pricing information and the highest and best use is not applicable. The fair value is then based on the perspective of a market participant who holds the identical instrument as an asset. If there is no corresponding asset, a valuation technique is used, as is the case with a decommissioning activity. The fair value of a liability reflects the non-performance risk based on the entity’s own credit standing plus any compensation for risk and profit margin a market participant might units on the web require to undertake the activity. Transaction price is not always the best indicator of fair value at recognition because entry and exit prices are conceptually different. Disclosure The guidance includes enhanced disclosure requirements that could result in more work for reporting entities. Required disclosures include: information about the hierarchy level into which fair value measurements fall; transfers between levels 1 and 2; methods and inputs to the fair value measurements and changes in valuation techniques; and additional disclosures for level 3 measurements that include a reconciliation of opening and closing balances, and quantitative information about unobservable inputs and assumptions used. This article is merely a snapshot of a standard that will require a significant amount of work by entities simply to understand the nature of the principles and concepts involved. * * * * Graham Holt is an examiner for ACCA and executive head of the accounting and finance division at Manchester Metropolitan University Business School 14/09/2011 15:21 Careers 55 Masters of the universe? [ In the past, a masters degree put you ahead of the competition when it came to career progression – and it didn’t do your salary any harm either – but are MBAs worth the expense in these straightened times? Throughout the 1990s and early into this millennium, a masters degree used to be the cherry on the cake as far as your career was concerned. It would put you ahead of the crowd and give you a commercial advantage in a world where companies were fighting for the best talent and willing to pay for quality employees. Since the financial crisis, however, the exorbitant salaries commanded by those with an MBA are no longer guaranteed and, indeed, with spending cuts still impacting businesses of all sizes and university fees set to rise RW_UK_CAR_mba.indd 55 from 2012, even the significance of a degree is changing. So what is the value of an MBA in 2011? Is there still a reason to spend thousands of pounds of your or your employer’s money to get a further qualification, when simply getting your job done well is arguably the safest way to make sure you keep it? Or is it even more vital now to ensure you have the skills to make you as employable as possible, even if that means taking time out of the office? ‘Increasingly in a period of economic uncertainty and high unemployment, candidates need to ensure they position themselves in a way which makes them stand out from the crowd,’ believes Claire McCartney, adviser, resourcing and talent planning at the Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development (CIPD). The CIPD’s annual Resourcing and Talent Planning research earlier this year found a rise in recruitment difficulties, despite increased numbers in the labour market. ‘Higher qualifications, and in particular MBAs, which provide candidates with greater business and management awareness, 16/09/2011 15:09 56 Careers *PAUL CURRY FCCA Commercial finance manager, Matalan are often seen as desirable by potential employers, but they need to be coupled with work and business experience to gain the attention of prospective employers,’ adds McCartney. Professor Michael Luger from Manchester Business School agrees that when market conditions are tough, individuals and companies have to work harder to be successful, and so individuals who improve their skills and qualifications are more likely to stand out in the competitive job market. ‘Good MBA programmes have adapted to include a higher level of practical content, allowing students to apply theory to address real business challenges,’ he says. ‘Our Global (part-time) MBA has a specific finance pathway and many of the electives are designed in partnership with the banking, finance and investment industries, and leading professional bodies, such as ACCA. So industry and professional bodies are tightly integrated with the design of the MBA.’ MBA-holders and, indeed, holders of an MSc qualification in finance, generally move up the salary scale in their companies faster than others. Figures show that Manchester Business School’s full-time MBA recipients realised a 111% increase in salaries three years after graduation when compared to their pre-MBA salaries (source: 2011 Financial Times rankings). ‘It is not just about the salary though,’ says Luger. ‘We have designed our MBA to be a transformative experience for our students; challenging them in ways that build more confidence.’ KPMG encourages employees to go for MBAs ‘100%’ according to Iain McLaughlin, head of recruitment. Job candidates with a masters degree have an immediate advantage, he says. ‘They have spent time understanding the business environment, have a level of engagement and have used real-life situations and case studies to further their career.’ RW_UK_CAR_mba.indd 56 Professional bodies also realise the continuing relevance of an MBA. ACCA has been working with Oxford Brookes University to produce a blendedlearning global MBA programme, designed for ACCA members with a minimum of three years’ professional or managerial work experience. The make-up of the average MBA student has also changed. ‘In the past, the average age of students enrolling with an ACCA Qualification was 37,’ says Luger. ‘We are now seeing more young finance professionals enrolling on the programme across the globe, bringing the average age down to 33. ‘Although students are getting younger on the accelerated finance pathway, the seniority of their roles continues to be high, with many already at managerial or director level,’ adds Luger. What it costs The cost of an MBA varies dramatically. A degree from the University of Hertfordshire with no fee reduction costs £12,500, while a full MBA from the London Business School costs £53,900. Most institutions offer reductions in certain circumstances, or scholarships. At Manchester, ACCAqualified students are exempt from certain finance courses and can enrol on the Finance Accelerated programme which can be completed in two and a half years at a discounted £21,000. ‘It does become a harder decision as the financial squeeze increases and, whether a student has [financial] employer support will focus the mind on whether it is the right move to make. It’s time-intensive and costintensive,’ says McLaughlin. ‘What is really key though, in deciding whether someone should consider an MBA, are their motivators,’ he adds. ‘There is a big difference between doing an MBA for the sake of it, and doing it because it will actually enhance your career.’ Beth Holmes, journalist ‘As a commercial accountant, I am heavily involved in the support of the operational aspect of Matalan’s business. The key driver for taking the MBA was to gain a more holistic understanding of the business and how it impacts the whole of an organisation. ‘This understanding has come not only from the course material, but also from my fellow professionals on the programme. Interacting and sharing the learning experience with executives from outside the finance sector has been extremely beneficial. ‘By taking the MBA, my ambitions to grow within the firm have been recognised, and I am increasingly involved in strategic decisions. This has allowed me to take my learning and put it into day-to-day practice, improving the way I operate.’ *PARESH MISTRY FCCA Strategy & Planning – Hewlett Packard UK ‘An MBA has helped me to see past the numbers. It has given me new tools to use in my daily business challenges, such as marketing, company market differentiation, game theory, people engagement and management, and creating and implementing effective strategy. ‘The ability to engage in debate with other MBA candidates who come from a variety of different cultures and business experiences also gives you a live business environment that cannot be replicated easily. These debates can give all students the opportunity to experience the competitive and fast-paced environment that today’s executives are faced with. ‘These are the new tools and learning experiences that I believe will be the catalyst for making a more valuable contribution to both my organisation and my career progression.’ 16/09/2011 16:45 + + + + + + ONLINE TRADING CENTER + + LTE.indd 1 09/09/2011 16:35 58 Careers Are you ready to submit your CPD declaration? You may have completed more hours towards your continuing professional development than you realise. Our guide offers advice on how best to check your status Remember, no matter what your learning activity is, if you can answer ‘yes’ to the three questions below you can record the activity as verifiable CPD: Was the learning activity relevant to your career? Can you explain how you will apply the learning in the workplace? Can you provide evidence that you undertook the learning activity? You do not need to present evidence of your learning activity with your declaration; however, you do need to keep it for three years, in case you’re selected for a CPD review. * * * It’s a common misconception that CPD can be gained only by attending face-to-face courses, conferences and seminars and that it cannot be verifiable unless you have a certificate of attendance for the learning you have done. As a result, many members rush to attend a course at this time of the year, often leading to overbooked lectures and seminars, and frustration as the learning you need for your development might not be easily available. It’s worth taking time to identify other learning that you may have completed without knowing that it could contribute to your CPD. So much more to CPD Although structured learning is the one learning option most members associate with CPD, many find that the activities they regularly undertake at work to maintain their professional skills and knowledge mean they are exceeding ACCA’s CPD requirement of 40 units per year. Take 10 minutes to review some of the work activity you have undertaken this year where you learned something to benefit your career, and you may be surprised at how much of the CPD requirement you have already achieved. Examples of this may be: undertaking research; * RW_UK_CAR_realise.indd 58 on working and project * participating groups; an ACCA workplace mentor to * being an ACCA student or affiliate; * keeping up to date with current and REVIEW SOME OF THE WORK ACTIVITY YOU HAVE DONE AND YOU MAY BE SURPRISED AT HOW MUCH OF THE CPD REQUIREMENT YOU HAVE ACHIEVED future trends in your area of expertise; preparing for presentations; taking on new duties; and acting as a coach or mentor, or being coached or mentored yourself. If you can demonstrate that the activity has helped you develop new skills and knowledge that are relevant to your development, it can be counted towards your CPD requirement. * * * Verifiable CPD explained You will be able to count your learning activity towards your verifiable CPD activities if you can provide evidence that the activity