RICHARD C. HARKAWAY, M.D. Curriculum Vitae OFFICE ADDRESS Albert Einstein Medical Center Klein Bldg., Suite 500 5401 Old York Road Philadelphia, PA 19141 PLACE OF BIRTH Bethpage, New York EDUCATION Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 1981-85 B.A. 1985, Natural Sciences University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 1985-89 M.D. 1989 FOREIGN LANGUAGES Spanish POSTGRADUATE TRAINING Residency, General Surgery Hosp of University of PA Philadelphia, PA 89-91 Residency, Urology Hosp of University of PA Philadelphia, PA 91-95 BOARD CERTIFICATION American Board of Urology 1997 Recertification 2007 POST GRADUATE EDUCATION 1991 1992 1992 1992 1992 1997 Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia, PA General Laser Science and Practical Applications UCLA Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA Laser-Assisted Prostatectomy UCLA Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA Theory and Practice of Female Urology with Shlomo Raz, M.D. Hospital of University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA Diagnostic and Interventional Uroradiology Howard M. Pollack, MD Marc P. Banner, MD Hospital of University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA Techniques in Microsurgery University of Washington, Seattle,WA Brachytherapy for Prostate Cancer Louis Blasco, MD LICENSE Pennsylvania HOBBIES/INTERESTS 1991-present Golf, writing, saxophone, comedy ACADEMIC HONORS AND AWARDS Phi Beta Kappa Alpha Epsilon Delta Distinction in Biology Excellence in Teaching, Baltimore City Jail Excellence in Teaching, Johns Hopkins University Dean's List (Eight Consecutive Semesters) First Prize-Distinction in Playwriting Alpha Omega Alpha Clinical Research Award, Philadelphia Urologic Society, "Pharmacologic Erection: Time-Dependent Changes in the Corporal Environment" Mid-Atlantic Meeting-AUA, "Endorectal Coil Staging of Clinically Localized Carcinoma of the Prostate" Third Place, Clinical Research Maimonides Society Award, Philadelphia PA “Unenhanced Spiral CT Scanning in the Evaluation of Patients with Renal Colic” Clinical Research Award, Philadelphia Urologic Society “Reassessing the Role of Urodynamics After Cerebrovascular Accident-Males Versus Females” Mid-Atlantic Meeting-AUA “Urodynamics After CVA” Third Place, Clinical Research AUA Meeting Highlights Session on Infectious Disease “Chronic Indwelling Foley Catheters: Unacceptable Morbidity in Diabetic Males” “Discontinuation of Alpha Blockade After Initial Treatment with Finasteride and Doxazosin for Bladder Outlet Obstruction” Selected for Take Home Messages section at AUA Philadelphia Urologic Society Competition – 2nd Place “Pretreatment with Finasteride Can Decrease Perioperative Bleeding Associated with Transurethral Resection of the Prostate” Philadelphia Urologic Society Competition, Third Place “Use of a Prostate Model to Assist in Training for Digital Rectal Examination” Philadelphia Urologic Society Competition, Second Place “Physical Factors Predicting Blood Loss During Radical Retropubic Prostatectomy” Philadelphia Urologic Society Competition, First Place “Racial Differences in Loss of Heterozygosity in Chromosome 8p12-23” 1984 1985 1985 1985 1985 1985 1985 1988 1992 1993 1997 1998 1998 1998 1999 2000 1999 1999 1999 Philadelphia Urologic Society Competition – First Place Outstanding Clinical Contribution – PCOM “Replacement of a Ureteral Segment Using a Circumferential Small Intestinal Submucosal Xenogenic Graft” Philadelphia Urologic Society Competition Honorable Mention “Discontinuation of Alpha Blockade After Combination Medical Therapy for Men with LUTS and Clinical Evidence of BPH – Durability Data” Philadelphia Urologic Society Competition First Place “Diabetes as a Predictor of Decreased Leak Point Pressure After Radical Retropubic Prostatectomy” Philadelphia Urologic Society Competition Third Place “Serum PSA Predicts Tolerability of Discontinuation of Alpha Blocker in Men With BPH Concomitantly Treated With Finasteride and Alpha Blockers” Philadelphia Urologic Society Competition Second Place “Initial Evaluation of Gross Hematuria in the Emergency Department” Philadelphia Urologic Society Competition Third Place 2000 2000 2000 2001 2001 2002 2002 PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES American Society for Reproductive Medicine American Medical Association American Urologic Association Mid-Atlantic Section-AUA Philadelphia Urologic Society