Application Note How to use Aeroflex PXI 3000 Series COM interfaces in place of ActiveX controls The software architecture chosen for the Aeroflex PXI 3000 Series was originally based on ActiveX controls. As of October 2006 the software architecture changed to COM. This application note describes the merits of COM versus ActiveX and provides practical guidance on how to convert applications written in LabView and VB from ActiveX controls to COM objects. For the very latest specifications visit Introduction The software architecture chosen for the Aeroflex PXI 3000 series was originally based on ActiveX controls. As of October 2006 the software architecture changed to COM. This application note describes the merits of COM versus ActiveX and provides practical guidance on how to convert applications written in LabView and VB from ActiveX controls to COM objects. Why move to the COM libraries instead of the ActiveX OCX's? • ActiveX is in itself a particular type of COM. • In general, ActiveX components are not easy to use from C/C++ programming environments whereas COM components provide a dual personality one of which is easy to use from environments like VB and LabView and the other is easier to use from C/C++ environments. • The COM components can address all of the programming environments that the ActiveX components address and in addition, they can be used in some environments within which the OCX's cannot be used (NI TestStand is one such case). • Moving to the COM components has made it possible to rectify a number of problems present in the OCX that could not have fixed without breaking binary compatibility with existing applications. • The COM components are implemented as a lightweight wrapper around an underlying DLL. The practical differences between programming in environments like VB and LabView between the ActiveX components and the COM components are very small. For new projects, productivity is not effected to any significant degree. For existing projects the port from using the ActiveX components to the COM components is fairly straight forward, although some time will have to be invested in the port. How to convert a LabVIEW program from using the SigGen OCX to the SigGen COM object: 1) Open .vi 4) Disconnect the afSigGen OCX and connect the Automation refnum output of 'Automation open' 5) Now for every SigGen property or method node, you will need to 'reselect' the property/method for each node in the block diragram. Also look for broken wires, these will indicate where data types may have changed. 2) View block diagram 3) Add an Automation Open, a constant refnum and select the afComSigGen type library Please refer to the Getting Started with the afSigGen manual (46892/678) for futher details. Here we can see that the property of the IafCoSigGen has not been selected - in this case it should be set to 'RF' (right-click, properties/RF) 6) Once you have selected 'RF', you will need to re-select the properties/methods connected to it. 9) If you have an input or output that was originally a boolean with the OCX, you may need to add some code to convert it 7) After re-selecting the properties/methods, you should have no broken wires. 8) Some OCX methods had optional parameters, with COM they are no longer optional. 10) You should add a 'Automation Close' for the SigGen refnum in the code where the program stops/exits. In this case, loIsPlugin has to have a constant wired to it. For the very latest specifications visit Creating the object The new afCoXXX object needs to be created explicitly (whereas the OCX was implicitly created for you). The best place to do this is in the MainPanel for the application, in Form_Load(). We also need to enable the event handling for errors, warnings and IQProgress: Private Sub Form_Load() … ' Create the object here Set <mySigGen> = New afCoSigGen 11) Once you have fixed all property/methods, then you can delete the OCX container on the front panel. ' Enable the event handling here <mySigGen>.EventOnError = True <mySigGen>.EventOnWarning = True <mySigGen>.EventOnIQProgress = True … End Sub Data Types