has occurred. ACCA’s CPD evidence policy is very flexible and can include notes from such things as meetings or screenshots from online learning modules. Annual declaration Every member is required to make a CPD declaration on an annual basis. This process is straightforward and can be made online via your myACCA e-business account as soon as you have fulfilled your CPD requirement. Or you can complete the paper declaration form, which will be sent to you with your annual membership subscription notification in November. Either way, you will need to make your 2011 declaration by 1 January 2012. So, if you have already completed your CPD, we recommend you make your declaration now. Act now For more on submitting your CPD declaration, and for achieving your CPD requirement for 2011, visit www.accaglobal.com/members/cpd 15/09/2011 16:27 Careers 59 Training: your shout [ ACCA is constantly monitoring how best to assist its members in developing their skills to help them in their careers. A recent worldwide survey highlights where we should concentrate our efforts ACCA is committed to providing members with CPD opportunities that help to develop skills and support career progression. This involves constantly reviewing and developing the range of resources available to ensure that members have a wide range of options to choose from. Part of this process is to identify the training needs of our members. The training needs analysis (TNA) survey is a key element of our research. This year, 5,634 members from 115 countries completed the survey. The results will determine what products, services and activities ACCA offers. Technical skills ACCA members continue to require training on a broad range of technical skills. Despite the differences in economic conditions, there is a clear global consistency about the top five technical topics that members require, and these have not changed much in the past few years. Financial reporting has once again been identified as the most desired technical subject. It is closely followed by financial management, risk management, taxation and corporate finance. Members rank the five most important technical topics in which they would like further development as shown in the panel immediately below. Topic Financial reporting Financial management Risk management Taxation Corporate finance *respondents seeking further development RW_CN_CAR_TNA.indd 59 %* 58% 54% 52% 46% 46% Learning methods There are variations in the top five subjects for each sector, which reflects the differences in the type of work members do. For example, taxation consistently features as first choice for further development among members engaged in public practice while financial management is the most popular choice by public and corporate sector respondents. Business skills As far as business skills are concerned, the top five topics that members would like further development in have not changed since last year. Leadership remains the number one area and features in the top five for each sector. Analysis, strategic business skills, communications and negotiation all feature in the top five globally. Members rank the five most important business skills in which they would like further development as shown in the panel immediately below. Topic Leadership skills Analysis skills Strategic business skills Communication skills Negotiation skills *respondents seeking further development %* 47% 37% 36% 36% 33% For the first time, e-learning was identified as the top learning method when it comes to developing business and technical skills, with a rise of 16%. This reinforces ACCA’s commitment to help members source excellent e-learning resources. We want to increase the number of such services. Second place is occupied by face-to-face training courses and third place by reading books/publications. On-the-job training is still a popular method of professional development despite a 12% decrease compared with last year. More employers are offering members in-house face-to-face training courses. This method remains a form of professional development that is valued by members. The future We are constantly working to improve and develop products, services and activities offered to members to help with professional development and support career progression. As members identified e-learning as the number one method for professional development training we are working to increase the amount of e-learning that is on offer. Through partnerships with the top CPD providers, we are able to provide ACCA members with the best products and services in the marketplace. Ultimately, we aim to provide members with CPD opportunities across a wide range of topics, using a variety of learning methods, to ensure they have a choice of training to suit their development needs. We will continue to ask members about their training needs so we always understand the skills they require to progress in their careers and improve their employability. 