Pennsylvania Medical Society APPOINTMENTS ACADEMIC Clinical Instructor University of Pennsylvania, 1991-1995 Assistant Professor PCOM, 1996-Present Consultant Urologist -Eastern Regional Adult Spina Bifida Clinic and -Golden Slipper Uptown Home 1996-Present Director -Male Infertility and Andrology, Albert Einstein Health Network (AEHN Co-Director -Prostate Evaluation and Treatment Center, (AEHN) Clinical Assistant Professor – Temple University School of Medicine Clinical Assistant Professor – Drexel University School of Medicine Co-Director Residency Training Urology – Albert Einstein Medical Center HOSPITAL Attending Urologist Albert Einstein Medical Ctr. Elkins Park Hospital Vencor Critical Care Hospital Mercy Suburban Hospital Hahnemann University Hospital Temple University Hospital 1996-Present 1997-Present 2006-Present 1997-Present COMMITTEE Blood Utilization Quality Assurance Committee,. Urology DivisionQuality Assurance Panel, Pharmacy and Theraputics Committee EXPERT REVIEWER PANEL Urology Infections in Urology MEDICAL DIRECTOR Merck Urology Slide Kit (BPH) 2000 Ketchum Communications London, UK International Press Kit on BPH 2000 National Consultant on CME Education For BPH 2001 Glaxo Thought Leaders Meeting (BPH) London, England 2001 National BPH Slide Kit Coordinator/Editor 2002 Steering Committee Co-Chairman on BPH Data Collection 2002 Medical Knowledge Forum in Urology Understanding the Role of PSA as a Marker For BPH – Faculty/Development 2002 Activity Chairman – Ask the experts Teleforum On BPH 2003 CONSULTANT CME Monograph CoChairman of Development “Novel Approaches to Change – Diagnosis and Treatment in BPH” 2003 Design Consultant – Creative Images BPH Model International Distribution 2003 National Advisor on BPH Sanofi Labs 2003 BPH Speaker Trainer Faculty Sanofi Labs 2003 National Advisor on Prostate Cancer GSK Labs 2004 MODERATOR Podium Session – Mid Atlantic Session AUA Hot Springs Virginia 2001 PRESENTATIONS 1989 1990 1992 1992 1993 1993 1993 1993 "Cis-Platinum Ototoxicity and Protection with WR-2721" Otolaryngology Research Seminar, Hospital of University of Penna. Philadelphia, PA "Urinary Tract Malignancy" Lecture by invitation Department of Surgery Hospital of University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA "Unusual Genitourinary Cancers" Lecture by invitation Penn Urology Grand Rounds "Pharmacologic Erection: Time- Dependent Changes in the Corporal Environment" Philadelphia Urologic Society Philadelphia, PA "Bleeding Disorders in Urology" Lecture by Invitation Penn Urology Grand Rounds “Pharmacological Erection: Time Dependent Changes in Cavernous Tissue Oxygenation, Acidity, and Hypercarbia” AUA National Meeting San Antonio, Texas "Endorectal Coil Staging and Clinically Localized Carcinoma of the Prostate" Mid-Atlantic Section Meeting-AUA Palm Beach, Florida "Endorectal Coil MRI in the Future" Lecture by invitation MedRad Sales Meeting Philadelphia, PA 1995 "Urologic Aspects of Pregnancy" Lecture by invitation Albert Einstein Grand Rounds Department of Obstetrics 1995 "Practical Urodynamics" Lecture by invitation Rehabilitation Grand Rounds Moss Rehabilitation Hospital Philadelphia, PA 1996 "Outpatient Evaluation of Erectile Dysfunction" Medical Grand Rounds Bucks County Hospital "Clinical Outcomes in the Management of BPH" Medical Grand Rounds Bucks County Hospital "BPH: New Patient Physician Perspective for the New Millennium" Hawaii Urologic Society “The Role of Urologic Evaluation in the Adult Spina Bifida Patient” World Congress on Incontinence, Monaco “The Role of Urodynamics after CVA: Males vs. Females” World Congress on Incontinence, Monaco 1997 1998 1998 1998 1999 “Discontinuation of Alpha Blockade After Initial Treatment with Finasteride and Doxazosin for Bladder Outlet Obstruction” AUA National Meeting, Podium Session, Dallas TX Selected for Take Home Messages section at AUA 2000 Philadelphia Urologic Society Competition – 2nd Place International Consultation on BPH – Paris, France 2000 1999 “Pretreatment with Finasteride Can Decrease Perioperative Bleeding Associated with Transurethral Resection of the Prostate” Philadelphia Urologic Society Competition, Third Plac Mid Atlantic AUA Meeting Podium Session International Consultation on BPH – Paris, Framce “Use of a Prostate Model to Assist in Training for Digital Rectal Examination” Philadelphia Urologic Society Competition, Second Place “Physical Factors Predicting Blood Loss During