Visual Basic applications and COM objects How-to port from OCX Components The original ocxs defined data types and enums such as mtModuleType and mtAF3010. The purpose of this section is to assist in porting Visual Basic applications that are using the OCX components to use the COM objects instead. Each of these needs to be replaced with the type defined in the COM object, retaining as much of the original name as possible. The general rule for data types is: It will focus on general issues first, then specifics regarding the use of afComSigGen and afComDigitizer. General issues All references to the previously used OCXs must be removed from the Visual Basic Project. These will usually be found on the main panel and may be hidden. The COM objects then need to be added to the project. This is done using the 'References' dialogue in Visual Basic (From the menu select 'Project'->'References') and then making sure that the 'afComCombiner', 'afComSigGen' or 'afComDigitiser' type libraries are checked in the list of available references. <ocx type> becomes AFCOMXXXXLib.afxxxxDll_<ocx type>_t where <ocx type> is the original data type, XXXX is the name of the components in use in upper case (SigGen, or Digitizer or Combiner) , and xxxx is the same name, but as defined in the dll. Hence: Object OCX Data Type COM Data Type SigGen MtModuleType AFCOMSIGGENLib.afSigGenDll_mtModuleType_t Digitizer MtModuleType AFCOMDIGITIZERLib.afDigitizerDll_mtModuleType_t Combiner MtModuleType AFCOMCOMBINERLib.afCombinerDll_mtModuleType_t Enumerated types change in a similar manner: Defining the new component In the definition section of the Main Panel Code, the object needs to be defined (to replace the graphical ocx instance). So in the case of the SigGen, we would have: (where <mySigGen> is the name used by the original OCX component) Public WithEvents <mySigGen> As afCoSigGen We also need to tell VB that there is no help associated with this component: Attribute <mySigGen>.VB_VarHelpID = -1 <ocx enum> becomes AFCOMXXXXLib.afxxxxDll_<ocx enum> So using the SigGen mtModuleType as an example: OCX Enum mtAF3010 mtAF3020 MtAFSIGGEN MtAFPlugin COM Enum AFCOMSIGGENLib.afSigGenDll_mtAF3010 AFCOMSIGGENLib.afSigGenDll_mtAF3020 AFCOMSIGGENLib.afSigGenDll_mtAFSIGGEN AFCOMSIGGENLib.afSigGenDll_mtPlugin All other data types and enumerated types change in the same way. Note that there may be the occasional inconsistency, but these are easy to find as they will show up during the build process. The correct values may then be identified using the relevant help file. Common changes to the OCX interface Specific afDigitizer Issues In all three components, the CheckFitted method has changed. It no longer returns the state. This must be passed in as a reference parameter: There are some changes to the afDigitizer API between the OCX and COM versions: Dim Fitted As Long Call mainPanel.<myObject>.RF.Options.CheckFitted(<option>,Fitted) If (Fitted) Then … End If All of the event handling callbacks need to be re-created using the VB tools. The original code can then be copied into the new code. Capture Subsystem: OCX API COM API ADCOverload IQ ADCOverload. IF. ADCOverload IQ.Resolution IQ.CaptComplete IF.CaptComplete IQ.CapturedSampleCount IF.CapturedSampleCount IQ.ListAddrCount IF.ListAddrCount IF.CaptMem No longer supported No longer supported IQ.CaptMem No longer supported No longer supported IQ.Abort IF.Abort IQ.GetAbsSampleTime IF.GetAbsSampleTime IQResolution CaptComplete CapturedSampleCount ListAddrCount CaptMemIF CaptAscFileIF CaptBinFileIF CaptMemIQ CaptAscFileIQ CaptBinFileIQ Abort Other implementation pitfalls Visual Basic defines Booleans as follows: False = 0 True = -1 The COM objects define Booleans as follows: GetAbsSampleTime False = 0 True <> 0 Consequently, comparing BOOL values against 'False' is valid because 'False' is unambiguous but comparing against 'True' is not valid because there are many values that can be used to represent 'True'. In general it is better programming practice to check against "not false" anyway. In addition, various other methods and properties have been