15/09/2011 12:13 AgoodMBAplugs youintothelatest businessthinking “RightfromthestartIrecognisedcompletingan MBAwouldrequireasignificantcommitment intermsoftime,buttheflexibilityoftheOxford BrookesUniversityglobalMBAwhichallowed metodecidewhereandwhenIcouldstudy reallyappealedtome.Thecourseincludes accesstoavirtuallibraryofbusinessarticles andup-to-datereports24hoursaday–which werekeytosuccessfullycompletingeach moduleandbroadeningmyunderstandingof businessasawhole.” CarolineTuckerMBAFCCA seniorfinanceofficer,VirginMedia ACCA 61 Exam questions [ ACCA’s Aude Leonetti, programme director, answers some of your queries about e-assessment In June we announced our vision to provide future exams through an innovative programme of e-assessment. This generated a lot of interest from members and I wanted to answer some of the questions we’ve received. in a simulated environment. Other accounting bodies do this but we are looking to find the best solution for more complex and demanding scenarios that will maintain the high reputation of our qualification. What is e-assessment? Is there a timetable showing which papers will be available and when? E-assessment is a long-term plan to evolve the current computer-based exams that we already offer at ACCA to a more extensive programme where all of our papers will be available through e-assessment. There are two key drivers for ACCA working towards this extension. The first is being able to offer greater choice in exam sittings, moving away from the two that we currently have to a more flexible offering. The second relates to the way we will be able to ask questions with an e-assessment model. We will embed the different applications that finance professionals use in the workplace into exams, making our assessments more aligned to the workplace tasks that students are expected to undertake, thus making them more workplaceready. This will ensure a continued demand for the ACCA Qualification. Will the exams be mostly multiple choice? Not at all. We are looking at more sophisticated modes of assessment that can assess work-ready skills, particularly in the higher-level exams that need higher-order question types and will include, for example, spreadsheet-based applications with report-writing facilities. How can you assess something like consolidated accounts in an e-assessment environment? We are investigating how to build up a set of consolidated accounts RW_UK_A_Aude.indd 61 This is a long-term vision and we will be working over the coming months and years to ensure we launch a programme that meets the demands of the market. We will be refining our plan in close consultation with employers, regulators and learning providers to design the best solution. All papers will be fully tested before being launched, not only to make sure that the technology is secure and robust, but also to ensure that all exams are of the same high standard as current paper-based exams and meet regulatory standards. We will be making more announcements about the schedule as we develop the programme. What about countries with insufficient infrastructure to support e-assessment? We are working very closely with our network of national offices to anticipate their ability to adopt e-assessment. While we anticipate that we will be able to offer a global solution in the long term, we will have exceptions arrangements to deal with cases where the infrastructure doesn’t yet allow full e-assessment. Will students be required to attend an exam centre? Yes, they will. Candidates will still be sitting their exams at invigilated centres to ensure the integrity of the exam process. With e-assessment we can actually enhance security checks. For example, we are looking at how to use technology to verify who students are before they sit an exam. Security will always be one of our key priorities. How will you ensure that the reputation of the ACCA Qualification is maintained? We know that members are very proud of their ACCA Qualification, and maintaining its standard is of paramount importance to us. As is the case now, we will work very closely with relevant regulatory bodies in the planning and implementation stages of any new exams to ensure that we offer rigorous assessments that test our students to the highest standards in the global accountancy profession. We will ensure that the quality and integrity of our qualifications are upheld and that the value of the ACCA brand is maintained. I hope this gives some insight into how we see the programme developing and also reassurance that maintaining the esteem in which our qualification is held is our highest priority. We firmly believe that our vision will help to ensure the relevance of, and high demand for, the ACCA Qualification in the future, and we will continue to update you. 13/09/2011 15:03 62 FORUM FOCUS Neil Stevenson introduces ACCA’s 10 new global forums, set up to grapple with current technical challenges and to identify emerging issues affecting professional accountants N o one today can ignore the impact of global forces on all our professional and business lives. International policymakers and standard setters create regimes that are increasingly implemented all around the world. National economies are highly interdependent, with crossborder trade and investment flows the norm. An appreciation of these powerful forces lies at the heart of ACCA’s creation of 10 new global forums to bring together influential business and professional leaders from markets around the world. Alongside increased international representation, the forums’ agendas will also become more international in outlook in line with members’ concerns. While the forums build on the work of ACCA’s previous highlyvalued technical committees, they will have an expanded outlook. Members will be encouraged to pursue ‘blue-sky’ thinking to identify emerging issues. Their structure will also give greater flexibility in responding to emerging issues by allowing forum experts to support ACCA’s Research and Insights programme of research, publications, events and collaboration. We will invest in promoting the work of the forums through publications and other channels, including the ACCA website. We anticipate the forums and their chairs developing an international public profile, simultaneously reinforcing ACCA’s reputation and influence as the leading global body for professional accountants. We intend to draw on a wide range of