Radical Retropubic Prostatectomy” Philadelphia Urologic Society Competition, First Place Mid Atlantic AUA (Poster Session) 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 2000 2000 2000 2000 “Multiple Primary Malignancies Associated with Prostate Cancer” Mid Atlantic AUA Meeting Podium Session “A New Diagnostic Algorithm for the Evaluation of Microscopic Hematuria” Mid Atlantic AUA Meeting Podium Session “Preliminary Experience with Sildenafil Citrate in Patients with Myelomeningocele” Mid Atlantic AUA Meeting Poster Session “The Need for Voiding Diaries in the Evaluation of Men with Nocturia” Mid Atlantic AUA Meeting Poster Session “Urinary Tract Infections in the Adult Spina Bifida Patient” Mid Atlantic AUA Meeting Poster Session “BPH Update” Milwaukee Urologic Society “New Developments in BPH Research” Medical College of Wisconsin Urology Grand Rounds “New Developments in BPH Research” Albert Einstein Medical CTR – New York Urology Grand Rounds “BPH – Update 2000” Syracuse University Hospital Urology Grand Rounds “BPH – Update 2000” Albany Medical College Urology Grand Rounds “BPH – Update 2000” Manchester Urologic Society “BPH – Update 2000” Medical College of Virginia Urology Grand Rounds 2000 “BPH – Update 2000” Providence Urologic Society 2000 “Combination Medical Therapy for BPH” Merck Urology Consultants Meeting Phoenix, Arizona “Combination Medical Therapy for BPH” Merck Urology Consultants Meeting Orlando, Florida 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2002 2002 “RacialDifferencesinLossofHeterozygosityinChromosome8p12 Philadelphia Urologic Society Competition – 1st Place “Replacement of a Ureteral Segment Using a Circumferential Small Intestinal Submucosa Xenogenic Graft” Mid Atlantic AUA (Poster Session) “Effect of Irrigation FluidTemperature on Core Body Temperature During Transurethral Resection of the Prostate” Mid Atlantic AUA (Poster Session) “Single Opening Minimal Incision Living Donor Nephrectomy as an Alternative to Standard Open Donor Nephrectomy” Mid Atlantic AUA (Poster Session) “Discontinuation ofAlpha Blockade after Combination Medical Therapy For Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia – Durability Data” Mid Atlantic AUA (Podium Session) “Use of Intraurethral Alprostadil (MUSE) in a group of Sildenafil Citrate Non- Responders” Mid Atlantic AUA (Podium Session) “Evaluation of the Management Strategies of Primary Care PhysiciansRegarding Microscopic Hematuria” Mid Atlantic AUA (Podium Session) “BPH Update 2000”-University of Pennsylvania Urology Grand Rounds “BPH Update 2000”- Boston Urologic Society “BPH Update 2000”-Buffalo Urologic Society “New Concepts in Hematuria” – Malaysian Urologic Society “New Concepts in Hematuria” – Harvard Urologic Symposium “New Concepts in Hematuria” – University of Pa Grand Rounds “BPH Update 2001 – Kansas University Urologic Symposium “BPH Update 2001 – Northern Michigan Urologic Society “BPH Update 2001” – Queens Medical Grand Rounds, Honolulu HI “Emerging Uses of 5-Alpha Reductase Inhibitors” Merck Urology Consultants Meeting Palm Desert, CA “Classic Studies on BPH – A Review of the Literature with New Frontiers” American College of Osteopathic Surgeons “Future Pharmacotheraputic Strategies for BPH” European Urologists Meeting Monte Carlo, Monaco “Combination Medical Therapy for BPH” Lecture and Workshop Leader Scandinavian Urologic Society “Emerging Uses of 5-Alpha Reductase Inhibitors” Merck Urology Consultants Meeting Seville, Spain 2002 “Future Pharmacotheraputic Strategies for BPH” European Urologists Meeting London, England 2002 “Combination Medical Therapy for BPH” Lecture and Workshop Leader Glaxo Internal Training London, England Raleigh, NC 2002 “Urologic Complications of Transplantation” Philadelphia Urology Teaching Conference “Combination Medical Therapy for BPH” Grand Rounds Long Island Jewish Medical Center 2002 2002 2002 2003 2003 2003 2004 2004 2005 2006 “Real World Evidence for BPH Management” Societe Internationale de Urologie Stockholm, Sweden “MTOPS and 5ARI’s for Hematuria” Slovenian Urology Congress Radenci, Slovenia BPH Panel on Treatment Guidelines Mid Atlantic AUA Boca Raton, Florida New Fronteirs in the Management of BPH Columbus Society of Internal Medicine New Fronteirs in the Management of BPH Carolina Urologic Society Keynote Speaker Avodart Launch MTG Barcelona, Spain Keynote Speaker Proscar Investigators MTG Tokyo, Japan National Faculty – Speaker Training in