How to Stay Healthy in an Era of Growing Antibiotic Resistance Complete Healing Circle Ozark Folk Center Daniel Gagnon, nH(AHG) April 5,2014 For The 1mm How to Stay Healthy in an Era of Growing Antibiotic Resistance 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Support long term prevention Boost protective immunity quickly Nip a cold or flu in the bud Stop mucous membranes inflammation Respond to secondary bacterial infection Mop up after the challenge is gone m Legend • Dose: suggested use; how to prepare the herbs, how much to take and how frequently • C contraindications • SE = side effects • P • L • Dl — safety issues in pregnancy safety issues in lactation drug interactions Preempt • Strategy: Increase resistance and resilience to stress and optimize immune system response • Your daily multi herbal supplement • Optimize immunoglobulins (Ig) • Think of it as exercise for your inner body C Reishi Reishi Ganoderma lucidum fruiting body • • ~ ‘~< ‘ • •1~ gi~ ~ ~ - - Reishi Maitake J~. r’ -.4 ‘~.‘; S reactions and reduces inflammation of respiratory and gastrointestinal system • 4? -‘r 4 ~ ‘~¾j,~” ~• Cordyceps -. S their function Stabilizes mast cells, decreases allergic Shiitake Lent,nula eclodes • Dose: 500 mg twice a day. 2 cups decoction or 40 drops of liquid extract twice a day • C: mushroom allergies • SE: large doses may cause diarrhea Vitamin C may mitigate this situation • P:OK • [:0K ‘~ Superb adaptogen Balances levels of IgA, gD, IgE, lgG and 1gM antibody levels Protects internal organs and enhances Cordyceps sinensis -. ~‘~~—v ~ ~7’’• Ashwangandha (wtt~nia somnifera) Boot 4stragaius Boost I • Strategy: Build astrong, proaotlve o quick-responding immu e s~sm • Provide additional support whe increased stress: raveling, exams relationship, work and monetsituations, health issues, etc • Increase vigilance against on ntruders: virulent bugs, seas° epidemics or stresses (po e :to. Astragalus Astragalus membranaceus - - - Astragalus Astragalus root root • Immuno-modulating polysacchaEides r large lipids seem to indirectly promote the production of interferon • Increases epithelial cell interferon content and augments its response (long term use) • Increased resistance to immunosuppressive agents is also observed • • • Decreases occurrences of upper respiratory infections such as para influenza virus type I and other colds Increases levels of sIgA and lgG in nasal secretions Increases serum levels of IgE, 1gM, IgG antibodies (when low) Astragalus Schisandra Schisandra chinensis Dose: 500 mg of the powder, one cup of decoction or 60 drops of liquid extract twice a day C: do not use in influenza or in other acute infection. It increases fever and symptoms by stimulating interferon production & release • SE: none known • P:QK • L:OK Schisandra Immune system amphoteric Useful in both inadequate immune system responses and in over-responsive autoimmune reactions Supports and enhances liver function. Studies find it especially useful in hepatitis with elevated SGPT (sonim9lulamicpymvicuansam Schisandra • • • • • Dose: Up to 3 grams of the berries as a decoction or 60 drops of a liquid herbal extract three times a day C: none known SE: rare: appetite suppression, stomach upset and urticaria P: none known L: none known Alert Alert ahinacea ‘f Strategy: Stay ahead of the micro organisms and their attempt to invade respiratory epithelial cells • Ideal for the first day of an mmune challenge such as a cold or flu • Continue treatment full force unt I all symptoms have disappeared Viruses we inhale Respiratory tract Infect the respiratory tract (esp. upper tract) Cause colds and flu Other types of respiratory viruses cause mumps, chicken pox & erman measles Hard to avoid when aro nd people ae osol: coughs sneezes a rp anes direct contact’ handshake door ha dies Upper tract, from the neck p Lower tract. from the neck down ATM machines and other surfaces Sensitive to detergents and alcohol Relative Size of Human Cel vs. Bacteria 1. - Bacteria Relative size of a bacterium vs. a virus Size of viruses compared to bacteria ~—-- Rhinovirus (cold virus) rhL:, Dviyu~, 16 PDS. I~ym Rhinovirus (cold viruses) Dold Viruses Affect Upper Respiratory Trac -— ~0~ — —— — • • • • Half of all common o ds” are caused by rhinovirus Prefers lower ambient temperature. 