experts, including employers. Responding to national developments will remain a priority, however, and we will continue to pursue a local agenda where that is appropriate, especially in areas such as tax, regulation and SME matters. The creation of the forums is a visionary development for ACCA, confirming our position as a global organisation that can lead debates on the international stage, expressing views based on global analysis. In this way, ACCA can act as a champion of our profession, striving to support the creation of business and public value in international markets. By developing a global framework of many experts across different specialist areas, ACCA will draw on expertise from across the spectrum to provide a truly informed and integrated perspective. Neil Stevenson is ACCA executive director – brand RICHARD MOAT FCCA FORMER CFO AND DEPUTY CEO, EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE Chair, Accountants for Business Global Forum Through its Accountants for Business Research and Insights programme, ACCA is setting out an agenda for business that puts sound financial management at its heart, highlighting the ways in which accountants put themselves at the core of business life and a successful economy. Leading global organisations are represented in this forum. Their creative input, first-hand market intelligence and focused discussion enable ACCA to explore the interaction between people, professionalism and performance. The themes for 2011–12 include diversity in business, the balance between risk and reward, the emergence of the e-professional, and the continued move towards global outsourcing and shared services. Acting as a business-focused think-tank, the forum will ensure that ACCA is able to penetrate the complex issues affecting business, and ensure that our research and insights continue to add value to business, and provide leading-edge analysis of the issues that matter in finance. RW_AP_F_forums.indd 62 15/09/2011 14:38 63 ACCA’s global forums will respond to the issues facing the accountancy profession in a time of rapid global change NG BOON YEW FCCA EXECUTIVE CHAIRMAN, RAFFLES CAMPUS Chair, Accountancy Futures Academy The Accountancy Futures programme provides ACCA with powerful visions of the future, in response to emerging challenges in a range of issues. This venture will provide creative inputs into ACCA’s future research and insights. The Accountancy Futures Academy provides a forward-looking radar in the global business and policy spheres, and for the latest reforms facing the world of finance. This group of thinkers, academics, business leaders and commentators will ensure that ACCA has access to a network of innovative experts who can help it to stay at the cutting edge. It will foster fresh thinking and innovative discussions, identifying the barriers and facilitators of tomorrow’s successes, and the potential strategies to enable business and finance to navigate the choppy waters that lie ahead. On topics such as the future of audit and global standards, the rapid changes in corporate governance and reporting, access to finance for businesses and environmental accounting, it will enable ACCA to develop credible positions. ADRIAN BERENDT FCCA EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, LCH.CLEARNET Chair, Global Forum for Governance, Risk and Performance The forum will identify issues concerning governance, risk and performance (GRP), and will help to demonstrate how good governance and risk management practices can enhance business performance and success. It will take a particular interest in how GRP can enhance public value and in the role of the accountant in making measurable contributions to public good. The forum will focus on the for-profit private sector and GRP in those larger corporations and financial services institutions that have a significant impact on wider society. It will also work closely with other forums. A key underlying theme will be the nature and value of money, and how we record and report financial transactions. Successful businesses that build long-term value are vital for economies, individuals and society. Good governance is about managing risk to ensure sustainable and long-term business goals are not sacrificed to short-term financial performance. The forum will interest itself in the drivers of business and financial behaviour, and the interaction between governance and risk management, performance measures, regulation and, not least, corporate culture. LORRAINE HOLLEWAY FCCA FINANCE MANAGER, ROYAL DUTCH SHELL Chair, Global Forum for Corporate Reporting The forum will provide input into financial reporting standard-setting, in particular the development of appropriate IFRSs. It will identify, evaluate and champion enhanced reporting that brings value to investors. With a wider focus on corporate reporting trends, it will also look at issues such as integrated reporting, which aims to bring together strategy, governance, financial reporting and sustainability reporting to give the overall strategic view. This supports businesses in taking more sustainable decisions – financially as well as environmentally – and enables stakeholders to assess an organisation’s performance. We will be debating the International Accounting Standards Board’s standard-setting agenda covering the next three years, which should reflect much less emphasis on the financial crisis and more on convergence with US GAAP. There is unfinished business with financial instruments, revenue, leasing and insurance accounting. Beyond that, there will be issues from recent IFRS adopters in Asia Pacific and elsewhere. RW_AP_F_forums.indd 63 15/09/2011 14:39 64 Forum chairs met