BPH Miami, Florida Director National Faculty Remote Teleforums 2006 BPH New Fronteirs- Pittsburgh Urologic Society 2006 BPH Grand Rounds – Tenet Health System 2006 BPH New Fronteir- Reno Nevada 2006 “Serum Creatinine Predicts Stent Failures in Urologic Cancers” – Philadelphia Urologic Society 2006 BPH Speaker Training – Co Chairman Orlando 2006 BPH New Fronteirs Seattle Washington 2006 Director – Internet Training in BPH GSK Labs 2006 “Patient and Urologist Opinions on BPH Management” EAU – Paris, France 2006 “Differences in BPH Across the Atlantic” London, England 2006 BPH New Fronteirs Pennsylvania Osteopathic Medical Association 2006 Director BPH Advisory Board Cleveland Detroit New York Orlando Jacksonville 2007 Co Director Speaker Training BPH Phoenix, Arizona 2007 International Symposium on BPH Berlin, Germany 2007 Regional Advisory Board – Overactive Bladder New York City PUBLICATIONS PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Pollack, H.M. and Harkaway, R. C., "Bilateral Renal Angiomyolipomas and Renal Cysts in a Patient with Tuberous Sclerosis." Contemporary Urology, August, 1989:13-16. Chun, A.L., Wein, A.J., Harkaway, R. C., Levin, R.M., "Comparison of Urinary Bladder Function in Sexually Mature and Immature Female Rats." Journal of Urology, (1990), 143:1267-1271. Gregory A. Broderick and Harkaway, R. C., "Pharmacologic Erection: Time-Dependent Changes in the Corporal Environment" Int. Journal of Impotence Research, 1994:6, 9-16. Lobby, N., Ginsberg, P.C., Torres, M., and Harkaway, R. C., "Urinary Tract Infections in the Adult Spina Bifida Patient" Infections in Urology, 1999 12 (2) – 51-55 Nachmann, M.M., Ginsberg, P.C., Harkaway, R. C., "Unusual Presentation of Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Prostate" Contemporary Urology, November, 1997 Nachmann, M.M., Jaffe, JS, Horrow, M., Ginsberg, PC, Harkaway, R. C., "Sickle Cell Episode Manifesting as Superficial Thrombophlebitis of the Penis” JAOA 103:102-104, 2003 Brown, G., Ginsberg, P.C., Harkaway, R. C., "Prostatic Adenocarcinoma Diagnosed by PSA Analysis of Pleural Fluid" Urologia Internationalis 60(3) – 197-198, 1998 Gill, R., Reich, D., Ginsberg, P.C., Harkaway, R. C., "Sexual Function in the Post Liver Transplant Patient" Liver Transplantation & Surgery, 2000 (In Press) Ginsberg, P.C., Harkaway, R. C., Elisco, A. J., Rosenthal, B. “Rare Presentation of Acute Urinary Retention Secondary to Herpes Zoster” JAOA 98 (9), 1998 Campenni, M., Persun, M., Ginsberg, P. C., Harkaway, R. C. “The Use of Foley Catheters in Men with Diabetes” Practical Diabetology, June 1999, p 28-34 Campenni, M., Persun, M., Ginsberg, P. C., Harkaway, R. C. “Chronic Indwelling Foley Catheters: Unacceptable Morbidity in Diabetic Males” Infections in Urology 12 (6) – 169-172 Khorsandi, M., Ginsberg, P. C., Harkaway, R. C. “The Role of Urodynamics After CVA: Males vs. Females” Urologia Internationalis 61(3) – 142-146, 1998 Harmon, J., Ginsberg, P., Manzerbeita, C., Nachmann, M., Harkaway, R “Stuttering Priapism in a Liver Transplant Patient with Toxic Levels of FK506” Urology 54:366-367, 1999 Persun,M., Ginsberg,P., Harmon, J., Harkaway, RC “The Role of Urologic Evaluation in the Adult Spina Bifida Patient” Urologica Internationalis 1999; 62:205-208 Harkaway, R.C., Ginsberg,P.C. “Testicular Cysts – Management and Literature Review” JAOA 99(10) 537-538 16. Yanoshak,S., Roehrborn,C.,Girman,CJ, Jaffe,J, Harkaway,RC “Use of a Prostate Size Model to Assist Digital Rectal Examination” Urology 55:4 514-563 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. Hagerty JA and Harkaway RC Urology 55:5 690-693, J., and Harkaway RC “Pretreatment with Finasteride Can Decrease Perioperative Bleeding Associated with Transurethral Resection of the Prostate” Urology 55:5 684-689 Nachmann,M., Ginsberg,PC,Fields,R, and Harkaway, RC “Helical CT Scanning: Primary Imaging Modality For Acute Flank Pain” American Journal of Emergency Medicine 18:6 649-652 Campenni, M., Ginsberg, PC, Harmon, J, and Harkaway, RC “Improved Continence After Radical Retropubic Prostatectomy Using Two Pubo-Urethral Suspension Stitches” Urologia Internationalis 2002 Baldwin, KC., Ginsberg, PC, and Harkaway RC “Discontinuation of Alpha Blockade After Initial Treatment With Finasteride and Doxazosin for Bladder Outlet Obstruction” Urologia Internationalis 2001;66:84-88 Jaffe, J, Ginsberg, PC, and Harkaway RC “ The Use of Voiding Diaries in the Evaluation of Men With Nocturia” JAOA 