copied to the capture subsystem, in both IQ and IF subsystems, for a more coherent and intuitive interface: OCX API COM API Trigger.Count Capture.IQ.TriggerCount Capture.IF.TriggerCount Here is a sample of code illustrating the issue ( taken from the afSigGen Soft Front Panel code) Trigger.Detected Example: Trigger.GetTrigger SampleNumber Capture.IQ.GetTrigger SampleNumber Trigger.Arm Capture.IF.GetTrigger SampleNumber Capture.IQ.TriggerArm Capture.IF.TriggerArm Capture.IF.TriggerDetected Incorrect Code: Dim Fitted As Long Call mainPanel.afSigGen1.LO.Options.CheckFitted(99, Fitted) If Fitted = True Then get301xModelName = "AF3011 (LO)" Else get301xModelName = "AF3010 (LO)" End If Capture.IQ.TriggerDetected The original methods/properties are still available in their original structures and locations but are deprecated. It is prefered, especially for new applications, to use the new interface elements. Correct implementation: Dim Fitted As Long Call mainPanel.afSigGen1.LO.Options.CheckFitted(99, Fitted) If Fitted <> False Then get301xModelName = "AF3011 (LO)" Else get301xModelName = "AF3010 (LO)" End If For the very latest specifications visit Specific afCombiner issues The API for the COM object differs considerably from that implemented in the OCX. When the decision to migrate to C DLL/COM interfaces was made, it was decided to re-work the afCombiner API to bring it in line with the afSigGen and afDigitizer interfaces. This provides the customer with a unified API across all components. The following table identifies the differences between the OCX and COM interfaces. OCX API COM API Equivalent Boot() EventOnError EventOnWarning Loss.AtoB Loss.AtoD Loss.AtoSum Loss.BtoC Loss.BtoSum Loss.CtoD Loss.CtoSum Loss.Frequency Loss.MeasureLosses Loss.Optimize TemperatureCorrection Mode ModelCode Resource BootInstrument EventOnError EventOnWarning Loss.AToB Loss.AToD Loss.AToSum Loss.BToC Loss.BToSum Loss.CToD Loss.CToSum Loss.Frequency Loss.MeasureLosses OptimizeTemperature Correction Mode Resource.ModelCode No equivalent for write Resource.ResourceString for read SerialNumber Status Comments Different parameters Different parameters Passed as parameter to BootInstrument Resource.SerialNumber Value returned directly by BootInstrument ClearErrors CloseInstrument ErrorCode ErrorMessage ErrorSource EventOnError EventOnWarning OnError OnWarning Options.AvailableCount Options.CheckFitted Options.Disable Options.Enable Options.Information Resource.IsActive Resource.SessionId New interface, same behaviour as afSigGen and afDigitizer OCX vs COM API For further information refer to the library help. C++ Applications For applications written in C++ using the OCX it is recommended to port to com using the C++ wrapper provided. For the very latest specifications visit CHINA Beijing Tel: [+86] (10) 6539 1166 Fax: [+86] (10) 6539 1778 GERMANY Tel: [+49] 8131 2926-0 Fax: [+49] 8131 2926-130 SCANDINAVIA Tel: [+45] 9614 0045 Fax: [+45] 9614 0047 CHINA Shanghai Tel: [+86] (21) 5109 5128 Fax: [+86] (21) 5150 6112 HONG KONG Tel: [+852] 2832 7988 Fax: [+852] 2834 5364 SPAIN Tel: [+34] (91) 640 11 34 Fax: [+34] (91) 640 06 40 FINLAND Tel: [+358] (9) 2709 5541 Fax: [+358] (9) 804 2441 INDIA Tel: [+91] 80 5115 4501 Fax: [+91] 80 5115 4502 UK Burnham Tel: [+44] (0) 1628 604455 Fax: [+44] (0) 1628 662017 FRANCE Tel: [+33] 1 60 79 96 00 Fax: [+33] 1 60 77 69 22 KOREA Tel: [+82] (2) 3424 2719 Fax: [+82] (2) 3424 8620 UK Cambridge Tel: [+44] (0) 1763 262277 Fax: [+44] (0) 1763 285353 As we are always seeking to improve our products, the information in this document gives only a general indication of the product capacity, performance and suitability, none of which shall form part of any contract. We reserve the right to make design changes without notice. All trademarks are acknowledged. Parent company Aeroflex, Inc. ©Aeroflex 2006. UK Stevenage Tel: [+44] (0) 1438 742200 Fax: [+44] (0) 1438 727601 Freephone: 0800 282388 USA Tel: [+1] (316) 522 4981 Fax: [+1] (316) 522 1360 Toll Free: 800 835 2352 w w Part No. 46891/960, Issue 1, 11/06
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