last month at ACCA’s headquarters to discuss the challenges facing the profession ROBERT STENHOUSE FCCA DIRECTOR, NATIONAL ACCOUNTING AND AUDIT, DELOITTE Chair, Global Forum for Audit and Assurance ‘The status quo is not an option for the auditing world,’ European commissioner Michel Barnier has warned. His proposals will be published shortly and will no doubt highlight two huge movements in the tectonic plates of the audit world: investors are demanding much more from the auditors of companies listed on securities markets, while smaller companies in jurisdictions where audit is long established are increasingly being exempted from statutory audit. These contrary movements provide huge opportunities for the development of innovative assurance services. Audit practitioners can provide smaller companies with compilation and review services and larger entities with assurance on new areas associated with financial statements, such as corporate governance disclosures. ACCA will continue to play a leading role in the development of audit and assurance services and fit-for-purpose standards to meet these market demands. It will also continue to champion the value of audit in the face of challenges old and new. DAVID NUSSBAUM CHIEF EXECUTIVE, WWF-UK Chair, Global Forum for Sustainability ACCA has played a leading role in relating sustainability to the profession – perhaps most notably through its creation of awards for social and sustainability reporting – positioning accountants as key in the identification, measurement and reporting of the non-financial results and effects of the organisations for which they work or provide advice. There are increasing expectations from a range of stakeholders for transparency, and the costs of losing public trust and the licence to operate can be catastrophic. It is essential for organisations of all kinds to identify and manage the business and strategic risks that may lie outside the accountant’s traditional habitat. The social effects of business activities are subject to ever more demanding regulation. At the same time, corporate reporting has become overwhelming for producers and consumers alike. The International Integrated Reporting Committee is therefore attempting to define a new approach to communicating the consequences of business activities in a new way, and the Global Reporting Initiative has recently unveiled the latest generation (G4) of sustainability reporting guidelines. FARIS DEAN ACCA SOLICITOR, LYONS DAVIDSON Chair, Global Forum for Business Law The global financial crisis has caused many people to think differently about what drives business behaviour and whether the law has yet found the right balance between encouraging entrepreneurial initiative and providing protection for stakeholders and the public interest. The question of how best to achieve that balance is set to be a key feature on the agenda of governments and regulators. ACCA is instinctively in favour of business activity and will always support measures to encourage investment, expansion, employment and trade. At the same time, our mission is to work in the public interest, and to advocate measures and conduct that reflect that. It is increasingly clear that there is no conflict between the concepts of enterprise and the public interest, and that long-term and sustainable business success depends on businesses recognising the self-interest of planning and operating in ways that respect the public interest and the concerns of stakeholders. ACCA looks forward to offering a strong and distinctive contribution to the debates on business law issues. RW_AP_F_forums.indd 64 15/09/2011 14:40 65 MORE ON THE FORUMS AT www2.accaglobal.com/RI Left: David Hawley, Deloitte’s director of public policy, outlined some of the key issues for 2012 at last month’s gathering DATUK WAN SELAMAH WAN SULAIMAN FCCA ACCOUNTANT GENERAL OF MALAYSIA Chair, Global Forum for the Public Sector The landscape for delivering public services is rapidly changing. In the aftermath of the financial crisis and with government expenditure accounting for more than a third of most national GDPs, we must focus on promoting effective public financial management and sound stewardship of public funds. We will prioritise those areas that matter to employers, members and stakeholders such as governments, standard setters and audit institutions. Our focus will be on building reputation and influence in public financial management reporting and budgeting, responding to changes in audit and regulation, and promoting the accountability and transparency of public funds. Equally, we will respond to the challenges faced in securing the long-term sustainability of public funds, as well as the impact of the environment and climate change on resources and the role of the accountant. The forum will work towards adding public value to debates, changes and developments over the coming years. MARK GOLD FCCA SENIOR PARTNER, SILVER LEVENE Chair, Global Forum for SMEs The forum will allow the views and experiences of SMEs to be represented from a global perspective. It will address a gap in thinking where policymakers often approach the SME agenda from a regional or national perspective and so fail to find common ground. ACCA’s forum will be working to establish and communicate that common ground by looking at what governments, policymakers and professionals around the world can do to ensure a level playing field where small businesses can thrive and grow. This will include looking at best practice for a proportionate regulatory framework; access to external finance that ensures growth and investment opportunities are exploited; and appropriate business support where the limited