102:261-265, 2002 Jaffe, J, Gill, R.M., Ginsberg, PC, and Harkaway, R.C., “A New Diagnostic Algorithm for the Evaluation of Microscopic Hematuria” Urology 57: 889-894, 2001 Jaffe,J, McCollough, TC, Harkaway, RC, Ginsberg, PC “Effect of Irrigation Fluid Temperature on Core Body Temperature During Transurethral Resection of the Prostate” Urology 57:1078-1081,2001 Baldwin, KC, Roehrborn, C, Ginsberg, PC and Harkaway, RC “Discontinuation of Alpha Blockade after Initial Treatment with Finasteride and Doxazosin in Men with Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms and Clinical Evidence of BPH” Urology 58: 203-209,2001 Jaffe,JS, Ginsberg, PC, Finklestein,L Harkaway, RC “Replacement of a Ureteral Segment Using a Circumferential Small Intestinal Submucosa Xenogenic Graft” Journal of Investigative Surgery 14:259-265,2001 Greenstein, M, Yang, S, Ginsberg, P, Harkaway, RC “Minimal Incision Living Donor Nephrectomy: Improvement in Patient Outcome” Urology 2002 59:673-677 Chu, FM, Jayson, M, Dineen, MK, Perez, R and Harkaway, RC “A Clinical Study of LA-2550 22.5 mg: A new Subcutaneous Depot Delivery System for Leuprolide Acetate for the Treatment of Prostate Cancer.” Journal of Urology 168:1199-1203, 2002 Baldwin, K, Ginsberg, PC and Harkaway, RC “Underreporting of Erectile Dysfunction in Men with Other Urologic Conditions” Journal of Impotence Research (2003) 15, 87-89 29. Benninghoff, M, Ginsberg, PC and Harkaway,R “Suprapubic Catheters Can Reduce Urosepsis in Chronically Catheterized Patients” Infections in Urology (in press) 30 Greenstein, MA, Yang, S, Ginsberg, P, Harkaway RC “Minimal Incision Living Donor Nephrectomy versus the Hand-Assisted Laparoscopic Approach” World Journal of Urology (2003) 20:356-359 31. McCullough, TC, Roth, J, Ginsberg, P Harkaway, RC “Estimated Blood Loss Underestimates Calculated Blood Loss During Radical Retropubic Prostatectomy” Urologia Internationalis (2004) 72:13-16 32. Boyle, P., Roehrborn, C., Harkaway, RC., Logie, J., De La Rosette, J., Emberton “Five Alpha Reductase Inhibitors Provide Superior Benefits to Alpha Blockers by Preventing AUR and Surgery” European Urology 2004 45:620-626 33. Nachmann, M.M., Jaffe, JS, Horrow, M., Ginsberg, PC, Harkaway, R. C., ` "Sickle Cell Episode Manifesting as Superficial Thrombophlebitis of the Urology Review (Nordic Edition)2004:1 -1-18 Penis” 34. Jaffe, JS, Mydlo, J., Antell, MR, Ginsberg, PC, and Harkaway RC “Use of Intraurethral Alprostadil (MUSE) in a group of Sildenafil Citrate Non- Responders” Urology 57: 877-881 35. Marberger, M, Harkaway, RC, De la Rosette, J “Optimizing the Medical Management of BPH” European Urology 2004 44:411-419 36. Rosenthal, BD, Harkaway, RC, Ginsberg, PC “Effect of Testosterone Supplementation in a Group of Sildenifil Non Responders” Urology (In Press) 37 Roehrborn, CG, Marks, L and Harkaway, RC “Enlarged Prostate: A Landmark National Survey of its Prevalence and Impact on US Men and Their Partners” Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases 2006 9: 30-34 37. Brown, JS, McNaughton, KS, Wyman, JF, Harkaway, RC, Girman, CJ “Measurement Characteristics of a Voiding Diary for Use by Men and Women with Overactive Bladder” Urology 2003 61:802-809 38. Harkaway, RC and Issa MM “Medical and Minimally Invasive Therapies for the Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia” Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases 2006 9:204-214 39. Harkaway, RC “What are the Views of Patients and Urologists on BPH and its Management?” EAU Supplement (in press) ABSTRACTS 1. 2. 3. Payne, C.K., Babiarz, J.W., Raz, S., Harkaway, R. C., "Evaluation and Treatment of the Patient After Unsuccessful Bladder Neck Suspension." Podium Session, Natl. Mtg. AUA, 1993 Campenni, M., Persun, M.L., Ginsberg, P.C., Harkaway, R. C., "Chronic Indwelling Foley Catheters: Unacceptable Morbidity in Diabetic Males" Poster Session, Natl. Mtg, AUA 1998 Selected for Highlights Session on Infections and Prostatitis Persun, M.L., Ginsberg, P.C., Harkaway, R. C., "The Role of Urologic Evaluation in the Adult Spina Bifida Patient" Podium Session, Mid-Atlantic Mtg, AUA 1997 World Congress on Incontinence, Monaco, 1998 4. Nachmann, M.M., Summerton, S., Ginsberg, P.C., Harkaway, R. C., "Unenhanced Spiral CT and Its Use in Patients with Renal Colic" Podium Session, Natl Mtg., AUA 1998 First Prize Maimonides Society Competition 5. Khorsandi, M., Lobby, N.J., Ginsberg, P.C., Harkaway, R. C.. "Management