How to make interoperability a reality – A possible scenario Who we are CALYPSO NETWORKS ASSOCIATION is not a supplier Established in Brussels as a non profit association by the stakeholders of a European research program, Founded by public transport business, & open to other businesses and to suppliers Objective is to maintain a set of specifications addressing transit business needs in the context of developing contactless systems. INDEX Interoperability for an EU mobility Interoperability… sorry? UITP: ‘ Everybody local every where’ Tokio, winter 2009 • Do I have all EU registrations to take a bus everywhere ? • I couldn’t be everywhere at the same time • In fact, I would like to be local ‘on my demand’ • Do a customer media could make me ‘Local’ ? INDEX Main outcomes from EU-IFM project PT organisations are and will remain decentralised Fare management systems are and will remain different Investments are in long term Co-existence of local ticketing applications in a same media is the only realistic start for offering ticketing interoperability. Solutions are there for MULTI-APPLICATION INDEX 4 Customer media demonstration Java card JCop 82K Standard product on the shelves INDEX Chips Type B Watchdata JCTimeCOS TimeCOS Gemalto Optelio Oberthur Athena IDProtect Cosmo Fly NXP JCOP KEBT Kona 27 Watchdata Infineon SLE CL 66 xx Type A&B NXP Smart Mx Type A Atmel Samsung Type B Type B Oberthur ASK Calypso applications Javacard / GP Contactless Cards Oberthur City go Javacard / GP UICC (SIM ) SWP Watchdata Calmell Sagem Orga ASK Oberthur Gemalto Spirtech GP applet Calypso generic GP applet NFC World Gemalto City 4K Calypso TimeCOS Oberthur T GP applet Atmel Oberthur CDS3 Sagem sec BMS2 OS /COS Calypso Application / mask Calypso is already running on: CD21 Tango ASK ST microelectronic ST19 / ST23 Type B INDEX Contact us Calypso Networks Association Promotion Group Dr. Ralph Gambetta Rue Royale 76 B-1000 Brussels Tel.: +49-172-7146234 INDEX
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