resources of smaller businesses would otherwise present an insurmountable barrier. Policymakers in different jurisdictions have much to learn from one another and can benefit from proven best practices. It is our role to contribute to this learning process, and the forum’s wide membership representation in terms of geographical and professional background will provide a platform for the global exchange of ideas and solutions. MUKESH GUNAMEL FCCA DIRECTOR, GLOBAL TAX QUALITY AND RISK MANAGEMENT, EY Chair, Global Forum for Taxation Taxation policy is fundamental to the way governments fund what they do and balance tax rises against spending cuts. The drive towards simplification and the focus on green taxes and globalisation may force us to think again about what taxes do and how they should be administered. Green taxes are one possibility, but there is no consensus on whether they should be levied on producers or consumers, the revenues ring-fenced or put into the general tax pot. Increasingly, businesses and their financial activities cross borders. Consumers, too, can buy across national boundaries. Faced with such global activities, should national governments act together or follow their own course? Will this mean a greater shift to taxing consumption or financial transactions, or some other mechanism? We favour changes that make the tax system simpler and more certain, remove regulatory burdens and make it easier to do business. Clearly it is not all about taxation. Access to talent, capital, efficient cost structures and stability matter, too. RW_AP_F_forums.indd 65 15/09/2011 14:40 66 ACCA news Exam success Papers sat by 196,000; finals sat by 6,000; pass rates strong in F5, F7,F8 and P1 NEW PRESIDENT FOR ACCA Inside ACCA 62 Forum focus Introducing ACCA’s 10 new global forums, created to deal with the challenges of the future 61 E-assessment ACCA’s programme director answers your questions RW_A_backpage.indd 66 Clare Minchington Demand for the ACCA Qualification has remained high during tough economic times as the results from the examinations in June reveal. Some 196,000 students sat papers, with more than 6,000 successfully completing their final exams. A further 2,978 students completed the Certified Accounting Technician (CAT) exams. At the Fundamentals level, pass rates were particularly pleasing for the tax and law papers. Students continue to find papers F5, Performance Management; F7, Financial Reporting; and F8, Audit and Assurance, challenging. At the Professional level the pass rate remained strong in paper P1, Governance, Risk and Ethics, which tests students’ professional judgment. This was the first session to place a greater emphasis on risk assessment and risk management within the exam. The results for optional papers P4, Advanced Financial Management; P5, Advanced Performance Management; and P7, Advanced Audit and Assurance, were disappointing. Generally, those students failing were not able to apply their technical knowledge to real-life practical scenarios. ACCA is working on support packages. Clare Minchington, ACCA executive director – learning and products, said: ‘We congratulate those who have succeeded in their exams – and we are delighted to see that more than 6,000 have completed their examinations. ‘We look forward to examining our new suite of awards, Foundations in Accountancy, which replaces the existing CAT qualification from December 2011. Foundations in Accountancy offers students a choice of awards at different levels and the availability of more computer-based exams.’ Health finance expert Dean Westcott FCCA (pictured right) was due to take the reins as ACCA president on 15 September, as Accounting and Business went to press. In an interview on page 32, he talks about the critical role that accountants play in the current challenging economic climate. His first president’s column is on page 41. Westcott takes over from Mark Gold FCCA of London practice Silver (pictured left), who had a highly successful presidency. Professor Barry Cooper FCCA, head of the School of Accounting, Economics and Finance at Deakin University, Melbourne, steps up to deputy president, while health sector management consultant Martin Turner FCCA becomes vice president. PUSH FOR US IFRS STATEMENTS ACCA is calling for US issuers to immediately be given the option to prepare financial statements using International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), in line with foreign issuers. Responding to a US Securities and Exchange Commission staff paper, ACCA said that having an extended period for the convergence of IFRS with US generally accepted accounting principles would be detrimental to the consistency of the treatment of US companies and foreign private issuers already reporting under IFRS. Page 24. 16/09/2011 12:12 VT Final Accounts is the popular Excel based accounts production package from VT Software. The latest version can be used to generate an iXBRL accounts file from any Excel workbook or from the pre-tagged templates contained within the package. A large number of users of VT Final Accounts have already successfully submitted iXBRL accounts files to HMRC. To download a free 60 day trial please visit www.vtsoftware.co.uk/ixbrl UK ADS.indd 5 Y ONL 9 9 1 £ +VAT VT software 12/09/2011 13:08 THE MAGAZINE FOR BUSINESS AND FINANCE PROFESSIONALS CPD ENDORSING CONDORSEMENT? US REGULATORS PONDER THE WAY FORWARD ON IFRS FORUM FOCUS ACCA LAUNCHES GLOBAL FORUMS RISKS THE TOP 10 AUDIT INDEPENDENCE MBAS IN A TOUGH ECONOMY RW_back_cover.indd 1 16/09/2011 12:54 AB ACCOUNTING AND BUSINESS 10/2011 get verifiable cpd units by reading technical articles
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