of Intratesticular Cysts" Poster Session, Urologic Sectional Meeting, ACOS 1997 6. Yanoshak, S, Osborne, D., Ginsberg, P. C., Harkaway, R. C., "Implementation of a Clinical Pathway for Transurethral Resection of Prostatectomy" Poster Session, Urologic Sectional Mtg., ACOS, 1997 First Place Clinical Competition 7. Khorsandi, M., Ginsberg, P., Harkaway, R. C., "Reassessing the Role of Urodynamics After Cerebrovascular Accident: Males vs. Females" Poster Sess., Intl. Consultation on Incontinence, Monaco, June, 98 Philadelphia Urologic Society, Third Place Mid-Atlantic Sectional Meeting Third Place, 1998 8. Kerner, S., Ginsberg, P.C., Harkaway, R.C., “Finasteride to Aid in the Detection of Prostate Cancer in Men with Normal PSA Levels” Mid-Atlantic Sectional Meeting, 1998 9. Kalapurakal, J. A., Jacob, A.N.K., Kim, Y., Najjar, D., Harkaway, R. C., Ginsberg, P. C., “Racial Differences in Prostate Cancer as Related to Loss of Heterozygosity (LOH) at Chromosome 8p22” 84th Annual Meeting Radiation Society of North America Philadelphia Urologic Society Competition – 1st Place 2000 10. Harkaway, R.C., Baldwin, K., Ginsberg, P., “Discontinuation of Alpha Blockade after Initial Treatment with Finasteride and Doxazosin for Bladder Outlet Obstruction” AUA National Meeting, Podium Session 1999 Take Home Messages section at AUA 1999 International Consultation on BPH – Paris, 11. Moyer, C.P., Baldwin, K.C., Ginsberg, P.C., Tojino, C., Asbell, S.O., and Harkaway R.C. “Multiple Primary Malignancies Associated with Prostate Cancer” Mid Atlantic AUA Meeting Podium Session October 1999 Literary Award (3rd Place) – ACOS- 2000 Mid Atl 2004 12. Gill, R.M., Harkaway, R.C., and Ginsberg P.C. “A New Diagnostic Algorithm for the Evaluation of Microscopic Hematuria” Mid Atlantic AUA Meeting October 1999 Podium Session - 2nd Place ACOS 1999 AUA Podium Session – 2001 13. Hagerty, J.A., Ginsberg, P.C., Harmon, J.D., and Harkaway R.C. “Pretreatment with Finasteride can Decrease Perioperative Bleeding Associated with Transurethral Resection of the Prostate” Mid Atlantic AUA Meeting October 1999 Poster Session – 2nd Place ACOS October 1999 AUA 2000 Poster Session – Atlanta International Consultation on BPH – Paris, France 2000 14. Blitz, J., Ginsberg, P.C., and Harkaway R.C. “Preliminary Experience withSildenafil Citrate in Patients with Myelomeningocele” Mid Atlantic AUA Meeting October 1999 Poster Session ACOS October 1999 AUA 2002 – (Poster Session) 15. Moyer C.P., Lobby N.J., Baldwin K.C., Ginsberg P.C., and Harkaway, RC “Urinary Tract Infections in the Adult Spina Bifida Patient” Mid Atlantic AUA Meeting Poster Session October 1999 16. Harmon,J, Ginsberg, PC, Harkaway RC “Physical Factors Affecting Blood Loss During Radical Retropubic Prostatectomy” Poster Session ACOS October – 1999 Mid Atlantic AUA-2000 (Poster Session) 17. Jaffe, J., Ginsberg, P.C., Silverberg, D.M., and Harkaway R.C. “The Need for Voiding Diaries in the Evaluation of Men with Nocturia” Mid Atlantic AUA Meeting Poster Session October 1999 AUA 2000 Poster Session – Atlanta 18. Chiasano, M, Ginsberg, PC, and Harkaway RC “Prostate Size and Incontinence Rates During Radical Retropubic Prostatectomy” Poster Session ACOS October 1999 Mid Atlantic AUA – 2001 (Poster Session) 19. Campenni, M, Ginsberg,PC and Harkaway RC “The Use of Two Pubo-Urethral Stitches to Aid in Continence Rates During Radical Retropubic Prostatectomy” Video Session ACOS 1999 Poster Session (2nd Place) – ACOS 2000 Baldwin,K, Ginsberg, PC and Harkaway RC “Discontinuation of Alpha Blockade After Combination Medical Therapy for Bladder Outlet Obstruction; The Effect of Increasing Alpha Blocker Dose” AUA 2000 Poster Session – Atlanta AUA Posters on Disc Selection Philadelphia Urologic Society Competition 2nd Place 2000 Selected for “Posters on CD-ROM” AUA 2000 Albert Einstein Maimonides Society 2000 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Baldwin, K, Ginsberg, PC and Harkaway, RC “Underreporting of Erectile Dysfunction in Men with Other Urologic Conditions” AUA 2000 Poster Session – Atlanta Jaffe,J Ginsberg, P , Finklestein, and Harkaway RC “Replacement of a Ureteral Segment Using a Circumferential Small Intestinal Submucosa Xenogenic Graft” Mid Atlantic AUA 2000 (Poster Session) AUA Poster Session 2001 ACOS 1st Prize Video Presentation 2003 Jaffe, JS, Ginsberg, PC and Harkaway, RC “Effect of Irrigation Fluid Temperature on Core Body Temperature During Transurethral