91 F Infects any nose and upper airways Causes only acute infections Triggers sneeze and some cough reflexes Multiplies apidly: I virus 1 ,000s within 8 hours Rhinovirus (cold viruses) • Surrenders quickly there ore no memory of infection Lots of cytokines histamine, causes inflammation and congestion Blocks interferon production Interleukin 1 causes ow-grade fever • Produces lots of mutations and virus strains Influenza virus Membian Piotein t.42 RNA-Segn,eot Kamagglutinin K Protein lu Viruses Affect Lower Respiratory Tract 1~ Wlndppe itrachal U,’ Brmictts tip~dhaiie Matth Neoraminidase N Protein - Nukieokapsid Influenza Causes the flu Three types: A, B, & C: type A is the most dangerous Prefers higher body temperature. 98.6 F Infects especially lower respiratory epithelial cel s Triggers cough reflex Multiplies rapidly: 1 virus 1 ,000s within 5 hours Influenza II Differences between a cold & the flu Induces high production of interferon causing fever, muscle aches, headaches and fatigue Disrupts interferon ability to shutdown protein synthesis Only causes acute infections Can lead to pneumonia or secondary bacterial infections Differences between a cold & the f U Condition w atit Where is Cold Fu Contagious viral pperinfection Contagious viral weriniectio espiratory tract From neck up respratory tra From neck Onset Fever Gradual Rare Headache Rare down sudden Characteristic high 102 104 F lasts 3-4 days Prominent Differences between a cold & the flu condition. Cold Flu condition Cold Flu nierteron production Shut down Increased what it is contagious contagious Genera ache & pains Slight v ral infection upper respiratory tract From neck up viral nfection Lower respiratory tract From neck down Sudden Characterist high 102 104 lasts 3-4 days Prominent atigue and weakness: Qu em Id Extreme exhaustion Never Stuffy nose Sneezing Sore throat common Usual Common dramatical Y usual, often severe Can last several weeks Early and prominent Sometimes Sometimes Sometimes Differences between a cod & the f u Condition: Cold interferon production Shut down General ache & pains. Slight Fatigue and weaknes : Qui e mild Extreme exhaustion Neve Stufty nose: Sneezng: Sore throat: Common usua Common Inc eased dramatically Usua otten severe Can as several weeks Ea y and prominen Sometimes Sometimes Sometimes Where is it: Onset. Fever Gradual Rare Headache Rare Difference between a cold & the flu Condition: Cold Flu Chest discomfort Mild to moderate Hacking cough Secondary bacterial intection ot middle ear, sinuses (i.e.nitissinusitis, rh strep throat) Common, can become severe Common, can become severe Secondary bacterial infection ot the lungs (pneumonia) Cough Complication —• Naomi bald. ci Miqy wd frI.cicy. ,M~iors by 0n oomyc PH IJ4O~ _______________ Echinacea Echinacea Echinacea angustifolia, pailida and purpurea I’~ root Increases production of white blood cells and speeds up their differentiation Upregulates chemotax $ Increases aggre 5Mty of white ~%~ers M~ Afl3 f IllI Increase properd n/complement immune system response Increases opsonization of viruses St engthens hyaluronic acid bonds ‘ Echinacea • Dose: 30 to 60 drops of liquid extract every hour or two mmediately at onset • C: allergies o Asteraceae pollens, auto immune diseases (controversial) SE: tingling and numbing of mouth, tongue, throat and I ps •ROK • L.OK I. L a C I!24l1711S11 TIME IN NOUNS oiØ • Fbi I vInn w’cINa.d • ~‘— I, A b’I’b~~ • a nr1 p VI.,,. w,cMckd . I~ — mdkên dOIflO A Al L 5 L4 L o e Hi. HnIIwd Vi... ht~ft.d H. m.Wck’ do~g I 0 Al C 2 A; D 2 In dose 11411711 at TIME IN HOURS hI dose sq ~d dose 1114117 II Cii TIME IN HOURS US U • Andrographis Andragraphis paniculata vi.. I..CI.CII.~ Vigia iniubttad H*S.I media.. — A Al L I o 1411711—n TIME IN it flu HOURS Andrographis Andrographis herb • Proven treatment of uncomplicated upperrespiratory tract infection • Decrease the subject ye symptoms of common cold as we as shortening of the period of sick leave significantly • Prevents neutrophils adhesions and thus acts as an anti-inflammatory agent • Dose: ake 500 mg of the powder or 40 drops of the liquid extract every hour at onset of cold C: Do not use in hyperacidity, duodenal ulcer, esophageal reflux SE: Urticaria, headaches, chest d’scornfort P Do not use during early pregnancy L: OK Dl: Not with antiplatelets or anticoagulants Elder Elder Sambucus nigra fruit • Specific against flu viruses • FRESH elder berry juice d sarms neuraminidase within 24 to 48 hours halting invasion and re ease of viruses from human cells Found effective against seven strains of flu viruses (Beijing, Singapore Hong Kong Ann Arbor Texas Panama and Yamagata) Eld er Dose: 40 to 60 drops of the fresh extract every hou o two at mediate onset of a fl • C: none known • SE: none known P. OK L 01< Stop dead your in itscold tracks.... or flu • • Start the following regimen at the very first sign of a cold or flu 1. Echinacea Elderberry, and Andrographis combo 30 to 60 drops every hour 2. Vitamin C 500mg every ho 3. Jewish penic Ilin 4. Russ an penicillin Garlic Garlic Allium sativum (Russian penic hn) bulb • Effective against viral lung and sinus infections, colds, otitis media, antibiotic-resistant pneumonia • Prevents secondary bacterial infections Strongly stimulates macrophages • Increases NK cell activity • Demonstrates antiviral activity against Influenza Virus A and B G ar EIC • Dose. One clove one capsule (look for allicin potentia 4 times a day • C Discontinue 4 hrs prior to surgery • SE Heartburn, nausea, gas, Cl upsets body and breath odor, may ncrease bleeding tendencies • P.0K • L OK if taken throug out pregnancy Chicken ewish en’Soup hn Chicken Soup Chicken Soup • Provides much needed fluids and minerals • A study done on chicken soup in 2000 concluded that a mild anti inflammatory effect could be one of the beneficial medicinal activity by which he soup could decrease the symptoms of upper respiratory tract infectio 5 • Another study showed that chicken so p enhances mucus velocity from the respiratory tract. Lungs and sinu mucus were shown to be removed more rapidly after sipp ng on hot chicken soup • Showed a decrease in airflow resistance Demonstrated decreased lung congest on P.o-aid DO, En PP Oaivn.oOt Pott~I. PA. P.owd SI 200 lwAtplj dwflA. 000 CSII Sisal I ISO-Ill? C1.n A. S.áaFkEE IDOl El tOOthD*11 0-Owl 0~II~and dtkon aioçoo al n,lxw .doay — ranD 0tcw .~.a,S. C0-n. 74 400-410. Miso or Vegetable Broth vegetarian option ‘4 ‘~~- Outwit ~ ~t ~oldenseal ‘0 Outwit Inflammation and Infection Strategy: Prevent secondary bacterial infection by decreasing mucous membranes inflammation • Inflammation follows initial viral infection As inflammation increases tissues weaken • Quick y restores protective function Signs of inflammation • (L. inilammare, to flame within] • Clinical manilestations include 1 Rubor Redness 2 Tumor— Swelling 3. Calor— Heat 4 Dolor— Pain and itching and 5 Loss of function Goldenseal Goldenseal Hydrastis canaden rhizome end root — , • Specific for sub acute and chronic inflammation of mucous membranes • Restores integrity of mucous membranes, the internal first line of defense • Also helps prevent secondary bacterial infections by blocking adherence to host cells It acts as their a bactertostatic agent i.