Resection of the Prostate” Mid Atlantic AUA 2000 (Poster Session) AUA Poster Session - 2001 Greenstein, MA, Yang, S, Badosa, F, Ginsberg, PC and Harkaway RC “Single Opening Minimal Incision Living Donor Nephrectomy as an Alternative to Standard Open Donor Nephrectomy” Mid Atlantic AUA 2000 (Poster Session) Podium Award (1st Place) – ACOS 2000 Maimonides Society-2001 25. Baldwin, KC, Ginsberg, PC and Harkaway RC “Discontinuation of Alpha Blockade after Combination Medical Therapy For Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia – Durability Data” Mid Atlantic AUA 2000 (Podium Session) Philadelphia Urologic Society – 1st Place AUA 2001 – Podium Session 26. Antell, MR, Ginsberg, PC, Jaffe, JS and Harkaway RC “Use of Intraurethral Alprostadil (MUSE) in a group of Sildenafil Citrate Non- Responders” Mid Atlantic AUA 2000 (Podium Session) AUA 2002 (Poster Session) 27. Moyer, CP, Antell, MR, Jaffe, JS, Ginsberg, PC and Harkaway RC “Evaluation of the Management Stratagies of Primary Care Physicians Regarding Microscopic Hematuria” Mid Atlantic AUA 2000 (Podium Session) Poster Session (3rd Place) – ACOS 2000 28. Bunning, KR, Ginsberg, PC, and Harkaway RC “Diabetes as a Predictor of Decreased Leak Point Pressures After Radical Retropubic Prostatectomy” AUA 2001 Poster Session Philadelphia Urologic Society – 3rd Place 2001 Mid Atlantic AUA 2001 – (Poster Session) 29. Harkaway, RC, Baldwin, KC, Ginsberg, PC, and Roehrborn, CG “Serum PSA Predicts Tolerability of Discontinuation of Alpha Blocker in Men With BPH Concomitantly Treated With Finasteride and Alpha Blockers” AUA 2001 Podium Session Jaffe, JS, Ginsberg, PC, and Harkaway, RC “Prostate Size and PSA Predict Failure in Patients Undergoing Alpha Blocker Monotherapy” AUA Podium Session - 2001 Maria, P, Ginsberg,PC and Harkaway, RC “Changes in Patient Characteristics and Results for Men Undergoing TURP : 1989 Vs 1999 AUA Podium Session – 2001 Selected for Take Home Messages Session 30. 31. 32. 33. Hagerty, J, Malloy,TR, Ginsberg, PC and Harkaway, RC “Pretreatment With Finasteride Improves Postoperative Hemoglobin Levels After TURP” AUA Poster Session - 2001 Fields, R, Fingerman,J, Ginsberg, PC and Harkaway, RC “Patient Perception of Risk Reduction in the Treatment of BPH” Mid Atlantic AUA – 2001 (Poster Session) 34. Wang, J, Ginsberg, PC, and Harkaway, RC “Bladder Neck Reconstruction Versus Bladder Neck Sparing Technique After Radical Retropubic Prostatectomy” Mid Atlantic AUA 2001 – Podium Session 35. Greenstein, MA, Yang, S, Badosa, F, Ginsberg, PC and Harkaway, RC “Minimal Incision Living Donor Nephrectomy versus the Hand-Assisted Approach” Mid Atlantic AUA 2001-Podium Session Third Place – Resident Essay Competition 36. Greenstein, MA, Yang, S, Badosa, F, Ginsberg, PC and Harkaway, RC “Minimal Incision Living Donor Nephrectomy: Improvement in Patient Outcome” Mid Atlantic AUA 2001 – Podium Session 37. Gerstein, M, Ginsberg, PC, Mydlo, JH and Harkaway, RC “ The Use of Oral Non-Narcotic Analgesics After Incisional Urologic Surgery” Mid Atlantic AUA 2001 – Podium Session 38. McCullough, TC, Roth, JV, Ginsberg, PC and Harkaway, RC “Estimated Blood Loss Underestimates Calculated Blood Loss During Radical Retropubic Prostatectomy” Mid Atlantic AUA 2001 – Podium Session 39. Price, Ali, Ginsberg, PC, and Harkaway, RC “Initial Evaluation of Gross Hematuria in the Emergency Department” Society for American Emergency Medicine Regional Meeting 2002 Wilmington, DE Mid Atlantic AUA 2002 – Podium Session Benninghoff, M, Ginsberg, PC and Harkaway, RC “Suprapubic Catheters Can Reduce the Incidence of Urosepsis in Chronically Catheterized Patients” AUA 2002 (Poster Session) Rosenthal, B, Ginsberg, PC and Harkaway, RC “The Relationship Between Prostate Size and the Efficacy of Finasteride in the Treatment of BPH Related Hematuria” AUA 2002 (Poster Session) 39. 40. 