~oIuenseai -‘ -. — t does not kill invaders Boneset Eupatorium pertoliatum Dose one capsule of freshly ground root or 30 to 50 drops of the liquid extract every two to three hours • C none known SE ong term use may decrease intestinal flora P do not use in pregnancy • L OK Boneset Boneset herb • Specific for flu infections • Especially valuable in deep seated intolerable backache, pain in the I mbs and free perspiration • Cough, with high fever, w abundance of lung secretions and lack of power to expel them Acts best in the aged and debilitated person • In small dose speeds up convalescence favors appetite and digestion • • Dose: 5 to 60 drops of the liquid extract four times a day C none known SE large doses possess emetic and cathartic effects p do not use in pregnancy L none known Turmeric Turmeric Curcuma longa rhizome ‘•;. - Interferes with replication of viruses (rhinoviruses and influenza) Increases white blood cell count and macrophage phagocytic activity • Reduces inflammation by inhibiting arachidonic acid metabolism Combines well with Ginger (Zingiberdhiwna Turmeric • Dose: 500 mg or 40 to 60 drops of liquid extract 2 to 4 times a day C: biliary obstruction and gall stones; ulcers (curcumin extract only) • SE: large doses or prolonged use of curcumin may irritate stomach mucosa and reduce mucin produotion • P: use in small amounts (large amounts may act as emmenagogue) • LOK solve I tegy h rid. •~ct:ri I ir I. I - I in 11W: a. ifi i ii limi t th r is Iri on ct ri - (4 — esolv sne Usnea Lichen • consisi p- dicta tiE in lions. Inhi - - r I taph eco u .coccu II m Usn ii i -t wt of nat 9 rep u n pun Form ti in a i liv ‘IA Pc .yu c p .sp • Iauio • xoeIIent For -c n. •irato infections .ronchi is p :u ni: lion and imp-ti.. • Do-snot seem to -ilec ccl ek I I Hops lus strobile ~Zt— t•-_ ‘4fl \~ ~ • A-. ;•_t• ~ 3 .~ :\ p bilLer (alpha and bet -a s v nificant arilibactenia aclivi • V r ciii for acute Gram-po dive b terial inleclions. Inhi its Ih r phyococcus Strept c an ii wnococcu and other a ten ~ ::-‘~ ~•f p Hps - Pose’ lime • d no uS- n • • P. one .. 1< nil •% PS us • • n sun oliqi I na i Hops Kumulus hi ro .4’ Propolis Propolis • Possesses rca I ntimi activil • Specific again I r sit v gram n a~v d fast • lJsefulagai i u i. I n • Doesnotinte r wit u n intestina flora 9.~; - 21 tO 5’ • • t r~ • • five lime a. n.w aIl:r.t~ to .-e 01. •r ~uct nm- nown - • - 1K Cleanse Strategy: Stimulate lymphatic drainage of accumulated waste products and restore weak, injured tissues to pre invasion health • Attract macrophages to congested area and stimulate their appetite • Think of lymphatic vessels as the back Ileys of body; garbage removal occurs here estore ~ P00t 6’~r ‘~thi 4 Red Root Ceanothus ame,icanus and Ceanothus Red Root II root and bark • A lymphatic specific, stimulates lymph and interstitial circulation • Increases the quality of blood charges • Improves lymph uptake and transport of blood fluids out of the interstitial spaces • Specific for tender and enlarged lymph nodes, especially after the infection that triggered the swelling has subsided Red Root F Dose: 40 drops of the liquid extract four times a day. One table poon of the root decoct : take in doses of 2 to 4 fluid ounces tour times a day • C: do not use du ng coagulation therapies or when serious blood disorders are present • SE:noneknown • : moderate use r piegnancy L: OK Oco lo Ocotillo (aria splendens — -‘ — Ocotillo bark St • Promotes drainage of congested fluids, bo h lym tic and, to a lesser degree, venous • Increases Ioo lectrical charges • Improves interstitial fluids and lymph passages • Use where kuds acc late as a consequence t i jured tissues due to microQvgani battle Dose: 25 to 35 drops of e liquid extract every tour hours. C: none known SE: none known P: do not use in pregnancy L: none known Contact Information ~ Daniel Gagnon _.%3•j) e Complete Healing Circle MS, RI-1(AHG) ~,, -, 1340 Fe Rufina Santa NM circle 87507 (505) 471 8488 ext 226 danlel.gagnon@herbsetc corn ~v herbsetc corn L~!u The Immune System Join us on Fa~book
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