41. Lee, M, Ginsberg, PC, Brotman, A, and Harkaway, RC “Family Practice Perspectives on the Treatment of Men with Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms” Mid Atlantic AUA 2002 (Poster Session) 42. Harmon, J, De La Rosette, J, Ginsberg, PC and Harkaway, RC “Comparison of Alpha Blockers in the Treatment of Men With Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms” Mid Atlantic AUA 2002 (Poster Session) 43. Boyle, P, Roehrborn,C, De la Rosette, J, and Harkaway, RC “5 ARIs Provide Superior Benefits in Preventing AUR or Surgery Versus Alpha Blockers” New England AUA 2002 (Podium Session) Societe Internationale de Urologie 2002 – Stockholm (Poster) AUA 2003 44. Rosenthal, B, Harkaway, RC., Ginsberg, PC “The Addition of Testosterone Replacement Therapy To Treat Erectile Dysfunction After Failure of Sildenifil Alone in Men with Acquired Androgen Deficiency Syndrome” AUA 2003 (Poster Session) ACOS 2003 3rd Prize Podium Session 45. Carson, C., Harkaway, RC, Marks, L, McNicholas, TA “Effect of Maximal DHT Suppression with Dutasteride on Sexual Function and Gynecomastia” AUA 2003 (Poster Session) 46. Boyle, P., Roehrborn, C., Harkaway, RC., Logie, J., Emberton, M. “Five Alpha Reductase Inhibitors Provide Superior Benefits to Alpha Blockers by Preventing AUR and Surgery” AUA 2003 (Poster Session) 47. Blitz, J, Peardon, N, Ginsberg, PC, Metro, MJ, Harkaway, RC “Does Intraoperative Cel Salvage During Radical Retropubic Prostatectomy Affect Biochemical Failure Rate? – A 10 year Retrospective Evaluation Mid Atlantic Section 2003 (Poster Session) 48. 49. 50. Rosenthal, B, Ginsberg, PC, Metro, MJ, Harkaway R “Bisphosphonates for the Prevention of Bone Loss During Androgen Deprivation Therapy for Prostate Cancer” Mid Atlantic Section 2003 (Podium) Handler, H, Tester, W, Ginsberg, PC, Harkaway, RC “Use of Doclitaxel in Advanced Prostate Cancer – a Pilot Study” ACOS 2003 – First Prize Resident Essay Contest Hagerty JA; Ginsberg PC; Harkaway RC A prospective, comparative study of the onset ofsymptomatic benefit of dutasteride versus finasteride in men with benign prostatic hyperplasia in everyday clinical practice. EAU Poster Session 2004 (Vienna) 51. Baldwin, K, Ginsberg, PC, Metro, MJ, Harkaway, RC “Androgen Deficiency Syndrome (ADS) – A True Clinical Entity” AUA Mid Atlantic 2004 52. Schellato, T, Ginsberg, PC, Metro, MJ, Harkaway, RC “Caffeine Consumption and its Effect on AUA Symptom Score” AUA Mid Atlantic 2004 53. Roehrborn, CG, O’Leary, MA, Harkaway, RC “Measurement of the Effect of Dutasteride on Disease Related Lifestyle Adaptations in Men With Symptomatic BPH: Use of a Novel Instrument” AUA 2005 Podium 54. McCullough, TC, Ginsberg, PC, Metro, MJ and Harkaway, RC “ Serum Creatinine Predicts Stent Failures in Urologic Cancers” AUA 2006 Poster 55. Weiss, J. Ginsberg, PC, Metro, MJ, and Harkaway, RC “Pathological Characteristics of Repeat Prostate Biopsies after Initial Negative or Suspicious Biopsy: MID ATLANTIC Poster - 2006 BOOK CHAPTERS 1. 2. “Phimosis and Paraphimosis” in 5-Minute Urology Consultation, pp376-377and pp388-389, Ginsberg, P. C .and Harkaway, R. C., Mosbey Publishers “Erectile Function After Treatment For Localized Prostate Cancer” in Prostate Cancer, McCullough, TC, Ginsberg, PC, and Harkaway RC (in press) Harcourt Publishing OTHER ARTICLES 1. 2. 3. Harkaway, R. C., Levy, J.B., Malkowicz, S.B., Tomaszewski, J.E., Schnall, M.D., Wein, A.J., "Endorectal Coil MRI Staging for Clinically Localized Prostate Cancer: Clinical and Pathological Correlation." AUA Today, 1995. Campenni,M., Persun,M.L., Ginsberg,P.C.,and Harkaway,R.C., “Men With Diabetes and Foley Catheters.” Urology Grand Rounds, December,1998 Harkaway, RC , Editorial Comment “A New Technique to Manage Perineal Wounds” Infections in Urology 13:2 49-52 4. Harkaway, RC “Role of 5 Alpha Reductase Inhibitors in the Management Of Disorders of the Prostate” National Distribution CME Monograph December 2002 Health Science Center for Continuing Medical Education 5. Urosepsis Occurs Less Often with Suprapubic Catheters Urology Times, Jan 2003 6. Harkaway, RC and Ginsberg PC “Optimizing Outcomes in BPH: Diagnosis, Risk Assessment, and Controlling the Uptake of DHT” National Distribution – Alpha Medica CME Monograph, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine May 2003 Jaffe, J, Ginsberg, PC and Harkaway RC “The Urologic Management of Brain Injured Patient” AUA Update – 2003 7. 8. 9. 10. Harkaway, RC and Ginsberg PC “Optimizing Outcomes in BPH: Case Studies in BPH Volume 2” National Distribution – Alpha Medica CME Monograph, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine November 2003 Harkaway, RC and Ginsberg PC “Optimizing Outcomes in BPH: Case Studies in BPH Volume 3” National Distribution – Alpha Medica CME Monograph, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine January 2004 Harkaway, RC and Sasseen JJ “Strategies for Successful Management of Enlarged Prostate” American Pharmacists Association Special Report November 2006
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